Vol. 18 No. 3-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 18 No. 3

Journal of the
Vol. 18, No. 3 June, 1984
ISSN 0311-8150
Registered by Australia Post — Publication No. NBH0790THE N.S.W. FIELD ORNITHOLOGISTS CLUB
PATRON A.R. McGill, O.A.M.
A.P. McBride
The object of the Club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and the
habitats they occupy.
Annual subscription rates of the Club (due 1st July each year) are:
Adult Member $10.00
Junior Member (up to 17 yrs) $ 5.00
All members receive a quarterly newsletter and a copy of the quarterly journal “Australian
Birds”. The price of the journal is $2.00 plus postage per issue to non-members. Club badges
are available to club members at $1.40 or $1.70 if posted. The Club holds a meeting and a field
excursion each month.
AIII coreespondence should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary and all membership fees should
be sent to the Hon. Treasurer at: P.O. Box C436, Clarence Street, Sydney, N.S.W. 2000.
Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor at: Dept. of Ornithology, Australian Museum, 6-8
College Street, Sydney 2000.37
VoI. 18, No. 3 June, 1984
This is the Thirteenth Annual Report, and covers the period 1 January to 31 December

  1. For this period, 150 observers submitted approximately 1,915 sightings, plus a quantity
    of general notes and comments. As in earlier reports, the major aims of the Report are threefold:
    to place on record observations of birds accidental or rare in the State; to record observations
    which delineate with greater precision the normal distribution of birds within the State; and to
    record observations which may reflect changes in numbers, range or movements. All reports
    are collated and held on file; those which seem most significant are presented here.
    Almost all of this material is summarised from reports made direct from the observer to the
    Records Officer, but the Newsletters of the following local clubs were also scanned:
    Cumberland Bird Observers Club (CBOC), Hunter Bird Observers Club (HBOC), Illawarra Bird
    Observers Club (IBOC), Manning Valley Bird Watchers (MVBW), and NSW Field Ornithologists
    Club (NSWFOC). Numerals appearing after these initials indicate the relevant issue (no number
    implies a direct communication). A few reports published in Canberra Bird Notes (CBN) also
    seemed especially pertinent here and are mentioned under the relevant species.38 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18(3)
    Other abbreviations used: STW indicates a sewage treatment works or similar installation
    and HSD indicates a station, homestead or other privately owned and named place. Also the
    abbreviations NP is used for National Parks, NR for Nature Reserves, SF for State Forests, and
    RS for other reserves.
    The problem of localities is a difficult one. To explain where every locality is would double
    the size of the Report, yet there seems no easy method of determining which localities are
    unknown to most readers. A number of places are frequently visited, yet not necessarily widely
    known except to local observers; explanation necessarily involves frequent repetition, because
    it is surely unacceptable to rely on the “first mention” approach in such a report. Any solution
    seems largely a matter of compromise; in general, some explanatory comment is included for
    any place not mentioned in the Reader’s Digest Atlas of Australia (Reader’s Digest Services Pty
    Ltd, Sydney, 1977).
    Highlights for the year included the third NSW Buff -breasted Sandpiper, the first
    Australian and NSW record of Hudsonian Godwit, and reports of several other rare waders.
    Regular boat -trips off Sydney Heads yielded a notable crop of rarities, including Herald Petrel,
    Tahiti Petrel, Westland Petrel, and Kerguelen Petrel. The second Barn Swallow for the State
    was also recorded. Drought continued to influence the numbers and distribution of birds
    throughout the State, with marked build-up of numbers of some species (ducks, etc) in coastal
    areas, and the occurrence of several species (eg, Black Honeyeater) well east of their normal
    am grateful to A.P. McBride, G.M. Griffiths, D. Larkins and D. Charlton for much help with
    the preparation of this Report. also thank Alan K. Morris, A.R. McGill, E.S. Hoskin, and J.N.
    Hobbs who read an earlier draft and made many valuable comments.
    M. Abrahall (MA) J. Brickhill (JBr) W.T. Cooper (WTC)
    J. Aitken (JA) I. Brown (NPWS) (IB) C.J. Corben (CJC)
    D. Allen (DA) M.R. & B. Brown (MR&BB) G. Czechura (GC)
    P. Althofer (PA) J. Bryan (JB)
    J. Auld (JAu) D. Bushell (DB) A. Dampney (AD)
    L. Busible (LB) P. Davies (PD)
    T. Davis (TD)
    W.P. Barden (HBOC) (WPB)
    S.J.S. Debus (SJSD)
    D. Bates (HBOC) (DBa) B. Cambridge (HBOC) (BC)
    M.O. Dingley (MOD)
    C. Bennett (CB) M. Carey (MC)
    D. Best (DBe) A. Cartwright (ACa) J. Dixon (JDi)
    R. & K. Bigg, (R&KB) G.P. Clancy (GPC) B. Downer (BD)
    J. Duranti (JD)
    A.W. Bischoff (AWB) T. Clarke (TC)
    G. Blackwell (GB) L. Cole (LC)
    C.M. Bonser (CMB) A. Colemane (AC) R. Edwards (RE)
    P.A. Bourke (PAB) D. Collins (DC) J. Everleigh (JE)AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3) 39
    T. Felton (HBOC) (TF) T. Kendall (HBOC) (TKd) D. Robinson (DR)
    E. Finley (EF) T. Kenney (TKn) A.E.F. Rogers (AEFR)
    H.A. Ford (HAF) N. Kirby (NK) A.B. Rose (ABR)
    A. Foster (AF) T. Korn (TKo) F. Rups (FR)
    J.J. Francis (JJF) J. & N. Russill (J&NR)
    P.J. Fullagar (PJF)
    B. Lake (BL)
    S.G. Lane (SGL) D. Sawyer (DS)
    D. Geering (DG) D. Larkins (DL) S. Scotchmer (SS)
    H. George (HG) W. LePage (WL) D. Secomb (DSe)
    A. Gillies (HBOC) (AG) S. Leighton (SL) N. Sheppard (NS)
    C. Gorely (CG) P. Lester (PL) D.I. Smedley (DIS)
    Gould League Camp (GLC) A.I.G. Lindsey (AIGL) L. Smith (LS)
    L.G. Gunning (LGG) T.R. Lindsey (TRL) A. Smythe (AS)
    K. Lisser (KL) D.A. Stewart (DAS)
    S. Hamonet (HBOC) (SH) C. Studders (CS)
    J.W. Hardy (JWH) M. Maddock (HBOC) (MM)
    J. Harris (JH) P.N. Maher (PNM) T. Tasoulis (TT)
    P. Harvey (PH) H. & B. Mannes (H&BM) P. Thompson (PT)
    K. Hatton (KHa) S. Marchant (SM) J. Thornton (JT)
    L.J. Heeney (LJH) C. Marriot (CM) G. Townsend (GT)
    C. Hewitt (CH) C. Macdonald (CMc) D. Turner (DT)
    H. Hines (HH) I.A.W. McAllan (IAWM)
    J.N. Hobbs (JNH) A.P. McBride (APM)
    N. Vaughan (NV)
    D. Hobcroft (DH) D.C. McFarlane (DCM)
    G. Holmes (GH) A.R. McGill (ARM)
    K. Holmes (KH) R. McKinnie (RM) N. Wakeling (NW)
    R. Holmes (RH) K. McNee (KM) R. Walker (HBOC) (RW)
    J. Hone (JHo) P. Metcalf (PM) D. Waterhouse (HBOC) (DW)
    E.S. Hoskin (ESH) B. Miller (BM) J. Waugh (JW)
    J. Houghton (JHu) A.K. Morris (AKM) R. Waymark (HBOC) (RWy)
    K. Howard (HBOC) (KH) B. Murphy (HBOC) (BMu) E. Wheeler (EW)
    J. Howe (JHw) A. Williams, (HBOC) (AW)
    B. Howie (BH) T. Wilson (TW)
    G. Nichols (GN)
    G. Wolfe (GW)
    G. Wright (GWr)
    J. & K. Imrie (HBOC) (J&KI) L. Parsons (LP)
    C. Ingram (CI) J. Pegler (JP)
    G. Ingram (GI) J. Perry (HBOC) (JPe) F. van Gessel (HBOC) (FvG)
    D. James (DJ) T. Quested (TQ)
    C.N. Johnson (CNJ)
    S. Johnson (HBOC) (SJ) A. Raine (HBOC) (AR)
    D. Johnston (DJo) I. Reid (HBOC) (IR)
    F. Johnston (FJ) D.C. Richards (DCR)
    L. Joseph (Li) G.J. Roberts (GJR)40 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3)
    Emu 3 near Clarence Peak near Maclean 7 Feb; 1 adult with 2 large young at Iluka 21 Mar; 7
    (3 adults with 4 three-quarter grown young) near Tucabia 24 Apr (GPC).
    Great Crested Grebe Regularly reported (max 11 adults 10 Feb) at Bushells Lagoon in the
    Hawkesbury Swamps 3 Jan -27 Apr, with scattered reports thereafter; at least 2 pairs bred (1
    pair with 3 young, another with 4 young 14 Feb) (APM, MR&BB, RB, ARM, J&NR, IAWM, DL).
    Hoary -headed Grebe Nesting colony (19 nests) at Bushells Lagoon 3 Jan (APM, TRL).
    Recorded at Port Macquarie STW 21 Jul and at Mitchell Island, Manning River 21 Aug (DG), 5 at
    Narrabeen Lake, Sydney 20 Aug (DS).
    Wandering Albatross 37 off Gosford 19 Oct (PH)
    Black-browed Albatross off Stockton 8 Apr (TKd). 2 off Redhead Beach in Apr (SH). 18
    seen 12 km E of Bar Beach, Newcastle 8 May (TKd). 500+ mixed Black-browed and Yellow –
    nosed c 19 km ENE of Newcastle Heads 13 June (TKd). Derelicts: 1 immature 10 Oct and 1 adult
    8 Dec, both at Wanda Beach, Sydney (JW).
    Yellow -nosed Albatross c 30+ off Crowdy Head 13 June (APM, DH). See also Black-
    browed Albatross.
    Shy Albatross 1 off Crowdy Head 13 June (APM, DH). 1 seen 8 km off Sydney Heads 31 Jul
    (APM) and off Green Is, Bendalong 5 Sep (DH) both showed plumage features consistent with
    subspecies salvini.
    Northern Giant -petrel Single birds over the continental shelf off Sydney Heads 12 July and
    25 Sep (DH et al).
    Southern Fulmar photographed 8 km off Sydney Heads 26 Jun (APM et al).
    Great -winged Petrel Recorded over the continental shelf c 30 km off Sydney Heads: 1 on
    30 Jan, 2 on 25 Sep, several on 30 Oct, 9 on 27 Nov (APM et al, NSWFOC 67).
    Providence Petrel Recorded over the continental shelf c 30 km off Sydney Heads: 8 on 10
    Jul, 1 on 31 Jul, 29+ on 28 Aug, 8 on 25 Sep, 5 on 25 Oct, several on 30 Oct, 1 on 27 Nov (APM,
    DH, BD et al, NSWFOC 67). 1 derelict at Wellington Rock Beach (Nambucca Heads) 11 Oct, now
    at AM (NW, GPC, DSe).
    Herald Petrel intermediate phase over the continental shelf c 35 km off Sydney Heads 30
    Oct; second NSW record, details before RAC, in prep (APM, DH, NSWFOC 67).
    Tahiti Petrel seen 32 km off Sydney 27 Nov, details in prep (APM).
    1AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3) 41
    Kerguelen Petrel 1 seen 35 km off Sydney 30 Oct, details in prep (APM, DH et al, NSWFOC
    Gould’s Petrel 2+ tentatively identified as this species 13 km off Sydney 27 Mar, flying N
    (APM et al).
    Black -winged Petrel 3 at Muttonbird Island, Coffs Harbour 9 Dec (DJ, DH).
    Westland Petrel 1 photographed at close range off Sydney Heads 27 Nov, followed the boat
    for several hours; identity still being checked, details in prep (APM, TRL et al).
    White -chinned Petrel 1 seen 1 km off Sydney Heads 26 Jun, and another photographed 18
    km off Sydney heads 30 Oct (APM et al, NSWFOC 67).
    Flesh -footed Shearwater The majority in a mixed flock of c 1000-2000 shearwaters c 6 km
    off Port Stephens 10 Jan (AEFR e al).
    Streaked Shearwater 1 at Cape Byron 6 Mar (GH). 30+ over 80 fathoms 22 km off Sydney
    27 Mar (APM et al).
    Buller’s Shearwater 1 in mixed flock c 1000-2000 shearwaters c 6 km off Port Stephens 10
    Jan (AEFR et al). 1 seen 22 km off Sydney 27 Mar (APM et al).
    Sooty Shearwater Reported with increasing frequency off Sydney Heads over past few
    years, probably as a result of greater refinement of identification criteria rather than any real
    increase in numbers; 2 on 12 Jul, 3 on 31 Jul, 1 on 25 Sep, 5 on 30 Oct, 30+ on 27 Nov, and a
    group of small flocks totalling 60+ on 11 Dec (APM, DH et al, NSWFOC 67); c 20 in mixed flock c
    1000-2000 shearwaters c 6 km off Port Stephens 10 Jan (AEFR et al). Derelicts: 2 (fresh, first
    for season) at Long Reef 2 Nov and another same place 21 Nov (DS, APM); 1 at Wooli 3 Dec
    Fluttering Shearwater 1 in mixed flock of c 1000-2000 shearwaters c 6 km off Port
    Stephens 10 Jan (AEFR et al).
    Hutton’s Shearwater Singles recorded off Sydney Heads 30 Jan, 27 Mar, 29 May
    (incorrectly reported 30 May NSWFOC 63), 26 Jun, 30 Oct, and 11 Dec. 1 off Crowdy Head 13
    Jun (APM et al. NSWFOC 67).
    Wilson’s Storm -petrel Recorded off Sydney Heads as follows: 6 on 27 Mar, on 28 Aug,
    1 1
    on 25 Sep, 6 on 30 Oct, and 3 on 27 Nov (APM, DL et al, NSWFOC 67). 1 seen 12 km E of Bar
    Beach, Newcastle 8 May (TKd).
    White-faced Storm -petrel Singles recorded at sea off Sydney Heads 29 Aug and 25 Sep
    (APM et al). Derelicts: 1 at Long Reef 3 Jan, 1 at Boat Harbour 13 Feb, 1 at Long Reef 20 Feb
    (APM per EHS) and another at Wairo Beach 3 Oct (DJ, DH).42 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3)
    Australian Pelican 344 at the Entrance and 68 at Brisbane Water 1 Feb, unusually high
    counts for County of Northumberland (Aust. Birds 9:46) (MC, AKM).
    Australasian Gannet 89 off Dee Why 29 May, an unusually high count (TRL, AIGL).
    Brown Booby Recorded at Nambucca Heads 7 Dec (DSe).
