Vol. 25 No. 3
Journal of the
Volume 25, Number 3. March 1992
President P. Davie
Vice -President S. Fairbairn
Secretary R. Hill
Treasurer T. Florin
Minutes Secretary H. Biddle
Activities Officer A.O. Richards
Conservation Officer E. Karplus
Journal Editor A.K. Morris
Newsletter Editor T. Karplus
Records Officer R.M. Cooper
Other Committee Members D. Seims
H. Jones
The object of the club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian
birds and the habitats they occupy.
Annual subscription rates of the Club (due October each year) are:
Adult Member $25.00
Junior Member (up to 17 years) $10.00
All members recieve a newsletter and a copy of the quarterly journal ‘Australian
Birds’. The price of the journal is $5.00 plus postage per issue to non members.
Club badges are available to club members at $2.50 or $3.00 if posted. The club
holds a meeting and a field excursion each month.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary and all member-
ship fees should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer at: PO Box C436, Clarence St,
Sydney NSW 2000.
Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor at: Wombat St, Berkeley Vale NSW
March 1992
Volume 25, (3)
A number of foraging associations between species of waterbirds have been recorded. In
Maddock (1991) described an occurrence of association between the Royal Spoonbill
Platalea regia and the White-faced Heron Ardea novaehollandiae where the heron walked
close beside the spoonbill feeding in a farm dam, stabbing near its head at prey, apparently
disturbed by its action. Fraser (1974) reported Little Egrets Egretta garzetta associating
with the African Reed Cormorant Phalacrocorax, and Recher et al. (1983) described Little
Egrets feeding on prey disturbed by the Little Pied Cormorant P. melanoleucos and the Little
Black Cormorant P. sulcirostris at West Plains in the Northern Territory. Morris (1978)
reported association between the Little Egret and Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aetheopica while
Hobbs (1980) and Vestjens (1975) refer to its association with the Royal Spoonbill.
Page 61 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 3Egret -Spoonbill Associations
During 1990 and 1991 observed eight foraging associations between the Royal
Spoonbill and egrets in wetlands along a section of approximately 20 km of road between
Glenoak and Raymond Terrace, north of Newcastle in the Williams River Valley (N.S.W.).
I travel this road at least twice daily, five times per week. Six incidents involved the Great
Egret Egretta alba, one involved a Little and Great Egret together, and one an Intermediate
E. intermedia and a Great Egret together. The number of spoonbills involved varied from
a single bird to a flock of 15 (Table).
Spoonbills forage while wading, swinging the head quickly from side to side with the
bill dabbling in the water, locating food by a tactile process. Egrets and the White-faced
Heron forage by wading or standing, making individual stabs at prey located by sight. In
each of the egret -spoonbill association incidents, the egret behaviour was very similar to
that described forthe White-faced Heron (Maddock, 1991), with the egrets snapping up prey
apparently disturbed by the spoonbill action, except that the egrets did not work quite as
close to the head of the Spoonbills as in the case of the heron and the foraging continued
over a larger, less confined area.
In the case of the incident with the Great and Little Egrets, the five spoonbills worked
progressively in a compact group in the shallows along the shore of the swamp with the
egrets moving close beside the offshore flank of the spoonbill flock stabbing at and capturing
prey. In the time I was watching, the group covered approximately 150 metres of shoreline.
In all the encounters with more than one spoonbill, the egrets spent most of their time at the
periphery of the spoonbill flock.
Foraging associations of egrets with Royal Spoonbills, Williams River Valley,
Date Location Number of Birds
Spoonbills Egrets
Great Inter Little
28 March 1990 Richardsons Swamp 5 1 1
2 May 1990 Seaham Swamp
1 1
16 May 1990 1. Dam north of Raymond 3
- Richardsons Swamp 3
18 May 1990 Richardsons Swamp 13
17 July 1990 Quarry Swamp 9 2
21 October 1990 Water Hyacinth Swamp 1 1 1
18 May 1991 Seaham Bridge, Williams
1 1
March 1992 Page 62DISCUSSION
observed flocks of spoonbills feeding separately in the same swampy areas as all
three species of egrets on frequent occasions, although have not made records of the
occurrences. The egrets on these occasions did not take the opportunity to associate with
the spoonbills. On many occasions have also noted a single Great Egret loafing on the
shore of a wetland in company with a flock of spoonbills, possibly waiting for the spoonbills
to start feeding.
Lowe (1983) referred to sharing of feeding grounds by Royal Spoonbills and White-
faced Herons, commenting that the two species have very contrasting feeding ecologies.
The Royal Spoonbill’s process is tactile and feeds on a smaller range of prey species and
smaller -sized organisms than the heron (Lowe, 1983).
Although detailed knowledge of prey species of egrets and the White-faced Heron
is relatively limited, aquatic invertebrates and fish are common items for the egrets and the
heron (Marchant and Higgins, 1990), similar to the diet of Royal Spoonbill (Vestjens, 1975).
Vestjens reported that fish composed 42% of volume, including Gambusia affinis, a species
found to be a common item in Little and Intermediate Egret diet at Shortland, which is only
about 25 km from the sites of the feeding events (Maddock, 1986, Baxter and Fairweather,
The egrets and White-faced Heron appear to make opportunistic use of flocks of
feeding spoonbills, probably catching prey species disturbed, but ignored by or escaping
from them. did not record the number of stabs by the egrets in the direction of spoonbills,
as distinct from those made away from them, nor the specific distances between the
spoonbills and the egrets. In the absence of such data, there is the possibility that the
species were simply aggregating around a particularly rich food supply. However, in the
case of the White-faced Heron (Maddock, 1991) the association was very close and the
heron was snapping up prey close to the spoonbill’s head. In each of the egret incidents
cited, especially the association of the Great and Little Egret with the spoonbill on 28 March
, 1990, the egrets were closely working with the spoonbills. In the case of the alternative
explanation, the egrets would be just as likely to feed independently in the same area.
Further detailed observations are needed to clarify the issue.
Baxter, G.S. and P.G. Fairweather (1989). Comparison of the diets of nestling Cattle Egrets
and Intermediate Egrets in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales. Aust. Wildl. Res.
16(4), 395-404.
Page 63 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 3Connor, M.A. (1979). Feeding association between Little Egret and African Spoonbill.
Ostrich 50(2), 118.
Fraser, W. (1979). Feeding association between Little Egret and Reed Cormorant. Ostrich
Supplement 9, 53-70.
Hobbs, J.N. (1980). Little Egrets feeding in association with Spoonbills. Aust. Birds 15, 55.
