Vol. 30 No. 1-text

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Journal of the
Volume 30 No.1 November 1996NSW FIELD ORNITHOLOGISTS CLUB Inc
The object of the Club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and the
habitats they occupy.
President Elisabeth Karplus
Vice -President Stuart Fairbairn
Secretary Penny Drake -Brockman
Treasurer Cindy Ryan
Annual subscription rates (due 1 October each year):
Adult Member $35
Junior Member $20
All members receive a bi-monthly Newsletter and the journal Australian Birds,
and are entitled to attend the Club’s regular monthly meetings and field excursions.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
PO Box Q277, QVB PO, NSW 1230
Original articles and short notes on birds are invited for Australian Birds,especially
those relating to field observations in New South Wales. Line drawings and good
quality photographs are welcome. Please refer to Advice to Contributors, inside back
Editor Peter Roberts
Production Stuart Fairbairn
Cover Photo Front: Wandering Tattler, Windang Island.
Photo: Ron Imisides.
Back: Caspian Plover, Woronora.
Photo: Tony Palliser.
Please address manuscripts to the Editor at:
33 Carlyle Rd LINDFIELD, 2070
Printed by The Village Scribe, 56 Thompson Street, Drummoyne 2047AlISPIOLIAN
Volume 30 No.1 November 1996
1 Wombat Street, BERKELEY VALE 2261
The fifth report of the NSW ORAC details 36 submissions considered by the
Committee. Together with the 129 cases dealt with previously (Morris 1993a, 1993b,
1994 & 1995) this brings to 165 the total number of cases resolved. Of the 165 cases
considered, 100 were accepted, 45 not accepted and 20 not confirmed. Not all of the
1994 submissions have been resolved as records of Royal Albatross, Black Petrel, Streaked
Shearwater, Common Diving Petrel, Grey -backed Storm -Petrel, Red -necked Phalarope
and Australian Raven are still to be considered due to late arrival of the submissions or
other reasons. As at the 31st March 1996, 210 submissions have been received.
The objective of the Committee is to provide an informed, discerning and
impartial appraisal of claimed records of birds rare in NSW and Lord Howe Island. The
list of species on the Review List remains the same as does the membership of the
Committee for 1995 viz R. Cooper (Chairman), A. Morris (Secretary), W. Barden, C.
Chafer, D. Hobcroft, I. McAllan, A. Palliser and R. Turner.
The Review List, as published previously (Morris 1995) remains unaltered for
1994 however the Committee decided to delete from January 1996 the following species:
White -necked Petrel, Streaked Shearwater, Common Diving Petrel, Red-tailed Tropic –
bird and Brown Booby. All of which have been recorded annually in the past ten years
Australian Birds Vol.30 No.1
1and often there has been more than one record per annum. In addition from January
1997 Common Noddy and Arctic Tern will be deleted from the Review List.
The Committee continued to work closely with the Royal Australasian
Ornithologists Union’s Records Appraisal Committee (RAOU RAC) and submissions
relating to any species on their Review List are referred direct to that organisation. I
would like to place on record my appreciation of their co-operation and assistance in
matters relating to rare birds. Only one determination by the RAOU-RAC is mentioned
briefly in this report, as full details are provided in Patterson (1996).
The quality of submissions continues to improve which is indeed encouraging.
Many of the difficulties faced by the Committee from submissions result from very brief
notes taken from memory. It is reiterated that the recording of rarities such as those on the
Review List will require as a minimum one or more of the following:
Field notes as comprehensive as possible;
Photographs and or tape recordings;
Reports from multiple observers; and/or
The completion of a RAC record form.
A full report of each decision of the NSW ORAC is available from the Secretary,
and for RAOU RAC decisions, unless already published, contact should be made with
the Chairperson R.M. Patterson, C/- RAOU, 21 Gladstone Street, Moonee Ponds Vic
3021 for details.
The current format of this report is similar to the 1992 Report. Again those records
not accepted, and those records not confirmed will be listed at the rear of the Report.
