PDF version available here: Vol. 6 No. 1
Price 250 Published by the N. S. W. Field Ornithologists
Vol. 6 No. 1 Club 1st July, 1971
Protection of the Wedge-tailed Eagle and Brown Goshawk
These two birds have now been removed from the Schedule
of Unprotected Fauna, and are now protected in New South Wales.
Persons suffering damage in one way or another from these two birds
can obtain a licence from the National Parks and Wildlife service to
destroy the bird if there is need for such action. The decision to pro-
tect the Wedge-tailed Eagle was made partly as a result of studies of
Dr. Starker Leopold and others from C. S. I. R. 0. Wildlife Research
Division on their food habits. See “Wildlife Research” Vol. 15 Part
- Dec. 1970, for an excellent article on the food habits of this bird
as well as studies on Ravens and Crows by Ian Rowley.
The Secretary has written to the Minister for Lands congrat-
ulating the Service on the decision to protect these two raptores and at
the same time enquiring as to the biological reasons for retaining the
Eastern and Crimson Rosellas on the Schedule of Unprotected Fauna.
It is to be hoped that certain Pastures Protection Boards will no long-
er pay a bounty on the bill of every Wedge-tailed Eagle shot and we
will no longer observe dead eagles strung along boundary fences.
Plum -headed Finches
On hearing that these finches, proclaimed “Rare Fauna” in
New South Wales and having a fairly restricted distribution range,
are offered for sale in many pet shops for 90cents each, the Conserv-
ation Officer has written to the National Parks and Wildlife Service
for information regarding the numbers of these birds coming from
Queensland, where they are trapped commercially. It is hoped to
take the matter up with Commonwealth and Queensland Authorities
when more information is known.BIRDS 2. 1st July, 1971
New National Parks and Reserves
In addition to the Myall Lakes National Park, new parks and
reserves are being proclaimed along the Coast, including –
Angourie National Park (4 miles south of Yamba) 9, 300 acres of
coastal dunes and heaths where Ground Parrots and Emus occur
on the heaths; Little Terns breed in the dunes and Jabiru and
Ospreys are regularly sighted at the Inlets,
Red Rock State Park, (25 miles south east of Grafton) 4, 7d0 acres
of dunes, heathland and eucalyptus forest, having a coastline of
zq miles,
Limeburners Creek Nature Reserve, (10 miles north of Port
Macquarie) including coastal dunes, heathlands and a 500 acre
saltwater lake which attracts many waterbirds. Extensive areas
of Mangrove and Melaleuca forests are included in the boundary
of this Reserve.
Lake Innes Game Reserve (just south of Port Macquarie)5, 000
acres of salt water lake and marshes which at times attract large
numbers of waterbirds.
Seven Mile Beach State Park (between Shoalhaven Heads and
Gerroa) 1800 acres of dune and hind -dune, including 5 miles of
Ranger A. K. Morris would be interested to have any inform-
ation about bird observations in these areas (tel. 27 9711) and will
assist in providing maps of the areas to persons interested.
- *
At the time of going to press no recent news has been received
about Muttonbird Island, Bakers and Long Neck Lagoons and the
preservation of wader habitat areas where our organisation has
an interest, Conservation Officer.
White -headed Pigeon Observed at Hornsby
On Saturday, 6th February 1971 at 1200 hours a White -headed
Pigeon (Columba norfolciensis) was observed by Ranger C. Boyd
in a Green Wattle (Acacia decurrens) at 10 Derby Street, Hornsby.
At the time it was raining and the bird appeared to be bathing it-
self in the rain.
The Whiteheaded Pigeon I found on 5th September, 1970, by
the side of the road, near the Loquat Valley School, S. C.E. G, G. S.
Tennis Court, Bayview, N.S.W. (Bird Report -1970 “Birds” Vol, 5 No. 6)BIRDS 3. 1st July, 1971.
appeared to be suffering from concussion. I kept it in a small
wooden cage for six days and during that period fed it regularly on
cotoneaster berries, near -ripe lilly pillies, privot hedge berries
and stale bread soaked in milk. Although it ate greedily of all foods
provided, it did not put on condition, nor did it regain its balance.
The bird died on the 11th September and is now in the Australian
Museum Cabinet Collection. REF. No. 0,43761.
