Vol. 11 No. 4-text

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Journal of the

Volume 11 No. 4 JUNE, 1977

Registered for Posting as a Periodical, Category B Price $1.50THE N.S.W. FIELD ORNITHOLOGISTS CLUB
PATRON A. H. Chisholm. O.B.E.
W. Longmore
The object of the Club is promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and the
habitats they occupy.
Annual subscription rates of the Club (due 1st July each year) are:
Single Member (within Co. of Cumberland) $6.00
Single Member (Country and overseas) $5.00
Family Member $7.00
Junior Member $3.00
All members receive a quarterly newsletter and a copy of the quarterly journal “Australian
Birds”. The price of the journal is $1.50 plus postage per issue to non-members. Club badges
are available to club members at $1.30 or $1.50 if posted. The Club holds a meeting and a
field excursion each month.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary at:
90 Picnic Point Road, Picnic Point. 2213.
All membership fees should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer at:
18 Russell Street, Oatley. 2223.
Manuscripb should be sent to the Editor at:
P.O. Box 39, Coonabarabran. 2857.MOS
Volume 11, No. 4 June, 1977
Edited by ALAN E. F. ROGERS
This is the Seventh Annual Report and it is pleasing to find that the marked increase
in the number of contributors which occurred last year has been maintained. Two new
species, Baird’s Sandpiper and Roseate Tern, were added to the N.S.W. list during the year
and the Red -footed Booby was recorded on the mainland for the first time, the only prev-
ious occurrence being on Lord Howe Island. Other rarities during the year included reports
of Kermadec, Tahiti and Westland Black Petrels, Brown Booby, Red Goshawk, Beach Stone –
curlew, Oriental Dotterel, Long -toed Stint, Purple -crowned Pigeon and Fig Parrot.
In recent years we have been fortunate to have two active members resident in Ivanhoe
resulting in a wealth of ornithological information for this isolated area. This ended in 1976
when both moved to other parts of the state. However, the submission of a series of import-
ant observations from the Cobar region has been some compensation. These records, which
extend the range of several species e.g. Yellow Robin, Brown Honeyeater and Noisy Miner,
are summarised only briefly in this report pending full publication elsewhere.
On the coast it was an unproductive year for beach walkers and the cooler than
usual spring led to a generally late arrival of migrants. In the Sydney area highlights were
the large numbers of waders at the Hawkesbury swamps, several Little Bitterns, a Striped
Honeyeater and probably above all the appearance of three Letter -winged Kites at Long Reef
Golf Course. There is no Lord Howe Island report this year since no reports of visits were
Once again it is my pleasure to acknowledge the assistance of Arnold McGill and John
Hobbs in the assessment of records; their wide experience of birds in N.S.W. is invaluable
and their advice much appreciated. am also grateful to Alan Morris and Ernie Hoskin for
supplying many additional records and commenting on the first draft. Finally my thanks to
the contributors without whom there would be no report and especially those who sub-
mitted their records early as requested.82. AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 11 (4)
B. Amey A. Ewin the Rev. N. L. Kirby P. Roberts
K. Avery W. Filewood N. Kurtz A. Rogers
B. Baker B. Finch S. G. Lane A. B. Rose
M. Baldwin B. S. Forest D. Larkins J. Russill
W. Barden (WBa) J. Francis B. Larkins N. Russill
D. Barton G. Fraser A. G. Lindsey
D. Sawyer
H. Battam P. Fullagar T. Lindsey
N. Schrader
K. Bigg F. van Gessel N. W. Longmore B. L. Schmidt
R. Bigg
J. D. Gibson A. Sefton
W. Boles J. McCrea
H. B. Gill D. I. Smedley
C. M. Bonser A. McCutcheon
B. Gilligan L. Smith
J. A. Broadbent M. Goodwin A. McGill P. Smith
J. Brooke (JBr) D. Gosper J. McKean R. Smith
D. Brown (DBr) R. Graves M. McKellar C. Sonter
R. Buchanan (RBu)
D. F. Gray B. Mannes L. C. Sourry
S. Buchanan M. Griffiths (MGr) S. Marchant J. Starling
M. A. Cameron Newcastle Bird Obs. R. M. Mason G. Stevens
M. Carter Grp. (NBOG) G. Mendel D. A. Stewart
A. S. Cartwright G. R. Haddon D. Milledge K. Stokes
G. Clancy F. Harrap R. Miller J. Strudwick (JSt)
M. J. Cochrane C. Hedges (CHe) R. Moffatt (RMo) W. Sweeney
A. Colemane
L. J. Heeney A. Morris B. Thornhill
J. Cook (JCo)
V. Higgins M. Morton R. J. Thornton
R. Cooper
J. Hobbs E. Thomas
W. Cooper G. Holmes T. Nordstroem R. Turner
B. Corfe E. Hoskin A. Norman R. Twist (RTw)
G. Corfe (GCo)
R. Howard R. Noske
F. M. Crawford W. Watson
J. Crisp J. A, Howe H. Noyce J. Waugh
F. Crome L. Howe J. Noyce E. Wheeler
B. Howie
Gould League A. Huggett G. Palmer P. White
Campout (GLC) C. Humphries D. Patrick (DPa) L. Willan
L. Davidson M. Paul R. Zoli
J. Izzard
P. Davies (PDa) J. M. Pegler
D. Johnston
J. Debert, the late J. Porter
G. Dibley F. Johnston R. Poulton
M. Dibley T. G. Kendall E. Pratt
P. Disher T. Kenney
D. Purchase
J. F. Dixon 0. Kershaw
P. J. Dyke F. RandallJune, 1977 83.
Emu Two near Bumberry Railway Station 18 Feb and 2 adults with 6 young at nearby
Lake Endeavour Dam 25 km E of Parkes 2 Sept (NS). Birds found dead at Half Way Creek
about 30 km SE of Grafton in Sept and Oct (GH, DIS); this extends the north coast range
stated in the 1975 report.
Great Crested Grebe An adult in full breeding plumage and an immature at Maryland
Lagoon Bringelly 5 Aug (AMcG). Max reported at Prospect Reservoir 18 on 12 Sept (BF).
Hoary -headed Grebe 260+ at Dangars Lagoon Uralla compared with 135 Litt -le Grebes
28 Dec (RC), see 1975 report. Present in the Hawkesbury District mid April mid Sept

with max 9 at Bakers Lagoon Richmond 12 June (AC, JFD, RG et al). One at Centennial

Park Sydney 17 July (EH). 6 at Kooragang June Aug, a new species for the island (FG,
Wandering Albatross Summer records: an immature off Green Cape near Eden 11 Jan and
3 at sea off Eden 16 Jan (MC). One beach washed at Smoky Cape near South West Rocks
21 Feb (GH).
Royal Albatross One of the northern form flying north off Green Cape near Eden 25 Aug
and an immature of the southern form seen at close range and photographed at sea off Eden
27 Aug (MC). One at sea about 27 km off Goalen Head near Bermagui 28 Nov (DB), see
Australasian Seabird Group (ASG) Newsletter No. 8.
Black-browed Albatross Summer records: 3 sub -adults at sea off Eden 16 Jan (MC). An
adult at sea off Sydney Heads 28 Feb (BF, MAC et al).
Buller’s Albatross An adult reported by professional fisherman R. Smith at sea off Coffs
Harbour 8 June. This bird was very tame, the yellow stripe on top and bottom of the bill,
grey neck and white cap all being clearly seen (per GH). An adult seen about 12 km off
Eden 11 Oct (DM, DB).
Grey -headed Albatross One beach washed at Patchs Beach South Ballina 20 June (DG, WW).
One at sea about 12 km ESE of Eden 7 Dec (DB) see A.S.G. Newsletter No. 8.
Great -winged Petrel 2 seen on each occasion at sea off Eden 16 Jan, 23 Aug (MC) and
20 May (JI). One flew south past Montagu Island 5 April (PF, SM), 3+ off Sydney Heads
24 Oct (BF, MAC, JMcK et al). 6 beach washed between Crowdy Bay and Woody Head
near Iluka Feb -June (GH).
White -headed Petrel Single birds beach washed at Bherwherre Beach near Sussex Inlet

20 June (CS) and Boambee Beach 22 June (GH).

Providence Petrel Present at sea off Coffs Harbour from 22 April 10 Aug max 32 on
28 July with an additional 2 on the apparently late date of 16 Oct (GH). Particularly large
numbers were reported by professional fisherman R. Smith at the edge of the continental
shelf off Coffs Harbour 24-29 April (per GH). 40+ seen between Tweed Heads and Port
Macquarie during an offshore cruise 25-26 July; these occurred mostly as single birds at
about 10 km from the coast (DM). Single birds seen on 4 occasions during a boat trip off
Eden 23 Aug were probably different individuals (MC). 2 possibly up to 4 at the edge of
the continental shelf off Sydney Heads 28 Aug (AR, TL, BF et al). Single birds beach
washed at Bherwherre Beach near Sussex Inlet 11 Jan, an unusual date (CS) and at Boam-
bee Beach 22 June (GH).84. AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 11 (4)
Kermadec Petrel An intermediate phase beach washed at Steamers Beach Jervis Bay 20
June (CS) was the third Australian record excluding Lord Howe Island.
Tahiti Petrel Following the first record for N.S.W. on 31 Dec last year further birds were
reported by professional fisherman R. Smith near the edge of the continental shelf off Coffs
Harbour as follows: singly on 1 and 5 Jan and 4+ on 7 March (per GH). One in the same
locality 26 Dec (GH).
Mottled Petrel Single birds beach washed at Seven Mile beach near Lennox Head 14 Jan
(DG) and at Steamers Beach Jervis Bay 7 March (CS).
Gould Petrel Single birds beach washed at Urunga 9 Feb (GH) and at Steamers Beach
Jervis Bay 7 March (CS).
Black -winged Petrel Departed from Muttonbird Island Coffs Harbour on 4 March returning
on Dec for the third successive breeding season. One attracted to ships lights at night
about 2 km SW of North Solitary Island 8 March (GH).
Westland Black Petrel One beach washed at Boambee Beach 14 Dec (GH). Third Australian

record, specimen preserved now Australian Museum (AM) 0.46158.

Flesh -footed Shearwater Absent at sea off Coffs Harbour 8 May 14 Sept (GH).

