Vol. 25 No. 4-text

Vol. 25 No. 4
Journal of the
Volume 25, Number 4. June 1992
President P. Davie
Vice -President S. Fairbairn
Secretary R. Hill
Treasurer T. Florin
Minutes Secretary H. Biddle
Activities Officer A.O. Richards
Conservation Officer E. Karplus
Journal Editor A.K. Morris
Newsletter Editor T. Karplus
Records Officer R.M. Cooper
Other Committee Members D. Seims
H. Jones
The object of the club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian
birds and the habitats they occupy.
Annual subscription rates of the Club (due October each year) are:
Adult Member $25.00
Junior Member (up to 17 years) $10.00
All members recieve a newsletter and a copy of the quarterly journal ‘Australian
Birds’. The price of the journal is $5.00 plus postage per issue to non members.
Club badges are available to club members at $2.50 or $3.00 if posted. The club
holds a meeting and a field excursion each month.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary and all member-
ship fees should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer at: PO Box C436, Clarence St,
Sydney NSW 2000.
Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor at: Wombat St, Berkeley Vale NSW
Vol 25, (4) June 1992
The nineteenth Annual Bird Report covers the period 1 January to 31 December 1988 and
summarizes the more significant observations of birds in NSW during that year.
The main aims of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:

  • to record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
  • to record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions of the
    birds within NSW; and
  • to record observations which may indicate
    changes in species’ numbers, frequency, range or movements.
    The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 report. The Location
    Guide, at Appendix I, lists locations not referred to in the 1985 – 1987 reports. This guide
    is intended to assist readers to better determine the general location of reported observations.
    The production of future reports will be greatly assisted if observers provide location map
    references in the manner set out in the Appendix. For those unable to cope with this, an
    accurate description of the location of sightings would be valuable.
    Page 85 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4Information on 341 species is contained in the 1988 Report. This information was
    obtained from 181 sources, including 175 observers and a number of bird associations and
    the publications of such organisations. Abbreviations for these organisations are as
    follows:- ABW = Australian Bird Watcher; AMSR = Australian Museum Specimen Record;
    CABR = Canberra Annual Bird Report 1.7.1987 – 30.6.1988, Canberra Bird Notes 14:37-
    88; CBOC = Cumberland Bird Observers Club Newsletter; ENHS = Nature in Eurobodalla
    1988 (1989) Eurobodalla Nat. His. Soc.; IBOC = Illawarra Bird Observers Club Newsletter;
    HBOC = Hunter Bird Observers Club Newsletter; MVBW = Manning Valley Bird Watchers
    Newsletter; and TBO = The Bird Observer.
    During the preparation of this report the deaths occurred of three substantive
    contributors to past Bird Reports, namely Arnold McGill, John Hobbs and John Waugh. They
    will all be missed.
    A number of unusual or otherwise significant records were received. These records
    include reports for Kermadec Petrel, Herald Petrel, Soft -plumaged Petrel, Juan Fernandez
    Petrel, Black Petrel, White -chinned Petrel, Common Diving -Petrel, Brown Booby, White-
    tailed Tropic -bird, Osprey, Square -tailed Kite, Red Goshawk, Grey Falcon, Bustard, Beach
    Stone -curlew, Hooded Dotterel, Oriental Plover, Asiatic Dowitcher, Hudsonian Godwit,
    Cox’s Sandpiper, Wilsons’s Phalarope, Arctic Tern, Sooty Tern, Flock Pigeon, Oriental
    Cuckoo, Barn Swallow, Pink Robin and Hall’s Babbler.
    In the past I have commented on the validity of some of the records included in these
    reports and have discussed the appropriateness of including unverified, doubtful or
    unacceptable records within such reports. The issues surrounding the inclusion of such
    records in these Annual Reports has been addressed through the formation, in early 1992,
    of a NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal Committee (NSWORAC).
    NSWORAC is a joint committee of the major NSW bird associations, namely the
    NSWFOC, the NSW Bird Atlassers, the Hunter Bird Observers, the Cumberland Bird
    Observers and the Illawarra Bird Observers. The NSWORAC will collect, review and
    permanently store documentation obtained regarding the reported occurrence of any
    species regarded as rare to NSW. The Committee’s reviews should complement Annual
    Reports by placing a level of credibility on sightings of an unusual nature.
    Note that the Regions mentioned in this text are in accord with the map in Morris et
    a/.1981. These regions are based on the climatic regions of the State as used by the Bureau
    of Meteorology and the Department of Agriculture and Bushfire Services. The only
    exception is that the Map refers to the Sydney Region as “Central Coast”, a convention not
    adopted here.
    June 1992 Page 86gratefully acknowledge the assistance provided by Ian McAllan and Alan Morris.
    Alan’s encouragement and support, in particular, ensures the continued appearance of
    these Reports.
    R M Cooper
    RMB 374C Howlong Road Splitters Ck via ALBURY 2640.
    Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Many chicks present Coombie HSD Jul (JaH).
    Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Adult with young Walka WS 20 Mar (NWa).
    Little Penguin Eudyptula minor 60 Redhead 7 May (MNo, AP). 4 nesting pairs reared 5
    young 24 Sep -24 Dec (AKM) and 7+ in surf Avoca Beach 24 Dec (TMo). c.8000
    Montagu Is. Oct (ENHS).
    Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans 3 off Sydney 3 Jul (AKM) earliest winter record this
    year; off Botany Heads 4 Dec (AEFR) summer record. off Wollongong 27 Nov
    1 1
    (CBOC) another late date.
    Black-browed Albatross D. melanophris Last winter sighting South Head 12 Sep (AKM);
    though off Botany Heads 4 Dec (AEFR) and off Wollongong 27 Nov (CBOC)
    1 1
    were late dates.
    Yellow -nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchos 30+ off Botany Heads 3 Jul (AEFR).
    Great -winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera 1 beachwashed Wamberal 17 Dec , 4+ at
    Continental Shelf off Botany Bay 13 Feb (AKM); 3+ off Botany Heads 13 Feb; and
    50-100 off Botany Heads 4 Dec (AEFR). 1+ off Wollongong 28 Aug and 27 Nov
    (CBOC). Moruya Golf Course 16 Nov (ENHS) found after 2 days of stormy SE
    weather was released at Moruya Heads but subsequently found dead.
    White -headed Petrel P. lessonii3 off Botany Heads 3 Jul (AEFR). 10-15 off Wollongong 28
    Aug (CBOC). Both records consistent with known status.
    Providence Petrel P. solandri 50+ off Botany Heads 3 Jul (AEFR) a large number for
    mainland NSW waters. Present off Wollongong 27 Nov (CBOC).
    Kermadec Petrel P. neglecta Seen off Wollongong 27 Nov (CBOC). Sixth NSW record
    (record under review by NSWORAC).
    Herald Petrel P. heraldica 1 off Wollongong 17 Apr (ABW 14:172) (Record under review by
    Soft -plumaged Petrel P. moffis 1 Circular Quay April (per NSWFOC) possibly a released bird
    and one off Wollongong 23 Oct, third and fourth NSW records. All records under
    review by NSWORAC.
    Page 87 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4Juan Fernandez Petrel P. externa exhausted specimen was found in a garden at
    Cessnock 28 Oct (JM TBO 683:2) following a severe storm. When released the
    next day from the coast the bird immediately flew out to sea and commenced
    fishing. If accepted would be 2nd NSW record (record under review by RAOU-
    Gould Petrel P. leucoptera 1 Booti Booti SRA 29 Apr (AMSR). Off Wollongong 2 30 Jan
    (CG); 4 25 Feb and 26 Mar; and 1 17 Apr (CJC).
    Fairy Prion P. turtur 1 Seal Rocks 10 Jul (JiP). Very common off Botany Bay 3 Jul (AKM).
    Coniston Bridge Wollongong 6 Nov (AMSR). 30 off Burrewarra Pt. 15 Jul
    White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis 1 at Continental Shelf off Botany Bay 13 Feb
    (JF). (Record under review by NSWORAC).
    Black Petrel P. parkinsoniPresent off Wollongong 27 Nov (CBOC). 15th NSW record. Most
    NSW reports have been collected in November.
    Flesh -footed Shearwater Puffinus carneipes Common off Botany Bay 13 Feb (AKM).
    Present off Wollongong 27 Nov (CBOC).
    Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus An exhausted bird at Coutts Crossing 11 Apr
    (GC) later released. Found nesting Muttonbird Is NR.31 Oct first record. CoreIla
    15:107. One light phase bird recorded off Wollongong 11 Dec ABW 14:165-179..
    Arrival: South Head 5 Sep (AKM). Last seen at South Head during March (AKM).
    Buller’s Shearwater P. bulleri Off Wollongong: 1 31 Jan (CG); and 1 25 Feb (CJC).
    Sooty Shearwater P. griseus 4+ off Botany Bay 13 Feb (AKM); and 5-10 4 Dec (AEFR).
    Short -tailed Shearwater P. tenuirostris4 Station Ck. Yuragir NP 16 Nov (GC) beachwashed.
    700+ Bass Point 28 Oct (JHo).
    Fluttering Shearwater P. gavia Many off Cape Solander17 Jul (AOR).
    Hutton’s Shearwater P. huttoni3 Seal Rocks 9 Jul (JiP). Many off Cape Solander17 Jul and
    off Botany Bay 4 Sep (AOR). off Wollongong 17 Apr and 27 Nov (CBOC).
    Little Shearwater P. assimilis 1 beachwashed Wamberal 17 Dec (AKM). 1 Coniston Bridge
    Wollongong 6 Nov (AMSR).
    Wilson’s Storm -petrel Oceanites oceanicus Many off Wollongong 17 Apr; present off
    Wollongong 27 Nov (CBOC).
    White-faced Storm -petrel Pelagodroma marina 1 Seal Rocks 31 Dec (JiP). 1 beachwashed
    Wamberal 17 Dec (AKM). 2 off Sydney 3 Jul (AKM). 1 off Botany Heads 3 Jul
    (AEFR). off Wollongong 17 Apr, 28 Aug and 27 Nov (CBOC). 15 Broulee 14 Dec
    Common Diving -petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 1 off Montagu Is. 31 Oct (ENHS) rarely
    reported from NSW waters.
    Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus 81 Harparary 20 Feb (DR). 500+ prs nesting L.
    Brewster Nov (JB). 49 Homebush Bay 10 Dec (BD).
    Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 65 km E. of Wollongong 27 Nov (ABW 14:176). Third
    record for County of Camden (Record under review by NSWORAC).
    June 1992 Page 88Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris 75 breeding pairs in two colonies northern
    section of Macquarie Marshes Nov -Dec (PT). Breeding in mangroves at Toronto
    Oct -Dec; breeding near Dora Ck Oct -Dec (GBI). 1 sought refuge on house
    verandah Coombie HSD on a very hot summer day (46°C) (JaH).
    Little Pied Cormorant P. melanoleucos 54 breeding pairs in two colonies northern section
    of Macquarie Marshes Nov -Dec (PT). Breeding in mangroves at Toronto Oct -Dec;
    breeding near Dora Ck Oct -Dec (GBI). 20-30 nests Tuggerah STW (AKM, TMo).
    White-tailed Tropic -bird Phaethon lepturus found alive well inland at Guyra 17 Jan (SD)
    later released at Woody Head. 1 flying around Taronga Zoological Park 1-15 Jan
    (DPE). (NB: This species has never been kept at Taronga.)
    Australian Darter Anhinga novaehollandiae 8 breeding pairs northern section of Macquarie
    Marshes Nov -Dec (PT). 14 Nests Riverstone Nov -Dec (JDi) new breeding locality
    for County of Cumberland.
    Pacific Heron Ardea pacifica Nesting Forbes STW 23-24 Apr (AKM). Nest with 2 young, 3
    Feb and 8 birds plus 2 nests with young Oct -Dec Kerta HSD, Durras; another nest
    2 km S. of Moruya 31 Dec (ENHS).
    Cattle Egret Ardeola ibis 100’s of active nests at Lawrence colony 15 Oct and 3 Nov and at
    Murwillumbah colony 18 and 26 Nov (GC). 70 breeding pairs in two colonies
    northern section of Macquarie Marshes Nov -Dec (PT). 1442 present during
    breeding season Shortland; 440 present during breeding season Seaham (MxM).
    36 pairs breeding in mangroves at Toronto Oct -Dec and 96 pairs breeding near
    Dora Ck Oct -Dec (GBI) constitute the 3rd and 4th breeding sites for this species
    in County of Northumberland. 1 Homebush Bay 3 Jan (BD); 8 Eastlakes 22 Feb
    (RMo). 1 Wentworth STW 9 May and 2 same place 28 Sep; 5 Forest Hill (nr Wagga)
    30 Aug; 354 Shoalhaven R flats 1 Aug; and 550 Omega (nr Gerringong) 2 Aug
    Great Egret Egretta alba 50+ active nests at Lawrence colony 15 Oct and 3 Nov and 8-10+
    active nests at Murwillumbah colony 18 and 26 Nov (GC). 100 breeding pairs in
    two colonies northern section of Macquarie Marshes Nov- Dec (PT). 157 present
    during breeding season Shortland; 3 present during breeding season Seaham
    (MxM). 16 pairs breeding in mangroves at Toronto Oct -Dec and 31 pairs breeding
    near Dora Ck Oct -Dec (GBI) constitute the 3rd and 4th breeding sites for this
    species in County of Northumberland.
    Plumed Egret E. intermedia A few active nests at Lawrence colony 15 Oct and 3 Nov (GC).
    1100 breeding pairs in two colonies northern section of Macquarie Marshes Nov –
    Dec (PT). 233 present during breeding season Shortland (MxM). 2 breeding pairs
    near Dora Ck Oct -Dec (GBI) represents the 3rd breeding site for the County of
    Little Egret E. garzetta 66 present during breeding season Shortland (MxM). 3 breeding
    pairs near Dora Ck Oct -Dec (GBI) represents the 3rd breeding site for the County
    of Northumberland. At least 9 nests with eggs/young Chittaway Pt. Oct -Dec (AKM,
    Page 89 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4TMo). 13 Greenwell Point 22 May (CJC).
    Eastern Reef Egret E. sacra Single grey morphs Red Rock 17 Apr and 30 Jun (GC). 3 Boat
    Harbour 17 Jul (AOR).
    Mangrove Heron Butorides striatus Bred Nambucca Heads Jan (DS). Up to 3 nests with
    young Chittaway Pt. Oct -Dec CoreIla 14:27-28. 2 Majors Bay, Parramatta R. 17
    Feb (H&BM); 1 Barton Park 19 Mar (ATy). 1 on Comerong Is. Ferry 4 Jan (CJC).
    Present Moruya and Tomakin estuaries throughout year (ENHS).
    Rufous Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus 5 Jacana HSD Clarenza 21 Sep (EW) where
    observer advises the species is a rare visitor. 500 breeding pairs in two colonies
    northern section of Macquarie Marshes Nov -Dec (PT).
    Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus Kooragang reports comprise Jan (FvG); caught and
    1 1
    banded late Feb (WB); 25 Jun (FvG); and Sep (TBa).
    1 1
    Black Bittern Dupetor flavicollis 1 Valla 21 Jan and 28 Aug (DS). 1 Cabbage Tree Ck.
    Corrimal Apr (CJC). Berry 7 Aug (CJC). Maulbrooks Rd. Moruya 12 May
    1 1 1
    Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus Max. 6 Dareton Nov – Dec (JHo). 1 Wanganella
    12 Oct (JB).
    Black -necked Stork Xenorhynchus asiaticus Reports of 1-3 throughout Northern Rs Region
    all months (GODS) with nesting at Waterview Hts 21 Jul and Calliope 26Jul. 2 near
    Hawkes Nest Bridge 27 Jun -3 Jul (DB). 2 Testor Hollow 23 Aug (M&IH).
    Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 40 breeding pairs in two colonies northern section of
    Macquarie Marshes Nov -Dec (PT, CI, RW, GRu). A few birds around house tanks
    Coombie HSD Dec (JaH). 3 McGraths Hill 23 Mar (WBr).
    White Ibis Threskiornis molucca Bred, 2 chicks hatched, Shortland WC 13 Feb (GBx) first
    record for SWC. 80+ prs nesting Wanganella 12 Oct (JB).
    White Ibis T. molucca and Straw -necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicollis combined colony of up
    to 100,000 pairs nesting Narran Lake Nov -Dec (CI). Breeding near Dora Ck Oct –
    Dec (GBI) constitute the 1st breeding record for this species in County of
    Straw -necked Ibis T. spinicollis 650 -700 breeding pairs in 3-4 colonies northern section of
    Macquarie Marshes Nov -Dec (PT). 10,000 prs nesting Berangerine HSD 14 Oct
    Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia30 breeding pairs in 2 colonies northern section of Macquarie
    Marshes Nov -Dec (PT).
    Yellow -billed Spoonbill Platalea flavipes 8 breeding pairs in 3 colonies northern section of
    Macquarie Marshes Nov -Dec (PT).
    Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata Roosting in eucalypts Waterview Hts. 25 Jan 23
    Apr and 5 and 17 Dec (GC) max. 11+ on 25Jan 3 incl. one bird on a nest Centennial
    Park 14 Jan; a second nest was found on 23 Feb.
    Plumed Whistling -duck Dendrocygna arcuata 2 Coutts Crossing 31 Jan (GC) observer’s
    first record at this location. Regular sightings in other parts of Clarence district
    June 1992 Page 90through year with max. 160 at Cowans Pond 23 Apr (GC) and present (Max. 50)
    all year at Jacana HSD Clarenza (EW). c.30 Willencorah Swamp (southern
    Macquarie Marshes) 28 Sep (AKM). 15 Castlebrook Cemetery 14 Apr (W Br); 20-
    30 Shortland WC 13 Aug (J&LH); 3 Newcastle Wetlands Res. 29 Oct (KI). 22
    Dubbo STW 11 Sep (DFN) new location and rare in district. 9 Gooloogong 17 Oct
    Wandering Whistling -duck D. eytoni 1 Shortland WC 5 Mar (BD). Newcastle Wetlands Res.:
    Present 8 Feb -12 Dec (DiR, MWa, GRo, WB, AMH, KI, DG) max. 33 on 11 Jul.
    Black Swan Cygnus atratus 270+ Alumy Ck. 23 Apr (GC). 2 Coombie HSD 13 May (JaH).
    2500+ Terara Swamp, Nowra 8 May (CJC). 6000+ L. Wollumboola March (CJC).
    Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa Present L Bathurst Feb -Apr (CABR) max. 16.
    Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides 1 Armidale 23 Apr (SD) is an unusual location.
    1 Pitt Town Common 25 Jun (CBOC); 11 Shell Point 7 Feb (CG). 250 Fivebough
    Swamp 28 Mar (KH). Present L. Bathurst all year (CABR) max. 355 in Feb 2.
    Murringo 6 Sep (AC).
    Black Duck Anas superciliosus Pair with 3 young Coombie HSD 22 Sep (JaH).
    Chestnut Teal A. castanea 1 Jacana HSD 6 Nov (EW). 426 Comerong Is. 25 Mar (CJC).
    Blue -winged Shoveler A. rhynchotis Up to 5 near Coutts Crossing Jul -Sep; pair near S.
    Grafton 18Jun (GC). Present L. Bathurst all year (CABR) max. 354 in Nov; thought
    to be generally more common at L Bathurst this year than in 1987.
    Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus Present L. Bathurst Jan -May (CABR)
    Hardhead Aythya australis 1 Jacana HSD 10 Mar (EW).
    New Zealand Scaup A. novaeseelandiae 1 female Centennial Park 16 Jan (AKM) probably
    an aviary escape or release.
    Maned Duck Cheonetta jubatta Bred extensively during year at Coombie HSD (JaH).
    Blue -billed Duck Oxyura australis Walka WS: 3 males 12 Jun (NWa); 1 female 2 young, 13
    Jun (WB); and 1, 28 Dec (GHHT). 1 Forbes STW 23-24 Apr (AKM). 3 Riverstone
    Nov -Dec (JDi).
    Musk Duck Biziura lobata 1 with 1 downy Fivebough Swamp 11 Aug (KH) was observer’s
    first breeding record at this location.
    Osprey Pandion haliaetus A large number of reports were submitted this year. These are
    summarized as follows – Breeding was attempted by 36 pairs between the Old.
    border and L. Macquarie and 19 sightings were made of non -breeding birds
    between the Old. border and Red Rock (GC, HAL). Eleven other reports of 1-2
    birds centred on the Sydney Region mainly cover the period 11 Jan -21 May
    including sightings at Manning Pt., Hexham, Munmorah SRA, Brisbane Waters
    NP, Pittwater, Church Pt., Long Reef -Dee Why Balgowlah, North Ryde, South
    Head, and L. Tabourie (SD, TMo, DSi, IC, ATy, MMo, NM, IP, RMcG, DBa and AT).
    1 Riverview HSD Bodalla 31 Jan (ENHS).
    Black -shouldered Kite Elanus notatus 1 Annandale 19 Feb (EK); 1 Hurstville 16 May.
    Page 91 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4(GMa).
    Crested Hawk Aviceda subcristata 1 immature Ballina 25 Feb (RT); 1 Jacana HSD 2 and
    23 Oct (EW). c.35km south of Bingara 29 Jan (DR) there are few records from
    the North-West Slopes. 8 Maitland 23 Apr (RMcG); 1 Corrabare SF 15 Oct
    (T&CQ); 3 Rankin Park 7 Nov (AS); 1 Askania Park 29 May (JCr); 1 Kurmond
    (Tierney Rd) 1 May (MCo); 3 Stannix Park 26 Nov (JRu); 1 Cattai SRA 21 Nov
    (PCr); 4 Dural 5 and 14 May (M&GRe); 3 Galston 11 Dec (RW); and 1 Beecroft 10-
    11 Sep (LJ) (See K. Mills 1991 Aust. Birds 24:89-96 for Sydney records). More
    Sydney records than usual.
    Black Kite Milvus migrans 1 Coutts Crossing 23 Oct (GC). 1 Valla 10-11 Oct (DS) in vicinity
    of burning logs. 1 Aberdeen 5 Feb; 1 Muswellbrook 7 Feb (SD); 1 Corrabare SF
    15 Oct (T&CQ). 1 N. Richmond 31 Mar (AOR). 1 Weddin Mtn NP 6 Sep (AC).
    Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura 1 Clarenza regularly through Dec (EW); Single Adults
    Coutts Crossing 21 Feb and 7 Dec; 2 adults Corindi 30 Jul; and 1 adult McPhersons
    Crossing 19 Sep (GC). 1 Mung horn Gap 1-3 Oct (CBOC). 1 Yelkin SF 13 Jun (RT).
    1 Lansdowne 24 Dec (DLo), first FOC record for Mid -north Coast. 1 Milpara HSD
    Wentworth 4 Jan; 1 Dareton 31 Dec (JHo). 1 Yambulla SF 30 Oct (RT); Present
    Maulbrooks Rd Moruya (ENHS); 1 Cuttaburra Channel 17 Oct (IMcA) and 2
    Hungerford 17 Oct (RMC).
    Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus 1 landed on North Rock 20 Sep (GC). 1 Hawkes Nest 7 Aug
    (KB BW) was south of normal range.
    Whistling Kite H. sphenurus 1 adult and 1 immature Ashton Park 19 Jan (AKM).
    Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 1 S. Turramurra 15 Mar and 5 May (DLa); 1 Pennant
    Hills Park 16 Apr and 17 Jul (BD); 1 Belrose May (AMSR); 1 Taronga Park Zoo 27
    Feb (SGi).
    Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrocephalus 1 Border Range NP 13 Mar; 1 Nightcap NP 10 Feb;
    1 Tyagarah NR 11 Jul; 1 Billinudgel Ck. Brunswick Heads 10 Jul; 2 Bundjalung NP
    Sep and 7 incl. a breeding pair here in Dec; 1 Coffs Harbour March; 1 Dumaresq
    Dam Armidale Nov -Dec; Begging Juvenile Eastwood SF nr Armidale Jan; casual
    sightings in Armidale thoughout year; Pair with fledged young Apsley Falls Jan
    (SD). Records demonstrate range in N. E. NSW.
    Grey Goshawk A. novaehollandiae 1 Corrabare SF 1 and 15 Oct (T&CQ); 1 white phase
    New Lambton Hts 28 Aug (GA). 1 Quarantine Stn North Head 10 Jun (CAc); 2 Wolli
    Ck. Res 8 Apr (NRa) where observer advises is unusual; 1 Cronulla Swamps 16
    Jul (BT, MMo, AOR); 1 Royal NP 17 Apr (HJ). Single birds at 8 locations in
    Eurobodalla Shire during the year (ENHS).
    Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus Pair Northern Rs Region late Aug -early Sep (SD).
    The Red Goshawk is an endangered species in NSW. Please advise R. Cooper
    or S. Debus of all sightings. The location of accepted records of pairs is not
    published to minimise disturbance of potential breeding birds. Alleged report of 2
    pairs near Iluka in Jan (Chafer & Morris 1988) has been rejected by Debus S (Aust.
    June 1992 Page 92Birds 24:72-88).
    White -bellied Sea -eagle Haliaeetus leucogasterl Harparary 15 Apr (DR). 1 Sth Turramurra
    17 Jul (DLa).
    Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax Shortland WC 8 Feb and 23 Mar (GBx). 12+ Yathong
    SF Jun; bred during year at Coombie HSD (JaH). 2 soaring above Mountain
    Lagoon 4 Jun (MCo); 1 Annangrove 7 May (KB).
    Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides Seen 7 times and only bet. Feb and Apr Jacana HSD
    (EW). 1 Nundle 6 Aug (B&MC). Nesting Forbes STW 23-24 Apr (AKM). 1 Brooklyn
    14 Aug; 1 dark phase S. Turramurra 29 Mar (DLa). 1 Bass Point 22 Oct (IBOC);
    over heath Nadgee NR 29 Oct (AKM, DSi, PR) was first record for NR.
    Swamp Harrier Circus approximans near Coutts Crossing 30 Jun (GC). Single birds
    Pottsville 8 Jul; Cudgen Lake 9 Jul; Stotts Is. NR 2 Jul; Brunswick Heads Jul;
    Wardell Dec; 5 Bundjalung NP Sep and 11 same place Dec (SD) suggesting the
    species remains present in Northern Rs region throughout year. 1 adult and 1
    juvenile Tarro Swamp 14 Sep (J&LH). 1 Homebush Bay 13 Mar (CG). 1 Eden Oct –
    Nov (SD); 4 pairs nesting Montagu Is. Oct (ENHS), there are few confirmed nesting
    records for NSW in recent times.
    Spotted Harrier C. assimilis 1 Murwillumbah 25 Mar; 1 Dorrigo 19 Nov (GC). 1 nr Coombie
    HSD 30 Sep (JaH). Adult over heath Bundeena 9 Jul (CG).
    Black Falcon Falco subniger 1 Moree Watercourses 15 Aug (SD). 1 northern section of
    Macquarie Marshes 1 Oct (GLC). 1 bet. Merriwa and Cassilis 19 Jul (ABe). 1
    Fivebough Swamp 12 Jun 9 Jul and 21 Aug (KH).
    Peregrine Falcon F. peregrinus 1 Barrington Tops 11 Sep (FvG). Numerous reports from
    throughout year in Sydney CBD and northern suburbs (BD, AKM, RD, IP, HB,
    DLa). 1-2 Fivebough Swamp 14 Feb- 10 Apr (KH) incl. a pair with 2 nestlings.
    Present Riverstone Nov -Dec (JDi). Pair Macquarie Lighthouse 20 Mar (PDa). 4
    pairs defending nest sites Ben Boyd NP and Nadgee NR 29-31 Oct (AKM).
    Australian Hobby F. longipennis 1 S. Turramurra 12 Mar (DLa); 1 Centennial Park 16 Mar
    (EH). 4-5 Moongoola Range, Coombie HSD Dec (JaH).
    Grey Falcon F. hypoleucos 2 Fivebough Swamp 17 Apr (KH) first record for this location.
    Buronga 13 Aug (JHo) observer’s second record for S.W.NSW in last 5 years.
    In contrast sightings of this species here were “fairly regular” prior to 1969 (JHo
    pers comm.).
    Brown Falcon F. berigora Bundjalung NP Sep and 4 incl. breeding birds here Dec (SD).
    Old Sanitary Depot, Brisbane Water NP 27 Dec (J&PW) observers advise it is
    rarely seen in this area.
    Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata Several birds Coombie HSD Sep -Oct; an active mound found
    in Sepwas worked all summer. Three unhatched eggs were located May 1989 well
    after nesting activity had ceased (JaH). 1 Pulletop NR Nov; for third successive
    year did not nest at Pulletop NR (JB).
    Brush -turkey Alectura lathami 1 Ramournie 19 Jun (GC).2 nests reported along with
    Page 93 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4numerous sightings along escarpment bet. Mt Kiera and Bulli Pass Feb -Mar and
    up to 5 found bet. Balgownie and Corrimal Jun -Aug (CJC).
    Brown Quail Coturnix australis Woko NP 4 Dec (B&MC). 4 Quarantine Stn, North Head
    4 Sep (RMa).
    King Quail C. chinensis 1 Valla 18 Feb (DS). 1 male Kooragang Is. 5 Mar (MW, MMo, CG).
    Painted Button -quail Turnix varia 2 Kijurnie Gully, Coombie HSD 18 Nov (JaH). 1 found
    dead in town park Dareton 12 Jul (JHo). Rare in Lower Western Region.
    Little Button -quail T. velox 1 Daisy Plains 2 Oct (DS) usually only recorded on Northern
    Tablelands after reports of extensive inland breeding. Only other report is of many
    being present at Coombie HSD Oct (JaH) including 1 found dead in house garden.
    Banded Rail Rallus philippensis southern section of Macquarie Marshes 30 Sep (AKM)
    observer advises is rarely recorded in the NR. 1 Shortlands WC 29 Oct 4 Nov and
    10 Dec (KI, GBx, RAI, JHd). 1 Dee Why Lgn. 25 Nov (FC); 1 Lugarno 8 Sep
    (AMSR). Pairs with young Congo Ck. Jan -Feb; 1 Montagu Is. Mar and Oct (ENHS).
    Lewin’s Rail R. pectoralis 1 Valla 4 Feb and 11 Nov; 1 Urunga 12 Nov; 1 Macksville 27 Apr;
    and 1 3 km W. of Bowraville 27 Nov (DS). 1 Gloucester Tops 10 Sep (FvG); 1
    Morpeth STW 30 Apr (AMcB). 1 Cronulla Swamp 6 Feb (JF). 1 Koringulla Swamp
    2 Jan (FOC).
    Marsh Crake Porzana pusilla 2 near Coutts Crossing 17 Dec; and 3 on 20 Dec (GC). 1
    northern section of Macquarie Marshes 1 Oct (AKM). 1 Shortlands WC 5 Dec
    (DiGR). 1 McGraths Hill 25Jan (CG). 1 Fivebough Swamp 11 Aug and also present
    in flooded local paddocks Nov -Dec (KH).
    Spotted Crake P. fluminea 1 Bakers Lgn 22 Oct (JDi) and 5 Nov (RPo RMo). 1 Fivebough
    Swamp 14 Aug; 2 on 20 Nov; 3 on 4 Dec and 4 on 11 Dec (KH).
