PDF version available here: Vol. 3 No. 6
Price 25c Fublished by the Gould League Dirdwatchers
vol. 3. No. 6 1st May, 1969.
Patron: ALEC H. CHISHOLM 0.D.E., F.R.Z.S.
Hon. Secretary and Editor: L.COURTNEY HAINES.
1C Loquat Valley Abaci; Dayview.
Observations Committee: K.A. HINDWOOD and A.R. McCILL.
Field -day Organiser: G. DIDLEY
18 Russell Street, Oatley (57-6298)
Art Adviser: E.S. HOSKIN.
Photographic Adviser: NORMAN CHAFFER.
Assistant Secretary: R. COOKE.
In BIRDS(vol.3,NO.5,1969,p37) Michael Sharland discusse8. the
Bird Life supplement issued with the Public Instruction Gazette of
September, 1913, and asks the question; “Was this the first?” The
answer is “No”.
By way of background it may be mentioned that the first Gould
League to be founded was that in Victoria in 1909. A year earlier, in
August 1908, A.J. North, Ornithologist of the AustraJian Museum, Sydrgy
suggested at a meeting of the Linnean Society of N.S.Wales, the forma
tion of “Gould Societies”. He said “That Gould Societies might very
advantageously be inaugurated throughout the State, to take up the
work on the lines so successfully followed by the Audubon Societies cf
the United States; and to bring about the observance of 1Bird days
the schools”.
The idea appealed to Walter Finigan who, in 1910, decided, to form
a League at Wellington (N. s.W..) school. However, in discussing the
matter with a fellow teacher, Edward Webster, it was decided to broaly-
en the scope of the proposed League to include all N.S.Wales schools;
thus bringing about the Gould League of bird Lovers of New South Wales,
The rules of the League were drawn up and published in the Public
Instruction Gazette (vo1.5,1911). It was with this volume that the
FIRST Gould League or “Bird Life” supplement was issued on Septembe:BIRDS -44- Mayl, 1969.
30,19111 -two years before the one noted by Mr. Sharland. It comprised
20 pages of text, 15 half -tone illustrations and two colour -plates,
each of two species of birds, from a series then currently running in
the Agricultural Gazette of N.S.Wales under the title “Insectivorous
Birds”. In the same volume, but distinct from the separately paged
Supplement, were articles by J.A. Leach, S.A. Hansoombe, A.G.
Hamilton, Amy E. Madk, Launoelot Harrison, Walter Finigan and others
whose names are well known in the sphere of natural history.
Supplements similar to the above were issued annually until 1921
in what was by then known as the Education Gazette, the name having
been changed from Public Instruction Gazette in 1915 (vol.9). Thus,
in all, 11 Supplements, each separately paged, were issued between
1911 and 1921. The work, of J.S.P. Ramsay, a pioneer in bird photo-
graphy in Australia, is well represented in several of the Supple-
ments, and in tao of them (1919 and 1920) appear colour -plates from
paintings by Neville W. Oayley. It is. worthy .of note that Mr. Ramsay
is still actively interested in birds and in natural history genera-
No Supplementswere issued after 1921 but articles and photo-
graphs dealing with bird life and, also, information about Bird Day
and the activities of the League, are to be found in subsequent
volumes of the Education Gazette.
The somewhat mare comprehensive Gould League Notes, a separate
publication first issued by the League in 1935 and continued until
1968, may be considered as being a logical outcome of the earlier
Gould League Supplements of the period 1911-1921.
Mush, interesting information about the history- of the Gould
League and its activities and influence may be had from a perusal of
the Public Instruction/Education Gazette from vol.1(1905) to vol.29
(1935). It would then be apparent just how much we are indebited to
the many enthusiastic naturalists whose dedication in those early
years helped to place the League on such a sure foundation. K.A.
HindWoodr Lindfield,
Attendance: 22. No. of Species recorded: 39.
