Vol. 27 No. 4-text

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Journal of the
The object of the Club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and
the habitats they occupy.
President Peter Davie
Vice -President Stuart Fairbairn
Secretary Sheila Witt
Treasurer Helen Biddle
Annual subscription rates (due October each year):
Adult Member $25
Junior Member $10
All members receive a bimonthly Newsletter and the journal Australian Birds,
and are entitled to attend the Club’s regular monthly meetings and field excursions.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
PO Box Q277, Queen Victoria Building, SYDNEY NSW 2000
Australian Birds is published quarterly.Original articles and short notes on
birds are invited, especially those relating to field observations in New South Wales.
Line drawings and good quality photographs are welcome.
Please refer to Advice to Contributors, inside back cover.
Editor Peter Roberts
Production Stuart Fairbairn
Cover photographs:
Front: Streaked Shearwater off Wollongong, 29 April 1992 ( A. Palliser )
Back: Black Petrel off Wollongong, 29 November 1992 ( A. Palliser )
Please address manuscripts to the Editor at:
33 Carlyle Rd, LINDFIELD NSW 2070
ISSN 0311-8150
Printed by Drummoyne Printing 56 Thompson Street Drummoyne 2047.AUSTRALIAN
Volume 27 No.4 June 1994
Alan K. Morris and Andrew Burton
Alan K. Morris, 1 Wombat Street, Berkeley Vale 2261
Andrew Burton, 4 Sydney Street, Willoughby 2068
The twenty-third Annual Bird Report covers the period 1 January to 31 December 1992 and
summarises the more significant observations of birds during that year.
The main aims of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:
To record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
To recored observations which more precisely define the normal distributions of birds
within NSW;
To record observations which may indicate changes in species’ numbers, frequency, range
and movements.
The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 report. The Location Guide,
at Appendix 2, lists locations not referred to in the 1985-1991 reports. This guide is intended to
assist readers to better determine the general location of reported observations. The production of
future reports will be geatly assisted if observers provide location map references in the manner set
out in the Appendix. For those unable to cope with this, an accurate description of the location of
the sightings to the nearest town is essential.
Information on 365 species is contained in the 1992 Report. This information was gleaned
from 298 sources including 278 observers and a number of bird associations and publications of
such organisations. The number of records and the number of observers providing information is
not quite as great as for 1991 but is greater than for all other previous reports. Abbreviations for
these organisations are as follows: AMSR= Australian Museum Specimen Record; ARA= Aust.
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 97Raptor Assoc. Newsletter; Gang Gang= Newsl. of the Canberra Ornith. Group; CBOC=Cumberland
Bird Obs. Club Newsl.; ENHS= Eurobodalla Nat. His. Soc. Annual Report Nature In Eurobodalla
1992; HBOC= Hunter Bird Obs. Club Newsl.; IBOC= Illawarra Bird Obs. Club Newsl.; MVBW=
Manning Valley Birdwatchers Newsl.; NSWBA= NSW Bird Atlassers Newsl.; QOS= Queensland
Ornith. Soc. Newsl.; TBO= The Bird Observer; and Wingspan= RAOU Newsl.
A number of unusual or otherwise significant records were received with the possibility of
two new species for the New South Wales list in that a Great Reed -Warbler was reported at Port
Macquarie and the record is under review by the RAOU-RAC; and a Painted Firetail was observed
in Sturt National Park and the record was accepted by the NSWORAC. Significant records are as
follows; Black -winged Petrel, Mottled Petrel, Black Petrel, White -chinned Petrel, two Streaked
Shearwaters, Common Diving Petrel, Oriental Pratincole, Arctic Tern, Common Nodddy, two
seperate sightings of both Coxen’s Fig -Parrot and White-rumped Swiftlets and an observation of
Black -throated Finches. In addition there were more sightings at more localities of endangered
species such as Square -tailed Kite, Grey Falcon, Masked & Powerful Owls, Glossy Black Cockatoos,
Swift Parrots and Regent Honeyeaters.
The main feature of the climatic conditions of NS W during 1992 was the continuing drought
in inland and northern NSW right up until December, breaking with unseasonal heavy rains in the
far west of NSW. Rainfall in eastern NSW was below average but consistent so that reasonable
conditions occurred throughout the year. For the second year running there were no tropical cyclones
or heavy onshore rain depressions off the NSW coast so that there were no major seabird wrecks.
However the Black -winged Petrel was blown inland to Mangrove Mountain during storms in early
The operations of the RAOU and the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal Committees
continue to run smoothly and so assist the editors of this report in reviewing rare or erroneous
records. Their assistance is greatly appreciated because of the level of credibility that is now placed
on sightings of an unusual nature.
The scientific and English names used in this Report follow HANZAB for the orders Ratites
to Charadriiformes (waders, gulls and terns) and for the remainder, A Handlist of Birds in NSW
(Morris et al 1981) is used. All observations are presented for each species in a set order. The order
follows the order of Regions in the State (see Appendix 2). The observations for the Northern
Rivers will precede any of those for the Mid -North Coast, followed by the remaining Coastal
Regions and then the Tablelands, then the Slopes etc, and each set of observations for each Region
is separated by a semi -colon. As pointed out previously, the Central Coast is not a region, it
consists of the local government areas of Gosford and Wyong and is part of the Hunter Region. The
Sydney Region is broadly based upon the boundaries of the County of Cumberland.
We would like to thank all those members who submitted their reports on time so enabling
this report to be produced actually on time, the first time this has happened for many years! We
would also like to thank the following people who reviewed the first drafts viz Chris Chafer, E.S.
Hoskin, Ian McAllan and S. Debus. Stuart Fairbairn and Peter Roberts assisted in the production
and layout of this issue of the Journal. For the assistance and commitment of these people, we are
extremely grateful.
Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae 2 Imm along Sandon Road from Brooms Head 23 May with adult
later in day (GC); 1 on road at Wollombi 20 Sep (DL); 1 Munghorn Gap NR 14 Sep (JC),
and A+7Y on 8 Oct (TS); Very common in the Moree area during Sep -Oct, with many
small young, max 9 chicks in wheat crop at Weemalah (GLC); Because of the drought,
no chicks were seen at Coombie HSD, Roto in 1992 (JaH), but 180 in one group at
Quandong 15 Jul (AB). Confirmed breeding records for Northern Rivers and Central
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Present Cranebrook Gravel Pits 12 Jun -12 Oct, max 24
(AB,J&NR). A large number for this site.
Hoary -headed Grebe Poliocephalas poliocephalus Max 43 recorded at Chittaway Bay, Tuggerah
Bay and Eel Haul Bay in Tuggerah Lakes in Sep (AKM), no previous records for these
areas; 40 Bakers Lagoon 18 May (BC), 30 Cranebrook Gravel Pits 12 Jun (AB); 400+ in
three separate flocks, Lake Illawarra Jul -Aug (CJC), good numbers but not the largest
number recorded there; Large numbers recorded for Eurobodalla Shire throughout the
year, max. 100 Coopers Island, Tuross Lakes and 300 Tilba Lake in May, such
concentrations have not been recorded in previous years (ENHS); Present all year Cobar
STW max 210 on 10 Apr (BLS) and 400-450 Mullawoolka Basin, Paroo R. 18 Mar
Little Penguin Eudyptula minor 4 Runway Beach, North Botany Bay 8 Jan (PMy); c 5000 pairs
nesting Montague Island 30 Nov (Fullager et al 1993) which is a drop from 8000 pr
reported in 1988.
Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans off Botany Heads 29 Nov (CG) and 5+ off Wollongong
(RBc), late dates.
Black-browed Albatross D. melanophrys off Long Reef 25 Oct (NM), late date for inshore, and
2 off Botany Heads 29 Nov (CG) and 3 off Wollongong same date (ABe), a late date
Yellow -nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchos off Norah Head 30 May (JBi) and off Newcastle 6
Sep (HBOC); 2 off Long Reef 13 Jun (NM), 1 off Cape Banks 20 Jun (JF), 5 off North
Head 24 Jun (GT).
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 99Shy Albatross D. cauta off Newcastle 6 Sep (HBOC); 1 off Botany Heads 29 Nov (CG), a late date.
Southern Giant -Petrel Macronectes giganteus Nambucca Heads 28 Jul (DS); Munmorah SRA
1 1
5 Jul (EV); 1 white -phase off Wollongong 26 Jul (TBO 725,15);
Great- winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera Nambucca Heads 28 Jul (DS); Many off Wollongong
19 Jan (KB) & 40+ on 29 Nov (AKM); several off Narooma 26 Jul (Gang Gang 9/92)
White -headed Petrel P. lessonii 1 off Wollongong 26 Jul (TBO 725:15), fewer records than the
early to mid 1980s.
Providence Petrel P. solandri 2 off Botany Heads 29 Nov (CG); 1 off Narooma 26 Jul (Gang Gang
Mottled Petrel P. inexpectata off Wollongong 19 Jan (TBO 718), referred to NSWORAC and
accepted as 15th NSW record, for details see Morris 1994
White -necked Petrel P. cervicalis off Wollongong 19 Jan (TBO 718) and on 16 Feb (CG,KB),
both referred to NSWORAC, the latter record accepted.
Gould’s Petrel P. leucoptera off Wollongong 19 Jan (KB).
Black -winged Petrel P. nigripennis 1 found alive Mangrove Mountain, 3 Apr, after a storm
subsequently died and now AMSR 0.64441. Record referred to and accepted by
NSWORAC, 22nd confirmed NSW record (Morris 1994).
Antarctic Prion Pachyptila desolata Some present in large flock of Fairy Prions off Narooma 26
Jul (ENHS), the usual time when reported in NSW..
Slender -billed Prion P. belcheri 2+ seen off wollongong 1 Aug (TP); Some present with large
numbers of Fairy Prions off Narooma 26 Jul (ENHS), scarce visitor to NSW.
Fairy Prion P. turtur Many off Long Reef 3 Aug (RA), 2+ off North Head 8 Aug (RH), 5+ off
Botany Bay 29 Aug (AOR); 20+ Wardens Head, Ulladulla 16 Jul (CJC); 1000+ at 5km
off Narooma, 10 at 8km, 3000-4000 at 8.5km feeding on surface, very noisy, like a
shearwater raft, harried by a Great Skua which was seen to take one from the air 26 Jul
(ENHS). Average year.
White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aeguinoctialis off Wollongong 29 Nov (AP), record accepted
by NSWORAC (Morris 1994).
Black Petrel P. parkinsoni off Wollongong 19 Nov (AP), record accepted by NSWORAC (Morris
Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas I off Wollongong 19 Jan (CG TBO 718) and 20 Mar
(KB), referred to NSWORAC, the latter record accepted.
Sooty Shearwater Puffinus griseus ID Birdie Beach, Munmorah SRA 16 Nov (AKM); estimated
fewer than 100 pairs nesting Montague Island in November (Fullager et al 1993)
Wedge-tailed Shearwater P. pacificus 100+ off Norah Head 29 Aug (TP); 1 off Narooma 26 Jul,
very early date (Gang Gang 9/92), estimated 7500 pairs nesting Montague Island 30 Nov
(Fullager et al 1993).
Short -tailed Shearwater P. tenuirostris estimated 7000 pairs nesting Montague Island Nov (Fullager
et al 1993).
Buller’s Shearwater P. bullerii 2 off Wollongong 19 Jan (KB), this species is reported more in
January than any other month..
100 June 1994Fluttering Shearwater P. gavia Unusually large numbers seen Nambucca Heads 9 Oct, 210 in 6 min
(DS); large numbers off Munmorah SRA 5 Jul & Newcastle 6 Sep (EV,HBOC); 1000+
off Dee Why 9 Jul (GT), 100s off Botany Bay 29 Aug (AOR); 3000+ off Bass Point 31
Jul (CJC).
Hutton’s Shearwater P. huttoni 2 beach -cast Newport Beach and taken into care 28 Jan, 1 died, the
other released 9 Feb (Sydney Morning Herald 10/2/92); 1 off Narooma 26 Jul (Gang
Gang 9/92).
Little Shearwater P. assimilis 1 beach -cast Lake Wollumboola Beach 22 Feb (JPe), all previous
records have been spread evenly throughout the year.
Wilson’s Storm -Petrel Oceanites oceanicus 20+ off Wollongong 20 Mar (KB) and 29 Nov (RBe),
consistent with usual periods of passage along the NSW coast.
White-faced Storm -Petrel Pelagodroma marina 1 dead Long Reef 9 Oct (TKy) and 1 off Botany
Heads 29 Nov (CG); several off Wollongong 20 Mar (KB), and 71 banded on Five
Islands NR 27 Dec (LES), demonstrating the continued recovery of the breeding population
Common Diving -Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix beach -cast Sydney’s northern beaches during
August, now AMSR 0.64442, record accepted by NSWORAC (Morris 1994).
Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicilatus Present Nambucca Heads all year, max 50 in Nov (DS);
120 pr nesting, 60 large young, 100 prs courting on island in Blackall’s Bay, Woy Woy
Mar (AKM); 75-80 Homebush Bay 26 Dec (BDo); Max number Lake Illawarra, 159
on 16 Oct (CJC); 1181 Lake Goran 26 Nov (RK, JPo), large number; 30,000 Peri Lake,
Paroo R. & Mullawooka Basin 16 Jan (MM); 7000 Lake Victoria, Albemarle HSD Apr
(DHo). Some large inland concentrations but no breeding reported.
Australasian Gannet Sula serrator 50+ off Delicate Nobby 3 Jun, such large concentrations not
regularly reported for Northern Rivers (KS).
Darter Anhinga melanogaster More common Nambucca River Valley this year than in previous
years (DS); 18 prs nesting in 2 colonies, Marsden Park 2 Jan (PR), pr nesting Centennial
Park Nov (RN), pair+2Y at nest in Allocasuarinas in Bicentennial Park 12 Dec (AB),
all new breeding locations for the County of Cumberland; 4 prs nesting Jan -Mar, 2 prs
nesting Nov -Dec Coopers Island, Tuross lakes (ENHS), first breeding records for
Eurobodalla Shire; 23 prs nested Dixons Dam, Tombullen Storage, Cuba Lagoon,
Wowong Lagoon and Yarradda Lagoon, Murrumbidge River Jul 1991 to Jan 1992 (Briggs
et al 1993). Numbers continue to increase in coastal regions.
Black- faced Shag Phalacrocora:c fuscescens Green Cape 24 Nov (BDo). One of the usual locations
where this species can be found.
Great Cormorant P. carbo Present all year on Tuggerah Lakes max 217 in Oct, fewer than 1991
(AKM); 9 nests Centennial Park 7 Jun (EH); Large concentrations in winter -spring
Eurobodalla Shire, max 100 Moruya Heads, 150 Tuross Lakes (ENHS); 16 pr nested
Dixons Dam and Tombullen Lagoon Jul 1991 -Jan 1992 (Briggs et al 1993)
Pied Cormorant P. varius Present all year on Tuggerah Lakes, max 71 in Dec, numbers higher than
usual but less than 1991 (AKM).
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 101Little Black Cormorant P. sulcirostris Active nests in Lawrence Egret colony 13 Dec (GC); 500+
Bombah Point, Myall Lakes NP 10 Jun, large number for the Lakes (DT); Present all
year on Tuggerah Lakes, max 377 numbers higher than usual but less than 1991 (AKM);
100+ Narrabeen Lagoon 4 Sep (AB), large number for this site; 10 prs nested Dixons
Dam, Cuba Lagoon and Yarradda Lagoon, Murrumbidgee River Jul 1991- Feb 1992
(Briggs et al 1993).
Little Pied Cormorant P. melanoleucos Present all year on Tuggerah Lakes, max 136 in Sep, numbers
lowest in 4 years (cf. 516 in Mar 1989) (AKM); Nesting Coopers Island, Tuross Lakes
Jan -Mar, Nov -Dec max 18-20 pairs (ENHS), new site; 29 pr nested Boggy Creek, Dixons
Dam, Tombullen Lagoon, Cuba Lagoon, Wowong Lagoon, Yarradda Lagoon and
McKennas Lagoon, Murrumbidgee River Jul 1991 -Feb 1992 (Briggs et al 1993).
Pacific Heron Ardea pacifica 50+ Belmore Swamps, Kempsey 7 May (KS), large concentration for
area; 1 Long Reef 15 Mar (RA), only second record for locality; 6 prs nested Tombullen
Lagoon, Cuba Lagoon and Wowong Lagoon Jul 1991 -Feb 1992 (Briggs et al 1993).
Great Egret A. a!ba Breeding: 40 prs nested Lawrence, 47 prs Junction Hill, 3 prs Boambee & 25
prs Shortland WC all Jan (Geering 1993, Baxter 1992), fewer breeding pairs than usual
at these sites.
Intermediate Egret A. intermedia Breeding: 112 prs nested Lawrence, 61 prs Junction Hill, 3 prs
Boambee & 25 prs Shortland, all Jan (Geering 1993,GC); Wooli Creek Reserve, Sydney
31 Jul (NRa), rarely recorded in Reserve.
White-faced Heron A. novaehollandiae 26 flew in from the sea at Long Reef 7 Apr (AF), an
unusual concentration.
Little Egret A. garzetta Breeding: 3 prs nested Lawrence, 2 prs Junction Hill, 4 prs Boambee & 5
prs Shortland WC all Jan (Geering 1993); 7 prs nesting Chittaway Point Nov -Dec (AKM).
Smallest number reported nesting for many years.
Eastern Reef Egret Ardea sacra 2 Stack Island, Minnamurra 7 Jan (MA), scarce in the Illawarra.
Striated Heron A. striata 1 Grafton 10 Jul (GC), well up the Clarence River; 1 Secret Bay, Buttaba
12 Mar -26 Apr (RW), 3+ prs Saratoga at edge of Brisbane Water 21 Aug (GTr); 1
Meadowbank Park 1 Mar (JSe), 1 Whitlam Park, Cooks River 12 Aug (NRa), first record
for Wolli Creek Reserve, is the Cooks River improving or becoming more saline, or
Cattle Egret A. ibis 1060 Macleay Valley around Kempsey 27 Mar (KS); 5 Turee HSD, Baradine
13 Nov with grazing cattle (DJ), rare on North-west Plains; 10 in breeding plumage
Sinclairs Lagoon, Macquarie Marshes NR 23 Nov (RJ), but breeding did not occur (WJ).
Breeding: 2800 prs nested Lawrence, 3240 prs Junction Hill, 1500 prs Boambee, 800
prs Shortland WC, all Jan, total 8340 prs in 1991/92 (Corella 17,47-51).
Rufous Night- Heron Nycticoras caledonicus 3 Secret Bay, Buttaba 12-15 Mar (RW), 1 at a soak,
Warrah Trig, Brisbane Water NP 14 Jul (SZ); 4 Foreshore Res, north Botany Bay 23 Apr
(PMy); 1 Weddin Mountains SF 10 Jan (BC).
102 June 1994Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus 8prs at four localities in Deniliquin area Jan -Feb, juv heard
calling 25 Jan (PM), AM Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 15 Nov (KH). Endangered fauna,
all records published.
Black Bittern I. flavicollis 1 Orara River, Coutts Crossing 1 Jul (GC), observer’s first record for this
site. 1 Secret Bay, Buttaba 9 Mar- 18 Apr (RW); 1 Acacia Vale 11 Mar (ALH), 1 Scheyville
24 May & 5 Jun (DPE,KE), 1 Longneck Lagoon 16 Nov (PR); Endangered Fauna, all
records published.
Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus 1 Kendall Reserve 2 Sep (MVBN 4/92); 1 Glenworth
Valley wetlands 25 Feb (RP); 1 Bakers Lagoon 3 May (ABe); 1 Cecil Hoskins NR 24
May (KB); Calling Sheringham HSD, Bobandara Nov (ENHS); 3 in rice crops near
Deniliquin Jan (PM) & 27-28 Nov (MT), 2 near Wanganella 12 Feb (RBe), 1 Fivebough
Swamp, Leeton Nov (KH), heard in ricefields between Hanwood and Beelbangera Dec
(JB). Endangered fauna, all records published.
Black -necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus Many records for the Northern Rivers but only
records for the Mid -North Coast southwards are published; 2 Minibah 15 Aug & 2
Coralville wetlands 9 Oct (MVBN 4/92), 2 Smith’s Lake May (DT); 2 Cooranbong 10
Jan (HBOC), N of Wyong 13 Mar (JI), 2 Chittaway Bay 14 Mar (AKM), 2 Jilliby 3 Apr
(JMcG), 2 Wyee 8 Apr (PO), 1 Upper Dooralong wetlands 1-6 Jul (MCa), 1 Wyong
Creek 4 Oct (JC), Dairy Swamp, Wyong 8 Aug & 2 on 8 Nov (BSt,JC), presumably the
pair that settled in the Tuggerah Lakes area in 1991 remained throughout 1992.
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 8 Casino Wetlands 22 Oct (JH); 10 Tarro/Woodbeny Swamp 16
Mar (JSm), Dairy Swamp, Wyong 25 oct (AB); Dee Why Lagoon 6 Jan (BC), 2
1 1
McGaths Hill STW 25 Mar (RT,JMi); 1 Beardy Waters, Glen Innes 13 Dec (GF); 7 Old
Dromana HSD, 1 Oct (GLC); c. 250 near Lake Brewster 2 Oct (CSc,BC); 200 nests
Merrimajeel Creek Swamp 21 Dec (JB); 1724 counted in aerial surveys of wetlands of
Eastern Australia during Oct in the vicinity of the Murrumbidgee/Lachlan River confluence
(Kingsford et al 1992). Fewer numbers in coastal areas than usual.
Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 5 pr nested Boggy Creek, Dixons Dam and Yarradda
Lagoon, Murrumbidgee River Jul 1991 -Feb 1992 (Briggs et al 199 3); 200 nests
Merrimajeel Creek Swamp 21 Dec (JB).
Straw -necked Ibis T spinicollis 2000+ roosting in the Lawrence egret rookery 13 Feb, large number
for Northern Rivers (GC); 30-40 flying Westleigh 22 Aug, rare in this area of Sydney
(AEFR) and 15 over South Turramurra 27 May (IMcA); 10,000 nests Merrimajeel Creek
Swamp 21 Dec (JB), only breeding report received.
Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia 48, max count for Macleay Valley, Kempsey 6 Jun (ABi); Present
all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 61 in Oct, average year (AKM); 3 prs nested Tombullen
Lagoon and Yarradda Lagoon, Murrumbidgee River Jul 1991 -Feb 1992 (Briggs et al
1993); 120 Peri Lake, Paroo R. 18 Mar (AB), large number for one location.
Yellow -billed Spoonbill P. flavipes Recorded at 14 locations in the Northern Rivers, mostly in
Clarence Valley, max 48 Brotherson Swamp, Coutts Crossing 23 Oct, large number for
this Region (GC), probably reflecting inland drought; 2 Tarro/Woodberry Swamp 21
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 103Apr, 1 Hexham Swamp 29 Apr, not recorded at these sites in past 10 years (JSm); 11
Bakers Lagoon following heavy rains and floods 16 Feb (AB), high number for one site
in Sydney Region; 113 Lake Goran 26 Nov (RK,JPo); 9 prs nested Tombullen, Cuba,
Wowong and Yarradda Lagoons, Murrumbidgee River Jul 1991 -Feb 1992 (Briggs et al
1993), 3628 counted during aerial surveys along the Murrumbidgee River Oct (Kingsford
et al 1992).
Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata Recorded in the Clarence Valley at Cowper & Waterview
Heights 19 Sep -31 Oct, max 35 at latter locality (GC), 4 Jerseyville 26 Jan (DS), Northern
Rivers numbers declining; 17 goslings reared from 4 clutches Shortland WC May -Jun
(WB,HBOC 4/92); 14 Lake Wyangan Jun, 8 feeding on dairy farm same place 25 Jul
Plumed Whistling -Duck Dendrocygna eytoni Present Clarence Valley Sep -Nov max 500+ Jacana
HSD, Clarenza 21 Sep (GC,EW,ABi); Hunter Valley: 9 Shortland WC Jan (HBOC), 12+
Pokolbin 8 May (AB); Hawkesbury Valley: Max. 55 Pughs Lagoon, Richmond 27 Mar –
8 Jun (AB,BC), 40 Grose Wold 20 Mar (LoS); 30+ Junee STW 1 Apr -19 May (MC); 10
Wangaratta HSD, Warren 25 Dec (HJ); 6 Conargo 27 Nov (EV), 6 Hillston 27 Dec (TQ);
10 farm dam, Coombie HSD, Roto 29 Dec, first record for property (JHo).
