Vol. 23 No. 4-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 23 No. 4

Journal of the
Volume 23, No.4 June 1990
President P.Davie
Vice -President S.Fairbairn
Secretary R.Hill
Treasurer R.Morrow
Assistant Secretary N.Maxwell
Minutes Secretary J.Ironside
Activities Officer A.O.Richards
Conservation Officer E.Karplus
Editor, Australian Birds A.K.Morris
Production, Aust. Birds R.Browne
Editor, Newsletter T.Karplus
Records Officer R.M.Cooper
Committee Members J.Melville
The object of the club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and the
habitats they occupy.
Annual subscription rates of the Club (due October each year) are:
Adult Member $25.00
Junior Member (up to 17 years) $10.00
All members recieve a newsletter and a copy of the quarterly journal ‘Australian Birds’. The
price of the journal is $5.00 plus postage per issue to non members. Club badges are
available to club members at $2.50 or $3.00 if posted. The club holds a meeting and a field
excursion each month.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary and all membership fees
should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer at: PO Box C436, Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000.
Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor at: Wombat St, Berkeley Vale NSW 2259.
Volume 23,(4) June 1990
This report, the seventeenth annual NSW Bird Report, summarises the more significant
observations of birds in New South Wales during the 1986 calendar year, i.e. from 1 January to
31 December 1986.
The aims of the NSW Bird Report are:
to record reports of observations of species
accidental or rare to NSW;
to record observations which more precisely
define the normal distributions of the birds
within NSW; and
to record observations which may indicate
changes in species’ numbers, frequency, range
or movements.
Page 68 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4The changes introduced to the format of the annual Bird Report in 1985 were well
received by members and other readers. Accordingly, these changes have been retained here.
There are three main variations from pre -1985 reports.
Firstly, observations are not presented within the 17 defined state regions but the
general format does follow a north -south pattern.
Secondly, each Report is accompanied by a Location Guide (Appendix 2) to assist
readers with more accurately establishing the general location of reported observations. To
save space, the 1986 Guide contains only locations not previously reported though it is
envisaged that a comprehensive guide will be included with Reports from time to time. The
Guide is not complete and would welcome more precise information on any location for future
Thirdly, only the person(s) reporting a particular observation is mentioned in the
Systematic List. All persons notified as having been present at the time of observation,
however, are included in the List of Contributors (see Appendix 1).
Judging from the observations submitted, 1986 appears to be a year in which changes
in species’ numbers, range and movements were very noticeable. Readers will find reports of
large or unusually large populations, range extensions and new area/locality records, etc. On
the other hand, seabird records are considerably down on 1985 but do include the 1st
Australian record of the nominate race of the Yellow -nosed Albatross.
As requested in the 1985 Bird Report, I would appreciate it if each contributor would
submit records in taxonomic order and, then, in regional order within each species (the regions
are shown in Fig. 1, Aust. Birds 20:98). It would be a great help too if you could clearly define
the location of each observation. This will simplify the whole report preparation process, save
considerable production time and enable reports to be produced on a more timely basis.
My thanks to Alan Morris for his information, advice and patience with the preparation of
this report.
R.M. Cooper, RMB 374C Howlong Road, Splitters Creek via ALBURY 2640.
June 1990 Page 69SYSTEMATIC LIST
Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae
1 Iluka NR 10 Dec (DPa); 2 just N. Jerusalem Creek, Bundjalung NP 22 Nov; 3 adults, 4
young, Pillar Valley, MacLean 9 Dec (DG). 1 male, 9 half-grown young, Burrendong
SRA 4-5 Dec (DSm), introduced here in 1985, now free -ranging.
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus
Several Maitland STW through out year (HBOC). Southern Tablelands: 4 Wingecaribee
Res 11 May (ELC).
Hoary -headed Grebe P. poliocephalus
8 N. Botany Bay 21 Jun (RB); 400+ Why Buck Bay, Lake Illawarra Jun (CJC). Both
observations unusual winter records, higher number than usual for Lake Illawarra.
Northern Royal Albatross Diomedea epomophora sanfordi
1 off Wollongong 25-26 Oct (DF, TBO 660:02).
Wandering Albatross D. exulans
Observation of 2 off Swansea (45km SE) 5 Oct (HBOC), represents a late record. Off
Wollongong, 2 on 26 Jan (AEFR), an early date for this species.
Black-browed Albatross D. melanophrys
6 off Redhead (12km E) 10 May; 3 off Swansea (45km SE) 5 Oct (HBOC). Early and late
dates for Hunter Region.
Grey -headed Albatross D. chrysostoma
1 washed ashore Mona Vale 5 Aug taken to 200 fathoms and released on 12 Aug
(AKM). 5th County of Cumberland record.
Yellow -nosed Albatross D.c. chlororhynchos
Off Wollongong 24 Aug (MJC, TBO 657:100). First Australian record of nominate race.
Shy Albatross D. cauta
1 beachwashed Curl Curl 8 Aug (LJH).
Buller’s Albatross D. bulleri
Off Wollongong 28-29 Jun (MJC, TBO 657:100). Consistant with known occurrence.
Sooty Albatross Phoebetria fusca
Report of 2, 2-3 km off Moruya Heads 2 Aug (RjD), (no details supplied).
Southern Giant -petrel Macronectes giganteus
1 washed ashore Store Beach, SHNP 9 Aug, taken to Taronga Park for rehabilitation
Northern Giant -petrel M. haffi
Crookhaven Heads 22 Jun (CJC).
White -necked Petrel Pterodroma cervicalis
1 off Wollongong 26 Jan (AEFR), 3kms offshore in 150 fathoms. 11th NSW record, is
consistent with previous records.
Providence Petrel P. solandri
2 Crookhaven Heads 22 Jun (CJC).
Tahiti Petrel P. rostrata
1 SE of Ballina (at 55 fathoms) 7 Dec (GH); 1 off Wollongong 15-16 Feb (MJC, TBO
Page 70 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4Great -winged Petrel P. macroptera
2 off Swansea (45km SE) 5 Oct (HBOC); c.30 off Wollongong 26 Jan (AEFR); 1
beachwashed Port Kembla 8 Aug (CJC).
Black -winged Petrel P. nigripennis
1 off Wollongong 26 Jan (AEFR), 11 km offshore at 57 fathoms.
Gould’s Petrel P. leucoptera
40+ off Wollongong 26 Jan (AEFR), mostly beyond 30 km offshore; 13 on 15-16 Feb
(MJC, TBO 651:26).
Antarctic Prion Pachyptila desolata
beachwashed Curl Curl 8 Aug (LJH); 2 beachwashed Garie Beach, Royal NP 12 Aug
(ARMcG). Illawarra: 1 off Wollongong 24 Aug (MJC, TBO 657:100); 2 beachwashed
Port Kembla 8 Aug; 1 beachwashed same place 9 Aug (CJC). More records than usual
for August.
Slender -billed Prion P. belcheri
1 beachwashed Ballina 15 Sep (GH), first north coast record. Illawarra: 1 beachwashed
Port Kembla 8 Aug (CJC), 7th County record. (Note: There have been few acceptable
observations of birds at sea due to identification difficulties.)
Westland Petrel Procellaria westlandica
Kororo Bay, Coffs Harbour 28 Dec (SGL), 7th NSW record and 2nd Northern Rivers
Black Petrel P. parkinsoni
off Wollongong 15-16 Feb (MJC, TBO 651:26) and 25-26 Oct (DF, TBO 660:02),
consistant with known occurrences i.e. Oct -Feb.
Pink -footed Shearwater Puffinus creatopus
fed off Wollongong 22 Mar (DF, Aust. Birds 22.87-88; TBO 653:50).
Fleshy -footed Shearwater P. carneipes
c.500 off Wollongong 26 Jan (AEFR), large flock.
Buller’s Shearwater P. bulleri
1 Ballina 15 Sep (GH); 4 off Wollongong 26 Jan (AEFR), 1 on 25-26 Oct (DF, TBO
660:02). off Green Cape (60 fathoms) 8 Jan (GH). More observations each year.
Wedge-tailed Shearwater P. pacificus
Two records of birds blown ashore viz. 1 Shortland 5 May and 1 Kotara Hts 7 May
Fluttering Shearwater P. gavia
100+ off Swansea (45km SE) 5 Oct (HBOC).
Hutton’s Shearwater P. huttoni
2 off Wollongong 26 Jan (AEFR).
Little Shearwater P. assimitis
1 beachwashed Ballina 4 Jun (GH); 1 beachwashed Austinmer Beach (CJC); 1 off Port
Kembla 15 Aug (DSt).
Wilson’s Storm -petrel Oceanites oceanicus
2 off Swansea (45km SE) 5 Oct (HBOC).
White-faced Storm -petrel Pelagodroma manna
10+ off Seal Rocks 3 Sep (HBOC); 20+ off Swansea 5 Oct (HBOC); 2 off Wollongong
26 Jan (AEFR).
June 1990 Page 71Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus
63 nests Pelican Is, Wallis Lake 2 Mar (DT). 33 pairs nesting Five Islands NR Sep (CJC).
Whilst this species has been known to breed at Pelican Is for some years, the Five
Islands NR record represents only the second known coastal breeding site in NSW.
Brown Booby Sula leucogaster
1 Ballina 1 May (GH); 1 immature off Swansea 5 Oct (HBOC). Consistant with known
Australian Darter Anhinga melanogaster
3+ pairs breeding Woodford Is, Clarence R with 4-5 nestlings present 7 Mar; 1 female
on nest Carrs Is, near Grafton 15 Nov (GC). First breeding records for Northern Rivers.
Black -faced Shag Leucocarbo fuscescens
25-32 Twofold Bay 5-8 Jan (GH). An extraordinary number and 3rd NSW record.
Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo
Bred Shortland during year (HBOC); 430 Windang 10 Jul (CJC), a large concentration.
Pied Cormorant P. varius
Nesting colony Woolooware Bay 60+ nests 26 May and 38 nests on Nov (PRR). First
nesting in Botany Bay since 1939.
Little Black Cormorant P. su/cirostris
Bred Shortland during year (HBOC); 6 Lake Northam, Broadway, Sydney, 4 Nov (AWC),
a very unusual location. c.500 pairs nesting Torry Plains, Balranald, 9 Dec (JB).
Little Pied Cormorant P. melanoleucos
Bred Shortland during year (HBOC); 5 pairs nesting Hawkeswood HSD, Cobbity, 13
Dec (JSe).
White-tailed Tropic -bird Phaethon lepturus
6 E. of Broken Bay at 100 fathom line 3 Mar (IB); 1 off Wollongong 15-16 Feb (MJC,
TBO 651:26).
Pacific Heron Ardea pacifica
1 Lake Northam, Broadway, Sydney 24 Jul (RBr); 6 pairs nesting Kerta HSD, Moruya 27
Sep -Dec (ENHS 1986); 30 Bega 28 Feb (CJC).
Great Egret Egretta a/ba
Bred Shortland during year (HBOC); 30 nests Almond Road swamp, Leeton 10 Jan
(KH); c.150 pairs nesting Torry Plains, Balranald 9 Dec (JB).
Plumed Egret E. intermedia
Bred Shortland during year (HBOC); 170 nests Almond Road swamp, Leeton 10 Jan
(KH) and c.100 pairs nesting here in Dec (JB); 1 Why Juck Bay 1 Jun, 7 Cecil Hoskin NR
16 Mar and 2 Lake Bathurst 2 Mar (CJC).
Little Egret E. garzetta
Bred Shortland during year (HBOC). Scarce around Leeton but nest Almond Road
swamp, Leeton 10 Jan (KH).
Eastern Reef Egret E. sacra
1 Crookhaven Heads 13 Apr, 1 Lake Wapengo 27 Feb and 16 Windang 7 Mar (CJC); 2
Burrewarra Point all year, Broulee Jun; Malua Bay Nov (ENHS 1986).
1 1
Page 72 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4Cattle Egret Ardeola ibis
100’s tending nests Lawrence 21 Nov with c.500 nests 28 Nov (GC); Bred Shortland
during year (HBOC); Max 9 near Turrella Stn Jul -Aug (NRa) first record for Wolli Creek
Reserve, 6 nests Almond Road swamp, Leeton 10 Jan (KH).
Mangrove Heron Butorides striatus
Pair raised 2 young Nambucca Heads Jan (DS). Sydney: 1 Parramatta River,
Meadowbank 4 Apr; 1 Botany 13 Oct (BD); 1 Cabbage Tree Basin, Royal NP 1 Nov (BL).
Illawarra: 1 Comerong Is 14 Jul (DW); 2 Numbaa 7 Nov (CJC); 2 Nelson Lagoon, Mimosa
Rock NP 27 Feb (CJC); 1 Tathra Jul (EA, TBO 657:100); 1 Moruya Heads Oct (ENHS
Rufous Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus
Parramatta River, Meadowbank 2 Feb (BD).
Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus
1 Shortland 4 Nov (HBOC).
Black Bittern Dupetor flavicollis
1 Toronto 15 Jul (HBOC). 1 Maulbrooke Rd, Moruya 6 May (ENHS 1986).
Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus
1 Shortland WC 8 Jun (AKM); 1 roadside swamp Dunmore Sep (CJC); Min 5 Tony Plains
HSD, Balranald 9 Dec (JB); 2 Tuckerbil Swamp 18 Oct (KH).
Black -necked Stork Xenorhynchus asiaticus
26 reports for the Northern Rivers region south to Coffs Harbour including immature
birds (GC,SGL). Pair nested Lower Kangaroo Creek Aug -Oct where 2 young hatched.
One died attempting to leave nest the second (banded on 2 Oct.) was found dead on a
barb wire fence near banding place in late Oct (GC); 2 adults with 3 (fledged) young
Waterview 15 June (EW). Other records were: 1 Booti Booti SRA 13 Nov (DT); 1
Glenoak near Seaham 4 May and 5-19 Jul (HBOC).
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus
19 reports for Clarence Valley district covering all months except Jan, Apr and Sep (GC,
DPa). Newcastle: 7 reports of between 1 and 40 birds for months of Feb, Apr, May, Jul,
Aug, Oct, Nov (HBOC). Sydney: 4 McGrath’s Hill 4 Jan (AEFR); 8 Pitt Town Common 2
Mar (DSm); About 200 pairs Berangerine HSD Gunbar Dec (JB). Illawarra: 1 Bomaderry
10-27 Jul (DW).