Records not confirmed are those where two years or more have elapsed without a
submission even though invited by the Secretary. The Committee would welcome further
information on any record not accepted or not confirmed, and be willing to re -open if
data was additional to that already available.
Following the name of each species accepted, there will be three numerals. The
first is the number of confirmed records for the species in NSW, the second is the number
of confirmed records since 1970 (when the NSWFOC Annual Reports commenced) and
the third represents the number recorded in 1994. English and scientific names mentioned
in the text are in accordance with Christidis & Boles (1994).
Those observers who record the first, second and third records for NSW are
encouraged to publish details in an appropriate journal.
2 November 1996Some people will feel disappointed at having their records not accepted but at the
same time do understand that it is a worthwhile exercise to have the same standard of
review applied to all records of rare or unusual species. The support of all people in the
review system is appreciated.
Brandis, C.C.P., Chafer, C.J. & L.E.Smith. 1992, “Seabirds recorded off Wollongong,
New South Wales 1984-1990″, Aust. Birdwatcher 14, 165-179.
Christidis L. & Boles, W.E. 1994, The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and
its Territories, RAOU Monograpoh 2, Melbourne.
Clancy, G.P. 1994, “A Great Bowerbird at Iluka”, Aust. Birds 27, 152.
Hoskin, E.S. 1991, The Birds of Sydney (County of Cumberland), Surrey, Beatty &
Sons, Sydney.
Jones, B. 1995, “Breeding Birds at Wallagoot Lake”, Aust. Birds 29, 10-12.
Lane, S.G. 1994, “A Sunbird at Coffs Harbour”, Aust. Birds 27, 85.
Marchant S.& Higgins P. (Eds.) 1990, Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and
Antarctic Birds Vol 1., Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Morris, A.K. 1993a, “First Report of the New South Wales Ornithological Records
Appraisal Committee December 1992″, Aust. Birds 26, 71-83.
Morris, A.K. 1993b, “Second Report of the New South Wales Ornithological Records
Appraisal Committee June 1993″, Aust. Birds 26, 121-133.
Morris, A.K. 1994, “Rare Birds in New South Wales in 1992”, Aust. Birds 27, 140-150.
Morris, A.K. 1995, “Rare Birds in New South Wales in 1993”, Aust. Birds 28, 129-139.
Morris, A.K. & Burton A. 1995, “1993 New South Wales Annual Bird Report”, Aust.
Birds 28, 81-128.
Morris, A.K. & Burton, A. 1996, “1994 New South Wales Annual Bird Report”, Aust.
Birds 29.
Patterson, R.J. 1996. “RAOU Records Appraisal Committee: Opinions and Case
Summaries 1992-1995″, RAOU Report No. 101.
Australian Birds Vol.30 No.1 3ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
I wish to thank the RAC members who readily found the time to review the Report and to
provide constructive and helpful comment and criticism. Credit goes to all members of
the RAC who promptly review each case submitted to them and who provide very
worthwhile comment. Finally I would like to thank the many people who submitted their
records for review by the Committee. Without such support the Committee could not
Fiordland Penguin Eudyptes pachyrhynchus 2,1,1
Case No. 159 relates to a penguin beachcast between South head, Moruya and Congo
Point on October 1994 and rescued by an unidentified holiday visitor who took the bird
to Mogo Zoo. It was inspected on 13 October 1994 by M.A. Crowley and S. Marchant
who identified the bird as a Fiordland Penguin. The bird improved abd was sent to Taronga
Zoo where it still remains and in company with one recently found in South Australia. A
photograph which clearly shows all the salient features was published in the Sydney
Morning Herald of 14/1/95. This is only the third confirmed record for NSW.
Common Diving -Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 25,22,0.
Case No. 187 details a diving -petrel observed 25 nautical miles east of Wollongong on 27
June 1993, during a big southerly swell but in clear conditions. The boat was moving
south along the Continental Shelf when the bird was seen at a distance of 20m and in
view for about one minute. Described as dark grey/black above, white below, dark head
to below the eye. Short body, with small rounded wings which beat rapidly, flying straight
and level. During the next 30 minutes at least four others were observed, some more than
once, flying south though they were difficult to follow in the large swell.