Wandering Whistling -Duck D. arcuata 12A+5y Casino Mar -10 May (KL), I Jacana HSD, Clarenza
17 Apr & 4 on 12 Jun (EW); 78 Smith Lakes, Moonee 13-17 Jul & 3 on 29 Nov (DS), 13
at a dam at Woologoolga Creek 15 Aug (GC); Max 33 Macksville 28 Sep -23 Dec
(AKM,DS); max 150+ Newcastle WR & Shortland WC 31 May -25 Oct (AZ,BDo,HBOC
4/92,TMo). Numbers increasing in NSW.
Black Swan Cygnus atratus Max 300 Lake Wooloweyah 3 Jul and 260 Sportsman Creek 8 Aug,
Clarence Valley (GC); Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 2654 in Aug, highest count
ever for Lakes (AKM); Max 1324 Lake Illawarra 29-30 Sep (CJC), one of the largest
counts for the Lake; Max 3000+ Lake Wollumboola 15 Jan (CJC); Max 680-1000 Moruya
estuary and 500 Tilba Lake May, unusally high numbers yet few breeding records for
Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS); Max 547 Fivebough Swamp 16 Aug (KH); Note large numbers
in coastal lakes this year at time when most birds would have been expected to be nesting,
possibly reflecting the drought in NW NSW and Queensland.
Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides AF Lake Liddell Mar (AZ); Bakers Lagoon 28 Apr
1 1
(MRo), IF Pitt Town Lagoon 3 Oct (AB); 10 Yallah 7 Jun (CBr), scarce in the Illawarra;
5 Jellat Jellat wetlands 12 Jan (DL), 2F Coopers Is, Tuross Lakes 11 Oct (ENHS), rare on
the South Coast; 3 Macquarie Marshes NR 19 Apr (RAOU Nthn Gp) & 8 north marsh 28
Aug (RJ), rare in North-west Plains ; 2 Mullawooka Basin (AB), 6 Pen Lake, Paroo
River 19 Mar & 2 from 29 Jun -9 Jul (AB,PSm), well north of usual range in Upper
Grey Teal Anas gracilis Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 2600 in Feb, second highest count
for Lakes (AKM); 6105 Lake Goran 26 Nov (RK,JPo); c.3000 on northern end of Peri
Lake, Paroo River 29 Jun -9 Jul (PSm); 51,626 counted in wetlands along the
Murrumbidgee River during aerial surveys during Oct (Kingsford et a! 1992). Some
large concentrations.
104 June 1994Chestnut Teal A. castanea Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 1087 in Aug, numbers lower than
usual (AKM).
Pacific Black Duck A. superciliosa 2493 Lake Goran 26 Nov (RK,JPo), large concentration.
Mallard A. platyrhynchos Max 3 Kempsey Jan -Dec (KS), not normally recorded in the Macleay
Australasian Shoveler A. rhynchotis 58 Shortland WC 15 Aug (WB); 14 Chittaway Point, Tuggerah
Lake 2 May but numbers lower than usual on Lakes in autumn, present Tuggerah STW
24 May -6 Sep, max 52 (AKM); Max 50+ McGraths Hill 28 Jan -5 May (EV,KB, PMy),
200+ Pitt Town Common NR 12 Jun (AB); 110+ Lithgow STW 29 Mar (RT); c.500
northern end of Pen Lake, Paroo River 29 Jun -9 Jul (PSm); 1836 counted in aerial surveys
of the Murrumbidgee/Lachland River confluence during Oct (Kingsford et al 1992).
Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus An extraordinary move to the coast was noted
this winter including 1 Sportsman Creek 25 Sep (GC), 1 Pelican Is, Macleay River 13
Feb (KS), 14 Casino 10 May (KL), 2 Macksville STW 30 May (DS), 25 McMahons
Lagoon, Tatham 22 Oct (JH), rarely reported on the Northern Rivers; 2 Dora Creek 17
Apr (MRo), 7 Chittaway Point, Tuggerah Lake 2 May (AKM), present Tuggerah STW 2
May -24 Sep max 48 on 21 Jul, highest number recorded for Central Coast (AKM); 35
Marsden Park 2 Jan (PR), Max 200+ McGraths Hill STW 26 Apr -10 Oct
(GB,PMy,DPo,LoS,EV,N&JR), Max 70 Pitt Town LagoonNR 26 Apr (PMy); 60 at Yallah
7 Jun (CBr), 20 Nowra STW 20 Jun (DWr); Note no records for South Coast (ENHS);
Present at wetlands at Bungendore and Lake George 10 Jan (JC); 2157 Lake Goran 12
Nov (JPo); 175 Cobar STW 10 Apr (BLS), large number for that location, c.8000 northern
end of Peri Lake 29 Jun -9 Jul (PSm);
Hardhead Aytha australis Max 54 Nambucca Heads Apr- Oct (DS), c. 2000 near Bungwahl 22 Jul
(IMcA,PA), numbers much higher than usual at these sites.
Cotton Pygmy -Goose Nettapus coromandelianus AF Lane Cove NP 8 Feb (McAllan 1992), same
bird again at Lane Cove Weir 5-29 Nov (RK,EH,IMcA,DH).
Blue -billed Duck Oxyura australis 24 Wootton 29 Jul (MVBW 3/92), rare on Mid North Coast;
AM+2F South Myers Tank, Sturt NP 21 Mar (AB), 2M+1F Imperial Lake, Broken Hill
23 Mar (AKM).
Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa 10 Yallah 8 Jul (CBr), rare in the Illawarra; 2 Bungendore 2
Jan, Max 19 Lake George 26 Apr -23 Aug (CBN 17,91 & 106); 308 Lake Goran 26 Nov
(RK,JPo); 8 Gum Swamp, Forbes 8 Jun (H&NM,JMa); 6 north marsh, Macquarie Marshes
29 Apr (RJ); 250 Tullakool Evaporation Ponds Jan (PM), down to 80 on 9 Mar (PE), 6
on 31 May and max 21 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 6 Sep -20 Dec (TA,KH); c.400 on
northern end of Peri Lake 29 Jun -9 Jul (PSm); 40 Lake Victoria, Albemarle HSD,
Menindee 18-20 Apr (DHo); 2138 Murrumbidgee /Lachlan River confluence, 108
Menindee/Talywalka Creek wetlands and 130 Paroo River wetlands counted during aerial
surveys in Oct (Kingsford et al 1992). Lake Goran would appear to be an important
wetland for this species in the Namoi Valley.
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 105Musk Duck Bizura lobata 200+ Grahamstown Reservoir 14 Jun (MRo); 16 Haywards Bay, Lake
Illawarra 9 Aug (CJC), large number for this location; 10 (4M,6F) Lake Inverell 29 Sep
(GC), unusual at this locality (GC); 1 Glen Davis 1 Nov (BP).
Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata 1A+2Y in nest Kempsey 9 Feb (KS) & 1 on 26 Aug (H&BM),
Resident Yarravel all year (ABi), 1 Collombatti 27 Feb (KS), 1 Grafton 12 Apr (TBO
Aug 1992), 1 South Urunga 15 Feb, 1+ Coutts Crossing 20 Apr, 20 Aug & 2 on 10 Oct,
Wilsons Creek near Boatharbour NR 29 Apr, 2 over sugar cane field Serpentine Channel,
Harwood Island 11 Sep, 2 Pillar Valley 4 Sep, 1 Ocean Shores 14 Oct, 2 Shark Bay,
Bundjalung NP 22 Oct, 1 Trenayr 8 Nov, 1 Ingalba SF 27 Nov (GC), 1 Lismore CBD 20
Dec (JH), nesting Crystal Creek near Murwillumbah 3Y, 2 fledged Dec 92 -Jan 1993
(PE); 2A+1Y Coralville Jun (SDu MVBW 3/92), Hannamvale 25 Oct (CSc); 2A+2J at
nest, Tuggerah 16 Jan -1 Feb (Carpenter 1992) and renesting near same place 7 Nov (JC),
2A+3 flying young Kincumba SR 3 Feb (DB), 2 Glenrock SRA 20 Apr (JWn), 3 University
of Newcastle campus 15 Jan -29 Mar (PMcL), 1 Mt Vincent, near Mulbring 15 May
(AB), AM C&A Dam, Mulbring 1 Aug (AKM), 1 Palmgrove 29 Aug (RP), 1 at nest
Fullarton Cove 25 Oct (DH), 2 Lisarow 7-8 Nov (JH), Pr nesting Dooralong 20 Nov
(JC); Lower Causeway, Royal NP 17 Feb (PMy), max 8 27 Feb -18 Aprl Dural (G&MR)
& 1 on 26 Sep, Annagrove 26 Sep & 7 Dec (KB), 5 Douglas Park 5 Apr (TS), 1 10km N
of Windsor 26 Sep (JBi). More records than usual and many breeding records.
Black Kite Milvus migrans South Grafton abattoirs 6 Aug (GC); 42 Lake Wyangan 14 Jun (KH).
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus A Dawson River 5 Aug (DiL MVBW 3/92); A at Bellambi 29 May
and 6 Jun (JR), third record for Illawarra Region (cf Gibson 1989).
Whistling Kite H. sphenurus 11 at Junction Hill, Grafton egret colony 9 Feb (Geering 1993) and 24
Lawrence egret colony 13 Feb (GC); Nesting Myuna Bay and Cooranbong, Lake
Macquarie 10 Jun (HBOC 4/92); 15 Richmond 23 Feb (EV), a large concentration for
the Co. of Cumberland, 2 Gray’s Point, Port Hacking 23-28 May (JFo); Coutship recorded
at Eastwood SF 18 Jan (SD ARA 13:12); 12 Tuckerbil Swamp, Griffith 8 Mar (KH)
White -bellied Sea -Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster 2A Maceay River, Kunderang Homestead, Oxley
Wild Rivers NP 17-18 Mar and one 11-12 Dec (GC); Pair nesting Marsden Park 2 Jan
(PR),1 imm Homebush Bay 26 Apr (BDo); Nesting observed at Yarragee, Mckenzies
Beach and Spring Creek, Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS); Lake Goran 26 Nov (JPo); 2 juv-
imm L. Inverell 29 Sep (GC); 40km E of Deniliquin over irrigation paddocks 23 Feb
(PM), 19km E of Carrathool flying along Murrumbidgee River (JB). While the inland
records are unusual they are to be expected as the species obviously follows the inland
rivers to visit the larger water bodies.
Spotted Harrier Circus assimilis 1 Underbank 9 Mar (GC); 1 Weemalah over wheatfield 7 Oct
(GLC); 1 Hillston 7 Sep (TA), 1 Fivebough Swamp 20 Sep (KH); 1 Coally HSD,
Milparinka 22 Mar (AB). Few records because of drought and all records Sep -Mar
Swamp Harrier C. approximans Recorded throughout the Macleay Valley at Pelican Is, Kempsey,
Hat Head, South West Rocks & Verges Swamp Feb -Nov (KS,ABi); 1 Jilliby 15 May
106 June 1994(AB); 6 Richmond 23 Feb (EV); 4 nests found Montague Island in Nov, 3 occupied and
4F & 1M seen (Fullager et al 1993); 7 Tuckerbil Swamp, Griffith 8 Mar (KH)
Grey Goshawk Accipiter novaehollandiae Recorded at 7 locations in Northern Rivers viz Border
Ranges NP, Mebbin SF, Gibralter Range NP, Nambucca Heads, Murwillumbah (white
morph), Goolawah & Kempsey (KS,GC,PMy); 1 Chichester SF 21 Feb (GC); 1 Laguna
13 Sep (CJC), Pair Tuggerah (one white morph) 22 Mar (JC) and pair Wambina SR,
Matcham 21 Aug (AB); I white morph Dural 11 Apr & 19 Jul (G&MR), 1 Era, Royal NP
19 Jun (BS); Seven records for Illawarra Region, (4 white morphs), possibly nesting
Kiama (CJC,DRa,CBOC); Recorded at 11 locations in Eurobodalla Shire, with a white
morph at Wallaga Lake seen 3 times (ENHS), 1 white morph Angledale, near Bega 4 Jan
(JC) & Benandarah 8 Oct (N&JR), 1 Burrill Lake 3 Oct (KH). Note all are coastal records
and there are none for the Tablelands.
Brown Goshawk A. fasciatus Single bird with skink in talons being pursued by Pied Currawongs,
Dharug NP 28 Dec (TKy); Five records for Illawarra Region viz Saddleback 16 Feb, Red
Point 27 Feb, Lake Heights 28 Mar, Spring Creek, Kiama 5 Jun & Bellambi Point 22
Nov (per CJC), uncommon in the region; Nesting Merimbula 17 Jan (LH); Woodburn
SF 17 Oct (KH).
Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrocephalus Fledgling Way Way SF 17 Dec (SD); Nesting Tuggerah,
3 young in nest 29 Nov -6 Dec (JC) with other records at Ourimbah & Munmorah SRA
(AB); F at Dural 19 Feb -4 Mar (G&MR), 1 Annagrove 10 May (KB); 1 Lapstone 22 Aug
(EV); Nesting again Eastwood SF Armidale Dec, young (Debus et al 1993); Nesting
Marshlands HSD, Moree Oct (GLC).
Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax 2 Charity Creek 21 Mar & 2 Coralville 13 May (MVBN 2/92);
2 Buchanan near Minmi 18 Jun (ANB); 2 Annangrove 7 Mar (KB), 1 St Ives 15 Apr
(ToS); 11 together at Rylstone 4 Jul (MS); Nest with 1 large young Baram HSD, Moree
1-8 Oct (GLC). Some interesting coastal records.
Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides Recorded Woodford Island, Susan Island, Coutts Crossing,
South Urunga and Bowraville in Northern Rivers Region Mar -Oct (GC); Wards River
30 Jan (IMcA), 1 Smiths Lake 6-8 Jun (AS HBOC 4/92); 1 over Nurragingy Res 10 Apr
(BDo), 1 Dural 11 Apr (G&MR), 1 Longneck Lagoon 7 Jul (EV,BB), 1 North Head,
Sydney Harbour NP 8 Aug (RH). Now regular in County of Cumberland.
Black -breasted Buzzard Hamirostra melanosternon Peri Lake, Paroo River 3-22 Jul (PSm), 160
km N of Warren 19 Apr (PC). Only records received.
Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura 1 Kentucky Stud, Glenugie 8 Jan (GC), 1 eating a nestling
bird in a street tree in Grafton 8 Mar & resident Yarravel Jan -Apr (Debus et al 1993);
Seen 12 times Feb -Jul Nambucca Heads, and 1 on 11 Oct, Resident Kempsey (ABi,KS,
TBO 721,13), 1 Gumma, east of Macksville 8 Oct (DS), 1 Grants Head 10 May (MVBN);
1 Wilberforce 29 Feb (JDH,CS) and 5km N of Wilberforce 19 Feb (PSm); 1 Moruya
Estuary 15 Jan & 8 Apr, 1 Maulbrooks Rd, Moruya 25 Oct (ENHS), J 20km S of Eden 19
Jan (PM, ARA 13,26), 1 Yambulla SF 5 Nov (RKa); 1 Glen Davis 26 Sep (AP); Pair
nesting North-west Slopes, location withheld (Debus et al 1993), Pair on nest near Baradine
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 1074 Nov, Little Eagles’ nest 100m away, second occasion this nesting association has been
recorded here (DJ). Endangered species, all records published.
Osprey Pandion haliaetus The number of breeding pairs is steadily increasing in NSW despite
increasing pressures from urban, industrial and recreation activities, thanks to the efforts
of the NPWS in protecting nest sites and nesting habitat. A survey in 1992 found 57
active nests compared with 35 nests in 1988. An estimated 92 chicks were produced from
57 nests, and 52 young fledged from 27 nests (Moffat I 993,GC). Interesting nest sites
included one on crossbars of mast of yacht moored at Iluka 16 Jul (AKM) and 10 pairs
nested on platforms provided for the birds. Other records include Boatharbour NR,
Lismore 19 Sep (JH), not normally found this far up the Richmond River; Teralba 4
Mar (ALH), 1 Morpeth STW 21 Jun (HBOC 4/92), 1 Hunter Estuary 15 Jul (N&JR), 1
fishing Cockle Bay 17-18 Sep (RP) & 1 Rileys Island NR 19 Nov (AB); 1 Burrewarra
Point 18 Jan, up to 2 Durras Lake Jan -Mar & Dec, 1 Wallaga Lake 5 Jul (DRa,ENHS); 1
northern Macquarie Marshes 19 Apr (PC); 1 Lake Brewster 27 Dec (TQ). More records
away from Northern Rivers as breeding population increases.
Brown Falcon Falco berigora I in flight at Coutts Crossing on 31 Oct was carrying a 700-800mm
snake (GC).
Australian Hobby F. longipennis Recorded at 13 locations in the Clarence Valley throughout the
year (GC); 1 Wolli Creek Reserve 31 Jul (NRa), rarely recorded in Valley.
Grey Falcon F. hypoleucos 2 Fort Grey, Sturt NP Apr (MjC,PBg), 1 Mootwingie NP 14 Apr
(ABe), Cawwell HSD, Weilmoringle Apr (Dick & Andrew 1992), Warratya Creek,
1 1
Milparinka Jul (PBg); 2 Willandra Crossing, Mossgiel 30 May (H&BM). More records
than usual but all for the north-west corner of the State.
Black Falcon F. subniger attacking Fantailed Pigeons at Berkeley Vale 30 Jan (AKM), first
Central Coast record; 1 Weeta 29 Sep (GC), 1 eating Cockatiel, Swanley HSD, Moree 2
Oct (GLC); I Camp Blackman, Warrumbungle NP 29 May (TMu); 1 Lake Cowal 7 Jun
(N&JR); 1 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 15 Nov & 17 Dec (KH), 1 Deniliquin 28 Nov
(JPe); 1 Emmdale HSD, Wilcannia 12 Jul (AB); 1 near Willanthrey Weir, Lachlan River
26 Mar (AKM);1 Albemarle HSD, Menindee 19 Apr (DHo), Kijinny Range, Coombie
HSD, Roto 9 Sep (JHo). More records than usual.
Peregrine Falcon F. peregrinus Recorded at 7 locations in Northern Rivers region throughout the
year (GC); 1 Newcastle WR 20 Aug (BDo), nested Copacobana on sea cliffs 2 Jun -15
Dec, single young reared (WK); Long Reef headland 29 Mar (RA), eating Feral
1 1
Pigeon Sydney CBD 11 Jun (EBy), max 2 South Turramurra 16 Feb -3 Sep (DaL), 1
Macquarie Lighthouse, South Head attacking a model glider 24 Sep (SF), nested near
Narrabeen 22 Nov- 2 Dec and North Head 5 Dec (RA,AB), regular throughout the year at
North Sydney office block (AEFR), 1 Nurragingy Res 10 Apr, 1 Epping 8 Aug (BDo);
2A+2Y Montague Island 30 Nov (ENHS); Bungendore feeding on carrion on road and
subsequently injured by car (P01 ARA 14,9); 40km W of Warrumbungles NP 27 May,
3 Warrumbungles NP 28 May (TMu). With the other known breeding pairs in the County
of Cumberland at Royal NP (2), South Head and Sydney CBD, the Narrabeen and North
Head breeding records make six eyries for the County.
108 June 1994Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata 1 Loughnan NR 3 Oct (BC); Nesting Gauston HSD, Wentworth Oct
(M&TD), Coombie HSD, away from any known mounds 8 Oct (JHo). Few records
compared to the 1970s & 1980s.
Australian Brush -turkey Alectura lathami 18 recorded along 17km of forest tracks in Bulga SF 9
Nov (GC); on mound Talarm, 6km W of Macksville 17 Dec (DS); 2 Warrah Trig,
Brisbane Water NP 3 Aug (SZ), nesting in Palm Valley Rd, Berkeley Vale 16 Oct (per
AKM), new locality, Present Strickland SF 25 Oct, 1 on mound Bouddi NP 1 Nov (JMa).
Some new Central Coast locations.
Stubble Quail Coturnix pectoralis 3+ Tomago on mining restoration site 19 Nov (SBe); 3+ heard
calling Bakers Lagoon 3 Oct (AB); 2+ Jamberoo Golf Course 27 Dec (MA); 1 flew into
window and recovered, Hazelbrook Mar (per LoS).
Brown Quail C. ypsilophora A+4Y Munmorah SRA 9 Nov (GN); Present Baker’s Lagoon 24 Oct
& Rookwood 13 Sep (KB,EV); 1 12km SW of Gunning 30 Mar (CBN 17,90)
Painted Button -quail Turnix varia Susan Island 18 Oct (GC), observer’s first record for this site;
1 Annangrove 14 Jan (KB); No South Coast records since 1987 (ENHS); 1 Way Way SF
8 Dec (A&AD); 1 Mountain Lagoon 1 Nov (MT), 1 Wollemi NP near Colo Heights 5
Dec (JC); 4+ Currajong SF Jun (MjC); AF Warrumbungles NP 7 May (TP); 1 Boomi
West SF 6 Oct (JW).
Little Button -quail T. velox 2 Macquarie Marshes NR 17-21 Apr (PC); 4 Camerons Corner, Sturt
NP 21 Mar (AKM).
Red -chested Button -quail T. pyrrhothorax AF+ others Tomago, mining restoration site 19 Nov
(SBe), rare in Hunter Valley.
Brolga Gras rubicundus Max 6 Lower Clarence Valley 28 Mar -19 Nov (GC), 2 Station Ck, Yuraygir
NP 10-21 Jan (TLa); 6 Bullarah HSD, Moree 11 Jun (TKy), 25 Old Dromana HSD 24
Sep (J&BS); Present Macquarie Marshes NR 26 May -23 Nov, max 28 (PC,RJ); 17
Tuckerbil Swamp, Griffith 8 Mar (KH), 2 Wanganella Swamp 22 Aug, 2 Balldale/
Howlong Rd 15 Oct & 2 7km E of Morundah 15 Oct (JB). Average year.
Buff- banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis 1 Sherwood Creek, Kungala 20 Apr, 1 Station Ck,
Yuraygir NP 15 Aug, 1 Nymboida 12 Oct (GC); 1 Lake Cabora, Brooms Head 28 Dec
(P&BM); A+8 chicks Coralville Mar, Sep -6 Oct (MVBN 2/92,4/92); East Maitland
1 1
6 May (JSm) and 1 Heritage Nursery, Maitland 10 Jun (HBOC 4/92), 1 Tuggerah Lake
foreshore, Berkeley Vale 18 Sep (AKM); 1 Dee Why Lagoon 11 Jan (BdB,AB), 2
McGraths Hill 24 Jan (KB), Lower Portland 27 May (JC), Bakers Lagoon 14 Oct
1 1
(KB); 2 Yallah Bay, Lake Illawarra 20 Aug (CJC); A+2Y Congo Creek 27 Apr, and 1 on
2 May, 1 Candlagan Ck, Mossy Point 6 Jun (ENHS), estimated 4 breeding pairs Montague
Island Nov (Fullager et al 1993); 1 Mt Tootie, Berambing 17 Aug (MC); 1 Macquarie
Marshes NR 17-21 Apr (PC). Mostly coastal records.
Lewin’s Rail Dryolimnus pectoralis 1 Coralville 3-10 Sep (MVBN 4/92); 1 Glenrock SRA Apr
(GWy), 1 Mill Creek, Dharug NP 24 Sep (KB); 1 Bakers Lagoon 28 Apr (KB); 2 Mt
Keira 31 Oct (TQ); 1 Congo Creek 2 May , first Eurobodalla Shire record (ENHS); 1
north marsh, Macquarie Marshes NR 6 Apr & 16 Jun (RJ), rarely recorded on Central –
west Plains.
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 109Bush -hen Amaurornis olivaceus One nest located Nemarotu HSD, Wilsons Creek, Mullumbim by
30 Nov and another 2 pairs located within a distance of 1 km along the River. Occasionally
sighted between Dec -Mar (the wetter months) up to 500m away from creek banks. Known
to be resident in this locaility since 1979 (Stewart & Stewart 1994).
Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla I Pelican Is, Macleay River 6 Apr (KS); 1 Bushells Lagoon 17-24
Jan (KB), many Bakers Lagoon 5 May (KB),1 Penrith Lakes 14 May (EV), Mason
Park, Concord 13 Sep (EV), 1 Foreshore Res, North Botany Bay 19 Oct (PMy); I
Shellharbour Swamp 16 Aug (CBr); 2 Big Leather Watercourse near Collymongle 6 Oct
(GLC); 1D Warren Aug (JM); Max 2 Fivebough Swamp 16 Aug -20 Sep (KH), Lake
Brewster 8 Sep (TA). Good spread of records.
Australian Crake P. fluminea 2 Dee Why Lagoon 7-11 Jan (RA,AB), 2+ Bushells Lagoon 24 Jan
(KB), Max 5 Bakers Lagoon 5 May & 24 Oct (KB); 1 Helensburgh 24 May (DRa), 1
Shellharbour Swamp 16 Aug (CBr); 1 Batehaven 16 Oct, 1 Birdland 17 Oct & 15 Dec
(ENHS). Only coastal records were received in 1992.
Spotless Crake P. tabuensis 1 Pelican Is, Macleay River 22 Mar (KS); Max 5 Bakers Lagoon 5
May & 25 Oct (KB); 1 Wantabadgery 3 Jun (BH).
Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis 1 Curragundi HSD, 68 km NW of Moree Jul (TF); 1 Sandy
Camp HSD, Quambone 24 May & during Jul (RJ); 3 Jump Up Loop Rd, Sturt NP Nov
and 1 Horton Park, Sturt NP 14 Nov, 3, 21 km N of Tibooburra 4 Nov (PBg). Average
Plains -wanderer Pedionomus torquatus 1 Deniliquin 18 Apr (ABe), 2A+N 4E near Hay 27 Nov
(MT). Endangered species, all records published, both records within known range.
Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis 1 Wallis Creek wetlands Feb (AZ); 3 Glenelg HSD, Harpary
Nov -Dec (JA); 3M, IF feeding and roosting in drying cumbungi in large dam Deniliquin
26 Jan -8 Feb (PM); Endangered fauna, all records published.
Comb -crested Jacana Irediparra gallinacea Resident Clarence Valley, max 17 Coutts Crossing 18
Oct (GC), resident Macleay Valley, recorded at Euroka, Aldavilla and Kempsey, max 2
(ABi,KS); Max 4A+1 Imm C&A Dam, Mulbring 18 Mar, Jun -Aug (DL,ALH)
Bush Thick- knee Burhinus grallarius Resident for 14 years, 20km NW of Kempsey (KS), no
recent published records fbr this area; 1 Rileys Island NR I Mar (AKM); 2A+Imm and
N+2E Baram HSD, Moree 27 Sep -8 Oct (GLC), 5 Marshlands HSD, Moree 20 Sep (TF);
1 Warren 6 Nov (JM); Present Barham District 8 Jul (TBO 725,15). Some new locations.
Beach Thick -knee Esacus magnirostris 2 Sandon, Yuragir NP 23 May, 2 Dart Island, Yamba 3 Jul
(GC), 2 Red Rock 16 Jul -5 Dec (AKM,GC), 1 Wooli 5 Oct (HBOC). All known locations.
Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris 3 prs with juveniles Nambucca Heads Nov -Dec (DS);
Botany Bay: max 33 Towra Point summer 31 Mar (AB) and winter 21 on 22 Jun (JPe); 5
Bherwerre Beach, Jervis Bay NP 15 Jul & 5 Sep, feeding on the pipi Donax deltoides
(DWr, CJC).
Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus Present Long Reef all year, max 14 Long Reef 7 Apr (AF,AB);
6prs breeding Five Islands NR Dec (LS); 2 breeding pairs at Montague Island but 14
birds present in Nov (Fullager et al 1993). In a survey by Chafer (1994) 176 were counted
110 June 1994between Long Reef and Ulladulla, including 21 pairs with young Nov 1992 -Feb 1993.
As Smith (1992) places the NSW population at about 200 birds and Lane (1979) estimated
20 breeding pairs on offshore Islands, Chafer’s survey would surely indicate that the
population must be in excess of 500 birds in NSW We base this estimate on the fact that
there are more rocky reefs south of Ulladulla than north with plenty of offshore islands
so that the population there would be at least 170 birds, 20+ between Broken Bay and
Swansea with nesting on Moon Island and about 200 birds north of Newcastle which
would include the breeding islands of the Broughton Group and the Solitary Islands
Group plus other smaller islands suitable for breeding.
Black -winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus Resident all year Macleay Valley wetlands, max 150+
Belmore Swamp, Kempsey 10 Aug (KS); 45 Koona Bay, Lake Illawarra 17 May (CBr),
high number for Lake, 4 Coniston 4 Sep (LW IBOC 2/93), uncommon at this location; 7
Jellat Jellat 12 Jan (DL), rarely present on far South Coast. Breeding: 8 nests Oct -Dec
Mason Park (BDo,SF).
Banded Stilt Cladorhynchus leucocephalus 82 Murrumbidgee wetlands and 171 Menindee Lakes
area counted during aerial surveys in Oct (Kingsford et al 1992) but none reported by on
ground observers.
Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae Present Kooragang Is 17 Apr -25 Oct, max
2000 on 25 Oct (AB,MRo,AKM,N&JR), 1 Berkeley Vale, Tuggerah Lake 9 Aug -1 Sep,
2 on 13 Sep, first Wyong Shire record (AKM); 1 Mason Park 22 Sep -11 Oct
(AB,JDu,CS,EV); 1 Lake George 26 Jun -1 Aug (CBN 17, 107); 600 Lake Goran 9 Sep
(PH) & 1021 on 26 Nov (RK); 3 on irrigation dam near Midkin NR 6 Oct (GLC); 15
north marsh, Macquarie Marshes NR 28 Aug (RJ), rarely recorded in Marshes. c.2000 on
northern end of Peri Lake, Paroo River 29 Jun -23 Jul (PSm); 100s Menindee Lake 9 Oct
(HW). Rarely recorded east of the Great Divide.
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Max 35 Tuggerah Lakes in Dec highest count for Lakes
(AKM); Max 167 north Botany Bay 11 Jan (CJC), 58 Parramatta River 21 Feb
(H&BM,AB); max 170 Comerong Island 22 Feb (CJC). Departure: in breeding plumage
Norah Head 30 May (AKM). Arrival: The Entrance 21 Aug (AKM), north Botany Bay
28 Aug (PMy).
Grey Plover P. squatarola Nambucca Heads Oct (DS), Ballina 24 Dec (TBO 718); Mason
1 1 1.
Park 27 Oct (EV), 1 found injured Clovelly Beach 4 Nov (MLe); Max 5 Moruya Heads
10-22 Sep (ENHS). Fewer numbers than usual.
Red -capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus Max 39 Botany Bay (JPe) & 81 Comerong Island 13
Jul (CJC,JPe); 50+ South Tuross Feb -Apr, and Wallaga Lake Jan -Feb (ENHS). The Botany
Bay and Comerong counts are at least half those of the 1980s.
Double -banded Plover C. bicinctus Arrival: 1 Long Reef 12 Jan (AF), 2 Towra Point NR 1 Mar
(KB); Departure: The Entrance 21 Aug (AKM), Long Reef 4 Sep (AB), Windang 5 Oct
(CJC); Winter max 126 Botany Bay 22 Jun (JPe), 40 Windang 16 Apr (MA), 224
Comerong Island 13 Jul; 2 Fivebough Swamp 26 Apr, 1 on 11 Jul & 20 Sep (KH).
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 111Mongolian Plover C.mongolus 25 Chikiba Lake, Ballina 31 Dec (PE); 5 Long Reef 11 Jan (AB),
max 38 Boatharbour 8 Mar (PSt); max 71 Comerong Island 15 Jan (CJC); 2 South Tuross
31 Oct & 1 on 19 Dec (ENHS), accidental to South Coast.
Large Sand Plover C. leschenaultii 1 Woody Head, Bundjalung NP 31 Dec (PE); 2 Boat Harbour
Res, Kurnell 25 Oct (EV). Fewer records than usual.
Inland Dotterel C. australis 2 near Hay 27 Nov (MT); 22 in 2 groups, Sturt NP 21 Mar (AB).
Hooded Plover Thinornis rubicollis 2 Berrara 9 Aug (KM); Recorded at 10 beaches in Eurobodalla
Shire, with 4 nesting attemps, only one successful, also nested Aragunui Beach, Mimosa
Rocks NP, Bega Shire 27 Dec (ENHS).
Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus 5 (3A+2J) Alumy Creek 17 Oct, 1 imm 20 Oct, 1 Cowans
Ponds 19 Sep (GC); 51+ Wallis Creek Wetlands, Buchanan 18 Jun (ANB), 8 Ellalong
Lagoon, Cessnock 1 Aug (AKM); Max 12 McGraths Hill 12 Sep -3 Oct (N&JR,AB) &
2A+3Y Pitt Town Lagoon 3 Oct (AB); 3 Yallah 7 Jun -8 Jul (CBr), 3 Shellharbour Swamp
6 Sep (GBa), first records for several years; Bungendore 10 Jan (JC).
Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 94 in Mar, lowest number
in 4 years, poor breeding success in previous summer?(AKM); 126 in one paddock at
Bomadeny 13 Jul (CJC).
Banded Lapwing V. tricolor 3 W of Coutts Crossing 19 & 28 Sep (GC); 2 Williamstown Airbase
16 Jul (N&JR), 2A+4Y Kooragang Island 21 Nov (CBOCN 14/10); 10 incl 2Y Cornwallis
Rd, near Bakers Lagoon 2 Oct- 17 Nov (AB,LoS); Scattered pairs in Moree District, plus
pr+3y 28 Sep -8 Oct (GLC); 20+ between Hillston and Willandra NP 12 Apr (ABe), 20
near Balranald Jun (MC).
Oriental Pratincole Glareola malvidarum Macksville 10-12 Dec (DS), record accepted by
NSWORAC see Morris (1994).
Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella Arrival: Brewarrina-Goodooga Road 13 Aug (MM). A+2J
near Hay 27 Nov (JPe).
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres Max 96 Boatharbour 8 Mar (PS); 14 Bellambi Point 22 Nov
(IBOC 159,8); 25 Callala Point, Jervis Bay 23 Dec (CJC), large number for South Coast,
2 Wallagoot Lake 12 Jan (DL), singles at Mystery Bay 6 Feb, Congo 23 May, 6 & 13
Oct, Moruya Estuary 25 Sep, and 2 South Tuross 22 Nov (ENHS); Fivebough Swamp
20 & 27 Sep (KH).
Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardwickii Arrival: Fivebough Swamp 1 Aug (KH), 2 Southgate Creek
8 Aug (GC), 1 Longneck Lagoon 14 Aug (TR), 1 McGraths Hill STW 15 Aug (EH),
Shellharbour Swamp 16 Aug (CBr), Moruya SF 21 Aug (ENHS). Other than the
Fivebrough Swamp bird which is a very early date, the other records, around 15 Aug,
show consistency from year to year. Departure: Kempsey 7 Mar (KS), McGraths Hill 4
Apr (KB).
Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis Summer wader count max 129 Botany Bay 8 Mar
(PS), 30 Comerong Island 22 Feb (CJC) and 63 Moruya Heads (ENHS). Winter wader
Count: Max 43 Botany Bay (JPe). These counts represent a reduction of about one third
on counts made in the mid to late 1970s and 1980s.
112 June 1994Whimbrel N. phaeopus Max 50 Botany Bay 8 Mar (PS) & 24 on 22 Jun (JPe). Numbers are very
variable from one year to the next in Botany Bay, presumably most birds are on passage.
Greenshank Tringa nebularia Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -May and Aug -Dec, max 21 in Sep
(AKM,AB); Homebush Bay 26 Dec (BDo); 27 Windang 16 Apr (MA), Wallagoot
1 1
Lake 12 Jan (DL);; 2 Lake Victoria, Albemarle HSD, Menindee 19 Apr (DHo).
Marsh Sandpiper T. stagnitalis 5 Butterfactory Lane Swamp, Grafton 31 Oct, 1 Cowans Ponds 19
Sep, 4 near Coutts Crossing 18-23 Oct (GC), 3 Pelican Is 13 Feb and 2 Rainbow Reach,
Macleay River 23 Feb (KS); 40-50 Kooragang Is 19 Jan (AB), I Wallis Creek wetlands,
Buchanan 18 Jun (AKM), 2 Chittaway Bay, Tuggerah Lakes 14 Sep (AKM); McGraths
Hill Apr -Nov (N&JR,KB,EV); Singles Windang 17 May (CBr) & Yallah 28 Sep (CJC);
4 Coopers Is, Tuross Lakes 16 May and max 2 15 Nov -2 Dec (ENHS); 2 Beardy Waters,
Glen Innes 13 Dec (GF), rarely recorded on Northern Tablelands; Present all year, max
20+ Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 6 Sep (TA,KH); 16 Tongo Lake, Paroo R 20 Mar (AB).
More records from more locations every year.
Wood Sandpiper T glareola Austral Eden 4 Nov (KS), few records for Northern Rivers region;
1 Ponderosa Caravan park, Stockton 25 Oct (DH); 8 Stanley HSD, Macquarie Marshes
17 Mar (AKM); Max 3 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 9 Feb, 16 Aug -6 Sep (TA,KH). Fewer
records than usual.
Common Sandpiper T hypoleucos Station Ck, Yuraygir NP 22 Jan, Iluka Bay 16-17 Oct (GC),
1 1
single birds Pelican Is. 15 Feb and Rainbow Reach 28 Aug & 9 Oct, Macleay River (KS);
1 Kooragang Island 26 Jan (Stuart 1993), 1 Toronto 17 Apr (MRo); 1 Yarramundi 5 Apr
(TQ), 1 Silverwater Bridge 7 Apr (KB). Average year.
Terek Sandpiper T. terek 5 Chikaba Lake, Ballina 31 Dec (PE); 1 banded Kooragang Is Nov 1977,
recovered same place 18 Jan (FVG), and 350+ Stockton Bridge 19 Jan (AB), highest
count for many years.
Wandering Tattler T. incana Two records for the Illawarra, Barrack Point 16 Feb & North Port
Kembla 8 Feb -28 Mar (CJC); 1 Moruya Heads 6 Sep -18 Dec (ENHS). No previous
records for South Coast region.
Grey -tailed Tattler T. brevipes Max 81 Summer wader count Botany Bay 8 Mar (PS); Max 11 Long
Reef 11 Jan & 80 Stockton Bridge 19 Jan (AB); 1 Merimbula 2-10 Jun (BJ), 9 Greenwell
Point 2 Dec (DWr), high number for South Coast.
Bar -tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica Summer wader count max 746 Botany Bay 8 Mar, 258
Parramatta River wetlands 21 Feb (H&BM,AB), and 432 Comerong Island 22 Feb (CJC),
250 Moruya Heads in Dec; Winter Wader Count max 162 Comerong Island (CJC);
Lake Waterloo, Albemarle HSD, Menindee 19 Apr (DHo);
Black- tailed Godwit L. limosa 10 Joss Is, Clarence River 3 Jul (GC); I Pitt Town Lagoon & 1
Homebush Bay 3 Oct (AB); 2 Coopers Is, Tuross Lakes 11 Oct (ENHS); 3 Fivebough
Swamp, Leeton 9 Feb (KH)
Red Knot Calidris canutus Summer wader count max 79 Botany Bay 8 Mar (PS). Arrival: 5
Tuggerah Bay, Tuggerah Lakes 20 Sep (AKM).
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 113Great Knot C. tenuirostris 12 Ballina I Mar (BT TBO 721,13), 98 Joss Is, Clarence River 3 Jul
(GC); 4 Botany Bay 8 Jun (JSe); 2 Windang 27 Sep (CBOC); 1 Moruya Heads 19-22 Sep
Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotos 1 Mason Park & Bi-centennial Park, Homebush Bay 31 Oct -1
Nov (EH,EV); 3 Tilba Lake 5 Sep, first record for Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS); 1 Beardy
Waters, Glen Innes 13 Dec (GF). Fewer records than usual.
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata Arrival: 9 Fivebough Swamp 16 Aug (KH) & 1 Tuggerah
Bay (AKM). Departure: 8 McGraths Hill 4 Apr(KB), late date. Summer Wader Count
max 91 Botany Bay 8 Mar (PSt), 9 Parramatta River wetlands 22 Feb (H&BM); Max 467
Tuggerah Lakes in Oct (AKM) & 165 Mason Park 10 Dec (AB), numbers higher than
usual at these locations.
Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea Summer wader Count Max 192 Tuggerah Lakes (AKM), max 47
Parramatta River wetlands 22 Feb (H&BM), 180 Botany Bay 8 Mar (PSt). Arrival: 30
north Botany Bay in breeding plumage 31 Jul (KE) & 13 Berkeley Vale, Tuggerah Lake
10 Aug (AKM); 6 Nericon Swamp, Griffith 26 Jul, one in partial breeding plumage (PE),
2 Fivebough Swamp Aug (KH)
Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis Summer wader count max 101 Botany Bay 8 Mar (PS), 250 Comerong
Island 22 Feb (CJC); Present throughout the year on Tuggerah Lakes, max 171 Oct,
numbers lower than usual (AKM); 1 overwintered Fivebough Swamp 11 Jul -16 Aug
Long -toed Stint C. subminuta 1 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 2-9 Feb, considered to be the same bird
observed Aug -Dec 1991 (Hutton 1992).
Sanderling C. alba 2 Long Reef 13 Apr (AB), 3 Boatharbour Res 18 Apr -8 May (JPe); I Windang
27 Sep (CBOC); 1 Congo Point 11 Apr, unusually late, and 1 Brou Lake 7 Oct (ENHS).
Fewer records than usual.
Long-tailed Jaeger Stercorcarius longicauda Sow & Pigs, Sydney Harbour 23 Mar (GT), 2 off
Botany Heads 29 Nov (CG); 5 off Wollongong 19 Jan (CG), 2 on 16 Feb (KB) & 1 on 29
Nov (ABe). Rarely recorded in inshore waters but other records consistent with known
Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus Departure: 11 near Bird Island 18 Apr (AKM). 1 Nambucca Heads 9
Mar (DS) & 3 South West Rocks 22 Mar (KS). (We would like to know if there are fewer
records for the Northern Rivers or are the birds not reported?).
Pomarine Jaeger S. pomarinus 2 off Forster 26 Jan (AR); I off Bondi 23 Mar (GT); 1 off Tollgate
Islands 5 Feb and 1 light phase at Tilba Lake 7 Nov (ENHS).
Great Skua Catharacta antarctica 1 off Port Hacking 26 May (GT), 3 off Botany Bay 29 Aug
(AOR); I off Wollongong 22 Mar (AP) an early date; 1 near Montague Island 30 Mar, I
taking Fairy Prion off Narooma 26 Jul (ENHS).
Pacific Gull Larus pacificus Max 4 imm+IA Windang 19 Jun -6 Dec (IBOC 1/93, 3/93 CJC,LS,GBa),
scarce at this location but the numbers continue to increase.
114 June 1994Kelp Gull L. dominicanus Juv Norah Head 30 May (AKM), rare on Central Coast; Max 4A+1 sub –
A north Botany Bay 28 Feb -13 Sep (CJC,BDo), Imm Dee Why Lagoon 7 Jun & Long
Reef 13 Jun (AB,NM), 1 Port Hacking 27 Jun (GT); 22 Red Point 25 Feb (CJC), 75+
nesting Five Islands NR Feb (LS,HBa); 3rd year plumage Durras 9 Nov (ENHS).
1 1
Numbers continue to increase.
Silver Gull L. novaehollandiae Estimated at 1500-2000 pairs nesting Montague Island Nov, number
similar to last survey in 1988 (Fullagar et al 1993)
Franklin’s Gull L. pipixcan 1 Lake Cowal 13-25 Jan (RE,NS), record accepted by RAOU-RAC
(see Morris 1993b).
White- winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus 22+ near Ilarwill, Clarence River 28 Mar (GC);
Windang 1 Jan -7 Feb, 2 in full breeding plumage 18 Apr (CJC); 5 Lake Wollumboola 15
Jan (CJC); 2 Coopers Is, Tuross Lakes 2 Dec (ENHS), second record for Eurobodalla
Shire; Lake Bathurst 20 Jan & 25 Mar (CBN 17, 107).
Gull -billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica Birdie Beach, Munmorah SRA 24 May (AKM), 7 The
Entrance 9 Oct (JC), rare on Central Coast, max 12 Kooragang Is 16 Jul -23 Oct
(AKM,N&JR); Pitt Town Lagoon NR 26 Sep (BJa).
Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia Max 37 Dart Is, Yamba 3 Jul (GC); Present all year Tuggerah
Lakes, numbers lowest in winter, highest in late spring -early summer max 59 Oct (AKM);
Narrabeen Lagoon 19 Jul (AF); Max 25 Windang 28 Jun (CJC); 46+ Menindee Lake
16 Jul (AB), 1488 counted in aerial surveys in the Lachlan/Murrumbidgee River confluence
area during Oct (Kingsford et al 1992)..
Common Tern Sterna hirundo Max 4 Centennial Park 18 Jan & 15 Apr (WBr), 400 Balmoral 29
Jan (DPo), 2 Homebush Bay 15 Mar & 7 on 26 Dec (BDo). No pelagic records.
Arctic Tern S. paradisaea 1 Norah Head 29 Aug (TP), record accepted by NSWORAC, see Morris
Crested Tern S. bergii 250+ Shoalhaven Heads 22 Feb, largest observed number at this locality
(CJC); Between 75-100 pairs nesting Montague Island in Nov, the number lower than a
similar survey in 1988 when 400 pairs estimated (Fullager et al 1993)
White- fronted Tern S. striata Arrival: 1 Norah Head 30 May (JBi), early date. Departure: Norah
Head 30 Aug (AKM) and 2 Long Reef 4 Sep (AB). 150+ Bass Point 31 Jul (CJC),
highest number recorded in Illawarra Region for 10 years; Present Eurobodalla Shire 11
May -30 Nov, max 20 Potato Point Jul (ENHS), present Green Cape, Ben Boyd NP 6-8
Jun (COGN 7/92).
Little Tern S. albifrons Breeding: 4A+1J, plus 18 in non -breeding plumage Brooms Head 11 Jan
(PSm), 7A+1N+2Y banded Station Creek, Yuraygir NP 8-22 Jan, 15+ adults flying over
usual nest site Red Rock 5 Dec (GC); 1 pr Pelican Island, Port Macquarie 13 Dec (MD),
20 prs nesting Harrington 20 Dec (PCr); 20 prs+14 fledged young,1 runner+, nest 2E
Jan -Feb Towra Point (KE) & 50 birds, 23 nests, 55 chicks banded 2 Nov -31 Dec (PS,KE);
62 (includes 8 juv) Lake Wollumboola 15 Jan (CJC) & 3N+eggs 25 Jan (JPe), 1 pr+
flying juv. Comerong Is 15 Jan (CJC), 2 prs nesting Culburra 18-25 Jan (RA,CBOC), No
nesting Brou Lake Dec as site was flooded both by rain and seas, birds present South
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 115Tuross on 8 Nov & 10 Dec, but the Tuross River flooded following abnormal heavy rains
in December and the site became unsuitable (JL). 200+ Windang 7 Feb (CJC). Harrington
and Towra point were the two most important sites in 1992.
Common Noddy Anous stolidus 1 Woody Head, Bundjalung NP 9 Jan, 2 on 23 Jan (GC); 1 Imm
Curl Curl 26 Feb, then Long Reef 16 Feb -31 Mar (TP,AOR,RA). Both records accepted
by NSWORAC, see Morris 1994.
Superb Fruit- Dove Ptilinopus superbus 2+ Kunderung , Oxley Wild Rivers NP 17 Mar (GC);
Unprecedented movement into the northern suburbs of Sydney and Wollongong during
late April -May, when 10 were found injured or dead. Most had flown into windows,
details as follows: Imm Mt.Ousley 25 Apr, Imm Naremburn I May, Juv Roseville 1
May, Epping 2 May, AM Willouby 2 May, Turramurra 19 May, AM Forestville 26 May
& Imm M Northbridge 29 May (Morris 1993); AM injured and died at Avalon 20 Aug
(CR); 1D Wollongong 26 Jan (WE IBOC 2/93).