Lowe, K.W. (1983). Feeding behaviour and diet of the White-faced Heron Ardea
novaehollandiae in Westernport Bay, Victoria. Corolla 7(5), 101-108.
Maddock, M. (1991). Observations on the biology of the White-faced Heron Ardea
novaehollandie. Corella 15(3), 79-86.
Marchant, S. and P.J. Higgins (co-ords.) (1990). Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and
Antarctic Birds. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Morris, F. (1978). Feeding association between Little Egret and Sacred Ibis. Emu 78, 164.
Recher, H.F., R.T. Holmes, W.E. Davis and S. Morton (1983). Foraging behaviour of
Australian herons. Colonial Waterbirds 6, 1-10.
Vestjens, W.J.M. (1975). Feeding behaviour of spoonbills at Lake Cowal, N.S.W. Emu 75,
Max Maddock, Department of Education, University of Newcastle, N.S.W. 2308 and the
Wetlands Centre, Shortland, N.S.W., 2287.
Pomatostomus ruficeps
Cooperative breeding occurs where individuals other than parents contribute to the care of
nestlings or fledglings or both (Ford et at 1988). It has been recorded in only some 222 of
the approximately 9000 bird species of the world (Brown 1987). By world standards the
incidence of cooperative breeding in Australian birds is high, particularly in eucalypt and
semi -arid woodlands (Ford et at 1988).
The Chestnut -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus ruficepsoccurs in the arid and semi-
arid regions of south-eastern Australia (Blakers et al. 1984). It lives in flocks throughout the
year. The closely related Grey -crowned Babbler P. temporalis, White-browed Babbler P.
superciliosus and Hall’s Babbler P. halli are all known to breed cooperatively (Brown 1987).
Hence cooperative breeding has been considered likely in the Chestnut -crowned Babbler
(Dow 1980), but has not been confirmed.
March 1992 Page 64During July and October 1991 I observed Chestnut -crowned Babblers about the
north-western end of Peery Lake (30°43’S, 143°34’E) approximately 50 km east of White
Cliffs. The area was severely drought -stricken at these times. Chestnut -crowned Babblers
were common in the area and were the only babblers present.
On 17July 1991 at 08:00 hrs observed a Chestnut -crowned Babbler nest at a height
of 6m in an 8m tall River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis. The nest -tree was located
in a sparse single line of River Red Gums adjacent to a dry creekbed. Four adults were
feeding on sandy ground within 30m of the nest -tree. The birds were digging into the topsoil
with their beaks and extracting worms or grubs up to 5 cm long. The birds were not
individually marked but was able to note at least three individuals carrying food up and into
the nest. As watched the birds made two or three successive trips up to the nest with food.
The group then appeared to switch their activity. All four birds started to collect beakfuls of
short dry grassy litter from the ground. This material was carried to a second nest at a height
of 7m in a 9m River Red Gum about 30m farther along the same creek. I watched the birds
for a further 15 minutes but they did not again carry food to the first nest.
On 13 October 1991 observed another Chestnut -crowned Babbler nest about 3km
from the above nests. This nest was built at a height of 8m in a 9m Whitewood Atalaya
hemiglauca beside a shallow, dry drainage line. At 09:30 hrs six adult babblers were either
in the nest -tree or foraging on the ground within 25m of the nest -tree. The babblers were
not individually marked. However, I was able to distinguish at least four individuals carrying
food up through the tree and into the nest. On one occasion four birds were waiting about
lm below the nest before taking food into the nest. could clearly hear repeated begging
calls of young birds in the nest when an adult approached. I watched the nest for some 15
minutes during which time the birds continued to forage nearby and carry food to the nest.
returned to the nest later in the same morning at 10:45 hrs. Six adults were feeding on the
ground in a loose group within 40m of the nest. On several occasions one or two birds
moved up through the nest -tree to the nest. One bird would hop about on top of the nest
and then go in and out of the nest. On one occasion four adults went up to the nest for several
minutes and went in and out of the nest in turn. Begging calls of young birds within the nest
could again be heard at the approach of an adult but this time the babblers did not seem to
carry any food to the nest. left the nest at 11:10 hrs.
On 17 October at 10:10 hrs returned to the nest for some 15 minutes. No babblers
approached the nest and no begging calls were heard. During the late afternoon of the same
day Peter Smith watched the nest sporadically. On two occasions he noted a single bird
carrying food into the nest.
These observations indicate that birds in addition to the parents help feed young in
the nest and that Chestnut -crowned Babblers do at least on occasions breed co-operatively.
Page 65 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 3REFERENCES
Blakers, M., Davies, S.J.J.F. and P.N. Reilly (1984). The Atlas of Australian Birds.
Melbourne: Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union. Melbourne University
Brown, J.L. (1987). Helping and Communal Breeding in Birds. Princeton, New Jersey:
Princeton University Press.
Dow, D.D. (1980). Communally breeding Australian birds with an analysis of distributional
and environmental factors. Emu 80, 121-140.
Ford, H.A., Bell, H., Nias, R. and R. Noske (1988). The relationship between ecology and
the incidence of cooperative breeding in Australian birds. Behay. EcoL SociobioL
22, 239-249.
Judy Smith, Graduate School of the Environment, Macquarie University, N.S.W. 2109
The aerial displays of the Australian Hobby Falco longipennis have been described
previously by Czechura and Debus (1986) and Debus et aL (1991). At Armidale, NSW, on
29 November 1991, I observed a slight variant of aerial courtship behaviour. At 16:00 hrs
(standard time) a pair of Hobbies were in flight over the city. Loud and very rapid bursts of
squeaky chittering were heard. Both birds were taking part in tight and swift aerobatics,
interspersed with determined, powerful level flight for 300-400m, turning then returning.
There was a noticeable size difference between the two. The “contact”, aerobatics and
calling lasted for less than a minute (about 45 seconds), with both birds moving northwards.
On parting, the larger bird (presumed female) travelled southwards in direct, level flight,
disappearing from view after approximately 600m. The other bird was lost from sight.
Czechura, G.V. and S.J.S. Debus (1986). The Australian Hobby Falco longipennis: a
review. Aust. Bird Watcher 11, 185-207.
Debus, S.J.S., A.J. Ley, S. Tremont and R. Tremont (1991). Breeding behaviour and diet
of the Australian Hobby Falco longipennis in northern New South Wales. Aust.
Bird Watcher 14, 123-137.
S. Tremont, 1/5 Wigan Avenue, Armidale, NSW 2350
WALES, 1987-1990
A survey was undertaken during 1987-1990 of diurnal raptors in the north-east corner of
New South Wales (coast and escarpment), by means of spot counts over forest and
transects along roads. Nine hundred and nineteen sightings were obtained, of 18 species.