Case No. 176 relates to a Common Diving -Petrel found beachcast at Long Reef on 3 July

  1. The submission included a colour photgraph plus the Australian Museum’s data
    sheet No.0.64875. At the time this specimen was found a number of other Common
    Diving Petrels and specimens were observed and or found off the NSW coast (see Morris
    & Burton 1995). Measurements included weight 98 gm, total length 222 mm, wingspan
    440 mm, wing 128 mm, tail 45 mm, tarsus 26.8 mm, and total head length 52.0 mm These
    measurements conform with the Australian nominate race of the Common Diving Petrel
    (HANZAB 1990). All previous records are for the period January -October, mostly August.
    November 1996
    4White -necked Petrel Pterodroma cervicalis 21,21,1
    Case No. 137 details a White -necked Petrel seen 28 n.m. east of Wollongong on 28
    February 1993 by 30 observers for a 30 second period. A reasonable description was
    obtained but unfortunately no photograph was taken. This bird was estimated to be the
    same size as a Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinusp acificus and was observed at a distance
    of 40m and flying and arcing about 10m above the water. The black cap covering the
    eyes, the white lores and the white colllar were easily seen, the back was dark grey with
    the “M” mark clearly visible and the white underwing showed the black markings near
    the carpal joint.
    Case No. 125 details two medium-sized petrels seen 22 n.m. offshore off Wollongong in
    fine clear conditions on 23 January 1994, another bird was seen later the same day 8 n.m.
    offshore. One of the birds was photographed and video taped, as well as a full description
    being provided with the submission. The photographs show all the salient features of a
    White -necked Petrel, especially the broad white collar, the black cap that reaches to eye
    level and a black bill, the white underbody and underwings were white apart from a black
    tip and trailing edge and a thin black diagonal line across the secondary coverts towards
    but not reaching the axillaries. These features separate it from the similar Juan Fernadez
    Petrel P. externa. The time of the year for both observations is consistent with the known
    December -April occurrence.
    Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta 9,8,1
    Case No. 158 details an all dark brown petrel seen 20 n.m. SE of Wollongong on 24 July
    1994 for 30 seconds at a distance of 25 metres, when it flew parallel to and in the same
    direction as the boat after approaching from the stern. The bird did not stop to feed but
    allowed all of the 20 or so people on the boat good views. The bird flew straight, not
    arcing as is usual with petrels. It was similar in size and looks to a Providence Petrel P.
    solanderi, but lacked the silvery grey back of that petrel and the white facial marks. It was
    identified as a dark morph Kermadec Petrel by its even all dark plumage across the upper
    body and wings, except for the prominent white primary shafts. The underwing was
    again an even dark brown except for the primary wing flash. The head was noticably
    smaller than the accompanying Great -winged and Providence petrels. The crown and
    cheeks were dark brown but the lores, chin and throat were paler mid -brown and defmitely
    not white. All previous records are for the period October -June
    White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctalis 17,15,1
    Case No. 154 describes a White -chinned Petrel seen off Wollongong on 25 September
    1994 for fiveminutes by many observers and was photographed. The photographed
    confirmed a pale horn -coloured bill without a dark tip (so ruling out Black Petrel P.
    parkinsonii and Westland Petrel P. westlandica). The plumage was all dark with a silvery
    Australian Birds Vol.30 No.1 5sheen to the underwing but there was no white chin; and the size was larger than a Wedge-
    tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus and any Pterodroma type Petrel. The record is
    consistent with previous observations made between June -February.
    Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas 18,18,1
    Case No. 190 details a Streaked Shearwater seen 15 n.m. off Wollongong on 28 March
    1993 for a five minute period during fine conditions. Detailed notes and sketches taken at
    the time of observation were provided. Flight similar to a Wedge-tailed Shearwater, the
    bird showed an extensive amount of white on the forehead with very little streaking.
