Vol. 22 No, 1&2 part1-text

Journal of the
Volume 22, No.1&2
May 1989
ISSN 0311-8150

Vice -PresidentA.K.Morris
SecretaryF. Brown
Assistant SecretaryN.Maxwell
Minutes SecretaryM.Sach
TreasurerR. Morrow
Records OfficerR.Cooper
Activities OfficerA.O.Richards
Conservation OfficerE.Karplus
Editor,Australian BirdsR.Cooper
Committee MembersP.Davie
S. Fairbairn
The object of the club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and the
habitats they occupy.
Annual subscription rates of the Club (due July each year) are:
Adult Member
Junior Member (up to 17 years)
All members recieve a quarterly newsletter and a copy of the quarterly journal ‘Australian Birds’.
The price of the journal is $5.00 plus postage per issue to non members. Club badges are avail-
able to club members at $2.50 or $3.00 if posted. The club holds a meeting and a field excursion
each month.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary and all membership fees should
be sent to the Hon. Treasurer at: PO Box C436,Clarence St,Sydney NSW 2000.
Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor at: PO Box C436,Clarence St,Sydney NSW 2000.

Volume 22, Nos.l & 2
May 1989
This report, the sixteenth annual NSW Bird Report, covers the period 1 January to 31 December

  • It summarises the more significant observations of birds in New South Wales during the
    1985 calendar year.
    The main aims of the NSW Bird Report are:
    to record reports of observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
    to record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions of the birds
    within NSW; and
    to record observations which may indicate changes in species’ numbers, frequency, range
    or movements.
    With a change of Records Officer, one might anticipate some differences in the form of the
    report. Most of the conventions applied previously remain. But let me assure you that changes
    do exist. One variation in this report’s format from Its predecessors is that in the more recent
    reports, observations have been arranged according to 17 State regions. This method is not
    followed here, though the general presentation of observations follows a north -south pattern.
  • A Location Guide is provided as Appendix 2 to help readers more accurately establish
  • the general location of reported observations, The Guide is not precise and would welcome
  • more precise information on any location.
  • I
  • Another variation is that only the person(s) reporting a particular observation is men-
  • tioned in the Systematic List. All persons notified as having been present at the time of observa-
  • tion, however, are included in the List of Contributors (see Appendix 1).
  • There are a number of new, ususual or otherwise significant records in the report. These
  • include Light -mantled Albatross, Kermadec Petrel, Kerguelen Petrel, Blue -footed Petrel, Juan
  • Fernandez Petrel, Grey Petrel, Streaked Shearwater, Grey -backed Storm -petrel, White -bellied
  • Storm -Petrel, Black -bellied Storm -Petrel, Masked Booby, Brown Booby, Magpie Goose, Wander-
  • ing Whistling -Duck, large numbers of Freckled Duck, Red Goshawk, large numbers of Bustard,
  • Asiatic Dowitcher, Hudsonian Godwit, Sabine’s Gull, Black -eared Miner (or hybrids thereof),
  • Purple-gaped Honeyeater and Olive -backed Sunbird.
  • Full details of some of these records have never been published nor has supporting
  • notes or other evidence been submitted to the Records Officer as part of the report process.
  • The failure to properly report such sightings is detrimental to the accumulation of information
  • about the birds occurring in New South Wales.
  • In the ordinary course of a report such as this, it would not be inappropriate to omit such
  • records, however, have refrained from doing so on this occasion for two reasons. Firstly, each
  • of the observations is generally widely known; and, secondly, this situation has meant that now,
  • four years later and simply because of the passage of time, such records have gained a degree
  • of credibility which may not be warranted.
  • I
  • So inclusion in this report is intended to highlight the short -comings of such records
  • rather than validate them. On the other hand, do not want to suggest the observations are in
  • error. would like to be able to assure readers that each observation is entirely satisfactory but,
  • as indicated, cannot do this.
  • The difficulty is a growing one and appears, am afraid, to be a sign of the times. The
  • growth In twitching appears to be creating this trend towards avoidance of detailed reports on ‘new’ birds. The long list of sightings of the Hudsonian Godwit at Stockton is a good example of this situaton. More than 6 years have passed since the first sightings and still there is no proper,documented record of either the first Australian record or any of the subsequent sightings.
  • The point is that for rare species especially simply seeing a bird and saying you have
  • seen it Is not good enough. Nor is it sufficient to merely include a note of the observation in the monthly unusual records list, In the RAOU Newletter’s ‘Twitchers’ Corner”, the Bird Observer’s
  • Unusual Sightings Reports series or even to submit the sighting to a records appraisal commit-
  • The only practical course is to arrange publication of a full description of the observation
  • in a suitable periodical, e.g. “Australian Birds”.
  • There is a separate matter about which ask for the support and assistance of all con-
  • tributors. You will all appreciate that preparation of the report Is very time consuming, but, this
  • situation could be Improved markedly – with your help.
  • I
  • What would ask from each contributor is that they submit records in taxonomic order
  • and, then, in regional order within each species (the regions are shown in Fig. 1. Aust. Birds
  • 20:98). If contributors can assist in this way, the whole preparation process can be simplified
  • enormously and save considerable production time. The result would be that reports could be
  • produced on a more timely basis and, am sure, this would be a benefit to everyone.
  • Abbreviations are as used in previous reports and other conventions are as explained in
  • the 1983 Report (Aust. Birds 19:65-100), including the organisation of observations according to
  • 17 state regions.
  • wish to thank Ian McAllan and Alan Morris for their information and advice.
  • grateful to Alan Morris for his assistance with the compilation of the Location Guide.
  • also hope YOU find the report useful.
  • Emu, Dromaius novaehollandiae
  • Iluka: 4, in NR, 30 Mar., (CJC); 3, 26 Oct.; 1, immature, 27
  • Oct., (GC); 3, Mann R., 27 May, (HH). It is likely the latter birds are captive. 80 + approx. 10 km
  • E. of Walgett, 25 July (DR); 2, 15 km. S. Merriwa, 18 Dec., (IMcA).
  • ,
  • Great Crested Grebe, Podiceps cristatus Adult with 2 young, Danger’s Lagoon, 16 Nov., (HH).
  • Southern Tablelands: Populations on dams in this region are considered to be of major impor-
  • tance In NSW (pers comm., AKM). Wingecarribee Dam: 126, 5 May; 175, 16 June, (CJC); Raft
  • exceeding 1500, 20 July, (AMcB); 30, 17 Aug., (CJC); Fitzroy Reservoir: 12, 16 June; 6, 12 Oct.,
  • (CJC); 2 nesting pairs, Cecil Hoskins NR, 7 Dec., (CJC).
  • Hoary -headed Grebe, Podiceps poliocephalus 2000-3000, Morpeth STW, 27 Apr. (HBOC,
  • AMcB), an exceptional number. 7, Stinkpot Bay, 29 May, (AKM); 1, on stock dam NW of Lake
  • Garnpulig, 21 Feb. (IMcA); 4 nesting pairs, Comanditchie Lagoon, 5 Jan.; Winge-carribee Dam:
  • 200 + 5 May; 250+, 16 June; 200+, Fitzroy Reservoir, 16 June; 30, Comerong Is., 23 June,
  • ,
  • (CJC).
  • Little Penguin, Eudyptula minor 3+, came ashore, North Head, 28 Sept., (AT); 2 adults came
  • ashore to burrow containing 2 large downy chicks, other birds seen/heard, North Head, 27 Dec.,
  • (AT); 1, nr. Mascot Airport runway, 14 June, (BD).
  • Royal Albatross, Diomedea e. epomophora 1, off Wollongong, 28 July, (AMcB).
  • Wandering Albatross, Diomedea exulans
  • Sydney: 1, off Long Reef, 13 July; 1, c. 10 km off
  • Sydney, 25 May. (IMcA); 1, off Sydney Heads, 23 June, (AKM); 1, in Sydney Harbour, 29 June;
  • 1, <10 km. off Sydney, 27 July, (IMcA). Illawarra: 10, off Wollongong, 21 Sept., (AMcB).
  • 1, beach -washed, Station Crk, 20 Oct.,
  • Sydney: at sea, c.10, incl. some impavida, off Sydney Heads, 27 Apr., (IMcA);, c. 10, off
  • Sydney, 25 May; low numbers reported, from <10 km off Sydney to c. 40 km, 29 June; 1, off
  • Long Reef, 13 July; 30 + <10 km. off Sydney, 27 July;and low numbers again observed off
  • Sydney (from c. 15 km to Continental Shelf), 24 Aug., (IMcA); 2, off Sydney Heads, 14 June,
  • (AKM); c 50, but only two of the race impavida, off Wollongong, 10 Aug., (AEFR).
  • Black-browed Albatross, Diomedea melanophrys
  • (GC).
  • ,
  • Grey -headed Albatross, Diomedea chrysostoma
  • 643: 75).
  • 1, off Wollongong, 26 May,
  • (MJC), (see TBO
  • Yellow -nosed Albatross, Diomedea chlororhynchos 2, off Nambucca Heads, 27 July, (DS).
  • Sydney: 1, off Long Reef, 13 July; low numbers reported off Sydney 25 May- 24 Aug max 30+ 29
  • June (IMcA). Illawarra: 30+, off Wollongong, 10 Aug., (AEFR); 1, beachwashed, North Shellhar-
  • bour, 16 March, (CJC).
  • 1, <10 km. off Sydney, 27 July; 1, c. 15 km off Sydney, 24
  • Shy Albatross, Diomedea cauta
  • Aug., (IMcA); 15 – 20, off Wollongong, 10 Aug., incl. 1, salvini race, and 10, 21 Sept.,
  • (AMcB,AEFR).
  • Buller’s Albatross, Diomedea bulleri
  • tails not supplied.
  • Sooty Albatross, Phoebetria fusca
  • 1,
  • off Wollongong, 2nd, 3rd and 23rd Sept., (AMcB). De-
  • 1, off Wollongong, 25 May, (MJC),
  • (see TBO 643: 75).
  • Light -mantled Albatross, Phoebetria palpebrata 3 beachwashed birds Ballina – Evans Head, 11 –
  • 12 July, (GH). Illawarra: 1, off Wollongong, 21 Sept. and 27 Oct., (AMcB). Details not supplied. If
  • confirmed, these birds comprise the 6th, 7th and 8th NSW records.
  • Southern Giant -petrel, Macronectes giganteus
  • record. Newcastle Region: 1, US banded, caught and released, off Swansea, 11 Aug., details of
  • band not provided, (HBOC). Sydney Region: 1, white phase, Long Reef, 13 July, (AMcB); 1, c.10
  • km off Sydney, 25 May. (IMcA); 2, off Sydney Heads, 7 June, (AKM); 1, <10 km. off Sydney, 27
  • July; 5 +, off Sydney (from bet. 5 km to beyond Continental Shelf), 24 Aug., (IMcA). Illawarra: 8,
  • off Wollongong, 21 Sept., (AMcB).
  • 1, c. 10 km off Kurnell, 25 May; 4, <10 km. off Syd-
  • Northern Giant -petrel, Macronectes halli
  • ney, 27 July, (IMcA); 12, off Wollongong, 21 Sept., (AMcB).
  • Southern Fulmar, Fulmarus glacialoides
  • 1, off Wollongong, 21 Sept., (AMcB).
  • White -necked Petrel, Pterodroma cervicalis
  • period is consistent with previous records.
  • 1, Ballina, 9 Feb.,
  • (GH), 9th NSW record, Dec. – Apr.
  • 1, beachwashed, Wardell, 10 July, (GH). Newcastle
  • Providence Petrel, Pterodroma solandri
  • Region: 1, Newcastle Beach, 25 Nov., died later (HBOC). Sydney Region: c. 20, off Sydney
  • Heads, 27 Apr.; low numbers reported, from c. 20 km off Sydney, 29 June; 5+, off Sydney (from
  • c. 15 km to Continental Shelf), 24 Aug., (IMcA). Illawarra Region: Off Wollongong, from 5 – 70, 23
  • Mar. to 21 Apr., (AMcB) (see also TBO 641); 50, 26 May, (see TBO 643), (MJC); 15 +, 10 Aug.,
  • (AEFR); c.20, 24 and 25 Aug.; 10, 21 Sept.; 1, 23 and 29 Nov., (AMcB). All observations consist-
  • ent with known occurrences.
  • Great -winged Petrel, Pterodroma macroptera 1985 was an exceptional year for NSW reports of
  • this species, as Indicated by the following. 1, beachwashed Iluka Beach, 31 Mar.; 2 beach –
  • washed birds, Station Crk., 4 Apr., (CJC). Sydney: 5+, off Sydney Heads, 23 Feb., (AEFR); 2, in Sydney Harbour (to Laings Point), one found dead later on Camp Cove Beach, 23 Feb., (see
  • Aust. Birds 20:92), (AKM); seen, at Continental Shelf off Sydney Heads, 27 Apr., (IMcA); 1
  • (dead), Dee Why Beach, 27 Oct., (DSa). Illawarra: 60 + bet. Wollongong and Jervis Bay, 10
  • Feb.; off Wollongong, 40 + 24 Mar.; 80, 20 Apr.; numbers ranged from 2 to 300 + over 5 trips
  • bet. 25 Aug. and 14 Dec., max. number on 24 Nov., (AMcB); 6 beachwashed birds, South
  • Wollongong Beach, 27 Mar.; 15 beach -washed birds, Port Kembla Beach, 28 Mar., (CJC).
