PDF version available here: Vol. 8 No. 1
PRICE 25c.
No. 11 July 1973
A year has passed and looking back it is encouraging to see how
our Journal has grown., The support of our members in providing inter-
esting and worthwhile articles is appreciated, Through the efforts of
Alan Leishman we have been able this month to reproduce Bob Miller’s
photographs of the recently re -discovered colony of Striated Grass -wrens,
south-west of Cobar. Again we are breaking new ground by putting a
cover on our journal, the cover illustration being drawn by member
E. S. Hoskin,
Our projected name change did not eventuate because whilst there
was plenty of support for changing the name there was not unanimous
support for any one new name. The Committee therefore decided to take
no action for the present, however, the question of a new name will be
considered again during the year when consideration is being given to
alter the format of our Journal.
Finally, as “field ornithologists”, your support for three separate
field projects is sought. The pilot survey for an Australian Bird Atlas
being organised by the R.A.O.U. needs observers to record the birds
present at given locations through -out the survey area. Much of the
recording is being done by Canberra bird -watchers and it would be fitting
for our members to help in this survey in New South Wales: All members
therefore are urged to obtain survey cards and take as many trips as
possible during the next twelve months, on the South Coast! Even the
least experienced member can make a worthwhile contribution to the Atlas
Project. Members are also encouraged to support the Nest Record Scheme
by providing details of the contents of all nests found, even for common
species in your own yard. Also, the Pine Forest Survey directed by
John Disney requires observers during Spring – Summer. Make your bird
watching more. worthwhile by contributing to these three projects –
Good huntingt
Editor.BIRDS 4. 1 July 1973
Such excellent work on the Zebra Finch (Poephila guttata) in field
and aviary has been accomplished by Immelman (1965), Frith and Tilt
(1959), that it is with diffidence I point out divergent behaviour.
Daily field notes were made in savannah -woodland habitat at Gwydir Park,
18km south-west of Invereil from 1962 to 1965, and at Gilgai, 9km south
of Inverell from 1967 to 1972.
In these districts the Zebra Finch is not residential but appears
infrequently in spring in small numbers with occasional large flocks in
autumn. Numbers varied from two to three birds to a record of three
hundred in the mild, wet autumn of 1963. Subsequent years show a rapid
decline. Nesting is irregular and has been noted in June, October and
Hest Building.
Nest building lasts for 7-11 days in Central Australia (Immelman p.141
and 15 days in the Murrumbidgee area (Frith & Tilt p.290). At Gwydir Park
one nest was completed in two days and this is usual.
On 4 March 1963 at 9:00 a pair of Zebra Finches placed a piece of
“petticoat” grass in a Grevillea rosmarinifolia where a whorl of branches
formed a hollow 45cm from the ground. At 15:00 the nest was a round ball
with long bits of grass sticking up like the canes of a basket in the
making. The female waited at the nest for the male to bring material.
A 15cm length of seeding grass, too heavy for the male to carry, was
dragged to a stone to which he clung while swinging the stem round to
shake some seed out making light enough to carry. Grass was held by the
butt end and never in the middle which should have given better balance.
One forked green stem was abandoned after it tangled in the shrub.
On 5 March at 8:00 both birds were gathering grass. The female
brought the first feather. At 15:00 the nest was firm and opaque with
the opening to the south, smaller but not finished off. There was a
thin lining of soft grey cudweed.
On 6 March at 8:09 the entrance to the nest was smooth and round with
a spray of bluebells projecting artistically above. Did the loose placin
of the flowers suggest deliberate ornamentation? Additional flower heads
and small weeds were tucked into the covering. The pair came, inspectedBIRDS 5. 1 July 1973
the nest, then flew off together. The nest was complete, strong and
warm but embellishments of grass and feather were added during egg -laying
and incubation periods.
Female Carrying Nest Material.