It surprised me to find Milton Trudgeon (BIRDS, Jan. ’71)
describing a characteristic call of the Satin Bowerbird as an “eerie
whistle -cum -howl. ” Presumably this allusion centres upon the
declamatory “Whoo-hoo” which the handsome male often utters from
a lofty perch, for; aside from the occasional mimicry of other birds’
calls, the only other vocal performance of note by the Satinbird is
his curious whizzing and churring at the bower.
Personally, I don’t regard the treetop announcement as being in
any degree “eerie. ” Nor does it (to me) suggest a howl. It is rather,
I consider, a hearty and even a cheerful expression; in fact, it
recalls the manner in which we bush boys of central Victoria used to
hail each other across the ironbark hills.
By the same token, I was astonished to read last year in the
Canberra -based book, “Birds of the Australian High Country” (edited
by H. J. Frith), this proclamation by the Satinbird demoted to “a low,
melancholy whistle” – a remarkable example of meiosis touching one
of the most resonant and prideful sounds in the east -coasts bushland.
It is true, as Mr. Trudgeon says, that the Albert Lyrebird some-
times imitates this call, and it is rather surprising that he has not known
southern Lyrebirds to manifest similar appreciation: which they
occasionally do.
And, by the way, it is too late in the day for anyone to deny Lyre-
birds the ability and willingness to imitate artificial sounds. Their
Occasional performances in this regard have been, over the years,
well established.
Alec Chisholm.BIRDS 4. 1st July, 1971.
Observations of this parrot, in the wild state, were made on
18th, 19th and 20th December, 1970.
One pair of these beautiful parrots was nesting in a dead Bimble
Box tree (Eucalyptus populnea). The entrance to the nest was about
25 feet from the ground, whilst the nest proper was about 6 feet down
the hollow from the entrance. It contained two fully feathered young.
The parents fed the young from 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. then
again from 5.00 p.m. until dark; they were absent throughout the
middle of the day. The parents called the young from the nest to the
entrance to feed them. The female carried out most of the feeding.
It is possible that this could differ and that the male could play a
larger part in the feeding when the young are smaller.
The temperature stood at 90 degrees for the three days of obser-
vation. In the heat of the day the young would crawl to the entrance
and sit just inside.
The young made a loud feeding call and could be heard clearly
from 200 yards away. The parents were very quiet at all times.
When in flight they would utter a thin, drawn out whistle, consisting
of a feeble single note, not unlike that of the Azure Kingfisher
(Alcyone azurea).
The female had lost most of her tail feathers. The flight of the
adults was direct and straight – typical of the Neophema group.
The habitat consisted of heavy, green timbered rocky hills,
bordered with open, dead timber and grassy flats. The main tree
species were White Cypress, Bimble Box, Wilga, Mulga, Coolibah,
Interexta, Mallee Gum, Budda, Red Mallee, Green Mallee.
These are the only two Turquoise Parrots I have ever seen in the
wild in western N. S. W. , although I have been studying the birds of
this area for many years.
I photographed these birds on 19th and 20th December, 1970.
Indeed, a beautiful sight, never to be forgotten.
Bob Miller, Naturalist: Hon. Ranger (Wildlife)
Rankins Springs, N. S. W.BIRDS 5, 1st July, 1971
On 17th April, 1971, while on my way to Grafton I ob-
served two Jabirus next to the Pacific Highway at Cundletown,
near Taree, On 29th April I saw one Jabiru alongside Alumny
Creek in Grafton. I have been told that this is a favourite spot
for the species, Again on 23rd May one Jabiru was seen flying
at Southgate, near. Grafton.
E. Wheeler, Grafton, N.S.W,
During last summer and autumn I noted a pair of Grey
Butcherbirds, whose territory edged into our garden, favoured
a clump of trees and shrubbery including a hairpin banksia about
six feet high. The birds often flew through this clump and
perched in the banksia.
I saw one bird take a long crust from the dish of honeyed
bread left for Soldier Birds and Rainbow Lorikeets, It jammed
the crust into a fork around a banksia cone, but made no effort
to tear the crust up. When I found a thick piece of wadding jam-
med into the fork I realized this was a larder, only three feet
from the ground.
The attraction of the bird to the wadding was hard to
explain as out of the breeding season it seemed to have no value
either as food or nesting material. In early May there was an
apple core in the larder. A few days later a yellow nylon sock
had been taken from the nearby clothes, line and wrapped tightly
round the banksia cone. What attracted the birds to the wadding
and the sock?
