Vol. 28 No. 4-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 28 No. 4

Journal of the
The object of the Club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and
the habitats they occupy.
President Stuart Fairbairn
Vice -President Penny Drake -Brockman
Secretary Sheila Witt
Treasurer Cindy Ryan
Annual subscription rates (due October each year):
Adult Member $35
Junior Member $20
All members receive a bi-monthly Newsletter and the journal Australian Birds,
and are entitled to attend the Club’s regular monthly meetings and field excursions.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
PO Box Q277, Queen Victoria Building, SYDNEY NSW 2000
Australian Birds is published quarterly.Original articles and short notes on birds are invited,
especially those relating to field observations in New SouthWales.Line drawings and good
quality photographs are welcome.
Please refer to Advice to Contributors, inside back cover.
Editor Peter Robert.
Bird Report Editor A.K.Morris.
Production Stuart Fairbairn.
Please address manuscripts to the Editor at:
33 Carlyle Rd LINDFIELD, 2070
ISSN 0311-8150
Printed by The Village Scribe, 56 Thompson Street, Drummoyne 2047Australian
Volume 27 No.4 June 1995
Alan K. Morris and Andrew Burton2
1 Wombat Street, Berkeley Vale 2261
Burton, 4 Sydney Street, Willoughby 2068
The twenty-fourth Annual Bird Report covers the period January to 31 December 1993
and summarises the more significant observations of birds during that year.
The main aims of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:
-To record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
-To record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions of
birds within NSW; and
-To record observations which may indicate changes in species’numbers, frequency,
range and movements.
The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 report. The Loca-
tion Guide, at Appendix 2, lists locations not referred to in the 1985-1992 reports. This
guide is intended to assist readers to better determine the general location of reported
observations. The production of future reports will be geatly assisted if observers provide
location map references in the manner set out in the Appendix. For those unable to pro-
vide this, an accurate description of the location of the sightings, relative to the nearest
town is essential.
Information on 365 species is contained in the 1993 Report. This information was
gleaned from 298 sources including 278 observers and a number of bird associations and
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 81the publications of such organisations. The number of records and the number of observ-
ers providing information is not quite as great for 1991 but is greater than for all other
reports. This year sees the publication of the Hunter Bird Report, a welcome addition to
the systematic recording of quality information on the birds of the Hunter Valley and part
of the Mid North Coast Regions. Abbreviations for these organisations are as follows:
AMSR= Australian Museum Specimen Record; ARA= Aust. Raptor Assoc. Newsletter;
Gang Gang= Newsl. of the Canberra Ornith. Group; CBOC=Cumberland Bird Obs. Club
Newsl.; ENHS= Eurobodalla Nat. His. Soc. Annual Report Nature In Eurobodalla 1993;
HBOC= Hunter Bird Obs. Club Newsl.; HBR= Hunter Bird Report 1993; IBOC= Illawarra
Bird Obs. Club Newsl.; MVBW= Manning Valley Birdwatchers Newsl.; NSWBA= NSW
Bird Atlassers Newsl.; NBN= NSW Bird Notes, RAOU NSW/ACT Group Newsl.; QOS=
Queensland Ornith. Soc. Newsl.; TBO= The Bird Observer; and Wingspan= RAOU Newsl.
A number of unusual or otherwise significant records was received with one new
species for the New South Wales list; this was an adult male Garganey seen at Sandgate
in December. An adult male Banded Honeyeater present for two days at Greenwell Point
was considered by the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal Committee, however to
be an escapee. Other significant records are as follows: Royal Albatross, Westland Petrel,
White -necked Petrel, 7 separate reports of Common Diving- Petrels in central and north-
ern inshore waters, Brown Booby, Red-tailed & 2 White-tailed Tropic -birds, Red Gos-
hawk, Oriental Pratincole, Long -toed Stint, Buff- breasted Sandpiper, Arctic Tern, large
flocks of Flock Pigeons, Blue -winged Parrots, & Grass Owls in western NSW, Coxen’s
Fig- Parrot, & Yellow Wagtail. Little Terns and Gould’s Petrel had improved breeding
seasons in 1993. On the downside this Report details the continued decline of Wandering
Albatross numbers in NSW waters, and a decline in migratory wader numbers in Botany
The main feature of the climatic conditions of NSW during 1993 was the re-estab-
lishment of drought conditions in northern inland NSW in the latter part of the year, and
the strengthening of the Queensland drought. An apparent effect of the Queensland drought
was indicated by the movement of Bustards into northern NSW. Elsewhere rainfall was
regular but generally below average. The unseasonal heavy rains in far western NSW in
December 1992 & January 1993 brought about exceptional growth of native and pasture
grasses. This attracted Bustards, quail, button -quail, Flock Pigeons, and other species to
the area. For the third year running there were no tropical cyclones or heavy onshore rain
depressions off the NSW coast so that there were no major seabird wrecks. However a
Red-tailed Tropic -bird was blown ashore to Grafton during storms in December.
The operations of the RAOU and the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal
Committees continue to run smoothly and so assist the editors of this report in reviewing
rare or erroneous records. Their assistance is greatly appreciated because of the level of
credibility that is now placed on sightings of an unusual nature.
82 June 1995The scientific and English names used in this Report follow that of HANZAB for
the orders Ratites to Charadriiformes (waders, gulls and terns) and for the remainder, A
Handlist of Birds in NSW (Morris et al 1981) is used. All observations are presented for
each species in a set order. The order follows the order of Regions in the State (see
Appendix 2). The observations for the Northern Rivers will precede any of those for the
Mid -North Coast, followed by the remaining coastal regions and then the Tablelands,
then the Slopes etc, and each set of observations for each region is divided by a semi-
colon. As pointed out previously, the Central Coast is not a region, it consists of the local
government areas of Gosford and Wyong and is part of the Hunter Region. The Sydney
Region is broadly based upon the boundaries of the County of Cumberland.
We would like to thank all those members who submitted their reports on time so
enabling this Report to be produced ahead of schedule, and it is hoped , in March of each
year. We would also like to thank the following people who reviewed the first drafts viz
Chris Chafer, E.S. Hoskin, Ian McAllan and S. Debus. Stuart Fairbairn assisted in the
production and layout of this issue of the Journal. For the assistance and committment of
these people, we are extremely grateful.
Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae 9 between Brooms Head and Taloumbi 13 Jun (EW), 1
crossed road Myrtle Ck, S of Casino 4 Sep (JCk), lA E of Gulmarrad School 19
Jun (GC); 6 S side of Tuross Lake 11 Aug, recently re- introduced nearby (ENHS);
Late breeding at Coombie HSD, Roto, bird with 21 chicks 11 Nov, and still
present 11 Jul 1994! (JaH).
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Present Walka Waterworks 24 May -6 Jun, max
30, including 3J, 50+ Bayswater Power Station 17 Oct (HBR); 42 Penrith Lakes
31 Jul (N&JR), an important site for this bird in the County of Cumberland, Pitt
Town NR 7 Oct & 18 Dec (AB); I Wentworth Falls Lake 20 Mar, unusual location
Hoary -headed Grebe Poliocephalus poliocephalus Max 22 Tuggerah STW 22 May
(CBOC); 17 Mackerel Beach, Pittwater 25 Mar (RA), 2 Homebush Bay 10 Jul
(BDo); max 50+ Coopers Is, Tuross R 30 Apr- I Jul (ENHS).This species is an
autumn -winter visitor to coastal estuaries;100s Lake Bathurst 21 Jan incuding
88 sitting on nests (AB) & 51 on 6 Mar (TQ).
Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans off South West Rocks 21 Sep (KS); 2 off
North Bondi 31 Jul (RD) & 2 Long Reef 11 Sep (AB); Small numbers off
Wollongong 30 May -28 Nov, max 4 on 25 Jul, both races exulans &
antipodesensis present on 28 Nov (TA). Very few records compared to the 1970s
& early 1980s.
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 83Royal Albatross D. epomophera J 18 nautical miles off Wollongong 22 Aug (CBr), record
accepted by NSWORAC.
Black-browed Albatross D. melanophrys 2 South West Rocks 6 Jun & 1 15 Aug, 1
Nambucca Heads 17 Aug (JMcE,DS,KS); 10+ off The Entrance 5 Aug (AB);
Recorded off Long Reef 18 May -24 Jul, max 14 on 6 Jul (AB,BC); Present off
Wollongong 30 May -28 Nov, max 21 on 27 Jun (TA); present off Moruya heads
15 May -Sep , max 20 on 13 Jun, beachcast Tilba Lake, Congo & Myrtle Beach
26, 27 & 31 Dec (ENHS), numbers being barely half those reported 1990-92.
Yellow -nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchos 8 off South West Rocks 15 Aug (KS,JMcE);
4 15km SE Crowdy Head 14 Aug & 1 on 16 Aug (AKM); 1 of Long Reef 25
Aug (AB); The most common Albatross off Wollongong May -Nov max 22 on
27 Jun (TA); 25+ in Ulladulla Harbour 27 Jun (CJC).
Shy Albatross D. cauta 1 off South West Rocks 15 Aug (JMcE,KS); 2D Marley Beach,
Royal NP 8 Jul (MSh); Present off Wollongong Jun -Nov max 6 on 27 Jun (TA);
Small numbers Moruya Heads 15 May -3 Sep (ENHS).
Southern Giant -Petrel Macronectes giganteus 1 beachcast 1.2 km N Evans Head 8 Jul
(DC); 2 off Wollongong 19 Sep (LS).
Northern Giant -Petrel M. halli 40km SW of Wollongong 27 Jun (TA).
Cape Petrel Daption capense 2 20km off Wollongong 19 Sep (RTh).
Great -winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera Present off Botany Bay 31 Jul (RT); Present
off Wollongong May -Nov max 30-50 on 28 Nov (TA).
White -headed Petrel P. lessonii 1 off Boat Harbour Res, Kurnell 5 Sep (JPe); 6 off
Wollongong 27 Jun (AP,TQ), 1 on 22 Aug (TBO 736) & 2 20 km east on19 Sep
Providence Petrel P. solanderi blown ashore at Wardell during storm 26 Oct (DC);
Present off Botany Bay 31 Jul (RT); Present off Wollongong Apr- Nov (TA).
White -necked Petrel P. cervicalis off Wollongong 28 Feb (CBr), record referred to
Gould’s Petrel P. leucoptera 140-150 prs nesting Gould Island NR off Port Stephens
produced 35-40 fledglings in the 1992/93 breeding season. This represents a
drastic population decline from 1970 when it was estimated 375 prs nested and a
total population of 2018 individuals. The current estimate of the population is
1480, indicating a 30% decline in 22 years (Pridell 1994). However in the 1993/
94 season, due to the control of Pied Currawongs, the removal of Pisonia Trees
and the provision of nesting boxes, the number of pairs laying and incubating
was almost double that recorded in previous years. The proportion of nests from
which young birds fledged was over 50% and the future of this specicies may be
now more secure (Pridell and Carlile 1994); off Wollongong 22 Aug (Wingspan
Fairy Prion P. turtur 1 beachcast Arrawarra 26 Jun (SGL), 3 Nambucca Heads 3 Jul (DS);
23D Marley Beach, Royal NP 8 Jul (MSh); Present off Wollongong 25 Apr -25
Jul (AP, TA); 50+ off Warden Head, Ulladulla 27 Jun (CJC), present off
Eurobodalla Shire Beaches Jun -Jul, and one beachcast Burrewarra Point 15 Oct
& 12 Nov (ENHS).
Westland Petrel P. westlandica 1 beachcast Gillards Beach, Mimosa Rocks NP 6 Jan
(TBO 730), record accepted by NSWORAC (Morris 1995).
Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas off Wollongong 28 Feb (PMy), off
1 1
Wollongong 28 Mar (AP), records accepted by NSWORAC (Morris 1995).
84 June 1995Sooty Shearwater Puffinus griseus 2 off South West Rocks 15 Aug (KS TBO 736); Present
on Montagu Is 25-31 Mar (ENHS).
Flesh -footed Shearwater P. carneipes 6 off South West Rocks 15 Aug (KS TBO 736).
Wedge-tailed Shearwater P. pacificus 400+ inside Sydney Harbour between Fort Denison
& Manly 15-17 Feb (RA). Arrival: 2 Long Reef 17 Aug (CJC), 000s off
Wollongong by 22 Aug (AP).
Short -tailed Shearwater P. tenuirostris 3+ off Wollongong 30 May (TA), late date; A
survey of beachcast birds from Broulee to Potato Point 26-29 Oct found an average
of 20.4 specimens per Km (ENHS).
Buller’s Shearwater P. bulleri off Munmorah SRA 22 Aug (EV); off Wollongong 28
1 1
Feb (PMy).
Fluttering Shearwater P. gavia 00s offshore Nambucca Heads 30 Aug & 14 Sep (DS);
5000+ off Norah head 10 Jul (AB); 1000s off Long Reef 24 Jul -25 Aug (AB,CJC),
large numbers for Sydney Region & Central Coast.
Hutton’s Shearwater P. huttoni 10 off Wollongong 27 Jun (TQ).
Little Shearwater P. assimilis I off Kiama 25 Jan (MA); 1 beachcast Bingie Jul (ENHS).
Wilson’s Storm -Petrel Oceanites oceanicus 4 15 Aug & 21 Sep off South West Rocks
(JMcE,KS); 3+ 40 km E of Wollongong 25 Apr and on 24 Oct (TA,AMcB).
White-faced Storm -Petrel Pelagodroma marina beachcast Soldiers Beach, Norah Head
9 Jan (DaJ); off Wollongong 28 Nov (TA).
Common Diving -Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 6 off South West Rocks 15 Aug
(JMcE,KS); 1 beach cast Long Reef 3 Jul AMSR 0.64875 (BHa) & Marley
Beach, Royal NP 8 Jul (MSh); 1 13 naut. miles off Wollongong 25 Apr (CBr), 5
off Wollongong 27 Jun (CBr,TQ) and one 50 Km SE Wollongong 28 Nov (KB),
records referred to NSWORAC; beachcast Racecourse Beach, Ulladulla 27
Jun (KCh).
Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicilatus Nesting throughout the year at Blackalls Bay,
Woy Woy max 200 pr November (AKM).
Australasian Gannet Sula serrator 60+ (A, Imm & J) off Wooli Estuary 26 May, large
number for Northern Rivers (GC); c 300, many juv & sub -A Moruya Estuary 16
Apr, large number (ENHS).
Brown Booby S. leucogaster 1 diving for fish at mouth of Richmond River 11 Apr (BT);
Boat Harbour Res, Kurnell 26 Jan (JPe), record accepted by NSWORAC, 3rd
record for Co of Cumberland.
Darter Anhinga melanogaster 2 prs nesting Newcastle WR 27 Feb (AB) & 4 Prs nested
Shortland WC 2 Dec (HBR); 3 nests Ourimbah Ck May -Aug, and another nest
with 3Y lkm east along Creek 14 Nov (AKM); Nested all year Centennial Park
max 7 nests 11 Nov (AB,EH,SWt), N+3Y Bicentennial Park, Homebush Bay 23
Oct (AB,EH); c 20 Bogan River, Nyngan 4 Jul (AEFR).
Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo Nesting Newcastle WR during winter (HBR),
present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 132 in Aug, lesser numbers than usual
(AKM); Nesting all year Centennial Park max 17 nests on 30 Jun (AB,EH).
Pied Cormorant P. varius 100+ South West Rocks Jan -Feb , 54 Goolawah 20 May (KS),
fewer than usual; Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 38 Nov -Dec, numbers
less than in previous years; nest in Allocasuarina glauca Bicentennial Park 6
Mar (EH), first nesting for this location; 19 Koong-burry Bay, Lake Illawarra 17
Nov (CJC); Increased records for South Coast, seen 8 sites, may indicate species
is more common than previously reported (ENHS).
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 85Little Black Cormorant P. sulcirostris 2000+ Lake Cowal 28 Feb (NS). Breeding: 30
nests Lawrence & 8 nests Shortland WC Jan (DGe), also nested Newcastle WR
(HBR); 670 pr nesting Macquarie Marshes NR Sep -Nov (BJ).
Little Pied Cormorant P. melanoleucos 40 nests Lawrence Jan, 20 nests Boambee Jan &
2 Eungai Rail Jan (DGe); 4 nests Shortland WC Jan (DGe); nest in A. glauca
Bicentennial Park 6 Mar (EH), first nesting for this location, 2 nests Centennial
Park 3 Aug (AB); 8 prs nesting Junee STW Aug (MC); 680 pr nesting Macquarie
Marshes Sep -Nov (BJ).
White-tailed Tropic -bird Phaethon lepturus A 40 km E 25 Apr (CBr) & 50 km ESE
Wollongong Jun (TA).
Red-tailed Tropic -bird P. rubricauda 1 found stranded at Grafton released Yamba 8 Dec
(GC), accepted by NSWORAC (Morris 1995).
Pacific Heron Ardea pacifica Hunters Hill 24 Jun (EK) & Neutral Bay (RD), somewhat
1 1
out of area! No breeding at Kerta HS, Moruya since 1990 and fewer records
suggests local population has decreased or died out (ENHS).
Great Egret A. alba Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 8 in Aug, numbers lowest since
counts commenced in 1989 (AKM). Breeding: 25 nests Junction Hill, Grafton
Jan, 6 nests Boambee Jan, 14 nests Macksville Jan, 57 nests Shortland Jan and
16 nests Toronto Jan (DGe), 6+ nests Lawrence Colony 11 Dec (GC), 500 nests
Pollen Creek, 40 km E of Balranald 29 Nov, 500 nests Tarwillie HSD, 30 km NE
Balranald 29 Nov, 200+ nests Wilbriggie Dec (JB), includes Intermediate Egrets.
Lowest number of nesting pairs in coastal localities for many years.
Intermediate Egret A. intermedia 58 flew upstream Bermagui River 13 Mar, high number
for South Coast (ENHS). Breeding: 10 nests Lawrence Jan, 50 nests Junction
Hill, Grafton Jan, 70 nests Shortland, Jan and nest Toronto Jan (DGe), lowest
number of breeding pairs in coastal localities for many years; 4550 pr nesting
Macquarie Marshes NR Sep -Nov (BJ).
White-faced Heron A. novaehollandiae Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 45 at North
Entrance Feb, numbers lower than usual (AB,AKM).
Little Egret A. garzetta Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 17 in Jan, but no breeding
at Chittaway Point. Numbers lowest since counts began in 1989 (AKM); 9 Mason
Park, Concord 21 Mar (GMcC) Breeding: 6 nests Lawrence, 10 nests Boambee,
20 nests Shortland WC all Jan (DGe), fewer coastal breeding pairs and at fewer
locations than in previous years.
Eastern Reef Egret A. sacra Recorded at Long Reef Feb- Dec (AB,CJC); Barrack Point,
Windang Is, North Port Kembla, Red Point & Wombarra in Illawarra Region
Feb -Sep; Warden Head Ulladulla Feb -May (CJC), 1 Congo Ck, Moruya 8 Aug
& Broulee Island NR 9 Aug (AB).
Striated Heron A. striata 1 Kings Bay 10 Feb, 2 Kendall Park & 1 Majors Bay, Parramatta
River 22 May (H&BM); Mullet Ck, Lake Illawarra 19 Jan (KM).
Cattle Egret A. ibis 9 Mason Park, Concord 5 Sep (NH), unusual location; 4 6km E of
Pilliga 26 Oct (DS); Present Moruya Valley 21 Mar -7 Nov max 200, numbers
have stabilised (ENHS). Breeding: 15000 pairs nested 1992/93, including in Jan
1000 nests Murwillumbah, 2500 Ballina, 5000 Lawrence, 3500 Junction Hill,
1500 Boambee, 425 Macksville, 185 Eungai Rail, 504 Seaham, 500 Shortland
and 60 Toronto (DGe). Breeding pairs continue to increase in NSW!
Rufous Night -Heron Nycticorax caledonicus 10+ roosted Shortland WC 20 Jun -31 Oct
(HBR); Wolli Creek 7 Mar (GG), 4 South Turramurra 2 Dec (DaL); 350 pr
nesting Macquarie Marshes Sep -Nov (BJ).
86 June 1995Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus Terrigal Creek, Sandy Camp HSD, Quambone Sep
(RJ), only record received.
Black Bittern I. flavicollis Imm Myall River, S of Buladelah 5 Mar (DS); 1 Lees Reserve,
Chittaway Bay 19 Jan & 11 Sep (AKM), J Wyee Point 12 Apr (GGi); 1 Towradgi
Creek May (BHa), Jamberoo 17 Jul (RSi). All records published.
1 1
Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus Bakers Lagoon 18 Apr & 2 on 9 Oct (KB);
1 Towradgi Creek, Towradgi 14 Mar (BH), 1 resident Jamberoo (RSi); 1 10 km
NE of Griffith, calling in ricefield 17 Jan (JB), near Wanganella 13 Feb (RBe),
1D on road Koonadan 10 Apr & 2 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 28 Nov (KH), I
Gunbar Swamp 18 May (TBO 7/93); Tindarie HSD, Byrock 12 Apr (JC). The
number of locations is similar to 1992, which was the highest for many years.
Black- necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus (Note that Northern Rivers & Mid -North
Coast records north of Hastings River not given unless unusual), 1 Lillian Rock,
NW of Nimbin in paddock 22 Jul (DC); 2 Landsdowne 15 Jun (DLo), 1-2 Tea
Gardens May -Jun (HBR), 1 south Buladelah 26 Jul (GP); 1 Weston 4 Apr, 1
Cooranbong 7 May & 2 Mandalong Jan -Apr (ALH,HBR), 3 Pioneer Dairy
Swamp, Wyong 25 Feb (BSt), 2 Dooralong 31 Jul (YMcG), separate pairs would
appear to be resident in the Tuggerah Lakes/Lake Macquarie area and the Myall
River area; Whittakers Lagoon, Moree 27 Sep (MK), west of normal range.
Breeding: 2A+Imm Back Kings Ck, Lawrence 3 Sep, F+Imm Swan Creek 26
Mar (GC).
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus Raleigh 28 May (BT), max 9 Macksville 19 Jun -20 Sep
(DS), present all year Macleay Valley in small numbers max 14 Euroka 14 May
(ABi,KS), present in the Clarence Valley 25 Feb -11 Sep, max 22 Sportmans
Creek 28 Aug & 8 Brotherson Swamp 30 Jun (GC), 2 Frenmount 22 Jun (DS),
20 Casino 10 Jul (JH); 2+ Cessnock 21 Feb (MRo), present Minmi wetlands 24
Apr -21 Jul max 50+, 2+ Shortland WC 20 Apr -7 Oct (MW,HBR); Present
Hawkesbury Marshes 7 Apr- 10 Oct Max 5 on 4 Jul (2 McGraths Hill STW & 3
Pitt Town NR (AB,BC,KB,RW); 20 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 11 Sep (TQ);
Breeding: 330 nests Macquarie Marshes Sep -Nov (BJ), 500 nests Booligal 29
Nov (JB).
Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 70 feeding on lawn Bicentennial Park 2 May
(BDo), well in excess of numbers recorded by Morris et al (1990), 7 in inner
surburban park, Rozelle 30 Sep (TKe); Breeding: 200 nests Centennial Park 14
Aug (EH); 775 nests Macquarie Marshes NR Sep -Nov (BJ); 2000 nests
Wanganella 4 Nov, 3000 nest in 3 colonies Lowbidgee District 50 km E of
Balranald 29 Nov, 1000 nest Lignum Lake, 10 km W of Oxley 29 Nov, 600 nest
Great Cumbung Swamp, 10 km SW of Oxley 29 Nov, 500 nests Booligal 29
Nov (JB).
Straw -necked Ibis T spinicollis Breeding: 9700 pr nesting Macquarie Marshes Sep –
Nov (BJ); 5000 nests Wanganella Swamp 4 Nov, 17000 nests in 3 colonies
Lowbidgee District, 50 km E of Balranald 29 Nov, 1000 nests Lignum Lake 10
km W of Oxley 29 Nov, 30 000 nests Booligal HSD, Booligal 29 Nov (JB). A
total of 65 000 pairs nesting in NSW in 1993.
Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia 28+ Brotherson Swamp, Coutts Crossing 6 May (GC),
high local count; 21 Homebush Bay 3 Apr (BDo); Breeding: 25 pr nesting
Macquarie Marshes NR Sep -Nov (BJ); 100+ nests Lowbidgee District, 50 km E
of Balranald 29 Nov, 100 nests Paika HSD, Balranald 29 Nov (JB).
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 87Yellow -billed Spoonbill P. flavipes Present Clarence Valley 6 May -11 Sep with 1-2 at
Lawrence, Grafton, Swan Creek, Alumy Creek, Eatonsville, Ramornie & Coutts
Crossing (GC).
Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata Richmond Valley: 2 Clothiers Ck, Ballina 7 Mar
(BT), 4 on farm dam 1.5km N Victoria Park NR near Alstonville 28 Mar (DC),
Clarence Valley: 4 Coutts Crossing 21 Jan, 19 Cowans Ponds 26 Jan, 80
Waterview Heights 6 Jun -11 Jul, 80 flew over Grafton CBD 15 Jul, 2 Nymboida
River 22-30 Oct (GC,MMy,MOS,EW,), 2 Coffs Harbour 6 May (GBi); 4A+8Y
Seaham NR 2 May (Wetlander 9:2,11), 10-20 nesting attempts Shortland WC &
40+ young hatched but none survived (HBR), 2A+5Y Newcastle WR 18 Dec
(AB); 3 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 24 Apr (KH), first record for this location, 2
Lake Wyangan south 14 Jun (PE).
