Vol. 17 No. 1-text

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Journal of the
Vol. 17, No. 1 October, 1982

ISSN 0311-8150

Registered by Australia Post Publication No. NBH0790THE N.S.W. FIELD ORNITHOLOGISTS CLUB
The object of the Club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian
birds and the habitats they occupy.
Annual subscription rates of the Club (due 1st July each year) are:
Adult Member $10.00
Junior Member (up to 17 yrs) $ 5.00
All members receive a quarterly newsletter and a copy of the quarterly journal
“Australian Birds”. The price of the journal is $2.00 plus postage per issue to
non-members. Club badges are available to club members at $1.40 or $1.70 if
posted. The Club holds a meeting and a field excursion each month.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary and all membership
fees should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer at
P.O. Box C436, Clarence Street Sydney. N.S.W. 2000.
Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor at
Dept. of Ornithology, Australian Museum,
6-8 College Street, Sydney 2000.1
Vol. 17, No.
1 October, 1982
This is the Twelfth Annual Report, and covers the period 1 January to 31 December 1981.
For this period, 147 observers submitted approximately 2,700 sightings, plus a quantity of
general notes and comments. In preparing this report, the Newsletters of the following local
clubs were also scanned: Cumberland Bird Observers Club (CBOC), Hunter Bird Observers Club
(HBOC), Illawarra Bird Observers Club ( IBOC), and NSW Field Ornithologists Club (NSWFOC).
Numerals appearing after these initials in the Report indicate the relevant issue (no number
implies a direct communication). Other abbreviations used: STVV indicates a sewage treatment
works or similar installation, and HSD indicates a homestead, property or other privately owned
and named place. Also, the abbreviation NP is used for National Parks, NR for Nature Reserves,
and SF for State Forests. Two or three reports included in the Canberra Bird Report Lenz 1982,
Canberra Bird Notes 7: 2-33) also seemed especially pertinent here, and are mentioned under
the relevant species.
Highlights for the year were undoubtedly the first NSW records for Barn Swallow and
Franklin’s Gull (both reported in full in this issue), and the spectacular irruption of chats over
wide areas of the state. The NPWS commissioned surveys of the status of Little Tern, Osprey
and Rufous Scrub -bird during the year, and the CSIRO carried out surveys in several areas,
including Nocholeche NR and Tongo Lake area.
I have had to be far more selective than usual: even so, this Report is more substantial than
usual. It is gratifying to note such continued enthusiastic support, and again my thanks are due
to all those who contributed. I am grateful also to A. E. F. Rogers and A. McBride for much help
with the preparation of this report.2 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (17) 1
J. Abrahall (JA) C. Francis (CF) B. Et H. Mannes (BEtHM)
L Ahearn (LA) J.D. Gibson (JDG) S. Marchant (SM)
R. Aldis (RA) A Gillies (AG) C. Martin (CM)
S. Alley (SA) S. Gilmour (SG) N. Maxwell (NM)
R.W. Almond (RWA) W. Glynn (WG) R. Moffat (RM)
P. Althofer (PA) G. Goodrick (CSIRO) A K Morris (AKM)
N. Anderson (NA) D.G. Gosper (DGG) J.E. Noyce (JEN)
M. Arena (MA) D. Greering (DG) J. Pegler (JP)
B. Et D. Baker (B&DB) L G. Gunning (LGG) G. Perry (GP)
W.P. Barden (WPB) D. Hair (DHa) J. Perry (JPe)
L Barnett (LB) B.V. Hamon (BVH) M. Pocock (MP)
S. Bennett (SB) J. Hanson (JH) J. Pottie (JPo)
D. Best (DB) M. Harris (MH) D.J. Potts (DJ P)
R. Bigg (RB) P. Harris (PH) A Rayward (AR)
A Bischoff (AB) LJ. Heeney (LJH) D.C. Richards (DCR)
G. Blackwell (GB) J.N. Hobbs (JNH) AE.F. Rogers (AEFR)
C.M. Bonser (CMB) D. Hobcroft (DH) E. Rolls (ER)
P.A Bourke (PAB) G. Holmes (GH) AB. Rose (ABR)
J. Brickhill (JB) R. Holmes (RH) N.W. Schrader (NWS)
W.J.L Brooke (WJLB) E.S. Hoskin (ESH) P. Seely (PSe)
M. Brooker (CSIRO) A Howard (AH) N. Sheppard (NS)
I. Brown (IB) K. Howard (KH) R. Shoveller (RS)
R. Brown (RBr) T. Howard (TH) D.I. Smedley (DIS)
M.R. Brown (MRB) B. Howie (BH) L Smith (LS)
A Burton (ABu) J. Imrie (JI) P. Smith (PS)
W. Cambridge (WC) J. Izzard (Jlz) C. Sonter (CS)
G.P. Clancy (GPC) F. Johnstone (FJ) R. Et B. Stokes (REtBS)
A Clucas (AC) D. Johnston (DJ) W. Sweeney (WS)
D. Cooper (DC) T.G. Kendall (TGK) W. Taylor (\NT)
R.M. Cooper (RMC) T. Kenney (TKe) E.B. Thomas (EBT)
W.T. Cooper (WTC) I. Kinnish (IK) B. Trail! (BT)
C.J. Corben (CJC) N. Kirby (NK) D. Turner (DT)
M. Crawford (MC) T. Korn (TK) P. Ulman (PU)
A Dampney (AD) N.K. Kurtz (NKK) F.W. van Gessel (FWvG)
P. Davies (PD) S.G. Lane (SGL) R. Walker (R\A/)
S. Debus (SD) D. Latham (DLa) D. Walsh (DWa)
J. Dewar (JDe) D. Larkins (DL) D. Waterhouse (DVV)
M. Dibley (MD) P. Lester (PL) E.A Wattley (EAVV)
P.A Disher (PAD) AI.G. Lindsey (AIGL) J. Waugh (J\1/)
J. Dixon (JD) T.R. Lindsey (TRL) G. Weber (GVV)
L Dovey (LD) G. Logan (GL) Wetland Survey Group
B. Downer (BD) LAW. McAllan (IAWM) (WSG)
H.N. Doyle (HND) A McBride (AMcB) E Wheeler (EVV)
T. Dunlea (TD) AO. McCutcheon (AOM) J. Whitaker (JWh)
N. Dymond (ND) AR. McGill (ARM) W. Wilson (WVV)
D. Eades (DE) J.L McKean (JLM) J. Wombey (CSIRO)
R. Estreich (RE) M. Maddocks (MM) N. Et P. Yates (NEtPY)
C. Evans (CE) M. Maher (CSIRO)
J. Everleigh (JE) P. Maher (PM)
E Finley (EF) S. Manuel (SMa)October, 1982
Emu Nesting at Willandra NP (NSWFOC 58), and at Nocoleche NR near Wanaaring- eggs &
chicks in Aug, chicks Oct -Nov (CSIRO). Several records from the lower Clarence region during the
year (DH, GPC et al).
Great Crested Grebe Inland: recorded at Stephens Creek Reservoir 8 km E of Broken Hill as
follows: 1 on 3 Jan, 1 on 4 Jul, 1 on 6 Sep, and (no count) on 27 Sep (NS). 2 at Wyangan Lakes,
Griffith 16 Sep (CMB). Recorded at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov (CSIRO). North Coast 1 immature at Lake
Hiawatha near Woolli 14 Mar and 1 in breeding plumage same place 20 Oct (GPC). Sydney region:
16 at Wingecarribee Dam 7 Mar (NSWFOC 54); recorded at Thirlmere Lakes NP 7 Nov (NSWFOC
58); 2 at Bushells Lagoon 29 Nov (J EN); 4 at Penrith Lakes (Castlereagh gravel pits) 5 Dec and on 6
Dec; 4 at Bushells Lagoon 27 Dec (AMcB, IAWM et al).
Hoary- headed Grebe 2000+ at Wallerawang Dam 4 Jun – an unusually large concentration
(AKM). Nest at McGraths Hill 21 Nov- apparently first County of Cumberland breeding record
Little Grebe Nesting at Nocoleche NR near Wanaaring, chicks Oct -Nov (CSIRO).
Little Penguin 1 found alive on a beach at Woolli 30 Mar, died later (GPC). Recorded at
Greenwich Point, Sydney Harbour 11 Jul (4), 18 Jul (6) and 28 Dec (1) ( DE, AMcB, IAWM, DH, GH).
Wandering Albatross 1 at North Wall, Ball ina 4 Nov, heading N (Jiz). Several autumn records: 1
off Sydney Heads 28 Mar (DE et al); 1 sub- adult at Wollongong Harbour 11 Apr (DE); 2 off Sydney
Heads 2 May (AMcB, DE et al); recorded on the Sydney Autumn Count 20 May (NSWFOC 56).
Black-browed Albatross 10 at Wollongong Harbour 11 Apr (DE).
Yellow -nosed Albatross Earliest and latest reports: 1 at Boat Harbour 26 Apr (DE), and
recorded off Nelson Bay 5 Sep (Novocastrian Warbler 8/81).
Shy Albatross Earliest and latest reports: 1 adult off Sydney Heads 2 May (AMcB, DE et al), and
1 derelict on Wanda Beach 8 Nov (JVV).
Cape Petrel Recorded off Sydney Heads 28 Mar- an unusually early date (AMcB).
Great- winged Petrel 1 off Sydney Heads 28 Mar, near edge of the continental shelf (AMcB, DE
et al).
Providence Petrel 1 seen c 12 km off Sydney Heads 2 May (AEFR, DH, AMcB, DE et a/).
Mottled Petrel Fresh derelict found on Port Kembla beach 3 Nov- apparently eighth NSW
record, specimen retained (TD per JDG).
Fairy Prion Earliest and latest reports: 1 seen c 10 km off Sydney Heads 2 May (DE, AEFR); 7+
off Stockton Beach 26 Jul (TGK per WPB).4 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (17) 1
Wedge-tailed Shearwater 3 off Sydney Heads 2 May, flying N (DE et al).
Sooty Shearwater off Sydney Heads 27 Jun (AMcB, DH, DE et an. 1-2 off Long Reef 24 Oct
14 Nov and 26 Nov ( DH). Derelicts at Station Creek near Grafton 25 Nov(1), 2 Dec(5) and 17 Dec(1)
(GPC). Seen off Windang/Shell Harbour29 Nov (AMcB); 1 off Wanda Beach 30 Nov ( NSWFOC 58).
Short- tailed Shearwater c 150 off Sydney Heads 2 May ( DE et al), and recorded on the Sydney
Autumn Count 30 May NSWFOC 56). Arrival off Boat Harbour 22 Nov -1,000 counted in 9 min 50
sec, part of a continuous stream heading S (JVV). c 12,000 off Windang/Shell Harbour 29 Nov
Fluttering Shearwater 8,000+ off Windang Harbour 29 Nov (AMcB, NSWFOC 58).
Hutton’s Shearwater c 15 off Windang 29 Nov (AMcB, NSWFOC 58).
Wilson’s Storm -petrel 13 seen 10 km off Sydney Heads 28 Mar- early date for so many
(AMcB, DE et an. 1 seen c 20 km off Sydney Heads 2 May (DE, AMcB, AEFR et an.
White-faced Storm- petrel 1 off Sydney Heads 28 Mar, at edge of continental shelf (DE et an. 1
off Wanda beach 30 Nov (NSWFOC 58).
Brown Booby at Kurnell 6 Jul (date incorrectly reported as 5 Jul in NSWFOC 55) (FJ, ARM).
Great Cormorant 250-300 pairs nesting at Norahville STW near Norah Head during Nov, all
four cormorant species present- first breeding record for County of Northumberland. 25-30 pairs
nesting at Shortlands golf course swamp during Nov (SMa per AKM).
Pied Cormorant 7 at Narrabeen Lake 19 Jan (LJH); 1 at Longneck Lagoon 21 Feb; 1 at Penrith
Lakes 25 Apr and again 31 Oct (RB). Several pairs (1 nest contained 4 young) in mixed cormorant
breeding colony of 250-300 pairs at Norahville STW near Norah Head during Nov- all four species
present second County of Northumberland breeding record (SMa per AKM).
Little Black Cormorant 250-300 pairs nesting at Norahville STW near Norah Head during Nov,
all four cormorant species present- new breeding locality. 25-30 pairs nesting at Shortlands golf
course swamp during Nov (SMa per AKM).
Little Pied Cormorant Nesting colony in a single dead tree in a swamp at Leppington near
Sydney 10 Sep, 35 nests occupied (ARM). Nesting at Centennial Park, Sydney 14 Nov (NSWFOC
58). 250-300 pairs nesting at Norahville STW near Norah Head during Nov, all four cormorant
species present new breeding locality, 25-30 pairs nesting at Shortlands golf course swamp during

Nov, new breeding locality (SMa per AKM).

Least Frigatebird 1 male, 1 female at Ballina lighthouse 15 Feb after Cyclone Cliff (Jlz).