Straw -necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicollis
200 pairs nesting Wanganella Dec; 10,000-20,000 pairs nesting Berangerine HSD,
Gunbar Dec (JB).
Sacred Ibis T. aethiopica
50 pairs nesting Torry Plains HSD, Balranald Dec; 2000 pairs nesting Wanganella Dec;
200 pairs nesting Berangerine HSD, Gunbar Dec; 100 pairs nesting Barrenbox Swamp
Dec; 3 pairs Booligal HSD Dec (JB); 2 nests Almond Road swamp, Leeton 10 Jan (KH).
Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia
70+ near Seaham NR 28 Apr (EF); Nested in lignum swamp Torry Plains, Balranald 9
Dec (JB), no estimate of numbers made. 44 Koona Bay 22 Feb (CJC); 79 Greenwell
Point 12 Oct, 80 Bega 28 Feb (CJC).
June 1990 Page 73Yellow -billed Spoonbill P. flavipes
1 Yallah 1 Jun, 1 Dapto 9 Jun (CJC); 10 Riverview HSD, Bodalla 26 Jul (ENHS 1986)
represents an unusually large concentration.
Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata
12 reports for Northern Rivers region span all months except Mar, Apr and Jun.
Newcastle: Reported from Seaham NR and Shortland WC includes 1 young from 13 Jan
thence continuing for remainder of year (HBOC); 5 in swamp near Collector,’ just North
of Willow Creek 31 Mar (WLa); 2 Dareton 19 Aug (RS, TBO 650:123); 2 including one
wearing plastic collar Corowa STW 29 Apr (PSh, TBO 662:28), these probably were
birds released by the Victonan wildlife authorities.
Plumed Whistling -duck Dendrocygna eytoni
c.30 12 km E of Mungindi 29 Mar (DG); 70+ Carwall Lagoon, Mungindi 2 May; 35+ Mains
Lagoon, Boggabilla 2 May (DA). Newcastle: 2 Minmi 24 Feb and 2 Mar; 7 Shortland 12
Apr (HBOC). Sydney: 10-20 Killarney Stud, Richmond 4 Jan (AEFR) including possible
family party. Between 30 and 300+ recorded from 17 Aug until late Nov Fivebough
Swamp, Leeton (KH), this is an exceptional record.
Wandering Whistling -duck D. arcuata
6+ with D. eytoni flock Trenayr NR 24 Mar (DG); 85 Jacana HSD, Clarenza 24 Aug was
largest number observed during year but not seen thereafter (EW). Newcastle: From 2
to 39 recorded at Minmi and Shortland between Mar and Dec (HBOC).
Black Swan Cygnus atratus
10 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 31 Mar; 126 on 12 Apr (KH). 1005 Lake Illawarra 14 Sep
(CJC), this is close to the maximum number recorded for the lake.
Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa
Newcastle: 2 Shortland 12 Nov (HBOC). Sydney: 13 Pitt Town Common 29 Mar
(ARMcG). 1 Gum Swamp, Forbes 25-27 Apr (PF); 7 Lake Ballyrogan 30 Mar (NM); 3
Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 5 Jan, 2 on 12 Jan and 2 on 8 June (KH); 2 Cecil Hoskins
NR 5 Jan (RM). An average year.
Mountain Duck Tadorna tadornoides
1 male Swan Creek 29 Dec (EW) unusual in Northern Rivers region. 203 Lake Bathurst
2 Mar (CJC); 89 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 12 Apr; 50 on 5 Nov (KH).
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos
10 See Park, Grafton including Black Duck hybrids 13 Apr; 9 adults, 21 ducklings 21
Nov; 1 male Deep Creek, Ulmarra 9 Dec; 1 male near Coutts Crossing 19 Apr -5 Dec
(GC); 1 female Port Macquarie STW 23 Dec (GC).
Grey Teal A. gibberifrons
1407 Lower Shoalhaven River 5 Jul (CJC) highest local count in recent times.
Chestnut Teal A. castanea
1 male Shallow Channel, Yamba 15 Jul, 2+ pairs 28 Nov; 1 male N of Grafton 27 Apr; 2
female plumage Grafton 6 Dec; 1 male Sportsmans Creek 16 Aug, 3 pairs 21 Nov (GC).
Port Macquarie STW: 4+ on 20 Jul, 31+ on 19 Dec, 43+ on 20 Dec, 58+ on 23 Dec
(GC); Consistant with known distribution. No further reports will be published for
Northern Rivers and Mid North Coast unless exceptions to current distribution. 15
males Nericon Swamp, Griffith 5 Aug (JB) and 12 on 9 Aug (KH); 2 Fivebough Swamp
Page 74 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.423 Jan (KH). Max 970 on Lake Illawarra 6 Jul, and 736 Lower Shoalhaven River 5 Jul
(CJC). Maximum numbers recorded for the Illawarra Region.
Blue -winged Shoveler A. rhynchotis
Pair Alumy Creek 15 Jul; Pair near Coutts Crossing 5 Jun, 9 Jul and 10 Aug (GC).
Sydney: male Deep Creek 20 Apr (FC); c.20 McGrath’s Hill 28 Jun (AEFR). 150
Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 4 May (KH).
Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus
Newcastle: 1200 Morpeth STW 21 Sep; 2000+ Wentworth Swamp 14 Jun (HBOC).
Illawarra: 10 Nowra STW 31 Jan, 9 on 7 Mar, 100 on 23 May, 34 on 21 Jul; 4 Berry 21 Jul
(DW); 153 Yallah Jun (CJC); 425 Lake Bathurst 2 Feb (CJC). Extraordinary numbers
for both the Hunter and the Illawarra Region.
Hardhead Aythya australis
30+ Sportsmans Creek 15 Jul (GC); 10+ Port Macquarie STW 19 Jul, 15 on 20 Jul, 3 on
20 Dec, 3 on 23 Dec (GC). 800+ Saltwater Swamp 8 Jun; 2500 Nowra STW 5 Jul (CJC).
Largest number ever recorded for South Coast Region.
Blue -billed Duck Oxyura australis
6 Gum Swamp Forbes 26 Apr (GT); 3 males Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 12 Oct; 1 on 1
Nov (KH). 8 Cecil Hoskin NR 6 Jul (CJC); 1 Killalea Lagoon 11 Mar (CJC).
Musk Duck Biziura lobata
male Grafton 27 Apr and 16 Jul; male Kentucky Stud near Grafton 13 Sep,
1 1
consistant with known distribution no further records will be published (GC); 2 Nowra
STW 31 Jan, 1 on 7 Mar, 1 on 5 Mar (DW); 30 Tallawarra Power Stn 6 Jul (CJC).
Osprey Pandion haliaetus
26 reports for Northern Rivers region south to Port Macquarie with a number of active
nests recorded S of Tweed Heads in Clarence River district between Yamba and
Grafton and in Nambucca Valley (GC). Newcastle: 1 Blackalls Park 4 May and 9 Sep; Also
observed at Booti Booti SRA 1-2 Mar (FOC), first Park Record. 1 Burrewarra Point 13
Dec (ENHS 1986).
Crested Hawk Aviceda subcristata
1 by roadside on northern outskirts of Ballina 9 Sep (AEFR); 1 Coachwood Picnic Area,
Washpool NP 5 Jan; 1 Red Rock 19 Feb; 1 S of Grafton 22 Mar; 2 Maclean 30 Jul and 4
Oct; 1 Woolgoolga FR 13 Sep; 1 Brunswick Heads 21 Sep; 2 Purgatory Creek near
Lilydale 11 Oct; 1 Coutts Crossing 24 Jun, 4 on 22 Oct (GC) Consistant with known
distribution, no futher records for Northern Rivers will be published other than breeding
summaries. Newcastle: Bred Minmi and Blackbutt Reserve ; Observed 11 times Kilaben
Bay between 3 Apr and 8 Sep; 2 adults and 2 juveniles Gwandalan 3 Apr (HBOC)
Sydney Region: 1 Davidson Park, St. Ives 29 Jan (NM).
Black Kite Milvus migrans
1 South Grafton 3 Jul (DG); 1 N of Irrawang near Seaham 27 Jun (HBOC); 1 Fivebough
Swamp, Leeton 15 Jun, 1 on 20 Jul (KH).
Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura
1 E of Boggabilla 28 Mar (BH); 1 Bora Ridge Woodburn 2 Aug (GH); 1 Coutts Crossing
five occasions 21 Feb -20 Aug (GC); 1 Minnie Water 10 May; 1 Grafton 28 Aug (DG); 2
Jacana HSD 23 Aug (EW), regular observations in Northern Rivers are unexpected and
apparently birds are resident. 2 Munghorn Gap NR 8 Nov (AH); 1 Maulbrooke Rd
June 1990 Page 75Moruya 16 Sep, 12-13 Nov and 15 Nov (EHNS 1986). More records than usual, but still
no records for Mid -north Coast and Illawarra.
Black -breasted Kite Hamirostra melanostema
Only record: between Tibooburra and White Cliffs 23 Sep (ARMcG). Poor year for
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus
Red Rock: Up to 3 different birds seen between 19 Feb and 26 Nov and found nesting
24 Aug (DPa,GC); 1 Booti Booti SRA 18 May (DT), south of regular range.
Whistling Kite H. sphenurus
Centennial Park 5 Apr (AKM), rarely recorded here.
Collared Sparrowhawk Accipiter cirrocephalus
1 E Wahroongah 15 Jun; 1 immature Grosvenor Track Kuring-gai NP 8 Jul (EF); 1 Dee
Why Lagoon 1 Mar (FC); 1 female Pennant Hills Park 16 Mar (BD).
Grey Goshawk A. novaehollandiae
2 Gibraltar Range NP 18 Jan (DG); Washpool NP: 1 on 9 Jan, 2 on 12 Jan, 1 on 2 Sep, 2
on 7 Sep, 1 Ramornie 7 Sep (GC); 1 Seaham Swamp NR 10 May (AKM). Recorded at 4
locations in Moruya district during year (EHNS 1986).
Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus
Sightings reports from Stokers Siding early 1986; Pottsville (no date); Wardell Oct (per
SD) Coolgardie Rd, Wardell 17 Oct (GH) possibly the same record for Wardell Oct; 1
Valla 30 Jan, 7 and 8 Feb (DS). As stated in the 1985 Report this is an endangered
species and in NSW there is an urgent need for positive conservation action.
White -bellied Sea -eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster
1 Raymond Terrace 23 Sep (JGa, TBO 659:123); 1 Dee Why Lagoon 13 Jun (FC); adult
seen taking food between Ashton and Neilsen Parks, Sydney Harbour 18 Aug (AKM);
1 Jindera 11 May (MP, TBO 655:75).
Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax
4 Corindi River 3 Oct (DPa).
Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides
Adult Hexham NR 8 Jun (AKM); Sydney: 1 dark phase S Turramurra 18 Jun (DLa); 1 E
Wahroongah 2 Aug (EF); 1 Ingleburn 26 Dec (LJH); 1 Earlwood Jul and Aug (NRa).
Several records from the Cobbity area (per AKM).
Swamp Harrier Circus approximans
1 near Ballina 21 Sep; 2 Lake Hiawatha 9 Dec; 1 Camden Haven 10 Nov (GC); 1
Earlwood Jul (NRa).
Spotted Harrier C. assimilis
1 N of Kyogle 13 Jun; 1 S of Kyogle 28 Jun; 1 Towallum 13 Jul (GC); 1 Tomki Creek 10
Jul; 1 Diggers Headland 14 Sep (DG); 1 Jacana HSD, Clarenza 12 Jul and 20 Oct (EW),
first local sightings. Mid -North Coast: 1 Beechwood 22 Apr; 1 Thrumster 24 Apr; 1
Pembrooke 26 Apr (DG). These three reports are observer’s only sightings in Hastings
Valley over past c.25 years. Present on Cumberland Plain with max 4, 31 May -3 Aug
(JHa); Pair Tyagarah Aerodrome 11 Jun (DSm); 1 Berry 6 Jul (DW); 1 Minnamurra 14 Jun
and 12 Dec; 1 Numbaa 8 Jul; 1 Killalea SRA 14 Aug (CJC). Unusually high numbers for
Page 76 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4Black Falcon Falco subniger
1 Lake Salisbury 6 May (WLa); 1 attacking waders Ballina 20 Sep (GH); 1 The Haystack,
Old Bonalbo 28 Dec (DG); Harparary HSD 12 Jan (DR); Round Hill NR 29 Aug (GH).
1 1
Recorded at Back Yamma SF 25-26 Apr (GT); along Poollabooka Rd Grenfell 28 Apr
(EF); 1 Torry Plains Balranald 9 Dec (JB); 1 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 7 Sep and 1
near Whitton 15 Jun (KH); 1 Exeter 19 Jan (CJC).
Peregrine Falcon F. peregrinus
2 Sturt NP 11 Jan (MS); 1 Gibraltar Range NP 29 Aug; 1 Lower Kangaroo Creek 9 Oct; 1
S of Angourie 29 Jun; 1 Glenugie Peak 12 Jul. Coutts Crossing: Single birds observed
at least once each month between 30 Jan and 23 Jun and during Aug, Oct and Dec
(GC). Swansea 28 Apr (EF); Back Yamma SF 25-26 Apr (GT); 15 Sydney records
including report of continued regular sightings from 10th floor of North Sydney office
block (BH,DLa,ELC,BD, AEFR). Nowra: 1 on 31 Jan, 1 on 22 Nov (DW); 1 Jervis Bay 14
July; Fivebough Swamp Leeton Jan, Apr and Jun (KH).
Australian Hobby F. longipennis
1 Grafton 29 Nov (DPa); 1 Mona Vale 3 Apr (EF); 1 Manly and South Head during Jul
Grey Falcon F. hypoleucos
1 Stun NP Jul (MS); 1 Mootwingee NP 4 Sep (NSh).
Mallee-fowl Leipoa ocellata
Report of single bird Goulburn River NP date not supplied (JB). (Note: At least 12
subsequent sightings in this area since 1986, per NSWBA reports) First known record
east of the Great Divide. 2 adults and 2 young Loughnan NR 29-30 Mar (NM).
