PDF version available here: Vol. 4 No. 4
Published by the Gould League Birdwatcheris Club
Vol. 4 No. 4 1st April, 1970.
10 Loquat Valley Road, Bayview.
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: LOLA SMITH,
84 Arabella St.,
Hon. Assistant Secretary: R. COOKE,
111 Maroubra Rd., Maroubra.
Field- day Organiser: G. Dibley,
- 18 Russell St., Oatley.
Observations Committee: K.A. HINDWOOD and A.R. McGILL
Photographic Adviser: NORMAN CHAFFER
Art Adviser: E.S. HOSKIN
Annual Subscription – due 1st July each year.
Single Member – $1.50; Junior Member – $1.00; Family – $2.00.
(Registered at the G.P.O. Sydney for transmission by post as a periodical).
A note in a recent issue of BIRDS (Vol.3, No.5) recorded
that a roving Currawong alighted on a branch a few feet from
a perched female Lyrebird and uttered its cry of “Currawong”,
upon which the Lyrebird at once imitated the call. This
brought to mind a similar occurrence in Sydney’s National
Park some years ago. A hen Lyrebird was scratching about
near her nest when a Currawong flew overhead and made its
“signature” announcement, and immediately the Lyrebird twist-
ed her head slightly and rendered a precise imitation. (It
is now fairly well known, of course, that the female Lyrebird
is capable of very competent vocal mimicry, of either birds
or mammals, when the spirit moves her.)BIRDS – 26 – April 1, 1970.
Possibly all master mimics are able to render instant
imitations of sounds which they hear, or at least certain
sounds. That other relic of antiquity, the Rufous Scrub –
bird, is certainly able to do so. Once, when I was spying
upon an example of this talented little bird, on the
McPherson Range, a Crey Fantail in a tree above uttered
its animated twitter, and immediately the Scrub -bird
echoed the sound.
In most cases, no doubt, the mocker will have previous-
ly heard the sounds which it instantly imitates. But,
apparently, unfamiliar sounds can also be mimicked promptly,
though not necessarily retained. At any rate, S.W. Jackson
has recorded that on an occasion when he whistled to a
colleague, some distance away, a Rufous Scrub -bird
immediately imitated the sound.
A.H. CHISHOLM, Sydney.
The White -breasted qood-Swallow (Artamus
leucorhynchus) has the most extensive distribution of any
member of the genus. Its range extends as far east as
Fiji in the Pacific; to the Phillippines north of
Australia, and to islands in the Bay of Bengal and the
Andaman Islands near India. Six of the ten known species
inhabit Australia.
This attractive Wood -Swallow is found in both coastal
and inland areas of north-west Australia, the Northern
Territory, Queensland and New South Wales. In Victoria
itUS:(except for sporadic occurrences further south)
largely a bird of the northern parts of that State. In
Sbuth Australia it occurs mostly in the north-east with
an extension as far south as the Murray River; and in
Western Australia south to the Sharks Bay area.
The N.S.Wales distribution is interesting, the
species having a wide range inland but on the coast extends
only as far south as the 1-iyong district some 40 milesBIRDS – 29 – April 1, 1970.
north of Sydney. Earlier, John Gould observed White -breasted.
Wood -Swallows in “considerable abundance” on “Mosquito, and
other small islands near the mouth of the Hunter”, that is
near Newcastle about 35 miles north of Wyong. Since Gould’s
visit in 1839 the locality has been much altered by settlement
reclamation and industrial development. It was on Ash Island,
in the same area, that Dr. E.P. Ramsay shot a pair of these
Wood -Swallows’ in the dead oaks of Wil3fares Swamp” on
September 23, 1861(MS.notebook).
It is likely that this species is a regular migrant to
the southern parts of its range, if not elsewhere. The birds
at Wyong have been recorded from September to March and nest-
ing there has taken place late September to January. One
particular nest -site was used at least three times in two
rears end recently two other nest -sites occupies in October
1967: (eggs and young nestlings respectively) were used again,
presumably by the same birds, in December: on the 20th of
that month one of these nests held three fresh eggs and the
other two recently -hatched young and an egg.