    Spotless Crake P. tabuensis 1 Walka WS 26 Jun (SH); 1 Newcastle WR 12 Nov (GO’C).
    1 Willandra NP 20 Sep (JB). 1 Fivebough Swamp 11 Aug (KH).
    Black -tailed Native -hen Tribonyx ventralis Hundreds Fivebough Swamp 21 Feb (KH).
    Brolga Grus rubricundus 18 Maclean 3 Feb (RW); Max. 37 near Lawrence 18 Mar (GC). 7
    Old Buckinguy HSD Macquarie Marshes 29 Sep (AKM). 3-7 Fivebough Swamp 10
    Jan -20 Mar; 22 on 24 Apr 2-5 during May and 2 on 30 Oct (KH).
    Bustard Ardeotis australis Trida Jul (JB).
    Comb -crested Jacana IrediparragallinaceaPresentJan-OctJacana HSD (EW). 1 Newcastle
    WR 22 Oct (GWm); 1 BHP Pond 25 Mar (GWg) first record for this location; 1
    Waratah West 18 Apr (loB).
    Bush Stone -curlew Burhinus magnirostris 1 Wardell 24 May (AMSR). 3 c.5km S. of Carinda
    3 Oct (GLC).
    Beach Stone -curlew Esacus magnirostris 2 Sandon 21 May, one of these had a metal leg
    band (GC), present on 9 Sep (HAL). The Red Rock pair continued to remain
    resident throughout the year, a small runner was seen on 20 Mar and 3 birds were
    present from 17 Apr to 30 Jul (GC). 2 adults and 2 im matures Nambucca Heads
    20 Jul (JPe).
    June 1992 Page 94Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis 3 Fivebough Swamp 30 Oct; usually 1-2 through
    Nov -Dec but 5 present on 17 Dec (KH) these being the observer’s first records for
    this location.
    Pied Oystercatcher Haemotopus ostralegus Present in Clarence Estuary incl. Munro Is.
    also Sandon, Diggers Camp, Terranora Inlet and Station Ck May to Dec; Bred Red
    Rock 21 Aug -13 Oct (GC). 23 incl. 3 juveniles Towra Pt. sandspit 6 Feb (AKM). Feb
    Wader Count Max.: 17 Shoalhaven Heads (AKM). 6 birds and a nest with 2 eggs
    Comerong Is. 30 Oct (JHo).
    Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus 1-2 Station Ck and Red Rock, Jan, Jun and Sep to Dec
    (GC). 2 Munmorah SRA 29 Nov; 2 Norah Head 9 Dec; 4 Bateau Bay 27 Dec (AKM).
    32 Warden Head, Ulladulla 15 Mar; 8 Bawley Pt. 15 Mar (NM).
    Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles Nesting Leeton 5 Jun (an early date for this locality);
    Present Fivebough Swamp all year (KH) with max. 190 on 6 Mar
    Banded Lapwing V. tricolor 55 incl. juveniles Eumungerie 12 Nov (DFN) largest flock
    recorded in Dubbo district. An adult with 3 downy young Mt. Misery 23 Oct (KH)
    was observer’s first breeding record at this location. Present L. Bathurst Jan -Jun
    (CABR) max. 70 in April.
    Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola 1 Dart Is. 6 Feb (GC). 1 Chittaway Pt 7-19 Nov (AKM, TMo,
    BG). 1 Windang 3 Jan (TC).
    Pacific Golden Plover P. fulva 5 Swan Bay 15 Jul (WB). 53 Mason Park, Homebush 6 Mar
    (BD). 161 Comerong Is. 4 Jan and 192, 25 Mar (CJC). Feb Wader Counts Max.:
    10 Parratatta R.; 102 Botany Bay; and 206 Shoalhaven Estuary (AKM). Present
    L. Bathurst Feb -Mar (CABR) max. 18.
    Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus 1 Mason Park 6 Mar and 27 Dec(BD, MSa, RMo);
    2 Homebush Bay 19 Oct and 3, 29 Oct (BD). Present Fivebough Swamp all year
    except bet. 8 May and 17 Aug (KH) with max. 122 on 26 Dec
    Hooded Plover Charadrius rubricollis Total NSW population estimated at 62 birds following
    survey 22-30 Oct Stilt 14:37 (1989). immature Windang 7 Oct (CJC) was 3rd
    record for Illawarra Region. 1-4 birds recorded at 11 beaches in Eurobodalla Shire
    throughout year (ENHS), nested at Chain Bay and Broulee during Dec.
    Mongolian Plover C. mongolus 1 Boat Harbour 22 May (TC) was a late date for this migrant.
    Double -banded Plover C. bicinctus Present Swan Bay 15 Jul -20 Aug (WB) max. 40, 15 Jul.
    Regular reports from Sydney Region bet. 19 Feb & 4 Jun (NM, AKM, JPe, CG,
    GMa, KE, TC) with max. 92 Boat Harbour 2 Jun. Parkes STW 22-25 Apr (AKM).
    2 Fivebough Swamp 20 Mar and 1 on 24 Apr (KH). Max. 175 Comerong Is. 25
    Mar(CJC). Present L. Bathurst Feb -Jul and 23 Aug (CABR) max. 105. Arrival;
    Windang 3 Feb; Comerong Is. 5 Feb (CJC). Departure: Manning Pt 23 Jul (JPe);
    Comerong Is. Aug (JHo). Other reported locations during year were Nambucca
    Heads, South West Rocks, Urunga, Harrington, Old Bar, Manning Point, Swansea,
    Long Reef, North Botany Bay, Boat Harbour, Maianbar, Windang, Narooma,
    Merimbula, Wallaga Lake, Lake Conjola, Durras Lake, Lake Tabourie and Burrill
    Page 95 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4Lake.
    Large Sand Plover C. leschenaulti 1 Station Ck. 13 Oct (GC). 1 Windang 18 Aug (CJC).
    Fewer records than usual.
    Black -fronted Plover C. melanops Present Fivebough Swamp all year (KH) with max. 57 in
    Oriental Plover C. veredus 1 The Entrance 12 Nov (AKM, TMo) 18th NSW record and 2nd
    Central Coast record (Accepted by NSWORAC). 1st Central Coast record was of
    5 birds in Oct 1977 (Tuggerah Lake Waterbird Survey 1979).
    Red -capped Plover C. ruficapillus Present Fivebough Swamp all year except bet. 8 May and
    17 Aug (KH) with max. 59 on 10 Jan 205 Comerong Is. 8 May (CJC). Present all
    months L. Bathurst (CABR) with max. 353 in Apr.
    Pied Stilt Himantopus himantopus 1 Jacana HSD 11 Oct (EW). 15 Macksville 14 Jan (DS)
    was only record during the year in this district. Pair at nest with 4 eggs Tuggerah
    Lakes (nr Chittaway Pt) 7 Nov (AKM). Present Fivebough Swamp all year (KH)
    max. 220 on 10 Apr bred.
    Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae Nesting Kooragang Jan (FvG). 1 Red
    Gables Swamp, Vineyard 27 Nov (JRu). 2 Coombie HSD 26 Jun (JaH) first record.
    1 Comerong Is. 30 Oct (JHo). Present Fivebough Swamp all year (KH) max. 101
    on 28 Aug breeding (20 nests on 4 Sep).
    Turnstone Arenaria interpres 2 Kings Bay, Parramatta R. 17 Feb (H&BM); 1 Mason Park
    6 Mar (BD). 1 Fivebough Swamp 19 Nov (KH) 2nd record for this location; rare in
    Riverina Region.
    Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis Max Feb Wader Counts: 111 Botany Bay;
    236 Shoalhaven Heads (AKM); overall fewer numbers than previous years. None
    at Towra Pt. during Jun (AKM) and only 5 Shoalhaven Heads 28 May (CJC) usually
    up to 60 birds winter at each of these locations. Present Moruya Heads throughout
    year (ENHS) max. 42, 4 Dec
    Whimbrel N. phaeopus Max Feb Wader Counts: 236 Shoalhaven Heads (AKM). Present
    Moruya Heads, Congo, Bermagui, Meringo, Lake Wapengo and Montagu Is.
    during year (ENHS) max. 13, 3 Jan
    Little Curlew N. minutus 3 L. Bathurst 23 Jan (CABR).
    Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola 2 Bakers Lagoon 25 Jan (CG) and 1 same place 5 Nov
    (RPo, RMo); Penrith Lakes 25 Feb (T&CQ). Present Fivebough Swamp all year
    except bet. 22 May and 17 Aug (KH) max. 11 on 26 Dec. An average year for
    reports of this species.
    Grey -tailed Tattler T. brevipes Present Moruya Heads all months (except Feb and Jul)
    (ENHS) max. 18, 3 Jan
    Common Sandpiper T. hypoleucos 1 Station Ck. 13 Feb (GC). 2 Kooragang Is. 6 Mar; 1
    Stockton STW 6 Mar; 2 Stockton Bridge 6 Mar (MMo, CG). 1 Chipping Norton Lake
    2 Jan (JDi); 1 Barton Park, Cooks R. 12 Mar (AKM); 1 Mortlake 16 Mar (NM). 1
    Fivebough Swamp 17 Dec (KH) was observer’s first record at this location. An
    June 1992 Page 96average year for reports of this species.
    Greenshank T. nebularia Present Tuggerah Lakes Oct -Dec (AKM) with max 11 Chittaway
    Pt. 30 Comerong Is. 4 Jan (CJC). Present Fivebough Swamp all year except
    between 15 May and 28 Aug (KH) max. 34 on 27 Nov
    Marsh Sandpiper T. stagnatilis 18 Fisherman Beach (7 km S of Stuarts Pt.) 14 Jan (DS). Up
    to 7 Chittaway Pt 10 Nov -31 Dec (AKM, TMo). 1 Bakers Lgn 4 Jan (KB). Present
    Fivebough Swamp all year except bet. 8 May and 11 Sep (KH) max. 60 on 10 Jan.
    60 Mourquong nr Buronga 13 Mar (JHo), a large number for an inland locality.
    Terek Sandpiper T. terek 6 Nambucca Heads 19 Nov (DS).1 Mudbishops Pt. 15 Oct (MV,
    BW). 18-26 Shell Pt bet. 6 Jan and 7 Feb (CG, GF).
    Asiatic Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus 1 Stockton Sandspit 2 Aug (WBDiR) record
    accepted by NSWORAC, 3rd NSW record. Seen again on 8 Oct (FvG) (Record
    under review by NSWORAC).
    Japanese Snipe Gallinago hardwickfiDeparture Date: 1 near Coutts Crossing 10 Mar (GC).
    Newcastle WR: 55 on 8 Feb (DiR); and from 26 to 47 bet. 14 Nov to 12 Dec (WB).
    Max 9 Chittaway Pt Nov- Dec (AKM, TMo). 75+ The Driftway, Richmond 27 Jan
    (DSm, JHa, AKM). 1 Fivebough Swamp 14 Aug and 27 Nov (KH) with the former
    being the earliest NSW report for 1988. Arrival: Longneck Lgn. 15 Aug (PR);
    Cronulla Swamps 19 Aug (AKM); Saltwater Swamp, Nowra 19 Aug (CJC) and
    on 26 Aug (LL).
    Bar -tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 8 Joss Is. (L. Wooloweyah) 3 Jul (GC). 818 Comerong
    Is. 4 Jan (CJC) and 600 on 30 Oct (JHo). 1 Fivebough Swamp 16 Oct -6 Nov (KH)
    was observer’s first record for this location. Max. Feb Wader Counts: 221
    Parramatta R; 1067 Botany Bay; 1228 Shoalhaven Heads (AKM) were highest
    numbers in recent years. Max. numbers for Eurobodalla Shire: 300 Narooma 30
    Mar; 80 Tuross South Beach Oct; and 30 Wallaga Lake Dec (ENHS).
    Black -tailed Godwit L. limosa 620 Clarence Estuary 6 Feb (GC). 3 North Botany Bay 3 Jan
    (RMo). 116 Comerong Is. 25 Mar (JHo) 11 on 8 May and 1 on 30 Oct (CJC). 1
    Fivebough Swamp 10 Apr (KH). Departure: Parkes STW 24 Apr (AKM). Max. Feb
    Wader Counts: 10 Shoalhaven Heads (AKM). 1 Narooma Estuary 30 Mar (ENHS).
    Hudsonian Godwit L. haemastica 1 Kooragang Is. 15 Oct (RPo, RMo) 3rd possible NSW
    record, under review by NSWORAC.
    Red Knot Calidris canutus 4 Berkley Vale 13 Oct (AKM).1 Foreshore Rd. Botany Bay May
    (CG) and 2 North Botany Bay 14 Jun (BD) winter records. 6 Windang 18 Aug
    Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris 153 Joss Is. 6 Feb (GC) represents the largest number ever
    recorded at one location in NSW. Present Chittaway Pt 9 Dec (AKM). 1 North
    Botany Bay 4 Feb (RMo). 5 Windang throughout Mar and 1 on 18 Aug; 1 Comerong
    Is. 4 Jan (CJC). Winter records were: 21 Joss Is. 3 Jul. (GC) and North Botany
    Bay 14 Jun (BD).
    Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata 60 Homebush Bay 19 Oct and 50, 29 Oct (BD). 200+
    Page 97 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4Barton Park 12 Jan (AKM). Present Troy STW 18 Sep (DFN) 1st record at this site.
    Present Fivebough Swamp all year except bet. 8 May and 4 Sep (KH) max. 578
    on 17 Jan. Arrival: 12 Barton Park Cooks R. 12 Sep (AKM).
    Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotus 1 Tea Gardens 27 Feb (RT). 1 MCGraths Hill 31 Jan (TRi);
    Mason Park Homebush Bay 17 and 27 Feb and 13 Mar (MSa, RMo, H&B, MCG).
    2 Fivebough Swamp 13 Mar and 27 Nov; 1 20 Mar and 4 Dec (KH). 2 L Bathurst
    20 Nov (MLe).
    Cox’s Sandpiper C. palamelanotus 1 Stockton Sandspit 26 Jan Aust. Birds 22:91 (Record
    accepted by NSWORAC); and 1 with band 6 Mar (MMo CG). 1 Kooragang Is. 12
    Mar (IMcA, MW, PAs). (Records under review by NSWORAC).
    Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis 513 Comerong Is. 4 Jan (CJC). 2 L. Jindabyne 10 May (TC).
    5 Fivebough Swamp 17 Jan (KH). Max Feb Wader Counts: 33 Parramatta R; 286
    Botany Bay; and 490 Shoalhaven Estuary (AKM).
    Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea c.200 Mason Park 27 Dec (BD). 1 Fivebough Swamp 19
    Nov (KH). 39 L Bathurst Oct (CABR). Max. Feb Wader Counts: 234 Parramatta R;
    144 Botany Bay (AKM).
    Sanderling C. a/ba 1 Ballina 25 Feb (RT). 2 Nambucca Heads 24 Nov (DS). 2 Manning Pt.
    Spit 16 Feb (MVBW) and 1 on 26 Feb (AOR).
    Broad -billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus 2 Stockton 5 Mar (BD).
    Wilson’s Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor1-2 Tullakool Saltworks 3-5 Apr (Aust. Birds 24: 38-
    39, record under review by RAOU-RAC).
    Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella 1 nr Willandra Ck Roto Oct (JaH). 1 15 km N. of
    Deniliquin 15 Nov; 3 Black Swamp nr Wanganella 15 Nov (JB).
    Oriental Pratincole Glareolapratincola Present Bakers Lagoon 19-19 Jan max 14 on18 Jan
    (H&BM, MRC & AEFR). 7th NSW record.
    Great Skua Stercorarius skua 1 off Wollongong May (CBOC).