  • White -headed Petrel, Pterodroma lessonii Illawarra: 1, bet. Wollongong and Jervis Bay, 10 Feb.,
  • (AMcB). Off Wollongong, 1, 20 Apr. (AMcB); 6, 26 May; 2, 27 May, (see TBO 643:76), (MJC); 1,
  • 29 June, and 27 July.; 20 +, 28 July; 2, 24 Aug.; 8, 25 Aug.; 15, 21 Sept.; 6, 27 Oct., (AMcB); and
  • 1, 16 Dec., (CJC). More records than usual but are consistent with known occurrences.
  • Kermadec Petrel, Pterodroma neglecta Illawarra: Off Wollongong, 1, intermediate phase, 20
  • Apr. (AMcB); 7, 21 Apr., (AMcB,CJC). First records since 1976. Details not supplied or published,
  • if confirmed, would be represent the 4th and 5th NSW records.
  • Kerguelen Petrel, Pterodroma brevirostris
  • Australian Birds 22(1&2) May 1989
  • 1, c.40 km off Wollongong, 21
  • Sept., (AMcB).
  • Soft-plumaged Petrel, Pterodroma mollis 1, Byron Bay, 10 July, (JW), (see TBO 645); 2, off
  • Wollongong, 10 Aug., (AMcB). Details not supplied or published, if confirmed, would be repre-
  • sent the first and second NSW records.
  • Black -winged Petrel, Pterodroma nigripennis Sydney: 1, c. 22 km off Sydney, 27 Apr.,
  • (IMcA,DLa). Illawarra: off Wollongong, 1, 20 Apr.; 7, 21 Apr., (AMcB).
  • Juan Fernandez Petrel, Pterodroma externa 1, off Wollongong, 10 Aug., (AMcB,AEFR), (see
  • TBO 645:99). There are no published, verifiable details of this record which, if confirmed, would be the first NSW and second Australian record.
  • Blue-footed Petrel, Pterodroma cookii 1, c. 13 – 15 km off Sydney, 25 May. (IMcA,DLa). Illawarra: – 2, bet. Wollongong and Jervis Bay, 9 Feb., (AMcB); off Wollongong, 1, 20 and 21 Apr., and
  • 1
  • 27 Oct., (AMcB,CJC). Details only supplied for first report. If all confirmed then represent the 5th,
  • 6th, 7th and 8th NSW records.
  • 1, beachwashed, Ballina, 29 Mar., (GH). Sydney: 1, at
  • Gould Petrel, Pterodroma leucoptera
  • sea, 26 Jan., (AMcB). Illawarra: off Wollongong, 1, 26 Jan., 11, 27 Jan., 3, 24 Mar.; 20 + 20
  • Apr.; (AMcB); 80 – 100 + 21 Apr., (AMcB,CJC); 2, bet. Wollongong and Jervis Bay, 9 and 10
  • Feb., (AMcB); 1, beachwashed South Wollongong Beach, 27 March, (CJC); 1, dead, Boambee
  • Beach, 10 May, (BL). The numbers off Wollongong probably represent part of the post breeding
  • dispersal of the Cabbage Tree Island population, though race of Boambee bird not noted.
  • Slender -billed Prion, Pachyptila belcheri 50 +, <10 km. off Sydney, 27 July, (IMcA). Illawarra:
  • Off Wollongong, 5, 27 July; 3, 28 July; 2, 10 Aug.; 1, 25 Aug., (MJC per AMcB). 1, Green Cape,
  • 22 Aug., (GH). Prior to these reports there have been few observations of birds at sea due to
  • identification difficulties.
  • 1, c. 10 km off Kurnell, 25 May; low numbers reported, 29 June;
  • Fairy Priori, Pachyptila turtur
  • 50+, <10 km. off Sydney, 27 July; 1, beach -washed, Long Reef, 13 July; low numbers observed
  • nr Continental Shelf, off Sydney, 24 Aug., (IMcA).
  • Dove -type Prion, Pachyptila sp.
  • and 5, 21 Sept., (AMcB).
  • Illawarra: off Wollongong, 2, 27 July; 2, 10 Aug.; 20, 24 Aug.;
  • 1, beach -washed, Ballina, 2 Feb., (JI), (see TBO 641). Details
  • Grey Petrel, Procellaria cinerea
  • not supplied or published, if confirmed, this would be the first NSW record.
  • White -chinned Petrel, Procellaria aequinoctialis
  • Details not supplied.
  • Illawarra:
  • 1,
  • off Wollongong, 2 Nov., (AMcB).
  • Black Petrel, Procellaria parkinsoni 2, c. 10 km off Sydney Heads, 27 Apr., (IMcA,DLa). Details
  • supplied. Illawarra: 2, bet. Wollongong and Jervis Bay, 9 Feb.; 1, off Wollongong, 24 Feb., 27
  • Oct., 2 Nov., 3 Nov., 23 Nov. and 24 Nov. (AMcB). Details not supplied.
  • Streaked Shearwater, Calonectris leucomelas 1, Ballina, Feb., (GH). Illawarra: Off Wollon-
  • gong, 1, 27 Jan. and 24 Feb., (AMcB), (see Aust. Birds, 19: 50 – 51); 1, 28 Jan., (MJC), (see TBO
  • 641); 1, beachwashed South Wollongong Beach, 27 Mar., (CJC). Constitute 8th – 12th NSW
  • records.
  • 1
  • ,
  • Abt. 40, bet. c. 5 km off Sydney and Continental
  • Fleshy -footed Shearwater, Puffinus carneipes
  • Shelf, 27 Apr., (IMcA); 1, beachwashed, South Wollongong Beach, 27 Mar., (CJC).
  • Ballina: 1, beachwashed 21 Jan.; 1, 17 Feb., 22 Feb.
  • Buller’s Shearwater, Puffinus bulleri
  • and 10 Mar., (GH). Illawarra: 1, off Wollongong, 24 Feb., (MJC,AMcB), (see TBO 641); 1, on 4 occasions bet. 3 Nov. and 14 Dec., (AMcB). All reports consistent with known occurences.
  • ,
  • Wedge-tailed Shearwater, Puffinus pacificus
  • Sydney: 1, Long Reef, 4 May, (AMcB); Abt. 20,
  • bet. c. 5 km off Sydney and Continental Shelf, 27 Apr., (IMcA); 100+, off Sydney (bet. c. 5 km to beyond Continental Shelf), 24 Aug., (IMcA). All relatively late dates for this species.
  • Fluttering Shearwater, Puffinus gavia Newcastle: 6 + nr mouth of Hunter R., 10 Aug., (IMcA).
  • Regularly sighted between <5 km to Continental Shelf, 25 May; 40 + <10 km. off Sydney, 27
  • July; 100’s, off Sydney (bet. c. 5 km to beyond Continental Shelf), 24 Aug.; 1, In Sydney Harbour,
  • 29 June, (IMcA).
  • ,
  • Hutton’s Shearwater, Puffinus huttoni
  • Sydney: Off Sydney: 10, off Heads, 23 Feb.,
  • (AEFR,AMcB); 2, <10 km., 27 July; 100’s, bet. c. 5 km to beyond Continental Shelf, 24 Aug.,
  • (IMcA); 1, Long Reef, 23 Sept. and 3, 10 Nov., (AMcB). Illawarra: off Wollongong, 10+, 24 Feb.;
  • 3, 21 Apr., (AMcB); 1 – c.200, bet. 10 Aug. and 14 Dec., (AEFR.AMcB).
  • Little Shearwater, Puffinus assimilis
  • 1, beach -washed, Long Reef, 13 July.
  • Sooty Shearwater, Puffinus griseus
  • 1, beach -washed, Illaroo, 5 Dec., (GC). Sydney: Off
  • Sydney: 2, off Heads, 23 Feb., (AEFR); Abt. 40, bet. c. 10 km off Sydney and Continental Shelf,
  • 27 Apr., (IMcA). Illawarra: off Wollongong 10, 23 Nov.; 20, 24 Nov., (AMcB).
  • Wilson’s Storm-petrel, Oceanites oceanicus 6, Seal Rocks, 12 May (HBOC). No known previ-
  • ous records for mid -North Coast. Sydney: off Sydney, 5, 26 Jan.; 20 + 23 Feb., (AMcB); 100’s,
  • widely distributed and all travelling N (from 5+ km off Sydney Heads to beyond Continental
  • Shelf), 27 Apr., (IMcA,DLa). Similar numbers reported by the WA RAOU seabird group at about
  • this time, (see The West Australian, 27 Apr. 1985). Illawarra: off Wollongong, 70 – 80, 21 Apr.; –
  • 1
  • 20, bet. 24 Aug. and 14 Dec., (AMcB). (See also Wood, K., in prep.)
  • Black -bellied Storm -petrel, Fregetta tropica
  • 2, c.32 – 40 km off Wollongong, 21 Sept.,
    (AMcB). Details not supplied or published. Various researchers suggest field recognition, from
    the White -bellied Storm-pretel, Fregetta grallaria, of this species cannot be assured. (See also
    Wood, K., In prep.)
  • Grey -backed Storm -petrel, Oceanites nereis 3, off Wollongong, 27 July, (AMcB). Details not
  • supplied or published, if confirmed, would be the fourth NSW record. (See also Wood, K., in
  • prep.)
  • White-faced Storm -petrel, Pelagodroma marina 1, Ballina, 9 Feb., (GH); 3, c. 15 km off Sydney
  • Heads, and 1, at Continental Shelf, 27 Apr., (IMcA). Illawarra: off Wollongong c.20, 10 Aug.,
  • (AEFR); 5, 24 Aug.; 15, 25 Aug.; 3 – 8, 23 Nov. – 14 Dec., (AMcB); 1, Green Cape, 22 Aug., (GH).
  • (See also Wood, K., in prep.)
  • White -bellied Storm -petrel, Fregetta grallaria Illawarra: Off Wollongong, 1, 26 May, (MJC); 2, 10
  • Aug.; 1, 21 Sept., (AMcB). Details not supplied or published, if confirmed, would comprise the
  • 7th, 8th and 9th NSW records. Various researchers suggest field recognition, from the Black-
  • bellied Storm-pretel, Fregetta tropica, of this species cannot be assured. (See also Wood, K., in
  • prep.)
  • Red-tailed Tropic -bird, Phaethon rubricauda 1, Mount Moonbil, followed very strong SE gales
  • during previous 7 days, 12 July, (BL). Inland records occasionally occur. 1, off Wollongong, 21
  • Apr., (AMcB,CJC).
  • White-tailed Tropic -bird, Phaethon lepturus Coffs Harbour: 1, flying over, March; 16, 25 Sept.,
  • (MLS,SPW), (see Aust. Birds 21:60). Illawarra: 1, beachwashed South Wollongong Beach, 27
  • March; 3 beachwashed birds, Port Kembla Beach, 28 March, (CJC).
  • ,
  • Lesser Frigatebird, Fregata ariel
  • 1, c.10 km off Sydney Heads, 23 Feb.,
  • (AMcB,AEFR).
  • Great Cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo Breeding colonies during year, Shortland and Seaham
  • Swamps (HBOC); Approx. 1000 pairs nesting, Lake Bullogal, January (PM);
  • Pied Cormorant, Phalacrocorax varius 70, roosting in Quibray Bay and Wheeney Bay, 8 Feb.,
  • (AKM); Approx. 5 pairs nesting, Lake Bullogal, January (PM); 1, on pool of snowmelt at c.1750 m
  • on Perisher Valley – Charlotte Pass Rd., 26 Oct. (BD);
  • Little Black Cormorant, Phalacrocorax sulcirostris Breeding colonies during year, Shortland
  • and Seaham Swamps (HBOC); 4 pairs nesting, The Lakes Golf Course, 1 June, (AKM,BV); 1,
  • Coombie Hsd., 8 Aug., was unusual for this locality, (JaH); Approx. 500 pairs nesting, 30 km SW
  • of Booligal, January (PM).
  • Little Pled Cormorant, Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Newcastle: Breeding colonies during year,
  • Shortland and Seaham Swamps (HBOC). Illawarra: 4 – 6 pairs, breeding, Bellambi Lagoon,
  • Wollongong, Oct. ’84 – Mar. ’85 and Nov. – Dec. ’85, (KAW), (Aust. Birds 21: 66 – 69), first breed-
  • ing record for County of Camden. Approx. 1500 pairs nesting, in swamp off Lachlan River, 30
  • km SW of Booligal, January (PM).