Immelman (p.111) suggests that participation by the female in
carrying nest material is a matter of urgency, but sty observations show
this to be usual. The female remains in the nest to weave the grass in
place only for the first day, the behaviour of both birds implying that
this enforced rest time is but an extension of courtship. With’a
flourish the male brings grass, pokes it awkwardly into place, then sings
to the female. After he leaves she pulls the stem out and weaves it
deftly back. One female, becoming irritated at the clumsy work of the
male, flew at him, took the straw and fixed it to her liking. It is
possible that the ability to construct the nest foundation is inherent
only in the female – a supposition that requires more study.
Nest Description.
The nest has been described as a “poor affair” by Immelman (p,141)
and “untidy” by Frith (1969) and most ornithologists agree. Close sti,dy
belies the popular belief. The concave base of the nest is built of
cupped stems intertwined with finer stems and rocts. The dome is built
in reverse with long, convex stems poked into the mesh of the base. It
would be virtually impossible to build this domed roof in a confined spat
which is why – “Birds nesting in hollow logs mostly build an open cup –
shaped nest..” (Immelman p.1141). The complete frame is a neat sphere of
lattice, prickly with stem ends upon which is impaled a covering of cling
ing material such as small weeds with burr and root attached. When lace
across, the elongated opening becomes a circle with a smooth rim. Cud –
weed and wocl line the nest. Dowmy feathers placed near were used,
flight feathers discarded.
On male seen picking up threads under a clothes line flew from wire
to ground a dozen times, his bill crammed with threads which stuck out
like a fierce moustache. Next morning the threads were found under the
In the Murrumbidgee area 172 complete clutches were examined and
no occasion was there evidence of two eggs being deposited on the same
day (Frith & Tilt p.291). At Gwydir Park the few nests investigated
showed that (a) strange females entered during the egg -laying period and
that (b) double laying occurred.BIRDS 6. 1 July 1923
(a) NEST 1. On 6 March 1963 in the late afternoon two females flew
out of the nest and sat on a branch where they were joined by two other
females and one male. Four flew off leaving the male on guard.
7 March, 8:30. One pure white egg. 8 March. In the morning a pair of
finches flew out of the nest revealing two eggs. Five females close by.
At 18:00 the female settled in the nest, the male roosted in an adjoining
shrlb. 9 March, 9:00. Three eggs. 10 March. Female sitting on four
(b) NEST 2. On 10 March at 16:C0 there were no eggs in the nest. On
11 March at 7:30 there were two eggs. 12 March, 8:00. Two eggs.
13 March, 9:C0. Four eggs. 14. March, 9:00 and 15 March. Five eggs.
16 March. Six eggs.
It has been asserted by. Frith and Tilt (p.291) that laying wa.s at
daily intervals, yet no eggs were laid in Nest 2 on 12 and 15 March.
Which eggs were laid by the resident female?
Haines (1972) describes the eggs of the Zebra Finch as pale, dull
blue. Fifteen eggs were examined at the time these notes were made and
all were pure white when laid developing a faint pink glow later.
Both male and female brought grass to the nest and fixed it in
position before relieving the sitting bird – behaviour contrary to that
seen by Immelman (p.143) whose finches met away from home.
Use of Feet.
Immelman (p.138) says that the feet are not used for holding grass
stalks, but the following observation to the contrary was made.
On 15 November 1962 Zebra Finches were feeding on couch grass by jumping
up, catching the seed head wd.th the bill and pulling it to the ground
Where it was held with one foot. One bird rode the stalk to the ground
and continued tc lie across it while stripping seeds off.
Charcoal in Nests.
In 1964 from 5 May to A June, Zebra Finches were seen eating small
pieces of charcoal. This was prior tc nest building which commenced on
3 June. No charcoal was found in the nests but it has been seen in
nests of members of the same genus, the Masked Finch (P. personata) and
the Long-tailed Finch (P. Acuticauda) (Hill, 1967).BIRDS 7. 1 July 1973
Frith, H. J. (Fditor) 1969 Birds in the Australian High
Country. A. H. & A. W. Reed,
Frith, H. J. and TiJt, R. A. 1959 Breeding of the Zebra Finch in
the Murrumbidgee Area, New South
Wales. Emu 59:289-295.