Nests, which may be built as high as 80 feet above the
ground, are cup -shaped and formed of fine dead grasses; those
at Wyong have been from 7 to 20 feet up in open hollows in
dead limbs or in the forks of paper -bark trees close to, or
bordering on extensive reedy swamp. Elsewhere the species
is also often found near water and it frequents mangroves and
coastal islands in various parts of its Australian range.
In northern Queensland it nests in street trees in Cairns
and other towns. Several instances are known of nests being
placed in the open mud nests of Magpie -Larks.
Ben Wallace and John Thomas, the young observers who
first recorded the species from near Wyong in 1960, reported
finding, in November 1963, a nest containing three of the
Wood -Swallows’ eggs and an egg of the Pallid Cuckoo.
K.A. HINDWOOD, Lindfield.BIRDS – 30 – April 1, 1970.
The Spangled Drongo has been observed in close
proximity to our house in West Pymble for six consecutive
days, from 18th Feb. 1970 to 23rd. Feb. 1970 and is still
in the vicinity at the time of writing. Early in the
morning its chattering has been heard from some thick
undergrowth before it rises to the higher branches of the
eucalypts to continue its chatter with also a flipping of
its fish -like tail. The Currawongs object to its prescence,
but it -is very little disturbed. Four years ago, a Drongo
was observed in the same location.
By Arnold R. McGill.
With much attention now focussed on the bi-centenary
of the discovery of eastern Australia, I have many times
tried to picture what part of the environs of Botany Bay
have changed little during that period of time. Of
course, when I commenced to take a keener interest in the
1930s, the whole area was then far less -thickly populated,
and some areas, .especially on the southern side, were
still little ravaged by man. One such locality on the
western side enticed me frequently – swampland, good-sized
reed -beds and tangled low scrub extending for some distance
along Wolli Creek, and also along Bardwell Creels, which
joins the larger stream about a mile upstream from the
latter’s junction with Cook’s River, near Tempe railway
In the early 1940s when petrol rationing prevented
travelling to more distant parts, I regularly visited
the vicinity of these two creeks, which, except for the
many houses built on the higher ground a few hundred
30.BIRDS – 31 – April 1,. 1970
yards distant on each side of the valley, and the -occasional
stack of deposited rubbish that had been dumped there:- a sure:
sign of encroaching civilization, probably looked little
different from the time when the first pioneers reached that
far south of Sydney. Records have been kept of- all my earlier
trips along that interesting two-mile stretch of ‘creekside,
haunts, and some birds were even added to my ‘personal life; list.
The first outing of the many Allen Keast (now Professor of
Biology at Queens University, Canada) and I had together,,was
there on August 9, 1941. I vividly remember our combined.
surprise on our -nexttrip there two months later (October
when the White -backed Swallow and Red -backed Parrot were.seen —
both species (a small party of each were located) surprisingly,
only five miles from the centre of Sydney. The former was
later found nesting on at least two consecutive seasons in an.
old soil pit near the junction of the two creeks. I well
remember also, an inviting forest of coral trees (Erythrina)
that stood nearby, where during the winter months (especially in
1942) honeyeaters flocked in great numbers to feast on the
nectar. There were hundreds of Yellow -faced, White-naped,
Scarlet, Spinebills and Red Wattle -birds, whilst the Brown and
Fuscous were also not uncommon.
On September 6, 1941, I saw my first Marsh Crakes under
ideal circumstances when a party of seven birds moved close to
where I was resting, one bird even hopping over my outstretched
boot! Mangrove Herons, Brown Bitterns, Azure Kingfishers and
Banded Landrails always made the trip enjoyable, each being
noted on various occasions. The Scarlet Robin and Jacky -Winter
appeared regularly in winter, the latter as well as the Yellow –
tailed Thornbill were at times found nesting in the few -remain-
ing trees along the banks. Along Bardwell Creek on April 3,
1942 Allen Keast and I, surprisingly, had extended close views
of a Grey Currawong — the only time I have known of a record
of this species in the Botany Bay area. The Little Thornbill
in those days was fairly common among the Melaleucas along:
the creek and nests were found not infrequently. Migrants,
such as the White -winged Triller, Black -faced Flycatcher,
Rufous Fantail, Leaden Flycatcher, Dollar -bird and Rufous
Whistler passed through in spring and autumn. I have also
found the Chestnut -breasted Finch nesting in the low swamp
growth, whilst the Reed -Warbler, Little Grassbird and Golden-BIRDS. – 32 – April 1, 1970.
headed Cisticola regularly bred in the reedbeds and adjacent
low growth — these three probably still frequent what is
left of the vegation.