Stubble Quail Coturnix pectoralis
Observed Booti Booti SRA 1-2 Mar (FOC), first Park record; The Haystack, Old
Bonalbo 28 Dec (DG); 2 Comerong Is 15 Feb; 2 Worrigee 18 Aug (DW).
Brown Quail C. australis
1 landed on a fishing trawler c.6.5 km off Broome Head at night 25 Mar (GC); 3 adult with
2 juveniles Munmorah SRA 27 Feb (EF). Recorded Back Yamma SF 25-26 Apr (GT); 4
Cape Solander, Botany Bay NP Jul (BHa). Munmorah and Botany Bay records are not
King Quail C. chinensis
1 Killalea SRA 23 May (CJC).
Red -backed Button -quail Turnix maculosa
Pair Wardell 1 Oct and 1 male 15 Oct (GH).
Painted Button -quail T. varia
1 roadkilled Gibraltar Range NP 30 Mar (GC). Illawarra: 1 Bass Point 21 Jun (CJC); 1
Bamerang 10 Apr; 1 Comerong Is 14 Jul (DW); 1 Killalea SRA 15 Jun (CJC).
Red -chested Button -quail T. pyrrhothorax
Wardell: 2 on 8 Oct and 1 on 15 Oct (GH), rare in Northern Rivers region.
Banded Landrail Rallus philippensis
1 on roadside Shark Bay Bundjalung NP 16 Aug; 3 Munro Is, Lawrence 18 Oct; 2 Dart
Is, Yamba 22 and 28 Nov; 1 heard Station Creek, Yuraygir NP 17 Dec; 1 Coutts Crossing
9 Apr (GC). Nowra: 1 on 5 Jul and 7 Sep; 2, 9-18 Nov; 5 on 13 Dec and 5 including 4
chicks 14 Dec (DW, CJC); 1 Shellharbour Swamp 11 Apr (CJC).
June 1990 Page 77Lewin’s Rail R. pectoralis
1 heard Cumbebin Swamp, Byron Bay 28 Jul (GC); 1 heard then seen briefly near Anvil
Rock, Gibraltar Range NP 10 Jan; and heard again same place 16 Jan (GC) these are
first records for this NP; 1 heard Red Rock 20 Mar and 1 adult/sub-adult caught and
banded here on 5 Apr (GC) 1 heard Hibbard 20 Jul (GC); 1 Harparary HSD 12 Jan (DR);
Several Dudley 20 Sep (HBOC); 1 heard Woolooware Bay 9 Nov (GC); 1 Barham 22 Apr
(ET, TBO 655:75).
Marsh Crake Porzana pusilla
2-3 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 14 Aug -12 Oct (KH).
Australian Spotted Crake P. fluminea
1 Ballina 13 Aug (GH); Small numbers Fivebough Swamp, Leeton May -Jun (KH); 2
Homebush Bay 31 May (EH); Illawarra: 1 Killalea Lagoon 19 Jan; 2 Bellambi 31 May
(CJC); 1 Nowra 4 Jun (DW).
Black -tailed Native -hen Tribonyx ventralis
3 Mungle Creek 31 Mar (DG); 100 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 12 Apr (KH), represents
peak count.
Brolga Grus rubricundus
3 including 1 immature Mundine HSD near Goondawindi 30 Mar (DG); Max 60 in Lower
Clarence Valley between 27 Feb -16 Aug (EW,GC). 1 flying over S of Red Rock 3 Oct
(GC); Pair bred raising 2 young near Euabalong West Feb -Mar (NS), first confirmed
breeding success in Central -West in past 10 years. 3 Rockdale Swamp, Leeton 27 Jul;
2 near Jerilderie 26 Aug (KH); 4 on Morundah-Urana Rd 14 Oct (JB).
Australian Bustard Ardeotisaustralis
1-2 Sturt NP 10 Jan, 7 May and other times throughout year (MS,WLa,AKM).
Comb -crested Jacana lrediparra gallinacea
1 Minmi 7-17 Feb (HBOC); 1 Bushell’s Lagoon 15 Mar (FOC); First report for some years
in Windsor district.
Bush Stone -curlew Burhinus magnirostris
1 in a Grafton backyard 9 Feb; 1 perhaps the same bird in grounds of Grafton Base
Hospital 12 Feb (GC); 2 Oaklands all year (DAC,TBO 656:92); 1 Glossodia 8 Oct (LSm).
Beach Stone -curlew Esacus magnirostirs
Red Rock: 2 adults, 1 immature 11 Jan -24 Sep, 2 adults 22 Oct -17 Dec. Single eggs
present on 8 and 17 Mar and 12 Nov, all subsequently disappeared perhaps due to
high tides (GC).
Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris
Northern Rivers: 18 reports between Belongil Creek and Red Rock where nested
successfully (DPa,GC); Long Reef 1 on 19 Feb (JC) and 1 on 5 May (BD); Comerong Is:
Present all year (max. 18 on 9 Feb) including pairs nesting Sep and Nov (CJC); 5
Blackfellow Point, Tuross Heads 1 Mar; 2 Nelson Beach, Mimosa Rocks NP 27 Feb
Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus
Red Rock: Present 30 Jun -12 Nov max 5 on 22 Oct (GC,DPa) 1 on rocks at Henry Head,
Botany Bay NP 5 May (AKM), first record in recent years for this part of Botany Bay.
Present Crookhaven Heads Jan -Oct (CJC) max 12 on 9 Feb.
Page 78 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4Banded Plover Vanellus tricolor
2 near Coutts Crossing 2 Oct (GC); 2 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 4 May and 27 Sep
Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola
2 Red Rock 26 Nov and 17 Dec (GC); Newcastle: 4 Marks Point 20 Sep (HBOC).
Sydney: 1 Dee Why Lagoon 19 Jan (FC). Illawarra: Up to 5 Windang 17-24 Sep (CJC); 1
Comerong Is 14 Jan and 15 Feb (DW).
Pacific Golden Plover P. fulva
110 North Botany Bay 20 Dec (AKM); 184 Comerong Is 23 Mar (CJC); 1 Gol Gol Swamp
Nov (JH, TBO 662:34).
Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus
10 Waterview Heights 31 May (GC); 2 Burrendong Dam 1-3 May (DSm); Max 35
McGrath’s Hill 4 Jan -2 Aug (AEFR,TM); Present all year Fivebough Swamp, Leeton, max
176 on 31 Mar (KH); 5 Koona Bay 9 Mar; 6 Killalea Lagoon 20 Apr; 4 on small dam near
Bellanglo SF 6 Jul; 1 Shellharbour Swamp 26 Oct (CJC).
Hooded Dotterel Charadrius rubricollis
1 immature Coniston Beach 7 Aug (CJC), 2nd County of Camden record; 5 including 2
immatures Nelson Beach, Mimosa Rocks NP 27 Feb; Three pairs present on beaches in
Moruya district during year (EHNS 1986).
Mongolian Plover Charadrius mongolus
19 Boatharbour 8 Feb (SBr), max for year in that locality.
Double -banded Dotterel C. bicinctus
2 N Botany Bay 12 Feb (GCI); Up to 3 Nericon Swamp, Griffith 31 Jul -6 Aug (JB); 108
Comerong Is 10 May (CJC), highest count for year. Arrival date: 1 Windang 5 Feb; 9
Comerong Is 9 Feb (CJC). Departure date: 1 Windang 23 Sep; 2 Comerong Is 12 Sep
Large Sand Plover C. leschenau/ti
1 Boatharbour 30 May (CT); 1 N Botany Bay 3 Jun (AKM). Both unusual winter records
possibly same bird.
Red -capped Plover C. ruficapillus
2 pairs Homebush Bay 31 May -Dec one pair with eggs and one pair with young on 12
Oct (EH). Breeding records are unusual in the County of Cumberland. Recorded all
months except Jul Fivebough Swamp, Leeton max 65 on 31 Mar (KH), 50 Windang 22
Mar; 153 Comerong Is 10 May (CJC), highest count for year.
Black -winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus
Max 162 Homebush Bay 8 Feb (J&NR), late summer peak. 1 Comerong Is 3 Jan (DW);
Fivebough Swamp, Leeton autumn peak of 250 on 4 May, spring peak of 398 on 9 Nov
Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae
Newcastle: 860 Kooragang Is 9 Mar and 1600+ 9 Jun (HBOC); 83 Nericon Swamp,
Griffith 14 Sep and 160 on 5 Oct (JB); Max 99 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 4 May (KH)
Illawarra: 1 Old Man Is 10 May; 2 Comerong Is 27 Jul (CJC).
Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis
186 Comerong Is 9 Feb (CJC), highest count for many years.
June 1990 Page 79Whimbrel N. phaeopus
31 Comerong Is 12 Oct (CJC), only report received for Illawarra region.
Little Whimbrel N. minutus
2 on cotton dam near Marshalls Ponds 1 Apr (DG).
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola
1 Morpeth STW Jan (HBOC); Fivebough Swamp, Leeton: 1-3, 1 Jan -4 May and 7 Sep -9
Nov; 4-6, 28 Dec (KH); 1 Corowa STW 4 Oct (JTh, TBO 659:123).
Grey -tailed Tattler T. brevipes
Max for summer 105 Shell Point, Botany Bay 8 Feb (AKM).
Common Sandpiper T. hypoieucos
Station Creek, Yuragir NP 18 Feb and 13 Sep (DG) Observed at Lake Ballyrogan
29-30 Mar (NM); Jingellic 28 Mar (CJC).
Greenshank T. nebularia
3 Clifton Bore 22 Sep (ARMcG); 5 Pitt Town Common 2 Mar (DSm); 1 Dee Why Lagoon
19 Jan (FC); Fivebough Swamp, Leeton: Present 5 Jan -4 May and 1-3 14 Sept -31 Dec
(KH) autumn max 37 on 31 Mar; 42 Windang 5 Dec; 42 Comerong Is 13 Apr (CJC).
Marsh Sandpiper T. stagnatilis
1 Ballina 9 Aug and 1 on 13 Aug (GH); 1 Waterview Heights 21 Feb (DG); 1 near Coutts
Crossing Dec (GC). Observed at Lake Ballyrogan 29-30 Mar (NM); 2 McGrath’s Hill 4
Jan, 4 Jun and 2 Aug (AEFR); 8 Nericon Swamp, Griffith 13 Aug; 18 on 14 Sept; and 50
on 5 Oct (JB); Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 15-53 Jan -Feb; last autumn sighting 4 May;
Arrived 17 Aug (KH). Up to 4 Windang 17 Nov -31 Dec (CJC).
Terek Sandpiper T. terek
Max 10 Shell Point, Botany Bay 8 Jan (AKM); 1 Comerong Is 7 Nov (CJC).
Japanese Snipe Gallinago hardwickii
Departure: 22 Deepwater Creek, East Hills 1 Mar (DSm); 1 Hunter Region, Botanic
Gardens site near Raymond Terrace 17 May (HBOC); 1 Pyree 23 Mar (DW), first for
season: 1 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 2 Aug (KH); Coutts Crossing 18 Aug (GC).
Black- tailed Godwit Limosa limosa
6 Dart Is, Yamba 28 Nov (DPa); 4 Crystal Waters, Yamba 22 Nov; 37 Dart Is, Yamba 29
Nov (GC); 5 Nericon Swamp, Griffith continuously JukNov (JB,KH); Fivebough Swamp,
Leeton 1 Oct, 1 on 24 Oct and 1 on 1 Nov (KH); 10 Comerong Is 13 Apr -7 Nov (CJC); 1
Gol Gol Swamp Nov (JH, TBO 662:34).
Bar -tailed Godwit L. lapponica
Max 856 Botany Bay 8 Feb (AKM) highest count for year. 1 Nericon Swamp, Griffith 31
JuI-6 Aug (PT).
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris
4 Ballina 28 Jul; 1 Dart Is, Yamba 22 Nov (GC); Max 2 Botany Bay 21 Sep -13 Oct
(AKM,BD); 1 Comerong Is 12 Oct (CJC).
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata
Absent only in Jun -Jul Fivebough Swamp, Leeton max 1000 5 Jan; first spring arrival 17
Aug (KH); 169 Comerong Is 5 Jan (CJC), highest count for many years. 6000+ Gol Got
Swamp Nov (JH, TBO 662:34).
Page 80 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotus
1-3 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 16 Mar -6 Apr (KH); 1 Windang 7 Nov (CJC); 1 Gol Gol
Swamp Nov (JH, TBO 662:34).
Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis
2 Lake Pinaroo, Sturt NP 10 May (WLa); 400 Comerong Is 5 Jan (CJC).
Long -toed Stint C. subminuta
1 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 26 Jan and 9 Feb (KH); 1 Shell Point, Botany Bay 1-2 Nov
Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea
Fivebougn Swamp, Leeton, small numbers to 26 Apr max autumn count 12, 16 and 23
Apr; Last sighting 1 on 24 May; First spring arrival 7 Sep; max spring count 13 on 12 Oct
Sanderling C. alba
1 Red Rock 27 May (GC); 1 Windang 20 Jan (JDi); 5 Windang 21 Sep (CJC); 1
Blackfellow Point, Tuross Head 28 Feb (CJC).
Broad -billed Sandpiper Limico/a falcinellus
1 Ballina 20 Oct (GH) Sydney: 1 Botany Bay 15 Dec (TLK) and 2 on 28 Dec (DSi).
Ruff/Reeve Philomachus pugnax
1 Reeve Dee Why Lagoon 30 Jan (NM) (detailed description provided); 1 Ruff
Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 7 and 28 Dec, 1 Ruff and 1 Reeve 13 Dec (KH).
Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella
1 on cotton dam near Marshalls Ponds 1 Apr (DG); Observed at Lake Ballyrogan 29-30
Mar (NM); 1 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 26 Jan and 2 Feb (KH).
Great Skua Stercorcarius skua
Bass Point 22 Jun (CJC) represents only report received for 1986.
South Polar Skua S. maccormicki
1 Ballina 2 Dec and 5 Dec (GH).
Arctic JaegerS. parasiticus
1 Pulbah Is, Lake Macquarie 26 Jan (AKM); 1 Botany Bay 17 Oct (TM), first for season. 1
juvenile landed on Port Kembla Beach 20 Nov (CJC).