Red-tailed Tropicbird adult at Ballina lighthouse 15 Feb after Cyclone Cliff (Jlz).
White-tailed Tropicbird adult at North Wall, Ballina 26 Mar (Jlz).
Cattle Egret 1000-1500 pairs nesting at Carrs Creek rookery 17 Jan, many nestlings and
juveniles 20 Jan (GPC). at Terara near Nowra 4 Jan and again 19 Feb- not usually seen in Nowra
area in summer (JNH). 20 in northern section, Macquarie Marshes NR 18 Nov (SMa per AKM).
Breeding colony at Shortland, Newcastle 24 Nov (FWvG, MM, WPB).October, 1982
Great Egret 5+ pairs nesting at Cattle Egret rookery at Carrs Creek 17 Jan (GPC). Breeding
colony at Shortland, Newcastle 24 Nov (FWvG, MM, WPB).
Little Egret Censused regularly in the Sydney region during the year, max 15 at Tuggerah Lake
29 Mar (WSG). Breeding colony at Shortland, Newcastle 24 Nov (FWvG, MM, WPB).
Plumed Egret 10+ pairs nesting at Carrs Creek 17 Jan (GPC). Breeding colony at Shortland,
Newcastle 24 Nov( FMvG, MM, WPB). Censused regularly in the Sydney region during the year, max
129 at Pitt Town Lagoon and 28 at Dee Why Lagoon 26 Apr (WSG).
Little Bittern 1 male at Trevallyn HSD 20 km N of Singleton 10 Oct (DCR). Recorded at Penrith
Lakes 29 Nov (CBOC 3(2), NSWFOC 58). 1 male at Tyagarah 1 Dec (Jiz, GH). 1 male seen early Dec;
nest with 3 eggs found at Cambria HSD 18 Dec (AIGL, EBT). 1-3 seen regularly at Bakers Lagoon
during Dec (BEtDB, SB, AMcB, ARM, DH, LC, IAWM, RB, LS, NSWFOC 58).
Brown Bittern Recorded at Bakers Lagoon as foolows: 1 on 16 May, 3 on 5 Jul, 2 on 10 Jul, and
1 on 8 Nov (JEN, CBOC 2(5)). 1 at Woolooware Swamp, Cronulla 27 Jul (JVV), and 1 at Bushells
Lagoon 30 Aug (JEN).
Black -necked Stork 2 at Williamstown STW 3 Jan (JI per WPB). 1 adult at farm dam near
(Canberra Bird Notes 7:8). Many reports in the Lower Clarence region ( LJH, GPC).
Glossy Ibis 38 nests with eggs near Barham 15 Dec ( PAD). 1 at Killalea Lagoon 5 Dec, seen by
many observers (JDG). Sydney Region: 16 at McGraths Hill 14 Feb ( RB); 11 at Penrith Lakes 14 Feb
( RB). Recorded at Longneck Lagoon 11 Jul (NSWFOC 5.6). 3 at Pitt Town Lagoon 28 Mar, 5 same
place 5 Jul (AC, AEFR, CBOC 2 (6)), and 11-12 same place 20-27 Dec – a large flock for the
Hawkesbury region (AKM, IAWM, LC, DH).
Sacred Ibis Nesting at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov, a few hundred pairs with chicks (CSIRO).
Straw -necked Ibis Among the 10 most numerous (total 148) species around Coonabarabran
on a count 31 Oct (AKM). Large nesting colony at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov, 14,000 pairs, eggs (CSI R0).
Royal Spoonbill Recorded at Nocoleche NR near Wanaaring Oct- nov, and nesting (a few pairs)
at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov (CSIRO).
Yellow -billed Spoonbill Nesting at Nocoleche NR near Wanaaring, chicks Oct -Nov, and (a few
pairs) at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov (CSIRO).
Plumed Whistling- duck Recorded regularly in the Hawkesbury Swamps near Sydney Jan -Jun
( max 154 on 17 Jun, min 83+ on 18 Apr) and again Oct -Nov; 2 adults with 3 half-grown ducklings at
Fearnleys Lagoon near Richmond 6 May ( RB, CMB). Recorded regularly in the Lower Clarence Jan –
Aug, max 400+; adult flushed from nest with 11 eggs on Susan Island, Grafton 22 Nov (GPC). Pair
with 10 downy young near Clarenza 30 mar, seen for next 2 days (EVV). Other records: 12 at Narran
Lake 18 Apr ( KerRB). 80+ at Carmel Lagoon, Teridgerie 24 Nov (AKM). No records from Doughboy
Hollow 5 km S of Singleton where plentiful during 1980 (DCR).
Freckled Duck 300 at Kinchega 1 Feb (JE per AKM). 150 at Griffith STW 1 Feb (JB per AKM);
11 shot at Barren Box Swamp on duck’opening day 7 Mar(CM per AKM). 1 pair near Yantabulla 11
Sep( PM). Recorded at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov (CSIRO). Coastal reports: recorded (max 8 on 17 Jan) at6 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (1 7) 1
Waterview near Grafton 17 Jan -22 Mar(GPC); 4-5 at Vallanus Lagoon, Mullumbimby 7 Jan and 9
Jan (Jlz, JLM, GH); 3 at Casino 9 Feb and 22 same place 20 Jun (GH). Recorded at Kooragang
Island as follows: 6 on 26 Apr, 34 on 9 May, and 6 on 4 Dec ( FWvG per WPB). Recorded( max 11 on
15 Feb) at Penrith Lakes 14 Feb -24 Feb(RB, AMcB, DE, TRL, AIGL, JEN), and(max 20 on31 May) at
Bakers Lagoon 29 Mar- 31 May (JEN, CBOC 2 (5), NSWFOC 55 and 56); recorded at a small lagoon
near Wilberforce Apr- 5 Jul, max 13 on 23 May- numbers reduced to 5 during Jun, last reported 3
on 5 Jul (RB, CMB, DH, AC, ARM, SEFR, CBOC 2(5) and 2(6)). 1 at Nowra STW 4 Jan (JNH).
Mountain Duck 1-2 at McGraths Hill 4 Mar- 4 Jun (RB, CMB, ARM, LS, AKM). 3 at Stephens
Creek Reservoir 8 km E of Broken Hill 3 Jan (NS). Adult male at Buckiinguy Swamp, southern
Macquarie Marshes 15 May- third record for the marshes, previous records in May 1 977 (RB) and
May1980 (RA) (AKM). 1 at Lake Cowal 5 Sep( RB, LS). 1 female at Comerong Island 12 Dec ( IAWM,
Grey Teal 26 young in a single group at Queenbeyan STVV 15 Oct (WJLB).
Chestnut Teal 5+ at Stephens Creek Reservoir8 km E of Broken Hill 3 Jan (NS). 3 at Yamba 21
Feb and 10+ same place 4 Jul; 2 at Waterview near Grafton 28 Feb and again 2 Mac 4 males and 1
female at Coopernook 16 May (GPC). 2 pairs at Cambria HSD in Aug (EBT).
Blue- winged Shoveler 2 females at Stephens Creek Reservoir8 km E of Broken Hill 3 Jan (NS).
Recorded at Nocoleche NR near Wanaaring Aug and Oct -Nov and at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov(CSIRO).
48 at Kooragang Island 26 Apr (FWvG per WPB). 15 at Gosforth Swamp near Rutherford 3 May
(HBOC). A pair at Waterview near Grafton 22 Mar (G PC), and 4 at Swan Creek c 8 km NE of Grafton
12 Jul- rare locally (EW). Recorded near Clarenza 24 Aug (AKM). 8 at Chillcotts Lagoon 10 km S of
Uralla 8 Feb ( DCR), and 21 at nearby Dangars Lagoon 26 Dec; 4 at Walcha STW 27 Dec- rare in the
area (RMC). Several records in the Hawkesbury lagoons Mar, Jun -Jul and Dec, max 48 at Pitt Town
Lagoon 4 Jun (AC, AEFR, AKM, IAWM, LC, DH).
Pink- eared Duck c 15 at Stephens Creek Reservoir8 km E of Broken Hi113 Jan (NS). Nesting at
Nocoleche NR near Wanaaring Oct -Nov and at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov (CSIRO). 4-5 pairs nested at
Cambria HSD near Barham 8 Sep- 1 1 Oct (EBT). 80+ at Narran Lake 19 Apr (KEtRB). 3 at Chillcotts
Lagoon near Uralla 8 Feb ( DCR). Coastal records: 4 at Nowra STW4 Jan (JNH). Seen regularly (max
48 at Bakers Lagoon 31 May) in the Hawkesbury lagoons Jan -18 Jul (JEN, AIGL, NEtPY, CMB, AC,
AEFR, RB, CBOC 2(5) and 2(6)); also at Longneck Lagoon 25 Oct (MC), and at Bushells and Pitt
Town lagoons 27 Dec ( IAWM, AMcB). Recorded regularly (max 10 on 10 Feb) at Waterview near
Grafton 17 Jan -22 Mar (GPC). 3 at Kooragang Island 3 Apr (FWvG per WPB). “Hundreds” at
Morpeth STW 15 Mar (WPB).
Hardhead 4+ at Stephens Creek Reservoir 8 km E of Broken Hill 3 Jan (NS). 1,910 at Nowra
STW 4 Jan, down to 631 on 19 Feb (JNH). Recorded at Nocoleche NR near Wanaaring Aug and
Oct -Nov and at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov (CSIRO).
Blue -billed Duck 2 at Stephens Creek Reservoir 8 km E of Broken Hill 4 Jul (NS). 1 at Bega
during Jun (DLa). Recorded at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov (CSIRO).
Musk Duck Recorded (1-3) near Broken Hill (Stephens Creek Reservoir, Imperial Lake) 3 Jan,
26 Apr, 4 Jul and 6 Sep(NS). Recorded (1 -3) at Waterview near Grafton Jan- Mar, 30 May and9 Jul;
also a male displaying on a pond S of Grafton 14 Nov (GPC). 1 at Wingecarribee Dam 7 Mar
(NSWFOC 54). 30+ at Griffith STW 17 Sep (CMB), and max 60 at Kooragang Island during Jul
(October, 1982
Osprey 11 pairs bred or attempted to breed on the North Coast between Forster and Tweed
Heads; 9 young produced from 6 nests (NPWS survey by GPC). A number of reports on the North
Coast, especially from Yamba, Red Rock, Sawtel and Nambucca Heads (TGK per WPB, AKM, GPC,
ARM); also 1 at Toronto near Newcastle 11 Nov (DW per WPB), and 1 probable in Broken Bay,
Sydney early Oct (per DJP).
Crested Hawk 1 at Seaham 28 Feb (GW per WPB), 1 adult at Burban 27 Feb, 1 seen 5 km N of
Gilgandra 9 Mar (DJ per AKM, Aust Birds 15: 73), and 2 at Mt Warning 8 Oct (CBOC 3(2)).
Black Kite Eastern records: 1 near Uralla 8 Feb (DCR). 1 at Bega 14 Apr, flying over Kisses
L Na ag ro rao wn ee(P nS a p 18e r AL uS g). (T1 Ra Lt , AU lr Gal Lla ). 2 S1 in gA lep sr ( flW yiG ng, E oF v, e rD MH o). r u1 yaa t 2 8S t Aoc uk gt ,o 6n S6 e pJ , u 1n 6 (J SP epe , p 2e 0r DW eP c B (S). M1 ) . at
at South Grafton 15 Dec (GPC). 1
AS nq gu oa pre h- ota rail e sd
residents said breeding occurred ( DJ, AKM, ARM, AEFR). 1 at Munghorn Gap NR 4 Oct (K&RB, LS,
NSWFOC 57). Nesting on the Arumpo Road N of Buronga in Nov (PAB). 1 immature 4 km E and an
adult 10 km NE of Coonabarabran 26 Nov (ND, LA, AKM). Several coastal and near- coastal records:
1 adult seen regularly near Grafton 3 Jan -22 Mar and again 22 Jun (GPC). 2 at Bungwahl 13 Feb,
circling at about tree- top level, calling, displaying? (VVTC). 1 at Horse Head Road, Mumbulla SF
between Bermagui and Tathra 6 Sep (PS per LS). 1 over Moruya 14 Dec (SM).
Black -breasted Buzzard 1 at I luka 21 Mar( G PC, Aust Birds 16: 64). 1 at Mt Bunganbil, northern
end of the Narrandera Range 20 Jun (JNH). 2 pairs in Kinchega NP in Sep, pair suspected of
breeding (JE per AKM). Breeding at Nocoleche NR near Wanaaring, fledgling Oct -Nov (CSIRO).
Brahminy Kite 1 at Angourie 17 May; 1 subadult at Hat Head NP 2 Sep( DH). Breeding: a pair at
Corindi raised 1 young Sep -Oct nest in a tall blackbutt Eucalyptus pilularis; adult sitting on a nest in
paperbark Melaleuca quinquenervis at Yellow Rock near Urunga (date not supplied) (GPC).
Grey Goshawk 1 near Belbora 8 Jan (RMC). 1 at Werrikimba NP 27-31 Dec (RMC et a)).
Red Goshawk 1 (?immature female) near Rocky River W of Uralla 5 Jan (RMC). 1 hunting along
a watercourse 27 km N of Singleton 28 Dec (DCR).
Little Eagle Several records from the Central Coast and Illawarra regions (AMcB, JNH, BH,
CBOC 2(5)). Nesting at Willandra NP in Sep (NSWFOC 58), 5 km E of Baradine in Sep(AKM), and at
Wendela HSD near Canyonleigh 3-5 Oct (IBOC Dec 81). Recorded at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec
(RMC et al).
Spotted Harrier Recorded at Bredbo 20 May- rarely seen on the Monaro tableland (WJLB).
Pair nesting at Baradine 1 Oct (DJ, AKM); regularly recorded Nyngan-Broken Hill 4-7 Oct- more
common than usual (AKM).
Black Falcon 1 at Armidale2 Jan (SD). 1 at Hall 3 km N of Canberra 30 Apr(GH); singles also in
ACT 2 Jan and 26 Apr (Canberra Bird Notes 7:12). 1 near Richmond 25 May (RB). 2 at Bakers
Lagoon 1 Aug (JEN). 1 at Pitt Town Lagoon 12 Sep (RB). 1 seen 20 km E of Cowra 28 Nov (DH).
Peregrine Falcon A number of reports from Grafton, Newcastle, Sydney, and the Hawkesbury
lagoons, mostly autumn and winter, and mostly of single birds (BH, G PC, DW, WPB, RB, AC, AEFR,
FWvG). Nesting on a sea -cliff in Royal NP 26 Sep- 6 Nov 1 young at nest 6 Nov (AMcB, NSWFOC8 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (17) 1
58). at an eyrie in Sturt NP4 Oct( RH per AKM). Nesting at Nocoleche NR near Wanraaring, chicks
Oct -Nov (CSIRO). Pair almost certainly nesting at SE end of Burrinjuck Reservoir 1 Nov and at
Hatton’s Corner near Yass 25 Nov(4 birds present) (WJLB). 1 at Werrikimbe NP27-31 Dec ( RMCet
Grey Falcon at Carramar HSD 9 km SE of Gilgandra 15 Apr, attacking Double -barred Finches
(NA per AKM). seen 10 km W of Gnalta HSD 6 May( IAWM). A pair at nest near Wanaaring 10 Sep
(PM). Pair nesting in Kinchega NP in Sep (JE per AKM). 1 at Snowy River, Kosciusko NP 30 Sep –
Oct full details supplied (LD per AKM).
Malleefowl Several sightings (including a pair seen in mating display), and 3 active mounds at
Pulletop NR late in the year (JB per AKM, CMB, TK, GB, RB, AEFR). Active mounds also under
observation at Mallee Cliff NP(AH per AKM), Goonoo SF between Mendooran and Dubbo(TKo, AB
per AKM), Buddigower NR, Round Hill NR, and several (all on private property) near West Wyalong;
recorded at Yathong NR but no mound located (JB, RM per AKM).
Stubble Quail Common around Kangaroo Flat near Werrikimbe NP 28-29 Dec and in the
Walcha-Uralla-Bendemeer area 25-31 Dec- normally uncommon (RMC). Abundant in the Yass-
Canberra-Braidwood-Goulburn area 1 Nov -31 Dec (WJLB).
Brown Quail Recorded at Centennial Park, Sydney 17 Jan ( NSWFOC 54). Reasonably common
in wet paddocks at Munghorn Gap NR 3-5 Oct nest with 9 eggs found (DH, NSWFOC 57).
California Quail 25+ at Millers Forest near Newcastle 10 Mar, reported by reliable witness with
previous experience of the species (AG per WPG).
Red -backed Button -quail 4 at Trevallyn HSD 20 km N of Singleton 18 Aug- first local record
(DCR). 2 in male plumage caught and banded at Station Creek, Yuraygir NP 24 Aug (GPC).
Painted Button -quail Recorded 10 km N of Kangaroo Flat near Werrikimbe NP29 Dec ( DG, PH,
MH, IAWM). Much more common around Moruya than in the last 6 years, probably as a result of
regeneration after fires in 1980; a nest and several broods found (SM).
Little Button- quail Dead female found at Mt Keira scout camp 4 Oct specimen retained- first
definite local record; another (male?) seen subsequently (DWa per JDG). Up to 6 flushed in
grassland at Munghorn Gap NR 3-r Oct (DH, IAWM et a/, NSWFOC 57). Large numbers at
Cumberdeen HSD, near Baradine in Oct- Little/Red-chested ratio 3:1, flushed on ploughing a 76 –
hectare paddock of heavy weed growth (ER). 1 at Dawsons Hill 30 km N of Singleton 10 Nov, first
local record for many years (DCR). Recorded at several localities around Kangaroo Flat near
Werrikimbe NP 28-29 Dec, including a remarkable record of one spotlit in wet schlerophyl forest at
Cobcrofts Creek, Werrikimbe NP; captured and examined by several observers, then released; first
Park record ( IAWM, RMC et al).
Red -chested Button -quail 1 adult female caught and banded at Station Creek 24 Aug (GPC).
Several at Munghorn Gap NR 3-5 Oct ( DH, NSWFOC 57). Large numbers at Cumberdeen HSD near
Baradine in Oct (ER); bred commonly in Gilgandra, Gulargambone, Coonabarabran, Bugaldie,
Baradine and Coonamble districts, seen during harvesting in Dec (AKM). Recorded at Coopernook
SF N of Lansdowne in Nov ( DG per RMC), and c 3 km E of Kangaroo Flat near Werrikimbe N P28-29
Dec (PH, BT, IAWM, RMC et al). 1 male at Bushells Lagoon 31 Dec (ARM).
Plains Wanderer Up to 3 seen over several months from 7 Apr near Booroorban N of Deniliquin
(PM, AMcB).October, 1982
Banded Landrail 1 killed (probably by a cat) at Wilga Downs HSD 18 km NE of Hermidale 2
Jan- specimen examined (AKM). 1 at Teralba 16 Jan ( RW per WPB). 1 near Berry 19 Sep, flushed
and flew to a branch c 5 m above ground, remained for some minutes “balancing precariously”
( MIB aO cC qu aD re iec 8 S1 TV). V 1 2 3n e Da er c D (Aig Mge Cr )s . SC ea vm erp a l2 0 re pO oc rtt s ( S frG om, G thP eC ) H. a1 wa kt e sB bo ua rm y b de ie st r1 ic4 t (D Re Bc , ( AG BP RC , ). I A1 Wa Mt , P Lo Cr ,t
Lewin Water Rail 1 found dead at Fishermans Bay, Royal NP 15 Mar (DT, ABR). 1 in sedge at
Towra Point 19 and 21 May (JVV). 1 at Bakers Lagoon 21 Dec ( IAWM, LC, DH).
Marsh Crake 1 at Grong Grong 23 Aug (JNH). Recorded at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov (CSIRO). 2 at
Cowans Pond near Grafton 30 Dec (GPC). Recorded regularly in the Hawkesbury Swamps from 29
Nov (JEN, Bb-DB, SB, LC, DH, IAWM, AMcB, NSWFOC 58).
Spotted Crake 1 at airport swamps, Botany 21 Feb (AMcB). 1-2 at Bakers Lagoon 6 Dec and 21
Dec ( IAWM, LC, DH).
Spotless Crake Fairly common around Narrandera following winter rains in July, in Oct 2 nests
found in a cumbungi swamp at Narrandera and another 2 in a canegrass swamp at Corobimilla
(JNH). Recorded at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov, identified by call (CSIRO).
Bush -hen 1 at Skinner’s Shoot Byron Bay 7 Aug (AR per Jlz).
Brolga 17 on Kelso HSD near Wentworth Jan -Mar- unusual locality (CS per AKM). Nesting at
Nocoleche NR in Aug (CSIRO). North coast records: near Lawrence between 28 Jan and 22 Aug,
max 74+ on 11 Jul; 2 at Woodford Island 22 Mar, 2 near Tucabia 7 May; 3 near Lake Hiawatha 19
Oct 1 at Lake Minniewater 20 Oct 1 near Diggers Canip 20 Oct (GPC).
Bush Stone -curlew Recorded Mumbil-Gurrendong Dam area in May, first local record for many
years ( PA per AKM). Several heard and seen near Merrigal HSD 46 km NW of Gilgandra 15 Jul (GP
per AKM). Recorded near West Wyalong 4-5 Sep ( RB). Nest with 1 egg at Barham 9 Sep, later 2
eggs (EBT). 1 at Rileys Island, Brisbane Water 26 Dec (CMB); 1 at Careel Bay, Sydney 30 May
(NSWFOC 56).
Beach Stone -curlew At Red Rock, 2 adults with 2 immatures 26 Feb, 2 adults and immature
9 Apr and 16 Apr, 2 Adults 5 Oct and 7 Oct 2 adults, 1 sitting on an egg 20 Oct, 6 Nov, 1 1 2 Nov the
egg apparently washed away by a high tide between 13-17 Nov, adults present until end of 1981
(G PC).
Painted Snipe Recorded at Nocoleche NR near Wanaaring Oct- Nov (CSIRO). 5 at Wanganella
14 Nov, remained for several weeks (PM). 1 adult male at McGraths Hill 20-21 Dec (AKM, IAWM,
Pied Oystercatcher 1 9 at Towra Point Sydney 9 May – an unusually high number for this
locality(JW). 2 adults with a well grown runner at Port Botany24 Oct- site visited regularly until Jan
8 W2 a b teu rt r 2u 6n n De er cn (o Ct Mse Be )n . again (DL. AD). 1 at Dee Why Lagoon 26 Dec (NM). 1 at Empire Bay, Brisbane
Banded Lapwing 22 at dry lake near Rock Flat on Monaro Tableland 5 May- an unusually large
highland concentration (WJLB). Recorded at RAAF Richmond 2 Jun- 5 Dec, max 13-3 nests found
(C 1/3, 2/4), total 10 young fledged (JEN).10 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (17) 1
Grey Plover Recorded at Comerong Island 10 Jan (NSWFOC 53). 1 at Brooms Head 11 Feb
(DCR). 5+ at Comerong Island 12-3 Dec (JP, BEtHM, IAWM et al NSWFOC 59).
Golden Plover Inland records: recorded at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov (CSIRO); 1 near Wakool 15 Nov
(PM); at Dangars Lagoon, Uralla 24 Dec (BT per RMC).
Red -kneed Dotterel 1 at Waterview near Grafton 17 Jan ( G PC). 1 seen 3 km E of Hexham 5 Feb
(DCR). 2 at Bushells Lagoon 6 Dec, first in Hawkesbury this season; several, including immatures at
McGraths Hill 21 Dec; by mid -Dec present in large numbers throughout the Hawkesbury Swamps
(LC, DH, IAWM et al). 3 at Woolooware Swamp, Cronulla 19 Dec, first for Kurnell Peninsula ( IAWM,
AMcB). 33 at Dangars Lagoon, Uralla 26 Dec (RMC).
Double -banded Plover Earliest and latest reports: 1 at Long Reef 13 Feb( DE); 2 at Harrington 6
Sep (G PC).
Oriental Plover 18 at Stockton 6 Jan (RB, AC et a/ per WPB, NSWFOC 54).
Black -winged Stilt 8 nests (eggs, C 7/4, 1/3) at Kooragang Island 20 Nov (SMa per AKM). 32
present at Killalea Lagoon near Shellharbour last week in Nov, 11 nests found containing eggs and
small nestlings, shortly afterwards all nests had disappeared; a pair successfully raised 1 chick on a
small swamp at Port Kembla in Nov (JDG).
Banded Stilt max 59 at Tullakool Salt Ponds near Wakool 18 Oct remained several months
(EBT, PM).
Red -necked Avocet 90 at Kooragang Island 6 Jan (RB, AC et al per WPB, NSWFOC 54). c 12 at
Lake Arragan near Brooms Head 11 Jan – photos taken (RE per GPC). Fair numbers nesting at
Tullakool Salt Ponds near Barham 18-25 Oct (EBT).
Eastern Curlew 800+ at Kooragang Island 4 Dec ( FWvG per WPB).
Little Whimbrel at McGraths Hill 15 Feb and 22 Feb (AMcB, RB, DE). 1 at Casino 6 Nov-
earlier recorded by DGG (GH).
Wood Sandpiper 2 at Kooragang Island 3 Jan (RWvG per WPB). 1 at Hexham Swamp 24 Jan
( WD aH n). g a1 na et l laP e an nr dit h W aL ka oke os l, 1 s5 e enF e rb e g(D uE la, r lA y M foc rB s) e. ve1 raa lt mM oc nG thra st h frs o mH i 1ll 1 15 O cF t e (Pb M(D ).E 1, A atM Sc tB ra). t heS de eve nr a nl ea at r