Hill, R. 1967 Australian Birds. Thomas Nelson
(Australia) Limited, Melbourne.
ImmeIman, K. 1965 Australian Finches. Angus and
Robertson, Sydney.
Haines, L. C. 1972 A Review of “Australian Bush Birds”
Birds 6:75
Merle Baldwin,
The Beach Stone Curlew (Esacus magnirestris) which normally frequent:
coastal northern Australia and certain Pacific islands, has only been
reported from New South Wales on two occasions; in 1930 at Tweed Heads anc
in. 1959 at Norah Head. Both records are described by. Wilson (Emu 61:
64-5). This rote is to report a further sighting on the ncrth coast of
New South Wales.
On 13 February 1973 at 1700 hours, I observed a Beach Stone Curlew
on a smal] beach just north of the entrance of Station Creek, 41 km north
of Coffs Harbour, in the proposed Red Rock National Park. The biro took
flight across a rock platform and landed or, the beach near the mouth of
the creek where shortly afterwards I was able to observe it from a range
of 40 m through. 8x binoculars. When I approached too clrse it took off
and flew in a complete circle to aligbt in almost the same place on two
occasions. Sane years ago I had the onrortunity on’Rramptcn Island tr.BIRDS 8. 1 July 1973
observe Beach Stone Curlews daily for two weeks and I am reasonably
familiar with the species.
On 17 February I returned to the place but failed to find the bird.
On 3 March, with five other adults, I saw a Beach Stone Curlew again at
the entrance of Station Creek. It was later observed flying along the
beach just, to the north.
Feter Roberts,
Coffs Harbour. 13.3.73
Little Muttcnbird Island lies about 500 m off Park Beach, the main
surfing beach at Coffs Harbour, N.S.W. A submerged sandspit joins it
to the beach and at low tide it is possible to reach the island by
wading through waist -deep surf. In holiday periods it is not unusual
to see 20 or more swimmers fossicking on the island.
On 21 January 1973 I examined the island carefully for signs of
breeding seabirds. Only about one third of the surface is vegetated
and much of this is too stony for birds tc burrow. HolAever, there were
a few burrows in places where some soil had collected and underneath
some large boulders were crevices that showed signs of having been exc-
avated. Five of these sites contained very young chicks, three of which
were being brooded by adult Wedge-tailed Sheamaters. Another crevice
contained an egg that had been punctured and the contents sucked out.
Two or three other holes looked as though they might have been used for
breeding but were empty. Possibly there are other burrows that I over-
Only 1 km away is Muttontird Island with a major breeding station
of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters. The area available there for burrowing
has been reduced recently by the spread of a weed, Cenchris australis,
and there was evidence this season of competition for nest sites.
Possibly this has caused some birds to seel: out a net,; breeding ground.
On the other hand it is quite possible that the hirds have been nesting
on Little Muttonbird for some time past without being ncticed.
Peter Roberts,
Coffs Harbour. 1.2 73BIRDS 9. 1 July 1973
Striated Grass -wrens are no strangers to me as prior to December
1972 I was camped in the Big Desert of south-western Victoria for over
a month, during which time I became very familiar with them. When it
was quiet these wrens would come out of the porcupine grass, feeding and
calling only lm from where I sat,
On 16 December three Striated Grass -wrens were observed, one single
bird being 90m from the first pair sighted by the roadside 113 km south-
west of Cobar. The pair came within 15m of me and hopped around feeding
unconcerned for about 5 minutes. One bird sang once from the top of a
heap of mallee sticks. This bird had a very black stripe which ran from
the front of its eye downward towards the shoulder of the wing. The
flanks were light rufous, between the eye and forehead was also rufous.
The throat was off-white – the bill slender, many stripes ran from the
head and face down the back of the bird. The back was a dark rufous and
only noticed when the bird stood at certain angles with the sun shining
on it.