My list of birds seen over the twenty years I
trekked there regularly (hundreds of visits) totals 130.
However, to -day I have difficulty arousing the necessary
enthusiasm to re -visit spots that lured me so willingly in
earlier years. Some of the area has been proclaimed park-
land, some stretches of reed -beds remain still, somehow
having avoided being turned into rubbish -tips, and a Council
golf course covers practically the entire length of Bardwell
Creek. Thousands of homes surrounding the area push their
boundary fences as close as possible to the creekside ridges
and probably just as many domestic cats roam into what is
left of the creek vegetation. Never again will the large
flocks of honeyeaters move there in winter to feast on the
coral -tree blooms, all having been destroyed. Maybe it is
progress, and the average suburban resident will tell how
much better it is that such waste land and uninviting areas
have made way for factories and homes. Yet I somehow
yearn, that the march of time could go backwards to when I
thought this part of Botany Bay swampland so inviting, or
even to those days of long ago when Captain Cook and his
naturalists first set foot on our shores in April 1770.
When reading the short but interesting note “An
Abnormal Tawny Frogmouth” which appeared in “Birds”, Vol.4,
No.3, p.21, a publication in a German periodical, came to my
mind which deals with this problem.
Very little is known about Polydactylia in wild
birds at all which seems to be very rare and its cause is not
fully understood.
The Tawny Frogmouth – Podargus strigoides presented
to the Australian Museum shows the extra toe” which is
small and only branched off the outer toe, but it can stillBIRDS – 33 – April 1, 1970.
be listed as a case of Polydactylia. It is up to date the
first wild bird ever found in Australia.
In the Northern Hemisphere only 5 birds had been discover-
ed until 1952 which had “too many toes”.
They were all members of the Falconiformes.
One Rough -legged Buzzard – Buteo lagopus (v. Reichenau
Three Broad -winged Hawks – Buteo platypterus (Coale 1887,
Beebe 1910)
One Kestrel – Falco tinnunculus (Esther, 1937)
In 1952 a Sparrow Hawk – Accipiter nisus was described
which had 5 toes on the right foot 7.717 toes on the
left one. This bringing the number to six.
(Kummerloeve, 1952).
Recent discoveries seem to be missing (Kummerloeve, 1968).
But a case of Hyperdactylia has been found in an owl, and
apparently published for the first time in 1968.
This again was a bird of prey, a Barn Owl – Tyto alba
aL12La which had been collected on September 10th, 197 —
in a south western district of West Germany.
It has been preserved and mounted because of its beautiful
plumage and “unusual number of toes’ and later presented to the
Museum Alexander Kiinig in Bonn. It has 3 front toes and 2
hind toes evenly developed on each foot.
A photograph shows that each of the two hind toes must
have been separated at an early embryonal stage by the
“responsible factors” (Kummerloeve 1968).
Since all these birds are birds of prey, our Tawny Frog –
mouth may well be the first member of a different family ever
described.BIRDS – 34 – April 1, 1970.
Beebe, W. (1910); Zoologica. 1. No. 6.
Coale, H.K. (1887); The Auk 4.
Esther, H. (1937); Mitt. Ver. S6chs, Ornith. 5, p.111-115.
Kummerloeve, H. (1952); 13pitr.. Vogelkade, 2, p.102-108.
(1968)i Bohn. Zooi. Beitr, 3/4, p.211-214.
Reichenau, ‘!.W. (1880); Kosmos 4, p.318.