Rose -crowned Fruit- Dove P. regina Mebbin SF 26 Apr & 25 May, calling Booyong Res 31 May
(GC), Imm feeding at Lismore 7 Jun (JC), 1 Woolgoolga FR 29 Nov (DS); 2 Sea- acres
NR 24 Oct (BdB)
Wompoo Fruit- Dove P. magnificus 2 Mebbin SF 26 Apr, 1 calling East Kunderang 18-22 Mar,
Red Cedars Picnic area Ingalba SF 27 Nov (GC), max 4+ seen or heard, feeding on Red
Cedar berries Woologoolga FR 16 Jul -29 Nov (GC,AKM,DS), 4 Protester’s Falls,
Nightcap NP 27 Oct (DC), 1 Way Way SF 8 Dec (A&AD); 2 Nambucca SF 29 Nov
(DS), 2 Woko NP 25 Feb (JMcG); 1 Chichester SF 23 Dec (DRa) & 10 Copeland Tops
SF feeding in Moreton Bay Figs (IMcA et al).
Topnot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus Common in the Northern Rivers Region, seen throughout
the year, max 100 Woodburn 14 Apr, most records Mar- Sep (GC); 10 Hannan Vale 4
Mar (MVBN2/92), 10 Sandy Point, Lansdowne 16 May (MVBN 3/92); Present all year
on the Central Coast (Gosford/Wyong), feeding on the fruits of Camphor Laurel, Broad –
leafed Privet, Hard Corkwood & Cabbage Tree Palms, max 100+ birds at any location,
first time that the birds have been recorded in every month of the year during the past five
years (AKM, N&JR); 1 injured at Ashfield 8 May., rare in inner suburban Sydney although
probably regularly passes through the Eastern and Northern Suburbs.; 15 Bega-Tathra 3
Jan (DL).
White- headed Pigeon Columba leucomela Resident at Yarravel, max 100 at garden feed tray in
Sep(ABi), 6 Bonville in Camphor Laurels 21 Sep (TKy); 1 Forster 10 Jan (AR); 33 Dora
Creek during Oct (ALH), large number for Hunter Region; 6 at feeder, Turramurra 4 Jan
(BH), small numbers seen along Devlins Creek and Lane Cove River 9 May -21 Aug max
6+ 21 Jun (BDo,DaL), Normanhurst 25 Nov (DaL), 2 Annangrove 4-14 Sep (KB).
Note that numbers would appear to be in decline in the Lane Cove River valley possibly
because of bush re -generation programs that weed out Camphor Laurels and privet;
Macquarie Pass NP 27 Sep (CJC), Mt Pleasant 25 Nov (DT IBOC 2/93), still uncommon
but increasing in the Illawarra; Present Murramurang NP 27 Oct (TS), recorded at Long
Beach, Tomantin, Rosedale, Mossy Point and Surf Beach in Eurobodalla Shire, max 5
116 June 1994Long Beach, Bermagui in Feb (ENHS), loosely associated with Topnot Pigeons in
rainforest gully between Bega and Tathra 3 Jan (DL), observer’s first observation in
Bega Valley during 20 years residence; 2 Kurrajong Heights 19 Nov (MCo). The records
for South Coast and Blue Mountains would indicate the continued expansion of range of
this species.
Spotted Turtle -Dove Streptopelia chinensis I Coutts Crossing 14 May (GC), observer’s 2nd record
for district; 1 Moree 6 Oct (GLC).
Peaceful Dove Geopelia striata 10 Dooralong area 22 May (AB), one of the few places on the
Central Coast where they regularly occur; 1 Yerrinbool 13 Apr & 2 Appin 15 Nov (KM).
Diamond Dove G. cuneata 1 Menangle 24 Oct (JR) escapee?; 1 Yammatree Rd, Junee 28 May
(MjC), only second record for Junee District, 4 West Wyalong 8 Jun (N&JR); 1 Gil Gil
Creek, Neeworra 7 Oct (GLC), only Camp record; 2 Parkes 3-9 May (BLS); Wangaratta
HSD, Warren 25 Dec (HJ); 2 Brobenah Hills 22 Nov (KH), 1 Hillston 27 Dec (TQ); 1
30km NE of Louth 4 Apr & 1 Cobar 10 Apr (BLS); Returned to Coombie HSD, Roto
after 2 years, present Nov -Dec (JaH). More records for central NSW than usual.
Bar -shouldered Dove G. humeralis Pr nesting Kariong 17 Jan (ANB); Recorded Bass Point and
Comerong Island, Illawarra region throughout the year, max 6 at each location (CJC),
Rocklow Rd, Dunmore 6 Sep (GB), a new site in the Illawarra; 1 Kurrajong Heights 29
Sep (LoS), Mountain Lagoon Nov (MCo).
1 1
Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macropygia amboinensis Singles along Devlins Creek and Lane Cove River
in Pennant Hills Park 13 Feb, 9 May, 26 Jul & 8 Aug (BDo,DaL).
Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica Heard calling Booyong Res 31 May, juv Gibraltar Range NP
18 Jul, 1-2 East Kunderang 18-22 Mar, 1 Red Cedars Picnic Area, Ingalba SF 27 Nov
(GC); 1 Wallabi Point, Harrington 18 Oct (MVBN 4/92), 1 Copeland Tops SF 15 Jan
(IMcA); Seven Mile Beach NP 29 Sep (KM).
Brush Bronzewing Phaps elegans 1 Sawtell 3 Jan (DRa); 2 Comleroy Road Colo 25 Oct (KB); 1
Fiddletown 19 Jan (JMa); 1 Yadboro SF 23 Oct (TS).
Flock Bronzewing P. histrionica 2 Bullens Tank and 2 Narcowla Tank, Sturt NP late Dec after
heavy rains (IMcA).
Wonga Pigeon Leucosarcia melanoleuca 1 Wahroonga 14 Aug (JMa), unusual surburban record.
Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus magnificus 30+ Larloona HSD, Menindee 12 Jul
(AB) & 20 on 28 Aug (IBOC 156/7). Only records received, within known range.
Glossy Black Cockatoo C. lathami 3 (AM+AF+?) Station Creek, Yuraygir NP 15 Jan, 2 Sheepstation
Ck, Border Ranges NP 3 Apr, 2 feeding in Allocasuarina torulosa Nullum SF 28 May, 2
feeding in Black Oak A. littoralis at Coutts Crossing 28 Sep, 8 (2A+6 Imm) South Urunga
15 Feb, 2 Hungry Head 9 Apr, 2+ Mylestom 5 Aug, 1 Valla Beach 5 Aug,11 Sawtell 1
Nov, 4 Tamban SF 3 Dec, 2+ East & West Kunderang, Oxley Wild Rivers NP 9 Dec
(GC), Max 4 present South-west Rocks 2 Mar- 30 Jul (KS) and 1 Hat Head 1 Nov (KS,
ABi); 2 Smiths Lake 10 Jan (JuW), M Woko NP Feb (JMcG) & 5 on 6 Nov, 7 Upper
Bowman 6 Nov (SH), 3 Wildridge, Pappinbarra, present all year (PVdL); 2+ Wyee 7
Feb, 2 Rumbalara SR 10 Feb & 21 May, 3 Pearl Beach 26 Feb (NH,AKM), 3+ Bombi
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 117Moors, Bouddi NP 12 Feb (RMa), 2 Brightwaters 29 Feb & 4 Mar (ALH), 1 Buttaba Apr
(RW), 3 Old Bulga Rd, near Yengo NP 10 Apr (SBe), Max 8 Ettalong Creek, Umina
feeding in A. glauca 17-24 Apr & 8 Bunning Ck, Yarramalong 18 May (RP), 6 Empire
Bay 12 Jun (ALH,ToS), 2 West Tuggerah 15 Jun (RP), 6 Gunderman feeding in A.
glauca 12 Aug (RP), 3 Umina 17 Aug (MSw), 3 Ettamalong Creek, Umina 31 Aug (RP),
Palmgrove 29 Aug (TW), 4 Ten Mile Hollow, Dharug NP 24 Nov (AKM); 2 Galston
18 Jan (DRa), 1 Cowan Creek 21 Mar (BDo), Max 4 Ku-ring-gai Track, Ku-ring-gai
Chase NP 11-25 Apr (TW,NH), 2M, IF Cattai NP Sep (JMcG), 2 Deep Ck, Narrabeen 5
Feb & 21 Nov (AB); 3 Cudmirrah 8 Aug (KM IBOC 2/93), 2M,1F Kulindi, Jervis Bay
NP 11 Nov (WJC), present Murramurang NP 27 Oct (TS), recorded at 9 locations in
Eurobodalla Shire and more records than usual, max 10 McGregors Creek 12 Jul (ENHS),
3 Womboyn Lake Sep (Magrath 1994), feeding in A. littoralis; 2+ Petroi, Styx River SF
8 Feb; 3 White Box Camp, Goulburn River NP 9-10 May (SH), 3 Glen Davis 10-30 Aug
(BP,CBOC), 4+ Howes Valley 2 Oct (RHa), where probably resident, 1 M,2F, 1 Y Gees
Lagoon, Upper Colo 29 Nov (CBOCN 14/11); 4 in Belah Casuarina cristata at Baram
HSD, 2 Tarool HSD, & 2 Bunnor Farm, Moree District 28 Sep -8 Oct (GLC). More
records and more locations than usual.
Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoo C. funereus 2 Charlestown 15 Dec (HBOC); Max 50 recorded Wolli
Creek Reserve 16 Jul -13 Oct, feeding on Allocasuarina torulosa and Banksia serrata
seeds (NRa,RL,JA), first records for Reserve, 60+ Audley, Royal NP 26 Jun (BM), 50+
flying over houses between Sans Souci and Brighton 6 Aug (PCo), 30 Yowie Bay 9 Nov
& 20 Ramsgate 13 Nov (RS IBOC 2/93); Recorded at 3 urban locations in Illawarra
Region, Lake Heights, Windang and Barrack Point, max 20+ at latter location (CJC)
where feeding in A. stricta over a two week period; 40+ in Pinus sp Cullen Bullen 12 Sep
(BC); A number of records for urban bushland reserves.
Gang Gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum 2 Tingira Heights, Charlestown 2 Jun (MMy), 6
C&A Darn, Mulbring 18 Jun (AKM), 4 Wreck Beach, Shoal Bay throughout Jun & Jul
(IC), 16 incl. 2J Ten Mile Hollow, Dharug NP 24 Nov (AKM), 4 Mogo Creek, St Albans
15 Dec (JC); 15+ Westleigh 18 Apr, observer’s first record for the area (AEFR), 4M+2F
Beecroft 13 Jun (SB), 20 Gymea 15 Sep (JBr TBO 727), 2AM,2 ImmM,1F Browns
Waterhole, Lane Cove River 10 Oct, small numbers, max 6 at Pennant Hills Park all year
(BDo,IJ), AM Waterfall 17 Oct (H&BM); 8 Morrisons Flat, Goulburn River NP 2 Jun
(RD). More records than usual in the Sydney Region, rare in Goulburn River NP.
Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris 2 Jacana HSD, Clarenza 29 Nov (EW); Max 130 present
Wyong-The Entrance all year (AKM); Many sightings in Sydney suburbs including 2
Foreshore Res, north Botany Bay 18 May (PMy); 1. Bungendore 6 Jan -22 Feb (CBN
Little Corella C. sanguinea 12 Mooney Mooney 2 Jun (AKM); 5 Parramatta City Centre 7 Mar
(PJR), 6 Dee Why 3 Oct (CMe); 21 Wollongong University 15 Mar (CJC); 300+
Wilberforce on 4 Jul (N&JR); 5 Bungendore 29 Jan (CBN 17,92). The spread in coastal
NSW and urban areas continues.
118 June 1994Pink Cockatoo C. leadbeateri 2 Lake Cowal-West Wyalong 5 Oct (CSc,BC); 32 Mootwingie NP
14 Jul (AB); 5 Albemarle HSD, Menindee 19 Apr (PW), 30+ Kinchega NP 16 Apr
(ABe) & 12+ Mungo NP 17 Apr, 78 Menindee Lake 12 Jul (AB), 34 Willandra NP 18 Jul
(AB). Good size winter flocks in the Western Division.
Sulphur -crested Cockatoo C. galerita 3 or 4 10 km E of Griffith 5 Nov, rarely recorded so far west
and away from the Murrumbidgee River (JB).
Rainbow Lorikeeet Trichoglossus haematodus 2 Baradine Township 25 Sep (DJ), rare so far west.
Scaly- breasted Lorikeet T. chlorolepidotus 2 Thirroul 6 Jan (TQ), 2 Austinmer 3 Dec & 3 Bellambi
Point (GBa, IBOC 3/93), scarce in the Illawarra.
Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna 2 McKees Spur, near Gibralter Range NP 25 Jul (GC); 2
Fagans Park, Arcadia 28 Oct (NM), 2 Avalon 29 Dec (RBr).
Double -eyed Fig -Parrot Psittaculirostris diophthalma 2 Huonbrook, Mullumbimby area 16-23
Apr, feeding in flowering Blue Quondong, also reported in local newspaper (DS, TBO
Aug 1992, Wingspan 6/92), 2 Beaury SF, Urbenville 15 May (SG), first published records
for many years and considered by Holmes (1987) to be extinct in the Big Scrub..
Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus 26 Barren Grounds NR Autumn Count 7 Mar (JBk); 1 Porters
Creek Dam Aug (DH), Bittangabee, Ben Boyd NP 6-8 Jun (GBr).
1 1
Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor 2 Coutts Crossing 23 Apr (GC) and 3-5 Korora 1 May -24 Jul
(CSe), rarely recorded in the Northen Rivers region; No records for Mid -north Coast and
Hunter Region; 1 dead (AMSR 0.64646) & 1 injured Baulkham Hills 12 Apr (DIS), 3
Castlereagh SF 20 May (RT), 6 West Pennant Hills 10 Jun & 4 on 1 Aug feeding on lerps
in Sydney Blue Gum (PAn), 6 Blacktown 3 Aug (JDH); 2 Bass Point 31 Jul (CJC); no
records for South Coast (ENHS); 21 Backyamma SF 8 Jun (T&EK), 4+ Conimbla NP 8
Jun (JR); 6+ Springdale Jun -Jul (MC), 2 W of Cootamundra 6 Jul & 8+ Ingalba NR 8 Jul
(MC). More records than for the past few years but very isolated occurrances overall and
small numbers.
Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii 6 Cowra 3 Oct (EV); 6 Warren Aug (JM); 11 Old Junee 15 May
(RT), 3+ Tubbal Rd, Young 6-7 Aug (JHy), 4 Ganmain 4 Oct (U), 4 Flagtsaff NR 8 Nov
(PE); 3 Tom Bullen Storage 24 May (PE), 60-80 mostly J, feeding on ground amongst
Black Box 40km E of Deniliquin 8 & 23 Feb (PM). All within known range.
Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus 10 Parkes 3 May (BLS), 20 Bogan Gate 17 Oct (JR); 25
nesting Lake Cowal 3-5 Oct (EV,BC). Other records received for Upper and Lower
Western Regions.
Eastern Rosella Platycercus eximius 2 10km E of Darlington Point 3 Aug (JB); 1 401un S of Nymagee
on Condobolin Road 5 Oct (BLS), western edge of range.
Pale -headed Rosella Platycercus adscitus I Warrumbungles NP 27 Sep (MA,DRa), second record
for Park; Narran Lakes NR Mar -Apr (Smith 1993), western edge of range.
Red-rumped Parrot Psephotus haematonotus Pair Kempsey 29 Sep -Jan 1993, rare in Northern
Rivers region (KS); Koona Bay, Lake Illawarra 10 Oct (GBa, IBOC 3/93), rare in this
part of the Illawarra.
Mulga Parrot Psephotus varius 4 Charcoal Tank NR 7 Jun (N&JR), eastern edge of range.
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 119Bourke’s Parrot Neophema bourkii 12+ in belah woodland, Noonthorangee Range, NE Broken
Hill 22 Mar (AKM); 2 Brennans Bore, Albemarle HSD, Menindee 19 Apr (PW). Rarely
recorded S.E. of Darling River.
Blue -winged Parrot N. chrysostoma I Yerrangerry SF, Ariah Park 13 Nov (TBO 793), a late date;
c.30 feeding on Atriplex spongiosa fruits, Peri Lake, Paroo River 9 Jul (PSm). Few records
but consistent with known distribution during winter.
Turquoise Parrot N. pukhella AM near Bucketty 28 Nov, AM Mogo Camp, Yengo NP 15 Dec
(JC); 20-30 White Box Camp, Goulburn River NP 4-10 May (SH); 14 Mookerawa SRA
9 Jun (CBOC), max 15 Glen Davis 12-30 Aug (CBOC,BP,SF); 2 Backyamma SF 7 Jun
(DSi), 2M+ 1 F Adelargo near Cowra 8 Jun (N&JR); Weddin Mountains NP 5 Oct (Gang
Gang 10/92). Average year.
Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus 1 dead Macleans Ridge 13 Apr. now AMSR 0.64568; 3
Whittingham 17 Apr foraging in freshly ploughed paddock (HBOC), 1 Tomago 3 Dec
(SBe); Imm Durras Lake 13 Dec (DRa). Hunter Valley appears to be a regular site.
Pallid Cuckoo Cuculus pallidus Departure: 1 Ootha 13 May (BLS). Arrival: 2 calling Kinchega
Woolshed 15 Jul (AB), Mulbring I Aug (AKM), Yarravel 31 Aug (ABi), Pambula 6 Sep
(BJ), Wooli 4 Sep (GC), Tuggerah 20 Sep (AKM), moves from west to east. Juvenile at
Lake Brewster 26 Mar (AB), a late date. JHo advises that at Coombie HSD, Roto they
consider calling Pallid Cuckoos as a sign of rain. One started calling on 24 Aug, and the
drought broke on 26 Aug, and the cuckoos remained for the spring and summer.
Brush Cuckoo C. variolosus Departure: Juv Coutts Crossing 1 Mar (GC). Arrival: Dharug NP 24
Sep, Pambula 10 Oct (BJ), Annangrove 18 Oct (KB), Bermagui 25 Oct (ENHS), Nambucca
Heads 29 Oct (DS), note considerable variation of arrival dates on coast.
Fantailed Cuckoo C. pyrrophanus 1 Coombie HSD, Roto 12 Sep, in average rainfall years, more
appear (JaH);
Black -eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans 2 Glen Davis 2-12 Aug (AOR,E&TK);
Warrumbungles NP 27 Sep (DRa); Several Coombie HSD, Roto Aug (JHo). Fewer records
received than usual.
Horsfield’s Bronze -Cuckoo C. basalis Juv being fed by White -fronted Chat Kooragang Is 12 Nov
(CBOC); 1 Scheyville 4 Jul (N&JR), 1 Foreshore Res, north Botany Bay 16 Oct (PMy).
Little Bronze -Cuckoo C. minutillus Present Kempsey 16 Jan -1 Feb, and Sep -Dec (KS,ABi), 4
Jacana HSD, Clarenza 6 Dec (EW), all within known range.
Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea Departure: Brightwaters 6 Mar (ALH), AM Kunderang
Hsd, Oxley Wild Rivers NP 19 Mar (GC), juv Chittaway Point 14 Apr (AKM). Arrival:
1 Seaforth 16 Sep (SSc), 1 The Entrance 17 Sep (AKM), 1 South Turramurra 19 Sep,
arriving after first broods of Red Wattlebirds had fledged (DaL), pair Pearl Beach 21 Sep
(DOB), 5 Heathcote 22 Sep (MA), Coutts Crossing 23 Sep (GC), Broulee 12 Oct (ENHS);
1 and 2 young fed by Red Wattlebirds at Mossy Point (ENHS); Pair feeding in a plum
tree Avondale HSD, Cooyal 4 Jan (NKu), rare on Central Tablelands.
Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae Arrival: Nambucca Heads 15 Sep (DS),
Dural 19 Sep (M&BB), Dharug NP, Mooney Mooney and Empire Bay 24 Sep
120 June 1994(KB,AKM,RP), Yowie Bay 30 Sep (JF); Turramurra 10 Oct (DaL), Seven Hills 20 Oct
(EV), 1-4 Curramore near Jamberoo 20 Oct (KM), 3 juv Helensburg 11 Mar (DRa). Note
synchronous arrival on Central Coast.
Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus Ingleside & Jan (RA) and 2 Deep Creek, Narrabeen 9
Mar & 21 Nov (AB), about the only regular site around Sydney; 1 Bingara 21 Sep (JM);
Glenelg HSD, Harpary Nov -Dec (JA), cf 1991 Report for one at Baan Baa.
Powerful Owl Ninox strenua 2 prs Carrai SF Mar -Apr, 15 (7 prs) Chaelundi SF Mar -Jul, 14 (5 prs,
1 with juv) Styx River SF Mar- May, 7 (3 prs) London Bridge SF Jun -Aug, and 1 Oakwood
SF 2 Aug (SD), present Nulla-Five Day SF & Cochrane SF Jan -Jun (Truyard 1993);
Present Doyles River SF & Mt. Boss SF Jan -Jun (Truyard 1993); heard calling Ourimbah
8 Mar (DOB); 2 Black Gully, Port Hacking 22 Mar (MBa), 1 Lancewood Rd, Dural 18
Mar (C&EB), 1 with Ring-tailed Possum, Roseville Bridge 6 Sep (DL), 2A+juv Pennant
Hills Park 18 Jan (AEFR) and pair plus juv, feeding on Crimson Rosella same place 14-
17 Oct (SE), 1 different sites East Lindfield 23-25 Oct (DL), 1 Wattle Flat, Royal NP 11
Jan (SSa) & 5 Oct (JF); 1 Helensburgh 25 Oct (DRa); 1 Oakey Creek, Yadboro SF 10 Jul
(per CJC); 1 calling Broulee 29 Feb (ENHS); 1 Girard SF 27-29 Dec (JH); 2 Avisford
NR near Mudgee 16 Jan (LMcC), no previous record for areas west of Mudgee.
Southern Boobook N. novaeseelandiae Calling South Turramurra May -19 Jul, early dates for
calling and unusual dialect suggested migrant birds? (DaL).
Barking Owl N. connivens 2 Wambina Res, Matcham 18 Apr (RP); 1 calling McGregors Creek,
Araluen Valley 13-17 Aug at moonrise, calling Bermagui late Sep (ENHS), accidental
to South Coast. 2 Central Colo 31 Dec (KB); Baram HSD, Moree in Carbeen tree,
nesting suspected 28 Sep -8 Oct (GLC); Resident Deniliquin all year (PM).
Barn Owl Tyto alba 1 D Clarenza 6 Jan (GC): 2 Kurri Kurri flushed from paddock 10 Jun (RP), 2
Tapley Rd, Lisarow 24 May (JH); 1 Wilberforce 2 May (KB), 1 flew past NPWS
Headquarters, 5th floor at Hurstville 14 May at 1600hrs (LL); Woodlands HSD,
Currabubula 18-20 Jul (BC).
Masked Owl T novaehollandiae 1 Carrai SF 10 Apr, 3 Styx Riover SF Apr -May, 6 Chaelundi SF
Mar- Jul, 1 Oakwood SF 7 Jun, & 3 London Bridge SF Jun -Aug (SD), 2 East Kunderang,
Oxley Wild Rivers NP 18-19 Mar and 2 at West Kunderang 10 Dec, 1 responded to tape
Bulga SF 13 Nov (GC); 1 Bellangry SF Jan -Jun (Truyard 1993); ImmF injured Somersby
Jun, released one month later (DLo), 1 Mt Bouddi, Bouddi NP 19 May (JMcL); calling
Mill Creek, Dharug NP 24 Sep (BG), roosting in surburban garden Point Frederick,
East Gosford 20 Nov (JSc), disappeared next day; Calling Smith Creek, Ku-ring-gai
Chase NP 22 & 26 Sep (KB); ID 2km N of Quaama 31 Oct (VA), at nest hole Kiola SF
20 Jan & 2 on 7 Feb, 1 3km N of Moruya and 1 Bobandara Swamp 22 Nov (ENHS,RH);
1 Central Colo 13 Dec (KB). Coast and tablelands records only.
Sooty Owl T. tenebricosa 5 (1 pr) Carrai SF Mar -Apr, 2 Styx River SF Mar -Apr, 10 Chaelundi SF
Mar- Jul & 4 London Bridge SF May -Aug (SD), 1 East Kunderung 18 Mar (GC), present
Nulla-Five day SF Jan -Jun (Truyard 1993); 1 Allyn River 8 Mar (KCh), 2 juv Gloucester
Tops 26 Jan (FVG), present Kippara SF, Mt. Boss SF & Doyles River SF Jan -Jun (Truyard
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 1211993); 1 Mooney Mooney Creek 13 Jan (PSc), 1 calling Ourimbah 8 Mar (DOB), 1 The
Ridgeway, Lisarow 29 May (JHa), 1 Chichester SF, 2km S of White Rock 22 Dec (DRa),
1 Strickland SF 24 Oct (JMa); 1 Audley, Royal NP 11 Jan (SSa), 2 Bowla Creek, Royal
NP 12 Aug (MA,AOR), estimate of 5 prs in Hacking River Catchment including Royal
NP (Chafer & Anderson 1994); Helensburgh 24 May (DRa); Mt Wilson 24 Oct
1 1
(KB). Some estimates of population densities.