    Arctic Skua S. parasiticus 1 Batemans Bay 2-11 Nov (ENHS) no other records for
    Eurobodalla Shire. Arrival: Green Cape 30 Oct (AKM). Departure: South Head 7
    Apr (AKM).
    Long-tailed Jaeger S. longicauda 8-15 off Botany Heads 4 Dec (AEFR). Present off
    Wollongong 27 Nov (CBOC).
    Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae Nested Middle Harbour and Pittwater Dec (PR). 1
    Coombie HSD 27 May (JaH). Major 1988 breeding colonies south of Newcastle
    include Moon Island – 4000 prs; Rozelle Bay – 250 prs; Homebush Bay – 100 prs;
    Big Island – 21700-31550 prs; Martin Island – 200 prs; Bass Island – 600 prs; and
    Montagu Island – 700-800 prs (NPWS Report).
    Pacific Gull L. pacificus Immatures reported at Windang throughout Mar; Shellharbour 21
    May; and Bellambi, Wollongong, Port Kembla and Windang Jun -Aug (CJC); and
    off Wollongong Jun (CBOC). All reports consistent with known status although
    winter records appear to be increasing.
    Kelp Gull L. dominicanus 1 adult North Botany Bay 14Jun (BD); 3 Boatharbour 17Jul (AOR);
    June 1992 Page 98and Bonna Pt, Botany Bay 27 Dec (GC).
    Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida 33 Dart Is. 2 Feb (GC) was max. count for Northern Rs.
    c.20 Chittaway Pt 15-20 Oct (AKM, TMo) rarely reported on Central Coast. 2
    Coombie HSD 10 Nov (JaH). 7 Gooloogong 17 Oct (AC).
    White -winged Tern C. leucoptera 1 in non -breeding plumage with Little Terns, Station Ck.
    13 Mar (GC). 3 Nambucca Heads 1 Nov and 1 on 19 Nov (DS). 4+ Kooragang Is.
    30 Jan (CG). Windang Apr (CJC) and off Wollongong 23 Oct (ABW 14:16).
    1 1
    Lesser numbers reported than usual.
    Gull -billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica 1 Numbaa Is. 4Jan (CJC). 2 Wentworth 9 Sep (JHo).
    A few birds feeding over saltbush plain between Balranald and Hay 26 Oct and
    Nov (JHo). Present off Wollongong 27 Nov (CBOC).
    Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia 6 Swan Bay 23 Jul (JPe). Max. 14 Chittaway Pt 9 Oct –
    13 Dec (AKMTMo). 1 Long Reef 14 May (GMa); 2 North Botany Bay 20 Feb (JPe).
    Windang 17 Oct (CJC).
    Common Tern Sterna hirundo Present Woody Head 21 Nov (GC). 1000 Nambucca Heads
    1 and 19 Nov (DS). 5 Centenial Park 16 Jan; 192 North Botany Bay 20 Feb (AKM).
    5 Windang 10 Sep (CJC). Arrival: Nambucca Heads 8 Oct (DS).
    Arctic Tern S. paradisaea 1 off Wollongong 17 Apr (CG);1 Windang 22 Oct (CB). Record
    under review by NSWORAC.
    White -fronted Tern S. striata 1 off Cape Solander 4 Sep(AOR). Present Montagu Is. Feb –
    Oct (ENHS) max. 200-300 Oct
    Little Tern S. albifrons 11+ pairs bred Red Rock Oct -Nov 19 young were banded; max.
    Northern Rs sighting was 200+ Dart Is. 6 Feb (GC). 300 Manning Pt. Spit 3 Nov
    (MVBW). 4 nests Stockton Beach 13 Dec (JM). 5 pairs nested in Botany Bay with
    at least 5 young reaching flying stage; 14 was max. count North Botany Bay 20 Feb
    (AKM). 256 Windang 30 Jan (CJC). 3 Comerong Is. 30 Oct (JHo) no evidence of
    breeding found here. 6 pairs nested Wallaga Lake Jan -Feb (PB); 2 nests Tuross
    South Beach Jan -Feb and 40+ (comprising adults immatures and fledglings) and
    3 fresh nests same place 1 Feb (ENHS). Arrival: Nambucca Heads 8 Oct (DS).
    Departure: 2 off Bonville Beach 19 Mar (GC).
    Sooty Tern S. fuscata 1 near Barrenjoey Lighthouse 18 Jan (AMSR).
    Rose -crowned Fruit -dove Ptilinopus regina heard near The Needles, Gibraltar Range NP
    14 Jan (GC) first known record from this NP.
    Wompoo Fruit -dove P. magnificus Heard Cedar Valley Gibraltar Range NP 5 Oct; 2
    Woolgoolga FR 13 Feb; 1 Hortons Ck 22 May and 12 Jun (GC). 1 5 km W of
    Dalmorton 28 Dec (DS). Sea Acres NR 28 Aug (GC).
    Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus Good numbers present from Q’land border to
    Illawarra region during first half of 1988. Groups of up to 180+ present in Northern
    Rs region between 12 Mar and 30 Jun. (GC). 70 Hannan Vale 19 Mar (MVBW) not
    reported previously at this location. Hundreds Katandra Res. Ourimbah Apr -May
    (JHa). 250-300 Royal NP 2-7 May (AKM). 30 Foxground 26 Feb (CJC).
    Page 99 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela 1-14 birds regularly seen throughout Northern
    Rs region in all months (GC, EW). 6 Annagrove 29 Sep (KB); 4 Devlin’s Ck 15 May;
    1, 26 Jun, 7 on 3 Jul and 10+ on 17 Jul (BD, DLa). 1 Lindfield 20 May; 8 Lane Cove
    R 29 May; 12 Blackbutt Ck (W Killara) 8 Oct (DLa); 8 North Ryde 22 May (RMu)
    and 1 Field of Mars 4 Jun (NK); 1 Kurnell Peninsula (nr Towra Pt access Rd) 24
    Jul (AKM). 26 near Berry Railway Stn 4 Jun (CJC). 1 Target Beach Currarong 17
    Jul (AHo). 1 Moruya Heads 11 Mar and another bird present here for 2 days in Dec;
    Pair Rosedale 21 Aug (ENHS). Numbers in the Sydney Region continue to
    Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis 1 Muswellbrook 5 Feb (SD).
    Brown Cuckoo -dove Macropygia amboinensis 1 area of Devlin’s Ck and Upper Lane Cove
    Ck junction 24 Apr (BD) 29 May and 25 Aug (DLa). 1 Burrewarra Pt. 23 Sep; 1
    Batemans Bay Oct (ENHS).
    Peaceful Dove Geopelia placida near Dandahra Ck Gibraltar Range NP 14 23 and 29 Jan
    (GC) was unusual.
    Bar -shouldered Dove G. humeralis 2 Jacana HSD 19Jan and 1 6 Oct (EW). Present Wyong
    STW, Chittaway Pt and Norah Head Nov -Dec (AKM, TMo). Nested in garden
    Coombie HSD Aug (JaH). 4 Towra Pt NR 27 Jun (AKM). 5 Comerong Is. 1 Aug
    Common Bronzewing Phaps chalcoptera Present in Northern Rivers region in most months
    (GC) max. 16+ Lower Kangaroo Ck; 19 Sep 1 Pennant Hills Park 24 Apr (BD).
    Brush Bronzewing P. elegans 1 near Dandahra Ck 9Jul 1 near McClimont’s Swamp 25 Sep;
    and near Mulligan’s Camp all Gibraltar Range NP 26 Sep (GC) the latter being
    west of the reported range and north of recent records. 2 Port Macquarie 19 Jan
    (TS). No records for Sydney Region.
    Flock Pigeon P. histrionica 1 near Birrie R. Goodooga 30 Jun (GC) further east than any
    record since 1960. Small numbers northern Bullo R in Sep -Oct (NSWBA).
    Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica 1 O’Sullivan Gap, Pee Dee Range 4 Nov (DS). 1
    Katandra Res, Ourimbah Feb (JHa); 1 Ourimbah SF 14 Nov (TMo) both unusual
    records. Marmong Pt. 2 Aug (EJ).
    Crested Pigeon Ocyphaps lophotes 3 Callala 22 May (CJC); 4 on Comerong Is. ferry 1 Aug
    (JHo); and 1 Comerong Is. 19 Aug (CJC) are unusual records for South Coast and
    represent first records for Comerong Is.
    Glossy Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami Present Katandra Res. Jan -May (JHa)
    where observer considers to be resident. 1 Greenwood Dam, Narrandera 1 Jan
    (KH) at sunset. Recorded at Moruya Hds, Maulbrooke Rd, Moruya SF, Durras,
    Nerrrigundah and Womboyn in Eurobodallah Shire throughout the year, max 5
    Yellow -tailed Black -cockatoo C. funereus Regular visitor in groups of 4-8 Jacana HSD
    throughout year (EW); 50 Coffs harbour 12 Dec (TBO 683:3). 5 Gymea 13 Sep
    June 1992 Page 100Gang -gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum 14 Cob 4 Jul (FOC). 1-2 Pennant Hills Park
    throughout year (BD) no sign of nesting; Present Jun, Jul and October Lane Cove
    R Valley (DLa) with max. 4 birds.
    Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris c.35 Killarney Vale-Wyong area 7 Oct -31 Dec
    (AKM, TMo). 1 Cromer 15 Dec (FC). 26 Albion Park 6 Jun (CJC). All reports
    considered to represent birds of captive origin. These populations are now
    permanently established.
    Little Corella C. sanguinea c.50 Newcastle WR 5 Sep (WB); 45 Raymond Terrace 14 Nov
    (GaW); 20-30 Shortland WC 15 Oct (DBu); 4 Wallalong 16 Nov (IH). 2 near Avalon
    Beach 10 Nov (D&GM). All reports considered to represent birds of captive origin.
    Coastal populations are now well -established bet. Newcastle and Nowra.
    Sulphur -crested Cockatoo C. galerita 6 sightings Jacana HSD Aug -Nov (EW) max. 17 birds.
    Unusual in the Lower Clarence Valley.
    Scaly -breasted Lorikeet Trichoglossus chiorolepidotus Pair at nest Cumberland SF 26 Jun
    Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna 20+ North Ryde May and early Jun (RMu); 12
    Davidson Park (St Ives) 23 Apr (DLa). 100+ Congo Jan; present throughout
    Eurobodalla Shire during year. (ENHS).
    Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor No records in Eurobodalla Shire during 1987 or 1988
    (ENHS) or anywhere else in NSW in 1988.
    King Parrot Aprosmictus scapularis 40+ Blaxland’s Flat 16 Jul (GC).
    Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii Pair Hawkesbury Agric College (Agnes Bank) 29 Feb
    (DSm) most certainly ex -aviary birds. 4 Trigalong Ck, Temora 15 Apr; 4 Yarrara
    SF 16 Apr (PO); 40+ Murringo 6 Sep and 4 same place 16 Oct (AC). 1
    Murrumbateman 12 Nov (CABR).
    Swamp Parrot Pezoporus wallicus Jervis Bay NR 11-13 Jun (CBOC); 28 Barren Grounds
    NR during March census (CJC).
    Budgerygah Melopsittacus undulatus 3 nr Yenda 28 May (T&EK); 10 Mt Misery 23 Oct (KH)
    was only sighting for the year. Arrival: Dareton 10 Oct (JHo) with no evidence of
    breeding noted thereafter.
    Cockatiel Nymphicus hollandicus Arrival: Dareton 12 Oct (JHo) with no evidence of
    breeding noted thereafter.
    Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans 4 Coutts Crossing 26 Apr; 1 roadkill Whiporie Tick
    Gates 20 Aug (GC).
    Eastern Rosella P. eximius Abundant all year Jacana HSD (EW) bred successfully. 1
    Dareton 25 Sep (JHo) observer’s first record west of Euston in last 30 years. Not
    considered to be an aviary escapee.
    Pale- headed Rosella P. adscitus 1 Lightning Ridge 15 Jul (ABe) near western limit. 1
    Pennant Hills Park 26 Jan (BD) presumed escapee.
    Port Lincoln Parrot Barnardius zonarius 3 Macquarie Fields 30 Aug (DC) were certain ex –
    aviary birds. Feeding on berries of White Cedar. 2 Lochinvar 6 Jul (KG) an ex –
    Page 101 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4aviary bird.
    Red-rumped Parrot Psephotus haemotonotus Pair at western end of Warrah section
    Brisbane Water NP 14 Mar (SZ) first park record.
    Mulga Parrot P. varius Pair Meranda HS and a pair Carinda 1-3 Oct (GLC). 1 Cocoparra NP
    1-4 Apr (B&MC).
    Blue- winged Parrot Neophema chrysotoma male Montagu Is. Oct (ENHS).
    Turquoise Parrot Neophema pulchella Small numbers present throughout Back Yam ma SF
    22-25 Apr (AKM). 20+ Weddin Mtns NP 6 Sep and 12 on 16 Oct (AC). 3 Glen Davis
    13 Nov (CBOC). 1 male Wonboyn Rd. Nadgee SF 31 Oct (ABW 13:124-125).
    Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus 1 adult Coutts Crossing 21 and 23 Feb (GC). 1 Lawson
    21 Jan (AMSR).
    Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus Common Jacana HSD Jan -Feb and from 20 Aug (EW). Large
    irruption Dareton 26 Jun – 19 Oct (JHo) attracted by plague numbers of ground
    feeding hairy caterpillars. Bred during period using Singing and White -fronted
    Honeyeaters as hosts. Arrival: Lower Kangaroo Ck 6 Sep (GC); Scheyville 18 Sep
    (AKM); Kiora 21 Aug (ENHS). Departure: 1 Cheltenham 15 May (BD) was an
    unusually late record; Moruya 14 Jan (ENHS).
    Brush Cuckoo C. variolosus Arrival: Washpool NP 4 Oct (GC); Valla 5 Oct (DS); Shortland
    WC 12 Nov (WB); Annangrove 8 Oct (KB); Maulbrooks Rd Moruya 6 Oct (ENHS);
    Nadgee NR 29 Oct (AKM). Departure: Nambucca Heads 21 Feb (DS).
    Fantailed Cuckoo C. pyrrhophanus Numerous Coombie HSD Apr- Aug (JaH). Up to 12
    Dareton Jul (JHo) usually an infrequent winter visitor in this area.
    Black -eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis 1 Harparary 25 Jan (DR). 1 Coolbaggie NR 1
    Oct (DFN) only reported location in Dubbo district for this species in 1.988.
    Numerous Coombie HSD through winter (JaH). 1+ Back Yamma SF 22-25 Apr
    (AKM). 2 Mt Misery 23 Oct (KH). 1 Dareton 12 Mar then present in small numbers
    between 27 Jun and 27 Jul. Fewer numbers than usual during year and no
    breeding evidence noted. Arrival: Coombie HSD 20 Apr (JaH).
    Shining Bronze -cuckoo C. lucidus 6 records Northern Rs region bet. 16 Apr and 21 Aug
    (GC). Pennant Hills Park heard regularly between 14 Apr and 26 Jun (BD).
    Arrival: Jacana HSD 23 Aug (EW); Duffys Forest 30 Aug (AKM); Lapstone 16 Jul
    (R&GT); Agnes Banks 2 Jul (BdeB). Departure: Bateau Bay 20 Feb (AKM).
    Horsfield Bronze -cuckoo C. basalis Only Northern Rs records comprise: 1 juvenile nr The
    Crags Gibraltar Range NP 27 Jan; 1 Southgate Ck. 15 Oct; and 1 Grafton 3 Nov
    (GC). Small numbers Dareton 26 Jun to 8 Nov (JHo) no breeding evidence seen.
    Arrival: Jacana HSD 20 Aug (EW); Home Rule 4 Aug (AKM).
    Little Bronze -cuckoo C. malayanus 1 Coutts Crossing 16 and 27 Oct; 1 S. Grafton Water
    Res. 13 Dec (GC); 1 Halfway Ck. 28 Dec (DS).