Plumed Whistling -Duck Dendrocygna eytoni Present most months Jacana HSD, Clarenza
max 270 on 10 Mar and 250 on 9 Aug (EW), present Grafton District max 420
Cowans Ponds 14 Oct (ABi), 6 at dam N of Coutts Crossing 28 Feb & small
number HC at night 11 Apr (GC), 23 Mungay Creek 30 May (ABi,KS); 340
Singleton 9 Aug (HBR), present Shortland WC 13 Nov (TQ); 5 McGraths Hill 2
Jan, max 92 feeding on cattle grain at Richmond lanes 16 May -5 Jun (AB,TQ);
13 Grose Wold 8 Jun (M&BB); Present all year Junee STW max 50 Aug (MC),
500+ Lake Cowal 13 Oct (NS); 150 16km SW of Bellata 6 Nov (DS); 300 in
total Eden HSD & Willencorah HSD, Macquarie Marshes Sep (RJ); 2 banded
near North Rockhampton, Qld on 26/3/92 recovered dead (shot) at Deniliquin 2
Jan and 10 Jan, 1455km SSW of banding place (Anon 1994), 330 Fivebough
Swamp, Leeton 14 Nov (KH), 100+ near Leeton 28 Nov (PHo); 14 on Coombie
Ck, Roto flowing after heavy rain 4 Jan (JaH). The increased numbers in NSW
and banding data would appear to indicate movements south from drought affected
southern Queensland.
Wandering Whistling- Duck D. arcuata 70 (nesting) Clothiers Ck, Ballina 7 Mar (TBO
730), 2 Jacana HSD, Clarenza 11 Mar (EW), Max 55 Macksville 13 Feb -Dec .
(ABi,DS,KS); Present Shortland WC 18 Jun -29 Dec, max 72 and 2A+12Y on
18-29 Dec (AB,SH,EV,TQ, HBR); Present Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 30 Jan –
21 Nov, max 9 on latter date (KH,TQ), 2 6Icm N of Finley 14 Dec (TBO 740:14).
Blue -billed Duck Oxyura australis Rose Lagoon, Collector 8 Feb (GH CBN 18,35); 2
Wilgha Downs HSD, Byrock 9-13 Apr (WH), 6M+4F Imperial Lake, Broken
Hill 8 Jun (AB,IMcA), 5 Lake Woytchugga, Wilcannia 3 Jul (AEFR); 6
Springwood HSD, Scotia, NW of Wentworth Oct (DF).
Musk Duck Bizura lobata 4AM Lake Minniewater 6 Jan (GC).
Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa 40 Lake Bathurst Jul (Birdline), 700 Lake George Jul
(Wingspan 9/93); 1 Parkes STW 2 Oct (JPa IBOC 11/93); 2 Deniliquin mid May
(TBO 7/93); 2 Wilgha Downs HSD, Byrock 9-13 Apr (WH), 3 5km W of
Wanaaring 17 Apr (JC), 11 Coogee Lake, 90 km NE of Broken Hill 9 Jun
(AB,IMcA), 2 2km W of Wilcannia 11 Jun (TQ).
Black Swan Cygnus atratus Max 450+ Lake Wooloweyah 9 Feb (GC), 230 Lower Macleay
Valley 29 Jun (ABi); Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max 2363 in Dec (AKM),
a large number for this site.
Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides Present Lake Bathurst 6 Mar- 30 Dec, max 60
on 6 Mar (EV,TQ), 2A+8 downies Gunning 28 Sep (AKM), northern end of
breeding range; 5 Jellat Jellat Swamp, Bega 10 Jul (AKM); 1 pr northern
Macquarie Marshes NR Aug -Sep (RJ).
88 June 1995Maned Duck Chenonetta jubata 110 Richmond lowlands 4 Jun (AB), large number for
Sydney Region.
Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus 300+ Morpeth STW Apr (Wetlander
9.3,9); Present Tuggerah STW May -Jun max 12 (AKM); Present McGraths Hill
STW 16 May -5 Sep, max 25 on 16 May (TQ); 27 Tallawarra Ash Ponds 22 May
(GBa); 14 Dairy Factory Swamp, Bega 7 Jul (AKM), rare on the South Coast;
1000 Lake Bathurst Jul (Birdline); 200+ Rosedale Lake, 15km NW Tilpa 10 Jun
Grey Teal Anas gracilis Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 846 in Jun, numbers lowest
since counts began in 1989 (AKM); 10000 Macquarie Marshes NR Sep (RJ).
Chestnut Teal A. castanea Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 793 Jun, numbers lowest
since counts began in 1989; Present Coopers Is, Tuross R all year max 400 Dec
Mallard A. platyrhynchos AM Jacana HSD, Clarenza 25 Feb, first record for this location
(EW) & AM Susan Is, Grafton 31 Jul (GC); near Moruya River bridge 7 Nov
Garganey A. quercela 1 Market Swamp, Sandgate 4-18 Dec, adult male in full breeding
plumage, first record for NSW, record accepted by NSWORAC (GP,BP).
Australasian Shoveler A. rhynchotis 7+ Alumy Ck, Grafton 14 May -28 Aug (GC), 10
Macksville 19 Jun (DS); 2 Harrington STW 7 Apr (MVBN 2/93) & 2 The Flags,
NW of Nowendoc 14 Jul (AB), rare on Mid -north Coast; Max 100+ Minmi
wetlands Apr -Jul (HBR), present Tuggerah STW & Chittaway May -Aug, max
16 on 21 Jul (AKM); Max 4 Bicentennial Park, Homebush Bay 3-10 Jul, rare at
this locality (BDo,EH), F+6Y McGraths Hill STW 6 Nov (EH); 36 Dairy Factory
Swamp, Bega 7 Jul (AKM), rare in such numbers on South Coast; Present all
year Lake Bathurst max 400 Jul (TQ, CSc); 100+ Roping Pole Swamp 29 Sep
(AKM); 1000 Macquarie Marshes NR Sep (RJ); 220 Leeton
30 May (KH).
Letter -winged Kite Elanus scriptus A Whitton 11-12 Jul (KH); 2 Mungo NP 26 Apr
(TBO 7/93).
Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata 5 Toonumbah SF 1 Jan, 3 Mebbin SF 8 Jan (MRo),
2A+1Y Valla 7 Feb (DS), Oakes SF 14 Jan, max 3 Coutts Crossing 14 Feb -11
Nov, 1 Diggers Beach, Coffs Harbour 1 Apr (GC), 1 feeding 1Y Maclean 20 Feb
(P&BM), Moonee in garden 25 Mar (SGL), nested Crystal Creek Dec (PE),
present Mar -Apr and Oct -Dec Yarravel max 5 on 18 Apr (ABi), 3 Crescent Head
16 Oct -11 Dec (ABi,KS); 2 Coralville 21 May (SDu); Recorded at 4 sites in
Hunter Valley (Grahamstown Dam, Rankin Park, Wangi, Cardiff), max 6 at
Rankin Park 4 Jul (HBR), recorded at 6 sites on the Central Coast viz Narara,
Bensville, McMasters Beach, Strickland SF Ourimbah & Mardi, nesting at the
latter 2A+3Y 20 Dec (RBe,JC, AKM,RP,WK,TQ); 2 Royal NP 9-10 Jan (JF) &
1 on 3 Mar (DMcK), 1 Deep Creek, Narrabeen 24 Feb (BPo), max 4 Galston 24
Jun -5 Jul (D&GM), present Dural all year, 2A+2J in Jan and max 10 on 2 May
(M&GR), 1 Lower Portland 8 Aug (KB), 2 Beecroft 10 Sep (per CG), max 2
Annangrove 3 Jan -10 Oct (KB); 2 Upper Cordeaux 2 Nov (JWi), 2 Mt Kembla 2
Nov (LS IBOC 3/94); Sun Valley, Blue Mountains 27 Jul (Wingspan 9/93).
Black Kite Milvus migrans Glossodia 3 Apr (JHa); 2 Rosedale 31 May, unusual South
Coast record (ENHS); 20+ Forbes 6 May & 4 Sulcar NW of Tamworth 21 Oct
(NS); 18 5km E of Nyngan (AKM); An exceptional year in eastern Riverina, 3-
10 at several locations near Leeton Feb -Apr, 12 Tuckerbil Swamp 10 Apr, 50-60
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 89following tractor ploughing Yougali 2 May, 43 on sheep carcase Hanwood 9
May, 10 Fivebough Swamp 23 May, 80-100 Leeton Garbage Tip 13 Jun, 200+
at stubble fire at Whitton 18 Jul, numbers declined after that date (KH).
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus 2nd -3rd year bird over Kooragang Is 25 Jul (FVG) first
record for this location, A Kincumber Broadwater 31 Dec (LN), first record for
Central Coast; flying Mt Ousley 11-19 Jun (JRn), 3rd record for Illawarra.
Remarkable number of birds seen away from usual range in the same year.
Whistling Kite H. sphenurus Jacana HSD, Clarenza attacking Maned Duck ducklings
13 Sep (EW).
White -bellied Sea- Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster Pair nested McPhersons Crossing, Orara
River 15 Jul -8 Aug (GC), chased and killed a Straw -necked Ibis Jacana HSD,
Clarenza 13 Aug (EW); Nest +1Y Bayswater Power Station 17 Oct (HBOC 6/
93); Hunters Hill 20 May (EK), A Homebush Bay 19 Jun & 4 Sep (BDo);
Nesting reported at McKenzie’s Beach & Garlandtown, South Coast (ENHS);
Bingara 4 Jul (JM); Pair Lake George Jul (Wingspan 9/93); Pair nesting Mollie
View HSD, 45 km W of Wee Waa (DR); Lake Uranagong 10 km SE Urana 5
Mar (JB); 1 sub -adult Tuckerbil Swamp 9 Apr and imm Fivebough Swamp 18
Jul (KH). Inland records consistant with comments in 1992 Report.
Spotted Harrier Circus assimilis I Bentley, 15 km W of Lismore 10 Jul (JH); 1 Shortland
WC 16 Apr & Millers Forest 30 Oct (HBR); attacking Peaceful Dove Wallaga
1 1
Lake 3 Dec (ENHS), accidental to South Coast; 1 Canberra ACT 13 Mar (CBN
19,14); Cowra STW 10 Apr (AC); Tooraweenah Oct (JMy HBOC 1/94); 2
1 1
nesting Forbes 5 Aug (TBO 735); 1 in mallee corridor near Pulletop NR 16 Apr
(PE); 2 Koonadon 4 Jul and 2 Leeton 11 Sep (KH); 1 Noonthorangee Creek 10
Jun, max 12 at Metford Tank, 60 km E of Broken Hill hawking over long grass
in company with Black Falcons 8 Jun -3 Jul (AB,IMcA,AEFR,TQ), 1 Yimkin
HSD, Cobar 1-2 Oct (BLS); near Round Hill NR 24 Apr (AB). The most records,
including coastal records, for many years.
Swamp Harrier C. approximans Pair constructing nest Roses Lagoon, Collector 13 Nov
Grey Goshawk Accipiter novaehollandiae in grassland near Old Koreelah 25 Apr
(QOS 24/7), Lower Bobo 5-17 Nov (DP), Bellbird Camp, Gibraltar Range
1 1
NP 17 Jul, Dalmorton SF 4 Mar, Chaelundi SF 29 Oct (GC); Port Macquarie
1 1 1
18 May (ALH) & 13 Jun (RMa); Recorded at 9 sites in Hunter Valley including
white morphs at Blackbutt Reserve & Alleyn River (HBR), Watagan SF Jan
(RT), 1 Narara 16 Jan (RBe), 1 North Entrance Penisular 25 Mar (AKM), AF
Wards Hill, Kilcare-Empire Bay 3 Jun -16 Jul (JMcL,RP), 1 Matcham 3 Mar
(AKM), 5 Aug (AB) & 10 Oct (TQ), 1 Ourimbah, harrassing Topknot Pigeons
11 Sep (AKM); Recorded at 7 sites in the Sydney Region including I Cumberland
SF 22 May (M&BB), 1 Wolli Ck Res 18 Jun (NRa), 1 Toongabbie Creek 21 Aug
(BdB), Kellys Falls, Royal NP Sep (HW IBOC 11/93), Annangrove 6 & 17
1 1 1
Oct (KB), 2 Dural 6 Oct -14 Nov including a white morph (G&MR), 2 Kenthurst
15 Dec (EV); Recorded at 8 sites in the Illawarra including a white morph
Keiraville 7 Feb (ME) & Wollongong Bot.Gardens 2 Mar (AB), Yatteyattah
18 Aug (KM); Recorded at 11 South Coast sites throughout the year with white
morphs at Milton 7 May (CJC), Moruya Heads 2 Oct (Gang Gang 11/93), Potato
Point 30 Aug, Burrewarra Point 24 Oct & Meringo all year (ENHS).
Brown Goshawk A. fasciatus Recorded at 8 locations in the Sydney Region including
Manly Dam Res 26 Mar (CJC), Nurragingy Res 31 Mar, Homebush Bay 19 Jun,
90 June 1995Pennant Hills Park 10 Apr & 23 Oct (BDo), Dural 25 Apr -16 May, 10 Nov -10
Dec (G&MR), Wooli Ck Res 18 Jun (NRa), Annangrove 17 Oct (KB), & Upper
Lane Cove River 4 times 11 Jan -18 Sep (DLa); Recorded at 6 locations in the
Illawarra including Coledale 7 Jan (CJC), Berkeley Hills 26 Jan (CJC), Boxvale
Tramway 10 Jul (DSi), Thirroul 6 Aug (MMo), Lake Heights 16 Apr (CJC), &
Wollongong 20 May (DT). Many other records received across the State.
Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrohcephalus Present Macleay Valley all year with records
at Cresent Head, Verges Swamp, Kempsey & South West Rocks (KS); Recorded
at 11 sites in Hunter Region including Heatons Lookout, Morisset, Murdering
Gully, East Maitland & Thornton (HBR), Pokolbin SF & Olney SF Jan (RT),
Matcham (TQ), N+4Y Lisarow 6 Jan (JRo), Woodbury Park 1 May (AB), 1D
West Gosford 15 Jul (WARC); N+4Y near Camden 23 Jan (RDe), 2 Heathcote
10 Apr (CJC),1 Annangrove 17 Oct (KB), 3 present 15 Mar- 22 Apr , 12 May,A
3 Sep- I 9 Nov (G&MR) ; 1 Berry Feb & Dec (C&BV); 1 Warung SF, Coolah
carrying Pied Currawong 25 Feb (RT), Blackheath 2 Aug (EV), Cowra (TQ);
Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 11 Sep, first record for this location (KH).
Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus Pursued by Pied Currawongs Burringar Range
22 Sep (DSt), record accepted by NSWORAC (Morris 1995).
Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax Present Jacana HSD, Clarenza Jan -Sep, max 3 (EW);
N+2Y Deenderrah HSD, Upper Manilla 26 Oct (J&RW).
Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides Present Clarence Valley all year, being resident at
Coutts Crossing, but also seen at Lawrence, Cowans Ponds & Bom Born SF
(GC), 1 Lower Bobo River 5 Nov (DP), 1 Hungry Beach, Hat Head NP 17 Apr
& Willawarin 19 Sep (KS); 2 records for Lake Macquarie (Dora Ck &
Awabakal), 4 for the Hunter Valley, and Shoal Bay 24 Apr (HBR); 1 Annangrove
10 Jan (KB), 1 South Turramurra 12 Apr & 16 Nov (DaL), Nurragingy Res 15
Jul (EV), Bushells Lagoon 28 Nov (TQ); Mount Pleasant 24 May (DT); Re-
corded from 7 locations South Coast throughout the year, consistent with previ-
ous records (ENHS,COG); Nest+2Y Baradine Oct (DJ), 3rd year in a row at this
location 150m from Square -tailed Kites’ nest along Baradine Creek. Plenty of
coastal records.
Black -breasted Buzzard Hamirostra melanosternon 1 Ootha 24 Nov (NS); 3 Glenhope
HSD, NE Wanaaring 18 Apr & I Moorlands Downs HSD, Wanaaring 22 Apr
Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura Present Yarravel & Kempsey all year (ABi,KS),
Grafton HS 4 Feb (EW), 2 Nambucca Heads 27 Jan -31 Dec (DS,NCr), 1 Bellingen
15 Jun (BT), 1 Lake Arragan 19 Jun & 1 S of Sandon River, Yuraygir NP 9 Oct,
1 Coutts Crossing 10 Mar, 1 near Wooli 7 Aug, A Kangaroo Creek 13 Aug, 1
Macksville 20 Feb (GC), Coffs Harbour 17 Jun -6 Jul (AL,CSe,BT), Sawtell
1 1
21 Jun (BT), 1 Lake Russell, Moonee 5 Aug (M&BB), 1 Rappville 7 Sep (RP),
Lower Bobo 5-17 Nov (DP), Wild Cattle Creek SF 14 Nov (SD); A+J Yelgun
1 1
Sep -Oct (AMG,V&SS); Cooranbong 14 Jun (HBR), first record for Lake
Macquarie Shire; 2 Wilberforce 16 Feb (RG), 1 North Richmond 18 Apr (JDeH);
Narooma 2Feb & 31 Jul, Moruya SF 29 Sep & 3 Oct (ENHS); Eastwood SF
1 1
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 91mid Nov (HF,SD); Munghorn Gap NR 30 Jan (AMcB); Jindalee SF 12 Sep
1 1
(Gang Gang 10/93); Nested unsuccessfully Baradine Oct (DJ).
Osprey Pandion haliaetus 28 nests in the Macleay Valley in 1993, from which 25 young
fledged (KS); The four most southern nests in NSW are: Lake Cathie 9 May
(MVBN 3/93), Watson Taylors Lake 4 Aug (MVBN 4/93), Harrington & Hawkes
Nest 19 Sep (HBOC 6/93). Other records:- 1 Cockle Bay NR 21 May (DOB), 1
Wangi, Lake Macquarie 10-11 Jul (IBOC 9/93); Yarramundi Bridge, Nepean
River 21 Nov (STr) unusual Cumberland Plain record, Homebush Bay 22 Jul
(AF); 1 Tallawarra 7 Feb & 17 Jul (CBr), first Illawarra record since 1985; 2
Wallaga Lake 4 May, Burrewarra Point 4 Jul (ENHS).
Australian Hobby F. longipennis 5 together over Griffith 17 Mar (JB).
Grey Falcon F. hypoleucos 2A+3Y nested near Parkes Sep -Nov & 5 near Condobolin
Nov, possibly same birds (NS); Mootwingee 11 Oct (JMa); Nested 2A+2Y Mt
Wood HSD, Sturt NP Oct -Nov (AKM,BP,AR); Kinchega NP Mar (JE). Two
good breeding records.
Black Falcon F. subniger Wee Waa 29 Apr (JC); Single birds Wowingragong 3 Jan,
Goobang Creek W of Parkes Mar, Parkes 24 Sep, Wyangra 22 Nov (NS);
1 1
Wanganella area 11 Apr (PM), 2 20 km NE of Conargo 1 Dec, 2 25 km S Hay 18
Mar, 2 25 km S of Coleambally 7 Sep (JB), 1 Fivebough Swamp 7 Nov (KH), 2
76 Km E of Hay 26 Dec (TQ); Cobar 25 Jul (TMo), 15 km S Bourke 19 Oct
1 1
(MM), Mt Wright Creek & Sutherlands Lake, Bourke 22 Oct (AB,IMcA); 12
Metford Tank, 60km E of Broken Hill 12 Jun -3 Jul (BHa,AP,AEFR,TQ). More
records than usual.
Peregrine Falcon F. peregrinus Recorded at 13 sites in Hunter Valley, no breeding records
(HBR), Peats Ridge 24 Jun (RP); Towra Point NR 11 Jan (BC), 2 roosting on
1 1
Triple M Building, Bondi Junction 28 Jan (AMcB), present all year Deep Creek,
Narrabeen nesting 2A+2Y Sep -Oct (RA,AB,CJC,BC), 2 Bradleys Head 28 Mar
(BC), 1 Wolli Ck Res 18 Jun (NRa), 1 Bents Basin 1 Aug (BC), recorded on 4
occasions South Turramurra 18 Sep -16 Dec, 1 West Head 25 Sep (DLa), 6
sightings Dural 30 Jan -30 Jul (G&MR), injured Minchinbury Feb taken into
care and subsequently released (WIRES 3,12) ; 1 Saddleback Mtn, Kiama 31
Mar (RT), Figtree & Mount Warrigal May -Jun (CBr); Comleroy SF 21 Jan
1 1 1
(RT); 2A+1Y North Mine, Cobar Sep -Oct (TMo); Kinchega NP Mar (JE).
Australian Kestrel F. cenchroides Nest with 1Y Long Reef 11 Dec (AB).
Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata Loughnan NR on mound 1-28 Oct (PE,RH); 8 active and
30 inactive mounds found on Tarawi HSD, Nanya HSD and Springwood HSD,
Wentworth, and 4 active and 16 iactive mounds on Abbots Tank, Euston Oct
(DF). It is estimated that there is likely to be a population of over 300 breeding
pairs in the Pooncarie/Wentworth area, increasing the population estimate for
that region by 112 pairs, thus making the estimated breeding population for
NSW 857 pairs (DF)
92 June 1995Australian Brush -turkey Alectura lathami Recorded nesting at Cedar Brush NR 26 Sep,
Craven SF 10 Nov & Myall SF Dec (HBR), 6 in one tree at Palmdale 27 Mar
(JC), 2 at mound Maitland Bay, Bouddi NP 30 Aug (AKM); 3+ at active mound,
Kur-ring-gai Wildflower Garden 6 Apr (NoS); Keiraville Jan (IBOC 9/93),
abandoned nest with 2 eggs behind Mt Nebo colliery 4 Sep (JN IBOC 11/93).
Stubble Quail Coturnbcpectoralis 2+ Richmond 7 Nov (EV), 10+ Bushells Lagoon 8-18
Dec (JDu,EV,KB,CS), 2 Bakers Lagoon 26 Dec (IP), 4-5 Pitt Town NR 12 Feb
& 20 Nov (AB,KB), more records than usual for Sydney Region; 2 Curramore
20 Apr (KM); 20+ Lake Bathurst 28 Jan (MA) & 26 Dec (CSc); in spinifex
1 1
in mallee, Coombie HSD, Roto 3 Apr (JaH); 50+ in long grass at Metford Tank,
60 km E of Broken Hill 12 Jun -3 Jul (AEFR,TQ).
Brown Quail C. ypsilophora 2 Pitt Town NR 9 Oct -20 Nov (KB), 5A+3Y Richmond 7
Nov (EV); Present Potatoe Point all year max 8 (ENHS).
King Quail C. chinensis Max 12 Bushells Lagoon 27 Nov -26 Dec (KB,JDu,IP). First
record here since 1972.
Painted Button -quail Turn ix varia 2 Nambucca Heads 17 Jan (DS), max 3 Yarravel Apr,
May & Nov (ABi), 1 Boatharbour NR Lismore 3 Aug (JH) in rainforest regrowth;
2 Milbrodale 20-21 Mar (HBR), present Pokolbin, Watagan & Ourimbah SFs
Jan (RT); 3 North Turramurra/Ku-ring-gai Chase NP 14 Jun (LM), present Ku-
ring-gai Wildflower Garden 23 Aug (IMcA); 2 Glen Davis 25 Sep (AR), 2
Comleroy Rd, Colo Heights 23-24 Oct (T&EK); 2 Weddin Mountains 11 Apr
(TQ), on nest Charcoal Tank NR 17-19 Sep (COG); Pulletop NR 16 Apr & 2
on 30 Nov (PE).
Little Button -quail T velox 1D Belltrees HSD, Scone Oct (NJ); 2+ 80km N of Deniliquin
13 Feb (ABe), 1 Loughnan NR 28 Nov (PE); Present Coombie HSD, Roto Mar –
May (JaH), max 150 in long grass at Metford Tank, 60km E of Broken Hill 16
May -3 Jul (CG,AP,AEFR,TQ) & 2 10 Oct (JDu), 00s Willandra NP 7 Dec (PE).
Red -chested Button -quail T pyrrhothorax AM Bushells Lagoon 8 Dec (EV); 8+ 80km
N of Deniliquin 13 Feb (RBe,JR), 4+ Wanganella 9-10 Apr (RH); Max 20 in
long grass Metford Tank with above 16 May -3 Jul (AP,AEFR,TQ), 00’s
Willandra NP, juv trapped 7 Dec (PE).
Red -backed Button -quail T maculosa 1 cat -kill near Rotary Park Reserve, Lismore 15
May (DC), record accepted by NSWORAC, 1-2 Nymboida NP 2-6 Mar, 5
Dalmorton SF 4 Mar & 1 possible Black Swamp Ck, Glenreagh 15 Apr (GC),
records referred to NSWORAC. These are the first records since 1986
Brolga Grus rubicundus Present Lower Clarence Valley all year, max 97+ Sportsman
Creek 14 May, but also seen Lawrence, Tucabia & Maclean (GC); 2 Nyngan 26
Jul (AKM), 40 Buckiinguy Swamp, Macquarie Marshes Sep (R.1), nesting Lowana
HSD, Pilliga 26 Oct (DS); Pr nested Savernake 29 Oct in rice paddy and young
still present Mar 1994 (JaH); 11 Tuckerbil Swamp 9 Apr & 2-3 Fivebough Swamp
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 938 May -18 Jul (KH); 2 25 km NE of Brewarrina 24 Apr & 4 Fords Bridge 24 Apr
(JC), 4 Salisbury Lake 15 Sep (JPo), 2 Nocholeche NR 16 Sep (DK), 51 Green
Ck, Fords Bridge 22-30 Oct (AB,DS,PDB), however 90 regularly seen in area.