    There was extensive black bordering on the underwing, dark undertail coverts and white
    underparts. The wing was strongly kinked forward at the carpal joint. The extent of white
    on the head rules out any possiblity of other species including a pale morph Wedge-tailed
    Case No. 138 details a Streaked Shearwater seen 20 n.m. east of Wollongong on 27
    February 1994. The bird was seen, photographed and sketched at a dsitance of 50m from
    the boat. The submission detailed the pale bill with dark tip, flesh -coloured feet, white
    face, cheeks and underparts, streaked cap, dark back and tail, and underwing pattern of
    dark bands on white, across the middle of the primaries and secondaries. These two records
    are consistent with known occurrence of September -March.
    Light -mantled Albatross Phoebetria palpebrata 12,12,1
    Case No. 148 details a dark albatross filmed by the Channel 9 “A Current Affair” TV
    crew off Wollongong on 28 September 1994. The film was viewed by the Committee and
    it was noted that there was an extensive pale mantle on the neck of this dark brown –
    coloured albatross. From the information provided in the submission, including a
    description of the blue sulci, it was clear that it was a Light -mantled Sooty Albatross.
    This observation is only the 4th occasion that this species has been seen alive at sea in
    NSW. All previous records have been for the period June -October.
    Grey -backed Storm -Petrel Garrodia nereis 6,5,1
    Case No. 147 details a storm -petrel seen off Wollongong on 24 July 1994 in sunny
    conditions and choppy seas. The bird was observed for a short period by four observers,
    and described as being small, more dainty that a Wilsons’ s Storm -Petrel Oceanites
    oceanicus which was present. The distinguishing characteristics observed were the grey
    dorsal plumage from the tail to back and mantle, the complete dark grey head, neck and
    upperbreast, white underparts. The record is consistent with previous observations from
    March -October.
    November 1996
    6Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 30,24,0
    Case No. 153 concerns two dark plumaged boobies observed flying, diving and sitting on
    the water with many Australian Gannets Sula serrator on July 1993 at Seal Rocks. The
    birds were identified as Brown Boobies by their brown heads and throats, terminating in
    a sharp line across the belly, with white underparts; and in flight by the prominent white
    belly and white centres of the underwings, contrasting with broad dark edgings. There is
    one previous record for July, most other records are for the summer period.
    Red -footed Booby Sula sula 2,2,1
    Case No. 136 details a Red -footed Booby found on a beach near Port Kembla on 3 January
  2. The bird was taken into care but it died four days later. Before it died, it was
    photographed and video taped and a full description taken. The bird appears to be an
    intermediate morph, with the diagnostic dull red feet. The bill was a pale lilac -pink with
    blue skin surrounding the eyes and above the bill, and to the upper centre of the lower
    mandibile. The iris was brown with a lighter brown outer ring. The head was light brown
    extending to the centre of the back, the underparts being a very light brown from chin to
    vent, the wings were brown above and paler below with no pattern, tail brown, back
    brown with light scalloping and the feathers very worn. The colours of the bill are different
    as to the description reported in HANZAB and other field guides in that no bird of this
    species is illustrated with a lilac -pink bill, rather than a blue bill. This is the second State
    record and its location at Port Kembla suggests a possibility of ship assistance.
    Red -backed Button -quail Turnix maculosa N/A,13,1
    Case No. 188 details two small button -quail seen on the Cunglebung Fire Trail, Nymboida
    National Park on 6 March 1993 by two observers. Both birds were seen at a distance of 4-
    5 metres. One bird had a bright red upper- back; the other duller red. Legs were obviously
    yellow, and both birds had a distinct buff breast. The habitat was a dry open forest with a
    grassy understorey. The location was well inland for this species.
    Case No. 168 records two button -quail seen in wet heath near Jerusalem Creek, Bundjalung
    National Park on 16 September 1994. These button -quail had yellow feet and eyes, red
    backs and necks, otherwise dullish plumage and lacked the fine white speckles of the
    Painted Button -quail T varia which were seen nearby for comparison. These two records
    are within the known range for NSW.