    Darter Breeding records (outside lower Murray -Darling basin, see NSW Ha ndlist): a pair at
    nest with 3 young at Cudgewa Park near Wee Waa 25 Mar, apparently first local breeding
    record (NV per AKM). A pair with eggs at Port Macquarie STVV 21 Jul (DG). 2+ pairs breeding at
    Queens Hill Swamp near Mulgoa 4 Nov (ARM).
    Pied Cormorant Sydney region: seen regularly (max 10) at Port Hacking (DT); 1 at Penrith
    Lakes 20 Mar (RB).
    Little Black Cormorant 360 at The Entrance near Gosford 7 Feb, an unusually high count
    for County of Northumberland (see Aust. Birds 9:46) (MC, AKM). c 30 pairs nesting (with large
    young) at Port Macquarie STW 21 July (DG).
    Little Pied Cormorant Successful breeding at Mona Vale, Sydney: occupied nests first
    noted 21 Sept, 9 nests counted 28 Sept, 22 nests 1 Nov (DS). A new rookery of c 30 pairs in
    melaleuca swamp at St Albans 15 Jan (ARM); c 20 pairs nesting (with eggs) at Port Macquarie
    STVV 31 Oct (DG).
    Least Frigatebird female at Cape Byron 8 Dec (DJ, DH).
    Cattle Egret Breeding colony at Shortland and at Seaham (Newcastle) in Dec (MM, WPB). 4
    roosts located near Wooyung in early Sep: 100+ at Mooball, 150+ at Doroughby, 300+ at
    Mullumbimby, and 100+ at Brunswick Heads (GLC).
    Little Egret Few reports. Breeding recorded at Shortland, Newcastle in Dec (MM).
    Plumed Egret Breeding reported at Shortland in Dec (MM).
    Mangrove Heron Sydney region: recorded at Peakhurst, Kurnell and (regularly) at Shell
    Point. Successful breeding at Narrabeen Lake, clutch of 3 eggs laid between 26 Oct and 5 Nov,
    two advanced fledglings at nest 16 Dec (DS, CBOCN 4/3).
    Nankeen Night Heron Sydney region. roost c 12 at W end of Narrabeen Lake, c 9 seen 30
    Aug (DS).
    Little Bittern at Casino 26 Jan (GH), at Lake Brewster 17 Feb (JBr), 9 at a small stock
    1 1
    dam at Moruya 5 Oct (SM), and 1 photographed at Howlong 11 Nov (Bird Obs. (612-613):3).
    Sydney region: 1 at Bakers Lagoon, Windsor 13-14 Feb (APM, RB). 1 in a freshwater swamp at
    Deep Creek, Narrabeen Lake 13 Oct and again same place 20 Nov (DS).AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3) 43
    Black Bittern 1 at Bungwah I 13 Jan (VVTC). 1 at Terania Creek, Nightcap NP 29 Jan (JD). 1
    at Valiance Lagoon, Mullumbimby 24 Feb (DAS). Recorded Sydney Autumn Count 30 May
    (NSWFOC 63). at Castle Hill 15 Sep (RB) and again 30 Oct (CMB, NSWFOC 67). in Melaleuca
    1 1
    quinquenervia forest near the Esk River, Bundjalung NP 28 Nov, apparently first park record
    (GPC). at Wallamba River, Failford (via Tuncurry) 20 Dec (DS). at Nemarotu HSD near
    1 1
    Mullumbimby all year except Mar -Jul (DAS).
    Brown Bittern 1 in coastal lagoon at Mitchells Island, Manning River 21 Aug (DG, MVBN
    1/2). 1 at Kooragang Is. NR and another at Hexham Swamp 3 July (FvG). Sydney: 1 flushed at
    Woolooware Swamp, Cronulla 26 Aug (DS) and again 11 Sep (DH, APM).
    Black -necked Stork 1 at Hannam Vale in Jan (DG) and 1 immature near Maclean 7 Feb
    (GPC); singles (occasionally pairs) recorded almost throughout the year in the Grafton area.
    Local observers commented that the species appeared to be less common on the North Coast
    than in previous years (GPC, DG).
    Glossy Ibis Reported in greater numbers than usual. Sydney region: recorded regularly in
    the Hawkesbury Swamps 24 Jan -24 Apr (max 11) and 30 Oct -27 Dec; 63 at McGraths Hill 27
    Dec may be the largest Sydney count on record (ARM, J&NR, RB, AEFR, NSWFOC 67).
    Newcastle: 80+ at Kooragang Is. NR 4 Nov and 50 at Shortland Swamp 28 Nov (FvG). Griffith
    area: 300+ on Polygonum Lake 14 Nov and 500+ in evening flights towards Lake Wyangan 18
    Dec (JBr). Other records: 52 at Dubbo STW 5 Nov (AKM). Flock of 10 in swamp S of Nyngan 28
    Jan (AKM). c 20 at Everlasting Swamp near Grafton 7 May (GPC).
    Sacred Ibis Appears to be still increasing in numbers in the Central Coast and Sydney
    regions (Morris, Aust. Birds 17:43-44): 118 in Brisbane Water 6 Feb (MC, AKM) and 197 at
    Towra Point 29 May (JW) were high counts even for this common species.
    Royal Spoonbill Breeding (10+ nests) at Barrenbox Swamp near Griffith 23 Feb (JBr). 2 at
    Menindee Lakes 15 May (NS).
    Magpie Goose Numbers present in the lower Clarence River region Apr -Dec: 3 at Long
    Hole Lagoon near Tucabia 25 Apr and 27 at Everlasting Swamp 7 May (GPC); recorded (max 49
    on 12 Sep, GPC) at Cowans Ponds, Grafton 22 Jul until at least 23 Dec (GPC, GH, EW, GLC,
    DAS, APM, DS, OH); details in prep. 11 at Kyogle 25 Aug, full description supplied (CS per GH).
    Wandering Whistling -duck 1 at Fermont (E of Bellingen) 30 Dec (DSe).
    Plumed Whistling -duck Reported from most known localities, but in greater numbers than
    Sydney region: reported in the Hawkesbury Swamps May -Dec; numbers built up from 40+
    on 5 May (RB) and peaked at 362 on 10 Jul (ARM); 75+ were counted at Richmond 19 Dec
    (APM). Compare max 110 in 1980 and 154 in 1981 (see previous Reports). at Dee Why
    Lagoon, Sydney 24 Jan (OH).
    Newcastle area: 7 at Seaham Swamp 1 Aug; 6 at Minmi 4 Nov (WPB et al); 20+ at Mt
    Thorley 28 Nov (J&KI).44 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 1813)
    Grafton region: Recorded at Cowans Ponds throughout the year, max c 1500 on 3 Aug,
    1000+ on 11 Aug, 800 on 31 Aug (GLC), 300 on 4 Sep (1000 at nearby Caramana’Lake). Present
    throughout the year (pair with 2+ young 9 Apr) on a stock dam at Clarenza 5 km E of Grafton;
    numbers rose to 250 in Apr, fell to a minimum in early Oct, then climbed steeply to 1000 during
    last week of Oct; birds then suddenly left. Heard regularly at night over Grafton (GPC, EW).
    Other regions: c 50 at Lake Wyangan, Griffith 22 Feb (JBr). 20+ at Terridgerie Lagoon 23
    Feb and 10+ same place 2 Mar (AKM). 2 at Rollands Plains 3 Jan; c 30 near Wauchope Jun -Aug;
    c 40 at Mitchells Island, Manning River 21 Aug (DG).
    Freckled Duck Inland records: recorded on Menindie Lakes while filled early in the year,
    max 250 in Apr (JE per AKM). at Thurloo Downs HSD W of Wanaaring 17 Mar (TKo per AKM).
    2 at a swamp 45 km E of Deniliquin 10 Oct (PNM). 10 at Griffith STW 14 Feb and 2 same place 29
    Sep; 4 shot at Barrenbox Swamp near Griffith Apr and shot same place 10 Apr (JBr). Coastal
    1 1
    records: 2-5 at Moruya STW on 4 occasions 6 May -13 Jun, but attendant reported birds both
    before and after (SM). 22 at Shortland Swamp 20 Dec (WPB et a/). at Casino 29 Nov and 2 at
    Lismore 17 Dec (GH). Present in the Hawkesbury Swamps near Sydney 17 Oct -26 Dec, most
    consistently at Pitt Town Lagoon but also reported at Bushells Lagoon and McGraths Hill; max
    10 at Pitt Town Lagoon 6 Nov (NSWFOC 67, RB, J&NR, ARM, AEFR, AC, DH, ESH, IAWM, DL,
    Australian Shelduck 2 at Menindee Lakes 15 May (NS). 10 at Bakers Lagoon 4 Nov (DS) and
    5 at McGraths Hill 27 Dec (ARM). Recorded near Albion Park during Nov (IBOCN Dec).
    Mallard 2 atJewells Swamp, Redhead 25 July (HBOC), rare in Newcastle region, see Aust.
    Birds 9:49.
    Chestnut Teal Northern Rivers and Mid -north Coast records: 7+ near Yamba 7 Feb and 20+
    same place 27 Jul; 3 at Limeburners NR 10 Apr; 1 near Tucabia 25 Apr; 2 adult males at Susan
    Island, Grafton 10 Aug; 11 (2 adult males, 9 female plumage) at Grafton 18 and 20 Sep (GPC).
    “Moderately common” Wauchope area, breeding at Hannam Vale 6 Mar (DG). Inland records:
    male at swamp 45 km E of Deniliquin 26 Nov (PNM). Recorded at Griffith STW as follows: 1 on 9
    May, 2 on 29 Sep, 1 on 13 Oct, and 1 on 25 Oct; also 4 near Lake Wyangan, Griffith 10 Dec (JBr).
    Blue -winged Shoveler Sydney region: 4 (3 female, male) at Dee Why Lagoon 24 Jan and
    female same place 9 Nov (DH). Recorded throughout the year at Hawkesbury Swamps
    (McGraths Hill STW and Pitt Town Lagoon); max 50 at Pitt Town lagoon 13 Feb (J&NR, RB).
    Newcastle: 100+ at Kooragang Is. NR 30 May (FvG); 40+ at Morpeth STW 20 Jun (HBOC).
    Grafton: 2 at Waterview 27 Jun; 1 male at Cowans Ponds, Grafton 27 Jun, 22 Jul, 3 Aug (GPC);
    2 at Caramana Lake near Grafton 4 Sep (EW). Other records: 7 at Budgewoi Lake 6 Nov (DS). 1 at
    Coombie HSD near Roto 3 Aug (JH u).
    Pink -eared Duck Coastal records:
    Sydney region: recorded throughout the year in the Hawkesbury Swamps (especially Pitt
    Town Lagoon, Pitt Town Ferry Road and McGraths Hill STW), counts variable, but apparently
    about 40 birds in Feb, rising to max 145 at Pitt Town Lagoon 5 Nov (ARM, RB, NSWFOC 63,AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3) 45
    MR&BB). 2 on the beach at Old Cooks River Mouth 13 Nov (date in Newsletter incorrect) (DL).
    Newcastle area: 8 at Kooragang Is. NR 29 May (FvG)and 150+ same place 3 Jul (JPe). 700
    at Morpeth STW 20 Jun (HBOC) and 1000 same place Aug; 8 at Steelworks golf club,
    Shortland 28 Nov (FvG).
    Grafton area: 6 at Susan Island, Grafton 1 Jun; 20 at Waterview 27 Jun and 6 same place 5
    Nov (DSe, GPC). 10 at Caramana Lake 4 Sep (EW).
    Mid -north Coast: 2 at Port Macquarie STW 21 Jul, observer’s first local record (DG, MVBN
    Inland reports: recorded at Griffith STW as follows: 1000+ on 14 Feb, “many 100s” on 6
    May, 800 on 10 Aug, 500 on 29 Sep, 1000 on 13 Oct, and 1000 on 25 Oct (JBr, MR&BB). Also c
    25 at Imperial Lake, Broken Hill 26 Sep (NS).
    Hardhead Flocks of 200+ at Sportsmans Creek near Grafton 5 May (GPC) and 116 at
    Chipping Norton, Sydney 12 Sep (ARM) are large enough to seem worthy of comment, although
    nothing in reports received to indicate the coastal build-up of numbers evident in several other
    species (see Blue -winged Shoveler, Maned Duck, Pink -eared Duck).
    Maned Duck Apparently on the increase in the Sydney region, as suggested by the
    following reports; 60 at Bushells Lagoon 10 Feb (MR&BB); 50 at Mona Vale Golf Course, 7 June
    (DS); flock of 291 near Cobbity 28 Aug (ARM), and 30-40 (now permanent residents) at Mowll
    Village, Castle Hill (CMB). A flock of 250 at Caramana Lake near Grafton 4 Sep (EW) was also
    unusually large. In contrast, none bred at Coombie HSD near Roto during the winter (JH u).
    Blue -billed Duck Recent studies by CSIRO suggest this may be Australia’s least numerous
    waterfowl (PJF), so all reports listed; 2 at Talmoi Waterhole near Moree 10 Apr (RB, CBOCN
    3/5). 20 at Griffith STW 14 Feb, “many” same place 6 May and 50 same place 13 Oct (JBr,
    MR&BB). 4 at Imperial Lake, Broken Hill 27 May (AKM).
    Musk Duck Northern Rivers: 1 at Rollands Plains 3 Jan, observers first local record (DG)
    and 1 at Caramana Lake near Grafton 4 Sep (EW). Other records: 20 at Griffith STW 14 Feb, 50
    same place 29 Sep, and 30 same place 25 Oct (JBr). at Stephens Creek Reservoir, Broken Hill
    28 Mar (NS). 1 at Yarrada Lagoon 20 km W of Darlington Point 11 Apr (JBr).
    Osprey 14 pairs found breeding between Tweed Heads and the Myall Lakes during Sep,
    including 4 new sites; also a number of isolated records extending south to Forster (TKd, JPe,
    PL, DIS, GPC, DH, DAS, APM, DSe, DG, MVBN 1/1, HBOCN 6/82, CBOCN 3/4). NSW status of
    this species currently under investigation. Inland record: at Burrendong Dam near Wellington
    27-28 Jan (TD, PA per AKM).
    Crested Hawk at Ourimbah SF 21 Nov (HBOC). Nesting at Gumma HSD near Macksville
    (date not supplied) (BL per DSe). Uncommon around Wauchope, most records Mt Boss SF,
    Pappinbarra, Middle Brother SF; -b red last two years near Wauchope, 1980-1981 raised 3
    young, unsuccessful 1981-1982 nest destroyed by storm in Jan (DG). A number of reports
    from the Northern Rivers region (GPC, GLC, DSe, DAS). Sydney region: at Oran Park 9 Jul and
    16 Jul (JDi, ARM). 1 at Castle Hill 11 Aug (RB).46 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3)
    Black Kite Coastal records: at Grahamstown Dam, Raymond Terrace 15 May (FvG). at
    1 1
    Grafton 25 Nov (GPC). 1 at Moruya 26 Nov (SM).
    Square -tailed Kite 1 at Warrumbungle NP 12 Nov (JDi, ARM). Twelve sightings at Moruya
    22 Sep -22 Dec, “seen so regularly suspected nest nearby” (SM).
    Grey Goshawk Adult white morph at Coonamble 22 Feb (MA per AKM). Nesting near
    Cobbity 30 Oct (ARM). Uncommon Wauchope area, common Kookaburra, upper Macleay River,
    occasional Mt Boss SF and Pappinbarra (DG).
    Red Goshawk 2 at Evans Head 21 Jan, full description supplied (JD, ACa, RE). 1 seen 26 km