Fond memories of January 22, 1967 were revived by survivors of
the Warwick Farm outing when two years later, remnants of that party
gathered to do battle with weather and the birds at Waterfall.BIRDS May 1969
The morning started out fine, With prospects of birds being
plentiful. The heat. at the commencement dampened a few spirits, only
six species being recorded. Az the vegetatiOn changed, so did the
bird – life and good views were Obtained of a variety of charming
maok-faced Flycatchers proved plentiful and their calls could
be heard throughout the final half of the walk. Small numbers of White
Cockatoos screeched overhead as they flew from large gums, Brown
Thornbills and Brown Warblers called fairly fregYentlY from beside
the track, an immature Sacred Kingfisher had been found with a broken
wing earlierin the day.
To close the day offla quick view was taken of:a .Bower of the
Satin Bowerbird and a visit was made to the rainforest at the Upper
Causeway. The area produced Sittellas, Large -billed Scrub -wrens, one
Dollar -bird, two Azure Kingfishers, Green Catbird, a Lyrebird called
and Spina –tailed Swifts.
While being too hot to really enjoy the day, one must admit that
the variety of birds out on such a day was excellent and that the
park is a truly worthwhile area for birding. Cur appreciation is once
again directed to the Dibleys for showing us the birds and environ-
ments of this wonderful area.
Field- day to Mt. Tomah and Mt. Wilsont2th Feb., 1969.
The field trip was led by Peter Roberts and we met at Mt. Tomah
at 10.30 a.m. on a day that was very wet.
On the way to the Mountains we observed 15 Banded Plover on the
Richmond Base and at North Richmond, Fairy Martins were
seen resting under the eaves of the old Church. A pair of Red -capped
Dotterels, Little Grebe and Chestnut -breasted Finches were of interest
in a nearby swamp.
Arriving at Mt. Tomah we were greeted by eight oar loads of
enthusiastic bird -watchers. Interesting birds in the surrounding rain-
forest were, White -throated Tree -creeper; Flame Robin; Brown Warbler;
Black- faced Flycatcher; Brown Thornbill and Rufous and Grey Fantallsc,
Nests of the Yellow throated Scrub -wren and Brown Warbler were found
and some members also saw a Wonga Pigeon.
At Mt. Wilson the Yellow and Flame Robins were recorded and also
the Gang -gang Cockatoo. During the afternoon, .Cmscent Honeyeaters,
Large -billed and White -brewed ScrubWrens were “Obacirved and the Lyre
bird was heard ()ailing.RDS 1
-46- May 1969.
On the way home, the Eastern Whipbird was added to our list.
A total of 44. birds was recorded for the day and Peter Robert’s
knowledge of the area made the trip all the more interesting.
Hornsby. N.S.W.
Field- Day to QIIPorav Bay. 15th March, _1961…
On the morning of Saturday, March 15, some 30,40 Members
gathered near Quibray Bay tc spend the day visiting the bird areas
of Kurnell Peninsula under the expert guidance of Mr. McGill.
It turned out to be good weather for bird- watching; dull and
calm with the rain holding off, save for a few spots at the beginning.
The outing was off to an excellent start when two Kelp Gulls
flew over the meeting -place. Then, on the Quibray Bay mud- flats, a
couple of Large Sand -dotterels were seen, one bird in advanced breed-
ing plumage making a most handsome sight. The party also had a good
opportunity in this area, to compare the large Sand -dotterels with
a number of Mongolian Dotterels also in breeding plumage. Other
interesting sightings on the mud- flats included Tattlers, Curlews,
Little Terns, Royal Spoonbills, a Musk Duck and a Mangrove Heron
which stayed for a. while on an exposed oyster -bed before flying off.
A freshwater swamp near the oil refinery was visited next. High-
lights here were a breeding oolony of Little Pied Cormorants and a
Glossy Ibis which offered some members a marvellous close -up -view
before moving out for all to see. The party then moved on to Boat
Harbour where a Sanderling and a striking Golden Plover in full
breeding plumage were seen. Also observed, was one Double -banded
Dotterel, numbers of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters, Common Terns, Reef
Herons and a Tree Martin. A rather old surf- washed Wandering
Albatross made an interesting find behind the reef,.
Our sincere thanks to Mr. McGill for a most enjoyable and in-
formative day in which 44 species were recorded, including 11
species of waders.
Longueville, N.S.W.
Warwick Farm Field -day. 20th Apx.A4,t9.0.
A very beautiful autumn day with plenty of sunshine. The partyBIRDS -47- May 1, 1969
of bird watchers consisted of 20 Members and they were admirably led
by Athol Colemane.