The most frequently seen species were Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus, Wedge-tailed
Eagle Aquila audax, Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides and Brahminy Kite Haliastur
indus, with Accipiter species common in forest; least frequently seen were Square -tailed
Kite Lophoictinia isura, Australian Hobby Falco longipennis and Spotted Harrier Circus
assimilis, with no sightings of the Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus.
During 1987-1990 a search was conducted for the Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis
radiatus in north-east New South Wales (Debus 1991a and in press). During the course of
that survey, records were kept of all other diurnal birds of prey encountered, with results to
July 1988 included in an earlier report (Debus 1988). During 1990 records were also kept
of diurnal raptors encountered during travel to or around forest owl survey sites in the same
region. This paper reports on the results of those surveys, the rationale being twofold: (a)
raptors are of increasing concern in the modern world because of their position at the top
of food chains, and their value (and vulnerability) as environmental indicators; (b) this survey
has set a baseline for future surveys of raptors in the region, as the area becomes more
intensively developed.
The area surveyed was that part of New South Wales north of 30030’S and east of
1520E, predominantly the coast and escarpment. The survey methods have been
described elsewhere (Debus 1988 and in press). Briefly, the data were collected in two
ways: (a) systematic point -counts from vantage points over forest; (b) incidental records
around survey and camp sites and during travel to and from survey sites. Some coastal
forest sites were near rivers, estuaries, heathland and paperbark swamps. The methods
thus sampled two raptor communities: that of extensive forest (including areas of coastal
forest, scrub and heath), and that along roads mainly through urban and agricultural areas.
Point -counts were undertaken for four hours per day, starting two or three hours after
sunrise, on favourable days for soaring birds (fine, calm to moderate wind). Sites were fire
lookout towers, scenic lookouts and other vantage points in state forests, national parks and
nature reserves. Those visited to July 1988 are listed and mapped in Debus (1988).
Additional sites in 1988-1990 were Antarctic Beech lookout and The Pinnacle in Border
Ranges National Park, and eight sites in Bundjalung National Park (along Gap Road,
Macaulay’s Lead and the RAAF bombing range). Some sites on the Tweed Range, and
Braemar State Forest, were surveyed twice, and some sites in Bundjalung National Park
Page 67 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 3were surveyed two to five times. Ninety days were spent at 57 sites, with 248 hours of point
counts at 51 sites. These were spread over the period September 1987 -March 1988; July
and September -December 1988; May and July 1989; and March -June and August 1990.
Travel to survey sites was from Armidale to Grafton via Dorrigo and Coffs Harbour,
Nymboida or the Gibraltar Range; thence to coastal reserves, Mt Warning, and Burringbar,
Nightcap, Tweed and Richmond Ranges via Casino or Ballina; thence return via Tenterfield
or Gibraltar Range. Five such journeys were made in 1987, six in 1988 and seven in 1990.
Distances and birds logged while commuting will be incorporated in the broader RAOU “Bird
of Prey Watch” results when those data are published.
Nine hundred and nineteen sightings were obtained of 18 species of diurnal raptor
(see Table 1). This constitutes 75% of the Australian species.
During point -counts in predominantly forested areas, the most frequently seen
species were Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax, Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus,
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus and Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus. Species seen
moderately frequently were the other Accipiterspecies, White -bellied Sea -Eagle Haliaeetus
leucogaster and Swamp Harrier Circus approximans. The least frequently seen species
were Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata, Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura, Spotted
Harrier Circus assimilis and Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides, with no sightings of
Australian Hobby Falco longipennis.
During travel and other incidental observations, mainly in rural areas, the most
frequently seen species were Whistling Kite, Kestrel, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Black -shouldered
Kite Elanus notatus and Brahminy Kite. Species seen moderately frequently were Brown
Falcon Falco berigora and White -bellied Sea -Eagle. The least frequently seen species
were Square -tailed Kite, Spotted Harrier and Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus.
Overall, the most frequent species were Whistling Kite and Wedge-tailed Eagle,
followed by Kestrel and Brahminy Kite. Moderately frequent species were Black -shouldered
Kite, Brown Goshawk, Sea -Eagle, Brown Falcon, Swamp Harrier and other Accipiter
species. The least frequent were Square -tailed Kite, Australian Hobby and Spotted Harrier.
Some of these differences relate to differences in detectability in the various habitats (forest
versus open).
The distribution of survey points did not allow densities to be calculated. However,
several tentative conclusions can be drawn on the relative abundance of species of similar
ecology and detectability. In the region, Whistling Kites were about twice as abundant as
Brahminy Kites, and Wedge-tailed Eagles were about three times as numerous as White –
bellied Sea -Eagles. Australian Kestrels were about twice as abundant as Brown Falcons,
with Black -shouldered Kites falling in between. The three Accipiter species were similar to
each other in abundance in forest, with Brown Goshawks being seen more often than Grey
Goshawks Accipiter novaehollandiae in rural areas. The Swamp Harrier was about as
March 1992 Page 68152° 153°
I 29°
Figure 1. Locations of raptor survey sites in north-east NSW
Page 69 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 3Table
Number of sightings of diurnal raptors in north-east New South Wales 1987-1990, from 62
four -hourly point -counts at 51 sites (total 248 hours) and incidental records from 18 return
journeys Armidale to Grafton or Lismore districts.
Species Point -counts Incidentals Total
(travel etc,)
Osprey Pandion haliaetus 7 5
Black -shouldered Kite
Elanus notatus 9 48 57
Pacific Baza
Aviceda subcristata 5 6 11
Square -tailed Kite
Lophoictinia isura 5 1 6
Brahminy Kite Haliastur Indus 37 44 81
Whistling Kite
Haliastur sphenurus 64 110 174
Brown Goshawk
Accipiter fasciatus 37 22 59
Collared Sparrowhawk
Accipiter cirrocephalus 25 18 43
Accipiter novaehollandiae 31 9 40
White -bellied Sea -Eagle
Haliaeetus leucogaster 28 25 53
Wedge-tailed Eagle
Aquila audax 111 60 171
Little Eagle
Hieraaetus morphnoides 10 4 14
Spotted Harrier Circus assimilis 1 1 2
Swamp Harrier
Circus approximans 34 14 48
Peregrine Falcon
Falco peregrinus 9 2 11
Australian Hobby
Falco longipennis 0 3 3
Brown Falcon Falco berigora 17 28 45
Australian Kestrel
Falco cenchroides 4 85 89
Total 434 485 919
March 1992 Page 70numerous as the Brown Falcon, and many times more numerous than the Spotted Harrier.