Several days later I found a possible explanation for the
birds’ choice of fibrous material. An insect’s cocoon of thick
cobweb encased in gumleaves was jammed in the fork, It had
been torn open at one end and the contents apparently removed
and eaten by one of the birds,
The soft fibre of the cobweb held the clue, The Butcher –
birds possibly mistook the wadding and the nylon sock for an
insects’ casing and carried them off to the larder hoping for a
juicy meal,’ (Mrs.) Dariel Larkins, Turramurra, N. S. W.BIRDS 6. 1st July, 1971.
On 22nd August, 1970 an adult Pied Butcher -bird (Cracticus
nigrogularis) was seen fluttering against a netting fence as it
tugged at a piece of rope tied there. An immature bird alighting
nearby was scolded by the adult bird, which then flew off.
Six days later two birds in juvenile plumage were seen pulling
bits from the same piece of rope. One removed a fine thread and
ate it. The other bird pulled out three separate threads, each about
twelve inches long and holding down each thread with its foot,
doubled the fibre up into a bundle with its bill. The bundle was then
The use of the foot to hold down pieces of hemp thread is in
itself puzzling, for I have never observed a Butcher -bird to use
its foot to hold down large pieces of food, seeming always to rely
solely on impalement for assistance.
Merle Baldwin
Gilgai via Inverell, N. S. W.
What a puzzle for mum and dad Peewee who every night used to
sleep in the enormous willow next door, for a few nights ago it blew
over in a storm and the next day was carted away leaving nothing in
its place.
When evening came, imagine their consternation – no home!
Many times the Peewees swooped across theempty space in the sky,
looking frantically right and left for signs of their former home and
landing on the clothes line, roof, telegraph wires, broadcasting
their puzzlement to all who would listen. They finally settled in a
nearby willow which they seem to have adopted as their new home.
I wonder if they still worry over the sudden disappearance of their
old one?
Eleanor Eakins
Forestville, N. S. W.BIRDS 7. 1st July, 1971
According to Australian bird books the Pheasant Coucal
rears its own young. Therefore, twelve months ago, summer
1969-70, I decided my identification of the enormous youngster
being fed by a harassed and very flustered Red Wattle -bird must
be wrong. However, during the summer just past I again
recognised that daylong persistent “cheep cheep”‘ and again
another huge young bird, at least 21 inches in length and of a
striped colouring of dark brown and pale beige was perched pre-
cariously in a gum tree close to my house.
A Red Wattle -bird was observed dashing back and forth
from my bird table trying in vain to satisfy what must have
seemed to the “foster mother” to be an insatiable appetite. For
me, the puzzle remained, until, by a stroke of luck whilst look-
ing down the drive, out of the brush walked a very large bird,
its appearance resembling the English Pheasant. I was left in
no doubt that I was watching the adult Pheasant Coucal, the
slightly larger version of the hungry youngster that for the sec-
ond year running I had seen adopted by a Red Wattle -bird.
Mrs. Tucker, Bayview, N. S. W.
It is interesting to observe the Eastern Swamphen feed-
ing in the lakes at Centennial Park, Sydney. The birds get a
good claw grip of three or four reeds with one foot and with the
other they very firmly grasp a reed and tug and pull it up. They
then eat the white part found at the bottom of the plant. To me
it tastes very much like celery.
The Marsh Terns often visit the Five Island Lake in
Centennial Park. On 10th February last I watched eight of them
hovering and diving after tadpoles and small fish, Indeed a
pleasant sight.
R. Fordham, Randwick, N. S. W.BIRDS 8. 1st July, 1971.
BY THE WAYSIDE with “Spurwing”
With a deep sense of sadness I record, this week, the death of
one of Australia’s best known ornithologists, Keith Hindwood. Many
local residents had met him on his various trips to this area and to
the readers of this column Keith and his comments have become well
known over the years.
Keith, a very tall man was known as “Lofty” to his friends. He
died as he would have wished, out in the bushland, walking with two
friends, watching his beloved birds. He was in his early 60’s.
For 45 years I have been privileged to have his friendship and
advice. In bird lore I referred to him as “my friend and tutor. “
Although one of Australia’s most knowledgeable ornithologists,
he has always been prepared to help and assist anyone who wanted
to learn more about the fascinating study of birds.
His knowledge of the subject was profound. His assistance and
advice were readily given in a quiet, humble, undogmatic manner.