Wedge-tailed Shearwater Absent at sea off Coffs Harbour 8 May 10 Aug. 12 adults with
eggs at Little Muttonbird Island Coffs Harbour 9 Dec and 5 with eggs at Sawtell Island 12
Dec (GH).
Grey -backed Shearwater Single birds reported off Coffs Harbour by professional fishermen
D. Scowcroft and R. Smith on 31 Jan and 18 Nov respectively (per GH) and on 26 Dec
Sooty Shearwater A fledgling found dead on North Tollgate Island 8 May was the first
confirmed evidence of breeding at this locality (JMcK), see Aust Bird Bander 14:112. Seen
or heard on Muttonbird Island Coffs Harbour 11 Jan, 6 Feb (one caught) and 20 Oct (GH).
Short -tailed Shearwater One seen at sea off Coffs Harbour 18 July, an unusual date (GH).
Wilson’s Storm -petrel Autumn passage: Hundreds near North Solitary Island 3 April and
at the edge of the continental shelf off Coffs Harbour 24 April. Up to 4 from 3-7 May
and one on 18 May off Coffs Harbour (RS per GH). Reported by professional fishermen
as numerous near the edge of the continental shelf off Eden during late April (per JI).

Winter records: Single birds off Coffs Harbour 6, 18 and 28 July (RS, GH). Spring passage:

Up to 3 off Coffs Harbour 10 Oct 6 Nov (RS,GH) and 3 15-20 km off Sydney Heads
24 Oct (BF, MAC, JMcK et al).
White-faced Storm -petrel Small numbers seen at sea off Coffs Harbour May-Aug with
30-50 on 10 July (RS, GH). Up to 60 at sea off Eden 22 Aug but only single birds on
23 and 27 Aug (MC). Up to 10 on Muttonbird Island Coffs Harbour 13-18 Aug with
several killed by feral cats (GH).
Diving Petrel Groups of 6-10 seen at sea 6 km SE of Green Cape 19 Nov and 8 km E
of Eden 22 and 23 Nov (DB), see A.S.G. Newsletter No.8.
Australian Pelican 10,000+ on Narran Lake 27 Oct (AM). 20,000+ at Peri Lake Paroo
River area with many breeding 26 Nov (AR, BF, TK).June, 1977 85.
Red -footed Booby One beach washed at Patchs Beach, South Ballina 13 Jan (DG); first
record for mainland N.S.W. the only other occurrence being one on Lord Howe Island see
1975 report. It is of interest that one found beach washed at North Stradbroke Island on
11 March was the first record for S.E. Queensland.

Brown Booby One apparently adult flew north off Montagu Island 7 April (PF, SM).

Darter Very common in the Coffs Harbour-Sawtell-Urunga district 28 Aug 4 Sept with
birds seen on most dams, max 59 in flight over Bruxner Park 3 Sept (GLC per AM).
Black -faced Cormorant Good views of a single bird flying north off Green Cape near
Eden 4 Jan; thought to be a juvenile being slightly brown about the head and with a
palish bill (MC).
Pied Cormorant Sydney area: up to 3 at Botany Bay throughout the year (GD, MD et al);
4 at Pittwater 28 Sept (RB). 200+ at Peri Lake Paroo River area 26-27 Nov (AR, TK, BF).
Black Cormorant There was clearly a significant influx of this species into coastal districts
late in the year. Typical reports were as follows. Noted as especially numerous in the Illaw-
arra area Sept -Dec with parties of up to 300 on Lake Illawarra; thought to be the largest
concentration in 30 years of observation (JDG). More than usual recorded at Newcastle
Harbour with an average of about 90, mostly immatures, present during Nov; max 150 on
18 Nov (TGK). Flocks of birds were also seen flying over residential areas e.g. 100+ over
Oatley 29 Aug (GD, MD) and 50+ over Thornleigh 7 Oct (BH). The recovery of 6 banded
birds has provided some indication of the source of this influx. All had been banded as
chicks during the 1976 breeding season by N. J. Favaloro at either Lake Menindee or the
Lake Bitterang/Cantala area in Victoria. Recovery localities were Narooma, Currarong, Lake
Tuggerah, Lake Macquarie (2) and Brunswick Heads 2 Nov -25 Jan 1977 (per DP).
Lesser Frigatebird 2 at Ballina 21 Jan (DG, WW). One at Merimbula 1 Feb see Canberra
Birds Notes 3:8:4. A female and an immature at Chinamans Beach just S of Evans Head
21 March (GM).
Red-tailed Tropicbird An adult seen over the lighthouse at Montagu Island 4 April
(PF, SM).
White-tailed Tropicbird An adult beach washed at Nambucca Heads 26 Dec (GH).
White -necked Heron Group nesting recorded near Forbes in late April, see Aust Bird
Watcher 6:320. Abundant at Bourke in May (BLS). Clearly more numerous than usual on
certain areas of the coast and tablelands towards the end of the year (many obs), specific
examples being 75 in one flooded paddock near Lake Illawarra (JDG) and 28 at Pitt Town

Lagoon (BF). A single bird frequented Lake Northam in Victoria Park near Sydney Univer-

sity 7 Sept 22 Dec (PS), an unusual inner city record.
Cattle Egret North Coast: Following up local reports an important new colony was loc-
ated at South Murwillumbah on 16 March; about 60 nests were found in paper -barks grow-
ing in water with 250-300 birds present. On 24 Sept local birds were noted changing into
breeding plumage again and nesting started in early Nov with the first young hatching early
Dec. At the peak of nesting there was an estimated 500-700 nests (EP). A flock of 250+
roosted each night in a swamp at Boambee 28 Aug -4 Sept (GLC per AM). Hunter area:
300+ at Seaham Swamp during June (BG per FG) and 200+ at Beresfield Swamp 5 Sept
(FG, WBa). Sydney area: 9 at Harbord Lagoon 26 April (LBW. Max counts in the Hawk-
esbury district were c.200 at Bakers Lagoon 22 Aug (NWL) and 280 in a roosting flock86. AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 11 (4)
at Bushells Lagoon 8 Oct (BF). Late records were 4 at Pitt Town Lagoon 14 Nov (BF,
MMcK) and one at McGraths Hill 21 Nov (LS, PS). South Coast: at least 500 and probably
many more present during winter in the dairying area E of Nowra; breeding plumage was
assumed in Oct but by mid Nov all had left (JH). Inland: single birds 50 km S of Cowra
15 April (JMcK, DAS), at Spingdale Station 65 km N or Ivanhoe 18 May (JH), at Finley
30 May (JI), at Terridgerie Lagoon 25 km W of Baradine 5 Nov (AM) and at Great Cobar
Tank 15 Nov (BLS). 10 at Griffith Sewage Farm 5 Oct (RC, RMo).
Egret sp. It was estimated that up to 5,000 Egrets of three species (Large, Plumed and
Little) were present in a f -lo oded area near the Lachlan River at Gunebang about 45 km W
of Condobolin early Oct late Nov (NS).
Reef Heron A white phase bird at Narooma 27 June (JMcK) may have been the same
individual recorded at Batehaven last year, see 1975 report and also Appendix B.
Mangrove Heron One at Mullet Creek near Dapto 14 Jan (AMcG), this species is rare in
the Illawarra area. One at the Pambula River 16 May (JI).
Nankeen Night -heron Up to 44 in the Woolooware area Nov-Dec (JF, JW).
Little Bittern Eggs hatched in mid Jan at the two nests found late last year at Randalls
Swamp near Finley and all birds had departed by 8 Feb (JI). One at Coraki 1 Feb (DG).
A female found at St Ives 9 Nov died two days later, now Australian Museum (AM) 0.45835

(per WB). An immature female found dead at Bakers Lagoon Richmond 30 Nov now AM

0.45823 (JN). Up to 2 seen at the swamps opposite Cronulla High School 31 Oct end
Dec (GD, MD, JF, BF et al). One on the Towra Peninsula Botany Bay 21 Dec (JW). An
adult female banded at Deepwater Creek East Hills 6 Dec was seen regularly to end Dec
Black Bittern One at Duck Creek near Dapto 14 Jan (AMcG), this species is rare in the
Illawarra area.
Brown Bittern One calling loudly at Willandra Creek Mossgiel 8 May, an unusual winter
record (JH).
Jabiru One at Carmel Lagoon 16 km NW of Baradine 2 and 3 Oct (DJ) was an unusual
inland record. Observations of a single bird in the Windsor-Richmond area June-Dec (many
obs) probably referred to the same individual. 4 at Kooragang 31 Jan (FR, DL et al). Also
recorded at Raymond Terrace, Smith’s Lake (RZ) Forster (JMP, BM et al), Harrington (JF),
Raleigh, Bonville (GLC per AM) and Lawrence (EW). See also Appendix A.
White Ibis 800+ at Kooragang 23-31 May (FG, TGK).
Royal Spoonbill Larger numbers than usual present at the Hawkesbury Swamps late in
the year, max 72 at Pitt Town Lagoon in Dec (BF et al).
Yellow -billed Spoonbill As for the previous species with a max of 38 at Pitt Town Lag-

oon (BF).

Whistling Tree -duck 5 present at Casino 7 March end July (DG, WW, EW). A single
bird seen on s -ix occasions at a small lagoon about 10 km W of Armidale on the Bundarra
road 14 Aug 9 Oct (RN, GH). 12 at North Woodside property 55 km NE of Warren
in mid April appeared to be a pair of adults and 10 immatures (GRH).June, 1977 87.
Plumed Tree Duck This species continues to be observed in large numbers. North coast:
present throughout the year in the Grafton area with a max of 500+ in Sept; two breeding
records with 12 young seen at Woodford Island in Jan and 6 at Cowan’s Pond 9 Feb (EW).
Hunter area: at Broke 10 Jan (EH, KA, AC, RG). Sydney area: present throughout the
year in the Richmond-Windsor area but apparently in smaller numbers than previous years,
max 60 on 12 June (AC, RG, JFD, EH et al). North west: 6 on Salisbury property near
Coolah during Feb (per AM), a group of 14 present for most of the year at Carmel prop-
erty 16 km NW of Baradine (AM, DJ), 280+ on a small swamp near Midkin NR 18 km
NW of Moree 25 June (AM, DJ), 300+ on Berida property 20 km W of Gilgandra 13-30
Nov (AMcC). Central west: 4 at Green Swamp near Forbes 2 Aug (RT), 20 at Parkes Sew-
age Farm 14 Oct and 200+ at Pullabooka 10 km N of Caragabal 1 Nov (NS).
Far west: 9 at Great Cobar Tank 15 Nov (BLS). Griffith area: 12 at Barrenbox Swamp 17
July and 300+ at Lake Wyangan 16 Oct (RMo).
Freckled Duck One amongst about 8000 ducks, mainly Grey Teal, at Griffith Sewerage
Works 20 Dec (RMo) was the only record reported for the year.
Mountain Duck Single females at Pitt Town Lagoon 8 May (JAH et al) and at Bushells
Lagoon Wilberforce 12 Nov (BF, MMcK). 13 and 7 at Comerong Island on 4 and 23 Nov
respectively (JH).
Chestnut Teal Very common and breeding noted at Wa -rw ick Farm March-April (MP).
A pair with 8 young at Railway Swamp Raleigh 28 Aug 4 Sept (GLC per AM).

