PDF version available here: Vol. 6 No. 4
Price 25c. Published by the N. S. W. Field Ornithologists Club
Vol. 6 No. 4 1st January, 1972
One can only visualize the vast number of migrant waders and
resident shore birds that must have frequented Botany Bay during the
first hundred years or more of settlement after its discovery (orig-
inally Stingray Bay) in 1770. Our scanty knowledge is mainly due
to the writings of A. J. North who probably culled much of his evid-
ence from the registers of the Australian Museum. In his “Birds of
the County of Cumberland, ” Handbook for the Australasian Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Science, 1898, his Charadriidae species
and comments are as follows: Stone Curlew (generally distributed),
Oriental Pratincole (one specimen from Botany), Turnstone (rare),
Pied Oystercatcher (not very plentiful), Sooty Oystercatcher (not so
often met with as preceding), Spurwinged Plover (common), Golden
Plover (common), Oriental Dotterel (common in 1892 and numerous
examples obtained), Double -banded Dotterel (common April -June),
Hooded Dotterel (not common), Black -fronted Dotterel (generally
distributed), Red -capped Dotterel (rare), White -headed Stilt (2
examples procured at Botany in 1895, all obtained), Red -necked
Avocet (small flocks at Botany in 1887, not since), Curlew (very
common), Whimbrel (rare), Little Whimbrel (rare), Bar -tailed
Godwit (not very plentiful), Greenshank (not common), Grey -tailed
Tattler (not uncommon), Sharp -tailed Sandpiper (common), Knot
(5 at Botany Bay, only ones procured), Australian Snipe (not com-
mon) and Painted Snipe (Spring migrant, beautiful examples taken at
Botany).BIRDS 50. 1st January, 1972.
Probably many comments could be made regarding this list
and a present-day record of Botany Bay, remembering of course that
the above list covers the whole County, although the Botany Bay in-
fluence is often mentioned and easily conjectured. The absence of the
Red -necked Stint and Curlew Sandpiper is surprising because both are
quite common. Somewhat regular visitors, though -rare, like the Grey
Plover, Black -tailed Godwit, Sanderling, Broad -billed Sandpiper,
Large Sand -Dotterel, Greater Knot and Terek Sandpiper are not men-
tioned, and the absence of the Mongolian Dotterel (very common)
indicates that though overlooked in the field it is surprising that no
specimen reached the Museum!
My initial experience with this problem group of birds, then
little-known but certainly more easily worked out after the publication
cf “Guide to the Field Identification of the Waders, ” The Emu, Vol.
38, by Dr. Serventy, was in early 1942, when Allen Keast (now Prof-
essor of Biology at Queens University, Canada) and I trekked from
General Holmes Drive, at that time an infrequently -used road skirting
the much smaller boundaries of Kingsford -Smith Aerodrome, and
cro;Ising Cook’s River by a long single -lane bridge about mile up-
stream, through scrubby vegetation that surrounded most of the old
Waterworks, past some roughly erected hovels on the shoreline that
were a grim reminder of the unfortunates who occupied them during
the “depression” days, to the old estuary area where we found liter-
ally thousands of waders feeding busily over the extensive tidal -flats.
Thus begain an ornithological study that occupied most of my spare
time over the following years,
With my companion soon after engaged with army duties, no
petrol available for the car and an old telescope to replace my “con-
fiscated” field -glasses, nunvrous trips were made per bicycle follow-
ing the “short cut” from home, which included the mile -long concrete
flat top covering the sewer, endeavouring to determine the many spec-
ies of waders concentrated at the estuary. One by one the identific-
ation features and feeding habits were satisfactorily solved and the
regulars became well known, then followed over the years those
migrants that were either welcome additions or joyful surprises. In
the following order were recorded – Double -banded Dotterel,
Mongolian Dotterel, Sanderling, Turnstone, Grey -tailed Tattler,BIRDS 51. 1st January, 1972.
Greater Knot, Lesser Knot, Large Sand -Dotterel, Grey Plover,
Greenshank, Blacktailed Godwit, Terek Sandpiper, Oriental Dotterel,
Broad -billed Sandpiper, Wandering Tattler, Common Sandpiper and
Pectoral Sandpiper With the exception of a few species such as the
Wood Sandpiper and Marsh Sandpiper, birds which prefer marsh-
lands, and others known in Australia by occasional records only, all
of the migrant shore birds on the Australian list have been observed
in the Botany Bay area since that “pioneering” trek in 1942 and will
continue to return regularly provided habitats are preserved.