On 25 February 1973 another group of five wrens were located 1 km
south of the first sighting. Late in March a further trip was under-
taken and 13 new birds were found in the same general area. Two birds
were caught in mist nests, photographed, measured and banded. .On this
trip I was accompanied by Mrs, V. Jenkins, J. Izzard and son Chris,
G. Thomas and Miss Lenore Miller. All birds were found in Mallee having
a heavy understorey of Porcupine Grass (Trioda Sp.). Glenlea (60,000 ha.)
adjoins Yathong Nature Reserve and it is understood that the National
Parks and Wildlife Service is negotiating with the owner to add Glenlea
to the Nature Reserve. The accompanying photographs illustrate the
wrens and the habitat in which they occur.
McGill (1970 Australian Warbler p.37) records that Gould (1865)
obtained a specimen on the lower Namoi River and Bennett obtained nests
and specimens in the Mossgiel District in 1883. No evidence has been
obtained since of its occurrence in New South Wales. Glenlea, the
property on which the observations have been made is approx., 110 km
north-east of Mossgiel and it is possible that Bennettts specimens were
taken near Glenlea. Mossgiel township no longer exists and the
district is one of open plains habitat, however in 1885 Mossgiel was
classed as a “postal town”, Ivanhoe only a “postal village” and beingBIRDS 11. 1 July 1973
more important, the observation was probably linked to Mossgiel.
comprehensive report of this re -discovery of the Striated Grass -wren
will appear in,a subsequent issue of Birds).
Bob Miller
Murrami. 2696. 27.3.73
Upper left Spinifex and cactus pea in mallee, habitat of the
Striated Grass -wren.
Lower left – One of the birds caught on 25 February 1973.
Above Another Striated Grass -wren caught and photographed on
25 March 1973.
(All photographs by R. Miller)BIRDS 12. 1 July 1973
In 1971 (Birds 5: 33-34), I specified that the Albert Lyrebirds
of the Mebbin, Mount Warning and North Wollumbin rainforests imitate
and magnify the eerie, whistle -come -howl of the local Satin Bowerbirds.
Chisholm (1971 Birds 6:3) referring to my comments stated “..presumably
this allusion centres upon the declamatory Whoo-Hoo which the handsome
male often utters..”. My eerie, whistle -come -howl” is not this M4hoo-
Hoo”, neither is it to be confused with “Pheew-Pheew” of the Satiia Bower –
bird. In 1969 I drew this call to the attention of Forester Bill Way
who guided me to a position from which I could see Albert Lyrebirds
giving the call. My description is based on the opinions of boy pupils,
family members and naturalist friends with whome in various combinations
I have sound -recorded the Mount Warning and North Wollumbin Albert Lyre-
birds from dawn until about 7.30 hrs. One boy felt this call “spooky”,
another said, “It made me shiver”. As well as “eerie whistle -come -howl”,
I wrote of a likeness to a dingo howling. It resembles a prolongation
of the word “War….”, with much of the quality of a dingo howling.
In January 1971 a tape, featuring this long-drawn-out “War….” call,
was sent to Mr. F. N. Robinson, “CSIRO, Catalogue of Recorded Bird Calls”,
who described it as “-the first recording we have been able to obtain
from N.S.W. … a valuable addition .,. has provided additional data on
regional variations in Albert Lyrebird calls”. In July 1971 I wrote
and sent a similar tape to Alec Chisholm who replied, “Meditating on the
matter of the Satinbird’s vocalism I see some substance in your point,
though to be sure I have always regarded the “Whoo-Hoo” as hearty rather
than eerie..”, and in December 1971 when returning the tape with thanks
“Your Lyre was certainly strong on his Satin neighbour, but his imitation
seemed less hearty and ‘clear cut’ than those of most others I have heard,
wherefore I see the point of your interpretation”.
The above notes I feel have finally settled the problem of the un-
usual call notes of the Satin Bowerbirds in my region. Finally in an
earlier article (1969 Birds 4: 9-11) I requested suggestions to help with
photographing this elusive Lyrebird. None came but one has only to read
Curtis (1972 EMU 72: 81-84) to realise the difficulties. Curtis requested
information on observations of the Albert Lyrebird in other areas to see
how they compare with the ones described in his article. The information
in his article with his superb photographs of the display of this bird
should help with our studies of Albert Lyrebirds in the Tweed Valley and
in the Acacia Plateau.