    N of Singleton 28 Feb (DCR).
    Spotted Harrier Eastern records: at Muswellbrook 26 Sep; at Dangars Lagoon 26 Sep
    1 1
    (RB). 1 at Meads Bridge near Wollar 4 Oct (WPB, BC). 1 near Denman 28 Oct (TF). 1 subadult at
    Dangars Lagoon, Uralla 4 Nov and adult at Armidale 12 Dec (SJSD). near Bakers Lagoon
    1 1
    near Windsor 5 Nov (RB).
    Black Falcon Many more reports than usual: 1 seen 40 km S of Balranald 28 Jan (JBr). 1 at
    Square Knob N of Narrandera 9 Apr (JNH). 1 seen N of Balranald 11 Apr (APM). 1 seen 20 km E
    of Temora 26 Jun (JBr). Pair hunting quail flushed by moving stock at Gulargambone 15 Jul
    (DJo per AKM). 1 at Wellington 18 Jul (DIS). 1 seen 80 km NW of Griffith 15 Sep (Air). 1 seen 3
    km E of Wollar 4 Oct, caught a Little Buttonquail (CMc, TQ). 1 at Dangars Lagoon, Uralla 5 Nov
    (SJSD). 1 near Jerilderie 27 Nov (ARM). 1 seen E of Hay 8 Dec (JNH). 1 at Bakers Lagoon near
    Windsor 25 Dec (APM, DH, CJC et al).
    Grey Falcon at Parkes 28 Mar, photos submitted (JWH, CBOCN 3/5). 2 at Coombie HSD
    near Roto 16 Jun, not present next day (JHu). 1 seen 10 km S of Bega 19 Sep (DAS).
    Malleefowl Active mounds: Goonoo SF near Dubbo, 4 mounds located, total 39 eggs laid, 6
    hatched by 23 Nov; Yalgogrin, 11 mounds prepared for breeding in Sep, but only 4 mounds with
    total 33 eggs laid (6 hatched) by 30 Dec; Arcadia HSD 10 km S of West Wyalong, 1 mound
    located, total 11 eggs laid, 2 hatched by 30 Dec; Pulletop NR, 3 mounds prepared in Sep, but no
    eggs laid by 15 Dec; Buddigower NR, 3 mounds prepared in Sep, but no eggs laid by 15 Dec; Lake
    Cargell ico-Tu libigeal area, 12 mounds located but only with eggs in Dec. General failure of
    I 1
    egg -laying attributed to drought (JBr, BM, TKo, AWB per AKM). Also at Burbie Springs,
    Warrumbungle NP 30 Oct, first park record since 1927 (JT&CH per AKM).
    Brush -turkey at Bungwahl 30 Jan (WTC). at Cambewarra Mountain during Sep (DIS).
    1 1
    Brown Quail Apparently much more common than usual, especially in coastal and near –
    coastal areas: 3 at Copeland near Barrington 7 Mar (DIS). Adults with young flushed at Clarenza
    25 Mar (EW). 5 at Kooragang Is. NR 4 Jul (JPe, JI). “Very common” on heathlands Brunswick
    Heads -Hastings Point 31 Aug -11 Sep (GLC). 50 (in flocks max 12) at Crowdy Bay NP 17 Aug
    (DG). Recorded at Warrimoo 29 Nov (PL). Family party with 9 young at Narrandera 18 Sep (JNH).AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3) 47
    King Quail Reported as more common than usual in heaths in the Northern Rivers region,
    especially Crowdy Bay NP, also Wauchope (DG); 40 seen in <20 hectares) at Coraki 12 Dec (GH).
    Also c 3 (2 males, 1 female) at Kooragang Is. NR 8 Aug (DH, APM).
    Red -backed Buttonquail 1-2 at Kyogle Sep, Nov and Dec; 1 at Casino 29 Nov; 1 at Coraki 12
    Dec (GH).
    Painted Buttonquail 1 at Buttai, East Maitland 3 Apr (J&KI eta!). 17 records at Moruya after
    30 Jul, but heard only once during daytime, much less common than in 1981 (SM). Also
    reported as apparently less common than usual in the Wauchope area (DG). Sydney region:
    derelict at Long Reef 20 Sep (DS). 1 at Towra Point 8 Dec (HH, JB). Recorded at Warrimoo 19 Dec
    Little Buttonquail 1 seen 3 km E of Wollar 4 Oct, taken by Black Falcon (CMc, TQ) and 1 at
    Kyogle Dec (GH) were the only reports.
    Red -chested Buttonquail seen 5 km east of Wauchope 10 Jul (MVBN 1/2). Numerous at
    middle Richmond River (Kyogle-Coraki) Nov -Dec (GH).
    Plains -wanderer Total of 65 caught and banded near Deniliquin 26 Apr to year end,
    majority Oct -Dec (PNM, ARM).
    Banded Landrail Inland records: 1 in garden at property 25 km N of Deniliquin during Jan
    (JHu). 2 near Garah 10 Apr (K&RB). A number of reports from the Central Coast, Hunter,
    Mid -north Coast and Northern Rivers regions. Reported as moderately common near
    Wauchope, Pembroke, Port Macquarie and Mitchells Island, Manning River (DG).
    Lewin’s Rail 1 seen 20 km N of Singleton Nov 81 (DCR). Sydney region: 1 killed by cat at Mt
    Ku-ring-gai in Jun (HG per ABR); 1 calling at Deep Ck, Narrabeen 13 Sep; 1 calling at Wheeler
    Heights 24 Sep (DS); 1 at Towra Point NR 20 Oct (JW).
    Marsh Crake 1 at Clarenza 24 Nov (EW). Recorded at Port Macquarie STW 30 Oct (DG). 3 at
    Dungog 11 Dec (KHa, AIGL). 1 at Kooragang Is. NR 4 Jul (FvG). Regularly reported (max 10 at
    Bushells Lagoon 3 Jan) in the Hawkesbury Swamps Jan -Feb and Oct -Dec (RB, DH, APM); also
    at several Sydney localities: 1 at Woolooware Swamp, Cronulla 1 Sep and again 11 Sep (DH); 1
    at Deep Creek, Narrabeen 11 Sep (DS); 1 at Mona Vale golf course 26 Sep and again 30 Oct
    (KHa, AIGL). Inland: small numbers at various localities near Narrandera from 31 Oct (JNH);
    recorded near Deniliquin 27 Nov (ARM).
    Spotted Crake Inland records: 1 at Willandra NP 60 km NW of Hillston 7 Oct (JBr). Nest
    found at Yanco 21 Nov (JNH). Recorded near Deniliquin 27 Nov (ARM). 2 near Lake Wyangan,
    Griffith 10 Dec (JBr). Recorded various localities around Narrandera Nov -Dec (JNH). Coastal
    and near -coastal: several reports from Bushells and Bakers Lagoon near Windsor Jan and
    Nov -Dec (APM, RB, DIS, AEFR, TKn). Also, 2 at Kooragang Is. NR 2 Nov (WPB et al) and at
    Dungog 11 Dec (KHa, AIGL).48 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3)
    Spotless Crake 2 at Lake Wyangan 17 May and 1 same place 23 May (J&NR, KL, DL, DH).
    Recorded 5 km E of Wauchope 9 Oct (DG). 1 at Kooragang Is. NR 17 Oct (FvG). 2 near Deniliquin
    27 Nov (ARM).
    Bush -hen Max 3 pairs at Nemarotu HSD near Mullumbimby during May, Jun, Jul &
    Sep -Dec, probably resident but not always calling (DAS).
    Black -tailed Native -hen Parties of 300-400 present at various localities around Narrandera
    23 Jul to year-end (JNH). 4000-5000 at Polygonum Lake 50 km W of Griffith 14 Nov; pest on
    ricefields, flocks 200-500 at Tabbita 30 km NW Griffith during Dec (JBr).
    Purple Swamphen 1 chased, caught and carried off 1 of a brood of Black Duck at Clarenza
    26 Dec (EW).
    Brolga 2 at Red Rock 28 Jan (JD). 2 near Brooms Head 7 Feb; 11 at Lawrence 7 Mar, 30+
    same place 5 May, 8 same place 11 Jul; 2 at Long Hole Lagoon near Tucabia 25 Apr (GPC). 1 at
    Broadwater NP 26 Sept (DAS, APM). 2 near Lake Arragan, Yuraygir NP 31 Oct (GPC). 2 at
    Sandigo 18 Sep and 2 in rice at Yanco 11 Dec (JNH).
    Australian Bustard An unusual number of reports: in grassland at Willandra NP 3 Jul and
    again 11 Jul (KM, JHo per JBr, AKM). 1 seen 5 km N of Mossgiel 14 Jul (PAB per ESH). 1 at
    Sunny Plains HSD 20 km E of Walgett 21-23 Jul (PD per AKM). 1 at Euralia HSD 22 km W of
    Coonamble, seen numerous occasions Jul -Sep (PT et al per AKM). 1 seen 28 km SE of Lake
    Cargellico 11 Aug (LB per JBr). 1 at Quambone 4 Sep (LP per AKM). Pairs at Old Romanah HSD
    for 2 days in Sep, and another pair on Cudgeldool HSD c 30 km W of Moree throughout Sep
    (JAu, IB per AKM). A regular visitor to Sturt NP, Tibooburra; recorded most years Mar -Nov, this
    year recorded Apr -May, max count, a flock of 5 plus 3 separate individuals (eg, 8 total) (RH, GT
    per AKM).
    Comb -crested Jacana Recorded at Mitchells Island, Manning River 21 Aug (DG). Reported
    nesting at Doroughby 31 Aug -11 Sep (GLC). 30+ at Cowans Ponds, Grafton 26 Sept (DAS,
    Bush Stone -curlew 1 in mangroves at Brunswick Heads 7 Sep (GLC). 1 at Towra Point NR
    30 Oct (JW, NSWFOC 67).
    Beach Stone -curlew Reported with increasing frequency in the Northern Rivers region: 2
    at Crystal Waters, Yamba 3 Jan (GH). Recorded at Nambucca heads 7 Feb, 18 Mar, 18 Sep, 19
    Oct, 4 Dec; area visited total 11 times (DSe); se-en twice during period 7 Feb -18 Mar (NW per
    DSe). 1 at Pottsville-Mooball River mouth 8 Sep previously reported 1969, see NSW Handlist
    (GLC). Recorded at Red Rock: 2 on 31 Mar; 1 on 20 Jun; 2 on 10 Jul (GPC); 2 on 9 Dec (DJ, DH); 2
    on 30 Dec (EW).
    Painted Snipe 1 at Barrenbox Swamp near Griffith 28 Feb (JBr). 2 at a swamp c 45 km E of
    Deniliquin 26 Nov, present several weeks thereafter (PNM). at McGraths Hill STW near
    Windsor 5 Dec (CBOCN 4/3).AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3) 49
    Pied Oystercatcher 10 at Brisbane Water during wader surveys 6 Feb, larger than previous
    counts (Aust. Birds 9:53) (MC, AKM). 2 at Lawrence (30 km up Clarence River) 27 Jul (GH) and
    again 18 Sep (GPC). 2 pairs breeding at Nambucca Heads 8 Sep -4 Dec; two attempts each, all
    apparently unsuccessful, no runners seen (DSe). 2 nests at Brunswick Heads 31 Aug -1 1 Sep
    Sydney region: at Long Reef, Sydney Jan -Oct, associating with Sooty Oystercatchers
    (DH, BD, LJH); 22 at Towra Point 5 Sep (JW); 1 at Botany Bay 15 Nov; 7 same place 28 Nov (BD).
    Recorded Sydney Autumn Count 30 May and Spring Count 30.0ct (NSWFOC 63, 67). 2 adults
    with runner at Port Botany 13 Nov, 20 Nov, 27 Nov (note in Newsletter incorrect(DL). 2 at Long
    Reef 18 Dec (ESH et al).
    Banded Lapwing Northern Rivers region: 1 at Macksville 15 Feb (DSe). 3 at Red Cliff near
    Brooms Head 29 Jul (DCM per GPC). 2 at Coraki 2 Aug (DIS). Recorded at RAAF Richmond Jul,
    Oct, Nov; max 9 (+3 chicks) 20 Oct (RB); pair with 3 large young 24 Oct (J&NR); 11 near Bushells
    Lagoon 10 Nov (MR&BB). Bird at nest of 6 eggs at Cudgell Creek, Narrandera 14 Aug; only 3
    birds in the paddock; 4 eggs of one type and 2 distinctly different, obviously laid by different
    female; birds gone 18 Aug, eggs disappeared (JNH).
    Grey Plover 1 at Hastings Point 8 Sep (GLC). 1 in breeding plumage at McGraths Hill STW
    near Windsor 2 Oct, first local record (J&NR). 1 at Nambucca River estuary 5 Oct (DSe). 1 at
    Towra Point NR 21 Oct (JW). 1 at Kooragang Is. NR 27 Dec (GH).
    Red -kneed Dotterel Sydney region: 10 (including 3 immatures) at McGraths Hill STW near
    Windsor 24 Jan (RB). Regularly recorded Hawkesbury Swamps, McGraths Hill, Pitt Town
    Lagoon Jun -Nov, max 50 at McGraths Hill 6 Oct (RB); also several at Woolooware Swamp,
    Sydney 15 Jan (GWr, JW). Newcastle; 48 at Kooragang Is. NR 8 Aug (JPe). Northern Rivers
    region: recorded at Cowans Pond, Grafton: 1 on 15 Aug, 1 on 12 Sep, 1 on 13 Sep (GPC), 5 on 5
    Nov (DSe), 5 on 9 Nov (GPC). Recorded at Macksville 3 Jul (3), 13 Sep (5), 6 Oct (3), and 12 Nov
    (8); not recorded two visits 16 Oct (local flooding) and 30 Nov (DSe).
    Double -banded Plover Earliest report several at Botany Bay 6 Feb (APM), last report at
    Comerong Island 2 Oct (DJ, DH). Maximum count 44 at Botany Bay 11 Jul (APM). 2 in the
    Hawkesbury Swamps 24 Apr, 25 Apr and 27 Jun (RB, LS, CBOCN 3/5).
    Oriental Plover 1 at Bonna Point, Kurnell 8-11 Oct (JW, DH, APM, J&NR). 1 at Nambucca
    Heads golf course 15-16 Oct, photos submitted (NW, CM, DSe).
    Inland Dotterel 2 photographed 10 km E of Mossgiel 12 Apr (JJF, DH) and 8 same place 15
    May (DL, DH, KL et al). 6 at a property N of Conargo 27 Nov to year end (PNM, ARM).
    Black -winged Stilt Unusually large numbers reported in the Riverina: 400+ at Five Bough
    Swamp, Leeton 7 Oct (JNH), c 1000 at Tullakool salt ponds 15 Nov (CI per JBr), and 1500+
    recorded during a survey of rice paddocks between Narrandera and Yanco late Nov (JNH).
    Red -necked Avocet Coastal and near -coastal records: at Glen Innes 13 Jan, at
    1 150 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18(3)
    Lawrence 27 Jul (GH) and 1 at Rickabys Creek, Windsor 3 Mar (LS). Kooragang Is. NR: 8 on 9 Jan
    (APM); 110 on 1 Aug (FvG) and again 12 Nov (RB).
    Ruddy Turnstone 2 at Tullakool Salt Works 1 Nov and 4 same place 13 Nov (PNM).
    Eastern Curlew Maximum count, 600+ at Kooragang Is. NR 9 Jan (APM); other high
    counts: 56 in Brisbane Water during wader survey 6 Feb (MC, AKM) and 95 at Towra Point NR 5
    Sep (JW). Winter record: 2 flying S off Long Reef 31 Jul (APM).
    Whimbrel 260 at Swan Bay near Port Stephens 4 Apr (WPB et al)
    Little Curlew 2 at Pitt Town Lagoon 3 Nov -27 Dec (DS, RB, DH, APM, J&NR, AEFR, AC, RB,
    J&NR, ARM). 1 at Towra Point NR 16 Nov (FR, JW). 1 at Lake Bathurst 7 Feb (CBN 8:25).
    Wood Sandpiper The usual scatter of reports from the Northern Rivers, Newcastle and the
    Sydney region. Latest report, 1 at Refinery Swamp, Kurnell 20 Feb (JJF, JA per ESH); earliest
    report 1 at Homebush Bay, Sydney 4 Oct (DH); maximum count, 5 at Forest Creek, Wanganella