Whilst I often wonder what my experience might have been
within the Botany Bay wader haunts had I been born 50 years earlier,
I am certainly glad ornithologically speaking I did not appear 50
years later, for to -day most of my treasured memories might not
have been possible. So much of the area is being changed by indust-
rialization, diversion, pollution, reclamation and destruction that
the waders are finding their favoured areas more and more restrict-
ed, Even where some feeding areas still exist the birds are forced
to compete not only with noisy motor -cycles and beach buggies
churning up sand and mud everywhere and the ever-increasing
hordes of weekend picnickers parked wherever space permits, but
also the more sinister poisoning of feeding grounds by oil seepage,
frequently found oozing on the tide -line.
Surely there is still time to save what is left of the sand flats
of Botany Bay, so that our children’s children might enjoy something
of what I experienced during those exciting, but “difficult” days of
Arnold R. McGill,
Arncliffe, N. S. W.
That water birds will rapidly establish themselves was demon-
strated when a small dam was built across the junction of two creeks
3 km north of the Gwydir River on the pastoral property “Gwydir
Park” 19.5 km south-west of Inverell.BIRDS 52. 1st January, 1972.
Shady eucalypts and angophoras grew on the banks of the
dam with pleasantly timbered surroundings opening on to cultivation
on the eastern side. Here too was a group of buildings associated
with tobacco growing where up to twelve persons worked in close
proximity to the dam.
Prior to the ponding of the water the only species to frequent
the creeks were Black -fronted Dotterel (Charadrius melanops), White-
faced Heron (Ardea novaehollandiae), Black Duck (Anas superciliosa)
and Wood Dtick (Chenonetta jubata), all good season visitors nesting
if conditions suited.
The darn, finished in late October 1963, filled almost immed-
iately and on 13th November, several Black Ducks were swimming
about searching for food under bank and tea tree.
Christmas Eve brought immatures of the same species.
Imitating pieces of waterlogged wood by stretching head and neck
along the water they drifted back to shelter in reeds, the only sign
of life, the batting of an eyelid.
On 17th September, 1964, in answer to the soft quacking of
adults, chicks swam from beneath sheltering tea trees. White, with
dark head and mantle, downy and round as a powder puff they floated
by, or, startled, submerged.
A nest measuring 25 cm across, 20 cm deep, woven from a
patch of bladey grass, resembled a bowl full of eggs placed somewhat
insecurely between two cattle pads. Fifteen eggs, some piled on top
of the others, were about to hatch on 25th October.
On 26th December, 1963, the Black -fronted Dotterel found the
top of the hardened earth wall of the dam a convenient place to lay
the usual clutch of two eggs.
A nest of the Little Grebe (Podiceps novaehollandiae) found on
19th January, 1964, was anchored to the top twigs of a submerged tea
tree. The structure of sticks looked like a pile of flood debris;BIRDS 53. 1st January, 1972.
debris; finer twigs covered the eggs; two adults watched from
a distance. Four young hatched and on 8th February were swim-
ming when a sudden pulsation of an engine frightened them
causing a retreat to where the parents waited with raised wings
to cover the chicks before bearing away. In spring 1964 de-
crease of water, due to extensive irrigation, made the grebes
leave, but they returned after the good rains of early summer
and, as if glad to be back, chattered shrilly as they swam about.
Wood Duck arrived in August, 1964 to feed on succulent
young poona peas or to rest on the shingle as immatures swam
by. If scared the chicks would paddle furiously away; the adults
rise, circle and drop protectively to the water ahead of the young.
30th March, 1964 brought a Nankeen Night Heron (Nycti-
corax caledonicus) which hid in the reeds during the day, stand-
ing straight with bill pointing to the sky.
Early in March, 1965 Little Pied Cormorants (Phlacrocorax
melanoleucos) came by; a White -necked Heron (Ardea pacifica)
visited the creeks and dam; A dusky Moorhen (Gallinula tenebrosa),
cackling like a domestic fowl, joined the throng; Anhinga rufa the
Darter, its long willowy neck camouflaged by the proximity of
dark, curved branches, lurked near the bank.
A male Musk Duck (Biziura lobata) arrived unexpectedly
on 17th March. Diving repeatedly and staying under water up to
two minutes, the Musk Duck patrolled stretches of water varying
from 9 m to 12m. Meticulous preening on a sand bank at 6 p. m,
became a ritual.