    American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica 1,1,1.
    Case No. 173 related to an observation of an American Golden Plover at Byron Bay on 8
    November 1984. The submission accompanying the report included a detailed descrition
    and colour transparency and supplementary field notes of a subsequent sighting by two
    other observers. The record was accepted unanimously by the RAOU-RAC, full details
    available in Patterson 1996.
    Australian Birds Vol.30 No.1 7Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus 23,15,2
    Case No. 150 related to an observation of two Oriental Plovers which stayed for eight
    days commencing October 1994 on a playing field at Woronora Heights where they
    were seen by many observers. The salient features of the species were apparent from the
    dark tail with white sides, the brown underwing without wingbar, the overall plain
    colouration, long yellow legs and obvious facial markings. The pale edging on the scapulars
    points towards being juveniles entering their first winter plumage.
    Case No. 160 details an observation of an Oriental Plover at Station Creek Beach, Yuraygir
    National Park on 18 October 1994, the submission included colour photographs of the
    bird. This bird was similar in size to a Large Sand Plover C. leschenaultii but with with
    long yellowish legs, bill blackish or very dark, brownish upperparts, belly pure white,
    head reddish -brown, the face whitish but with a dark patch behind the eyes. A partial
    (indistinct) breast band was noted and the hind crown down to the back appeared rufous
    brown. There was no pale wing bar or obvious white near the tail thus ruling out the
    Caspian Plover C. caspia. These two records are consistent with known distribution.
    Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea 31,29,1
    Case No. 151 details two Arctic Terns observed 3km north of Evans Head on 7 October
    1994 by two observers during overcast and light rainy conditions. The birds were observed
    over a period of an hour at a distance of 12m. The birds were in breeding plumage, and
    both Common Terns S. hirundo and Whiskered Terns Chlidonias hybridus were present
    for comparison. The shorter red legs, entire red bill and other features were noted. The
    record is consistent with the fact that most observations occur from September to July.
    Fairy Tern S. nereis 4,4,1
    Case No. 161 details an account of two pairs of Fairy Terns breeding at Wallagoot Lake,
    Bournda National Park from 14 December 1994 to 9 February 1995. The submission
    included coloured photographs which clearly showed adult breeding birds tending chicks.
    The birds showed all the features of a Fairy Tern viz whitish upperparts, yellowish bill
    with no black tip, neat black cap without any black in front of the eyes. Breeding Little
    Terns S. albifrons, with slightly different laying dates were available for comparison.
    Details have been published see Jones 1995.
    Bridled Tern S. anaethetus 1,1,1
    Case No. 157 details the observaion of a small tern 18 n.m. east of Wollongong on 27
    November 1994. The bird was observed in slighlty overcast conditions, with light north-
    east winds and a slight swell by 23 observers. The bird was first noticed roosting on a
    large piece of plastic, c 450mm in length that was floating on the surface of the water.
    The boat approached the bird slowly and the bird was facing directly towards the observers
    November 1996
    8and then sideays at a distance of 30m. The bird was watched for five minutes before
    taking off and flying away. The bird, identified as a Bridled Tern, was distinguished
    from a Sooty Tern S. fuscata by its clear white eyebrow, which extended from the front to
    behind the eye, slimmer appearance and noticeably lighter back and wings. This is the
    first record for NSW, and a full description is published on page 23.
    Black Noddy Anous minutus 21,20,2
    Case No. 124 concerns a dark tern observed on Lighthouse Beach, Port Macquarie on 26
    January 1994 in fine weather. The tern was seen on four occasions throughout the day at
    a distance of less than two metres, as the bird was very exhausted. The colour of the bird
    was dark slate grey to almost black without any brown at all; white cap, well marked
    above the eye and gradually becoming less white and more grey towards the side of the
    cap and the nape. The description of the cap and lack of any brown eliminates the Common
    Noddy A. stolidus and the Lesser Noddy A. tenuirostris.