Shoveler Up to 4 at Pitt Town Lagoon and up to 40 at Bakers Lagoon Richmond mid

April end Aug (RB, AC, NWL, RG, JN, JFD et al). Summer records: a male at Bushells
Lagoon Wilberforce 17 Jan (AC, WS, RG) and 4 and 3 at Bakers Lagoon on 27 and 30
Dec respectively (JN, ASC). 5 at McGraths Hill Windsor 30 Oct (RB). 9 at Bringelly 17
July (RB, AC, RG, JFD).
Pink -eared Duck Very scarce in the Sydney area compared with last year. Up to 4 at
Pitt Town Lagoon and Bakers Lagoon Richmond during late Nov and Dec, 12 at Bakers
Lagoon 4 Dec (AC, BF, RB, JN et al).
White -eyed Duck 165+ at Dangars Lagoon Uralla 28 Dec, a large number for this area
Wood Duck It was estimated that over 2000 were present in the Walcha area in late Dec,
groups of 40-50 being quite common (RC).
Blue- billed Duck Northern record: a pair at Salt Lake 45 km S of Milparinka 9 Jan (JW).
2 at Gum Swamp near Forbes 26 Oct (RT). 23 at Dangars Lagoon Uralla 28 Dec (RC),
the largest count for this locality which marks the north-eastern extremity of this species
range in N.S.W.
Musk Duck 2 at Woolgoolga 19 Oct appear to be the first area record for some years (GH).
Osprey Sydney area: 2 seen off West Head Kuring-gai Chase NP 15 May, one seen to
catch and eat a fish. The observer is familiar with this species on the north coast (JS per
ABR). One at Woolooware Bay 20-21 Dec (JW, FJ). North coast: single birds at Brooms
Head 10 March (GH), Forster 24 April (JF, BSF, JMP), Bundagen Head 24 June, Moonee
Creek 10 km N of Coffs Harbour 11 July, Hat Head 28 Aug (GH) and Grafton Bridge
26 Dec (EW); pairs seen at Urunga 21 Nov and at a nest at Ikula 22 Nov (GH).88. AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 11 (4)
Letter -winged Kite An “explosion” of this species appears to have occurred around the end
of the year with 80-90 present in the Melbourne area (Vic) and some reaching coastal N.S.W.
Two adults and an immature frequented Long Reef Golf Course Collaroy from at least 23
Dec to mid Jan 1977 (SGL, BF, DS et al). An adult and an immature seen and photographed
at Valla Beach 5 km N of Nambucca Heads 27 and 28 Dec (BC, GCo). Inland: one 20 km
W of Hillston 28 Dec (RMo); see also Bird Observer 539:77.
Crested Hawk Sydney area: a pair at Beecroft during June (DBr per EH), one being chased
by Currawongs at Thornleigh 6 Oct (BH) and one at Sackville 16 Oct, a new record for the
Hawkesbury district (AC, RG). One seen at close range at Matcham 21 April (LCS). An adult
and a fledgling at Blackmans Point Hastings River 22 Dec (RC). 10 at Upper Orara 15 km
W of Coffs Harbour 24 Jan (GH). See also Appendix A.
Black Kite 635+ in 15 km between Moree and Weah Waa Creek 25 June, mostly around
abattoirs (AM, PDa). Coastal records: one at Bankstown Aerodrome at the end Sept, forked
tail and other features clearly noted (BL per DL), an- immature at Deepwater Park East Hills
12 Dec (DIS) and single birds seen about 5 km NW of Moruya on 22 Sept, 4 and 7 Nov
and 15 Dec (SM). One over burning stubble at Canowindra 19 April (JMcK).
Square -tailed Kite One about 4 km NE of Barham 9-13 Dec, a rare visitor to this area
Black -breasted Kite One 20 km SE of Byrock 15 Aug (AGL, TL).
Brahminy Kite One at the Hastings River mouth Port Macquarie 20 Dec (RC).
Grey Goshawk An immature male banded at Castle Hill 26 June (DIS). One at Mt. Colah
work depot Kuring-gai Chase NP 9 Sept (ABR). A pair at Black Hill Newcastle 27 June
(NBOG per FG). Single birds near Bawley Point 8 April and at Seven Mile Beach NP 6 Nov
(GD, MD).
Red Goshawk One at Upper Orara 15 km W of Coffs Harbour 18 May (GH). Records of
this species in N.S.W. are very scarce.
Wedge-tailed Eagle 9 together on the ground near Tongo, Paroo River area 26 Nov (AR,
TK, BF).
Spotted Harrier Coastal records only. Seen on several occasions throughout the year at
Broadwater NP (JC, WW). Recorded in the Windsor -Richmond area as follows: an adult
being chased by Masked Plovers 4 Sept (NWL), a pair on 24 Oct (AC, JFD) and an adult
carrying food 20 Dec (BF, TK). One near Raymond Terrace 5 Dec (FG)
Black Falcon Single birds at Bookham 29 Jan (NWL), Gilgai 14 March (MB), Rylstone
15 Aug (NWL) and Swanbrook Creek 5 km N of Inverell 5 Sept (MB).
Peregrine Falcon One seen to take a Crested Pigeon at Gilgai 10 June (MB).
Grey Falcon A pair at Thurleigh property near Baradine 14 Aug (AM) was the only
record reported for the year.

Mallee Fowl A pair seen on 8 March and single birds seen on three occasions during

April along a 20 km stretch of the Dubbo Mendooran road in the Goonoo Forest (AE,
AM, CHe, RH). One seen by grazier Mr. Roy Eves 27 km SE of Cobar on 9 June was the
first seen by him during 20 years in the area (per BLS). One on the Burmah road 18 km
NE of Baradine between Pilliga East SF and Pilliga NR 8 June; this confirms previous sight-
ings in the area which contains patches of mallee (MG). A ground and aerial survey conductedJune, 1977 89.
at Round Hill NR in mid Aug showed that there were at least 6 breeding pairs but indicated

that between 30 and 70 pairs may exist (RMo, ABR et al). Up to 2 observed in the Mellelea-

Roto area in the months Feb Aug and Nov (NS).
Brush -turkey Again seen throughout the year at Tumbi Umbi (GC). Several records in the
Illawarra area were tracked down to escaped birds from the Balgownie area (AS).
King Quail Single females at Pitt Town Lagoon 13 Nov (AC, RG, JN) and at Christmas
Bells Plain near Port Macquarie 22 Dec (RC).
Painted Button -quail Single birds found dead by the roadside at Meerschaum Vale and
Wardell 11 June and Broadwater road Evans Head 21 July; near coastal records are rare in
the Richmond Valley (GM).
Red -chested Button -quail 2 at Finley 1 and 11 Jan and c.30 in crops 20 km NW of
Finley during Jan (JI). 2 in wheat stubble at Dandee property near Coonabarabran 25 Jan
(AM). One in Mitchell Grass plains at Wingadee property 20 km N of Coonamble, 9 April
(AM). An adult female at Sandy Camp property near Quambone 29 Sept (AM, AMcG, DJ).
Recorded on 4 occasions near Cooyal April-Dec, max 12 on 31 Dec (NK). Moderately
common in grassland and scrub in the Cobar area in late spring and summer (BLS). Fairly
common at North Woodside property 55 km NE of Warren May-July (GRH), see also Aust
Birds 11:16-17.
Land Rail An adult with 4 young at the swamp opposite Cronulla High School 8 Nov
(JW). One at Long Reef Golf Course Collaroy 25 Dec (BF).
Water Rail Single adults seen at Tumbi Umbi 26 Jan and 18 Sept and one caught and
banded 21 Nov (GC, JMcC). Single birds killed by motor vehicles at Salvation Creek on West
Head road Kuring-gai Chase NP 10 Aug (LS, CMB), now AM 0.45747, and on the Princes
Highway at Bomaderry 11 Nov (JH). One at a pond near the Carbon Black Works at Kurnell

18 Dec (JF, JMP, JSt, RP).

Marsh Crake Up to 7 on the swamps opposite Cronulla High School 17 Oct end Dec
(JF, BM, BSF, GD, MD, JR et al). 20+ at Griffith Sewerage Works 5 Oct and -10 + at Pal-
myra Tank NR Goolgowi 6 Oct (RC). Present at Parkes Sewage Farm – 29 Aug 17 Dec
max 4 on 24 Nov (NS). Up to 10 at Finley Sewage Farm 23 Sept 17 Nov (JI).

Spotted Crake One seen on many occasions on the swamps opposite Cronulla High School

24 Oct end Dec with 2 on 5 Dec (JF, GD, MD, BM et al). Single birds on swamps at

Bonville 28 Aug 4 Sept and at Raleigh 3 Sept (GLC per AM). 6+ at Griffith Sewerage
Works 5 Oct (RC). 19+ at Palm -yr a Tank NR Goolgowi 8 Oct (RMo). One occasionally 2
at Parkes Sewage Farm 28 Oct 29 Nov (NS) and at Cobar Sewage Ponds during Dec
Spotless Crake Heard calling at Wanganella 6 and 8 Jan (JI). Single birds on the swamp
opposite Cronulla High School 15 Feb (JW) and at Palmyra Tank NR Goolgowi 2 Oct
(JF, BF, TK).
Bush -hen Pairs with young seen at Murwillumbah 15 Jan (EP) and at Alstonville 14 Feb
(GF). One found dead by the roadside 3 km W of Alstonville 23 Feb (GM). For corrections
to status given in previous reports see Aust Birds 11:25-27.
Brolga A pair on each occasion at Monomie Swamp near Bogan Gate 2 May (NS), Mac-
quarie Marshes 19 July (AM), Barrenbox Swamp Griffith 8 Aug (BT per RMo), 12 km SE90. AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 11 (4)
of Come -by -Chance 18 Nov (per AM) and Lake Cargellico 12 Dec (GP). 4 at Mickabri about
30 km N of Parkes 9 Oct (NS), 7 about 25 km S of Tongo, Paroo River area 26 Nov (AR,
TK, BF) and a flock of 28 reported at Lawrence 12 Oct (per EW).
Lotusbird 2 at Longneck Lagoon Cattai 3 Jan (LS, PS) was the only record reported for
the Sydney area.
Bush Stone -curlew A pair calling at night in mangroves at Empire Bay near Gosford Jan
(AM). Two pairs calling and seen at Berida property 20 km W of Gilgandra June-Dec
(AMcC) and a further two pairs heard calling at Kartref property near Baradine during Sept
where not previously heard for many years (per AM). One dead by the roadside 2 km N of
Ivanhoe 15 Feb was the first record, seen or heard, in five years of residence (JH)_ Heard
calling at Round Hill NR 8 Aug (ABR, RMo et al).
Beach Stone -curlew Southern record: one seen closely and photographed on the western
shore of Wallis Lake near the mouth of the Wallamba River about 3 km W of Forster 20
Feb (PJD); for other southern occurrences see Emu 61:64-65 and Appendix A. A pair in
the Red Rock area 1 Sept (GLC per AM) and 14 Nov (GH).
Painted Snipe Sydney area: up to 7 present at the Hawkesbury Swamps 8 Sept to year
end (AC, RB, BF, JN, CMB, AMcG et al) and up to 4 at the swamps opposite Cronulla
High School during Dec (BF et al). A male at Windouran Swamp 48 km ENE of Moulamein
7 Jan (JI, WW). Present at Griffith Sewerage Works Oct-Dec with max 8 on 3 Nov, a nest