Once, in these notes, I referred to him as one of “Nature’s
Gentlemen. ” It was typical of Keith, he rebuked me for doing so.
He has helped thousands appreciate the true value of birds.
A typical illustration of this is contained in a letter I received
upon returning home from his funeral. S. G. Lane wrote —
“What a loss he will be. He has been so wonderfully helpful to so
many people and I have been privileged to have had him as what I
always considered ‘my guide and tutor’ in ornithological matters. “
Keith was always first and foremost a field observer. He loved
birds and nature and he wrote on what he so closely observed. His
writings were inspired by his first hand field notes. Added to this
he had a scientific mind.
Keith Hindwood has published numerous articles of a general and
scientific nature in journals of ornithology and natural history over
a period of 45 years. His books “The Birds of Lord Howe Island”
(1940) “The Waders of Sydney” with E. S. Hoskin (1955) and “The Birds
of Sydney” with A. R. McGill (1958) were serious rather than popularBIRDS 9. 1st July, 1971.
studies. His “Australian Birds in Colour” (1966) and his “A Portfolio
of Australian Birds” with local resident W. T. Cooper (1968) are more
widely known. Until his death he was busily engaged on another book
with A. R. McGill.
His researches and writings earned him recognition from his
contemporaries and honours in several scientific societies. He was
a Fellow and Past President of the Royal Zoological Society of New
South Wales, Fellow and Past President of the Royal Australasian
Ornithologists’ Union. Corresponding Fellow of the American Orni-
thologists’ Union, and Honorary Associate in Ornithology, Australian
Museum, Sydney.
In 1959 he was awarded the Australian Natural History Medallion
for his outstanding work in the field of Ornithology.
He only recently handed over the reins of his Sydney business to
his son, Ross, to spend more time in putting down on paper and collat-
ing the various scientific studies he had made of Australian bird life.
At his funeral at the Northern Suburbs Crematorium on Monday the
large congregation packed the chapel and crowded outside the chapel
doors as not only personal friends, but the men who had worked with
him or consulted him in bird lore, paid a last tribute.
I know the sympathy of many of you who came to know him through
“By the Wayside” will go out to Keith’s wife, Majorie, his daughter
Jan (at present overseas teaching in England) and to his son Ross, on
their great loss.
Reprint from Cape Hawke Advocate, March 25, 1971.
The Annual General Meeting of the N. S. W. Field Ornithologists
Club will be held at 8 p.m. 3rd August, 1971, in the Conference Room,
Education Building, Farrer Place, Sydney. The Education Building
is on the Quay side of Farrer Place. Sign on one side of the entrance
reads “Dept. of Agriculture” on the other “Dept. of Technical Educat-
ion. ” Push door or knock. Take lift or stairs to basement. Conference
room is to left from lift.BIRDS 10. 1st July, 1971
1, Minutes of A. G. M. held in Oatley Park, 21.6. ’70.
- Secretary -Treasurer’s Report.
- Proposed alteration to the Constitution increasing Committee
from 7 to 10 members – additional Officers being:
Assistant Editor
Assistant Conservation Officer
Assistant Records Officer, - Election of Committee for 1971-72.
- Other business.
- Illustrated talk by Mr. A.R. McGill – “Australian Warblers”.
As this is our own meeting the Committee has initiated the
policy of having an eminent guest speaker and hopes to make
this big event of the Club’s year. It is hoped all city members at
least will attend.
Designs for a Club badge are at present under consideration.
It is anticipated badges will be available at the Annual General
Members are reminded that they should be sending in their
observations for 1971 to the Records Officers to give them plenty
of time to compile the 1971 Report, Details of what records are re-
quired were published in Sept. 1970 issue of “Birds”. For new
members we repeat some headings for which records are required.
Rare Visitors * Species well outside their normal range.
Arrival and departure dates for migrants,
Over -wintering or summering by migrants. * Relative abund-
ance of summer or winter visitors from year to year.
Common species in particularly large numbers or species well
out of their normal habitat (winter flocking etc,
Beach washed records of sea birds.
Breading records (perhaps indicating an extension of range).
The minimum information required for each species is number
observed, date and locality; however, the more information
supplied the more valuable will be the record.. In the caseBIRDS 11. 1st July, 1971,
of rare or unusual observations, details of plumage, calls, habitat
and behaviour should be supplied.