These few notes indicate that autumn is the main coloniz-
ing time. The waters of Copeton Dam, now being constructed
across the Gwydir River, will cover approximately half of
“Gwydir Park?’ and should provide a haven for many water birds.
Merle Baldwin,
Gilgai, via Inverell, N. S. W.BIRDS 54. 1st January, 1972.
Bustards (Eupodotis australis) are rarely recorded in New
South Wales and in McGill’s “Handlist of Birds of New South Wales”
their status is given as “very rare. ” Consequently, the following
observations provided by a number of rangers of the National Parks
and Wildlife Service, are of particular interest, Ranger Jack
Noonan, formerly of Kinchega National Park, is now the Law Enforce-
ment Officer at Bourke. Barry McKelvey is the Law Enforcement
Officer at Menindee, whilst John Eveleigh is a Ranger at Kinchega.
All have spent most of their lives in the west and are familiar with
Bustards. Recent observations of Bustards are as follows,
On 25th June, 1969, a group of five Bustards were observed by
rangers Ross and Noonan on the western edge of Lake Cawndilla in
Kinchega National Park, The habitat was spear grass plains in a
depression containing scattered Black Box (Eucalyptus largiflorens),
The birds were sighted on two subsequent occasions the following
In March, 1971 a single Bustard was sighted on the spear
grass plains in the north western portion of Kinchega by Ranger
Eveleigh and others,
On 15th May, 1971 Ranger Noonan observed seven Bustards
circling Wanaaring Golf Course from where they had apparently
been flushed.
During mid June, 1971 Ranger McKelvey reported that he had
been advised that Bustards were present on “Menamurtee” Wilcannia
and “The Avenue, ” 35 miles north of Wilcannia, however, he did not
see the birds himself. These two properties are characterised by
mulga scrub which has gradually changed to short grass!
On 11th July, 1971 Ranger Noonan saw three Bustards on a
grass plain eight miles south of Bourke, The birds got up from the
ground and were observed to circle over the plain before disap-
It is generally believed that a change in habitat and heavyBIRDS 55. 1st January, 1972.
shooting pressure are the reasons for this bird disappearing from
New South Wales where it was once common. Interestingly enough,
all these observations refer to the period March -July. Whether
this infers that Bustards are non -breeding winter migrants to north
western New South Wales is not known,
Alan K. Morris,
Old Toongabbie, N. S. W.
(With Apologies to G. P. Darnell -Smith)
Many eucalypts, particularly the smooth -barked gums,
exude a gummy substance from bark wounds. During the past four
autumns I have seen, on a number of occasions, parties of Bell
Miners (Manorina melanophrys) feeding on this exudation. Once a
party was joined by a Jacky Winter but it did not seem to appreciate
the feast and departed after one tentative peck at the gum.
There are at least three earlier records of this behaviour,
though the species concerned do not include Bell Miners>
K. A. Hindwood (The Emu, Vol. 32, p. 124) reported see-
ing a party of Yellow -tufted Honeyeaters “feeding on the dark -red
gum oozing from a wound in the bark. ” No date was given but it
was stated to be in autumn.
Earlier (The Emu, Vol. 10, p. 52) G. P. Darnell -Smith list-
ed six species of honeyeaters – Yellow -tufted, Yellow -faced, White –
eared, White-naped, Brown -headed and Regent – which he and
Dr. Burton Cleland had observed at “manna” exuding from a bark
wound of a Grey Gum (Eucalyptus punctata) at Milson Is., Hawkesbury
River. This was on 19th December, 1909. A plate accompanying the
note shows seven Yellow -tufts at the tree, Darnell -Smith had the
“manna” analysed and it was shown “to contain as its principal con-
stituent the sugar known as raffinose or melitose. “
A much earlier observation was made by George Caley, who
lived at Parramatta during most of his stay (1800-1810) in the Colony.BIRDS 56. 1st January, 1972
Actually he was a botanical collector for Sir Joseph Banks but he also
collected many birds which were reported on by Vigors and Horsfield
(Trans, Linn, Soc. London, 1827). Unfortunately this paper was not
completed and Caley’s original notes have never been traced. The
published portion is of great interest and the field notes are often
very useful. Writing of the Noisy Miner (Myzantha melanocephala) he
I once killed six of these birds at a shot, when on the
wing hovering over a part of a tree whence some substance had exuded. “
Further records of this behaviour would be of interest, There
appears to be some indication that it may be of a seasonal character,
P. A. Bourke,
East Maitland, N. S. W.
