Vol. 28 No. 2-text

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Journal of the
Volume 27, Number 2 December 1993NSW FIELD ORNITHOLOGISTS CLUB Inc.
The object of the Club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and
the habitats they occupy.
President Peter Davie
Vice -President Stuart Fairbairn
Secretary Robin Hill
Treasurer Bob Powell
Annual subscription rates (due 1 October each year):
Adult member $25
Junior member $10
All members receive a bimonthly Newsletter and the journal Australian Birds,
and are entitled to attend the Club’s regular monthly meetings and field excursions.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
PO Box C436, Clarence St, SYDNEY, NSW, 2000
Australian Birds is published quarterly. Original articles and short notes on
birds are invited, especially those relating to field observations in New South Wales.
Line drawings and good quality photographs are welcome.
Please refer to Advice to Contributors, inside back cover.
Editor Peter Roberts
Production Stuart Fairbairn
Please address manuscripts to the editor at:
33 Carlyle Rd, LINDFIELD, NSW, 2070
ISSN 0311-8150
Printed by Drummoyne Printing, 56 Thompson Street, Drummoyne. 811888AUSTRALIAN
Volume 27 No. 1 September1993
The twenty-second Annual Bird Report covers the period 1 January to 31 December 1991
and summarises the more significant observations of birds in NSW during that year.
of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:
-To record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
-To record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions of
the birds within NSW; and

  • To record observations which may indicate changes in species’ numbers,
    frequency, range and movements.
    The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 report. The Location
    Guide, at Appendix 2, lists locations not referred to in the 1985-1990 reports. This guide
    is intended to assist readers to better determine the general location of reported observations.
    The production of future reports will be greatly assisted if observers provide location map
    references in the manner set out in the Appendix. For those unable to cope with this, an
    accurate description of the location of the sightings would be valuable.
    Information on 387 species is contained in the 1991 Report. This information was
    obtained from 302 sources including 289 observers and a number of bird associations and
    publications of such organisations. The number of records and the number of observers
    providing information is greater than for any previous report. Abbreviations for these
    Page 29 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2organisations are as follows: ABW= Australian Bird Watcher; AMSR= Australian Museum
    Specimen Record; ARA= Aust. Raptor Assoc. Newsletter; Gang Gang= Newsl. of the
    Canberra Ornith. Group; CBOC= Cumberland Bird Observers Club Newsletter; ENHS=
    Eurobodalla Nat. Hist. Soc. Annual Report, Nature in Eurobodalla 1991; HBOC= Hunter
    Bird Obs. Club Newsl.; 1130C= Illawarra Bird Obs. Club Newsl.; MVBW= Manning
    Valley Birdwatchers Newsl.; NSWBA= NSW Bird Atlassers Newsl.; QOS= Queensland
    Ornith. Soc. Newsl.; TBO= The Bird Observer; and Wingspan= RAOU Newsl.,
    A number of unusual or otherwise significant records were received. While no
    new species were added to the NSW List this Report includes information on the following: –
    Buller ‘s Albatross, Tahiti Petrel, two White -necked Petrels, Blue Petrel (13th record and
    1st Northern Rivers record), Black -bellied Storm -Petrel (7th record for NSW mainland),
    two Red-tailed Tropic -Birds, Cotton Pygmy- Goose (first record since 1971), more Grey
    Falcon, Grey Plover and Great Knot records than usual, Oriental Plovers at two different
    locations, the Long -toed Stint returned to Fivebough Swamp, Leeton while there were
    increased observations of Regent, Black and Painted Honeyeaters. The report continues
    to publish information received of any endangered fauna other than those species whose
    distribution is centred at very well known locations.
    The main feature of the climatic conditions of NSW during 1991 was the continuing
    and widespread drought over all of the State. The severity of the drought during the first
    half of the year in eastern NSW, was reflected in severe bushfires that continued through
    to May, before widespread but light rain eased the situation. The drought did not break in
    eastern NSW until July when heavy rain and flooding occurred. The drought however
    continued in western NSW until late 19921 No tropical cyclones or heavy onshore rain
    depressions occurred along the NSW coast so that there were no major seabird wrecks,
    although an onshore storm in December off the Central Coast brought Red-tailed Tropic –
    Birds and Sooty Terns to Bathurst and the Blue Mountains. Overall, rainfall was below
    average for all Districts.
    The operations of the RAOU and NSW Ornithologists’ Records Appraisal
    Committees continues to run smoothly and so assist the editors of this report in reviewing
    rare or erroneous records. Their assistance is greatly appreciated because it places a level
    of credibility on sightings of an unusual nature. It is also worth reporting that while the
    1992 and 1993 Reports will follow the same format as this report, discussions are being
    held with other ornithological groups in NSW and the ACT with the aim of combining to
    produce the annual report so that the format and objectives may well change from 1994
    It is worth repeating that observations are presented for each species in a set order.
    The order follows the order of Regions in the State ( see Appendix 2). The observations
    December1993 Page 30for the Northern Rivers will precede any of those for the Mid -north Coast, followed by
    the remaining Coastal regions and then the Tablelands, then the Slopes etc, and each set
    of observations for each Region are divided by a semi colon. The Central Coast is not a
    Region, it consists of the local goverment areas of Gosford and Wyong and forms part of
    Hunter Region. Sydney Region which virtually consists of the County of Cumberland,
    forms one of the six coastal regions.
    We would like to all thank those members who submitted their reports on time so
    enabling the report to be produced relatively on time. We would also like to thank the
    following people who reviewed the first drafts viz Chis Chafer, E.S. Hoskin, I. McAllan,
    and R. Turner. John Carpenter assisted with the location of some of the more difficult grid
    references; Stuart Fairbaim assisted in the production and layout of this issue of the Journal.
    For their assistance and commitment we are extremely grateful.
    Alan K. Morris, 1 Wombat Street, Berkeley Vale NSW 2259
    Andrew Burton, 4 Sydney Street, Willoughby NSW 2068
    Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae 1 reported by local at Carters Bridge, Old Lawrence
    Rd, NW of Whiporie on c.12 Jun, 1A+8 chicks Sandon Rd, S of Brooms Head
    12 Oct, 2 other adults nearby (GC). 2 on 27 Jan and adult +5 nearly full grown
    young Munghom Gap NR 21 Apr (JDa,ASt); photographed on
    Wheelbarrow Ridge Road, Parr SRA 7 Apr (per AKM), one of the closest
    areas to Sydney that wild emus occur; 300 counted in 35 km E of Wilcannia,
    where recent rains had fallen, max 70 in one flock 24 Jul (H&BM).
    Hoary -headed Grebe Poliocephalus poliocephalus None seen in the Sydney -Windsor-
    Newcastle area in 1991 (AB), however recorded at 9 localities in Eurobodalla
    Shire in small numbers, being more widely recorded than anytime since
    records began in 1986; 1000+ Lake Bathurst 2 May (We).
    Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Bombah Point, Myall Lakes NP Nov
    1 1
    (DTu); 25 Wmgecarribee Reservoir 28 Jul (CJC); 2 Lake Oberon 8 Jul (AB);
    35 Peejar Dam, Goulburn 9 Oct (CJC); 80 Keepit Dam 26 Sep (TB0716); 14
    Stephens Creek Reservoir, Broken Hill 24 Jan (ABi).
    Little Penguin Eudyptula minor 1 found exhausted near Brooms Head 11 Jun,
    subsequently released (per GC); 1 on eggs on island near Seal Rocks 23 Dec
    (JP); 4 Botany Bay 17 Nov (AF); Recorded at 12 locations in Eurobodalla
    Shire, with more records than in previous years and reported to be breeding on
    Page 31 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2Jimmys Island near Rosedale (ENHS), regular visits of 1-3 Merimbula Lake
    Mar- Apr (BJ).
    Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans off Kurnell 24 Jul (JFo); beachcast
    1 1
    Burrewarra Point 14 Nov, banded Bird Is, South Georgia as a pullus on 14 Oct
    1989 (ENHS).
    Royal Albatross D. epomophora 1 off Green Cape, Ben Boyd NP 26 Aug, record not
    accepted by NSWORAC (Morris 1993).
    Buller’s Albatross D. bulleri 1 off Wollongong 14 Nov (AP).
    Yellow -nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchos 3 NE of Foster 6 & 20 Jul (ABR);
    Recorded at sea between Redhead and Bar Beach, Newcastle Jul -Sep, max 9+
    (HBOC). There are few Mid -North Coast and Hunter Region records
    published although they are expected to be relatively common winter visitors
    to those Regions.
    Southern Giant -Petrel Macronectes giganteus off Seal Rocks, settled in water and fed
    by fishermen 4 Jul (JP).
    Northern Giant -Petrel M. halli 1A Long Reef (DH), rarely recorded in Sydney Region,
    last record 1985 (Hoskin 1992).
    Great -winged Petrel Pterodrvma macroptera 1 off Wollongong 21 Apr (RT); 1 off Eden
    8 Sep (ENHS).
    Tahiti Petrel P. rostrata 1 off Wollongong mid -Nov (CDo).
    White -necked Petrel P arminjoniana 1 eleven nautical miles E of Wollongong, and
    another 3 nm E on 16 Feb (DH TBO:87, Wingspan 6/91). Records accepted by
    NSWORAC (Morris 1992).
    Gould’s Petrel P leucoptera 1D Balmoral Beach 19 Dec (BHa); off Wollongong 24
    Feb (DF T730:87), and 3 on 2 Dec (TP).
    Cook’s Petrel P cookii 1 off Wollongong 2 Dec, record not accepted RAOU RAC
    (Morris 1993).
    Blue Petrel Halobaena caerulea 1 beachwashed near Sandon, Yuraygir NP 12 Oct
    (Clancy 1993 ), record accepted by NSWORAC, 13th NSW record, and first
    Northern Rivers region record (Morris 1993), the last record was Aug 1986 at
    Garie beach, Royal NP (Hoskin 1992).
    Fairy Prion Pachypila turtur 1 NE of Foster, 20 Jul & 3 Aug (ABR).
    Black Petrel Procellaria parkinsoni off Wollongong mid -Nov (CDo).
    White -chinned Petrel P aequinoctialis 1 off Wollongong 28 Aug (NMa) and 2, 20
    nautical miles off Wollongong on 14 Nov (TP), the first record still under
    review by NSWORAC, the second record was accepted (Morris 1993).
    Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelea 1 off North Head 17 Feb (Wingspan 6/
    91), record not accepted by NSWORAC (Morris 1992).
    Flesh -footed Shearwater Pcarneipes 15-20 off Seal Rocks 20 Dec (JP).
    Buller’s Shearwater Puffinus bullerii 1 off North Head 17 Feb (Wingspan 6/91); 1 off
    Wollongong mid Feb (DH TB0687), and on 2 Dec (TP T730716).
    December1993 Page 32Hutton’s Shearwater P. huttoni 1 NE of Foster 2 Jun (ABR).
    Fluttering Shearwater P gavia 200-300 NE of Forster travelling north 20 Jul (ABR).
    Wilson’s Storm -Petrel Oceanites oceanicus 2-3 NE of Forster 6 Apr, and 1 on 26 May
    (ABR), while expected, there are few Mid- north Coast records..
    White-faced Storm -Petrel Pelagodroma marina 86 banded Five Islands NR 7 Dec
    (LS), is the largest number recorded on the Five Islands since the late 1970s.
    Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica 1 beach -cast Congo Beach 17 Nov
    (ENHS), referred to NSWORAC.
    Common Diving -Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 1 NE of Forster 5 May (ABR), few if
    any records on Mid North Coast, referred to NSWORAC; beachcast Moruya
    Heads 11 Oct (ENHS), 10-11 off Green Cape, Ben Boyd NP 25 Aug (per EH).
    Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicilatus 131 arrived Tilba Lake on 7 Dec, landed on
    island where Little Terns were breeding and destroyed all nests (ENHS).
    Australasian Gannet Sula senator 60+ NE of Forster 6&20 Jul, unusual concentration
    Darter Anhinga melanogaster 3+ Manning River , west of Taree 29 Apr (ABR) and 3
    prs nesting Lansdowne River Sep -Dec (DLo); present all year Tuggerah
    Lakes, max 25 in Sep, lowest number for three years (AKM); 1 Mason Park,
    Concord 31 Aug (JSe), 1 Mona Vale Goff Course 1 Dec (WT).
    Black -faced Shag Phalacrocorax fuscescens Merimbula 21 Mar (WB).
    Great Cormorant P carbo 2 prs nesting Lansdowne River Sep -Dec (DLo); Present all
    year Tuggerah Lakes, max 581 in Nov, largest number in 3 years (AKM); 106
    Narrabeen Lake, 6 May (AF); 525 in Berkeley Harbour, Lake Illawarra 5 Oct
    (CJC), 100+ roosting on Five Islands NR 5 Oct (LS), large numbers for
    Central Coast-Illawarra Regions.
    Pied Cormorant P. varius Present all year in Tuggerah lakes, max 116 in Jan, highest
    number in 3 years (AKM).
    Little Black Cormorant P sulcirostris c.10 at nesting colony in paperbarks Woodford Is
    near Maclean 27 Jul (GC); 5 prs nesting Lansdowne River Sep -Dec (DLo);
    Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 585 in Apr, highest number in 3 years
    Little Pied Cormorant P melanoleucos 8-10 pm nesting Lansdowne River Sep -Dec
    (DLo); Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max 242 in Jun, lowest number in 3
    years (AKM); Small colonies located in Eurobodalla Shire at South Durras
    and Batehaven on 27 Oct, about 12 pairs each, no previous colonies known on
    South Coast (ENHS).
    Red-tailed Tropic -bird Phatheon rubricauda off Wollongong 24 Feb (DF), referred to
    NSWORAC; blown ashore to Bathurst during storm 14 Dec, record
    accepted by NSWORAC (Morris 1993).
    Pacific Heron Ardea pacifica Did not breed at Kerta HSD, Moruya this year (ENHS).
    Page 33 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2Great Egret A. alba Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 19 in Jun, number lowest for
    3 years (AKM); 60 nests Almond Rd Swamp, Leeton 7 Jan (KH).
    Intermediate Egret A. intermedia 80 nests Almond Rd Swamp, Leeton 7 Jan, fewer than
    previous years (KH).
    White-faced Heron A. novaehollandiae 67 Bushels Lagoon 9 Mar, a large
    concentration for this freshwater wetland (KB); 150+ Minnamurra Sandspit 30
    Jun (JJ), and 91 Albion park 28 Jul (CJC), large concentrations for Illawarra
    Little Egret A. garzetta Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 53 in Jan, no nesting at
    Chittaway Point Sep -Dec due in part to fire in colony site, low lake level and
    drought (AKM); 2 nests Almond Rd Swamp, Leeton 7 Jan, fewer than usual
    Eastern Reef Egret Ardea sacra One Mile Beach, Forster 24 Jun (ABR); Long Reef
    1 1
    2 Nov and Dee Why Lagoon 27 Dec (AB).
    Striated Heron Ardea striata Wingham Brush 7 Mar (DL MVBW 2/91); 2 pr nested
    Chittaway Point Sep -Nov (AKM); 1 Majors Bay, Parramatta River 11 Feb
    (H&BM), Duck Creek, Auburn 23 Nov (GF), old Cooks River mouth 21
    1 1
    Oct (BD), 4-5 Deep Creek & Narrabeen Lagoon Dec (AB); Port Kembla
    1 1
    Harbour 8 Jun (CJC).
    Cattle Egret A. ibis 1 with horses at Marsfield 23 Nov (BD), inner Sydney urban area; 6
    nests Almond Rd Swamp, Leeton 7 Jan (KH).
    Rufous Night -Heron Nyticorus caledonicus 5+ roosting in mangroves at Eureka Is,
    Bundjalung NP 18 Jul (GC); 15 roosting at Beresfield 23 Jun (TC); Recorded
    around Sydney in small numbers at Centennial Park, Deep Creek, Dee Why
    Lagoon, Longneck Lagoon and Mitchell Park, Cattai (AB), Bringelly
    Nursery 12 Oct (AF), 4 irnm Foreshore Reserve, North Botany Bay (PMy); 2
    Merimbula resident in Apr (BJ); 5 on floodwaters adjacent to farm dam, The
    Ranch HSD, Kennebri 15 Jan (DJ).
    Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus BHP Pond, Shortland Wetlands Centre, catching
    fish on edge of cumbungi, 27 Nov -11 Dec (DiR,TP); 1 Pedro Swamp, Moruya
    1 Nov (ENHS); 8 pairs present in cumbungi in large dams or water filled
    quarries at 4 different locations in irrigation areas at Deniliquin Nov -Dec
    (PM). Endangered fauna, all records published.
    Black Bittern I. flavicollis 1 Kempsey 26 Jun (KS); 1 Ourimbah Creek, Chittaway 19
    Jan (NMa), 1 Secret Bay, Buttaba 22 May (RW), 3 Dharug NP 17 Oct (KB); 1
    Wakehurst Pkwy, Narrabeen Sep (R&GK), Deep Creek, Narrabeen 12 Jun
    1 1
    & 1 Dec (AB,FC), 1 Mitchell Park, Cattai 22 Dec (AOR); 1 Fairy Creek,
    Gwynnville Jun (DWt); Endangered fauna, all records published.
    Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus Pughs Lagoon, Richmond 28 Oct (BC);
    1 1
    Wollongong Botanical Gardens 30 Jan (B&BH), Wingecarribee Resevoir 25
    May and Shellharbour STW 26 May (CBr), Coomonderry Swamp Aug
    1 1 1
    December1993 Page 34(KM), 1 Jamberoo 26 Oct (ASi); 1 Montague Island 27 Mar, first record
    (ENHS); 1 pr confirmed nesting in rice crop 101= E of Deniliquin Feb,
    outcome of nest not known , 8 flushed from large cumbungi filled dam E of
    Deniliquin 25 Nov (PM), 1 flushed from rice paddy during harvest 14 Apr
    (KH). Endangered fauna, all records published, note more records and
    locations than usual.
    Black -necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus 1 Dorrigo 31 Aug, unusual location
    (SD), breeding proved at Casino, Goodwood Is, Clarence River and Lake
    Cokora, Brooms Head (GC); 4 Buchanan near Kurri Kurri 7 Feb (JS), 1
    Thornton (ASt), 1 Raymond Terrace wetlands 27-30 Mar (H&BM), The
    Wyong birds were first recorded at Chittaway Bay, Tuggerah Lakes 15 Jun
    and subsequently at Dooralong, Jilliby, Wyee, Ourimbah, Wyong and
    Warnervale till 10 Nov (BD,CG,TD,MCy,PG, JC,DaS); Caledonia HSD,
    Baradine 19-21 Feb (DJ) first known Coonabarabran Shire record.
    Glossy Ibis Plegadis fakinellus Present Clarence Valley Mar and Dec, max. 132 Long
    Hole Lagoon, Crowsnest Swamp, Grafton 16 Mar (GC); 3 flying over
    Budgewoi Lake 26 Jan (AKM), rare on Central Coast, Beresfield Swamp
    Oct (DB), 1 Borehole Swamp. Teralba 1 Nov (SH); Present McGraths Hill
    STW 29 May -22 Jun max 6 on 22 Jun (BB,MB,CBOC,SF), 2 Baker’s Lagoon
    29 Jun (MG), 2 Dee Why Lagoon 27 Dec, uncommon at this locality (AB); 8
    Wollogorong Lagoon, near Breadalbane 4 Nov and southern end of Lake
    George 19 Nov (CBN 16:83); 12 Yelta Lake 7-9 Oct (GLC), 2+ Cobar 10 Oct
    Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 6 nests Almond Rd Swamp, Leeton 7 Jan
    Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 93 in Apr,
    numbers highest Mar- May (AKM); 40 Homebush Bay 2 Mar (BD), highest
    number recorded for Parramatta River wetlands in recent times (cf Aust. Birds
    23,51); 50 Tuross River near Tuross Heads Apr (KC). Recorded all months
    in Eurobodalla Shire with max of 59 at Old Man Bed Swamp, Moruya in Jan
    Yellow -billed Spoonbill P. flavipes 6 records for Northern Rivers Apr -Dec at Ramornie,
    Braunstone, Coutts Crossing, Lower Kangaroo Creek, Nymboida and
    Glenreagh (GC); 1 Gloucester town swamp 23 Apr (ABR); 30+ Junee Reefs 6
    Mar (MC), an unusually large concentration for this locality; Relatively
    common Lower Darling Anabranch, pair nesting Willow Point HSD,
    Wentworth 2-9 Oct (GLC).
    Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata Present all year Clarence Valley, max 286+
    Alumy Creek, Grafton 8 Jan, no breeding records (GC); 1, 18km N of
    Coonamble, at roadside dam and adjacent flooded area 21 Aug (ABi); Few
    records compared with previous years.
    Page 35 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2Plumed Whistling -Duck Dendrocygna eytoni Present all year Clarence Valley, max
    400+ Waterview Heights 30 Jun (GC,EW); 4 Kooragang Island NR 27 Oct
    (FVG), unusual location; 30 Richmond 2 Jan (KMo); 10 Western Plains Zoo,
    Dubbo (CJC), regular at this location.
    Wandering Whistling -Duck D. arruata Max 12 Shortland WC 19-28 Jan (BD,TSt);
    Present Dangars Lagoon 28 Mar (TS); 2 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 27 Jan
    (KH). Fewer records than usual,
    Black Swan Cygnus atratus 5000+ Clarence Broadwater, Ashby 5 Jul (GC); Present all
    year Tuggerah Lakes, max 1763 in Feb, consistent with known pattern of
    numbers highest Jan -Feb and Nov -Dec (AKM), a similar pattern occurred for
    Lake Illawarra and the South Coast lakes ie 2212 eastern Lake Illawarra 6 Feb
    (CJC), highest number recorded for Illawarra; 4000+ Lake Wollumboola 5 Jan
    (CJC), 300 Trunketabella Swamp (ENHS) & 1000+ Barragoot Lake, near
    Bermagui 3 May (We); 17 returned to Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 14 Apr,
    numbers rose to 600 by 18 Aug (KH).
    Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides AM Muddy Lake, Dora Creek 28-31 Oct
    (ALH), rarely recorded in Hunter Region; 4 Bushells Lagoon 23 Feb and on
    9 Mar (AOR,KB,TQ) and Bakers Lagoon 30 Nov (KB), AM Towra Point,
    Botany Bay 3 Mar (DH), no previous records for this site; 10 Lake
    Wollumboola 2 Feb (CJC); 5 North Marsh, Macquarie Marshes NR 20 Jun
    (PT); 207 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 28 Apr (KH).
    Paradise Shelduck T paradisea Pair at Mt Annan Botanic Gardens 4-16 May (ALe),
    confirmed escapee from nearby private zoo.
    Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus Chittaway Bay, Tuggerah Lake
    (AKM), 1 Chittaway Point 17 Aug (BC); Present McGraths Hill STW 2 Feb –
    22 Jun max 55 on 22 Jun (AEFR,AB,IJ,BB,MB); 10 Tallawarra Dam 7 Apr
    Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosus Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max 699 in Jan
    Mallard A. platyrhynchos Resident populations on the Central Coast at Woy Woy, Woy
    Woy Bay, Orange Grove, St. Huberts Island and Long Jetty, about 300 birds in
    all (AKM); 1 Coombie HSD, Roto 15 Jan, rare visitor (JH).
    Grey Teal A. gracilis Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 2920 in Jan, largest number
    recorded (cf Morris 1975), presumably drought assisted (AKM); 4500 Lake
    Wollumboola 2 Feb (CJC); 1000+ Caryapunya Swamp, W of Adelaide Gate
    25 Sep (NSWBA).
    Chestnut Teal A. castanea Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max 2573 in January,
    largest number counted on Lakes (AKM); 179 at Grono Farm Rd, Ebenezer 5
    Oct & 150 Dee Why Lagoon 27 Dec (AB); 3000 Lake Wollumboola 24 Dec
    (CJC); AM Macquarie River, Dubbo 23 Jul (ABi).
    December1993 Page 36Australasian Shoveler A. rhynchotis Present Clarence Valley 26 Jun -7 Sep, max. 11
    Lake Wooloweyah 26 Jun (GC); McGrath’s Hill STW 17 Mar -2 Jun max 36
    on 2 Jun (U,MB,BB,LD); 60 KiHales wetlands 26 May (CBr); 1000+ Lake
    Bathurst 2 May (We), a significant number; 16 West Dubbo STW 30 Jun
    (ABi); 164 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 9 Jun (KH).
    Maned Duck Chenonetta jubata 376 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 27 Jan, highest count
    ever (KH); Due to the drought only 1 pr nested Coombie HSD, Roto (JH).
    Cotton Pygmy -Goose Nettapus coromandelianus AF Lane Cove River Weir, Lane
    Cove 6-13 Dec, first NSW record since 1971 (McAllan 1993), record accepted
    by NSWORAC (Morris 1993).
    Blue -billed Duck Oxyura australis 5 pairs Dangars Lagoon, Uralla 28 Mar (TS); 4
    Cathcart Dam, Orange 26 Dec (PC); 1 Roses Lagoon, Collector 8 Dec (CBN
    Musk Duck Bizura lobata AM+1 Camira Creek 15 Jun (GC); F on flooded farm dam,
    The Ranch Hsd, Kennebri 15 Jan (DJ), few records for North-west Plains.
    Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa 1 Dangars Lagoon, Uralla 28 Mar (TS); 200
    Tullakool Evap. Basin 3 Jan & 320 on 4 Apr (PM), present Fivebough
    Swamp, Leeton 24 Mar- 31 Aug, max 71 on 31 Mar, an exceptional year for
    this location (KH,FOC); 7 Bourke STW 24 Jan (CG).
    Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata 1 Levenstrath 15 Jan, max. 3 Coutts Crossing 10 Feb –
    20 Dec (GC), 2 Ballengarra SF 2 Apr (ARA News!. 12,26), South Ballina 27
    Apr (RT), 1 Coffs Harbour 28 Aug, 1 Cooperabung Range 20 Oct (GC), 1
    Enfield SF Nov (SD), 1 Bushy Park, S. of Grafton 7 Dec (GC); A+2J Kendal
    4 Jan (RE), A+2Y in nest Hannan Vale 23 Feb and F+2Y Coralville Mar
    (MVBW 2/91), 2A+2Y in nest Smiths Lake Nov (GP); 1-4 Rankin Park Aug –
    Nov, observed calling and catching insects (11,111); recorded on 5 occasions
    during year at Gwandalan (DiR), 2 Ourimbah 4 May (DOB), Scone Oct
    (GN), 1 Grahamstown Resv 27 Oct (DH), AF Katandra SR 23 Nov (MTy); 1
    Sackville North 13 Jan (AOR), 2 displaying Annangrove 5 May and 1 on 17
    Nov (KB), 6-8 West Pennant Hills 24 May (U); 1 Upper Causeway, Royal NP
    26-28 Jan, 3 Apr and 25 Sep (RF,KM,CL, TB0715). Many breeding records
    and new locations.
    Black -shouldered Kite Elanus notanus 1 North Bondi STW 6 Apr (JoF), rare in
    Sydney’s Eastern suburbs.
    Black -breasted 131177Ard Hamirostra melanosternon 1 West Kempsey 29 Dec (ES
    T730718); 1 light phase Nearie Lake 2 Oct (GLC).
    Square -tailed Kite Lophoictina isura 1 Coutts Crossing 11 Jan & 19 Dec, 1 Grafton 29
    Jan, 27 Apr & 7 Dec (GC), pair nesting Clarenza 27 Aug (EW), Yarravel
    Dec (ABi), 1 Kempsey 6 May -4 Dec (KS); 1 Born Bom SF 4 Aug (SD), 1
    foraging low over Macquarie NR, Port Macquarie 5 Apr (NF), 1 Lansdowne
    SF 10 Aug (SD), 1 Manning Point Oct (DLo), 1 seen 10km N of Wauchope 24
    Page 37 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2Nov (JFs); 1 Waterfall 27 Aug (DRy); 1 Erowal Bay, Hyam’s Beach 13 Jan
    (KH) being mobbed by Australian Magpies,Galahs and Noisy Friarbird (KH),
    1 Nowra 13 Feb (DWr), 1 Maulbrooks Rd, Moruya 29 Aug & 6 Oct (ENHS),
    2, 2 km N of Merimbula 8 Apr (RT); 1 Copeton Dam 24 Aug (AL), 1
    Woodsreef 7 Sep (AL), pair nested Torrington Nov and another site nearby,
    location withheld (Debus et al 1992); 1 Munghom Gap NR 27 Jan (JH), 1
    Wolgan Valley near Cape Horn 16 Sep (CP); 1 Baradine 31 Jan (DJ), 1 Rocky
    Glen 1 Dec (AL); Paddys Dam, Goonoo SF 21 Sep & east of Dubbo Nov
    (ABi), 1 east of Forbes spring; 1 Jindalee SF 1 Sep (MMa); 1 flying together
    with a Black Kite over Baradine Township 8 Jan (DJ), 1 Moree Oct (MVBN
    3/92); 1 east of Adelaide Gate 24 Sep (DLa), 1 Bourke Nov (TWa). A number
    of new locations and see Debus et al (1993) for more details.
    Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus 1 Victoria Valley, 10km W of Crescent Head 25 Apr
    (TQ), adult Ginni Ginni Ck, Manning River 23 Jun (DS), 1 Taree 18 Jun & 15
    Oct (SD,ABR). Records either inland or southern end of range.
    Whistling Kite H. sphenurus 1 Shark Island, Sydney Harbour 2 Jun (JWi) and regularly
    at Taronga Zoo.
    Grey Goshawk Accipiter novaehollandiae Recorded Washpool NP 9 Feb and
    Woodford Is 22 May -7 Jul (GC), Kempsey 22 Mar -29 Jul (KS); Widespread
    Dingo Tops area Jun, Oct- Nov (GC,SD); Recorded at six locations on the
    Central Coast at Erina, Mooney Dam, Brisbane Water NP, Matcham, Mill
    Creek, Dharug NP, Woodbury Park, Wyong Creek (RP,DOB,AKM,
    AB,R&GK,DiR), 1 Wmgen 5 Apr (GN TB0709), 2 Swansea South nesting 6
    Nov (ScH); Recorded at seven locations in the Sydney Region, Winston Hills,
    Canley Vale, Castlereagh SF, Hurstville Grove, Vielun HSD Cobbity, Dural,
    Helensburgh (AD,RTa,GF,JDi,AB,KM); 1 Woonona 3-22 Jan (KM), 2 Bulli
    Lookout 16 Apr (J&GP), 1 Kiama (white phase) 11 Oct (KM); Recorded at 9
    localities in Eurobodalla Shire, with 2 white -phased and one intermediate
    phased bird (ENHS); 1 white phase Burralow Rd, Kurrajong Heights 31 Jan
    Brown Goshawk A. fasciatus Recorded Artarmon, Deep Creek and Garigal NP in
    Sydney area throughout year (AB), J Castlereagh SF 26 Jan (RT), 1D Devlins
    Creek, Epping 23 Jul (TKy); 1-2 Lake Heights all year, nesting Berkeley Oct
    (CJC); 2 nesting Mungo Lake 4 Oct (GLC).
    Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrocephalus 1 Way Way SF 1 Apr (SD); 2 prs Dingo Tops,
    Bulga SF Oct -Nov (SD); AF Berkeley Vale 18-27 May (AKM), 1 Matcham 19
    May (TMo); 1 St. Michaels Golf Course, La Perouse 8 Feb (AB), 1 Longneck
    Lagoon 9 Mar (RT), 1 Garigal NP 26 May (RK), 1 Cape Solander, Kurnell 25
    Aug (TQ); 1 juvenile flew into a window at Hazelbrook, cared for by WIRES
    10 Mar, adult same place 23 Mar (JDa); 2 prs nested Armidale Sep -Dec (SD);
    Pair nesting Mootwingie NP 18-20 Sep (JLa).
    December1993 Page 38White -bellied Sea -Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster Recorded Parramatta River wetlands 2
    imm 20 Apr, IA 25 Oct (BD); Breeding records for Spring Creek and
    McKenzies Beach, Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS); 1 Jeogla HSD, Armidale 21
    May (BW); 1 over Leeton 2 Jun (KH); Single birds observed Nialia Lake,
    Yelta Lake & Mungo Lake 3-9 Oct (GLC).
    Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax 2 Jacana HSD, Clarenza 2 Apr (EW); West Head,
    Kuringai Chase NP 4 May (SF), 2 Annangrove 21 Sep and 1 on 17 Nov (KB).
    One of five species recorded during a visit to the centre of Bulloo Overflow 27
    Sep (NSWBA);
    Little Eagle Ifieraaetus morphnoides 1 Seal Rocks 28 Jul (ABR); 1 Cockle Bay,
    Empire Bay Jun (AB), not previously recorded on Bouddi Peninsula;
    Recorded in the Ryde-Eastwood area 20 May -13 Jul (EH,E&TK,SSa);
    Termeil SF 30 Mar (AB) and recorded at 9 localities in Eurobodalla Shire
    Spotted Harrier Circus assimilis 1 imm. Dorrigo 31 Aug (SD); 1 Menangle 19 Feb
    (TS), 1 Bakers Lagoon Mar (RT); 1 north end of Lake George 28 Jan (CBN
    16:83). All unusual eastern records.
    Marsh Harrier C. aeruginosus 1 southern end of Wallis Island, Forster 4 Feb (ABR);
    1Dee Why Lagoon 22 Dec (BC), 1 North Head, Sydney Harbour NP 21 May
    (RH), first Park record (cf Morris 1987); 1 Junee STW 24 Nov & 10 Dec over
    farm at Junee (MC);
    Osprey Pandion haliaetus Breeding: 21 nesting attempts reported by GC & KS on
    Northern Rivers and Mid North Coast, but no specific survey undertaken. 2
    Grassy Head 1 Apr (SD), 2 catching fish at Harrington 4 Nov (PM), 2 Seal
    Rocks 20 Dec (JP); 1 Chittaway Point 5 Jan (AKM,TMo), 2 Teralba 26 Apr
    and 1 on 1 Nov (SH); 1 Upper Causeway, Royal NP 17 Nov (AT) first Park
    record since the 1900’s (Hoskin 1992), 1 Narrabeen Lake 21 Nov (RA); 1
    Widget HSD, Bodalla 2 Feb, 1 Moruya Estuary 13 & 27 Jul, 1 Durras Lake
    Dec (ENHS), becoming quite regular on South Coast. All records outside of
    known breeding range.
    Brown Falcon Falco berigora 3 in burnt heath near Umina, Brisbane Water NP
    following bushfire Jan (SZ), Wyoming May (ED) and light phase
    1 1 1
    Berkeley Vale 8 May (AKM), rare on the Central Coast, with no records in the
    previous three years.
    Australian Hobby F longipennis 1 Mason Park, Concord 31 Jan & 16 Mar (BD,TKe).
    Grey Falcon F hypoleucos 1 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 10 Mar, second record for this
    location (KH); 1 Camerons Corner 3 Apr (7730709), pair near Stubblefields
    Tank, 19 Apr (PJe), 1 Fort Grey 25 Jul (MC), all Sturt NP, 1 Bulloo Overflow
    Crossing of the Tibooburra-Wanaaring Rd 23 Sep (IMcA,DLa), 2
    Byerawering HSD, Weilmoringle 17 Oct (Dick & Andrew 1993). More
    locations and records than usual.
    Page 39 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2Black Falcon F subniger 1 Hoxton Park 4 May (JDi), 1 Seven Hills 24 Oct (EV); 1
    between Muswellbrook and Scone 20 Oct (PM); 1 Bell River, Wellington 14
    Sep (ABi); 1 Lue 24 Sep (ABi); 1 Grenfell 5 Oct (RT); Recorded on 5
    occasions in Leeton area 4 Jan -24 Dec, 2 on 24 Nov (KH); 2+ E of Adelaide
    Gate 25-27 Sep (NSWBA)
    Peregrine Falcon F. peregrinus Adult with prey in talons (Starling ?), Shelley Beach,
    Long Jetty 9 Mar (AKM,TMo), 1 attacking birds on sandspit, just missing
    Little Pied Cormorant at Swansea 17 Mar, 1 Tuggerah Bay 31 Aug (AKM),
    p,air nested Copacobana and raised 1Y Sep -Oct (WK), Kooragang Island
    NR 27 Oct (FVG), pair nested Bird Island NR and raised lY 6 Nov (DBr);
    Recorded all year in the Sydney Region with breeding reported at Lion Island
    NR, on Hawkesbury River near Milson Island, and near Gunyal Beach, Ku-
    ringai Chase NP (KB1); 1 Lake Heights eating Peach -faced Lovebird 6 Jul
    (CJC); 2-3 young banded at eyries at Pilliga NR, Mow Rock and near
    Binnaway during Nov (CBe); 1 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton Mar -Aug, with 3
    on 3 Feb (KH); 1 Willow Point HSD, Wentworth 7 Oct (GLC).
    Australian Kestrel F cenchroides One of five species recorded in centre of Bulloo
    Overflow 27 Sep (NSWBA)
    Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata 3 Garlings & Withers Rd, Goonoo SF 21 Sep (ABi);
    Loughnan NR 28 Sep (BH); 2, 60km S of Bourke (Wilgha Downs HSD), mid
    Dec in mulga woodland (SHu); Recorded in Round Hill Nombinnie NR 6 Oct
    Australian Brush -Turkey Alectura lathami Common throughout Dingo and Bulga SF,
    Dingo Tops Oct (PM). Visited garden at Pearl Beach 29 May (PWe), Upper
    Macdonald River, Yengo NP 17 May (RM), 15 coming daily to garden at
    Erina (RF) & 3 Holgate garden (per AKM).
    Stubble Quail Coturnix novaezeelandiae Present Bakers Lagoon 9 Oct (KB), 5-10
    between Bakers and Pughs Lagoon, Richmond 29 Dec (AB); Recorded Tilba
    Lake May -Nov max 8 (ENHS); Pair with 7 chicks Balmoral HSD, Cooyal 17
    Feb (NKu).
    Brown Quail C. ypsilophora 7 Wybung Head, Munmorah SRA 2 Mar (FOC); 3 Mill
    Ponds, Botany 27 Jun (ICE), 5 Kumell 24 Jul (JFo), Bakers Lagoon 9 Oct
    (KB). Known to be present but often overlooked.
    King Quail C. chinensis 2 Uloola Swamp, Royal NP 27 Aug (DRy), first park record? 2
    Bakers Lagoon 23 Nov (KB); 1 Tilba Lake 19 Oct, few records for South
    Coast (ENHS).
    Painted Button -quail Thrnix varia 1 Helensburgh 17 Sep (DRy); 1 Bass Point 22 Sep
    (CJC); Seen in two locations Currajong SF 6 Jul & 19 Aug, 2 Ingalba NR 4
    Jul (MC), 2 Weddin SF 5-7 Oct (RT); freshly killed AF being fed upon by
    Pied Currawong in Black Box forest at Deniliquin 24 Apr (PM).
    December1993 Page 40Little Button -quail T velox 1 Teroika Hsd, Tibooburra 27 Sep (NSWBA); AM Round
    Hill NR 9 Nov (ABe).