Pomarine JaegerS. pomarinus
50-80 off Wollongong 26 Jan (AEFR).
Long-tailed Jaeger S. longicauda
4 off Wollongong 26 Jan (AEFR), with closest to shore being c.11 km; also 13 on 15-16
Feb (MJC, TBO 651:26) and 1 on 25-26 Oct (DF, TBO 660:02).
Pacific Gull Laws pacificus
2-3 immatures Windang 24 Jun -23 Aug; 1 immature Blackfellow Point, Tuross Head 28
Feb (CJC).
Kelp Gull L. dominicanus
The numbers of this species around Sydney and Wollongong are continuing to
increase. Sydney: 1 immature Long Reef 9 May and 15 Jun (FC); 2 adults and 1
sub -adult Botany 24 Mar (BD); Max 1 adult and 2 immatures Henry Head, Botany Bay NP
21 Sep -20 Dec (AKM) Windang: 2 on 29 Jan (GB); Large influx beginning early Jun max
35 on 10 Jul including 12 full adults (CJC). This is the highest number recorded in NSW.
By 31 Aug numbers had declined to usual 5-7 birds.
June 1990 Page 81Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida
3 Homebush Bay 5 Oct (EH) and 6 on 13 Dec (AKM), an unusual location. 20
Mullenderie, Moruya May (ENHS 1986).
White -winged Tern C. leucoptera
1 Ballina 20 Oct (GH); 1 non -breeding plumage Lawrence 3 Mar and 5 on 7 Mar; 2
non -breeding plumage Brushgrove 3 Mar; 1 near Elizabeth Is, Grafton 24 Mar; 3+
including 2 in partial breeding plumage Susan Is, Grafton 13 Apr; 2+ including 1 in partial
breeding plumage Clarence R, Grafton 27 Apr; 2 non -breeding plumage Strontian Park,
Great Marlow 27 Apr; 5 non -breeding plumage Station Creek 17 Dec (GC); Windang
1 1
Jan -16 Mar (CJC). More records than usual.
Gull -billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica
1 Bakers Lagoon 22 Aug (TLK); 1 Pitt Town Common 4 Oct (ARMcG). Consistant with
Hawkesbury Marshes occurrence.
Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia
72 Windang 28 Jun (CJC), an exceptional number for a NSW coastal locality.
Common Tern Sterna hirundo
100 off Clark Is Sydney Harbour 2 Jan (AKM).
Arctic Tern S. paradisaea
1 Mowarry Point, Eden 6 Jan (GH).
White -fronted Tern S. striata
30+ Long Reef 29 Aug (EF); 1 Centennial Park 5 Apr (AKM); 3 Bass Point 20 Jun
(CJC). Fewer reports are being received each year suggesting fewer numbers(?).
Little Tern S. albilrons
4+ breeding plumage Jerusalem Creek, Bundjalung NP 22 Nov; 6 breeding plumage
Station Creek 13 Sep; 11+ pairs bred Red Rock Oct -Jan (’87) producing 19 young (1 of
which was found dead and 17 banded), max 250 breeding and non -breeding plumage
17 Dec was maximum count for year (GC); 307 Windang 6 Mar (CJC), highest count for
many years.
Black Noddy Anous minutus
1 freshly beachwashed Red Rock 22 Oct (BH).
Grey Noddy Procelstema albivittata
1 caught by cat Captain Cook’s Landing Place 24 Feb (AM); 7 off Wollongong 15-16
Feb (MJC, TBO 651:26).
Rose -crowned Fruit -dove Ptilinopus regina
4 Iluka NR 10 Dec (DPa).
Superb Fruit -dove P. superbus
1 male Coolgardie Rd, Wardell 20 Feb (GH); Adult male flew into window Gordon 29 Jul
(WBo); 1 male Yadboro Flat, Morton NP 25 Aug (MGo), well outside accepted range and
first record for Morton NP.
Wompoo Fruit -dove P. magnificus
4 Horton’s Creek Nymboida 12 Jul (DPa) and 26 Jul (GC); 3 Yabbra SF near Urbenville
25 Oct; 3-4 The Haystack HSD Old Bonalbo 28 Dec (DG). All within accepted range.
Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus
c.300 Dunoon 13 Jul (EW); 2 over coastal heath Minnie Water 10 May (DG); 24 flying
over heath Red Rock 27 Sep (GC); 7 Horton’s Creek Nymboida 26 Jul (DPa); 10
Page 82 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4Shortland 3 Dec (HBOC); 200+ Booti Booti SRA Oct, bred 1 young fledged 1 Nov (DT).
Sydney: 14 E Wahroongah 19 May (EF); reports of single birds from South Head 11
Dec and Neilsen Park 12 Dec (AKM) represent new locality records; 15-20 Lady
Carrington Drive Royal NP 12 Sep (BHa) and 50+ various locations Royal NP 1 Nov
(AKM). Illawarra: 25 Lake Heights 22 Sep (CJC); 40+ regularly feeding along
Shoalhaven R Sep -Dec (DW); up to 17 Comerong Is Jul -Aug (CJC); 3 reports for
Moruya district Oct -Dec (EHNS 1986). Apparently a good year for this species.
White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela
Northern Rivers: Recorded at Cumbebin Swamp near Byron Bay, Grafton, South
Grattan, Susan Island, Coutts Crossing, Maclean Bonviile, Horton’s Creek near
Nymbodia, Broken Head NR, Lawrence and Roeswood Creek near Warrell Creek
between 6 Mar -16 Nov most records during Jul, Max 40+ Rosewood Creek 21 Jul.
Mid -North Coast: 4 Repton 21 Jul, 1 Macquarie NR, Port Macquarie 20 Jul (GC) 1 Smiths
Lake 9 Jun (HBOC). Newcastle: 1 Bolwarra 31 Oct -4 Nov; 1 New Lambton Heights 25
Mar (HBOC) 1 Narrarra 18 Sep (LJH). Recorded at Booti Booti SRA only during Mar, Apr,
Jun and Oct (DT) Sydney: Frequent surveys between 1 Jul and 30 Sep produced the
following: feathers collected Upper Lane Cove River and Devlins Creek 12, 22 and 24
Jun; 4 Devlins Creek junction 25 Jun; 2 Cumberland SF 6 Jul (DLa) Numerous other
Sydney reports including: 12 E Wahroongah 6 Jul; 1 Kuring-gai Chase NP 8 Jul (EF);
Regular (mostly 1-3 max 18 on 9 Nov) along Devlins Creek, Epping 2 Jun -6 Dec (BD)
Illawarra: Bass Point 2 on 18 May, 3 on 10 Aug (CJC) 5 Berry 17 Jul (DW); 1 reported
from Moruya SF 23 Oct (EHNS 1986) indicates southern range limit. Most of these
records are for the Privet and Camphor Laurel fruiting periods but where are the birds
Nov -Apr? Becoming much more common. In future records will be summarised for each
Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis
Present Glenreagh 7 Feb (GC); 5+ Port Macquarie 10. Feb and 2+ on 11 Feb (GC).
Brown Cuckoo -dove Macropygia amboinensis
Sydney: 1 Fishponds Waterhole Hornsby 1 Jun; none at Epping during year (BD); 3
Grosvenor Track, Kuring-gai Chase NP 8 Jul; 1 Lovett Bay, Kuring-gai NP 17 Jul (EF).
Illawarra: 2 regularly feeding on inkweed West Cambewarra Jan, Feb and Dec (DW).
Recorded in forests at Moruya, Batemans Bay and Bermagui during the year (EHNS
Peaceful Dove Geopelia placida
Recorded at 16 localities in Eurobodalla Shire during the year (EHNS 1986).
Diamond Dove G. cuneata
Bushell’s Lagoon 15 May (MTi), was a presumed escapee.
Bar -shouldered Dove G. humeralis
2 The Spit, Towra Point NR 3 Jun (AKM); 4 Comerong Is throughout year (DW). Both
sites are regular locations south of the known range of this species.
Common Bronzewing Phaps chalcoptera
2 seen separately N of Jerusalem Creek 22 Nov, one carrying twigs; 1 Coutts Crossing
throughout the year; 1 near Lanitza 1 Jan; 1 E of Ramornie 2 Jan; 1 Braunstone 5 Feb;
near Lower Kangaroo Creek 22 Sep (GC). Coastal records for Northen Rivers Region
are few.
June 1990 Page 83Brush Bronzewing P. elegans
1 Wollar 3 Aug (NM), was well west of known range. 1 Shortland PS 23 Sep (HBOC);
Recorded in Booti Booti SRA in Mar and Jul only (DT). Sydney: 1 Red Hill 21 Jun (FC); 3
Beacon Hill 25 Mar (LJH); Male Marley Head Royal NP 2 Feb (JBI). Few recent records
for this region.
Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica
1 Black Hill early Jan (HBOC); Recorded at Booti Booti SRA in Aug and Nov only (DT),
however observer believes may be resident here in small numbers. Bayview St, Mt
Kuring-gai 18 May (PR); 2 Coolendel, Nowra 9 Nov (DW).
Crested Pigeon Ocyphaps lopnotes
Numerous coastal sightings reported from Northern Rivers region (GC), indicating the
species is well established there. Narraweena 19 Aug (LJH); Dee Why Lagoon Mar
1 1 1
(FC); small flock Middle Head, Mosman 12 Feb (GGa); 4 Werri Beach 15 Apr; 1 Worrigee
1 Jul (DW); 2 Greenwell Point 10 Sep (DW). No further general distributional reports for
coastal areas proposed unless for new locations.
Wonga Pigeon Leucosarcia melanoleuca
36 Iluka NR 10 Dec (DPa); 8 together Mimosa Rocks NP 26 Feb (CJC).
Glossy Black- Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami
4 Beebo SF 9 May; 2+ West Boomi NR Boomi 2 May (DA); 2 Moonee 22 Feb; 1 near
Jaloom 13 Jul; pair Nymboida SF 17 Jul; Present Coutts Crossing Jun -Sep max 8 on 2
Jul (GC); 1 Boundary Creek SF 8 Oct (DPa); 3 Booti Booti SRA 4 Dec (DT); 6 Towlers
Bay, Kuring-gai Chase NP 8 Sep (EF); 4 Mt Misery 14 and 21 Aug (KH); 5 Bamarang 23
Jan (DW). Eight records from Eurobodalla Shire during year including 8-10 drinking at
roadside pool near Moruya Airport 2 Aug (IT, ENHS 1986) less frequent than in
previous years. Records from the Northwest Slopes (near Boomi) are very unusual.
Yellow -tailed Black -Cockatoo C. funereus
42 Illaroo Yuraygir NP 22 Jun (GC); 100 Red Rock 21 Sep (DPa) Sydney: 13 E
Wahroonga 17-20 Mar; 2+ Akuna Bay Kuring-gai Chase NP 1 and 8 Sep (EF); 20 over
Audley 6 Jun (BD); 1 St. Ives 16 Aug (DLa); Many records with numbers to 20+ Elouera
Bushland May -Sep (AEFR), observer considers more common than usual during this
period. Recorded each month in Eurobodalla Shire at several locations max 25 birds
(ENHS 1986).
Gang -gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum
1-4 Epping (though no definite nesting recorded) throughout year (BD); Recorded
May, Jun, Sep and Dec Upper Lane Cove River (DLa) with max 6 Browns Waterhole and
2 Devlins Creek junction. Records tend to support notion that 2 separate populations
occur in area.
Galah Cacatua roseicapilla
Reports from coastal and hinterland districts from Kyogle to Sydney throughout year
continue to indicate that this species is now well established east of the Great Divide.
No further general distributional reports for coastal areas proposed.
Long -billed Corella C. tenuirostris
1 Mangrove Mountain 1 Jun (CA,TBO 655:75); 50 Cobbity 29 Jun (ARMcG); 30-40+
Eastwood 22 Jan (MB); based on these numbers it would seem the presumed feral
Page 84 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4populations in Sydney Region is continuing to increase. 1 with Little Corellas Werri
Beach 4 Sep (DW).
Little Corella C. sanguinea
Namoi River population appears to be increasing as sightings (of flocks to 35 birds) were
more regular at Baan Baa throughout year (DR); 1 E Wahroonga 17-20 Mar, and several
27 Jun and 4 on 10 Sep (EF); 2 Buttaba 22 Apr (HBOC); 5 Bundeena 27 Dec (GC); c.20
Terramungermine Reserve Dubbo 31 Mar (AKM). Illawarra: 3 Berry 3 Jan and 2 on 20
Feb; 4 Werri Beach 3 Sep; 5 Nowra 22 Nov and 3, 13-15 Dec (DW); 26 Almond Rd,
Leeton Jan and 500 on 2 Mar, 5 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 28 Dec (KH).
Pink Cockatoo C. leaabeateri
Substantial numbers (one flock numbering 300+) during winter months between
Euabalong West and Trida (NS).
Sulphur -crested Cockatoo C. galerita
6 Lower Southgate 17 Oct (GC) rare this locality. 60+ Parramatta Park 26 Apr (BD).
Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haemotodus
Small flock Boobora, Goondiwindi 30 Mar (DG), small flock along Dumaresq River NW of
Texas 28 Mar (BH), both records on western edge of range. 1 Western Plains Zoo 3 Jun
possible escapee; 6+ Buttaba 22 Apr (HBOC).
Scaly -breasted Lorikeet T. chlorolepidotus
11 Primbee 1 Jun and 20 on 3 Nov (CJC).
Musk Lorikeet Glosscpsitta concinna
2 Coutts Crossing 5 and 18 Jul (GC), rare this locality. 4 Burrendong Arboretum 1-3 May
(DSm); 2 Mulbring 11 Jan (HBOC); Up to 12 present daily E Wahroonga between 19
May and 23 Jun; 2 along Elvina Bay Trail, Kuring-gai Chase NP 15 Jul (EF); 2
Cumberland SF 13 Dec -3 Jan 1987 (BMa) Recorded throughout year in Eurobodalla
Shire max 50 at Burrewarra Point in Dec (ENHS 1986).