R. LOSSIN, Australian Museum, Sydney.
NOTE: The abnormally toed Tawny Frognouth I collected at
Bayview, N.S.:. and now in the Australian Museum reference
collection of birds, has been given catalogue number,
My husband and I have been watching for two or three
weeks a pair of Ravens in Balmoral Park feeding one young
Raven (presumably) with a hooked beak. The beak would
have about the same hook as a bird of prey and we can’t find
any other bird to resemble this in our books. The bird is
identical to the parent birds, With a call identical to the
young Raven.
The three birds live in an area behind the Park and
across into the Naval Depot, we think the nest may have
been in the Depot grounds as we haven’t seen the bird
outside. We shall continue watching it to see how it fares
when it has to feed itself.
B.G. AMEY, Mosman, N.S.W.BIRDS – 35 – April 1, 1970.
(Puffinus bulleri) was first described in 1884 from a beach –
washed example found in New Zealand. It was, for many years,
considered one of the rarest of petrels. However, the
discovery, in 1923, of its breeding place on the Poor Knight’s
Islands, New Zealand, and subsequent investigations, indicated
that the number of birds present on those Islands during the
breeding -season may be as high as 750,000. In the off-season
Buller’s Shearwpter, like several other petrels that breed in
the South Pacific, migrates to the North Pacific Ocean.
The species has been recorded from eastern Australian
beaches or islands on at least eight occasions. In two of
these instances single birds were found in burrows but whether
they were merely sheltering or attempting to breed is not known.
Localities where these birds have been noted or collected
extend from Montagu Island (180 miles south of Sydney) to
Cabbage -tree Island (100 miles north of Sydney). The first
Australian specimen was found on Cronulla Beach in October,
1954; the most recent on Collaroy Beach in February, 1970.
Details of the eight records known to me are:-
31.10.1954-Cronulla Beach(E.S.Hoskin), see Emu,vol.55, p.200.
14.11.1954-Woonoona Beach(Allan Sefton) Emuivo1.55, p.201.
10.10.1960.Montagu Island(F.N.Robinson) Emuivol.61, p.292.
11.12.1960 -Cabbage -tree Island(A.D’Ombrain and A.Gwynne)
13.10.1963.beach at West Head,Broken Bay(D.Nicholls).
22.12.1969. Stockton Bight,Newcastle(Glenn Holmes).
21.2.1970. Collaroy Beach(L.McHugh).
Buller’s Shearwater is much the same size as the Wedge-
tailed Shearwater but is dark(black,brown and grey) above and
white below (including the underwings) and has a dull.slaty-
blue bill.
Ornithological beachcombers, if uncertain of the identity
of any derelict bird, should take it to the Museum for
checking. Often such specimens are of considerable interest
and there is always the possibility of adding a “new” bird to
the Australian list.
K.A.HINDWOOD, Lindfield,
N.S.W.BIRDS – 36 – April 1, 1970.
Inspired by the N.P.A. visit (reported on page 19 of the
February National Parks Association Journal), four N.P.A.
members who are also members of the “Royal Australasian
Ornithological Union”, recently spent the weekend on
Comarong Island.
A8 one could expect from the variety of habitats,
the island was found to be fairly rich in bird life, both
as regards the number of species and actual populations.
In all, 72 species of birds were identified,
inCluding14,species of sea and water birds, 14 species of
waders, which were very plentiful indeed on the mud flats,
27 species of forest birds, including 5 honeyeaters and 3
cuckoos and 17 species of open country birds.
There is also probably a large colony of fruit bats
on the Island, as about 1200 were seen flying across to
the mainland after sunset.
TheSe observations were far from exhaustive and only
scant attention was paid to the mangrove areas.
We propoSe to visit the island again in Spring to
observe migratory waders and nesting species.
-Thesd observations do, however, add to the desirability
of declaring the Island a State Park.
The following observations were made during the year
Flame Robin. A pair were observed on farmland near Baker’s
Lagoon, Richmond on 19th May.
Red -capped Robin. Two males of this species were seen
perched on a.roadside fence on 7th October, at Greendale.
Scarlet Robin. At Wirrimbirra, on 7th January, two malesBIRDS - 37 – April 1, 1970.
and a female were recorded in open forestland. Pairs were
also observed at Murphy’s Glen, Blue Mountains; in open
forest at Lucas Heights and in a bushland cleaning at Oberon
in the months of February, May and June respectively.