The Osprey Pandion haliaetus was only one -fifth to one -seventh as numerous as the Sea –
Eagle and Brahminy Kite respectively. Whistling and Brahminy Kites were respectively
about 12 and six times as numerous as Little Eagles Hieraaetus morphnoides. The Red
Goshawk, the primary object of the study, was not seen, suggesting that if present at all it
is outnumbered by at least a factor of 40-60 by each Accipiter species. It is no less
detectable than the secrective accipiters (see Debus 1991 and in press), i.e. it is genuinely
Some of the species recorded are on Schedule 12, Part 2 of the National Parks and
Wildlife Act, “vulnerable and rare fauna”, defined as having a small population in New South
Wales. These are the Osprey, Pacific Baza, Square -tailed Kite, Brahminy Kite and
Peregrine Falcon. Another, the White -bellied Sea -Eagle, is on Part 1 “fauna of special
concern” because it is endangered in another state (South Australia). The Square -tailed
Kite is considered threatened nationally (Brouwer & Garnett 1990). Three species were
recently identified as in need of information on their status in New South Wales, namely
Collared Sparrowhawk Accipiter cirrocephalus, Swamp Harrier and Brown Falcon (Morris
1990). The results of this survey enable some comments to be made on these and other,
mainly forest species. Sightings are given as number per hour of counts (n = 248 h), and
number (%) of census sites at which the species was recorded (total = 51 sites).
Seven sightings (0.03/hr) at seven sites (14%), all coastal and all north of the
Clarence River; five additional sightings. Seen on most major estuaries north of Urunga.
Details of several active nests and courting pairs are included in Clancy (in press). One nest
was in a paperbark (Melaleuca) swampforest, and two were in coastal Blackbutt Eucalyptus
pilularis (cf. Clancy 1989). Aerial displays, poorly described for the Australian population,
are noted by Debus (1991b).
Pacific Baza
Five sightings (0.02/hr), at four sites (8%); six additional sightings. Wet and dry
eucalypt forest, rainforest edge; urban trees in winter. Scattered single birds at Cascade,
Kangaroo River State Forest, Bundjalung National Park, Inner Pocket Nature Reserve,
Minyon Falls, Mullumbimby and Coffs Harbour, and pairs at Banyabba State Forest and
Middle Pocket. Notes on foraging and aerial displays are given by Debus (1991c,d).
Square -tailed Kite
Five sightings (0.02/hr) at four sites (8%). Mainly dry eucalypt forest. Single birds
at Clouds Creek State Forest, Kangaroo River State Forest, Gibraltar Range escarpment
(bottom), and a pair at Braemar State Forest, all October -December 1987. All sightings
were from vantage points over the forest canopy, except a subsequent sighting of one of
the Braemar Forest birds along the road to Myrtle Creek. Such observation points,
particularly fire lookout towers, enabled sightings of birds which may have otherwise gone
undetected as they often kept low to the tree canopy. One bird circled below the observation
Page 71 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 3point (Braemar fire -tower).
Collectively, these sightings suggest a population in the drier eucalypt forests of the
Dividing Range foothills west of Dorrigo-Grafton-Casino. obtained further sightings of
single birds at Port Macquarie (urban fringe and Macquarie Nature Reserve) in April 1991,
Born Born State Forest near Grafton (Spotted Gum Eucalyptus henry’) and Lansdowne
State Forest near Taree (Blackbutt forest), both in August 1991. A bird was also reported
at Woombah, at the southern end of Bundjalung National Park (per G. Holmes). These
observations, along with other recent records, confirm that in New South Wales and other
eastern states the Square -tailed Kite is predominantly a species of forests and woodlands
from the coast to the inland slopes of the Dividing Range (cf. Debus & Czechura 1989, 1992;
Debus & Silveira 1989; Debus 1991e; Cooper 1990, 1991).
Recent records (Cooper 1990, 1991) also confirm the species’ established pattern
of spring -summer breeding migrant to New South Wales, with winter absences more
marked in the south (Debus & Silveira 1989). Breeding has been confirmed for the study
area: a pair nested near Grafton in summer 1991, and an old record of “Black -breasted
Buzzards” [Hamirostra melanosternon] nesting near Nymboida may be referable to the
Square -tailed Kite (per G. Clancy). Reports of Little Eagles breeding at Red Rock (now
Yuraygir) National Park, with “large rufous young” in the nest (FOC annual bird reports, early
1970s), may also be referable to the Square -tailed Kite. R. Noske and G. Clancy (pers.
comm.) have observed a pair of Kites at Red Rock, which seems unlikely breeding habitat
for Little Eagles; during this survey obtained few coastal Little Eagle records and none
breeding. Clearly, there is a need for large raptors in the study area (and elsewhere) to be
critically examined for the presence of Square -tailed Kites, and for any confirmed nests to
be protected by buffer zones of undisturbed habitat. An active but unsuccessful nest was
found outside the study area, on the North-west Slopes, in November 1991 (Debus et al.
The pair at the Braemar fire -tower foraged all over Braemar and Ellangowan State
Forests and beyond, covering an area about 8 x 6 km or c. 50 sq. km. One bird was carrying
small, unidentified prey which it ate at a perch. The male (?), mobbed in flight by a Noisy
Friarbird Philemon corniculatus, faced over its shoulder and called at its pursuer with open
bill and a soft, low whining of c. 1 note per second: aw-aw-aw.
Brahminy Kite
Thirty-seven sightings (0.15/hr) at 11 sites (22%), all coastal, north of the Clarence
River. Forty-four additional sightings, on beaches, estuaries, rivers and over coastal
agricultural land north of Urunga, particularly north of the Clarence.
The number of sightings would suggest that at present this species is moderately
abundant and secure in northern New South Wales. However, only one active and
successful nest was seen, in paperbark swamp forest, a threatened habitat (see JTCW
Planning 1986). Given the pace of coastal development in northern New South Wales, this
species probably should be retained on Schedule 12, Part 2. see no reason to doubt that
March 1992 Page 72the adult Brahminy Kite in the Watling drawings (Hindwood 1970, Pearce 1989) came from
the Sydney district around 1790, the corollary of which is that the species’ range has
contracted northwards in New South Wales since European settlement. I have not seen
it south of the Manning River (adult in June 1991) despite surveys in the Myall Lakes region,
and it is now very rarely seen in the Newcastle region (last record 1944: Morris 1975). The
reasons are probably urbanisation, estuarine pollution and habitat destruction but the
causes of its decline remain to be investigated properly.