Buff- banded Rail Gallirallus phihppensis Roadkills Pillar Valley 6 Jan, Ellenborough 20
Feb, Kings Ck, Coramba 4 Jun & Lower Southgate 11 Dec (GC), 1 Kempsey 14
Feb (ABi,KS), 1 Pelican Is, Macleay River 1 Jun & 18 Dec (KS); 1 Sandon
River, Yuraygir NP 13 Jun (EW); 1 Coralville 17 Jul (SDu); 1 Shortland WC 17
Jan (HBR) & 27 Feb (AB), 1 Toukley Wetland, Norahville 1-15 Feb (IB), 5
Caroline Bay, East Gosford 27 Feb (RP), Stockton 7 Sep & 31 Oct
(KB,JDu,HBR); 2A+6Y Woolooware Swamp 13-16 Jan (JDu,JF,TQ), Royal
Botanic Gardens 12 May -4 Sep (RGC,AL), McGraths Hill STW 24 Oct (TQ);
1 Joes Creek, Batemans Bay 10 & 21 Jan & Montagu Is 23-30 Mar (ENHS), 1
east of Berry Feb (C&BV); 2A+4Y Red Bend near Forbes 26 Nov (NS);
Gilgandra 27 Oct (DS).
Lewin’s Rail Dryolimnus pectoralis 1 Macksville 6 Feb (DS), 1 Wild Cattle Creek SF 11
Nov (GC); 4 Mill Creek, Dharug NP 8 Aug (TQ), injured & released Blue
Haven 21 Nov & 1D Tumbi Umbi 3 Dec (WACR); 2A+2J Woolooware Swamp
13-18 Jan (JF,TQ) & 29 Nov (JF), A+1J Dee Why Lagoon 18 Nov (EV);
Wollongong 31 Mar (DT); 2A+2J Big Terrigal Creek, Macquarie Marshes Sep
Bush -hen Amaurornis olivaceus 2A+4y Nemarotu HSD, Mullumbimby 24 Feb (Stewart
& Stewart1994), Boomerang Falls FR 14 Nov (Muranyi 1995), Yelgun Creek,
1 1
Yelgun mid Dec (SD).
Black -tailed Native -hen Gallinula ventralis 1000+ Trida 15 Aug (NS).
Eurasian Coot Fulica atra 5000+ Fitzroy Reservoir 11 Aug (AB).
Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla 1 Shortland WC 26 Dec (HBR); 1 Glen Davis 5 Feb
(BP); Max 4 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 11-12 Sep (TQ,KH), J Redbank Weir,
Balranald 31 Dec (TQ); Fewer records than usual!
Australian Crake P. fluminea Batemans Bay throughout Jan (ENHS); 1-2 Fivebough
Swamp, Leeton 14 Mar -18 Sep (KH,TQ); 11 2km W of Wilcannia 11 Jun (TQ).
Spotless Crake P. tabuensis Big Terrigal Crossing, Macquarie Marshes 4 May (PE).
Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis 1 Orara Valley 8 May (per CSe) & 1 Coramba 15
May (LMcE), presumably the same bird & 5km S of Cedar Point, Kyogle 22
Jun (DC), extraordinary records for Northern Rivers; 1 70km N Deniliquin 17
May (TBO 7/93), Whitton 4 Jun (DW); 2 near Byrock 30 Apr (JM), Cobar
1 1
STW 11-13 Jun (BHa,TQ), 2 Coally HSD, Milparinka 8 May & 6 Salisbury
Downs HSD, Tibooburra 17 Jun (PBg), 2 Springfield HSD, Cobar mid Jun &
Gidgee Tank, Merrylands HSD, Cobar 4 Oct (per BLS), 1 Tibooburra 13 Oct
(JDu), 1 S of Bourke 31 Oct (PDB); 10, including 3 smaller birds Metford Tank,
60km E of Broken Hill 12 Jun -3 Jul (AEFR,TQ). Many more records than usual
and some extrordinary coastal records.
94 June 1995Plains -wanderer Pedionomus torquatus 2+ 80km N of Deniliquin 13 Feb (RBe), 6
Wanganella District 9-10 Apr (RH).
Comb -crested Jacana Irediparra gallinacea Present Macleay Valley all year, max 5A+2Y
Aldavilla (ABi); Smiths Dam, Coopernook 19 Jun & Hillville Dam, Bootawah
7 Jul (MVBN 3/93).
Bush Thick -knee Burnhinus grallarius Single female present for 15 years, 20km SW of
Kempsey, still laying (KS); 4 Farquar Inlet, Old Bar 10 Mar (Lawler 1994);
Heard regularly Lemon Tree Passage Jan -Mar (HBR); HC Umina 1 Feb (FVG),
1 HC Wyoming 10 Mar (JBw); 1 Careel Bay 27 Jan (N&JR), usual location; 1
Gulgong 18 Oct (JMe).
Beach Thick -knee Esacus magnirostris 2A+Y Feb -Mar Red Rock (SGL), 2 Sandon R.
Yuraygir NP 19 Jun -7 Jul (GC,JWr,ALH), 2 Dart Island, Clarence River 7 Jul
(GC); Manning Point all winter and Mudbishops Point Sep (JHi,HBR,HH
1 1
MVBN 4/93). It now appears that there are 5 resident pairs in NSW viz Clarence,
Sandon, Red Rock, Nambucca & Manning Estuaries.
Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris 35 Towra Point, highest number ever re-
ported in Botany Bay 6 Feb (JPe); 12-20 Narooma Feb -May, large number for
this location (ENHS).
Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus 15 Wooli River estuary 7 Aug (GC); 176 recorded
from 31 rocky shores at 23 locations between Long Reef and Kiola Jan -Feb (see
1992 Report and Chafer 1993); 21 on rock shelf at Austimer (BC), large number
for this site; 15 Oakey beach, Murramurrang NP 8 Jan (ENHS).
Black -winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus Common resident of Lower Macleay Val-
ley with observations at 7 locations, max 88 Pelican Island 18 Apr (KS); 101
Tarro 22 Sep (TKe), 250+ Kooragang Is 6 Mar (CJC), present all year Tuggerah
Lakes, max 160 Mar (AKM); Present Homebush Bay all year max 50 on 21
May, nesting Jan, May, Nov & Dec (AB,H&BM); 1000+ Macquarie Marshes
NR in Sep (RJ); Max 700 Fivebough Swamp 24 Apr -23 May, A+3Y 30 Jan
Red- necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae 77 Joss Is, Clarence River 7 Jul (GC).
This is the largest number recorded in the Northern Rivers Region since 1970
when FOC records were first published, and there are few historical records for
that Region. Present Kooragang Island -Stockton Feb -Dec, max 2500 on 31 Jul
(JMcL,TQ,FVG,HBR); 2 Bicentennial Park 26 Jun -3 Jul (BC,JMe) & on 27
Dec (ID); 30 Wee Waa STW 29 Apr (JC); Max 400 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton
11 Apr -11 Sep (KH,TQ).
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Summer Wader Count Feb: 100 Hunter Estuary,
35 Tuggerah Lakes, 31 Parramatta River, 83 Botany Bay, 103 Comerong Is
(HBR,AKM,H&BM,JPe,CJC). Departure: Long Reef 7 Apr. Arrival:Long Reef
11 Sep (AB).
Grey Plover P. squatarola 2 Nambucca Heads 26 Nov & 1 on 27 Dec (DS), 1 Summer
Island, Macleay River 18 Dec (KS); 2 in partial breeding plumage Budgewoi
Australian Birds Vo1.211 No.4 95Lake 13 Sep (AKM,DMcC); 1Windang Beach 26 Sep & 13 Nov (CJC,GBa
IBOC 3/94); & 2 Moruya Heads on 2 days in Sep and day Oct (ENHS);
1 1 1
breeding plumage Peri Lake Oct (PSm). Slightly more records than usual.
Red -capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 100+ Kooragang Island 15 Feb (HBR); 4
Lake Cargelligo 26 Apr (NS), present all year Fivebough Swamp max 44 on 24
Apr, 2+1Y 14 Mar (KH).
Double -banded Plover C. bicinctus 6+ Minmi wetlands 21 -27 Apr (HBR); Winter max
37 Botany Bay 17 Jul, lowest number for many years (JPe), but 76 Tuross River
estuary (ENHS); 5 Lake Bathurst 6 Mar (TQ). Arrival: Long Reef 15 Feb
(NM), Boat Harbour Res, Kumell 20 Feb (JPe), Fivebough Swamp 2 Apr
1 1
(KH) Departure: 5 Boat Harbour Res, KumeIl 4 Sep (We), 1 Fivebough Swamp,
Leeton 11 Sep (TQ).
Mongolian Plover C.mongolus 8+ Chikiba Lake, Ballina 23 Dec (PE), Yamba 14 Nov
& 6 South West Rocks 18 Apr (DS,KS), 18 Macleay estuary 10-16 Mar (Lawler
1994); Summer wader Count Feb: 5 Kooragang Island, 11 Comerong Is
(HBR,CJC). Numbers have drastically declined in the Botany Bay area.
Large Sand Plover C. leschenaultii Long Reef 18 Dec (CG); 2 Windang Beach 8-13
Nov (GBa IBOC 3/94); 2 Beagle Bay, South Durras 8 Mar (Andrew 1993).
Inland Dotterel C. australis 10 Metford Tank, 60 km E Broken Hill 16 May (AP), A+J
20km SE of Fort Grey, Sturt NP 24 Aug (DC). Few records away from Sturt NP.
Hooded Plover Thinornis rubricollis 3A+J Rennys Beach, Ulladulla 10 May & 8A+2J
27 Jun (CJC,DWr), 2 Summercloud Bay, Jervis Bay 13 Jun (JDu), 2 Tabourie
Beach 1 Sep & 3 on 4 Dec (AB,CJC).Reported from 8 locations in Eurobodalla
Shire throughout the year, with breeding reported from Oakey Beach,
Murramurrang NP, Congo and Moruya Heads (ENHS).
Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus 2 Alumy Ck, Grafton 19 Jun (GC); 2 Minmi
Apr -Jun (HBR), max 4 Tuggerah STW 8-22 May (ALH), 1 Tarro 22 Sep (TKe),
2 Bayswater Power Station 17 Oct (HBOC 6/93); 1 McGraths Hill STW 16 May
(TQ), max 9 present Mason Park, Concord 22 May -12 Dec (H&BM,NH,ID); 3
Tallawarra Ash Ponds 22 May (GBa); Present Coopers Island, Tuross River 30
Apr -1 Jul, max 4 (ENHS); Nested Fivebough Swamp, 2A+2Y 28 Feb, present
all year max 258 on 23 May (KH).
Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles 200+ in one flock Richmond lowlands 4 Jun (AB), 24
Centennial Park 21 Dec (EH), unusual numbers for each location.
Banded Lapwing V. tricolor 7 Kooragang Island 14 Oct (HBR); 4 Richmond lanes 16
May (TQ); 17 Lake Bathurst 30 Dec (EV,CS), present Goulbum 28 Aug (JDi).
Only coast & tablelands records published, with fewer records than usual from
these sites.
Oriental Pratincole Glareola malvidarum Parkes STW 12 Apr (WP,BLS), record ac-
cepted by NSWORAC (Morris 1995).
Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella 7 16km SW of Bellata & 10 10 km further south
Apr (DS). Only records received, presumably numbers down on previous years.
96 June 1995Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 2 Hen & Chicken Bay, Parrammatta River 26 Sep
(JSe); 1 Lake Bathurst west 7 Oct (CBN 19,14); 1 Fivebough Swamp 20 Oct &
20 Nov (KH); Summer Wader Count : max 62 Long Reef 2 Feb, 36 Bellambi
Point 9 Mar, 32 North Port Kembla Beach 9 Mar (CJC).
Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardwickii 10 Cessnock 25 Sep (per CG), 170 Markets Swamp,
Sandgate 12 Dec (CG); 1 Mason Park, Concord 5 Feb (H&BM); 18 seen in two
groups on one day Macquarie Marshes Sep (RJ); Nericon Swamp, Griffith
early August (PE). Arrival: 1 Newington wetlands, Auburn 4 Aug (PS), 1
Fivebough Swamp 15 Aug (KH), 1 Mill Ponds, Botany 21 Aug (PMy), 4
McGraths Hill 28 Aug (KB).
Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis Summer Wader Count Feb- Mar: 131
Clarence R, 72 Macleay R, 29 Farquar Inlet, Old Bar, 900+ Kooragang Island,
140 Botany Bay, 76 Comerong Is (Stilt 25,17,Lawler I 994,HBR,JPe,CJC). Win-
ter Wader Count Jul: 260 Kooragang Island, 63 Botany Bay, 10 Moruya Heads
(HBR,JPe, ENHS). Numbers consistant with totals in recent years.
Little Curlew N. minutus Lake Bathurst 28 Jan -28 Feb (AP,MLe). One recorded same
date & location in 1988.
Whimbrel N. phaeopus 89 Clarence R Feb (Stilt 25,17), 196 Macleay estuary 10-16 Mar
(Lawler 1994), 250 Kooragang Island Dec on passage (HBR); Oatley Park
1 1 1
Aug (N&JR), up to 30 Long Reef 11 Sep (CG); Recorded in all months at Moruya
Heads max 52 Oct (ENHS,BA Gang Gang 11/93). Larger concentrations than
are normally recorded.
Greenshank Tringa nebularia 56 Macleay Estuary 10-16 Mar (Lawler 1994); 60
overwinter May -Aug Hunter Estuary (FVG), max 36 Tuggerah Lakes Dec
(AKM); 3 Bushells Lagoon 27 Nov (KB); 1 Moorlands Downs HSD, Wanaaring
22 Apr (JC).
Marsh Sandpiper T stagnitalis 10 Micalo Is, Clarence R 9 Feb (GC); Max 5 Rainbow
Reach & Pelican Is, Lower Macleay River 13 Jan -18 Apr, 21 Nov -13 Dec, 1
Crescent Head 13 Mar (ABi,JMcE,KS); Present all year Kooragang Island max
300 on 6 Feb (HBR,CJC,TQ), 7-15 overwintering (FVG); 1 McGraths Hill STW
28 Nov (TQ); Max 12 Parkes 31 Dec (NS); Present all year Fivebough Swamp,
max 21 in winter, 94 on 17 Jan (KH). Departure: Parkes STW 6 Jun. Arrival:
Parkes 21 Aug, 2 Mason Park, Concord 25 Aug (NH), Pitt Town Lagoon 28
Aug -20 Nov (KB). Average year.
Wood Sandpiper T glareola Stockton Borehole Swamp 26-27 Jan (HBR); Bicentennial
1 1
Park, Homebush Bay Jan, Pitt Town Lagoon 9 Oct -28 Nov (KB,TQ,AR);
1 1 1
Parkes STW 26 Sep (NS); 2 Hay 13 Feb (KH), present Fivebough Swamp, Leeton
Jan -Mar max 3, Aug -Dec (KH,TQ). Arrival: 1 Fivebough Swamp 15 Aug (KH).
Average year for records.
Common Sandpiper T hypoleucos Rainbow Reach, Macleay River 26 Sep (JMcE,KS)
& 3 10-16 Mar (Lawler 1994); 1 dark morph Kooragang Is 13 Feb & 1 on 13-17
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 97Dec (AB,MRo,HBR); Narooma 22 Sep (ENHS). Fewer records than usual.
Terek Sandpiper T. terek 10 Clarence Estuary Feb (Stilt 25,17), 1 13 Jan & 20 Mar Peli-
can Is, Macleay River (JMcE,KS), Chikaba Lake 23 Dec (PE); Max 125
Kooragang-Stockton Feb (HBR).
Wandering Tattler T incana 4 251cm S Tweed Heads 28 Apr (TBO 7/93); Long Reef 14
Jan (EV); North Port Kembla in breeding plumage 7-12 Apr (CJC); Moruya
1 1
Heads 4 Jan, probably the same bird seen Sep -Dec 1992 (ENHS).
Grey -tailed Tattler T brevipes 23 roosting on oyster leases Nambucca River 3 Oct (DS);
Max 9 Long Reef 23 Nov (AB).
Bar -tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica Summer Wader Count Feb: 396 Clarence R, 125
Macleay Estuary, 2000 Kooragang/Stockton, 303 Tuggerah Lakes, 320
Parramatta River, 493 Botany Bay, 564 Comerong Island (Stilt 25,17,Lawler
1994,HBR,AKM,H&BM,JPe,CJC) & 273 Narooma (ENHS), higher numbers
than usual. Winter Wader Count Jul: 88 Joss Is, Clarence R, 75 Botany Bay
(GC,JPe), low numbers. 5000 Kooragang Island on passage Dec (HBR).
Black -tailed Godwit L. limosa 257 Joss Is, Clarence R & 22 on 7 Jul (GC), 300-400
Kooragang Is Feb- Mar & Oct -Dec (HBR,ADy); 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 9 Oct (KB);
20+ Lake Cowal 14 Nov (NS); 6 Wee Waa STW 29 Apr (JC); 1-4 present most
of year Fivebough Swamp max 7 on 2 May (KH).
Red Knot Calidris canutus Arrival:20 Botany Bay 4 Sep (AB). 6 Berkeley Vale 7 Sep
Great Knot C. tenuirostris Clarence River summer count: 150 Yamba 9 Feb and winter
count: 30 Dart Is, 39 Rabbit Is & 31 Joss Is, 7 Jul (GC), 1 Nambucca Heads 18
Oct (DS); 4 Kooragang Island 13-14 Nov (GRi,TQ); 1 Moruya Heads 5 Sep &
4 Tilba Lake 26 Dec (ENHS). Large numbers for northern NSW.
Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotos McGraths Hill STW 18 Apr (EV), 2 Bushells Lagoon
19-28 Dec (EV,IP,PWe); 2 Lake Bathurst 10 Jan -6 Mar (in breeding plumage)
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata 20 in flooded paddock near Tarro 22 Sep (TKe),
1200+ Kooragang Is -Stockton 6 Nov (AP) on passage. Summer Wader Count
Feb: 200 Kooragang Island, 93 Tuggerah Lakes, 120 Parramatta River
(HBR,AKM,H&BM). Arrival: Fivebough Swamp 7 Aug (KH), 2 Mason Park,
Concord 25 Aug (NH), 2 Picnic Pt, The Entrance 8 Sep (AKM). Departure:
mid April Minmi (HBR).
Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea 1 Parkes STW 12 Sep (NS); 11 Fivebough Swamp 24
Oct & 7 on 20 Nov (KH). Summer Wader Count Feb: 1500 Kooragang/
Stockton, 42 Tuggerah Lakes, 225 Parramatta River, 55 Botany Bay
Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis 1 Bushells Lagoon 27 Nov (KB); 50+ Lake Bathurst 6
Mar (TQ); 6 max Fivebough Swamp 4 Sep (KH). Summer Wader Count Feb:
156 Tuggerah Lakes, 144 Long Reef, 221 Botany Bay (AKM,CJC,JPe).
98 June 1995Long -toed Stint C. subminuta A in non -breeding plumage Fivebough Swamp Leeton 7
Aug -9 Oct (KH,TQ,JR), record accepted by NSWORAC. (Morris 1995).
Sanderling C. alba 2 South Ballina Beach 20 Mar (DC), 1 Hungry Beach, Hat Head NP
17 Apr; 1 Long Reef 25 Mar (CJC), 1 Boat Harbour Res 5 Sep (JPe); 1 Windang
Beach 8-13 Nov (GBa IBOC 3/94).
Buff- breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis Lake Bathurst 9-28 Feb
(MLe,IP,AR,TQ), record accepted by RAOU-RAC (Morris 1995).
Broad -billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus Boat Harbour Res, Kurnell Jan (We).
1 1
Great Skua Catharacta antarctica 15Icm SE of Crowdy Head 14 Aug & 2 on 16 Aug
(AKM), few published records for Mid -north Coast; 2 Kurnell 24 Jul (CBOC);
Present off Wollongong 25 Apr- 2 Jul (TA);
Long-tailed Jaeger Stercorcarius longicauda 1 beachcast 31cm S of Black Rock, Bundjalung
NP 10 Dec (RM); off Wollongong 25 Apr (TA).
Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus Departure: 5 near Pulbah Is, Lake Macquarie 27 Mar (WM),
off Wollongong 25 Apr (TA).
Pomarine Jaeger S. pomarinus 1 off Broughton Island 23 Jan (AKM), 1 Swansea 31 Oct
(KB); 11 off Botany Heads 21 Nov (PAS); 10-30 off Wollongong 28 Nov (TA).
Typical range of records.
Silver Gull L. novaehollandiae 120 prs nesting Statis Rock, Seal Rocks Oct (PSm).
Pacific Gull Larus pacificus Imm Windang 17 Jan, all Jun & 26 Sep (GBa,CBr,CJC); 3J
Montagu Island 28 Mar (ENHS), first record, 3 Imm Eden Harbour 9 Jul (AKM).
For whatever reason, Eden & Windang are the most favoured locations in NSW.
Kelp Gull L. dominicanus max 4A+4 immJ north Botany Bay 19 Mar -30 Sep
(TKe,RT,CW); 2 Racecourse Beach, Ulladulla 31 Aug (CJC).
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida 4 Lake Minniewater 6 Jan, 6+ Lawrence 26 Mar, 8
Joss Is 7 Jul (GC); 2+ Tarro 20 Jun (HBR), 4 Tuggerah Bay, Tuggerah Lakes 14
Nov (AKM); 3000+ Lake Cowal 28 Feb (NS). Some unusual coastal records.
White -winged Tern C. leucopterus 5 Lawrence 26 Mar (GC); 1 Stockton Beach 6 Dec
(GR); 1 Windang 3 Feb (CJC,HW), fewer records than usual.
Gull -billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica 2 Budgewoi Lake 21 Jul, Birdie Beach,
Munmorah SRA 19 Jul & 16 Aug (AKM), rare at these localities, 12 Stockton
13 Oct -13 Nov (HBR,TQ); 40+ Lake Cowal 14 Nov (NS).
Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia 60 Picnic Pt, The Entrance 27 Mar (J&CC), large
number; 81 Windang 13 Jun (CJC), most recorded at site; 2 on stock dam wall,
12km W of Hay 26 Dec (TQ); 4 Lake Cowal 28 Feb (NS). Exceptional numbers
at Lakes Illawarra and Tuggerah.
Common Tern Sterna hirundo 733 Nambucca Heads 26 Nov (DS); 850 The Entrance 10
Feb (AB).
Arctic Tern S. paradisaea 1 40km ESE Wollongong 27 Jun (TA). Record referred to
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 99White -fronted Tern S. striata Max 60 Long Reef 16 Aug (CJC). Arrival: 1 Moruya
Heads 13 Jun (ENHS), 1 Kattang NR 1 Jul (ALH), 4 Eden 9 Jul (AKM), 1 Long
Reef 7 Jul (NM), 1 off Wollongong 25 Jul (RTh). Departure: 8 Tuross Heads
27 Aug (ENHS), 3 Long Reef 19 Sep (CJC).
Little Tern S. albifrons 130 Woody Head, Bunjalung NP 9 Jan (GC), 83 (19 in non –
breeding plumage) South Ballina 21 Mar (DC), 764 Nambucca Heads 18 Oct,
only 11 in breeding plumage (DS); 225 Windang 3 Feb (CJC) Breeding: 1 pr
nested Byron Bay but eggs disappeared (DC), 5 prs reared 9 young (7 banded)
Red Rock Jan -Feb (SGL), 6 prs nesting Nambucca Heads Oct- Dec, all nests
failed; 20 prs, 8 nests & eggs+Y Harrington 5 Jan (PCr) & 50 prs nested 30 Oct –
31 Dec, with a total of 76 nests found, 172 eggs laid, 102 eggs hatched and at
least 70 young fledged (BCr, P. Smith 1994a), 44 prs nested Forster Jan -Mar,
approx 106 nesting attempts, 183 eggs laid, 33 eggs hatched and 17 young fledged
(Smith 1993a & b), nesting again in Nov -Dec but see the 1994 report; Nested
Towra Spit 45 nests, 72 young banded, 7 nests still with eggs 4 Jan, best season
for long time (KE), 5 prs nested 12 Nov, nests abandoned probably due to dis-
turbance by Peregrine Falcon, 8 prs then nested at the end of the Airport runway
but foxes took all eggs and/or young, total failure this season (Pridell & Ross
1994); 4 prs nested Brou Lake 29 Nov -31 Dec, all failed due to high seas and
human disturbance (JL), second year in a row that nests have failed. Some wins
and some losses in 1993, the work of the paid and unpaid wardens is extremely
Sooty Tern S. fuscata 1 40 km SW of Wollongong 28 Nov (PH).
Superb Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus superbus flew into window and died, Talarm W of
Macksville Jan (DS); AM feeding in remnant rainforest Erina Ck, Matcham 20
Jul (RP); AM injured Dee Why 29 May (WIRES); Wollongong Feb (JRn),
flew into window.
Rose -crowned Fruit -Dove P. regina 4 Toonumbah SF 1 Jan (MRo), I Lower Bobo, Ulong
5-17 Nov (DP), Boatharbour NR 23 Dec (PE), Way Way SF 26 Jan (DS).
1 1
There are few published records for this and the above species in their accepted
usual NSW range.
Wompoo Fruit- Dove P. magnificus 15 Toonumbah SF 1 Jan & 5 Mebbin SF 8 Jan (MRo),
nesting Way Way SF 26 Jan (DS), Ingalba SF 21 Jan & 28 Aug, 3 Willi Willi
Res 28 Feb & Broken Bago SF 23 Oct (ABi,KS), 2 Moonee 25 Mar in garden
(SGL), 4 Protestors Falls, Nightcap NP 28 Mar (DC), I Woologoolga FR 21
Aug (GC), nesting Big Scrub F.R. Whian Whian SF 28 Sep (Gosper 1994),
present Lower Bobo 5-17 Nov (DP); 2 Copeland Tops 23 Jan (SF).
Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus 6 Wongwibinda, near Ebor 25 Oct (DS), 30+
Mooral Creek, Comboyne 17 Apr (MVBN 2/93); Small numbers Corrabare SF,
Olney SF and Ourimbah SFs Jan (RT), 611 in two flocks Upper Ourimbah Creek
8 May (JWn), 50+ Stanhope Creek 5 Dec (HBOC 1/94); 26 Berkeley Hills 18
100 June 1995Nov in isolated fig trees (CJC); the most southerly report was 20 at Wallaga
Lake 22-23 Dec (ENHS).