Rose Robin. 1,iales and females of this very beautiful fly-
catcher were seen during the months of April and May, along
Quarry Creek in Northmead. Observations were also made at
Shaw’s Creek, Yarramundi; Caddy Park, Cattai and in open
forest at Scheyville in June, while during the mid -winter
month of July, a number of birds, both male and female were
found inhabiting Lake Parramatta Reserve.
Hooded Robin. A pair were found nesting near the fringe of
the forest in Werrimbirra Reserve on 7th January.
Four birds were observed feeding by the roadside near
Luddenham on 27th January and another three birds were record-
ed on 7th October, at Greendale.
It would be interesting to know where Neville Cayley
obtained his model for the illustration of a “hen” Zebra
Finch, shown together with the male and five other species
of Australian Grassfinches in a coloured plate published in
“Gould League Notes” for the year 1939.
The bird in question, is depicted as having chestnut
ear patches similar to those of the male Zebra Finch.
I have never yet observed in the field or among “normal”
Zebra Finches bred in aviaries, hens with chestnut ear
Incidentally, the same Grassfinch painting adorns the
back cover of Dr. Allan Keast’s book, ”Bush Birds”.
In the same issue of “Gould League Notes”, page 31,
Cayley describes the eggs of the Zebra Finch as being pure
white, when in fact, the Zebra Finch is the only Australian
Grassfinch which lays eggs of a bluish tinge.BIRDS – 38 – April 1, 1970.
It is strange that Cayley, who was not only a good
Ornithologist, but by far the best bird artist Australia has
yet produced, should have made trivial mistakes concerning
a species so well known to bird -watchers, aviculturists and
to Cayley himself. For it will be noted that the illustrat-
ion of a pair of Zebra Finches in Cayley’s “What Bird is
That?’., plate 28, is quite correct, as is also the
description of the eggs and “What Bird Is That?”, appeared
in the book shops in 1931, eight years prior to the “Gould
League Notes” under discussion.
In a letter from our member, Mr. Jack Debert, the well
known naturalist -writer of Forster, N.S.W. is mentioned an
interesting list of birds, the majority of which were
observed in close proximity to his house.
Mr. Debert says2 “One could claim that my new house is
a bird watcher’s home. Situated on a high ridge that
separates Forster from One Mile Beach, the house offers an
almost 360 degree commanding outlook on some wonderful
surrounding coastal and mountain scenery.
When the house was in its early stage, three Scarlet
Honeyeaters took overnight shelter under its newly erected
roof! On the evening of our first day of residence, a
Kookaburra I had been feeding fairly regularly in two
different places over the previous seven months landed on
the railing demanding his meat. From my living room with
the aid of binoculars, I am able to watch Pheasant Coucals’.
The following is a list of some of the birds Mr.
Debert has observed from his house: –
Black -shouldered Kite; Nankeen Kestrel; Wedge-tailed and
Whistling Eagles; White -breasted Sea Eagle; Dollar Bird;
Pipit; Gannet; Crested Tern and Silver Gull.
A ramble of about one mile from his home, enables
Mr. Debert to include observations of – Regent Bower Bird;BIRDS – 39 – April 1, 1970.
Varied Triller; Topknot and White -headed Pigeons; Rufous
Fantail; Pied Oyster Catcher; Reef Heron; Penguins and on
a few occasions, Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoos.
Mr. Debert concludes his letter by mentioning that his
list of 300 odd species of birds will increase as the well
known bird lover and artist, Bill Cooper has taken up residence
in the district. With his assistance, species that Mr.
Debert has not fully determined, will no doubt be identified.
Our Hon. Assistant Secretary, Bob Cooke, has generously
donated a full -page “Gould League Bird Watchers” advertisement
in “CLU”, the St. Andrew’s Cathedral Club Paper. “CLU”
circulates through all Cathedral organisations, S.C.E.G.G.S.
(Grammar Schools), The Dean’s Office and Sydney University.
Bob says, “that if the ad. only obtains one new member
for our club, it will have been worthwhile”. Thanks Bob.