  • Australian Darter, Anhinga novaehollandiae 1, Coombie Hsd., 4 – 5 Apr., and again in Oct.,
  • were unusual for this locality, (JaH). Sydney: 6, Towra Point, 25 Jan., (AKM). Illawarra: 2, Nowra
  • SW, 12 Feb.; 1, Numbaa Is., 7 July; 4, Maquarie Rivulet, 7 Oct.; and 1, Bamerang, 21 Nov.,
  • (CJC). These are an unusually large number for this region. Approx. 80 pairs nesting, 30 km
  • SW of Booligal, January (PM).
  • Masked Booby, Sula dactylatra
  • 1, Ballina, 21
  • May, (GH). 5th NSW record.
  • Brown Booby, Sula leucogaster
  • Illawarra: 1, off Wollongong, 23 Mar. (AMcB,CJC); 1, off
  • Windang Is., 30 Nov., (CJC). Reports south of Port Stephens are rare.
  • Australian Pelican, Pelecanus conspicillatus
  • 3000 + pairs nesting, Lake Brewster, Jan. – May,
  • (AKM); Small colony, Martins Is., Five Islands NR, Oct. ’84 – Jan. ’85, (HB,AJL,LES), (see Aust.
  • Birds 20: 61-62); Max. 368, 25 June, and 446, 29 July, Wentworth, feeding on dead or dying
  • Bony Bream, (JH).
  • Pacific Heron, Ardea pacifica
  • Approx. 300 pairs nesting, in 2 swamps near Booligal, January
  • (PM); 1, Faulconbridge, unusual locally, 27 Jan., (AT); 1, flushed from small swamp in heathland,
  • North Head, SHNP, 25 June (AKM); 26, soaring, Narrandera – Jerilderie Rd, 29 Sept., (KH); 2
  • small colonies in Moruya area, Nov. – Dec., (SM), (see Aust. Birds 21:3).
  • Great Egret, Egretta alba
  • Approx. 750 pairs nesting, in 2 swamps near Booligal, January (PM);
  • breeding colonies during year, Shortland and Seaham Swamps (HBOC).
  • Intermediate Egret, Egretta intermedia
  • 1, Coombie Hsd.,
  • Dec., was unusual for this locality,
  • (JaH); Approx. 605 pairs nesting, in 2 swamps near Booligal, January (PM); breeding colonies
  • during year, Shortland and Seaham Swamps (HBOC).
  • 1
  • Little Egret, Egretta garzetta Approx. 12 pairs nesting, in 2 swamps near Booligal, January
  • (PM); breeding colonies during year, Shortland and Seaham Swamps (HBOC); 2, Fivebough
  • Swamp, 14 Dec., not common this area, (KH).
  • Cattle Egret, Ardeola ibis 3, Monkeygar Crk, 25 Nov., (AnL). Newcastle: An estimated 150 –
  • 200, Seaham Swamp, 16 Jan. (AEFR); Shortland and Seaham Swamps colonies bred during
  • year, (HBOC,IMcA); 1200 +, Hexham, 19 Apr. (EF). Sydney: Upto 18, Roses Crk, Dharug NP, 6
  • Apr. – 11 May; 16, St Albans Common, 17 Mar.; 41, Lower McDonald R, 16 Apr.; Upto 41, Gund-
  • erman, 1 May – 21 Aug., (GC); 130+ feeding with Straw -necked and Sacred Ibis, Richmond, 9
  • June (AEFR); 16, Leeton, 16 Sept. then seen regularly in district throughout summer, (KH); 360,
  • at night roost, considered to be the total winter population in the Shoalhaven area, Numbaa, 26
  • May, (JH).
  • Reef Heron, Egretta sacra
  • 1, Station Creek Beach, 30 Mar., (CJC); Black Head: 1, 8 Apr.; 2, 16
  • Apr.; and 2, single birds, 10 Sept., (CJC); 1, Murray’s Beach, 17 Sept., (CJC);
  • NP: 1 – 2, Hazel Dell, 11 Feb. – 18 Mar., first park records, (GC); 1, Homebush Bay, 3 Nov., (SJG);
  • Observations of this species in Parramatta R suggest some improvements are being achieved in
  • water quality and habitat preservation in this area. Illawarra: 1, Comerong Is., 27 May (JH); 1,
  • Nowra Creek, 20 June, (CJC).
  • Rufous Night -heron, Nycticorax caledonicus Approx. 4000 pairs nesting, in 2 swamps near
  • Booligal, January, (PM), an exceptional breeding colony. 1, Fivebough Swamp, 20 and 27 Jan.,
  • (KH); Juvenile bird, Mungo NP, 24 Feb., found dead on 27 Feb., (IMcA).
  • 1, Shortland Swamp, 10 Nov. (HBOC), first record for the
  • Little Bittern, Ixobrychus minutus
  • Wetland Centre; 1, nr Deniliquin, 12 Jan., (CJC); Several pairs heard and seen in Deniliquin area
  • during November (PM).
  • 1, nr Macksville, 24 Mar.; 1, Valla, 3 July, (DS); 1, Hyde Creek,
  • Black Bittern, Dupetor flavicollis
  • 27 Apr. (BL);1, Wyong R., 2 Feb., (AMcB); 1, Bakers Lagoon, 9 Mar., (AMcB);1, immature, Mowll
  • Village, Castle Hill, 27 July, (IMcA). A small number of reports in comparison with recent years.
  • Brown Bittern, Botaurus poiciloptilus
  • 1,
  • Shortland Swamp, 3 Feb. (HBOC); Booming call heard,
  • 4 Jan., Mill Crk, Dharug NP, considered to be from this species, (GC); 1, seen regularly, Kurnell
  • area, 1 – 15 June (AKM); 1, Woolooware Swamps, 3 Aug., (AMcB); 1, Killalea Lagoon, 3 Mar.,
  • (CJC); 1, Shellharbour STW, bet. 26 May and 15 June, (CJC); 1, nr Windang, 16 June, (AMcB).
  • Jabiru, Xenorhynchus asiaticus 3, Tucabia, 3 Apr., (CJC); Numerous sightings in Grafton-
  • Glenugie-Coutts Crossing area, 3 Apr. – 24 Nov., (GC); More sightings this year in Nambucca
  • Valley than prior 5 years; Adult with immature, 7 Oct., (DS); 2, Manning Point, 28 July, (DG); 1,
  • Seaham, 16 Nov. (HBOC).
  • 1, nr Coutts Crossing, 16 Oct., (GC); 1, Macksville, 6 Oct.,
  • (DS); Flock, Armidale, 31 Jan. and 2 Mar., SD); 1, Racecourse Lagoon, 9 Mar., (SD). Newcastle:
  • 18, MInrinl, 22 Jan. (HBOC); 100 +, at temporary surface water bet. Tarro-Hexham-Shortland, 20
  • May (PAB); 1, Tarro, 9 June (HBOC). Sydney: 6, Bushells Lagoon, 23 Feb., (AT); McGraths Hill,
  • Apr., (LJH). illawarra Region: 5, Maquarie
  • 9, 28 Jan., (DSm); 13,9 Feb., (AT); 3, Cattai SRA,
  • Rivulet, 7 Oct., (CJC). Approx. 2000 pairs nesting on Little Wood Hsd., January (PM); 400 – 500,
  • roosting, Fivebough Swamp, Jan. and Feb., (KH); 38, Barham – Moulamein road, 13 Jan. (EBT);
  • 16, ‘Cambria’, 2 Oct., (EBT).
  • Glossy Ibis, Plegadis falcinellus
  • 1
  • White ibis, Threskiornis aethiopica Sydney: Royal Botanic Gardens: c. 20 active nests, 10
  • Sept., (IMcA); cf. around 320 birds and at least 60 active nests were seen in a count lasting just
  • over hour on 26 Sept. (EF); 232, in salt marsh and exposed seagrass beds from Ouibray Bay
  • to Woolooware Bay, (Observer’s highest recorded number), 29 May (AKM).
  • 1
  • Bet. 40,000
  • White Ibis/Straw-necked Ibis, Threskiornis aethiopica and Threskiornis spinicollis
  • and 50,000 pairs nesting on Little Wood Hsd., January. Majority of breeding birds were Straw –
  • necked Ibis (PM).
  • Royal Spoonbill, Platalea regia Approx. 50 oairs nesting, 30 km SW of Booligal, January (PM);
  • c. 50, Longneck Lagoon, 10 Feb., (AT).
  • Yellow -billed Spoonbill, Platalea flavipes Illawarra: 2, Toolajoola, 29 Mar.; 1, Comerong Is., 2
  • June; 3, Albion Park, 16 June; 1, Pyree, 7 July; 1, Comerong Is., 7 July – 31 Aug.; 7, Worrigee
  • Swamp, 10 Oct., (CJC). These are higher numbers than usual for this area. c. 50 pairs nesting,
  • 30 km SW Booligal, January (PM).
  • Magpie Goose, Anseranas semipalmata
  • 13, Waterview Heights, 31 Aug. and 4 Sept., 14, 15
  • Sept.; 18, Cowans Pond, 12 Oct., (GC); 1, Macquarie Marshes, 20 Feb., (AKM); 1, Little Lagoon,
  • 8 Mar., (HH). Newcastle: 4, Seaham Swamp, first reported 10 Jan., stayed in area during re-
  • mainder of year (HBOC,GH,AEFR, AMcB,AKM), (see also Aust. Birds 19: 41-45).
  • Plumed Whistling -duck, Dendrocygna arcuata Recorded near Yalgogrin 7 – 9 Dec. (HH); Dan-
  • gar’s Lagoon: 2, 27 Oct., (AnL); 2, 16 Nov., (HH). Newcastle: 2, Mlnml, 8 Nov. (HBOC). Syd-
  • ney: 111, 3 July, and 105, 31 Aug., Killarney Stud, (IMcA,EF); Approx. 80, just west of Richmond,
  • 24 Sept. (FL). Illawarra: 150, Hazeldeen Hsd 12 Jan., (CJC). Fivebough Swamp: 30, 3 Mar.; 100,
  • 13 Apr., 210, 8 Sept.; 300, 2 Nov.; (KH). 9, Junee STW (unusual In this locality), 26 Apr.
  • (AKM,BV,MC); 2, Cambria Hsd, 25 Dec., (EBT).
  • Wandering Whistling -duck, Dendrocygna eytoni
  • More reports of this species than usual. 14,
  • Uangothlin Lagoon, 23 Sept., (HH); Moonee: 28, 3 Aug., 40, 11 Aug., 33, 5 Oct., (DS); small
  • group, nr Yalgogrin, 7 – 9 Dec., (HH); Dangar’s Lagoon: 2, 20 Oct., (AnL); and 2, 16 Nov., (HH).
  • Port Macquarie STW: 3, 13 Jan., 1, 23 and 27 Dec., (GC). Newcastle: Numerous sightings in
  • Shortland Swamps area throughout year, incl. 7, 3 Jan.; 20, 5 Jan.; 17, 6 Jan.; 20, 8 Jan.; 2, 13
  • Sept.; 7, 22 Oct.; and 2, 3 Nov., (HBOC,GH, MT); 2, Minmi, 9 Nov. (HBOC).
  • Black Swan, Cygnus atratus
  • 1, Coombie Hsd., Feb., was unusual for this locality,
  • (JaH).
  • Freckled Duck, Stictonetta naevosa
  • 32, Sturt NP, 27 Sept. (MS); 20, Lake Bancannia, 4 Sept.,
  • (DSm); 400 – 1000, Yantara Lake, 28 Sept. (PM,GH); Occasional sightings, Nocoleche NR, 3 – 10
  • Oct., (WL); Dangar’s Lagoon: 1 bird, 5 Apr.; 7, 16 Nov.;and 1, 28 Nov., (HH); 1, 2 Nov. (AOR);
  • Pair, 23 Nov., (SD); Newcastle: Numerous sightings during year, including Shortlands Swamp, 3,
  • 19 Apr. (EF); 3, 16 Apr.(DSm); 1, 10 Nov. and 13, 16 Nov. (HBOC); 5, Kooragang Island, 12 May;
  • 10, Morpeth STW. 28 June; 3, Tarro, 7 Sept.; Sydney: 1, Pitt Town, 19 June, 3 and 5 July
  • (IMcA,DLa); 11, Lake Wyangan, 17 Apr.; 15+, near Lake Wyangan, 1 Dec. (EF); 1, Weetawa, 25
  • Feb. (DR); 14, shot at Barren Box Swamp, and a further 9, shot in lower Lachlan swamps on
  • Duck Opening Day, 2 Mar., (AKM); 25, Tupuntil Hsd, 29 June, (JB). Tullakool Saltworks: Bet.
  • 50+ and 200 +, from 6 Jan., gradually declining in numbers until 10 Mar. when last sighting was
  • of a single bird only, (EBT,PM,CJC,AMcB); The 20+ shot at this location on Duck Opening Day,
  • 2 Mar., probably explains the low count on 10 Mar., (GC); Reported from Corowa, 3 Feb., (PSh),
  • (see TBO 639).