Casino 13 Nov -12 Dec (GH).

Grey -tailed Tattler 70+ at Shell Point Botany Bay 31 Dec (AMcB) an unusually large
Wandering Tattler 1 at Long Reef 24-25 Oct (JH, DH, EF, IAWM et al). 1 seen and heard at
Tuncurry 13 Nov (ARM).
Common Sandpiper Latest and earliest reports: 1 at Wilberforce Lagoon 4 Apr ( RB), and 1 on
the Nepean River near Penrith 30 Sep (PL). 3-4 at Imperial Lake, Broken Hill 6 Oct (PD, AKM).
Marsh Sandpiper 60+ at Yamba 21 Feb( G PC). Recorded at Bega in Oct( DL). 30 at South West
Rocks 7 Nov (G H). 1 at Dangars Lagoon, Uralla 24 Dec (BT per RMC). 1 at Bushells Lagoon 27 Dec
(October, 1982
Terek Sandpiper 1 at Old Cooks River mouth, Botany Bay 30 Oct (AEFR).
Japanese Snipe Recorded at Centennial Park, Sydney 17 Jan (NSWFOC 54). at Longneck
Lagoon 19 Aug- an early record (ARM, RB, CMB). Arrival Yamba 28 Sep (LB per GPC), Macquarie
Marshes 25 Nov (AKM).
Black -tailed Godwit 1 at Parkes STW 9 Jan (WJLB). 1 at Hale Street Botany 1 Mar and again
19 Mar (DE); again recorded same place 14 Nov ( NSWFOC 58). 2 at Comerong Island 12-13 Dec
( IAWM, JP et al NSWFOC 59).
Red Knot Inland record: 1 near Wakool 21 Oct (PM).
Great Knot 1 at Hale Street., Botany 19 Mar, 2 caught and banded same place 20 Mar( DE). 1 at
Swansea 22 Nov (DH). 2 at Comerong Island 12-13 Dec ( IAWM, JP et al NSWFOC 59). 4 at
Windang 29 Dec (ARM).
Pectoral Sandpiper 1 at Kooragang Island 3 Jan (FWvG per WPB). 1 at Nowra STW 4 Jan
(JNH). 2 at a swamp 3 km E of Hexham 5 Feb ( DCR). 1 in a rice paddock at Yanco 18 Oct(JNH). Seen
at Tullakool Salt Ponds near Wakool for several weeks from 11 Oct ( EBT, PM). 1 at Stratheden near
Casino 4 Nov (GH), and again 29 Dec (DGG, Jlz). 1-2 at McGraths Hill 14 Nov -21 Dec ( IAWM, LC,
DH, AKM, CBOC 3(2), NSWFOC 60).
Long -toed Stint 1 at Mortanally Billabong near Wentworth 28 Dec (PAB).
Curlew Sandpiper Arrival Pitt Town Lagoon 12 Aug; 2 seen same place 19 Aug, 1 in partial
breeding plumage; early record, unusual locality (LS, ARM, CMB).
Sanderling 1 photographed at Boat Harbour22 Mar( DE). 2 at Comerong Island 13 Dec ( IAWM,
Ruff 1 male at McGraths Hill 3 Jan, 21 Jan, 26 Jan, 14 Feb, 1 female 22 Feb ( DE, AMcB, RB,
CMB); 1 female same place 7 Nov and 21 Nov (AMcB, NSWFOC 58, CBOC 3(2)). 1 reeve at Dee Why
Lagoon 21 Feb (TRL, AIGL).
Australian Pratincole Recorded at Nocoleche NR near Wanaaring Oct -Nov; recorded at Tongo
Lake 3-5 Nov, eggs (CSIRO). Nest with 2 eggs at Gwabegar in Nov ( DJ per AKM). 1 seen 18 km E of
Jerilderie 20 Dec (AIGL).
Southern Skua 1 seen c 10 km off Sydney Heads 28 Mar, a very early record( DE et al). 1 seen c

10 km off Sydney Heads 2 May (DE et al).