LONDON, Friday – A chemical used by the plastics industry is
blamed for the death of thousands of sea birds some months ago.
The British Trust for Ornithology has released a report
on the bird deaths.
It says all bodies contained a high concentration of
polychlorinated bephenyls – PCB.
Symptoms of dying birds matched the effects of swallowing
The chemical weakens the heart.
Gales washed ashore more than lapoo dead and dying sea-
birds in the Firth of Clyde last Septembei..
“The Sun”, Friday, Nov. 14, 1969.BIRDS - 40 – April 1, 1970.
After two successful Ornithological tours to Central
Australia during the years 1967 and 1969 operated by Ansett-
Pioneer and led by Dr. Alan Lendon, past President of the
“Royal Australasian Ornithologists’ Union”, the company,
(Ansett-Pioneer) has arranged another tour for 1970.
This time the tour will be divided into two, one of
14 days and the other extending to 19 days. Both depart
from Brisbane on Saturday, 23rd May, 1970 and the fees are
$215.00 and $250.00 respectively.
The tour is to cover the greater parts of the east
coast of Queensland.
As the tour is organised in Adelaide, any enquiries
or reservations should be directed to the following address: –
Mr. Allen A. Tully,
Sales and Agency Superintendant,
101 Franklin Street,
ADELAIDE. S.A. 5000.
I received a letter from Mr. J.R.W. Grieve, Chairman
of the Dee Why Lagoon Conservation and Development Committee,
which represents N.S.W. Conservation Societies, Natural
Science Authorities and Planners.
The following is an extract from the letter: –
“Dear Sir,
You may already be aware that Warringah Shire Council,
at its meeting on 7th January, 1970, decided to accept as
an outline plan of management for the Dee Why Lagoon Reserve,
the report submitted by the National Parks and Wildlife
Service. It also accepted the detailed development plan
submitted by the Landscape Design Group (Stead, Baggs and
Smith), of the University of N.S.W. These plans may be
viewed at the Engineer’s Department, Shire Hall, Brookvale.
The plans adopted by Council are substantially
similar to those we submitted and I am sure that all
interested organisations will want to see the matter proceed
as quickly as possible now that a decision has been made.”BIRDS – 41 – April 1, 1970.
It is unnecessary to mention that Dee Why Lagoon, if
properly developed, will be of the utmost interest to bird –
In the past, the Lagoon has been a nesting and feeding
haven for waders, ducks and swans and until exotic plants such
as convolvulus, lantana and blackberry brambles began
encroaching upon their nesting areas, Tailor Birds and Little
Grassbirds (locally known as Swamp Wrens), nested around the
margins of the Lagoon. The rare Tawny Grassbird has also
been observed in the area and I once had the pleasure of
observing a party of Lambert Wrens feeding in a patch of tea –
tree thickets growing along the very edge of the Lagoon.
As Mr. Grieve, the very capable leader of the “Dee Why
Lagoon Conservation and Development Committee” is a member of
the ‘Gould League Bird Watchers Club” future activities in the
Lagoon area will be reported in this bulletin.
The successful breeding and raising of a Kiwi at Taronga
Zoo mentioned in the “Sydney Morning Herald”, February 28th,
is a great achievement.
It is the first time the Kiwi has been bred in zoological
gardens; and it is entirely due to the care and attention
given to the birds by Mr. L.J. Clayton, the dedicated curator
of aviaries at Taronga Zoo, that the venture has been so
Whilst on a holiday in the districts of North Haven,
Dunbogen and Port Macquarie, Richard Noske of Northwood, Sydney,
recorded 70 odd species of birds. Among those listed were –
Koel Cuckoo (male and female); Scarlet and Brown Honeyeaters,
the latter in mangroves; Leaden Flycatcher Brush Cuckoo;
White -throated Warbler; Varigated Wren; Southern Emu Wren;
Rainbird Bird and Mangrove Warbler.BIRDS - 42 – April 1, 1970.