Little Lorikeet G. pusilla
c.10 over Epping 27 Feb (BD); 4 E Wahroonga 29 May (EF); Several calling 1 seen
Georges Hall 7 Dec (DLa).
King Parrot Aprosmictus scapulans
100+ Braunstone 3 Aug (GC); 50 feeding on privet Kulnura 16 Jul (MTy).
Superb Parrot Folytelis swainsonii
19 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 8 Jun; 9 Leeton 4 May (KH); 1 Murrumbateman 20 Oct
(RD,TBO 659:123); 5 c.48 km E of Ardlethan 24 Aug (LJH).
Swamp Parrot Pezoporus wallicus
flushed from wet heath near Diggers Camp, Yuragir NP 6 Jul (GC).
Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor
3 West Head Rd, Kuring-gai Chase NP 15 Jul (EF); small flocks at Ingleside 1 Jul -4 Aug
(JHn); 2 Killalea SRA 20 Jun (CJC).
Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans
12 in coastal heath Minnie Waters 10 May; 2 Pillar Valley 17 May (DG) and 1 on 21 Jun; 1
Water Reserve, Grafton 8 Jul; 3 Coutts Crossing 23 Jul and 10+ on 26 Jul; 2
Braunstone 3 Aug (GC). These observations reflect an apparent annual winter migration
to the lower Clarence River valley, observers are asked to see if winter movements to
coastal heaths represent a regular movement of this species.
June 1990 Page 85Eastern Rosella P. eximus
Erigolia district 16 Aug (JPi,TBO 657:100) western edge of range. Numbers appear to
be increasing in Beacon Hill area (LJH).
Pale -headed Rosella P. adscitus
1-2 in three separate locations near Unumgar 13 Jun (GC).
Red-rumped Parrot Psephotus haemotonotus
c.12 Caringbah 2 Jun (BHa), observers first record this locality.
Bourke’s Parrot Neophema bourkii
Small numbers seen between Cobar and Bourke 21 Sep (ARMcG).
Blue -winged Parrot N. chrysotoma
Adult male in saltmarsh Towra Point NR 8 Feb (AKM), suitable habitat but presumed to
be an avairy escapee/release.
Turquoise Parrot N. pulcnella
1 22 km N Barraba 15 Jan; flocks of 10-12 Bean Baa district mid year (DR); Pair
Coolbaggie NR 28 Mar (J&NR); Hillston district 12 Aug (JPi,TBO 657:100) Both areas
are new locations. 1 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 6 Apr (KH); 2 Yerriyong 19 Jan (DW).
Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus
1 Newnes 21 Dec (CP); 6 Tocal 7 Oct, 1 Mulbring 7 Oct, 6 Rankin Park 2 Dec (HBOC). 1
Wisemans Ferry 18 Jan (JDi) Sixteen birds in one year is an above average number for
NSW and the Hunter Valley appears to be a key area for the species in NSW.
Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus
Present Coutts Crossing 6 Oct -3 Dec (GC); 1 juvenile being fed by Yellow -tufted
Honeyeaters Thirlmere Lakes NP Feb (CJC). Arrival dates: Winmallee 3 Sep (KS),
Moruya 21 Sep (ENHS 1986).
Brush Cuckoo C. variolosus
Present Maulbrook Road Moruya 14 Jan (ENHS 1986) Arrival dates: Batemans Bay 1
Sep (ENHS 1986); Munghorn Gap 4 Oct (AKM).
Fantailed Cuckoo C. pyrrhophanus
Departed Moruya district 5 Jan and arrived Batemans Bay 20 Jul (ENHS 1986)
Black -eared Cuckoo C. basalis
1 Salt Caves, Pilliga NR 3 Aug (TQ).
Little Bronze -cuckoo C. malayanus
Arrival date Coutts Crossing 6 Oct, 1 Chaffin Swamp Tucabia 9 Dec (GC). Pair Nambucca
Heads regularly between and 25 Jan (DS).
Koel Eudynamys scolopacea
Departure: Beacon Hill 3 Jan (LJH); Mt. Riverview 6 Jan (LSm); Nowra 11 Feb (DW);
Coramba NR 9 Mar (GC); Booti Booti SRA 14 Mar (DT). Arrival: Glenbrook 7 Aug (MB) an
exceptionally early date; Call only Ingleburn 5 Sep (LJH); Wardell 20 Sep (GH); Coutts
Crossing 21 Sep; (GC); Booti Booti SRA 14 Oct (DT); Mt. Riverview 13 Oct (LSm);
Nowra 15 Oct (DW).
Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae
Recorded Coutts Crossing, Lawrence, Grafton area during Jan and frequently between
25 Sep -8 Dec (GC); 2 Westleigh 30 Nov where also calling and seen throughout Dec
(AEFR). Departure: Nowra 16 Feb (DW); Booti Booti SRA 22 Feb (DT) this was a
juvenile, all adults had left earlier. Arrival: Nowra 1 Sep (DW); Glenbrook 18 Sep (MB);
Page 86 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4Mt. Riverview 23 Sep (LSm). Sydney: 1 S. Turramurra 2 Dec (DLa); 1 McCarr’s Creek
Reserve, Church Point 17 Dec (FC).
Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus
1 Garigal Picnic Area, Kuring-gai Chase NP 15 Jul (EF); 1 Wollstonecraft 6 Jan (TF); 1
heard calling Beacon Hill 26 Nov (LJH) heard calling Barren Grounds NR 6-8 and 21
Jan (RJ) first NR record.
Powerful Owl Ninox strenua
Recorded at Byrill Creek, Mt Warning NP 22 Jan and Nullum SF, Murwillumbah 20 Jul
(GH); Feather found near the Crags, Gibraltar Range NP 20 Jan; 1 Dundarra Gully
Washpool NP 26 Aug (GC); 1 roadkilled Fern Bay (near Stockton) 5 Jul (HBOC).
Sydney: Pair Dee Why 16 Jul (RJA); Heard at close range Lady Carrington Dr, Royal NP
3 Jul (AEFR), and 3 on 5 Dec (CJC). Illawarra: 1 Monto Heights 2 Feb; 1 Mt Murray 16
Mar; 1 Appin 4 Jun; 1 Bass Point 13 Sep (CJC).
Barking Owl N. connivens
1 Killalea SRA 18 May, 1 Canyonleigh 4 Oct (CJC).
Barn Owl Tyto a/ba
15 Cornwallis/Pitt Town area during spotlight survey on 3 Aug (DSm); 1 Berry 17 Jul
Masked Owl T. novaehollandiae
1 road kill Barlings Swamp, Moruya 11 Aug (ENHS 1986).
Eastern Grass Owl T. longimembris
1 Ballina 1 May; 2 Wardell 18 Jul -21 Aug; 5 dead Pacific H’way Uralba 12-20 Sep (GH); 1
roadkilled Pacific H’way S of Chinderah 21 Sep (GC). Above average number of reports
for NSW and all near the stronghold of the species in NSW near Broadwater NP.
Sooty Owl T. tenebricosa
Recorded at Minyon Falls, Nightcap NP 8 Feb; Coopers Creek 6 Apr; and Nullum SF
Murwillumbah 19 Jul (GH). Reported from Grose River Feb (GLK); 2 Lady Carrington Dr,
Royal NP 28 Jun -5 Jul (AEFR).
Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides
Brown morphs reports 1 Gibraltar Range NP 10 Jan (GC); 1 roadkilled Karuah 10 Nov
Owlet -nightjar Aegothe/es cristata
2 Gibraltar Range NP 10 Jan; 1 Washpool NP 26 Aug; Heard Water Reserve Grafton 1
Mar, 9 Apr, and 19 May; Present Coutts Crossing between 6 Jan and 24 May and also
on 25 Sep (GC).
White -throated Nightjar Caprimulgus mystacalls
1 Coolgardie Rd, Wardell 11 Aug (GH); 1 roadkilled Middle Creek Gibraltar Range NP 18
Feb (GC); 1 Coutts Crossing 12 Feb (DG); 2 Pappinbarra FSC 2 Feb (DG); Moruya
departed 18 Apr and arrived 23 Nov (ENHS 1986).
Spotted Nightjar C. guttatus
Observed at Loughnan NR 29-30 Mar (NM).
Spine -tailed Swift Hirundapus caudacutus
Departure Booti Booti SRA 15 Mar (DT); Coutts Crossing 25 Mar (GC); and Thomleigh 2
Apr (BH). Arrival: Wallinghat SF 19 Oct (DT); Thomleigh 11 Nov (BH); Coutts Crossing
12 Nov (GC).
June 1990 Page 87Fork -tailed Swift Apus pacificus
Moree 19 Feb (DG); 200+ Warialda 28 Mar; c.50 Yetman 31 Mar (DG); 20 New
Lambton Heights 5 Apr (HBOC). Present Bouddi NP 5 Apr (SF); c.20 Balranald 31 Mar
(B&JP,TBO 653:51); 1 Culburra 12 Dec (CJC); 1 Corowa STW 23 Mar (MO’S,TBO
Azure Kingfisher Alcyone azurea
Dandahra Creek Gibraltar Range NP 4 Jan (GC); Recorded breeding in Booti Booti
SRA 1-2 Mar (FOC), first breeding record for Park.
Forest Kingfisher Halcyon macleayii
1 3 km S Bingara 15 Jan and 1 Harparary 3-7 Feb (DR), both unusual sightings. Port
Macquarie 5 on 20 Jul, 2 on 20 Dec and 1 on 23 Dec (GC).
Sacred Kingfisher H. sancta
Only Northern River region autumn reports: 1 Red Rock 13 Mar; 2 near Kungala 17 Mar
(GC). Departure: Booti Booti SRA 13 Mar (DT). Arrival: Coutts Crossing 20 Sep (GC);
Booti Booti SRA 25 Sep (DT); Westleigh 4 Oct (AEFR) and Leeton 5 Oct (KH).
Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus
Winter Records 5 on powerlines at Grady’s Creek 13 June; Belongil Creek, Byron Bay 3
on 27 Jul and 1 on 28 Jul; 2+ Cumbebin Swamp, Byron Bay 9 Aug; 1 Lennox Head 10
Aug (GC). (Note: it is generally accepted that birds winter from Iluka northwards).
Departure: Nowra 24 Jan (DW); Alumy Creek 3 Mar (GC). Arrival: Susan Is, Grafton 23
Aug (GC); 6 Maitland 15 Sep (HBOC); Leeton 27 Sep (KH); Nowra 16 Oct (DW).
Dollarbird Eurostomus orientalis
Departure: Moruya 5 Feb (ENHS 1986); Nowra 28 Feb (DW); Booti Booti SRA 9 Mar
(DT); Grafton 14 Mar an immature bird (GC). Arrival: Wardell 12 Sep (GH) Booti Booti
SRA 23 Sep (DT); E Wahroonga 6 Oct (EF); Nowra 6 Oct (DW); and Batemans Bay 1 Oct
(ENHS 1986).
Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor
in rainforest patch adjacent Tweed Heads Golf Course Jul (PMi,TBO 659:124).
Present Iluka NR 17 Apr and 16 Aug (GC); 1 in rainforest Lisarow 26 Jul; 2 in rainforest
Sunnybank HSD Kangy Angy 21 Jul (RP). These are the first records for the Central
Coast. Royal NP 25 Jul (CJC).
Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena
1000+ Pyree 23 Mar (CJC).
White -backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternum
Northern Rivers: Present 16 Feb to 6 Dec max 18+ on 24 Feb (GC).
White -bellied Cuckoo -shrike Coracina robusta
Recorded in Booti Booti SRA 1-2 Mar (FOC), first Park record.
Cicadabird C. tenuirostris
1 male Blue Nobby HSD North Star 31 Mar (DG), west of known range. Arrival: Lawrence
18 Oct (GC); Moruya 20 Oct (ENHS 1986); Nowra 10 Nov (DW). Departure: Moruya 19
Feb (ENHS 1986); Coutts Crossing 18 Mar (GC); Nowra 23 Mar (DW).
Barred Cuckoo -shrike C. lineata
2 adults and a juvenile Repton 17 Jan (GH); Adult and immature Nambucca Heads 1 Feb
and 6 Mar (DS); 1 Stroud 15 Mar (JGa,TBO 653:50), this is an exceptional southern
Page 88 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4Ground Cuckoo -shrike C. maxima
2 Dumaresq River 28 Mar (BH); 2 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 29 Jun (KH); 1 Corowa 22
Apr (AF,TBO 655:75).
White -winged Triller Lalage sueurii
1 N of Fineflower 11 Oct; 1 Cowans Pond 11 Oct; 2 Coutts Crossing 20 Oct and single
birds 20 Nov, 13 and 15 Dec; 1 Chaffin Swamp, Tucabia 9 Dec (GC). There are a few
North Coast records. 1 male in winter plumage Cobbity 29 Jun (ARMcG); 2 Bamarang 11
Dec (DW). Arrival: Moruya 22 Sep (ENHS 1986); 1 Minmi 27 Sep (HBOC); Leeton 5 Oct
‘Jaded Triller L. leucomela
1 Angourie Point 29 Jun; 1 Glenugie Peak 12 Jul; 1 Fineflower 11 Oct (GC).
Red -whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus
3 Broadmeadow Sep (HBOC); 1 Macquarie Pass NP 29 Jan (GB). New localities.
Blackbird Turdus merula
male continued to reside at Georges Hall throughout year (DLa). Records through
year at Bermagui, Moruya, Batemans Bay and Burrewarra Point (ENHS 1986), give an
indication of species’ distribution on South Coast.
Rose Robin Petroica rosea
1 male Stroud 7 May (JGa, TBO 655:75); 1 Red Hill 22 Aug (FC); 1 Westleigh 15 Jun
(AEFR). Arrival: Nowra 21 Mar (DW). Epping 19 Apr (BD); Coutts Crossing 20 Apr (GC).
Departure: Nowra 31 Jul (DW).
Flame Robin P. phoenicea
12 males Tullys Hill, Leeton, Minnamurra 14 Jun (CJC), unusual east of
Great Divide escarpment in the Illawarra region.