    Koel Eudynamys scolopacea Shortland WC 23 Nov (AMH) 1st record for SWC. Departure:
    Coutts Crossing 10 Mar (GC); Valla 18 Feb (DS). Epping 26 Feb (BD); Neilsen
    Park 22 Feb (AKM); Batemans Bay 23 Jan (ENHS). Arrival: Jacana HSD 10 Sep
    June 1992 Page 102(EW); Coutts Crossing 20 Sep (GC); Valla 16 Sep; Taree 2 Oct (JDu); Annangrove
    8 Oct (KB); St. Ives 6 Oct (BSu); Epping 5 Oct (BD); Bodalla 27 Oct (ENHS).
    Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae Numerous records from Northern Rs
    Region 1 Jan to 11 Feb and 20 Sep and 31 Dec (GC). 2 raised by Pied Currawongs
    Hornsby Jan (RMa). 3 young being fed by Pied Currawongs Batemans Bay 16 Jan
    (ENHS). Departure: Coutts Crossing 18 Jan (GC); Valla 9 Feb (DS); Repton 11
    Feb (GC); Batemans Bay 31 Jan (ENHS). Arrival: Jacana HSD 25 Oct (EW);
    Coutts Crossing 20 Sep (GC); Valla 21 Sep (DS); Bensville 12 Nov (AKM); 4 c.10
    km S of Taree 15 Aug (CG); 2 Corrabare SF 1 Oct (T&CQ); Shortland WC 13 Nov
    (WB); New Lambton Hts and Blackbutt Res. 28 Aug (GA, WB); Annangrove 8 Oct
    (KB); Lapstone 5 Oct (RT); S. Turramurra 26 Oct (DLa); Moruya 2 Sep (ENHS).
    Arrival dates are exceptionally variable.
    Pheasant-coucal Centropus phasianinus 1 E. of Buccarumbi 28-31 Dec (DS). 1 Woko NP
    3 Dec (B&MC). 2 Marylands Oct (JWh).
    Powerful Owl Ninox strenua 1 Nambucca Heads 21 May. (DS) with flying fox as prey. 1
    Hannan Vale 19 Mar (MVBW) not recorded previously at this location. 1 Munghorn
    Gap 3 Apr (AOR). 1 Blackbutt Res. 24 Mar (WB). 1 Lisarow 17 Mar and 1 nr
    Katandra Res. Apr (JHa).1 Ourimbah 19 May and 14 Aug (Aust. Birds 24:9-19);
    1 Audley and 1 nr Bowler Ck Royal NP 8 Jan (FOC). 1 Bass Pt. 22 Oct (CBOC).
    Boobook Owl N. novaeseelandiae 1 nr Nundle 1 Aug (B&MC). 1 Galston 11 Dec (RW). See
    Aust. Birds 24:9-19 for status on Central Coast (Hunter Region).
    Barking Owl N. connivens Heard several times through year Coombie HSD (JaH). Only
    record reported.
    Barn Owl Tyto alba 1 Jacana HSD 20 Aug (EW). 1 nr Granites Picnic Area Washpool NP
    7 Jul.; roadkilled birds Bonville 29 Jun. nr Coutts Crossing 30 Jun. Cooperabung
    Ck. 12 Jul and Ballina and nr Chinderah 10 Sep (GC). 1 Shortland WC 7 Mar (DiR).
    2 Cornwallis Rd. Richmond 10 Jul (MiC, AOR); 1 Parramatta CBD 26 Apr (JD). 1
    in mallee adj. Yathong NR at Coombie HSD 2 Apr (JaH).
    Masked Owl T. novaehollandiae Roadkilled birds Cattle Camp Ck. 18 Jun and Woodburn
    26 Nov (GC). 1 Copeland Tops SF 24 Jan (AOR, MMo, AY). 1 injured Matcham-
    Holgate (Aust. Birds 24:9-19)
    Grass Owl T. longimenbris 1 Byron Bay 13 Jul (AMSR).
    Sooty Owl T tenebricosa Ourimbah 27 Nov (JHa) and 16 Mar and Apr, Bouddi NP Aug
    (Aust. Birds 24:9-19). 1 Jamberoo 5 Dec (RJ).
    Tawny Frog mouth Podargus strigoides Present Westleigh October (AEFR) observer’s first
    record in 15+ years.
    Owlet -nightjar Aegotheles cristata Washpool NP 15 Jan and 4 Oct; Present Coutts
    Crossing 22 Mar to 25 Apr and 4 Sep to 6 Dec; and 1 heard Red Rock 28 Feb (GC).
    1 Annangrove 18 Dec (BdeB KB). 1 Ourimbah 16 Mar (Aust. Birds 24:9-19). 3+
    Back Yamma SF 22-25 Apr (AKM). 1 Woolshed Flat Cocoparra NP 2 Jan (KH).
    White -throated Nightjar Caprimulgus mystacalis Adult flushed from egg nr Pottsville 3 Aug;
    Page 103 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 41 flushed Evans Head 3 Aug (GC). 1 roadkilled Argents Hill, Bowraville 4 Dec (DS).
    1 Girard SF 9 Feb; 1 Werrikimbe NP 30 Jan (SD). 1 on an egg Copeland Tops SF
    24 Jan (AOR, MMo, AY). 1 Munghorn Gap 3 Apr (AOR). 1 5km NE of Glenreagh
    27 Apr (AMSR); 1 Kuring-gai Chase NP 19 Nov (BG); 1 found injured Kurnell 15
    Mar (P08). Departure: Maulbrooks Rd, Moruya 4 Jan and arrived 15 Sep, nesting
    here and at Congo in Nov (ENHS).
    Spotted Nightjar C. guttatus 4 in mallee area northern section of Coombie HSD 3 Apr
    Spine -tailed Swift Hirundapus caudacutus Seen regularly during Spring and Summer
    months in Northern Rs with largest flock being 200+ birds Bonville 26 Feb (GC
    EW). Max. 500+ Burrewarra Pt. 8 Dec (ENHS). Departure: Coutts Crossing 31 Mar
    (GC); Valla 3 Apr (DS); Westleigh 27 Mar (AEFR); Maulbrooks Rd, Moruya 26 Mar
    (ENHS). Arrival: 10+ Coutts Crossing 30 Oct (GC); Nambucca Heads 15 Oct (DS);
    Macquarie Marshes 27 Oct (AKM); Westleigh 4 Nov (AEFR).
    Fork -tailed Swift Apuspacificus2 Station Ck. 23 Nov; 5+ S. Grafton Water Res. 12 Mar (GC).
    Up to 40 birds Dareton 20 and 27 Mar (JHo).
    Azure Kingfisher Alcyone azurea 1 Coombadjha Ck. Washpool NP 2 and 9 Jan (GC)
    unusual record for this park. 1 Yamimba Ck, Pilliga NR 3 Apr (JF). 1 Wolli Ck Res.
    10 Apr (NRa) is an unusual record for this urban location.
    Forest Kingfisher Halcyon macleayii 2 nesting pairs Jacana HSD Aug -Sep (EW). 1 Port
    Macquarie 12 Jul.; 3 Blackman’s Pt. 27 Aug (GC)
    Sacred Kingfisher H. sancta 2 nesting pairs Jacana HSD from 13 Sep (EW) with one pair
    occupying Forest Kingfisher’s nest vacated 9 Sep. 1 in mallee Coombie HSD 4 Sep
    (JaH). 1 Homebush Bay 14 May (BD) in mangroves; 1 Erskineville 27 Feb (TO)
    observer’s 2nd record here. Departure: Valla 10 Mar (DS). Arrival: Coutts Crossing
    13 Sep (GC); Valla 9 Sep (DS). Macquarie Marshes 28 Sep (AKM); Pennant Hills
    Park 9 Oct (BD).
    Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus Small numbers (max. 6) present throughout Northern
    Rs Region during autumn and winter months with records from Iluka 14 Apr; near
    Digger’s Camp 28 May; Red Rock 30 Jul and 21 August; Cobaki and Cudgen Ck.
    3 Aug; nr Ballina 10 Aug; Warragai 20 Aug; and Elizabeth Is. Grafton 31 Aug (GC).
    Departure: Jacana HSD 12 Mar (EW); Hungry Head 16 Mar (DS). Griffith 14 Mar
    (JB). Arrival: Jacana HSD 23 Aug (EW); Coutts Crossing 22 Aug (GC); Valla and
    Hungry Head 13 Aug (DS); Griffith 1 Oct (JB); Dareton 21 Sep (JHo).
    Dollarbird Eurostomus orientalis Immature bird Tibooburra township 1-10 Feb (MS). 1 nr
    Anvil Rock Gibraltar Range NP 24 Jan (GC) not recorded during Holmes’ 1980
    survey. 1 Coombie woolshed 15 Feb; and 1 near homestead 17-18 Feb (JaH) first
    sighting in 8 years. Departure: Valla 1 Mar (DS). Neilsen Park 4 Mar (AKM). Arrival:
    Jacana HSD 6 Oct (EW); Coutts Crossing 22 Sep (GC); Valla 12 Sep (DS);
    Norahville 19 Sep (AKM); Newcastle Wetlands Res. 1 Oct (GWm); Pennant Hills
    Park 9 Oct (BD); Moruya 18 Oct (ENHS).
    June 1992 Page 104Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor 1 Iluka NR 15 May and 31 Jul (GC); 1 Coffs Harbour 5 Jan
    (AMSR); 1 Valla Aug Sep and 12 Oct; Nambucca Heads 22 May and 3 Jul;
    Kookaburra 2 Oct; and League Plateau 23 Oct (DS). 1 Gosford Jun (AMSR) 3rd
    Central Coast record.
    Rufous Scrub -bird Atrichornis rufescens Present Gibraltar Range NP (at Dandahra Ck.
    Surveyor’s Ck. Anvil Rock Raspberry Picnic Area Mulligan’s Camp McClimont’s
    Swamp and Fern Forest) most months (GC). 1-2 Mt. Killiekrankie nr Bowraville 31
    Jul and 28 Oct; League Scrub nr Bowraville 28 Oct (DS).
    Superb Lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae 1 Horton’s Ck. Cloud’s Ck 22 May and 12 Jun
    Singing Bushlark Miafra javanica Bakers Lgn. 20 Oct (JDi). Abundant bet. Balranald and
    Hay 30 Jul (JHo).
    Skylark Alauda arvensis Nested L Bathurst 18 Dec (CABR) with bet. 20 and 100 birds
    present in area throughout the year. 4 Barlings Beach 31 Oct; 1 Moruya STW 5
    Nov; 1 Mullenderee 3 Dec (ENHS).
    Richards Pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae 1 Fivebough Swamp 25 Jun (KH).
    White -backed Swallow Charamoeca leucosternum 2 Lilydale 16 Jul; 1 Susan Is. 10 Dec
    (GC). 20 Penrith Lakes 25 Feb (T&CQ). 5-15 Fivebough Swamp bet. 5 and 25 Jun
    and 19 on 17 Jul (KH).
    Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 2 Newcastle WR 5 Mar (FOC); 1 Shortland WC and
    Newcastle WR 12 Mar (IMcA, MaW, PAs). Record under review by NSWORAC.
    Probably same birds and if accepted 3rd NSW Record.
    Tree Martin Cecropis nigricans Winter Records: Present Grafton 17 J ul; Forbes STW 23 Apr
    Fairy Martin C. ariel Arrival: Grafton 17 Jul (AKM); Emigrant Ck. (near Ballina) 10 Aug;
    Harwood Is. 5 Aug; and Coutts Crossing 22 Aug (GC). Homebush Bay 17Jul (BD).
    Departure: Homebush Bay 14 Feb (BD).
    White -bellied Cuckoo -shrike Coracina robusta 1 Jacana HSD 8 Mar & 1 Aug (EW). 2 Putty
    21 Aug (CG). Nested Yerriyong SF (SW of Nowra) Jan (CJC). 1 Nadgee NR 30
    Oct (AKM, DSi, PR) is unusual here.
    Cicadabird C. tenuirostris Arrival: The Needles, Gibraltar Range NP 2 Oct (GC); Valla 23
    Sep (DS); Ourimbah SF 5 Nov (TMo); Tomakin 1 Oct (ENHS). Departure: Valla 18
    Apr (DS); Maulbrooks Rd Moruya 27 Feb (ENHS).
    Barred Cuckoo -shrike Coracina lineata 1 Sawtell Jan (B&MC). 2 adults and 3 immatures
    Nambucca Heads 23 Apr (DS).
    Ground Cuckoo -shrike C. maxima 3 prs each with young western side of Macquarie
    Marshes 27 Sep -3 Oct (AKM). 1 Cobbora nr Dunedoo 9 Aug (DS). 3 Daroobalgie
    24 Apr (AKM, DSi). 4 Gunbar 4 Apr (T&CQ).
    White -winged Triller Lalage sueurii Present Landsdowne Jan -Feb and Oct -Dec (DiT). 1
    Shortland WC 4 Nov (GA) first record for SWC; and another 1 recorded there on
    12 Dec (WB). Present Wyong Ck 5 Nov; with 2-3 pairs at Wyong on 14 Nov (AKM).
    Page 105 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4Arrival: Coutts Crossing 8 Sep (GC). Macquarie Marshes 27 Sep; Dareton 9 Jul.
    (JHo) which is unusually early. Thereafter very low numbers and only 1 breeding
    pair found in Oct 1, Comerong Is. 30 Oct (JHo). Departure: S. Grafton Water Res.
    12 Mar (GC).
    Varied Triller L. leucomela 1 Horton’s Ck, Clouds Creek. 12 Feb 13 Jun and 16 Apr (GC).
    Red -whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus Present Bonville 9 Feb; Coffs Harbour 9 Mar
    and 18 Sep; and Big Banana, Korora 7 Jun. (GC); 1 Fernmount nr Bellingen 7 Feb
    (DS). 3 Wallsend 9 May. (SH).
    Australian Ground Thrush Zoothera dauma 2 Caves Beach 21 Jan (KH) in coastal ti -tree
    Blackbird Turdus merula 5 Coombie HSD 5 Aug; a male same place 28 Aug and returned
    during following week (JaH) first records. 1 male Bolwarra 24 Sep (NWa) and 1
    Nowra mid -Aug (CJ) were first records for these districts. 3 nests found in saltbush
    areas near Dareton Sep – Dec (JHo). Species is abundant in township and
    amongst citrus orchards but these nests (c.4 km from nearest orchards) were
    observer’s first breeding records in such dry habitat (JH pers comm.).
    Southern Scrub -robin Drymodes brunneopygia northern section of Coombie HSD 3 Apr
    Rose Robin Petroica rosea 1 Jacana HSD 14 Aug (EW). 1 female Tarlo R NP 11 Jun (AKM,
    TMo, DSi). 1 Mountain Lagoon 4 Jun (MCo). 1 male Poulton Park, Hurstville 31
    Jul (GF). Arrival: Coutts Crossing 16 Apr (GC); Hungry Head 12 Apr (DS); Pennant
    Hills Park 24 Apr (BD). Departure: Hungry Head 26 Aug (DS).
    Red -capped Robin P. goodenovii Bred Dareton from late Jun to following January (JHo).
    Early breeding attributed to wet mild winter. In each of 4 prior years breeding was
    not commenced until late Jul or early Aug
    Flame Robin P. phoenicea 1 adult male near Nymboida 12 Jun; and S. Grafton Water Res.
    24 Apr (GC) unusual at these locations. Clagger SF 24Jul (DFN) considered rare
    in Dubbo district. 2 males and 2 females Coombie HSD 24 Jun – mid -Jul (JaH) first
    sighting in 8 years. Only Eurobodalla Shire records -1 male Corn Trail 16 Oct and
    4 males 2 females Pinkwood 6 Nov (ENHS).