Milton Trudgeon,
Tumbulgum. 27.1.73BIRDS 1 July 1973
The R.A.O.U. Nest Record Scheme is an important branch of ornitholo&N
in which anyone may participate. The only pre -requisite is the ability
to accurately identify birds and in the case of persons under 18 a ref-
erence, by a recognised observer, is required. It is not necessary to
be a member of the R.A.C.U. to contribute to the scheme.
There are twv types of cards available for recording the contents of
nests. The standard card is used for all species other than those which
breed in colonies. The second card is provided for colony breeders.
Even one card with one entry is important provided that the contents of
the rest are known… Each following observation adds to the value of the
record. The cards are not difficult to fill in. Records are required
fcr all species of both Australian and introduced birds and every nest
found which contains eggs or young should be recorded. Relatively
little is known of many aspects of breeding of Australian. birds and this
includes incubation and fledging periods.
There is a charge of 52.00 for the first 100 cards supplied and
these are replaced free when returned completed. This charge is a ccrt-
ribution toward the runrdng costs of the scheme. All contributors
receive information sheets which give details of the scheme and how to
fill in the cards.
The R.A.O.U. Nest. Record Scheme needs many more ccntributors and I
would be pleased to answer any queries, forward cards and information to
all those interested in participating. New participants are very
welcome indeed and to those who ccnt.ribute so regularly, thank you for
the valuable work you are doing.
(Mrs.) Helen Young,
33 View Hill Crescent,
Eltham. Vic. 3095
Organiser. R.A.O.U. Nest Record Scheme
(The F.S.W.F.O.C. has become a corporate member of the Nest Record Scheme
end if you do not wish to join the scheme yourself. cards can be
ct-tained from George Dibl.ey and Alan Morris. Ed.)BIRLS 14. 1 July 1973
There is not a great deal of co-ordinated information available
about the distribution of Australia’s 700 odd species of birds. Most
ccruetent ornithologists could make intelligent guesses for many of the
species, but they would only be guesses. In addition, the pattern of
distribution is continually changing due to increasing use of the envir-
onment by man, to climatic variations and to the natural coure of evol-
ution. If we wish to conserve, then we must eliminate the guess work
and start with an accurate assessment of what exists today to conserve.
Hence the need for a Bird Atlas. Work on a restricted scale started in
March or. the Australian Bird Atlas Pilot Study. An area between the
A.C.T. and N.S.W. coast has been selected for this Pilot Study and is now
being surveyed. We aim to establish the effec%iveress of our methods,
our ability to raise funds and the existence of sufficient people inter-
ested in orrithology to carry out a survey of the whole country.
We are starting with a Pilot Study of 5,000 square miles of N.S.W.
The area includes as many different types of habitat as we could hope to
find – urban, seashore, riverside, lakeside, tableland, wet and dry
sclerophyll, coastal rainforest, heath and open grassland. Some of the
terrain is impenetrable; some of it is well covered by roads and tracks.
In all, it is deemed to be representative of what will be experienced in
the full-scale survey. The purpose of the study is to establish the
occurrence of all species within the area. This involves recording two
items for any observed species – when and where. Ideally, observations
should cover every month of the year. The place of observation will be
located by reference to the R502 series 1:250,000 scale maps of the
Thus our present plea is for your help. If you are able to pay an
extended visit to the Pilot Study area, you can make a considerable
contribution. We want reccrds of grid squares for all months of the
year. Even if you are just passing through the area, brief stops on
your journey car yield useful lists of birds.
Cards and instructions are available frcm The Organiser, Australian.
Bird Atlas, P.C. Box 385, Woden, A.C.T. 2606 or from Johr Disney at. the
Australian Museum_ Maps being used are the RYD2 series, costing $0.75
each entitled Canberra, taiadulla and Bega.