Scarlet Robin P. multicolor
1 adult male Water Reserve Grafton 19 May and 4 Jun (GC); 1 male Herveys Range
during winter months (NS), first record for almost 10 years. 1 Kariong 3 Mar (DLa) 2
Shortland 10 Jun; 6 Fisheries Creek Hexham 5 Jul (HBOC); 1 Red Hill 13 Jul (FC); 1
male Pennant Hills Park 31 May (BD), was observer’s only record for locality in past 6
years. Arrival: Yerriyong 15 Apr and departure Nowra 31 Jul (DW).
Red -capped Robin P. goodenovii
1 Woodview 27 Jul (GH); 2 Londonderry Feb to Jun (PA).
Pink Robin P. rodinogaster
Seen daily Thredbo between 11-25 Jan with nest being built, two eggs noted on 25
Jan (LSm).
Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata
2 Minmi 13 Dec (HBOC).
Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea
1 male Mt Cambewarra 25 May (DW); 1 Macquarie Pass 9 Jun; 1 Barren Grounds 11 Sep
(CJC); Common Mt. Dromedary 16 Jan; Moruya 25 Apr (ENHS 1986).
Red -bred Whistler P .rufogularis
1 Round Hill NR 28 Aug, pair at nest with 2 eggs 1 Sep (GH) . There have been few
breeding records in recent years for NSW.
June 1990 Page 89Rufous Whistler P. rufiventris
Arrival: Mt. Riverview 19 Sep (LSm); Pennant Hills Park 11 Oct (BD), where considered
to be an unsually late arrival for this locality. Usually first arrivals have appeared from
mid -Sep in prior years. Three separate visits made to the park between mid -Sep and 11
Oct failed to record the species. Departure: Mt. Riverview 21 Mar (LSm); Moruya 26 Mar
(ENHS 1986).
Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis
adult male Wollar 3 Aug (NM), constitutes an eastern range extension for the species.
Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis
Arrival: Wardell 12 Sep (GH); Red Rock 27 Sep (GC); Westleigh and Thornleigh 27 Sep
(AEFR, BH); Moruya 9 Oct (ENHS 1986); Nowra 31 Oct (DW). Departure: Nowra 2 Mar
(DW); Narrabeen Lagoon 3 Apr (NM).
Spectacled Monarch M. trivirgatus
Cumberland SF 24 Oct (NM). Present Bass Point 13 Oct -Nov (CJC). Sydney records
appearing more regular. Arrival: Red Rock 27 Sep (GC).
White -eared Monarch M. leucotis
Recorded at Mebbin SF 22-24 Jan (GH).
Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula
Arrival: Gibraltar Range NP 6 Sep (GC); Thornleigh 26 Sep (BH); Batemans Bay 2 Oct
(ENHS 1986); Nowra 31 Oct (DW). Departure: Moruya 6 Mar (ENHS 1986); Nowra 13
Mar (DW).
Satin Flycatcher M. cyanoleuca
1 female Whian Whian SF 13 Apr (GH).
Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons
1 Coombadjha Creek, Washpool NP 29 Mar; 1 in dune scrub Red Rock 20 Mar (GC).
Arrival: Red Rock 27 Sep (GC); Royal NP 4 Oct (ARMcG); Nowra 28 Oct (DW). Departure
date: Narrabeen Lagoon 3 Apr (NM); Nowra 1 May (DW).
Spotted Quail -thrush Cinclosoma punctatum
Recorded at North Ewingar Rd, Tabulam 30 Mar (GH); 1 Yerrinyong 15 Apr; 3 Culburra
17 Apr (DW).
Grey -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus tempo rails
Flock Warkworth Rd, Bulga 19 Nov (AEFR) were at eastern edge of known range.
Golden -headed Cisticola Cisticola exilis
c.6 around cotton dam near Marshalls Ponds, Moree 28 Mar and 1 Apr (DG); Recorded
breeding in Booti Booti SRA 1-2 Mar (FOC), species first breeding record for Park.
Clamorous Reedwarbler Acrocephalus stentoreus
2+ Port Macquarie STW 19 Jul (GC). Recorded in Booti Booti SRA 1-2 Mar (FOC), first
Park record. Present Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 1 Jun, where singing vigorously 20
Jul (KH). Departure: Lawrence 3 Mar (GC). Arrival: Ballina 21 Sep (GC).
Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis
1-2 Killalea SRA 3 May -31 Dec (CJC).
Rufous Songlark Cinclorhamphus mathewsi
Bundary, Moruya late Dec (ENHS 1986).
Page90 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4Brown Songlark Cincforhamphus cruralis
Recorded in Booti Booti SRA 1-2 Mar (FOC), first Park record. 1 singing Fivebough
Swamp, Leeton 24 May (KH).
Southern Emuwren Stipturus malachurus
Observed near Anvil Rock, Gibraltar Range NP 17 and 24 Jan and 29 Aug; near the
Crags 6, 13 and 20 Jan and near Dandahra Creek 31 Mar (GC); 3 Kangaroo Valley 2 Mar;
3 Jervis Bay 14 Feb; 2 Governors Head, Jervis Bay 14 Jun; 3 Beecroft Peninsula 17
Jun and 2 on 16 Dec (DW). These Jervis Bay records indicate how well established this
species is in the Bwherrere and Beecroft Peninsulas.
Stnated Grasswren Amytornis striarus
Loughnan NR 29-30 Mar (NM), no details provided. Further confirmation of the
species presence in this location is requested as this is the first report of this species
south of the Lachlan River.
Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus
Governors Head, Jervis Bay 14 Feb, 14 Mar and 14 Jun (DW).
Yellow -throated Scrub -wren Sericornis lathami
Recorded in Booti Booti SRA 1-2 Mar (FOC), first Park record.
Chestnut -tailed Hylacola Hylacola pyrrhopygia
1 McClymonts Swamp Gibraltar Range NP 25 Jan (GC); 6 Garingal Picnic Area,
Kuring-gai Chase NP and Soldiers Point Track, Kuring-gai Chase NP 15 Jul (EF).
Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus
3 Tianjara 4 Feb (DW); 1 between White Horse Hut and Horse Camp Hut Kosciusko NP
4 Jan (DLa) est. altitude 1550 m. Observers investigations suggest is an exceptionally
high altitude for this species. Most known occurences are below 500m.
Weebill Smicornis brevirostris
3 Grafton 19 May and also present on 4 Jun, 8 Jul and 23 Nov; 1 Coutts Crossing 3, 7,
11 and 14 Jul, 25 Sep and 20 Oct (GC). Unusual in the Clarence Valley.
Brown Warbler Gerygone mouki
Max 4 Camp Cove, South Head 25 Apr -24 Sep (AKM), winter visitor at this location.
Western Warbler G. fusca
Seaham NR 28 Apr (EF).
White -throated Warbler G. olivacea
At Coutts Crossing throughout year near Waterview Heights 31 May (GC); 1 Newcastle
City 8 Nov (HBOC). Arrival: Epping 17 Sep (BD); Nowra 21 Sep (DW); Murrurundi 26
Sep (LJH); Moruya 1 Oct (ENHS 1986). Departure: Moruya 5 Mar (ENHS 1986);
Seaham NR 28 Apr (EF), when good numbers present; Nowra 3 Feb (DW).
Buff -tailed Thornbill Acanthiza reguloides
c.7 in Westleigh garden 28 Mar -1 Apr (AEFR).
Banded Whiteface Aphelocephala nigicincta
2 c.5 km S Sturt NP 25 Sep (PS,FOC 97,PAB), 4th NSW record.
Brown Treecreeper Climacteris picumnus
1 Coutts Crossing 13 Dec (GC), observers only record for year at this location.
Red-browed Treecreeper C. erythrops
4 Tinda Creek, Bulga 28 Jun (AEFR). Resident Moruya SF (ENHS 1986).
June 1990 Page 91Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis
1 in garden at Primbee 3 Oct (RI).
Striped Honeyeater Plectorhyncha lanceolata
1 Stroutian Park, Great Marlow 27 Apr; 1 near Coutts Crossing 15 Dec (GC); Both
reports indicate new locations for this species by observer. Recorded in Booti Booti
SRA 1-2 Mar (FOC) first Park record, irregular sightings thereafter (DT).
Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis
Present in low numbers Nocholeche NP at every visit including most recently 21-28
May (WLa). NSWBA records indicates this area is at western limit. 1 Tinda Creek BuIga
28 Jun; 4 Putty 28 Jun (AEFR); 1 Wamoeral 1 Nov (MCa).
Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia
2 presumed pair Western Plains Zoo 15 Oct (BD), one carrying apparent nesting
material, not listed by Morris (1984) for Dubbo District. Reported from Capertee-Glen
Davis 28 Sep (FOC); 10+ Thorley St Windsor 18 Jul; 1 Glossodia 8 Oct (LSm); 1
Coowong HSD, Canyonleigh 5 Oct (CJC); 1 Burrewarra Point 25 Jun (ENHS 1986).
White -eared Honeyeater Lichenostomus leucotis
2 Western Plains Zoo 3 Jun (DSm). Recorded in Booti Booti SRA 1-2 Mar (FOC), first
Park record.
Mangrove Honeyeater L. fasciogularis
Max 5 Clarence Estuary 22 Nov and 29 Nov Dart Is also 2 Rabbit Is 22 Nov (GC).
Yellow -faced Honeyeater L. chrysops
60 Burrendong Arboretum 1-3 May (DSm). From 14 Apr hundreds flying over E
Wahroonga (from SW -NNE) daily until mid -Jun (EF); 2 Beacon Hill 8 Aug (LJH)
observer’s first record for locality. South Head: arrived on 2 Apr and departed on 20
Sep (AKM).
Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus
2-3 near North Mackerel Beach, Kuring-gai Chase NP 15 Jul (EF); 1 Red Hill 13 Jul (FC).
Nowra arrival 23 May and departure 11 Sep (DW).
White -plumed Honeyeater L. penicillatus
Nowra arrival 23 May and departure 11 Aug (DW).
White-naped Honeyeater Melithreptus lunatus
Present Coutts Crossing and 14 Aug (GC), observer reports species rare here.
White -throated Honeyeater M. albogularis
Present Moonee 15-22 Feb; Red Rock 13 Mar and 27 Sep; Halfway Creek 17 Mar and
Fiddlers Creek, Braunstone 30 Jun (GC).
Black -chinned Honeyeater M. gularis
Present Water Reserve Grafton throughout year; 2+ Waterview Heights 31 May; 3
Rushforth 22 Feb; Present Glenugie SF 12 Jul; 1 Coutts Crossing 18 Mar (GC); 2
Widden Valley 7 Jun (HBOC); Feeding young out of nest Glossodia 8 Oct (LSm).
Brown -headed Honeyeater M. brevirostris
6 Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo 3 Jun (DSm); Recorded at Back Yamma SF 25-26 Apr
(GT), observer’s first record for SF.
Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta
Teralba 22 Nov; 2 Shortland 8 Dec (HBOC).
Pap 92 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4Painted Honeyeater Grantiella picta
1 Mungle Creek 31 Mar; several birds seen regularly Terlings HSD, Moree 28 Mar- 1 Apr
Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera
Recorded in Booti Booti SRA 1-2 Mar (FOC), first Park record well north of accepted
White-cheeked Honeyeater P. nigra
Small numbers noted at Earlwood Oct- Nov (NR), where considered unusual by
Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P. melanops
2 Red Rock 27 Sep (DPa).
Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger
1 male Harparary HSD, Baan Baa 18 Jan (DR) observers first record this locality.
Scarlet Honeyeater Myzomela sanguinolenta
More records than usual in the Sydney- Wollongong area including: 5+ Lovett Bay,
Kuring-gai Chase NP 17 Jul (EF); present Cobbity, Bents Basin, Bringelly and Wallacia
13 Dec (AKM); several Lady Carrington Drive 6 Jun (BD); 1 male Barren Grounds NR 18
Dec (RJ) second NR record. 6 Bass Point 23 May -21 Jun; 25+ Comerong Is 8 Jun -12
Sep; 15 Killalea SRA 14 Jun -10 Sep (CJC). Recorded at 6 locations in Eurobodalla
Shire Jun -Nov (ENHS 1986). A small flock near Boydtown 9-16 Dec (BF), represents
the only record for the Eden/Nadgee area since 1972.
Olive -backed Sunbird Nectarinia jugularis
The female at Hawkes Nest (referred to in 1985 Bird Report) built nest laid and
incubated eggs (without success) Jan (WB), revisited nest early Nov not seen since
Silvereye Zosterops lateralis
2 banded Umberumberka Reserve 18 May (NSh), unusual record for inland NSW.
White -fronted Chat Epthianura albifrons
Max 15 Homebush Bay 12 Jan -7 Feb (TLK,JR); 15 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 16 Mar
(KH), peak number for 1986 at this location.
Mistletoebird Dicaeum hirundinaceum
Recorded in Booti Booti SRA 1-2 Mar (FOC), first Park record.
Spotted Pardalote Pardalotus punctatus
1 Six Mile Creek near Wentworth 21 Apr (CS,TBO 656:92).
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis
30 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 18 May (KH).
European Greenfinch C. chloris
2 males calling Centennial Park 13 Dec (JS) the only Sydney location where this
species can be regularly found. Griffith 17 Aug (JPi,TBO 657:100) probable escapee
as no previous records this area.
Indian Mynah Acridotheres tristis
6-9 birds observed anting Caringbah 26 Dec (BHa).
Beautiful Firetail Emblema bella
Mountain Lagoon 30 Aug (MCo). Recorded in Royal NP Heathcote Jan (SMo),
1 1
between Waterfall and Audley Nov (BSt). Pair nesting Jervis Bay 8 Sep (DW); 2 along
June 1990 Page 93Murray’s Beach Walk Jervis Bay 22 Dec (KH). Recorded at East Boyd SF and Wonboyn
Lake 6 Jan (GH).
Diamond Firetail E. guttata
1 Cutt Hill Rd Cobbitty 13 Dec (AKM), now rarely recorded in the Sydney Region.
Double -barred Finch Poephila bichenovii
6 Araluen 1 Mar (CJC). 4 records for Batemans Bay, Moruya, Bermagui area Sep -Oct
including max 15 at Moruya (ENHS 1986). These records are on the southern edge of
the species’ coastal range.