White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela 12A+2Y Coralville Aug (SDu); 30 Stanhope
Creek 5 Dec (HBOC 1/94), 2 with nesting material, calling and mating Strickland
SF 20 Jun (TQ), 28 Lisarow & 12 Ourimbah feeding on Camphor Laurel fruits
24 Jun (AKM); Middle Harbour Ck, Lindfield 4 Jan (PR), 2 Blackbutt Ck,
Gordon 2 Feb & 4 Terrys Ck, Epping 29 Aug (DaL), 1 Epping 10 Jun & 18 Jul,
4 Dural 11 Jul (M&BB), 1 Annagrove 14 Jul (KB), 2 Devlins Ck 9 Aug (BDo),
20 Lane Cove NP 18 Sep (DS); 1 Berry 29 Apr (JPa), 6 Bass Point 9 May (GBa),
1 Jamberoo 26 Aug & 1 Coledale Heights 8 Aug (KM,MM IBOC 11/93), 1
Barren Grounds NR 4 Oct (JMn), 4 Willowvale 21 Oct (GW IBOC 12/93);
Present Moruya SF, Moruya Heads, Surf Beach, South Durras and Narooma
Jan -Nov in Eurobodalla Shire indicating a continuing southern spread; Max 3
Kurrajong Heights 18 Mar- 5 Sep (LS,EV); The spread through Sydney’s north-
west and northern suburbs, the Illawarra, South Coast and Lower Blue Moun-
tains continues.
Peaceful Dove Geopelia striata Munmorah SRA 26 Mar (AKM), first Park record;
Small numbers Chiltern Trail, KCNP all year, uncommon to rare in coastal Syd-
ney (AB); Bommaderry 31 Oct in woodland (KM).
Diamond Dove G. cuneata Bylong 30 Jan (AMcB), Cowra 28 Apr (AC), Glen
1 1 1
Davis 5 Feb (BP) & 14 Nov (EV); 30+ Bogan Gate 12 Apr (NS); 1 Weddin
Mountains 12 Dec (JDu), I The Rock NR 29 Sep (SE), 1 Currajong SF 30 Sep &
Kurrajong Lagoon, Wagga Wagga Oct (ALH); Regularly recorded Steam-
1 1
boat Creek, Cocoparra NP throughout year (PE); 2 Brobenah Hills 12 Nov (KH);
2 The Cedars HSD, Brewarrina 27 Apr (JC), small numbers Yimkin HSD, Cobar
30 Sep -2 Oct (BLS); Pair nested in garden Coombie HSD, Roto and raised 1Y
24 Feb (JaH), 20 Metford Tank, 60km E of Broken Hill 12 Jun (TQ). More
records for the South West Slopes and Riverina Regions than usual.
Bar -shouldered Dove G. humeralis 2 Jilliby 25 Jan (RT); 2 Bass Point 9 May (GBa), 2
Fountaindale Rd, Jamberoo 25 Jul (KM); Bowen Mountain 16 Feb (LS); Nested
in garden Coombie HSD, Roto (JaH) and 4 west of Matakana 12 Nov (NS),
western edge of range.
Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macropygia amboinensis 1-2 Devlins Ck 4 Apr, 14 Jun, 9 Aug
(BDo), 1 Dural 4 Sep (JRn); Present all year Bilpin & Mountain Lagoon, max 7
including J 29 Sep -2 Oct (MCo), present Blue Gum Swamp Ck before and after
Jan 1994 bushfires (RT).
Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica Toonumbah NR Jan (MRo), 20 Nambucca Heads
1 1
mid Jan (BLa) & 2 on 21 Nov (DS), 1 Brunswick Heads 5 Nov, 1 Diggers Ck,
Cangai 17 Jul, 1 Hortons Creek 5 Dec, 1 Chaelundi SF 12 Oct & 1 Mylestom 21
May (GC), 1 Ingalba SF 21 Jan & 26 Apr, 1 Broken Bago SF 23 Oct & 2
Goolawah 6 Dec (ABi,KS), 2 Sea- acres NR 1 Jul (ALH); 1 Copeland Tops 23
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 101Jan, 1 Barrington House 21 Feb, 1 Main Creek 23 May & 18 Sep, 1 Kangaroo
Mountain 27 Jun, 1 Cedar Brush NR 26 Sep (HBR), 2 Blackbutt Res 7 & 14 Oct
(GAl); 1 Turramurra 3 Jun (DiB); 1 Rhododendron Park, Wollongong 31 Mar
(DT), on roadside, Jamberoo Pass 19 May (RJo). More records than usual.
Common Bronzewing Phaps chalcoptera I Georges Junction 13 Jun (DS); 1 West Pymble
26 Jan and 2 Windsor Downs NR 16 Sep (DLa), Turramurra 23 May (IMcA).
Brush Bronzewing P. elegans 1 Awabakal NR 29 Oct & 19 Dec (HBR); 1 Darkes Forest
7 Sep (KM); 1 Mt Banks, Blue Mountains NP 7 Jan (EV). All records within
known range but there have not been recent observations from these sites.
Flock Bronzewing P. histrionica 12 Whitecattle Gate, Sturt NP 22 Jun (JMa), 10+ in-
cluding nest, Packsaddle N of Broken Hill Feb (PJ); max 2020 in small and
large flocks Metford Tank, 60km E of Broken Hill 7 May -3 Jul (AP,AEFR,TQ,
TBO 734:15). Incredible numbers the likes of which were believed to no longer
occur in NSW.
Red-tailed Black -Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii 20+ Louth 14 Apr, 4 Brewarrina &
10 Milray HSD, Brewarrina 27 Apr, 8 Walgett 28 Apr (JC), 200+ over Darling
River, Tilpa 11 Jun (AB,IMcA), max 8 Bourke Jul -Sep (DK), 20+ S of Bourke
11 Sep (JDi), 30 at Tilpa, 6 60km NE of Wilcannia and 10, 10 km NE Wilcannia,
all on the Darling River floodplain 9 Oct (BLS). All records published and indi-
cate range as now known for NSW.
Glossy Black- Cockatoo C. lathami Max 10 Doyles River SF 15-19 Feb, 6 Nymboida NP
3-6 Mar, 2+ Dalmorton SF 5 Mar, 3 Coutts Crossing 16 Mar & 17 Jun, 3 Wild
Cattle Creek SF 20 Oct, 2 Mororo SF 5 Nov, 2 Gurranang 12 Dec (GC), imm
Yarrabee, Kempsey 22 Mar (RP), 2 Valla 6 Aug (M&BB), 3 Sawtell 17 Oct
feeding on Allocasuarina littoralis cones, 3 Lower Bobo River 18 Oct -17 Nov
(DP), M&F Kundabung 27 Jan, 2M+F 15 Jul, 2A+J Broken Bago SF, 3 (imm
being fed) Nambucca SF 11 Dec (ABi,KS); 3 Kattang NR, Camden Haven 2 Jan
(CS), 4 Johns River 23 Aug (MRo), 4+ Crowdy Bay NP Oct (SA,JMcG); 2
Watagan SF 16 Jan, 4 Corrabare SF 19 Jan feeding in A. torulosa, also Pokolbin
SF Jan (RT), 2 41cm SW of Milbrodale 14 Feb & 26 Jun (HBR,SBe), 2 Woodberry
30 Oct (HBR), 4+ Mt Ettalong, Umina 12 Mar (RP), 2+ Dubbo Gully, Man-
grove Creek 20 Mar (AKM), 3 Bateau Bay, Wyrrabalong NP Jun (DOB), 1
Pearl Beach Arborteum 19 Jun (MT), 4 Blackwall Mm, Woy Woy 23 Jun (JMcL),
4 Lake Macquarie 26 Sep (per CG), 2 Dharug NP 23 Jan, 3 Oct & 5 Nov
(ABe,CG,AP), 4 Dooralong 4 Nov (RP); 2 near Appletree Bay, Cowan Creek
12 Apr & 6 Sep (BDo), 3 Smiths Creek Trail 21 Nov (AB), all Kur-ring-gai NP,
3 Deep Ck, Narrabeen 11 Dec (AB); 5 Cudmirrah 15 Aug (KM IBOC 11/93), 2
Lake Burragorang 7 Sep (HJ); 1 Belowra 22-26 Apr, small flock Clyde Moun-
tain Apr- Dec, max 3 Moruya SF Jul -Nov, 3 Deep Ck & Wandella SF 9-28 Sep,
recorded in Dampier, Bodalla, Mumbulla & Murrah SF from 4 Feb -30 Aug
(ENHS), 2 Womboyn Lake Feb (Magrath 1994), 3 Clyde River Rd, Clyde River
102 June 199528 Dec (EV); Present Waning SF, Coolah 28 Feb, & Goulburn River NP feed-
ing in A. littoralis (RT), AM Winmalee 28 Feb (CBOC), 4 Zig Zag Track,
Lapstone 15 May (RT), present Glen Davis 1-3 Jul, max 14 (SF,TQ) & 3
Rockview HSD, Glen Davis 25 Sep (BP), 4 Comleroy Rd, Upper Colo 23-24
Oct (E&TK), 3 Six Brothers Waterhole, Yengo NP Oct (O’Brien 1993), 2+
Euroka, Blue Mountains NP 24 Oct (CS), 3 Newnes Plateau 18 Dec (RT); 8
Ninia HSD, Quambone feeding in belah A. cristata Aug (RJ). Endangered spe-
cies, all records published.
Funereal Black- Cockatoo C. funereus 65 feeding on Pinus insignis cones Somersby 11
Feb (AWB), 4 in urban Wyoming, north of Gosford 30 Jul- 1 Aug (LJ); Re-
corded in Sydney’s northern suburbs at South Turramurra & Wahroonga 28
Mar -28 Oct max 6 (DaL), at Elanora Heights 35-40 on 2 Jul (AF), recorded in
Sydney’s western suburbs at Seven Hills 9-18 Jul (EV), 12 Epping 21 Jul (NH),
7 North Rocks 4 Aug (JDu), 30 Winston Hills 15 Aug (BdB), and in Sydney’s
southern suburbs, 15 Botany Nov (PMy) & 6 feeding in exotic pine trees at
Eastlakes 2 Dec (RMo), the versatility of this bird to feed in urban bushland
reserves, city parks and golf courses is amply illustrated by these records; 50+
feeding on Pinus radiata and Cupressus torulosa cones, Wentworth Falls 6 Jun
(RT); 7 20km W of Wee Waa (DS), interesting inland record.
Gang -Gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum 2 Devlins Ck, Beecroft 19 Jan, 2-3 near
Browns Waterhole, South Turramurra 2 Jul -6 Dec (DaL), 4-5 Pennant Hills
Park 17-25 Jul (TA,BDo); 5 Croobyar SF 6 May (CJC,DWr). Now considered
quite scarce in Eurobodalla Shire in contrast to numbers seen 10-15 years ago.
Flocks have steadily declined from 10-15 in 1986 to groups of no more than 6 in
1993 (ENHS); 6 feeding on Eucalyptus spansifolia & E. puretata seeds
Wentworth Falls 22 Mar (RT), 50+ feeding on Hawthorn berries near O’Connell
14 Jul, unusual in this area (MDy), 2+ Widden 2-4 Oct & 6+ Murrumbo 11-14
Jun (HBR).
Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris with Suphur-crested Cockatoos Jacana HSD,
Clarenza 8 & 16 Aug (EW), 2 Kororo 26 Sep -2 Oct (CSe), pair South West
Rocks possibly breeding, present all year (KS); Nest+1Y Shoal Bay Jan & resi-
dent Lemon Tree Passage (HBR), resident Central Coast max 132 Chittaway
Point 2 Feb (AKM), where they have been found feeding on onion weed and the
ripening seeds of Cootamundra Wattle Acacia baileyana & Mudgee Wattle A.
spectabilis, 6 feeding on Cupressus torulosa cones Morisset 17-18 Jan (RT),
where up to 30 are regularly recorded (HBR), 30+ Everglades Golfcourse, Woy
Woy 3 Jun (JMcL), 10+ Fingal, Port Stephens 26 Sep -4 Oct (CSe); 6 South
Turramurra Jul -Aug, and 2 on 22 Sep (DaL); 196 Ponderosa Res, Camden 21
Jun (AL), 6 Albion Park 5 Nov, 2 Stanwell Park 28 Nov (LS,GBa IBOC 3/94).
These records continue to show the species expansion in coastal NSW. 20
Belmont Park HSD, Grose Wold 8 Jun (LS); 47 Leeton Feb -Mar, first record for
more than 10 years (KH).
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 103Little Corella C. sanguinea 2 Jacana HSD, Clarenza associating with Sulphur -crested
Cockatoos 8 & 16 Aug (EW); Small flock resident Lemon Tree Passage, 100-
200 roosting Blackbutt Res thought to be the same group that feed during day at
Shortlands WC & Steelworks Golf Club, 30 Morisett regularly and smaller num-
bers at Buchanan (HBR), 8 Wyoming 19 Mar (E&PD); 9 Devlins Creek, Beecroft
19 Jan (DaL), 8 North Epping 24 Jul (TA), 75 Careel Bay, Pittwater 21 Nov
(AB); 20+ Austinmer 23 Sep (GB); Recorded at 6 locations in Eurobodalla Shire
with nesting at Glendeuart, max 9 at Batehaven on 4 May (ENHS); 30+ Gun-
ning Gap W of Forbes Mar (NS); 2000 observed between Mossgiel and
Willandra NP mid Jun (GA).
Pink Cockatoo C. leadbeateri 3 Narromine 22 Nov (NS), eastern limit of range in central
NSW; 2 Gunbar 7 May & 2 Weethalle 13 Oct (JB), 2 Kamarah/Ardlethan 27
Mar (KH); 34 at 6 locations including one flock of 22 between Bourke &
Nocholeche NR 5 May (PE); 60+ in one flock Mt Hope 25 Apr (AB), 50+
between Mossgiel and Willandra NP mid Jun (GA), 2 Yathong NR & 4 Yathong
SF 8 Sep (JB), common in Scotia country, north-west of Wentworth, max 12
Springwood HSD Oct (DF).
Sulphur -crested Cockatoo C. galerita Flock of 70 Jacana HSD, Clarenza 10 Jul, large
flock for this area (EW).
Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus Common breeding species in Royal Bo-
tanic Gardens, nesting in eucalypts and Phoenix Palms (AL); 4 Warialda 29 Sep
(MK), 5 Deenderrah HSD Upper Manilla 8 Nov, and 6+ 10 km N of Barraba
during Oct (J&RW).
Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna 4+ Coutts Crossing 5 May -20 Nov (SCh), 4+ feed-
ing on blossoms of Silvertop Stringybark Eucalyptus laevopinea Chaelundi SF
14 Oct (GC), Valla 8 Apr & 10 Nambucca Heads Nov -Dec (DS); Fewer num-
bers in the Hunter valley and Central Coast this year, max 2 Toronto Feb -Apr
(HBR) and 20+ Bateau Bay-Norah Head 2 May -Jul; Max 20 Berry District
Nov -Dec (C&BV); Present 2-75+ in all months except Feb in Eurobodalla Shire,
commonest at Moryua Heads Jun -Jul (ENHS); 6 Red Rock S of Bingara 22 Oct
Double -eyed Fig -Parrot Psittaculirostris diophthalma HC Big Scrub FR, Dunoon 15
Sep (Wingspan 12:32).
Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus 5-6 heard and seen Diggers Camp Rd, Yuraygir NP 4
Jul (JWr,ALH), max 10 Bundjalung NP 2 Jul & 21 Nov (Gosper 1995), these
records would indicate that viable populations are present in these 2 parks; 22 in
spring count Barren Grounds NR 5 Sep (PDB), average number; 1 Tilba Lake
20 Mar & I found dead 3 Apr (ENHS), this is a new location for the species.
Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor small flock passed through Kororo 9 Jun & 9 Sep (CSe),
only record received.
104 June 1995Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii Max 8 Cowra 28 Apr- 10 May & 113 feeding on Rye
Grass at Boorowa 24 Oct (AC); M,2F Wallendbeen 12 Sep (Gang Gang 10/93),
max 20 nesting Kurrajong Lagoon, Wagga Wagga 28 Sep -6 Oct (JMi), 5 Euberta
near Wagga 28 Sep -6 Oct (AKM), 11 Wantabadgery 28 Sep -6 Oct (SE); Com-
mon in the Savernake area all year (JaH); 5 5km E of Quambone 4 Sep (DJ); 2
Kamarah all year, Back Creek SF Dec (PE), 4 Birdcage Res, Murrumbidgee
River 1 Sep (AB); 7 30 km S of Milparinka 21 Oct (Wingspan 12:31), excep-
tional western record.
Regent Parrot P. anthopeplus Present along the Taplin Mail Rd, Euston where 23 birds
seen in 3 flocks Oct (DF).
Australian King Parrot Aprosmictus scapularis 60+ feeding on privet berries Upper
Ourimbah Creek 8 May (JWn); 2 5km E Warialda 28 Sep (MK).
Red- winged Parrot A. erythropterus Jacana HSD, Clarenza 29 Mar associating with
King Parrots (EW); 2 Narromine 7 Aug (NS).
Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus Small numbers Toms lake, Congararra, Enngonia
& Dwight Trig, seen throughout the area, locations which during the Australian
Bird Atlas only had a reporting rate of <10%; Large flocks arrived Coombie
HSD, Roto 5 Jan, then no birds seen, re -appearing 28 Sep nesting until late Nov
(JaH). Departure: 30 Whitton May (KH). Arrival: Pulletop 29 Oct (PE).
Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans 2 Cambadello Lagoon, Moree 27 Sep (MK), west
of normal range.
Pale -headed Rosella P. adscitus 4 Rappville 7 Sep (RP); 4 2km NW of Moree 14 Aug
(DC), Wee Waa 26 Oct (DS).
Red-rumped Parrot Psephotus haematonotus Pair Kempsey Jan -Dec (KS), rare Macleay
Valley; 4 Lemon Tree Passage 21 Nov (HBOC 1/94); 85 feeding in short grass
Richmond 4 Jun (AB), large number for Sydney Region.
Mulga Parrot P. varius 3 Buddigower NR 17-19 Sep (Gang Gang 10/93).
Blue Bonnet Northiella haematogaster 2 Nyrang Creek, SW of Orange 11 Apr, well east
of normal range (RMa).
Bourke’s Parrot Neophema bourkii 2 13km E of Little Topaz Jul (AEFR). Endangered
fauna, only record received.
Blue -winged Parrot N. chrysostoma Max 300+ at Metford Tank 60 km E of Broken Hill
17 May -1 Jul (CG,AP,AEFR,TQ), exceptional number.
Turquoise Parrot N. pukhella 5 4km SW of Bucketty 19 May & 2 1.5 km SW of Bucketty
20 May (DaW); Scheyville 7 Nov (EV); max 40 Glen Davis 25 Feb -29 Aug
(CG,BP,TQ,CBOC), 4 Blue Gum Swamp Ck 28 Feb (JMo), 5+ Conimbla NP 9-
12 Apr (AKM), 2 Goulburn River NP 14 May & 2 Widden Valley 2-4 Oct
(HBR), 3 Wallaby Swamp, Wollemi NP 31 Oct (O’Brien 1993); 2 Bingara SF
27 Sep (MK), 2 Culgoora SF 12 Nov (DR), 3 Attunga SF 30 Oct (ALH); 6
Warrumbungle NP May (QOS 24/7) & Oct (JMy HBOC 1/94); Max 40 Weddin
SF 9 Apr -15 May (AC,JDu,TQ), 2+ The Rock NR 29 Sep (RMa), 8+ Livingstone
SF Oct (AKM); 2+ Ingalba NR 30 Sep (PR). Some new locations.
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 105Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus 1 Hat Head NP 3 Apr (KS), AM flew into window
and died Richmond Hill 6 Apr (JH).
Pallid Cuckoo Cuculus pallidus Departure: Barrington Tops 21 Feb (HBR), Wallaga
Lake 18 Apr (ENHS). Arrival: Seen & heard calling Nurragingy Res 15 Jul
(EV), Cattai 7 Aug (ALH), Buchanan & Clybucca 22 Aug (HBR,KS), 2
Glossodia 24 Aug (LS), 1 Btightwaters 28 Aug (ALH), 1 Moruya SF (ENHS) &
Coutts Crossing 10 Sep (GC), Nethercote 18 Sep (BJ).
Brush Cuckoo C. variolosus Arrival: Nethercote 7 Oct (BJ), Annagrove 17 Oct (KB).
Fan -tailed Cuckoo C. pyrrophanus Juv with adult White-browed Scrubwrens in attend-
ance Olney SF 25 Jan (RT).
Black -eared Cuckoo Choisococcyx osculans Munghorn Gap NR 30 Jan (AMcB) &
1 1
Oct (TS), Conimbla NP 10 Apr (RMa), 2 Capertee Valley 25 Sep -12 Dec
(RH,BP,AR,RT); 2 Livingstone SF Oct (ALH); Buddigower NR 17-19 Sep
1 1
(Gang Gang 10/93); 1 The Ranch HSD, Kennebri 8-29 Sep, 2 Baradine town-
ship 17 Sep & 10 Oct (DJ); E of Willandra Crossing, Paroo River 22 Apr (JC),
1 14km NW Cobar 1 Sep & 1 Cobar Golf Course 21 Nov (TMo); 2 Momingside
HSD, Ivanhoe 17 Jul, 2 Round Hill NR 24 Apr (NS), I present Coombie HSD,
Roto garden 6 Jan to Nov (JaH).
Shining Bronze -Cuckoo C. lucidus J being fed by Striated Thombills, Taloumbi 9 Oct
(GC); J being fed by Brown Thornbill Booyong HSD, Byabarra 3 Nov (MVBN
Horsfield’s Bronze -Cuckoo C. basalis Uncommon in Lower Macleay Valley being only
recorded 14 Nov- 18 Dec at four locations (KS).
Little Bronze -Cuckoo C. minutillus Yarravel 5 Jan & 25-28 Oct, Kempsey Jan -Mar, 24
Sep -31 Dec, Millbank 17 Jan (ABi,KS). Observations within known range.
Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea Juv being fed by Red Wattlebird at Epping 15-27
Jan (BDo); AM Medlow Bath 28 Dec (GA), no previous records for this loca-
tion. Departure: Killara 25 Feb (DLa), Seven Hills 13 Apr (EV). Arrival: Gymea
21 Sep (JBr), Dee Why, Macksville & Casino 23 Sep (CMe,ABi). Interesting
synchronised arrival dates.
Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae Breeding records at Kundabung (KS),
Wamberal (AKM), Avalon (Larkins 1994), Buttaba (HBR), Bradbury, North
Sydney and Kalkari, KCNP (DaL) all Pied Currawong hosts, Magpie host at
Summerland Point 20 Jan (EV) & J being tended by 3 White -winged Choughs
at Coutts Crossing 29 Jan (GC). 2 Kalaru 12 & 19 Dec, southernmost sighting in
Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS). Departure: Epping 22 Jan (Bdo), Newcastle 20
Mar (HBR). Arrival: Hornsby 11 Sep (RM), Wagstaff 19 Sep (per CG), Berkeley
Vale 24 Sep (AKM), Brightwaters 26 Sep (ALH), Kempsey 5 Oct (KS),
Woodford Island 8 Oct (GC), Curramore 12 Oct (KM). Unlike Koels, spring
arrival spread over a period of a month.
Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus Heathcote NP opposite Scout Camp 14 Aug
(JLB), few records for this area.
106 June 1995Powerful Owl Ninox strenua HC Dalmorton SF 2 Mar, 1 roadkill Lanitza 24 Oct (GC), 1
Yarrabee, south of Kempsey 22 Mar (RP), calling Dorrigo NP 20 Oct (DP),
Broken Bago SF 23 Oct (KS), present Lower Bobo 5-17 Nov (DP); Tamboy,
Myall Lakes NP 1 Mar (DS); 2 Caves Beach 11 May (MMy), HC Niagara Park
20 Jun (AH), 2 New Lambton Heights Jul & Cedar Brush NR 26 Sep (HBR),
1 with Sugar Glider Chittaway Point 11 Sep (PGr), 2A+J McMasters Beach Oct
(RWi), 1 Dooralong 11 Nov (MCa), 1 Glenning Rd, Berkeley Vale 18 Dec (JBa);
2 Pennant Hills Park 23 Jan (SE), 2 East Lindfield 28 Jan (PR) & 1D Lindfield
26 May AMSR 0.64855 (WIRES), 2A+Y Darling Mills Creek 9 Mar (JDe),
Bushland Park, Greenwich 10 Mar (SCo), East St. Ives in Garigal NP 25 Mar
(RCI), Annangrove 14 Jul (KB), Karloo Pools, Royal NP Jun (MA), ID
1 1
Royal NP 23 Aug AMSR 0.64885 (PCo), 2A Reids Flat, Royal NP 2-14 Feb &
18 Nov (MA,CJC); 2 Macquarie Pass NP 24 Jan, AF American Creek, Mt
Kembla 29 Jan, Budderoo Trig, Budderoo NP 4 May (CJC), Bangor 28 Nov
1 1
(KCb); Recorded Burrewarra Point 15 Mar, roadkill Mogo 3 May, and present
Dampier SF & Wandella SFs all year (ENHS), 1D Eden 22 Feb AMSR 0.64884
(FS), HC Nethercote 27 Jun (BJ); Waning SF, Coolah Feb, Goulburn River
1 1
NP 29 Feb (RT), 1 10 km N of Breakfast Creek, Rylstone 13 Apr & 1 Minora
Gate, 15km N of Rylstone 11 Apr (RIm), 1 Central Colo Jun (BWd), I Badger
Ground, Rylstone 9-17 Apr & 3 Oct (RIm,FOC), Coalpin Gully, Wollemi NP
14 Oct & Toorwai Creek, Yengo NP (O’Brien 1993), Euroka, Blue Moun-
1 1
tains NP 18 Feb (EV) & A+J on 24 Oct (CS), A+ chick HC Winmalee 23 Oct
Southern Boobook N. novaeseelandiae roosting in Royal Botanic Gardens May -13
1 1
Jun (AL), 2A+2Y Wahroonga 2 Dec (AB).