with four eggs hatched 16 Nov (RMo). A pair at Grahamstown Dam 25 July (NBOG per

FG), records for the months May July appear to be very rare. 2 and 4 at Parkes Sew-
age Farm 28 and 29 respectively (NS). 6 near Monkeygar Creek, Macquarie Marshes 29
Sept (AM, DJ, AMcG). 3 at Coraki 16 Oct (DG). One at Great Cobar Tank 3 Dec (BLS).

14 at Lake Cowal 29 Dec (NS).

Pied Oystercatcher Up to 5 at Towra Point Botany Bay March Aug (GD, MD, BSF).

Banded Plover Up to 12 in the Casino area Aug Sept (DG).
Grey Plover Single birds at Tuross Head 3 Jan (DM), Woody Head near Iluka and

Brooms Head near Angourie 25 Dec (GH) and Long Reef Collaroy 30 Dec (AMcG, DS).

Up to 2 at Botany Bay 30 Oct 23 Nov (EH, JW, GD, MD).
Eastern Golden Plover Inland: 2 at Windouran swamp 48 km ENE of Moulamein 7 Jan

(JI, WW) and one at Great Cobar Tank 16 Sept (BLS). More numerous than usual at the

Hawkesbury Swamps Oct Dec with a max of 38 at Pitt Town Lagoon on 26 Dec (BF,

AC, JN, RB).

Red -kneed Dotterel Small numbers present in the Windsor area Jan and late Aug Dec
with a max of 8 at Rickabys Creek (AC, RB, BF, RG, JFD et al).
Large -billed Dotterel 4 at the Bellinger River mouth 7 Jan and 102 at Iluka Beach 23
Jan (GH). 31 at Kooragang 31 Jan (GD, MD et al). One at Comerong Island 4 Nov and
6 Dec (JH). 3 at the Hasting River estuary 20 Dec (RC).
Oriental Dotterel One at Comerong Island 23 Nov, seen on a sand bar in association
with Mongolian Dotterels and Eastern Golden Plovers. Identified by long yellowish legs,
lack of wing stripe, dark rump and all brown tail apart from a narrow whitish bar at the
extreme tip (JH). 2 seen on recently burned heath at Red Rock 19 Oct and 9 Nov. Descr-
iption included slender body, long pale coloured legs, relatively long straight black bill,
medium brown upperparts with darker crown and no obvious wing stripe (GH).June, 1977 91.
Red -capped Dotterel 2 at Bakers Lagoon Richmond 7 Nov (BF, MMcK) and one on 13
Nov (NWL).
Australian Dotterel One at Willandra NP 18 March (RMo, ABR) was the only record
Pied Stilt Bred for the first time in the county of Camden in a paddock adjoining Mullet
Creek near Dapto. This area had flooded, following very heavy rain, because of earthworks
associated with expressway extensions. 9 birds noted 26 Nov and 4 nests found 5 Dec


Turnstone One at McGraths Hill Windsor 13 27 Nov was the first record for the Hawk-
esbury district (JN, RB, AC, LS, RG et al).
Eastern Curlew 250 at Towra Peninsula Botany Bay 8 Sept (JW). 1000+ at Fullerton Cove
near Stockton 13 Nov (FG, TGK, SGL). 8 flying south at sea 15 km off Woolgoolga 10
Aug (GH).
Little Whimbrel 2 at Windouran swamp 48 km ENE of Moulamein 7 Jan (JI, WW). 5 at
Casino 6 Nov (DG). 5 at Bakers Lagoon Richmond 9 Nov (JN) and 13 Nov (BF, NWL).
One at Rickabys Creek Windsor 21 and 23 Nov (BF, LS, RB, CMB). One on Flinders
Island off Wollongong 21 Nov (HB, LW per AS) was the first record for the County of
Wood Sandpiper 3 at Windouran swamp 48 km ENE of Moulamein 7 Jan (JI, WW).

One at Bushells Lagoon Wilberforce 17 Jan (AC, RG, WS). One at Coraki 15 Aug (DG).

Present at Griffith Sewerage Works Oct Dec, max 7+ on 5 Oct (RMo, RC).
Wandering Tattler 2 at North Solitary Island 8 March and at South Solitary Island 16
Oct (GH).
Common Sandpiper Sydney area: 2 in a sand mining quarry at Chipping Norton 26 Jan
(AC, JFD), single birds at Woolooware Bay 29 Feb (JW), at the swamp opposite Cronulla

  • High School 3- 20 Nov (BM, GD, MD) and at Homebush Bay Nov Dec (BE); 2 at
    Kurnell Nov Dec (BF). South Coast: single birds at Murrah 15 km S of Bermagui 1
    Jan (DM), Duck Creek near Dapto 14 Jan (AMcG) and Comerong Island 14 Nov (DL, BM,
    BSF). Inland: one at Great Cobar Tank 6 Sept (BLS, JBr) and one at Peri Lake,Paroo
    River area 27 Nov (BF).
    Greenshank Inland: 40 at Windouran Swamp 48 km ENE of Moulamein 7 Jan (JI, WW),
    single birds 10 km S of Ivanhoe 20 Jan and flying over Ivanhoe 24 Feb (JH), one on a
    small swamp near Midkin NR 18 km N of Moree 25 June (AM), present at Great Cobar
    Tank 2 from 11-22 Sept, 1 from 24-29 Sept and -4 on 23 Nov (BLS). Coastal: over –
    wintered at Kooragang with about 10 present May July (FG, TGK), 14 at Comerong
    Island late Sept (JH), 12 at Pelican Point Botany Bay 20 Nov (GD, MD).
    Marsh Sandpiper Inland: 10 at Windouran Swamp 48 km ENE of Moulamein 7 Jan
    (JI, WW), one at the Paroo River crossing about 65 km NW of Tilpa 25 Nov (BF), one
    at Great Cobar Tank 4-8 Oct and 5-6 Dec with 2 on 7 Dec (BLS). Coastal: single birds
    at Pelican Island Macleay River 30 Jan (GH) and at Casino 12 Sept (DG), 5 at South West
    Rocks 2 Oct (GH).
    Japanese Snipe Single birds at New Cobar Reservoir 4 Sept and at Great Cobar Tank

24 Sept (BLS). One at Finley 9 Sept, an early arrival for this area (JI).92 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 11 (4)

Bar -tailed Godwit One at Bakers Lagoon Richmond 30 Oct 23 Nov (AC, RB, RG, JN,

ASC). Records of this species in the Hawkesbury district are rare.

Great Knot Up to 5 at North Botany Bay in Jan and from end Oct end Dec (AGL, TL,
BF, BSF, BM et al). 3 at Boat Harbour near Kurnell 15 Nov (JW) and 5 on 27 Dec (DS).
One at Long Reef Collaroy 25-30 Dec (BF, DS, AMcG). 2 at Shoalhaven Heads 6 Nov (GD,
MD) and one at Comerong Island 6 Dec (JH), 9 and 3 at the Macleay River mouth 28 Nov
and 27 Dec respectively (GH).
Sharp – – tailed Sandpiper Larger numbers than usual present in the Hawkesbury District end
Oct end Dec, combined area total probably well in excess of 1000 (BF). Inland: c.500 at

the Paroo River crossing about 65 km NW of Tilpa 26 Nov (AR, TK, BF), up to 35 at

Great Cobar Tank Sept-Dec (BLS), present at Parkes Sewage Farm 29 Aug end Dec,
max 54 on 14 Oct (NS).
Pectoral Sandpiper More numerous in the Hawkesbury district than usual with one or two
at Pitt Town Lagoon Nov-Dec, one at McGraths Hill 26 Oct and two on several dates dur-
ing the latter ha -lf of Dec, one consistently present and sometimes up to 3 at Rickabys
Creek late Nov end Dec and one at Bakers Lagoon 18 Sept then regularly during Nov-
Dec (BF, AC, RG, JN, ASC, NWL, CMB et al). One at the swamp opposite Cronulla High
School 26 Dec (BF). Single birds at Kooragang 14 Feb (EH) and 12 Sept (RC, FG). Inland:
one seen others heard at Windouran Swamp 48 km ENE of Moulamein 8 Jan (JI, WW).
Baird’s Sandpiper One near the airport runway at North Botany Bay 23 Nov (JW, JCo).
First N.S.W. and third Australian record, full details in press.

Red -necked Stint One at Great Cobar Tank 11-12 Sept and 5 Nov (BLS).

Long -toed Stint Two present at the New Cobar Reservoir 23 Nov 1975 7 Feb 1976
(BLS). Second record for N.S.W., full description submitted.

Curlew Sandpiper Present in much larger numbers than usual in the Hawkesbury district

mid Sept end Dec mainly at Bakers Lagoon, max 87 on 27 Dec; combined area total

probably exceeded 150 (AC, BF, JN, RB, RG et al). Inland: 10 at Windouran Swamp 48

km ENE of Moulamein 7 Jan (JI, WW), up to 7 a -t Great Cobar Tank 16 Sept 4 Nov
(BLS), up to 5 at -G riffith Sewerage Works 4 Oct 3 Dec (RMo), up to 4 at Parkes Sew-
age Farm 14 Oct 17 Dec (NS) and 6 at the Paroo River crossing about 65 km NW of

Tilpa 26 Nov (AR, BF, TK).