    Red -chested Button -quail T pyrrhothorax Juv. in plains country near Conargo 30 Nov,
    no other records for District, whereas they were present 1988-90 each spring/
    summer (PM).
    Brolga Grus rubicundus Present Clarence Valley all year, max. 101 (inlcuding 2 juv)
    Sportsman Creek area 16’Mar (GC); 2 at swamp between Savemake and
    Corowa Sep (PM), max 8 in rice crops Savemake near Berrigan Sep -Nov
    (SHo); 6 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 28 Apr (KH), 2 near Wanganella 8 Sep,
    scare in this area now (PM).
    Lewin’s Rail Rallus pectoralis 1 bathing in Manning River, Woko NP 25 Oct (P&IO);
    Seen twice at Canton Beach, Norahville in May (IB), 1 Dharug NP 17 Oct; 2
    Bushels Lagoon 21 Mar, 1 Bakers Lagoon 10 May (KB); 2 Towradgi Ck,
    Wollongong 20 Feb (B&BH), 1 Woonona 11 May (JPo).
    Buff- banded Rail R. philippensis 1D Frederickton 7 Jan, 1 Woodburn 9 Mar, 1
    Minniewater 11 Mar, 1D near Yamba 30 Sep, 1 Sandon River 12 Oct, 1 near
    Grafton 14 Oct (GC); A+4 chicks Myall Lakes Feb (FT); Victoria Valley,
    Crescent Heads 25 Apr (TQ); 1 in garden at Forster 12 Sep -10 Oct (ABR); 2
    Shortland WC 27 Oct (AB); 1 Ingleside 2 Jan (RA), 1 Bakers lagoon 10 May
    (KB), 1 Bents Basin Rd, Wallacia 26 May (BdB), 1 Narrabeen Lake 11 Aug
    (BC); 2 Deep Creek, Narrabeen 1 Dec & 2 Dee Why Lagoon 27 Dec (AB),
    Juv. Illawarra SRA 9 Feb (RT), 3 Towradgi Ck, Wollongong 20 Feb and on
    7 Sep (B&BH); 1 Mugga Hill, Dubbo Jul (ABi); 1 Willow Point Hsd,
    Wentworth 9 Oct (GLC).
    Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla 4 Shortland WC 19 Jan and 2 on 2-27 Oct
    (RBr,TSt,AB), 2 Warners Rd Swamp, Wyong 9 Sep (JC), 1 Tuggerah STW 15
    Sep (BHa); 1 Bushells Lagoon 9 Mar (KB), 1 Bakers Lagoon 6 Jan -17 Nov
    (GC,RT,KB), 1 Mason Park, Concord 2 Sep (JSe), 1 Richmond 21 Sep (TQ),
    1 Centennial Park 28 Sep (TP), 1 Foreshore Reserve, North Botany Bay 19
    Oct (PMy), 2 McGraths Hill STW 24 Dec (EH); 2 between Bakers & Pughs
    Lagoons 29 Dec (AB); 1 Shellharbour STW 23 Sep (PBa); 1 Ailings Beach,
    Eden 10 Apr (RT); 2 Willow Point HSD & 2 Springwood HSD, Wentworth 5-
    6 Oct (GLC).
    Australian Crake P. fluminea 5 Bakers Lagoon 6 Jan (CG), 1 on 9 Mar (RT), many
    Bushells Lagoon 9 Mar (KB), 3 on 26 May (BdB) & 1 on 19 Oct (AB), and 5
    on 23 Nov (KB), Max 5 Mason Park/ Bicentennial Park, Homebush Bay 31
    Aug -3 Oct (AB,EK); Max 5 Old Man Bed Swamp, Moruya 28 Jan -16 Feb
    (ENHS); Present Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 14 Apr -13 Oct, max 3 on 9 Jun
    (KH); 2 Willow Point HSD 7-9 Oct (GLC).
    Spotless Crake P tabuensis A+2Y Shortland WC 19-30 Jan (ALH,TSt), Newcastle
    WR 28 Jan (BD); 2 Bushells Lagoon 9 Mar (KB), 1 caught by cat Castle Hill
    Page 41 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.213 Mar (RMu), max.10 Bakers Lagoon 26 May -23 Nov (BdB,KB);
    Shellharbour STW 8 Sep (CBr); 2 Willow Point HSD, Wentworth 9 Oct
    Black -tailed Native -hen Gallinula ventralis 10 Noola HSD, Junee Reefs 23 Nov,
    possibly first record for Shire of Junee and rare on South-west Slopes (MC);
    Present Fivebough Swamp Jan -Oct, max 100 on 13 Oct (KH); Present
    Coombie HSD, Roto in garden Aug (JH), 1800+ Wilcannia, west of town 5
    Sep (ABi);
    Kori Bustard Ardeotis kori 1 Caledonia HSD, Baradine Sep -Oct (DJ); 1 Narromine 19
    Oct (VR 7730716); 1, 10km E of Hay 15 Jul (VCa); 2, 40km N of Moree 31
    Aug, 1, 27km N of Moree 1 Sep, 1 Tulloona-Croppa Creek Rd 1 Sep (BF); 3,
    2km S of Bourke 9 Jul (JP), 1, 40km W of Mootwingie NP 20 Sep (GS),
    1W ombeira HSD, Weilmoringle 15-17 Oct (Dick & Andrew 1993). More
    records than usual.
    Bush Thick -knee Burnhinus magnirostris 1 Gillawama Park, Lansdowne 11 Apr (VC);
    4 Wilby HSD, Terridgerie 20 Mar, where resident (per DJ); 2 Dungarry HSD,
    Dubbo 28 Sep (ABi), property owner claims their presence for past 36 years; 7
    The Homestead, Darlington Point 30 Mar -2 Apr (FOC), pair successfully
    raised 2 young on stock route 12 Km W of Deniliquin Sep -Dec, the successful
    rearing of young in this district now rarely occurs (PM).
    Beach Thick -knee Esacus neglectus Max. 3 Dart Is, Clarence Estuary 19 May -28 Sep,
    and Sandon River and Red Rock (GC), 1 Brunswick Heads Sep (KF); 2 on
    mudflat at Harrington 4 Nov (PM) and on 7 Nov (MVBN4191). Rarely
    recorded at the latter two locations.
    Comb -crested Jacana Hydralector gallinacea 4 Victoria Valley, 10km W of Crescent
    Head 25 Apr (TQ), 1A+2Y Coopernook SF, Taree 21 Sep (MVBN4191); 5
    C&A Dam, Mulbring 6 Nov (JC); Long Swamp, Bennagui 4-11 Jan
    (Ramsay 1990).
    Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis 2M,1F Sherwood, Macleay River 23 Sep (KS).
    Plains -wanderer Pedionomus torquatus Present throughout year in low numbers on
    plains N of Deniliquin, nesting Aug -Oct, scarce due to wet seasons in past 3
    years resulting in grass on plains being too dense (PM).
    Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles 250+ Penrith Lakes 31 May (JMi), large concentration
    for Sydney.
    Banded Lapwing V tricolor 9 (7A+2Y), and N4E near Coutts Crossing 2 Oct, 10
    young reportedly raised, first local breeding record (GC); Present Cornwallis
    Lane, Richmond 17 Aug -29 Dec, max 10 adults and 2 juv. (RH,AB,GR,TQ,
    MTy); Tilba Lake Sep, first record for local area, and first record for
    1 1
    Eurobodalla Shire since 1973-74 (ENHS); 25 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 17
    Mar and 5 on 16 Jun (KH).
    December1993 Page 42Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Kempsey 24 Sep (KS); 200+ Kooragang Island
    23 Nov (AB); 30 Mason Park, Concord 16 Mar (AB); Recorded at four
    locations in Eurobodalla Shire Sep -Dec max 4 at any one location (ENHS); 28
    Lake Bathurst 22 Jan & 3 on 22 Sep (ML CBN 16,83); Summer Counts 16
    Feb, 41 Tuggerah Lakes, 60 Parramatta River, 112 Botany Bay, 200 Comerong
    Is (JPe,H&BM,AKM,CJC).
    Grey Plover P squatarola 2 Micalo Is 9 Dec (GC), 1 Ballina 24 Dec (BT 7B0718); 1
    in non -breeding plumage kooragang Is 17 Mar (TQ), 1 Picnic Pt, The
    Entrance 1 Dec (AKM); 1 North Botany Bay 14 Sep (HJ), & 21 Sep (TQ), 1
    Long Reef 21 Sep (AF), 1 Boatharbour 23 Nov (H&BM), 3 Dee Why Lagoon
    22-26 Dec (BC); 1 Comerong Is 5 Jan & 4 on 17 Nov (DWr,CJC,BC), 2
    Windang 14 Dec (CB); 6 Lake Wollumboola 5 Jan -2 Feb & 2, 1-24 Dec
    (JPe,CJC), Moruya Heads 23-27 Sep, 4 Brou Lake 17 Dec. Highest numbers
    and most locations since Annual Reports began in 1970.
    Red -capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 2 Bakers Lagoon 30 Nov (KB), unusual
    location; 200 Brou Lake 10 Jan, numbers declining as water level receding,
    largest number recorded for locality (ENHS); Pair with chick Nearie Lake NR
    2-9 Oct (GLC).
    Double -banded Plover C. bicinctus 8 Station Ck, Yuragir NP 13 Apr and 14 Dart Is,
    Yamba 14 May (GC); 1 colour -banded bird at Boat Harbour, Kurnell on 3
    May has returned to the same wintering site for the 6th consecutive year (We),
    48 there 10 Aug (JF), 3 Bakers Lagoon 17 Aug (MTy); 131 Comerong Is 5 Jul,
    fewer than usual CJC); 10 Lake Bathurst 2 May (We); Present Fivebough
    Swamp, Leeton 24 Mar- 9 Jun, max 2 on 7 Apr (KH). Departure: 1 in breeding
    plumage Lake Wollumboola 3 Nov (We).
    Mongolian Plover C. mongolus 23 Clarence/Richmond estuaries Feb (AWSG); 16
    Picnic Pt, The Entrance 26 Jan, uncommon at this location (AKM), 30
    Kooragang Island 17 Mar (TQ); 21 Boatharbour, Kumell max summer count
    16 Feb (We); 29 Lake Wollumboola 2 Feb (CJC), highest number recorded at
    any South Coast location.
    Large Sand Plover C. leschenaultii 1 Dart Island 28 Sep (GC); 1 Mason Park, Concord
    24 Jan (DH), 2 Boat Harbour, Kurnell 3-16 Feb and 1 on 10-31 Aug
    (N&JuR,DH,DJa,JF,JPe), 1 Old Cooks River estuary, Botany Bay 1 May
    (KB), and 17 Sep (CS). Average year.
    Oriental Plover C. veredus 1 Bombah Point, Myall Lakes NP 12 Sep (DTu); 2 Peri
    Lake, Paroo River 14 Oct (PSm), 20th and 21st records for NSW; records
    accepted by NSWORAC (Morris 1993 and in press).
    Black -fronted Plover C. melanops 57 McGraths Hill STW 22 Jun (AB), nesting Mason
    Park, Concord 31 Aug (TKy).
    Hooded Plover C. ruficollis Only recorded in South Coast Region with records at
    Pretty, Kiola, Mary & Racecourse Beaches, Murramurang NP 13-18 May
    Page 43 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2(MA) in Shoalhaven Shire; Recorded at 9 locations in Eurobodalla Shire, 3
    breeding records, one clutch of eggs taken by fox (ENHS & Crowley 1992);
    Recorded at Tathra, Nelson Lagoon, Middle Lagoon and Wapengo 3-10 May
    in Bega Shire (We), with nesting Cowdroys Beach, Tathra 24 Dec (DL); and
    recorded Merimbula Lake, Womboyn Lake and Kiah in Eden Shire with
    nesting at Saltwater Inlet, Ben Boyd NP 15-16 Oct (PR).
    Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus 3 Cowans Ponds 7 Dec (GC); Imm
    Chittaway Bay, Tuggerah Lake 20 Jan (AKM); 2 McGraths Hill STW 2 Feb
    (AEFR), 7 Mason Park, Concord 11 Feb -31 Mar (H&BM,JS); 1 J Longneck
    Lagoon 18 Mar (PR), Present Old Man Bed Swamp, Moruya 28 Jan -10 Feb,
    max 42, large number for South Coast (ENHS); 1 Lake Noola, Junee Reefs 23
    Nov, rarely recorded in Junee Shire (MC).
    Inland Dotterel Peltohyas australis Present between Wanganella and Hay Jan -May,
    max 27 on 6 May, pair with 2 juv Nov -Dec (PM,AMcB).
    Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella 1 McGraths Hill STW 24 Oct (EV), first record
    since 1977 (Hoskin 1992); 10+ just west of Hay 11 Nov (MjC), also nesting
    south of Hay and W of Deniliquin Dec (PM); 50 White Cliffs 20 Sep (JDH);
    12+ Nialia Lake 3-8 Oct (GLC).
    Ruddy Tumstone Arenaria interpres 56 Long Reef 1 Dec (AB); 2 Lake Bathurst 22 Sep
    (ML CBN 16:83); Caryapundy Swamp, W of Adelaide Gate 26 Sep
    (NSWBA); 5 Fletchers Lake, Dareton 22 Sep (TB0715), 2 Broken Hill 20 Sep
    (NM), both regular inland sites.
    Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardwickii Departure: Kiama 1 Mar (WB); Arrival: 1
    Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 4 Aug (KH), a very early date, and none were seen
    again, Chittaway Point 17 Aug (BC), 3 Cowans ponds 31 Aug (GC); 1
    Bicentennial Park 17 Jan (CG) and 30 Nov (H&BM); 1 Willandra Crossing,
    Mossgiel 15 Sep (NM), much further west than usual.
    Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis Max counts: 300+ Kooragang Island 17
    Mar (TQ); 66 Moruya Heads Mar (ENHS).
    Whimbrel N. phaeopus 83 Clarence/Richmond estuaries Feb (AWSG); 1 Birdie Beach,
    Mumnorah SRA 25 Oct (AKM); 4 Majors Bay 27 Jan (VCo), 2nd record for
    Parramatta River wetlands (cf Morris et al 1990); 1 Burrill Lake 31 Mar (AB),
    present all year Moruya Heads Max 43 on 19 Oct (ENHS).
    Little Whimbrel N. minutes 2 Wentworth Swamp, Maitland 6 Jan (MW), where
    previously reported in 1985; 1 Bermagui River on 24 June (ENHS), and 1
    Hare Bay, Jervis Bay 25 Aug (DWr), second and third South Coast records.
    Greenshank Tringa nebularia Arrival: 1 Chittaway Point 14 Aug. Present Tuggerah
    Lakes Jan- Apr, Aug -Dec, max 52 in Jan (AKM); 50+ Kooragang Is 17 Mar
    (TQ) and 182 on 13 Nov (AKM); 1 Lake Bathurst 22 Sep & 1 south end of
    Lake George 19 Nov (CBN 16:83). Present Fivebough Swamp, Leeton Jan -7
    Page 44
    December1993Apr, 25 Aug -Dec (KH); 6 Cobar STW and Yimkin HSD, Cobar late Nov
    (LSc): 1 Springwood HSD, Wentworth 5 Oct (GLC).
    Marsh Sandpiper T stagnatilis 1 Sherwood 16 Sep & 2 Pelican Island, Macleay River
    19 Sep (KS); 6 Shortlands WC 18 Oct (BD), 11 with Greenshanks at
    Chittaway Point 5 Jan (AKM), 2 Budgewoi Lake 2 Mar (FOC), first record for
    this locality; 3 Pitt Town Lagoon 12 Oct (KB), 5 Bushells Lagoon 6 Nov
    (KB), 1 Dee Why Lagoon 15 Dec (BC), 6 McGraths Hill STW 21 Dec (AD);
    10 Old Man Bed Swamp, Moruya 9 Dec, first record for Eurobodalla Shire
    (ENHS); Present Fivebough Swamp, Leeton Jan -7 Apr, 11 Aug -Dec (1(11); 1
    Bourke STW & 100+ Caryapundy Swamp, W of Adelaide Gate 25 Sep
    (NSWBA). Compare the Bird Reports of the early 1970s to see how this
    species has increased in numbers in recent years.
    Wood Sandpiper T glareola 1 Mason Park, Concord 4-13 Jan (AOR,CC), 1 Bakers
    Lagoon 9 Mar (RT), 2 Pitt Town Lagoon 12 Oct (KB); 10 Old Man Bed
    Swamp, Moruya 3 Feb, first record for Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS); Present
    Fivebough Swamp, Leeton Jan -10 Mar, 11 Aug -Dec, max 5 on 29 Dec (KH),
    1 Hillston 27 Aug (TQ). More locations than usual.
    Common Sandpiper T hypoleucos Station Ck, Yuraygir NP Oct & Esk River,
    1 1 1
    Iluka 17 Oct (GC); 3 Kooragang Island 30 Dec (ABe); Tom Uglys Point,
    Botany Bay 8 Sep (AF); 1 Rosedale 30 Jan on a pebbly beach, 1 Moruya SF
    10 Oct, observer’s first record for District (ENHS); 1 Lake Peri 16 Oct (PSm).
    Fewer records than usual.
    Terek Sandpiper T terek Present Kooragang Is -Stockton 1 Jan -20 Apr, max 30+ on 17
    Mar (TQ,AEFR); Fewer numbers and locations than usual.
    Wandering Tattler T incana 1 Woolgoolga Headland 13 Aug (GC).
    Grey -tailed Tattler T brevipes 60+ Kooragang Is 17 Mar (TQ); 4 Comerong Is 5 Jul
    (CJC); 1 Murrays Beach, Jervis Bay 12 Jan (KH), 1 Merimbula Lake 4 Apr
    (BJ), present Moruya Heads Jan -Jul, max 19 May (ENHS). Uncommon south
    of the Shoalhaven.
    Bar -tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 505 Sep,
    highest count for Lakes (AKM); 853 lower Shoalhaven estuary 5 Jan (CJC);
    200 Narooma 23 Oct (ENHS).
    Black -tailed Godwit L. limosa 230 Clarence Estuary 5 Feb (GC); 40+ Kooragang
    Island 17 Mar (TQ); 1 Moruya Heads 11 Mar, 20 Tuross 23 Oct, these plus
    one record in 1988 are the only records for Eurobodalla Shire since 1973-74
    (ENHS); Present Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 10 Feb -12 May, max 4 on 3 Mar
    Red Knot Calidris canutus 5 Wallis Lake 15 Jan (ABR); Present North Botany Bay 21
    Sep -21 Oct, max 75 (BD,TQ); present Tilba Lake throughout year, max 40 in
    Apr (ENHS); 20+ Caryapundy Swamp, W of Adelaide Gate 25 Sep
    (NSWBA), there are few inland records.
    Page 45 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2Great Knot C. tenuirostris 92 Clarence Estuary 5 Feb, with max 47 overwintering
    (GC,AWSG), largest ever concentration reported in NSW; 6 Stockton in
    breeding plumage 19 & 27 Mar and 1 in non -breeding plumage 20 Apr
    (TQ,H&BM), 3 Chittaway Point 7 Dec (CCFOC); 1 North Botany Bay 2 Feb
    (DJa) & 21 Oct (BD), 1 Long Reef 1 Sep (AF), 2 Dee Why Lagoon 15 Dec &
    3 on 23 Dec (BC); 2 Windang 6 Dec (CJC); 1 Tilba Lake 2 Apr, 1 Narooma
    Estuary 23 Oct (ENHS); Tullakool Evaporation Ponds 28 Nov, first inland
    record for NSW (PM). Good spread of records this year.
    Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotos 1 Kooragang Island NR 27 Oct -2 Nov (FVG); 1
    Mason Park, Concord 11 Feb (H&BM), 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 12 Oct (KB), 1
    McGraths Hill STW 30 Nov- 21 Dec (AD,SF,KB, AB); 1 Tullakool EP 4 Mar
    (PM). Average year.
    Sharp- tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata Present Jan -Apr, Jul -Dec Tuggerah Lakes, max
    2248 in Oct, highest count for Lakes (AKM); 66 Mason Park, Concord 13
    Nov -1 Dec, high number for this little swamp (AB,BD); Present Fivebough
    Swamp, Leeton Jan -7 Apr, 25 Aug -Dec, max 72 (KH).
    Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -May, Sep -Dec max 1723
    in Oct, highest count for Lakes (AKM); Present at 3 locations in Eurobodalla
    Shire 14 Sep -7 Dec max 11 Brou lake 23 Oct, most records ever for Shire
    (ENHS); Lake Cargellico 9 Nov (ABe), 5 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 2 Nov
    (KH); 15+ Caryapundy Swamp, W of Adelaide Gate 25 Sep (NSWBA); 2
    Nialia Lake 5 Oct (GLC).
    Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis 509 Comerong Island 5 Jan (CJC); 1 Lake Cargellico 9
    Nov (ABe); 5 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 2 Nov (KH).
    Little Stint C. minutus 1 in partial breeding plumage Kooragang Is 2 Nov (FVG),
    record under review by NSWORAC.
    Long -toed Stint C. subminuta Present Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 18 Aug- Dec, two
    seperate birds (Hutton 1992), records accepted by NSWORAC (Morris 1992).
    Sanderling C. alba 2 Long Reef 2 Nov (RH,AB), 2 Boat Harbour Res 9 Nov (We), 1
    Dee Why Lagoon 23 Dec (BC); 1 Windang 2 Oct (MA), 1 Bellambi Point 28
    Oct (CJC); 3 Brou Lake 17 Nov, second record for Eurobodalla Shire, 1 Tura
    Beach, Merimbula 31 Mar (BJ). Average year.
    Broad -billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus 1 Shell Point, Botany Bay 9 & 17 Nov
    (JPe); Lake Wollumboola 24 Dec (CJC).
    Ruff/Reeve Philomachus pugnax 1 Mason Park 13-17 Jan (RT,CC).
    Banded Stilt Cladorhynchus leucocephalus Present Tullakool EP Oct -Dec, max 30 on 6
    Dec (PM). Bourke STW 25 Aug -21 Sep (NSWBA,M&AT).
    Black -winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus Max 380 Joss Is, Clarence Estuary during
    Jun, large number for this site (GC); Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max 269
    in Jul, highest count for Lakes (AKM); 120 Homebush Bay 16 Jan (BD), 1
    Pittwater near Palm Beach 3 Feb (PB), 4 on rocks at Long Reef 27 Feb (NM).
    December1993 Page 46Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae Present Kooragang Island 29 Jun –
    23 Nov, max 440+ on 23 Nov (MI,AB); 1 Homebush Bay 31 Mar -1 Jun
    (BD,N&JR,JW,JSc), 1 Bakers Lagoon 6 Jan and 2 on 30 Nov (CG,KB), 1
    Narrabeen Lake 1 Sep (BC); Present Lake Cargellico 9 Nov (JR); 400+ lake
    near Wilcannia 31 Jul -5 Sep (ABi,M&BB); 2000+ Fletchers Lake, Dareton 22
    Sep (7730715).
    Sooty Oystercatcher Haematopus fuliginosus 3 Forster 14 June & 5 on 24 Jun (ABR);
    14 Long Reef 23 Mar (AB); 20 Red Point 28 Oct (CJC).
    Pied Oystercatcher H. ostralegus Recorded at 9 locations in Northern Rivers with
    nesting at Clarence Estuary in Sep (GC); Max 17 Botany Bay Summer Wader
    Count 16 Feb (We), numbers down on recent years; Recorded at 7 locations in
    Eurobodalla Shire throughout the year max 30 Tilba Lake 2 Apr, 4 nesting
    records, none successful (ENHS).
    Long-tailed Jaeger Stercorcarius longicaudus c10 off Wollongong 24 Feb and 10-20
    off Wollongong, between 20-30 km offshore on 14 Nov & 2 Dec
    Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus 1 Newcastle Harbour 11 Feb (JM); 14 Red Point 6 Dec
    (CJC); 2 harassing gulls at Merimbula 5 Jan (BJ).
    Pomarine Jaeger S. pomarinus 2 NE of Forster 20 Jan (ABR), few published records
    for Mid North Coast.
    Pacific Gull Larus pacificus 1A+Im Marley Beach, Royal NP 18 Aug (R&GK);
    recorded at 3 locations in Eurobodalla viz Moruya Heads, Congo Point and
    South Tuross, all immature (ENHS).
    Kelp Gull L. dominicanus 1A Long Reef 14 Jul (AF); 29 Coomaditchy Lagoon, Port
    Kembla 23 Apr -6 May (CJC,LS), numbers continue to increase in the
    Franklin’s Gull L. pipixcan 1 Menindee Lake 3 Oct, record not accepted by RAOU
    RAC (Morris 1992).
    Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida 1 Lake Wollumboola 5 Jan (CJC); 1 over small
    pond in Willow Lake carpark Junee 29 Nov (MC); Arrival: Fivebough
    Swamp, Leeton 18 Aug (KH); 3+ Cabbage Garden Creek, Hillston 28 Sep
    White -winged Tern C. leucoptera 2 Windang 14 Dec (CB); 57 Lake Wollumboola 21
    Dec (We) and 14 on 24 Dec (CJC). 57 is the largest concentration recorded at
    any site in NSW.
    Gull -billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica IA feeding large flying juv. Thorny Is, Clarence
    Estuary 28 Sep (GC); Present Jan -Apr, max 15 on 20 Apr, of the Asiatic race
    G.n. affinis Stockton 22 Feb (DH,DJa,H&BM,AEFR); Bushells Lagoon 25
    Aug (CG); Present Caryapundy Swamp, W of Adelaide Gate 25 Sep
    (NSWBA); 6 on Nialia & Yelta Lakes 5-9 Oct (GLC).
    Page 47 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia 13 Thorny Island, Clarence Estuary 26 Jun (GC);
    Present all year on Tuggerah Lakes, numbers highest in spring and autumn
    and lowest in winter, max. 67 in Oct (highest count in three years), no
    breeding takes place but in summer adults are often accompanied by flying,
    begging young; 1A+1Im Curl Curl Lagoon, 1 North Botany Bay 2 Feb
    (DH,DJa,NM), 4 Long Reef 14 Jul (AF); Present all coastal lakes in
    Eurobodalla Shire throughout the year, 1-4 birds, more sightings than in
    previous five years (ENHS).
    Common Tern Sterna hirundo Present in Sydney Region Jan- Apr, Sep -Dec, max 500
    Boat Harbour, Kurnell 23 Nov (H&BM) & 173 Long Reef 27 Dec (AB).
    These records are consistent with known occurrence (Hoskin 1992).
    White -fronted Tern S. striata 9 Boatharbour Res 31 Aug (JPe).
    Sooty Tern S. fuscata 2 immatures blown inland to Grose Vale in a storm 12 Dec
    (MCo); off Wollongong 24 Nov (per EH).
    Little Tern S. albifrons Departure : 6 Swansea Caravan Park 20 Apr (TQ). Breeding: 3
    pairs nested, 2 fledglings reared Nambucca Heads Dec (DS); 14A+1J North
    Botany Bay 23 Feb (We, Egan 1992), nesting on island off Towra Point spit
    20 birds + 3 nests on 1 Dec (GL) & 9 fledglings + 50A 26 Dec (We); 6 pr
    nesting Lake Wollumboola in Dec, 22 birds present on 24 Dec (JPe,CJC) first
    nesting for over 10 years at this site; 125-150 Brou Lake, many juveniles, still
    2 nests with eggs in Jan, very successful season here 1990/91, max 30 A, 3
    N+E 25 Nov Brou Lake, but high seas in Dec caused nests to fail, 2 pairs
    nested South Tuross 1 Dec (J&JL). 245 non -breeders Windang 5 Feb & 196
    on 14 Dec (CJC).
    Fairy Tern S. nereis 1 Boatharbour Res 9 Aug -14 Sep, record not accepted by
    NSWORAC (Moths 1992).
    Common Noddy Anous stolidus 1 landed on boat at Manly, injured and taken to
    Taronga Zoo 21 Jan (DH), record accepted by NSWORAC (Moths 1992).
    Superb Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus superbus Im flew into window, Blackbutt Res, Newcastle
    24 Apr (PL), AF Corlette Point, Salamander Bay 12 May (EWa), first record
    for district (See Moths 1992b).
    Rose -crowned Fruit -Dove P regina Heard calling Boatharbour NR 22 Mar, Victoria
    Park NR 22 Mar & Ilulca NR 6 Oct (GC); 1 South West Rocks 24 Dec (ASm).
    Wompoo Fruit- Dove P magnificus 2 Woolgoolga FR 27 Jan (RA); 2 Mebbin SF 26
    Dec(PE); 6 Copeland Tops 27 Mar (FOC).
    Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus Flock at Mt. Coxcombe and Upper
    Lansdowne 2 May (DLo); 70+ Maitland Bay, Bouddi NP 4 Nov, 60+
    Wambina Res, Matcham 9 Nov (AKM), Pajr nesting Lisarow 23 Nov, first
    known breeding record for Central Coast (SR); 7+ Lady Carrington Drive 10
    Aug (JFo) and 10+ Werong Beach, Royal NP 7 Aug (TBOC9/91).
    December1993 Page 48White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela Wattle Flat, Royal NP 20 Jan (JF), Present
    Pennant Hills Park/Epping/Turramurra /Killara/Pymble area 23 Mar -25 Nov
    max 1-4 (BA,BD,SSa,RT) where recorded feeding on fruit of Native Grape
    Cissus hypoglauca, Yowie Bay 28 Mar (JF), Taronga Zoo 28 May (IMcA),
    1 1
    1 Grays Point 1 Jul & 7 on 13 Sep (JFo), 2 Annangrove 21 Sep (KB), 1
    Galston 2 Dec (per EH); 1 Primbee 20 Apr (RIm), 2 Foxground 27 May
    (G&JPa), 3 Bass Point 30 Jun & 2 Mt Kembla 3 Sep (CJC); Numbers
    continue to increase in the Sydney-Illawarra Regions.
    Spotted Turtle -Dove Streptopelia chinensis Baradine 17 Oct, first record for district
    (DJ); Single birds in surburban street, Dubbo 22 Aug & 5 Oct (ABi); 1
    Deniliquin Jan, first record for 2 years (TW); These records indicate a
    continuing rural spread.
    Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macropygia amboinensis Royal Children Hospital,
    Camperdown 29 Jan, unusual inner city location (GK), Menangle 14 Feb
    (TS), 1 Devlins Ck/Lane Cove River junct. 16 Nov (DLa), 3 Lady Carrington
    Drive, Royal NP 10 Aug (JFo); Bass Point 22 Sep (CJC); Calling
    Hazelbrook 15 Mar, and seen Woodford same day (JDa).
    Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica J killed by cat Carrs Creek 7 Oct (per GC); 1
    Copeland Tops 30 Mar (H&BM). 1 Mogo Creek, Yengo NP, north of St.
    Albans 7 Apr, first Park record (DOB), 1 Palmdale 5 Oct (per JC); 1
    Annangrove Mar & 12 Nov (KB).
    Peaceful Dove Geopelia placida 100+ Nandewar Ranges, Narrabri 13 May (HJ). Large
    Diamond Dove G. cuneata 5 Collarenebri Oct (MVBN 3/92); 1 Willow Point HSD,
    Wentworth 7-9 Oct (GLC). Only records recieved.
    Bar -shouldered Dove G. humeralis 1 Girrakool, Brisbane Water NP 8 Apr, no previous
    Park records (AKM), 2 Smiths Rd, Jilliby 23 Aug (JC); Kiama 4 Sep (KM);
    Lawson 8-30 Sep feeding with Spotted Turtle -Doves (RBE), and
    1 1
    Woodford 13 Oct (MK), 1 Mountain Lagoon 15-22 Nov (MCo), rarely
    recorded in Blue Mountains. The expansion of range in the Central Coast,
    Illawarra and lower Blue Mountains continues; 2 Round Hill NR 24-28 Apr &
    10 Nov (FOC,ABe), 2+2y Coombie Hsd, Roto Oct (JH).
    Common Bronzewing Phaps chalcoptera Royal NP 20 Sep (DRy).
    Brush Bronzewing P elegans 1 The Loop Trail, Royal NP near Heathcote 16 Nov
    (MA); 10 Narooma 16 Mar (WB).
    Wonga Pigeon Leucosarcia melanoleuca Nesting in Acacia overhanging river near Mt
    Warning NP 20 Feb (DJ).
    Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus magnificus 200+ Compodore Hsd, Louth
    29 Sep (NSWBA), 2-300 Louth Weir, Darling River late Nov (LSc); 2
    Wilcannia 15 Feb (per EH), 200+ 16 km S of Wilcannia 5 Sep (ABi), 2
    Bourke 11 Sep (DE). Endangered fauna, all records published.
    Page 49 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2Glossy Black Cockatoo C. lathami 2 in Black Oak Allocasuarina littoralis N of Illaroo,
    Yuraygir NP 5 Oct & heard at Orara R, Coutts Crossing 17 Aug (GC), small
    numbers Guy Fawkes NP Feb, Glen Nevis and Oakwood SF Mar -Apr,
    Ballengarra SF Apr, north Washpool NP in Oct (SD), 4 Hat Head 10 Oct (KS);
    Moderately common Bulga, Mt Boss and Doyles River and Dingo Tops,
    Dingo SFs Oct -Nov feeding in A. torulosa (SD,GC,PM), 14-20 chinking daily
    at waterhole near Kendall 1-10 Apr (SE), 2 South West Rocks 24 Dec (ASm);
    1 Rumbalara Res, Gosford 3 Mar & 2 on 27 Aug (AKM), 3 Boree Track,
    Yengo NP 3 Aug, 2 Ourimbah SF 6 Sep (JC), 4 Warkworth 20 Oct (HBOC 6/
    91), 2+ Mill Creek, Dharug NP 17 Nov, 2 Ourimbah Creek 7 Dec (AB);
    Nortons Basin, Wallacia 28 Jan (TS), 30 Crosslands Res, Berowra 2 Jun
    (MG), 2 nesting Berowra 2 Sep (R&GK), 2 West Head, Ku-ring-gai Chase NP
    18 Oct (per EH), 2 Lower Portland 16 Nov (KB), 2 Deep Creek, Narrabeen 21
    Apr, 11 Aug & 21 Dec (DWi,AB,BC); Present Diamond Creek, Dampier SF
    23 Feb -18 May (ENHS:79), 1 Merimbula Golf Course 25 Mar (BJ); 2 Boonoo
    Boonoo NP 23 Dec (DE); Pair nesting Winmallee 1 Apr (NK), 7 Glen Davis
    Jan -10 Apr (CG,BP), 2 Capstone 2 Apr & 29 Aug (R&GT), 3 Yengo NP near
    Putty Rci/Mellong Swamp 17 May (RM); 5 Dungarry HSD, Dubbo 4 Aug
    (ABi); 4 pr Narrandera Range 2 Feb, 14 Brobenah near Narrandera 14 Feb, 2
    Leeton flying over town 12 Feb, all birds disturbed by bushfires that burnt out
    7000ha of Narrandera Range and 6000 ha Brobenah Range, only habitat for
    the Cockatoos in the Narrandera area (KH,MN).
    Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoo C. funereus Max 3 South Turramurra 9-16 Sep, 12
    Belrose 19 Apr (DLa), few reports of large numbers in the Sydney Region this
    Gang -Gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum 10 Matcham 7 Apr, only previous
    record in 1985 (AS), 20+ feeding in Liquidambars at Wyoming 20 May, 2 in
    garden at Narrara 11 Jun (E&PD); 4 feeding in Liquidambars at Kyle Bay
    Jun (KK), 2 eating Cotoneaster berries at Blakehurst 29 Jul (DG), 2 inspecting
    hollows Pennant Hills Park 5 Oct but not subsequently located (BD), max 3
    South Turramurra 11 Nov -18 Dec (DLa); 25 Mount Ousley 25-30 Apr (JR) &
    32 Wollongong University all May (CJC); 30+ Dunns Swamp, Wollemi NP 5
    May (MSh).
    Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris 6 South Grafton 24 Dec & 2 McPhersons
    Crossing 23 Jan (GC); 38 Gorokan 1 Aug (AB), resident Killarney Vale –
    Berkeley Vale, max 97 in one flock in Dec (AKM); 50+ Greendale Road,
    Wallacia 11 May (RT), 2 foreshore reserve, North Botany Bay 18 May (PMa),
    35 seen daily North Parramatta Nov (ToS), 18 Castle Hill 24 Nov (JPu);
    Bowral 6 May (GC1). Coastal population continues to expand.
    Little Corella C. sanguinea 100+ Menangle 3 Jun (DSo); 26 Wongarbon 18 Jun (ABi)
    eastern edge of natural range; 3 between Growee Creek and Bylong 20 Oct
    December1993 Page 50Pink Cockatoo C. leadbeateri 9 over Lake Wyangan 26 May (KH).
    Rainbow Lorikeeet Trichoglossus haematodus 4 Baradine township feeding in Bottle
    Brush and Silky Oaks 17-21 Oct (DJ); 2 feeding in flowering eucalypt, Dubbo
    town area 7 Dec (ABi), western edge of range.
    Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna 5 in garden at Forster 14-24 Oct (ABR); 5+
    Campbelltown 3 Jun (DSo); 12 Balgownie 8 Sep (WE); 15 Blaxland 31 May
    (PSm); Present Deniliquiir town area Dec (PM).
    Little Lorikeet G. pusilla 100+ Cockle Bay/Empire Bay 27 May -1 Jun (AKM), not
    previously recorded on Bouddi Peninsula, feeding in flowering Swamp
    Mahogany; Small flock flew over Whale Beach 19 Apr (TQ), 8 flying over
    Taronga Zoo 23 Apr (DH), 17 Narrabeen 4 May (AF), c10 Deep Creek,
    Narrabeen 25 May (AB), 5 Annangrove 21 Sep (KB), unusual in Sydney’s
    northern beaches.
    Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus Present Mara Ck, Yuraygir NP 18 Jan & 22 Feb
    (MBa), ID near Oyster Channel, Micalo Is 6 Mar, apparently flew into
    window and Lake Hiawatha, Yuraygir NP 20 Jul (GC).
    Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor 1 Crowdy Bay NP 19 Jun (SD); 1 Castlereagh SF 26
    Jan (RT) an early date but not the earliest (cfHoslcin 1992), 1+ Castle Hill 23
    Mar (G.W), 20-30 Blacktown 27 May -28 Jun (JDH), 4 Peakhurst 30 Jun
    (N&JuR), 2 Homebush Bay 8 Jul (GMcC), 8 Northmead 14 Jul (DS); 15
    Primbee 17 Jun (RIm); 1+ Burrendong Arboretum 17 Aug (DSm); 5-6
    Springdale 26 Jun & 1 Jul, 1-7 Ingalba NR 4 Jul & 21 Sep, 1 Currajong SF 17
    Aug (MC). More records than previous years, note the concentration of
    records in Sydney’s north-western suburbs.
    Red -winged Parrot Aprosmictus erythmpterus 2 Coolbaggie Ck, Narromine 23 Jun and
    2 Mogriguy Forest Rd, Goonoo SF 27 Oct (ABi), southern edge of range.
    Australian King Parrot Alisterus scapularlis 2 Neutral Bay 30 Oct (RD); 30+ Kangaroo
    Valley 3 May (GA); 2 Paddys Dam, Goonoo SF 22 Sep (ABi), western edge
    of range.
    Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii 3 immatures at McGraths Hill 3-21 Aug, probably
    escapees (LDi); 10 Cowra 14 Sep (KB), 1 Mandurama 4 Oct (RT); 4M+5F 30
    km W of Nyngan 20 Jun (LSc), 3 in woodland near Trangie 2 Sep (ABi); 6
    West Wyalong 6 Aug (JN); 30 A+J feeding in flock on roadside 40km E of
    Deniliquin 6 May, feeding on leaves and stem of Solanum esuriale , 24 M&F
    feeding on ground and in Yellow Box S of Deniliquin 7 Sep, 60 M feeding
    together in wild oats S of Deniliquin 10 Oct (PM), 2M over Fivebough
    Swamp, Leeton 2 Jun (KH). Endangered Fauna, numbers and distribution in
    accordance with recent studies (Webster & Ahearn 1992).
    Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus 20+ at road edge near Bathurst 20 Jan (PJR), rare
    in that district.
    Pale -headed Rosella Platycercus adscitus 2 Moree Oct (MVBN 3/92), edge of range.
    Page 51 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2Red-rumped Parrot Psephotus haematonotus 3 Yallah 11 Jun (KM), rare in Illawarra.
    Mulga Parrot Psephotus varius Pair Brobenah Hills 19 May (KH); 5 Nombinnie NR
    and 4 Round Hill NR 24-28 Apr (FOC). Fairly common in mallee areas in
    Lower Anabranch of the Darling River 2-9 Oct (GLC).
    Blue Bonnet Northiella haematogaster 3 Corowa area 21 Sep (AG), eastern edge of
    Bourke’s Parrot Neophema bourkii 2 near Gilgandra 25 Jun, record not accepted by
    NSWORAC (Morris 1992); 5 near Mootwingie NP 16-18 Jul (7710 714:111).
    Blue -winged Parrot N. chrysostoma No records recieved.
    Turquoise Parrot N. pulchella F Myall Lakes NP 2 Oct (DTu); 3 Warrah Trig, Brisbane
    Water NP 7 May -28 Jul (JW,DOB,SZ), 1, 7, & 2 seen seperately in Tomago
    Sandbeds in Jun (SBe), 2 Mangrove Dam catchment area near Bucketty 20
    Dec (ANB); Present Burragorang Valley 26 Oct (RT); Recorded Torrington
    SF (Anon 1992); 2 AM beside Putty Rd, 51 km N of Windsor 9 Mar (TQ),
    50+ Capertee-Glen Davis 10 Apr -14 Jul (JDH,CG,AB); nesting Weddin SF 6
    Oct (RT). Some new locations for this endangered species.
    Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus No records received.
    Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus Arrival: Everglades Lagoon, Woy Woy 9 Sep (PA) rare at
    this location, 1 Mt Riverview 24 Sep (LoS), 1 Pitt Town 5 Oct (AB), Station
    Creek, Yuraygir NP 8 Oct (GC), Tuggerah 24 Oct.
    Brush Cuckoo C. variolosus Arrival: 1 Berkeley Vale 12 Oct (TMo), 1 in garden at
    Forster 19 Oct (ABR), 1 Sheeys Creek, Burragorang 20 Oct (RT), later dates
    than usual.
    Fan -tailed Cuckoo C.pyrrhophanus Calling at night in the state forests of the Northern
    Tablelands during autumn and winter (SD); Winter visitor to Mt Riverview
    May -Aug (LoS).
    Black -eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans 1 Glen Davis 18 Aug (CG); 1 Weddin SF
    5-7 Oct (CBOC); 1 Turee HSD, Kennebri 17 Oct, rare in Coonabarabran Shire
    (DJ); Few birds S of Deniliquin Sep -Nov, rarely seen in District (PM); 1
    Nombinnie NR 4 Aug (PM), 1 Round Hill NR 6 Oct (EK), 1 near swamp on
    Willow Point HSD, Wentworth 2-9 Oct (GLC), Coombie HSD, Roto garden
    2 Nov (JH). More records than usual.
    Shining Bronze -Cuckoo C. lucidis Calling at night during autumn and winter in state
    forests on Northern Tablelands (SD); Lakatoro HSD, West Dubbo Sep
    1 1
    (ABi); 1 Mootwingie NP 9 Oct (ALe), rarely recorded so far west.
    Little Bronze -Cuckoo C. malayanus 1 Kempsey 15 Aug (KS), 1 calling Coutts
    Crossing 30 Nov- 26 Dec (GC).
    Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea Departure: Mt Riverview 26 Jan (LoS),
    Artarmon 16 Feb (AB). Arrival: AM Seaforth 27 Sep (DSc), AM Dee Why 1
    Oct (RA), Berkeley Vale 14 Oct (AKM). Recorded in the Illawarra at Mt
    Ousley, Primbee and Gerringong in 16-31 Dec, scarce in this Region but
    December1993 Page 52becoming more frequent (JRo,CJC,JP); J being fed by Noisy Friarbirds at
    Murrays Beach, Jervis Bay 13 Jan (KH), unusual because most NSW records
    are for Red Wattlebird hosts. AM Kandos township 15 Sep -4 Dec (CY), rare
    in Rylstone Shire and an early date.
    Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae Arrival: 2 Forster 4 Oct (ABR),
    South Turramurra & Curramore 12 Sep (IAMc,KM), 1 Glenbrook 17 Sep
    (CS), 1 Lake Heights 16 Oct (CJC), 2 Wollongong University 31 Oct (CJC),
    some localities much earlier than usual. fostered by a pair of Torresian
    Crows at Glenreagh during Feb (per GC); Pair Royal Botanic Gardens 11 Nov
    (PCh), 4th record for Gardens (previous records 1860, 7/9/1975 & 17/10/1986
    per EH). 50 records south of the Pacific Highway, Turramurra towards Lane
    Cove River between 12 Oct- 12 Feb 1992, including predation of nesting Pied
    Currawongs, 2 in act of predation at Pied Currawongs’ nests Mt Colah 9 Oct,
    2 at Avalon in spring extracting Pied Currawong embryo from egg and eating
    same (DLa et al). Juveniles fed by Pied Currawongs at: 2 Laurieton Jan
    (DLo), 3 Pearl Beach 11 Feb -16 Mar (RE), 1 Glenbrook 6 Dec (EV).
    Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus Present Baan Baa during Mar (JA), western
    edge of range.
    Powerful Owl Ninox strenua 5pr & 3 singles Chaelundi SF Feb -Dec, 1pr + 5 singles
    London Bridge SF Mar- Apr, 1 Glen Nevis SF Jul, 1 Fortis Creek SF Nov, 3
    Curramore SF Jul, 5 Gibraltar Range SF Jul, 2 Washpool NP Jul, in Nov, 2-3
    Moogem SF Jul, 1 Grange SF Jul, 2 Pine Brush SF 2 Aug, 1 Andole SF 2 Aug,
    1 Glenugie SF 3 Aug, 1 Divines SF 3 Aug, 1 Mt Hyland NR 29 Aug, 1 Pine
    Creek SF 5 Sep, 2 Dec, 1 Dorrigo NP 2 Sep, 2 Dalmorton SF Nov, 2 Clouds
    Creek SF Nov and 2prs Kangaroo SF Dec (SD); 1 Warra SF Apr, 2 Enfield SF
    Jun, 2 pr Kiwarrak SF Jun, Aug, 1 Lansdowne SF Jun, 1 Bulga SF Oct, 1pr
    Limebumers Creek NR Apr (SD), recorded in old growth forests in London
    Bridge & Butterleaf SF (Anon 1992); 1 Victoria Valley, 10 km W of Crescent
    Head, calling in eucalyptus forest 1km from Maria River littoral rainforest 25
    Apr (TQ), 1 Elim Camp, Booti Booti SRA Nov (J&WB); 1 Wambina Res bat
    colony, Matcham 19 Jan (JH), 1 called at 1724 hrs Strickland SF, not heard
    again 11 May (TQ), 1 Swansea South 5 Nov (ScH), A with flying fox near
    Spencer 6 Jun (MPo), 1 calling Ourimbah 26 Jun & 20 Aug (DOB,AKM), 1
    near Mooney Dam, Brisbane Water NP Oct (RP), with Ring-tailed Possum,
    Fletchers Glen, Kilcare 22 Nov (GSt); 2 Woronora River Jan (DSt), 2A+1J
    Devlins Creek, Pennant Hills Park 11 Jan -2 May, prey Eastern Swamphen 30
    Jan, Ring-tailed Possum 7 Feb and 2 May (Sansom 1991,TQ,RT), Conscript
    Pass, Upper Lane Cove River 3 Feb (TKy), 1 with Ring-tailed Possum
    remains Royal NP 17 Feb (N&JRu), 1 Menangle 18 Feb (TS), 1 Burrows
    Brook, Royal NP 2 Jan & limn with Ring-tailed Possum 3 May (HP,JF), 1
    calling Westleigh 25 Feb & 11 Jun (AEFR), 1 Beacon Hill 6 May (DWi),
    Page 53 Australian Birds Vol.272A+2Y Garigal NP 2 Oct -1 Nov (JWi,LSi), 1 Dural 16 Jun (JR), 1 Como 1
    Dec (JFy); 1 Nattai River 31 Mar (G&RT), 1 Bass Point 8 Mar -15 Sep
    (JP,CJC), 1 Mt. Murray 28 Jul (CJC); 2pr, 2 singles Brother SF Apr, 3 in Jul
    (SD); 1A+1J Munghom Gap NR 27 Jan (JH), 1 Badger Ground near Rylstone
    14 Feb (CY), 1 Megalong Valley 9 Mar (JDa), 1 roadkill 10 km S of Garland
    Valley near Putty 9 Mar (TQ), pair nesting Wmmallee-Glenbrook May- 4 Dec,
    2 young fledged (MBa,NK,RT), food included F with Greater Glider 31 May,
    M with Galah 29 Jim; Endangered Fauna, all records listed, many new
    Barking Owl N. connivens 1 Pine Brush SF near Grafton 2 Aug (SD); 1 calling Umina
    25 Oct (ABR); Pair living and nesting at edge of Deniliquin township,
    roosting in town gardens, raised 3 young, and resident for previous 2 years
    (PM); H&S Mootwingee NP 16-17 Jul (7730714:111)
    Barn Owl 1),to alba 1 Park Beach, Coffs Harbour 7 Oct (BC); 1 in a Stockton street,
    feeding on insects at night Jul (JM), another in Edgeworth also feeding on
    insects Aug (GOC); 1 Dural 1 Jul (JR); 1 Primbee 10 May (Rim); 3 Wollar 26
    Jan (JH), outside house in Katoomba 17 Nov (CP).
    Masked Owl T novaehollandiae 4 Chaelundi SF Feb -Dec, 2 Glen Nevis SF Mar, Jul, 1
    Paddys Land SF Mar, 1 Way Way SF Apr, 1 Ballengarra SF Apr, 1 London
    Bridge SF Jul (SD); 1 Limeburners Creek NR Apr, 1 Oakwood SF Apr, 1
    Middle Brother SF Aug (SD) also Brother, Butterleat Curramore, Gibraltar
    Range, Oakwood, Warra SFs (Anon 1992); 2 Hidden Valley, Ourimbah Creek
    13 Aug (DOB), 1D on F3 Freeway near Mardi 27 Oct (FVG); 1 calling Cowan
    Creek 17 Oct (KB), 1 dead Annangrove 19 Oct (KB) after bushfires, AF
    Heathcote at edge of town adjacent to Royal NP 18-30 Apr and 1 on 10 Jul
    (MA), record accepted by NSWORAC (Morris 1992); 2 Kiola SF 1 Dec
    (ABe); 1 roadkill 20 km W of Jackagery 31 Jul, 1 Guy Fawkes NP Aug (SD).
    Endangered fauna, all records published, some new locations.
    Eastern Grass Owl T.Iongimembris 1 found dead St. Albans Common 15 Sep (DH), no
    previous records for this locality although there are many reedbeds.
    Sooty Owl T tenebricosa 8 different birds Chaelundi SF Feb -Mar, May, 2 in Dec, 5 Mt
    Boss SF Mar -Apr, Jul, 3 Way Way SF Apr & Jul, 1pr Bellangry SF Apr, 3
    London Bridge SF Apr, 1 Enfield SF Jun, 3 Doyles River SF Jun, 1 Curramore
    SF Jul, 1 Moogem SF Jul, 1 Gibraltar Range SF Jul, 1 Wild Cattle Creek SF
    31 Aug, 1 Dalmorton SF Nov, 1 Pine Creek SF Nov, 1 Dorrigo NP Dec (SD);
    1 Knorrit SF Jun, 1 Lansdowne SF Jun, 1 Ballengarra SF Jul, 1 Kiwarrak SF
    Aug, 4 Bulga SF Aug, Oct, 2 Ewingar SF Oct (SD), 1 Copeland Tops 2 Apr
    (FOC); 1 Lisarow 19 Jan, 12-14 Jul (JHa), 1 Mt Bouddi, Bouddi NP 19 Jan
    (GSt), 2 Strickland SF 5 May (CG) and 1 11 May calling 1755 hrs (TQ), 1
    Ourimbah SF calling 2200 hrs 12 May (TQ), 1 calling Mill Creek, Dharug NP
    7 Sep (R&GK), 1 near Mooney Dam, Brisbane Water NP 24 Oct (DOB); 4
    Page 54
    December1993Nattai River 31 Mar (G&RT); 4 Royal NP 7 Sep (CJC), 1 Helensburgh 21 Sep
    (per CJC); 2 Jenolan Caves 28 Mar (KB). Endangered Fauna, all records
    published, some new locations.
    Owlet -Nightjar Aegotheles cristatus Found to be very common during surveys of Owls
    in the north-east coastal and sub -coastal forests of NSW (SD); 2 Munmorah
    SRA 19 Jan (AKM,TMo), 1 The Ridgeway, Lisarow 18 Jan (JH), 1 calling
    Mill Creek, Dharug NP 17 Sep (R&GK), 1 Ourimbah SF 26 Oct (AB). There
    have been few Central Coast records cfMorris 1975; 1 Nattai River 31 Mar
    (G&RT);1 Winmalee 6 Apr (AB).
    White -throated Nightjar Caprimulgus mystacalis 1 on road at night Barcoongere SF 1
    Oct (GC), 2 Way Way SF 1 Apr (SD); 1 Ferndale Park, Chichester 23 Nov
    (HBOC 6/91); 2 Lower Portland 16 Nov (KB); 1 calling Goonoo SF 8 Nov
    (PM), western edge of range.
    Spotted Nightjar C. guttatus 2 W of Kew Well HSD, Cobar 29 Mar, and NE of
    Homestead 30 Mar, 1 Kerribree Ck crossing, NW of Bourke 22 Sep
    Spine -tailed Swift Hirundapus caudacutus Departure: 2 Dudley, feeding over heath 17
    Mar (TQ), Munmorah SRA 27 Mar (AKM), 10 Mollymook 31 Mar (AB).
    Arrival: South Turramurra 21 Oct (IMcA), 4+ Bouddi NP 3 Nov (AKM). 27
    over Leeton moving east 29 Dec, only record for District (KH).
    Fork -tailed Swift Apus pacificus 5 near Copeland Tops 27 Mar (H&BM); with 200
    Spine -tailed Swifts at Pearl Beach 27 Jan (SZ); 1 Yowie Bay 19 Jan (JF), 2
    Sutherland Railway Station 2 Dec (MA), 1 Neutral Bay 11 Dec (RD).
    Azure Kingfisher Ceyx azureus Pair nesting Lower Causeway, Royal NP 23 Nov (PR).
    Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguinea 2 Mootwingie NP 8-9 Oct (ALe), became
    established there as a reslut of the good season, no previous records.
    Forest Kingfisher Halcyon macleayii 3 Kempsey 5 Jul, 2 on 10 Aug and 1 on 15 Sep
    Red -backed Kingfisher H. pyrrhopygia 1 Bents Basin 20 Nov (LoS); 1 in street in
    Junee 30 Mar & 1 seen on different properties at Junee on 1 Dec (MjC), rarely
    recorded in Junee Shire; 1 Warnunbungles NP Oct (MVBN 3/92), 1
    Bunglegumbie Rd, West Dubbo 14 Sep (ABi), 1 Parkes 9 Sep (LSc); Seen on
    several occasions Willow Point HSD, Wentworth 2-9 Oct (GLC). Arrival:
    Tundulya HSD, Louth 9 Sep (LSc).
    Sacred Kingfisher H. sancta Departure: Mt Riverview 1 Feb (LoS). Arrival: Pennant
    Hills Park 5 Oct (BD), Mt Riverview 7 Oct (LoS), Coutts Crossing 9 Oct
    Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus Arrival: 2+ Ingalba NR 21 Sep (MC), 2 Longneck
    Lagoon 5 Oct (AB), M&F Woodbury Park, Wyong Creek 1 Oct (DiR); 3+
    Appin 14 Jan (KM).
    Page 55
    Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis Departure: Mt Riverview 18 Feb (LoS), Juveniles at
    at Tyndale & Shark Creek 9 Mar (GC), 1 Forresters Beach 18 Mar (AKM).
    Arrival: Crescent Head 22 Sep (KS), Stannix Park 26 Sep (SF), 2 Sleeper
    1 1
    Is, Clarence Estuary 28 Sep (GC), 1 Mt Riverview 4 Oct (LoS), 1 South
    Tumunurra 7 Oct (DLa), 1 Rumbulara SR 15 Oct (AKM). 1 Buddigower NR
    8 Dec (PE); 1 at house tank, Coombie HSD, Roto 15 Jan, well west of usual
    range (JH).
    Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor Rotary Park, Lismore 22 Mar (GC), cat kill Rous via
    1 1
    Aistonville 23 Apr, 1 injured Grafton in May (GC), 1 cat kill Casino 15 May,
    and taken from cat at Lismore May (RM); 1D Coutts Crossing 10 Aug (GC),
    1 Dingo Tops 26 Oct (SD,GC); 1 Mount Vincent 19 Jun (NG), 1 cat kill
    Raymond Terrace late Sep (DRt); 1 Scotland Island, Pittwater 11 Apr , 1D
    Castlecrag 23 Apr (BMa). Feral and domestic cats appear to be implicated
    well and truly in the deaths of migrating Pittas.
    Superb Lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae Nest +1Y picnic area, Dorrigo NP 1 Sep
    (EW); Common throughout most SFs in the Dingo Tops area Oct (PM);
    Nesting Berrima 20 Jul (KD).
    Rufous Scrub -bird Atrichornis fufescens Not detected in the Glen Innes Forest
    Management District EIS of 58 sites, but reported in Gibraltar Range SF close
    to the Gibraltar Range NP (Anon 1992).
    Singing Bushlark Mirafra javanica 6+ Comwallis Lane, Richmond 17 Aug (MTy); 1
    Swamp, Leeton 3 Mar, latest record for this location (KH)
    Skylark Alauda arvensis 1 on plains near Conargo 1 Sep, first record for district (PM).
    White -backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternum 1 Goorianawaa track,
    Warrumbungles NP Oct (MVBN 3/92), 4 seen 4.5km W of Baradine 10 Jan
    (DJ); 5 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 23 Jun (KH); 6+ Yelta lake 2-9 Oct (GLC).
    Tree Martin Cecropis nigricans 1000+ J.H. Smith Res, Urana 20 Apr (RMC,IMcA).
    Fairy Martin C. ariel Arrival: 20+ Coutts Crossing 5 Aug (GC), Fivebough Swamp 18
    Aug (KH).