This area was subdivided in 1963 and freshly arrived from
England we bought a property which directly adjoins the Flora and
Fauna Reserve south of the Galston Road where it crosses the
Galston Gorge. With the agreement and co-operation of the Lands
Department we have been able to carry out research in this area.
Among the many animals that have come to the resident area
have been a number of lizards and goannas, echidnas and possums
while the mouse kangaroo was seen in the early days, but people
keep cats – we don’t.
By the removal of a large burnt out Banksia -tree stump we
created a rock pool twenty feet by fifteen feet and sloping down to
five feet Around the pool there was an Old Man Banksia, a Casuar-
ina and we planted a Cootamundra Wattle. Near at hand is a well
developed Angophora and a Scribbly Gum. This pool, in the words of
Kipling, has become “The Meeting Place” for this is where the top
of the sandstone drops sharply away to Fishponds Creek and the
Gorge,BIRDS 57, 1st January, 1972.
Our garden ranges from the Camellias at the back of the house stead-
ily down to a planted Native Bush Garden and into the Reserve.
The object is to prove that there need not be a sharp line of dem-
arcation. Daily visitors, Magpie -Lark (pair) and a mixed flock of
Magpies and Currawongs, are fed as are a pair of Indian Mynas
These birds definitely police the area and I have seen them all at
the same time mob a cat that had come into the garden, Visiting
birds are allowed presumably up to a certain size or within certain
food groups, Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoos mobbed, but honey –
eaters accepted, When mobbing starts it is not just one species but
several, including Kookaburras, and the area of dispute is always
the rock pool,
We have found that there is a set procedure for bathing.
Magpie -Larks get right in with just the neck sticking out, splash a
lot and take great care with preening. This is done several times
a day. Indian Mynas do not go so far in but usually at least twice
a day, Wattle -birds sit in the Cootamundra and dive skim into the
water, each in turn and screaming with excitement, peculiarly enough
from 3 p, m. to 3.30 p. m, ! Magpies and Kookaburras spend time
looking then hop in and hop out, It has been noticed that NO TWO
They will sit and watch the others but they will not go in although
there is ample room.
In addition to the pleasure of watching we receive a definite
bonus A large number of birds in a garden remove a large number
of insects and we do not use insecticides, added to which, seeds of
native plants are also brought in – and thrive!
Mrs. F. M. Crawford,
Hornsby Heights, N. S. W.
Yellow -tailed Thornbill
This ground -loving thornbill was observed at Mona Vale,
N. S. W, , on 7th October, 1971. This is my first record of the
species in the area in which I live There were three or more
birds present, L. Courtney Haines, Bayview. N. S.. W.BIRDS 58. 1st January, 1972.
Observations of Yellow -tailed Thornbills at their Nests
In August of this year at Kooragang Island, Newcastle, I found
an almost completed Yellow -tailed Thornbill’s nest, While inspecting
it the bird was noted nearby with nesting material in its beak. I
stood back about 20 feet and in full view to observe the procedure,
noticing that it went straight to the cup at the top of the nest and added
the material. I thought little of this until two weeks passed, I was
at Yango, near Wollombi, N, S. W, , and found, amongst others, a
Yellow -tailed Thornbill nest with two eggs and one young, Deciding
to take a few photos I promptly set up my gear and waited for the
bird’s return, I did not have long to wait. Shortly after it
perched nearby and studied the camera etc, two feet from the nest.
It then flew to the cup at the top and simulated building the nest,
shuffling itself around in circles reminding me a lot of a Grey Fan-
tail when building, It then went away and came back to the nest
entrance which was well concealed and attempted to get inside. The
elec. flashes frightened it away but it again returned to the top
continuing with the building procedure. photographed it sitting
in the cup but it means very little – only the head showing, I left
after my next picture as the bird was very agitated.
I am curious! Is this another possible use for the nest cup
a distraction for predators? I would like to hear from any person
having the same experience.
Robert Edden,
Merewether Heights. N. S. W.