On two visits to the rain forest of Sea Acres Sanctuary
a few miles south of Port Macquarie, Brown Warbler; Large –
billed Scrub -Wren; “Northern” Yellow Robin; Pale Yellow
Robin; Spectacled and Black -faced Flycatchers; Grey Thrush;
Green Catbird; Green -winged Pigeon; Brush Turkey; Regent
Bower Bird and Red -crowned Pigeon were recorded.
At Lake Cathie Plain in an area thick with Christmas
Bells, the very beautiful and outstanding Red -backed Wren
was observed.
On the way to North Haven, a brief tour of Ash Island
near Newcastle, was made and the following species listed –
Straw -necked and White Ibis; White-faced Mangrove and
Nankeen Night Herons; Eastern Sea -Curlew; Sharp -tailed
Sandpiper; Red -necked Stint; Mongolian Dotterel; White –
headed Stilt; White Egret; Royal Spoonbill; Nankeen Kestrel
Green Shank; White -fronted Chat; Blue Wren; Aust. Raven;
Red -backed Parrot; Aust. Pipit and Horsfield Bronze Cuckoo.
Mrs. Amey of Mosman sent me the following interesting
bird notes made on a 1600 acre property, 42 miles west of
Gunnedah, N.S.W. and approximately 2 miles from Pilliga
and Kerringle State Forests. Mrs. Amey writes:
“Crows were trapped one lambing season and it was
found that 2% were Crows and the remainder Ravens.
A pair of Oriental Cuckoos sheltered in the garden
one day during a period of heavy winds. A pair of
pardalotes nested in a hollow limb placed in a White
Cedar tree in the garden and another pair in a inch
diameter pipe hung from the roof of the machiner11 y/2 shed.
Zebra Finches nested in a hollow limb hung on the
garden fence.
One years the Golden Bronze Cuckoo was fostered by
Blue Wrens and was fed near the house. All the
feeding seemed to be done by the male Blue Wren.’BIRDS – 43 – April 1, 1970.
Attached to Mrs. Amey’s letter was a list of 92 species
of birds all recorded on the above -mentioned property, the
most interesting of which are – Diamond Dove; Black -tailed
Water -hen; Red -kneed Dotterel; Stone Curlew; Brown Bittern;
Letter- winged Kite; Red -winged Parrot; Owlet Nightjar;
Channel -billed Cuckoo; Jacky Winter; Red -capped Robin; Ground
Cuckoo -shrike; White -winged Triller; Brown Songlark; Aust.
Reed -Warbler; Pied Butcher Bird; Silver -backed Butcher Bird;
Striped Honeyeater; Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater; Blue -faced
Honeyeater; Horsfield Bush Lark; Diamond Firetail and Plum –
headed Finch.
Dr. Mason of Hornsby, mentions in a letter, that together
with Mr. Mrs. Cooper, a visit was paid to the proposed
Kanangra-Boyd National Park. A preliminary list of 50 species
of birds was made. Amongst interesting birds seen were –
Goshawk; Wedge-tailed Eagle; Gang -Gang Cockatoo; Heath Wren;
Red-browed Treecreeper and the Grey Currawong.
deplores the fact that such a magnificent wilderness area is
threatened by proposals for limestone quarrying and extensive
planting of softwoods.
Dec., 7th 1969.
The route was the same as that taken in July and this
repeat outing proved so interesting that the leaders intend
to go to the area each July and December to see if the results
indicate a seasonal pattern or were merely fortuitous.
Tawny -crowned Honeyeaters were in much smaller numbers;BIRDS – 44 – April 1, 1970.
and neither species of ‘.Iattle Bird was seen, in contrast
to their numbers and noise in July. All birds were
remarkably silent. There was one sighting of an Emu
VIren back in their old haunt which was beginning to
recover from a severe burning. The highlight of the
day was a Pheasant Coucal flushed from a heathy hanging
swamp and total species recorded was 29. (32 in July.)
Oatley, N.S.W.
A general meeting of the Club for the election of
Office Bearers and formation of future policy will be
held at lunch time on the Field Day to Yeramla Reserve
on Sunday, 21st June. I appeal to all members who can
attend to do so.