  • Cape Barren Goose, Cereopsis novaehollandiae 3, not always together, Minnie Waters, 2 Jan. –
  • 7 Jan. Not known to be escapees but probably so (AKM)
  • Mountain Duck, Tadorna tadornoides
  • recorded on North Coast. Newcastle: 1, Morpeth STW, 10 Jan (HBOC,GH). Sydney: Bushells
  • Lagoon: 3 – 15, 6 Feb. – 10 Mar., 1, 22 Sept., and 1, female, 29 Dec., (AT,AKM,ML,AMcB). 100 +,
  • Fivebough Swamp, 29 Dec., (KH).
  • 1, nr Coutts Crossing, 13
  • Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos
  • and 19 July, (GC).
  • Nov.; Port Macquarie STW: 1, 13 Jan.
  • Grey Teal, Anas gibberifrons 1000 +, Stockton/Kooragang area, 13 Apr. (AEFR); Large influx to
  • Illawarra district during June/July, viz. 1830, Lake Illawarra, 6 July, and 2873, in lower Shoalha-
  • ven R., 7 July, (CJC).
  • Pair, Armidale WVVT Plant, 8 Jan., (HH). Pair with 3 half-grown
  • Chestnut Teal, Anas castanea
  • young, Towra Point NR, 25 Jan., (AKM); 330, Comerong Is., 27 May (JH); Single male, Fivebough
  • Swamp, 6 July, (KH); 2 males, female, Tullakool Salt Works, 13 Jan., (EBT).
  • 1
  • Nambucca Heads STW: 2, 22 June, 2, 2 June;
  • Australiasian Shoveler, Anas rhynchotis
  • Macksville STW: 14, 29 June; 16, 21 July, (DS); Port Macquarie STW: 2, 7 Mar., 10 Mar. and 16
  • May, (GC). Newcastle: Approx. 100, Stockton/Kooragang area, 13 Apr. (AEFR). Sydney: 100+,
  • Pitt Town, 3 July, (IMcA); Female at Dee Why Lagoon, 11 Dec., (FC). Illawarra: 128, Lake Illawar-
  • ra, 6 July; 137, on lower Shoalhaven R., 7 July; and 10, Cecil Hoskins Res., 7 Dec., (CJC); Killa-
  • lea Swamp, 25 and 27 Apr. (AL); Comerong Is.: 53, 11 May; 83, 27 May, (JH); 50, 23 June, (CJC).
  • These are higher numbers than usual for Newcastle and Illawarra regions. 100 + Fivebough
  • Swamp, 8 June, (KH); 131, Mourquong Saline Basin nr Buronga, 27 June, (JH).
  • ,
  • Pink -eared Duck, Malacorhynchus membranaceus Nambucca Heads STW: 8, 25 Apr.; 2, 5
  • May; 1, 2 June; Macksville STW: 3, 29 June; 6 June (DS). Newcastle: Kooragang Is., 2000 + 15
  • Sept., 700 – 800, 7 Oct., (HBOC,AMcB). Sydney: 300 +, Pitt Town, 3 July, (IMcA); 2, Homebush
  • Bay, 9 June, (BD) and 3 Nov., (DSa). Illawarra: 12, Killalea Swamp, 25 and 27 Apr. (AL); 1,
  • Comerong Is., 27 May (JH); 142, Bevans Is., 6 July; 25, Pig Is., 7 July, (CJC); 6, Cecil Hoskins
  • ,
  • Res., 7 Dec., (CJC).
  • Hardhead, Aythya australis Valla: Seen May – Sept., max. 22, 9 Aug.; Macksville STW: Seen
  • most of year, maximum numbers being 56, 29 June and 75, 20 July; 160, Moonee, 3 Aug., (DS);
  • Total of 127, on Mill Pond, Airport Swamp and Eastlakes, June, (AKM,BV); 52, Killalea Lagoon,
  • 6 July; 765, Nowra SW., 7 July, (CJC); 50 +, Fivebough Swamp, 29 Dec., (KH).
  • 1
  • 2, Dangar’s Lagoon, Uralla, 2 Nov., (LJH); 1, Port Mac-
  • Blue -billed Duck, Oxyura australis
  • (GC); 2, Grahamstown Reservoir, 23 June (HBOC);
  • Coast
  • record,
  • quarie STW, 4 May, 1st North
  • 1, Coombie Hsd., 3 Mar., was unusual for this locality, (JaH); 20 + Griffith STW, June, (AMcB); 1,
  • near Lake Wyangan, Dec., (EF); Cecil Hoskins Res.: 5, 7 Dec., and 4, 28 Dec., (CJC); 1, (fe-
  • male), Comerong Is., 21 May, (CJC); 1, shot, Tullakool Salt Works, 19 Jan., (EBT).
  • Osprey, Pandion haliaetus
  • July. Limb collapsed and new nest built in a tree nearby (10 metres away); Breeding, nr Old Bar,
  • 28 July, (DG). Newcastle: Lake Macquarie (Eraring) 1, 20 Sept.; Bird observed attending nest, 6
  • Jan., (Blackalls) 1,4 May (HBOC); Pair at nest, S. Newcastle, 25 June., (GC). Illawarra: 1, Mur-
  • ray’s Beach, 22 June, (CJC). 1, on Mirool Crk, 8 July, an unusual inland record, (JB).
  • Black -shouldered Kite, Elanus notatus
  • Blue Mtns: 1, Faulconbridge, 1 July; 1, Springwood, 28
  • July, considered unusual this area, (AT); Over 100, seen bet. Leeton and Coleambally, 20 July,
  • 54 of which were in one rice stubble paddock nr Coleambally, (KH).
  • Letter -winged Kite, Elanus scriptus
  • 1, with approx. 80 Black -shouldered Kites, 20 km N
  • Conargo, during mouse plague, 2 Feb. (PM).
  • Crested Hawk, Aviceda subcristata
  • 3, Forest Top, Border Ranges NP, 4 Oct.; Coutts Cross-
  • ing: Single birds, 25 Oct. and 3 Nov., (GC); Pair, Jacana Hsd Clarenza, 13 May (AKM, EW).
  • Newcastle: Nesting, Stockrington, Feb., (KI), (see TBO 651); at least 9 reports, – 2, bet. 8 June
  • and 11 Aug. from Seaham, Lemon Tree Passage, Blackbutt Reserve and Gwandalan, (HBOC).
  • 1, nr Ourimbah SF, 30 Nov., (IMcA). Sydney Region:
  • adult, Middle Dural, 13 Aug., (HR). Winter
  • records for Hunter/Sydney regions are unusual.
  • 1
  • 1
  • Black Kite, Milvus migrans
  • 1, near Little Lagoon, 17 Jan., (HH); 1, Armidale, 6 Oct., (SD); Five
  • sightings in Leeton/ Griffith area during year, viz. 3 Mar., 15 June, 9 July (9,),
  • 27 Sept. and 30 Nov., (KH); 1, 12 km W of Bathurst, 19 Feb., (IMcA); Pair bred in Wanganella
  • area, during Sept. First known breeding record for area (PM); 1, Howlong, 1 Jan., (JS), TBO 639;
  • Four single sightings in Barham area during year, viz. 17 Jan., 10 Mar., 12 Mar. and 15 Apr.,
  • (EBT).
  • Square -tailed Kite, Lophoictinia isura 1, Chaffin Swamp nr Tucabia, 16 Jan.; 1, approx. 15 km N.
  • of Armidale, early Feb., (SD); Probably same bird seen over Armidale, 15 Mar., (HH); Pair, nested
  • in Baradine area, nest failed, 13 Sept. -29 Nov., (DJ);
  • 1, Lee Crk, Wollemi NP., 31 Jan., (GC); 1, Kooragang Is., 6 July (HBOC,AMcB); 1, 5 km SE of
  • Capertee, 28 Jan., (IMcA); 1, Leeton, 13 Feb., (KH); 1, Eurragobah nr Booligal, 3 Mar., (GC); 1, nr
  • Pigeon House Mtn., 4 Jan. (IMcA); 1, Cootamundra, 10 Sept., (JB).
  • Black -breasted Kite, Hamirostra melanosterna Sturt NP: 1 adult, Sept. (MS); 2 seen and a pair
  • reported as nesting, 27 Sept., (PM,GH). 2 separate sightings along NSW/SA border S. Hawker
  • Gate, 26 Sept., (PM,GH); 1, Narran Lake Hsd., 22 Sept., (AnL); Occasional sightings, Nocoleche
  • NR, 3 -.10 Oct., (WL); 1, Harparary Hsd, 31 Jan. (DR); 1, dark phase bird being harassed by
  • Black Kite, Milvus migrans, Wiliandra NP, 25 Aug.,(LJH); 1, c.20 km N. Rylstone, 9 Nov.,(AMcB).
  • Black Kite, Milvus migrans, Willandra NP, 25 Aug., (LJH); 1, c.20 km N. Rylstone, 9 Nov., (AMcB).
  • A good year for reports of this species.
  • Brahmlny Kite, Haliastur Indus
  • 1, flying over Manning R., 28 July, (DG); 1, Immature, S.
  • Bonny Hills, 17 May, (GC); unusual these areas.
  • Whistling Kite, Haliastur sphenurus
  • Bobbin Head, 29 Sept., (EF).
  • Adult seen feeding 2 young along Grosvenor Track, nr
  • 1, South Turramurra, 31 Aug., (DLa); First record for
  • Brown Goshawk, Accipiter fasciatus
  • South Head, SHNP, 20 Jan., (AKM); Noted at Fivebough Swamp, only on 23 Feb. and 23 June,
  • (KH).
  • Collared Sparrowhawk, Accipiter cirrocephalus
  • Tasman Sea nr Green Cape, 9 May, (KH).
  • Grey Goshawk, Accipiter novaehollandiae
  • 1,
  • 1,
  • East Wahroonga, 3 Aug., (EF); 1, over
  • Barham, (PD), (see TBO 651).
  • 1, nr Ballina, 27 July, (F&RS), (see TBO 647:123); 1,
  • Red Goshawk, Erythrotriorchis radiatus
  • Born Born SF, 18 Aug. (DG,SD); seen at Burringbar Gap, 2 Dec., (SG). Note that this species is
  • clearly an endangered species in NSW and as such is in urgent need of strong, positive conser-
  • vation action.
  • White -bellied Sea -eagle, Haliaeetus leucogaster 1, Guy Fawkes R. valley, 11 – 21 Apr., (KM),
  • (Aust. Birds 20: 44 – 47); 1, Dumaresq Darn, 24 Feb., (HH); 1, adult, Tala Lake, 30 Aug. (AKM); 1,
  • Immature, Homebush Bay, 9 June, (BD); 1, flying bet. Darling Harbour and McMahon’s Point, 24
  • Oct., (IMcA).
  • 2, Beacon Hill, 29 Jan., (LJH); Not common at Fivebough
  • Wedge-tailed Eagle, Aquila audax
  • Swamp, with sighting confined to 2, on 26 May and 1, on 28 Sept., (KH).
  • 1, nr Central Mangrove. 13 Mar.; 1, Roses Crk, Dharug
  • Little Eagle, Hieraaetus morphnoides
  • NP, 19 Apr., (GC). Sydney: 1, Bernera HSD, Hoxton Park, 22 Jan., 3 Feb., and 21 Apr., may have
  • bred here; 1, South Turramurra. 11 Aug., (DLa). Illawarra: 1, Shoalhaven Heads/Berry area, 24
  • Mar., (AKM). Generally scarce, Leeton area throughout year, (KH).
  • 1, immature bird, Ebor, 24 Mar., (SD); Pair quartering
  • Spotted Harrier, Circus assimilis
  • paddock nr Moorland, an unusual location, 18 May, (AKM); 1, Royal NP, 13 Sept. (AOR); 2, over
  • wheat stubble, Tully’s HIII, 28 Apr.; 1, Fivebough Swamp, 8 June, considered an unusual record,
  • (KH).
  • 1, Sturt NP, 27 Sept.; 1, Tibooburra, 27 Sept.; 1, Carypundy
  • Black Falcon, Falco subniger
  • Swamp, 28 Sept., (GH); 1, Lake Bancannia, 4 Sept., (DSm); 2, seen bet. Coleambally and Conar-
  • go, 17 Sept.; 1, Westward Downs Hsd, 25 Sept.; 1, Carroll, 4 Apr.; 1, Tamworth, 29 July, (SD); 1,
  • Seaham Swamp, 13 Apr., (CJC); 1, nr Yanga Lake, 27 Feb., (IMcA); Single birds, 60 km NW. Grif-
  • fith, 16 Feb., (JB); Pair courting, C Lake Hsd, 14 June, (JH); 1, Tupuntll Hsd, 29 June, (JB); 1,
  • approx. 10 km. W. Cowra, 28 Nov. (EF); 1, Lake Urana, 5 Sept., (AKM). A good spread of re-
  • cords for 1985.
  • Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus
  • 7
  • Oct.