    Case No. 155 details a small dark tern that flew in from the sea and landed on rocks at
    Iluka on 4 December 1994. The bird was observed for two minutes at a distance of ten
    metres and identified as a Black Noddy. It was described as a slender, very dark almost
    black bird with a distinct white cap, neatly cut off from the rest of the bird by sharp black
    lores. The cap shaded to grey down the back of the neck. There was a well defined white
    arc on the bottom half of the bird’s eyes. The bill was noticably long, slender and black in
    colour, feet black. It was noted to be smaller, darker than a Common Noddy, lacking the
    brownish tinge to the feathering and having a finer and longer bill. All previous records
    are for the period July -May, with the majority of the records December- March; the most
    southern occurrence being Long Reef in 1969.
    Common Diving -Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 1 off Wollongong 28 November 1993
    (Morris & Burton 1995). NC.
    Kerguelen Petrel Lugensa brevirostris 1 off Wollongong 3 August 1994 (Morris &
    Burton 1996). NSW ORAC Case No. 156, NA.
    White -necked Petrel Pterodroma cervicalis 1 off Wollongong 22 January 1989
    Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas off Wollongong 28 February (Morris
    & Burton 1995). NC.
    Royal Albatross Diomedea epomophora 1 off Wollongong Light -house 16 July 1994
    (Morris & Burton 1996). NSW ORAC Case No. 184, NA.
    Grey -headed Albatross Diomedea chrysostoma 1 off Wollongong Light- house 16
    Australian Birds Vol.30 No.1 9July 1994 (Morris & Burton 1996). NSW ORAC Case No. 185, NA.
    Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 1 Richmond River 11 April 1993 (Morris & Burton
    1995). NC.
    Black- breasted Buzzard Hamirostra melanosternom between Hay-Narrandera 13
    June 1994 (Morris & Burton 1996). NSW ORAC Case No.144, NA.
    American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica Sandon River 14 November 1994,
    record withdrawn. NSW ORAC Case No. 174, NC.
    Black- headed Gull Larus ridibundus Recorded in error for another species off
    Wollongong on 13 August 1994 (Baker et al 1995). NC.
    Black Noddy Anous minutus at Pittwater 22 March 1994 (Morris & Burton 1996).
    NSW ORAC Case No. 139, NA.
    Double- eyed Fig -Parrot Cyclopsitta diopthalma Huonbrook 16 April 1992 (Morris
    & Burton 1994) & Cambridge Plateau, Richmond Range SF 29 January 1994
    (Morris & Burton 1996). NSW ORAC Cases No. 141 & 146, both NA.
    Grey -fronted Honeyeater Lichenostomus plumulus Glen Davis 24 April 1994
    (Morris & Burton 1996). NSW ORAC Case No.143, NA.
    Great Bowerbird Chlamydera nuchalis Iluka September 1991 (Clancy 1994).
    Considered by the Committee to be an escapee. NC.
    Yellow -bellied Sunbird Nectarinia jugularis in garden Coffs Harbour 30 September
    1993 (Lane 1994). NC.
    Metallic Starling Aplonis metallica Bowraville 4 March 1994 & 2 on 28 August
    1994, (Morris & Burton 1996), NSW ORAC Case Nos. 193 & 194. Considered by
    the committee to be escapees. NA.
