Vol. 1 No. 1-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 1 No. 1

Published bi-monthly by the Gould League Birdwatchers
Vol. 1, No. 1. JULY, 1966
Patron: ALEC H. CHISHOLM, 0.B.E., F.R.Z.S,
Hon. Secretary: L. COURTNEY HAINES,
101 Loquat Valley Rd. Bayview,
Observations Committee: K.A,HINDWOOD & A.R.McGILL.
Art Adviser: E. S. HOSKIN
Photographic Adviser: NORMAN CHAFFER
Editor: P. E. ROBERTS,
26 Bay View Street, Mt. Kuring-gai
(47 9240)
This bulletin BIRDS marks the inauguration of the Gould
League Bird Watchers’ Club, For more than half a century
the New South Wales Gould League of Bird Lovers has been
known for its activities in the Primary Schools of this
State, but till now it has not been able to offer anything
to the many older people who are interested in birds. This
has been a matter for some concern to the League’s Council
especially since many inquiries are received from people
who wish to be guided in the practical aspects of bird study.
Contributions for the September issue of “BIRDS” are invited;
observations and short articles of local and current interest
are especially welcome. It is hoped that future issues
will be larger – that depends upon our subscribers and con-
tributors. We would like to hear from anyone who is prepared
to help with the work of editing this bulletin.
1.The aim of the Gould League is to foster the love and
knowledge of our native birds. The Senior Division pro-
poses to do this first of all by organizing regular field
excursions, guided by experts, to places of special
interest. In order to advise members of the arrangements
for the forthcoming excursions, Birds is to be sent out every
second month; this bulletin will also publish a report of
each excursion held, as well as observations from our members
and short articles by recognised ornithologists. Members
will be entitled to a copy of the Gould League’s annual
magazine “Gould League Notes.” And, on the third Thursday
of each month, members are invited by the Royal Zoological
Society of New South Wales to attend meetings of its
Ornithological Section to hear illustrated lectures by
Australia’s leading ornithologists.

We invite prospective members to fill in the accompanying
application form, and forward it to the Hon. Secretary with a
subscription of $1.50 which will entitle a member to all of
the above benefits; for full-time students the subscription
is $1.00 and High School students are especially welcome.
Family membership at $2.00 entitles all those in the family
(i.e. those living at the same address, whether related to or
not) to these benefits except that only one copy of each
issue of BIRDS will be sent.
Mr. Arnold McGill of Arncliffe has been awarded a Fellowship
of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists’ Union for his
outstanding services to the Union over many years. He joins
a small and select band – Messrs. Chisholm and Hindwood are
the only other N.S.W. residents entitled to write F.R.A.O.U.
after their names.