15 Jan (present in varying numbers for several months previously) (PNM).

Grey -tailed Tattler 29 in one flock in Brisbane Water 6 Feb high local count (MC1AKM).
Wandering Tattler 1 photographed at Kooragang Is. NR 8 Aug (TRL, DH, APM); 1 at Flat
Rock, Ballina 26 Sept (DAS, APM).
Common Sandpiper Latest reports, 1 on the Hawkesbury River at Windsor 17 Mar
(MR&BB, LS, RB) and 1 at Kooragang Is. NR 3 Apr (APM); earliest report, 1 at Brunswick Heads 7
Sep (GLC). All reports coastal or near -coastal, none from the interior.
Marsh Sandpiper Latest report, 4 at Lake Bathurst 7 Feb (CBN 8:25), earliest at
Kooragang Is. NR 8 Aug (TRL, APM, DH). Maximum count 45 at Everlasting Swamp, Lawrence 3
Jan (GH). 1-5 recorded regularly in the Hawkesbury Swamps 6 Oct -31 Dec (RB, MR&BB,
NSWFOC 67, DS, J&NR, APM, DH, AEFR, TKn); also 2 at Homebush Bay, Sydney 20 Nov
Terek Sandpiper Only one report: 1 at Pelican Island, Port Macquarie 31 Oct (DG).
Japanese Snipe Latest report, 2 at Bulliac near Gloucester 26-28 Mar (ABR); earliest
reports all in the period 14-18 Aug: McGraths Hill STW near Windsor 14 Aug (APM), Cowans
Pond, Grafton 15 Aug (GPC), Coombie HSD near Roto 18 Aug (JH u) and at Longneck Lagoon
and 4 at Broadwater, Cattai 18 Aug (CMB, RB).
Black -tailed Godwit Maximum count, 800+ at Kooragang Is. NR 27 Dec (APM). An unusual
number of reports Sydney region: 1 at Queens Hill Swamp near Mulgoa 30 Oct (ARM); 4 at
Bakers Lagoon 4 Nov (DS) and 5 Nov (RB); 6 at Bushells Lagoon 13 Nov and same place 25 Dec
(APM); 4 at Putney, Parramatta River 20 Nov (IAWM, DL). Also 5 at Casino 12-23 Dec (GH).AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18(3) 51
Bar -tailed Godwit Maximum count, 3500+ at Kooragang Is. NR 27 Dec (APM). 16 at Dee
Why Lagoon, Sydney 15 Oct (DS) and at Pitt Town Common 7 Nov (J&NR).
Hudsonian Godwit 1 at Kooragang Is. NR 26-31 Dec (CJC, GI, GC, AS, CH, TRL, APM, et al);
first NSW and Australian record, details in prep.
Red Knot 8 overwintering at Botany bay 11 Jul (APM).
Great Knot Sydney region: at Hale Street, Botany Bay 29 Aug (APM) and 4 at Towra Point
30 Oct (JW, NSWFOC 67).
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper Highest count, c 5000 at Tullakool salt ponds 15 Nov (CI per JEir).
Earliest report, 9 at Bushells Lagoon 5 Sept (APM); 4 recorded at Myleston 26 May (PL) were
presumably over -wintering. 32 at Dubbo STW 5 Nov, apparently first local record (AKM).
Pectoral Sandpiper Latest report, at McGraths Hill STW 28 Mar (RB, LS); earliest reports,
1 at Tullakool Salt Works 1 Nov (PNM) and 1 at Kooragang Is. NR 2 Nov (KI et al). Other reports: 1
at Everlasting Swamp, Lawrence 3 Jan (GH). 1 at Wentworth Swamp near Newcastle 18 Dec
(FvG, BC). regularly in the Hawkesbury Swamps 31 Jan -28 Mar (MR&BB, JJF, JA, AIGL,
APM, TRL, DH, RB, LS) and 2 regularly same place 13 Nov -31 Dec (DH, APM, GH). 1 at Tullakool
Salt Works 7 Jan, 1 Nov, 23 Dec; also 4 at Forest Creek, Wanganella 4 Feb, present c 4 weeks (1
caught and banded) (PNM).
Long -toed Stint at Tullakool Salt Works 13 Nov (PNM)
Sanderling at Comerong Island 2 Oct; at Long Reef 21 Oct (DJ, DH). at Hastings Point
1 1 1
(Tweed area) 20 Dec (GH).
Broad -billed Sandpiper 3 at Kooragang is. NR 9 Jan (APM). 1 at Salty Lagoon, Broadwater
NP 21 Oct (DAS).
Buff -breasted Sandpiper at Bakers Lagoon near Richmond 19-31 Dec (APM, AD, DH,
ARM, J&NR, RB, AEFR, TKn, GH); third NSW record, details in prep.
Ruff 1 at Bushells Lagoon 14 Feb (APM). 2 at Casino 12-14 Dec, 1 same place 23 Dec (GH).
Australian Pratincole 6 seen 10 km E of Mossgiel 7 Apr (JW). 1 at Dubbo Airport 6-7 Aug
(U). Nesting (c 20 pairs) on a property N of Conargo during Dec (PNM).
Southern Skua seen 22 km off Sydney 27 Mar (APM). off Sydney Heads 29 May (APM,
1 1
NSWFOC 63) off Long Reef 6 Jun (LC, EF, DH).
Pomarine Jaeger c 20 seen c 6 km off Port Stephens 10 Jan (AEFR et al)
Long-tailed Jaeger full adult with long tail streamers 18 km off Sydney 27 Mar (APM, TC,
Silver Gull Inland records: 1 seen 165 km E of Wilcannia on the Barrier Highway 9 May
(DSe). 1 shot by a local at Dunedoo 23 Jun (PAB per ESH).
Kelp Gull Several Sydney records in May and Aug -Oct (APM, DR, IAWM, DL, JW). 1-3 at
Moon Island, Swansea 8 Aug (APM, DH), 6 Nov (WPB et an and (1 found dead) in Dec (BC).
Whiskered Tern Northern Rivers: 4 (3 in breeding plumage) at Nambucca River estuary 8
Sep and c 15 (some in breeding plumage) same place 18 Sep (DSe). Sydney: 2 in breeding
plumage at Botany Bay 3 Oct (BD) and 3 at Mona Vale golf links 30 Oct (KHa, AIGL). A number of
reports Hawkesbury Swamps Oct -Dec (max 24 in breeding plumage at Windsor 20 Oct) (RB,
White -winged Tern An unusual number of reports: 1 at Kooragang Is. NR 11 Mar (ARM)
and 3 Apr (DH, APM). 2 at Lake Cawndilla, Kinchega NP Apr -May, first park record (TQ per AKM,
CBOCN 3/5). 1 in non -breeding plumage at Botany Bay 17 JurglAWM, DL). 3 at Williamtown
10 Oct (AW). Recorded Sydney Spring Count 30 Oct (NSWFOC 67). 1 at Stratheden 12 Dec (GH).
at Bakers Lagoon 24-27 Dec (AEFR, TKn, APM, DH).


Caspian Tern Flock of 33 at The Entrance 15 Apr largest count on record for County of
Northumberland, see Aust. Birds 9:60 (AKM); also 25 at Swan Bay near Port Stephens 10 Jul
(WPB, AG). 2 at Griffith STW 29 Sep (JBr). 1 at Bakers Lagoon 26-27 Dec (DH, J&N R).
Common Tern 3 at Brisbane Water 6 Feb, new local record record (MC, AKM). c 300 loafing
on rocks at Boat Harbour 23 Oct (JJF, JW, DS).
Arctic Tern probable at Boat Harbour 23 Oct, associating with c 300 Common Terns
loafing on rocks (DS, JP, H&BM,JW, JJF, J&NR). 1 in full summer plumage at Long Reef 18 Jul
& 24 Jul (Aust. Birds 17:45-46). tentatively identified off Sydney 25 Sep (APM).
White -fronted Tern 2 at Long Reef 4 Sep, colour -banded as chicks 4 months earlier at
Boulder Banks, Nelson, NZ (APM); c 100 at Long Reef 7 Sep, 2 colour -banded yellow, and 2 at
Boat Harbour 23 Oct, also colour -banded yellow (DS).
Sooty Tern immature found sick or exhausted at Red Rock 19 Jan, photo sighted (per
Little Tern Highest count: 200+ at Moon Is near Swansea 20 Feb (CBOCN 3/4). 1 at
Stockton 21 May, rare winter record (ARM) Breeding records: colony established Oct 81 -Feb
82 at 3 sites at Port Botany, Sydney; total nests 40, eggs 84, max count flying young 1 (seen at
one time) (DL). Colony at Nambucca River estuary 9 Nov -4 Dec, 7 runners; minor flooding
destroyed colony 1 Jan 83 (DSe). 1 at nest with 2 eggs at Sawtell 22 Nov; attempted to breed at
Red Rock and Nambucca Heads towards year-end (GPC).
Common Noddy 2-3 at Cape Byron 13 Feb, 1-2 at Ballina 26 Feb and 2 at Cape Byron 6 Mar
White -capped Noddy 1 at Ballina 24 Jan (GH). 1 at Woody Head 7 Feb (GPC). 1 at Cape
Byron 6 Mar (GH).
White Tern found exhausted by farmer at Macleans Ridge near Lismore, passed to NPWS,
later died, now AM 0.56631 (DAS, RM, ABR).
Rose -crowned Fruit- dove Recorded Sea -acres NR, Port Macquarie Jan -Feb (DG). Adult on
nest in small rainforest tree near roadside at Iluka 4 Oct, nestling present 17 Oct (GPC).
Departed Nemarotu HSD nesar Mullumbimby Feb, returned Oct (DAS). probable at Retreat
Creek, Washpool SF 14 Jan (GPC).
Topknot Pigeon The usual number of reports from coastal area, most of flocks c 10-40 but a
flock of c 200 at Clunes 31 Aug (GLC)was unusually large. 14+ feeding daily on lillypilly berries
in a rainforest gully at Mimosa Rocks NP E of Bega during Aug (LS). Recorded as moderately
common Wauchope area, Mt Boss SF, Kiwarrik SF, Harrington, Hallidays Point, Middle Brother
SF (DG).
White -headed Pigeon Found nesting in pine tree at Grafton 30 Jun (GPC). Regularly
reported (max 28) upper Lane Cove River, Sydney during winter, often in privet or camphor
laurel (DL, ABR). Abundant in the Lismore plateau area (Lismore-Dunoon-Bangalow), but also
Crabbs Creek and Burringbah Valleys 31 Aug -1 1 Sep (G LC). Much more common in lowlands
than ranges in Wauchope area (DG).
Spotted Turtledove Now common and well -established at Grafton (G PC).
Diamond Dove Small numbers in the Nyngan area 28Jan (AKM-) . Recorded at Bingara Jan
(JH per DG). 2 near Camp Blackman, Warrumbungle NP 31 Mar first in park for at least 8
years (JHw per AKM). Recorded at Moree 1 Sep (J&NR). A few pairs near Baradine 13 Nov,
including 1 well -grown young (ARM). 1 at Epping, presumably an escape 11 Dec (BD).
Bar -shouldered Dove 2 regularly in Royal NP May -Dec apparently first park reco-rd : 2 at
Curracurrang 2 May (PH), at Bonnie Vale 7 Aug and 2 in garden at Maianbar from 4 Oct still
around as at Feb 1983 (DT). Small, apparently resident population discovered near the head of
Beremabere Creek, Narrandera Range in Sep; max 8 birds on subsequent visits (JNH, ARM).
Emerald Dove 1 flew into a window of a house in Beecroft 2 Feb, now in AM (MR&BB), 1
flew into window at Thornleigh 14 Feb (BH, ABR). Moderately common Wauchope, Mt Boss SF,
Pappinbarra, Kiwarrik SF, Wingham Brush, Port Macquarie, Comboyne (DG).
Brush Bronzewing 1 roadkill at West Head, Kur-ring-gai Chase NP 2 Jan (CB per ABR). 2 at
Jewells Swamp, Redhead 25 Jul (AW). Recorded at Mudbishops Point near Old Bar 24 Apr and
9 May (DG, MVBN 1/1).
Glossy Black Cockatoo Northern Rivers and Tableland: 4+ (some sounded like juveniles) in
Casuarina torulosa at Retreat Creek, Washpool SF 14 Jan and 16 Jan (GPC). Max 11 Wooyung-54 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3)
New Brighton 31 Aug -11 Sep (GLC). 16 at Kalang Valley 5 Sep (K&RB). 2-7 daily at Nambucca
Heads for three-week period Jul -Aug (DSe). Moderately common Werrikimbe NP, Mt Boss SF,
Larra SF, Queens Lake, Broken Bago SF, Kiwarrik SF and Pappinbara (DG). North-west Slope
and Plain: 2 at Yaminba, Pilliga NR 20 May; 25 on and near Berida HSD 18 km W of Gilgandra 25
May (AKM). 90 watering at Salt Caves Bore NE of Baradine 22 Sep (DJo per AKM). Central -west
Slope: 3 seen c 3 km W of Minore near Dubbo 17 Jul, feeding in C. stricta (LJ). 3 flying across
Dubbo Road 6 km S of Mendooran in Goonoo SF 24 Jul (AKM). South Coast: 3-5 roosted at top of
big Spotted Gum c 250 m from house at Moruya from 12 Sep; very regularly flew W at about
sunrise, calling at little, and returned equally regularly at sunset (SM).
Riverina: seen (max 27) numerous occasions in the Narrandera Range N of Narrandera and
the Bogolong Hills, Grong Grong; breeding confirmed (JNH, ARM). Other records: pair
successfully bred for second consecutive year in gorge near Springwood 5 Mar -8 Jun, one
fledgeling (NK). 1 male and 2 females at Mt Ainslie, ACT 10 Mar (CBN 8:27).
Gang -gang Cockatoo 9-10 between Buttai and East Maitland 20 Oct (J1). Pair resident all
year at junction of Lane Cove River and Devlins Creek, Sydney; 2 pairs present 23 Oct, 1 pair
occupying nest -hole (BD).
Galah c 25 at Grafton 6 May, c 70 same place 9 May (GPC). Still increasing at Wentworth
Falls, Blue Mountains (GB).
Long -billed Corella Flock c 40 flying W over Narrandera 24 Aug; larger flock c 80 also flying
W over Narrandera 5 Dec; these records suggest species is re-establishing somewhere in the
Murrumbidgee section of the Riverina as it has done in the Murray section and in Vic; possibly
overlooked in flocks of Sulphur -crested Cockatoos; see Jarman, Aust. Bird Watcher 8:103-107
(JNH). at Buttaba near Wangi 16 Nov, seen several times (RWy).
Little Corella A number of widely scattered reports: 4 at Terramungermine near Dubbo 25
Feb, associating with Sulphur -crested Cockatoos, and a flock of 6 same place 10 Jun (AKM).
Recorded at Martins Creek near Paterson 20 Jul (BMu). 4 in a flock of Sulphur -crested
Cockatoos at Walgett 21 Jul (TKo per AKM). Flock of 4 in urban area at South Tweed Heads
Sep and 9 Sep (AKM). Also usual reports from various Sydney suburbs, but apparently in
greater numbers than usual, eg 6 at Centennial Park 8 Aug (BD) and c 25 at Narrabeen 20 Aug
(DS). Maximum Hawkesbury Swamps count, 60+ near Richmond 24 Oct (J&NR).
Pink Cockatoo 3 feeding in introduced pines around a homestead in the Narrandera Range
21 Aug; property occupant had no previous local records, although it occurs a little further N at
Barellan (JNH). Several near -Sydney records, presumed escapes: 1 near McGraths Hill STVV 10
Feb (MR&BB, RB) and at Portland Head Road 27 Dec (ARM, J&NR).
Sulphur -crested Cockatoo A flock at Walgett 21 Jul (TKo per AKM). 1 at Spring Creek
Reservoir, Broken Hill 25 Jul, ?aviary escape (NS). Still increasing at Wentworth Falls, Blue
Mountains (GB).
Musk Lorikeet Breeding recorded Bundeena-Maianbar near Sydney (DT).AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3) 55
Superb Parrot All reports listed (in date order): 1 seen 23 km N of Warren 30 Mar; 8+ (all
female flumage) c 5 km SW of Mungeribar RS (W of Narromine) 7 Apr (LJ). 1 male 5 km E of
Parkes 8 Apr (JJF, OH). 1 seen 20 km W of Darlington Point 11 Apr/ 1 at Lake Wyangan, Griffith
12 Apr (JBr). 5 at Tocumwal 5 May(MR&BB). 3 at Ingalba NR 15 km SW of Temora 16 May (JBr).
Flock of 7 at Wonbobbie 14 km E of Warren 29 May (AKM). 1 at Temora and 1 at Bimbi 14 June;
6 seen 6 km E of Darlington Point 1 Aug (JBr). Flock of 10 seen 12 km S of Gulargambone, near
the Castlereagh River, 11 Aug (DJo per AKM). Flock of 6 seen 5 km W of Lyndhurst 5 Nov (JHo).
1 seen 5 km W of Wallerbeen and 3 seen 6 km W of Binalong 27 Dec (JBr). 100+ near Jerilderie
30 Dec (CBOCN 4/3). Sydney (presumed escapes): 1 male at Bonnie Vale, Royal NP 30 Jul (DT);
1 regularly at feed -tray at Castle Hill 18 Sep -30 Dec (CMB).
Cockatiel 40 at Mt Thorley 1 Mar (RW). Recorded Greta-Branxton 8 Jun (PAB per ESH).
Flock of 80 at Wellington 18 Jul (DIS). 2000+ recorded Wyalong–Fo rbes 24 Jun; 95 km stretch,
13 flocks of 100+ counted, as well as numerous smaller groups “these just roadside groups
counted as we drove” (PAB per ESH). Large flock at Singleton 11 Sep (J&NR). 3 at Aberdeen 26
Sep (RB).
Ground Parrot 1 at Porters Creek Dam near Batemans Bay 4 Oct (DJ, DH).
Budgerigar 200 seen Collarenebri-Moree 19 May; 2, 7 at Boggabilla 20 May (GH). Large
numbers between Bellata and Narrabri, many hundreds in one flo-c k 8 km E of Bugilbone near
Burren, and some in Bullawa Creek Valley, Mt Kaputar NP 24 Jul mostly summer visitor but
these probably drought -related (PD per AKM). 15 at Moree Sep (J&NR). Present at Baronne
HSD near Gulargambone Jan -Oct (DBe per AKM). No sightings Narrandera area (JNH).
Swift Parrot Only a few reports: 1 at Euston 4 May (GH); flock of 40 at Cumberland SF,
Sydney 10 Jul, small party same place next day (ARM, RB); 1 at Mathoura 12 Jul (PN); recorded
Warrumbungle NP 14 Jul (AKM); c 20 at West Head, Kuringai Chase NP 24 Jul (AF, SS per ESH)