Arctic Jaeger 1 at North Wall, Ballina 7 Jul an unusual winter record (Jiz).
Pomarine Jaeger Earliest and latest reports: 1 off Long Reef 14 Nov (LC, DH); recorded at
Windang 11 Apr (AMcB).
Long-tailed Jaeger 1 immature at North Wall, Ballina 16 Dec – seen with Common Noddy,
range c 1 km, watched playfully chasing a flock of Common Terns (Jlz).
Silver Gull 140 at Bushells Lagoon 20 Apr- an unusually high number for this locality (CBOC
2(5)). Recorded at Tongo Lake 3-5 Noy (CSIRO), 4 pairs nesting on a small island in fly ash dam at
Lake Munmorah Power Station during Nov (GL per DIS).12 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (17) 1
Pacific Gull at Old Cooks River mouth, Botany Bay 21 Feb (AMcB).
Kelp Gull 2 adults, 1 immature at Moon Island 25 Jan (WC per WPB). 1-2 immatures seen
regularly in and around Botany Bay during Mar (DE, AMcB, NSWFOC 54). 1 at Stockton Bridge 26
Jun (FWvG, CF per WPB). 1 at Wanda Beach 22 Nov (J \A/). 1 off Swansea 22 Nov (DH).
Franklin’s Gull at Greenwich Point Sydney 11 May -18 Nov, seen by many observers;
presumably the same bird at Old Cooks River mouth, Botany Bay30 Oct ( SD, DE et at Aust Birds 1 7:
Whiskered Tern Coastal reports: recorded at Lawrence 22 Mar (GPC). Recorded at Bushells
Lagoon as follows: 10 on 27 Sep (JEN), 100+ on 28 Oct (RB); 48 on 1 Nov (JEN); 14 in breeding
plumage at Bakers Lagoon 16 Dec (RB). Recorded on the Sydney Spring Count 31 Oct (NSWFOC
59). Flock of 10 snatching insects over Killalea Lagoon near Shellharbour 28 Nov (JDG). 200+ at
Hexham Swamp 4 Dec FWvG per WPB).
White- winged Tern in eclipse plumage with Whiskered Terns at Lawrence 22 Mar (GPC).
Caspian Tern Sydney region: 1 near Wilberforce 12 Sep ( RB); 2 at Pitt Town Common 24 Oct
(CBOC 3(2)): 1 at Narrabeen Lakes 5 Nov (AIGL); 1 at Greenwich wharf 28 Dec ( IAWM, DH, GH).
Common Tern Latest and earliest reports: 6 off Sydney Heads 2 May (AMcB, DE et al), and
300+ at Boat Harbour 30 Oct (AEFR). Unusually large numbers in Sydney region (especially Botany
Bay) Nov -Dec: 510 at Boat Harbour 8 Nov (JVV); 600+ at Boat Harbour 19 Dec; c 1000+ at Long
Reef 20 Dec; 200+ in Sydney Harbour 26 Dec; 1000+ at Botany Bay 31 Dec (TRL, AMcB).
Arctic Tern seen c 12 km off Sydney Heads 2 May (AEFR, JEN, DE, AMcB).
White -fronted Tern Earliest and latest reports: 2 off Sydney Heads 27 Jun (AMcB, DE et al), and
roosting with Common Terns at Long Reef 14 Nov (DH).
Sooty Tern Derelicts (all immatures): 1 at Jerusalem Creek 10 Dec (GPC), 1 at Cronulla 14 Dec
(FJ), and at Cowans Pond 30 Dec, found exhausted, died later (GPC).
Little Tern Nesting reports: 44 (1 runner) at Towra Point 4 Jan (JVV). Nesting at Comerong
Island 10 Jan (NSWFOC 53). Bred successfully at Forster, Nambucca Heads, and Sawtell, with 27
nestlings or runners banded; nesting also attempted at Red Rock, Station Creek, Wooli, Byron Bay,
and Brunswick Heads but no young found to the end of the year (NPWS survey by GPC). Colony
established on 4 sites in the Port Botany complex, Sydney, total nests found 29, total eggs laid 79,
17 runners banded, max flying young seen at one time 12, observation period Oct 1 980 -Jan 1981
(DL, AD).
Common Noddy at Ballina lighthouse 15 Feb, another at North Wall, Ballina 16 Dec (Jlz).
White Tern moving S off Cape Solander 6 Jul (date incorrectly reported as 5 Jul in NSWFOC
55) (FJ, ARM). 1 on continental shelf off Sydney Heads 28 Mar (CJC, DE, AMcB).
Purple -crowned Pigeon 1 male at Booyong 10 Aug (Jlz).
Red -crowned Pigeon 1 immature killed against window near Blackbutt Reserve, Newcastle 8
Jun (SA per WPB). 1 at Watagan Mts 6 May (WG, DH). Recorded at Iluka 7 Jan, 21 Mar, 8 Aug, 13
Oct, 31 Dec (GPC).October, 1982 13
Wompoo Pigeon 1 near Belbora 8 Jan (RMC). 1 at Washpool SF 19 Apr(WG, EF, DH). max 10+
at Mt Warning 22 Sep (Jlz). Recorded at Tall Timbers, Gibraltar NP Jan -Apr, and near Coramba
28 Dec (GPC).
Topknot Pigeon Present Royal NP all year in flock 20-50 birds (DT). 1 in Centennial Park,
Sydney 17 Oct- photograph submitted (PU). c 30 flying over Rocky Creek, Killara 30 Oct (DH).
Recorded near Mt Bajimba 19 Apr( RMC). Flock of 200+ at Coramba c 15 km NW of Coffs Harbour
26 Jun- with 1 White -headed Pigeon (SGI). Recorded at Coopernook SF N of Lansdowne 20 Dec
and at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec (RMC et an.
White -headed Pigeon 1 at Coopernook SF N of Lansdowne 20 Dec; recorded at Werrikimbe
N P27-31 Dec( RMC et al). Sydney records: 2 at Davidson Park, East Lindfield 8 Jul ( ESH). Recorded
(max 6) at Devlins Creek, Epping Jul -Sep (BD). at Bradleys Head, Sydney Harbour 31 Dec (TH).
Spotted Turtledove Recorded at Grafton 24 Aug (AKM).
Brown Pigeon 1-2 in Moruya area 19-26 Sep (SM). Recorded at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec

(RMC et al). Resident in the Bega area (DL).

Peaceful Dove 2-4 resident at Moruya mid -Mar to mid- Aug very unusual in previous years
Diamond Dove at Banksia Point New England NP 23 Mar (UH). at Sandy Camp HSD,
1 1
Macquarie Marshes 30 Sep, first record 1975-1981; several subsequently in the area during Nov
(AKM); at Goorianawa NW of Bugaldie 4 Oct (AEFR, AKM). 4 feeding with Peaceful Doves at
1 –
Kenebri 23 Oct rare locally (DJ per AKM).
Bar -shouldered Dove 1 with Peaceful Doves at Wilberforce 26 Aug (ARM, RB, LS). Several at
Round Hill NR 23 Oct (AEFR et al). at Comerong Island 13 Dec (IAWM).
Emerald Dove 1 near Belbora 8 Jan (RMC). 1 on N side of St Georges Basin 1 Feb (JNH). 1 at
Beecroft 2 Feb- 3 days later flew into window, specimen now in AM (MREI-RBB).
Common Bronzewing A pair at Red Cliff, Yuraygir NP 21 Oct 1 at Trenayr 2 Nov (GPC).
Brush Bronzewing at Mt Banda Banda, Mt Boss SF 16 Jun (GH).
Flock Bronzewing 4 near Wanaaring 9 Sep (PM).
Crested Pigeon Recorded at Douglas Park 13 Jun( BOC Aug 81), and at Wentworth Falls in Oct
(PL). 2 near Red Cedars, Royal NP 20 Nov, first park record (WW per DT).
Wonga Pigeon Recorded at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec (RMC et al).
Red-tailed Black Cockatoo A flock of 49 feeding on the ground near the Namoi River at
Walgett 19 Feb (PD per AKM).
Glossy Black Cockatoo Far northern records: recorded at Mt Bajimba, Mt Jonblee and Mt
Spirabo near Bolivia 16-20 Apr, and in 3 separate localities at Werrikimbe NP27-31 Dec (DH, RMC et
al). Western records: a pair near Merrigal HSD46 km NW of Gilgandra 15 Jun- first local record ( G P
per AKM). A flock of 20 near Berida HSD, Gilgandra during Nov, feeding in Belah, Casuarina cristata
(AOM per AKM); small flocks in the Gulargambone area Sep- Dec, recorded at Eiraw HSD,14 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (17)
Yarramundi HSD, Weronga HSD, Uranga HSD, Coredale HSD (DB per AKM). 2 seen 40 km S of
Narrabri 14 Sep (AKM). 10-12 seen 20 km SW of Rankins Springs 3 May(Bird Obs. No. 595). Seen
at various places in Narrandera Range, max 8 at Mt Bunganbil 20 Jun (JNH). South Coast records: 3
at Currowan SF, Batemans Bay28 Jan (JNH). No records at all in the Moruya area, although in other
years recorded several times annually (SM); scarce in the Bega area (DL).
Yellow- tailed Black Cockatoo 10 at Merebene Bore, Pilliga West SF 30 km W of Baradine
4 Jan (DJ per AKM). 6 at Munghorn Gap NR 17 Apr (DIS per AKM).
Gang -gang Cockatoo 2 adults feeding a fledgling at Castle Hill 11 Mar (KEIRB). Recorded at
Munghorn Gap NR 18 Apr (DIS) and 4 Oct 20+ at Broadwater Swamp 26 Jul (DH). A pair at Lane
Cove, Sydney 16 Jul -Nov; occupied nest hole in Nov, but breeding not proven, and no sign of birds
on only subsequent visit 27 Dec (BD).

Galah 3 on the rigging of a ship c 20 km off Sydney Heads c 0930 hrs 29 Jan (BVH). 80+ at

Mowll Village, Castle Hill Sep- Dec greatly increased numbers (CMB). Among the 10 most
numerous (total 330) species around Coonabarabran on a count 31 Oct (AKM). Small numbers at
South Grafton throughout the year, max 24 on 30 Jan; 20+ at Nabiac 8 May; 31 at Waterview near
Grafton 30 may; 17, including at least 2 juveniles at Grafton racecourse 16 Nov (GPC).
Pink Cockatoo 1 seen S of Lake Cowal 5 Sep (LS, RB). Two Sydney records, presumably
escapes: at Blakehurst 6-11 Jun (LGG), and at Bonnie Vale, Royal NP 25-26 Oct (IK per DT).
1 1
Rainbow Lorikeet seen W of Rocky River near Uralla 3 Jan (RMC). Recorded at West Albury
21 Oct( PSe, Bird Obs. No. 595). Recorded in Royal NP throughout the year, now must be classified
resident rather than winter migrant (DT).
Red -winged Parrot at Minmi 5 Apr, presumably escapee (GW, WPB). 4 near Brura Tank 25
km S of Cobar 11 Apr( WJLB). Recorded at Goolhi 23 Aug (AKM). 2 seen 4 km SE of Baan Baa 6 Dec
Superb Parrot Recorded near Deniliquin 18 Apr (AMcB). Not recorded at Coonabarabran
during 1981 (AKM).

Cockatiel “Quite common” between Goolgowi and Forbes, and seen 45 km S of Forbes 2 Jul