A Black-faced Cuckoo-Shrike, often called Blue Jay,
approaching its nest in the fork of a dead branch.
Photo: Michael Sharland.
Nectar- feeding Birds near Sydney,
By K.A. Hindwood.
The profuse flowering of certain native shrubs and trees during
the Autumn and Winter months in many areas in coastal New South
Wales attracts large numbers of nectar -feeding birds.
Since late April and up to the present time (July 1966) con-
gregations of Honeyeaters have been noted at Bungaroo, a part,
of Davidson Park, Middle Harbour, near the junction of Middle
Harbour Creek and French’s Creek, Close to St. Ives. The
numerous birds present have been attracted by flowering Banksias of
some four species – Ericifolia, Marginata, Robur-vc laterfolia
and Spinulosa – growing on the hillsides and alone: margins
of the creeks.
Another locality where Honeyeaters of several kinds are at present
numerous, noisy and active – the constant movement and calls of
the birds are a birdwatchec s delight – is in an area of Banksia
scrub and open forest near Gundamaian, Royal National Park. Here
Red Wattle -birds and Brush Wattle -birds are much in evidence and
colorful Crimson Rosellas are to be seen seeking nectar from the
Banksia cones.
Near the coast, on the road that bisects the Bayview Golf Course
(Cabbage Tree Rd.) the Swamp Mahogony trees are in blossom and
have attracted several kinds of Honeyeaters. Doubtless there
are other places near Sydney where nectar -feeding birds have
gathered in numbers at the present time.
It is known that Yellow -faced and White-naped Honeyeaters
undertake seasonal migrations, and it is suspected that other
species of Honeyeaters make regular movements away from their
normal breeding localities, perhaps to “traditional” feeding
spots: either that, or they move until they find their food
trees flowering abundantly.
4.A list of the species noted in the spots discussed includes the
full Ywing birds: –
Crimson Rosella, Rainbow Lorikeet, Scaly -breasted Lorikeet
Whi e-naped Honeyeater, Brown -headed Honeyeater, Scarlet Honeyeater,
Musk Lorikeet, Little Lorikeet, Grey -backed Silver -eye, Eastern Spinebill
Regent Honeyeater, Fuscous Honeyeater, Yellow -faced Honeyeater, White-
cheeked Honeyeater, Noisy Miner, Little Wattle -bird, Red Wattle -bird,
41) ‘and the Noisy Friarbird or Leatherhead.
On April 30th last, a Spangled Drongo, killed the day previously by a cat
was brought to me by Mrs. Eecen of Bayview N.S.W. Except for the loss
of several tail feathers, the specimen was in quite good condition, and
I’ve no doubt will make up into a good study skin.
The Pheasant Coucal occurs sparingly here at Bayview, and is one of our
more interesting birds. During the Winter months two birds, apparently
a male and female live in the thickets and hedges of the school grounds
adjoining my property. I frequently watch the two birds sunning them-
selves. The Coucals move to the hearby wooded hillsides for the
nesting season, and from these shaded areas their quaint call -notes may
be heard throughout the Summer days and nights.
L, Haines.
MAY 10: One Gang -Gang Cockatoo at Pymble ……….. G.R.Gannon.
MAY 16: A pair of Black -shouldered Kites nesting
MAY 7: One Cattle Egret at Homebush Bay.
MAY 14: Four Pale -headed Rosella at Warwick Farm.
MAY 28: One Plumed Tree Duck with four male Chestnut
Teal, at Little Saltpan Creek, Georges River A.R.McGill»
MAY 28: Three Regent Honeyeaters, trapped in mist -nets at
Lady Davidson Park, Middle Harbour……..S. G. Lane.
5.JVisitors and prospective members are invited to attend field
excursions, and Ornithologists’ meetings in the Lower Auditorium,
Anzac House, College Street, Sydney (joint meetings of the
Ornithological Section of the N.S.W. Royal Zoological Society and
the N.S.W. Branch of the Royal Australasian Ornitholgists’ Union).
Reports of both excursions and meetings will be published in these
JUNE MEETING: The retiring Chairman, Mr. L. Courtney Haines
addressed members on “The Birds of Wolli Creek” and illustrated his
lecture with a fine collection of colour slides. In this small
area, surrounded by densely populated suburbs, 130 species of birds
were recorded in a period of two years, and the audience of 68
persons thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Haines’ anecdotes of his rambles in
the area.
Mr. P.E. Roberts and Mr. A.B. McGill were elected Chairman and
Vice -Chairman for the ensuing year, and Mr. Harry Battam was
re-elected Secretary.
The next meeting on July 21 will be addressed by Mr. S.G. Lane on the
subject of “Bird Identification” and new members will be welcome.

The Gould League is offering a prize of $50 for a colour slide of any
species of Australian waterbird, The aim is to select a picture for
the 1967 Membership Card – the competition is open to photographers
of any age, and there is no entry fee.
the Secretary, Mr E.A. Short (31-3427), for details
date: September 5.

A female Lyrebird, one of a species that flourishes in many of the
and deep gullies around Sydney. Lyrebirds breed in the
of winter, and 1966 looks like being a good year for them;
we have heard of nests being found, one in Royal National
Park and two near Mona Vale.
Photo: K.A. Hindwood.
Sunday, July 17 : Malabar Leader: K. A. Hindwood
The main attraction at Malabar is the large number of Antarctic sea-
birds that gather in the winter – notably Wandering Albatrosses and
Giant Petrels.
Meet 2 p.m. in Cromwell Park, off Dacre Street, Malabar
(Gregory’s Map 22 B 14), with field glasses. N.B. The cliffs
are dangerous: No children, unless closely supervised. For those
wishing to make a day of it, nearby Centennial Park is a delightful
place to have lunch, with waterfowl in plenty.
Saturday, August 13: Royal National Park. Leaders: Marie and
George Dibley.
Meet 10 a.m. at the Upper Causeway Picnic ground (where McKell
Drive meets Stevens Drive) which will be the base for some short
trips to see Satin Bower birds’ playgrounds before having lunch;
at 2 p.m. the party will move 14 miles to Bola Creek (the first
bridge on Lady Carrington Drive), where some fine rainforest
can be seen and the Lyrebirds should still be singing. Bring
lunch and boil the billy.
Latecomers will have no trouble joining the party if they wait at
the picnic ground..
If travelling by train, catch the 8.50 a.m. from Central, to arrive
at the Waterfall at 9.52, where arrangements will be made for pick-
up. (Please notify Mr. Dibley beforehand at 57 6298).
September Kuring-gai Chase, Leader: J. D. Waterhouse.
The wildflowers should be blooming, and the honeyeaters nesting on
the heathlands.
October 14: Botany Bay Mudflats. Leader: A.R.McGill.
The Waders will have returned from their asiatic breeding grounds,
and the tide will be low in the mid -afternoon.
Details for both of these outings, next issue.