Barking Owl N. connivers Broken Bago SF 23 Oct (ABi,KS); HC Glen Logan via
Cowra 11 Apr (DSi), 2 Glen Alice 25 Sep -26 Oct (FOC,JG,BP); 2 Deniliquin 13
Feb (ABe); Boorooma HSD, Walgett 27 Apr (JC). Fewer records for this wide-
spread species compared to the many records of more restricted species such as
Powerful and Sooty Owls.
Barn Owl Tyto alba Present Clarence Valley 28 Apr -5 Nov (GC), Hungry Head 7 Aug
(KS); Summerland Point 17 Jan (EV), injured Avoca Beach Jan (DLo),
1 1 1 1
injured Gosford 5 Jul & 14 Aug, 1 killed Erina 17 Sep & 1 injured Wamberal 3
Sep, released 23 Sep (WIRES). Have these injured Central Coast birds arrived
in poor condition from drought -affected areas? Hyde Park, Sydney 29-30 Jul
(WB,RCG), large numbers injured- dying Sydney Blacktown 28 Jun & 26 Aug,
Smithfield 27 Jul, Mosman 24 Aug, Wollstonecraft 12 Sep, Hyde Park 10 Sep,
Baulkham Hills 3 Sep, Leichhardt 5 Sep & Mona Vale 15 Sep (WIRES); Tilba
Lake 1 Jan & 13 Jun (ENHS); 3 Glen Logan via Cowra 10 Apr (DSi); Common
in spring, Griffith and Riverina (JB), nesting Leeton 2A+3Y in Sep (KH).
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 107Masked Owl T novaehollandiae HC Dalmorton SF 3 Mar (GC), ID Casino 13 Oct
(DC), Yelgun 12 Dec (V&SS); between Wollombi & Bulga 30 Oct EV,KB),
1 1
1D south of Karuah 6 Dec (DC); 1 Mangrove Mountain 5 Sep (MPo), 1 injured
Medowie 21 Sep (JaM); 1 roadkill Warrilla, 11 Sep (TQ); 1 Sepoy SF (Debus
& Rose1994), ID near Broulee 20 Aug AMSR 0.64797 (FSc), recorded Dampier
& Wandella SF most of the year (ENHS); Seen at two seperate sites Bundella
SF, Coolah Feb, Goulburn River NP 29 Feb (RT); Gees Lagoon, Central
1 1
Cob May & 23-28 Nov (KB,EV,BWd); 1D Colac 11 Sep (CG); Present Warialda
SF (Debus & Rose1994); Terry Hie Hie SF, Moema SF, Bobbiwaa SF, Pilliga
West SF (Debus & Rose 1994); Sandgate SF, Coonamble (Debus & Rose 1994).
Some new locations, but see Debus & Rose 1994 for full details of distribution
in NSW.
Sooty Owl T tenebricosa Leagues Scrub FR, Oakes SF Jan (SD), HC Dalmorton SF 1-
2 Mar (GC), 2 Hortons Ck rest area , Nymboida 20 May (TBO 7/93), HC Lower
Bobo River 29 Sep- 17 Nov (DP); AM Strickland SF 6 Feb (TQ) & HC May
(JeH), Ourimbah SF 22 May (DOB); Royal NP 6 Mar (JDeH) & 12 Jun
1 1
(CJC), 1D AMSR 0.27120 (RJa) & injured Engadine 23 Dec & subsequently
released 4 days later at Audley (Chafer & Anderson 1994); Stanwell Park 24
Mar (MA), I Macquarie Pass NP 4 May (CJC), HC Jamberoo Mountain 25 Jun
(Rio), HC Mt Kembla mid -Aug (JDa), Cambewarra 12 Sep (RI); Recorded
1 1
Dampier SF, Wandella SF & Tanja SF (ENHS), HC Nethercote 27 Jun (BJ).
Some new locations but see Debus 1994 for full details of distribution in NSW.
Eastern Grass Owl T. longimembris ID S of Ballina 7 Jul (RM), 1D Woodburn 19 Aug
AMSR 0.64812 (LSk), D Mororo 7 Oct (GC), 1D Casino 13 Oct (CMo); 3
injured at Girvan 4 Aug, at Anna Bay 4 Sep & Allworth, date not known, all
died (JaM), ID S of Karuah 6 Dec (DC) few records from Hunter Valley in
recent years; 5 Metford Tank, 50-60 km E of Broken Hill (AP). More records
than usual and in places not recorded in the past 30 years.
Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides Nesting bird at Peakhurst repeatedly attacked by
3 Pied Currawongs 31 Oct -21 Nov, nest eventually deserted (N&JR).
Marbled Frogmouth P. ocellatus 1 Lismore 8 Jan (JH) & 2 on 10 Jan (DC), 1 Wilson
Park, Lismore (no date) (QOS 24/5).
Australian Owlet -Nightjar Aegotheles cristatus Seen & heard throughout the year in
Northern Rivers Region at 8 locations (GC). 4 Scheyville Reserve 13 Mar (JMn).
Very common but bird not regularly reported.
White -throated Nightjar Caprimulgus mystacalis I Yarravel 8 Mar (ABi), 1 Nymboida
NP 2 Mar, 1 Chaelundi SF 13 Oct, 1D Clouds Creek SF 3 Dec (GC); 2 Copeland
Tops 23 Jan (SF), HC ridges in Myall Lakes NP I Mar (DS); 1 Olney SF 20 Jan
(RT), I Dharug NP 23 Jan (ABe), nesting Sugarloaf Ranges 4 Dec (HBR); 1
Emerys Plateau, Cambewarra 30 Nov (KM); Present Eurobodalla Shire Jan –
May, & Dec at Bakers Flat, Araleun Valley, Moruya SF, Dampier SF & Wandella
108 June 1995SF (ENHS); 2 Colo River 1 Jan (KB), heard calling Winmalee 23 Oct (JDu), 1
Howes Swamp, Wollemi NP 31 Oct (O’Brien 1993); 1 Spring Gully, Goulburn
Spotted Nightjar C. guttatus Present Pulletop NR 2 on 30 Jul, 1 on 19 Nov (PE); Heard
and seen Coombie HSD, Roto Jan -Feb (JaH).
Spine -tailed Swift Hirundapus caudacutus Departure: Nethercote 25 Mar (BJ), Tomakin
27 Mar (ENHS), 10 Coutts Crossing 6 Apr (GC). Arrival: 3 Chaelundi SF 29
Oct (GC), Royal NP 7 Nov (PMy), Potato Point 20 Nov (ENHS).
Fork -tailed Swift Apus pacificus Present Lower Bobo 5-17 Nov (DP); 6+ Broughton
Island 25 Jan (AKM); 17 Awabakal NR 18 Jan (HBR), 2 Olney SF 21 Jan (RT);
2+ Neutral Bay 28 Jan (VD); 15+ off Wollongong 17 Jan (GB).
White-rumped Swiftlet Collocalia spodiopygia 6 Broken Head NR with Spine -tailed Swifts
19 Dec (DC), record accepted by NSWORAC (Morris 1995).
Azure Kingfisher Ceyx azureus 1 Deepwater Park 13 Feb (H&BM), 1 Deep Creek, Elanora
Heights 20 Sep (CJC), N+4Y Stannix Park 27 Nov (MT); Kangaroo Valley 5
Feb (GB); 5 banded Maules Creek, Baan Baa, present all year (DR).
Forest Kingfisher Halcyon macleayii Nesting Crystal Creek Jan, first observation for this
site (PE), present Clarence Valley all year at Taloumbi, Ilarwill, Tucabia and
Woolgoolga Creek (GC), present in the Macleay Valley all year at Collombatti
Creek, Kempsey, Maria River, Yarravel & Crescent Head (ABi,M&BB,KS).
Red -backed Kingfisher H. pyrrhopygia 1 dead Alstonville Mar (AMSR), 1 Pelican Is,
South-west Rocks Jun -11 Aug (ABi,JMcE,KS), both unusual winter records,
probably first for the Macleay Valley location. Arrival: Yanco 26 Jul (KH).
Sacred Kingfisher H. sancta Departure: 1 Mandalong 8 Mar (HBR), 1 Leeton 18 Apr
(KH), Yarravel 24 Apr (ABi) Arrival: Edgeworth 6 Sep (HBR), Narrabeen
Lake 18 Sep (AB), Yarravel 21 Sep (ABi), Hornsby 23 Sep (RM), Brightwaters
25 Sep (ALH), Chittaway Bay 27 Sep (AKM), Nethercote 19 Oct (BJ).
Overwintering: Mason Park 2 May (BDo), Burrill Lake powerlines 30 Aug
I 1
(CJC). During 1993 26 birds taken into care on the Central Coast by WACR,
most were cat or window injuries, & most died.
Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus Departure: Pulletop NR 11 Mar (PE), Milbrodale
21 Mar (HBR), Scheyville 26 Mar (AB). Arrival: Hat Head 26 Aug (KS), Griffith
12 Sep (JB), Windsor 23 Sep (RH), Leeton 25 Sep (KH). 4 Dwyers Ck, Moruya
19-26 Nov, accidental to lower Moruya River (ENHS).
Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis Departure: J Coutts Crossing 11 Mar (GC), The En-
trance 14 Mar (AKM). Arrival: Meringo 26 Sep (ENHS), Chittaway Bay 27
Sep (AKM), Badger Ground, Rylstone 3 Oct (FOC), Crabbes Creek 7 Oct (GC),
Shortland WC & Buttaba 13 Oct (WB,RW), Pennant Hills Park 23 Oct (BDo); 1
Coombie HSD, Roto 22 Nov (JaH), well west of normal range.
Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor 1 Toonumbah SF 1 Jan & 1 Mebbin SF 8 Jan (MRo), 1
Nambucca Heads 8-9 May, 10 Oct (DS), 2 Broken Bago SF 23 Oct (ABi,KS), 2
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 109Chaelundi SF 29 Oct (GC), Present Lower Bobo 5-17 Nov (DP); Copeland
Tops 23 Jan (SF); Wattagan Mountains 22 Aug (MRo); No winter records
from central and southern NSW coastal areas this year.
Superb Lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae 2 HC Kaloe Mtn -Cherry Tree Ck area of
Dalmorton SF 5 Mar, only location where species recorded in survey of
Dalmorton SF & Nymboida NP (GC); Singing regularly in Elouera Reserve,
Westleigh in Jan and during winter (AEFR); Nesting Dampier SF 21 May, N+Y
4 Sep (ENHS).
Albert’s Lyrebird M alberti 2 Mt Warning NP 6 Aug (PMy), present Terania Ck, 28 Sep
(CS) & Protesters Falls, Nightcap NP 27 Oct (DC).
Rufous Scrub -bird Atrichornis rufescens 7 territories near Brushy Mountain Rest Area,
Werrikimbe NP 23 Sept -5 Oct (DS,KS), HC Dandahra Ck, Gibraltar Range NP
13 Nov (GC).
Singing Bushlark Mirafrajavanica 2 Bushells Lagoon 18 Dec (EV); Kosciusko NP 26
Jan (TW), unusal location.
Skylark Alauda arvensis Present Tilba Lake May -Dec, Potato Point 24 Jul & Bermagui
18 Dec (ENHS), only records received.
White -backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternum 2+ Minmi 10 May 2+ Murrumbo
11-14 Jun (HBR).
Tree Martin Cecropis nigricans Arrival: 2 Tuggerah STW 6 Aug (AKM), Batehaven 20
Aug (ENHS).
Fairy Martin C. ariel Arrival: Bingie 18 Jul (ENHS), 10 Tuggerah 22 Aug (AKM), 3
Mason Park, Concord 5 Sep (NH). Several over -winter records for the Hunter
Valley (HBR).
Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava Kooragang Island 21 Feb (HBR), record referred to
NSWORAC (Morris 1995).
Black -faced Cuckoo -shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 52 in 2 groups Broken Hill 8 Jun
Little Cuckoo -shrike C. robusta 1 Lansdowne Apr- Aug (DLo) , 1 Cundletown 5 Jul (ML),
uncommon on Mid -north Coast; Scheyville Reserve 13 Mar (JMn); dark
1 1
morph Berry Mar- Apr (C&BV); Batehaven 21 Jan, 2 Burrewarr Point 15 Oct
& 3 Dampier SF 6 Nov (ENHS), rare breeding resident and bird of passage in
Eurobodalla Shire, I dark morph Jervis Bay 2 May (RD); Nesting Glen Alice 28
Aug (BC).
Barred Cuckoo -shrike Coracina lineata Mebbin SF 8 Jan (MRo), 3 feeding on Small –
leafed Fig Urunga 10 Jan, Nambucca Heads 14 Jan (DS), 8 Moore Park NR,
Kyogle 21 Mar (DC).
Cicadabird C. tenuirostris Departure: Moruya SF 1 Mar (ENHS), Milbrodale 21 Mar
(HBR), Yarravel 4 Apr (ABi,KS). Arrival: Buchanan 22 Aug & Moruya SF 24
Aug, a very early date (HBR,ENHS), Wittitrin 17 Oct (KS),1 Nethercote 1 Nov
(BJ) & at Berry (C&BV).
110 June 1995Ground Cuckoo -shrike C. maxima 2 Upper Dartbrook 24 Oct (HBR); 2 between Marra &
Quambone 30 Oct (PMy); Nesting near Buddigower NR in remnant roadside
trees 17-19 Sep (Gang Gang 10/93). Only records received.
White -winged Triller Lalage sueurii Shortland WC 14 & 28 Nov (HBR), Kooragang
1 1
Island 1 I Dec (EV); 1 Scheyville 14 Feb & 2 on 7 Nov (EV); 1 garden at
Gerringong 27 Oct (JPa); F Bermagui 9 Apr & Batemans Bay 18 Nov (ENHS).
Arrival: Leeton 11 Sep (KH), 2M Cowans Ponds 25 Sep (GC), Wilberforce 17
Oct (KB), Lapstone 29 Oct (RT). Some unusual coastal locations.
Varied Triller L. leucomela 1 Kooloonbung NR 19 May (ALH), 1 Moonee Beach 1 Aug
(M&BB), Willi Willi Res 28 Feb, present all year Lower Macleay Valley with
observations at Collombattia, Delicate Nobby, Goolawah, Hat Head NP &
Willawarrin (ABi,KS); 3 Harrington 28 Aug (DiL MVBN 4/94) & 31 Oct (ALH).
Red -whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus 2+ Martinsville 10 Mar (HBR), no previous
records for this location.
Scaly Thrush Zoothera dauma 16 seen at first light in eucalyptus plantation Olney/Wattagan
SF 12 Jan (RT); 2+2Y in garden at Annangrove 9 Aug (KB).
Blackbird Turdus merula 1 Deepwater Park 13 Feb (H&BM); 2 Towradgi Beach 6 Jun
(WE); Recorded at Burrewarra Point, Trunketabella Gardens and Moruya heads
during 1993, increasing (ENHS).
Southern Scrub -robin Drymodes brunneopygia 2 Round Hill NR 10 Apr (NS), recorded
on Tarrara HSD, Tarawi HSD, Nanya HSD, Nagaella and Springwood HSD
Scotia, NW of Wentworth in Oct (DF).
Rose Robin Petroica rosea Arrival: Deep Cr\k, Narrabeen 4 Apr (AB), Pennant Hills
Park 10 Apr (BDo) Departure: Nethercote 6 Aug (BJ), Pennant Hills Park 9
Aug (BDo).
Pink Robin P. rodinogaster 1 brown bird at Nethercote 11 Apr (BJ) & another Nelligen
6 Aug (ENHS).
Flame Robin P. phoenicea 2 Lilydale Bridge 29 May & F Lower Southgate 22 Jul (GC),
present Five Day Creek 12 Jun (DS); Present Mt Imlay 29 Dec (ENHS), unusal
coastal records.
Scarlet Robin P. multicolor Imm Kempsey 23 May, present at 2 locations Upper Macleay
Valley 13 Jun (DS), present Yarravel 2 May -12 Aug (ABi), apparent winter
visitor; Pr Castlereagh SF 21 Jan (EV).
Red -capped Robin P. goodenovii 2 Murrumbo 11-14 Jun (HBR), 6 Glen Davis 28-29
Aug (CBOC).
Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata 2 Rowleys River, Knorrit 14 Jul (AB), unusual
location; AM St Marys 29 Mar (JMk); Pair Yowrie 3 Jul, first record for
Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS).
Pale -yellow Robin Tregellasia capito Hat Head NP 18 Nov & 2 seen Pipers Creek,
Kundabung Oct (per KS); Sleepy Hollow Trail Copeland Tops 23 Jan (AB).
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 111Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis Nesting in mallee Pulletop NR 11 Sep (PE); 1
Swamp Tank, Merrylands HSD, Cobar 6 Oct (BLS), the observer’s most NW
record for this species in the Cobar area; Pr in same area of cypress pines as last
year Coombie HSD, Roto May -Sep (JaH).
Crested Shrike -tit Falcunculusfrontatus 2 Gedara HSD, Hillville 4 Dec (MVBN 1/94).
Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea Present Plateau Beech & Brushy Mountain rest
Area, Werrikimbe NP 23-24 Oct (DS), Mt Boss SF near Camerons Bluff 25
Oct (KS); Monga SF 28 Dec (EV,CS); HC Allans Water, New England NP 11
Nov (RJ).
Gilbert’s Whistler P. inornata Present all year Charcoal Tank NR (PE); 1 near Yathong
NR & Coombie HSD, Roto 14 Apr (JaH), 2 Round Hill NR 13 Jun & 17 Oct
(JF,JWn,ABe); Observed on Tarawi HSD, Tarrara HSD, Nanya HSD, Nagaella
HSD all Scotia, NW of Wentworth in the East Ana Branch area, Palinyeywah
HSD, Wentworth, and Abbots Tank, Euston during Oct (DF).
Red-lored Whistler P. rufogularis Present Round Hill NR 17 Oct (ABe).
Golden Whistler P. pectoralis with Yellow Robins in cyress pines Coombie HSD, Roto
Jul (JaH), only extends this far west in good seasons.
Rufous Whistler P. rufiventris Departure: Pennant Hills Park 4 Apr (BDo), Arrival:
Harrington 16 Aug (AKM), Annangrove 20 Aug (KB), Pennant Hills Park 5
Sep (BDo), AM Nethercote 6 Oct (BJ).
Rufous Shrike -thrush Colluricincla megarhyncha 2 Moonee Beach 1 Aug (M&BB).
Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis Rose Bay 23 Feb (LB). Departure:
Nethercote 18 Mar (BJ), Bermagui 4 Apr (ENHS), Vacy 11 Apr (HBR). Ar-
rival: Nethercote Oct (BJ), Dharug NP 3 Oct (AP), Allyn River 6 Oct (HBR),
1 1
Pennant Hills Park 16 Oct (BDo).
Spectacled Flycatcher M. trivirgatus 5 Mebbin SF 8 Jan (MRo); 1 Boorganna NR 31 Oct
(ALH); 3+ Copeland Tops 23 Jan (SF). Departure: Goolawah 12 Apr
(AB1,KS). Arrival: Moonee 16 Oct (SA).
White -eared Monarch M. leucotis Indian Head, Crowdy Bay NP 27-30 Sep (S&AA),
280 km south of known range.
Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula Departure: 2A+j Batemans Bay 5 Mar (BJ),
Montagu Island 3-31 Mar (ENHS), Vacy 11 Apr (HBR), AM Lilydale Bridge
29 May (GC). Arrival: 1 Woombah 11 Sep (GC), Badger Ground, Rylstone 3
Oct (FOC) & Dharug NP (AP), Pennant Hills Park 16 Oct (BDo)
Satin Flycatcher M cyanoleuca Present Newnes Plateau 18 Dec (RT). Departure: Pair
Endrick River, Nerriga 20 Feb (DWr). Arrival: AM Lake Heights 18-26 Oct
(CJC), Thornton 6 Nov (HBR), Stannix Park 18 Dec (KB).
1 1
Restless Flycatcher M. inquieta Recored throughout the year in the Northern Rivers Re-
gion, particularly in the Clarence Valley with records from 27 locations (GC).
Previously considered to be uncommon in Northern Rivers Region.
112 June 1995Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons Departure: Turella in garden 12 Mar (GG), Nethercote
29 Mar (BJ), Illawong NR 9 Apr (ENHS), Bournda NP 10 Apr (BJ) Arrival:
Iluka 11 Sep (GC), Allyn River 6 Oct (HBR), Dampier SF 23 Oct (ENHS),
Nethercote 10 Nov (BJ).
Grey Fantail R. fuliginosa Arrived roadside mallee near Pulletop NR 16 Apr and de-
parted 30 Aug (PE)
Willie Wagtail R. leucophrys 30 in one flock Penrith Lakes 31 Jul (N&JR).
Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii 2 Moonee 25 Mar (SGL) & 1+ on 16 Oct (CS); 2
Coopernook SF 19 Jun (MVBN 3/93); 2 Hoddles Track, Saddleback Mountain
20 Jun (BCa).
Spotted Quail -thrush Cinclosoma punctatum 1F Chambigne Ck, Grafton 19 Sep, Mann
R, Nymboida NP 2 Mar & 1 Dalmorton SF 4 Mar (GC); 6 Fame Cove 12 Feb, 2
Dellhurst 16-17 Jul, Wingen 26 Jul & HC Buchanan 22 Aug (HBR), nesting
Ourimbah SF 16 Dec (ML, MVBW 1/94); Recorded throughout the year in
Eurobodalla Shire at Clyde Mountain, Pinkwood, Belowra, Wamban, Potato
Point, Burrewarra Point, Moruya SF, Dampier SF & Wandella SF (ENHS); 2
Monga SF 28 Dec (EV); F Winmallee 4 Jan (EV), Katoomba 30 Jan (PU),
1 1
Mountain Lagoon Road 14 Jun (SF), 2 Comleroy Rd, Upper Colo 23-24 Oct
Chestnut Quail -thrush C. castanotum 1 8km N of Cobar 13 Oct (BdB); I in mallee and
broombush, Coombie HSD, Roto 29 Mar and 14 Jun (JaH), 4+ Round Hill NR
12-15 Jun (JWn), recorded in Scotia District (Tarrara, Tarawi, Nanya, Springwood
and Nagaella HSDs), Lake Victoria mallee, Pooncarie mallee, Palinyewah HSD,
Wentworth and Abbots Tank, Euston, nesting in Scotia District in Oct (DF).
Cinnamon Quail -thrush C. cinnamomeum 3 in acacia and bluebush scrubland 11 km N of
Tibooburra 16 Aug (DC), 5 Tibooburra 13 Oct (JDu).
Chestnut -breasted Quail -thrush C. castaneothorax 3 W of Gongolgon 11 Apr (NS), 2
groups between Willandra Crossing & Yantabulla 23-24 Apr (JC), 2 22km W of
Wanaaring 16 Aug (DC), 1M+2F 8km N Cobar on Louth Road, 12 Jun (CG), 2
Mt Glass, Louth 1 Oct & 2 Gidgee Tank, Merrylands HSD, Cobar 7 Oct (BLS),
2 Cobar 16 Oct (JDu);
Grey -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis 3 Quorrobolong 15 Mar & frequently
recorded Ellalong, eastern edge of range in Hunter Valley (HBR), 3 Millfield
near Cessnock (JC); 6 E of Byrock 11 Apr (NS), western edge of range.
Hall’s Babbler P. halli 4 10 km N of Fords Bridge 16 Apr (EBu), 6 3km N of Fords
Bridge & 4+ Kellys Gap Bore, Fords Bridge 24 Apr (JC), 5+ Mootwingee NP
11 Oct (JdH), group present Nulty Springs HSD, Enngonia in mulga grove on
sandplain 12 Oct (MM), 10-12 Fords Bridge 28 Oct (DS). Some new locations.
Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis 5 Shortland WC 9 Oct -29 Dec (HBR,EV), 2
Chittaway Point 22 Aug (AKM) first record for 2 years; 1 Mason Park 14 Dec
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 113Rufous Songlark Cinclorhamphus mathewsi Arrival: Glen Davis 25 Sep (BP). Glenrock
SRA Dec (HBR).
Brown Songlark C. cruralis Pitt Town Lagoon 13 Oct (KB), 2+ Richmond 7 Nov (EV).
White -winged Fairy -wren M. leuconotus 2 The Ranch, Kennebri Sep (DJ), eastern
limit of range in this area.
Southern Emu -wren Stipiturus malachurus Group Curra Moors, Royal NP 17 Jul (JWi).
Striated Grasswren Amytornis striatus Observed in dense mallee with well developed
understorey and Triodia in Scotia District (Tarrara, Tarawi and Nanya HSDs) in
Oct (DF).
Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus Saddleback Mtn 18 Sep (KM).
Rock Warbler Origma solitaria 4+ Lemington Park, Buttaba 15 Feb (RP), 4 Mt Ettalong,
Umina 19 Jun (JD); 2 Murrumbo 11-14 Jun (HBR), NW limit of range.
Large -billed Scrub -wren Sericornis magnirostris nesting 10m up in fallen Cabbage Tree
palm, Strickland SF 10 Oct (TQ); Recorded W of Narooma 2 Feb (ENHS), few
records for Eurobodalla Shire.
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Hylacola pyrrhopygia Black Swamp Ck, Glenreagh 15
Apr (GC); 4 Wattamolla, Royal NP 1 Nov (IP); Present Goulburn River NP 1
Mar, 3 Mt Blackheath 10 Apr (RT), 1 Conimbla NP 11 Apr (AKM), 2 Comleroy
Rd, Upper Colo 23-24 Oct (E&TK); Mundoonen Range 8 Apr (SH); 2 The
Rock NR 29 Sep (ALH), 3 prs at different locations Ingalba NR (MC,AKM);
3+2Y Hervey Range SF 7 Jan (TS). Records spread over a wide area.