(PAB). 3 at Trevallyn HSD 20 km N of Singleton 26 Jul observers first local record (DCR).
Recorded at Goolhi 23 Aug (AKM). 5 seen 3 km NW of Gungal, Hunter Valley 12 Sep ( IAWM).
Budgerigar Arrival Gulargambone 9 Oct, seen again 1 Nov (AKM). Recorded at Gilgandra 23
Nov (AOM). Flock of 6 at Grong Grong (date not supplied), may have nested- observer’s only local
record for 1981 (JNH).
Swift Parrot 2 at Yennora 30 Jun (CBOC 2(6)). No records at Coonabarabran during 1981
Crimson Rosella 1 seen 13 km E of Narrandera 6 Sep, with Yellow Rosellas (JNH).
Yellow Rosella Recorded on the Sydney Autumn Count 30 May (NSWFOC 56). Recorded at
Lake Mejum NE of Narrandera 7 Jun; seen 13 km E of Narrandera 6 Sep (JNH).
Pale -headed Rosella at Foggy Dell, Mt Kaputar NP 6 Sep (IB per AKM). 2 at Bullawa Creek
20 km E of Narrabri 4 Dec (DCR).October, 1982 15
Mallee Ringneck 2 at Bullawa Creek 20 km E of Narrabri 4 Apr (DCR).
Adelaide Rosella A bird answering the description of this species in company with Yellow
Rosellas at Lake Mejum NE of Narrandera 7 Jun (JNH).
Blue Bonnet 1 seen 4 km SE of Narrabri 25 Oct beside Kaputar Road( DCR per PAB). 1 a regular
visitor to a garden at Castle Hill (CMB).
Bourke Parrot 1 near Yantabulla 12 Sep (PM). Recorded at Nocholeche NR near Wanaaring
Oct -Nov (CSIRO).
Blue- winged Parrot 1 at Priory Tank 60 km S of Cobar 11 Apr (WJLB). 1 seen on the
Murrumbidgee R. c 10 km E of Narrandera 7 Dec (JVV).
Turquoise Parrot In Pilliga NR, seen at Borah Creek 23 Feb (CM per AKM), and near
Tannawanda Caves 19 Mar(AKM). 3 at Maules Creek 30 km SE of Narrabri 3 Apr( DCR). Recorded at
Tibuc HSD near Coonabarabran 1 Jun (AKM), and at Weddin Ranges NP 13 Oct (CBOC 3(2)). Also
several reports from known localities in the Sydney region (RB, JEN, LS). The following reports are
from localities not specifically mentioned by Morris (1980, Aust. Birds 14: 57-67): Regularly seen
10 km S of Merriwa all year, present over past 7 years at least in 1979 numbers were augmented by
movements during drought- flocks of 50+ seen; numbers subsequently dropped, illegal trapping
reported by locals ( IAWM). Recorded regularly (max c 45) near Mumbil and Burrandong Dam Mar-
May (PA per AKM, per DIS). Recorded in Bogolong Hills, Grong Grong in Jul (JNH).
Oriental Cuckoo 1 at Old Grevillea 16 Jan (GH).
Pallid Cuckoo Departure Moruya 19 Jan (SM), Coonabarabran 27 Feb (AKM), Lower South-
gate 22 Mar (GPC), Gulargambone 27 Mar (AKM), near St Albans 12 Apr (NSWFOC 54). near
Tucabia 7 May (GPC). 1 at Portland Head Road 11 Jul (CBOC 2(6)). Arrival Macquarie Marshes 23
Jul, Coonabarabran 8 Aug (AKM), Scheyville 12 Aug (RB, LS, CMB), Bendemeer 23 Aug (AKM),
Warrimoo 30 Aug (PL), Ingleburn 6 Sep (LJH), Gulargambone 7 Sep (AKM), North Springwood 8
Sep (NK), Tenterfield 14 Sep (AKM), Callipe near Ulmarra 14 Sep (MP per GPC), Forster 14 Sep
(GPC), Moruya 17 Sep (SM), Hornsby Heights 5 Oct (MC), Thornleigh 6 Oct (BH), and Gilgandra
25-31 Dec ( RMC et al). Most observers commented more common than usual in the Sydney region
during the summer.
Brush Cuckoo Departure Moruya 20 Jan (SM), Camden 24 Jan (AMcB), Iluka 21 Mar
(GPC). Arrival Moruya 27 Sep (SM), Munghorn Gap NR 4 Oct (DH, NSWFOC 57), Iluka 6 Oct
(GPC), Torrens ACT early 10 Oct (WJLB), Warrimoo 14 Oct (PL), Hornsby Heights 26 Oct (MC),
Warrumbungle NP 29 Nov (AKM). Recorded at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec (RMC et al).
Fan -tailed Cuckoo Recorded at Gilgandra 23 Jul (AOM). Arrival Warrumbungle NP 8 Aug
(AKM). Recorded at Quidong HSD 30 km W of Bombala 24 Aug (WJLB).
Black -eared Cuckoo 1 at Foggy Dell, Mt Kaputar NP 4 Aug and again 19 Nov, first park record
(PD, AKM). Several reports in Warrumbungle NP 24 Sep- 1 Dec (per AKM, ARM, FJ). 1 at Munghorn
Gap NR 4-5 Oct (DH, NSWFOC 57). Recorded at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov, and at Nocholeche NR near
Wanaaring, fledgling Oct -Nov (CSIRO).
Horsfield Bronze- cuckoo Departure Moruya 14 Jan (SM). Recorded at Gilgandra 22 Jul- very
early (AOM). Arrival Windsor 5 Aug (LS), Coonabarabran 13 Aug (AKM), Moruya 3-23 Nov (only
records) (SM). 2 (a breeding pair) at Trevallyn HSD 20 km N of Singleton from 14 Nov (DCR).16 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (1 7) 1
Recorded at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec (RMC et al). adult feeding another with caterpillars at
McGraths Hill 31 Dec (ARM).
Golden Bronze- cuckoo Autumn and winter records: near Scheyville 16 May( NSWFOC 54) and
on the Sydney Autumn Count 30 May ( NSWFOC 56); 1 at Ebernezer wharf 1 Jul (CM B); recorded at
Sackville 16 Aug (NSWFOC 56), at Quidong HSD 30 km W of Bombala 24 Aug (WJLB), and at
Clarenza 24 Aug (AKM). Arrival Gulargambone 8 Sep (AKM), Warrumbungle NP 19 Sep (AKM),
Hornsby Heights, Sydney 21 Sep (MC). Recorded throughout the year at South Grafton (GPC).
Little Bronze -cuckoo Recorded Kyogle district 24 Sep 1980 to 16 Feb 1981; arrival Kyogle 22
Nov (GH). 1 at Brooms Head 20 km E of Maclean 11 Feb (DCR).
Common Koel 1 male at Canberra 1-8 Jan (Canberra – Bird Notes 7:18). 1 at Glen Innes 6 Jan
(RMC). Several Sydney reports of fledged young in Jan all fostered by wattlebirds (LJH, BVH).
Departure Beecroft 26 Jan (MC), Maianbar 22 Feb (DT), Nowra 25 Feb (JNH), Castle Hill 4 Mar
(K&RB), South Grafton 21 Mar (GPC), near St Albans 12 Apr (NSWFOC 54). Arrival at Wheeler
Heights 1 Oct (RWA), (1 male) Thornleigh 1 Oct (BH), Beacon Hill 1 Oct (heard, male and female
seen 5 Oct) ( ilH), Epping 5 Oct (BD), Beecroft 8 Oct( MC), Lane Cove 11 Oct (SD), Narraweena 14
Oct (AIGL), South Turramurra 20 Oct ( IAWM), South Grafton 23 Oct (GPC), and Castle Hill 24 Oct
(K&RB). 1 male in callitris at Bullawa Creek 20 km E of Narrabri 24 Oct (DCR). 1 female at Thorn-
leigh 26 Oct (BH). Pair feeding on mulberries beside the Kaputar Road 14 km NE of Narrabri 26 Oct
(PD, IB per AKM). Arrival Warrimoo 28 Oct (PL). 1 male at Coonabarabran 5 Nov -1 2 Dec (AKM). 1
calling at Comerong Island 12-13 Dec IAWM). Recorded at Armidale end of Dec (SD).
Channel- billed Cuckoo Recorded at Borah HSD near Coonabarabran 15 Jan (AKM), and at Mt
Riverview 15 Jan (LS). 1 found at Audley, Royal NP 26 Mar- taken to Taronga Zoo where it later
died, very recently fledged, thus establishing a breeding record (RS per DT). Arrival Winmalee 11
Sep ( NK), Warrimoo 16 Sep ( PL), Warrumbungle NP 19 Sep (AKM), near Copmanhurst 21 Sep ( MP
per GPC), Moruya 21 Sep (SM), Tyndale 28 Sep (GPC), and Mt Riverview 1 Oct ( LS). 1 at Munghorn
Gap NR 4-5 Oct (DH, IAWM, NSWFOC 57). at Mays Bend c 10 km N of Bourke 29 Oct (PAB).
Recorded at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec (RMC et al). More Central Coast records than usual,
especially in Oct(DH, TRL, AIGL, CMB, AMcB). Recorded (16 on 22 Nov and 9 on 25 Dec) at a roost
on Susan Island, Grafton (GPC). Regular summer migrant to the Bega area in small numbers,
recorded every season 1972-1981, breeding confirmed (DLa).
Pheasant Coucal seen on Barraba Trail, Mt Kaputar NP 13 May, full description provided
(EAW per AKM). 1 near Bagotville 25 Aug (AKM). 1 seen 14 km NE of Narrabri 26 Oct (PD, IB per
AKM). 2 at Penrith Lakes 29 Nov (CBOC 3(2)).
Powerful Owl 1 at Lady Carrington Drive, Royal NP17 Jan (BVH). 1 heard at Smith Lake17 Jan
FWvG per WPB). at Stannix Park near Wilberforce 3 May (CBOC 2(5)). 3 territories located in Mt
( 1
Boss SF (near Mt Banda Banda) in Jun (GH). Present at Lindfield, Sydney Aug -Sep, prey items
included a brush -tailed possum and a magpie ( DH). 1 roosting in Newfoundland SF W of Red Rock
14 Nov (GPC). Heard at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec (RMC et al.
Southern Boobook 2 seen in courtship display at Blakehurst 28 Sep -8 Oct- each evening at
dusk they arrived within seconds of each other to sit together on a dead tree branch, fluttering and
making. murmuring sounds; after c 2 minutes they would fly oft a single bird seen occasionally on
the same dead tree at dusk for several weeks thereafter (LGG).
Barking Owl pair at Gibberagee NW of Maclean 25 Jun and 12 Jul (GH). Calling at Timor
Rock W of Coonabarabran 20 Jul; calling at Camp Blackman, Warrumbungle NP23 Jul (AKM). 1 at
Trevallyn HSD 20 km N of Singleton 12 Nov (DCR).October, 1982 17
Sooty Owl Recorded at Whian Whian SF 15 Jan, Wiangerie SF Jan -Mar and Sep- Nov,
Toonumbar SF 25 Feb and 14 May, Mt Boss SF 13 Jun and 23 Oct, Beaury SF 8 Oct(GH, DCR), and
at Mt Warning 21 Sep -31 Dec (Jlz, GH). 1 heard at Candole SF near Woolli 28 Mar (GPC). 1 at
Watagan Mts 20 Jun, watched for 10 minutes with spotlights (WG, ACI, DH). On the far South
Coast, recorded at Murrah SF near Bermagui 24 Jan and 11 Jul, and at Tanja West SF near Tathra 25
Jul and 18 Sep, seen during the day in rainforest gully (PS per LS).
Marbled Frogmouth Recorded at Whian Whian SF 14 Jan and at Wiangarie SF 23 Jan, 11 Feb,
11 Nov (GH). Up to 8 at Mt Warning 7 Sep- 31 Dec (Jlz, GH).
White -throated Nightjar Recorded in the Kalang Valley 24 Jan and 28 Dec( KEt RB). Departure
Moruya 25 Feb (SM). 1 found dead at Balgownie 17 May ( IBOC July 81). 1 at Byron Bay 6 Aug (Jiz).
Arrival Moruya 3 Oct (SM). 4+ at Munghorn Gap NR, presumed arrival 4 Oct (DH, NSWFOC 57).
hawking at dusk at Kendall 5 Dec (GPC). Not recorded Coonabarabran area during 1981 (AKM).
Spine -tailed Swift Abundant on the southern tablelands 18 Feb -22 Mar (WJLB). Most
localities reported departure dates during the last two weeks in March, but 40+ were seen near
Nymboida 3 Apr (GPC, LS, IAWM, KEtRB, DT, NK, SM, AKM). Earliest report Thornleigh 30 Sep
(BH); most arrivals reported spanned the last two weeks in Oct and the first week of Nov; numbers
seemed unusually low (GPC, IAWM, SM, AKM, KERB, BD, AIGL, PL., DT, LS, TH). Recorded at
Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec (RMC et al).
Fork -tailed Swift 2+ in a flock of Spine -tailed Swifts at Castle Hill 6 Nov (KEtRB). No records at
Coonabarabran during 1981 (AKM).
Azure Kingfisher 2 on the Timbarra (Rocky) River c 10 km E of Mt Bajimba 19 Apr (RMC).
Red -backed Kingfisher Several eastern records: 1 seen S of Tharwa, ACT 2 Jan (Canberra Bird
Notes 7: 18). 2 (with 1 young) at Bolwarra near Maitland 21 Feb, rema -i ned for over a month, possibly
bred (KH per WPB). at Wendala HSD near Canyonleigh 4 Oct second record for County of
Camden, seen by many observers (JDG, IBOC Dec 81). 1 at Munghorn Gap NR 4 Oct ( IAWM, DH,
NSWFOC 57). Departure Warrumbungle NP 10 Mar, Berida HSD, Gilgandra 12 Mar, recorded at
Mullaley 23 Aug; arrival Warrumbungle NP 19 Sep (AKM).
Sacred Kingfisher 1 found dead at Broken Hill 28 Apr (NS). 1 at Jerusalem Bay, Kuringgai
Chase NP 17 Jul (SD). Arrival 15 km S of Merriwa 5 Sep ( IAWM), Gulargambone 12 Sep, Moree 13
Sep, Coonabarabran 17 Sep (AKM), South Grafton 24 Sep (GPC), near Copmanhurst 25 Sep (MP
per GPC), Iluka 28 Sep (GPC), South Turramurra 30 Sep ( IAWM), Moruya 30 Sep (SM), near
Burrinjuck Dam 4 Oct (WJLB), Warrimoo 9 Oct (P14, and Cambria HSD near Barham 11 Oct (EBT).

Mangrove Kingfisher 2 pairs at Ukerbarley NR near Tweed Heads 27 Aug (AKM). 3-4 at South