Sanderling Up to 10 at Ballina during April and Oct Dec (DG). Up to 4 at Comerong

Island 23 Nov end Dec (JH). 3 and one near Sawtell 14 Oct and 10 Dec respectively (GH).
2 at Boat Harbour 25 Dec (BF).
Broad -billed Sandpiper Single birds at Botany bay 30 Oct (EH) and Comerong Island 23
Nov (JH).

Ruff Single reeves at Bakers Lagoon Richmond 4 and 8 Dec (AC, RG, JN, BF, ASC) and

at Pitt Town Lagoon 18 Dec end Dec (AC, AMcG, JFD, RB, BF et al) were different
individuals. Inland: one at Windouran Swamp 48 km ENE of Moulamein 8 Jan (JI, WW).
Australian Pratincole 3 around a drying lake 40 km S of Ivanhoe 5 May, a most unusual
winter record (JH). 60+ in the Paroo River area 25-27 Nov mainly between Peri Lake and
Tongo and at a swamp about 18 km NW of Tilpa (AR, TK, BF). At least 20 about 16 km
NW of Narrabri 29 Nov and 5 Dec, later reliably reported breeding. A local resident stated
that breeding had occurred at this locality during the previous two years (RN).June, 1977 93.

Great Skua One beach washed at Woody Head near Iluka 23 Jan, an unusual summer

record (GH). Seen at sea off Eden, Green Cape, Sydney and Coffs Harbour 2 May 26
Aug (MC, GH, JI, AR et al).
Arctic Skua Last seen at sea off Coffs Harbour on 6 June, a late date (GH).
Pomarine Skua One flew south off Green Cape near Eden 25 Aug (MC), winter records
are very scarce. Large numbers off Eden with 60 on 16 Jan (MC) and off Sydney Heads
with 50-400 on 28 Feb (MAC, BF et al).
Silver Gull Up to 10 pairs nesting on an islet in Sugarloaf Bay Seal Rocks 3 Jan (GH), a
new breeding locality.
Southern Black -backed Gull Single adults at Long Reef Collaroy 2 July (AR) and at Cape
Solander near Kurnell 4 Dec (BF, MMcK, NWL).
Whiskered Tern An adult fishing about 100 m offshore at Sawtell 14 Oct (GH). One on
a small dam near The Flags 45 km S of Walcha 26 Dec, an unusual locality (RC).
White -winged Black Tern 40+ at Kooragang 31 Jan (GD, MD, DL et al). Up to 9 at
Casino during Jan and March (DG). One at Nambucca Heads 28 Oct and 2 on 28 Nov
(GH). Inland: 3 at Gullivers Swamp near Finley 17 Jan and 1 on 4 Feb (JI), 3+ at Barren –
box Swamp near Griffith 6 Oct (RC).
Gull -billed Tern Single birds on the Shoalhaven River below Nowra 18 Nov and at Com-
erong Island 6 Dec (JH, AMcG) were unusual for the Illawarra District.
Caspian Tern 6 at Towra Point Botany Bay 8 Sept (JW). 2 at a swamp 18 km NW of
Tilpa 25 Nov and 3 at the Twin Lakes about 50 km N of Wilcannia 28 Nov (AR, BF,
Common Tern 2,250 at Nambucca Heads 28 Oct appear to have been a migratory flock
since not seen in subsequent visits (GH). 1,000+ at Boat Harbour Kurnell in late Dec (JW,
DS). 2 at Shoalhaven Heads 14 Nov and one at Comerong sland 23 Nov (JH); south coast

records are scarce and should be reported.

Roseate Tern One at Ballina 30 Aug 4 Oct (DG, WW) was the first definite record for
N.S.W., further details in press. Another bird in breeding plumage at the same locality on
15 Nov was considered to be a different individual (WW).
Sooty Tern Recorded at sea off Coffs Harbour: 2 on 17 Feb, 29 Sept and Oct, 12 on
26 Dec, all adults (GH, RS).
Little Tern 1,600 at Sawtell 8 Nov (GH), an unusually large number.
Crested Tern Less than 10 pairs nesting on an islet in Sugarloaf Bay Seal Rocks 3 Jan
(GH), a new breeding locality.
Common Noddy One at Long Reef Collaroy 25 Jan (JP) and 27 Jan (BH) was almost
certainly the same individual, An immature beach washed at Crowdy Head 30 Jan (GH).
An immature reported by professional fisherman R. Smith near South Solitary Island 20
Feb (per GH).
White Tern An immature found alive on a lawn at Taree 4 March later died, now
AM 0.45369 (WC, LD per JD), see Aust. Bird Watcher 7:11-12.
Purple -crowned Pigeon 2 at Snows Creek Whian Whian SF about 20 km N of Lismore 7
Feb (DM). A female in rainforest at Bundagen near Repton 29 Aug (GLC per AM). Records
of this species in N.S.W. are rare and these are the first reported since 1973.94. AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 11 (4)
Wompoo Pigeon Southern record: 12 in rainforest at Mount George about 30 km W of
Taree 7 Oct (MG).
Topknot Pigeon Many winter records, largest -co ncentrations were: 200+ seen regularly at
Upper Orara 15 km W of Coffs Harbour April Aug (GH), 100+ in the Upper Cordeaux
Dam area near Mt Kembla 12 June (FH) and 116 near Bola Creek Royal NP 7 Aug (GD,
MD, JF).
White -headed Pigeon Southern records: one at Tumbi Umbi 22 Feb and 4 on 25 April
(GC), one settled in a camphor -laurel tree in a suburban garden at Thornleigh until harassed
by Noisy Miners 3 July (BH), 60+ feeding on privet berries and in camphor -laurels at Our-
imbah 18 July (GC, PW, RTw), one at Wyong 8 Aug (DIS), one by the roadside about 15
km SW of Lemon Tree Passage 28 Sept (RJT), one seen collecting nesting material from a
garden just N of the Shoalhaven River at Nowra during the second week of Nov (MM per
CH) and one found dead by the roadside at Wahroonga 1 Dec (ABR).
Brown Pigeon One on the Buckenboura River near Monga 10 April see Canberra Bird
Notes 3:8:8. Up to 16 along Lady Carrington Drive Royal NP during May and early June
(BM), a large number for this area. 2 at West Pennant Hills 14 June (DL) were unusual
for the metropolitan area.
Bar -shouldered Dove Moderately common in the Cobar area near water, records 40 km S,
25 km SW and 70 km N reflecting the limits of observation rather than distribution (BLS).
Present along the Marthaguy Creek at Berida property 20 km W of Gilgandra during March
(AMcC). Seen regularly at Royana Downs property 5 km N of Quambone Nov -Dec (GRH).
Single birds 16 km NW and 25 km NW of Quambone on 9 July and 29 Sept respectively
(AM, AMcG). Observed throughout the year at Tottenham and Albert (NS). Recorded
throughout the year in small parties up to 5 at Cocoparra NP (RMo).
Emerald Dove Southern records: one near the Shoalhaven River just W of Nowra 9 Nov
(JH), recorded in the Upper Cordeaux Dam area near Mt Kembla (FH) see N.S.W.F.O.C.
Newsletter 18:4.
Crested Pigeon Sydney area: present throughout the year at Hoxton Park (MP), 21 at
Cobbity 13 Nov (NWL, BF), one on the Towra Peninsula Botany Bay 24 Dec (JW).
Squatter Pigeon 4 about 15 km S of Bonshaw 21 Sept (GH). A bird flushed in dune
country on Tundulya property 90 km NW of Cobar 22 Sept appeared to be this species
although the facial pattern was not seen. The owner of the property on seeing the bird
remarked “Squatter Pigeon, you often see them here” (AM).
Wonga Pigeon 2 at Beardy River 15 km SE of Bonshaw 16 Sept (GH), close to the
western edge of this species range.
Glossy Black Cockatoo Further clarific -a tion of the range of this species has been provided
by a series of records in the Gilgandra Mendooran area as follows: 3 about 8 km W of
Dunedoo 20 Jan (MGr) see N.S.W.F.O.C. Newsletter 15:5, a female at Coolbaggie NR near
Eumungerie 6 Aug (per AM), 2+ at Goonoo Forest 8 km S of Mendooran 20 Sept (AM),
12 at Bearbung 22 km NE of Gilgandra 3 Nov with smaller numbers both before and after
this date (per AM) and 3 on Marthaguy Creek 12 km W of Gilgandra 21 Dec (DPa per
AM). 6 about 5 km SE of Yetman 20 Sept (GH). Several further records from the Pilliga
area (AM).
Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoo 4 near Pilliga NR 12 Aug (MG), rare in this area.June, 1977 95.
Gang -Gang Cockatoo Northern records: 21 throughout June at Toronto (KS per FG), 4
at Black Hill Newcastle 27 June (NBOG per FG).
Galah Common around Nowra particularly at the coastal villages of Huskisson, Vincentia,
Hyams Beach and Shoalhaven Heads (JH). Up to 46 during Aug at Casino, an unusually
large number for this area (DG). Up to 10 at Grafton Oct-Dec where rarely recorded (EW).
Long -billed Corella 250+ at Cambria property near Barham 4 Oct (ET, JF, TK). 146+ in
a single flock 25 km SE of Moulamein 21 Oct (RMo).
Little Corella One with Galahs at Vincentia on Jervis Bay 18 Nov (JH), probably an
escaped bird.
Sulphur -crested Cockatoo 25 at Lindfield 3 July (GS), a large number for the northern
metropolitan area.
Scaly -breasted Lorikeet One pair on 14 and 15 Jan and two pairs on 16 Jan with small
dependent young at a feeder in a suburban garden at Thornleigh (SB, RBu per BH); an
indication of breeding in the Sydney area.
Little Lorikeet 1,000+ feeding on flowering Angophora blossom at Shoplands Road
Annangrove 17 Jan (AC, WS, RG).
Fig Parrot 2 at Koreelah Creek Tooloom Scrub area 2 Feb (DM, WB), records of this
species in N.S.W. are very rare.
Red -winged Parrot 2 seen 20 km W and 8 km S of Bonshaw on 18 and 19 Sept resp-

ectively (GH), east of the range shown by Forshaw (Australian Parrots p.141).