and 2 same place 14 Aug (DS); 1 at Gunghlin, ACT 24 May (CBN 8:27).

Eastern Rosella Common only E of Springwood or W of Mt Victoria Hazelbrook too high
Mallee Ringneck 2 seen 5 km NW of Breeza 19 Apr (DCR).
Mulga Parrot A pair at Square Knob, Narrandera Range 29 Apr (JNH). Recorded at Charcoal

Tank NR, West Wyalong 7 May (MR&BB).

Bluebonnet A pair resident at Nyrang HSD 12 km NW of Wellington during Oct much
further E than normal (KH per AKM).
Turquoise Parrot Party of 3 at Glen Allen near Creewah 15 Nov, apparently 2 females and 1
young male (DR). 2 seen 20 km N of Albury (Tabletop Range) 2 Jun (JBr). A few sightings during
year in Mt Misery area, N of Narrandera (JNH). A pair at Harrys Hut- Wombat Creek, Nadgee NR
16-18 Dec (DA, DB). Hunter and Mid -north Coast: 2 at Stockton in Nov (IR). 2 seen Buttai-East56 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3)
Maitland 4 Nov (JI et al). 3 at Seal Rocks 28 Dec (JPe). Recorded at Burrendong Dam 12 Apr
(J&NR); 6 at Colo Heights 14 May (ARM); 1 female at Glenbrook 20 Nov (BD).
Oriental Cuckoo 1 at Davis Scrub (Lismore) 2 Apr (DAS). 1 at Thornleigh 10-12 Apr (BD).
Pallid Cuckoo Departure dates: Moruya 7 Jan (SM); Tooraweenah 19 Apr (AKM); Baronne
HSD near Gulargambone 16 May (DBe per AKM). Arrival dates: heard 8 km SW of Dubbo 2 Aug;
found dead same place 3 Aug (LJ); Windsor 25 Aug (LS, RB). North Springwood 8 Sep (NK);
Blackbutt RS, Newcastle (heard) 8 Sep (WPB); Cumberland SF, Sydney 11 Sep (BD); South
Grafton 15 Sep, Great Marlow 17 Sep (GPC); Moruya 18 Sep (thence recorded only to Dec)
(SM); Warrimoo Oct (PL); Coonabarabran 16 Oct (AKM). Numerous reports of sightings and
calls in various Newcastle suburbs from 3 Sep onwards, unusual in that species has not been
heard much around the city for 3-4 years (WPB). Also immature at Pughs Lagoon, Richmond
29 Jun (MR&BB).
Brush Cuckoo Departure Moruy-a 27 Jan (SM); Warrimoo 13 Apr, latest yet noted for
locality (PL). Arrival Moruya 13 Oct thence recorded only to 23 Nov (SM); Yamba 14 Oct
(GPC). None recorded at Coonabarabran (AKM).
Fan -tailed Cuckoo Departure Warrumbungle NP 11 May, arrival 22 Aug, recorded all year
in good seasons (AKM); recorded Goonoo SF near Dubbo 19 Sep (TKo per AKM).
Black -eared Cuckoo 1 at Bingara in Jan (DG). 1 at Kerrabea, Newcastle 13 Jun (WPB et al).
Arrival Warrumbungle NP 28.Aug (AKM).
Horsfield’s Bronze -cuckoo Departure Warrumbungle NP 28 Feb (AKM). Arrival dates:
Coolbaggie 24 Jul (AKM); (heard) c 8 km SW of Dubbo 6 Aug (LJ); Windsor 25 Aug (heard 3
localities) (LS); Warrumbungle NP 28 Aug (AKM); Bundeena 6 Sep and Epping 12 Sep (BD). at
Broken Hill 17 Nov and 28 Nov (NS).
Shining Bronze -cuckoo Departure Coonabarabran 1 Jan (AKM); Moruya 7 Feb (SM).
Arrival dates: Thornleigh 28 Aug (BD); Warrumbungle NP 28 Aug (AKM); Moruya 24 Sep (then
none till 29 Oct, thence recorded till 22 Dec)(SM). Near Narrandera, at Lake Talbot 2 Sep and
again 2 Oct; 1 at Colinroobie 5 Oct (JNH). 1, of the NZ subspecies lucidus, at Kyogle 12 Mar (GH).
Little Bronze -cuckoo 1 at Royal Camp SF 15 Oct; 1 at Tweed Heads 23 Oct (GH). 3 at
Valiance Lagoon, Mullumbimby 30 Oct (DAS). at Paddys Flat, upper Clarence River 7 Nov;
1 1
male at Lake Cathie 23 Nov; 1 at Richmond Gap, McPherson Range 30 Nov (GH). 1 free -flying
young at Vallances Lagoon, being fed by White -throated Warblers 9 Dec (DJ, DH, DAS).
Common Koel Last heard at Beacon Hill, Sydney 13 Feb (LJH); recorded at Castle Hill 17
Feb (K&RB). Departure Maianbar 12 Mar (DT); Thornleigh, Sydney 12 Mar (BH); Grafton 20 Mar
(GPC), and Nemarotu HSD near Mullumbimby 24 Mar (DAS). Arrival: Blackbutt RS, Newcastle
(heard) 29 Sep (WPB); Nemarotu HSD 29 Sep (DAS); Maianbar, Sydney 4 Oct (DT); at Col laroy
Plateau 6 Oct (DS); 1 at Narraweena 6 Oct (AIGL); Winmalee 12 Oct (NK); Grafton 13 Oct (GPC);AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3) 57
Ku-ring-gai Chase NP 13 Oct (ABR); Beecroft 14 Oct (MR&BB); Maclean 18 Oct (GPC); Ca-st le
Hill 21 Oct (K&RB); Epping 26 Oct (BD); 2 (male and female)- at Thornleigh, Sydney 27 Oct 1
month late (BH); Warrimoo 1 Nov (PL). 1 at Tuross 2-4 Nov no records at Moruya for past 4
years (SM). None recorded at Coonabarabran (AKM).
Channel -billed Cuckoo Last reported Warrimoo 28 Feb (PL) and Mount Riverview 15 Mar
(LS). Arrival dates: Winmalee 23 Sep (NK); Mount Riverview 12 Oct (LS); W-ar rimoo 14 Oct (PL);
at Maclean 14 Oct (GPC); Coonabarabran 19.0ct (AKM); Moruya 23 Oct thence only till 19
Nov (SM); 1 at Nowra 25 Oct (DIS). 2 at Dungog 11 Dec (KHa, AIGL) and 10 at Colo River 18 Dec
(J&NR). A pair mating at Beaury SF 15 km W of Urbenville 25 Oct (CNJ, Corella 7:44). More
reports than usual in Newcastle area late in the year; “generally they pass through… but this
summer they remained for weeks with much calling” (HBOC).
Powerful Owl All reports (in date order): at Toronto near Newcastle 26 Mar (GH). in
1 1
Royal NP 9 May (APM, TRL). 1 at Wiangaree SF 5 Jun (GH). 1 at Chambigne Creek, on old Glen
Innes-Grafton road 12 Sep (WL per GPC). 1 at Mt Ararat S of Dungog 6 Nov (TT, DW). 1 heard at
Blundells Creek, ACT 7 Jun (CBN 8:30). Moderately common Werrikimbe NP, Mt Boss SF,
Doyles River SF (DG).
Barking Owl at Telegherry River near Dungog in Jul (TT, DW). Seen and heard regularly
throughout the year at Ingalba NR near Temora; 2 adults and 1 young 23 Oct (JBr).
Barn Owl Many killed at night on roads in Coonabarabran district, particularly Dubbo-
G ilgandra-Coonabarabran, Aug -Oct (AKM).
Masked Owl All reports (in date order): 1 roadkill on Princes Highway 2 km N of Moruya in
Mar (DC per ABR). pair at Gloucester Tops 23 Mar -14 Jun, see Aust. Birds 18: 13-14 (APM,
GJR). 2 at Jerilderie 26 Apr, in River Red Gums (GH). 1 roadkill (imm female) near Bulandelah 8
Aug (DIS).
Eastern Grass Owl probable at Harrington 13 Jun (APM).
Sooty Owl All reports: 2 pairs at Wiangaree SF Jan -Jul (GH). Pair calling at New England
NP 13 Mar (DG). 3 calling at Gloucester Tops 3 Apr (GJR, DH, APM). 1 at Oaks Creek, Roseberry
SF 3 Sep (GH). roadkill 20 km W of Dorrigo 17 Sep, specimen now at UNE (PM per AKM). A pair
heard calling Point Lookout, New England NP (no date) (MVBN 1/1).
Tawny Frogmouth roadkill at Broken Hill 3 Oct (GW per NS). rufous morph banded at
1 1
Woody Head 4 Aug (DIS); found dead at Numbucca Heads 10 Nov was also rufous morph, see
Corella 6:40-42 (GPC).
Marbled Frogmouth All reports (in date order): 2-3 pairs at Wiangaree SF Jan, Feb, Oct
(GH). 1 at Kalang Valley 16 May (K&RB). 1 at Mount Warning NP 27-28 Sept (DAS, APM). 1 at
Griers Scrub, Goonimbar SF 2 Nov (GH). 1 at Mount Warning carpark 23 Nov, spotlit on two
occasions (DJ, DH). 5 at Breakfast Creek area, Mt Warning NP 9 Dec (DAS).58 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18(3)
White -throated Nightjar Departure Moruya 6 Mar (SM); 1 roadkill (immature) at Copeland
near Barrington 7 Mar (DIS). Arrival: 1 at Glenorie 6 Oct (RB). 2 at Watagan Mts 16 Oct (DW).
Heard only a few times at Moruya about 22 Nov (SM).
Spotted Nightjar roadkill at Broken Hill 29 Sep (GW per NS).
Grey Swiftlet at Cape Byron 9 Dec (GH)
Spine -tailed Swift Departure dates: Moruya 20 Feb (SM); Coonamble 11 Mar (ll);
Coonabarabran 14 Mar (AKM); Castle Hill 22 Mar (RB); Lithgow 23 Mar (MR&BB); Baronne HSD
near Gulargambone 1 Apr (DB-e per AKM); Warrimoo 15 Apr, latest yet noted for locality (PL); 2
at Thornleigh, Sydney 29 Apr flying N at 17:00 hrs (BH). Arrival: Iluka 18 Oct (GPC); Moruya
27 Oct (SM); c 10 at Lane Cove SRA 09:00 hrs 27 Oct (GN); 26 at Thornleigh, Sydney 29 Oct
(BH); Maianbar 30 Oct (DT); Ku-ring-gai Chase NP 30 Oct (AIGL); Warrimoo 4 Nov (PL).
Fork -tailed Swift Few inland reports: “many hundreds” drinking on the wing at Forest
Creek, Wanganella 20 Feb (PNM); at Buddigower NR 20 km SW of West Wyalong 15 Dec (JBr).
Coastal and near -coastal reports: 4 at Shoal Bay 21 Feb (MR&BB). 20+ at Cape Byron 9 Dec and
3 same place 21 Dec (GH). 1 (with Spine -tailed Swifts) at Warrimoo 27 Dec (PL). 3+ with
Spine -tailed Swifts at Macquarie NR, Port Macquarie 30 Dec (GPC).
Azure Kingfisher flew into window at Moorebank, Sydney 28 Apr, specimen now in AM
Forest Kingfisher 2 at Harrington 13-14 Jun (DH, APM). 1 seen 3 times during week from 3
Nov at Nambucca Heads (NW per DSe).
Sacred Kingfisher Departure Moruya 22 Feb (SM); 1 in garden at Broken Hill 27 Feb, ?on
migration (NS); Warrimoo 28 Feb (PL); Sackville 17 Mar (LS); Warrumbungle NP 18 Mar (AKM);
Baronne HSD near Gularbambone 29 Mar (DBe per AKM). Winter records: recorded at
Myleston, mouth of Bellingen River 2 Jun and 7 Jun (PL); 1 at The Basin, Ku-ring-gai Chase NP
12 Jun (AIGL). Arrival Windsor 25 Aug (LS, RB); Warrumbungle NP 24 Sep (AKM); 2 at Arcadia
25 Sep (BH); Epping 26 Sep (BD); Blackbutt RS, Newcastle (heard) 26 Sep (WPB); Baronne HSD
28 Sep (DBe per AKM): Coonabarabran 29 Sep (AKM); Narrandera 1 Oct (JNH); Winma lee 6 Oct
(NK); Moruya 11 Oct (SM).