Tweed Heads 15 Oct 1 flew from a nest hollow in a termite nest in forest red gum, pair later
attacking Lace Moniter in the nest tree (GPC).
Rainbow Bee -eater Departure South Grafton 3 Mar, Iluka 21 Mar, Coonabarabran 22 Mar
(AKM), Mt Riverview 24 Mar( LS). Arrival near Merriwa 6 Sep ( IAWM), Grafton 15 Sep, Red Rock NP
17 Sep (GPC), Warrumbungle NP 19 Sep (AKM), Broken Hill 27 Sep (NS), Iluka 28 Sep (GPC),
Castlereagh 30 Sep (PL), Cambria HSD near Barham 7 Oct (EBT), Gulargambone 21 Oct (AKM).
Among the 10 most numerous (total 109) species around Coonabarabran on a count3l Oct (AKM).
Dollarbird Departure Gulargambonel 7 Jan (AKM), Blakehurst23 Jan (LGG), Maianbar27 Jan
(DT), Iluka 1 Feb (GPC), Moruya 3 Feb (SM), Mt Riverview 14 Feb (LS), Coonabarabran 15 Mar18 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (17)
(AKM), Lower Southgate 22 Mar(GPC). Arrival Moruya 10 Sep( SM), luka 28 Sep( GPC), Thornleigh
30 Sep (BH), near Copmanhurst 30 Sep (MP per GPC), Mudgee 2 Oct (AEFR), Blakehurst 4 Oct
(LGG), Burrinjuck Dam 4 Oct(WJLB), Coonabarabran 5 Oct(AKM), Warrimoo 7 Oct(PL), Castle Hill
11 Oct (K&RB), Clifton Gardens, Sydney 13 Oct (TH), Gilgandra 16 Oct (AOM), Gulargambone 27
Oct(AKM), Hornsby Heights 28 Oct(MC), South Grafton 30 Oct (GPC). Flock of 30 feeding on flying
insects at Buff Point Budgewoi 7 Dec (GL per DIS). A pair with 1 young at Blakehurst 21 Dec (LGG).
Noisy Pitta 1 found stunned on roadside at Glenugie Creek S of Grafton 8 Apr, banded and
released next day, also recorded at Iluka 14 Jun and 8 Aug (GPC).
Rufous Scrub bird 1 at Allyne River Forest Park, Barrington Tops 26 Jan- regarded as the most
southerly stand of Nothofagus (DH, NSWFOC 55). Recorded at Wiangarie SF Jan, Mar, Aug, Sep,
Noy 29 territories located in Oct at Mt Banda Banda, Spokes Hill, headwaters of Kunderang Brook,
and Cockerawombeeba Spur, Mt Boss SF (limits of local distribution) (GH, Nat Parks J. Dec 81).
Singing Bushlark near Brooms Head 22 Oct- observer’s first local record (SG per GPC).
Common in the Walcha-Uralla-Bendemeer district 25-31 Dec, normally uncommon; recorded at
several localities near Kangaroo Flat Werrikimbe NP 28-29 Dec (RMC).
White- backed Swallow Reported regularly in the Hawkesbury region during the year, breeding
attempted at Yarramundi in May must now be considered reasonably common (CMB, TRL, AIGL,
JEN, AC, AEFR, RB, AMcB, NSWFOC 54, CBOC 2(5)). 17 seen 17 km N of Singleton 18 Mar-
unusually large flock for this locality (DCR). at Billyrimba SE of Tenterfield 18 Apr (RMC). 2 at
Jackadgery 8 Jun, 1 at Carrs Creek 2 Nov (G PC). 1 at South West Rocks 6 Nov (GH). 2 at Cobcrofts
Creek, Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec (RMC et al).
Tree Martin A few present at Coonabarabran all winter; among the ten most numerous (total
91) species around Coonabarabran on a count 31 Oct (AKM).
Fairy Martin Departure Coonabarabran 28 Feb (AKM), Gilgandra in Mar (a few remaining in
May) (AOM). Recorded on the Sydney Autumn Count 30 May (NSWFOC 56), and at Bushells
Lagoon 16 Aug (NSWFOC 56). Arrival Collie 6 Aug, Bugaldie 16 Aug (AKM), Lawrence 22 Aug
(GPC), Goolhi 23 Aug (AKM), and Cambria HSD 23 Aug (EBT). Among the 10 most numerous (total
251) species around Coonabarabran on a count 31 Oct (AKM).
Barn Swallow at McGraths Hill 15 Nov, thereafter seen on several occasions until 20 Jan
1982 (TRL, AMcB, DH et al, NSWFOC 58, Aust. Birds 17: 31).
Barred Cuckooshrike 6 at Wiangarie SF 11 Feb; 2 at Richmond Range SF21 Mac 12-30 at Old
Grevillea 27 Mar, 29 Mar and 4 Apr; 8 at Cherry Tree SF W of Casino 9 Mar (DGG, GH).
Cicadabird Departure Moruya 7 Feb(SM), Warrumbungle NP12 Feb(AKM), Grose Vale25 Mar
(LS), Hornsby Heights 26 Mar (MC). Seen feeding young at Adamstown Heights, Newcastle during
Feb (DW per WPB). A pair at Candole SF near Wooli 28 Mar( GPC). Last heard calling Winmalee 29
Mar (NK). A pair at Glenugie SF 12 Apr (G PC). Recorded at Blackbutt Reserve, Newcastle 30 May
and 21 Jun (FWvG, WPB et al). 1 male at Thornleigh 30 Sep (BH). Arrival Moruya 6 Oct (SM), Mt
Riverview 9 Oct (LS), Colo River 14 Oct( RB, CMB), Hornsby Heights 20 Oct (MC), Winmalee- North
Springwood 21 Oct (NK), Coonabarabran 31 Oct (AKM), Warrimoo 8 Nov (PL). Recorded at
Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec (RMC et al).
Ground Cuckooshrike at East Cresford 12 Apr (J Pe per WPB). 4 seen c 6 km ENE of Severn
16 Apr (RMC). 4 seen c 10 km E of Dundee 18 Apr (DH). Seen in several places along West
Wyalong- Lake Cowal Road 5 Sep (RB).October, 1982 19
White -winged Triller Recorded on the Sydney Autumn Count 30 May (NSWFOC 56). Arrival
Cambria HSD 8 Aug, (nesting 7 Nov) (EBT), Coonabarabran 9 Sep, Warrumbungle NP 19 Sep
(AKM), Braddock near Cranebrook 30 Sep ( PL); 6+ males and 2 females feeding on low grass near
Burrinjuck Dam 4 Oct (WJLB). 1 at Kooragang Island 10 Oct ( FWvG per WPB). 1 at Lake Hiawatha
20 Oct 2 N of Brooms Head 22 Oct (SG, GPC). 1 at Bonnie Vale, Royal NP 31 Oct first park record in
c 50 years (DT). Reported as commonest in nearly a decade in the North-west Plain (Castlereagh)
region Sep -Dec; except for starlings and galahs, perhaps the most abundant bird, breeding
widespread (AKM).
Varied Triller 1 seen near Belbora 8 Jan (RMC). 2+ in a small patch of rainforest near
Coombadjha on the Clarence River 21 Jul (GPC).
Ground Thrush Arrival Moruya 5 May, departure 30 Sep (SM). at Cumberland SF 23 Sep (RB).
Moderately common in all rainforest areas at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec; near Mt Seaview 30 Dec
(RMC et al).
Blackbird 1 singing loudly at Moruya almost daily to 8 Jan- see 1980 Report(SM). Seen daily
in a garden at Broken Hill- in previous 9 months residence at another house c 1 km away, very few
records (NS).
Rose Robin Several at Point Lookout, New England NP 23 Mar (LJH). Departure Warrimoo 13
Sep( PL). Recorded at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec ( RMC et al). Not recorded from garden in Hornsby
Heights where recorded most years (MC). No records at Coonabarabran during 1981 (AKM).
Flame Robin Winter arrival 1 male Cambria HSD 28 Apr ( EBT). Arrival Narrandera 19 May,
parties recorded 30 May -12 Aug (JNH). 11 (6 males, 5 “brown”) at Bushells Lagoon 4 Jul (JEN).
Scarlet Robin Adult male in garden at Berida HSD 8 Nov- second local record this year, and
out of usual range (AOM per AKM).
Red -capped Robin 1-2 seen regularly in shale woodland near Richmond Mar- Aug, 4 adults and
a juvenile 31 Oct 2 males and 2 “brown” birds same place 18 Nov (CMB, RB). 1 pair seen 15 km
WSW of Broken Hill 15 Nov (NS).
Hooded Robin 2 at Gibberagee 12 Jul (DGG, GH).
Yellow Robin Common around Narrandera in pine scrub, Lake Talbot Matong, Gillenbah and
Buckingbong SF, throughout the Narrandera Range (JNH).
Pale Yellow Robin 1 near Mt Bajimba 19 Apt 2 in Coopernook SF N of Lansdowne 20 Dec;
recorded at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec- first Park record (RMC et al).
Olive Whistler Recorded at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec- moderately common in all rainforest
areas (RMC et al).
Gilbert Whistler A pair in Bogolong Hills near Grong Grong 27 May; a pair same place Jun -Jul
(JNH). 2+ pairs at Round Hill NR 23 Oct (AEFR et al).
Rufous Whistler Departure Hornsby Heights 26 Jan (MC), Coonabarabran 3 Apr, Gulargambone
9 Apr (AKM), Moruya 14 Apr (SM). Recorded near Scheyville 16 May (NSWFOC 54), and on the
Sydney Autumn Count 30 May ( NSWFOC 56). Arrival Gulargambone 3 Jul (AKM), Coonabarabran 7
Aug (AKM), at Wilberforce 16 Aug (NSWFOC 56), Warrimoo 12 Sep (PL), Moruya 17 Sep (SM),20 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (17)
North Ryde 25 Sep ( IAWM), Braddock near Cranebrook 30 Sep (1 male seen 11 Jul) (PL), Pennant
Hills 5 Oct (BD), Hornsby Heights 25 Oct (MC).
Black -faced Monarch Recorded at Mt Towdol c 10 km E of Sandy Flat 3 Jan, and c4 km SW of
Mt Bajimba, Forestland SF 3 Jan (RMC). Departure Moruya 23 Jan; arrival Moruya 26 Sep (SM),
Thornleigh 30 Sep (BH), Blakehurst 5 Oct (LGG), South Turramurra 30 Oct ( IAWM). Recorded at
Centennial Park, Sydney 14 Nov (NSWF0058). Recorded at Werrikimbe NP27-31 Dec( RMC eta/).
Spectacled Monarch 2 near Belbora 8 Jan ( RMC). Departure Iluka 21 Mar, arrival 13 Oct (GPC).
at Clifton Gardens, Sydney 1630 hrs 14 Oct- full details supplied (TH). well seen at Barren
1 1
Grounds FR17 Oct( REtBS, JDe, MD). adult at Olney SF5 Dec (GL per DIS). 4 at Werrikimbe NP31
Dec (RMC et al).
White- eared Monarch Recorded at Iluka NR 5 Jan and 21 Mar, at Esk River E of Woombah 13
Aug, at Minyon Falls Flora Reserve 6 Oct, and at Mt Warning 2 Dec(G PC); at Ghinni Ghi W of Kyogle
18 Dec (DGG, GH), and at Iluka NR 31 Dec (GPC). 2 at Mt Warning 10 Sep -31 Dec (Jlz).
Leaden Flycatcher Departure Coonabarabran 8 Jan (AKM), Esk River 21 Mar (GPC), Mt
Riverview24 Mar( LS). at Ukerbarley NR near Tweed Heads 27 Aug (AKM). Arrival Coonabarabran
15 Sep(AKM), Red Rock17 Sep(GPC), near Burrinjuck Dam4 Oct(1 male) (WJLB), Warrimoo 9 Oct
(Pl.), Mt Riverview 9 Oct (LS), and Berowra 10 Oct (BD).
Satin Flycatcher at Baronne HSD near Gulargambone 9 Nov (DB per AKM). Recorded at
Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec (RMC et al).
Rufous Fantail Recorded at Forestland SF, c 4 km SW of Mt Bajimba 3 Jan ( RMC). Departure
Moruya 11 Mar( SM). 1 immature at Esk River2l Mar, 1 at Woodford Island 22 Mar; 1 at Candole SF
near Wooli 28 Mar (GPC). Recorded at Wingello SF 29 Mar( IBOC July 81). 2 at Annangrove 8 Apr
(RB). 1 in pine scrub at Kenebri 13 Oct, first local record (FJ, ARM, AKM). Arrival Moruya 11 Oct
(SM), Clifton Gardens, Sydney 13 Oct (TH). at Baronne HSD 26 Oct (DB per AKM).
Longrunner 2 at Mt Keira 18 Apr and 3 same place 17 May (CBOC 2(5)). 5 at Coopernook SF N
of Lansdowne 20 Dec; moderately common in all rainforest areas at Werrikimbe N P 27-31 Dec, first
Park record; recorded near Mt Seaview 30 Dec (RMC).
Chirruping Wedgebill A party on the northern side of the Darling floodplain c 20 km
downstream from Louth 10 Mar (WJLB).
Spotted Quail -thrush A pair at Lockharts Gap 13 Mar (PSe, Bird Obs. No. 595). Recorded at
Munghorn Gap NR 3-5 Oct (NSWFOC 57).
Chestnut Quail- thrush 2 pairs, with 2 half-grown runners at Pulletop NR 25 Oct (AEFR et al).
Cinnamon Quail -thrush Chestnut- breasted form: pair with 2 young near Yantabulla 12 Sep
White- browed Babbler Several groups on TSR reserve at Nyngan 9 May- in wilga-bimble box
woodland, western extremity of range (AKM). Nesting at Munghorn Gap NR 3-5 Oct( NSWFOC 57).
Clamorous Reed Warbler Departure Coonabarabran 28 Feb; arrival Macquarie Marshes 13
Aug, Coonabarabran 15 Sep (AKM), Grafton 27 Sep (GPC). Recorded at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov
(CSIRO).October, 1982 21
Tawny Grassbird A noisy male in heathland behind Hyems Beach 3 Jan; on 1 Feb the same
bird had apparently acquired 3 females which by their behaviour had nests; c 200 m away another
pair were feeding young (JNH).
Golden- headed Cisticola Recorded in good numbers at Lake Coolah, Narranderra and other
nearby canegrass swamps, also in sorghum crops at Cuddell SW of Narrandera- young birds being
fed out of nest nesting confirmed at a number of localities in Oct (JNH).
Rufous Songlark Departure Coonabarabran Mar, arrival Macquarie Marshes 23 Jul,
Coonabarabran 22 Aug; recorded at Moree 14 Sep (AKM). Recorded at Nocholeche NR near
Wanaaring, eggs in Aug, many juveniles Oct-nov, and at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov (CSIRO). Recorded at
Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec (RMC et al). Reported as commonest in nearly a decade in the North-
west Plains region Sep -Dec, breeding widespread (AKM).
Brown Songlark Recorded at Moggs Swamp c 40 km SE of Glen I nnes 1 Jan ( RMC). Last of the
1980 influx (see 1980 Report) seen at Nowra 16 Feb (JNH). Arrival Macquarie Marshes 23 Jul,
Coonabarabran 22 Aug (AKM), Cambria HSD near Barham 8 Sep( EBT). Reported as commonest in
nearly a decade in the North-west Plains region Sep- Dec; breeding widespread (AKM); also
common Walcha-Uralla-Bendemeer 25-31 Dec, observer’s first local records (RMC).
Splendid Wren Parties found 15 km E and 20 km SE of Gongolgon 1 Mar- E of the Bogan River,
extends range given by Morris et al 1981 (Handlist NSW Birds), Atlas URRF submitted (HND per
AKM). A party at Mt Crystal NE of Narrandera 2 Apr (JNH).
Red -backed Wren 6 near Belbora 9 Jan (RMC).
Southern Emu -wren Recorded at Swansea 6 Jan, and at Barren Grounds FR 7 Mar (NSWFOC
54). male at Upper Forbes River, Mt Boss SF 19 Oct (GH). Resident recorded regularly at Black
Neds Bay, Swansea (DH).
Striated Grasswren c 7 pairs at Red Tank HSD 18 Sep (NWS, GH).
Large -billed Scrubwren Recorded near Mt Bajimba 19 Apr (RMC).
Yellow -throated Scrubwren Recorded (plus nest) near Mt Bajimba 19 Apr (RMC).
Shy Heathwren A pair at Round Hill NR 23 Oct (AEFR et an.
Fieldwren on the Silver City Highway 30 km S of Broken Hill 26 Apr (GH).
Speckled Warbler A pair with dependant young near South Grafton 5 Apr and 2 May, 3 on 14
Nov (GPC). Common in Narrandera Range and at Galore Hill, also near Lake Talbot and Bogolong
Hills but not in the callitris forests S of Narrandera (JNH).
Weebill Recorded near South Grafton 5 Apr and 2 May (GPC).
Brown Warbler Recorded at Mt Jondul 3 Jan (RMC). First ACT record 7 Jul -8 Nov (Canberra

Bird Notes 7: 24).