    REVIEW LIST 1996
    Common Name Scientific Name
    Cape Barren Goose Cereopsis novaehollandiae
    Radjah Shelduck Tadorna radjah
    Cotton Pygmy -Goose Nettapus coromandelianus
    Green Pygmy -Goose Nettapus pukhellus
    Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata
    Garganey Anas querquedula
    Fiordland Penguin Eudyptes pachyrhyncus
    South Georgian Diving -Petrel Pelecanoides georgicus
    Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides
    Kerguelen Petrel Lugensa brevirostris
    Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata
    Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta
    Herald Petrel Pterodroma arminjoniana
    Mottled Petrel Pterodroma inexpectata
    Soft -plumaged Petrel Pterodroma mollis
    Cook’s Petrel Pterodroma cooki
    10 November 1996Juan Fernandez Petrel Pterodroma cervicalis
    Blue Petrel Halobaena caerulea
    Broad -billed Prion Pachyptila vittata
    Salvin’s Prion Pachyptila salvini
    White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis
    Westland Petrel Procellaria westlandica
    Black Petrel Procellaria parkinsoni
    Grey Petrel Procellaria cinerea
    Pink -footed Shearwater Puffinus creatopus
    Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus
    Audubon’s Shearwater Puffinus lherminieri
    Royal Albatross Diomedea epomophora
    Grey -headed Albatross Diomedea cluysostoma
    Sooty Albatross Phoebetria fusca
    Light -mantled Sooty Albatross Phoebetria palpebrata
    Grey -backed Storm -Petrel Oceanites nereis
    Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregatta tropica
    White -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregatta grallaria
    Masked Booby Sula dactylatra
    Red -footed Booby Sula sula
    Black -faced Cormorant Leucocarbo fuscescens
    (apart from South Coast)
    Great Frigatebird Fregata minor
    Pied Heron Ardea picata
    Great -billed Heron Ardea sumatrana
    Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus
    Red -backed Button -quail Turnix maculosa
    Black -breasted Button -quail Turnix melanogaster
    Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica
    Upland Sandpiper Bartramia longicauda
    Common Redshank Tringa totanus
    Asian Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus
    Western Sandpiper Calidris mauri
    Long -toed Stint Calidris subminuta
    White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fusciollis
    Baird’s Sandpiper Calidris bairdii
    Buff- breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis
    Wilson’s Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor
    Red -necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus
    American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica
    Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula
    Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus
    Australian Birds Vol.30 No.1
    11Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum
    South Polar Skua Stercorarius maccormicki
    Franklin’s Gull Larus pipixcan
    Sabine’s Gull Larus sabini
    Roseate Tern Sterna dougalli
    Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus
    Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana
    Fairy Tern Sterna nereis
    Black Tern Chilidonias niger
    Common Noddy Anous stolidous
    Black Noddy Anous minutus
    Grey Ternlet Procelsterna cerula
    Flock Bronzewing Phaps histrionica
    (apart from Upper and Lower Western)
    Squatter Pigeon Geophaps scripta
    Pied Imperial -Pigeon Ducula bicolor
    Double -eyed Fig -Parrot Cyclopsitta diophthalma
    Paradise Parrot Psephotus pulcherrimus
    Bourke’s Parrot Neophesephotus bourkii
    (apart from Upper and Lower Western)
    Scarlet- chested Parrot Neophema splendida
    Night Parrot Pezoporus occidentalis
    White-rumped Swiftlet Collocalia spodiopygia
    Thick -billed Grasswren Amytornis textilus
    Banded Whiteface Aphelocephala rufogularis
    Black -eared Miner Manorina melanotis
    Purple -gaped Honeyeater Lichenostomus cratitius
    Banded Honeyeater Certhionyx pectoralis
    Yellow -bellied Sunbird Nectorina jugularis
    Yellow Chat Ephthianura crocea
    Pink Robin Petroica rodinogaster
    (apart from South Coast and Southern Tablelands)
    Red-lored Whistler Pachycephala rufogularis
    (apart from Yathong, Nombinnie, Round Hill & Pulletop NRs)
    Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava
    Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola
    Black -throated Finch Peophila cincta
    Yellow -bellied Sunbird Nectarinia jugularis
    Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
    Oriental Reed -Warbler Acrocephalus orientalis
    Song Thrush Turdus philomelos
    12 November 1996Entries in bold print are on the RAOU RAC Review List for Australia
    About the Author:
    Alan Morris has worked for the NP&WS since its beginning in 1967; before that
    he was employed by its predecessor, the Fauna Protection Panel. He is Superin-
    tendent in charge of the Hawkesbury District, with headquarters in Gosford
    Tattlers, Wandering and Grey -tailed, are so similar in appearance that identifying them
    in the field is a problem. Most experts rely heavily on the flight calls which fortunately
    can be readily distinguished.The usual call of the Wandering Tattler is a series of
    whistling trills, each with 4 to 10 syllables and no noticeable change in pitch. The
    Grey -tailed Tattler usually flies off uttering a more rapid series of two -syllable (or
    sometimes one -syllable) notes with a distinct upward slur.