    Scarlet Robin P. multicolor 1 Jacana HSD 14 Aug (EW). Pair Lower Kangaroo Ck. 8 May
    and 24 Jun (GC). Shortland WC May (J&LH). Shoplands Rd, Annangrove 24
    1 1 1
    Jul (ARMcG, JDi).
    Pink Robin P. rodinogaster 1 male Bulli 4 Sep (CJC) (Accepted by NSWORAC).
    Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata Shoplands Rd Annangrove 24 Jul (ARMcG JDi).
    Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis Coombie HSD 20 Feb (JaH) first record outside winter
    Shrike -tit Falcunculus frontatus 2 Wentworth 23 Apr (JHo).
    Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea 1 Daisy Plains 2 Oct (DS). 1 Barren Grounds 6 Aug
    (CJC). 1 Durras Mar and 1 Maulbrooks Rd Moruya 26 May – 14 Sep (ENHS) may
    have been the same wintering bird.
    June 1992 Page 106Gilbert’s Whistler P. inornata 3+ Back Yamma SF 22-25 Apr (AKM). Nest with 3 eggs
    Yathong NR Aug (JaH). 3 Weddin Mtn NP 6 Sep (AC).
    Golden Whistler P. pectoralis Irregular sightings Jacana HSD mainly during winter (EW).
    Rufous Whistler P. rufiventris Common Jacana HSD throughout year (EW). Arrival: Valla
    30 Aug (DS); Pennant Hills Park 19 Sep (BD); Quarantine Station 12 Aug (AKM).
    Departure: Hungry Head 13 Apr (DS); Quarantine Station 31 Mar (AKM).
    Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis Arrival: Coffs Harbour 18 Sep (GC); Valla 23
    Sep (DS); Carters Ck. 9 Oct (ENHS). Departure: Coutts Crossing 6 Mar (GC);
    Bermagui 11 Feb (ENHS).
    Spectacled Monarch M. trivirgatus 1 Horton’s Ck. Clouds Ck. 16 Apr (GC). 1 immature
    Landsdowne 13Jan (DiT). Arrival: Valla 29 Sep; and Departure: Nambucca Heads
    16 Apr (DS).
    White -eared Monarch M. leucotis Iluka NR 15 May (GC).
    Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula 1 Jacana HSD 6 Oct (EW). Pair Coutts Crossing 10
    Apr; Tullymorgan 18 Mar; S. Grafton Water Res. 12 Mar and 11 Sep (GC).
    1 1
    Arrival: Coutts Crossing 8 Sep (GC); Nambucca Heads 18 Sep (DS); Annangrove
    8 Oct (KB); Nadgee NR 29 Oct (AKM); Maulbrooks Rd, Moruya 26 Sep (ENHS).
    Departure: Nambucca Heads 2 Apr (DS); Pennant Hills Park 12 Mar (BD);
    Burrewarra Pt. 16 Mar (ENHS).
    Satin Flycatcher M. cyanoleuca 1 Annangrove 8 Oct (KB); 1 Arcadia 26 Nov (RW); 1 female
    Camp Cove SHNP 10-13 Mar (AKM, TMo).
    Restless Flycatcher Seisura inquieta 1 Wolli Ck Res. 1 May (NRa) observer’s first record
    for this location.
    Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons Uncommon migrant Jacana HSD seen in Mar and Oct
    (EW); Carters Ck. 9 Oct (ENHS). Arrival: Valla 14 Sep (DS). Departure: 3+
    Tullymorgan 18 Mar; 1 Coombadjha Ck. 5 Apr; and a first year bird at Horton’s Ck.
    Clouds Ck. 16 Apr (GC); Valla 26 Apr and Nambucca Heads 16 Apr (DS);
    Maulbrooks Rd, Moruya 11 Apr (ENHS) – are all late records.
    Grey Fantail R. fuliginosaCommonJacana HSD Mar -Sep (EW). Arrival: Griffith 27 Mar (JB).
    Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii Coopernook SF 29 Feb (MVBW).
    Spotted Quailthrush Cinclosoma punctatum 1 Eungai SF 28 Aug; 1 16 km W of Bowraville
    23 Oct; and 2 7 km W of Buccarumbi 31 Dec (DS). Pair Tarlo R NP 11 Jun (AKM,
    TMo, DSi). on nest Munghorn Gap 1-3 Oct (CBOC). Conimbla NP 7 Sep (AC).
    1 1
    Mt Kuring-gai 29 Dec (AMSR).
    Chestnut Quailthrush C. castanotum Observed in several areas of mallee during year at
    Coombie HSD (JaH).
    Cinnamon Quailthrush C. cinnamomeum castaneothorax 4 Cobar 6 May (T&CQ).
    Hall’s Babbler Pomatostomus halli2 plus a separate group at a nest with 3 eggs Homestead
    Gorge, Mootwingee NP 18-23 Sep (KAW, NSh, NS).
    Clamorous Reedwarbler Acrocephalus stentoreus singing Fivebough Swamp 18 Jun
    (KH) is an unusual record. Arrival: Port Macquarie SP 27 Aug; Grassy Head 28 Aug
    Page 107 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4(GC). Shortland WC 25 Sep (DiR).
    Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis 2 Oxford Falls 9 Sep (FC).
    Rufous Songlark Cinclorhamphus mathewsi Northern Rs Region records are 1 at Jacana
    HSD 3 May (EW); 1 Lower Kangaroo Ck. 19 Sep (GC); 1 5 km N. of Bowraville 28
    Oct; and 2 7 km W of Buccarumbi 31 Dec (DS). Records from this region are
    unusual. 2 Shortland WC 2 Dec (J Hd) was first record for SWC. 1 Comerong Island
    30 Oct (JHo). Following an early appearance around Dareton on 24 Jul only a few
    birds seen all season around Dareton and no breeding evidence found (JHo) in
    contrast the species was considered common at Mungo NP 15 Jul and extremely
    abundant at Ivanhoe in Jul when many hundreds were in song.
    Brown Songlark C. cruralis 1 Fivebough Swamp 8 May (KH). 1 Bakers Lgn 20 Oct (JDi).
    None Dareton during year but abundant between Hay and Balranald 30 Jul and
    at Ivanhoe Aug (JHo).
    Southern Emuwren Stipturus malachurus Present in Gibraltar Range NP (at Anvil Rock 10
    Jan 3 Apr 9 Jul 25 Sep and 2 Oct; Waratah Trig 13 Jan; and nr The Crags 27 Jan)
    (GC). 1 Bowen’s Ck Rd. Bilpin 10 May (MCo).
    Striated Grasswren Amytornis striatus 1+ Coombie HSD 2 Apr (JaH).
    Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus 4+ Jervis Bay NR 11-13 Jun (CBOC).
    Chestnut -tailed Heathwren Hylacola pyrrhopygia 2 nr Waratah Trig Gilbralter Range NP 13
    Jan (GC). 2 Dellwood Rd. Pilliga NR 26 Jan (DR). 1 Faulconbridge 16 Apr (AT).
    2 Conimbla NP 7 Sep (AC).
    Shy Hylacola H. cauta 1 Charcoal Tank NR 8 Sep (AC). 2 Mallee Cliffs NP 10 Sep (JHo).
    Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagitatta Present (max. 2) Coutts Crossing 26 Apr 2 May and
    14 Aug (GC).
    Weebill Smicornis brevirostris Present (max. 3) Coutts Crossing 25-26 Apr 2-17 May and
    28 Jul; and S. Grafton Water Res. 12 Mar 24 Apr and 23 Jun (GC).
    Western Warbler Gerygone fusca 2 Glen Davis 13 Nov (CBOC). Nesting pair Milpara HSD,
    Wentworth 2 Jan (JHo).
    White -throated Warbler G. olivacea Present Jacana HSD throughout year (EW). 1 Old
    Sanitary Depot, Brisbane Water NP (J&PW) the species is rarely recorded in this
    NP. Arrival: Berkeley Vale 3 Sep (AKM); Maulbrooks Rd Moruya 21 Sep (ENHS).
    Yellow-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza chrysorrhoa Breeding resident of the foreshore reserves
    around Tuggerah Lakes (AKM).
    Brown Treecreeper Climacteris picumnus Coutts Crossing 21 Feb (GC) where rarely
    Red-browed Treecreeper C. erythrops Present 5 km NE of Dalmorton 29 Dec and c.11 km
    SE of Newton Boyd 30 Dec (DS). 2 Glen Davis 13 Nov (CBOC).
    White-browed Treecreeper C. affinis 1 Coombie HSD 18 Sep (JaH).
    Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata Neilsen Park 20 Jul (AKM) observer’s first record
    here in past 5+ years.
    Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis 1 Cobbora 19 Aug and 1 in Dunedoo
    June 1992 Page 10830 Oct (DS).
    Striped Honeyeater Plectorhyncha lanceolata 1 Lake Liddell 10 Jul (MiC, AOR); 1 Shortland
    WC 16 Mar (MWa).
    Noisy Friarbird Philemon corniculatus 1 Wolli Ck Res. 19 Apr and 8 on 1 May (NRa) which
    were observer’s first records here. Large flocks moving south through Seven Mile
    Beach NP 17-19 May (CJC).
    Little Friarbird P. citreogularis Present at Jacana HSD Sep -Oct only (EW). 1 Coombie HSD
    24 Jun (JaH). Pair nesting Cowra Japanese Garden 21 Dec (AC).
    Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyzaphrygia 1 Munghorn Gap NR 29 Jul (SF); 4 Appletree Flat
    (c. 4km S of Mudgee) 4 May (RW); 1 Glen Davis 13 Nov (CBOC). 2 Corrabare SF
    1 Oct (T&CQ). 2 Green Wattle Pt (Warragamba Dam) 3 Sep (AOR); 1 Terry Hills
    2-4 Sep (RJA). Mogendoura Valley 13 Nov (ENHS) along timbered Ck in open
    country. Also Warrumbungles NP, Munghorn Gap NR, Glen Davis and Tindale SF.
    See “The Regent Honeyeater (Xanthomyza phrygin) population statistics and
    ecology in Victoria and New South Wales.”R. Webster and P. Menkhorst 1992.
    Arthur Rylah Inst. for Env. Res. Tech. Report No. 126.
    Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis Common Jacana HSD throughout year (EW).
    Present Nambucca Heads 9 Feb 12 Mar and 5 May (DS). 1 Wallalong 3 Dec (MH).
    Yellow -faced Honeyeater Lochinostomus chrysops c.900 migrating north Hurstville 23 Apr
    (RMcG). 500-1000 Cabramatta May (ReT). 9 just N. of Dareton 24 Apr (JHo) no
    previous reports from this location.
    Grey -fronted Honeyeater L. plumulus 6 Cobar 6 May (T&CQ); Good numbers continue to
    occur at Coombie HSD throughout year (JaH). 9 Kudgee HSD Wentworth 2 Jan
    Yellow -tufted Honeyeater L. melanops 3+ Horton’s Ck. Clouds Ck. 16 Apr and 1 14 Jun
    (GC). Common in hills around Dalmorton above 300 metres 29-31 Dec (DS). 1
    Rankin Park Jun (GA).
    Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus Common along Dobroyd Rd approx 7 km W of Buccarumbi
    31 Dec; 30+ Halfway Ck. 28 Dec (DS). Present along Warrah Track, Brisbane
    Waters NP 5 Aug (SZ) the species is unusual in this NP. A winter visitor to
    Eurobodalla Shire though few records in 1988 e.g. 3 Congo 22 Apr and 10 Jun and
    Meringo 29 Jul (ENHS).
    White -plumed Honeyeater L. penicillatus 1 Keinbah 27 Jun (WB, FTh).
    Black -chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis 3 Coutts Crossing 28 Jun; 1+ just west of
    same place 29 Jul; present S. Grafton Water Res. 12 Mar 24 Apr 23 Jun 11 Sep
    and 13 Dec (GC). 1 Munghorn Gap 1-3 Oct (CBOC). 20+ along road to Mt. Banks
    29 Jun (MCort). 4 Conimbla NP 7 Sep (AC).
    White -throated Honeyeater M. albogularis Common Jacana HSD all year (EW); Present at
    Halfway Ck. 7 Feb and Red Rock 30 Jun (GC). Seen at several locations bet.
    Halfway Ck and Kungola 28 Dec (DS).
    Painted Honeyeater Grantiella picta 2 Pilliga 1 Apr (BB); 2 Camp Pincham, Warrumbungles
    Page 109 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4NP Apr (JMi).
    New Holland Honeyeater Phylidonyris novaehollandiae 10+ Georges Junction, New
    England NP 5 Nov (DS).
    White-cheeked Honeyeater P. nigra Several in a small basalt outcrop on Dolboy Ck. 31 Dec
    White -fronted Honeyeater P. albifrons First present Dareton 11 Aug (JHo). following
    flowering of Eremophila maculata Nested Sep – Oct then left area approx. 6 Nov
    A typical irruption with closely synchronised breeding and departure.
    Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P. melanops Present Port Macquarie 28-31 Dec (B&MC). 1 nr
    Mt Banks 29 Jun (MCo).
    Eastern Spinebill Acanthorynchus tenuirostris 3+ Camp Cove/Gap Bluff area SHNP 17-22
    Mar (AKM, TMo) were first sightings in this area for last 5 years.
    Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger Numerous Coombie HSD Spring (JaH). 1 Dareton 15
  • 16 Oct (JHo).
    Scarlet Honeyeater Myzomela sanguinolenta Present Jacana HSD Aug -Sep only (EW);
    Very common throughout Gibraltar Range NP 3 Jan; and at Coombadjha Ck.
    Washpool NP 3 Jan and 23 Jan (GC). Present Chittaway Pt 10 Nov (AKM). 1+
    Nurragingy Reserve, Doonside 15 Nov (BD); 2+ Royal NP 17 Apr (HAL). Arrived:
    St Albans 7 Aug (AKM). Small numbers at Durras, Moruya racecourse, Pedro
    Swamp, Burrewarra Pt. and Bermagui during January; 20+ Batemans Bay 4 Oct
    and 2. Moruya 9 and 20 Oct (ENHS) were more records than usual.
    Crimson Chat Ephthianura tricolor Many birds numerous nests
    Marshes 28 Sep -4 Oct (AKM).Present Coombie HSD Oct (JaH).
    Orange Chat E. aurifrons Small numbers bet. Willie and Bluelight HSD, Carinda 28 Sep -4
    Oct (AKM).
    White -fronted Chat E. albifrons Small numbers Merandah HS and Carinda 27 Sep -3 Oct
    (GLC) near northern limit. 5 Hawkes Nest 7 Aug (KB BW). Regular L Bathurst max.
    48 recorded during 1988 (CABR).
    Spotted Pardalote Pardalotus punctatus 1 Jacana HSD 24 Jul -14 Aug (EW). 2 DaretOn 31
    Mar; same place 29 Apr (JHo).
    Yellow-rumped Pardalote P. xanthopygus Observed throughout the year at Coombie HSD
    Striated Pardalote P. substriatus 14 on 12 Jun and 24+ on 14 Jul at Coutts Crossing (GC)
    were high local counts.
    European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 1 Susan Is. 10 Dec (GC). 1 near Warrah Trig,
    Brisbane Water NP 27 Apr (J&PW) 1st Park record. 100+ Fivebough Swamp 8
    May (KH). Small numbers (max. 10) at 15 different locations in Eurobodalla Shire
    during year (ENHS) and nested at Kerta HSD Durras.
    Beautiful Firetail Emblema bella 1 Faulconbridge 16 Apr (AT). 2+ Curra Moors Trail 17 Apr
    (HAL). 2 Jervis Bay NR 11-12 Jun (CBOC). 1 Yambulla SF 30 Nov (RT).