Australian Owlet -Nightjar Aegotheles cristatus Recorded in the Northern Rivers at Blaxlands Flat,
Kungala, East and West Kunderang, Tamban SF, Ingalba SF & Bulga SF (GC); Kiwarrak
SF 18-20 Dec (GC); 1 Scheyville 7 Jun (JDi), 1 Wheeney Creek 5 Dec (FOC). Although
widely distributed not often reported.
White -throated Nightjar Caprimulgus mystacalis Recorded at Yamba, Yuraygir NP, Nymboida,
Oxley Wild Rivers NP, Styx River SF (Breeding), Ingalba SF, & Tamban SF in Northern
Rivers (GC); 1 Bobo Ck, Kiwarrak SF 18-20 Dec and 1 Chichester SF 19 Feb (GC),ID
between Bombah Point and Bulladelah (DOB); 1 Pearl Beach 20 Mar (SZ), 2 Palmgrove
Reserve, Ourimbah 22 Nov (AKM); 2 Smith’s Creek, Ku-rin-gai Chase NP 22 Sep (KB);
I Balgownie 22 Oct (WE), 1 Mangerton 6 Oct (KAW); 1 Wyangala SRA 23 Oct (RM),
1 flushed from egg in Namadgi NP between Bendora Dam and Mt Tidbinbilla (Olsen &
Hayes1994) first nesting record for ACT.
Spotted Nightjar C. guttatus 1 12km SE of Bourke 12 Mar (AKM), 1 Mootwingie NP 14 Apr
(ABe); Pr in broombush mallee Coombie HSD, Roto 7 Oct (JHo).
Spine -tailed Swift Hirundapus caudacutus Departure: Epping Mar, 2 Wyee 6 Mar (ALH),
South Turramurra 15 Mar, Killcare 20 Mar (DLa), 12+ Gara River, Armidale 24 Mar
(GC); An unusual record of 20 Potato Point 17 Aug (ENHS). Arrival: 40+ Berkeley
Vale 9 Oct (AKM), 10 Gymea 13 Oct (JF), South Turramurra 24 Oct (DaL), 80+ Yamba
29 Oct (GC), 60 Bherrewarre Point 22 Nov (ENHS), Pambula 24 Nov (BJ); Waterfall
1 Jun (DRa), late date; 200+ Callala Point, Jervis Bay 23 Dec (CJC), large number.
Fork -tailed Swift Apus pacificus 3+ with above species at Woody Head, Bunjalung NP 7 Jan,
mixed flock 150+ with above species, mostly Fork -tails 19 Jan, 5+ 20 Jan, 20+ 25 Jan
(GC), Small flock Sandon, Yuraygir NP 19-20 Jan (PSm), not on Park birdlist, 2 Iluka 2
Feb (JH), possibly all the same group; 1 Backyamma SF 7 Jun (ALH), very late date;
Large flock Coombie HSD, Roto 5 Mar (JHo).
White-rumped Swiftlet Collocalia spodiopygia 50+ Richmond Hill, Alstonville 21 Nov (JH), record
accepted by NSWORAC, 5th NSW record, see Morris 1994.
Azure Kingfisher Ceyx azureus 1 near Turella, Wolli Creek Reserve 17 Sep (NRa), rarely recorded
in this area, 1 Picnic Pt, Georges River 19 Oct (N&JR); 1 Swindles Well Crossing, Yearinan
Creek, Pilliga West SF 23 Sep (DJ), rarely recorded in Pilliga Scrub.
Forest Kingfisher Halcyon macleayii 1 Grafton 15 Mar (TBO Aug 1992), present in Macleay
Valley 18 May -29 Nov at Kempsey, Yarravel and Belmore Swamp (KS,ABi), within
range but rarely reported; 1 Kelly’s Crossing, Taree 15 Feb (MVBN2/92); ID Engadine
Nov, now AMSR 0.64634, 3rd County of Cumberland record (cf.Hoskin 1992); near
Orange 25 Jan (Wingspan 5/5), this is the first record for the Tablelands.
122 June 1994Collared Kingfisher H. chloris 8 near Ukerabagh NR 21 Dec (PE), regular site but numbers not
previously reported to be this high.
Red -backed Kingfisher H pyrrhopygia Arrival: Coombie HSD, Roto 14 Nov (JaH), a late date.
Sacred Kingfisher H. sancta Departure: Coutts Crossing 1 Mar (GC), Pughs Lagoon, Richmond
27 Mar (AB), Pennant Hills Park 4 Apr, Arrival: Coutts Crossing 22 Sep (GC), Pennant
Hills Park, Chittaway Bay & Durras 24 Sep (BDo,TMo,ENHS), Griffith 30 Sep (JB),
Leeton 3 Oct (KH); The closeness of the arrival times on the east coast is of interest.
Overwintering: 5 records for Northern Rivers 29 Apr -3 Sep, mostly along the lower
Clarence River (GC), Boundary Rd, Scheyville 4 Jul (JR).
Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus Departure: Junee 5 Mar and Ingalba NR 6 Mar (MjC). Arrival:
Trafalgar HSD, Bourke & Leeton 20 Sep (MM,KH), Nambucca Heads 21 Sep (DS),
Coombie HSD, Roto 22 Sep (JHo), Richmond 27 Sep (AB), Nowra 4 Oct (TW), all
about the usual arrival times.
Dollarbird Eurystomas orientalis Departure: Brightwaters 5 Mar (ALH), Fish River, Tarana 8
Mar (AB), Nambucca Heads 10 Mar (DS), Coutts Crossing 12 Mar (GC). Arrival:
Nambucca Heads 20 Sep (DS), Tyndale 22 Sep (GC), South Turramurra 24 Sep (DaL),
Deep Creek 26 Sep (AB), Pennant Hills Park 28 Sep (BDo), Surf Beach 8 Oct (ENHS).
2 Cocoparra NR 21 Feb (PE), 1 Round Hill NR 24 Jan (CJC), pr Whealbah near Hillston
Nov -Dec (BH) and 1 Griffith 5 Nov (JB), unusual western records.
Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor 1 in garden Moonee, Coffs Harbour 8 Mar (SGL), 1 Nambucca Heads
12 Apr (DS), 1 Yamba 27 Sep (GC); 1 Sea Acres NR 17 Oct (MF) late date for this
coastal site, 1 Bulga SF 12-13 Nov (GC); 1 Imm flew into house at Kiama 10 May (CBr),
5th record for Illawarra since 1900.
Superb Lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae AF at bottom of Westleigh garden, AM nearby 22 Mar
(AEFR), Deep Creek, Narrabeen 18 Aug, rarely recorded at this location (RA).
Albert’s Lyrebird M. alberti Present Whian Whian SF 25-31 May & 5-7 Jun (GC,QOSN 6/92),
and Nullum SF 25-31 May (GC); 2 NE of Tenterfield in wet sclerophyll forest 16 Oct
(MC). Consistent with known distribution.
Rufous Scrub -bird Atrichornis rufescens 4 active territories Tweed Range, Border Ranges NP 31
Mar -4 Apr (GC) as previously indicated by Holmes (1987); 1 calling Petroi, Styx River
SF 6 Feb, not recorded at this site for 50 years (GC), 1HC Mt Killikrankie 7 Sep. (DS), 1
Daisy Plains Camp, Carrai SF 10 Apr (SD).
Singing Bush lark Mirafra javanica 2 Baker’s Lagoon 17 Oct- 5 Dec (KB,AB); 12+ Currabubula
18-20 Jul (BC); Singing Fivebough Swamp 13 Sep (KH).
Skylark Alauda arvensis Recorded Eurobodalla Shire throughout the year, at Tilba Lake & Bobandara
Swamp (ENHS).
Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena 200+ in an area of 50m x 50m over Griffith STW (PE).
White -backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternum 1 at a sandpit near Richmond 26 Sep (JBi); 1
Glen Davis 30 Aug (BC); 6 Loughnan NR 26 Jan (CJC).
Tree Martin Cecropis nigricans Many thousands Mullawoolka Basin 18 Mar (AB,AKM) & 1000+
Cobar STW 15 May (BLS), winter movement inland?
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 123Fairy Martin C. ariel Departure: 2 Lake Brewster 26 Mar (AB). Arrival: Lake Rd, Tuggerah 12
Aug (AB), North Entrance 21 Aug (AKM), Lennox Head 23 Aug (GC).
Little Cuckoo -shrike Coracina robusta 2 Picton 15 Feb (N&JR); 2 Lapstone 11-12 Jul (RT);
Mountain Lagoon firetrail 14 Aug (MC), uncommon in these locations.
Barred Cuckoo -shrike Coracina lineata Pair nesting in Camphor Laurel Cinnamomum camphora
Maclean Rainforest Res, and 4 feeding in Small -leafed Fig Ficus obliqua 30-31 Oct
(GC); Pair feeding juv at Urunga 11-12 Jan, & 10 Feb, possibly same pair building nest
11-12 and 18 Jan (Secomb 1992), juv Mylestrom Jan -Feb (DS). Note that there were
no breeding records in the Atlas (Blakkers 1984) for NSW.
Cicadabird C. tenuirostris Departure: Woombah 6 Apr (GC), Nambucca Heads 12 Apr, 2 Split
Solitary, Coffs Harbour 23 Apr (AB). Arrival: Nambucca Heads 11 Oct (DS), Pambula
13 Oct (BJ), Kilcare 24 Oct (NA), Mardi near Tuggerah 25 Oct (JC).
Ground Cuckoo -shrike C. maxima I Lake Cowal 3 Oct (RWa), only report received.
White -winged Triller Lalage sueurii Arrival: Leeton 20 Sep (KH), Coombie HSD, Roto 30 Sep
(JHo), AM Goodwood Is 17 Oct (GC), 2M Baker’s Lagoon 18 Oct (LM), Penrith Lakes
25 Oct (KB), Glen Davis 30 Oct (BP). One pr nesting Hat Head 3 Dec (KS), 3 pr nesting
on Golf Course, Nambucca Heads Sep -Oct (DS), rare breeding records for Northern
Rivers; 1 Foreshore Res, north Botany Bay 8 Dec (PMy); AM Macquarie Rivulet 17 Nov
(GB); Common Braidwood-Bungonia-Nerrigah 1-11 Jan (JC).
Varied Triller L. leucomela 2A+J Black Rock, Bundjalong NP 28 Mar, IF or Imm Tyndale 23
May, 1 Angourie 24 Jun, 1 Bowraville 29 Aug, 1 Station CK, Yuraygir NP 24 Oct, 1 Red
Cedars Picnic Area, Ingalba SF 25 Nov -3 Dec (GC); 1 Copeland Tops 14 Nov (CG),
extreme southern limit.
Red -whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus 1 Swansea South 6 Dec, not previously reported in this
area (HBOC);
Russet -tailed Thrush Zoothera heinei 1 Washpool SF 7 Nov (DH); 1 Copeland SF, Barrington
Tops 18 Apr (JMa); ID Mosman 19 Aug, now AMSR 0.64630, well south of expected
range (cf.McAllan & Bruce 1988).
European Blackbird Turdus merula Shortland WC Sep, first record (HBOC), AM near orange
orchards at Kulnura 27 Seli (AKM), first record for District.
Southern Scrub- robin Drymodes brunneopygia 21 counted in a small survey of c. 10 km of trail
Round Hill NR 24 Jan, feeding on flying ants (CJC).
Rose Robin Petroica rosea Arrival: 4 Annagrove 4 Apr (KB), Nambucca Heads 12 Apr (DS), Pair
Westleigh 18 Apr (AEFR), Pennant Hills Park & South Turramurra 9 May (BDo,DaL).
Departure: 1 pr Narrabeen Lake 4 Sep (AB); In Eurobodalla Shire the bird is a rare
breeding resident and a winter migrant to the Coast.In 1992 birds were only recorded at
Maulbrooks Road, Mungerarie SF and Malua Bay Feb -Jun (ENHS); mist netted Charcoal
Tank NR 12 Jul (MCI), well west of usual range.
Pink Robin P. rodinogaster No records recieved in 1992.
Flame Robin P. phoenicea Rare on lowlands of Northern Rivers, but singles at Yarravel 17 Jun
and Sherwood 13 Jul (KS); Late arrival at Parkes only 3 brown birds by 11 Jun, usually
many more by this time (BLS).
124 June 1994Scarlet Robin P. multicolor Winter visitor to Yarravel Apr -Jul, rare on Northern Rivers lowlands
(KS); 2 Castlereagh SF 20 May (RT), declining in Sydney Region.
Red- capped Robin P. goodenovii AM Katoomba Airport, Medlow Bath 1-29 Feb (WW), AF
Wentworth Falls 3 Apr (TQ), two unusual records from the Blue Mountains, although
present in same area in 1991; 3 SW of Gunning 17 May (CBN 17,92); AM+ 2 Imm or F,
Woodlands HSD, Currabubula 18-20 Jul (BC).
Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata 5 Picton area 15 Feb & 1 Putty 12 Sep (N&JR); 3 Millpost
31 May (CBN 17,108); 2 Piambong 7 Jun (JR); Greenstead HSD, Mittagong 17-20 Apr
(CBOC), Present Blakney Creek, Yass 17-21 Apr (COG 8/92), rare in Region; 4+ in
Eremophila bignonifolia scrub near Gil Gil Creek, Neeworra, only observation in Moree
District 28 Sep -8 Oct (GLC); Present Moordale HSD, Narran Lake Mar- Apr (Smith
Pale -yellow Robin Tregellasia capito 2 Ingalba SF 26 Sep, rare in this location (KS); 2 Bretti 18-
19 Jan (HBOC), 2+ juv Chichester SF 23 Dec (DRa).
Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis Small numbers in Bimble Box woodland on Old Dromana
and Baram HSDs, Moree 29 Sep -8 Oct (GLC), near western edge of range.
Crested Shrike -tit Falcunculus frontatus 2 Wolli Creek Reserve 10 Sep -3 Oct, first record for
Reserve (NRa); 1 Breakbuck HSD, Oxley 17 Jan, in red gum on Lachlan River (JB).
Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea 2 Carrai SF 12 Apr (SD); 1 Dumas Lake 13 Dec (DRa); 1
East Jindabyne 4 Aug (TBO 725,15).
Gilbert’s Whistler P. inornata 2 Ingalba NR 31 Mar- Jun, AM Springdale 7-21 Jun (MC), 5+ Charcoal
Tank NR 7 Jun -29 Sep (BC,N&JR), 2 Clearidge SF, West Wyalong 7 Jun (M&JR), 2 prs
Reefton SF 10 Aug (MC); 2 Spring Hill, Cocoparra NP 31 May (PE); None seen Coombie
HSD, Roto in 1992 (JaH). Some locations not previously published in Annual Reports
but within known range.
Rufous Whistler P. rufiventris Departure: AM at both Toukley and Tuggerah STW 30 May (AKM).
Arrival: Centennial Park 19 Aug (AB), Shortland WC 20 Aug, Pennant Hills Park 20
Sep (RDo), Pambula 21 Sep (BJ).
Rufous Shrike -thrush Colluricincla megarhyncha Present Nambucca Heads 12 Apr -27 Jul (DS),
southern edge of coastal range.
Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis The Ranch HSD, Kennebri 29 May (DJ), first time recorded
for Kennebri, small numbers Baram HSD, and Gil Gil Creek, Neeworra 28 Sep -8 Oct
(GLC), at eastern edge of range.
Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis Departure: Yessabah 10 Mar (KS), Bermagui 15
Mar (ENHS), Nambucca Heads 1 Apr (DS), 1 Woombah 6 Apr (GC), 1 upper Lane Cove
River 29 Apr (NM). Arrival: Nurragingy Res & Bermagui 20 Sep (EV,ENHS), Palmgrove
NR, Ourimbah 24 Sep (AKM), Ingalba SF 26 Sep (KS), Pennant Hills Park & Kurnell 27
Sep (RDo,JR), Pambula 1 Oct (BJ), Nambucca Heads 11 Oct (DS). Arrivals were closely
synchronised throughout NSW.
Spectacled Flycatcher M. trivirgatus Departure: Nambucca Heads 1 Apr (DS), Iluka NR 8 Apr
(GC). Arrival: Goolawah 19 Sep (KS), Nambucca Heads 21 Sep (DS). Jacana HSD,
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 125Clarenza 15-16 Sep (EW), woodland habitat, not normally expected, Hat Head 23 Sep &
11 Oct (KS); 1 Copeland Tops 15 Jan & 1 Craven SF 28 Jan (IMcA), 1 Bretti 18-19 Jan
(HBOC), southern end of range, 2 Kiwarrak SF 21 Dec (GC).
White -eared Monarch M. leucotis 2 Iluka NR 7-8 Apr, and 20 Jun (GC), 1 dead Mafeking Rd,
Federal 5 Jun now AMSR 0.64632, not previously reported from this location, 4 Border
Ranges NP 30 Dec (MRo).
Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula Departure: 2 Evans Crown NR Tarana 8 Mar (AB). Arrival:
Coutts Crossing 8 Sep (GC), North Wyrrabalong NP 12 Sep (AKM), Nambucca Heads
15 Sep (DS), Smiths Creek, Ku-ring-gai Chase NP 22 Sep (KB), Pennant Hills Park 27
Sep (RDo), Pambula 6 Oct (BJ). Single males in eucalytptus woodland on Baram, Old
Dromana and Crinolyn HSDs, and pair constructing nest on Bunnor Farm, Moree District
28 Sep -8 Oct (GLC), western limit of range.
Satin Flycatcher M cyanoleuca Departure: Wollomombi 17 Mar (GC). Arrival: 3 Heathcote 11
Oct (DRa), Wang Wauk Forest Way 25 Oct (HBOC). Pair Garrawarra SRA II Jan
(DR), AM Annangrove 25 Feb (KB), I Nurragingy Res 2 Nov (JdH); 1 Munghorn Gap
NR 8 Oct (TS). Note that birds pass through Sydney heading south 26 Sep -30 Nov and
return 2 Feb -21 Apr (Hoskin 1991).
Restless Flycatcher M inquieta Recorded at Maclean Rainforest Res, Sth Grafton Water Res, and
Brothersons Swamp, Coutts Crossing in Northern Rivers region where uncommon to
rare (GC); Foreshore reserve, north Botany Bay 17 Apr (PMy), rarely recorded in the
inner City; 1 Minnamurra Estuary 31 May (GB).
Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons Departure: South Turramurra 5 Apr (IMcA), Iluka 8 Apr
(GC), Durras 8 Apr (ENHS), Nambucca Heads 12 Apr (DS), Mooney Mooney Ck 18
Apr (AKM). Arrival: Bateau Bay 17 Sep (AKM), Nambucca Heads 21 Sep (DS),
Macquarie Pass 27 Sep (CJC), Pambula 7 Oct (BJ), Moruya 22 Oct (ENHS).
Overwintering Records: Maclean rainforest Res 23 May and 24 Jul (GC), Bittangabee,
1 1
Ben Boyd NP 6-8 Jun (GBr).
Grey Fantail R. fuliginosa Migrating along Bugaldie Creek, Pilliga West SF 100+ in one hour 23
Sep (DJ).
Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii AM Boorganna NR 5 Aug (MVBN 4/92), a known site but rarely
Spotted Quail -thrush Cinclosoma punctatum 2 O’Hares Creek 14 Jun (CBr); 2 Boolabinda, 16km
N Glen Innes 19 Apr(DS); 2A+2Y Mountain Lagoon 5 Dec (AB); 1 Greenstead HSD,
Mittagong 20 Apr (CBOC). Some unusual locations.
Chestnut Quail -thrush Cinclosoma castanotum Loughnan NR 26 Jan (CJC); 2 Round Hill NR 24
Jan & Oct (CJC,CSc,BC), 2 Coombie HSD, Roto Jul & Oct (JaH), 4 near Mungo NP
12 Oct (HW).
Cinnamon Quail -thrush C. cinnamomeum 2 Fort Grey, Sturt NP (MC).
Grey -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis 57km E of Balldale, eastern edge of range 14
Oct (JB).
126 June 1994White-browed Babbler P. superciliosus Present Blakney Creek, Yass 17-21 Apr (COG 8/92), rare
in Southern Tablelands region.
Hall’s Babbler P. halli No records received for 1992.
Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis 2 Diamond Beach, Forster 8 Mar (AR); 2 Newcastle WR
18 Jan (AB); Pair Pioneer Dairy Swamp, Tuggerah 25 Oct (AB,AKM); 2 Eastlakes Golf
Course 12 Jan (AB); 2 Comerong Is 27 Jan (CBOC). Some locations where there have
been no previous or recent records.
Clamorous Reed -warbler Acrocephalus stentoreus Pair present Mason Park, Homebush Bay 1
May, calling Centennial Park 18 Aug (AB).
Great Reedwarbler A. arundinaceus 1 in mangroves and reeds Pelican Is, Port Macquarie 29 Nov –
27 Dec (FVG,AP,DH). Referred to RAOU RAC, if accepted, first NSW record.
Rufous Songlark Cinclorhamphus mathewsi Arrival: Griffith 12 Sep (JB); 1 Boatharbour NR,
Lismore 23 Sep, rare in Northern Rivers (JH); 2 Old Kurrajong Rd, Richmond 16 Feb
(AB), 1 Mason Park 13 Sep (EV), 1 Windsor 10 Oct (N&JR), 1 Bakers Lagoon &
Richmond Lowlands 3-17 Oct (AB,KB), unusual in County of Cumberland; 1 Conimbla
NP 8 Jun, overwintering (N&JR).
Brown Songlark C. cruralis 1 Tuggerah Bay 12 Aug (AB), rare on Central Coast; Max 3 Bakers
Lagoon 3 Oct-17Nov (AB,KB,LoS), uncommon County of Cumberland.
Red -backed Fairy -wren Malurus melanocephalus 20 (including 3AM in breeding plumage), in
Blady Grass/lantana thickets near Dungog, first record for area since 1958 (BD).
Southern Emu -wren Stipiturus malachurus 5 Lake South, opposite Picnic Island near Windang,
not previously reported from this location (N&JR).
Striated Grasswren Amytornis striatus None found on Coombie HSD, Roto in 1992 (JaH)
Grey Grasswren Amytornis barbatus No records for 1992.
Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus 1 Barren Grounds NR 16 Mar (BC); 1 Bherewerre
Beach 5 Sep (CJC) & 3 St Georges Lighthouse 17 Mar, Jervis Bay NP (KH). All records
consisent with known distribution.
Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus Saddleback Mountain 16 Feb (IBOC), Yerrinbool 13 Apr (KM)
1 1
and Fitzroy Falls, Morton NP 24 May (KB). All records within known range but not
often reported.
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Hylacola pyrrhopygia 2 Mogo Camp, Yengo NP 15 Dec (JC); 1
Curra Moors, Royal NP 31 May (FC); 1 Bittangabee, Ben Boyd NP 6-8 Jun (GBr); 1
White Box Camp, Goulburn River NP 9-10 May (SH). Some new locations but there is
a marked decline near Sydney (cf Hindwood & McGill 1958).
Shy Heathwren H. cauta 1 Charcoal Tank NR 7 Jun (N&JR)6 Round Hill NR 24 Jan (CJC); 2
Coombie HSD, Roto 6 Sep (JH).
Redthroat Pyrrholaemus brunneus No records for 1992.
Striated Fieldwren Calamanthus fuliginosus Max 2A+2 Im Tianjarra, Morton NP 17-24 Sep
(BV,DWr) and Greenstead HSD, Mittagong (CBOC). Northern limit of distribution
except for the Towra Point records.
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 127Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata 2 Windsor Downs NR 16 Feb (AB), close to extinction on
the Cumberland Plain.