Shy Heathwren H. cauta 2 Woggoon NR N of Condobolin 5 Sep (NS), 2 Loughnan NR
28 Oct, Pulletop 30 Aug and regular at Charcoal Tank NR (PE); 2 in mallee
near Coombie Homestead, Roto 16 Mar (JaH), observed in old- growth mallee
with a dense understorey especially Beyeria opaca in Scotia District (Tarrara,
Tarawi and Nanya HSDs) in Oct (DF).
Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata Present 3 locations between Bellbrook & Georges
Junction, Upper Macleay River (DS); 5 Windsor Downs NR 6 Dec (EV).
Western Warbler Gerygone fusca Arrived roadside mallee near Pulletop NR 30 Aug
Mangrove Warbler G. levigaster Recorded Tea Gardens -Hawks Nest 19 Sep & Fennell
Bay 29 Sep (HBR), nesting Stockton 29 Dec (JMn); 2 Careel Bay, Pittwater 12
Nov (TQ).
White -throated Warbler G. olivacea Departure: Nethercote 27 Mar (BJ), Scheyville 21
Mar (AB). Arrival: I Dubbo Gully, Mangrove Creek 4 Sep (AKM), I Glen
Davis 11 Sep (AB), 1 Hawks Nest 18 Sep (HBR), 1 Nethercote 26 Sep (BJ), 1
Dharug NP & Cattai NP 29 Sep (DaL).
Buff-rumped Thornbill A. reguloides Small flock Mt.Kuring-gai Track, KCNP 23 Jun &
6 Sep ,uncommon at this location (BDo).
Striated Thornbill A. lineata 4 Herveys Range E. of Parkes, western limit (NS).
114 June 1995Red-browed Treecreeper Climacteris erythrops 3 Halfway Creek 2 Nov, at 60m a.s.l.
this is a low altitude for this species in Northern Rivers Region (GC); Present
Pokolbin, Corrabare, Olney, Putty and Comleroy SFs Jan (RT); Waterfall,
Royal NP 24 Feb (EV); Records for Shallow Crossing Road 18 Apr, Dampier
SF 4 Sep & Potato Point 25 Dec in Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS); 2 Blue Gum
Swamp Ck 28 Feb (CBOC), 2 Widden Valley 10 Apr (HBR).
White-browed Treecreeper C. affinis 2 3km N of Fords Bridge 24 Apr & 2 S of Louth 14
Apr (JC).
Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata Prior to 1984 at Nambucca Heads they were
scarce. 1985-86 they were present April -Oct, vistors only. 1987 onwards they
were found all year round, with first breeding in 1991. During 1992-3 they were
widespread through the town with several pairs breeding.
Little Wattlebird A. chrysoptera I feeding juvenile Koel at Cundletown 5 Feb (ML MVBN
Striped Honeyeater Plectorhyncha lanceolata eating fruits of Celery Wood Polyscias
elegans Iluka Bay 5 Sep (GC); Nesting Fennell Bay 29 Sep (HBR).
Noisy Friarbird Philemon corniculatus Western records include 2 Nymgagee 12 Apr,
Round Hill NR 25 Apr and 2 Woggoon NR N of Condobolin 9 May (NS).
Little Friarbird P. citreogularis in mallee Pulletop NR 30 Aug (PE).
Regent Honeyater Xanthomyza phrygia 7 Mororo SF 24 Sep (R&MB); 4 Cockle Bay
NR, Empire Bay 5 Aug (RP), feeding in flowering Swamp Mahogany Eucalyp-
tus robusta; 2 7km E of Berry 2 Nov (C&BV); 2 Batemans Bay 20 Apr (TBO 7/
93), HC Burrewarra Point 8 Sep -6 Oct, HC Dampier SF 4 Nov, subsequently
seen on 4 Jan 1994 (ENHS); 30 birds and 12 nesting attempts at Torrybum-
Kingstown, west of Armidale Oct -Dec (NBN 9/94), (5 sightings) Armidale 19
Sep -23 Oct (NSWBA 9/93), 2 prs nesting W of Armidale 13 Nov (QOSN 25/8),
possibly the Kingstown-Torryburn birds?; Present Glen Davis 2 Jan -30 Nov
max 40, nesting Oct -Nov, feeding young in Jan & Oct -Nov (GB,JG,MMn,
MRo,RT,CBOC), feeding in flowering E. albens 10 Jun (RT), 12-30 Huntingdale
HSD, Glen Alice 13 Mar & 19 May (MRo,RBr), 2 Morrisons Flat, Murrumbo,
Goulburn River NP 23 Jan (AJ), A+2Y Munghorn Gap NR 30 Jan (AMcB), 10
nesting Widden Valley 2-4 Oct (HBR); 2 Warrumbungle NP May (QOS 24/
Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis 6 Bellbrook 12 Jul (DS), rare at this loca-
tion; Common and resident Nelsons Bay and Shoal Bay in urban areas (AEFR);
Nesting Conimbla NP on babbler’s nest 9 Apr (TQ); several Jindalee SF 12 Sep,
first there for 8 years (Gang Gang 10/93).
Bell Miner Manorina melanophrys A survey of Eurobodalla Shire in Apr found 30 colo-
nies, mostly in the Tuross Valley and Narooma areas, few colonies in the north
and north-west portions of the Shire (Marchant 1994).
Black -eared Miner M melanotis None located in NSW during surveys (Franklin 1993).
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 115Yellow -faced Honeyeater Lichenostomus chrysops Migration through Sydney first noted
at Pennant Hills Park 4 Apr, with larger numbers than usual (BDo).
Singing Honeyeater L. virescens Long Reef 24 Feb -25 Aug (AB,H&GP,
CJC,RD,PDB,EV), nest building on 17 Jul in a Banksia; Widden Valley 2-4
Oct (HBR). Both records well east of normal range.
Mangrove Honeyeater L. fasciogularis HC Saltwater Inlet, Iluka 26 Mar, 1-2 Dart Is,
Yamba 9 Feb, 7 Jul & 13 Nov (GC,KS).
Yellow -tufted Honeyeater L. melanops 3 Currajong SF 29 Nov, last seen 1986 (MC),
western edge of range.
Yellow -plumed Honeyeater L. ornatus Common all year in mallee Coombie HSD, Roto
(JaH); 10+ bush paddock, Ingalba NR 30 Sep (MC).
Grey -fronted Honeyater L. plumulus 4 E of Red Tank, N of Ivanhoe 18 Jul (NS), present
near Yathong NR all year (JaH).
Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus 6 Illaroo Res, Yuraygir NP 3 Jul (ALH); Nesting Scheyville
26 Mar (AB), late date?, Mt Ku-ring-gai Track, KCNP 23 Jun (BDo); 3+
Budderoo Track, Budderoo NP 19 Jun (GB).
White -plumed Honeyeater L. penicillatus 2-4 Coniston Mar (CBr), unusual for surburban
Black -chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis South Grafton 27 Aug & 25 Sep,
1 1
Fiddlers Ck, Lanitza 20 Mar (GC), Jacana HSD, Clarenza 28 Aug (EW); 2
Scheyville Res 31 Mar (EH), 2+2Y Wilberforce 18 Dec (KB); 2+ Conimbla NP
9-12 Apr (AKM) & 6 on 29 Aug (NS), regular in Glen Davis area max 6, 1 Jul –
26 Oct (TQ,JG,CBOC), including 2A+2Y 29 Aug (JMn); 2 Bingara SF 27 Sep
(MK), Attunga SF 30 Oct (ALH); 3 Back Yamma SF 28 Mar & 4 on 7 Apr, 2
Cookamidgera SF 27 Jun, 2 Goobang W of Parkes and 2 Manildra 11 Jul (NS);
Yarrobil SF 12 Jun (AB,IMcA), 2 Jindalee SF 12 Sep (Gang Gang 10/93),
10+ in 2 locations Livingstone SF 1 Oct (ALH). All records published.
Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta Common Hunter Valley northwards, no records
south of Newcastle until Parramatta River (HBR); 3 Bicentennial Park, Homebush
Bay in mangroves 18 Jul -5 Sep (TA,PR); 2 Manilla 21 Oct (NS); 4 Cobar 12
Mar (NS); Albury 30 Aug (Wingspan 9/93), very unusal location.
Painted Honeyeater Grantiella picta Thornton 3 Oct (HBR); 4 in mulberry tree, Smith
Park, Windsor 8 Dec (ANB); Rockview HSD, Glen Davis 5 Feb (BP); 10+
Wanganella District 9-10 Apr (RCI); 2 Mundadoo HSD, Byrock 8 Apr (JC),
present Yimkin HSD, Cobar 1-3 Oct (BLS), Cobar 16 Oct (JDu); 2 in garden
Coombie HSD, Roto 14 Nov (JaH). Fewer records than usual.
Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera Present Olney SF & Putty SF during Jan
(RT), north of usual range; 2+ Hoddle Track, Saddleback Mountain 20 Jun (DWr),
1 Barren Grounds NR 27 Jun (PWe); 1 Bathurst 11 Sep (JDi).
New Holland Honeyeater P. novaehollandiae 4 Kookaburra 10 Jan (ABi); I with White-
cheeked Honeyeaters at Birdwood, west of Wauchope 23 Oct, a few Brushy
Mountain Rest Area, Werrikimbe NP 23-24 Oct (DS).
116 June 1995White -fronted Honeyeater P. alb irons 10+ Black Fellows Camp Tank, S of Wilgha
Downs HSD, Byrock 9-13 Apr & 4 N of Louth 14 Apr (JC), 2 Mootwingee NP
11 Oct (JDu), see Pied Honeyeater below for details of birds seen 40km E
Engonnia 11-22 Oct (MM); Present Coombie HSD, Roto all year, favoured
Eremophila serrulata during Jul (JaH), nesting Yathong NR mid -Jun (GA),
present Round Hill NR 17 Oct (ABe).
Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P. melanops Present Wooli 3 Oct (DS); Regular at Crowdy
Head NP & Awabakal NR (HBR).
Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger 6-8 Brobenah Hills 17 Oct (KH); 2 Black Fellows
Camp Tank, Wilgha Downs HSD, Byrock 9-13 Apr (JC), 4 in acacia woodland
22km W of Wanaaring where Eremophilas were common 16 Aug (DC), see
Pied Honeyeater below for details of birds E of Engonnia 11-22 Oct (MM);
Common in Eremophila longifolia & E. glabra Coombie HSD, Roto 20 Jan,
some also present in Nov (JaH), present Round Hill NR 17 Oct (ABe). All records
restricted to Upper & Lower Western Regions.
Pied Honeyeater C. variegatus 3 in scrubland 22km W of Wanaaring 16 Aug (DC), F 35
km SE of Bourke 18 Sep (JDu); Present Nulty Springs HSD, Beulah HSD, &
Wilganea HSD, Engonnia in 10s -100s feeding on Grevillea juncifolia 11-22
Oct, in mixed flocks with Black and White -fronted Honeyeaters (MM); 3M,2F
Little Topar 8 Jun (AB), AF on fence and in grass, Metford Tank 60km E of
Broken Hill 12 Jun (TQ). More records than usual.
Banded Honeyeater C. pectoralis AM feeding in flowers of Red Bottlebrush Callistemon
viminal is in a garden Greenwell Point 22-24 Feb (DWr), record referred to
NSWORAC, observation accepted but considered to be an escapee (Morris 1995).
Scailet Honeyeater Myzomela sanguinolenta 4 Garigal NP 4 May (RCI); 3+ Jervis Bay
NR 2 Jul (EV), returned to Bournda NP 18 Sep (BJ), 2 Berry Oct -Nov (C&BV);
More sightings and greater numbers for Eurobodalla Shire than in previous years,
with records Feb -Dec at Wallaga Lake, Meringo, Burrewarra Point, Durras,
Tomakin, Malua Bay and Trunkettabella Gardens (ENHS).
Yellow -bellied Sunbird Nectarina jugularis in garden Coffs Harbour 30 Sep (Lane
1994), record not yet submitted to NSWORAC.
Crimson Chat Ephthianura tricolor 2 The Ranch HSD, Kennebri 17 Sep (DJ), only record
from central NSW; Common throughout Sturt NP 24 Aug (DC), common and
breeding observed Nulty Springs HSD, Beulah HSD, and Wilganea HSD,
Engonnia 11-22 Oct (MM); Arrived Coombie HSD, Roto Sep and eventually
spread to all the property (JaH), present Round Hill NR 17 Oct (ABe), 200+ W
of Matakana 12 Nov (NS).
Orange Chat E. aurifrons Common throughout Sturt NP 24 Aug (DC); 12+ W of Conoble
15 Aug (NS); 18, no adult males, Metford Tank, 60km E of Broken Hill 12 Jun
(TQ); 200+ between Mossgiel and Willandra NP mid Jun (GA).
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 117White -fronted Chat E. albifrons Northern limit is Lower Macleay Valley, max 7 Rain-
bow Reach 13 Jan (KS); 2A+2 imm Bicentennial Park 29 Nov (AB); Resident
Eurobodalla Shire with colonies at Akolele, Tilba Lake & Coopers Island, Tuross
River (ENHS).
Gibber Chat Ashbyia lovensis 1 24km N of Tibooburra, Sturt NP 16 Aug (DC), 1 30km N
of Tibooburra 13 Oct (BdB). Within normal range but not often reported.
Red-browed Pardalote Pardalotus rubricatus 5 Fort Grey, Sturt NP 24 Aug (DC).
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Regular in the lower Hunter Valley at Kooragang
Island, Mayfield, Port Waratah and Walka Waterworks (all industrial sites!). 1
taken by Australian Hobby at latter place on 6 Jun (HBR); 25 Homebush Bay 3
Jul (AB); Resident Eurobodalla Shire, records from Narooma, Burrewarra Point,
Bermagui & Tilba Lake (ENHS).
European Greenfinch C. chloris 2+ Centennial Park 16 Jan (SWt).
Tree Sparrow Passer montanus AM Lithgow Jan (SDu MVBNI 2/93).
Red-browed Firetail Emblema temporalis 2 with large flock of Double -barred Finches at
Reedy Creek, 60km NW of Tenterfield 14 Aug (DC). North-west edge of range.
Beautiful Firetail E. bella 1 near Waterfall 24 Feb & 12 Jul, 1 near Loftus 12 Jul, 1 Curra
Moors 17 Jul (JMa), all in Royal NP (EV); 4 Barren Grounds NR 4 Apr- 1 May
(TQ); Porters Creek Dam 12 Jul (TQ); 3 Mt Hay, Blue Mountains NP 4 Jul
Diamond Firetail E. guttata 10+ Glen Davis 13 Jun (CWd); Present Mt. Deerina Range,
S of Louth 6 Oct (BLS), observer’s most NW record for Cobar District.
Double -barred Finch Poephila bichenovii 2 Wallaga Lake 8 May, most southern coastal
location, first sighting since 1984-85(ENHS).
Zebra Finch P. guttata Still present in the Hawkesbury Marshes with 20+ Pitt Town
lowlands 12 Feb & 100+ Richmond lowlands 4 Jun (AB); Present in garden
Coombie HSD, Roto Oct, nesting near house, first record since 1986 (JaH).
Plum -headed Finch Aidemosyne modesta Present Glen Davis all year max 50+ 30 May
and nesting Coco Creek, Glen Davis 18 Nov (GB,JDu,NH,TQ,RT); Max 12
Glen Logan via Cowra 12 Apr -15 May (JDu,AC,H&BM); 6 Red Rock S of
Bingara 22 Oct (NS); 40+ Walgett 28 Apr (JC); Several birds carrying nesting
material Swamp Tank, Merrylands HSD, Cobar 6-7 Oct & 2A feeding 4 juv at
Booroondara PWP Tank, Cobar 7 Oct (BLS), most westerly records for NSW.
Chestnut- breasted Mannikin Lonchura castaneothorax 17 Kempsey 21 Oct (ABi,KS);
Present Taree Racecourse 2 Jul (MVBN 3/93).
Nutmeg Mannikin L. punctulata 5 Kempsey 1 Jan -1 Mar (ABi,KS); 70+ Kogarah Golf
Course 19 Jul (TKe); 1 with Plum -headed Finches Glen Davis 1 Jul (TQ).
Common Myna Acridotheres tristis Coutts Crossing 5,7 & 12 Nov, subsequently seen
in Grafton on 2 occasions but not since (GC); Present Gloucester 27 Feb &
Buladelah 1-5 Mar (DS), 2 Hillville 7 Oct (JRu MVBN 4/93), 2 Moorland 18
Nov & 2 nesting Gedara HSD, Hillville (DiL, MVBW 1/94), demonstrating
118 June 1995their move up the NSW coast into the Mid -North Coast Region; 30+ Sodwell 10
Aug (NS), currently the most western location; 2 Wallabadah 5 Nov (SD), show-
ing move into the North-west Slopes and Plains.
Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus 3+ Cobar town area 3 Nov (TMo); 2 in trees by
house tank, Coombie HSD, Roto 26 Jul (JaH), unusual so far west.
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus hottentotus Nested Way Way SF January (DS); Leichhardt
24 Mar (TMo) & The Rocks 28 Jul (DMcC), unusual city locations; Arrival:
Toukley 7 Feb (AKM), Mosman 22 Feb (JBk), Burrewarra Point 28 Mar
(ENHS), 1 Merimbula 14 Apr (BJ), 1 Keiraville 21 Apr (ME), subsequently
recorded at four other Illawarra localities & Tomakin 9 Jun (ENHS). Depar-
ture: 1 Balgowlah Heights 4 Sep (RI), 2 Hornsby 13-25 Sep & 1 16 Oct (RM),
2 Belmont South 10 Nov (HBR).
Figbird Sphecotheres viridis 50 nests in loose colonies in Norfolk Island Pines, Nov -Dec
Booti Booti NP (Turner 1995); F Austimer 23 Oct (GB) & M in garden at
Gerrigong 31 Dec (JPa), southern end of range.
Satin Bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus 40+ feeding on privet berries Upper Ourimbah
Creek 8 May (JWn); Male with bower at Beecroft Park 19 Jan (DaL).
Regent Bowerbird Sericulus chrysocephalus AM Middle Bend, Gibraltar Range NP 17
Jul (GC), AM+AF feeding on Blueberry Ash Eleocarpus reticulatus berries
Lower Bobo River 26 Oct (DP), 2M Wittitrin 17 Oct (KS); 2M feeding on Wild
Rasberries Booyong HSD, Byabarra 3 Nov (MVBN 1/94); AM+6 Stanhope
Creek 5 Dec (HBOC 1/94). Considered by observers to be unusual locations.
Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata Bingara SF 16 Sep (MK); 2 Jenolan Caves
24 Feb (TBO 730/13), this is well east of normal range.
Green Catbird Ailuroedus crassirostris J Narara 31 Jan (DLo), Lees Res, Chittaway
Bay 7 Feb (AKM); 2+J Bola Ck, Royal NP (JWt), imm Fivedock 27 Oct (Hi).
Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus 1 Mebbin SF 8 Jan (MRo), 1 F plumage, The
Glade, Dorrigo NP 20 Mar, AM Wild Cattle Creek SF 20-21 Oct, HC Ellis SF
22 Oct, HC Marengo SF 29 Oct, HC Norman Jolly Memorial Grove, Moonpar
SF 9 Nov, HC Tibs Tree Res, Bielsdown SF 8 Nov (GC), 2 Mt Warning NP 6-8
Aug (PMy), Broken Bago SF 25 Oct (KS). Most of these locations have not
been mentioned in previous Bird Reports.
White -winged Chough Corcorax melanorhamphos 4 Deep Ck, Narrabeen 24 Sep (RBr),
very unusual record.
Magpie -lark Grallina cyanoleuca taken by Brown Falcon at Glen Davis 26 Jun (TQ);
1 1
taken by Brown Goshawk at Cowra 4 Jun (AC ARA 14/56).
White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorhynchus Departure: Coutts Crossing 11-
12 Apr. Arrival: 4 Chittaway Point 22 Aug (AKM), 2 Centennial Park 30 Oct
(TP), 2 Longneck Lagoon 16 Nov (LS). Present Lake Cargellico 25 Apr, and
Bourke STW 10 Jun (AB), possibly they are resident in inland NSW?
White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus 200+ Tullamore 9 Apr (NS). Departure:
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 119large numbers Pulletop NR 3 Mar (PE), 40+ Nyrang Creek, 11 Apr feeding on
Red Gum blossom nectar (AKM), 18 Weddin Mountains NP 15 May (AC).
Arrival: 10+ Cobar 1 Sep (TMo), 3 Pulletop NR 23 Oct (PE).
Masked Woodswallow A. personatus Present Capertee Valley 10 Oct (JMi); 10+ Weddin
Mountains 11 Apr (JDu); 50+ Tullamore 9 Apr (NS).
Dusky Woodswallow A. cyanopterus Departure: 2 Mascot 3 May (CW) Arrival:
Munmorah SRA 2 Sep (AKM). A few birds seen Coombie HSD, Roto Apr &
Oct (JaH). 2 Munmorah 10 Jul, unusal to over -winter at this location (AKM).
Little Woodswallow A. minor 2+ Mootwingee NP 11 Oct (JMa); 4 in Coombie-Yathong
area of mallee 26 Sep (JaH). Only records received.
Australian Raven Corvus coronoides 2 at Crystal Creek early Jan and in Dec (PE).
Forest Raven C. tasmanicus 2+ Tewinga, 5km NW of Macksville 10 Aug (DS).
Little Crow C. bennetti 4 Condobolin 18 Jul (NS).
Little Raven C. mellori Present Coopers Is. Tuross River 21 Mar -30 May max 20, 20
Nerrigundah Road 6 Nov (ENHS); 250+ Lake Cowal 28 Feb (NS).
Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides The first record for Towra Point was for AM
on 15 Feb 1973 and another 22 Feb 1974 (per EH) but no subsequent records till
Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura The pair nesting at Baradine successfully reared
one young in Jan (DJ).
King Quail Coturnix chinensis The first record for Royal National Park was between
1970-1977 when one was recorded at Warumbul by Keith Hindwood (EH), then
none until 1991.
Bush -hen Amaurornis olivacea 1D Perrys Hill , Alstonville (AMSR), HC Boomerang
Falls FR 13 Oct, Platypus Picnic area, Rocky Creek Dam 14 Nov, HC Rich-
mond Hill (Muranyi 1995).
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris The first inland record for NSW was at Tullakool
Saltworks 6 Dec 1987 (RAOU Newsl. 75,2).
Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae Size of breeding colonies 1990-91 estimated at 43-
50,000 prs Big Island, Five Island NR (Smith & Carlile 1992).
Red-tailed Black -Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus magnificus 20+ 6km W Akuna HSD
woolshed, Louth 15 Mar, 200 Wychuga HSD, Louth and 100 near Louth 23
Nov (BLS).
Blackbird Turdus merula The first record for Bourke was 19 Dec 1976 (BLS), apparently
no records then till 1991.
Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyzaphrygia The first record for Royal National Park was for
a flock of 9 birds at Gundamaian 26 Apr 1930 seen by Keith Hindwood (EH)
and then none until 1991.
120 June 1995ADDENDUM TO 1992 REPORT
Buller’s Shearwater Puffinus bulleri 1 ashore on Cabbage Tree Island at night 8 Feb
(Pridell & Carlile 1995).
Grey Goshawk Accipiter novaehollandiae trapped at Winmalee 6 Jun, cared for and
released (WIRES 7/94).
Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrhocephalus Nested Port Macquarie, one of 3 nestlings flew
into wires and was injured 18 Jan, cared for and released (WIRES 7/94).
Brolga Grus rubicundus 2 Glenara HSD Louth 16 Jun & 12 Janbeth HSD, Bourke 25 Jul
Bush -hen Amaurornis olivacea HC Eastside Brumby Plains, Edinburgh Castle SF 12
Oct, 1 Woodenbong 12 Oct, 1 Nightcap range Rd 17 Oct & 26 Nov (Muranyi
Rose -crowned Fruit -Dove Ptilinotus regina The 2 recorded at Kunderang, Oxley Wild
Rivers NP 17 Mar (GC) were recorded im error and should be deleted from the
Red-tailed Black -Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus magnificus 2 Delta HSD, Louth, 2 Louth
and 200+ south of Louth 4 Apr, 150 E of Akuna HSD Woolshed, Louth 17 Jun,
3 Woodlands HSD, Louth 22 Jul, 20 Glen Villa HSD and 20 Yanda HSD, Bourke
25 Jul (BLS).
Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus Recorded at 2 locations in Bundjalung NP 26 Jan &
13 Jul, max 10 (Gosper 1995).
Blue -winged Parrot Neophema chrysostoma 1 Terrangerry SF, Ariah Park 13 Nov (TBO
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Anthochaera rufogularis The record for Nambucca Heads on
26 Feb, should have read Rainbow Reach 4km SW of South West Rocks (DS).
Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia 1, possibly 2 feeding in flowering Yellow Gum
Eucalyptus leucoxylon Deniliquin 28-30 Sep (PM) with Little and Noisy
Friarbirds (Veerman 1994).
Figbird Sphecotheres viridus Colonial nesting recorded at Booti Booti NP, 51 nests in
19 trees, mostly Norfolk Island Pines Nov -Dec (Turner 1995).
Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo 2 Johnsons Beach 10 Dec, 1 same place 11 Dec &
1 flying over Lagoon 12 Dec (Mills 1994), rare visitor.
Cattle Egret Ardea ibis bird with cattle Middle Beach 9-10 Dec (Mills 1994), rare
Buff- banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis on 2 occasions near rubbish dump opposite
golf course (Mills 1994).
Little Curlew Numenius minutus Present 14 Mar (QOS 24/4), rare visitor.
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 121Marsh Sandpiper Trigna stagnatilis as for Red Knot (Mills 1994), rare visitor, only
recorded since 1974.
Red Knot Calidris canutus seen 4-13 Dec near Golf Course on airport (Mills 1994),
rare visitor, no records since 1974.