The morning was spent near the Warwick Farm raoe track in woodland
on the banks of the George’s River.
Birds were exceptionally tame and the most abundant species app-
eared to be the Grey Fantail. Observations were made of the Nankeen
Kestrel, Black -shouldered Kite, Brown Goshawk, Eastern Shriketit,
Mistletoe -bird, Rufous Fantail and a Boobook Owl, which was wonder-
fully camouflaged in a small gum tree.
During the afternoon we visited Horseshoe Lagoon where Chestnut
Teal, Little Falcon, Swamp Harrier, Orangewinged Sittella and Red –
tipped Pardalote were observed.
Altogether, 48 species of birds were recorded for the day.
An Interestins Sittella Observation
Those who persevered after lunch with the Dibleyts Outing to Royal
National Park on 18th. Jan., an exceptionally hot day, were rewarded
by an unusual sighting.
In the rain forest near the Upper Causeway, we observed a party
of five Orange -winged Sittellas and with them was one with a white
head. This bird stood out from the rest as a light coloured bird.. The
white rump was more conspicuous than that of the other Sittellas. The
head and neck were white with very faint greyish streaks; the under-
part was greyish- white with darker streaks. Excellent views were had
of this bird by most of the party.
My wife and I were extremely puzzled. We had become familiar with
the White –headed, Sittella at Murphy’s Creek .and Inveramsay on the
R.A.O.U. outing to Toowoomba, Queensland in 1966; however, the southern
limit of the White -headed species is recorded as Northern-N.3:W.:
Museum study -skins of both the Orange -winged Sittella andllhite-
headed. Sittella were examined at the next bird meeting and the latter
species closely resembled the Bird we saw.
On a subsequent visit to the same area in more temperate weather,
no Sittellas were seen.
44-8- May 1, 1969.
On 1st. March, 1969, three Turquoise Parrots were observed (by.
cur Riverstone Flora ec,FaUna group) feeding on the grass seeds at
Blue Gum Creek, Annangrove near Dural.
West Pymble,
It is with sad regret that I reoord the death of our Member,
Mrs. I.C.dp Meyriok of Bundanoon, N.S.W. on October, 3rd., 1968.
In the Jan. Feb. 1969 issue of “BIRDS”, official publication of
the “Royal Society for the Protection of Birds”, England, appeared
the following interesting note.-
“Lambeth Gonferenoe Resolution. The Lambeth Conference passed
a resolution urging all Christians, in obedienoe to the doctrine
of creation, to take R33 possible action to ensure man’s
responsible stewardship over nature, in particular in his re-
lationship with animals, and with regard to the conservation of
soil, and in the prevention of the pollution of the sir, soil a
and ocean.”
The Club thats on the GO.
MEMBERSHIP FEES: Full )1.50; Junior. $1.00; Family U.00.
Address: LETTERS
EQztaud. PLEASEBIRDS May, 1 1969. HOE YOU CHANGED YOUR ADDRESS? If the Club does not have your correct mailing address would you please complete this form, as Addressagraph process is about to come into use, and return to:- Mr. R. COOKE, Assistant Secretary, Gould League Bird – watchers, 111 Maroubra Road, MAROUBRA, N.S.W. 2035. NAM. (Please Print) OLD ADDRESS Postcode. NEW _DDRESS. Postcode FIELD DAYS. Saturday May 17, 9 a.m. Bird Banding with H. Battam. Drive along Prince’s Highway and at top of Bulli Pass, take Mt. Ousley Road to first Picton turn off. At the Mt. Keira Junction turn right and proceed 3 miles (towards Picton) to meeting place. June 22, 10 a.m. Elouera Bushland Reserve. S11114:37, Leader. Dr. Mason. Meet in The Esplanade on west side of Thornleigh Railway Station. Field Daprogramme Outline, July to December 1,20.
Sunday, July 20th. Heathland Survey No.1 Winter, Heathcote.
Saturday, Aug. 16th. Windsor District.
Saturday, Sept. 20th. Dharug National Park.
Sunday, Oct. 19th. Plumpton, Shale Area.
Saturday, Nov. 22nd. Bulli Natural Park.
Sunday, Dec. 7th. Heathland Survey No.2 Summer, Heathcote.