Life Members

Allan Richards

Allan has been Activities Officer since joining the committee in1986. The extensive and varied schedule of Club outings and camp outs are due to his organisational skills and wide knowledge of Australian birding habitats.

Alan Morris

Alan is a founding member of the Club and has held many positions including President, Vice-President and Editor of “Australian Birds”. He has been the Club’s Record Officer since 1993. He instigated the formation of the Central Coast Branch of the Club in 1998 and remains a leading force in this group.

Elisabeth Hodson

Elisabeth has been a committee member since 1986, Conservation Officer for 4 years, President for 7 years, editor of the Birding Bulletin from 2011 till April, 2024 and is currently co-ordinator of the South-West Slopes KBA survey at Grenfell. She is now the Club Hon. Secretary.

Past Life Members

Marie Dibley

A very active committee member in the Club’s early years, Marie was Activities Officer for many years.

Ern Hoskin

Ern was a popular and enthusiastic leader of Club outings for many years. He was able to reproduce virtually any bird call, a big help to all the beginners whose bird identification he helped.

Tom Karplus

Tom joined the committee as Newsletter Editor in 1986. In 2008 he became President, a role he still holds. He has worked to promote joint Conservation efforts with other Bird Clubs, while retaining our Club’s identity and independence.

Jim Francis

Jim was instrumental in the arduous process of writing a new constitution and organising the incorporation of the Club. He led many birding activities, as well as being President for 6 years.

Norma Maxwell

Norma was an active committee member, and a well-known outings leader. Her most significant contribution to the Club was initiating the monthly mid-week outings in 1985.

Barrie Ayres

Barrie was an indefatigable committee member being both Treasurer and Membership Secretary for several years.

Peter Roberts

Peter was a pioneer in the initial establishment of the Club. He was active for many years both on the committee and with the Club’s publications, especially ‘Australian Birds.’

More information about the Life Members can be found in The History of Birding NSW 1970-2020