Mangrove Kingfisher 1 at Brunswick Heads, 3 pairs at Tweed Heads 31 Aug -1 1 Sep (GLC).

Rainbow Bee -eater Departure Winmalee 11 Mar flock of 20 flying NW over Hawkesbury
lookout (NK); Baronne HSD near Gulargambone 13 Mar (DBe per AKM); Coonabarabran 18 Mar
(AKM); Warrimoo 20 Mar (PL); Iluka 21 Mar (GPC); Colo River 24 Mar (RB); Mount Riverview 20
Mar (LS). 5 at Narrandera 6 Apr, a late record (JNH). Arrival Grafton 22 Aug (GPC); small flocks
migrating S at Levers Plateau, Roseberry SF 31 Aug -3 Sep (GH); Mount Riverview 28 Sep (LS);
Coonabarabran 29 Sep (AKM); Narrandera Oct (JNH); Iluka 4 Oct (GPC); Baronne HSD 4 Oct
(DBe per AKM); recorded at Pooncarie 5 Oct and Willandra NP 7 Oct, flying S overhead (JBr).AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18(3) 59
Dollarbird Departure Moruya 23 Jan (SM); Maianbar 11 Feb (DT); Blakehurst 15 Feb,
including 2 immatures (LGG); Coonabarabran 21 Feb (AKM); Nemarotu HSD near Mullumbimby
26 Feb (DAS); Warrimoo 28 Feb, latest yet noted for locality (PL); 1 at Tyaga rah 2 Mar (DAS); 1 at
Coonamble early Mar (LJ); Departure Sackville 17 Mar (LS); Grafton 26 Mar (GPC). Arrival
Coraki 19 Sep (GH); 2 at Stannix Park near Wilberforce 22 Sep, observer’s earliest record (ARM,
LS, RB); Blackbutt RS, Newcastle (heard) 26 Sep (WPB); Grafton 2 Oct (GPC); Narrandera 3 Oct
(JNH); Blakehurst 5 Oct (LGG); Moruya 13 Oct (SM); Lawrence 14 Oct (GPC); Cumberland SF 16
Oct (BD); Maianbar 18 Oct (DT); Nemarotu HSD 19 Oct (DAS); Coonabarabran 19 Oct (AKM);
Epping 23 Oct (BD); Warrimoo 4 Nov (PL); Baronne HSD near Gulargambone 9 Nov (DBe per
AKM). 1 at Glen Allen near Creewah 31 Dec, observer’s first local record in 4 years (DR).
Albert’s Lyrebird Heard at Wiangeree SF 3-4 Jul (GPC). 1 at Mt Warning 5 Sep; heard many
times at Wollumbin 31 Aug -1 1 Sep (GLC). Resident Nemarotu HSD near Mullumbimby all year
Rufous Scrub -bird 1 at Gloucester Tops 3 Apr (APM). 16 males at Mt Boss SF 16-18 Jan
(GH). Several territories in Banda Banda and adjacent areas of Mt Boss SF (DG, MVBN 1/2).
Recorded at Wiangaree SF Jan, Feb, Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct, Dec (GH).
Singing Bushlark Common in Mitchell grass Astrebla in Coonamble-Burren Junction area
during Mar (11). Numerous at middle Richmond River Nov -Dec (GH).
White -backed Swallow Recorded at Birdwood, Hastings River 18 Jan (GH). 2 at Missabotti
10 May (NW, BL, CG per DSe). Recorded most months Hawkesbury region, max 7 near
Wilberforce 26 Jun (RB).
Tree Martin Recorded all winter at Coonabarabran (AKM).
Fairy Martin Departure Coonabarabran 14 Mar (AKM); Grafton 22 Mar (GPC). Recorded at
Longneck Lagoon near Windsor 18 Aug (RB). Arrival Timor Rock 19 Aug (AKM); Grafton 14 Sep
Barn Swallow 1 at Mullumbimby 18 Dec, second NSW record (GH).
Black -faced Cuckooshrike Flock of 18 regularly at Broken Hill 25 Jun -19 Aug (NS).
Cicadabird 1 at Sandstone Caves, Pilliga NR 1 Feb (AKM). Departure: Warrimoo 28 Feb
(PL); Warrumbungle NP 28 Feb (AKM); Moruya 3 Mar (SM); Winmalee 15 Apr (NK); Nemarotu
HSD near Mullumbimby 21 Apr (DAS). Arrival Blackbutt RS, Newcastle (heard) 30 Sep (WPB);
Munghorn Gap NR 4 Oct (RB); Nemarotu HSD 7 Oct (DAS); Maclean 14 Oct and 18 Oct (GPC);
Coonabarabran 30 Oct (AKM); Moruya 3 Nov, 2 weeks later than my latest local arrival date
since 1975 (SM); Winmalee 8 Nov, much later than previous years (NK); Emu Heights near
Warrimoo 14 Nov (PL).60 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3)
Ground Cuckooshrike 3 seen 15 km NW of Griffith 25 Feb (JBr). 1 roadkill c 45 km NE of
Warren 30 Mar (now in SA Museum); 1 seen 3 km S of Gulargambone 22 Jul; 1 seen c 8 km SW
of Dubbo 7 Aug (LJ). Recorded several times at Coombie HSD near Roto winter -spring (JH u). 2
near Jerilderie 29 Dec (CBOCN 4/3).
White -winged Triller Departure Baronne HSD near Gulargambone 24 Feb (DBe per AKM).
Recorded at Talmoi Waterhole near Moree 10 Apr (RB). Arrival: Baronne HSD 4 Sep (DBe per
AKM); Warrumbungle NP 24 Sep (AKM); Narrandera 2 Oct (extremely small numbers present)
(JNH); 2 at Bayldon near Sawtell 5 Oct, 3 same place 22 Nov (GPC); at Maitland 5-6 Oct- (K H);
Broken Hill 8 Oct (NS); 20 km N of Griffith 19 Oct (JBr). Recorded at Emu Plains 11 Dec the
only local sighting during summer 1982-83, although recorded many times around Windsor
(LS). More reports than usual in the Newcastle area, particularly in the suburbs (WPB).
Varied Triller Recorded at Myleston 30 May (PL). at Freeburn Island near Iluka 28 July
(GPC). at Manning Point, Manning River 21 Aug, in depauperate littoral rainforest (DG).
Resident Nemarotu HSD near Mullumbimby all year (DAS).
Red -whiskered Bulbul at Maitland 7 Sep (KH). at Hazelbrook 20 Sep, at garden feeding
1 1
tray (MOD). 2+ at Sawtell 22 Nov (GPC).
Ground Thrush Ford (Emu 83: 141-151) has argued that this taxon as previously
understood in fact comprises two species widely sympatric in eastern New South Wales. This
proposal has generated some technical debate, and it therefore seems wisest to refrain from
publishing further reports until the separation is confirmed and the characters by which the two
can be distinguished are more widely understood by field observers. All reports received are
held on file.
Common Blackbird Common at Armidale, first record for UNE campus during Nov (HAF per
Flame Robin 2 at Bringelly 7 Jul (ARM, FJ). Departure Narrandera 14 Aug (JNH). 2 pairs
occupied territory at Wentworth Falls during Oct, seen carrying food (GB). near Manning Point
21 Aug (MVBN 1/2).
Rose Robin Arrival Warrimoo 10 Apr; recorded at Myleston 2 Jun (PL). Departure
Warrimoo 1 Oct (PL). Not recorded Coonabarabran district this winter (AKM). Common around
Wauchope, some indication of altitudinal movement to lower altitudes in spring (DG).
Scarlet Robin A pair at Square Knob, Narrandera Range 16 Apr -8 Aug, extension of
wintering range (JNH). 1 female at Nemarotu HSD 1 1 Apr and another at Valiance Lagoon near
Mullumbimby 23 Jul (DAS).
Red -capped Robin Several reports Windsor -Castlereagh SF district west of Sydney May –
June and Oct, and 1 female at Cobbity 25 Sep (RB, J&NR, ARM). A pair at Knowrit SF 20 Oct (TW
per DG).AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3) 61
Eastern Yellow Robin 2 at Coombie HSD near Roto 27 Jun (JHu).
Pale -yellow Robin Moderately common Mt Boss SF, Werrikimbe NP, Comboyne, Kiwarrik
SF, Kippera SF, Coopernook SF, Pappinbarra, Lorne, SF, Sea -acres NR, Port Macquarie (DG).
Olive Whistler 1 near Kerrapit Trail, Gloucester Tops 25 Apr (HBOC). Common in cool
temperate rainforest at Werrikimbe NP, Mt Boss SF and Gloucester Tops (DG).

Red-lored Whistler 1 at Pulletop NR 11 Apr (APM, TRL).