  • and
  • 6 Dec., (GC); 1, 6 km SW of Merriwa, 18 Dec., (IMcA);
  • 5
  • Sept.,
  • Birds,
  • Single
  • Crossing:
  • 1, Widden Valley, Wollemi NP, 31 Jan., (GC); 1, Port Macquarie, 27 Dec.; 1, Bonny Hills, 19 July,
  • (GC); Sydney: Dharug NP: Frequently seen, 21 Apr. – 11 Aug., (GC); 1, McGraths Hill, 8 Dec.,
  • (IMcA); 1, Baulkham Hills, 24 Oct. (GG); 2, East Wahroonga, 4 Feb. (EF); 1, South Turramurra, 16
  • Feb., 7 Apr., 6 Sept., (IMcA); 1, from 10th floor of North Sydney office block 6 different dates
  • during year (AEFR); 1, flying over Sydney Domain, 12 Jan., and 1, from Centrepoint Tower, 20
  • Nov., (IMcA,DLa); 1, Wentworth Park, 23 Jan., (DLa); 1, flying bet. York St. buildings, Sydney, 26
  • Sept., (RMo); 1, on Sydney Harbour Bridge, 29 June, (IMcA,DLa); 1, South Head, SHNP, 6 Apr.
  • and 5 May, AKM); Juvenile at fresh kill (= Little Pied Cormorant), Towra Point NR, 25 Jan., (AKM);
  • Lake Wyangan, 8 July, (JB); 2, Shepherds Hill Quarry, 12 Mar., (JB); Considered resident in
  • Cocoparra NP, (KH); Fivebough Swamp: 1, 10 Mar., successfully fended off Swamp Harrier and
  • Brown Falcon from Grey Teal kill; 2, 22 June, (KH); Pair, nest with 3 eggs, Mootwingee NP, 5
  • 1,
  • Sept., (DSm); Nesting pair, The Rock NR, 6 Sept., (AKM); 1, near Barham, 9 Mar., (EBT).
  • Australian Hobby, Falco longipennis
  • 1, at The Gap,
  • first known record for SHNP, 14 Feb.,
  • (AKM).
  • Pair observed near Tibooburra during Sept. (PM); 1, Wilbrig-
  • Grey Falcon, Falco hypoleucos
  • gie, 12 Sept. (ER); 1, nr NSW/SA border in Scotia Country mallee, 22 Sept., (GH).
  • 1, Wittenbri SF, 24 Sept.; 1, nr Yearinan, 24 Sept., (ER); 1,
  • Mallee-fowl, Leipoa ocellata
  • Coombie Hsd., 26 Apr., in very burnt mallee area, (JaH); 1, Pulletop NR, 30 Nov. and 2 Dec.
  • (EF); Disused mound and fresh tracks found in mallee vegetation Lock Lily Hsd September
  • ,
  • (PM,GH); 1, Mallee Cliffs NP, where considered extremely rare, 9 Nov., (JH).
  • Brown Quail, Coturnix australis
  • Regularly recorded during year in short heath, North Head,
  • SHNP, (AKM).
  • 4+, Diggers Camp, 24 Nov., 2, Red Rock, 26 Dec., (DG); 1
  • King Quail, Coturnix chinensis
  • male, Valla, 3 and 13 Dec., (DS); 1, male, Harparary Hsd, 10 Mar. and again on 27 Aug. (DR).
  • 3, caught and banded, Minnie Water, 18 Dec., (DG); 1,
  • Painted Button -quail, Turnix varia
  • Gloucester Tops NP, 12 Jan., (HBOC); 1, Round Hill NR, 27 Apr., (CJC); 1, Bethungra SF, 28
  • Apr., (AKM); 2, caught and banded, Pampoolah, 27 July, (DG); 4, Sackville Lagoon, 28 July (EF);
  • 1, McClymonts Crossing, Scheyville, 29 Dec., (AKM, ML); 1, in tall heath, Dobroyd Head, 23
  • June, (AKM); 2, Pulletop NR, 30 Nov. (EF).
  • Little Button -quail, Turnix velox Adult with 4 well -grown young, Minnie Water, 18 Dec., an
  • unusual location but observer is quite familiar with most quail, (DG); min. 5, Fowlers Gap, 8
  • Sept., (DSm); 2, Conargo, 11 Jan., (CJC).
  • Red -chested Button -quail, Turnix pyrrhothorax 6, seen 20 kms Booligal, 2 Jan. (PM); reported-
  • ly numerous In Wanganella/Conargo areas, incl. adults with young, during Jan. and Feb.
  • (PM,CJC); 1, Conargo, 11 Jan., (CJC); 1, Lake Bancannia, 4 Sept., (DSm); 1, nr SA border in
  • mallee area known as Scotia Country, 22 Sept., (GH).
  • Chukar, Alectoris chukar 1, (probable escapee), Martins Creek, 25 Nov. and several other
  • observations this locality (HBOC).
  • Plains -wanderer, Pedionomus torquatus 7, Conargo, 11 Jan., (CJC); Present in good numbers
  • throughout year in Wanganella/ Conargo areas. Nest and small young found on 27 Dec. (PM).
  • Banded Landrail, Rallus philippensis The following records broadly indicate the species NSW
  • range. 1, Lake Zot, 26 Oct., and another, 3 kms. N. of Armidale, same day, (HH). Sydney:
  • Dharug NP, frequently seen, Jan. – Aug., (GC); 6, Bushells Lagoon, 23 Feb., (AT); 1, Lindfield, 10
  • Feb. (WB); 1, Deepwater Park, 27 Dec., (DSm). Illawarra: 1, (road -killed), Bendeela, 29 Dec.; 1,
  • Bamerang, 5 Jan.; 5, Why Juck Bay, 28 Jan.; 4, Culburra, 2 Feb., (CJC). 1, Willandra Billabong,
  • 30 Aug., (LJH); Adult with half grown young observed 20 km N Booligal, Jan., (PM); 6, in about
  • 12 ha. of rice fields (i.e. 1,:2 ha.), 12 km S. Griffith, 1 May, (JB); 1, Fivebough Swamp, 13 Jan.,
  • (KH); 1, Wentworth STW, 30 Sept., (JH); 1, Cambria Hsd, 31 Jan., and 1, c. 25 km. from Barham
  • on Moulamein road, 5 June, (EBT).
  • Lewin’s Rail, Rallus pectoralis 1, Geebung Munmorah SRA, 23 Mar., (EF,IMcA); Several birds,
  • Dudley 8 May (HBOC); Dharug NP: Frequently recorded, 7 Jan. – 23 Aug., (GC,AMcB); 1.
  • heard, Shaws Creek, 10 June, (AMcB); 1, Towra Point NR, 2 Nov., (SBr).
  • ,
  • Jan. (HBOC); Up to 5, Killalea Lagoon,
  • 1, Shortland Swamps,
  • Marsh Crake, Porzana pusilla
  • 14 Jan. -Mar., (CJC); 2, in about 20 ha. of rice fields (i.e. 1,:10 ha.), 10 km S. Griffith, May, (JB);
  • 1, Fivebough Swamp, 13 Jan., (KH); 1, 25 km E. Deniliquin, 12 Jan., (CJC).
  • 1
  • 1
  • Spotted Crake, Porzana fluminea 2, 10-15 km S. of Uralla, 24 Mar (HH); at least 3, Dangar’s
  • Lagoon, 5 Apr.(HH); 1, Harparary Hsd, 24 Jan. (DR); 2, Shortland Swamps, 6 Jan. (HBOC); – 2,
  • St. Albans Common, 24. Feb., 26 Feb. and 26 Mar., (GC); 2, Deepwater Park, 27 Dec., (DSm).
  • Illawarra: Up to 5, Killalea Lagoon, Jan., (CJC); 2, Windang, 5 – 14 Mar., (CJC); 3, Broughton Crk,
  • 2 Sept., (CJC); Single birds at Kully Bay, and at Killalea Lagoon, 16 Aug., (CJC). Often seen,
  • Fivebough Swamp, 13 Jan. to 20 July, (KH); Wanganella: 6, 12 Jan., (CJC); 1, 22 June, (AMcB);
  • Present in numbers in Dareton area, mid -Jan. to Apr., with max. 29, seen at any one time, (JH);
  • 1
  • Max. 9, Finley SW, 26 Apr., (AKM).
  • 1, Lake Cargelligo, 29 Nov. (EF); 1, Shortland Swamps, 19
  • Spotless Crake, Porzana tabuensis
  • Jan. (HBOC); 1, under mangroves at Hazel Dell, Dharug NP, 26 Mar., (GC); 1, Woolaware,
  • Feb., (AMcB); 1, 25 km E. Deniliquin, 10 and 12 Jan., (CJC).
  • 1
  • Only 4, seen, same place, 19 Oct. and none seen
  • Black -tailed Native -hen, Tribonyx ventralis
  • for remainder of year, (KH); 1, Harparary Hsd, 11 Apr. (DR); Large parties, Coombie Hsd.,
  • through Apr. and May. A few birds reappeared in Sept.. Not seen this locality since 1983, (JaH);
  • 300 + Lake Cargelllgo, 26 Apr., (CJC); Over 500, Fivebough Swamp, 13 Jan. with 250 – 400,
  • remaining through year unil early Sept.; Small invasion during second week of Jan. with good
  • numbers remaining present until end Aug., Dareton area, up to 250, seen at any one time, (JH).
  • Brolga, Grus rubricundus
  • vised in area since ‘late 1984’, (DS); Groups of 3, 2 and 2 resp., northern sections of Macquarie
  • Marshes NR, 20, 21 and 25 Nov., (AnL); 3, Lake Ballyrogan, 22 Feb.; 3, Banar Lake, 22 Feb.; 7,
  • Lake Cullivel, 24 Feb.; and 25+, 8 km E. of Darlington Point, 26 May, (JB); 2, Fivebough Swamp,
  • 13 Apr., (KH); Pair, Jerilderie, 5 Sept., (AKM).
  • Numbers observed in all parts of NSW during the year represent
  • Bustard, Ardeotis australis
  • the largest numbers recorded for many years. These include: 3, 35 km NE. Coonamble; 4, 15
  • km. NE. Coonamble, June -July, (DJ); 1, Greenthorpe, July; 2, nr Collie, 11 July; 9, Bywanah
  • Hsd, Dandaloo, 11 July, (TK); 2, Currawan Hsd, Tooraweenah, June -July, (DJ); 1, Wemabung
  • Crk., 4 Oct., first for area since mid -1950s, (HAJ); 1, near Narromine, Nov.; a number of birds
  • reported as having been sighted near irrigation channels in Trangie area earlier in the year (BS);
  • 2, White Cliffs area, 5 Jan., (RA), (see TBO 639); 1, 20 km Lake Cargelligo, 8 – 9 June; 1, c.30 km
  • N. Carathool, 6 July, (JaH); 1, 35 km N. Griffith, 10 and 15 June; 1, 60 km NW. Griffith, 15 June; 1,
  • 30 km N. Griffith, 19 June; 2, South Bri Bri Hsd, June – Sept., breeding attempt suspected from
  • behaviour; 2, Gunbar Hsd, mid -Aug. to mid. -Oct.; and 1, Merri Merrigal Hsd, 21 July and 9 Sept.,
  • (JB); 1, Blue Plains, 15 June, feeding on broken ground in stubble paddock where trees had
  • been pulled and stumps and branches being burnt, (KH); 1, bet. Marsden and Caragabal, 13
  • Sept. (ER); 1, Fan Ban Hsd, 4 May (JH).
  • 1
  • 1, Coombie Hsd., 3 Mar., was unusual for this locality, (JaH); 550, lower
  • Coot, Fulica atra
  • Shoalhaven R., an unusually high number in this locality, 7 July, (CJC).
  • Lotusbird, Jacana gallinacea
  • 14, Tucabia, 3 Apr., (CJC); 6, 10-15 km. E. Grafton, 28 Apr.
  • (HH); 2, Dorroughby, 15 Sept., (DSm).1, Bushells Lagoon, 20 Oct., (TL).
  • Bush Stone -curlew, Burhinus magnirostris Pair, nest with 2 eggs, 4 km N. Pilliga, 11 Sept.,
  • (JA); 4, Riley’s Island, Feb., (JW, MCa); 2, adj. Sturt Highway, c.100 km. E. Hay, 27 Aug. (AH);
  • Nest with 2 eggs, Barham Lawn Cemetery, 18 Jan., (EBT).
  • Beach Stone -curlew, Esacus magnirostirs
  • Reported from all known regular sites, viz: 2, Clar-
  • ence Estuary, Feb., (JM); 2, Nambucca Heads, Feb., (DS); Red Rock Estuary: 3, 30 Mar., (CJC);
  • 2, 6 Sept., (AT); Up to 3, incl. runner, 20 Oct. – 7 Dec., (GC).
  • Painted Snipe, Rostratula benghalensis
  • 2 – 3, Bushells Lagoon, 13 – 19 Jan., (AMcB); 4, on
  • swamp 20 km N Booligal, Jan., (PM); 25, on wetlands in Urana District, 18 Nov., (AKM), (see TBO
  • 648).