The single fledgling from the nest, in early December, was much darker on the
upperparts and had a bolder underwing pattern than is illustrated in bird guides for juveniles
of this species. Perhaps the fresh blackish brown quickly fades. The plumage of several
other immature birds suggested that Brahminy Kites start moulting into adult -like (though
faintly brown -washed) plumage during their first year. Two or three birds seen in the field
in autumn -winter were very dull, “dirty” versions of the adult: off-white streaked or smudged
brown on the head and breast; rufous on the belly and undertail; brown on the upperparts,
with a hint of chestnut across the shoulders; and rufous on the underwing coverts. They still
had the juvenile flight and tail feathers and most wing coverts. They resembled the
“subadult” illustrated in Morris (1976), and the photograph on p. 58 of Newton et al. (1990,
incorrectly captioned “Whistling Kite”) which I interpret as a late first -year bird. A captive
first- year bird (from south-east Queensland) was in adult -like, though faintly brown -washed,
plumage on the head and body in its first winter, with juvenile remiges, rectrices and greater
wing coverts (colour photos: P. Frater). It appears that juvenile Brahminy Kites undergo a
head and body moult in their first autumn, and moult their wing and tail feathers at the end
of their first year or early in their second year. Fleay (in Debus & Czechura 1989) stated that
they acquire adult plumage at the end of theirfirst year. However, well-fed captive birds may
moult more rapidly and completely than wild birds. Further information on age criteria is
needed, as the ability to recognise age classes may help to determine population
composition and trends. It is of concern that there is so little information on the Brahminy
Kite in Australia.
Thefledgling was similarto its parents in wing and tail proportions, and was therefore
probably a week or two out of the nest. Over two mornings 2-4 December, it soared for a
few minutes to a height of c. 50 m (twice treetop height) over the paperbarks containing its
nest. On two occasions it soared alone, and on two occasions it soared with an adult;
between bouts it perched near the nest.
Brown Goshawk
Thirty-seven sightings (0.15/hr) at 23 sites (45%). Widely distributed in dry eucalypt
forest (particularly) and over wet forest; also coastal forest. Twenty-two additional sightings
included some birds in open areas.
Collared Sparrowhawk
Twenty-five sightings (0.1/hr) at 14 sites (27%). Well distributed through the study
area, in dry eucalypt forest. The 18 additional sightings were mainly from coastal forest and
scrub. Observations at Bundjalung National Park suggest that the birds live and breed in
Page 73 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 3paperbark swamp forest and riverine Blackbutt, and forage out over Banksia dune scrub
and heath primarily for White-cheeked Honeyeaters Phylidonyris nigra The number of
records, and observations of breeding behaviour, suggest that the species is a moderately
common breeding resident in coastal open forest, with records for most months in the
region. One breeding pair hunted 1-1.5 km from the nest.
Grey Goshawk
Thirty-one sightings (0.13/hr) at 18 sites (35%). Well distributed through the
western, rugged part of the study area, in wet eucalypt forest and rainforest in national parks
and state forests. The nine additional sightings were also from wet forest. Observations
at some sites, particularly Mt Warning, Nightcap Range and Tweed Range, suggest
remarkably high densities in certain areas of subtropical rainforest. For instance, five
individuals were seen simultaneously from Mountain Bar lookout on the Tweed Range
(Debus 1988), with neighbouring pairs being perhaps 1-2 km apart. Of approximately 50
Grey Goshawk sightings in northern New South Wales and south-east Queensland, three
were of the white morph; the ratio in the study area is therefore approximately 15:1 in favour
of the grey morph.
Red Goshawk
The negative survey results and the paucity of recent sightings, compared with its
historical status, suggest that this bird is now virtually extinct as a breeding species in New
South Wales (Debus 1988, 1991a and in press). Nevertheless, it was an unexpected result
that the last known pair in the state would disappear during the course of the survey. If this
species is to persist in New South Wales, intervention may be required in the form of artificial
augmentation of the wild population or even reintroduction (e.g. Olendorff et al. 1980,
Barclay 1987). Aumann & Baker-Gabb (1991) have made recommendations relating to the
New South Wales and Queensland situation, and these should be followed as a matter of
White -bellied Sea -Eagle
Twenty-eight sightings (0.11/hr) at 13 sites (25%), mostly coastal. Twenty-five
additional sightings, from beaches, estuaries, rivers and contiguous coastal habitats. Still
numerous, however only two active nests were seen, both in living trees: one in paperbark
swamp forest and one in Blackbutt open forest, both in a national park. One nest was
successful in one year (young fledged by early December) and was active in subsequent
years; another contained one large nestling late in August. Given the likely scale of coastal
development in the future, existing nests should be located and those outside reserves
protected by buffer zones of undisturbed nesting habitat.
The flying but still dependent young on 3 December begged to the adults with
prolonged, wailing yelps, similar in quality to the adults’ honking call but more drawn-out and
Wedge-tailed Eagle
One hundred and eleven sightings (0.45/hr) at 40 sites (78%). Distributed throughout
March 1992
Page 74the study area, in rugged (especially dry) forested ranges and coastal forest. An adult bird
was seen carrying a large lizard (small monitor Varanus sp. or Eastern Water Dragon
Physignathus lesueurit) over dense coastal forest. Coastal parks such as Bundjalung and
Yuraygir attract numbers of immature eagles.
Spotted Harrier
A single juvenile at one site in Bundjalung National Park (dry heath) on 3 December - Rumoured by local bird -watchers to breed on the far north coast, but this remains to
be documented properly. If correct, it would be a significant occurrence for a primarily inland
and tropical species.
Swamp Harrier
Thirty-four sightings (0.14/hr) at 13 sites (25%), all coastal. Fourteen additional
sightings, some over farmland (wet grassland, canefields). Sightings are strongly indicative
of a resident breeding population on the north coast, but this awaits confirmation. The birds
are present all year; adult birds have been seen performing courtship and advertisement
display flights and territorial defence; recently fledged juveniles have been seen in
December. have obtained similar circumstantial evidence in summer (December –
January) at the Myall Lakes. However, nests are difficult to find in that habitat (wet coastal
heath). The late E.L. Hyem found an active nest at Wallis Lake (B. Crisp pers. comm.).
These records are north of the recorded breeding range in coastal eastern Australia
(Blakers et al. 1984).
Most sightings were over heath, but some were over paperbark and eucalypt forest;
rufous individuals with barred wings and tail are superficially similar to the Red Goshawk and
a potential cause of misidentifications.
Peregrine Falcon
Nine sightings (0.04/hr) at seven sites (14%), over forested ridges. Recorded three
to four times more often than the Australian Hobby; safe, active cliff eyries were observed
(one fledged two young); probably secure in the region. Its conservation status is of less
concern than that of the Grey Falcon Falco hypoleucos (e.g. see Brouwer & Garnett 1990).
