PDF version available here: Vol. 2 No. 5
Price iCt. Published by the Gould League Birdwatchers.
Vol. 2. No. 5. 1st March, 1968.
10 Loquat Valley Road, Bayview.
Observations Committee: K.A. HINDWOOD and A.R. McGITL.
Field -gay 01:ganiser: P.E. ROLBRTS (47-9240)
26 Bayview Street,Mt.Kuring-gai.
Art Adviser: L.S. HOSKIN.
Assistant Secretary: R. WOKE.
A-s-s-i-s-t-a-n-t- F ield -day Organiser: G. DIBLEY.
Homebush Bay (23.12.’67).
atkig,20. Dotterel: Three seen among mangroves.
Greenshanl: Two seen on mud flat among samphire.
BlacktfTorlted Dot.terpl: Four on mud flats.
Red- capped DotTerefi Four running along water edge.
Ehl”2.2:14e_aded Still: Fourteen, feeding in water.
Pink -eared Duck: Four adults, three young.
Little Egret: One found near small swamp.
Narranbullgreek (4 miles South
kneed Dotterel: Thirteen on edge of waterholo..
1119k- fronted Dotterel: Eight observed at water’s edge.
leaned Goose: Forty observed in middle of waterhole.
1314:,-ilaaa Shoveller: Eight seen swimming.
lieary-headed Grebe: Two observed.
Ma’alSPu°k: Three seen, one displaying.BIRDS – 3L. – MARCH j _1168
Lake Bathurst ,(21,2Lul
Mai024.apoose: (Rare) Nine observed flying over Lake.
Sharp -tailed Sanda,lp.pr: Sixty observed in marshy area.
Curlew Sandpiper: One feeding on edge of water.
Red -necked Stint: Approximately fifty on muddy areas.
Black Swan: Four to Five hundred in middle of Lake.
Batemants Bay ,(28.12.t67
Eied Oystercatcher: Three seen an sand -bar.
Eastern Curlew: Fourteen standing in water.
‘Bar -tailed Godwit: Four seen on edge of Beach.
Warwick Farm (26,12226/1
Nankeen Night- Heron: Large Colony in Casuarinas along George’s River.
Northme ad.
- * * * x * * *
On 31st December, 1967 at Long Reef, N.S.W. I observed a number of
Turnstones and among them was a dull- coloured bird with a bright green
plastic band on its left leg. A normal metal band oould be faintly seen
beneath the plastic wrapper- type band.
Bayview. N.S.W.
Crested Tern 070-25651 was banded as a chick on Moon Island near
Swansea, N. S.17. on 22nd November, 1959.
After a period of 7 years 10 months and 24. days it was oaught on a
fishing line at Bribie Island, Queensland on 15th October, 1967.
The bird was slightly injured but was released with the band still
on its leg.
EazokAils Park.
Although Sparrows. will eat most things, until recently I had never
seen one drinking nectar.BIRDS – 35 – MARCH 1. 1968
During the winter months I put out in the garden for the Sliver –
eyes, dishes of bread soaked in sugar, honey and water. If the
mixture is not too sweet the House Sparrows eat it.
Recently, however, I noticed a Sparrow moving about in my
GREVILLEA BANKSII bush and apparently sipping the nectar from the
flowers. The Sparrow used the same method of extracting nectar as
that applied by the Honeyeaters.
Perching on a flowering branohlet, the bird would finish up head
downwards as the end of the branch gradually drooped under its
Are House Sparrows known to be nectar eaters?
Lismore. N.S.W.
Mrs. Chittick of Moss Vale, N.S.W., writes that Eastern Whipbirds
visit her garden, while in the surrounding countryside, Goldfinches
are nearly as common as are the House Sparrows in the town. Other
interesting species are White and Straw -necked Ibis; ReC. Wattle
Bird; Nankeen Night- Heron; Pallid and Horsfield Bronze Cuckoos.
During winter months, large flocks of noisy Gang-Gmg Cockatoos
visit the district to feed upon various berries
Mrs. Chittick was fortunate in being able to attend. the New
England University’s Spring School, held at Murwillumbah, where
Dr. Kikawa: a Lecturer in Zoology at the Queensland University,
conducted a course on Birds of the Tweed.