Gilbert’s Whistler 1 adult male at Burrendong Arboretum, Mumbil 1-13 Apr first local
record, well E of normal range (AKM, DIS). Recorded in a number of places Narrandera between
24 Jul and 12 Sep; present indications suggest species is locally a winter visitor only (JNH). 1
male at Starkeys Road, Goonoo SF 19 Sep, further E than recorded (Coolbaggie NR 2 Oct 1972)
by Heron, Emu 73:121 (TKo per AKM). Regularly heard 10 km S of West Wyalong Nov -Dec (JEtr).
Golden Whistler Arrival Warrumbungle NP 21 Apr (AKM); Narrandera 29 Apr (JNH);
Coonabarabran 1 May (AKM). 1 at Loughnan 25 km E of Hillston 21 Apr (JBr). 1 in mallee at
Coombie HSD near Roto 27 Jun (JHu). Departure Warrumbungle NP 26 Sep (AKM); Narrandera
5 Oct (JNH).
Rufous Whistler Departure Warrimoo 28 Feb (PL); Goonoo SF near Dubbo 27 Mar (TKo per
AKM); Moruya 17 Apr (SM); Coonabarabran 1 May; Warrumbungle NP 2 May (AKM). Recorded
at Myleston 2 Jun (PL). Several observers reported earlier arrivals than usual: Warrumbungle
NP 28 Aug (AKM); Richmond 22 Aug (RB); Warrimoo 5 Se-p (earliest by at least one week in last 7
years) (PL); Moruya 19 Sep, but no song until 2-7 Oct usually sing immediately on arrival
(SM); Goonoo SF near Dubbo 19 Sep (TKo per AKM); Blackbutt RS, Newcastle 26 Sep (WPB).
“Odd birds” present all winter at Baronne HSD near Gulargambone (DBe per AKM).
Black -faced Monarch Departure Moruya 13 Mar (SM); Mount Riverview 17 Mar (LS):
Sackvil le 17 Mar (RB); Epping 3 Apr (BD). Arrival Kyogle 23 Sep (GH); Blackbutt RS, Newcastle
(heard) 26 Sep (WPB); Mullumbimby 27 Sep (DAS, APM); Pappinbarra FSC near Taree 28 Sept
(MVBN 1/3); Moruya 28 Sep, then not seen till 16 Oct (SM); Deep Ck, Narrabeen 13 Oct (DS);
Cumberland SF 16 Oct (BD); Mount Riverview 18 Oct (LS). Common Wauchope area, summer
migrant (DG).
Spectacled Monarch Departure Iluka 21 Mar (GPC). Arrival Roseberry SF 3 Sep (GH);
Terania Creek 3 Sep (GLC); Iluka 4 Oct (GPC). Present Nemarotu HSD near Mullumbimby all
year except Jun -Aug (DAS). Moderately common Mt Boss SF, Werrikimbe NP, Comboyne,
Kiwarrik SF, Kiperra SF, Pappinbarra, Lorne SF, Coopernook SF, Wauchope, Port Macquarie
White -eared Monarch All reports listed; these indicate the species is perhaps more
common and widespread in the far north-east than previously thought; recorded Iluka NR 4 Jan;
Murray Scrub, Toonumbar SF 8 Jan (GH); Terania Creek, Nightcap NP 29 Jan (JD); up to 5 birds62 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18(3)
at Nemarotu HSD near Mullumbimby 11 Apr -29 Sep (DAS); recorded Ghinni Ghi (W of Kyogle)
11 Jun (GH); Wollumbin NR 6 Sep (J&NR); Helmet Ridge via Kyogle 23 Sep; Mt Burrel, Nightcap
Range 2-3 Nov (GH); at Tuntable Creek 24 Nov (GPC); recorded at Razorback Mt near Kyogle 7
Dec; numerous at Gradys Creek watershed of Roseberry SF and Wiangaree SF (GH).
Leaden Flycatcher Departure Coonabarabran 19 Feb (AKM); Moruya 19 Mar (SM);
Warrimoo 10 Apr (latest yet noted for locality) (PL); Scheyville 21 Apr (LS, RB). Arrival Roseberry
SF, Wiangaree SF 3 Sep (GH); Coonabarabran 20 Sep (AKM); Collaroy Plateau (1 male) 6 Oct
(DS); Moruya 7 Oct (SM); Wilberforce 13 Oct (RB) ; Cumberland SF 16 Oct (BD); Mount
Riverview 18 Oct (LS). A nesting pair located in MIA SF near Yanco 17 Nov, extension of
breeding range (JNH).
Satin Flycatcher Adult male at Woodbine HSD SW of Baradine 27 Oct (DJo per AKM).
male in banksia heath at Long Reef, Sydney 19 Nov (DJ, DH).
Rufous Fantail Departure Mount Riverview 6 Apr (LS); Warrimoo 10 Apr (latest yet noted
for local ity)(PL); Moruya 13 Apr (SM). Arrival Blackbutt RS, Newcastle 30 Sep (WPB); Ulmarra 3
Oct (GPC); Maianbar 4 Oct (DT); Mount Riverview 10 Oct (LS); Moruya 13 Oct (SM); Cumberland
SF 16 Oct (BD); Warrimoo 21 Oct (PL).
Grey Fantail Extension of breeding range in the Narrandera region; nest with 2 eggs at Lake
Talbot 4 Dec; a pair feeding young in a nest MIA SF, Yanco 11 Dec; a pair at Narrandera NR 12
Dec, nest with young located 26 Dec (JNH).
Logrunner Recorded Sydney Autumn Count 30 May (NSWFOC 63). Recorded at Myleston
11 Jun (PL). 3 pairs at Bulandelah SF 20 Dec (DS). Common in rainforests around Wauchope
Chestnut -breasted Quailthrush 2 seen 20 km W of Cobar 14 May, see Ford, Emu 83:161
Clamorous Reed -warbler Winter records: heard at Clarence River, South Grafton 27 Jun
(GPC); 1 at Pughs Lagoon near Windsor 7 Jul (RB, LS); several at Dareton 17 Jul (JNH); 2 calling
well at Narrabeen Lake, Sydney 11 Aug (DS). Arrival (first heard) Narrandera 30 Aug (JNH);
Griffith 24 Sep (JBr); Grafton 25 Sep (GPC); Coonabarabran 26 Sep (AKM). Sydney suburbs:
caught and banded in garden at Lane Cove 14 Sep (SGL) and in garden at Redfern 6 Oct (DS).
Tawny Grassbird 6 at Lismore Aug (DIS). Sydney region: pair in heath near Beacon Hill
1 1
12 June, one fledgling in Swampy sedge/hakea same area 30 Oct; 4 singing at Warriewood
Swamp 18 Sep (DS); 1 caught and banded same place 25 Sep (SGL); 3 same place 4 Dec (DIS). 2
at Bakers Lagoon 28 Jul (RB).
Rufous Songlark Most observers Northern Rivers, Mid -north Coast and Hunter reported
the species much more common than usual: 2 at Taree 25 Sep (rare on coastal plain)(DG). 2+ at
Southgate Creek 4 Oct; 1 at Bayldon near Sawtell 5 Oct (GPC). An invasion into NambuccaAUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3) 63
Valley, first seen Macksville 6 Oct, the’n at Nambucca Heads, Bowraville and Valla (NW, CM, BL,
DSe). Recorded at Missabotti in Nov (CG per DSe); Bellingen, Dorrigo and Thora in Dec (DSe).
Hunter: 1 at Kooragang Is. NR 6 Feb (FvG); 2 an Minmi 4 Nov (WPB et al); 5 at Wollombi 7 Nov
(SJ); 4 at Pindi mar 7 Nov; 1 at Camerons Creek near Allworth 7 Nov (WPB); 1 at Whitebridge 27
Nov (AR). Other reports: departure Baronne HSD near Gulargambone 2 Apr (DBe per AKM).
Arrival 8 km SW of Dubbo 6 Aug (LJ); Stanhope Creek near Newcastle 22 Aug (HBOC); Griffith
17 Sep (JI3r); Narrandera 18 Sep, extremely few birds present (JNH); Baronne HSD 24 Sep (DBe
per AKM). Recorded at Tamworth 7 Oct and Wongarbon 12 Oct (AKM). 2 at Pyree near Nowra
Oct -Nov (DIS). 1 at Cromer Golf Course, Sydney 7 Nov, observer’s first local record (DS).
Brown Songlark at Cooplacurripa (west of Taree) in Jan (DG). Departure Warrumbungle
NP 12 Mar; Narromine 18 Mar (AKM); Baronne HSD near Gulargambone Apr (DBe per AKM).
Arrival Narrandera 22 Aug, extremely few birds present (JNH); Baronne HSD 15 Sep (DBe per
AKM). 1 at Kooragang Is. NR 17 Oct (FvG). 3 (2 male, 1 female) at Macksville 21 Nov (NW, CM,
BL, DSe).
Red -backed Wren Adult feeding 2 young at Woko NP near Gloucester 27 Dec (SH).
Southern Emu -wren Present at Limeburners NR 12 Apr (GPC). Moderately common
Crowdy Bay NP; recorded upper Forbes River, Mt Boss SF 11 Sep (DG). 6 at Awabakal FSC near
Dudley 11 May (SJ).
Striated Grasswren 5 at Red Tank near Ivanhoe 10 Apr (APM, TRL eta!), and same place
16 May (DL); 4 seen NE of Ivanhoe 10 Apr (DH, JW et al). This is a known locality, but status in
NSW so uncertain it seems worthwhile recording all observations.
Eastern Bristlebird 19 territories in McPherson, Tweed, and Nightcap Ranges (W to levers
Plateau, E to Mt Burrell) Jun -Nov, first NSW records N of Illawarra since 1957 (GH).
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren 1 at Widden Valley 10 Apr (FvG). Pair with young at
Munghorn Gap 2 Oct (RB). In Aug a small colony of at least 3 pairs found at the summit (400 m
asl) of Square Knob, Narrandera Range, extending known range S and W (JNH).
Shy Heathwren 1 in dense callitris regrowth at Coombie HSD near Roto 4 Oct (JHu).
Mangrove Warbler at Swansea 20 Feb (ARM). at Lawrence (30 km up Clarence River)
1 1
27 Jul (GH). at Bonna Point, Kurnell 15 and 16 Oct, first Sydney record (ARM, JW, Aust. Birds
18: 33-35).
White -throated Warbler Departure Warrumbungle NP 10 Apr; Coonabarabran 12 Apr
(AKM); Warrimoo 13 Apr (PL). Arrival 1 at Stannix Park near Windsor 1 Sep (ARM); North
Springwood 2 Sep (NK); Warrimoo 2 Sep, early (PL); Kalang 6 Sep, Castle Hill 12 Sep (RB);
Epping 12 Sep (BD); Coonabarabran 13 Sep (AKM); Blackbutt RS, Newcastle 28 Sep (WPB);
Grafton 1 Oct (GPC). No Sydney records during winter this year (RB).64 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3)
Western Warbler 1 near Bringelly 2 Jan (RW, ARM). Departure Coonabarabran 26 Apr
(AKM). 1 at Willandra NP 15 May (KL, DH, DL et al). Recorded at RAAF Dubbo 8 Jun; seen &
heard at several localities c 8 km SW of Dubbo 24 Jul, 1 Aug; common Western Plains Zoo,
Dubbo 5 Aug (LJ). Arrival Narrandera 14 Aug (JNH); Tooraweenah 20 Aug; Coonabarabran 20
Aug (AKM); Goonoo SF near Dubbo 5 Sep (TKo per AKM).
Yellow-rumped Thornbill In Warringah area of Sydney, seems to be gradually increasing
in numbers with breeding recorded at Manly Vale and Cromer (DS).
Striated Thornbill A few in a mixed flock of thornbills in MIA SF near Yanco 21 Jul (JNH).
White -throated Treecreeper A few pairs found in the Narrandera NR, Narrandera SF and
the MIA SF near Yanco; apparently sparsely scattered through the Red Gum forests along this
section of the Murrumbidgee; see 1981 Report (JNH).
White-browed Treecreeper Recorded at Coombie HSD near Roto 19 Sep, since seen again
same area (JHu); some distance E of the range limits indicated by Handlist.
Striped Honeyeater Hunter region; 3 at Sandgate 22 Aug (JPe, WPB). Several calling
Raymond Terrace 28 Nov, and 3 at Buff Point 28 Nov (DIS). 2 at Shortland 27 Dec (DBa).
Little Friarbird Arrival Narrandera 31 Aug (JNH). 1 several times at Cundletown from 26
May (DG, MVBN 1/1). 1 at Deepwater Park, Sydney 2 Oct (J&NR).
Regent Honeyeater 2 along Ebenezer Wharf Road near Wilberforce 20 Jan (LS, RB). 20+ at
Kerrabea, Newcastle 12-14 Jun (BC). 3 at Munghorn Gap NR 10 Apr (DIS) and 2 at waterhole 2
km E of Munghorn Gap 2-5 Oct (DG, MVBN 1/3). Recorded regularly(max 14) in Warrumbungle
NP May -Oct, bred (DJo, AKM, J&NR, SL).
Blue -faced Honeyeater at Wauchope early May (DG). Common in the Grafton area,
especially in drier forest country, eg Coutts Crossing (GPC).
Bell Miner Nest with 2 eggs at Upper Colo 10 Jul, unusual winter record (ARM). Heard at
Martins Creek near Paterson 3.1 Oct (BMu).
Noisy Miner Recorded at Ma ianbar 13 Apr (DT), observer’s first local record and apparently
only second record for Royal NP.
Singing Honeyeater Recorded catching comatose flies under verandah of house in Broken
Hill 17 Jun during the coldest winter on record, nightly frost (NS). Several pairs found nesting in
Oct a little N of Narrandera and at Corobimilla, at eastern range limits (JNH).
Mangrove Honeyeater in mangroves at Freeburn Island near Iluka 28 Jul (GPC).
White -eared Honeyeater Winter arrival at Moruya 5 Apr, departure 19 Sep (SM).AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3) 65
Yellow -tufted Honeyeater Large colony at Terrence Creek (upper Richmond River) Jul –
Aug, first local record in decades (GH).
Yellow -plumed Honeyeater 6 in a flowering Yellow Box at Colinroobie, Narrandera Range
5 Oct, nowhere near mallee; range extension S and E (JNH, ARM).
Fuscous Honeyeater Winter arrival at Moruya 28 Apr, departure prior to 6 Sep (SM). Small
flock of 4 near West Head, Kuring-gai Chase NP 14 Aug (DS).
White -plumed Hon-ey eater Recorded catching comatose flies under verandah of house in
Broken Hill 17 Jun coldest winter on record, nightly frost (NS).
Brown Honeyeater Departure Warrumbungle NP 2 Apr, arrival 6 Aug (AKM). 1 at
Tamworth 29 Apr, reported previously by local observers who considered the occurrence
drought -related (SJSD).
Painted Honeyeater at Wyong 15 Jan (RB). near Ebeneezer 3 Feb, just outside County of
1 1
Cumbqrland, but first near Sydney for 20 years (ARM, RB, MR&BB). Recorded at Windsor 6 Nov
(MR&BB). Nesting at Bulga 27 Nov (AC, JD, J&NR). Recorded at Moreena HSD near Bingara 11
Apr (K&RB, CBOCN 3/5) and at Munghorn Gap NR 18 Sep -10 Oct (MR&BB, DH, APM, MVBN
1/3). 2 near Mendooran 11 Nov (JFi, ARM).
Crescent Honeyeater 6-10 at Devils Hole, Barrington Tops NP 24 Mar (GH). 8+ at
Gloucester Tops NP near Kerrapit 8 Aug and recorded at Munghorn Gap 3 Oct (FvG).
New Holland Honeyeater Very common New England NP 13 May but uncommon upper
Doyles River 17 Jul (DG). 20+ at Levers Plateau, Roseberry SF in Aug (GH).
White-cheeked Honeyeater adult banded at Munghorn Gap NR 10 Apr, western and first
local record (DIS).
White -fronted Honeyeater Recorded at Cobar 12 May (J&NR).
Black Honeyeater A number of records well E of normally -accepted distribution: a pair
successfully bred (C/2) at Munghorn Gap (just outside NR)4-16 Oct (RB, DG, DH, APM,J&NR,
MVBN 1/3). Huge influx through Deniliquin area from about 23 Oct, some birds still present
year end, breeding not detected (PNM). Max 6 at property 25 km N of Deniliquin 23 Oct -27 Nov
(JH u). Recorded near Wanganella 14 Nov and 20 Nov (PNM). in emu -bush, at Paynters Siding,
Narrandera and 1 in emu -bush at Yanco 21 Nov (JNH). Recorded Weddin Mountain SF 22-23
Oct (IBOCN Dec 82).
Pied Honeyeater 1 male feeding in Eremophila near Wanganella 14 Nov and 20 Nov, in
company with Black Honeyeaters (PNM).
Scarlet Honeyeater 1 male at Wentworth Falls (at clifftop) 7 Oct (GB), seldom reported in
the Blue Mountains.66 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3)
Crimson Chat Small flock near Moonbana HSD 20 km NE of Warren 20 Jan (AKM).
Recorded at Coombie HSD near Roto 30 Aug (JHu). No records Narrandera or Coonabarabran
areas (JNH, AKM).
Orange Chat 1 at Barrenbox Swamp 25 km NW of Griffith 23 Feb (JBr), 2 females, 1 male at
Ivanhoe 10 Apr (TRL, APM). 1 female 25 km N of Deniliquin 24 Oct (JHu). Small numbers still
remaining at Coonamble 23 Feb (AKM). No records Narrandera area (JNH).
White -fronted Chat Departure Baronne HSD near Gulargambone 10 (DBe per AKM). 4 at
Harparary 7 km NE of Baan Baa 23 Apr (DCR). None recorded at Coonabarabran (AKM).
Silvereye Recorded at Reaghside HSD 10 km S of Coonamble 20 Feb, observer’s first local
record (MA per AKM).
Greenfinch Recorded Sydney Spring Count 30 Oct (NSWFOC 67).
Tree Sparrow c 40 at Cowra golf course 7 May (KL, DL, DH et al) Recorded at Blayney 6 May
(CBOCN 3/5).
Red-browed Firetail Nesting colony (max 15 pairs) found at Lake Talbot, Narrandera;
present all year; 4 nests with eggs examined in Nov and others located; another smaller colony
perhaps at Bogolong Hills, Grong Grong where single birds seen several times during the year;
considerable extension of nesting range (JNH, ARM).
Star Finch 3 at Bakers Lagoon near Richmond 26 Dec, 1 carrying grass (DH).
Double -barred Finch 3 at Albury 5 Oct (SGL). Pair bred successfully at Lake Talbot,
Narrandera in Nov, usurping nest built by Red-browed Firetails (JNH). at Glen Allen near
Creewah 27 Dec (DR).
Plum -headed Finch 2+ at Kerrabea, Newcastle 12-14 Jun (WPB et al). Recorded at
Copeton Dam 3 Sep (J&NR). 5 at Martindale 4 Oct (K&JI). 3 at Tatham near Casino 12 Dec,
possibly first local record (GH).
Nutmeg Mannikin Northern Rivers; a pair with 3 free flying young at Mullumbimby 21 Jan
(DA Stewart). Flock 30+ at Uki 31 Aug -1 1 Sep (GLC).
Common Myna Notable increase in numbers at Hazelbrook over past 4 years (MOD).
Olive -backed Oriole Departure Coonabarabran 20 Jan (AKM) and Baronne HSD near
Gulargambone 27 Jan (DBe per AKM). 1 seen c 6 km SE of Coonamble 18 Mar (LJ). “Quite
common” at Coombie HSD near Roto Mar -Oct (JHu). Present in small numbers throughout the
Narrandera area 12 July -5 Oct (JNH). Arrival Warrumbungle NP 28 Aug (AKM); Goonoo SF near
Dubbo 3 Sep (TKo per AKM). 1 in garden at property 25 km N of, Deniliquin 26 Oct (JHu).AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3) 67
Spangled Drongo Departed Nemarotu HSD near Mullumbimby 29 Apr, returned 12 Sep
(DAS). at Stannix Park Road, Wilberforce 30 Mar (MR&BB); arrival Maianbar near Sydney 22
Apr (DT). The usual scatter of reports Hunter and Central Coast regions May -Jul. 1 at Moruya 30
May (PJF, SM). Departure Maianbar 26 Jul (DT).
Satin Bowerbird 12 at Munghorn Gap NR 10 Apr (DIS)
Regent Bowerbird Pair nesting at Sackville 27 Dec, 4 m from ground, probably first
near -Sydney breeding record (ARM). Moderately common Mt Boss SF, Werrikimbe NP,
Comboyne, Kiwarrik SF, Kippera SF, Pappinbarra, Lorne SF, Port Macquarie, Harrington,
Hallidays Point (DG).
Spotted Bowerbird seen c 6 km SE of Coonamble 18 Mar (LJ). Active bower near
woolshed at Coombie HSD near Roto, several immatures seen during Oct (JH u). 1 at Dareton on
7 Dec, observer’s first local record in 26 years of frequent observation, no doubt drought
induced (JNH).
Green Catbird Moderately -co mmon Mt Boss SF, Kiwerrik SF, Lorne SF, Werrikimbe NP,
Comboyne, Middle Brother SF see 1981 Report (DG).
Paradise Riflebird Recorded at Mt Warning NP 6 Sep and 28 Sep (GLC, DAS, APM). 1 in
female plumage at Tall Timbers, Gibraltar Range NP (date not supplied), picked up plastic meat
wrapper and flew with it to nearby tree (GPC).
White -breasted Woodswallow Departure Grafton 8 Mar, arrival 25 Sep; at Sportsmans
Creek 7 May and small flock at Boambee 10 May (GPC). Arrival Narrandera 11 Sep but numbers
very low, many usual nest sites left vacant (JNH).
Masked Woodswallow Coastal and near -coastal records (as to be expected, most in
company with White-browed Woodswallows): 1-2 at Hollisdale 30 km W of Wauchope 17 Oct
(DG). 1 at Buttai-East Maitland 4 Nov (J1 et .9/). 3 at Pindimar 7 Nov (WPB). Sydney region: 2 at
South Windsor 30 Oct (RB); 1 at Scheyville 3 Nov (RB) and again 13 Nov (DH); 1 at Cattai 3 Nov
(CMB); large numbers Greendale-Wallacia area 30 Oct (ARM). Also 1 at Munghorn Gap 3 Oct
(BC, WPB). None recorded at Coonabarabran (AKM).
White-browed Woodswallow Departure Baronne HSD near Gulargambone 3 Mar (DBe
per AKM); Coonabarabran 10 Mar (AKM); Goonoo SF near Dubbo 27 Mar (TKo per AKM). Arrival
Warrumbungle NP 28 Aug (AKM); Goonoo SF near Dubbo 10 Oct (TKo per AKM); Baronne HSD
30 Oct (DBe per AKM). Arrival Narrandera 20 Aug, very early, but birds then and subsequently
in flocks travelling high, not descending to ground level; these random movements continued to
year-end with but few birds descending (although one pair nested at Grong Grong in Oct);
usually birds arrive at height in Oct and if conditions suitable will break up, descend and start to
nest immediately; if unsuitable they just keep going (JNH). Flocks c 1000-1500 seen E of
Munghorn Gap NR 2-4 Oct (DG). Reported as numerous Cobar, Nymagee, Coonamble, Walgett,
Lighting Ridge, Collarenebri mid -May (GH). A number of coastal and near -coastal reports:68 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3)
Northern Rivers: 20+ at Braemar SF 4 Dec; 1 at Cape Byron 9 Dec (GH).
Mid -north Coast: 100 at Hollisdale 30 km W of Wauchope 17 Oct (DG). Recorded at Seal
Rocks 28 Dec (JPe). 50+ at Pindimar 7 Nov; 30+ at Camerons Creek 7 Nov (WPB).
Hunter: 50-70 at Buttai-East Maitland 4 Nov (JI et al).
Central Coast: Flock c 250 at Winmalee 26 Sep, gliding on strong W winds, under attack by
3 raptors (?Brown Falcons) (NK); 334 at South Windsor 30 Oct (RB, NSWFOC 67); c 250 at
Scheyville 3 Nov (RB) and c 100 same place 13 Nov (DH); 200+ at Cattai 3 Nov (CMB); large flock
at Wilberforce 18 Nov and another large flock at Hoxton Park near Liverpool 21 and 26 Nov,
feeding on silky oak nectar (IAWM, DL, Aust. Birds 18:15-16); 2 over Collaroy Plateau 25 Nov,
observer’s first local record (DS).
South Coast: flocks over forest at Moruya 27 Oct -17 Nov, but no reports of local breeding
Black -faced Woodswallow Several recorded W of Bingara in Jan (DG). Recorded Illawarra
region during Sydney Spring Count 30 Oct (NSWFOC 67).
Dusky Woodswallow 7+ at Broken Hill 27 Jun (NS); c 50 at Red Rock 10 Jul (GPC). The
following reports in the Sydney area seem unusually large flocks: 50+ along Lane Cove River
valley Jul -Nov (DL); 40+ in open forest near Refuge Bay, Ku-ring-gai Chase NP 14 Aug (DS); 50
at South Windsor 30 Oct (RB).
Little Woodswallow Moderately common E of Bingara in Jan (DG). Flock c 50 at Willandra
Crossing, 10 km W of Dubbo 4 Jul (AIGL, JW). Recorded at Warialda 2 Sep (J&NR). 2 at Odells
Crossing near Bugaldie 24 Sep (DJo per AKM).
Pied Currawong Arrival Griffith 19 May, departure Carathool 17 Aug (JBr). Arrival
Narrandera 9 Apr, departure 26 Oct; flock c 100 birds in Narrandera through the winter, with
numerous smaller flocks in nearby timbered country (JNH).
A-u stralian Raven Pair with 3 fledglings at Mann River Bridge, Old Gwydir Highway 12 Nov
easterly breeding record at this latitude, see Aust. Bird Watcher 9: 147-153 (SJSD).
Forest Raven 3-4 at New England NP and at Ebor Falls (date not supplied, ?June) (PL).
Common at Paddys Land SF east of Ben Lomond 24 Oct (SJSD).
Little Raven Flock of 100+ at Nyngan 17 May (GH).
Little Crow A few at Cobar 15 May (GH).
Torresian Crow Recorded at Mann River Bridge, Old Gwydir Highway 13 Nov (SJSD).AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3) 69