Western Warbler Gerygone fusca 2 Woodlands HSD, Currabubula 18-20 Jul (BC), not unexpected
at this location..
Mangrove Warbler G. levigaster Recorded along Macleay River at Pelican Island and South West
Rocks (KS); 2 Dora Creek 17 Apr (MRo); 2 Saratoga, Brisbane Water 21 Aug (AB), no
previous records for this location.
White -throated Warbler Gerygone olivacea Departure: Junee 21 Apr (MjC).Arrival: Pambula 1
Oct (BJ) & Maulbrooks Rd 5 Oct (ENHS). Winter records for Sydney, Scheyville 27
May -7 Jul (LoS,JR), Colo 19 Jun (AB) and Hunter Valley, Seaham 4 Jul & Quorrobolong
3 Jul (AB,N&JR); Scattered birds in eucalyptus woodland on Crinolyn, Bunnor Farm
and Baram HSDs, Moree 28 Sep -8 Oct (GLC), western edge of range.
Inland Thornbill Acanthiza apicalis 3 Currabubula 18-20 Jul (BC), eastern edge of range.
Southern Whiteface Aphelocephala leucopsis Present Blakney Creek, Yass 17-21 Apr (COC 8/
92), rare in district.
Red-browed Treecreeper Climacteris erythrops Present Whian Whian SF 6 Jun (QOSN 6/92), 2
Mungay Creek 18 Feb (KS); Max 4 Palmgrove NR 29 Aug- 24 Sep (RP,TMo); 2 Oakey
Creek, Yadboro SF 16 Jul (CJC); Present Murramurang NP 27 Oct (TS), rare breeding
resident in Eurobodalla Shire with records from near Broulee 30 Jun and Deep Creek 30
Jul (ENHS), also 2 Deua NP 7 Jan (JC), 2 Narrawallee Creek, Narrawallee Oct (CJC);
2 Mt Wilson 22 Aug (CBOC), 2+ Mountain Lagoon 24 Aug (MC); 2 Captain’s Flat 8 Jan
(JC). Good spread of records.
Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata 1000+ travelling from Pambula in parties of 5-100 SE
to NW 2-5 May (BJ).
Little Wattlebird A. chrysoptera Present Megan, 10km N of Dorrigo 15 Nov (DS).
Striped Honeyeater Plectorhyncha lanceolata Many records for Tuggerah Lakes foreshore where
known to be breeding resident (AKM,AB); 1 Castlereagh SF 14 Jun (EV), first Co. of
Cumberland record since 1984 (Hoskins 1992).
Noisy Friarbird Philemon corniculatus Summer breeding migrant and bird of passage in Eurobodalla
Shire, with no records between 29 Feb -7 Aug (ENHS); 4 Round Hill NR 24 Jan (CJC),
well west of usual range.
Regent Honeyater Xanthomyza phrygia 1 on Tatham -Myrtle Creek Rd, 15 km SE of Casino 21
Apr (DG); 2 Empire Bay 10 Mar (RP); 1 in coral tree Gillawarna 12 Sep (JDi); No
records for Eurobodalla Shire in 1992 (ENHS); 5 Putty 16 Feb (MRo), max 4 Munghorn
Gap NR 4 Apr, 7-23 Jul & 16 Oct (PO,GB,KE,TS), 1 Mookerawa Waters SRA 9 Jun
(CBOC), 2 nesting Widden Valley 21 Aug (MRo); 4, pr nesting, Glen Alice 26 Aug
(MRo), 3 Glen Davis 22 Mar (MRo), 3 on 13 Sep (BC) & 15 incl. 2Y 21 Nov (CG), 2
Howes Valley 22 Oct (RHa); 2 Canberra Bot. Gardens 17-18 Oct (RDa), 3 pr Forest
Siding feeding in Grevillea “Canberra Gem” in garden 1 Nov (JWd); 4+J 7k E
Coonabarabran on Castlereagh River 27 Sep -1 Oct (J&JC), nesting Wittenbra SF 23 Sep,
128 June 19944 Pilliga East SF 27 Sep (EDa), 2 nesting Swindles Well Crossing, Pilliga West SF 23
Sep (DJ); 2 Bumberry Dam Rec. Res 14 Jul (JVH,RW). More records than usual,
endangered species, all records published.
Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis Only recorded at Nambucca Heads Jan & Aug, but
more regularly recorded in 1991 (DS); Edgeworth (Newcastle suburb) 2 Jan (HBOC),
1 Mungo Brush, Myall Lakes NP 29 Mar (TC), 1 Green Hills, East Maitland 8 Dec
(PMcL), 2 near Laguna on Yango Creek 31 Jul (AB); 1 Heathcote PS 8 Mar (DRa), 6th
record for County of Cumberland; 2 Colo 27 May (JC), rare on Central Tablelands,
Noisy Miner Manorina melanocephala Recorded as being accidental in Eurobodalla Shire, with 2
at Bodalla and several Narooma 24-26 Oct (ENHS).
Yellow -faced Honeyeater Lichenostomus chrysops Migration commenced at Nethercote 29 Apr
Mangrove Honeyeater L. fasciogularis 3+ Dart Island Yamba 3 Jul (GC), a known site.
Yellow -plumed Honeyeater L. ornatus Very common at Ingalba NR 6 Jun -17 Jul (MC), many
feeding in Ruby Urn Heath Melichurus urceolatus; Single bird Lake Peri, Paroo River 4-
21 Jul (PSm); Present Coombie HSD, Roto Jul -Sep (JH)
Grey -fronted Honeyater L. plumulus Present Coombie HSD, Roto May (JHo), only record for
Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus 1 taking fur for nest from Koala at North Arm, Tahlee 12 Jun (JC);
2 Penrose SF 19 Aug (KM) & 1 Dunmore 5 May (GB) rarely recorded at these locations;
1 Rosedale 2 Jun, accidental or rare winter migrant to Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS); Present
Blakney Creek, Yass 17-21 Apr (COG 8/92), uncommon in region.
Black -chinned Honeyeater Melithreptusgularis I+ Frenchmans Ck, W of Ramomie 25 Jul, present
Sth Grafton Water Res 30 Jun (GC); Nesting Freemans Reach 16-22 Sep (LoS); 10+
Glen Davis 22 Mar (MRo), 2 Mt Panorama, Bathurst 17 Jul (EV); Present Jugiong Creek,
Harden 17-21 Mar (DT IBOC 8/92); Heard calling Barwon River, Mungindi 3 Oct (GLC).
Good spread of records.
Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta 2 Swansea 3 Mar (JR); 2 Bonna Point, Kurnell 20 Jun
(TQ), Homebush Bay 10 Oct (BC); present Cobar STW Feb -May (BLS). All known
Painted Honeyeater Grantiella picta 1 Milbrodale 2 Oct (MRo); Pr nested Armidale District spring/
summer (BW,ST); 2 feeding in mistletoe in Grey Box, Logbridge Creek, Kosciusko NP
15 Nov (not on Park birdlist) (IH); 1 Ghooli 27 Feb (JC); 1 West Wyalong 1 Feb (CG),
2 Jindalee SF 23 Sep (MC), 3pr Back Creek SF, Wyalong 5-17 Oct
(AOR,BC,CSc,MC,JR); 2+ nest Baram HSD, Moree 1-5 Oct (GLC), 2 Moema SF 5 Oct
(MC,SC); 12 Deniliquin 26 Jan (CG), 2 Leeton 1 Jan -16 Feb, & 3 Oct (KH), 2 Humes
Rd, Brobenah 9 Feb, 1 Steamboat Creek, Cocoparra NP 1 Nov & 3 Mailmans Gap,
Cocoparra NP 1 Nov (PE). Good range of locations for this summer migrant (ie Sep –
Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera 2 Mt Wilson 25 Oct; 2+ Fitzroy Falls, Morton NP
24 May (KB).
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 129White -fronted Honeyeater P. albifrons Present in large numbers Coombie HSD, Roto Sep -Dec
(JaH) & near Pooncarie 10 Oct (HW).
Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P. melanops Present on heathlands in Munmorah SRA, Bouddi and
Brisbane Waters NP throughout the year (AKM).
Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger 1F in Eremophila bignoniflora on Gingham Watercourse, near
Baram HSD, Moree 6 Oct (GLC); in grapevines at Griffith 8 Nov (JB). Very few
records in 1992.
Scarlet Honeyeater Myzomela sanguinolenta 2 Quorrobolong 1 Aug (FOC); 2 Lake Gillawama
11-13 Jun (JDi); Recorded at Tilba Lake, Moruya, Dalmeny, Wamban Creek, Tomakin
and Wallaga Lake in small numbers 25 Jul -11 Dec (ENHS), present Merimbula 17 Jan
(LH), more records than usual for South Coast; Present Copeton Dam 4 Oct (DS)
Crimson Chat Ephthianura tricolor AM Crinolyn HSD, 68 km NW of Moree 7 Oct (GLC) only
one seen during camp. No other reports received.
Orange Chat E. aurifrons AM Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 19 Apr (KH), first record for that locality
in 10 years.
White -fronted Chat E. albifrons Nesting Pelican Island, Jerseyville 16-23 Feb (KS) where present
all year max 5, this is the northern limit of their coastal range; Present Bi-Centennial Park
& Mason Park, Homebush Bay 16 Jan -25 Sep, max 5 (AB,EV); 8 Killalea Lagoon, Bass
Point 13 Jan (N&JR), 4 Shellharbour Swamp 16 Aug (IBOC 155/2); present Narran
Lakes NR Mar -Apr (Smith 1993), north-western limit of range.
Gibber Chat Ashbyia lovensis Single Peri Lake, Paroo River 4 Jul (PSm), only 1992 record.
Spotted Pardalote Pardalotus punctatus Present Coombie HSD, Roto 27 Sep (JHo), extreme western
edge of range.
Yellow-rumped Pardalote P. xanthopygus Common in mallee on Coombie HSD, Roto Sep -Nov
Red-browed Pardalote P. rubricatus 2 Fort Grey, Sturt NP Mar (MjC).
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 20+ Walka Water Works, Maitland 21 Jun (HBOC 4/92);
Recorded only at Bermagui and Tilba Lake in Eurobodalla Shire, where there are yet no
breeding records (ENHS); Pair nested in a vineyard, Cooyal during Feb, rarely recorded
in the Mudgee District in recent years (NKu).
European Greenfinch C. chloris 1 Eastlakes Golf Course 12 Jan (AB), usually only known in
Sydney from Centennial Park but reported at Port Botany in 1984.
House Sparrow P. domesticus 4M+3F Taemas Bridge, Burrinjuck Reserve 22 Feb, isolated
population (CBN 17,73-74).
Beautiful Firetail Emblema bells 3 juv East Boyd SF 20 Jan (PM), 1 Kings Tableland 2 Aug (TS)
& 10km E of Lawson 27 Aug (HJ).
Diamond Firetail E. guttata 2 Bega Golf Course 13 Jan (DLa), 4 Kiora 30 May -8 Jun (ENHS); 4+
Howes Valley, where resident 15 Dec (JC); present Blakney Creek, Yass 17-21 Apr
(COG 8/92), max 15 Bungendore 14-21 Jun (CBN 17, 108), present in 9 ten minute
Atlas Squares Dalgety-Cooma, Braidwood-Bungonia 1-14 Jan (JC); 30+ Grogan TSR 7
Jun (MC); 3 pr Ashford 28 Sep (JC).
130 June 1994Painted Firetail Emblema picta 1 between Fort Grey and Camerons Corner, Sturt NP 14 Sep (WP).
First record for NSW, record accepted by NSWORAC, see Morris 1994.
Double -barred Finch Poephila bichenovii 1 Meringo 19 Jan first record for site but otherwise sharp
decline in records for Eurobodalla Shire in recent years (ENHS).
Black -throated Finch P. cincta 2+ with Plum -headed Finches at Swan Brook, 29 km E of Inverell
13 Nov (JWn). Record accepted by NSWORAC, first confirmed record since 1977 (see
Morris 1994).
Zebra Finch P. guttata Max 30 Bakers Lagoon 18 May -8 Jun (BC) and 86 Pitt Town Lagoon 3 Oct
(AB). Small population still resident in Hawkesbury Valley.
Plum -headed Finch Aidemosyne modesta 20+ Glen Davis Aug & A+2y 10 Dec (SF,MCo); 15+
Swan Brook, 29km E of Inverell 13 Nov (JWn); 50+ Ashford 28 Sep (JC); 30+ Rocky
Glen on Borah Creek 18 Feb (JC), 4+ Big Leather Watercourse, Collymongle 6 Oct, 50+
Mungindi STW 6 Oct (GLC); 2 flocks northern Macquarie Marshes 17 Mar (AB); 4+
Lightning Ridge STW 2 Oct (BV). All records within known range.
Chestnut -breasted Mannikin Lonchura castaneothorax 2 Little Murray Crossing, 8km N of Dorrigo
Mar (DS), recorded at Hat Head, Clybucca, Pelican Island, Kempsey and South West
Rocks in the Macleay Valley where resident all year (KS,ABi); Recorded on the Central
Coast at West Tuggerah, Tuggerah STW and Wyong wetlands east of railway line
(JC,AKM,RP), 20+ Walka Water Works, Maitland 21 Jun (HBOC 4/92), 30+ Kooragang
Island NR 21 Nov (CBOCN 14/10), 1 Dharug NP in reed bed 28 Dec (TKy); 10 Baker’s
Lagoon 8 Jun (BC); 12 Reedy Creek, 20 km N of Glen Innes 19 Apr (DS), few records
for the Tableland regions.
Nutmeg Mannikin L. punctulata Recorded Kempsey throughout the year, max 6 on 28 Feb (KS);
10+ Lake Gillawarna, Georges Hall 13 Jun (JDi), 30 Pughs Lagoon & 40 Pitt Town
Lagoon 3 Oct and 4 Bicentennial Park, Homebush Bay 10 Dec (AB).
Common Myna Acridotheres tristis 2 at Bendolba 17-19 Dec (GC)
Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus The Cedars HSD, Brewarrina Jul (MI), rarely recorded in
Upper Western
Metallic Starling Aplonis metallica Imm Nambucca Heads 9-10 Nov (DS). Record referred to
NSWORAC who found observation proved but record not accepted because the bird was
too far south of known range viz Mackay, North Queensland, and therefore probably an
aviary escapee (see Morris 1994).
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus hottentotus feeding in flowering Swamp Mahogany Euc. robustus
Berkeley Vale 13 May (AKM), 8 Avoca Beach 21 Jun & 6 in littoral rainforest at
Copacobana 27 Jun (RP); Arrival Central Coast, Sydney & Illawarra: Turramurra 15
Feb (RBx), 2 Curramore 21 Mar (KM), 2 Chittaway Point 23 Mar (NM); Departure:
Manly 27 Sep (WB), Primbee 12 Oct (RIm), New Lambton 14 Oct (BD).
Regent Bowerbird Sericulus chrysocephalus AM Lansdowne 2 Aug (DL,MVBW 3/92)
Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata 2 active bowers, numerous birds Baram HSD, Moree 28
Sep -8 Oct (GLC); New bower located 50 m from previous bower which had been in the
same location for 15 years, The Ranch HSD, Kennebri 26 Sep (DJ); Present Terewah
HSD, Narran Lake Mar -Apr (Smith 1993).
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 131Green Catbird Ailuroedus crassirostris Kiwarrak SF 9 May (MVBN 2/92); Keiraville 27 Oct
1 1
(GBa IBOC 3/93), uncommon at this location.
Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus Present Whian Whian SF 6 Jun (QOSN 6/92), 4 Nightcap
NP 27 Dec (SD); 2 14km N of Dorrigo 14 Nov (DS).
White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorhynchus Departure: Tuggerah Bay 25 Apr (AKM),
Nambucca Heads 18 May (DS); Arrival: Shortland WC 15 Aug (WB), Budgewoi 16
Aug (AKM), Nambucca Heads 6 Sep (DS); 30 including juveniles at Cattai NP 3 Jan, 2
Centennial Park 13 Sep (N&JR), indication of continued expansion into the County of
White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus Small flock at Schofield I Jan (EV); Small flock
Congo Point, Moruya 6 Jan; nesting Charleyong near Nerrigah 11 Jan & nesting Sandy
Point, Bungonia 13-14 Jan (JC). Few coastal records in 1992.
Masked Woodswallow A. personatus Small flock at Schofields 1 Jan (EV).
Dusky Woodswallow A. cyanopterus Departure: Munmorah SRA 21 Apr (AKM). 2 in Belah
Casuarina cristata at Coombie 30 Sep (JaH), uncommon in this area.
Little Woodswallow A. minor 4+ Gingham Watercourse, Baram HSD, Moree and 4+ Big Leather
Watercourse, Collymongle 6 Oct, 6+ Gil Gil Creek, Neeworra 6 Oct (GLC); Present
Terewah & Moordale HSD, Narran Lake Mar -Apr (Smith 1993); 4 Mootwingie NP 23
Mar (AB); 8 in Belah edge of mallee, Coombie HSD, Roto, first record for property 12
Sep (JHo). All records consistent with known range.
Pied Butcherbird Cracticus nigrogularis 4+ Tuggerah STW 30 May, the furthest south they extend
as breeding resident along the NSW coast (AKM); Adult Box Hill, Richmond 30 Aug
(RK), adult near Helensburgh 2 Oct (AHu), see 1991 Report. 5th & 6th records for
County of Cumberland (see Hoskin 1991).
Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen 122 in two adjoining paddocks at Numbaa 13 Jul (CJC),
large concentration for coastal areas.
Grey Currawong Strepera versicolor I Wendela HSD, Canyonleigh 4 Oct (IBOC 155/2); 1 near
Bell 12 Sep and Hartley 27 Sep (BC).
Pied Currawong S. graculina 100+ feeding on Broad -leafed Privet berries Devlins Creek 9 May
(RDo), carrying dead Red Wattlebird mid Dec (per DaL).
Australain Raven Corvus coronoides 2 prs Bellbrook-Toorooka 21 Mat (SD), rare in this locality.
Forest Raven C. tasmanicus 1+ Hungry Head 16 Feb, 1 Dorrigo NP 9 Aug & 24 Sep, 2+ West
Kunderang, Oxley Wild Rivers NP 7-9 Dec (GC), 3+ Upper Macleay Valley below Lower
Creek 21 Mar and common Carrai Plateau Mar -Apr (SD); Several at Bretti 18-19 Jan
(HBOC), also recorded at South West Rocks & Hat Head 22 Mar- 1 Nov (KS,DS); 1+
Petroi, Styx River SF 5-8 Feb (GC). These records are included because they help to
define the limits of the Tablelands population which is separate from the coastal population.
Torresian Crow C. orru 2 at Mungindi 6 Oct (GLC).
Little Raven C. mellori 30 Mullenderee Flats 15 May, 30 Eurobodalla Rd, Moruya 17 May & 100
Trunketabella Creek 3 Jul & 17 Aug, first records for Eurobodalla Shire since 1978
132 June 1994ADDENDUM TO 1991 REPORT
Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus 2500 pairs nesting Narran Lake Apr (Smith 1993).
Straw -necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicollis 250 pairs nesting Narran Lakes Apr (Smith 1993).
Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus in the Alstonville Distict, exact location not published,
20 Aug (PDR). Record accepted by NSWORAC.
Brolga Grus rubicundus Many on Narran Lake Apr (Smith 1993)
Common Sandpiper Tringa hypoleucos I Lake Peri 16 Oct 1991 (PSm).
Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macropygia amboinensis 3 including 1 young begging for food at Lane
Cove River, South Turramurra 17 May (IMcA).
Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor 2 Seven Hills 25 May (EV).
Coxen’s Fig Parrot Psittaculirostris diophthalma 2 feeding in Moreton Bay Fig Tree at Brunswick
Heads 26 Jul 1991 (HL). Record accepted by NSWORAC (see Morris 1994).
Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae 1 10km S of Whelan Swamp, Eden 2 May AMSR 0.64799
Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia 2 pairs nesting along the Bundarra Rd, west of Armidale
25 Oct (Davis & Recher 1993).
Little Shearwater Puffinus assimilis Many seen at sea 10-17 Jul (BP)
White -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta grallaria I beachcast 17 Jul (BP)
Australasian Gannet Sula serrator I amongst Masked Boobies S. dactylatra at Muttonbird Island
12 Nov (PE).
Buff- banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis 10-17 Jul (BP)
Bar -tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 10-17 Jul (BP)
Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos I Airport Swamp 12 Nov (PE)
Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae 1 Neds Beach 12 Nov (PE)
White -winged Tern Chlidonias leucoptera 1 Airport Swamp 12 Nov (PE).
Australian Raven Corvus coronoides harassing Pacific Golden Plover 10-17 Jul (BP), possibly
first record since 1943?
Baxter, G.S. 1992, The Ecology and Conservation of Egrets, thesis, Macquarie University.
Briggs, S.V., Thornton, S.A. and P.F. Hodgson 1993,’ Characteristics of River Red Gums used by
nesting Waterbirds’, Aust. Birds 27, 12-20.
Carpenter, J.W. 1992,’ Pacific Baza nesting at Tuggerah’, Aust. Birds 26,19.
Chafer C.J. 1993, The Foraging Ecology ofS ooty Oystercatcher on Rocky Intertidal Shores, thesis,
University of Wollongong.
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 133Chafer C.J. & Anderson M. 1994,’ Sooty Owls in the Hacking River Catchment’, Aust. Birds 27,
Davis, W.E. & Recher H.F 1993,’ Notes on the breeding biology of the Regent Honeyeater’, Corella
Debus, S.J.S.,Earle,R.D., Millard G.J. and C.R.Parker 1992. Breeding behaviour of a pair of Square –
tailed Kites. Aust. Birds 26, 1-12.
Debus, S.J.S., Ley A.J., Tremont S.M., Tremont R.M. & J.L. Collins. 1993,’ Breeding behaviour
and Diet of the Collared Sparrowhawk Accipiter cirrhocephalus in Northern New South
Wales’, Aust. Birdwatcher 15, 68-91.
Debus, S.J.S., McAllan, I.A.W. & A.K. Morris 1993,’ The Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura in
NSW’, Aust. Birds 26,104-118.
Dick, R. & D. Andrew 1993, A Vertebrate Fauna Survey of the Culgoa & Birrie River Floodplains
in NSW 1990-92, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney.
Fullagar, P.J, Heyligers, P.C., Crowley A.A., Van Tets,G.F. & C.C. Davey 1993,’ The Breeding
Birds of Montague Island, NSW’, Nature in Eurobodalla No.7.
Geering, D.J. 1993,’ Concentration of Whistling Kites at a northern NSW Egret colony’, Aust.
Birds 26, 89-90.
Geering,D.J. 1993,’ The effect of drought -breaking rain on the re-establishment of egret colonies in
north coastal New South Wales’, Corella 17, 47-51.
Gibson,J.D. 1989, The Birds of the County of Camden (Including the Illawarra Region),
Hindwood K.A. & A.R. McGill 1958, The Birds of Sydney, Roy. Zool. Soc, Sydney.
Hoskin, E.S. 1991, The Birds of Sydney, Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton.
Hutton, K. 1992,’ Long -toed Stints in New South Wales’, Aust. Birds 26, 20-28.
Kingsford, R.T., Ferster Levy,R & J.L. Porter. 1994,’ An aerial survey of Wetland Birds in Eastern
Australia, October 1992′, NSW NPWS Occasional Paper No.16.
Lane, S.G. 1979,’ Breeding seabirds of New South Wales Islands’, Corella 3, 7-9.
McAllan, I.A.W. 1992,’ The Cotton Pygmy -Goose in New South Wales’, Aust. Birds 26, 31-38.
McAllan, I.A.W. & M.D. Bruce 1988, The Birds of New South Wales. A Working List,Biocon
Research Group,Turramurra.
Magrath, D.I,’ Footedness in Glossy Black Cockatoos’, Corella 18, 21-24.
Marchant, S & M.A. Crowley 1993,’ Nesting of Little Pied Cormorants Phalacrocorax melanoleucos
in Eurobodalla Shire, NSW’, Nature in Eurobodalla No. 7.
Moffat, R. 1993, Species Plan of Management for Osprey Pandion haliaetus, 1992 Annual Report,
Morris, A.K. 1993,’ Superb Fruit -Dove in south-eastern Australia’, Aust. Birds 26, 91-94.