ROOTY HILL FIELD -DAY, 19th Novembe 1961
Due to an error in “BIRDS” excursions took place on two consecutive
days, there being 15 members gathered near Rooty Hill Road on Sunday,
19th November.
Rooty Hill. is a shale area and is used for grazing. The distriot
Is covered with gums of various species; ironbarks predominating.BIRDS .. 36 – MARCH 1, .1.268
In spite of the overoast sky, birds were active and many species observed.
The main purpose of the field -day was to inspect nests previously
looated by Mr. Wood. Although the season was well advanced, nests con-
taining both eggs and young were plentiful.
On arrival, Mr. Wood showed us nests of Willzr-;dagtail; White-faced
Heron with parent bird peeping over edge of nest; Raven and Magpie Lark.
A Fuscous Honeyeater was recorded building a nest and using materials
from an old Fuscous Honeyeater’s nest. The harmonious song of the East-
ern Shriketit was heard and soon afterwards the bird and its nest wore
discovered. Nests of the Buff -tailed Thornbill, Yellow Robin and the
bulky grass nestsof the Double -barred Finch were next to be found. One
Double -barred Finch’s nest built at eye -level contained an egg of the
Horsfield Bronze Guakoo!
Several newly made nests of the Speckled -darbler were shown to us,
while an abandoned nest oontained amongst the dark red eggs of the right-
ful owner, the dainty pale egg of the Fantail Cuckoo.
Other nests observed were those of the Eastern Spinebill; Superb
Blue Wren; Diamond Firetail; Rufous Whistler; GreyrIbrush and Silvereye.
The Little Thornbill; White –throated Warbler; Yellow -tailed Thornbill
and the inconspicuous nest of the White -winged. Triller were also observed.
Among the many species of birds Mr. Wood was able to show us, were
Brown Ueebill; Orange -winged Sitella; Pentane& Cuckoo; Pallid Cuckoo
and Sacred Kingfisher.
We were most fortunate in seeing a number of Scarlet Honeyeaters, a
new bird in the field for many of us; a small group of Little Lorikeets
and the Dusky Woodsuallow.
Forty-five nests were logged for the day and I would to thank
Mr. Wood on behalf of all members for making the excursion such a
The expedition was led by Mr. & Mrs. Dibley. We mFete a t Oyster -Shell
Bridge whichcrosses Mangrove Credk on the Ilisenar’s to Mangrove
Mountain road.BIRDS 37-i. MARCH j._1968
Twenty-four Members were present at the meeting place and 23
species of birds were observed in the surrounding area. Among
these, were Scarlet Honeyeater; Speckled Warbler; Little Iorikeet
and the Emu Wren.
At i0.30 a.m. the party moved on up the west bank of Mangrove
Creek, crossing Screech Owl greek and Bird’s Eye Creek to Sugee
Bag Creek, where the cars were parked, the remainder of the trip
to the reserve being made on foot.
The country was densely wooded and the following birds were ob,
served. The Rock Warbler; Wonga Pigeon; Leaden Flyoatoher; King
Parrot and Sulphur -crested Cockatoo. One observation which oausad
some interesting discussion amongst the more knowledgeable member
was the sighting of a bird which answered to the description of
the. Glossy Black Cookatoo. This species according to “Birds of
Sydney”, N.A. Hindwood and A.R. MoGill, is extremely rare with no
recent records. The question was – whether the bird observud was
indeed a Glossy :Mack or merely a Red-tailed Black Cockatoo. It
was finally determined as being the former.
The following is a list of the species recorded for the day,
other than those already mentioned. :-
Superb Blue Wren Brown Flycatcher
Variegated Wren Yellow Robin
Brown Thornbill Willie Wagtail
Striated Thornbill Grey Fantail
Little Thornbill Rufous Fantail
Bream. Weebill Golden Whistler
7ihite-throated Warbler Rufous Whistler
Little Grassbird Eastern Whip Bird
White-browed Scrub -Wren Grey Thrush
Cicada Bird Pied Currawong
Olive -backed Oriole Magpie Lark
Spotted Pardalote Lyre Bird
Satin Bower -Bird (female) Orange -winged Sittella
Dusky Wood &wallow Banded Finch
-throated Tree-oreeper Red-browed Finoh
Dollar Bird Grey -backed Silvereye
Kookaburra Eastern Spinebill
Azure Kingfisher Lewin HoneyeaterBIRDS – 38 – EARCH 1, 1568
Welcome Swallow Little Wattle Bird
Fairy Martin
Yellow- faced. Honeyeater
Golden Bronze Cuckoo Noisy Friar Bird
Fantail Cuckoo Noisy Miner
Pallid Cuokoo Eastern Rosella
Black -faced Cuokoo-Shrike Crimson Rosella
Grey Butcher Bird
Wedge-tailed Eagle
Black -backed Magpie
White -breasted Sea -Eagle
Spur -winged Plover
White-faced Heron
Our thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Dibley for a delightful day in a splendid
West Pennant Hills.