Mr. A. McGill and Mr. J. Hobbs will consider such observations
before publication.
Please send in observations commencing 1st January, 1971, NOW
and at regular intervals to The Records Officer, C/o 84 Arabella St. ,
Longueville, N. S. W. 2066.
Tim Kenney,
Acting Records Officer.
Newcastle, 6th February, 1971
Twenty three observers attended the field day at Newcastle. Rain
early in the morning preceded a fine, warm day on which 60 species
were recorded at Stockton and Kooragang Island in the estuary of the
Hunter River.
At the mudflats near Stockton Hospital, 16 wader species were
seen. Two Common Sandpipers were observed on the rocky causeway;
one then flew to a log on the mudflats. A compact assemblage of
about 150 Black -tailed Godwits held the attention of many of the
observers for quite a while, though the Terek Sandpipers could not
possibly be overlooked. Other waders present included the Pied
Oystercatcher, Mongolian Dotterel, Greenshank, Grey -tailed Tattler,
Lesser Knot, Whimbrel and Broad -billed Sandpiper. Two Caspian
Terns and a Mangrove Heron were also sighted.
Kooragang Island was visited in the afternoon. A visit to the
heronry near the bridge that is presently being constructed showed
the Large and Plumed Egrets and Nankeen Night -herons all to have
young; each species was banded. A Chestnut Teal was found to have
a nest with seven eggs in a mangrove hollow in the same area. Three
more wader species were recorded, including a Wood Sandpiper with
an injured leg.
Glenn Holmes,
Merewether, N. S. W.BIRDS 12, 1st July, 1971
Boat Harbour, 6th March, 1971
The day was sunny and warm and approximately 60 members
of the Club attended,
Birds were not very plentiful at localities visited; however,
at Quibray Bay, sightings were made of Golden Plover, Grey -tailed
Tattler, Red -capped Dotterel, Royal Spoonbill and Mongolian
A short stop at Kurnell Swamp produced Chestnut Teal, White –
fronted Chat and the finding of a Tailor -bird’s nest with three eggs!
After lunch we moved off along the track to Boat Harbour where
members observed the Tawny -crowned Honeyeater, Little Wattle –
bird, a White -fronted Chat’s nest containing young, The Yellow –
winged Honeyeater was also noted.
Arriving at Boat Harbour we located three Large Sand Dotterels,
two Reef Herons and several Double -banded Dotterels, Out at sea,
the Australian Garnet, Wedge-tailed Shearwater and Arctic Skua
were observed.
A total of 47 species were recorded. Thanks are due to
George Dibley for leading the expedition.
Athol Colemane,
Northmead, N. S. W.
Greendale, 18th April, 1971
After raining all the previous night, the morning brought
forth a beautiful day.
Led by Athol Colemane, the members, 53 in all, were soon
rewarded at Wallacia with perfect views of about 10 King Parrots
which were feeding on the berries of a Chinese privet, and later,
a feeding association of birds which added “lifers” (new birds) to
the lists of many of those present,
At this point a White -winged Triller was the centre of interest,
It sat on a low stump for several minutes. Also here were many
Diamond Sparrows, Yellow -tailed, Striated and Buff-rumped
Thornbills, Jacky Winters, Weebills and Speckled Warblers. A pair
of Wedgetailed Eagles (and later another one) flew over commandingBIRDS 13. 1st July, 1971.
wonderful views as if to say, as someone remarked, you can’t touch
me now for. I am protected. (The Wedgy was put on the protected
list in N. S. W. from 13th April, 1971). Other interesting birds here
were the Brown Tree -creeper, Rose Robin and White -throated Warbler.
Without detracting from the wealth of the other birdlife in this
area, think the highlight of the day was the marvelous views obtained
of a pair of Red -capped Robins. These elusive and exquisite birds
were followed for at least half an hour.
A total of 56 endemic species and 6 introduced were recorded and
it was pleasing to note that the last bird recorded was the Club’s
insignia, the Azure Kingfisher.
On behalf of those members present I would like to thank Athol
for a most interesting and enjoyable day.
Ern Hoskin,
Eastwood. N. S. W.
Towra Point – 22nd May, 1971.
On 22nd May six members, including myself, presented them-
selves at Towra Point for the club field outing.
A rather strong wind and intermittant rain did not dampen our
spirits and those present agreed that they were glad they had partici-
pated. Some saw new birds for their “life” lists, and we had good
close views of birds normally difficult to observe.