Outing – La Perouse – Henry Head Area, 17th January, 1970
At 0.2 miles past Yarra Jctn. a 2 x 1 ft. green sign
with R.A.O.U. in large bold black letters and an arrow
pointing along the golf links road, directed over 30
members and friends to the meeting place.
‘Uith a cloudless sky, the temperature in the 90’s
and no wind the group meandered in single file through
the bushland, sandhills and low heathland on the way to
Henry Head. Observations of interest on the way were
the Yellow -winged Honeyeater and Tailor -Bird.BIRDS – 45 – April 1, 1970.
On arrival at Henry Head where the ex -army fortress is
being restored, some of the team were exhausted and sent back
for lunch to be brought in. The remainder perched on the
cliff top and scanned the sea with binoculars and telescope.
A piece of wood gave us all some exciting moments. A
mile offshore towards Cape Solander three birds were sighted,
their description being: a general brown colour, dark brown
cap, lighter fawn brown sides and front of neck, dark brown
chest and high tail. They were thought to be Arctic Skuas.
Hundreds of Shearwater were seen offshore and by their
silhouette could have been the Wedge-tailed species. More
sea birds were recorded by a smaller group which zig-zagged
down the cliff towards Cape Banks.
Returning along the roadway we lunched at our meeting
place and exchanged observations. During lunch it became
known that the police had been investigating as to the meaning
of the sign “2.A.O.U.” and that Mr. Rice had supplied the
necessary details. A list of the morning’s observations
(complete with scientific names) was compiled by Miss Kirkwood.
After lunch those remaining proceeded through the high
heath area north of the golf links road seeing 3 more Tailor –
Birds and identifying numerous species of flora.
It was the opinion of the group that the area is well
worth reserving and it is to be hoped that the authorities
will agree, if so, it may be declared “Cook National Park”.
A check list follows of observations made on 17th Jan. and the
La Perouse Fauna Flora Soc. wish to thank all those who
.H H
H 0
TREBORBIRDS – 47 – April 1, 1970.
Notes on Field Day to Greendale and Wallacia.
The excursion to the Wallacia district was led by Athol
Coleman on Sunday, 22nd Feb.
The day was delightfully cool with an overcast sky.
Forty members attended. The birding proved interesting from
the beginning when White Cockatoos and Red -backed Parrots
were observed from the cars.
The area of dry sclerophyll and the long seeding grasses
gave us a wonderful opportunity to observe at close hand the
Spotted -sided Finches, also called Diamond Fire -tails and the
Double Banded Finches, Yellow -tailed Thornbills and the East-
ern Whiteface.
The mistletoe was thick on many of the eucalypts and
provided food for Mistletoe Birds and numerous King Parrots.
In the more open areas, Brown Tree -creepers were observed, this
area being a good one for them. Hooded Robins were also quite
After lunch near Greendale Church, the party proceeded to
a delightful property with some fresh water dams. One small
dam produced Chestnut Teal, Green Shank, Sharp -tailed Sandpipers
and dotterels.
The highlight of the field outing was the excited viewing
of two Great Crested Grebe and their nest as well on the water
of the large dam quite close to the farm and its outhouses.
The Great Crested Grebes brought the days total of birds
seen to 70 species.
Our thanks to Athol Coleman for a wonderful bird -watching
day. DORIS STENHOUSE, West Pymble, NSW.
Saturday -April, 18th. Meryla Pass, 15 miles south of Moss
Vale. Leader G. Dibley.
Meet at 9.30 a.m. in the Robertson- Macquarie Pass Rd.
where it joins the Bowral-Moss Vale Road.BIRDS
- 48 – April 1, 1970.
Latecomers turn left into Robertson Road. At about 3
miles turn right into Fitzroy Falls – Kangaroo Valley Road.
After a mile turn right again. After another mile turn
left and proceed to Meryla.
As meeting place is 86 miles from Sydney, would
intending starters please contact leader (57-6298) before-
hand. Some members intend to camp over Saturday night.
Sunday – May 24th.
Heathcote State Park.
Leader: Mrs. M. Barnes.
Meet 9.45 a.m. west side Heathcote Railway Station.
8.50 a.m. train ex Central – change Sutherland to rail motor.
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