Brown Falcon
Seventeen sightings (0.07/hr) at 10 sites (20%). Dry open forest, particularly
coastal. Twenty-eight additional sightings, mainly in open areas. Breeding on heath/open
forest interface and foraging over dry heath on sandplain on the north coast, with two pairs
about 10 km apart in Bundjalung National Park. One pair foraged 2 km from their nest.
Perhaps the most important point to emerge from the survey, at least regarding
methodology, is the value of stationary counts from vantage points overlooking forest. This
method detected many forest hawks, including rare species such as the Square -tailed Kite,
which may have gone undetected by the road transect method in such habitat. Point -counts
are thus a necessary adjunct to road transects such as BOPWatch, if a more accurate
Page 75 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 3picture of the raptor community is to be obtained in forested or partly forested regions. The
results would suggest that, for instance, the densities of Accipiter species often regarded
as uncommon (Grey Goshawk, Collared Sparrowhawk) may be quite high in suitable
habitat; the birds are obvious only when they soar and display over the forest.
The raptor community on the far north coast of New South Wales is more diverse
than the only two other raptor communities studied in coastal south-eastern Australia
(Baker-Gabb 1984, Pastorelli 1984). If species formerly present but now absent or rare are
included (Black -breasted Buzzard, Red Goshawk), the total for the present study area is 20
species (83% of the Australian total), making the far north coast of New South Wales an
exceptionally rich area for this group of birds. The continued destruction of coastal habitat,
including important breeding habitat for the Osprey, Brahminy Kite and White -bellied Sea-
Eagle (e.g. paperbark swamp forest), is therefore of concern if wildlife amenity is one of the
values desired by the human community.
I thank the Forestry Commission of NSW for permission to work in state forests and
use fire lookout towers; Bob Moffatt (NPWS, Lismore) and the RAAF for facilitating work in
Bundjalung National Park; and Peter Frater for his information and photographs of the
Brahminy Kite. Rod Kavanagh, David James and two referees commented helpfully on a
Aumann, T. & D.J. Baker-Gabb. 1991. The ecology and status of the Red Goshawk in
northern Australia. RAOU Report 75.
Baker-Gabb, D.J. 1984. The feeding ecology and behaviour of seven species of diurnal
raptor overwintering in coastal Victoria. Aust. Wildl. Res. 11, 517-532.
Barclay, J.H. 1987. Augmenting wild populations. In B.A. Giron-Pendelton, B.A. Millsap,
K.W. Cline & D.M. Bird (Eds), Raptor Management Techniques Manual, 215-237.
Washington DC: National Wildlife Federation.
Blakers, M., S.J.J.F. Davies & P.N. Reilly. 1984. The Atlas of Australian Birds. Melbourne:
Melbourne University Press.
Brouwer, J. & S. Garnett. 1990. Threatened birds of Australia, an annotated list. RAOU
Report 68.
Clancy, G. 1989. A survey of breeding Ospreys Pandion haliaetus in north-eastern coastal
New South Wales 1980 to 1982. Corella 13, 9-14.
Clancy, G. In press. The conservation status of the Osprey in New South Wales. In Olsen,
P.D. & J. Olsen (Eds), Proc. Australasian Raptor Assoc. 10th Anniv. Conference,
Canberra 1989.
Cooper, R.M. 1990. 1986 New South Wales bird report. Aust. Birds 23, 68-101.
Cooper, R.M. 1991. 1987 New South Wales bird report. Aust. Birds 24, 49-72.
Debus, S. 1988. Survey of the Red Goshawk in north-eastern New South Wales. Unpubl.
report to NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service.
Debus, S.J.S. 1991a. An annotated list of New South Wales records of the Red Goshawk.
Aust Birds 24, 72-89.
March 1992 Page 76Debus, S. 1991b. Display of Osprey. Australasian Raptor Assoc. News 12, 56.
Debus, S. 1991c. Urban foraging of a wintering Pacific Baza. Australasian Raptor Assoc.
News 12, 9.
Debus, S. 1991d. Aerial display of the Pacific Baza. Australasian Raptor Assoc. News 12,
Debus, S.J.S. 1991e. The Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura in South Australia. S. Aust.
OrnithoL 31, 57-71.
Debus, S.J.S. In press. The status of the Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus in New
South Wales. In Olsen, P.D. & J. Olsen (Eds), Proc. Australasian Raptor Assoc. 10th
Anniv.Conference, Canberra 1989.
Debus, S.J.S. & G.V. Czechura. 1989. The Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura : a review.
Aust. Bird Watcher 13, 80-97.
Debus, S.J.S. & G.V. Czechura. 1992. The Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura in
Queensland. Sunbird 22, in press.
Debus, S.J.S. & C.E. Silveira. 1989. The Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura in Victoria.
Aust. Bird Watcher 13, 118-123.
Debus, S.J.S., R.D. Earle, G.J. Millard & C.R. Parker. 1992. Breeding behaviour of a pair
of Square -tailed Kites. Aust. Birds, in press.
Hindwood, K.A. 1970. The “Watling” drawings, with incidental notes on the “Lambert” and
the “Latham” drawings. Proc. Roy. ZooL Soc. NSW1968-1969, 16-32.
JTCW Planning. 1986. North Ocean Shores regional environmental study: draft final report
for Ocean Shores Development Corporation.
Morris, A.K. 1975. The birds of Gosford, Wyong and Newcastle (County of Northumberland).
Aust. Birds 9, 37-76.
Morris, A.K. 1990. The 1989 bird report. NSW Field OrnithoL Club NewsL 118, 3.
Morris, F.T. 1976. Birds of Prey of Australia, A Field Guide. Melbourne: Lansdowne.
Newton, I., P. Olsen & T. Pyrzakowski. 1990. Birds of Prey. Sydney: Golden Press.
Olendorff, R.R., R.S. Motroni & M.W. Call. 1980. Raptor management – the state of the art
in 1980. US Dept of Interior: Bureau of Land Management Technical Note 345.
Pastorelli, J. 1984. The ecology of a raptor guild in coastal New South Wales. BSc (Hons)
thesis, University of New South Wales.
Pearce, B. 1989. Australian Artists, Australian Birds. Sydney: Angus & Robertson.
Debus, Zoology Department, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351
The Little Tern Sterna albifrons is known to nest on or near the eastern Australia coast (P.
Smith, 1991 “The Biology and Management of Little Terns Sterna albifrons in New South
Wales”, NPWS Sydney), although in other parts of the world they may be found nesting
beside rivers and lakes far from the sea. They are rarely recorded feeding in freshwater
lakes in Australia and there is little information on their feeding biology overall. Overseas
the birds have been found feeding on freshwater items such as small fish, flies, gnats,
beetles and ants, annelids and molluscs.