Superb Parrot Flocks varying in size from 10 to 30 seen in the Parkes area 19 June 7
Aug and 18 at Bogan Gate 22 June (NS).These records some 30 km N of the Lachlan River
are outside the range quoted for this species by Forshaw (Australian Parrots p.147). c.30
about 12 km SW of Trangie 14 June (BF, MAC, NWL, VH) were probably at the southern
limit of distribution for the northern population.
Cockatiel 2 at Agnes Bank near Richmond 4 Feb and 4 at Londonderry 4 April (AM,
Swamp Parrot One found dead by the roadside, killed by a motor vehicle, at Broad –
water NP 9 May (GM).
Swift Parrot 35 at Caringbah 6 June (FJ), 6 in Back Yamma SF about 15 km S of
Parkes 7 June (NS), about 7 at Gidginbung 15 km N of Temora 21 Aug (MJC, JAH,
LH) and 30+ at Kirribilli 29 Aug (MAC) were the only records reported.
Eastern Rosella 70+ feeding in a cornfield at Coates Park near Cobbity 14 Feb (AC, RG),
a large number for the Sydney area.
Mallee Ringneck Eastern record: 2 about 20 km NE of North Star 20 Sept (GH).
Blue Bonnet Eastern record: 2 about 15 km NW of Yetman 20 Sept (GH).
Bourke’s Parrot 2 killed by a car as they flew across the Menindee road one km W of
Ivanhoe 20 Jan (JH). One in Mulga scrub near Peri Lake, Paroo River area 28 Nov (TK).
Turquoise Parrot Localities not previously noted in these reports: one about 20 km N of
Colo on the Putty road 10 Jan (AC, KA, EH, RG), one on Mountain Lagoon road near
Kurrajong Heights 28 Feb (AC, RB, RG) and one at Big Bush property 15 km NW of
Temora 15 April and 11 Dec where the owner reports that several pairs are resident (per
Oriental Cuckoo Single adults seen at Schofields 7 Nov (JAH, LH) and near Cattai Creek
Annangrove 28 Dec (NR, JR).
Brush Cuckoo One at East Gresford on 16 April (MP), a late date. Arrival dates: Murwill-
umbah 24 Sept (EP), Moruya 8 Oct (SM), Hornsby 23 Oct (RC) and Warrumbungle NP 28
Oct (AM), generally later than usual.

Shining Bronze- cuckoo Nominate race: one banded at Byron Bay 19 April (DIS). Subspecies

plagosus: absent from the Coonabarabran area 14 Feb 21 Aug (AM), moderately common
in the Cobar area Sept-Nov (BLS, OK).
Indian Koel Arrival dates: Bruxner Park Coffs Harbour 3 Sept (GLC per AM) and West
Pennant Hills 3 Oct (EH); most Sydney observers remarked on the late arrival this year e.g.,
Thornleigh 20 Oct (BH) and Hornsby Heights 26 Oct (FMC).
Channel -billed Cuckoo One at Dural 2 and 3 Feb (MGr). Arrival dates: Murwillumbah 24
Sept (EP), Winmalee near Springwood 4 Oct (NLK), Lake Parramatta 10 – Oct (BF) near Wollomb
12 Oct (DFG). Other Sydney area records: up to 4 at Sackville 16 Oct 6 Nov (AC, RB, RG,
CMB), 2 at Hornsby Heights 30 Oct (RC), one at Centennial Park 30 Oct, 2 at Eastwood 6 Nov
(EH), one at Cobbity 13 Nov (NWL, BF) and 6 at Kurrajong 28 Dec (JN, HN). Single birds at
Ettalong 11 Dec (AR), Gloucester 18 Dec (ABR) and about 10 km S of Port Macquarie 22 Dec
(RC). Southern record: 2 about 10 km S of Bega 30 Dec (NWL, BF).
Pheasant Coucal One heard calling for about thirty minutes and then seen for about five
minutes perched in lignum at Narran Lake 5 Jan (JW). This is a remarkable occurrence since

far inland records are very unusual in N.S.W. Seen and heard calling near Bargo Reservoir

March May (AH). Single birds seen near Ebenezer in open Ironbark and Myall country
6 Nov (AC, RC, AMcG) and at Mount Colah 26 Nov (ABR).
Powerful Owl Single birds at Holbrook in Feb see Bird Observer 542:4, at Sassafras 15 May
(AGL, TL) and at Bobbin Head Kuring-gai Chase NP 26 July (AN per ABR). Heard calling at
Upper Orara 15 km W of Coffs Harbour 12 July (GH).
Barking Owl One seen at night with the aid of a spotlight in a suburban garden at Hornsby

Heights 16 Feb (RC).

Barn Owl 11 picked up dead by the roadside between Casino, Lismore and Ballina Aug
Oct, an apparent influx since only one found in the same area in the previous three years
(DG). 19 found dead killed by motor vehicles on the Newell Highway between Narrabri and
Bellata 7 Sept (PDa per AM).
Masked Owl One dead by the roadside at Buladelah 15 Sept (DIS). 2 seen perched at night

using car headlights 2 km E of Nyngan 25 Nov (AR, TK, BF).

Grass Owl One flushed in the same locality at Broadwater NP on several occasions Sept
Oct (JC, WW, DG, GF).
Marbled Frogmouth Seen on only one occasion on 17 May in the Kalang Valley near Bell-
ingen despite searching. Tawny Frogmouths seen on five nights in May in the same area with
up to 7 individuals (RB, KB), see 1975 report and also Appendix B.
White -throated Nightjar An adult female and a juvenile found dead, killed by motor vehicles,
3 km N of Bugaldie on 7 and 18 Jan respectively (AM). One at the Forestry Commission
West Pennant Hills 31 Oct (EH). One 5 km NW of Brooms Head near Angourie 22 Nov
(GH).June, 1977 97.
Spotted Nightjar Winter records: one spotlighted at Round Hill NR 9 Aug was in normal
as distinct from torpid condition despite it being a night of frost (RMo, ABR), one at Wilga
Downs property near Hermidale 22 Aug (AM).
Spine -tailed Swift Arrival dates: Murwillumbah 18 Oct (EP), Thornleigh 30 Oct (BH),Moruya
2 Nov (SM). 200+ at Great Cobar Tank 30 Dec (BLS). One photographed while perched,
after landing in a tree at Bayview 30 Dec (GP).
Fork -tailed Swift 20-30 amongst a flock of c.500 Spine -tailed Swifts at Wardell on both
12 and 28 Dec (GM).
Forest Kingfisher One at Kooragang 10-27 Oct was the first for the island and one of the
most southerly occurrences for the state (FG, TGK).
Red -backed Kingfisher Single birds at Ulamambri 23 and 29 Feb and at Gumin near Warrum-
bungle NP 9 April, this species is generally considered rare in the Coonabarabran area (AM).
One at Finley 27 Aug, an early arrival (JI).
Rainbow Bee -eater First arrival in the Coonabarabran area at Warrumbungle NP 20 Aug
(AM), a very early occurrence. Seen migrating south along the coast at Boambee 29 Aug
(GLC per AM).
Dollarbird Far inland: 15+ at Narrandera 1 Feb (RMo), one at Bourke 14 Nov (BLS). Dep-
arture dates: Moruya 3 Feb (SM), Parkes area end Feb (NS) and Coonabarabran area 11 March,
although the majority left earlier (AM). Arrival dates: a pair at Boambee 29 Aug was except-
ionally early (GLC per AM), Murwillumbah 17 Sept (EP), North Haven 29 Sept (GH), Coon-
abarabran area 1 Oct (AM), Kenthurst 2 Oct (EH), and Moruya 9 Oct (SM).
Noisy Pitta One caught by a dog in a suburban garden at St Ives near Kuring-gai Chase NP
8 April. This bird later died and is held in the NPWS collection. On dissection it proved to
be an immature male; stomach contents were a spider and a beetle. A check of registered
aviaries revealed that none listed this species. This is the first Sydney record if a genuinely
wild bird (ABR). One heard calling above the Colo River 28 Nov (WB); this observer has had
considerable experience with the species within its normal range. Although visual confirmation
is necessary for e -x tra-limital records this occurrence is of interest in connection with the above.
One at Iluka 16 17 April was found to be using an old green lemonade bottle as an anvil
(DIS). One heard calling at Boorganna NR Comboyne 31 Oct (ABR).
Rufous Scrub -bird One heard calling for some time and sighted briefly at an altitude of
about 1,000 m at Mount Banda Banda 45 km NW of Wauchope 20 Nov. The habitat con-
sisted of tall eucalypts with a rainforest tree understorey varying in height between 6 and
15 m; there was dense ground cover which included bushes, shrubs, fallen branches and leaf
litter (JAB). This appears to be a new locality for this rare species.
Skylark 2 at Finley 8 June (JI).
Ground Cuckoo -shrike 4 near Bulga 10 Jan (AC, EH, KA, RG) were probably the birds seen
in the same locality the previous month, see report for 1975; 6 present in the same area 6
Nov (RC, EH, KA). 12 at Berida property 18 km W of Gilgandra 18 March (AM). Present
throughout the year in the Parkes area, the most easterly occurrence being at Cookamidgera
12 km E of Parkes (NS).
Little Cuckoo -shrike Dark phase birds recorded as follows: one at Cobbity 6 March (GD,
MD) and 2 at Timbillica SF near Eden 6 Nov (DM).98. AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 11 (4)
Barred Cuckoo -shrike 2 at Mallanganee 40 km W of Casino 11 Jan (DG, GF). 30-40 feed-

ing daily on the fruit of a native fig at Reserve Creek Murwillumbah end March; in previous

years only 8 12 birds were present (EP), see Q.O.S. Newsletter May 1976. A pair at Sea
Acres Port Macquarie 17 Nov (JAB, AR) and one on 20 Dec (RC).
Cicadabird Departure dates: Hornsby Heights 27 Feb (FMC), Coonabarabran area 11 March
(AM) and Moruya 24 March (SM). Arrival dates: Murwillumbah 9 Oct (EP), West Pennant
Hills 9 Oct (EH), Moruya 20 Oct (SM) and Coonabarabran area 6 Nov (AM). 2 at Gilgai 1
Feb (MB).
Varied Triller A female at Harrington 21 Nov (JF). Several records and proof of breeding
in the Port Macquarie area (RC, GH, MJC). One in temperate rainforest at an altitude of

800 m at Tuckers Nob W of Coffs Harbour 15 Feb (GH).

Red -whiskered Bulbul Present in gardens at Boambee 28 Aug 4 Sept (GLC per AM).
Southern Scrub -robin Eastern record: one seen on a property about 15 km NW of Temora

during Oct (RM).

