PDF version available here: Vol. 1 No. 5
Price 10c. Published by the Gould League Birdwatchers.
1st March, 1967.
Vol. 1, No. 5
Patron: ALEC H. CHISHOLM 0. B. E. , F. R. Z. S.
Hon. Secretary and Editor: L. COURTNEY HAINES.
10 Loquat Valley Road, Bayview.
Observations Committee: K. A. HINDWOOD and A. R. McGILL.
Field -day Organiser: P. E. ROBERTS.
26 Bayview Street, Mt. Kuring-gai. (47-9240).
Art Adviser: E. S. HOSKIN.
Photographic Adviser: NORMAN CHAFFER.
The new Editor of “Birds” is the Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.
Mr. Peter Roberts, who pioneered the first four issues of the
bulletin, has found it necessary retire. Our sincere thanks to Mr.
Roberts for having done a splendid job. Your new Editor hopes to keep
“Birds” up to the standard already set and that the bulletin will con-
tinue to publish articles and field -notes of interest to bird -watchers at
all levels.
The Warwick Farm excursion was held on January 22nd, 1967
the Leader being Mr. Athel Colemane who has recorded 120 species
of birds in the area. The country is flat, through which the Georges
River flows with some very good trees along its banks. The swamps
were a disappointment, being completely overgrown with water -hyac-
inth. The timber is mainly eucalyptus, acacias, casuarinas and apple –
gums (Angophora intermedia). Although the day was extremely hot,
13 birdwatchers arrived on the scene and 42 species were observed.
Included in this number were the Dollar -bird, Eastern Shrike -tit,
Pipit, Jacky Winter, Mistletoe -bird, Rufous Whistler, Reed Warbler,
Sacred Kingfisher, Straw -necked Ibis, White Ibis, Tailor -bird and the
Little Marshbird. Mr. Colemane gave all members a complete list
of the birds of the area. We all hope that another visit will be made
in cooler weather, when some of the birds missed on our first visit
may be found. Mrs. S. Rumsay.2.
This was a half day outing held on Saturday, 18th February,
- Forty-six birdwatchers were present and, though rain threat
ened at first none fell, and there were several periods of bright sun-
shine during the afternoon.
The birds were viewed from three different parts of Homebush
Bay. At the first spot we walked through long grass (where a couple
of hares were spotted and Fairy Martins darted above us) to a vantage
point from which we were able to see, some distance away, White
Ibis, Royal Spoonbills, Eastern Swamp -hens, Dusky Moorhens, White
faced Herons and Spurwing Plovers. Amongst these birds was a
Wood Duck, which appeared to be a large bird with a rather thick neck.
BlackDucks were also observed, as’well as Chestnut Teal, White -headed
Stilts, White -fronted Chats, and Japanese Snipe. The Tailor -bird
was also recorded.
Mr. Haines, our leader, was very pleased to record a solitary
Wood Sandpiper, a rare wader. Curlew Sandpipers and Sharp -tailed
Sandpipers were also seen.
In the salt=pan areas adjoining the mangroves Red -capped
DOtterels, Red -necked Stints and Snipe occurred, while in the shallowE
White -headed Stilts waded.
Finally, in the late afternoon, we wandered along a track beside
a wide expanse of water until the light began to fade and a cold breeze
to blow. The Pipit was heard and a single Red -kneed Dotterel was
watched as it moved along the edge of the water feeding. Fairy
Martins and Welcome Swallows darted about hunting insects, while in
the sedges a family of Blue Wrens was seen.
Most beautiful of all, I thought, were the White -headed Stilts,
sharply black and white, moving gracefully about on their long pink
legs, against a background of grey water.
Thank you, Mr. Haines, for a very pleasant afternoon.
White-tailed Tropic -bird. Mr. P. Cohen, of Church Point,
found a tropic -bird sitting beside the Pittwater Road, Bayview, at
11 p. m, on 26th January. The bird, which was in an exhausted con-
dition, was taken to the Australian Museum where it was identified
as an immature White-tailed Tropic -bird, a species rarely found
near Sydney. Earlier records for the Sydney district are two beach,
washed specimens and a sight record.
Green -winged Pigeon. On 5th February last an immature of
this species flew into the sun -porch window of Mr. P. Colligan’s
home at Newport, killing itself instantly. Mr. Collingan very kindly
brought the specimen to me for identification. The Green -winged
Pigeon is a rare bird near Sydney and is seldom observed.
Partial albino Willy Wagtail. While passing the Manly-Waringah
golf links on February 10th, 1967, I observed a partially albinistic
wagtail. The bird had a white “saddle” across its back, and it was
feeding in the company of a normal -plumaged wagtail.
Jacky Winter. It is pleasing to report the sighting of a Jacky
Winter in the Botanic Gardens, Sydney, on February 10th, last, by
Mr. R. Lossin of the Australian Museum. The Jacky Winter, at one
time reasonably common in Sydney gardens and parks, has, in recent
years, become exceedingly rare due, it is thought by some authorities,
to the use of toxic garden chemicals.
The Editor would welcome from members any Jacky Winter
observations made within the County of Cumberland.
The following observations were made by Mr. A. Colemane
and Mrs. Rumsey on the 4th February last.
Sacred Kingfisher nesting in creek bank, Banks Road, Castle
Hill; Peaceful Dove, Bell -miner at Murphy’s Bridge, Cattai Creelc.
Leaden Flycatcher, Golden Whistler and Orange -winged Sittella at
Blue Gum Creek; Turquoise Parrot at Dural and the White -breasted
Sea -Eagle at Granville.
MARCH l6> The guest speaker will be Mr. Norman Chaffer, who
world famous as a photographer and in great demand as a speaker
on ornithological, subjects. He has just returned from a trip to Lord
Howe Island, and we look forward to an evening that will. be both4
informative and entertaining.
Bird of the Month: Jacky Winter or Brown Flycatcher. Photo-
graphers, please note
APRIL 20: Members’ night, at which members and visitors are
cordially invited to show bird slides, deliver short lecturettes, or
initiate discussions. If you have a major topic (1. e. more than a
dozen slides, or longer than 20 minutes) please notify the Chairman
at 47-9240 some days beforehand.
Please note that our meetings are now held in the Hallstrom
Theatre, just inside the main College St. entrance to the Australian
Museum, and they start at 7.45 p.m.
Saturday, April 29 Davidson Park, St. Ives.
Leader: Mr. S. G. Lane.
A bird -banding demonstration, using birds captured in mist –
nets. Bill Lane pioneered this technique in Australia, and expects
to band many honeyeaters. From Mona Vale Road, drive along
Douglas St. East past Acron Road, and down a dirt track (start
walking when it looks too rough) that continues in the same general
direction to Middle Harbour Creek, about 1.1 miles from Mona
Vale Road, near the junction with French’s Creek (6E, Map 29 in
UBD Directory; sorry; it’s not in Gregory’s). Meet at 9 a. m. and
bring lunch if you want to stay on, because there’s plenty of good
birdwatching country here.