- Horey,
Organiser.BIRDS 15. 1 July 1973
Woodchips – Earlier this year newspaper reports and photographs describ
the apparent devastation caused by the wocdchip industry on the south
coast near Eden. Such wholesale destruction of habitat must have an
adverse effect on many species but it need not be catastrophic if adequat,
precautions are taken against fire and erosion, and in particular if
adequate buffer zones of original forest are left along creeks, steep
hillsides and between logging compartments. The Secretary wrote to the
Commissioner for Forests on these matters and pointed out also that the
preservation of the diverse bird fauna of the area requires the preserv-
ation of forest of diverse ages which in turn requires cutting of the
area being logged on a cycle considerably longer than the 10 year cycle
reportedly being planned for the Fden area. Although we have been just
as unsuccessful as all the other conservation societies in obtaining a
copy of the forestry management plan, the Commissioner sent a very full
and informative reply, including a 6 page background statement. The
Forestry plan provides for buffer zones of atleast 2 chains wide on either
side of permanent watercourses, for unlogged strips along the Princes
Highway frontage of the State Forest and as ‘biological corridors to
provide a further measure of environmental diversity in the area’. The
Commissioner is hopeful that the intensive series of logging roads will
improve fire control by providing ready access for men and vehicles, and
erosion will be minimised by keeping snig tracks away from gullies
after logging, by crossing them with drains at a frequency determined
according to the steepness of the track. A 40 to 50 year cutting cycle
is planned. The Commissioner is confident that contractors will keep to
the requirements about buffer zones, drainage etc., for fear of suspensioi
from further work in State forests: this confidence seems somewhat mis-
placed in view of the poor record of contractors in some other Forestry
areas. The wocdchip project raises two important questions: the need
for preservation of adequate areas reasonably close by to serve as refugee
for wildlife forced from. their usual habitat and the need for research.
On the South Coast, Nadgee and the Ben Boyd National Park are large enougl
to be managed as buffers against the effects of wocdchipping bia=s areas set
aside on the western side of the Princes Highway are inadequate, Far
more important is the need for a proper detailed research programme on the
area, its flora, birds and other fauna before, during and after chipping;
in fact the basic research has never been done (or is only recently being
started) to answer such questions as – How much space do particular
species of birds need to live and breed successfully? Will 2 -chain
buffer zones be wide enough?LIRDS 16. 1 July 1973
Wad)r Habitat – No Government decision has yet beer announced on the
future of Towra Point, the only substantial area of tidal mudflat wader
habitat in the Sydney area. Part of Kooragang Island, however, has been
recommended for protection and the National Parks and Wildlife Service is
making representations to the Maritime Services Board to ensure that
waders roosting and feeding on the sandspit at the northern end of the
Stockton Bridge are not disturbed by water-skiers, boats, motor -cycles or
dune buggies.
Scheyville – Many club members visit the area of native bush at the
northern end of the O.T.U. at Scheyville (Map reference – Windsor, 1:63, - Grid reference 48-50 N;89-91 E). Formal permission has now been
obtained from the Commonwealth Department of Services and Property and
confirmed with Major Russell -Smith of the 0.T.U,, for Club members to
enter the area for the purpose of observing bird life.
In N.S.W. the Silver Gull (Larus novaehollandiae) nests mainly on a
number of islands along the coast and when conditions are suitable,
inland at places such as Lake Bathurst, Lake Cowel and Menindee Lakes.
Gulls have often made use of artificial situations for nesting and an
example of this was seen on 4 December 1972 when nests were found on
wrecks in Duckholes Bay near Corries Island in Port Stephens. The wrecks
are the remains of old metal vessels with little or no superstructure
which were used many years ago for the timber trade along the Myall River.
The nests were constructed of fine stripe of ribbon -type seaweed and were
situated on suitable parts of the remaining metal frames and wooden
decidng. In one case an isolated piece of metal, standing out of the
water like a pillar, had a nest containing three eggs on the top. Thirty-
five nests were counted; most contained eggs, a few were ready for eggs
and some were still being built.