Blackbird A male at Great Cobar Tank Oct Nov (BLS). One at Lake Blowering near
Tumut 13 Nov (LJH). Recorded at Bourke 19 Dec (BLS). Resident and breeding at Parkes
Chestnut -breasted Quail -thrush Moderately common in the area N of Cobar and SW to
Lerida Tank (BLS).
Grey -crowned Babbler 6 at Bulga 14 March (DIS). 6 at Nana Glen 20 km NW of Coffs
Harbour 14 June (GH). A nest with 3 eggs and six empty nests nearby at Graces property
near the McDonald River 12 km N of Wisemans Ferry 25 Sept; this appears to be the closest
breeding locality to Sydney (AC, RB, RG, JED).
Chestnut- crowned Babbler c.14 near Barham 4 March were close to the south-eastern limit
of this species range (JI).
Golden -headed Cisticola Recorded throughout the year and apparently increasing in the
Griffith and Coleambally irrigation areas mainly in reed swamps and rice crops (RMo). One
at Windouran Swamp 48 km ENE of Moulamein 8 Jan (JI). First recorded at Ivanhoe 5
May, followed later by a minor colonising invasion (JH); further details in press.
Tawny Grassbird A small colony found at Narrabeen Lake during Feb (DS). – A male again
occupied territory at the swamps opposite Cronulla High School early spring end year
(BF et al).
Blue and White Wren Eastern records: present 2 km W of Bogan Gate (NS), 8 about 6 km
NW of Yetman 20 Sept. (GH).
Red -backed Wren 30, including 6 males in full plumage, about 7 km W of Grafton 19 June


Southern Emu -wren Present in heath at Coffs Harbour airport 28 Aug 4 Sept (GLC per
White -throated Warbler Departure dates: Coonabarabran area 28 March (AM) and Gilgai 7
April, the latest record for this area (MB). Arrival dates: Pitt Town 4 Sept (NWL), Hornsby
Heights 12 Sept (RC), Coonabarabran area 14 Sept (AM) and Moruya 2 Oct (SM).June, 1977 99.
Western Warbler Several breeding in Leard SF near Boggabri in Oct (FG). A pair with
three young at Bulga 6 Nov (RC, EH, KA). Present along the River Murray between Jing-
ellic and Tintaldra (Vic) 25-31 Dec and one nest found (DL).
Weebill North coast record: one at Whiporie near Grafton 15 Sept (GH).
Red-tailed Thornbill Eastern record: 2 at the Beardy River 15 km SE of Bonshaw 16
Sept (GH).
Chestnut- tailed Thornbill 4 about 15 km NE of North Star 20 Sept (GH), just east of
the range shown by McGill (Australian Warblers).
Buff -tailed Thornbill Locally common in Mulga in the Cobar area (OK).
Chestnut -tailed Heath Wren A pair in sparsely timbered heathland at Wiltshire Road
Londonderry 9 Oct (AC, RG).
Striated Field Wren Northern records: c.4 at Porters Creek Dam W of Milton 14 April
(GD, MD) and at least 6 singing males at Sassafras 17 April (BF, VH).
Speckled Warbler A few present 2 km W of Boppy Mountain railway siding Canbelego
were at the western extremity of this species range in this area (OK). Recorded at two
localities about 3 km and 12 km NE of Nymagee 13 June (MAC, BF, NWL).
Pilot Bird One heard calling at Alidade Hill just N of the Colo River near Colo Heights
28 March (RMM, MAC). This is close to the northern extremity of this species range in this
Eastern Bristle Bird Three family parties seen at the Jervis Bay locality 17 April (BF, VH)
indicating successful breeding, see reports for 1971 and 1973.

White -fronted Chat One at Pelican Island Macleay River 2 Oct (GH).

Crimson Chat One pair nesting and up to 10 other pairs seen in the area 10 40 km
NW of Ungarie 10-14 Oct (BA). 6 about 6 km W of Parkes 11 Nov (NS).
Orange Chat 24+ about 5 km S of Trida 5 Jan (RMo). 3 at Lake Brewster 9 Oct (RC).

A pair at Willandra NP 14 Nov (RMo).

Red -capped Robin A male at Londonderry 27 March 1 May (LS, RB, AC, EH et al).
Flame Robin Unusually common in the Junee-Temora area this winter e.g., 27 males and
many brown birds in one paddock near Ingalba NR (MJC).
Pink Robin A female or immature male at Naghi SF S of Eden 7 April (DM). A female
at Green Cape near Eden 15 Aug (JMcK, BB, HBG, FC). 3 birds in “brown” plumage seen
in the Buckenderra area of Lake Eucumbene 15 and 18 Nov were probably this species
(LJH); main features noted were generally brown plumage with two deep buff wing bars,
very small buff area on forehead, tail dark brown apparently without white, less sleek and
more fluffy than other robins nearby, also less active and remaining on the ground or in
low bushes. Confirmation of other sightings in this area would be of value, see also Aust
Birds 10:38-9.
Rose Robin Western records: adult males at the former Dapper SF 30 km SW of Dunedoo
14 April and at Warrumbungle NP 24 July (AM), one at Bumberry Dam 20 km E of
Parkes 14 May and 2 in the Curumbenya Range about 30 km NE of Parkes 27 June (NS);
this species is only a winter visitor in this region. Sydney area: a male at Oatley Bay 1 May
and 25 June (GD, MD).100. AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 11 (4)
Yellow Robin Recorded in the Cobar area 25 km W of Lerida Tank, 50 km NW to Poon
Boon homestead and 85 km N to Burrawa homestead, these being limits of observation rather
than distribution (BLS, OK). These important records significantly extend the range of this
species to the north and west in this area, see reports for 1974 and 1975.
Grey Fantail 200+ at Lake Parramatta 10 Oct (BF). Very common and apparently migrat-
ing in the Upper Grose Valley Blue Mountains NP over a five day period during mid Oct,
max 237 on 17 Oct moving in the area along Govetts Leap Creek (AM).
Rufous Fantail Departure dates: Moruya 22 March (SM) and Shoplands Road Annangrove
27 April (RB). Arrival dates: Thornleigh 6 Oct (BH), West Pennant Hills 9 Oct (EH) and
Moruya 13 Oct (SM). 12 at Excelsior Park Baulkham Hills 31 Oct (AC, RG).
Willie Wagtail One at Gilgai 1 Feb was all black apart from a small dirty white patch on
the chest, light brown wings and brown tail (MB); see also Aust Birds 9:25-26.
Leaden Flycatcher Departure dates: Bumberry Dam 20 km E of Parkes 27 March (NS)
and Moruya 28 March (SM). Arrival dates: Murwillumbah 30 Aug (EP), Emerald Beach near
Woolgoolga 9 Sept (AM), West Pennant Hills 3 Oct (EH) and Moruya 20 Oct (SM).
Satin Flycatcher There was an obvious influx into the Sydney area in late Oct with
records as follows: single birds at Hornsby Heights 23 Oct (FMC), Oatley Bay 24 Oct (GD,
MD), Eastwood 26-29 Oct (EH), North Rocks 26-27 Oct and 1 Nov (JSt) and Woolwich 1
Nov (NWL). Two pairs nesting about 16 km SW of Walcha 26 Dec (RC). A pair nesting
near Koorawatha Weir 30 km SW of Cowra 29 Dec (AC).
Black -faced Flycatcher Departure dates: Moruya 9 March (SM) and Oatley 12 March (GD,
MD). Arrival dates: Moruya 2 Oct (SM) and Thornleigh 6 Oct (BH). A male at Centennial
Park 30 Oct (EH) was an unusual inner city record.
White -eared Flycatcher One at Iluka 7-8 Feb (WF, JAB).

Golden Whistler Birds of the Tasmanian race first seen at Yowie Bay 17 April; this form

appears at this locality each year from April Aug (JF). A winter visitor at Coonabarabran
with records from 11 March to 20 Aug (AM) and at Murwillumbah where the last migrants
departed early Oct (EP).
Gilbert Whistler Northern records: present in the Cobar area one km SW of the town and
at Lerida Tank 25 km SW (OK, BLS). Eastern records: 8 including two males at Back Yamma
SF about 15 km S of Parkes 17 May (NS), two heard and a male clearly seen in Weddin
Forest adjoining the Weddin Mountains 28 Aug, one at Bimbi SF Weddin Mountains in Nov
(MJC) and a pair in Cypress Pine and Ironbark forest at Wattamondara about 15 km SW of
Cowra 29 Dec (AC).
Olive Whistler 3 at Werrikimbe NP 1 Jan (RC). One at Nadgee NR 31 Dec (NWL).
Eastern Shrike Tit Far inland record: one at Bourke 13 Nov (BLS), for further record on
River Darling see report for 1974.
Crested Bellbird Present throughout the year in the Parkes area at Back Yamma SF to the
south and at Cookamidgera SF and Bumberry Dam to the east (NS). One at Woolleybah 20
km NW of Baradine 20 March (DJ). 5 near Sandy Camp property 25 km NW of Quambone
9 July (AM).
White-browed Treecreeper A pair nested 77 km N of Cobar on the Bourke road late Nov
(OK).June, 1977 101.
Spotted Pardalote Several observed in tall timber on a rocky hillside near Nymagee 13
June with Yellow- tailed Pardalotes occupying mallee areas around the base of the hill


Yellow -tipped Pardalote Many flocks in excess of 200 seen in the Nymagee Bobadah
area 12 and 13 June; total pro -b ably several thousands, certainly 2,000+ (BF, NWL, MAC).
Present E of Parkes 10 April 3 July (NS). 40+ at Dandee property near Coonabarabran
19 April (AM).
Striated Pardalote 9 of the inland form substriatus at Wiltshire Road Londonderry 9 Oct
and 5 on 16 Oct (AC, RG).
Red-browed Pardalote One seen at very close range for several minutes near Peri Lake,
Paroo River area 26 Nov (BF, AR, TK). Records of this species in N.S.W. are very scarce.
Grey -breasted Silvereye Large flocks present in Kosciusko NP 13-20 March contained
birds of the Tasmanian race (DL), see Aust Bird Bander 10:33. Birds of the same race
remained in the Thornleigh area until 6 Oct (BH), a late date.
Brown Honeyeater Present throughout the year in the Cobar area with observations up
to 20 km W, 55 km NW and 85 km N of the town (BLS, OK). 2 present for about four
hours in Wilga trees at North Woodside property 28 km W of Gulargambone 11 March

(GRH). One calling in the suburbs of Coonabarabran 28 Sept remained for some days (AM).