  • Pied Oystercatcher, Haemotopus ostralegus 8, and nest with 2 eggs, Brunswick Heads, 12
  • Nov., (RMo); 18, Shark Beach, 16 May, (AKM); 1, Woody Head, 31 Mar.; 1, Diggers Camp, 16
  • Jan.; 1, Illaroo, 4 Dec.; – 3, Red Rock, 20 Oct. – 8 Dec., (GC). Botany Bay: Recorded through-
  • out year Incl. nesting pair (1 egg), max 20 birds on 17 Apr., Towra Point NR,
  • (PDa,ADR,AKM,RMo,BD). Recorded at Comerong Is., all year with a max. of 21, 7 July, no nest-
  • ing reported In this locality during the year, (CJC); Reported at Moruya, 23 – 26 Feb. (ADR).
  • Sooty Oystercatcher, Haemotopus fuliginosus 2, Brunswick Heads, 12 Nov., (RMo); 21, Woody
  • Head, Feb., (JM); 4, Diggers Camp, 16 Jan., 5, Wooli, 16 Jan. and 31 Mar., (GC); 2, Station Crk.,
  • 30 Mar., (CJC); – 2, Red Rock Estuary, 6 Sept., 18 and 22 Nov., (AT,GC). Sydney: 15, Long
  • Reef, Feb., (FC); 1, Nielsen Park, SHNP, Oct., (AKM, Aust. Birds 20:73); 12, Boatharbour, 4 June,
  • 1
  • (AKM).
  • Illawarra: 8, Bellambi Point, 1 June, (CJC); 14, Black Head, 8 Apr., (CJC).
  • Banded Plover, Vanellus tricolor 30 + Retreat, 16 Nov. (HH); 1, Merriwa, 7 Oct. (HBOC).
  • Newcastle: Kooragang Is., several birds, 5 Jan.; 11, mid -Sept. (HBOC). Sydney: Richmond Air
  • Base: 12, 3 July, 7, 30 Aug., (IMcA,EF); 25, Baker’s Lagoon, Feb., (RB,AC,JF); 6, Camden Air-
  • port, 17 Nov., (DLa); 10, Bankstown Airport, 28 Feb., (GC); Pair, vicinity of Malabar Treatment
  • Sept. (HLB); 1, Botany Bay, 3 Aug., (AMcB). 12, Fivebough Swamp, 30 Mar.; 2, same
  • Plant,
  • place, 13 July, (KH). Illawarra: 12, Pyree. 15 Dec., (CJC).
  • ,
  • 1
  • 2, Ballina, Feb., (JM); 1, Nambucca Heads, 30 Nov., (DS).
  • Grey Plover, Pluvialis squatarola
  • Newcastle: 1, Kooragang, 15 Sept, (AMcB); 1, Swansea, 7 Sept., (CJC). Illawarra: 1, Windang,
  • 21 – 26 Sept., (CJC); 1, Comerong Is., 19 Jan. and 2 Mar.; 10, 29 Sept. – 30 Nov., (CJC). 3, Tulla-
  • kool Salt Works, 24 Nov., first record for this area, (EBT).
  • of American form, Ballina, 22 Nov., (GH); 15,
    Lesser Golden Plover, Pluvialis dominica
    Tyagarah, Apr., (RMo); 226, Clarence Estuary, Feb., (JM). Newcastle: 220, Kooragang Island,
    Feb., (HBOC). Sydney: 66, Parramatta R., Feb., (BM); 134, Botany Bay, Feb., (JPe,AKM,PDa).
    Illawarra: Present all year, Shoalhaven Heads-Commerong Is., max. 150 +, 23 Mar., and 172 +
    29 Dec., 3, over -wintered, (CJC,AKM). Earliest return: 2, Koona Bay Lake Illawarra, 24 Sept.,
    Macksvilie: 5, 16 Feb.; 3, 29 June; 3, 7 Sept., 1, 16
    Red -kneed Dotterel, Erythrogonys cinctus
    Oct., (DS); Newcastle: Large numbers, Shortlands Swamp, 23 Mar. (EF); Stockton/ Kooragang,
    March -May, max. 63, 13 Apr., (AEFR,GH). 1, St. Albans, 24 – 26 Feb., (GC). Sydney: 35 +
    McGraths Hill; 20, Pitt Town, 28 July (EF) 4, Mason Park Homebush, 13 July, (BD).. Present all
    year, Fivebough Swamp, with max. 141, 10 Mar., (KH). Illawarra: 1, on flood -water, Dunmore, 26
    May (JH); 1, Saltwater Swamp, 7 July, (CJC); 153, Fletcher’s Lake, Feb., (JH); 80, Dry Lake,
    Feb., (KH); 99, Menindee/Cawndilla Lakes, Feb., (JS).
    Hooded Plover, Charadrius rubricollis
    Aug., (GH).
    4, Bherwerre Beach, 22 June, (CJC); 5,
    Disaster Bay, 22
    Mongolian Plover, Charadrius mongolus 304, Clarence Estuary, Feb., (JM); 171, Richmond R.
    Estuary, Feb., (JM); Max. 32, Comerong Is., 19 Jan., (CJC). Latest Sighting: 30, Comerong Is., 2
    Mar., (CJC).
    Early records for 1985 season: 1, immature bird,
    Double -banded Plover, Charadrius bicinctus
    North Botany Bay, 3 Feb., (AKM); 1, Wlndang, 24 Jan.; 1, Comerong Is., 19 Jan., (CJC). Latest
    Sightings: 4, Wlndang, 25 Aug.; 12, Comerong Is., 31 Aug., (CJC); 2, N. Botany Bay, 31 Aug.,
  • (RMo). Other reports: 4, Red Rock Estuary, 6 Sept., (AT); 10, North Haven, 19 July, (GC); Max.
  • 149, Botany Bay, 29 June, is higher than usual, (AKM); 2, Long Reef, 24 Mar.; Max. 100, Come-
  • rong Is., 23 June, (CJC); Fivebough Swamp: Single birds, 10 Mar., 23 June and 3 Aug.; 3, 6 July,
  • (KH); 1, The Lakes Beach, 6 Apr.,(IMcA); 1, Corowa, 22 Apr., (JTh), TBO 643:75).
  • Large Sand Plover, Charadrius leschenaulti 38, Richmond R., Feb., (JM); 1, Long Reef, 13 Jan.
  • (FC); 1, Boat Harbour, 17 Dec. (AOR); 1, Comerong Is., 19 Jan., (CJC).
  • Oriental Plover, Charadrius veredus
  • 1,
  • North Botany Bay, 12 Jan. – 3 Feb., (AMcB,AKM,DSm).
  • 5295, Yantara Lake, Feb., (JHo); 200 + Lake Ban-
  • Red -capped Plover, Charadrius ruficapillus
  • cannla, 4 Sept., (DSm); 75, North Botany Bay, 20 May, is the highest winter count in this area for
  • many years (AKM); Comerong Is.: 170, 2 Mar. and 195, 7 July, the latter being the highest known
  • local count (CJC); 300, Dry Lake, 16 Feb., (KH); 1200, Tullakool Salt Works, Feb., (PD).
  • ,
  • Inland Dotterel, Peltohyas australis 14 adults and 2 runners, Fowlers Gap, 1 – 8 Sept., (DSm); 1,
  • Coombie Hsd., 25 Apr., was unusual for this locality, (JaH); 1, 20 kms N of Booligal 15 Jan. (PM);
  • 2, 20km N of Conargo 20 Apr. (PM).
  • Pied Stilt, Himantopus himantopus 1205, Hunter Wetlands, Feb., (HBOC); 270, Dry Lake, (KH);
  • 10, Dunmore, 26 May; 634, Mourquong Saline Basin, 27 June, (JH); 250, Fivebough Swamp, 23
  • Nov., (KH); 860, Tullakool Salt Works, Feb., (PD).
  • Banded Stilt, Cladorhynchus leucocephalus
  • bird, Mourquong Saline Basin, Feb., (JH); 166,
  • Fletchers Lake, 14 Feb., (JH); 4, 19 Jan., and 5, 9 Feb., Tullakool Salt Works, (PM).
  • 1
  • Red -necked Avocet, Recurvirostra novaehollandiae
  • 300 + Lake Corooran, 25 July (DR); 1, on
  • beach at Bunjalung NP, 17 May, (AKM); 1, Lake Bancannia, 4 Sept., (DSm); 1, 20 km SE. Narra-
  • bri, 28 June, (DR); 1, Dangar’s Lagoon, 24 May, (HH); 2000 + Wilcannia, 31 Aug. Newcastle:
  • Still present all year at Kooragang Is., max. 1200 +
  • Sept., (HBOC,AMcB,GH). Sydney: 1, at
  • Curl Curl Lagoon, 20 April (NM,FC). Illawarra: 12, Comerong Is., 11- 18 May, (CJC). 12, Lake
  • Merimbley, 27 Apr., (AKM); 400, Tongo Lake, Feb., (MM); 340, Olepoloko Lake, Feb., (MM); 11,
  • Wentworth Swamp, 16 Feb. (HBOC); Present all months except May, bird, Fivebough Swamp,
  • max. 35, 20 Jan.; 89, Dry Lake, (KH); 454, Tullakool Salt Works, Feb., (PD); 541, Mourquong
  • Saline Basin, 27 June, (JH). The Bundjalung NP and Curl Curl records are of note while num-
  • bers in the Hunter Estuary continue to increase.
  • ,
  • ,
  • ,
  • 1
  • Turnstone, Arenaria interpres
  • 1, Lake Salisbury, 11 – 14 Oct., (WL); 3, Cape Byron, 3 Apr.,
  • (RMo). Sydney: 65, Long Reef, Feb., (FC); Botany Bay: 86, Feb., (JPe, AKM, PDa); Fivebough
  • Swamp: 1, 19 Oct.; 2, 2 Nov., considered very scarce at this location (KH); 1, Fletcher’s Lake, 20
  • Sept. (PM). Inland records, other than Fletchers Lake (which is a regular site), are rare.
  • Eastern Curlew, Numenius madagascariensis
  • Newcastle: 418, Port Stephens, Feb., (HBOC);
  • 310, Kooragang Is., Feb., 1 Sept. and
  • Dec., (HBOC, AMcB); 650 +, Stockton Bridge, 12 Jan.,
  • (AEFR). Sydney: 216, Botany Bay, Feb., (JPe,AKM,PDa); several birds, Careel Bay, 15 and 20
  • May (JP); Illawarra: Comerong Is.: 170, 19 Jan.; 123, 15 Dec., (CJC). Observations of c. 1500
  • birds bet. Port Stephens and Comerong Is. is consistent with reports in recent years.
  • Whimbrel, Numenius phaeopus 52, Clarence Estuary, Feb., (JM); 22, Macleay R. Estuary, Feb.,
  • (DS); 145, Pelican Is Port Macquarie., Feb., (RDr). Newcastle: 60 +, Kooragang, Dec., (AMcB).
  • 63, Towra Point NR, 29 May, (AKM). Sighting of several birds nr Deniliquin during Sept.
  • (PM,GH), represents 3rd Inland record for NSW. 25, South Head, Moruya Estuary, Feb., (SM).
  • 1
  • Observation of 2 birds, Wentworth Swamp, 10 Jan.
  • (HBOC,GH), is the 5th record for County of Northumberland and first for that county away from
  • Kooragang Is. Sydney: – 3, Bakers Lagoon, 2 – 21 Feb., (AC,JF,AMcB).
  • Little Curlew, Numenius minutus
  • 1
  • 1, Casino, 20 Oct., (GH); 1, Morpeth, 30 Dec., (GH). The
  • Wood Sandpiper, Tringa glareola
  • Griffith-Leeton area appears to be the most regular NSW site for this wader with 1985 reports of
  • Dec. (EF); and Fivebough Swamp: A few birds
  • 1, on small swamp near Lake Wyangan,
  • through year, i.e. 4, in Feb., 5, in Mar., 2, in Apr., and – 2, from 18 Aug. to Dec., (KH).
  • 1
  • 1
  • Grey -tailed Tattler, Tringa brevipes 114, Richmond R. Estuary, Feb., (JM); Brunswick Heads,
  • Apr., (RMo); 120, Clarence R. Estuary, Feb., (JM); 69, Botany Bay, Feb.,
  • 12, 29 Mar.; 20 +
  • (AKM).
  • ,
  • 1
  • 1, Woody Head, Feb., (JM). Sydney: Long Reef, 1, 3 Feb.,
  • Wandering Tattler, Tringa incana
  • (IMcA) and 1, 10 Nov., (AMcB). 1, in breeding plumage, Windang, 13 – 23 Mar., (CJC).
  • 5, Salisbury Lake, Feb., (MM); 1, Westward Downs
  • Hsd, 25 Sept., (GH); 6 Cawndilla Creek and Channel, Feb., (JS); 1, Red Rock Estuary, 20 Oct.,
  • (GC); Stockton: 1, 23 Mar. (EF); 1, 29 Mar., (CJC); 1, Werri Swamp, 16 Apr., (CJC).
  • Single birds reported at Kooragang and
  • Asiatic Dowitcher, Limnodromus semipalmatus
  • Common Sandpiper, Tringa hypoleucos
  • Stockton, (possibly the same individual), 6 – 28 April (AMcB,TRL,HBOC,AEFR,CJC,AKM).