As far as I am aware this is the first recorded mainland coastal
breeding for Silver Gulls in N.S.W. and it will be interesting to learn
if the colony is successful.
S. G. (Bill) Lane
Lane Cove. 15.12.7217. 1 July 1973
19 July G. Horey RAOU Bird Atlas Pilot Scheme.
7 August G. Goodrick Black Ducks (A.G.M. of F.O.C.)
16 August C. and. A. White “Birds of Kenya and Aldabra”.
20 September C. Bennett and A. Morris “Goshawks”.
18 October Members Night,
(All meetings commerce at 8.00 p.m. in the Lecture Room, Australian
Museum, College Street., Sydney. Meetings close 10.00 p.m.)
19 April 1973 Kerry Muller frcm Taronga Zoo, as part of the Members Night
programme, showed slides of the Pairted Snipe giving threat displays.
Arrold McGill screened about 35 slides which he has recently taken or
received, including some of the nest and eggs of a Painted Snipe. Other
slides included Thick -billed Grass Wrens, Australian Dotterels, Orange
Chat, Gibber Bird, Oriental. PrEtincole.
17 May 1973 The scheduled talk had to be cancelled owing to the speaker
being absent on a field trip to the Simpson Desert. Two members however
were able to give short talks. George Dibley outlined the work that a
team from the Australian Museum, led by John Disney, is doing on bird
surveys in Pine Forests. The study area is located near Sunny Corner
and as part of the research programme adjacent areas of native forest are
also surveyed to compare and contrast the bird species present. Mr.
Disney requires assistance during Sept. -Oct. to locate and count breeding
Terry Lindsey was the other speaker and spoke briefly on three
subjects, illustrating his talk with a number of slides. The first was
on Norfolk Island which he had recently visited. Not many species of
lands birds survive on the Island although three species of Silver -eye
are still to be found viz. White -throated, Thin -billed and Grey- backed,
the former being very rare and the latter very common. Skua”Photographs
taken on offshore boat. trips were screened and included some of the first
observations for the State of a Long-tailed Skua. Lastly were some
photographs of Common, Arctic, White -fronted and a “Mystery” Tern, all
seen together at Botany Bay during April. A discussion ensued on the
latterTs identity but no decision was reached.BIRDS. 18. 1 July 1973
Saturday, 21 July – Taronga Zoo
Leader: K. Muller, Curator of Birds, Taronga Zoo.
Meet 8.30 a.m. at gate, down Bradley’s Head Road, from Main top entrance.
(Mr. Muller will conduct our party through the bird collection).
Saturday, 18 August – Camden Park Estate.
Leader: A. K. Morris – Tel. 631-7892
Meet 9.30 a.m. at Camden Park Wildlife Refuge, first pond on the left as
you leave the Hume Highway, on the Menangle Road. (About 2 miles from.
Camden). Nine large stock dams on this Wildlife Refuge provide habitat
for many waterfowl, whilst, there are a number of bushland areas along the
Nepean River.
Saturday, 22 September – Kincumber and Bouddi Park.
Leader: L. Smith – Tel. 42-2418
Arrangements have been made to visit the Hick’s property at Kincumber
where many species of birds, including the Regent Bowerbird, come to be
fed. Lunch and afternoon at Bouddi Park. A coach has been arranged,
Fare $2.50 and must be in the hands of M. Dibley by 8 September – cheques
should be made payable to the F.O.C. Coach will pick up at 7.30 a.m.
City (east end of York Street, near Druitt Street); 7.45 a.m. Chetswood
Public School (Pacific H’way); 8.05 a.m. Hornsby Bus Stop (east side of
station in George Street). Bus will return to city by 6 p.m.
Saturday 29 September to Monday 1 October – Ingelba N. R. Temora.
Long week -end camp at this nature reserve, Mallee Fowl etc. with Canberra
Ornithologists Group.
Saturday,20 October – Kenthurst, return visit to Swamp Oak Creek.