d O in n th te h em o dr en nsi en g roof i nS fa rt eu srd ta y a, t 1 O’3 Bt rh i J ea nn su a Gr ay p, nt ew ae r n Mt ty . b Ki er id r w aa t tc o he war ts gat Mrh .e r –
Harry Battam’s demonstration of mist- netting and banding.
rT oh we e d bi Sr cd rs u bn -we rt et ne ;d i Ren dc -l bu rd oe wd e dB r Fo iw nn c hT ;h or Sn ih li vel rl e; y eS ;t ri La et we id n HT oh no er yn ehi al tl o; r ; Wh Yi et le l o- w
q..obin and Rufous Fantail.
All those present were able to closely observe and photograph birds
,which had been mist -netted.
Members later watched a pair of Yellow- throated Scrub -Wrens at their
nest in the nearby gully. They fed in the vicinity of their nest
while being viewed. Also observed wore Black -faced Flycatcher; Log
Runner; Brown Pigeon; Wonga Pigeon and Pilot Bird as well as Large –
billed Scrub wren; Whipbird and Grey Fantail.
Mr. Battam’s dexterity in handling the birds was interesting to watch
and we heartily thank him for a most instructive morning.
Albion Park, N.S.W.
:;: * * * * * * * * *BIRDS – 39 – MARCH 1. 1?68
February. i 968.
Twenty six members and friends including Mr. Alcorn of Medlow
Bath met at Bulls’ Picnic Grounds and then proceeded to Murphy’s
Honeyeaters, including White-eared, White-raped, Yellow- ‘aced,
White-bearded and Eastern Spinebill were observed. The Black-faced
Flycatcher, Rose Robin, Rook Warbler and Yellow-tailed Black Cock-
atoo were among some of the other species sighted.
Athol Colemane and Jeff Harrison noticed a bird take refuge
from an attacking bird in a hollow of a tree. When all members
had assembled nearby, Athol Colemane hit the tree with a stiok
and an Owlet Nightjar flew out and sat on a nearby tree long
enough for all those present to view. This was an exciting ex-
perience for all.
During the afternoon a male Golden Whistler was observed
sitting in the sunlight amidst dark green leaves; truly a lovely
Thirty-one species were recorded for the day and our sinoere
thanks are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Dibley.
Longueville.BIRDS MARCH 1268
Saturdays Marini) i6
Long Reef
Leader: Mr. L. C. Haines
Long Reef, between Dee Why and Gollaroy, is a famous place for
wading and sea birds. Tattlers, Turnstones, Sooty Oysteroatohers,
Little and White -fronted Terns, Reef Herons, Golden Plovers, stints
and dotterels frequent the area, and with low tide expected at 3.30
p.m. there should be a lot of aotivity.
Meet at 1.30 p.m. at the eatern end of Anzao Avenue (Gregory’s Map
80, 810). Members wishing to make a whole day of it oan visit nearby
Dee Why Lagoon.
Sunday, March .31
Botany Bay
Leader: &A….”=ILjklill (59 1105)
Mr. MoGill led a very successful excursion to this area last year,
and the waders on the mudflats shou]ii be assembling prior to their
departure for their breeding grounds in the Northern Hemisphere.
Meet at 1.L5 p.m. on General Holmes Drive, Mascot next to the
mudflat about half a mile east of the runway tunnel (Jil on Gregory’s
Map 23). Low tide is at 3.40; bring sandshoes or gumboots for wading.
Sund_Ea.May 19 Albion Park
Saturday. June:15 Berowra Creek