Andrew, E. 1994. Probable Sighting of the Large Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii at Durras. Nature in
Eurobodalla No.7
Anon 1994. Recovery Round -Up. Corella 18, 31-32.
Chafer C.J. 1993 The Foraging Ecology of Sooty Oystercatcher on Rocky Intertidal Shores.B Sc (Hons)
Thesis, University of Wollongong.
Chafer C.J. & M. Anderson. 1994 Sooty Owls in the Hacking Creek Catchment. Aust. Birds 27, 77-84.
Emison, W. 1993. Black- eared Miner Recovery Plan and Intensive Management. Heildelberg: Dept. Cons. &
Nat. Res.
Gibson,J.D. 1989. The Birds of the County of Camden (Including the Illawarra Region). Wollongong:IBOC.
Gosper, D.G. 1944 Nest Building by Wompoo Fruit -Dove. Aust. Birds 28, 12-13.
Gosper, D.G. 1995 Notes on the activities of Ground Parrots in Northern New South Wales. Aust. Birds 28,
Hindwood K.A. & A.R. McGill 1958. The Birds of Sydney. Sydney: Roy. Zool. Soc.
Hoskin, E.S. 1991 The Birds of Sydney. Chipping Norton: Surrey Beatty & Sons.
Lane, S.G. 1994. Sunbird at Coffs Harbour. Aust. Birds 27, 85
Larkins, D. The Channel -billed Cuckoo at Pied Currawong nests. Aust. Birds 28, 7-9.
Lawler, W. 1994. Shorebird Counts on New South Wales North Coast estuaries. Sydney: NSW NPWS.
Magrath, D.I. 1994. Footedness in the Glossy Black -Cockatoo: Some observations and a review of the litera-
ture with a note on the the husking of Allocasuarina cones by this species. Corella 18, 21-24.
Marchant, S. 1994. Survey of Bell Miner Manorina melanophrys colonies in Eurobodalla Shire April 1993.
Nature in Eurobodalla 8, 64-65.
Mills, K. 1994. Birds Observed on Lord Howe Island 4 December -13 December 1993. Jamberoo NSW.
Morris A.K. 1995 Rare Birds in New South Wales in 1993. Aust Birds 28, 131-140
Morris A.K., Tyler, V., Tyler M., Mannes, H., & J. Dolby. 1990. A waterbird survey of the Parramatta River
wetlands, Sydney, New South Wales. Aust. Birds 23,44-64.
Morris A.K. & A. Burton 1994. 1992 New South Wales Annual Bird Report. Aust. Birds 27,97-139.
Murranyi, M. 1995 The Distribution and habitat preference of the Bush -hen Amaurornis olivacea in the
Northern Rivers Region, NSW B.App.Sc Thesis with Hons. Southern Cross University
O’Brien, D. 1993 Faunal Assessment of the Bayswater -Sydney West 330KV Transmission Line in the Wollemi-
Yengo National Parks for Pacific Power. Ourimbah: D. O’Brien Environmental Assessments.
Pridell, D. 1994. Research Plan for Gould’s Petrel Pterodroma leucoptera. NSW NP&WS.
Pridell, D & N. Carlile 1994. Gould’s Petrel Conservation Program – A good news update. Aust Birds 28,
122 June 1995Pridell, D & G. Ross 1994 Monitoring of Little Tern Sterna albifrons in Botany Bay, Report on 1993/94
season. Sydney: NSW Nat. Parks and Wildl. Ser. & Federal Airports Corp.
Pridell, D. & N. Carlile 1995. Buller’s Shearwater Puffinus bulleri ashore in New South Wales. Aust. Birds
28, 76-77
Smith G.C. & N. Carlile 1992 Silver Gull Breeding at two colonies in the Sydney -Wollongong Region,
Australia. Wildl. Res. 19, 429-41.
Smith, P. 1993a Forster Little Tern Project, First Progress Report. Blaxland: P&J Smith Ecological
Smith, P. 1993b. Forster Little Tern Project, Second Progress Report. Blaxland: P & J Smith Ecological
Smith, P. 1994. Monitoring of Little Tern Sterna albifrons at Harrington 1993/94 Season. Sydney:NPWS.
Smith, P. Pressey R.L. & J.E. Smith 1994. Birds of Particular Conservation Concern in the Western Division
of New South Wales. Biol. Consv 69, 315-338
Stewart D.A. & A.J. 1994. Notes on the Bush -hen breeding in New South Wales. Sunbird 24, 1-5.
Stuart, A.D. 1994. Records of All Club Outings 1993. Newcastle: Hunter Bird Obs. Club.
Stuart, A.D. 1994. Hunter Region of New South Wales Annual Bird Report Number 1 1993. Newcastle:Hunter
Bird Obs. Club Inc.
Turner, D. 1995 Colonial nesting of Figbirds. Aust. Birds 28, 71-75.
Veerman, P.A. 1994. Batesian Acoustic Mimicry by the Regent Honeyeater xanthomyza phrygia. Aust. Bird
Watcher 15,250-259
Whitier, J. 1994 Nature in Eurobodalla Number 8 (1993). Moruya: Eurobodalla Natural History Society.
List of Observers.
ABW Aust Bird Watcher LB Laurie Bartlett DiB Dianna Brown
Jml GBa Graham Barwell JWw Judy Brown
ARA Aust Raptor Assoc. JBk Julia Baverstock M&BB M & B. Brown
Newsl. SBe Stephen Bell IB Ivor Buckland
GA1` Glen Allbrecht Abe Allan Benson EBu E. Burt
GA Graham Alcorn RBe Robin Benson AB Andrew Burton
MA Marc Anderson PBg Peter Bergman COG Canberra
PA Paul Andrew GBi G. Bickley Ornithologist’s Group
S&AA S. & A. Andrews ANB Arthur Biggs MCa Maureen Carey
SA S. Andrews ABi Tony Bischoff JC John Carpenter
RA Reg Angus GB Graham Blackwell BCa B.Cauchi
TA Tony Ashby JLB J.L. Blomstedt WJC Wendy Cayless
KA Keith Astill WB W. Boles CJC Chris Chafer
JBk Jack Baker RBr R. Bradley KCh Kerry Chafer
SB S. Baker R&MB R & M. Branch DC David Charley
JBr J. Barber CBr Chris Brandis KC K. Cherry
N&JB N & J Bardsley KB Keith Brandwood SCh S. Chittock
WB Wilma Barden JB John Brickhill GC Greg Clancy
RBa R. Barkia PDB P. Drake -Brockman RCI Reg Clarke
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 123MC Marj Cochrane AMG A.M. Gilmore EK Elizabeth Karplus
SCo S. Coe SG S. Gilmore TK Tom Karplus
AC Athol Colemane CG Chris Gladwin Rka Rod Kavannagh
SC Stephen Cooper DG Dennis Gosper MK M. Kaveney
PCo Peter Cook GLC Gould League Camp DK D. Kelly
KCo K. Corbett RG Robert Graves Tky Tom Kelsey
JCk J. Corkill Pgr Phillip Green WK Wayne King
MCo Miriam Cort MH M. Hamilton RK Richard Kingsford
RGC Robert Coveny SH Sue Hamonet NK Norman Kurtz
BC Bruce Cox BH B. Hales BLa B. Lake
PCr P. Crisp H Phil Hansbro SGL S.G.Lane
NCr N. Crompton JHa Jeff Hardy ML Marie Langdown
FCz F. Czwallina JH Jean Harris DaL D. Larkins
PCr P. Crisp BHa Barbara Harvey DLa David Latham
B&MC B & M Curtis ALH Anne Lindsey AL Andrew Ley
RD Richard Dallimore RH Robyn Hill MLe Michael Lenz
VD Val Dallimore JHi J. Hill PL P. Lightfoot
JD Jane Dalby DH Dion Hobcroft HL Helen Linacre
PDa Peter Davie NH Nick Hodges JL John Liney
BDB Bill De Belin PHo P. Holland DIL Dianna Lock
SD Stephen Debus AH Tony Horwood DLo Denise Lowe
RDe Bob Decker EH Ernie Hoskin JAM J. Mack
JHH John De Heaume JAH Janet Houghton PMy Peter Mackey
JDe J. Dengate WH Bill Howard IMcA Ian McAllan
MDy Martin Denny DHo Don Howarth AMcB Alan McBride
ID Irene Denton BH Barbara Howie DMcC David McCarthy
JDi Jim Dixon GH G. Hunter GMcC G. McCarthy
BDo B. Downer HBOC Hunter Bird Observers JMcE Julie McEnally
RD R. Doyle Club Newsl LMcE L. McEnally
E&PD E & P. Dunkerly HBR Hunter Bird Report JMcG J. McGregor
SDu S. Dundon HH H. Hunziker YMcG Y. McGregor
JDu John Duranti KH Keith Hutton DMcK D. MacKay
ADy Tony Dymond IBOC Illawarra Bird PMcL P. McLauchlan
SE Stephen Edwards Observer’s Club Newsl. JMcL J. McLennan
KE Keith Egan Rim Ron Imisides JMa Jenny Madeline
WE Wal Emery JI J. Imrie MM Michael Maher
ME Mary Eskdale TI Tessa Ivison PM Phillip Maher
JE John Eveleigh RI Rita Ingrouille JM Jill Makepeace
PE Peter Ewin RJa R. Jackson H&BM H. & B. Mannes
SF Stuart Fairbaim PJ P. Jennings RMa Richard Mason
FOC Field Ornithologists AJ Amanda Johnson CMe C. Meadow
Club DAJ Dalles Johnson D&GM D. & G. Meek
HF Hugh Ford DJ David Johnson LM Lynette Mervis
JFo Judy Forgan IJ Ian Johnson JMy J. Meynell
AF Allan Foster WJ Bill Johnson JMi Jane Miller
DF Don Franklin LJ Lorraine Johnstone KM Kevin Mills
JF Jim Francis BJ Barbara Jones RM Bob Moffatt
GG Gavin Gatenby HJ Hugh Jones JMn Jill Molan
DGe David Geering NJ Norrie Jones MMn M. Monroe
GGi Glen Gifford RJ Ray Jones P&BM P & B. Morgan
JG J. Gillespie Rio Richard Jordan MMo M. Morphet
124 June 1995AKM Alan Morris PR Peter Roberts ST S. Tremont
CM C. Morris JRn J. Robinson RT Dick Turner
TMo Tim Morris OR 0. Rodwell MT Maureen Tyler
RMo R. Morrow AEFR Alan Rogers BT Brian Tynan
WM Bill Murphy MRo Michael Rohan PU Phillip Ulm
MMy M. Murray AR A.B. (Tony) Rose EV Edwin Vella
WMy W. Murray JRu Joy Ruddy BV Barry Virtue
NBN NSW Bird Notes J&NR Judy & Neil Russill CV Carol Virtue
LN Len Nancarrow SSa Sandy Sansom PVdL P. Van de Linde
JN J. Nowaczyk TS Tony Saunders FVG Fred Van Gessell
DOB Danny O’Brien SSc S. Scammell GW G. Walker
MOS M. O’Shea V&SS V. & S. Scanlon MW M. Walker
RO Ray Osborne BLS Leigh Schmidt CWd C. Ward
DP David Page NS Neville Schrader HW Horace Ward
TP Tony Palliser CS C. Scouler JWn Jill Warner
JPa J. Parker FS F. Scrivens CW C. Watts
BP Barry Pascoe JSe John Seale J&LW Jenny & Les Watts
RP Robert Payne DS David Secomb RWa R. Way
JPe Joy Pegler DSi David Seims RW R. Waymark
FP F. Peters CSe Col Sellars CWe Charles Webb
GP G. Phipps RSi Ron Simcock DW David Webb
H&GP H. & G. Pittar KS K. Shingleton RWe Rick Webster
WP W. Platts MSh M. Schulz PWe Peter West
MPo M. Pointer LSk L. Skillings EW Eric Wheeler
JPo J. Porter DIS Darryl Smedley WACR Wildlife Animal Care
BPo Beverly Potts PAS P. Anyon-Smith & Rescue Soc. Newsl.
DPo Derek Potts LS Lindsey E. Smith JUW Judy Wiles
Lola Smith JWi J. Wiley
IP Ian Puckrin NOS Noela Smith DAW David Wilks
QOS Queensland PSm Peter Smith RWi R. Williams
Omitholoical Soc. BSt B. Starkey TW Tom Wilson
Newsletter DSt David Stewart GWg Geoff Winning
TQ Trevor Quested BS Betty Stokes DWI David Winterbottom
NRa Neil Rankin MS Malcom Stokes Wires Wildlife Animal Care
DRa David Rayment PS Phil Straw & Rescue Soc.
JR J.G.Reidy AS Allan Stuart JWt John Witt
GR G & M. Reidy WS Warren Sweeny SWt Shiela Witt
DR Del Richards RTh Richard Thomas BWd B. Wood
AOR Allan Richards DT Dave Thompson KAW K. A. Wood
GRi Gerry Richards BT B. Totterman DWr Dianna Wright
JRo Joy Roberts STr S. TredinnickST
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 125APPENDIX 2 Caroline Bay,
East Gosford 33,27 151,21
Reported Location Region Approx. Grid
Cedar Point,Kyogle NR 28,41 152,59
Reference Clyde Ridge Road, SC 35,33 150,07
Coalpin Gully,
Abbots tank, Euston LW 34,31 143,09 Wollemi NP CT
Akuna,Woolshed, Louth UW 30,23 145,10 Cobar UW 31,30 145,50
Akuna Woolshed, UW 30,23 145,04 Coco Creek, Glen,Davis CT 33,06 150,11
6kmW Louth Coleambally 34,49 145,51
AllynRiver 32,25 151,33 Col lombattai NR 30,56 152,44
Aldavilla NR 31,05 152,45 Coogee Lake, Broken Hill UW 31,30 142,11
Araluen,Bakers Flat SC 35,39 149,49 Cookamidgera SF CWS 33,15 148,18
Armidale NT 30,32 151,40 Coramba NR 30,14 153,02
Arrawarra NR 30,04 153,12 Crabbes Creek NR 28,28 153,30
Back Creek SF 33,53 147,23 Craven SF 32,10 152,02
Balranald, 40 km E 34,44 143,56 Croobyar SF SC 35,20 150,20
Balranald,50 km E 34,41 144,03 Crowdy Head MNC 31,51 152,45
Barraba, 10km N NWS 30,18 150,36 Dampier SF SC 35,58 149,55
Bellata, 26km SW NWP 29,59 149,38 Darling Mills Creek 33,47 151,00
Bellata, 36km SW NWP 30,07 149,29 Deenderrah HSD,
Bel!trees HSD, Scone H 31,59 151,10 Upper Manilla NWS 30,34 150,36
Belmont Park HSD, CT 33,36 150,41 Delta HSD, Louth UW 30,37 144,54
Grose Wold Dubbo Gully,
Bentley,I5 km,W Lismore NR 28,47 153,07 Mangrove Ck H 33,18 151,08
Berry, 7km E 34,47 150,46 Dungay Creek, Kempsey NR 31,06 152,43
Beulah HSD, Engonnia UW 29,22 146,09 East Anabranch, mallee LW 33,40 141,50
Bewong, 25km S, Nowra SC 35,04 150,32 Eden HSD, Quambone CWP 30,42 147,35
Beilsdown SF NR 30,18 152,43 Ellanora Heights S 33,42 151,60
Big Terrigal Crossing, Ellis SF NR 30,08 152,33
Macquarie Marshes NR CWP 30,53 147,43 Emerys Plat. Cambewarra I 34,48 150,30
Birdwood NR 31,22 152,21 Emmaville NT 29,37 151,23
Blue Haven 33,14 151,30 Erina Ck, Matcham H 33,25 151,25
Black Fellows Tank, Euberta SWS 35,03 147,12
Wilgha Dns HSD, Byrock UW 30,47 146,03 Euroka,,
Black Swamp Ck, Blue Mountains NP CT 33,48 150,37
Glenreagh NR 30,00 152,56 Fennel I,Bay H 32,59 151,36
Bobbiwaa SF NWS 30,08 149,52 Fineflower NR 29,23 152,41
Boorooman HSD Walgett UW 30,06 147,28 Finley, R 35,40 145,34
Boorowa ST 34,26 148,43 Fords Bridge, UW 29,45 145,25
Booroondara,PWP,Tank Fernmount NR 30,28 152,55
Cobar UW 31,07 145,26 Gedara HSD, Hillville, MNC 31,59 152,22
Bourke, 15km S UW 30,15 145,57 Gilgandra CWS 31,43 148,39
Bourke, 30km W UW 30,01 145,40 Gillards Beach,
Boxvale,Tramway 34,27 150,21 Mimosa Rocks NP SC 36,40 151,00
Brewarrina UW 29,58 146,51 Glenhope,NE Wanaaring, UW 29,15 144,28
Broken Bago SF NR 30,00 152,43 Glen Logan, Cowra CT 33,45 148,35
Broughton Island MNC 32,37 152,19 Glenora HSD,Bourke UW 30,10 144,50
Brushy Mtn,Rest Area, Glen Villa HSD, Bourke UW 30,14 145,42
Werrikimbie,NP NR 31,08 153,02 Gongolgon UW 30,25 146,48
Bundella SF, Coolah CT 31,43 150,01 Goobang, W of Parkes CWS 33,07 147,58
Bundoozle FR Richmond Goolawah NR,Green Ck,
Range SF NR 28,37 152,42 Fords Bridge UW 29,44 145,22
126 June 1995Griffith R 34,17 146,03 Orara Rvr N 29,49 152,55
Gulgong CT 32,22 149,32 Momingside HSD,
Gulmarrad NR 31,13 152,56 Ivanhoe LW 32,46 144,31
Gunbar Swamp R 34,03 145,25 Merrylands HSD, Cobar,
Gunning Gap, Forbes CWS 33,17 147,29 (Swamp,Tank) UW 31,01 145,01
Gurranang NR 29,28 152,59 (Gidgee,Tank) UW 30,57 145,03
Hanwood R 34,20 146,02 Milifield 32,53 151,16
Hay, 25 km S R 34,46 144,46 Metford Tank ,60km E of,
Hay, 70km E R 34,28 145,32 Broken Hill, LW 31,49 142,06
Hay, 10km W R 34,30 144,45 Milbrod 32,42 151,00
Hermidale,3km E CWP 32,34 146,46 Milrea HSD, Brewarrina UW 30,06 147,37
Hillville MNC 31,39 152,22 Millers Forest H 32,45 151,43
Hillvile Dam, Bootawah MNC 31,57 153,20 Monga SF, Braidwood SC 35,26 149,55
Hoddles Track, Moonpar SF NR 30,14 152,40
Saddleback Mountain I 34,42 150,47 Moore Park NR
Hortons Cr Reserve NR 30,01 152,40 Kyogle R 28,28 152,52
Howes Swamp, Mooral Ck, Comboyne MNC 31,41 152,25
Wollemi NP CT 33,08 150,41 Moorlands Downs HSD,
Illawong NR SC 35,51 150,09 Wanaaring UW 29,27 144,24
Indian Head, Mororo SF NR 29,19 153,14
Crowdy Bay NP MNC 31,44 152,48 Mt Blackheath CT 33,38 150,15
Kalaru SC Mt Ettalong, Umina H 33,32 151,19
Janbeth HSD, Bourke UW 30,06 145,50 Mt Glass, Louth UW 30,48 145,06
Kamarah R 34,20 146,46 Mt Hay,
Kangaroo Mountain H 32,13 151,03 Blue Mountains NP CT 33,37 150,20
Kattang NR, Mt Manning H 33,08 151,06
Camden Haven NR 31,39 152,51 Mundadoo HSD, Byrock UW 30,49 147,08
Kellys Gap, Bore, Mundoonen Range ST 34,50 149,02
Fords Bridge UW 29,48 145,32 Myall River SF MNC 32,20 152,06
Killara 33,46 151,10 Myrtle Ck, Casino NR 29,07 153,00
Kogarah 33,59 151,08 Myrtle Beach SC 35,40 150,18
Kooloonbung NR NR 31,26 152,54 Nagaella HSD, Scotia LW 33,14 141,18
Koonadon 34,28 146,23 Nanya HSD, Scotia LW 33,14 141,18
Kurrajong Lagoon, Newington wetlands,
Wagga SWS 35,06 147,28 Aubum S 33,50 151,04
Lake Minniewater NR 29,48 145,32 Ninia HSD, Quambone CWP 30,45 147,35
Lake Victoria, mallee, LW 33,55 141,10 North Mine, Cobar UW 31,25 145,48
Leagues Scrub FR NR 30,36 152,35 Nulty Springs HSD,
Leichhardt S 33,53 151,09 Enngonnia UW 29,25 146,07
Lignum Lake, 10km W, Nyrang Creek CT 33,32 148,32
Oxley LW 34,14 144,00 Ocean Shores NR 28,32 153,32
Little Topar LW 31,47 142,13 O’Connell CT 33,32 149,43
Lowana HSD, Pilliga NWS 30,30 149,02 Olney SF H 33,05 151,15
Lower Bobo NR 30,14 152,50 Pageville NR 29,18 152,43
Mackeral Bch, Pittwater S 33,36 151,18 Palinyewah Hsd, Euston LW 33,55 142,06
Main Creek HSD, Pilliga NWS 30,23 148,55
Manildra CWS 33,12 148,42 Pokolbin SF H 32,48 151,10
Manly Dam, Reserve S, 33,48 151,15 Ponderosa Res, Camden 34,05 150,39
Marengo SF NR 30,06 152,25 Pulbah Island H 33,06 151,35
Market Swamp, Sandgate H 32,53 151,42 Putty SF CT 32,45 150,40
McPhersons Crossing, Quambone CWP 30,56 147,52
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 127Rappville NR 29,02 152,57 Vacy H 32,33 151,35
Redbank Weir, Balranald R 34,23 143,47 Wallabadah NWS 31,32 150,49
Red Bend, nr Forbes CWS 33,24 148,01 Wallaby,Swamp,
Red Rock,S of Bingara NWS 30,04 150,34 Wollemi NP CT 33,05 150,42
Red Tank HSD, Ivanhoe LW 32,24 145,13 Wamban S 36,00 149,55
Roses Lagoon, Collector ST 34,54 149,31 Wanaaring UW 29,42 144,09
Rotary Park Res, Lismore NR 28,49 153,17 Wandella, SF SC 36,20 149,50
Rowleys River, Knorrit MNC 31,45 152,05 Warden Head, Ulladulla SC 35,22 150,29
St. Marys S 33,46 150,46 Warialda NWS 29,33 150,36
Salisbury Downs HSD, Warialda,SF NWS 29,38 150,35
Tibooburra UW 29,56 142,43 Warroo CWS 33,24 147,33
Sandgate SF, Coonamble CWP 31,12 148,12 Warung,SF,Coolah CT 31,44 149,59
Sepoy SF NWS 29,57 150,56 Watson,Taylor Lake MNC 31,41 152,46
Six Brothers Waterhole, Weethalle SWS 33,52 146,38
Yengo,NP CT 33,13 150,41 Wee Waa, STW NWP 30,13 149,22
Sodwalls CT 33,31 149,59 Wee Waa, 20km W NWP 30,1 149,13
Springfield HSD, Cobar UW 31,32 145,26 Whitecatch,Gate,Sturt,NP UW 29,14 141,00
Sulcar, NW, Tamworth NWS 30,53 150,49 Wilcannia,lOKm,E UW 30,04 142,56
Statis Rock, Seal Rocks MNC 32,27 152,33 Wilcannia,60km,NW UW 31,24 143,58
Steamboat CK, Wild,Cattle,Creek,SF NR 30,10 152,45
Cocoparra NP R 34,07 146,13 Wilganea HSD, EnngonniaUW 29,24 146,21
Sun Valley, Blue Mnts CT Wilgha Downs HSD,
Swansea H 33,05 151,38 Byrock UW 30,48 146,06
Taloumbi HSD, Willara Crossing, Paroo R UW 29,14 144,27
Brooms Head NR 29,33 153,15 Willi Willi, Reserve NR 30,26 152,27
Tamboy, Myall Lakes MNC 32,33 152,17 Willowvale 1
Tanja SF SC 36,42 149,55 Windsor Downs, NR SR 33,39 150,45
Tapaulin Mail Rd, Woggoon NR, Condobolin 32,52 147,02
Euston LW 34,35 142,28 Wongwibinda, Ebor NT 30,17 152,12
Tarawi HSD,Scotia LW 33,26 141,10 Woodlands HSD, Louth UW 30,28 145,12
Tarrara HSD. Scotia LW 33,17 141,13 Wooli NR 29,53 153,47
Tarro H 32,49 151,39 Wowingragong CWS 33,16 147,54
Tarwillie Swamp, Woytchugga Lake
Balranald R 34,27 143,27 Wilcannia UW 31,34 143,18
Ten Mile Ck, SW, Wyanga CWS 32,28 148,08
Bellata NWS 29,59 149,38 Wychugga HSD, Louth UW 30,37 145,04
Tewinga, 5km, NW, Wyee Point 33,09 151,31
Macksville NR 30,39 152,54 Yanda HSD,3km WNW,
The Cedars HSD, Louth UW 30,15 145,35
Brewarrina UW 30,04 146,46 Yarrobil SF CT
The Flags, Nowendoc MNC 31,25 151,35 Yarrabee, Kempsey NR 31,16 152,49
Tibooburra UW 29,28 142,04 Yarravel NR NR 31,02 152,43
Tindarey HSD, Byrock UW 31,07 145,50 Yathong SF LW 32,44 145,33
Toonumbar SF NR 28,30 152,48 Yelgun NR 28,28 153,31
Tooram Hills, Cobar UW 31,10 146,15 Yerrangerry SF
Toorwai Ck,Yengo NP CT 33,07 150,44 Ariah Park 34,27 147,06
Tullamore CWS 33,37 147,36 Yimkin HSD, Cobar UW 31,16 146,13
Tweed Heads NR 28,10 153,33 Yougali RIV 34,18 146,10
Upper Dartbrook H 31,52 150,36 Yowrie SC 36,19 149,44
Urunga NR 30,30 153,01
1 Wombat Street, Berkeley Vale 2261
The fourth report of the NSWORAC details 25 submissions considered by the
Committee bringing the total now resolved to 129. Of these, 77 have been accepted, 34
not accepted and 8 not confirmed. As at the 31st March 1995, 166 submissions have been
received. Not all of the 1993 submissions have been resolved as there are some Streaked
Shearwater, Common Diving Petrel and Brown Booby records which are still to be re-
solved. As was the case with the 1992 Report this report of the NSWORAC accompanies
that of the Annual Bird Report of the NSW Field Ornithologists Club for 1993.