    Australian Pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae 1 singing Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 20 Jul
    (KH); One of the five species in the centre of the Bulloo Overflow, W of
    Adelaide Gate 25 Sep (NSWBA).
    Little Cuckoo -shrike Coracina robusta 1 Glenbrook 8 May (CS); 2 Walgett 26 Feb &
    12 Mar (ABi); Present at two localities SW of Louth 25 Sep (NSWBA), 1
    Mootwingee NP 17 Jul, rarely recorded so far west (7730714:111).
    Barred Cuckoo -shrike C. lineata Pair feeding young on figs at Repton 12 Jan (Secomb
    1992), 3 (2A+Im) in Small -leaved Fig Ficus obliqua Chatsworth Island 9 Mar
    (GC), Nobby Head park, Port Macquarie 7 Oct (ABi).
    Cicadabird C. tenuirostris Departure: Mt Riverview 7 Mar (LoS), Coutts Crosssing 19
    Mar (GC). Arrival: Dharug NP 17 Oct (KB), Mt Riverview 21 Oct (LoS), 1
    Helensburg 20 Nov (KM); Present Glen limes Forestry Management District
    December1993 Page 56both in logged and unlogged forests (Anon 1992); 1 calling 10km E of
    Purlewaugh 8 Nov (PM).
    Ground Cuckoo -shrike C. maxima 3 Mulbring 24 Mar & in Apr (MTo,PO); Junee
    1 1
    Reefs 6 Mar (MC); 3 The Ranch HSD, Kennebri 28 Mar (DJ), 3 Baradine 30
    Mar (AKM); Seen 20km SW of Condobolin 15 Sep (NM); 2 Wilcannia 18
    Sep (KB), 1, 40km WNW of Louth 28 Sep (NSWBA), 2 nesting Mootwingee
    NP 27 Oct (JHa). These records range widely over the State.
    White -winged Triller Lalage sueurii F Windsor 29 Aug (MTy), Deepwater Park 25
    Sep (NRa), AM Pitt Town Ferry Road 10 Nov, and 2 Cupitts Lane, Richmond
    29 Dec (AB), 1 Foreshore Reserve, North Botany Bay 8 Dec (PMy); 2
    Minnamurra River 23 Oct (GB); 2 AM in Junee garden 28 Sep (MC).
    Varied Trifler L. tricolor 2 Wittitrin May & 1 Hat Head 30 Sep (KS); AF in garden at
    Umina 3-10 Aug (JDa), well south of normal range (cf. Morris et al 1981).
    Scaly Thrush Zoothera dauma 1 Kiwarrak SF picnic area 20 Apr (DLo); 1D Somersby
    26 Apr, 1 Acacia Rd, Somersby 2-8 May (ANB), 2 Kulnura & 2 Mangrove
    Mountain early May (per ANB), 1 Cedar Brush Ck, Yarramalong 27 Apr
    (AKM), 1 in woodland at Daleys Point, Bouddi NP 28 Apr (DOB), 1 Gosford
    29 Apr, 1D Forresters Beach 2 May (AKM), Palmdale Crematorium,
    Ourimbah 13 May (TKy), 2 Mar- Aug Tumbi Umbi (RSt), 8 Katandra SR,
    Lisarow 17 Aug (BC); 1D Killara 23 Apr (BMa),1 Nurragingy Reserve,
    Doonside 8 May (JDH), 1D Mt Annan Botanical Garden 4 May (ALe), 2 in
    garden at Annangrove 2-12 May (KB), 1 Garigal NP 9 Jul (AB), 1 Pennant
    Hills Scout camp 21 Jul (IMcA,DLa); 1 Seven Mile Beach NP 3 Jul (KM), 6
    Mount Kembla 5 Sep (WE); 1 Glenbrook in nursery 23 Mar (RT), 1 near Putty
    in woodland 3 Apr (BC), 3 found dead in Apr in seperate gardens at Mountain
    Lagoon (MCo), 1 in garden Medlow Bath 3 May (GA), 1 Mt Wilson 5 May
    (JBk). 1991 was an exceptionally dry year in eastern NSW and these records
    reflect the search for suitable habitat by birds driven out of the wet gullies and
    forests by drought and bushfires mostly during April and May.
    Russet -tailed Thrush Z heiniei 1 Woolgoolga FR 28 Apr (TP), 2 banded Coutts
    Crossing 17 Aug(GC).
    European Blackbird Turdus merula AM Hamilton, Newcastle 2 Nov (FVG), second
    record for Newcastle District; 2 Balgownie May -Aug (TBOC9/91); Seen
    Boolboolma Crossing, Queanbeyan River 17 Nov (COGN12/91); AM present
    for a week 28km S of Bourke during Apr, not known to occur in Bourke but
    resident at Cobar (MM), 3+ Canbelego late Nov (LSc). These records suggest
    that the range expansion in NSW continues.
    Southern Scrub- robin Drymodes brunneopygia 2 Round Hill NR 27 Apr and 1 on 10
    Nov (TK,JBe), 2 Nombinnie NR 24-28 Apr (FOC).
    Rose Robin Petro lea rosea Arrival: 1 Westleigh 20 Apr (AEFR), pair Nurragingy Res,
    Doonside & Pennant Hills Park 28 Apr (BD), Artarmon 4 May (AB) first
    Page 57 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2observation in 8 years residence; 1 Albion Park Rail 3 Apr (GB); AM Kia-ora
    HSD, Dubbo 12-19 May (JPt).
    Flame Robin P phoenicea AM near Nymboida 26 May (exact same location as in 1988
    & 1989), 1 brown bird Alumy Creek, Grafton 7 Jul and Courts Crossing 22
    Apr (GC); 3+ Copeland Tops 30 Mar (H&BM); 3 Newnes 28 Apr (CBOC); 2
    Mittagong 13 Jun (KM). Arrival: 5km W of Albury 25 Apr (IMcA).
    Scarlet Robin P multicolor Pair Warrah Trig, Brisbane Water NP following bushfires 8
    May -9 Jun (JW,AKM); AF on overhead wires at Rose Bay 8 Apr (TQ), AM
    Mt Annan Botanical Garden 11 May (ALe); 6 Newnes 28 Apr (CBOC); AM
    Beni SF 14 Apr & 18 Jun (ABi), rare winter visitor to Dubbo District (cf
    Mortis 1985).
    Red -capped Robin P goodenovii Pair at Ballina during September (KF), exceptional
    record, no previous North Coast records; AM Medlow Bath 8 Sep (GA); 2
    near Gunning 30 Dec (CBN 17,16).
    Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata AM Crowdy Bay NP 29 Dec (DRy); 2 Bara
    Rd, Lue 7 Feb (CY), 1 Newnes 28 Apr (CBOC).
    Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis Found in 3 seperate locations of Kijinny
    Range in cypress pine thickets, Coombie HSD, Roto Jul- Aug, western edge of
    range (JH).
    Jacky Winter Microeca leucophaea 2A+2Y in nest Centennial Park 12 Jan (BC), still
    hanging on in inner Sydney; At least 2 mallee form ssp. assimilis 5km W of
    Neckaboo Range 30 Mar (RMC & IMcA).
    Pale Yellow Robin Tregellasia capito Recorded Boatharbour NR Lismore 27 Apr (RT),
    rarely recorded in lowland rainforest in Lismore District.
    Shrike -tit Falcunculus frontatus Present Glen Innes Forestry Management District at
    28% of sites studied where it was found to prefer unlogged Moist Hardwood
    Old Growth Forests (Anon 1992); 1 SW Louth on river 29 Sep (NSWBA),
    present Louth Weir late Nov (LSc).
    Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea 2 Copeland Tops 30 Mar (H&BM), 1
    Gloucester Tops 24-25 Aug (SH); 2 Badja SF 19-20 Oct (CBN 16,84).
    Red-lored Whistler P rujogularis 2 Nombinnie NR 24-28 Apr (FOC), 2 imm feeding
    on grubs in an acacia Round Hill NR 21 Sep (KB). Endangered fauna, all
    records published.
    Gilbert’s Whistler P inornata AM Ingalba NR 11 Apr (MC); Present Weddin SF & NP
    5-7 Oct (RT); Round Hill NR 24-28 Apr & 21 Sep (FOC,KB), 2 Nombinnie
    NR 24-28 Apr (FOC), 1 Yathong NR 8 Oct (JH), 1 pair nesting near Dareton 8
    Oct (GLC). Endangered fauna, all records published.
    Golden Whistler P pectoralis F in pine thickets with Eastern Yellow Robins Coombie
    HSD, Roto 14 Jul (JH).
    Rufous Whistler P. rufiventris Departure: M Berkeley Vale 23 Apr (AKM), Im Lake
    Heights 3 May (CJC), M Wallacia 11 May (AB). Arrival: Munmorah SRA 23
    December1993 Page 58Aug (AKM), Pennant Hills Park 21 Sep (BD). Nested Centennial Park 12 Jan
    Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis Departure: 1 Winmalee 6 Apr (AB), Im
    Wolli Creek 14 Apr (JDu). Arrival: Wambina SR, Matcham 26 Sep (RP),
    Pennant Hills Park 5 Oct (BD). 1 in garden, Picnic Point 14 Nov (We).
    Spectacled Monarch M. trivirgatus 4 Woolgoolga FR 27 Jan (RA); Present Doyles
    River, Bulga, Knorritt and Dingo SFs Oct- Nov (PM,GC), rainforest at
    Harrington 7 Nov (MYBN4191); at surburban bird bath Rankin Park, seen
    three times, foliage feeding 7 Dec (JI).
    Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula 3 near Deniliquin 28 Jan (PM). Departure: Mt
    Riverview 15 Feb (LoS), Imm surburban garden, Eastwood 28-31 Mar (EH), 1
    Narrawallee Creek NR Apr (AB), garden Lake Heights 30 Apr (CJC).
    1 1
    Arrival: Trenayr 15 Sep, Yamba 28 Sep (GC), Deep Creek, Narrabeen 29 Sep
    (AB) & Westleigh (AEFR), AM Wambina SR, Matcham 3 Oct (RP), Mt
    Riverview 8 Oct (LoS).
    Satin Flycatcher M. cyanoleuca 2 Hat Head 30 Sep & 1 Willarwarin 8 Oct (KS); AM
    Cobbs Rd, Tuggerah in E. maculata forest 10-12 Nov (JC), pr Dharug NP 30
    Dec (ABe); 2 Helensburgh 23 Oct (DRy), pr Annangrove 5 Nov (KB); AM
    between Cowan and Jerusalem Bay, Ku-ring-gai Chase NP 21 Nov (AB), AM
    caught & banded in garden at Baullcham Hills 22 Nov (DS), average year for
    birds seen on southwards migration passing through Central Coast and Sydney
    Regions; AM Duncans End, Nundle 22 Oct (JC).
    Restless Flycatcher M inquieta 1 Foreshore Reserve, North Botany Bay 17 Apr (PMa);
    1 Lake Heights 1 Jul, rare in Illawarra Region (CJC) and coastal Sydney.
    Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifmns Departure: Kiola 3 on 23 Mar (CJC), Narrawallee
    Creek NR 1 Apr (AB), North Bondi 6 Apr (JoF), Cabramatta West 8 Apr
    (RTa), Forster 17 Apr (ABR), 1 Whale Beach in Angophordfloribunda 19 Apr
    (TQ); 1 Kia-ora HSD, Dubbo 10 Mar (JPt), first record for Central West Plains
    (Morris 1985). Arrival: 2 Wambina SR, Matcham 26 Sep (RP), Berkeley 28
    Sep (CJC).
    Grey Fantail R. fuliginosus 2 Royal Botanic Gardens 23 May -24 Sep (ALe); pallid
    inland form Kerrigundi Tank, 85km NW of Cobar 19 Mar (LSc), arrival of
    coastal form Bambilla HSD, Cobar 31 Mar (NSWBA).
    Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii 1 Woonona 10 Oct (KM).
    Spotted Quail -Thrush Cinclosoma punctatum 2 Yarramalong 21 Jun (JHa), 2 Mogo
    Picnic Area, Yengo NP 3 Aug (AB), pair in courtship display Ourimbah SF 1
    Sep (AKM); 2 Galston 22 Dec (DRa); 1 west of Nowra 27 Aug (G&JP), 2
    Darkes Forest 10 Oct (KM); 2 Callala Beach 17 Apr (KM); 4 Newnes 28 Apr
    Chestnut -Quail -Thrush C. castanotum 5 Nombinnie NR 24-28 Apr (FOC), present
    Round Hill NR 9 Nov (ABe). Endangered Fauna, all records published.
    Page 59 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2Cinnamon Quail -Thrush C. cinnamomeum Pair near Mt Wood, Sturt NP 29 Jul (MC),
    first published record for some years.
    Grey -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis Recorded at Kew Well HSD, Cobar,
    to the west and south 28 Mar -1 Apr, at Yantabulla 22 Sep and SW of Louth 29
    Sep (NSWBA), all on the western edge of their range.
    Hall’s Babbler P. halli two groups Mootwingee NP, Amphitheatre Gorge and
    Homestead Gorge 16-18 Jul, 19 Sep, 8-9 Oct, one retrap from 13 months
    previously (TB0714:111,JDH,ALe), 5+ Minette HSD, E of Wanaaring 23 Sep
    (NSWBA), 4 seen 24km S of Enngonia in mixed mulga/cypress pine/eucalypt
    scrub 1 Oct (ALe).
    Chestnut- crowned Babbler P ruficeps Group in Old Man Saltbush near Noorong HSD
    Barham 7 Oct (PM), eastern edge of range.
    Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis 1 Chittaway Point 5 Jan, 2 on 2 Jun and 2 on 7
    Dec (AKM,AB); 1 Pitt Town Lagoon NR 4 Jul & 29 Jul (BC,DS), 1 Dee Why
    Lagoon 4 Aug (BC) and another near Old Post Office, Pittwater Rd, Dee Why
    Aug (DS);1 Korrungulla Swamp, Primbee 24-31 May (Rim), 1 Comerong Is
    NR 5 Jul (CJC).
    Clamorous Reed -Warbler Acmcephalus stentoreus Many singing Fivebough Swamp,
    Leeton 4 Aug (KH).
    Rufous Songlark Cinclorhampus mathewsi 2 calling Rawdon Vale Rd, Copeland Tops
    30 Mar (H&BM); max 3 Cornwallis/Cupitts Lanes, Richmond 5-27 Oct
    (AB,TQ,RH), singing birds uncommon in County of Cumberland; 2
    Wentworth Falls Lake 13 Sep and 1 on 21 Oct at edge of lake in grass and low
    scrubs (WW). Arrival: Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 25 Aug (KH).
    Brown Songlark C. cruralis 2 Pitt Town Lagoon 12 Oct and 1 Richmond 29 Dec
    Variegated Fairy -wren Malurus lamberti Badja SF 18-19 Oct (CBN 16,84);
    White -winged Fairy -wren M. leuconotus M&2F The Ranch HSD, Baradine 14 Apr and
    M&F 18 Dec, first record for this location (DJ); Present in centre of Bulloo
    Overflow, one of only five species.
    Red -backed Fairy -wren M. melanocephalus AM 8km E of Gloucester 1 Dec (ABR).
    Southern Emu- wren Stipiturus malachurus 2 Shellharbour STW 23 Sep (PBa), not
    previously known from this location.
    Grey Grasswren Amytornis barbartus Present E of Adelaide Gate 25-27 Sep
    (NSWBA), and elsewhere in the northern end of the Bulloo Overflow.
    Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus Only recorded at known localities of
    Barren Grounds NR & Cape St. George, Jervis Bay NR (CBOC,CJC) during
    the year.
    Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus Helensburg 20 Nov and 2 O’Hares Creek 14-16 Oct
    (KM); Mt Banks 14 Mar (RM).
    December1993 Page 60Rock Warbler Origma solitaria Pair nesting on verandah of house at Terrey Hills Nov
    (RPy); 2 Cape Creek Walk, Thirlmere Lakes NP 9 Oct (PHa); 1 in surburban
    garden at Katoomba throughout Mar (CP), 2 Newnes 28 Apr (CBOC) .
    Yellow -throated Scrubwren Sericornis citreogularis Pair with young, Hallidays Point 7
    Feb (ML); 2 Towradgi Creek 7 Sep (B&BH).
    Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Hylacola pyrrhopygia 2 Lady Carrington Drive, Royal
    NP 27 Apr (MA); I East Kangaloon 28 Jul (CJC); 1 Brother SF (Anon 1992),
    3 Tambulla SF 10 Apr (RT); 1 Newnes 28 Apr (CBOC); 1 Starkeys Rd,
    Goonoo SF 23 Mar (ABi) and seen in four localities Goonoo SF 9 Nov (PM).
    Shy Heathwren H. cauta Nombinnie NR 24-28 Apr (FOC), present Round Hill NR 9
    Nov (ABe), and seen in mallee on the Coombie HSD/Yathong NR boundary
    during year (JH).
    Redthroat Pyrrholaemus brunneus Imperial Lake, Broken Hill 4 Sep (ABi), seen 20
    km N of Broken Hill 4 Oct (JHa), 4 Balranald 18 Sep (KB), a few birds seen
    Willow Point HSD, Wentworth 7-9 Oct (GLC). Endangered Fauna, all records
    Rufous Fieldwren C. campestris 2 Broken Hill 1 Sep (DA) & 19 Sep (WS), 1 caught &
    banded Mootwingee NP 3 Oct (SGL).
    Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata 3+ Yango Creek, Laguna 3 Aug (FOC),
    uncommon in Cessnock City area.
    Brown Warbler Gerygone mouki 4 present in Royal Botanic Gardens 23 May -6 Sep
    (ALe), Winter visitor to Mt Riverview May -Aug (LoS).
    Mangrove Warbler G. levigaster 2+ in mangroves West Gosford 13 Sep (JC), first
    Central Coast observation for 6 years and not previously reported at this
    location (cf Morris 1975); Careel Bay, Pittwater 24 Sep (BC).
    Western Warbler G. fusca Observed 10km E of Purlewaugh 8 Nov and Goonoo SF 9
    Nov (PM).
    White -throated Warbler G. olivacea Arrival: Deep Creek, Narrabeen 29 Sep (AB).
    Observed 10km E of Purlewaugh 8 Nov and Goonoo SF 9 Nov (PM); 1
    Mootwingee NP 3 Oct (JHa), an extraordinary western record.
    Red-browed Treecreeper Climacteris erythrops 2 Wattagan SF 20 Jan (ALH); 2
    Yerrinbool 22 May (GF); 2 Ben Halls Gap, Nundle 22 Oct (JC); 1 Lynchs
    Creek, Winmallee 6 Apr (AB); Observed Paringa HSD, Captains Flat 16 Nov
    (COGN12/91). These records are within the species range but are rarely
    observed at the locations mentioned.
    White-browed Treecreeper C. affinis 1 Carinda Rd, Sandy Camp HSD, Quambone 16
    Jun (EB); Present Tundulya HSD, Louth 4 Jul, 8-10 Sep, & 5 Oct (LSc); 1
    caught and banded Mootwingee NP 3 Oct (SGL), 1 SE of Yantabulla HSD,
    Tibooburra 30 Sep (JHo); Pair at Belah Camp, Mungo NP 5-6 Sep (MC),
    small numbers seen Springwood HSD & west of Willow Point HSD,
    Wentworth in Callitris woodland 2-9 Oct (GLC).
    Page 61 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2White -throated Treecreeper C. leucophaea 1 in mangroves Kooragang Island NR 21-27
    Oct (FVG), unusual habitat.
    Striped Honeyeater Plectorhyncha lanceolata 1 Wingham Brush 7 Mar (MVBW 2/91);
    in mangroves at Kooragang Island NR 27 Oct (FVG), unusual location; 1 in
    garden at Eastwood 1 May -1 Jun (EH), first record for Eastwood, and 10th
    record for Co of Cumberland (Hoskin 1992).