Barn Owls
On 15th September, 1970, a week after I had found a dead Barn
Owl (Tyto alba) in the Royal National Park, I picked up another dead
owl of the same species at Capt. Cook’s landing place, Kurnell, Both
owls were thin,
Dr Van Tets of the C. S. I. R. 0. Wildlife Research informed
me that it was a wide spread occurrence and was due to the fact thatBIRDS 59. 1st January, 1972,
the mouse plague down south had finished and the birds were dying
of starvation,
On receiving this information I was reminded of similar
happenings in England years ago when Barn Owls (Tyto alba alba),
Tawny Owls (Strix aluco sylvatica) and Short -eared Owls (Asio
flammeus) were found dead after there had been a mouse plague,
At the time of finding the Barn Owls, mentioned above, I
was working in the Royal National Park and had set a trap line on
open heathland which terminated in a dry swamp, and although little
was expected to be taken, I nevertheless caught five New Holland
Mice (Pseudomys novae-hollandiae), one introduced House Mouse
(Mus musculus), one Allied Rat (Rattus fascipes) and three Swamp
Rats (Rattus lutreolus) which were duly tagged and released,
One wonders why the Barn Owls could not have lived on
these native rodents, or for that matter even resorted to moths as
did a Boobook Owl (Ninox novaezeelandiae) at the site of a mercury
vapour moth trap at Wahroonga. Prior to the setting up of the moth
trap a Boobook Owl had deformed the tops of a tree growing near a
street lamp by preying on the insects attracted to the light and con-
tinually using the tree -top as a feeding place,
A. Barclay Rose,
Wahroonga, N. S. W.
Satin Flycatchers in Sydney Suburbs
My first sighting of a male Satin Flycatcher (Myiagra
cyanoleuca) was at Longueville on 16.11,68. It was with a male
Leaden Flycatcher (Myiagra rubecula) so I had a rare opportunity
to compare these two very similar birds. Mr, E, Hoskin recorded
a Satin Flycatcher at Eastwood on 25th and 28th October, 1970
(BIRDS, Vol, 5 No, 6).
In the afternoon of 25.10.71 I was sitting in the garden when
a male Satin Flycatcher alighted on a bare branch within 9 ft. of
where I sat. The shining blue -black head, breast and back, and
very white underparts made the identification unmistakable,BIRDS 60, 1st January, 1972.
Richard Noske, who lives about a quarter of a mile from me,
rang me on the morning of 26.10.71 to report he had just seen a
Satin Flycatcher in his area.
Lola Smith,
Longueville, N. S. W.
New Flycatcher Ideritified as a Varied Triller
I have received the following letter from Mr. H. J. de S. Disney,
Curator of Birds, Department of Ornithology, The Australian Museum.
The letter is dated 9th November, 1971 – “In Volume 6, No. 3 p. 42
BIRDS, there is a note from Merele Baldwin on a new Flycatcher? I
feel certain from her description etc. that this bird was a Varied
Triller (Lalage leucomela). have checked this against the study skins
and am confident that this is correct. Mr. S. G. Lane when asked
independently also came to the same conclusion. Yours etc. “
A Reference Correction
Mr. P.A. Bourke of Maitland, N. S. W. has pointed out to me
that the reference given in the paper “White -winged Black Terns in
N. S. W. ” by A. Morris, Vol. 6, No. 3 p. 38 BIRDS (Lowe and Dent,
1966, The Emu 60:66) is incorrect and should read (Bourke and Lowe,
1960, The Emu 60:65),
Bakers Lagoon
In reply to our representations, the Premier has advised us that
Bakers Lagoon will not be drained below the 11’8″ level, as recomm-
ended by the N. P. W. S. This is the level to which the Lagoon has
been drained on previous occasions and means that some water will
remain in Bakers Lagoon but not as much as has been there in recent
years, (Is there not some rich birdwatcher who could buy the Lagoon
for us?) In response to our letter to the Prime Minister on the
subject, the P.M. expressed some sympathy, but said that land usage
was a matter for the States.BIRDS 61. 1st January, 1972.
Towra Point
The preservation of the Towra Point/Quibray Bay areas as
a Nature Reserve to preserve the remaining wader habitat in the
Sydney Region continues to be an important issue. Unfortunately the
Government is still considering whether or not to build additional
deep sea ports at Quibray Bay. Further representations have
been made on this matter to the Premier as well as a protest over
the recent (26. 10. 71) oil spill in Botany Bay.
Addition to Nature Reserves
285 acres have been added to Goura, located 5 miles south
of Central Tilba and to the South of Mount Dromadary, bringing the
reserve boundary to Digmans Creek. acres were added to
Bowraville N. R. bringing the total area there to 141 acres, Finally,
the Womboyn Sand Dune area of 3, 200 acres has been added to
Nadgee N. R. bring it to about 45, 000 acres. For further details
contact Alan Morris.