    Diamond Firetail E. guttata 2 Coombie HSD 3 Dec (JaH). 7 Kiora Sep (ENHS).
    June 1992 Page 110Zebra Finch Poephila guttata 10 Bonnie Doon Golf Course 2 May (CG).
    Double -barred Finch P. cincta Seen all year in garden max. 35 in April Westleigh (AEFR).
    19 Brobenah Hills 9 Jul (KH).
    Plum -headed Finch Aidemosyne modesta Present Macquarie Marshes 30 Sep -4 Oct
    (AKM); c.20 Pilligawarrina HSD, Quambone 29-31 Oct (MMo, NR). Up to 10 Glen
    Alice 9 Apr (P&SH).
    Chestnut -breasted Mannikin Lonchura castaneothorax 50+ Southgate 15 Oct (GC). 30
    Newcastle WR 8 Feb (DiR); 10 Shortland WC 8 Feb (GBx). 18 Penrith Lakes 2 Jul
    Nutmeg Mannikin L. punctulata 6 (adults and immatures) Moruya STW 27 Mar (ENHS) was
    second record in 13 years.
    Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus Resident Berkeley Vale (AKM). First appearance for
    several years at Coombie HSD Jul (JaH).
    Figbird Sphecotheres viridis Many Wollongong -Port Kembla Aug -Sep (CJC) was largest
    influx since 1984.
    Spangled Drongo Dicurus hottentottus Present throughout Northern Rs and south to
    Forster all months (GC). Present Newcastle area Apr -Jun (WB, RuB, RWe). 1
    Pearl Beach Arboretum 8 Jun (SZ). 2 Rose Bay 21 Apr (DoW); 1 Little Bay 6 Sep
    (FB). 1 Burrewarra Pt 29 Feb 15 Mar and 29 May; and 1 Wallaga Lake 31 Aug
    (ENHS). Arrival: South Head 30 Mar (AKM); Burrewarra Pt. 29 Feb (ENHS).
    Departure: South Head 14 Aug (AKM); Wallaga Lake 31 Aug (ENHS).
    Regent Bowerbird Sericulus chrysocephalus 2 New Lambton Hts 28 Aug (GA).
    Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculate Present nr Arumpo 23 Sep (TBO 683:2) considered
    rare in this area. Nest with young Merandah HSD Carinda 3 Oct (JPe).
    Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus Present Gibraltar Range NP 27 Sep 4 and 5 Oct (GC).
    male Telegherry SF 2 Jul (RW).
    White -winged Chough Corcorax melanorhamphos Present Coutts Crossing 2+ on 23 Feb
    and 6 on 26 Apr; 7 Myrtle Ck. 20 Aug; and 4 Braunstone 24 Nov (GC). Present
    along Ebor-Armidale Rd. near New England NP junction 27 Jul; 2 parties near
    Georges Junction 5 Nov (DS).
    Apostlebird Struthidea cinerea 2 Pine Grove 2 Nov (GI).
    White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorhynchus Departure: Hungry Head 6 May
    (DS). 6 Redhead 1 May (MNo AP). Arrival: Valla 22 Aug (DS). Present Macquarie
    Marshes 30 Sep and at Terridgerie 2 Apr (AKM). Present Tuggerah STW
    Chittaway Pt and Norah Head Oct -Dec (AKM, TMo).
    Masked Woodswallow A. personatus Present Macquarie Marshes 30 Sep (AKM). 200+
    Coombie HSD 3 Dec (JaH).
    White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus Present Macquarie Marshes 27 Sep; and
    Back Yamma SF 22 Apr (AKM). Large flocks Coombie HSD 3 Dec (JaH). 60+
    Annangrove 22 Oct (KB).
    Pied Currawong Strepera graculina Present near Wardell 25 Mar and 18 Nov; Brunswick
    Page 111 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4Heads 25 Mar; and Stotts Is. 25 Mar (GC). 2 adults feeding 2 Channel -bill CuCkoo
    nestlings Maclean 12 Dec (TBO 683:3). Arrival: Coutts Crossing 13 Apr (GC).
    Departure: Coutts Crossing 9 Oct (GC).
    Grey Currawong S. versicolor 1 Dural 7 Jun (ALo). 1 Tuross Jul -Aug (ENHS).
    Australian Raven Corvus coronoides Present O’Sullivan’s Gap 6 Nov (DS). 3 Werrikimbe
    NP 17 Jan (SD).
    Forest Raven C. tasmanicus Present Kookaburra and Daisy Plains 2 Oct; Hungry Head
    Nov; and c.7 km inland from Valla 20 Oct; nest with 3 young Nambucca Heads 15
    Oct (DS). Marengo 22 Apr (SD).
    Little Raven C. mefiori 1 Dangar’s Lagoon 18 Jun (SD). 20 Foxground 22 May (CJC).
    1985 REPORT
    Pied Cormorant Phalacorcorax varius from Charlotte Pass-Perisher Valley should refer to
    Great Cormorant Phalacorcorax carbo.
    Little Curlew Numenius minutus The record of 2 birds from Wentworth Swamp is the sixth
    record for the County of Northumberland and the second for the county away from
    Kooragang Is. The first county record was the two type -specimens from which the
    species was described. These were collected from a flock of 20 by John Gould at
    Maitland racecourse on 4 April 1839 (see Gould’s Handbook 1865).
    Common Tern Sterna hirundo read ‘Meadowbank’ for ‘Broadmeadow’.
    Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsoni record for Mallee Cliffs SF 2 Sep should refer to Regent
    Parrot Polytelis anthopeplus
    1987 REPORT
    Black -fronted Plover Charadrius melanops at Fivebough Swamp should read max. 58 on
    5 Jul NOT 588.
    June 1992 Page 112o 0
    APPENDIX I Nymboida 29 57’S. 152 44’E
    LOCATION GUIDE Sandon 29 4 1’S. 153°20’E
    o 0
    Southgate 29 37’S. 153 05’E
    o o
    Reported Location Approx. Grid Reference Southgate Ck 29 37’S. 153 05’E
    o o
    Stotts Island NR 29 26’S. 153 18’E
  1. NORTHERN RIVERS Terranora Inlet
    3 1’E
    o o o o
    Argents Hill 30 37’S. 152 44’E Tullymorgan 29 23’S. 153 07’E
    o o 0 0
    Alumy Ck 29 38’S. 152 57’E Whiporie 29 17’S. 152 59’E
    o o
    Billinudgel Ck 28 32’S. 153 33’E
    o o
    Blaxland’s Flat 29 54’S. 152 47’E 2. MID -NORTH COAST
    o o 0 0
    (3 km W. of) 30 38’S. 152 51’E Barrington Tops 32 03’S. 151 25’E
    o o 0 0
    Buccarumbi 29 51’S. 152 36’E Blackman’s Point 31 25’S. 152 52’E
    o o
    Buccarumbi Bowraville 30 39’S. 152 52’E
    o o
    (7 km W. of) 29 52’S. 152 35’E Bowraville
    o o 0 0
    Calliope 29 40’S. 153 03’E (3 km W. of) 30 38’S. 152 51’E
    o o 0 0
    Clouds Ck 30 04’S. 152 40’E Cooperabung Ck 31 18’S. 152 48’E
    o o 0 0
    Corindi 30 01’S. 153 12’E Coopernook SF 31 48’S. 152 35’E
    o o
    Cudgen 28 16’S. 153 33’E Fisherman’s Beach
    o o
    Cudgen Lake 28 19’S. 153 33’E (7 km S of
    o o 0 0
    Daisy Plains 30 56’S. 152 17’E Stuart’s Pt.) 30 52’S. 153 02’E
    o 0 0 0
    Dalmorton 29 52’S. 152 27’E Grassy Head 30 48’S. 153 00’E
    o 0
    Dalmorton Harrington 31 53’S. 152 42’E
    o 0 0 0
    (5 km W. of) 29 53’S. 152 15’E Hannan Vale 31 43’S. 152 35’E
    o o o o
    Elizabeth Island 29 42’S. 152 56’E Hungry Head 30 31’S. 153 01’E
    o o 0 0
    Eugai SF 30 51’S. 152 52’E Kookaburra 31 02’S. 152 19’E
    o 0 0 0
    Evans Head 29 07’S. 153 26’E Lansdowne 31 47’S. 152 32’E
    o o 0 0
    Fernmount 30 28’S. 152 56’E League Plateau 30 35’S. 152 35’E
    o o 0 0
    Girard SF 28 55’S. 152 15’E League Scrub 30 35’S. 152 35’E
    o o 0 0
    Halfway Ck 29 24’S. 153 04’E Madeay R. Estuary 30 54’S. 153 00’E
    o o 0 0
    Harwood Island 29 25’S. 153 15’E Mount Killiekrankie 30 32’S. 152 33’E
    o o 0 0
    Joss Island 29 28’S. 153 19’E Mudbishops Point 31 57’S. 153 35’E
    o 0 0 0
    Lake Woolaweyah 29 30’S. 153 20’E O’Sullivan Gap 30 48’S. 152 28’E
    o 0
    Lilydale 29 34’S. 152 40’E Pee Dee Range
    o o
    Maclean 29 28’S. 153 08’E (7 km. W. of
    o o 0 0
    Marengo 30 15’S. 152 25’E Bellbrook) 30 48’S. 152 28’E
    o o 0 0
    Murwillumbah 28 20’S. 153 23’E Sea Acres NR 31 27’S. 152 56’E
    o o 0 0
    Myrtle Ck 29 07’S. 153 00’E South West Rocks 30 53’S. 153 02’E
    o o 0 0
    Nightcap NP 28 34’S. 153 20’E Taree 31 55’S. 152 26’E
    o o 0 0
    Newton Boyd 29 45’S. 152 15’E Werrikimbe NP 31 15’S. 152 15’E
    o o 0 0
    North Rock 29 28’S. 153 17’E Woko NP 31 50’S. 151 52’E
    Page 113 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4o
  2. HUNTER Wallsend 32 55’5. 15104 1’E
    0 0
    Wamberal 33 26’S. 151 26’E
    o o 0 0
    Aberdeen 32 10’S. 150 54’E Waratah West 32 54’S. 151 44’E
    o 0
    Askania Park 33 23’S. 151 02’E Warrah Trig
    o o 0 0
    Avoca Beach 32 26’S. 151 32’E Brisbane Water NP 33 33’S. 151 17’E
    o o 0 0
    Bateau Bay 33 23’S. 151 28’E Wyong 33 17’S. 151 25’E
    o 0 0 0
    Bensville 33 30’S. 151 12’E Wyong Ck 33 18’5. 151 25’E
    o o
    Berkeley Vale 33 21’S. 151 27’E
    Bolwarra 32 43’5. 151034’E 4. SYDNEY
    Brisbane Water NP
    o 0 0 0
    (South) 33 35’S. 151 10’E Agnes Bank 33 37’S. 150 42’E
    o 0 0 0
    Cassilis 32 01’S. 149 58’E Annandale 33 53’S. 151 12’E
    o 0 0 0
    Caves Beach 32 57’S. 151 45’E Annangrove 33 52’S. 150 56’E
    o 0 0 0
    Chittaway Point 33 21’S. 151 28’E Arcadia 33 37’S. 151 02’E
    o o 0 0
    Corrabare SF 32 56’S. 151 10’E Avalon Beach 33 38’5. 151 19’E
    o 0
    Dora Ck 33 10’S. 151 30’E Barrenjoey
    o o 0 0
    Gosford 33 26’S. 151 21’E Lighthouse 33 35’5. 151 20’E
    o 0 0 0
    Killarney Vale 33 23’S. 151 28’E Belrose 33 44’S. 151 14’E
    o 0
    Lake Liddell 32 23’S. 151 01’E Blackbutt Ck
    o 0 0 0
    Lochinvar 32 43’S. 151 27’E West Killara 33 45’S. 151 00’E
    o o
    Lower Macdonald 33 22’S. 150 59’E Bonna Point
    o o 0 0
    Maitland 32 45’S. 151 35’E Botany Bay 34 01’S. 151 12’E
    o o
    Marmong Point 32 59’S. 151 37’E Bonnie Doon
    o o 0 0
    Moon Island 33 05’S. 151 41’E Golf Course 33 55’S. 151 13’E
    o 0 0 0
    Muswellbrook 32 15’S. 150 55’E Brooklyn 33 35’S. 151 13’E
    o 0 0 0
    Newcastle WR 32 53’S. 151 42’E Cabramatta 33 54’S. 150 55’E
    o 0
    Norah Head 33 17’S. 151 35’E Castlebrook Cemetery
    o o 0 0
    Norahville 33 18’S. 151 33’E Rouse Hill 33 42’S. 150 47’E
    o o 0 0
    Ourimbah 33 23’S. 151 03’E Cheltenham 33 45’S. 151 08’E
    o 0 0 0
    Putty 32 57’S. 150 40’E Church Point 33 39’5. 151 17’E
    o 0 0 0
    Redhead 33 01’S. 151 43’E Circular Quay 33 53’S. 151 13’E
    o 0 0 0
    Shortland WC 32 53’S. 151 41’E Cronulla Swamps 34 03’S. 151 09’E
    o o
    Stockton Beach 32 52’S. 151 50’E Curra Moors Trail
    o o 0 0
    Stockton Bridge 32 55’S. 151 47’E RNP 34 10’S. 151 03’E
    o o 0 0
    Stockton STW 32 55’S. 151 48’E Dural 33 32’S. 151 02’E
    o o
    Swan Bay Erskineville 33 55’S. 151 10’E
    o o 0 0
    Port Stephens 32 44’S. 151 57’E Field of Mars 33 49’S. 151 09’E
    0 0 0 0
    Tea Gardens 32 39’S. 152 09’E Galston 33 39’S. 151 02’E
    o o
    Telegherry SF 32 20’S. 152 05’E Greenwattle Point
    o 0 0 0
    Tuggerah STW 33 18’S. 151 26’E Warragamba Dam 33 56’S. 150 22’E
    o o o o
    Wallalong 32 42’S. 151 38’E Gymea 34 04’S. 151 06’E
    June 1992 Page 114o o O 0
    Hornsby 33 33’S. 151 05’E Jamberoo 34 38’S. 150 46’E
    o 0
    Hurstville 33 57’S. 151 06’E Koringulla Swamp
    o o
    King’s Bay Primbee 34 31’S. 150 52’E
    o o o o
    Parramatta R 33 51’S. 151 09’E Omega 34 44’S. 150 49’E
    o o o 0
    Kurmond 33 32’S. 150 41’E Terara Swamp Nowra 34 53’S. 150 37’E
    o o o 0
    Lane Cove R 33 45’S. 151 08’E Thirroul Beach 34 19’S. 150 55’E
    o o o o
    Lapstone 33 55’S. 150 49’E Yerriyong SF 35 02’S. 150 30’E
    o o
    Little Bay 33 58’S. 151 16’E
    o o
    Macquarie Fields 33 59’S. 150 53’E
    Major’s Bay 6. SOUTH COAST
    o o
    Parramatta R 33 52’S. 151 06’E
    o o o o
    Middle Harbour 33 47’S. 151 14’E Bawley Point 35 30’S. 150 23’E
    o o o o
    Mortlake 33 50’S. 151 06’E Barlings Beach 35 46’S. 150 10’E
    o o o o
    North Ryde 33 48’S. 151 08’E Bodalla 36 05’S. 150 03’E
    o 0
    Nurragingy Reserve Brou Lake 36 08’S. 150 07’E
    o o o o
    Doonside 33 46’S. 150 53’E Burrill Lake 35 22’S. 150 26’E
    o o o o
    Oxford Falls 33 43’S. 151 15’E Callalla 35 01’S. 150 02’E
    o 0 o o
    Penrith Lakes 33 42’S. 150 40’E Eden 37 04’S. 149 54’E
    o o o o
    Pine Grove 33 48’S. 150 52’E Jervis Bay NR 34 08’S. 150 45’E
    o o o 0
    Pittwater 33 37’S. 151 18’E Kiora 35 56’S. 150 03’E
    o o
    Poulton Park Lake Conjola 35 15’S. 150 27’E
    O 0 o 0
    Hurstville 33 57’S. 151 06’E Lake Tabourie 35 23’S. 150 25’E
    o o
    Red Gables Swamp Merimbulla 36 54’S. 149 54’E
    o o o o
    Vineyard 33 37’S. 150 54’E Meringo 35 58’S. 150 09’E
    o o o o
    Riverstone 33 42’S. 150 52’E Mogendoura Valley 35 53’S. 150 02’E
    o 0 o o
    Rose Bay 33 52’S. 151 15’E Nadgee NR 37 45’5. 149 52’E
    o 0 o o
    Rozelle Bay 33 50’S. 151 06’E Narooma 36 15’5. 150 07’E
    o o o o
    St Ives 33 44’S. 151 09’E Narooma Estuary 36 14’S. 150 08’E
    o o o o