  • Second NSW record, (see Aust. Birds 20: 91).
  • 2, Port Macquarie, Apr., (DG); 561, throughout Hunter Wet-
  • Greenshank, Tringa nebularia
  • lands, Feb., (HBOC). 1, Coombie Hsd., 10 Jan., is unusual for locality, (JaH); Fivebough Swamp:
  • 25, 6 Apr.; Up to 11 at one time, Oct. -Dec., (KH); 55, Comerong Is., 7 Apr., (CJC); 55, Shoalha-
  • ven Heads, 23 Mar., (AKM); 30 +, Windang, Oct. -Dec., with max. 36, on 18 Dec., (CJC); Report-
  • ed at Moruya, 23 – 24 Feb. (ADR);
  • Marsh Sandpiper, Tringa stagnatilis Occasional sightings, Lake Salisbury, 50, Feb., (MM,JHo);
  • 11 – 14 Oct., (WL); 277, Hunter Wetlands, Feb., (HBOC); 7, Lake Wyangan, 5 July, (JB); 70 +, on
  • small swamp near Lake Wyangan, Dec. (EF); 4, Fivebough Swamp, 18 Aug., rising to summer
  • peak of 56, In Dec., (KH); 1, Comerong Is., 22 Oct., (CJC); Tullakool Salt Works: 4,6 Jan. and 2,
  • 10 Mar., (EBT); 110, 11 Jan., (CJC); and 112, Feb., (PD); 50+, 24 Nov., (EBT). Numbers record-
  • ed In NSW each year continue to rise.
  • Terek Sandpiper, Tringa terek
  • Estuary, Feb., (JM); 1, Nambucca Heads, 13 Oct., (DS); 16, Botany Bay, 17 Apr., (AKM); 1,
  • Windang, 18 Dec., (CJC).
  • Japanese Snipe, Gallinago hardwickii First for season, Coutts Crossing, 17 Sept., (GC). 79,
  • Hunter Wetlands, Feb., (HBOC). 3, St. Albans, 24 Feb.. Sydney: 1, Dubbo Gully, 17 Feb., (GC);
  • 42, Hawkesbury Wetlands, Feb., (JMI,AC,GC,JF); 13, Eastlakes Golf Course, 6 Mar., (AKM); 27+,
  • Deepwater Park, 27 Dec., (DSm). 1, Fivebough Swamp, 20 Oct. was only 1985 record, (KH).
  • Black -tailed Godwit, Limosa limosa Newcastle: 800 – 3000, Kooragang Is., Jan. – Feb., and
  • rising from c.100 on Sept. to 4000 on 9 Nov. before declining to around 2000 on 1 Dec.,
  • (HBOC, AEFR,AMcB). The Hunter Wetlands is the most important NSW site NSW for this spe-
  • cies. Sydney: 3, Pitt Town, 31 Aug., (AMcB). Illawarra: Comerong Is., 5, 2 June -7 July; 1, 30
  • Nov., (CJC). Inland records: bird (almost taken by Black Falcon), Westward Downs Hsd, 25
  • Sept., (PM,GH). 1, Fivebough Swamp, 20 Oct. only 1985 record, (KH); 7, Tullakool Salt Works, 24
  • 1
  • 1
  • Nov., (EBT).
  • Hudsonian Godwit, Limosa haemastica 1, Kooragang Is., 5 Jan. and 7 April (HBOC,AMcB).
  • Note: Although many people have seen this species at this location, no published details of such
  • sightings exist. The above reports probably represent the 3rd and 4th NSW records. All same
  • bird?
  • Bar -tailed Godwit, Limosa lapponica 700, Clarence R. Estuary, Feb., (JM). Newcastle: Bet.
  • 2000 and 4000, Kooragang Is., Jan. – Feb., and 3000 – 4000, 1 Sept. – 1 Dec., (HBOC,AMcB).
  • Sydney: 534, Botany Bay, Feb., (JPe, AKM, PDa). Illawarra: Numbers at Comerong Is., viz.
  • max. 440 on 19 Jan. and max. 272 on 7 July, considered to be much lower than previous years,
  • (CJC).
  • Red Knot, Calidris canutus 160, Clarence R. Estuary, Feb., (JM). Newcastle: Kooragaong,
  • c.400, 15 Sept. and 9 Nov., (AMcB).Sydney: 220, North Botany Bay, 19 Oct., (AKM). Illawarra:
  • Comerong Is., 5, 11 May; 1, 23 June; 114, 29 Sept., (CJC). 1, Fivebough Swamp, 13 Oct., (KH).
  • Great Knot, Calidris tenuirostris
  • 15, Clarence R. Estuary, Feb., (JM). Sydney: Towra Spit: 2,
  • 25 Jan.; 1, 8 Feb. (AKM); 2, off Penrhyn Rd., Botany, 3 Feb.; 1, 19 Oct., (AKM). Illawarra: 8,
  • Comerong Is., 29 Sept., (CJC).
  • Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Calidris acuminata 6266, Yantara Lake, Feb., (MM,JHo,DL); 14, Lake
  • Bancannia, 4 Sept., (DSm). 157, Towra Point NR, 2 Nov., (AKM), a large number for this site.
  • Max. 1000, Fivebough Swamp, Jan., (KH); 635, Olepoloko Lake, Feb., (MM); 690, Fletchers
  • Lake, 14 Feb., (JH); 800, Tullakool Salt Works, Feb., (PD).
  • Pectoral Sandpiper, Calidris melanotus
  • Newcastle: 1, Shortland Swamps, 8 Jan.; 1, Grahams-
  • town Lake, 11 Jan., (GH); 1, Wentworth Swamp, 13 Jan. (HBOC); 1 – 2, Stockton/Kooragang
  • area, 13 and 14 Apr. and 1 Dec., (AEFR,HBOC,AMcB,IMcA); 3, Morpeth, 27 Dec., (GH). Sydney:
  • Bushells Lagoon, 1, 19 Jan.; 2, 6 Feb.; and 1, 22 Sept., (AMcB). Fivebough Swamp: Up to 3,
  • from Jan. – Apr.; 1, 29 Dec., (KH); Max. 2, at Tullakool Salt Works, through Jan. and Feb.,
  • (EBT,PM). Numbers of this species continue to increase. This may reflect an improved ability by
  • observers in identifying the species.
  • 4, Lake Bancannia, 4 Sept., (DSm); 369, Botany Bay, Feb.,
  • Red -necked Stint, Calidris ruficollis
  • (JPe, AKM,PDa); 409, Comerong Is., 15 Dec., highest count for year, (CJC); 408, Fletcher’s Lake,
  • Feb., (JH).
  • Long -toed Stint, Calidris subminuta
  • Dec., (KH).
  • 1,
  • on many occasions, Fivebough Swamp, 26 Oct. – 14
  • Curlew Sandpiper, Calidris ferruginea 47, Yantara Lake, Feb., (MM). Kooragang Is., 1900,
  • Feb., and 4000 9 Nov., (HBOC,AMcB). 14, Botany Bay, 31 Aug., (RMo). 100, WIndang, 18 Dec.,
  • an unusually high number for this locality, (CJC). 158, Tullakool Salt Works, Feb., (PD).
  • Sanderling, Calidris alba
  • 40, Richmond R. Estuary, Feb., (JM).
  • 2, Ballina, 22 Jan., (GH). Newcastle: Kooragang
  • Broad -billed Sandpiper, Limicola falcinellus
  • Is., 2, 21 Jan., 1, Feb. and 9 Mar. (HBOC); 3, Stockton, 23 Mar. (EF). In this area, numbers have
  • declined since the early 1970’s when up to 180 birds could be seen. Sydney: 1, Botany Bay, 12
  • Jan. and 10 Mar., (AMcB).
  • Single male, Fivebough Swamp, 17 Nov. until 29 Dec., (KH);
  • Ruff/Reeve, Philomachus pugnax
  • Up to 2 Ruffs and 1 Reeve at Tullakool Salt Works, from 13 Jan. to 18 Feb., (EBT,PM,AMcB).
  • 41, Dry Lake, 16 Feb., (JB,KH); 1, Fivebough Swamp, 7
  • Australian Pratincole, Stiltia isabella
  • Oct., (KH); 74, on freshly tilled arable paddock, nr Whitton, 27 Apr., (KH); 1, Hay SF, 24 June,
  • (AMcB).
  • Great Skua, Stercorarius skua
  • (See also Wood, K., in prep.)
  • Off Sydney: 1, c. 10 km, 25 May; 2, <10 km, 27 July, (IMcA).
  • Arctic Jaeger, Stercorarius parasiticus
  • 20 + off Sydney Heads, 23 Feb., (AEFR). (See also
  • ,
  • Wood, K., in prep.)
  • Pomarine Jaeger, Stercorarius pomarinus
  • also Wood, K., In prep.)
  • About 50, off Sydney Heads, 23 Feb., (AEFR). (See
  • 1, Ballina, 9 Feb., 22 Feb. and 24 Feb., (GH).
  • Long-tailed Jaeger, Stercorarius longicauda
  • 20 +, seen regularly from Wollon-
    Sydney: About 20, off
    gong to Jervis Bay, bet. 27 Jan. and 21 Apr.; 5 – 8, off Wollongong, bet. 27 Oct. and 14 Dec.,
    (AMcB). (See also Wood, K., in prep.)
  • Silver Gull, Larus novaehollandlae
  • Continental Shelf, 29 June, (IMcA).
  • Large numbers reported at sea (very flat) off Sydney out to
  • 3 immature plumaged birds, Long Reef, 4 April (FC); No records
  • Pacific Gull, Larus pacificus
  • for Windang this year, (CJC); 1, Comerong Is., 27 May (JH).
  • Sydney: 1, off Penrhyn Rd., Botany, 17 Dec. and 30 Dec.,
  • Kelp Gull, Larus dominicanus
  • (AOR). Illawarra: Present all year, Windang, max. 9, 25 May, (CJC); 2 immature birds, Windang,
  • 19 Jan (DD); 9, Bellambi Point, July, (CJC).
  • 1
  • 1st NSW record and 3rd Aust. record: off Wollongong, a first
  • Sabine’s Gull, Larus sabini
  • winter bird moulting to 1st summer plumage, 23 Mar. (AMcB,CJC,PSL,TR), (refer Aust. Birds
  • 21:89-90). 1, same area, 30 June, possibly same bird as on 23 Mar., (AMcB,CJC). (2nd NSW
  • record and 4th Aust. record., see Aust. Birds, 21:91-92).
  • 1, Macksville, 30 Dec., (DS); Flock of 17, seen bet.
  • Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida
  • Hexham and Tarro, 20 May (PAB); 5, Windang, 27 Sept., (CJC); Fivebough Swamp: Massive
  • influx, more than 2000, 21 Sept. yet all had departed by 22 Sept.; 120, 29 Dec., (KH); 500 +
  • Tullakool Salt Works, 11 Jan., (CJC).
  • ,
  • White -winged Tern, Chlidonias leucoptera 1, Station Crk., 9 Nov., (DS); 1, Nambucca Heads, 5
  • Jan. and 22 Feb., (DS); 7, Lawrence, 21 Apr., (GH). Newcastle: Approx. 150, Grahamstown
  • Reservoir, 9 Feb. (HBOC), the largest number ever recorded in NSW. 1, Kooragang Is., 10 Mar.
  • (HBOC). Illawarra: Windang, 1, Jan. – 24 May, (CJC); 1, 9 – 22 Dec. and 8, 29 Dec., always In
  • association with Little Terns, Sterna albifrons, (CJC).
  • 1
  • Small numbers, Poon Boon Lakes, 31 Aug. – 4 Sept.
  • Gull -billed Tern, Gelochelidon nilotica
  • (AKM); 17, Stockton Bridge, 12 Jan. (AEFR); Group of c. 60 and another of c 40,
  • Stockton/Kooragang area, 13 Apr. (AEFR); 1 – 4, Comerong Is., 19 – 23 June, usually considered
  • rare In this area, (CJC); Only 2, Dry Lake, 16 Feb., (KH); 1, 65 km. W. of Hay, 27 Feb., (IMcA);
  • Approx. 600 pairs nesting, in three colonies, at Tullakool Salt Works, during Jan. (PM,CJC);
  • again nested same area during Dec., with 22 runners counted on 22 Dec., (EBT).
  • Caspian Tern, Hydroprogne caspia 1, Lake Corooran, 25 July (DR); small numbers, Poon Boon
  • Lakes, 31 Aug. – 4 Sept. (AKM).
  • Brunswick Heads: 3, 29 Mar.; 1, 1 Apr., (RMo); 1, Black Rock
  • Beach, 17 May, (AKM), a late date. Departure date, Nambucca Heads: 14 Apr.; Arrival date: 28
  • Sept., (DS). Sydney: Approx. 340, Botany Bay., 9 March, (BD); 5, Clovelly, roosting In car park
  • during heavy storm, 13 Oct., (RMo); 4, Broadmeadow, 29 Oct., (BD).