Zebra Finch P. guttata
2 Legume 29 Dec (DG); 2 pairs accompanied by juveniles Kooragang Is 28 Apr (EF).
Star Finch Neochmia ruficauda
Adult with Red-browed Finches Neochmia temporalis Henry Head, Botany Bay NP 10
Apr (AKM), was undoubtedly an escapee.
Plum -headed Finch Aidemosyne modesta
32 Burrendong Arboretum 1-3 May, 60 (incl nest with eggs) 4-5 Dec (DSm).
Spice Finch Lonchura punctulata
Pair Baan Baa Jul -Aug (DR), appears to be a first record for this locality. 7 North Ryde 29
Mar (EF), indicates continued presence at this location over the last 10 years.
Chestnut -breasted Mannikin L. castaneothorax
Flocks of 30-200+ reported in the Illawarra region south to the Shoalhaven Valley
throughout the year (CJC,DW).
Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus
1 Girraween Park (adj. Bardwell Park R/way Stn.) 13 Sep (NRa), observers first record
this locality. Recorded all months at Nowra though numbers decreased during winter
months, (DW).
Figbird Sphecotheres viridis
Absent during winter months and early spring Booti Booti SRA (DT); 1 Lake Heights 17
Nov (CJC).
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus hottentottus
Observed regularly throughout Northern Rivers region in all months except Apr, May
and Oct (GC); 1 Stroud 21 Feb (JGa,TBO 651:26). Present most months in flocks to 35
birds Booti Booti SRA Jun -Oct (DT); 1 Stannix Park 15 Mar; 1 vicinity of Oatley Park 16
Aug (FOC). Arrival: Nowra 13 Mar (DW); Moruya 25 Mar (ENHS 1986). Departure: Nowra
31 Jul (DW); Nielsen Park 1 Oct (AKM).
Satin Bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus
12 Grafton 15 Aug (DG) reflects apparent annual altitudinal migration by this species in
NE NSW. 1 female plumage Coutts Crossing 13 Aug -7 Dec (GC), an unusually dry
habitat for this species.
Regent Bowerbird Sericulus chrysocephalus
Central Coast: 1 female Lake Munmorah 20 May (EF); 1 Katandra Res 17 May; 2 in privet
Kulnura 16 Jul (JA); male Kilcare 24 Aug (MTy).
Green Catbird Ailuroedus crassirosths
2 Katandra Reserve 17 May (MTy).
Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata
Observed at Lake Ballyrogan 29-30 Mar (NM).
Page 94 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus
female plumage Hortons Creek, Nymboida 26 Jul (GC).
White -winged Chough Corcorax melanorhamphos
3+ Ramornie 4 Feb; 9 NW of Coutts Crossing 6 Aug; 1 near Eatonsville 28 Sep; 5 near
Waterview Heights 16 Nov; 8 Coutts Crossing 14 Jan (GC) uncommon in the Lower
Clarence Valley.
White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorhynchus
Booti Booti SRA: Departed 25 Apr and arrived 27 Aug (DT); Pair Werri Beach 23 Oct
(DW,CJC) observation followed strong westerly winds, first County of Camden record.
Masked Woodswallow A. personatus
Male Cooyal 3 Oct (NKu). There are few recent records for this species in the Mudgee
Pied Currawong Strepera graculina
Booroora Rest Area Bundjalung NP 22 Nov. Arrival: Coutts Crossing 14 Jan (GC).
None recorded around Dubbo 14-16 Oct but were present between Geurie South and
Orange 16 Oct (BD). Recorded at Back Yamma SF 25-26 Apr (GT), observer’s first
record for SF.
Grey Currawong S. versicolor
1 Tianjara 23 Dec (DW); Pair Darkes Forest 30 Oct (PRR); 1 Moruya Oct (ENHS 1986).
Forest Raven Corvus tasmanicus
2 pairs in separate locations Booti Booti SRA 1-2 Mar (BH).
Little Raven C. meiloti
20 East of Berry 25 Oct (CJC).
Kevin Mills (KM) kindly provided details on all species recorded during a visit to the Island from
15-22 Nov. Other observers also submitted reports. The latter are annotated in the standard
format of the Annual Bird Report. All other comments constitute a summary of Kevin’s more
significant sightings.
1986 Bird Report
Buller’s Shearwater Puffinus bulleri
off Ball’s Pyramid 28 Jan (RoD).
Fluttering Shearwater P. gavia
between Lord Howe Is and Balls Pyramid 3 Mar (GH).
White -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregatta grallaria
June 1990 Page 9512 off Ball’s Pyramid 28 Jan (RoD); between Lord Howe Is. and Balls Pyramid 46 on 26
Feb and 30 on 3 Mar; 1 c.1 km off Malabar 2 Mar (GH).
Brown Booby Sula leucogaster
between Lord Howe Is. and Balls Pyramid 3 Mar (GH).
Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis
At least 2 birds present 15-22 Nov. Usually seen near airport but also observed at Sea
Breeze and Met. Stn. each time associated with cattle.
Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio
Soldiers Creek 19 Nov. There are reputedly 2 birds on the Island.
Woodhen Tricholimnas sylvestris
Following the breeding program this species is now relatively common. Birds seen
between 15-22 Nov were as follows: 6 Mt. Gower summit; 4 track to Little Island; and 1
Boat harbour.
Masked Plover Vanellus miles novaehollandiae
An uncommon species. Single birds at Sea Breeze Old Settlement Beach and the
airport swamp.
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus
Single birds in various locations 15-22 Nov. An obviously exhausted bird seen at Little
Island on 16 Nov was found dead in same area on 18 Nov.
Greenshank Tringa nebularia
An uncommon species 2 Sea Breeze area 16 Nov also at Old Settlement Beach.
Terek Sandpiper T. terek
near Old Settlement Beach creek 17-18 Nov.
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata
Airport Swamp 16 Nov; Old Settlement Beach creek 17 Nov.
1 1
Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotus
Blinky Swamp 27 Feb -7 Mar (GH), first record.
Japanese Snipe Gallinago hardwickii
A few observations of single birds near creek at Sea Breeze and in grassy areas along
Anderson Rd between 15-22 Nov.
Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata
A common species particularly over the northern end of the Island also at Muttonbird
Point. Eggs and young observed on Mt. Eliza and nearby areas Muttonbird Point and
on the northern end of Nedds Beach.
Little Tern S. albifrons
North Bay 4 Mar (GH). Not previously recorded at Lord Howe (cf. 1974 Env. Survey of
Common Noddy Anous stolidus
An uncommon species observed on the northern end of the island one bird observed
nest -building at “The Gulch”, other birds on nests at Muttonbird Point.
Shining Bronze -cuckoo Chrysococcyx plagosus lucidus
on 5 Mar (GH).
Fairy Martin Petrochelidon ariel
2 on 28 Jan (RoD). Not previously recorded at Lord Howe (cf. 1974 Env. Survey of LHI).
Page 96 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis
1 Airport 26 Feb -1 Mar (GH). Not previously recorded at Lord Howe (cf. 1974 Env.
Survey of LHI).
Pied Currawong Strepera graculina crissalls
Moderately common in most areas – about the settlement and in bush areas, including
Mt. Gower summit. It is reported that the total population is between 30 and 50 birds.
Black -breasted Kite Hamirostra melanosterna
Record for Hunter region near Wollongong should read near Gosford.
White -bellied Sea -eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster
Only 1 nest with 2 young reported near St Albans.
Beach Stone -curlew Esacus magnirostris
Reports from Red Rock NP should read Red Rock.
APPENDIX 1 AWC Audrey Clucas LJH L J Heeney
AC Athol Colemane Glenn Holmes
Index of Observers JC Jim Cooksey EH E.S. Hoskin
RJC Rod J Cox BH Barbara Howie
JA Judy Adderley FC Fred Creer HBOC Hunter Bird
CA C Allen RD R Davies Observers’ Club
DA Debbie Andrews LD Lynn Day KH Keith Hutton
RJA Reg Angus SD Stephen Debus RI R Imisides
PA Peter Antcliffe RID Ranjid Demel RJ Richard Jordan
EA E Ardern JDi Jim Dixon TLK Tom Kelsey
MB Michael Barer BD Brian Downer NKu Norma Kurtz
GB Graham Barwell RoD Rob Drummond SGL Bill Lane
IB Ivor Bennett EHNS Eurobodalla Nat. Hist. DLa Darrel Larkin
JBI J Blackshields Soc. 1986 Ann. Report W1.2 Wayne Lawler
RBr Richard Bradley SF Stuart Fairbaim BL B Lee
CB C Brandis AF A Fergusson GLJ Geoff Lundie-Jenkins
JB John Biickhill PF Penny Field AMcB Alan McBride
SBr Stan Brown EF Eric Finley ARMcGArnold McGill
AB Amanda Browne BF Boyd Fitzgerald BM Betty Mannes
RB Rona Bolton DF D Fischer HM Hilary Mannes
PAB P A Bourke TF Ted Florin BMa Beryl Marchant
MB Mark Butoo JGa Jocelyn Gardner AM A Marr
MCa Maureen Carey GGa G Gatenby NM Norma Maxwell
MJC Michael J Carter DG David Geering KM Kevin Mills
ELC Ted Carthew MGo Mark Goodson PMi P Mitchell
DAC D A Carmichael BHa Bruce Hamon SMo Steve Morgan
CJC C J Chafer JHn John Handel AKM Alan K Morris
GC Greg Clancy JHa Jeff Hardy TM Tim Moms
GCI G Clarke N&JH Norm & June Harris RM Robin Murray
June 1990 Page 97NSWBANSW Bird Atlassers NRa Neil Rankin LES L E Smith
FOC NSWFOC DR Del Richards CS Chris Sonter
MN Mike Newman PR Peter Roberts PSu Phillip Sullivan
MO’S M O’Sullivan AEFR Alan Rogers WS Warren Sweeney
DPa David Page J&NR Judy & Neil Russill CT C Taylor
MP May Pagenstecher KS K Schaefer IT Ian Taylor
B&JP B & J Parker NS Neville Schrader PT Peter Terrill
RP Robert Payne DS David Secomb Mli Margaret link
DPe Debby Perry JSe John Searle DT David Turner
JPi J Pickford MS Michael Sharp GT Graham Turner
R Po Robyn Pogany PS h P Sharp RT Dick Turner
CP Carol Probets RS R Sharrock MTy Maureen Tyler
JP John Pryh NSh Nick Sheppard BV Barry Virtue
GP G. Pyke DSm Darryl Smedley EW Eric Wheeler
TO Trevor Quested DSt Dave Smith DW Diana Wright
PRR P R Ramm LSm Lola Smith
Fineflower 29 24 152 40
Glenreagh 30 03 152 59
APPENDIX 2 Glenugie SF 29 48 153 02
Grady’s Creek 28 22 152 58
Horton’s Creek, Nymboida 29 55 152 45
LOCATION GUIDE Jaloom 29 54 152 53
Kentucky Stud 29 45 153 02
Reported Location Approx. Grid Ref. Korora Bay, Coffs Harbour 30 15 153 07
Deg MnS Deg Mn E Kungala 29 57 153 02
Kyogle 28 37 153 01

  1. NORTHERN RIVERS Lanitza 29 53 153 02
    Angourie 29 28 153 22 Legume 28 24 153 12
    Angourie Point 29 29 153 23 Lennox Head 28 50 153 34
    Belongil Creek, Byron Bay 28 28 153 35 Lower Kangaroo Creek 30 01 152 49
    Bora Ridge, Woodburn 29 05 153 10 Lower Southgate 29 35 153 12
    Braunstone 29 48 152 58 Mebbin SF 28 25 153 12
    Broken Head NR 28 43 153 35 Minyon Falls, Nightcap NP 28 32 153 15
    Broome Head (c.65 km off) 29 26 153 25 Munro Is., Lawrence 29 28 153 08
    Brushgrove 29 35 153 05 North Ewingar Road 29 08 152 25
    Bunjalung NP 29 15 153 23 Nullum SF, Murwillumbah 28 23 153 12
    Byrill Creek 28 25 153 12 Pottsville 28 25 153 34
    Carrs Is., Grafton 29 40 152 15 Purgatory Creek 29 35 152 40
    Chinderah 28 35 153 25 Ramournie 29 40 152 48
    Coolgardie Rd, Wardell 28 56 153 28 Repton 30 27 153 00
    Coopers Creek 28 35 153 25 Rosewood Creek 30 44 152 55
    Corindi River 30 00 153 12 Rushforth 29 48 152 52
    Crystal Waters, Yamba 29 25 153 12 Shallow Channel, Yamba 29 25 153 12
    Cumbebin Swamp, Byron Bay 28 28 153 35 Sportsman’s Creek 29 30 153 01
    Dart Is., Yamba 29 25 153 18 Stokers Siding 28 24 153 24
    Diggers Headland 29 55 153 17 Strontian Park, Great Marlow 29 45 152 55
    Dunoon 28 42 153 18 Susan Is., Grafton 29 44 152 55
    Eatonsville 29 39 152 50 The Haystack, Old Bonablo 28 36 152 32.