Morris, A.K. 1994,’ Rare Birds in New South Wales in 1992, Third report of the NSW Ornithological
Records Appraisal Committee’, Aust. Birds 27,
Olsen J. & G. Hayes 1994,’ White -throated Nightjar: A Breeding Record for the Australian Capital
Territory’, Aust. Birdwatcher 15, 229.
Secomb, D. 1992,’ Adult Barred Cuckoo -shrike feeds cicadas to juvenile’, Aust. Birds 26, 29-30.
134 June 1994Smith, J. 1993,’ A Report on the Vertebrate Fauna of the Narran River Flood Plain in N.S. W,
National Parks and Wildlife Service, Bourke.
Smith,P. 1991,’The Biology and Management of Waders (Suborder Charaddrii) in New South
Wales, Species management report number 9. NSW NPWS, Sydney.
Stewart D.A. & A.J. 1994,’ Notes on the Bush -hen breeding in New South Wales’, Sunbird 24,1-5.
Stuart, A.D. 1993,’ Records of All Club Outings 1992; Hunter Bird Observers CIub,Newcastle.
Truyard Pty Ltd 1993,’ Kempsey-Wauchope State Forests Management E. I.S. NSW State Forests.
Whiter, J. 1993, Nature in Eurobodalla No 7. Eurobodalla Nat. Hist. Soc, Moruya.
Index of Observers
ABW Australian Bird Watcher joumal GB Graham Blackwell IC I. Crombie
ARA Australian Raptor Assoc. Newsl. RBx R. Boxall FCz F. Czwarlina
JA Jenny Adams EBy E. Boyce FC Fred Creer
NA Neil Adkins RBr R. Bradley PCr P. Crisp
GA Graham Alcom CBr Chris Brandis B&MC B & M Curtis
JAI John Alloway KB Keith Brandwood RD Richard Dallimore
MA Marc Anderson JB John Brickhill EDa Elizabeth Date
PA Paul Andrew WBr Bill Brimble PDa Peter Davie
RA Reg Angus BB B. Brown LD L. Davis
PAn P. Antcliff GB G. Browning BdB Bill DeBelin
VA V. Armatadge AB Andrew Burton SD Stephen Debus
TA Tony Ashby COG Canberra Ornithologist’s JdH John DeHeaume
KA Keith. Astill Group RD Robert Denholm
JBk Jack Baker MCa Maureen Carey A&AD A. & A. Derrick
SB S. Baker JC John Carpenter JDi Jim Dixon
JBr J. Barber WJC Wendy Cayless MD Michael Dodkin
WB Wilma Barden CJC Chris Chafer M&TD M & T. Douglas
SB S. Barker PC P.A. Challis BD B. Dowling
C&EB C. & E. Barnes DC David Charley BDo B. Downer
LB ‘ Laurie Bartlett KC K. Cherry ED Ern Dunkerly
GBa Graham Barwell GC Greg Clancy SDu S. Dundon
HBa Harry Battam AC Athol Colemane PD Pat Dunkerly
SBe Stephen Bell MCI Mark Clayton JDu John Duranti
ABe Allan Benson MC Marj Cochrane RE Robert Eades
RBe Robin Benson SC Stephen Cooper SE Stephen Edwards
PBg Peter Bergman J&JC J. & J. Cook KE Keith Egan
ANB Arthur Biggs PCo Peter Cook WE Wal Emery
JBi J. Bijlegelde MCo Miriam Cort ME Mary Eskdale
ABi Tony Bischoff BC Bruce Cox PE Peter Ewin
DB David Bishop
Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 135SF Stuart Fairbaim Club Newsl. MM Michael Maher
TF Torn Faithful Rim Ron Imisides PM Phillip Maher
FOC Field Ornithologists Club JI J. Imrie RMa Richard Major
MF Melva Fisher RI Rita Ingrouille JM Jill Makepeace
BF Brian Fitzgerald BJa B. Jarman H&BM H. & B. Mannes
JFo Judy Forgan DJ David Johnson NM Netta Marshall
AF Allan Foster IJ Ian Johnson RMa Richard Mason
JF Jim Francis WI Bill Johnson CMe C. Meadow
EG Esme Gay BJ Barbara Jones LM Lynette Mervis
SG S. Gilmore HJ Hugh Jones KM Kevin Mills
CG Chris Gladwin RJ Ray Jones RM Bob Moffatt
BG B. Gore EK Elizabeth Karplus P&BM P & B. Morgan
DG Dennis Gosper TK Tom Karplus AKM Alan Morris
GLC Gould League Camp RKa Rod Kavannagh TMo Tim Morris
BGr Bruce Gray TKy Tom Kelsey JMo J. Moyse
PGr Phillip Green R&GK R. & G. Kenner MMy M. Murray
SH Sue Hamonet WK Wayne King TMu Troy Mutton
IH I. Hapley RK Richard Kingsford GNe G. Newling
RHa R. Handy NKu Norman Kurtz GN Gavin Newton
JHa Jeff Hardy TL T. Lafferty RN R. Newton
JH Jean Harris DL Dianne Lamb TN Trevor Nixon
BHa Barbara Harvey SGL S.G.Lane DOB Danny O’Brien
my Jean Harvey ML Marie Langdown POI P Olsen
ALH Anne Hatton DaL D. Larkins PO P. Osbom
RH Robyn Hill DLa David Latham DP David Page
DH Dion Hobcroft AL Andrew Ley TP Tony Palliser
NH Nick Hodges MLe Michael Lenz RPa R. Parker
PH Philip Hodgson PL P. Lightfoot BP Barry Pascoe
KHo K. Hodsworth /IL Helen Linacre RP Robert Payne
LH Lauris Hopkins IL John Liney JPe Joy Pegler
EH Ernie Hoskin LL L. Llewellyn DPE D. Pepper -Edwards
JaH Janet Houghton KL Kay Lloyd JPo J. Porter
WH Bill Howard DiL Dianna Lock DPo Derek Potts
DHo Don Howarth RL Rolf Lossin TP Tom Poynton
BH Barbara Howie DLo Denise Lowe QOS Queensland Ornithological
AHu Andrew Huggett PMy Peter Mackey Soc. Newsl.
TH T. Hunt LMcC Lynn McCrea TQ Trevor Quested
HBOC Hunter Bird Observers JMcG J. McGregor NRa Neil Rankin
Club Newsletter PMcL P. McLauchlan DRa Donna Rath
KH Keith Hutton JMcL J. McLennan DRa David Rayment
IBOC Illawarra Bird Observers JMa Jenny Madeline JR J.G.Reidy
136 June 1994GR G & M. Reidy DIS Darryl Smedley PVdL P. Van de Linde
DR Del Richards LS Lindsey E. Smith FVG Fred Van Gessell
AOR Allan Richards LoS Lola Smith JW Jim Wallis
PDR P. D. Roach ISm J. Smith HW Horace Ward
PR Peter Roberts PSm Peter Smith 1Wn Jill Warner
JR John Robertson JSo J. Southeron PW P. Waugh
AEFR Alan Rogers BSt B. Starkey RWa R. Way
MRo Michael Ronan ToS Toni Stansfield RW R. Waymark
AR A.B. (Tony) Rose DSt David Stewart RW Rick Webster
CR Colleen Russell BS Betty Stokes PWe Peter West
JuR Judy Russill MS Malcom Stokes EW Eric Wheeler
NR Neil Russill PS Phil Straw DWi David Whitfield
RS R. Saltpeter DSt David Stewart WW W. Wickes
SSa Sandy Sansom AS Allan Stuart JuW Judy Wiles
TS Tony Saunders WS Warren Sweeny BW Beth Williams
SSc S. Scammell MSw M. Sweetman TW Tom Wilson
BLS Leigh Schmidt DT Dave Thompson GWg Geoff Winning
JSc J. Schultz BT B. Totterman DWt David Winterbottom
CS C. Scouler ST S. Tremont KAW K. A. Wood
JSe John Seale GTr George Truman JWd J. Wood
DS David Secomb GT Graham Turner DWr Dianna Wright
DSi David Seims RT Dick Turner CY C.W.Yates
CSe Col Sellars EV Edwin Vella AZ A. Zoneff
RSi Ron Simcock BV Barry Virtue
KS K. Singleton JVH J. Van Der Helder
Localities mentioned in the 1992 Report.
The Divisions are shown by the right hand column of figures as follows,

  1. Northern Rivers. 2. Mid -north Coast. 3. Hunter. 4. Sydney. 5. Illawarra. 6. South Coast.
  2. Northern Tablelands. 8. Central Tablelands. 9. Southern Tablelands. 10. North-west Slopes.
  3. Central -west Slopes. I2.South-west Slopes. 13.North-west Plains. 14. Central -west Plains.
  4. Riverina. 16. Upper Western. 17. Lower Western
    Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 137Reported Location Grid Reference °S ° E
    °S °E Cockle Bay NR 33 30 151 22 3
    Albemarle HSD, Menindee 32 32 143 22 17 Cooma 36 14 149 08 9
    Alma Park KSD, Emmdale HSD 31 43 144 06 16 Coonabarabran, 7km E 31 15 149 15 13
    Angledale near Bega 36 38 149 54 6 Cranebrook Gravel Pits 33 43 150 42 4
    Ardelago, Cowra 32 48 148 17 8 Crinolyn HSD, Moree 29 15 149 08 13
    Ashfield 33 53 151 08 4 Cuba Lagoon, Yanco 33 52 144 29 15
    Austinmer 34 18 150 57 5 Cullen Sullen 33 18 150 02 8
    Avisford NR 32 36 149 33 8 Currabubula 31 16 150 45 10
    Balldale, 7km E of 35 52 146 35 12 Curragundi HSD, Moree 29 16 149 12 13
    Baram HSD, Moree 29 13 149 15 13 Dalgety 36 31 148 49 9
    Barrack Point 34 34 150 52 5 Darlington Point, 12 km E of 34 35 146 07 15
    Beardy waters, Glen Innes 29 44 151 47 7 Dawson River 31 54 152 30 2
    Beaury SF 28 29 152 24 1 Deniliquin, 40km E of 35 37 145 25 15
    Bendolba 32 19 151 43 2 Dixons Dam, Leeton 34 33 146 24 15
    Berrara 35 13 150 33 6 Dorrigo, 14km north 30 16 152 43 1
    Big Leather Watercourse, Douglas Park 34 I2 150 42 5
    Collymongle 148 48 29 23 13 East Kunderang 30 48 152 11 1
    Blakney Creek, Yass 34 39 149 02 9 Eden, 20km S of 37 13 149 50 6
    Boolabinda 29 36 152 44 7 Ettamalong Creek, Umina 33 32 151 18 3
    Braidwood 35 27 149 48 9 Federal 28 39 153 28 1
    Breakbuck HSD, Oxley 34 15 144 15 17 Flagstaff NR, Cootamundra 34 30 148 00 12
    Brennan’s Bore, Albemarle HSD 32 32 143 19 17 Foreshore Res,
    Bretti 31 45 151 55 2 North Botany Bay 33 58 151 12 4
    Brewarrina 29 58 146 51 16 Forest Siding,
    Brobenah 34 29 146 21 15 17km NNE Goulbum 34 37 149 45 9
    Bugaldie Creek, Pilliga West SF 30 35 148 51 13 Frenchmans Ck W of Ramornie 29 37 152 39 I
    Bumberry Dam Rec Reserve 33 07 148 22 11 Oars River, Armidale 30 31 151 48 7
    Bunnor Farm HSD, Moree 29 16 149 16 13 Garrawarra 34 10 151 01 4
    Cakora Lagoon, Brooms Head 29 37 153 20 1 Gauston HSD, Wentworth 34 10 141 40 17
    Carrathool, 9km E of 34 25 145 32 15 Gil Gil Creek, Neeworra 29 02 149 04 13
    Cedars HSD, Brewarrina 30 03 146 47 16 Gingham Watercourse,
    Charity Creek 44 55 152 13 2 75 km NW of Moree 29 12 149 19 13
    Charleyong near Nerriga 35 15 149 56 9 Glenrock SRA 32 58 151 44 3
    Chikaka Lake 29 26 153 09 1 Glenworth Valley 33 26 151 16 3
    Clarence Broadwater 29 26 153 09 I Gunning, 12km SW of 34 48 149 09 9
    Clear Ridge SF, West Wyalong 33 46 147 18 12 Huonbrook 29 29 153 11 I
    Clovelly Beach 33 51 151 16 4 Ilarwill 29 28 153 12 I
    Coaldale 34 18 150 57 5 Jellat Jellat 36 43 149 53 6
    Coally HSD, Milparinka 29 55 142 05 16 Jugiong Creek, Harden 34 34 148 20 9
    138 June 1994Kendall Reserve 31 28 152 43 2 20km N of Glen Innis 29 36 151 40 7
    Kulindi, Jervis Bay 35 07 150 42 6 Reefton SF, Temora 34 16 147 27 12
    Kunderang HSD 30 49 152 09 1 Sandy Point, Bungonia 34 50 150 03 9
    Lake Inverell 29 48 151 08 10 South Myers Dam, Sturt NP 29 15 141 55 16
    Lake Victoria, Albemarle HSD 32 32 143 23 17 Stack Island 34 37 150 52 5
    Lake Waterloo, Albemarle HSD 32 30 143 21 17 Swanbrook 29 47 151 26 7
    Larloona HSD, Menindee 32 29 142 35 17 Swanley HSD, Moree 29 16 149 04 13
    Lawson, 10km E of 33 43 150 31 8 Swindle’s Well Crossing,
    Little Murray Crossing, Pilliga West SF 31 03 149 10 13
    8km N of Dorrigo 30 16 152 39 I Taemas Bridge, Burrinjuck Res 35 00 148 51 12
    Macleans Ridge /9 28 153 13 I Talarm, 6km W of Macksville 30 43 152 52 1
    Marsden Park 33 42 150 51 4 Tamban SF 30 55 152 50 1
    Marshlands HSD, Moree 29 18 149 22 13 Tenterfield 29 03 152 01 7
    McKennas Lagoon, Tombullen Lagoon, Leeton 34 38 146 09 15
    Darlington Point 34 35 146 00 15 Turee HSD, Kennebri 30 47 149 02 13
    Meadowbank Park 33 49 151 05 4 Upper Bowman 31 51 151 47 2
    Megan, 10km N of Dorrigo 30 47 152 45 1 Wallis Creek wetlands 32 47 151 32 3
    Millpost 9 Wangaratta HSD, Warren 31 27 148 04 14
    Minimah 32 38 151 12 2 Wantabadgery 35 03 147 44 12
    Moema SF 30 02 149 57 13 Wamimbungles NP,401cm W of 31 17 148 35 11
    Mooney Mooney 33 31 151 12 3 Weeta 29 30 150 08 13
    Morrisons Flats, Goulburn R NP 32 21 150 11 8 Wendela HSD, Canyonleigh 34 35 150 09 5
    Mt Killikrankie 1 West Kunderang 30 52 152 06 I
    Mullawoolka Basin, Paroo R. 30 35 143 45 16 Whittingham 32 37 151 12 3
    Neeworra 29 03 149 05 13 Willanthrey Crossing,
    Nethercote 37 01 149 50 6 Lachlan Rv 33 21 145 50 17
    Noonthorangee Range, Wirrimbi, Urunga 30 30 153 00 I
    NE Broken Hill 30 45 142 24 16 Wittenbra SF 31 03 149 10 10
    Nymagee 40 km S of 32 25 146 16 17 Wollemi NP (Colo Heights) 33 22 150 44 8
    Nyngan, 33km SW of 31 43 147 29 14 Womboyn Lake 37 15 149 55 6
    Old Dromana HSD, Moree 29 19 149 18 13 Woodbum SF 35 24 150 25 6
    Ootha 33 07 147 27 1 1 Woodlands HSD, Currabubula 31 16 150 42 10
    Pelican Is, Jerseyville 30 55 153 01 I Woombah 29 22 153 17 1
    Peri Lake, Paroo R. 30 45 143 35 16 Wootton 32 18 152 18 2
    Petroi, Styx River SF 30 37 152 19 7 Wowong Lagoon,
    Pilliga East SF 30 43 149 40 13 Darlington Point 34 33 145 51 15
    Point Frederick, East Gosford 33 27 151 20 3 Yarradda Lagoon,
    Quaama 36 28 149 52 10 Darlington Point 34 45 145 49 15
    Quondong 32 05 141 55 16 Yerranjerry SF, Ariah Park 34 27 147 06 12
    Quorrobolong 32 55 151 22 3
    Reedy Creek,
    Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 139RARE BIRDS IN NEW SOUTH WALES 1992
    1 Wombat Street, Berkeley Vale 2261
    The third report of the NSWORAC details 37 submissions considered by the Committee
    and together with the 67 cases dealt with previously (Morris 1993a & 1993b) brings to 104 the total
    number of cases resolved. Of the 104 cases dealt with, 65 have been accepted, 32 not accepted and
    7 not confirmed. As at the 31st March 1994 139 submissions have been received. The backlog of
    cases which had accumulated has gradually been overcome and so this report entitled “Rare Birds
    in New South Wales in 1992″ is able to be put to print. All of the 1992 submissions have been
    resolved except for one outstanding record which has only recently been submitted. It is intended
    that yearly reports of the NSWORAC will accompany that of the Annual Bird Report of the NSW
    Field Ornithologists Club for the same year.
    The objective of the Committee, to provide an informed, discerning and impartial appraisal
    of claimed records of birds rare in NSW and Lord Howe Island, remains the same as does the
    membership of the Committee for 1994 viz R. Cooper (Chairman), A. Morris (Secretary), W.
    Barden, C. Chafer, D. Hobcroft, I. McAllan, A. Palliser and R. Turner.
    The Review List, as published previously (Morris 1993a) remains unaltered but this will be
    reviewed annually by the Committee in January. The Committee continues to work closely with
    the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union’s Records Appraisal Committee (RAOU RAC) and
    submissions relating to any species on their Review List are referred direct to that organisation. I
    would like to place on record my appreciation of their co-operation and assistance in matters relating
    to rare birds. Three determinations by the RAOU RAC are mentioned briefly in this report, as it is
    expected that full details will be provided in the next issue of “Opinions and Case Histories” of the
    The quality of submissions continues to improve which is indeed encouraging. Many of
    the difficulties faced by the Committee from submissions result from very brief notes taken from
    memory. It is reiterated that the recording of rarities such as those on the Review List will require
    as a minimum one or more of the following:
    Field notes as comprehensive as possible;
    Photographs and or tape recordings;
    Reports from multiple observers;and
    The completion of a RAC record form.
    A full report of each decision of the NSWORAC is available from the Secretary, and for
    RAOU RAC decisions, unless already published, contact should be made with the Chairperson
    R.M. Patterson, C/- RAOU, 21 Gladstone Street, Moonee Ponds Vic 3021 for details.
    140 June 1994This year the format of the report will be different as in most instances no more than ten
    lines will be afforded to each submission accepted Those not accepted, and those records not
    confirmed will be listed at the rear of the Report. Records not confirmed are those where two years
    at least have elapsed between the observation and this Report and/or no submission has been
    received even though invited by the Secretary. The Committee would welcome further information
    on any record not accepted or not confirmed.
    Those observers who record the first, second and third records for NSW are encouraged to
    publish details in an appropriate journal.
    Following the name of each species accepted, there will be three figures. The first is the
    number of confirmed records for the species in NSW, the second is the number of confirmed
    records since 1970 (when the NSWFOC Annual Reports commenced) and the third figure represents
    the number recorded in 1992.
    Finally the Committee would like to thank all those people who submitted their records for
    review. Many people will feel disappointed at having their records not accepted but at the same
    time do understand that it is a worthwhile excercise to have the same standard of review applied to
    all records of rare or unusual species. The support of all people in the review system is appreciated.
    Clancy, G.P. 1993,’ A Northern Rivers record of the Blue Petrel Halobaena caerulea, Aust. Birds
    Marchant S.& Higgins P. Eds. 1990, Handbook of Australasian and New Zealand Birds Vol I ,
    Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
    Morris, A.K. 1993,’ First Report of the New South Wales Ornithological Records Appraisal
    Committee December 1992′, Aust. Birds 26, 71-83.
    Morris, A.K. 1993,’ Second Report of the New South Wales Ornithological Records Appraisal
    Committee June 1993′, Aust. Birds 26, 121-133
    Morris, A.K., McGill, A.R. & G. Holmes 1981, Handlist of Birds in New South Wales,
    NSWFOC, Dubbo.
    Pizzey, G. 1980, Field Guide to the Birds of Australia, William Collins & Sons, Sydney.
    Whitier, J. Ed. 1991, Nature in Eurobodalla No.7, Eurobodalla Nat Hist Soc, Moruya.
    Whitier, J. Ed. 1992, Nature in Eurobodalla No.6. Eurobodalla Nat Hist Soc, Moruya.
    I wish to thank C. Chafer, I. McAllan, A. Palliser and W. Barden who readily found the time to
    review the Report and to provide constructive and helpful comment and criticsm. Credit goes to all
    members of the RAC who promptly review each case submitted to them and who provide very
    worthwhile comment. Finally I would like to thank the many people who submitted their records
    Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 141SYSTEMATIC LIST OF CASES ACCEPTED
    Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides 19,17,0
    Case No 104 was a beachcast bird found during August 1990 on Tilba Beach (Whitier
    1991). The specimen was forwarded to G. F. van Tets who identified it and preserved it as a bone
    specimen in the CSIRO Collection PROS -1247. Measurements provided were: bill length 43 mm,
    (depth 17 mm, width 18 mm), wing 333 mm, tail 128 mm, tarsus 54 mm, mid -toe 66 mm and claw
    12 mm. The measurements are consistent with those in HANZAB (Marchant & Higgins 1990).All
    previous records have been for the period June to December.
    black cap, prominent white neck, dark “M” mark and a pale grey back ruled out all other contenders.
    White -necked Petrel Pterodroma cervicalis 19,19,1
    Case No. 70 concerns a record of up to four White -necked Petrels 30-40 nautical miles off
    Wollongong in fine overcast conditions with a 5 knot southerly swell running on 16 February
  5. The submission included photo -copies of notes and sketches made at the time and six other
    observers confirmed the sightings. The Committee considered that the large size, underwing pattern,
    black cap, prominent white neck, dark “M” mark and a pale grey back ruled out all other contenders.
    All previous records are for the period September to April.
    Black -winged Petrel P. nigripennis 22,20,1
    Case No. 110 details a female Black -winged Petrel blown ashore to Mangrove Mountain,
    west of Gosford on 3 April 1992. The bird died and was submitted to the Australian Museum
    AMSR 0.64441 where it was examined by the Committee in June 1993. Measurements were:
    length 290 mm, wingspan 713 mm, wing 224 mm, tail 106 mm, culmen 31.0 mm, tarsus 29.3 mm,
    and total head length 60.8 mm. Bill black, legs dark pink, webs black, and the bird weighed 113
    gms. The measurements conform to those given in HANZAB. All records for the period November
    to April.
    Mottled Petrel P. inexpectata 15,11,1
    Case No. 59 concerns a bird seen at the edge of the Continental Shelf, off Wollongong on
    19 January 1992. The bird flew across the stern of the boat allowing a good description to be taken.
    It was identified by its white underparts, dark bar across the wing secondaries and a dark belly
    patch. All previous records are for the period October to April.
    Juan Fernandez Petrel P. externa 2,2,0
    Case No. 17 (RAOU RAC Case No 168) refers to a bird found alive at Cessnock on 27
    October 1988 and subsequently released. The bird was photographed and measured and a submission
    made to the RAOU-RAC. They considered that the identity was confirmed by the nape which is
    essentially grey without a clear white collar; and the underwing which is predominantly white with
    a blackish trailing edge, and blackish feathering on the carpal which is limited to a relatively small
    patch, in contast to the more extended diagonal bar typically shown by the White -necked Petrel P.
    Black Petrel Procellaria parkinsoni 16,15,1
    Case No. 102 refers to a sooty black petrel seen 15 nautical miles off Wollongong on 19
    142 June 1994November 1992, between 1000-1100 hrs and again at 1500hrs. This bird was seen by 20 observers.
    Photographs were taken and sketches and notes made at the time of sighting. The bill was bulky,
    pale, straw-coloured and about 2/3 the length of its head. Its nostrils were obvious and much whiter
    than the rest of the bill. The bill tip was shiny dark grey, with the saddle darker than the tip. There
    was a dark cutting edge and the base was horn coloured. All previous records have been for the
    period October to April.