    Terry Hills 33 42’5. 151 14’E Pinkwood 36 02’S. 149 53’E
    o o
    The Driftway Rosedale 35 50’S. 150 14’E
    O 0 o 0
    Richmond 33 36’S. 150 45’E Tabourie 35 25’S. 150 26’E
    Target Beach
    o 0
  3. ILLAWARRA Currarong 35 02’S. 150 49’E
    o o
    Tuross 36 05’S. 150 08’E
    o o o o
    Bass Island 34 28’5. 150 27’E Wapengo 36 37’S. 150 03’E
    o o
    Bellambi Point 34 22’S. 150 55’E Warden Head
    o o O 0
    Big Island 34 28’S. 150 26’E Ulladulla 35 23’S. 151 30’E
    o o
    Bulli 34 20’S. 150 55’E
    Cabbage Tree Ck
    o o
    Corrimal 34 03’S. 150 54’E
    o o
    Coniston Bridge 34 27’S. 150 54’E
    Page 115 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 47. NORTHERN TABLELAND 11. CENTRAL -WEST SLOPE
    o 0 0 0
    Apsley Falls 31 03’S. 151 46’E Clagger SF 32 o 35’S. 148 o 15’E
    Georges Junction Coolbaggie NR 31 57’S. 148 42’E
    o o
    (5 km. W. of o o Daroobalgie 33 0 19’S. 148 0 03’E
    NE NP) 30 o 45’S. 152 o 12’E Dunedoo 32 0 01’S. 149 0 23’E
    Guyra 30 13’S. 151 40’E Troy STW 32 12’S. 148 38’E
    o 0
    Marylands 28 32’S. 152 02’E
    o o
    New England NP 30 28’S. 152 18’E 12. SOUTH-WEST SLOPES
    o o
  4. CENTRAL TABLELAND Forest Hill 35 10’S. 147 26’E
    o o
    Murringo 34 18’S. 148 31’E
    o 0
    Appletree Flat 32 40’S. 149 40’E
    Bilpin (Bowen’s 13. NORTH-WEST PLAINS
    o o
    Ck Road) 33 28’S. 150 29’E
    o 0 o 0
    Cobbora 32 03’S. 149 15’E Goodooga 29 06’S. 147 26’E
    o o o 0
    Conimbla NP 33 52’S. 148 25’E Lightning Ridge 29 25’S. 147 59’E
    o 0 o o
    Colo 33 32’S. 150 50.E Moree Watercourses 29 15’5. 148 15’E
    o 0 o o
    Faulconbridge 33 42’5. 150 34’E Narran Lake 29 45’S. 147 25’E
    o 0
    Glen Alice 33 03’S. 150 13’E Pilliga NR
    o 0 O 0
    Glen Davis 33 07’S. 150 17’E (Dellwood Road) 31 05’S. 149 18’E
    o 0
    Home Rule 32 24’S. 149 37’E Pilliga NR
    o 0 O 0
    Lawson 33 43’S. 150 25’E (Yamiba Ck) 30 59’S. 149 28’E
    Mountain Lagoon
    o 0
    Bilpin 33 30’S. 150 31’E
    Mount Banks 33 o 35’S. 150 0 22’E 14. CENTRAL -WEST PLAIN
    o o
    Carinda 30 35’S. 147 30’E
    o 0 0 0
    Lake Bathurst 35 04’S. 149 43’E Carinda 30 28’S. 147 42’E
    o o
    Lake Jindabyne 36 22’S. 148 36’E Carinda
    o 0 0 0
    Tarlo R NP 34 37’S. 149 53’E (5 km. S. of) 30 31’S. 147 37’E
    Meranda HSD
    41’S. 147
    Old Buckinguy HSD
    o 0 0 0
    Bingara 29 55’S. 150 35’E Macquarie Marshes 31 03’S. 147 30’E
    o 0
    Nundle 31 27’S. 151 08’E Pilligawarrina HSD
    o o
    Ouambone 30 48’S. 147 32’E
    o o
    Terridgerie 30 54’S. 148 50’E
    o o
    Warrumbungles NP 31 17’S. 149 00’E
    o o
    Camp Pincham 31 15’S. 148 55’E
    June 1992 Page 116Warrumbungles NP Index of Observers
    Willencorah Swamp
    o 0
    Macquarie Marshes 30 50’S. 147 31’E CAc C Acheson
    o o
    Willie 30 53’S. 147 28’E GA Glen Albrecht
    RAI R Allen
  7. RIVERINA GAn G Angus
    RJA Reg Angus
    Black Swamp (60 km. PAs Paul Ashton
    o o
    N of Deniliquin) 35 04’S. 144 46’E ABW Aust Bird Watcher
    o 0
    Broenbah Hills 34 25’S. 146 30’E AMSR Aust Museum
    Deniliquin Specimen Record
    (15 km. N. of) 35 22’S. 144 59’E TBa T Bagnall
    Greenwood Dam RuB Ruth Barden
    o o
    Narrandera 34 43’S. 146 35’E WB Wilma Barden
    o o
    Gunbar 34 03’S. 145 12’E DBa D Barnard
    o 0
    Yarrara SF 34 36’S. 145 51’E HB Hein Baxmann
    o o
    Yenda 34 14’S. 146 11’E GBx Greg Baxter
    BdeB Bill de Bellin
    ABe A Benson
    o 0
    Tibooburra 29 27’S. 142 02’E DB David Benson
    GBI G Blaxland
    BB Bert Bolton
    o 0
    Arumpo 33 49’S. 142 53’E CB C. Brandis
    o o
    Coombie HSD 32 50’S. 145 21’E KB K Brandwood
    o 0
    Ivanhoe 32 54’S. 144 18’E JB John Brickhill
    Kiljurnie Gully WBr W Brimble
    Coombie 32 42’S. 145 32’E FB F Brown
    Kudgee HSD DBu D Bull
    Wentworth 32 43’S. 141 40’E ABu Andrew Burton
    Milpara HSD CBOC Cumberland
    o 0
    Wentworth 33 57’S. 141 45’E Bird Observers Club
    o o
    Moongoola Range 32 50’S. 145 22’E IC I Campbell
    o o
    Mourquong 34 04’S. 142 03’E CABR Canb. Ann.
    o o
    Yathong SF 32 40’S. 145 20’E Bird Rept 1988-89
    CJC C J Chafer
    DC David Cherry
    GC Greg Clancy
    MCo Miriam Con
    AC Athol Colemane
    Page 117 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4MiC Mike Coverdale HBOC Hunter Bird
    JCr J Craig Observers’ Club
    FC Fred Creer KH Keith Hutton
    TC Tony Crocker GIG Illingworth
    PCr Peter Croft KI Kay Imrie
    B&MC B & M Curtis CI C Ireland
    JD Jane Dalby LJ L Johnson
    RD Richard Dallimore HJ Helen Jones
    PDa Peter Davie RJ Richard Jordan
    SD Stephen Debus EJ E Judd
    JDi Jim Dixon EK Elizabeth Karplus
    BD Brian Downer T&EK Ted & E Karplus
    DFN Dubbo Field NK Noela Kirkwood
    Naturalists HAL H A Lang
    JDu John Duranti DLa Dariel Larkins
    KE K Egan LL Leif Lemke
    ENHS Eurobodalla MLe M Lenz
    Nat. Hist. Soc. MLe M Lewis
    SF Stuart Fairbaim DLo Diane Lock
    FOC NSWFOC Outing ALo A Lowndes
    JF Jim Francis IMcA Ian McAllan
    GF G Fry AMcB Alan McBride
    GLC Gould League Camp ARMcG Arnold McGill
    SGi S Galli RMcG Roger McGovern
    DG David Goering BMcG Bevan McGregor
    FvG Fred van Gessell MxM Max Maddock
    CG C Gladwin H&BM Hilary & Betty
    KG K Gordon Mannes
    BG B Gore MVBW Manning Valley
    SH Sue Hamonet Bird Watchers
    P&SH P & S Hankel GMa Gerry Marshall
    JHa Jeff Hardy NMa N Martin
    M&IH Harvey JM John Martindale
    J&LH J & L Hewson RMa Richard Mason
    JHo John Hobbs NM Norma Maxwell
    JHd J Holland D&GM Don & Gwen Meek
    GH Glenn Holmes JMi Jane Miller
    EH Em Hoskin AKM Alan K Morris
    JaH Janet Houghton TMo Timothy Morris
    AHo A Howarth RMo Rob Morrow
    AMH Anne-Maree Hunter MMo Martin Moss
    June 1992 Page 118RMu Robin Murray PT Peter Terrill
    NSWBA Bird Atlassers FTh Fay Thomson
    MNo M Noonan HT H Todd
    POB P O’Brien DiT Diane Took
    GO’C G O’Connor RT Dick Turner
    PO Penny Oerlemans R&GT Dick & G Turner
    IP I Paterson ATy A Tye
    AP A Paterson MWa M Walker
    JPe Joy Pegler NWa Nigel Walker
    DPE D Pepper -Edwards RW R Walker
    JiP Jim Perry DoW Doug Waller
    RPo Robyn Pogany J&PW John & Pauline
    T&CQ Trevor & Cilia Waugh
    Quested GaW Gary Weber
    NRa Neil Rankin RWe Raymond Webster
    M&GRe M & G Reidy RiW Rick Webster
    AOR Allan Richards EW Eric Wheeler
    DR Del Richards MaW Matthew Wheeler
    TRi T Richards MW Miles Wheeler
    PR Peter Roberts JWh Jan Whiteman
    GRo G Robinson GWg G Winning
    AEFR Alan Rogers GWm G Wisdom
    DiR Diane Rogers BW B Wood
    DiGR Diane & G Rogers KAW Kevin A Wood
    GRu Gail Russell AY A Yate
    JRu J Russill SZ Stan Zucker
    NR Neil Russill
    MSa M Sachs
    TS T Saunders
    NS Neville Schrader
    DS David Secomb
    MS Michael Sharp
    NSh Nick Sheppard
    DSi David Siems
    DSm Darryl Smedley
    AS A Stuart
    BSu B Sullivan
    TBO The Bird Observer
    BT Bill Tanner
    AT Andrew Taylor
    ReT Reg Taylor
    Page 119 Australian Birds Vol. 25 No. 4BOOK REVIEW
    1988-1991 by R.M. Paterson. RAOU: Melbourne. RAOU Report No. 80, November 1991.
    34pp. $10.00.
    This report published by the RAOU and prepared by the Chairman of the Records
    Appraisal Committee, is the second published collection of RAC Case Summaries (the first
    report detailing 50 cases was published in 1988). The 67 Opinions in this report are all the
    completed cases as at 30 November 1991. Each record is appraised by the Committee
    through a circulation of the submission between Committee members with each casting a
    vote to accept or not accept the record. The purpose of the appraisal is to establish whether
    in the Committee’s opinion, the submission contains sufficient diagnostic information to
    validate the record. Details of the voting procedure and the Committee’s Review List, are
    provided. The NSW Ornithological RAC bases its operation on the RAOU model.
    The report is interesting for FOC members because it includes 16 case studies of
    NSW birds, including some very well known records that are over 30 years old. The
    Committee has accepted the following NSW records: Yellow Wagtail Motacilla (lava Bakers
    Lagoon 29.4.79; Yellow -headed Wagtail M. citreola Botany Bay 1.7.62; Herald Petrel
    Pteradroma arminjonia Ballina 19.5.79; Black Tern Chilidonius nigerThe Entrance 18.9.58
    and Newcastle 13.1.68; Asian Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus Stockton 6-27.4.85;
    White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis Pitt Town 27.10.77 and Windang 31.10.84;
    Red -necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus Guyra 20.1-3.2.79; Buff -breasted Sandpiper
    Trygites subruficollis Kooragang 10.3.75; Pink -footed Shearwater Puffinus creatopus
    Wollongong 22.3.86; and Audubon’s Shearwater P. lherminieri Wollongong 25.2.84.
    Three records were not accepted viz Spotted Redshank Tringa erythrops Kooragang
    9.2.82; Baird’s Sandpiper C. bairdii Botany Bay 23.11.76; and Northern Shoveller Anas
    clypeata Lake Cowal 17.10.89.
    Members interested in rarities, the manner in which such records are assessed and
    the reasons for acceptance or non acceptance of a submission should purchase a copy of
    the Report, to follow through the assesment process. The report is also valuable for those
    people considering making a submission on a rarity sighting, to ensure that they cover the
    points that the Committee will be seeking. found the Report illuminating and interesting,
    particularly for the assessment of those long-acceptedrecords. Dr. Bob Patterson is to be
    commended for his diligence in chairing the RAOU RAC and ensuring that the report was
    published. The Report clan be obtained direct from the RAOU for $10 plus postage.
    Alan K. Morris
    June 1992 Page 120NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS
    Contributors are requested to observe the following points when submitting articles and
    notes for publication.
  10. Species, names, and the order in which they occur are to be in accordance with “Handlist
    of Birds in New South Wales”. A.K. Morris, A.R. McGill and G. Holmes 1981 Dubbo:
  11. Articles or notes should be type written if possible and submitted in duplicate. Double
    spacing is required.
  12. Margins of not less than 25mm width at the left hand side and top, with similar or slightly
    smaller at the right hand side of pages.
  13. No underlinings and no abbreviations except as shown in the examples.
  14. Photographs should be glossy finish and not too small.
  15. The Style Manual, CommonwealthGovernment Printing Office, Canberra (1966) and
    subsequent editions will be the guide for this Journal.
  16. Diagrams should be on plain white paper drawn with india ink. Any lettering is to be
    ‘professional style’ or lightly pencilled.
  17. Dates must be written “1 January 1990” except in tables and figures where they may be
  18. The 24 hour clock will be used, times being written 06:30, 18:30 for 6:30am and 6:30pm
  19. Mr, Mrs, Dr are not to be followed by a full stop.
  20. In text, numbers one to ten are spelt; numbers of five figures or more should be grouped
    in threes and spaced by a thin gap. Commas should not be used as thousands markers.
  21. References to other articles should be shown in the text – ‘…B.W. Finch and M.D. Bruce
    (1974) stated…’ and under heading
    Finch, B.W. and M.D. Bruce. 1974. The Status of the Blue Petrel in Australian Waters Aust.
    Birds 9, 32-35
  22. Acknowledgements to other individuals should include Christian names or initials.Volume 25, No.4 June 1992
    Cooper R.M.1988 New South Wales Bird Report 85
    Morris A.K. Book Review: RAOU Records Appraisal Committee,
    Opinions and Case Summaries 1988-1991. 120
    Registered by Australia Post – Publication No. NBH0790
    Printed by Drummoyne Printing, 56 Thompson Street, Drummoyne. 811888