At least 5 present in Acacia regrowth near the Shearing Shed Warrumbungle NP 26 Sept
end year (AM, AMcG). One feeding in a Coral Tree at Glenmore homestead 44 km SW of
Baan Baa 6 Oct (AM). A pair collecting nest material at Boorolong Creek about 25 km W
of Armidale early Oct (RN).
Black Honeyeater Moderately common in the Cobar area during spring and summer (BLS,
OK). An immature male changing into black plumage at Sandy Camp property 25 km NW
of Quambone 29 Sept (AM, AMcG, DJ). 2 pairs 5 km W of Pilliga feeding on flowering
mistletoe 1 Dec and 3+ about 64 km S of Walgett on the Coonamble road 2 Dec (RN).
Pied Honeyeater A few present in the Cobar area in the early part of the year (OK).
Mangrove Honeyeater One just S of the Macleay River at South West Rocks 2 Oct (GH)
was at the southern extremity of this species range.
Yellow- fronted Honeyeater Numerous birds of this species in conflict with Yellow -plumed
Honeyeaters in mallee near Weethalle 29 Oct (AMcG, JFD), further details in press.
Yellow- faced Honeyeater c.50 in Hyde Park Sydney 28 April (GC).
White -eared Honeyeater Present south and east of -C obar to within 5 km SE of the town
(BLS, OK). Recorded in the Moruya area 14 April 23 Aug (SM) where apparently only
an autumn and winter visitor.
Yellow -plumed Honeyeater The following records in the Parkes area are considerably to
the east of the normal range: one at Bumberry Dam 10 April and c.40 on 15 June, 16 at
Beargamil Dam 20 April, 4 at Back Yamma SF 17 May and 2 at the Curumbenya River
27 June (NS).
Brown -headed Honeyeater Observed in the Cobar area 35 km W, 75 km NW and 85 km
N of the town with isolated observations at Gundabooka homestead on the River Darling
White -throated Honeyeater Widespread south to Coffs Harbour but only in dry Sclerophyll
forest; recent sightings made at Coffs Harbour, Woolgoolga, Glenreagh, Kungala, Wooli, Red
Rock and Drake, the last at the Tea Tree Tick Gate a western record (GH).
Noisy Friarbird One near Walkers Hill about 11 km SE of Bobadah 13 June (MAC, BF,
White-cheeked Honeyeater Common in heathland at Currarong (JH).
Striped Honeyeater One seen at Deepwater Park East Hills for about ten minutes under
good conditions 23 June; confirmed later by examination of Museum skins (TN per DIS).
This is the seventh Sydney record.
Painted Honeyeater Moderately common during spring and summer in the Cobar area
(BLS, OK).
Regent Honeyeater A pair in company with a juvenile at St. Albans Common 24 Jan
(BF, MAC, AR et al). One at Wongoni Bridge 14 km E of Mendooran 11 June (AM). A

sub -adult at Warrah Trig. Brisbane Waters NP 27 June (DM). Recorded at several localities

in Warrumbungle NP 29 Aug 6 Nov with a max of 6 at any one time (AM, AMcG,
MJC, AR). A colony of 10-16 birds at Bumberry Dam was the only occurrence in the
Parkes area during the year (NS).
Eastern Spinebill Western records: one, 6 and 8 at Bumberry Dam 20 km E of Parkes
19 April, 17 June and 11 July respectively (NS).
Noisy Miner Observations up to 20 km W and 45 km N of Cobar represent an extension
in the range of this species (BLS, OK).
Yellow- throated Miner Eastern records: present throughout the year in the Parkes area as
far east as Cookamidgera (NS), several seen 16 km W and 20 km NW of Bonshaw 18 Sept
Beautiful Firetail One at Little Hartley 27 March (AC, RG).
Red-browed Finch 4 in the Boginderra Range 20 km N of Temora 14 April (per RMo).
Banded Finch Common throughout the Cobar area with observation limits of 110 km NW,
70 km N and 45 km S (BLS, OK). Seen at Willandra NP most months, usually up to 12
birds except in winter when the highest count was five. Small numbers present at Cocoparra
NP throughout the year with a max of 25 during spring (RMo). 3+ at Bulbodney SF 45 km
N of Condobolin and 2 at Carolina SF 10 km NE of Tottenham 8 July (RT). Southern
record: 7 near Holbrook 19 Sept, the third year running that this species has appeared in
this locality at the same time of year, see Bird Observer 542:4. 300+ at Shoplands Road
Annangrove 24 July (AC, RG).
Plum- headed Finch Southern records: 4 in company with Budgerygahs 20 km E of
Eugowra 28 Nov IRT), one at Cowra Treatment Works 29 Dec (AC) and single pairs seen
in different locations on the Yass River 10 km NE of Murrumbateman 30 and 31 Dec and
on Jan 1977 (PR). Moderately common in the Cobar area near water, limits of observ-
ation rather than distribution were 55 km NW, 50 km N, 20 km W and 45 km S (BLS,
OK). c.100 at the Macquarie Marshes 15 Aug (TL, AGL). 50+ at Dandee property near
Coonabarabran 25 Sept, the largest number recently recorded in this area (AM). 6 near
Bulga 6 Nov (RC, EH, KA). 2 about 3 km E of Kingstown 27 Nov (RN).June, 1977 103.
Spice Finch The max recorded at Casino during the year was 39 in May (DG). 70+ near
Cattai 27 Aug (CMB), a large number for the Sydney area.
Chestnut- breasted Finch Max recorded at Tumbi Umbi was c.100 on 17 July (GC).
Tree Sparrow Present at Harden 12 Nov (JMcK).
Greenfinch Up to 6 resident at Ramsgate (BF, NWL, AC et al).
Indian Myna The following records give some indication of the range of this species in
the outer Sydney area: 4 at Berambing 8 km W of Bilpin 10 Oct and several at Colo Heights
6 Nov (RC). Further information would be of value.
Spangled Drongo One at Glenhaven 18 Feb (CMB), an early arrival for the Sydney area.
First arrival in the Murwillumbah area where it is a summer visitor 15 Sept (EP).
White -winged Chough A flock of about 15 at Deepwater Park East Hills 20 April and 9
June (TN per DIS), an unusual urban record. Common and nesting at Shoalhaven and Currum-
bene State Forests and in coastal forests at Currarong, Callala Beach and near Sussex Inlet
White -breasted Wood Swallow Observed migrating south at Boambee 29 Aug (GLC per
AM). One at Kooragang 13 Nov was the first record for the island in recent times (FG), see
Aust Birds 9:75.
Masked Wood Swallow Mixed flocks of this species and the White-browed Wood Swallow
seen on the coast at Ballina in early Dec (WW).
Little Wood Swallow 3 near Upper Horton 18 Jan (MJC, NLK). c.6 at Carmel property
18 km NW of Baradine 3 April (DJ). A flock of 7 in open country near the Sandstone
Caves Pilliga NR 9 Oct (AR, AM). See also Appendix A.
Pied Currawong One at Cocoparra NP 9 May (RMo).
Pied Butcherbird 7 in the Bulga area 2 Oct (AC, RG).
White -backed Magpie A pair resident at Oatley (BF, GD, MD).
Regent Bowerbird A pair on 19 June and a male on 26 June at O’Briens Road Broad –
water near Cattai (AC, JFD, RB). Two females on 16 Oct and a male on 18 Dec at Sack-
ville (AC, RG, AMcG).
Forest Raven 4 about 16 km S of Tenterfield 8 June (TL, AGL). This record extends the
range of this species as shown by Rowley (CSI RO Wildlife Research 15:27-71) by about 110
km northwards. Full details were submitted with the record and these were discussed with
Graeme Chapman who agreed with the identification. See also report for 1974. Single birds
at Dorrigo NP 30 Aug (GLC per AM) and 3 Oct (GC).
Little Raven The following records were outside the limits of range shown by Rowley:
one found dead by the roadside 190 km W of Cobar 28 Nov (AR, TK, BF) and an immature
found dead at Barrington Tops Dec (ABR) now AM 0.46007.


Appendix A ADDENDA: 1975 REPORT

Jabiru One present at The Mole property, about 65 km NW of Quambone Dec 1974
May 1975 (per AM).
Crested Hawk One seen in dry sclerophyll forest at Buchanan 5 km E of Kurri Kurri 3
Aug 1975 (D. Waterhouse).
Beach Stone -curlew A single bird seen in sand dune habitat at Mitchell’s Island south of
the Manning River near Harrington 20 Aug 1975 (A.D. Ross per S. Wilson). This locality
is only about 30 km NE of the occurrence detailed in the 1976 report and it is possible
that both records refer to the same individual.
Little Woodswallow Single pairs seen at three locations within a 3 km radius near Moot-
wingee Historic Site during Nov 1975, see Aust. Bird Watcher 6:177.
Reef Heron For a record of a white phase bird in Tasmania see Le Souef (Wildlife in
Australia, 1908. Melbourne. Whitcombe and Tombs, pp. 210-211). Another southerly occurr-
ence of the white phase in N.S.W. was a single bird seen just N of Mollymook near Ulladulla
10 Sept 1966 (NWL), see Sunbird 7:112.
White -fronted Honeyeater 2 at Emu Lake Kinchega NP on 8 Jan 1972 (RC) indicate that
the 1975 records were not the first for the park.
Mr. J. McKean has kindly drawn my attention to additional past records of the Black -breasted
Button -quail and Marbled Frogmouth in northern N.S.W. rainforest areas. Nevertheless, these
species can only be classed as very rare residents and a survey of their past and present status
in the state would be of value.
In an earlier paper (Boles 1976 Aust. Birds 11:21-25), I discussed the first record of the
Bush-hen Gallinula olivacea in Australia. This opportunity is taken to correct an error contained
therein. It was stated that this species was first described by Wallace (1865 Proc. Zool. Soc.
London 1865: 474-481) from Moluccan specimens. In actuality, the original description is based
on the Philippine race, G. o. olivacea, and was given by Meyen (1834 Nova Acta Acad. Caes.
Leop. Carol. 16: 109) in 1834.
Wallace’s description is that of the Moluccan race G. o. n2oluccana. The Australian race,
first described by Gould (1869 Birds Aust. suppl., pl. 79), is G. o. rulicrissa.
descripA tl it oh no u bg yh oi nt ei s yc eo ar
“ears after Meyen’s original description.
WALTER E. BOLES, Dept. of Ornithology, Australian Museum, Sydney N.S. W. 2000.-1F-r
Rogers, Alan E. F. N.S.W. Bird Report for 1976 .. 81
Contributors .. 82
Systematic List 83
Boles, Walter E. The Original Description of the Bush -hen 104

Registered for Posting as a Periodical – Category B

Orana Press, Lakemba 759-2782