The objective of the Committee, to provide an informed, discerning and impartial
appraisal of claimed records of birds rare in NSW and Lord Howe Island, remains the
same. The membership of the Committee for 1993 viz R. Cooper (Chairman), A. Morris
(Secretary), W. Barden, C. Chafer, D. Hobcroft, I. McAllan, A. Palliser and R. Turner
also remains the same.
The Review List, as published previously (Morris 1994) remains unaltered for
1993, however the Committee has decided to delete effective from January 1996, the
following species from the Review List, namely White -necked Petrel, Streaked Shearwater,
Common Diving Petrel, Red-tailed Tropic -bird and Brown Booby. All these species have
been recorded annually in the past ten years and often there has been more than one
record per annum.
The Committee continues to work closely with the Royal Australasian Ornitholo-
gists Union’s Records Appraisal Committee (RAOU RAC) and submissions relating to
any species on their Review List are referred direct to that organisation. I would like to
place on record my appreciation of their co-operation and assistance in matters relating to
rare birds. Three determinations by the RAOU RAC are mentioned briefly in this report,
as it is expected that full details will be provided in the next issue of “Opinions and Case
Histories” of the RAOU RAC.
The quality of submissions continues to improve which is indeed encouraging.
Many of the difficulties faced by the Committee from submissions result from very brief
notes taken from memory. It is reiterated that the recording of rarities such as those on the
Review List will require as a minimum one or more of the following:
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 129Field notes as comprehensive as possible;
Photographs and or tape recordings;
Reports from multiple observers;and
The completion of a RAC record form.
A full report of each decision of the NSWORAC is available from the Secretary,
and for RAOU RAC decisions, unless already published, contact should be made with
the Chairperson R.M. Patterson, C/- RAOU.
The format of this report is similar to the 1992 Report. The Committee received
favourable comment on the layout of that Report so we will continue with that system.
Again those records not accepted, and those records not confirmed will be listed at the
rear of the Report. Records not confirmed are those where two years at least have elapsed
between the observation and this Report and/or no submission has been received even
though invited by the Secretary. The Committee would welcome further information on
any record not accepted or not confirmed, and is willing to re -open any matter.
The species and names used in this Report conforms with the 1993 Report however fu-
ture reports will follow the new RAOU Recommended Names ( Christidis & Boles 1994.)
Following the name of each species accepted, there will be three figures. The first
is the number of confirmed records for the species in NSW, the second is the number of
confirmed records since 1970 (when the NSWFOC Annual Reports commenced) and the
third figure represents the number recorded in 1993.
Those observers who record the first, second and third records for NSW are en-
couraged to publish details in an appropriate journal.
Some people will feel disappointed at having their records not accepted but at the
same time do understand that it is a worthwhile excercise to have the same standard of
review applied to all records of rare or unusual species. The support of all people in the
review system is appreciated.
Brandis, C.C.P., Chafer, C.J. & L.E.Smith. 1992. Seabirds recorded off Wollongong,
New South Wales 1984-1990. Aust. Birdwatcher 14, 165-179.
Christidies, L & W.F.Boles. 1994. The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and
its Territories. RAOU Monograph. 2.
Clarke, T. 1993. Yellow Wagtail at Kooragang Island. Hunter Bird Obs Club News! 3,93.
130 June 1995Hoskin, E.S. 1991. The Birds ofSydney (County of Cumberland) Sydney: Surrey, Beatty
& Sons.
Marchant S.& Higgins P. Eds. 1990. Handbook ofA ustralasian and New Zealand Birds
Vol 1.. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Morris, A.K. 1993 First Report of the New South Wales Ornithological Records Ap-
praisal Committee December 1992. Aust. Birds 26, 71-83.
Morris, A.K. 1993 Second Report of the New South Wales Ornithological Records Ap-
praisal Committee June 1993. Aust. Birds 26, 121-133
Morris, A.K. 1994. Rare Birds in New South Wales in 1992. Aust. Birds 27, 140-150
I wish to thank C. Chafer, A. Palliser and W. Barden who readily found the time to
review the Report and to provide constructive and helpful comment and criticsm. Credit
goes to all members of the RAC who promptly review each case submitted to them and
who provide very worthwhile comment. Finally I would like to thank the many people
who submitted their records for review by the Committee. Without such support the Com-
mittee could not operate.
Royal Albatross Diomedea epomophora 32,29,1
Case No. 133 details an observation 20 nautical miles east of Wollongong on 20
October 1993 for 10 minutes of a Royal Albatross present with many other albatrosses.
Field notes and photographs taken at the time detailed a large albatross having a flat –
crowned head shape, a pink bill with a dark cutting edge to the upper mandible, a tiny
amount of black Qn the tail, a mottle effect across the back, with the wings being uni-
formly dark above detailing a thin pale edge to the forewing. All previous records are for
the period May -October, the majority for July -August. First confirmed record for NSW
since 1987.
Light -mantled Albatross Phoebetriapalepebrata 11,11,0
Case No. 111 was for a beach -cast dark albatross found alive at Newport Beach on
10 June 1991 but died soon after. The carcase was conveyed to the Australian Museum
where it was registered No. 0.64720. The bird was identified by its light blue coloured
sucri, black bill, dark brown iris, light pink almost whitish legs, soles of the feet were
light grey, and body colour dark brown. Measurements were total length 902 mm, wing
538 mm, tail 302 mm, culmen 113.1 mm and tarsus 85.6, and were all consistent with
those given in HANZAB (Marchant & Higgins 1990). All previous records are for the
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 131period June -October, with only two observations of live birds at sea. The only other
record for Sydney was another beach -cast bird at Mona Vale 12 July 1973 (Hoskin 1992).
Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides 19,17,0
Case No. 119 concerns a petrel seen by 20 observers off Wollongong on 22 Au-
gust 1987 for at least 15 minutes, and possibly as long as 30 minutes as it circled and fed
around the boat, at times within one metre of the vessel. The submission included a pho-
tograph which clearly shows an all white petrel, with the appropriate tube -nosed pink
bill, with a blue/grey nasal tube and dark tip, white underparts, and pale grey wings with
dark tips. The record was reported by Brandis et al 1992, and is consistent with previous
records for the period of June -December.
White -necked Petrel Pterodroma cervicalis 19,19,0
This case No. 113 details an observation 30 n.m. off Wollongong at 1100 hrs on
21 January 1990. The bird was recorded as being a petrel the same size as a Great -winged
Petrel P. macroptera, showing the diagnostic features of a dark bill and cap, a dark “M”
marking across the back and wings, white underwing showing the black line extending
from the carpal joint, and the obvious white neck. The time of the year of observation is
consistent with the period this species is generally recorded (December -April). Although
the description was brief the bird was seen by 20 observers and all felt confident with the
Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta 8,7,0
Case No.33 concerns a petrel seen at sea off Wollongong on 25 February 1990 by
many observers. The bird was photographed and together with field notes made at the
time described a single dark morph Kermadec Petrel with pale white primary shafts con-
spicuous on the upperwing. The under primaries were white basally, bisected by black
fringe to terminal underprimary coverts and the bird appeared to be less bull-headed than
accompanying Great -winged Petrels P. macroptera with thinner longer wings and dove-
like bill. No conspicuous whitish face as seen in P.m. gouldi, and otherwise uniform
relatively dark brown. All previous records are for the period October -June with most
records January -February.
Westland Petrel Procellaria westlandica 8,6,1
Case No. 126 details the finding of a beach -cast carcase on Gillards Beach, Mi-
mosa Rocks National Park, 12 km north of Tathra on 6 January 1993. No measurements
are available but the bird was banded and details were referred to the New Zealand Na-
tional Banding Scheme. They advised that the bird was banded on 22 November 1992 as
a chick at Punakaiki, South Island 42 07’S 171 20’E. All previous records are for the
period November- January.
132 June 1995Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica 7,7,0
Case No. 27 details an observation of 3-4 small dark storm -petrels observed over
the Continental Shelf off Wollongong on 26 November 1989. The birds were with both
Wilson’s Storm -Petrels Oceanites oceanicus and White-faced Storm -Petrels Pelagodroma
marina and were observed over a period of 1-2 hours. Sightings of Black -bellied Storm –
Petrels began at 28 n.m. east of Wollongong and the birds were still present when the
vessel was 24 n.m. east. All the storm -petrels seemed to appear miraculously from no-
where when the tuna oil was dispersed from the boat. The birds were photographed and
the accompanying submission detailed a very accurate description of the dark body, white
underparts and a black stripe down the belly. All previous records have been for the
period September -November with one record in July. Details have been published by
Brandis et al 1992.
Common Diving -Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 23,20,21
Case No. 130 details a single diving -petrel seen on 23 April 1993 at the edge of
the Continental Shelf off Wollongong. The bird was seen in good light, 20m from the
boat for 10-20 seconds by many observers before it dived out of sight. It was described as
being the size of a Wilson’s Storm Petrel, with blackish upperparts and whitish under-
parts. It had very fast direct flight, gliding with wings outstretched in a level position. The
wing beats were very fast when not gliding. The wingspan when gliding appeared to be c.
300 mm. The bird had a short tail and body and flew just above the water.
Case No. 112 concerns two diving -petrels seen alongside a boat on 15 August
1993 off South West Rocks. The birds were observed to dive for food scraps and swim
alongside over a half- hour period. Up to four other birds were in the vicinity. The length
was estimated at 21 cm, the upperparts were shiny black/brown , the wet shine at the time
appearing as a grey sheen over the black, underparts were white. The bill was short, dark
and stocky. The wings were used like penguin flippers when diving. The Committee
considered that while it was very unusual for diving -petrels to take scraps from the back
of the boat, perhaps straying so far north (300 km north of previous record at Port Stephens)
has led to this behaviour. There were other records on the NSW coast at the time of this
observation (still to be reviewed). All previous records are for the period January -Octo-
ber, mostly August.
Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 29,23,1
Case No. 140 details a Brown Booby observed 11 n.m. off Wollongong on 15
November 1990 when it was observed for 5-10 minutes by 16 observers at a distance of
20m. The bird was flying high above the water similar to an Australian Gannet Sula
serrator and did not dive. It was identified by its brown hood, back and wing, which
contrasted with a pale belly. The bill was yellow or straw-coloured indicating a possible
adult female.
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 133Case No. 115 provides an account of a Brown Booby resting on a beach at Boat
Harbour, Kurnell on 26 January 1993. The bird was alert while under observation and
flew off when approached. It was described as typical gannet/booby with breast, head,
neck, back, wings and tail dark brown. The belly was defined from the breast by being
smudgy light brown, not white. The bill was horn coloured with yellowish marks at base
near face feathers, and there was blue bare skin in front of the eye. The legs and feet were
dull yellow. The description is consistent with that of an immature male Brown Booby.
There are two previous records for Brown Boobies for Sydney, viz 6 July 1981 and 26
April 1982 (Hoskin 1992).
Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda 35,25,1
Case No. 134 details an adult Red-tailed Tropicbird that was blown ashore at
Grafton during a storm on 8 December 1993 when it was taken into care and subse-
quently released at Yamba on 10 December 1993. The submission included a colour
photograph that clearly indicated an adult bird, all white, bright red bill and tail stream-
ers, with a small black crescent before the eye and a black line through the eye. All
previous records are for the period November- April with the majority from January –
Garganey Anas querquedula 1,1,1
Case No. 135 details the first record of a Garganey for NSW. The adult male was
present at Market Swamp, Sandgate 4-18 December 1993 and could be found associating
with both Grey Teal Anas gracilis and Chestnut Teal A. castanea. No adequate photo-
graph was taken but the bird was seen by 100s of observers and a detailed description is
available. All adult male features were obvious viz prominant white supercillary stripe
extending backwards from in front of the eye in a sweeping arc to the rear of the head and
down the nape; the checkered brown neck and breast were sharply demarcated from the
underparts, long drooping pale grey scapulars and the finely vermiculated flanks and
underparts. Market Swamp is a permanent wetland, with extensive areas of Cumbungi
Typha australis, Swamp Oak Allocasuarina glauca and scattered Broad -leafed Paperbark
Melaleuca quinquenervia. There are areas of Water Couch and standing dead timber.
The bird has not been seen since.
Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus N/A,30,1
Case No. 123 records the observation of a Red Goshawk in the Burringbar Range
near Murwillumbah on 22 September 1993. The Committee noted that there was a very
short duration time during which the bird was under observation ( 5 seconds), as it flew
over the observer and the description was limited. However the observer did note some
important features including that it was a large raptor, similar in size to Little Eagle
Hieraaetus morphnoides, long -barred tail, black fingered tips to wing, rufous under belly,
and pale underparts.The observer is experienced both with this species and similar spe-
cies in the area and so the record was accepted.
134 June 1995Red -backed Button -quail Turnix maculosa N/A,11,1
Case No. 145 relates to a button -quail found dead in Rotary Park, Lismore on 15
March 1993, possibly killed by a cat as there were a number of wounds to its body. The
bird was photographed and measured viz head/bill 31 mm, wing 71 mm and tarsus 22
mm. The bird had a rufous neck and breast, bold black spots on its wings, yellow legs and
bill and the back of the neck was orange/red. There were black spots on the centre of the
chest and a white throat. Wing coverts were pale buff or straw coloured. The description,
measurements and photographs confirm the bird as an adult female Red -backed Button –
quail. This is the first published record for NSW since 1986 and is within the recorded
range of the species.
Long -toed Stint Calidris subminuta 17,16,1
Case No. 142 details an observation of a Long -toed Stint from 7 August to 9
October 1993, at Fivebough Swamp, Leeton where it was seen by many people. The
bird, the size of a Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis had pale greenish -yellow legs, dark lores,
a clear supercilium, dark ear coverts, pale nape, white throat and underparts. The breast
area was clearly streaked with heavier streaking on the sides. The bill was dark and slightly
decurved and the back was generally brown with individual scapulars being deep brown
with broad buff edges. The reporting observer has now reported this species at Fivebough
Swamp in the spring of six different years.
Buff -breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis 2,2,1
Case No. 120 (RAOU-RAC Case No. 159) refers to an observation at Lake Bathurst
when the bird was seen from 8 January to 27 February 1993. The information provided in
the submission was sufficient in detail to safely eliminate the Ruff (Reeve) Philomachus
pugnax, a bird of superficial similar appearance, thus confirming the identification as an
adult Buff- breasted Sandpiper.
Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum 8,7,1
Case No. 121 refers to a pratincole seen flying with swallows over the Parkes
Sewerage Treatment Ponds at 1700-1730 hrs on 12 April 1993. The bird was not seen to
land but continued to fly its looping flight until departing. The submission described a
brown under- wing with dark trailing edge, forked tail and white rump (diagnostic fea-
tures for the species). The pink base to the bill was seen as well as the dark collar. Most
records are for the period December to May.
Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea 30,28,1
Case No. 132 concerns an Arctic Tern observed 20 n.m. east of Wollongong on 27
June 1993 by 17 observers. The record was accepted by the Committee based on the
amount of translucency showing through the wings and the very narrow dark trailing
edges to the under primaries. Compared to a Common Tern S. hirundo, the bird had a
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 135small head, mid -grey back and upper wings, long tail streamers with dark edging. The
back and upper rump were a mid grey darker than that of a White -fronted Tern S. striata.
This species has been recorded every month of the year with most records for the period
September -January.
Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava 2,2,1
Case No. 127 provides information on a Yellow Wagtail observed at 1130 hrs on
21 February 1993 at Kooragang Island where it was initially perched on a dead man-
grove. The bird was observed to glean amongst the dead twigs and to make short flights
to catch insects. The submission described the bird as having a yellow throat and belly, a
dirty looking chest, white eyebrow, black iris, olive-green crown, cheek and back, and
the tertials were edged buff. The bird was slightly built and had a pipit’s shape and form,
long black legs and a long thin tail with white outer feathers. The bird could not be
subsequently located despite searches by the observer and many other people. The Com-
mittee accepted the record believing that the description was adequate to separate from
any similar species. The only previous record for NSW is for a bird at Bakers Lagoon,
Hawkesbury Marshes April -May 1979 (Clarke 1993).
Oriental Reed -warbler Acrocephalus orientalis 1,1,0
Case No. 122 (RAOU-RAC Case No. 161) relates to an observation of an Oriental
Reed -warbler first head calling in November 1992 by Fred Van Gessell, and subsequently
located by others at Pelican Island, Hastings River, Port Macquarie on 27 December
1992 and again on 2 January 1993. Taped calls and description were obtained and sub-
mitted to the RAOU-RAC who referred them onto the Hong Kong Bird Watching Soci-
ety for verification. The identification was clinched by the taped calls which confirm that
the bird is of the arundinaceus group, and not the Great Reed -warbler A. stentoreus. First
record for NSW and second for Australia.
Banded Honeyeater Certhionyx pectoralis 1,1,1
Case No. 118 concerns an adult Banded Honeyeater observed over several days
commencing 22 February 1993 from a chair on an upper deck of a house at Greenwell
Point while it fed at eye level 3m from the observer in a Red Bottlebrush Callistemon
viminalis. Full description and photographs were provided which detailed a small
honeyeater, Eastern Spinebill Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris size, with a black head to
under the eye, black stripe down neck to back, back and wings black, black tail and a
black band across a white breast, rest of body white. The Committee notes that this is an
amazing record, the first confirmed observation below the Tropic of Capricorn. It is rec-
ognised that this species has a nomadic foraging behaviour in tropical Northern Australia
which may account for its vagrant appearance at Greenwell Point. Some Committee mem-
bers consider that this could be an aviary escapee, but if so, it was held illegally. While
the record is accepted, the Committee has reservations about the origin of the bird and
will review its decision if more information is forthcoming.
Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta Cape Banks 24 October1990 (NOWRAC Case
No 38). NA
Black Petrel Procellaria parkinsonia loff Woollongong 24 February 1990. NC
Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas I off Woollongong 19 January 1992
(NSWORAC Case No 62). NC
Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca at Pitt Town Lagoon 9 October 1993
(NSWORAC Case No. 128, RAOU-RAC Case No. 175). NA
Lesser Crested Tern Sterna bengalensis at Long Reef 31 May 1993 (NSWORAC Case
No. 131).NA
Pheasant -tailed Jacana Hydrophasianus chirurgus 1 at Murwillumbah 17 August 1993.
(NSWORAC Case No. 129). Withdrawn.
Common Name Scientific Name
Fiordland Penguin Eudyptes pachyrhyncus
Royal Albatross Diomedea epomophora
Grey -headed Albatross Diomedea chrysostoma
Sooty Albatross Phoebetria fusca
Light -mantled Sooty Albatross Phoebetria palpebrata
Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides
Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta
Herald Petrel Pterodroma arminjoniana
Tahiti Petrel Pterodroma rostrata
Kerguelen Petrel Pterodroma brevirostris
Mottled Petrel Pterodroma inexpectata
Soft- plumaged Petrel Pterodroma mollis
Cook’s Petrel Pterodroma cooki
Juan Fernandez Petrel Pterodroma cervicalis
Blue Petrel Halobaena caerulea
Broad -billed Prion Pachyptila vittata
Medium -billed Prion Pachyptila salvini
Grey Petrel Procellaria cinerea
Black Petrel Procellaria parkinsoni
Westland Petrel Procellaria westlandica
White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis
Audubon’s Shearwater Pujfinus lherminieri
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 137Pink -footed Shearwater Puffinus creatopus
Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus
Grey -backed Storm -Petrel Oceanites nereis
Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregatta tropica
White -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregatta grallaria
Georgian Diving Petrel Pelecanoides georgicus
Red -footed Booby Sula sula
Masked Booby Sula dactylatra
Black -faced Shag Leucocarbo fuscescens
(apart from South Coast)
Greater Frigatebird Fregata minor
Pied Heron Ardea picata
Great -billed Heron Ardea sumatrana
Cape Barren Goose Cereopsis novaehollandiae
Burdekin Duck Tardorna radjah
Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata
Garganey Anas querquedula
Cotton Pygmy -Goose Nettapus coromandelianus
Green Pygmy -Goose Nettapus pukhellus
Red Goshawk Erythrotroirchis radiatus
Black -breasted Button -quail Turnix melanogaster
Red -backed Button -quail Turnix maculosa
Corncrake Crex Crex
American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica
Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula
Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus
Upland Sandpiper Bartramia longicauda
Redshank Tringa totanus
Asian Dow itcher Limnodromus semipalmatus
Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica
White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fusciollis
Baird’s Sandpiper Calidris bairdff
Western Sandpiper Calidris mauri
Long -toed Stint Calidris subminuta
Cox’s Sandpiper Calidris paramelanotus
Buff- breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis
Red -necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus
Wilson’s Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor
Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum
South Polar Skua Stercorarius maccormicki
Sabine’s Gull Larus sabini
138 June 1995Franklin’s Gull Larus pipixcan
Black Tern Chilidonias niger
Roseate Tern Sterna dougalli
Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana
Fairy Tern Sterna nereis
Common Noddy Anous stolidous
Black Noddy Anous minutus
Grey Noddy Procelsterna albivittata
Torresian Imperial Pigeon Ducula spilorrhoa
Flock Bronzewing Phaps histrionica
(apart from Upper and LowerWestern)
Squatter Pigeon Geophaps scripta
Coxen’s Fig- Parrot Psittaculirostris diophthalma
Night Parrot Geopsittacus occidentalis
Paradise Parrot Psephotus pulcherrimus
Bourke’s Parrot Neophema bourkii
(apart from Upper and Lower Western)
Scarlet -chested Parrot Neophema splendida
White-rumped Swiftlet Collocalia spodiopygia
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava
Yellow -headed Wagtail Motacilla citreola
Song Thrush Turdus philomelos
Pink Robin Petroica rodinogaster
(apart from South Coast and
Southern Tablelands)
Red-lored Whistler Pachycephala rufogularis
(apart from Yathong, Nombinnie,
Round Hill & Pulletop NRs)
Oriental Reed -warbler Acrocephalus orientalis
Thick -billed Grass -wren Amytornis textilus
Banded Whiteface Aphelocephala rufogularis
Black -eared Miner Manorina melanotis
Purple- gaped Honeyeater Lichenostomus cratitius
Banded Honeyeater Certhionyx pectoralis
Yellow -bellied Sunbird Nectorina jugularis
Yellow Chat Ephthianura crocea
Black -throated Finch Peophila cincta
Entries in bold print are on the RAOU RAC Review List for Australia
Australian Birds Vol.28 No.4 139ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA
to Wood, K.A., ‘Drought -related movements of White-browed Woodswallows in New
South Wales’, Australian Birds 28 2.
Last sentence on page 43 should read,
Judging by an absence of reports, there were no other birds in the same area from
at least January 1991 to July 1992.
1982 records: (i) at end ofp age 46 add,
On 3 November, 200+ were seen at Cattai (Bird Report1982) while on 21 Novem-
ber, D. Larkins (1983 and in litt.) saw about 1000 birds at Hoxton Park.
(ii) last sentence should read,
North of Gosford, where moist conditions prevailed between October and De-
cember, flocks of more than 50 birds were reported near Wauchope (100), Pindimar
(50+) and East Maitland (60) (ibid 1982).
1990 records: add,
Seventy five were observed at Winmalee on 30 October (Bird Report 1990).
Table 4, column 4 for 1982 should read,
Many drought -affected areas and some good coastal areas.
Larkins, D. 1983, ‘White-browed Woodswallows and White -winged Trillers as nectar
feeders and pollinators’, Aust Birds 18, 15-16.
140 June 1995Advice to contributors
Manuscripts should be typed with double spacing and wide margins at top and sides, and submitted
initially as an original and two duplicates. Tables and figures must be in the form of reproducable
hard copy, having due regard to the journal page size and format. If extensive re -typing or
drafting is required publication may be delayed or prevented. Photographs should be submitted
as glossy black and white prints of size and contrast suitable for reproduction.
Upon acceptance, it is most helpful if the final manuscripts of substantial articles can be
submitted in word processor format. The editor will advise details of acceptable formats.
Contributions are considered on the understanding that they are not being offered for publication
Authors are advised to consult a current issue of Australian Birds as a guide to style and
punctuation, which conform in general to the Commonwealth Style Manual.
Spelling follows the Macquarie Dictionary. In particular:
dates are written as *1 January 1990′, but may be abbreviated in tables and figures;
the 24 hour clock is used with Eastern Standard Time, e.g.
0630 for 6.30 am and 1830 for 6.30 pm. Daylight Saving time should
be corrected to EST;
printed with a space (not a comma) separating the thousands;
English names of bird species (but not group names) are written with an initial capital
for each separate word.
References to books appear in the form
Marchant, S. & Higgins, P.J.(eds) 1990, Handbook ofA ustralian, New Zealand and Antarctic
Birds, Vol. 1, OUP, Melbourne.
and to journals as
Morris, A.K., Tyler, V., Tyler, M., Mannes, H.& Dalby, J.1990, ‘A waterbird survey of the
Parramatter River wetlands, Sydney’, Aust Birds, 23:3, pp. 44-64.
These are cited in the text as Marchant & Higgins (1990) or (Morris et al. 1990), respectively.Volume 28, No. 4 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS June1995
Morris, A. K
& Burton, A. 1993 New South Wales Annual Bird Report 81
Morris, A. K. NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal Committee …. 129
4th Report.
Wood, K.A. Addenda and Corrigenda 140
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