Mangrove Warbler 10+ at Teralba 16 Jan apparently a new locality (RW et a/ per WPB).
Recorded at Kooragang Island 4 Apr(NSWFOC 54). Recorded at Ukerbarley NR near Tweed Heads
26 Aug (AKM). Resident recorded regularly at Black Neds Bay, Swansea (DH).22 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (17) 1
Western Warbler Departure Coonabarabran 8 Feb, arrival Warrumbungle NP 14 Aug (AKM). A
number of winter records, single birds only, in the Narrandera area 17 May through Jun- Jul; spring
arrival 31 Aug (JNH).
White- throated Warbler Departure Coonabarabran 5 Apr (AKM). Recorded near St Albans 12
Apr (NSWFOC 54). 1 at Cobaki Creek 2 Jul (GPC). Recorded South Turramurra 31 Jul ( IAWM).
Arrival Warrimoo 12 Sep (PL), Hornsby Heights 13 Sep (MC), Coonabarabran 15 Sep (AKM),
Torrens ACT 20 Sep (WJLB), Braddock near Cranebrook 30 Sep (PL). Recorded at Werrikimbe NP
27-31 Dec (RMC et al). Seen or heard every month at Windsor, Richmond or Wilberforce (LS, RB,
Inland Thornbill Common in all pine scrub in Narrandera area including Galore Hill (JNH).
Buff- rumped Thornbill Recorded near Lake Talbot Narrandera; common at Galore Hill south of
Galore (JNH).
Southern Whiteface Nesting c 8 km ENE of Bolivia 3 Jan; fairly common near Mt Jonbler6 km
ESE of Bolivia 16-20 Apr( RMC). Recorded near Deniliquin 19 Apr(AMcB) and near Glen Davis 4 Jul
Varied Sittella White -headed subspecies: at Billyrimba c 25 km SE of Tenterfield 18 Apr
White -throated Treecreeper Common at Mount Galore but apparently does not extend further
NW to Narrandera (JNH).
White- browed Treecreeper Recorded at Mulga Tank 25 km SE of Louth 9 Apr, near Toorale, N
of the Darling River 10 Apr, and near Bedooloa SF, 90 km S of Cobar 11 Apr (WJLB). 1 seen 15 km
from Mt Hope on the Euabalong Road 22 Sep, extreme eastern record (NWS, GH).
Spiny- cheeked Honeyeater between Lithgow and Newnes 16 Sep (ARM).
Striped Honeyeater Recorded at Merriwa 7 Jun (AMcB). Coastal Reports: recorded at Uker-
barley NR near Tweed Heads 27 Aug (AKM); 1 at Tuncurry 18 Apr(J EN); nesting at Hat Head 7 Sep
(DH), and a pair feeding 2 dependant young at Buff Point Budgewoi in early Nov (GL per DIS).
Noisy Friarbird Recorded at Nocholeche NR near Wanaaring Oct -Nov (CSIRO), and at
Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec (RMC et al).
Little Friarbird Recorded on the Sydney Spring Count 31 Oct (NSWFOC 59).
Regent Honeyeater Recorded near Glen Davis 6 Jun and 14 Jun (AMcB, CBOC 2(6)). 3 at
Gibberadgee 12 Jul (DGG, GH). Recorded at Munghorn Gap NR 3-5 Oct (NSWFOC 57). A flock (c
20+) in flowering Grevillea robusta at Wilberforce 27 Oct -6 Dec, several juveniles noted, probably
bred (AEFR, EG, DH, LC, IAWM, ARM, CMB, RB, LS, CBOC 3(2), NSWFOC 59). A pair at Bents Basin
31 Oct (ARM).
Blue- faced Honeyeater at Cattai 22 Feb (BH). Recorded at Coutts Crossing 24 Aug (AKM).
Yellow -throated Miner 7 at Maules Creek 50 km SE of Narrabri 3 Mar (DCR). Recorded at
Gurley 14 Sep (AKM).October, 1982 23
Yellow- faced Honeyeater Several at Mathoura 1 Jun ( PM).
Singing Honeyeater caught and banded near Woolshed, Warrumbungle NP 16 Apr- first
record for middle section though known to occur in the southern and northern outliers of the
Warrumbungle Range (AKM). c 6 near Wyalong 1 Aug- close to eastern limits at this latitude (JDi,
White -eared Honeyweater Arrival Moruya 7 Apr, departure 16 Sep (SM). Common in
Narrandera Range and at Bogolong Hills, Narrandera (JNH).
Yellow -tufted Honeyeater A small colony located at Bogolong Hills near Narrandera 17 May
Grey -fronted Honeyeater Several feeding with Brown Honeyeaters in mistletoe in gidgee at
Priory Tank 60 km S of Cobar8 Apr and 11 Apr(WJLB). Fairly common in mallee at Round Hill NR 23
Oct (AEFR et an.
Fuscous Honeyeater Arrival Moruya 7 Apr, departure 30 Aug (SM). Many present for several
months at Mathoura from 26 May (PM).
Black -chinned Honeyeater Adult feeding nestlings in nest in spotted gum near South Grafton
14 Nov (GPC).
White -throated Honeyeater 2+ at Newfoundland SF 16 Apr; 2 at Warrell Point near Nambucca
Heads 24 Jun (GPC).
White-naped Honeyeater at Deniliquin 18 Sep (PM).
Brown Honeyeater Several feeding with Yellow- fronted Honeyeaters in mistletoe in gidgee at
Priory Tank 60 km S of Cobar8 Apr and 11 Apr( WJ LB). Recorded near Scheyville 16 May( NSWFOC
54). Recorded at Nocholeche NR near Wanaaring in Aug and Oct -Nov (CSIRO). Small numbers at
Black Neds Bay, Swansea (DH).
Painted Honeyeater Nesting, fairly common at Munghorn Gap NR 3-5 Oct (DH, KEtRB,
NSWFOC 57). at Great Cobar Tank 8 Oct (PD, AKM 113).
New Holland Honeyeater Recorded at Mt Glennie, Roseberry SF 17 Mar and 11 May (GH). 3
near Bolivia 16 Apr; 2 near Mt Bajimba 19 Apr (RMC).
White -fronted Honeyeater Recorded feeding in flowering eucalypts at Broken Hill 5-7 Jan-
the only records for 1981 (NS). Recorded at Gulpa Forest 2 May (Bird Obs. No. 598: 91), and at
Nocholeche NR near Wanaaring in Aug and Oct- Nov (CSIRO). Nesting at Willandra NP- date not
supplied (NSWFOC 58).
Tawny- crowned Honeyeater Many at Salt Ash near Newcastle 8 Mar (HBOC per WPB). 4 at
Dudley -Redhead, Newcastle 27 Jun ( FWvG per WPB). Recorded at Windsor 5 Aug, an unusual
locality (LS, CMB, RB).
Eastern Spinebill 1 at Mathoura over several weeks from 26 May (PM).
Black Honeyeater Recorded at Nocholeche NR near Wanaaring in Aug(CSIRO). Common right
through the Wanaaring and Hungerford area 6-12 Sep (PM). A male and 2 females feeding in24
Oleander bushes at Newberry HSD 40 km NE of Coonamble 27 Dec – first local record in 7 years
(JWh per AKM).
Pied Honeyeater 1 at Hungerford 7 Sep and a pair at Cobar water supply dam 9 Sep ( M per
AKM). Several at Yantabulla 12 Sep (PM).
Scarlet Honeyeater A pair at Pincham’s woolshed, Warrumbungle N P24 Nov, first park record
(ND, AKM). 2 at Billyrimba c 25 km SE of Tenterfield 18 Apr( RMC); 1 at Werrikimbe NP31 Dec (SD,
WG, IAWM, RMC et al). 2 males at South Turramurra, Sydney 31 May ( IAWM); more common than
usual in the Sydney- Hawkesbury district Aug -Dec, 2 nests found at Sackville Lagoon (RB, DH, LC,
IAWM, LS, PL, ARM, NSWFOC 56). Arrival Moruya 2 Sep (SM).
Crimson Chat A spectacular influx to the Central- west occurred in Sep- Oct, many observers
reporting the largest numbers in several decades; irruption centred mainly in the Ivanhoe- Hillston-
Cobar-Castlereagh region, but extending E to Molong and Sat least to Deniliquin and the Cocoparra
and Weddin ranges; stragglers at Rocky Glen, Mt Kaputar NP, Binnaway, Munghorn Gap NR, and N
of Singleton; breeding widespread. Reports too complex to summarize effectively here, and a full
report is in preparation ( RM, WT, DJ, AKM, NWS, GH, CMB, EBT, JPo, PM, MA ARM, AEFR, AOM,
Orange Chat 1 at Grong Grong 22 Mar, 2 at Cuddell, Narrandera 27 Mar(JNH), and 5 at Griffith
5 Apr (PSe, Bird Obs. No. 595). An irruption occurred in late 1981, similar in extent, numbers and
timing to that of the Crimson Chat (see remarks under that species), extending E to Wellington,
Molong and Coonamble, and S to Barham, Griffith, Narrandera and Grong Grong; breeding
widespread; a full report is in preparation (AKM, RM, JP, JNH, EBT, PA per DIS, CSIRO, AOM, DJ per
White -fronted Chat Perhaps involved (although in a much less spectacular manner) in the
influx of Crimson and Orange Chats already commented on. Present in the Bugaldie area in small
numbers Jan -May, breeding confirmed- not previously recorded in the Castlereagh region during
the period 1975 -Oct 1980; since then regularly seen at Gumin, Bugaldie, Mt Tenandra and
Warrumbungle Oct 1980-31 May 1981 and again Oct -Dec 1981 (WT, AKM). Recorded at
Nocholeche NR near Wanaaring in Aug, at Tongo Lake 3-5 Nov (CSIRO). 20-25 at Turrawonga HSD
near Molong 2 Oct remained until mid -Dec, probably bred (JP). Recorded at Munghorn Gap NR
3-5 Oct (NSWFOC 57).
Yellow- rumped Pardalote A few in Bogolong Hills and Narrandera Range (JNH).
Red- brown Pardalote Recorded at Nocholeche NR near Waraaring in Aug (CSIRO). Many seen
near Wanaaring and Yantabulla 9-12 Sep (PM).
Yellow- tipped Pardalote Recorded at Annangrove 16 May (NSWFOC 54), on the Sydney
Autumn Count 30 May, and at Longneck Lagoon 11 Jul (NSWFOC 56).

European Goldfinch Common at Tenterfield 13 Sep (AKM).

Greenfinch 1 at Chipping Norton 23 Sep first local record (ARM).
Tree Sparrow 2 at Weethalle 2 Jul ( PAB). 18+ at Cowra 25 Jul (CBOC2(6)), and 10 same place
28 Nov (DH).
Beautiful Firetail at Hyams Beach Feb (JNH).
1 1October, 1982 25
Double- barred Finch Recorded at Carramar HSD 9 km SE of Gilgandra 15 Apr ( NA per AKM).
Max 92 in one flock at Bogolong Hills, Narrandera 17 May, also smaller flocks at Lake Talbot (JNH).

Permanent resident in the Bega area, several nests found a few miles S of Bega (DLa).

Plum -headed Finch 2 at Trevallyn HSD 20 km N of Singleton from 17 Mar for 5 weeks
attempted to breed, observer’s second local record in 12 years( DCR). 1 beside Severn River1 km W
of Severn 16 Apr, 5+ near Bolivia 18 Apr( RMC). 10 seen 2 km W of Dundee 19 Apr, 30+ just N of
Bolivia 20 Apr( DH). Several winter records in the Capertee Valley (AMcB, RB, CBOC 2(6)). 2 at Putty
22 Aug (ARM). 2 at Munghorn Gap 4-5 Oct (DH, NSWFOC 57).
Chestnut- breasted Mannikin 300+ Lawrence 22 Mar (GPC).
Olive- backed Oriole Recorded near Carline HSD 45 km NNE of Cobar 10 Jan (WJLB).
Departure Coonabarabran 14 Mar, arrival Warrumbungle NP 9 Jul; recorded at Inglewarra HSD near
Coonabarabran in Oct (AKM).
Spangled Drongo 1 at Reaghside HSD 10 km S of Coonamble on the Castlereagh River, in
riverside vegetation 19 Mar (JA per AKM). Several records from the lower Clarence area Feb- Mar
(GPC). 15 in a loose flock moving N in coastal vegetation at Brooms Head 11 Feb (DCR). 1 at
Coopernook SF N of Landsdowne 20 Dec ( RMC). A number of records from the Sydney- Hawkesbury
region 4 Mar -30 Sep (RB, AC, AEFR, MR&RBB, DT, TH, AIGL). 1 at Barragga Point 10 km S of
Bermagui 15 Apr (PS per LS).
Regent Bowerbird near Belbora 8 Jan; recorded at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec (RMC et al).
Green Catbird 1 near Mt Bajimba 19 Apr; 1 at Werrikimbe NP 31 Dec- seems to be rare in this
area (RMC et al).
Paradise Riflebird Recorded at Barrington Tops 26 Jan and 30 Oct ( FWvG per WPB, NSWFOC
55). Moderately common in all rainforest areas at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec, first Park record; 1
near Mt Seaview 30 Dec (RMC et al).
Apostlebird Noted at Sutherland, Sydney on two occasions in Jan (several birds seen regularly
in the area since Jan 1977), and at Heathcote 3 May -20 Jul (DHa, CBOC 2(5)).
White -breasted Woodswallow Departure South Grafton 13 Apr, arrival 26 Aug (GPC); arrival
Cambria HSD near Barham 6 Sep (EBT). Recorded at Kenebri 23 Oct (DJ per AKM). 20+ at
Kooragang Island 20 Nov (SMa per AKM). Pair feeding 3 fledglings at near Wyong 2 Dec (RB).
White- browed Woodswallow Departure Warrumbungle NP 5 Jan; arrival Warrumbungle NP 8
Oct, Gulargambone 8 Nov (AKM); recorded at Kenebri 23 Oct (DJ per AKM). 4 at Winmalee 3 Oct
(NK). Only one record at Narrandera, a small party 13 Oct (JNH). No records in the Singleton district
where common in 1980 (DCR).
Black -faced Woodswallow Recorded at Mullaley 23 Aug, and at Kenebri 23 Oct (DJ, AKM).
Little Woodswallow seen 15 km SSE of Louth 9 Apr(WJ LB). A pair nesting at Kenebri 23 Oct

  • 1
    all 6 species of woodswallows recorded here at the same time (DJ per AKM).
    Black- backed Magpie Recorded as prey of a Powerful Owl at Lindfield Aug- Sep ( DH). Among
    the 10 most numerous (total 94) species around Coonabarabran on a count 31 Oct (AKM).26 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (1 7) 1
    White- backed Magpie Recorded regularly S of a point 86 km N of Cooma 5 Apr, first Black-
    backed Magpie seen c 14 km further N towards Canberra; white -backs generally in the highlands,
    black -backs in the lowlands (ABu).
    Pied Currawong Recorded at Cambria HSD 24 May ( EBT). 1 on nest in eucalypt Royal Botanic
    Gardens, Sydney 2 Sep (GPC). Recorded nesting at Raymond Terrace 15 Nov- usually nest in the
    hills well to the west (CE per PAB).
    Forest Raven A roadkill at Stewarts River Jan considered to be this species, partly decayed
    (GPC). Recorded at Forestland SF near Bolivia 2-4 Jan; 5 seen W of Rock River near Uralla 5 Jan;
    recorded at Port Macquarie 20-21 Apr( RMC). 2 at Harrington 6 Sep (G pq. at Mungo Brush, Myall
    Lakes NP 8 Sep ( DH). Recorded on the upper Forbes Riber, Mt Boss SF 21 Oct- eastern limit at this

latitude (GH). Commonest corvid at Werrikimbe NP 27-31 Dec; 3 at Nandewar Range, c 7 km SW of

Roumalla 26 Dec western record? 5-10 seen c 2 km N of Kangaroo Flat 29 Dec (RMC).
Little Raven 24 at Dawsons Hill 30 km N of Singleton 7 Feb- seldom recorded locally ( DCR).
First positive identification for the Cooyal-Mudgee district when a specimen was obtained Mar- Jun
from a flock feeding in a vineyard after most of the grapes had been picked- specimen in AM ( NKK
per AKM).
Torresian Crow 80+ near Lawrence 22 Aug (GPC). 3 seen c 2 km N of Kangaroo Flat 29 Dec
Little Bittern male at Red Rock NP 19-21 Dec (RMC).
Terek Sandpiper 5 at Iluka 16-19 Dec (RMC).
Wandering Tattler at Valla Beach 23 Dec (RMC).
Marsh Sandpiper at Dangars Lagoon, Uralla 27 Dec (RMC).
Sanderling 9 at Jerusalem Creek 14-16 Dec; 10 at Red Rock NP 19-21 Dec (RMC).
White -capped Noddy at Valla Beach 23 Dec (RMC).
Black -faced Woodswallow 3 at Bozah Crossing W of Manilla 3 Jan (RMC).
White browed Woodswallow The influx to the eastern parts of the state extended even further
S than indicated in the 1980 Report, with influxes noted near Bombala (Recher and Schultz.
Observations on the breeding biology of the White-browed Woodswallow. Corella: in press) and
Canberra (Canberra Bird Notes 7: 28, 32).October, 1982 27
A solitary Franklin’s Gull Larus pipixcan was seen in the upper reaches of Sydney Harbour,
NSW for several months during 1981. It was first seen on 11 May 1981 by SD who was travelling by
ferry from Longuevil le to Circular Quay. It was seen subsequently on fifteen occasions up to 25 July
between Woodford Bay (Lane Cove River) and Balls Head, though most often around Greenwich
Point. It apparently then left the area, as it was not seen by SD in the course of almost daily ferry
travel for several months. A E. F. Rogers ( pers. comm.) saw the bird at the northern end of Botany Bay
on 31 October, and SD saw it again at Greenwich Point on 18 November but not thereafter.
During its stay, the gull was seen by over twenty observers, including several with previous
overseas experience of Franklin’s Gull. Additionally, DWE had previous field experience of the
species in Australia and of both Franklin’s and Laughing Gulls Larus atricilla in Panama. Detailed
field notes and photographs obtained by DWE during the first three months of observation were
submitted to the RAOU Records Appraisal Committee; the record was unanimously accepted (Case
No. 40, S.A Parker in litt, 11 March 1982).
The following description is based upon field notes and photographs taken on 23, 24 and 30
May 1981.
Size, jizz and flight
In flight, slightly smaller than Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae owing to its shorter wings, tail
and neck. Head profile more rounded and body stockier giving a more compact appearance. Flight
similar to Silver Gull but at times action seemed quicker, more buoyant and tern- like.
Head: white with prominent black half hood formed by black rear crown extending onto ear –
coverts, through eye and lower lores to base of bill. Mid crown streaked black and white, forehead
white with scattering of black feathers; lores black, finely mottled whitish. Broken eye -ring formed
of thick white crescents above and below the eye, the lower one set toward and sloping up to rear
of eye.
Upperparts: mantle, back and rump uniform mid -grey, colour much darker than mantle of Silver
Gull, close to that of nearby adult Crested Tern Sterna bergii but looking cleaner, sometimes bluer in
tone. Tertials grey as mantle, fringed white (forming thick white crescent at base of folded primaries
when at rest). Upper tail -coverts white with pale pink flush at base on left side, visible only at close
Underparts: white with pale pink flush on breast and belly, also visible only at close range.
Wings: upperwing uniform mid -grey as mantle, with broad white trailing edge occupying
approximately one- fifth of wing breadth, and a black triangle at wing tip. White trailing edge formed
by fresh, broad white tips to all secondaries and primaries (P, numbered from innermost first) 1-5,
these remiges with grey bases like upperwing coverts. Fs 6-8 with fresh white apical spots slightly
smaller than on inner primaries. Apical spots to P’s 9 and 10 much smaller again, showing rounded
tips indicating little wear. Black triangle at wing- tip formed by sub -terminal bands across both webs
of the outer primaries, increasing in size outwards from a spot on P 6 to take up approximately one28 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (17) 1
quarter of distance between carpal joint and wing tip on P 10. White crescent across wing tip