    Noisy Friarbird Philemon corniculatus 1 N of Coonara HSD, Canbelego 12 Sep (LSc).
    Little Friarbird P citreogularis 1 Primbee 5-14 Apr (RIm), 1 Lake Illawarra 27 Apr,
    record accepted by NSWORAC (Morris 1992); Seen on 3 occasions
    Hazelbrook Mar (JC1), Springwood feeding in a Robyn Gordon Grevillea in
    garden Mar (GFu), exceptional records for the Blue Mountains.
    Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia Pair Boundary Creek SF near Nymboida Mar
    (per RW); in woodland at Hat Head 6 Feb (JRW); Present Tuggerah STW 9-
    22 Jun max 4+ (JC,MT,AKM), feeding in flowering Eucalyptus robusta, 1 in
    garden at Berkeley Vale, mimicking Little Wattlebird 6 Aug (AKM), 1
    Warkworth 20 Oct (HBOC6/91); 1 in garden at Moorebank 15 Jan (JDi), 12
    Mt Boss Trail, Royal NP 4 May (MA); 2A+2Y Burragorang Valley 27 Oct
    (RWa,RT); Present Torrington SF 12 Jul (Anon 1992 and Wingspan 3/9);
    2A+1J Munghom Gap NR 26-28 Jan (DS), 1 Mudgee 3 Mar (BdB), present
    Capertee-Glen Davis 31 Mar -14 Jul max 40 on 7 Jul (RH,JDH,AB,JW), 6
    Glen Alice 26 May (RH), 2 Glossodia 25 Sep & 1 on 18 Oct (LoS), 1 in
    garden at Woodford feeding in E. gummifera and E. seiberi 6 Oct (MK); 3 Pr,
    2 nests Salisbury Waterholes, Pilliga NR 1 Oct -6 Nov (LDa,AL). Endangered
    fauna, all records published.
    Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis 2 Yango Creek Rd, Laguna 3 Aug (AB).
    Yellow -faced Honeyeater Lichenostomas chrysops 1 North Bondi 24 Apr presumably
    on migration (JoF), returned to Pennant Hills Park 17 Mar, early date, usually
    in Apr (BD), migrating over Artarmon 11 Apr- 12 Jun, max 35+ (AB); 1 along
    Edward River, Deniliquin 7 May (PM).
    Mangrove Honeyeater L. fasciogularis HC Saltwater Inlet, Iluka 29 Sep, 1 in garden
    Crystal Waters Estate, Yamba 5 Feb, heard and seen Dart Is, Clarence estuary
    14 May -28 Sep, 1+ Hickey Is, Clarence estuary 28 Sep , 1+ Eureka Is,
    Bundjalung NP & Nihill Is, Clarence estuary 17 Oct (GC).
    White -eared Honeyeater L. leucoti.s. 2 at a tank on Willow Point HSD, Wentworth in
    mallee 2-9 Oct (GLC).
    Grey -fronted Honeyeater L. plumulus 100+ Nombinnie NR & 10+ Round Hill NR 24-
    28 Apr (FOC), 1 in mallee Willow Point HSD, Wentworth 7 Oct (GLC), small
    numbers Coombie HSD, Roto throughout year (JH).
    Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus 1 Empire Bay feeding in flowering Swamp Mahogany 1
    Jun (AKM), first record for Bouddi Peninsula; 4 Gerroa 25 May (G&JPa);
    White -plumed Honeyeater L. penicilatta Present Glossodia 18 Oct (LoS).
    Page 62
    December1993Black -chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis Present South Grafton Water Res 2
    Aug (GC); 5-10 Capertee-Glen Davis 6 Jul (AB); Samuels Rd, Goonoo SF
    18 May (ABi); 5+ 25 km S of Louth on Darling River 29 Sep (NSWBA), well
    west of known range.
    White-naped Honeyeater M. lunatus Present Mt Riverview May -Aug (LoS); 8+ Kia-
    ora HSD, Dubbo 6-7 Jul (ABi). Winter visitor to both locations.
    Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta 1 Bicentennial Park 15 Sep (TQ); Pair in
    garden, Coombie HSD, Roto feeding in Eucalyptus eremophila and
    Eremophila longifolia 13-30 Nov, first record for area (JH).
    Painted Honeyeater Grantiella picta 2 Glen Alice 28 Sep (MRo), 3 Glen Davis 6 Oct
    (BP), 10 Munghom Gap NR 26 Oct (DH); 1 Weddin SF 5-7 Oct (CBOC); 2
    30km N of Deniliquin 31 Mar (AMcB), a large influx into redgum forest S of
    Deniliquin Nov -Dec, breeding recorded, first major influx into this area for 10
    years (PM), 16 nesting in A. pendula woodland 23km N of Leeton 23 Nov -31
    Dec (KH); 2+ Minetta HSD, E of Wanaaring 23 Sep (IMcA), 1+ Byerawering
    HSD, Weilmoringle 14 Oct (Dick & Andrew 1993); 2+ Round Hill NR 6 Oct
    Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera 1 Gloucester Tops 25 Aug (SH); 15+
    feeding on bark of Eucalytus oroides Mt Wilson 23 Mar (TQ).
    White -fronted Honeyeater P albifrons 1 Mootwingee NP 19 Sep (JDH); 2 Nombinnie
    NR 24-28 Apr (FOC), many birds present Coombie Hsd, Roto Jul -Aug
    feeding on Eremophila serrulata with a few birds remaining until Nov (JI1),
    Broken Hill, near Imperial Lake 4 Sep (ABi), very common near Wentworth,
    nesting 8 Oct (GLC).
    Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P. melanops Present all year Munmorah SRA and Bouddi
    NP (AKM).
    Eastern Spinebill Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris 1 North Bondi 9 Apr (JoF), rarely
    recorded in eastern suburbs; 1 Kinchela HSD, 35 Km S of Bourke Oct, well
    west of normal range (MM).
    Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger 7 (including 3M) Ingalba NR 20 Feb -30 Mar, 4+
    homestead garden near Junee Nov -Dec (MC), 2+ homestead garden at
    Wantabadgery 1 Dec (WH), first known records for Junee Shire; AM present
    for 2 weeks Wamunbungles NP Oct (WJ), first Park record; AM feeding in
    bottlebrush in Parkes 22-24 Dec (WP); Good numbers in Wanganella area at
    Eremophila clumps Nov, largest influx for many years (PM), present 23km N
    of Leeton 10-24 Nov, max 12 (KB); 1 in garden, Coombie HSD, Roto 15 Jan,
    absent rest of year (R), 2+ Nombinnie NR & Round Hill NR 6 Oct (EK); 4
    near Wentworth, nesting 7 Oct (GLC).
    Scarlet Honeyeater Myzomelea sanquinolenta 1 Nurragingy Res, Doonside 26 Aug
    (BD). Appeared to be more common Sydney/Windsor /Gosford in 1991
    (AKM,AB). Present Mt Riverview 3 Sep -7 Nov (LoS).
    Page 63 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2Crimson Chat Ephthianura tricolor AM near Ingalba NR 27 Nov (MC); Nesting
    Weddin SF 6 Oct (JA); Pair on sandhills Gulpha Island SF Dec, first record
    for this locality, few pairs nesting S of Hay, first influx since 1983 (PM), pair
    carrying food for young Brobenah Hills 17 Nov (KH); 3+ near Mootwingee
    NP 16-18 Jul (7730714:111); 8+ Fletchers Lake, Dareton 27 Sep (T80715),
    Im in garden, Coombie HSD, Roto 8 Nov, no other records (JH).
    Orange Chat E. aurifrons Large influx on plains N. of Deniliquin Nov -Dec. No longer
    resident in this area since large areas of Bladder Saltbush have died out (PM).
    10+ Fletchers Lake, Dareton 27 Sep (7730715), pair near house, Coombie
    HSD, Roto 15 Dec, only record (JH).
    White -fronted Chat E. albifrons 1 Pelican Island, Macleay River 19 Sep (KS); 4+
    Harrington 7 Nov (MVBN4/91); AM Shortland WC 3 Mar (NR); 3-5
    Bicentennial Park, Homebush Bay 13 Nov (AB). 5 Killalea Lagoon 31 Mar
    (GB); 50+ Fletchers Lake, Dareton 27 Sep (TB0715).
    Red-browed Pardalote P. rubricatus Present in Sturt NP at Fort Grey, Fromes Creek,
    Jump Up Loop and Olive Downs 23-31 Jul (MC), 2 Iona HSD, Louth (LSc).
    European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 40+ Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 12 May (KH).
    European Greenfinch C. chlorin A in garden, Coombie HSD, Roto 6 Oct (JH), no
    previous records and well west of known range in NSW (cfBlalcen et al
    Beautiful Firetail Emblema bella Present Barren Grounds NR 25 May (CBOC); 2+ in
    garden at Blaxland 8 Mar & 28 Apr (PSm), 1 Lynchs Creek, Wunnallee 6 Apr
    Diamond Firetail E. guttata 20+ Wellington Caves Reserve 9 Oct (CJC).
    Zebra Finch P guttata 30-40 Bakers Lagoon 17 Aug (MTy), 5+ Bicentennial Park,
    Homebush Bay 8 Sep (AB), small numbers persist around Sydney’s outskirts.
    Plum -headed Finch Aidemosyne modesta 60 Glen Davis 10 Apr (CG); 10+ 8km N of
    Moree on Gwydir River 10 Nov (BF), 4 The Ranch HSD, Baradine 15 Oct
    (DJ); 2 west of Walgett 26 Feb (ABi).
    Chestnut- breasted Mannikin Lonchura castaneothorax 20+ Warners Rd Swamp,
    Wyong 9 Sep (JC); present McGraths Hill STW 8-22 Jun (SF,CBOC), 50
    Bakers Lagoon 22 Jun (AB).
    Nutmeg Mannikin L. punctulata 1 Kempsey 19 May (KS); 4 Bicentennial Park,
    Homebush Bay 13 Nov (AB), 8-10 near Bakers Lagoon 22 Jun (SF).
    Figbird Sphecotheres viridis Primbee 18 Apr (Rim), 2 Lake Heights 31 Dec (CJC),
    scarce in Illawarra region (cf Gibson 1989).
    Spangled Drongo Dicrurus hottentotus Recorded in Newcastle Suburbs 13 Jan to 11
    Sep (HBOC); 1 Nurragingy Reserve, Doonside 8 May (JDH), 1 Peakhurst 7
    Jul (KD); 2 Seven Mile Beach 24 Apr (J&GP); recorded in the Blue
    Mountains from 26 Mar (Faulconbridge) to Sep (Linden), with other records
    December1993 Page 64at Hazelbrook. Formerly rare in the the Mountains but apparently now more
    common (BPo,LoS).
    Regent Bowerbird Sericulus chrysocephalas 10 (inludes 2AM) feeding on fruits of
    Bitou Bush Chrysanthemoides monilifera at Woody head 4 Oct (GC); 4F1M
    Woodbury Park, Wyong Creek 2 Mar (NR), AM flying into littoral rainforest
    at North Entrance, Wyrrabalong NP 26 Mar (WK), AM+2 The Ridgeway,
    Lisarow 17 Aug (BC).
    Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata Several pairs resident on properties between
    Moulamein and Balranald Oct (PM); Present all year Coombie HSD, Roto,
    bower in garden, 20-30 sometimes present feeding or watering (JH).
    Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus Moderately common in Doyles River, Bulga and
    Dingo SFs, where seen feeding in dry forest areas near to wet gullies
    White -winged Chough Corcorax melanorhamphos Nested Barnsley Oct -Nov,
    disappeared after bushfires but returned late November (NG), group
    Yarramalong Valley 3 Jan (MCy), nesting Mardi area, Tuggerah 6 Sep (JC); 7
    Annagrove 12 May (KB), 4 Nurragingy Res, Doonside 26 Aug (BD);
    Observed at Medlow Bath 3 Jan (GA) and Katoomba on 27 Mar, unusual
    locations (JDa).
    White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorhynchus Departure Budgewoi 5 Apr
    (AKM). Arrival: Berkeley Vale 3 on 27 Aug (AKM). Nesting attempted again
    at Centennial Park but damaged by Swamphen 23 Nov (EH).
    White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus 35+ feeding in Silky Oak, Rocky Creek
    Dam, Nightcap NP Sep (1CF); Present Dharug NP 17 Oct (KB), 4 Toronto &
    20+ Cedar Hill Drive, Minmi 28 Dec (MWa); M&F Narrabeen Lake Sep
    (BC), 30+ Menangle-Douglas Park 9 Oct (TS), 100+ South Turramurra 21 Oct
    (IMcA), 100+ Wilberforce 2 Nov (KB), 1000+ Mt Annan Botanical Gardens
    15 Nov (ALe), 200+ Castlereagh SF 23 Nov (AT); 3 O’Hares Creek 30 Nov
    (KM), 100+ Canyonleigh where found breeding 7 Dec (DWr), third breeding
    record for the County of Camden, previous records being 1920 & 1977; 6Pr
    nesting Greenwell Point Dec (JWa), coastal records probably due to inland
    drought; Present Colo Heights 20 Oct (MiR), 12+ Glossodia 18 Oct (LoS);
    Common all winter at Ingalba NR and Currajong SF in large flocks 11 Apr- 22
    Sep (MC), normally they are absent from SE NSW in winter. See Wood, in
    Masked Woodswallow A.personatus 3+ with White-browed and Dusky Woodswallows,
    S of Curramore SF 26 Sep (GC); 13 Armanagrove 21 Oct & present
    Wilberforce 2 Nov (KB).
    Dusky Woodswallow A. cyanopterus Departure: Kulnura 23 Apr (AKM). A few Louth
    Weir, Darling River late Nov (LSc); Seen Coombie HSD, Roto Aug in areas
    Page 65 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2not previously recorded (JH), common along Darling River Anabranch,
    nesting 2-9 Oct (GLC)
    Little Woodswallow A. minor 4+ Darling River, Louth 15 Mar and nesting Mt
    Gunderbooka near Bourke 7-8 Oct (LSc), present Mootwingee NP 18-20 Sep
    (KB,JLa); Pair in mallee Yathong NR 10 Oct (J11).
    Pied Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus 1 Yango Creek Road, Laguna 3 Aug (AB); Adult
    near Heathcote HS, adjacent to Royal NP 17 Aug, accepted by NSWORAC,
    the first record for the County of Cumberland since 1968 (Morris 1992).
    Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen 70+ in 50 m Sq field at Numbaa 5 Jul
    Grey Currawong Strepera versicolor 2 in garden Heathcote 24 Jun -24 Aug (TRo,MA);
    Fitzroy Falls 25 Apr (J&GP); 4 Pambula 15 Apr (BJ).
    Pied Currawong S. grallina 1 Whylandra Crossing, W of Dubbo 15 Sep (JLa), western
    edge of range.
    Australian Raven Corvus coronoides Pair present Victoria Valley, 10km W of Crescent
    Head where Torresian Crow present in large numbers
    Forest Raven C. tasmanicus Present in the Glen limes Forest Management District
    where they had a preference for Low Quality Dry Hardwood Forest being
    found in Brother, Curramore, Glen Nevis, London Bridge, Oakwood and
    Warra SFs (Anon 1992); 1 Chaelundi SF 12 May, 2 South West Rocks 29
    May, 2 in flight at Doyles River SF 27 Oct, 1 Bulga SF 28 Oct and at Swamp
    Wallaby carcase same place 11 Nov (GC).
    Little Raven C. mellori 6 Gerringong 16 May (G&JPa).
    Torresian Crow C.orru 44+ Cowans ponds 31 Aug (GC), large concentration.
    The following species were recorded on Lord Howe Island during 1991. These species
    were classified by both Hutton (1990) and Recher (1974) as either “Rare Visitor” or
    “Irregular Visitor”. The Maned Duck has not previously been recorded on Lord Howe
    Australian White Ibis Theskiornis molucca Airport Swamp 28 Sep (AD).
    Maned Duck Chenonetta jubata Adult male seen at Airport Swamp 24-27 Sep (AD).
    Terek Sandpiper Tringa terek Airport Swamp 24-28 Sep (AD)
    Curlew Sandpiper Calidris femiginea 7 Old Settlement Rd 24 Sep and again at Airport
    Swamp 27 Sep (AD).
    Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis 4 Airport Swamp 24 Sep (AD).
    Black -faced Cuckoo -shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 2 radio station above golf
    course 28 Sep (AD).
    December1993 Page 66CORRIGENDA 1990 REPORT
    Wompoo Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus magnificus The records on 22 Jul & 19 Aug (1989)
    were at the Maclean Forest Reserve.
    Anon. 1992. Glen Innes Forest Management District E.I.S. Forestry Commission of
    New South Wales: Austeco Pty Ltd.
    Blakers, M., Davies S.J.J.F., & P.N. Reilly 1994. The Atlas ofA ustralian Birds.
    Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
    Clancy, G. 1993. A Northern Rivers Record of the Blue Petrel Halobaena caerula.
    Aust. Birds 26,103.
    Crowley, D. 1992. Breeding of the Hooded Plover Charadrius ruficollis. Nature in
    Eurobodalla 6, 1991.
    Debus, S.J.S., Earle, R.D., Millard G.J. & C.R. Parker 1992. Breeding behaviour of a
    pair of Square -tailed Kites. Aust. Birds 26,1-12.
    Debus, S.J.S., McAllan, I.A.W., & A.K. Morris. 1993 The Square -tailed Kite
    Lophoictinia isura in New South Wales. Aust. Birds 26,104118.
    Dick, R. & D. Andrews 1993. A Vertebrate Fauna Survey of the Culgoa and Birrie
    River Floodplains
    Parks and Wildlife Service.
    Egan, K. 1992. Little Terns feeding young on freshwater lake. Aust. Birds 25,78.
    Gibson, D.G. 1989 The Birds of the County of Camden (including the Illawarra
    Region), Second Edition. Wollongong: Illawarra Bird Observers Club.
    Hoskin, E.S. 1992. Birds of Sydney 1770-1989. Sydney: Surrey Beatty and Sons Pty
    Hutton, I. 1990. Birds of Lord Howe Island, Past and Present. Coffs Harbour: I.
    Hutton, K. 1992. Long -toed Stints in New South Wales. Aust. Birds 26,20-28.
    McAllan, I.A.W. 1993. The Cotton Pygmy -Goose in New South Wales. Aust. Birds
    Morris, A.K. 1975 The Birds of Gosford, Wyong and Newcastle (County of
    Northumberland). Aust. Birds 9,37-76.
    Morris, A.K. 1984. Birds of the Dubbo Region in The Dubbo Region, A Natural
    History. Dubbo: Dubbo Field Nats. & Cons. Soc.
    Morris, A.K. 1987 The Birds of Sydney Harbour National Park. Aust. Birds 20,65-81.
    Morris, A.K. 1992. First Report of the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal
    Committee December 1992. Aust. Birds 26,71-83.
    Morris, A.K. 1992. The Superb Fruit -Dove in south-east New South Wales. Aust. Birds
    Page 67
    Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2Morris, A.K. 1993 Second Report of the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal
    Committee June 1993. Aust. Birds 26(4),89-130.
    Morris, A.K., McGill A.R. & G. Holmes 1981. Handlist of Birds in New South Wales.
    Dubbo: NSW Field Ornithologists Club.
    Morris, A.K., Tyler, V & M., Manses, H & J. Dalby 1990. A Waterbird Survey of the
    Parramatta River wetlands, Sydney, New South Wales. Aust. Birds 23,44-64.
    Ramsay, S. & B. 1990. Sighting of a Comb -crested Jacana at Long Swamp, Bermagui,
    NSW. Aust. Birds 24,42-43.