It is therefore of interest to record that at 900 hrs on 6 January 1992 while carrying
out a waterbird survey at Eastlakes Golf Course, near Botany, 14 Little Terns were observed
on a fairway adjacent to the largest lake. was able to view the terns with 70mm scope at
a distance of approximately 30m. The total count consisted of nine fledged young, two
adults in breeding plumage and three non -breeding plumage birds.
The adults were seen to catch small fish in the lake and feed some of the fledglings.
Up to six terns were seen to be actively feeding by diving. The species of fish caught is
unknown but they were approximately 30mm in length.
This small group of terns could well have been from the nesting colony at Towra Spit,
Towra Point Nature Reserve 9kms to the south where J. Pegler recorded 9 fledglings and
50+ adults on 26 December 1991 (A.K. Morris and C.J. Chafer, 1991 NSWFOC Newsletter
No. 128).
Keith Egan, 1 Bowman Street, Mortlake, NSW 2223
Although the staple diet of cockatoos, parrots and lorikeets (Order Psittaciformes) is
food from native trees, some food is taken from introduced plants (Barker & Vestjens,
1989). This report documents some recent records of Psittaciformes ingesting food
from introduced trees and shrubs in the Illawarra region.
On 26 June 1991, watched 22 Sulphur -crested Cockatoos (scientific bird names
in Table 1) consuming nectar from the flowers of three Coral trees Erythrina x sykesii in
Farrel Street, Balgownie. Three birds were observed intensely with 8×40 binoculars for
15 minutes at 20 metres. They removed flowers from inflorescences by pulling with
their bills gripped near the base of the calyx. They then chewed the calyx to squeeze
nectar through the petals to the outside surface of the sepals and receptacle. I
occasionally saw the hemispherical end of their tongues licking the damaged area of the
corolla presumably to obtain nectar. Sequentially, flowers were processed in this
manner, then dropped. When the tallest (11rn) tree with 14 birds was approached, the
entire flock was disturbed and flew away. A random 10 m x 40 cm transect was
mapped on the ground from the trunk of this tree to the extremity of its crown projection.
In the sampled areas, there were 163 fresh flowers and two complete inflorescences
(fallen floral density 41/m’). Some cockatoos chew plants to relieve boredom (Forshaw
and Cooper 1981) but this possibility was excluded because all 22 birds diligently
applied the same feeding technique throughout the observation period.
Feeding records are shown in Table 1. Crimson Rosellas, Musk and Rainbow
Lorikeets also fed on nectar from Coral trees Erythrina x sykesii in the manner described
for Sulphur -crested Cockatoos. These four species were unable to pollinate Coral trees
when feeding in the manner described. Even the brush -tipped tongue of the lorikeets
(Churchill & Christensen 1970) is apparently too short to extract nectar from the open
end of the Coral corolla. But the species which consumed the berries listed in Table 1
appeared to swallow them intact, inflicting only superficial damage on the pericarp. The
berry -eating species were seed dispersers. Forde (1986) and French (1990) concluded
that most seeds eaten by Australian birds are passed intact and germinate. The
frugivores listed were predators on the plants which provided their food.
Some foods from introduced plants are well known in the diet of certain species,
e.g. Cotoneaster berries Cotoneaster glancaphyllus for Crimson Rosellas and King
Parrots, Hawthorn berries Crataegus monogyna for Gang -gang Cockatoos and nectar
Page 79 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 3n
from Coral trees Erythrina spp. for Rainbow Lorikeets (Forshaw & Cooper 1981, Barker
& Vestjens 1989). Some platycercid parrots are known to “chew flowers to extract
nectar” (Paton 1986). But most of the foods tabulated do not appear to have been
documented in the diet of the Psittaciformes.
acknowledge the observers mentioned for their cooperation in drafting the
report and confirming the observations.
Barker, R.D. & W.J.M. Vestjens. 1989. The Food of Australian Birds, Vol.1. Non –
Passerines. Melbourne: C.S.I.R.O., Parchment Press.
Churchill, D.M. & P. Christensen. 1970. Observations on pollen harvesting by brush –
tongued lorikeets. Aust. J. Zool. 18,427-437.
Forde, N. 1986. Relationships between birds and fruits in temperate Australia. In The
Dynamic Partnership, Birds and Plants in southern Australia, pp.42-58. Eds.
H.A. Ford & D.C. Paton. South Australia: Government Printer.
Forshaw, J.M. & W.T. Cooper. 1981. Australian Parrots, 2nd edn. rev. Melbourne:
Landsdowne Editions,
French, K. 1990. Evidence of frugivory by birds in montane and lowland forests in
south-east Australia. Emu 90,185-189.
Paton, D.C. 1986. Honeyeaters and their plants in south-eastern Australia. In The
Dynamic Partnership, Birds and Plants in southern Australia, pp.9-19. Eds.
H.A. Ford & D.C. Paton. South Australia: Government Printer.
K.A. Wood, 7 Eastern Avenue, Mangerton. N.S.W. 2500
From 24-26 September 1991, a group of NSW Bird Atlassers camped at a swamp
approximately two kilometres east of Adelaide Gate on the NSW/QLD border, 29°00’S
142°36’E. According to the locals there had been no rain for 12 months, and the swamp was
dry at this place although there was a retreating expanse of surface water in the Caryapundy
Swamp 29°00’S 142°32’E.
At the camp, vegetation consisted of Lign urn Muehlenbeckia florulenta, with Bignonia
Emu -bush Eremophila bignoniiflora and Old Man Saltbush Atriplex nummularia making up
most of the vegetation on strand dunes in the swamp. Flowering Bignonia Emu -bush was
widespread in far N/W NSW at that time.
About 0630 hrs on 25 September a flock of approximately 150 woodswallows was
seen alternately flying and settling some distance away from my observation place on a
dune. As the flock advanced, calling constantly, two species were identified: Masked
Woodswallows Artamus personatus and White-browed Woodswallows A. supercilliosus,
the former making up most of the flock. When the birds settled the volume and frequency
of their calls brought to mind the excited behaviour of lorikeets at a honey flow.
On close approach the food source was seen to be at the flowers of Bignonia Emu –
bush. Through 8 x 40 binoculars Masked Woodswallows were observed inserting their bills
and faces into the flowers. I did not observe any White-browed Woodswallows at the flowers
of Bignonia Emu -bush, probably due to my concentration on one group of birds.