    Elizabeth Is., Grafton 29 44 152 55 Tomki Creek 28 52 153 10
    Page 98 Australian Birds Vo123 No.4Towallum 30 02 152 52 Rankin Park 32 55 152 35
    Trenayr 29 38 152 56 Raymond Terrace 32 46 151 45
    Tweed Heads Golf Course 28 10 153 33 Redhead (12 km E of) 33 01 151 52
    Unumgar 28 25 152 45 Ridgeway, nr Lisarow 33 23 151 23
    Washpool NP 29 25 152 20 Sunnybank, Kangy Angy 33 23 151 22
    Water Reserve, Grafton 29 43 152 55 Tinda Creek, Bulga 32 39 151 02
    Woodford Is., Maclean 29 28 153 12 Tocal 32 40 150 35
    Woodview 28 52 152 58 Toronto 33 01 151 35
    Woolgoolga FR 30 07 153 12 Warkworth Road, Bulga 32 39 151 02
    Yabbra SF 28 33 152 33 Widden Valley 32 32 150 12
    Beachwood 31 26 152 41 Audley 34 04 151 04
    Big Gibber, Myall Lakes NP 32 28 152 25 Bayview St., Mt. Kuring-gai 33 38 151 08
    Boundary Creek SF Broken Bay,
    Hibbard 31 26 152 53 (E. at c.100 fathoms) 33 35 151 40
    Koolunbung Creek, Bundeena 34 07 151 09
    Port Macquarie 31 25 152 54 Cabbage Tree Basin, Royal NP 34 08 151 03
    Pelican Is., Wallis Lake 31 15 152 30 Cape Solander 34 01 151 16
    Pembrooke 31 33 152 45 Captain Cook’s Landing Place 34 00 151 15
    Port Macquarie STW 31 26 152 54 Caringbah 34 03 151 08
    Smiths Lake 31 12 151 28 Clark Is., Sydney Harbour 33 52 151 15
    Thrumster 31 28 152 52 Cobbitty 34 01 150 42
    Wallinghat SF 32 20 152 16 Cumberland SF 33 44 151 02
    Cutt Hill Road, Cobbitty 33 59 150 42
  3. HUNTER Deep Creek, Narrabeen 33 43 151 18
    Earlwood 33 53 151 07
    Blackalls Park 33 00 151 37 Fishponds Waterhole, Hornsby 33 43 151 06
    Bolwarra 32 39 151 35 Garie Beach, Royal NP 34 10 151 05
    Booti Booti SRA 33 30 152 26 Georges Hall 33 55 151 57
    Bouddi NP 33 32 151 25 Girraween Park 33 55 150 58
    Broadmeadow 32 55 151 45 Glenbrook 33 45 150 35
    Buttaba 33 03 151 35 Glossodia 33 32 150 47
    Fern Bay 32 53 151 48 Heathcote 34 05 151 01
    Fisheries Creek, Hexham 32 50 151 41 Ingleburn 34 00 150 52
    Glenoak, nr Seaham 32 37 151 42 Lake Northam, Sydney City 33 53 151 12
    Goulburn River NP 32 18 150 02 Londonderry 33 40 150 43
    Hunter Region Botanic Lovett Bay, Kuring-gai NP 33 38 151 16
    Gardens 32 48 151 43 Middle Head, Mosman 33 49 150 15
    Irrawang 32 45 150 45 Mona Vale 33 41 151 18
    Kariong 33 27 151 18 Narraweena 33 42 151 18
    Katandra Reserve 33 26 151 25 Oatley Park 33 58 151 05
    Kilaben Bay 33 02 151 35 Parramatta Park 33 48 151 02
    Kilcare 33 32 151 22 Pennant Hills Park 33 45 151 05
    Kotara Heights 32 57 151 42 Schofield 33 42 150 52
    Marks Point 33 05 151 35 Scout Camp Gully
    Munmorah SRA 33 12 151 36 Upper Lane Cove R 33 45 151 05
    Mulbring 32 55 151 28 South Head,
    Narrara 33 25 151 22 Sydney Harbour NP 33 49 151 17
    Pulbah Is., lake h’,.,:quarie 33 01 153 52 ‘..;re Beach, SHNP 33 52 151 15
    Ju. 1390 Page 99Thornleigh 33 44 151 05 Mount Dromadary 36 18 150 02
    Turrella Railway Station 33 56 151 08 Mowarry Point, Eden 37 09 150 01
    Waterfall 34 07 151 00 Mullendene, Moruya 35 53 150 05
    Windsor 33 37 150 48 Nelson Lagoon,
    Wolli Creek Reserve 33 56 151 08 Mimosa Rock NP 36 42 150 00
    Wollstonecraft 33 50 151 13 Tathra 36 45 149 59
    Woolooware Bay 34 02 151 09 Tianjara Falls 35 07 150 20
    Tuross Beach 36 05 150 08
    Twofold Bay 37 05 149 55
  4. ILLAWARRA Wallaga Lake 36 23 150 05
    Womboyn Lake 37 15 149 55
    Appin 34 12 150 47
    Bass Point 34 38 150 52
    Berry 34 48 150 43 7. NORTHERN TABLELAND
    Coolendel HSD Burner 34 51 150 26
    Coniston Beach 34 38 150 53 No additional locations for Northern Tableland
    Five islands NR 34 28 150 55 Region.
    Kangaroo Valley 34 45 150 32
    Killalea SRA 34 38 150 52 8. CENTRAL TABLELAND
    Koona Bay, Lake Illawarra 34 32 150 55
    Lake Heights 34 32 150 50
    Maquarie Pass 34 33 150 47 Burrendong Dam 32 40 149 08
    Minnamurra 34 37 150 56 Capertee/Glen Davis 33 09 150 08
    Monto Heights 34 33 150 48 Cooyal 32 27 149 45
    Mount Cambewarra 34 47 150 31 Newnes 33 12 150 14
    Mount Murray 34 33 150 40 Wollar 32 12 149 57
    Numbaa 34 53 150 37
    West Cambewarra 34 49 150 30 9. SOUTHERN TABLELAND
    Windang 34 32 150 57
    Yallah 34 43 150 46 Dances Forest 34 35 150 18
    Yerriyong 34 57 150 33 Exeter 34 37 150 19
    Murrumbateman 36 37 150 02
  5. SOUTH COAST Thredbo 36 30 148 18
    White Horse Hut & Horse
    Araluen 35 38 149 49 Camp Hut, Kosciusko NP 36 19 148 24
    Batemans Bay 35 45 150 15 Willow Creek, Collector 34 55 150 30
    Beecroft Peninsula 35 02 150 56
    Bermagui 36 25 150 05 10. NORTH-WEST SLOPES
    Blackfellow Point,
    Tuross Heads 36 05 150 08 Barraba (22 km N. of) 30 10 150 35
    Broulee 35 52 150 11 Beebo SF, Yetman 28 55 150 55
    Burrewarra Point 35 50 150 05 Blue Nobby HSD, North Star 28 55 150 35
    Crookhaven Heads 34 56 150 45 Boobora 28 38 150 10
    East Boyd SF 37 12 149 55 Boomi West NR, Boomi 28 45 149 32
    Governor’s Head, Jervis Bay 35 08 150 45 Murrurundi 31 46 150 50
    Greenwell Point 35 55 150 45 Warialda 29 33 150 34
    Herta HSD, Moruya 35 55 150 05 Yetman 28 53 150 45
    Jervis Bay 35 05 150 45
    Lake Wapengo 36 37 150 02
    Malua Bay 35 48 150 14
    Maulbrooke Road, Moruya 35 55 150 05
    Moruya Heads 35 55 150 09
    Page 100 Austraian Birds Vo1.23 No.411. CENTRAL -WEST SLOPE Nericon Swamp, Griffith 34 12 .146 02
    Rockdale Swamp, Leeton 34 32 146 25
    Tuckerbil Swamp, Yanco 34 37 146 24
    Eumungerie 31 56 148 38
    Geurie South 32 25 148 50
    Hervey Range, nr Parkes 32 55 148 22 16. UPPER WESTERN
    Orange 33 18 149 07
    Bourke 30 05 145 57
  6. SOUTH-WEST SLOPES Lake Pinaroo, Sturt NP 29 05 141 15
    Teralba 29 27 146 57
    Ardlethan 34 22 146 55
    Back Yamma SF 33 55 147 25
    Corowa STW 36 01 146 23 17. LOWER WESTERN
    Erigolia 33 52 146 22
    Gum Swamp, Forbes 33 25 147 58
    Jindera 35 57 146 52 Euabalong West 33 03 146 23
    Jingellic 35 56 147 42 Millawa SF, Mathoura 35 55 145 00
    Poolbooke Road, Grenfell 33 52 148 08 Oaklands 35 33 146 10
    Six Mile Creek, nr Wentworth 34 05 141 55
    Torry Plain, Balranald 34 30 143 30
    Trida 33 01 145 58
  7. NORTH-WEST PLAINS Umberumberka Reservior 31 53 141 13
    Boggabilla 28 37 150 21
    Carwall Swamp, Mungindi 29 05 149 05
    Mains Lagoon, Boggabilla 28 39 150 20
    Marshalls Ponds, Moree 29 22 149 55
    Mungindi, (c. 12km E. of) 28 58 149 05
    Mundine Stn., nr Goodiwindi 28 35 150 15
    Mungle Creek,
    18km NW of North Star 28 52 150 15
    Salt Caves, Pilliga NR 31 00 149 10
    Terlings Stn., Moree 29 05 150 04
    Yerarbon (10km S.) 28 40 150 45
    Euabalong West 33 03 146 23
    Almond Road Swamp, Leeton 34 32 146 25
    Berangerine HSD, Gunbar 34 05 145 25
    Hillston 33 28 145 32
    Loughnan NR 33 33 145 4.5
    Morundah – Urana Road 35061467
    S.J.S. DEBUS
    Bryden & Bryden (1976) claimed that they observed aerial copulation by a pair of Wedge-
    tailed Eagles Aquila audax, in which the “male” turned upside down and breasted the
    “female” for several seconds. Baldwin (1977) observed a pair of Wedge-tailed Eagles in
    “mirrored flight” although she did not observe actual copulation, which subsequently took
    place on a perch.
    The booted eagles (Aquila spp. and relatives) perform a variety of aerial
    manoeuvres in courtship, from soaring in pairs (sometimes in tandem) and undulating diving
    displays to rolling and foot -touching displays in which the male swoops at or passes over the
    female, which rolls and presents her talons; the pair may link claws momentarily, or more
    rarely grapple talons and fall in a series of “cartwheels” or a lateral spin (Brown 1976). All
    such stages of display have been recorded for the Wedge-tailed Eagle, eg. undulating
    displays, mutual soaring, rolling and foot touching, and occasionally cartwheeling (Frith
    1969, Brooker 1974, Debus 1978, Frauca 1980, Chatto 1985). Reports of copulating
    Wedge-tailed Eagles have in volved perched birds (D’Andria 1967, Brooker 1974);
    copulation in other eagles occurs on a perch or on the nest (Brown 1976, Cramp &
    Simmons 1980). This accords with my own observations, and in one case a pair of Wedge-
    tailed Eagles mated on a perch after they had performed aerial undulating displays. I have
    not observed aerial matings or attempts at such, and it is apparent that rolling and foot –
    touching could be mistaken for aerial copulation if the observer is unfamiliar with the
    components of eagle display.
    suggest that Bryden & Bryden (1976) were observing a rolling and foot -touching
    display. This type of display appears to be ritualised aggression and defence, and is only
    one of the courtship rituals which lead to mating.
    Observers sometimes claim that falcons and various large raptors such as vultures
    copulate in flight, but as pointed out by Brown & Amadon (1968) and Cade (1982) this is
    unsubstantiated and is probably a misinterpretation of aerial courtship manoeuvres (eg.
    observation of accidental contact). Though otherwise highly aerial, falcons copulate only on
    perches; swifts are the only birds known to habitually copulate in flight, in belly -to -belly
    contact with clasped feet (Cade 1982). Aerial copulation is considered physically impossible
    for birds of prey, especially the larger species (Brown & Amiadon 1968).
    Baldwin, M. 1977. Mating of Wedge-tailed Eagles. NSW Fieid Ornithol. Club Newsl. 22.3.
    Brooker, M. 1974. Field observations of the behaviour of the Wedge-tailed Eagle. Emu
    Brown, L. 1976. Eagles of the World. Newton Abbott: David & Charles.
    Page 102 Australian Birds Vol.23 No.4Brown, L. & D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, Hawks and Falcons of the World. London: Country
    Bryden, A. & P. Bryden. 1976. Mating of Wedge-tailed Eagles. NSW Field Ornithol. Club
    Newsl. 17,4.
    Cade, T.J. 1982. The Falcons of the World. London: Collins.
    Chatto, R. 1985. Talon grappling by Whistling Kites Haliastur sphenurus. Aust. Bird Watcher
    11 ,135
    Cramp, S. & K.E.L.Simmons (Eds). 1982. The Birds of the Western Palaearctic, Vol. 2.
    Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    D’Andria, A. 1967. Courtship of the Wedge-tailed Eagle. Emu 67,55-56.
    Debus, S.J. 1978. Notes on Wedge-tailed Eagle behaviour. Corella 2,54-55.
    Frauca, H. 1980. The Australian Bird Spotter’s Book. Sydney: Reed.
    Frith, H.J. (Ed.). 1969. Birds in the Australian High Country. Sydney: Reed.
    S.J.S. Debus, P.O. Box 1015, Armidale, NSW, 2350.
    June 1990 Page 103NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS
    Contributors are requested to observe the following points when submitting ariicles and notes
    for publication.
  10. Species, names, and the order in which they occur are to be in accordance with
    “Handlist of Birds in New South Wales”. A.K.Morris, A.R.McGill and G.Holmes 1981
    Dubbo: NSWFOC.
  11. Articles or notes should be type written if possible and submitted in duplicate. Double
    spacing is required.
  12. Margins of not less than 25mm width at the left hand side and top, with similar or
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  14. Photographs should be glossy finish and not too small.
  15. The Style Manual, Commonwealth Government Printing Office, Canberra (1966) and
    subsequent editions will be the guide for this Journal.
  16. Diagrams will be on plain white paper drawn with India ink. Any lettering is to be
    ‘professional style’ or lightly penciled.
  17. Dates must be written “1 January 1975” except in tables and figures where they may
    be abbreviated.
  18. The 24 -hour clock will be used, times being written 06:30, 18:30 for 6.30am and
    6.30pm respectively.
  19. Mr, Mrs, Dr are not to be followed by a full stop.
  20. In text, numbers one to ten are spelt: numbers of five figures or more should be
    grouped in threes and spaced by a thin gap. Commas should not be used as
    thousands markers.
  21. References to other articles should be shown in the text-‘…B.W.Finch and M.D.Bruce
    (1974) stated…’and under heading.
    Finch, B.W. & M.D.Bruce. 1974. The status of the Blue Petrel in Australian waters
    Aust. Birds 9:32-35
  22. Acknowlegements to other individuals should not include Christian names or initals.Volume 23, No.4 June 1990
    Cooper. R.M. 1986 New South Wales Bird Report 68
    Debus. S.J.S. Aerial mating of Wedge-tailed Eagles questioned 102
    Registered by Australia Post – Publication No. NBH0790
    Printed by Drummoyne Printing, 56 Thompson Street, Drummoyne. 811888.