Forest, mangroves, samphire and inlet foreshores are the habi-
tats of many species of birds. A total of 31 birds were recorded.
Little Wattle -birds, White Ibis (everywhere in the samphire and man-
groves) and White -fronted Chats comprised the largest populations.
Others noted were Variegated Wrens, Mistletoe Bird, Sea -Eagle,
Golden Whistler and Grey Thrust, to name a few. Some of the more
interesting species were the Whimbrel, Pied Cormorant, Golden
Plover and Bar -tailed Godwit.
E. Hoskin, Eastwood. N. S. W.BIRDS 14, 1st July, 1971.
15th April, 1971 – Film by Mr. Harold Pollock
The film shown was t hat taken to the U. S. A. by Mr Pollock on
a recent three months’ tour. He had been invited to give a series of
screenings to various Audubon groups. Our members enjoyed the
film and commentary by Mr. Pollock.
20th May, 1971 – Members’ Night
Mr. A. McGill paid tribute to the late Keith Hindwood and showed
some slides taken on trips he had made with Keith.
Mr. Jim Francis showed slides he had taken on the “Ornithlon”
of “New Guinea Bird Society” at Port Moresby. Galatea, Racquet
tailed and Tooth -billed Kingfishers were included.
Mr. Tim Kenney’s pictures included some good slides of the
Black -eared Cuckoo.
Mr. Bill Burlace’s Skuas, Shearwaters and Albatrosses in flight
were excellent.
Stephen Vanags and Richard Noske included Wandering Tattlers
amongst their slides.
Mr. Lavender’s Outing slides and Mr. P. Robertson’s water
birds completed an enjoyable night.
R. Noske – Long Reef, 1st May – 2 Wandering Tattlers.
A. Colemane – Northmead, 18th April – Grey Goshawk.
A. McGill and A. Colemane Greendale, 20th May Oriental Cuckoo.
H. Fairlie-Cuninghame, of National Park Association – (per Mrs. Dibley)
9th May, on dry plateau between Wolgan and Capertee Rivers
opposite Rocky Creek – Brush Turkey.
G. Clancy – Lynch’s Ck. , Yarramundi, 16th May – 11 Turquoise
M. & G. Dibley Royal Nat. Park, Heathcote, 11th April – 2
Beautiful Firetails, 2 Heath Wrens, 5 Emu Wrens and 1
Grey Currawong.BIRDS 15, 1st July, 1971
Saturday, 24th July
Royal National Park,
Leaders – G. & M. Dibley, 57.6298.
The main object of the outing is to try and see Lyrebirds;
therefore the earlier you get there the better. Meet for cup of tea
at 10 a.m. at beginning of Scientists’ Cabin Track which is on left
about 2 z miles down McKell Ave. from Waterfall. Before this time
we expect many people will have driven through Lady Carrington
Drive and/or explored down Scientists’ Track.
Saturday, 21st August
Bouddi State Park
Leader – A. Morris, 631 7892
Bouddi is situated on the coast near the northern entrance
to Broken Bay about 15 miles from Gosford.
A bus has been arranged – fare $2. 50. Money for fare
must be in hands of Secretary by 7th August. If fewer than 26
members attend, fare will be slightly more. Bus will pick up at –
7.30 a.m. City – eastern side of York St. at corner Druitt St.
7.45 a.m. Chatswood – Pacific Hwy. outside Public School
8.05 a.m. Hornsby – Bus Stop at Hornsby Station on east
side in George Street Car Park available.
Bus will return to City by p. m.
15th July Mr. D. Purchase, C. S. I. R. 0. Division of
Wildlife Service.
“Population and Regulation of Skuas. “
19th August Mr. A. Morris, National Parks & Wildlife Service
“Conservation of Snipe. “
16th September Mr. Norman Chaffer
Subject to be arranged.BIRDS 16. 1st July, 1971.
PATRON: A. H. Chisholm, O. B. E. F. R. Z. S.
& TREASURER: 84 Arabella Street,
Longueville. 2066
‘Phone: 42.2418
ACTIVITIES Mrs. M. Dibley,
OFFICER: 18 Russell Street,
Oatley. 2223.
‘Phone: 570.1298
HON. EDITORĀ° L. Courtney Haines,
10 Loquat Valley Road,
Bayview. 2104.
(Registered for posting as a Periodical – Category B)