Representations have also been made to Mr. Barnes, mem-
ber of the N. P. W. S. Advisory Council, to make enquiries about
nature reserves on the shale country in the Sydney Region; and to
the Pollution Control Commission over the dumping of soil at North
Head. Conservation Officer.
Index to Current Ornithological Research by Douglas D, Dow,
R. A. O. U. , pp. 112, paper covers, $1.75 including postage.
This book contains the names of 200 Ornithologists, both
professional and amateur, engaged in ornithological research.
The names are arranged in alphabetical order together with the
species or aspect of research being pursued.
A feature of the book is the series of appendices which im-
mediately follow the research section. They include Orders andBIRDS 62. 1st January, 1972.
families under study; generic and specific names; common names;
interests and types of investigation, regional index to contributors,
additional sources of information and publications containing the re-
sults of research. This latter section contains the titles of no less
than 63 Australian journals and magazines and 13 overseas pub-
A book of this nature is a most useful addition to Ornithological
literature and obviously an absolute necessity to anyone contemplat-
ing bird study of any kind. Not only can duplication of research be
avoided, but the list of colleagues working in similar fields may prove
to be of the greatest assistance,
L, C. H.
A few miles from Springwood, Blue Gum Swamp Creek was
again visited on 16th November, 1971, The purpose on this occasion
was to follow the lower fire trail (as on the excursion in 1970) and
return by way of the ridge road, completing the round trip, so an
earlier meeting time, 9 a. m. was arranged. 32 members and friends
comprised the party. However, after lunch it was decided, because
of the extreme dry conditions, we would return over the same route
as the outward journey. Although the day was pleasantly warm and a
refreshing breeze blew throughout, birds were never noticeably in
evidence. Those that caused some interest were the Rock Warbler
(fine views of one pair but no nest could be located), Brush Cuckoo
(one bird calling persistantly and seen by all), Fan -tailed Cuckoo,
Gang Gang Cockatoo, Red-browed Tree -creeper (fewer seen than last
year), Brown Thornbill, Golden Whistler, White -eared Honeyeater,
Yellow Robin (nesting), White-naped Honeyeater, Grey Goshawk (ex-
cellent view of one bird soaring overhead), Sacred Kingfisher, Striated
Thornbill and White-browed Scrub -Wren. A few members of the party
had good views of a male Satin Flycatcher late in the day. In all,
we had a most enjoyable day, an envigorating walk through pleasant
surroundings, some good birds and pleasant company.
A. R. McGill (Leader).BIRDS 63. 1st January, 1972.
20th January – Mr. Ellis McNamara VP
“Birds in Colour 1972.”
17th February – Mr. Howard Hughes, Australian Museum
B. H. P. Films “The Australian Sea Lion”
“Where Water is Plentiful”
“Some Australian Marsupials”
“Dry Australia.
16th March – Mr. Norman Chaffer
“Indonesia. “
20th April Dr. Peter Fullagar, C. S. I. R. 0. Div. of
Wildlife “Shearwaters.”
18th May – Members Night.
15th June Chairman’s Address.
Saturday, 26th February, 1972
Leader – G. Holmes. Sydney Contact: G. Dibley 570.1298
Object of the trip is to see the famous wading areas of Stockton
also the waders and swamp birds of Kooragang Island. The island is
the southern limit of the Mangrove Warbler which has nested there.
We intend to stop at Pelican Point near Swansea on the way home.
A bus has been arranged. Fare $4, 00. Money for fare must
be in hands of Mrs. M. Dibley, 18 Russell Street, Oatley, 2223, not
later than the meeting of 17th February, but to avoid disappointment,
members are advised to book early. Cheques to be made payable to
N. S. W. Field Ornithologists Club.BIRDS 64. 1st January, 1972.
Bus will pick up at:-
7.00 a.m. City; eeaasstteerrnn side of York Street, at corner of Druitt
7,15 a.m. Chatswood; Pacific Highway outside Public School.
7.35 a.m. Hornsby; Bus stop at Hornsby Station on eastern side
in George Street. Car park available.
Bus will return to City approximately 7.30 p. m.
PATRON: A. H. Chisholm, O. B.E., F. R. Z. S.
AND TREASURER: 84 Arabella Street,
Longueville. 2066
‘Phone: 42.2418
18 Russell Street,
°alley, 2223
‘Phone: 570.1298
HON. EDITOR: L. Courtney -Haines,
10 Loquat Valley Road,
Bayview. 2104,
(Registered for posting as a Periodical – Category B)