    White -chinned Petrel P. aequinoctialis 16,14,1
    Case No.105 refers to a large sooty black petrel observed 15-20 nautical miles off
    Wollongong in showery conditions and south-east swell on 28 November 1992. The bird came and
    fed within 15m of the boat on fish and suet for 10 minutes, in the company of Shearwaters, a Black
    Petrel P. parkinsoni, Great:winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera and Pomarine Jaegers
    Stercorcarius pomarinus, and was seen by 20 observers. All the crucial and diagnostic features
    were seen and sketched. The bird was very obliging and it was noted that it was 20% larger than a
    Great -winged Petrel; had a bull-headed appearance; and the bill was a dirty horn -colour, with a
    black saddle and no dark tip; and there was a small white chin. All previous records are for the
    period June -February.
    Blue Petrel Halobaena caerulea 13,3,0
    Case No. 52 was a beach -cast specimen AMSR 0.63473 from Sandon Beach, north of
    Illaroo Rest Area, Yuraygir National Park found on 12 October 1991; full details have subsequently
    been published (Clancy 1993).
    Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas 16,16,1
    Case No. 93 concerns a bird seen off Wollongong in wet conditions on 19 February 1989,
    by 20 observers, 50 m off the stern of the boat. Key features included ungainly flight, long broad
    wings with dark trailing edges and tips on the undersides; upper parts uniform brown; distinctly
    streaked head with no capped appearance; underparts whitish; and no “M” mark across the upper
    wings. The record is consistent with the known occurrence of October -March.
    Case No. 75 is for another Streaked Shearwater observed in inshore waters off Bass Point,
    Shellharbour, 20 km south of Wollongong on 6 December 1989. The bird was observed from shore
    at a distance of 100-150 m. Most of the distinguishing characteristics were recorded and so ruled
    out any other contenders.
    Grey -backed Storm -Petrel Oceanites nereis 55,4,0
    Case No. 74 details a Grey -backed Storm -Petrel seen 15 nautical miles off Eden at the edge
    of the Continental Shelf by 20 observers in fine clear, cool, light windy conditions on 16 July 1990.
    The Committee considered that the description provided was diagnostic for the species and the
    time of the year, location and information provided by other observers confirmed the record. All
    previous records have been for the period March to October.
    Black- bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica 7,7,0
    Case No. 101 a beach -cast specimen, was found on Congo Beach, Moruya on 18 November
    1991 (Whitier 1992), identified by P.J. Fullagar and made into a bone/spirit specimen in the
    Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 143CSIRO Collection No. PROS.1469. Measurements were: bill 15 mm, bill depth 5.4 mm, bill width
    6.8 mm, wing 164 mm, tail 77 mm, tarsus 42 mm, mid -toe 28 mm, and claw 2.6 mm. The tarsus
    length is correct for the species and the mid -toe length is also within range. Most records have been
    for the period September to November.
    Common Diving -Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 21,19,1
    Case No. 73 details observations of at least seven birds seen from Green Cape Lighthouse
    in bright sunny conditions and south-westerly winds on 26 August 1991. The Committee considered
    that the direct buzzing flight, dumpy size, and colour description all point to Common Diving –
    Petrels which breed nearby at Corner Inlet in Victoria. The only possible species that the bird can
    be confused with is other species of Diving -Petrels like the South Georgian Diving -Petrel P. georgicus
    (known from a small breeding population in New Zealand waters and one beachcast record from
    the Illawarra Region in 1958). It is the view of the Committee that given that the Common Diving –
    Petrel breeds in Bass Strait, proof would have to be tendered that it was a Georgian Diving -Petrel
    and not the other way around for all records of Diving -Petrels in NSW. Note that the Committee
    does not require a submission for birds reported in the South Coast Region, but does for the rest of
    coastal NSW.
    Case No. 109 concerns a specimen beachcast on one of Sydney’s northern beaches and
    taken to the Australian Museum on 12 August 1992, AMSR 0.64442, where it was examined by
    the Committee. Measurements were: length 191 mm, wingspan 256 mm, wing 126 mm, tail 40
    mm, tarsus 26.6 mm, and total head length 52 mm. Bill and legs black, weight 88 gms. The
    measurements conformed to HANZAB (Marchant & Higgins 1990). Most records for the period
    June -March, with no records for April, May or December.
    Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 27,21,0
    Case No 88 concerns an adult Brown Booby seen 35 nautical miles east of Wollongong on
    27 November 1988 which came within 50m of the boat in fine weather and calm seas. The bird was
    observed by 20 observers at close range. All salient features were noted. This species has now been
    recorded most months of the year the exception being June, August and September.
    Great Frigatebird Fregata minor 3,3,0
    Case No. 108 relates to an observation offN ambucca Heads on 15 February 1981 following
    the passing of Cyclone “Cliff’. This observation was accepted by the Australian Bird Atlas at the
    time but the details were never published. As a result of the Committee’s evaluation of a subsequent
    record (Case No.4 see Morris 1993) that made mention of this observation, the observer was asked
    to make a submission to the Committee. He was able to produce his original notes that detailed a
    large black bird, the size of a gannet, with long pointed wings, held in a bow shape, a long deeply
    forked tail, and with no white bar in the wings. The Committee accepted this record as the first
    confirmed for NSW.
    Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda 34,24,0
    Case No. 89 concerns a sighting 10 nautical miles off Kiama at a distance of 80m in fine
    144 June 1994clear conditions and calm seas on 22 January 1989. A large white bird was observed to take off
    from the sea when the boat approached and the red bill, red tail streamers and speckling on the back
    was noted. All previous records are for the period November to April with the majority for the
    period January to April.
    Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus N/A,29,0
    Case No. 92 concerns two sightings in the Alstonville District in July & August 1991. The
    description of the birds seen in July was not considered adequate enough to accept as a confirmed
    sighting. The August sighting of an adult bird in the same general area was accepted by the
    Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus 21,13,0
    Case No. 78 concerns the observation of two birds on the shores of Peri Lake, Paroo River
    on 14 October 1991 in fine sunny conditions. All the features mentioned in the submission were
    consistent with those of an Oriental Plover, particularly the long legs and lack of wing bar, the only
    features given that rule out the Caspian Plover C. asiaticus. The location of the sighting fits the
    movement pattern of this bird throughout inland Australia although it has to be mentioned that this
    is only the third record for inland NSW and the first for the Upper Western region.
    Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum 7,6,1
    Case No. 107 describes an Oriental Pratincole at Lumsden Lane, 5km NE of Macksville
    seen 10-13 December 1992. The bird frequented a swampy area dominated by saltmarsh and
    adjoining a freshly ploughed paddock. The submission included detailed notes and a sketch made
    at the time of observation. The Committee considered that the description and illustration adequately
    described the species. The record was accepted because (a) the shape and jizz shown in the sketch
    ruled out all other families; (b) the off-white belly, the buff bib edged by a black border, and colour
    detailed above and below safely eliminated Australian Praticole Stiltia isabella; (c) the small white
    mark noticed behind the eye indicates how careful the observer was to note detail; and (d) the
    chestnut underwing helped rule out other pratincole species. Most records have been for the period
    December to May.
    Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea 29,27,1
    Case No.103 relates to a bird observed in non -breeding plumage roosting on rocks at Norah
    Head on 29 August 1992. All the salient features were recorded, both with written description and
    sketches leaving little doubt as to the identity of the bird. The combination of short legs, long
    forked tail, fine black trailing edge to wing, size, white rump and white head extending back to the
    crown giving a “spectacle appearance”, and the grey below the eye convinced the Committee. This
    bird has been recorded every month of the year, with most records for the period September to
    Common Noddy Anous stolidus 30,25,1
    Case No. 44 concerns a single Common Noddy on rocks with Crested Tern Sterna bergii
    and Common Terns S. hirundo at Woody Head, Bunjalung National Park on 9 January 1992. On
    23 January two Common Noddies were at the same location. On both occasions the birds were
    observed to take off, circle low over the water and return to the rocks when approached. They were
    distinguished by their chocolate brown colour (not black as with a Black Noddy A. minutus),
    Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 145extensive white crown patch, dusky at hind crown, and size slightly smaller than a Common Tern.
    Tail straight and slightly wedged when in flight, overall the bird appeared bulkier than Black
    Noddies previously seen at the same spot. All previous records November to May, with most
    observations and specimens from the Northern Rivers Region.
    Grey Noddy Procelsterna albivittata 18,13,0
    Case No. 77 details a Grey Noddy seen off Wollongong on 28 February 1987 at a distance
    of 25-30m from the boat. The report detailed a small tern, with buoyant flight, having blue grey
    upperparts, grey white underparts, and black eyes, legs and bill. The features were all consistent
    with a Grey Noddy and other points in favour of acceptance included location, time of year, and the
    number of other observers who confirmed the record. All previous records are for the period
    December -May.
    Coxen’s Fig -Parrot Psittaculirostris diophthalma N/A,3,0
    Case No. 95 concerns two Fig -Parrots seen feeding on ripe Moreton Bay Figs Ficus
    macrophylla at Brunswick Heads on 26 July 1991. The record was accepted because all the basic
    characteristics of this species were described; the birds were under observation all day; and Rainbow
    Lorikeets Trichoglossus haematodus were available for comparison. This is the 10th accepted
    record for the species since 1900.
    Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae N/A
    Case No. 72 provides a good written description of a pair of Masked Owls that frequented
    a section of Kiola State Forest, adjacent to Murramurrang National Park, near Kiola, between 10
    November 1991 to March 1992. The Committee consented to review the submission because there
    were only two other confirmed records for the South Coast Region at the time. The Committee
    does not require submissions on this species generally but would welcome the opportunity to review
    any observations made in the Upper and Lower Western Regions of the State.
    White-rumped Swiftlet Collocalia spodiopygia 5,1,2
    Case No.71 details a sighting of 40-50 birds at Richmond Hill, Lismore 21 February 1992
    (see Morris 1993b).
    Case No.114 refers to another sighting of 50-75 White-rumped Swiftlets at Richmond Hill
    on 21 November 1992 and watched for 45 minutes. While the description provided was brief it was
    sufficiently detailed to correctly record size, overall colour, paler grey upper rump, shape, notched
    wings, jizz and manner of flight, all consistent with what is known of the species. All records are
    for the period October -June.
    Red -capped Robin Petroica goodenovii N/A
    Case No. 84 details the observation of a pair of robins in Bicentennial Park, Ballina on 4
    September 1991 during fine sunny conditions. The observers submitted a report to the Committee
    because this species has not previously been recorded in the Northern Rivers Region of the State.
    The adult male was in brilliant plumage and was appropriately described. Although the description
    of the “brown” bird was not very satisfactory it was accepted that a pair was present.
    Painted Firetail Emblema pictum 1,1,1
    Case No 100 was for a bird observed with a number of Zebra Finches Poephila guttata and
    146 June 1994Crimson Chats Ephthianura tricolor in red sand dune country between Fort Grey and Cameron’s
    Corner, Sturt National Park on 14 September 1992. The Committee was satisfied that the description
    provided was consistent with that of a Painted Firetail and that the observer was able to provide
    convincing information as to why it was not other similar looking species. It is noted that the
    location is within the range given by Pizzey (1980), never the less it is the first confirmed record for
    NSW. See Morris et al (1981) re rejection of record of three specimens from Campbelltown in
    September 1896 as it was considered that they were aviary escapees.
    Black -throated Finch Poephila cincta N/A,3,1
    Case No. 106 concerns an observation of a pair of Black -throated Finches with Plum-
    headed Finches Aidemosyne modesta perched in a Weeping Willow over the Swan Brook, 29km E
    of Inverell on the Gwydir Highway on 13 November 1992. The description and the habitat tallies
    well with known information. It is also known that this species occurs in the general area and thus
    the record was accepted. This is the first confirmed record since 1977.
    Metallic Starling Aplonis metallica 0,0,0
    Case No.99 details a Metallic Starling seen at Nambucca Heads 9-10 November 1992. The
    description and sketch made at the time of observation leaves no doubt that a juvenile Metallic
    Starling was present. However the Committee was divided as to whether to accept the record as the
    first confirmed for NSW because it may be an aviary escapee. In view of the small number held in
    captivity in NSW some members feel that the chance of a juvenile escaping is small. It is noted that
    Pizzey’s Field Guide (1980) states that the distribution is “south to Mackay and Gladstone, vagrant
    to NSW”. Information was therefore sought from the Queensland Museum as to the birds’ status in
    South-east Queensland. We have been advised that the basis for Pizzey’s “Gladstone” reference is
    not known and the Museum has no information or records for them to be known to occur south of
    Mackay, indeed it is considered that the Breaksound Barrier between Mackay and Rockhampton
    prevents them occuring naturally further south. Under the circumstances the Committee does not
    accept that the bird occurred naturally at Nambucca Heads.
    Grey -headed Albatross Diomedea chrysostoma 1 off Long Reef 10 July 1992 (NSWORAC Case
    No. 97).NA
    Sooty Albatross Phoeb etria fusca 1 off Long Reef 10 July 1992 (NSWORAC Case No. 98, RAOU-
    RAC Case No. 150 see Morris 1993b). NA
    White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis off Wollongong 28 August 1991 (NSWORAC
    Case No. 48). NC
    Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 15+ feeding 100 m off Forster on 31 May 1991 (NSWORAC Case
    No. 61). NA
    Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura in Royal National Park on 27 August 1991 (NSWORAC
    Case No. 94). NA
    Red -backed Button -quail Turnix maculosa Bombah Point, Myall Lakes National Park January
    1992 (NSWORAC Case No. 117). NA
    White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis Tenambit Common, Maitland 21 December 1989
    (NSWORAC Case No. 116, RAOU-RAC Case No.156). NA
    Little Stint C. minuta Kooragang Island 30 December 1990 (NSWORAC Case No. 54). NA
    Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 147Little Stint C. minuta Kooragang Island 4 November 1991.NC
    Fairy Tern Sterna nereis Long Reef 26 January 1990 (NSWORAC Case No. 96). NA
    Arctic Tern S. paradisaea off Wollongong 24 September 1989 (NSWORAC Case No. 21). NC
    Grey Noddy Procelsterna albivittata off Wollongong 25 February 1990 (NSWORAC Case No.
    31). NC
    REVIEW LIST 1994
    Common Name Scientific Name
    Fiordland Penguin Eudyptes pachyrhyncus
    Royal Albatross Diomedea epomophora
    Grey -headed Albatross Diomedea chrysostoma
    Sooty Albatross Phoebetria fusca
    Light -mantled Sooty Albatross Phoebetria palpebrata
    Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides
    Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta
    Herald Petrel Pterodroma arminjoniana
    Tahiti Petrel Pterodroma rostrata
    Kerguelen Petrel Pterodroma brevirostris
    Mottled Petrel Pterodroma inexpectata
    Soft -plumaged Petrel Pterodroma mollis
    White -necked Petrel Pterodroma externa
    Cook’s Petrel Pterodroma cooki
    Juan Fernandez Petrel Pterodroma cervicalis
    Blue Petrel Halobaena caerulea
    Broad -billed Prion Pachyptila vittata
    Medium -billed Prion Pachyptila salvini
    Grey Petrel Procellaria cinerea
    Black Petrel Procellaria parkinsoni
    Westland Petrel Procellaria westlandica
    White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis
    Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas
    Audubon’s Shearwater Puffinus lherminieri
    Pink -footed Shearwater Puffinus creatopus
    Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus
    Grey -backed Storm- Petrel Oceanites nereis
    Black -bellied Storm- Petrel Fregatta tropica
    White -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregatta grallaria
    Common Diving Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix
    Georgian Diving Petrel Pelecanoides georgicus
    Red -footed Booby Sula sula
    Masked Booby Sula dactylatra
    Brown Booby Sula leucogaster
    Black -faced Shag Leucocarbo fuscescens
    (apart from South Coast)
    148 June 1994Greater Frigatebird Fregata minor
    Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubicauda
    Pied Heron Ardea picata
    Great- billed Heron Ardea sumatrana
    Cape Barren Goose Cereopsis novaehollandiae
    Burdekin Duck Tadorna radjah
    Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata
    Garganey Anas querquedula
    Cotton Pygmy -Goose Nettapus coromandelianus
    Green Pygmy -Goose Nettapus pukhellus
    Red Goshawk Erythrotroirchis radiatus
    Black -breasted Button -quail Turn ix melanogaster
    Red -backed Button -quail Turnix maculosa
    Corncrake Crex crex
    American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica
    Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula
    Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus
    Upland Sandpiper Bartramia longicauda
    Redshank Tringa totanus
    Asian Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus
    Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica
    White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fusciollis
    Baird’s Sandpiper Calidris bairdii
    Western Sandpiper Calidris mauri
    Long -toed Stint Calidris subminuta
    Cox’s Sandpiper Calidris paramelanotus
    Buff- breasted Sandpiper Ttyngites subruficollis
    Red -necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus
    Wilson’s Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor
    Oreintal Pratincole Glareola maldivarum
    South Polar Skua Slercorarius maccormicki
    Sabine’s Gull Larus sabini
    Franklin’s Gull Larus pipixcan
    Black Tern Chilidonias niger
    Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea
    Roseate Tern Sterna dougalli
    Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana
    Fairy Tern Sterna nereis
    Common Noddy Anous stolidous
    Black Noddy Anous minutus
    Grey Noddy Procelsterna albivittata
    Torresian Imperial Pigeon Ducula spilorrhoa
    Flock Bronzewing Phaps histrionica
    (apart from Upper and Lower Western)
    Squatter Pigeon Geophaps scripta
    Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 149Coxen’s Fig -Parrot Psittaculirostris diophthalma
    Night Parrot Geopsittacus occidentalis
    Paradise Parrot Psephotus pulcherrimus
    Bourke’s Parrot Neophema bourkii
    (apart from Upper and Lower Western)
    Scarlet -chested Parrot Neophema splendida
    White-rumped Swiftlet Collocalia spodiopygia
    Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
    Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava
    Yellow -headed Wagtail Motacilla citreola
    Song Thrush Turdus philomelos
    Pink Robin Petroica rodinogaster
    (apart from South Coast andSouthern Tablelands)
    Red-lored Whistler Pachycephala rufogularis
    (apart from Yathong, Nombinnie,Round Hill & Pulletop NRs)
    Thick -billed Grass- wren A mytornis textilus
    Banded Whiteface Aphelocephala rufogularis
    Black -eared Miner Manorina melanotis
    Purple -gaped Honeyeater Lichenostomus cratitius
    Yellow -bellied Sunbird Nectorinajugularis
    Yellow Chat Ephthianura crocea
    Black -throated Finch Peophila cincta
    Entries in bold print are on the RAOU RAC Review List for Australia
    1309 Nimbin Road, Lismore, 2480
    On 4 January 1994 the nest of a Swamp Harrier Circus approximans was found in Broadwater
    National Park near Evans Head on the far north coast of NSW. The nest was discovered during a
    monthly transect count of birds at a heathland site (153° 25′ E, 29° 04′ S) in the park. A young
    Harrier which was apparently exercising its wings in preparation for flight, was glimpsed as it
    appeared momentarily above the heath vegetation before dropping back out of sight. I approached
    to within three metres of the spot before a juvenile Swamp Harrier flushed and flew laboriously for
    about 60 m before coming down. A second fledgling remained on the ground standing on the nest
    pad. It subsequently took to the air when I attempted to move closer, flying clumsily for about 30
    m before landing heavily in the heath. The first young bird was located again where it had landed
    when I returned to the area some 35 minutes later.
    The nest site was in vegetation uniformly about 0.9 m in height in an extensive tract of wet coastal
    heath. Plants surrounding the nest platform were flattened back leaving a clearing at least 1.3 m
    across. Several tunnel -like openings extended a short distance under the fringing vegetation. The
    nest platform itself was on the ground and compressed flat by usage. The immediate vicinity of the
    nest site was dry but nearby parts of the heath carried standing water and had done so for at least the
    months. Swamp Harriers had been regularly recorded during censusing over that
    Swamp Harriers are present on the north coast of NSW through the year with a marked
    increase in numbers in winter, mainly between March and September (Gosper 1981 and unpub.
    data, Debus 1992). This pattern suggests the presence of a resident breeding population augmented
    by a non -breeding wintering population probably from south-eastern Australia (Marchant and
    Higgins 1993)
    The nesting record reported here provides confirmation of breeding on the north coast as
    predicted by Debus (1992) and represents a considerable northward extension of the documented
    breeding range in coastal eastern Australia (Marchant and Higgins 1993).
    Debus, S.J.S. 1992, ‘A Survey of diurnal raptors in north-east New South Wales, 1987-90’, Aust
    Birds, 25:3, pp 67-77.
    Gosper, D.G. 1981, ‘Survey of birds of floodplain – estuarine wetlands on the Hunter and Richmond
    Rivers in northern NSW’, Corella, 5:1, pp. 1 – 1 8.
    Marchant, S. & Higgins, P.J. (eds) 1993, Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic
    Birds, Vol. 2, OUP, Melbourne.
    Australian Birds Vol.27 No.4 151A GREAT BOWERBIRD AT ILUKA NSW
    56 Armidale Rd, Coutts Crossing 2460.
    During September 1991 I received a phone call from Grace Tree of Iluka,
    NSW. She had seen a bird in her garden that she considered to be a Great Bowerbird
    Chlamydera nuchalis. The usual distribution of the Great Bowerbird is an area across
    northern Australia from near Roebuck Bay WA to south of Mackay Qld (Blakers et al.).
    I thought that she might have been mistaken, considering the great distance
    between Iluka and the known range, and discussed other possible options. However none
    of them matched the description of the bird in her garden, and Mrs Tree was convinced
    that the bird was, in fact, a Great Bowerbird.
    She described the bird as having ‘a high chest, long legs, kangaroo hops
    like bowerbirds do – same sly movements’. The descriptions of the colour and markings
    also corresponded to those of the Great Bowerbird. Mrs Tree photographed the bird and
    I have examined the photographs; I have no doubt that the bird was a Great Bowerbird.
    Alan Morris, who has also inspected the photographs, agrees with the conclusion.
    The most likely explanation for the presence of the bird at Iluka is that it
    has escaped from an aviary. Bowerbirds are kept by some aviculturists, but it is not
    known whether Great Bowerbirds are kept in any collections in southern Australia. If it
    was indeed a wild bird, then it would establish the first recordof the species for New
    South Wales and would have travelled at least some 900 kilometers.
    152 June 1994Advice to contributors
    Manuscripts should be typed with double spacing and wide margins at top and sides,
    and submitted initially as an original and two duplicates. Tables and figures must be
    in the form of reproducable hard copy, having due regard to the journal page size
    and format. If extensive re -typing or drafting is required publication may be
    delayed or prevented. Photographs should be submitted as glossy black and white
    prints of size and contrast suitable for reproduction.
    Upon acceptance, it is most helpful if the final manuscripts of substantial articles can
    be submitted in word processor format. The editor will advise details of acceptable formats.
    Contributions are considered on the understanding that they are not being offered for publication
    Authors are advised to consult a current issue of Australian Birds as a guide to style and
    punctuation, which conform in general to the Commonwealth Style Manual.
    Spelling follows the Macquarie Dictionary. In particular:
    dates are written ‘1January 1990’, but may be abbreviated in tables and figures;
    the 24 hour clock is used with Eastern Standard Time, e.g.
    0630 for 6.30 am and 1830 for 6.30 pm. Daylight Saving Time should
    be corrected to EST;
    in the text, single -digit numbers are spelt out; 10 000 and larger numbers are
    printed with a space (not a comma) separating the thousands;
    English names of bird species (but not group names) are written with an initial capital
    for each separate word.
    References to books appear in the form
    Marchant, S. & Higgins, P.J. (eds) 1990, Handbook ofA ustralian, New Zealand and Antarctic
    Birds, Vol. 1, OUP, Melbourne.
    and to journals as
    Morris, A.K., Tyler, V., Tyler, M., Mannes, H. & Dalby, J.1990, ‘A Waterbird survey of the
    Parramatta River wetlands, Sydney’, Aust Birds, 23:3, pp, 44-64
    These are cited in the text as Marchant & Higgins (1990) or (Morris et al. 1990), respectively.Volume 27, No. 4 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS June 1994
    Morris, A. K.
    & Burton, A. 1992 New South Wales Annual Bird Report 97
    Morris, A. K. Third Report of the NSW Ornithological Records
    Appraisal Committee 140
    Gosper, D. G. Breeding of the Swamp Harrier on the
    NSW north coast 151
    Clancy, G. P. A Great Bowerbird at Iluka NSW 152
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