  • Common Tern, Sterna hirundo
  • Illawarra: Off Wollongong, 1, 21 Apr., (AMcB); 1, 25 May, (MJC),
  • (see TBO 643:76); 1, 27 July, (AMcB); 1, 10 Aug., (AEFR,AMcB); and 3, 21 Sept., (AMcB).
  • Arctic Tern, Sterna paradisaea
  • 1, nr Bradleys Head, 27 Apr., (IMcA); 5, Murray’s Beach, 22
  • White-frbnted Tern, Sterna striata
  • June (CJC); 1, <10 km. off Sydney, 27 July; also seen c. 15 km. off Sydney and nr. Continental
  • Shelf, 24 Aug., (IMcA)
  • Little Tern, Sterna albifrons
  • Brunswick Heads: 3, 29 Mar.; 4, Apr., (RMo); 7+ pairs bred, Red
  • Rock, Nov. – Dec., 11 runners banded, 7 Dec., (GC); Departure: Nambucca Heads: 25 May.
  • Arrival: 15 Sept.; Bred here, (DS); Max. 258, Windang, 7 Dec., (CJC).
  • 1
  • $r’nty Tern, Sterna fuscata 1, off Long Reef, 9 Feb., (IMcA); 1, off Sydney, 23 Feb., (AMcB).
  • Bet. 1 and 4, off Wollongong, 27 Jan., 24 Feb., 20 Apr., and 14 Dec., (AMcB).
  • Common Noddy, Anous stolidus
  • Black Noddy, Anous minutus
  • 1, Cape Byron, 29 Mar.,
  • 1, Ballina, 15 and
  • (RMo).
  • 17 Feb., (GH).
  • Grey Noddy, Procelstema albivittata Ballina: 1, 25 Jan. and 11 Feb., (GH); Sydney: 1, possibly
  • 2, off Sydney Heads, 23 Feb., (AEFR,AMcB). Illawarra: off Wollongong – Jervis Bay, 3, 9 and 10
  • Feb.; 9, off Wollongong, 24 Feb., (AMcB).
  • White Noddy, Gygis alba
  • 1, Ballina, 8 Mar. and 21 May, (GH); 1, found exhausted after heavy
  • rain, Dorrigo, 21 Feb., (SGL), (see Aust. Birds 20:94). 1, off Wollongong, 12 Dec., (AMcB).
  • Rose -crowned Fruit -Dove, Ptilinopus regina Illawarra: 1, immature, Bass Point, 20 Aug. – 1
  • Sept.. (CJC). Second record for County of Camden.
  • Superb Fruit -Dove, Ptilinopus superbus
  • Single birds, feeding on blackberries, Kiah, 29 Mar.
  • (LS).
  • Wompoo Fruit-Dove, Ptilinopus magnificus
  • 1, found dead, Plum Scrub, Port Macquarie, Oct.,
  • (GC). Sydney: 1, feeding in rain -forest remnant, Collaroy, 11 Aug. (SB); 1, feeding on Blue Berry
  • Ash berries, Elaecarpus reticulatus, Collaroy Plateau, 9 Sept. (AM). Probably the same bird.
  • Second and third records for County of Cumberland.
  • Topknot Pigeon, Lopholaimus antarcticus
  • 10+, Iluka NR, 4 Aug., (DG); 1, in Camphor Laurel
  • at South Grafton, 12 Nov., (DG); 20+, Pappinbarra FSC, 22 June, (DG). Newcastle: 8, Blackbutt
  • Reserve, 28 July; 5, 26 Oct., (HBOC). Up to 100, McBrides Beach area, and c.5, Elizabeth
  • Beach area, 5 Sept. (AEFR); 1, Ourimbah SF, 23 Mar., (IMcA). Sydney: Westleigh, max. c.50, 9
  • Mar., (AEFR).
  • White -headed Pigeon, Columba leucomela
  • Newcastle: Numerous reports throughout year, of
  • between 1 and 8, from various suburbs, esp. nr Blackbutt and Glenrock Reserves, (HBOC); 1,
  • Ourimbah SF, 23 Mar., (IMcA); Sydney: Regular sightings, usually 1 – 6, max. 40+ (on 10 Sept.),
  • Beecroft, along Devlins Creek/Lane Cove River area of South Turramurra, East Wahroonga, Killa-
  • ra, Lindfield and East Roseville, 17Mar. – 19 Oct., (BD,EF,HR,MH, IMcA,DLa). Reports and
  • numbers In from Sydney Region appear to be increasing.
  • Spotted Dove, Streptopelia chinensis1, Tamworth, 24 Mar., (AnL).
  • Collared Dove, Streptopelia decaocto1, Boambee, 18 Jan., probable escapee, (BL).
  • Brown Cuckoo -dove, Macropygia amboinensis Numerous reports, of or 2, from various
  • Newcastle suburbs, esp. near Blackbutt and Glenrock Reserves, and from East Maitland,
  • throughout year (HBOC); – 6, regularly seen or heard along Devlins Creek and in South Turra-
  • 1
  • 1
  • murra, (BD,EF,IMcA).
  • Peaceful Dove, Geopelia placida
  • 1, Cardiff, 4 Mar. (? possible escapee) (HBOC).
  • Diamond Dove, Geoplelia cuneata 4, Lake Bancannia, 4 Sept.; 2, nr Nuchea Lake, 7 Sept.,
  • (DSm); 5, along Lake Cargelligo – Rankin Springs Rd., 29 Nov. (EF); Barham district: 1, 31 Jan.;
  • 2, 10 Mar.; and 1, 10 Nov., (EBT); Pair, Lake Eucumbene, 13 Mar., (DLi; 1, Tabletop Mtn. Fire
  • Trail, 24 Mar. (ML).
  • Pair, observer’s first record for area, 15 km. S.
  • Bar -shouldered Dove, Geopelia humeralis
  • Merriwa, 14 – 18 Dec., (IMcA). 1, Bulga, 5 Dec., (DSm). Reported as unusually abundant in the
  • Budgewol/Lake Munmorah area, Including an adult accompanied by a juvenile, 23 Mar. Num-
  • bers considered to have increased quite significantly In the area during the past 2 years (EF).
  • Sydney: 1, North Head, SHNP, Oct., (AKM) and 4 Nov., (GG), (see Aust. Birds 20:74); 2, in dune
  • scrub, Towra Point NR, 29 May. and 26 June, (AKM). These birds appear to be resident, cf. 1984
  • Report.
  • Common Bronzewing, Phaps chalcoptera 68, Grono Farm Rd., 28 July (EF).
  • Brush Bronzewing, Phaps elegans Sydney: Beacon Hill, 1, 30 Jan.; 3, 9 Aug.; 2, 15 Aug., (LJH).
  • 1, Manly Dam, 29 Oct., (DS). Few recent records for Sydney Region.
  • Emerald Dove, Chalcophaps indica Single birds, Blackbutt Reserve, Kotara, during April and on
  • 13 Aug. (HBOC); 1, Cooranbong, mid -June (HBOC); 1, Byrell Crk., 13 Sept., (DSm).
  • Crested Pigeon, Ocyphaps lophotes Numerous coastal sightings reported from Oland border
  • to Sydney, incl. regular reports on long-established, small population along Hawkesbury R., in
  • vicinity of Dharug NP, (GC); Breeding, South Turramurra, 7 July, (IMcA); Up to 16, throughout
  • year, at feed station in Chatswood garden; First sighting, Falconbridge, 3 Feb., of a single bird.
  • Since that date, sightings have been regular and included observations of more than one bird.
  • Flock Pigeon, Phaps histrionica
  • 1, Yantara Lake, 28 Sept., (PM,GH).
  • Wonga Pigeon, Leucosarcia melanoleuca
  • 20:74).
  • 1, Ashton
  • Park, SHNP, Oct., (AKM, (see Aust. Birds
  • Glossy Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami 4, Coutts Crossing, 11 Dec., (GC); 2, Arrawar-
  • ra, 12 May, (AKM); 3, Station Crk., 3 Mar., (CJC); Nambucca Heads: Up to 29 separate Individuals Identified, by plumage, during year; Juvenile being fed by adults, Aug.; Seen at Valla, Bellin-
  • gen, Urunga and Scott’s Head, bet. Jan. and June, (DS); Pair, 8 km N. of Lees Pinch, 18 Dec.,
  • (IMcA). Sydney: Small numbers, Dharug NP, Jan. – 20 Aug., max. 6 on 10 Jan. and 25 June;
  • 1 +, Wrights Crk., 12 Feb.; 1+, Spencer, 13 Feb., 1, nr Gunderman, 5 May, (GC); 3, nr Appletree
  • Bay, 2 June, (IMcA); Cowan Creek: 1, 30 June, and 3, 28 Sept., (BD). 3, Little Smoky Mtn., 22
  • July (GN); 2, Tully’s Hill, 23 Apr.; 2, Mt. Misery, 5 May, (KH).
  • 1
  • Yellow -tailed Black -cockatoo, Calyptorhynchus funereus Sydney: Westleigh, several occasions
  • between 12 May (3,) and 21 Aug. (c. 20), (AEFR); 4, East Wahroonga, 9 June (EF); 6, South
  • Turramurra, 3 Aug., (DLa); 3, 17 Aug., Pymble, (RMo). 50+, Bellanglo SF, 30 June, (CJC).
  • Small numbers, Dharug NP, Jan. – Aug.,
  • Gang -gang Cockatoo, Callocephalon fimbriatum
  • Max. 10 + at Dubbo Gully, 17 Feb., (GC). Sydney: 2, Devlins Creek/Lane Cove River area of
  • South Turramurra, 2 Jan., 12 Jan., 3 Aug., 14 Sept., 24 Nov.; 2, Kissing Point Road, South
  • Turramurra, 3 Nov., (DLa); 6, Campbelltown, 23 Oct. (AJ). 2, The Rock NR. 2 Apr., (JB) – an
  • exceptional record although occasionally recorded in winter nearby at Wagga Wagga and Liv-
  • ingston SF.
  • ,
  • Reported from many coastal and hinterland districts from Kyogle
  • Galah, Cacatua roseicapilla
  • that this species is clearly well established east of the
  • indicating
  • throughout
  • year,
  • to Sydney,
  • Great Divide, (GC).
  • 1, Tyalgum, probable ex-avairy, 13 Sept., (DSm); 1,
  • Long -billed Corella, Cacatua tenuirostris
  • Gunderman, probable ex-avairy, 18 Aug., (GC); 6, Tullakool, 18 Feb., (GC); 60 +, feeding on
  • grain spilled on road nr Deniliquin township, 26 Apr., (AKM), consistent with NSW occurrences.
  • 1, Tyalgum, probable ex-avairy, 13 Sept., (DSm); 7, Harpa-
  • Little Corella, Cacatua sanguinea
  • of Boggabri, 8 Sept. (DR); Sydney: 80 + McGraths Hill,
  • NE.
  • rary Hsd 7 June, and 17, c.l0kms
  • 29 Dec., (AKM); 2, in Hoop Pine, Royal Botanical Gardens, 2 Jan. (DD); 8, 5 Mar., 1, 17 June; 14,
  • 18 July; 1, 3 Aug.; 2, 19 Oct., East Wahroonga – Turramurra, (EF,IMcA). 35, Kooraleigh, 31 Aug.
  • (AKM); 2, Seven Mile Beach, Sept. – Nov., (CJC).
  • ,
  • ,
  • Small flock, just S. of Nyngan, 19 Feb., (IMcA); 2, Bogan
  • Pink Cockatoo, Cacatua leadbeateri
  • 5 Sept., (DSm); Pair, attending nest, nr Nuchea Lake, 7
  • NP,
  • 2,
  • Mootwingee
  • (DSm);
  • R., 31 Aug.,
  • Sept., (DSm); 1, Yelkin SF, 29 Nov. (EF); 2, Kyalite, 2 Sept. and 2, Penarie, 4 Sept. (AKM); 80,
  • Tarrara Hsd, 13 May; seen regularly In the area bet. Dareton and Ivanhoe (300 km), throughout
  • year with max. 35, on 27 Aug., (see also Aust. Birds 21: 104); throughout year at Dareton, with
  • max. 18, at one time, (JH); 68, Buronga, 5 Feb., (IMcA).
  • Sulphur -crested Cockatoo, Cacatua galerita Nambucca Heads: Seen sporadically, usually 2 – 3,
  • throughout year (since Christmas 1983); Valla: recorded in Mar., and May – Sept., (DS); Lower
  • June; hundreds, 10 June and 13 July; 250 + 21 July,
  • McDonald R.: 170 + 27 Apr.; 400 +
  • ,
  • ,
  • 1
  • ,
  • (GC).
  • 20 + feeding on flowering Forest Redgum, bet. Tabbi-
  • Musk Lorikeet, Glossopsitta concinna
  • Up
  • to 14, present, East Wahroonga, bet. 20 Mar. and 12
  • (AKM);
  • 14
  • May,
  • mobile and Woodburn,
  • Apr. (EF).