formed by relatively narrow white bands across Fs 6-10, these between grey bases and sub

terminal black bands. White of P 10 extending beyond primary coverts, outer web black to primary
coverts forming a thin black leading edge to wing. Medium sized white mirror near tip of P 10,
confined mainly to inner web though barely lapping outer.
Underwing coverts white. Grey bases to flight feathers forming a band on rear half of under –
wing, this often heightening the greyish, shadowed appearance of the underwing at some angles.
Black triangle of upperwing plus white trailing edge and crescent repeated on underwing but with
less contrast When back- lit, white trailing edge and crescent conspicuously translucent grey
bases to flight feathers partially so.
Tail: square, white at sides and tip with pale grey central area abutting tips of upper tail coverts.
Viewed square on, the grey centre surprisingly easy to see in good light, even at long range.
Soft parts: bill shape very similar to Silver Gull, black with a small bright crimson tip, mainly on
upper mandible. Legs, feet and irides appeared black.
The gull underwent a complete moult from second basic (= winter or non -breeding plumage) to
second alternate (= summer or breeding plumage), this being symmetrical in both wings and tail.
On 30 May, P’s 1-7 were fully grown and P 8 three quarters grown, all with fresh apical spots (see
Fig. 1). P’s 9 and 10 were fully grown, the tips slightly worn. Large gaps in the proximal section of
Figure 1. Franklin’s Gull moulting from second basic to second alternate plumage, Sydney Harbour,
NSW, 24 May 1981 (D. W Eades).October, 1982 29
middle secondaries indicated active moult. The tail, when fanned at close range, showed its outer-
most visible rectrices to be just over half grown. Active moult of head region indicated by scattered
incoming black feathers and pale mottling of frons and lores (suggesting fresh pale tips to new
feathers). Moult was almost complete by 28 June with the new P 9 about three quarters grown,
patterned as P 8, and the tip of the new P 10 was just emerging from the edge of the underwing
lining. On 25 July, P10 was almost fully grown, showing a white apical spot, but the exact pattern of
black and white could not be determined. Head and soft part colours remained much as they were in
May. Observations in November suggested that the black half hood had become more extensive.
The birds moult was consistent with the species’ annual pattern of two complete moults per year,
unique amongst gulls (Grant 1982).
Observed at all times of day, the bird was most often seen flying alone over the harbour and
occasionally along the shore, often passing within 20 metres of observers. It apparently spent much
of its time foraging, making occasional snatches at the water’s surface, but rarely landed. Although
seen to compete for food scraps, it was never aggressive to the many Silver Gulls present Calls
were heard briefly by other observers on one occasion, but the details are unknown.
According to Grant (op. cit), Franklin’s Gull normally reaches definitive (= adult) plumage in
second alternate; from the details provided, our bird can be aged as being in second basic plumage,
later moulting to second alternate. First year birds are eliminated because they possess dusky
brown areas on the primary coverts, secondaries and tail, more extensive black on the outer primar-
ies, and lack a white band on P10. The small but fresh apical spot of P’s 9-10 (before being moulted
in June), and possibly the relatively small size of the mirror on P 10, are characteristic of second
basic plumage. Birds in definitive basic plumage have much large apical spots and a large mirror.
Taken in combination, the possession of small size, mid- grey upperparts, black bill with red tip,
and conspicuous upperwing characters readily eliminate all gull species except Laughing Gull Larus
atricilla and Franklin’s Gull L pipixcan. The presence of white bands forming a clear division
between the black and grey sections of Ps 6-10 is diagnostic of L pipixcan, L atricilla never having
white areas through the primaries. The grey tail centre is a feature unique to L pipixcan amongst all
adult gulls, and is also found in second -year plumages(Grant, op. cit). Other characters which differ
from those of L atricilla are the smaller size and more compact build (relative to Silver Gull), more
rounded head profile, shorter bill lacking drooped effect, prominent blackish half hood, thicker eye
crescents, and pink flush as opposed to pure white on underparts. Additionally, L atricilla never has
an apical spot on P 10 or white mirrors on any primaries. The identification of Franklin’s Gull has
been discussed by Grant (op. cit).
This appears to be the fifth Australian and first New South Wales report of Franklin’s Gull.
Previous Australian reports are of a second year or definitive bird at Bunbury, WA in August 1957
(Dixon 1958), and unpublished sightings of individuals at Jurien Bay, WA in March 1974 and at
Geraldton, WA in March 1976 (listed by McEvey 1977). The only previous east coast occurrence is
of a second year bird at Brisbane, Qld during January- March 1981 (C. Corben, pers. comm.).
The presence of Franklin’s Gull in Australia is perhaps hardly surprising in view of its long
annual migration and dispersive nature. The species breeds in central North America, migrating30 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (17)
south to winter along the west coast of South America and in the Galapagos Islands Murphy 1936:
1079-1081, Devillers and Terschuren 1976). Numerous records of vagrancy exist there being
some fourteen reports for Britain and Europe (Jonsson and Wennberg 1981). More relevant here are
occurences on the Hawaiian, Line and Marquesas island groups of the central Pacific (King 1967:
70). Additionally, there are single records for Gough Island in the South Atlantic (Watson 1975:
219), Marion Island in the south-western Indian Ocean (Sinclair1981) and several records for South
Africa (Clancey 1980: 81).
Evidently, the species is capable of long-distance pelagic movements and the widespread
occurrences mentioned above support the contention that Australian records of L pipixcan are of
natural vagrants rather than of ship -assisted birds.
We thank C. Corben, S. Bennett and D. Robinson for comments on an earlier draft of this paper.
Clancey, P.A 1980 (ed). S.AO.S. checklist of Southern African birds. South African Ornithological Society, Capetown.
Devillers, P. and Terschuren, J.A 1976. Some distributional records of migrant North American Charadriiformes in
coastal South America. Le Gerfaut 66: 107-125.
Dixon, T.G. 1958. Strange gull at Bunbury, W.A. Emu 58: 71-72.
Grant, P.J. 1982. Gulls a guide to identification. T Et AD Poyser Ltd, Calton, Staffordshire, England.
Jonsson, P.E and Wennberg, 0. 1981. (Two records of Franklin’s Gull Carus pipixcan in Sweden]. V5r F5gelVarld 40:
King, W.B. 1967. Seabirds of the Tropical Pacific Ocean. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
McEvey, AR. 1977. Report of the RAOU Record Appraisal Committee. Emu 77: 149-150.
Murphy, RC. 1936. Oceanic Birds of South America, vol. 2. Macmillan, New York
Sinclair, J.C. 1981. Eight previously unreported seabirds at Marion Island, Indian Ocean. Ardea 69: 217-218.
Watson, G.E 1975. Birds of the Antarctic and Sub- Antarctic. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
D.W. Eades, 15 Victoria Street St Kilda, Vic., 3182
S.J.S. Debus, P.O. Box 1015, Armidale, NSW, 2350.October, 1982 31
The Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica has not previously been recorded in New South Wales.
Elsewhere in Australia the species is generally regarded as an uncommon summer visitor to tropical
Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia. Recently Klapste (1977, Aust Bird Watcher
7: 25-34) detailed records south to Gayndah and Gympie in Queensland; there is also one record
from South Australia ( Pedler 1977, S. Aust Orn. 27: 256-257), and a recent record for Western
Australia south of the Pilbara (Barnes 1982, West Aust Nat 15: 73-74). This paper summarizes
observations of a Barn Swallow at McGraths Hill Sewerage Treatment Ponds, 64 km north-west of
Sydney during November 1981 -January 1982.
On 15 November 1981, N. Dymond, a visiting British ornithologist saw a bird he considered a
Barn Swallow resting on a fence wire alongside a number of Welcome Swallows Hirundo neoxena
near one of the treatment ponds at McGraths Hill. The observation was brief, and the sighting was
left tentative in view of the bird’s status.
On 5 December 1981, T. R. Lindsey, A McBride and I saw a Barn Swallow, presumably the
same bird as the earlier sighting, flying with several hundred swallows and martins over the settling
ponds at McGraths Hill. It was obviously feeding on the innumerable small insects attracted to the
ponds. The bird was seen three times over a period of three hours; conditions were hot clear and
calm. The bird was recognized immediately as a Barn Swallow, all three observers being familiar
with the species either in Australia or overseas, but a detailed field description was taken and
checked later.
Subsequently A Dampney and D. Larkins saw the bird briefly on 6 December flying over the
same ponds. F. Johnston and J. Waugh gained a four -minute view of it perched on telegraph wires
at the nearby Windsor High School on 17 December, and it was seen again by LAW. McAllen on 21
December and by T. R. Lindsey on 27 December. It was apparently last seen by J.J. Francis and J.
Aitken on 20 January 1982.
DESCRIPTION: Similar to a Welcome Swallow in size, flight and general appearance. Crown,
mantle, rump, upperwings and tail dark steely blue -black, noticeably darker and glossier than
Welcome Swallow. Tail streamers obviously longer than those of surrounding Welcome Swallows
( by an estimated 10 mm), with no white detectable in any of the feathers. Underwings sooty black
(compared to dull grey in Welcome Swallow), reinforcing the darker general appearance in flight
Underparts (upper belly to under tail -coverts) creamy white, most similar in shade to the throat
colour of a White- backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternum (F. Johnston, pers. comm.); a
conspicuous dark steel -blue band across the upper breast approximately 10 mm wide. Chin, throat
and forehead rich rusty red, approaching chestnut
I thank A McBride and T. R. Lindsey for their assistance with an earlier draft of this note.32 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS (17)
Larkins, D. 1982. Vocal behaviour in the Grey Butcherbird at Turramurra, New South Wales. Aust
Birds 16 (4): 53-59.
Ordinary typographical errors are the bane of editors and publishers in that they are so difficult
to entirely eliminate. But it is at least true that such minor errors do not usually completely destroy
the sense. However, in the paper cited above, a number of errors occurred at some stage in the
publication process, which seriously distort the author’s intended meaning. Several complete lines
were lost in the text as it appeared in print as well as two entire paragraphs; a number of minor
typographic errors further contributed to this unfortunate occurrence.
Both the Editor and the Committee fully appreciate the gravity of this situation, and we
apologize sincerely to Ms Larkins and to readers of this interesting paper.
In several instances the loss of text resulted in garbling the meaning to such an extent that it
seems best to repeat the entire paragraph. Accordingly the correct text of the affected paragraphs is

given in full below.

p. 55, under heading: (c) QUIET SINGING after the fifth paragraph insert
“Robinson (1946) distinguishes between whisper song and sub- song and though whisper
song and mimicking had no biological significance. However his later reference (1949) suggested
whisper song was sexually based and may have been an outlet for surplus energy or hormones.
According to Robinson’s 1946 definition we should classify adult quiet singing as “whisper
song”. Immature birds quietly practising calls produce “sub- song”. This definition rather neatly

distinguishes between the two types of quiet song.”

p. 57, under heading: (c) ATTACK CALLS delete paragraph and insert
“These are loud harsh sounds delivered by either bird to both mammalian and avian. intruders
that venture too close to the nest Sulphur- crested Cockatoos, Laughing Kokaburras Dace/o
novaequineae and Australian Ravens Corvus coronoides ar driven off by attack calls and aggressive
flights and beak claps. During incubation and early nestling stage Grey Butcherbirds are rather quiet,
but as nestlings mature, humans approaching the nest are intimidated by aerial attacks with harsh
calls and beak clapping. The intensity of the attack wanes after several fly-pasts, or after a direct hit”
p. 57, under heading: (e) PRE -PERCHING or SLUMBER SONG- delete paragraph and insert
“During nest building there was little sound production late in the day, but some low, almost
inaudible warbles, with preening, shaking of plumage and beak wiping, were noticed immediately
before the bird’s inspection of the roost Both male and female made these soft calls. This behaviour
was noted during nest building only in 1972 when the newly formed pair chose a low night perch
near the nest site. The behaviour could occur in seasons when a high night perch is used, but it is not
easy to see in failing light and was only recorded near the low nigh roost in the first breeding season
of this pair. In some respects the later behaviour of the pair varied from that of the first year and the
male butcherbird did not pay so much attention to his mate after 1972 when the pair was first
formed. Some aspects of this will be discussed in a later paper.”
In addition, two typographic errors significantly affect the meaning of the text (a) in the
paragraph under the heading “Songs and Calls” )p. 53), the closing quotation mark is misplaced.
The final sentence is an authors comment and is NOT included in the quotation. (b) in the third
paragraph under the heading “Quiet Singing”, the word “nest” should be “next” (i.e. from one
breeding season to the following).
Finally, the authors name and address was inadvertently deleted from the paper. Dariel
Larkins, 225 Kissing Point Road, Turramurra, NSW, 2074.NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS
Contributors are requested to observe the following points when submitting articles and notes
for publication.

  1. Species, names, and the order in which they occur are to be in accordance with” Handlist
    of Birds in New South Wales”. AK. Morris, A R. McGill and G. Holmes 1981 Dubbo:
  2. Articles or notes should be typewritten if possible and submitted in duplicate. Double
    spacing is required.
  3. Margins of not less than 25mm width at the left hand side and top, with similar or slightly
    smaller at the right hand side of pages.
  4. No underlinings and no abbreviations except as shown in the examples.
  5. Photographs should be glossy finish and not too small.
  6. The Style Manual, Commonwealth Government Printing Office, Canberra (1966) and
    subsequent editions will be the guide for this Journal.
  7. Diagrams should be on plain white paper drawn with india ink. Any lettering is to be
    ‘professional style’ or lightly pencilled.
  8. Dates must be written “1 January 1975” except in tables and figures where they may be
  9. The 24-hour clock will be used, times being written 06:30, 18:30 for 6.30 a.m. and
    6.30 p.m. respectively.
  10. Mr, Mrs, Dr are not followed by a full stop.
  11. In text, numbers one to ten are spelt numbers of five figures or more should be grouped in
    threes and spaced by a thin gap. Commas should not be used as thousands markers.
  12. References to other articles should be shown in the text-‘… B.W. Finch and M.D. Bruce
    (1974) stated…’ and under heading
    Finch, B.W. and M.D. Bruce 1974 The Status of the Blue Petrel in Australian Waters
    Aust Birds 9, 32-35
  13. Acknowledgements to other individuals should include Christian names or initials.Vol. 17, No. 1 October, 1981
    Lindsey, T.R. NSW Bird Report for 1981
    Contributors 2
    Systematic List 3
    Appendix: Addenda 1980 Report 26
    Eades, D.W. Et
    S.J. Debus A Franklin’s Gull in Sydney Harbour, NSW 27
    Hobcroft, Dion First Record of the Barn Swallow in New South Wales 31

Corrigenda: Vocal Behaviour in the Grey Butcherbird 32

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