Larkins (1983) described White-browed Woodswallows visiting Silky Oak Grevillea
robusta inflorescence. Paton and Ford (1977) included Artamidae among birds that visit
flowers occasionally and list Eremophila maculata as a flower visited by various bird species
in South Australia.
White E. maculata flowers are red, a colour which attracts birds, E. bignoniiflora
flowers are a pale cream, spotted pale rusty red at the corolla mouth. Paton and Ford remark
“The flowers of Eremophila are tubular and the anthers and stigma are at or near the
opening of the corolla. When birds probe these flowers through the opening they inevitably
brush against the anthers and stigmas”.
March 1992 Page 82As the woodswallows moved frequently from place to place there was no time to
establish whether the food was pollen, nectar or insects. However, from the position of the
face pushed into the corolla, it appeared that the bill was probing the nectaries rather than
the corolla mouth.
considered the birds were feeding on nectar and picking up pollen on their feathers
as described by Larkins (loc. cit.), in which case they would act as pollinators of E.
bignoniiflora. It would also appear that flowering eremophila contributes to the support of
woodswallows in arid areas during the north -south movements.
It is interesting to note that Michael Maher (pers. comm.) has observed Masked
Woodswallows feeding at Harlequin Fuchsia Bush Eremophila duttoni, on Nocoleche
Nature Reserve, south of Wanaaring NSW, although it was uncertain as to whether the birds
were attracted to nectar, pollen, or to the many insects attracted to the flowers.
My specimen of Bignonia Emu -bush was identified by the herbarium of the Royal
Botanic Gardens Sydney. am grateful to Ian McAllen and Michael Maher for discussion
and suggestions relating to this paper.
Larkins, D. (1983). White-browed Woodswallows and White -winged Trillers as nectar
feeders and pollinators. Aust. Birds 18, 15-16.
Paton, D. and H.A. Ford (1977). Pollination by birds of native plants in South Australia. Emu
77, 73-85.
Daniel Larkins, 225 Kissing Point Road, Turramurra, NSW 2074
Page 83 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 3OBITUARY: JOHN WAUGH
John Waugh died on 31 July 1991, of the cancer diagnosed early in the year.
John was born in 1914. His early years were spent in the country. He grew up in
Albury and his pre-warteaching careervariously found him at Mundarloon the Murrumbidgee,
Ournie near the Murray, Weja between West Wyalong and Lake Cargelligo and finally at
Cobar. In 1941, he enlisted in the RAAF. After training in Canada as a pilot, he served in the
467 Squadron in Britain and flew 35 times into Germany and occupied Europe. He was
awarded a D.F.C. for landing his plane one night with a bomb jammed in the bomb bay. After
the war he resumed teaching in Sydney. He married in 1946 and had two children,
Rosemary and John Edward. His wife Norma died in 1969. In 1984 he married Pauline
Rodgers -Lee.
John became an active birdwatcher following his retirement as a school principal in - He was an enthusiastic and meticulous participant in many ornithological projects.
During the NSWFOC wader survey of Botany Bay, 1976-79, he contributed 41 record
sheets which included 16 from Towra Point and 5 from Pelican Point. Both areas were
reached by foot.
He was a very active contributor to the Atlas of Australian Birds, 1977-81, and
attended many of its expeditions: to Tibooburra, Gregory River in the Gulf country, and the
Northern Territory. The road maps to these camps were marked in 10′ grids to facilitate
atlasing. John’s tenacity and bushcraft encouraged other more timid birdwatchers, one such
being myself, to pursue elusive grasswrens over many a spinifex-covered escarpment.
He contributed many articles to Australian Birds: “A Baird’s Sandpiper at Botany
Bay” (1977 Aust. Birds12:32-35) coauthored with Jim Cook: “A Sighting of the Yellow Chat
in the Northern Territory” (1978 Aust. Birds 13:38-39); and his five reports of bird counts on
the Murrumbidgee River (1981, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1988).
The combination of bird atlas expeditions, frequent visits to his son John Edward in
the Northern Territory, and latterly extensive trips with his wife Pauline, resulted in his having
enormous knowledge of where to find birds in Australia. John was infinitely generous in
directing other birdwatchers to worthwhile locations. He provided many people with
notebooks guiding them to the best birding and camping sites on their route.
John is mourned by his numerous friends. Our sympathy goes to his wife Pauline,
his children Rosemary and John Edward and their families.
Joy Pegler
Contributors are requested to observe the following points when submitting articles and
notes for publication. - Species, names, and the order in which they occur are to be in accordance with “Handlist
of Birds in New South Wales”. A.K. Morris, A.R. McGill and G. Holmes 1981 Dubbo:
NSWFOC. - Articles or notes should be type written if possible and submitted in duplicate. Double
spacing is required. - Margins of not less than 25mm width at the left hand side and top, with similar or slightly
smaller at the right hand side of pages. - No underlinings and no abbreviations except as shown in the examples.
- Photographs should be glossy finish and not too small.
- The Style Manual, CommonwealthGovernment Printing Office, Canberra (1966) and
subsequent editions will be the guide for this Journal. - Diagrams should be on plain white paper drawn with india ink. Any lettering is to be
‘professional style’ or lightly pencilled. - Dates must be written “1 January 1990” except in tables and figures where they may be
abbreviated. - The 24 hour clock will be used, times being written 06:30, 18:30 for 6:30am and 6:30pm
respectively - Mr, Mrs, Dr are not to be followed by a full stop.
- In text, numbers one to ten are spelt; numbers of five figures or more should be grouped
in threes and spaced by a thin gap. Commas should not be used as thousands markers. - References to other articles should be shown in the text – ‘…B.W. Finch and M.D. Bruce
(1974) stated…’ and under heading
Finch, B.W. and M.D. Bruce. 1974. The Status of the Blue Petrel in Australian Waters Aust.
Birds 9, 32-35 - Acknowledgements to other individuals should include Christian names or initials.Volume 25, No.3 March 1992
Maddock M. Foraging Association between Royal Spoonbills, Egrets
and the White-faced Heron 61
Smith J. Cooperative Breeding in the Chestnut -crowned //babbler
Pomatostomus ruficeps 64
Tremont S. Aerial Courtship of Australian Hobbies 66
Debus S.J.S. A Survey of Diurnal Raptors in North-east NSW, 1987-90 67
Egan K. Little Terns Feeding Young on Fresh Water Lake 78
Wood K.A. Cockatoos, Parrots and Lorikeets Eating Food from
Introduced Trees and Shrubs in the Illawarra Region 79
Larkins D. Masked Woodswallows and Bignonia Emu -bush:
An Interesting Relationship 82
Pegler J. Obituary: John Waugh 84
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