Dharug National Park, 7 & 8 Aprils 1973.. This outing was well attended.
Some members camped overnight at the very pleasant camping area on Mill
Creek whilst others attended for the Saturday or Sunday only. On Sat-
urday in very warm weather a party walked up the track to view the exc-
cellent aboriginal carvings for which this Park is noted. Good viewsBIRDS. 19. 1 July 1973
were had, stranded in a small rock pool, of a Death Adder which was sub-
sequently released. Athol Colemane was in good form and entertained
everyone over lunch at the carvings with his numerous jokes. Only a few
complained of indigestion afterwards. The get-together around the camp
fire on Saturday night was unfortunately somewhat dampened by a severe
electrical storm and heavy rain which sent everyone hurrying to their
tents and cars early in the evening. Sunday was fine again and the high-
light for most was good views of a lone Chestnut -breasted Finch. Other
notable observations were of King Quail, Large -billed Scrub -wren, two
Prawn Pigeons, Lyrebirds, an immature Black -faced Flycatcher and five
Glossy Black Cockatoos. (Noela Kirkwood)
Swamp Oak Creek, Kenthurst, 19 May 1973. 60 members, led by Athol
Colemane, were taken first to the home of Mr. & Mrs. Sealy. Here
Turquoise Parrots and Rock Warblers had been recently sighted but they
were not to be found this day, however, Brown Tree-creepers and Peaceful
Doves were observed around the house. From here we went down the track
through bushland of the sandstone country to the lovely valley of Swamp
Oak Creek. The party followed a track along the creek, eating lunch at
a grassy flat further along the valley. 58 of the 108 species recorded
by Athol for the area were sighted, including 3 Whistling Kites, King
Parrots, Spotted Quail -thrush, Black -chinned Honeyeater, Banded Finches
and Variegated Wrens. Close views of the Azure Kingfisher and Rose
Robin were obtained, whilst Lyrebirds, Rock Warblers and Satin Bowerbirds
were heard calling. (C. M. Bonser).
Reprints containing three articles from the March issue of “The S.A.
Ornithologist” are available for 30c. each (inc. postage) from the
Secretary, S.A. Ornithological Association, c/- S.A. Museum, Adelaide 5001
a. J. B. Cox, “The Identification of the Smaller Australasian
Diomeda in South Australia”. Describes in detail the field
characters of each species and race with good drawings. Special
problems of field -identification are dealt with. Seasonal
status in coastal waters is described, illustrated with a Fran},
and compared with offshore status as qhowr !elaw.
h. Swanson, “status, Latitudinal and Seasonal Occurreraes ,f
Albatross Species ir Kangaroo lslarA Water= (S.A.)”. With map.
Shows how status changes with season and with distance p to
80 km from land.i IR1)S 20. 1 July 1973
Editorial. 3
Divergent Behaviour of the Zebra Finch.
- M. Baldwin
Striated Field -wren Re -discovered in N.S.W.
9 - R. Miller
Beach Stone Curlew in N.S.W. – P. E. Roberts 7
Breeding Shearwaters on Little Muttonbird Island. F. E. Roberts 8
Albert Lyrebird Calls. – M. Trudgeon 12
Nest Record Scheme. H. Young 13
Conservation Notes. 15
Silver Gulls Nesting in Port Stephens – S. G. Lane 16
Notices. 18
Patron: A. H. Chisholm, O.B.E.
Hon. Sec. – Treasurer: Mrs. L. Smith
84 Arabella St., Longueville 42-2418
Field Day Organiser: Mrs. M. Dibley
18 Russell St., Oatley 5 70-1298
Hon. Editor: A. K. Morris
20 Harrison St., Old Toongabbie 631-7892
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION – Due 1 July each year
Single member. – $2.00; Junior member – $1.50; Family – $2.50
Scientific and vernacular names used in this journal are in accordance
with “An Index of Australian rird Names.” 17.S.I.R.C. Tech. Mem. No.5 1969.
(Registered f.)r posting a a Periodical – Category B)