    Recher, H. (Ed.) 1974. Environmental Survey of Lord Howe Island. Sydney: Aust.
    Sansom, C. 1991. Observations of Powerful Owls at Pennant Hills. Aust. Birds 25,18-
    Schraeder, N.W. (Ed). 1988. The Flora and Fauna of the Parkes Shire. Parkes: Parkes
    Naturalist Group
    Secomb, D. 1992. Adult Barred Cuckoo -Shrikes feed cicadas to juveniles. Aust. Birds
    Webster, R. & L. Ahearn. 1992. Management for conservation of the Superb Parrot
    (Polytelis swainsonii) in New South Wales and Victoria. Sydney: NSW
    National Parks and Wildlife Service and Victorian C.A.L.M.
    Whitier, J. (Ed.) 1992. Nature in Eurobodalla No. 6 1991 Systematic List. Moruya:
    Eurobodalla Nat. Hist. Soc.
    Wood, K. A. 1994. Drought -related movements of the White-browed Woodswallow
    Artamus superciliosus in New South Wales. 1977-1991 Aust. Birds, in prep.
    December1993 Page 68APPENDIX
    Index of Observers
    ABW Australian Bird Watcher Journal
    ARA Australian Raptor Assoc. Newsl.
    JA Janet Aitken DBr Dennis Browne
    GA Graham Alcorn JBr Judi Browne
    JoA John Alloway AB Andrew Burton
    MA Marc Anderson COG Canberra Ornithologist’s Group
    DA David Andrew MCy Maureen Carey
    DAn Debbie Andrews JC John Carpenter
    EA Sr Edith Angel PC Paul Carter
    RA Reg Angus VCa Vince Cashmere
    PA Patrick Antcliffe CJC Chris Chafer
    BA Barrie Ayres DC David Charley
    JBk Joan Back PCh Pierre Charbonneau
    MBa M. Baker GC1 Graham Clarke
    LB Laurie Bartlett TC T. Clarke
    GB Graham Barwell JC1 John Cleary
    PBa Phil Bath MC Marj Cochrane
    HBa Harry Battam VCo V. Coleman
    HBx H. Baxmann AC Athol Colemane
    SBe Steven Bell VC Val Cooper
    CBe Clive Bennett CC Chris Corben
    ABe Allan Benson KC Keith Corbert
    DB Doug Biddle MCo Miriam Cort
    ANB Arthur Biggs BC Bruce Cox
    ABi Tony Bischoff FC Fred Creer
    EB E. Blackman JD Jane Dalby
    KBI Ken Blade RD Richard Dallimore
    RB Rona Bolton JDa Jill Dark
    J&WB J&W Bosward EDa Elizabeth Date
    RBr R. Bradley PDa Peter Davie
    MBa M. Branch LD L. Davis
    CBr Chris Brandis BdB Bill DeBelin
    KB Keith Brandwood SD Stephen Debus
    WB Bill Brimble JDH John DeHetune
    BB B. Brown TD Tom Delbridge
    MB M. Brown AD Tony Diamond
    Page 69 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2CDo Chris Doughty JHa Jeff Hardy
    JDi Jim Dixon BHa Barbara Harvey
    KD Ken Dixon ALH Anne Hatton
    BD B. Downer ScH Scott Heaney
    ED Em Dunkerly RH Robyn Hill
    PD Pat Dunkerly DH Dion Hobcroft
    JDu J. Duranti JH Janet Houghton
    RBE R. Beaumont -Edwards SHo S. Houghton
    ICE Keith Egan EH Ernie Hoskin
    WE W. Emery WH Bill Howard
    PE P. Ewin AHu Sandy Hunt
    RE Rosemary Eyles HBOC Hunter Bird Observer’s Club
    SE Stephen Eyles Newsletter
    SF Stuart Fairbaim KH Keith Hutton
    AFe A. Fergusson IBOC Illawarra Bird Observer’s Club
    FOC Field Ornithologist’s Club Newsletter
    DF David Fischer Rim R. Imisides
    BF Brian Fitzgerald JI J. Imrie
    KF Kay Floyd RI Rita Ingrouille
    JFo Judy Forgan MI Michael Isbell
    JFs Joseph Forshaw DJa David James
    AF Allan Foster JJ J. Jenkins
    GFo Graham Foulder DJ David Johnson
    JFy J. Foy U Ian Johnson
    JF Jim Francis WJ Bill Johnson
    RF Robert Fraser BJ Barbara Jones
    JoF Joan Fried HJ Hugh Jones
    GF Graeme Fry RJ Richard Jordan
    GG Glen Giffard MK Mark Kala
    CG1 C. Glenn T&EK T. & E. Karplus
    CG Chris Gladwin KK Keith Kay
    GLC Gould League Camp TKy Tom Kelsey
    PG Pat Gowlland R&GK R. & G. Kenner
    MG Michael Graham WKg Wayne King
    NG Neil Granter NK N. Kirby
    AG Anne Gugger WK Wal Knight
    DG D. Gunning NKu Norman Kurtz
    B&BH B & B. Hales AL Andrew Ley
    PHa Pauline Hall SGL S.G.Lane
    111 Ian Hamilton DL Dariel Larkins
    SH Sue Hamonet ML Marie Langdown
    December1993 Page 70JLa Jerry Lattin PO P. Osborn
    MLe Michael Lenz DP David Page
    ALe Alan Leishman AP Tony Palliser
    PL P. Lightfoot G&JPa G&J. Parker
    JL John Liney BP Barry Pascoe
    KL Kay Lloyd RP Robert Payne
    DLo Dianne Lock JPt Judi Peet
    GL Geoff Luscombe We Joy Pegler
    IM Ian McAllan JP Jim Perry
    WMcB Wilf McBeth RPy Ross Perry
    AMcB Allan McBride HP H. Pittar
    GMcC Geraldine McCarthy WP W. Platt
    PMy Peter Mackey RPo Robyn Pogony
    MM Michael Maher JPo J. Pollard
    PM Phillip Maher BPo Beryl Popple
    H&BM H & B. Mannes TPo Tom Poynton
    BMa Beryl Marchant CP Carol Proberts
    NMa Netta Marshall JPu Jack Purnell
    RMa Richard Mason QOS Queensland Ornithological
    NM Norma Maxwell Club Newsletter
    GM G. Meek NRa Neil Rankin
    LM Lee Morgan DRt D. Ratcliffe
    JMi Jane Miller DRa Donna Rath
    KM Kevin Mills DRy David Rayment
    RM Bob Moffatt JR J.G.Reidy
    AKM Alan Morris MR M.C.Reidy
    KMo Keith Morris AOR Allan Richards
    TMo Tim Morris VR Vic Robb
    RMo Rob Morrow PR Peter Roberts
    JM J. Moyse SR Shiela Roberts
    RMu R. Murray JRo J. Robinson
    PN P. Nagle DiR Dianne Rogers
    GN G. Newling AEFR A.E.F.Rogers
    M&RN M. & R. Newman MiR Michael Ronan
    NSWBA NSW Bird Atlassers Newsl. ABR A. Barclay Rose
    PNo Pat Norris JuR Judy Russill
    JN Joy Noyce NR Neil Russill
    DOB Danny O’Brien PJR P. Jackson -Ryan
    GOC Graeme O’Connor SSa Sandy Sansom
    MO M. Ooi TS Tony Saunders
    IO I. Osborn DSc David Scammell
    Page 71 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2LSc Leigh Schmidt JWs Jim Walliss
    CS C. Scouler EWa Eldean Ward
    JSe John Seale JRW J&R. Watts
    DdS David Secomb JW John Waugh
    KS Ken Shingleton PW Pauline Waugh
    DSi David Seims RWy Rosemary Waymark
    CSe Col Sellars RW Rick Webster
    MSh Michael Sharpe GW G. Wendon
    LSi Luke Silcock PWe Phillip Westlake
    ASi A. Sincock EW Eric Wheeler
    DS Darryl Smedley MW Miles Wheeler
    ASm Andrew Smith TW T. Wheller
    DaS Dan Smith WW Wendy Wickes
    LS Lindsey E. Smith JuW Judy Wiles
    PSm Peter Smith RWi Robin Williams
    LoS Lola Smith DWi David Wills
    DSo David Sorenson DWt D. Winterbottom
    AS Andrew Sourry JWi John Witt
    GSt Garon Staines BW Barbara Wright
    DSt David Stalker DWr Dianna Wright
    TStn Tony Stansfield CY C.W.Yates
    ToS Tony Stanton SZ Stan Zucker
    GS Graeme Stevens
    BS Betty Stokes APPENDIX 2
    MS Malcom Stokes
    ASt Alan Stuart
    WS Warren Sweeny
    ES E. Symons
    RTa R. Taylor
    PT Peter Terrill
    FT Fay Thompson
    MTo M. Todd
    BT Bo Totterman
    MT Maureen Tyler
    AT Alan Turner
    RT Dick Turner
    FVG Fred Van Gessell
    EV Edwin Vella
    TWa Tom Wade
    MWa M. Walker
    RW Robyn Walker
    December1993 Page 72LOCATION GUIDE
    Reported Location Approx. Grid Reference
  1. NORTHERN RIVERS Wallis Island 32 13 152 27
    °S °E Wingham Brush 31 52 152 22
    Boat Harbour NR 28 50 153 16 3. HUNTER
    The Brothers SF 29 48 152 10
    Curramore SF 29 30 152 13 Barnsley 32 57 151 37
    Gibraltar Range SF 29 36 152 15 Buchanan 32 49 151 32
    Glen Nevis SF 29 56 151 14 Copacobana 33 29 151 27
    Oakwood SF 30 15 152 18 Corlette Point
    Rous 28 52 153 24 Salamander Bay 32 43 152 06
    Sherwood 31 03 151 43 Daley’s Point, Bouddi NP 33 31 151 21
    Willarwarin 30 56 151 38 Erina 33 26 151 23
    Wittitrin 31 05 151 38 Ferndale Park,Chichester 32 12 151 38
    Hamilton 32 56 151 45
    Hidden Valley,
    Ourimbah CK 33 18 151 17
    Maitland Bay, Bouddi NP 33 32 151 23
    Bulga SF 31 40 152 13 Mardi 33 18 151 15
    Coralville 31 52 152 38 Mogo Camp, Yengo NP 33 19 151 04
    Crescent Head 31 12 152 59 Mooney Dam,
    Dingo SF 31 42 152 07 Brisbane Water NP 33 23 151 13
    Dingo Tops 31 40 152 10 Mount Vincent 32 54 151 29
    Ginni Ginni CK, Secret Bay, Buttaba 33 15 151 37
    Manning River 31 52 152 32 Wambina SR, Matcham 3324 151 26
    8km E of Gloucester 32 01 152 05 Wamervale 33 15 151 27
    Hat Head 31 03 153 03 West Gosford 3326 151 19
    Kendall 31 28 152 43 Woodbury Park,
    Kiwarrak SF 31 59 152 27 Wyong Creek 33 17 151 24
    Mount Coxcombe 31 43 152 26 Wybung Head,
    One Mile Beach, Munmorah SRA 33 12 151 37
    Forster 32 11 152 33 Wyee 33 10 151 30
    Rawdon Vale 31 59 151 42 Wyrrabalong NP north 33 17 151 32
    Upper Lansdowne 31 41 152 27 Yengo Ck Rd, Laguna 33 01 151 06
    Victoria Valley, 10 km
    W. Crescent Head 31 12 152 53
    Page 73 Australian Birds Vol.27 No.2SYDNEY
  3. Kiola SF 35 34 150 18
    Merry Beach,
    Artarmon 33 49 151 11 Murramurang NP 35 34 150 23
    Garigal NP 33 45 151 11 Middle Lagoon
    Gillawama Park 33 54 150 48 Murray’s Beach,
    Gray’s Point 34 04 151 03 Jervis Bay 35 08 150 44
    Kyle Bay 33 58 151 05 Pretty Bch,
    Lower Portland 33 27 150 54 Murramurang NP 35 48 150 14
    Menangle 34 08 150 45 Saltwater Creek,
    North Epping 33 45 151 06 Ben Boyd NP 37 09 150 00
    Scotland Island 33 38 151 18 Termeil SF 35 26 150 20
    Vielun HSD, Cobbity 34 01 150 42 South liiross 36 03 150 08
    Werong Beach,
    Royal NP 34 03 151 02
    Whale Beach 33 37 151 20 7.
    Winston Hills 33 46 150 59
    Woronora River 34 03 151 02 Butterleaf SF 30 02 152 02
    Copeton Dam 29 56 149 57
  4. ILLAWARRA Jeogla HSD,
    Armidale 30 33 152 06
    Burragorang Valley 34 10 150 20 Torrington 29 19 151 42
    Canyonleigh 34 36 150 15 Warra SF 29 59 151 56
    Commonderry Swamp 34 47 150 45
    East Kangaloon 34 34 150 34
    Fairy Ck, Gwynnville 34 34 150 53 8.
    Minnamurra Sandspit 34 37 150 51
    Mount Ousley 34 24 150 51 Badger Ground,
    Tallowa Dam 34 47 150 18 Rylstone 32 37 149 59
    Thirlmere Lakes NP 34 14 150 33 Blackheath 33 38 150 16
    Wollongong University 34 27 150 51 Bylong 32 25 150 06
    Cathcart Dam,
  5. SOUTH COAST Orange
    Dunn’s Swamp,
    Barragoot Lake 36 23 150 03 Wollemi NP 32 51 150 12
    Cape St. George, 10 km S of Garland Valley
    Jervis Bay NR 35 10 150 46 Growee Creek 32 37 150 08
    Cowdroy’s Bch, Tathra 36 41 149 49 Hazelbrook 33 44 150 27
    Hare Bay, Jervis Bay 35 01 150 45 Lake Oberon 33 34 149 50
    Hyam’s Beach, Linden 33 43 150 30
    Jervis Bay 35 07 150 42 Lue 32 39′ 149 55′
    Kiah Inlet 37 07 149 54 Medlow Bath 33 40 150 18
    December 1993 Page 74Mellong Swamp, 12 SOUTH-WEST SLOPES
    Yengo NP 33 04 150 46
    Putty 32 57 150 40 Buddigower NR 34 03 147 01
    Upper Macdonald River, Savemake 35 45 146 03
    Yengo NP 33 16 150 57 Wantabedgery 35 03 147 43
    Wellington 32 35′ 148 55′
    Wellington Caves 32 41 148 57 13 NORTH-WEST PLAINS
    Wheelbarrow Ridge,
    Parr SRA 33 22 150 54 Binnaway 31 23 149 23
    Woodford 33 44 150 49 Caledonia HSD,
    Baradine 30 58 149 05
  6. SOUTHERN TABLELAND 5km NW of Croppa
    Creek 29 04 150 15
    Badja SF 35 50 149 30 Moree 29 28 149 50
    Boolboolma Crossing, 8km N of Mora 29 22 149 50
    Queanbeyan River 35 43 149 26 27 km N of Mora 29 07 149 52
    Breadalbane 34 46 149 29 40 km N of Moroe 28 48 149 50
    Paringa HSD, Mow Rock, Binnaway 31 27 149 23
    Captains Flat 35 45 149 25 The Ranch HSD,
    Peejar Dam, Goulbum 34 35 149 35 Baradine 30 42 148 57
    Wollogorang Lagoon 34 50 149 33 Three HSD, Kennebri 30 47 149 03
    Ben Hall’s Gap, Cabbage Garden Clc,
    Nundle 31 38 151 11 Hillston 33 35 145 25
    Duncan’s End, Nundle 31 22 151 12 20 km SW of Conclobolin 33 05 146 56
    Nandewar Ranges 30 15 150 10 30 km W of Nyngan 31 34 146 43
    18 km N of Coonamble 30 45 148 15
    Dubbo 32 15 148 35
    Dungarry HDS, Conargo 35 18 145 11
    Dubbo 32 15 148 25 10km N of Deniliquin 35 28 144 59
    Goonoo SF 32 05 148 55 10km E of Deniliquin 35 33 145 05
    Kia-ora HSD, Dubbo 12km W of Deniliquin 35 33 144 49
    Lakatoro HSD, Dubbo 32 15 148 35 Gulpha Island SF 35 45 144 57
    Narromine 32 13 148 14 10km E of Hay 34 32 144 56
    Trangie 32″05′ 147″55′ Moulamein 35 05 144 02
    Wongarbon 32″15′ 148″45′ Narrandera Range 34 30 146 38
    Noola HSD, Barham
    Page 75
    Australian Birds Vol.27 No.216 UPPER WESTERN
    Byerawering HSD,
    Weilmoringle 31 33 146 20
    Canbelego 31 37 146 18
    Collarenebri 29 33 148 36
    Coonara HSD,
    Canbelego 31 32 146 20
    Kerrigundi Tank,
    80kmN of Cobar 30 54 145 21
    Kinchela HSD, Bourke 30 25 146 01
    25km S of Louth 30 45 145 05
    Minette HSD,
    E of Wanaaring 29 42 144 45
    4/3 km W of Mootwingie 31 20 141 55
    Mt Gunderbooka, Bourke 30 36 145 41
    Stephen’s Ck Reservoir 31 55 141 35
    Trafalgar HSD,Bourke 30 18 146 04
    Tlrndulya HSD, Louth 30 53 145 17
    16 km S of Wilcannia 31 45 143 15
    Wilgha Downs HSD,
    Bourke 30 48 146 06
    Wombeira HSD,
    Weilmoringle 29 10 147 15
    Garston HSD, Wentworth
    Mungo Lake 33 40 143 03
    Nearie Lake NR 33 25 141 21
    Nialia Lake 33 21 141 12
    Springwood HSD,
    Wentworth 33 27 141 35
    Willandra Crossing,
    Mossgiel 33 12 144 13
    Willow Point HSD,
    Wentworth 33 51 141 46
    Yelta Lake 33 20 141 50
    December1993 Page 76Advice to contributors
    Manuscripts should be typed with double spacing and wide margins at top and sides,
    and submitted initially as an original and two duplicates. Tables and figures must be
    in the form of reproducible hard copy, having due regard to the journal page size
    and format. If extensive re -typing or drafting is required publication may be
    delayed or prevented. Photographs should be submitted as glossy black and white
    prints of size and contrast suitable for reproduction.
    Upon acceptance, it is most helpful if the final manuscripts of substantial articles can
    be submitted in word processor format. The editor will advise details of acceptable
    Contributions are considered on the understanding that they are not being offered for
    publication elsewhere.
    Authors are advised to consult a current issue of Australian Birds as a guide to style
    and punctuation, which conform in general to the Commonwealth Style Manual.
    Spelling follows the Macquarie Dictionary. In particular:
    dates are written ‘1 January 1990’, but may be abbreviated in
    tables and figures;
    the 24 hour clock is used with Eastern Standard Time, e.g. 06.30
    for 6.30 am and 18.30 for 6.30 pm. Daylight Saving time
    should be corrected to EST;
    in the text, single- digit numbers are spelt out; 10 000 and larger
    numbers are printed with a space (not a comma) separating
    the thousands.
    References to books appear in the form
    Marchant, S. & Higgins, P.J. (eds) 1990, Handbook of Australian, New Zealand
    and Antarctic Birds, Vol. 1, OUP, Melbourne.
    and to journals as
    Morris, A.K., Tyler, V., Tyler, M., Mannes, H. & Dalby, J. 1990, ‘A Waterbird
    survey of the Parramatta River wetlands, Sydney’, Aust Birds, 23:3, pp. 44-64.
    These are cited in the text as Marchant & Higgins (1990) or (Morris et al. 1990),
    respectively.Volume 27, No. 2 December 1993
    Morris, A. K.
    & Burton, A. 1991 New South Wales Annual Bird Report 29
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