Hoary -headed Grebe Nesting at Penrith Lakes 8 Feb first breeding record for County of
Cumberland (CMc per ESH).
Blue -billed Duck 1 male at Cudgewa Park HSD near Wee Waa 11 Nov and 13 Nov (NV per
Red Goshawk near Rocky River near Uralla 5 Jan (RMC) should read near Rocky River
near Tenterfield.
Gang -gang Cockatoo Location should be North Epping, not Lane Cove as given.
Channel -billed Cuckoo Recorded “in some numbers” at Kiola 25-26 Oct; also ACT records
at O’Connor 5 Nov and Kaleen 9 Dec (Nix, 1983, Canberra Bird Notes 8:89).
Mangrove Kingfisher in mangroves at Brushwick Heads 30 Nov (DAS).
Olive Whistler at Nemarotu HSD near Mullurnbimby 15 Aug (DAS).
Brown Honeyeater Delete record near Scheyvil le 16 May (NSWFOC 54), error for Brown –
headed Honeyeater. Yellow -fronted Honeyeater should read Grey -fronted Honeyeater.
Forest Raven 5 seen W of Rock River near Uralla 5 Jan (RMC) should read W of Rocky River
near Tenterfield.
Crested Pigeon Recorded at Bonny Vale, Royal NP 25 Apr, first park record (TQ per ESH).
See 1981 Report.


Dollarbird Recorded at Pipeclay Creek 16 Mar delete Grafton (Pipeclay Creek is N of
Taree, not near Grafton as indicated).
Black -tailed Native -hen Delete record at Cowans Pond, Grafton 2 Dec.70 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3)
In early March 1984 a flock of five Gang -gang Cockatoos Callocephalon limbriatum visited
Mt Kuring-gai in the northern outskirts of Sydney, NSW. During their stay of about a week and a
half they were seen many times feeding on the seeds of Cone Stick Petrophilepulchella, one of
the most common understorey shrubs in dry schlerophyll forest in the area.
Perched birds reached out and severed the upper part of a branch with a single bite. The
branches were up to 4 mm in diameter and were bitten off as much as 80 mm below the 20-30
mm cone -like fruit. The severed branch was held with one foot and the fruit removed with a
single bite. The branch was then dropped and the woody fruit held with one foot while it was
broken into with the beak. Fragments of fruit (some containing several seeds) or isolated seeds
were allowed to fall to the ground. The entire operation, from branch selection to the fall of the
final fragment, took approximately 1-1.5 minutes.
Normally the dropped seed would be wasted as the leaf -litter on the forest floor is
unsuitable for seedling establishment. In this instance the birds fed extensively along the edges
of disused vehicular tracks. The weight of the Gang -gang Cockatoos bent the tall spindly Cone
Sticks up to a metre across the bare soil of these tracks. Within a distance of 30 m along one
track I found three patches, measuring approximately 1-2.5 m x 1 m, of severed Cone Stick
branches, shredded fruit and seed. Each patch contained several tens of seeds. By late April
over a dozen seeds had germinated but seed encased in the fruit was still dormant. The feeding
behaviour of the Gang -gang Cockatoos has thus hastened the rehabilitation of the track edge as
Cone Stick seed is usually only sparingly shed (pers. obs.) between bushfires.
R.A. Buchanan, 22 Alicia Road, Mt Kuring-gai NSW 2080AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 1843) 71
and N. Hermes. 1983. Special Publication No. 8, Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service,
Canberra. pp 119, soft cover, with two colour plates, 6 b&w photographs, and 52 figures and
maps. 248 x 176 mm.
This book had its genesis in the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union Congress and
Campout at Norfolk Island in December 1978. The Congress was held there to focus attention
on the precarious state of some of the endemic bird species, and was organized by the Canberra
Ornithologists Group with the assistance of both the Norfolk Island Conservation Society and
the Flora and Fauna Society.
During the ten-day campout, the 80 participants were encouraged to census the bird
population on the main and offshore islands in an Atlas Grid of 0.5 km square. The purpose was
three -fold: to survey the island for its birds; to gather base -line information on the habitat
requirements and status of each species; and to acquaint participants with the census
techniques used in the RAOU Atlas programme then being conducted in Australia. There were
67 participants in the project, including 14 members of the NSW Field Ornithologists Club. As
one of the members of the Congress can attest to its success, and to how thoroughly enjoyable
the Congress was to those who took part; due credit for this should go to the chief organizers,
Joseph Forshaw and Richard Schodde.
The book is based very largely on the results of this survey, but with a thorough historical
background. The Introduction includes information on the location of the island and a brief
outline of the history of settlement, changes in the vegetation cover, and details of early
ornithological work. A table summarizes the avifauna recorded by naturalists who travelled
with Cook, King and other early visitors. A comprehensive chapter is contributed by P. Rich and
others, which deals with a pre -history of the Norfolk Island biota. Details of fossil specimens are
given, together with photographs of the collecting sites. The authors of this section state that
the fossil vertebrates demonstrate quite clearly that the advent of Polynesian and European
man has had a marked effect on the biota, through the introduction of exotic species, clearing of
habitat and direct killing.
The present list stands at 100 species, a total which can be divided into 32 breeding land
and freshwater birds, 11 regularly breeding seabirds, seven species that have become extinct
since settlement, and 50 non -breeding migrants and vagrants; 20 species are recent self –
introduced arrivals. From Australia these last include: White-faced Heron, Pacific Black Duck,
Purple Swamphen, Welcome Swallow, Emerald Dove, Silvereye and Australian Kestrel.
Presumably from New Zealand have come Mallard, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Goldfinch,
Greenfinch, House Sparrow and Starling. Four species have been deliberately introduced by
man: California Quail, Common Pheasant, Feral Pigeon and Crimson Rosella.72 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS 18 (3)
The species that are known to have become extinct are Providence Petrel (hunted and
eaten by convicts, extinct by 1800), Common Pheasant (introduced in the mid 1800s but
disappeared in the early 1900s), New Zealand Pigeon (recorded by Cook in 1774 but hunted to
extinction by 1900), Ground Dove (drawn by Hunter in 1790 but not recorded after 1800), Kaka
(recorded by Cook in 1774 but disappeared by the mid 1800s), Long-tailed Triller (recorded by
Gould in 1838 but not recorded since 1942) and Norfolk Island Starling (recorded by Gould in
1836 but disappeared by 1923, reason unknown). Two further species, the Grey -headed
Blackbird and White -breasted Silvereye, are very close to extinction.
When one visits the island and sees the widespread clearing of the once closed canopy
forest dominated by Norfolk Island pine and White Oak, the general lack of vegetation cover, and
the many exotic trees that are now present, it is easy to understand why the European Starling
and the Blackbird have the greatest range (95% and 84% respectively) over the island, based on
the data collected during the census. In contrast, the island endemics range from 63% for the
Grey Gerygone to 2% each for the Norfolk Island Boobook and the White -breasted Silvereye.
The Crimson Rosella had a range of 62% compared to the endemic Red -fronted Parrot’s range of
12%, illustrating the latter’s continued decline towards extinction. The importance of the Mt Pitt
reserve, the Hundred Acre Reserve and the forests on the eastern side of the island for the rarer
indigenous birds cannot be overstressed. In 1978, cattle were still being grazed in this
important botanical and wildlife reserve. At the conclusion of the campout, the participants
passed a resolution calling for the establishment of a National Park and the text of this
resolution is included as one of the appendices in the book.
The bulk of the book (44 pages) is given over to the 43 breeding species, and provides full
details of distribution, taxonomy, historical records, present status and breeding. Each species
account includes a map (66 mm square) showing the plots in which the bird was recorded
during the RAOU census. A comprehensive list of references appears at the back of the book.
This is a useful guide to the birds of Norfolk Island, and a bench -mark of the current status
of all species. congratulate those responsible for its publication and recommend it to all past
and future visitors to the island. The book is available free of charge from the Australian
National Parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra, ACT.
Contributors are requested to observe the following points when submitting articles and notes
for publication.

  1. Species, names, and the order in which they occur are to be in accordance with ” Handlist
    of Birds in New South Wales”. A.K. Morris, A. R. McGill and G. Holmes 1981 Dubbo:
  2. Articles or notes should be typewritten if possible and submitted in duplicate. Double
    spacing is required.
  3. Margins of not less than 25mm width at the left hand side and top, with similar or slightly
    smaller at the right hand side of pages.
  4. No underlinings and no abbreviations except as shown in the examples.
  5. Photographs should be glossy finish and not too small.
  6. The Style Manual, Commonwealth Government Printing Office, Canberra (1966) and
    subsequent editions will be the guide for this Journal.
  7. Diagrams should be on plain white paper drawn with india ink. Any lettering is to be
    ‘professional style’ or lightly pencilled.
  8. Dates must be written “1 January 1975” except in tables and figures where they may be
  9. The 24-hour clock will be used, times being written 06:30, 18:30 for 6.30 am. and
    6.30 p.m. respectively.
  10. Mr, Mrs, Dr are not followed by a full stop.
  11. In text, numbers one to ten are spelt numbers of five figures or more should be grouped in
    threes and spaced by a thin gap. Commas should not be used as thousands markers.
  12. References to other articles should be shown in the text-‘…B.W. Finch and M.D. Bruce
    (1974) stated…’ and under heading
    Finch, B.W. and M.D. Bruce 1974 The Status of the Blue Petrel in Australian Waters
    Aust Birds 9. 32-35
  13. Acknowledgements to other individuals should include Christian names or initials.Vol. 18, No. 3 June, 1984
    Lindsey, T.R. N.S.W. Bird Report for 1982 37
    Contributors 38
    Systematic list 40
    Addenda and Corrigenda 69
    Buchanan, Robin A note on the feeding behaviour of Gang -gang Cockatoos 70
    Alan K. Morris A review of Norfolk Island birds: past and present,

bu R. Schodde, P. Fullagar & N. Hermes 71

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Printed by Drummoyne Copying, 56 Thompson Street, Drummoyne. 81 1888