    lOsccorips 11.090 12.0,00 13.000 10 sccoups 11.090
    kHz kHz
    5.5 5.5
    5.0 5.0
    4.5 4.5
    4.0 4.0
    3.5 3.5
    3.0 3.0
    IF)ii AN Piy,0%
    2.5 2.5
    2.0 2.0
    1.5 1.5
    1.0 1.0
    .5 .5
    Wandering -Tattler Grey -tailed Tattler
    Galapagos Is: Jan 1990 Kooragang Is: 20 Feb 1988
    Bird calls recorded by Fred van Gessel Sonagrams by Judy Wiles
    Australian Birds Vol.30 No.1 13SOME ENTRIES IN THE 1991
    Pomarine Jaen
    Irene Denton
    White Faced Heron
    Alan Foster
    14 November 1996FOC PHOTO COMPETITION
    Lyre Bird
    Alan Foster
    Sooty Tern
    Jane Miller
    Australian Birds Vol.30 No.1 15SPECTACLED MONARCH AT NOWRA
    75 Bonds Road, PEAKHURST 2210
    Standard reference texts describe the distribution of the Spectacled Monarch
    Monarcha trivirgatus in New South Wales as a moderately common migrant, occurring
    August -May bur numerous September- April from the Queensland border south to
    Ourimbah, west to Timbarra River, Salisbury Waters and Upper Williams River (Morris
    et al 1981, Blakers et al 1984. Vagrants have been recorded as far south as Ulladulla
    (Morris loc. cit.); there have been sightings in Wollongong suburbs 1975-1982 and in a
    patch of rainforest at Bass Point in 1985 and 1986 (Gibson 1989).
    Our attention was drawn to the entry in the 1994 NSW Annual Bird Report (Aust
    Birds 29 p. 99) listing the most southerly record for 1994 at Seal Rocks. This reminded
    us that in February 1973 we both saw a Spectacled Monarch at the Nowra Animal Park,
    which would be the second most southerly record.
    The bird was 3 or 4 metres away feeding in and from a small tree in the mixed
    rainforest area c. 100 m from the Shoalhaven River. The foraging included a visit to the
    ground fanning the tail and clearly showing the white areas on the lower outer tail feathers,
    the black spectacles and throat and below the rich rufous -orange which aided our
    Apart from the behaviour of the bird which is sometimes like a fantail, the white
    on the tail and the orange -rufous cheek and upper chest distinguish it from its more common
    relative the Black -faced Monarch (Monarcha melanopsis).
    Blakers, M., Davies, S.J.J.F. & Reilly, P.N. 1984, Atlas of Australian Birds, RAOU,
    Gibson, J.D. 1989, The Birds of the County of Camden, IBOC, Wollongong.
    Morris, A.K., McGill, A.R. & Holmes, G. 1981, Handlist of Birds in New South
    Wales, NSW FOC, Sydney.
    About the Authors:
    Neil and Judith Russill have been active members of the FOC since 1974 and regular
    attenders at meetings in the Museum. Judith has recently retired and has resolved to
    become even more active.
    69 Lake Heights Road, LAKE HEIGHTS 2502
    Details are provided for 11 observation periods of Wandering Tattler in the
    Illawarra region of NSW, Australia between 1933 and 1994. Some notes
    are also reported on foraging techniques, prey and on a moult sequence
    from basic to breeding plumage.
    There are few published data pertaining to aspects of the ecology of Wandering Tattler
    Heteroscelus incanus in Australia (summarised in Higgins & Davies 1996). Indeed, this
    species is not even mentioned in the recently published extensive work on wader
    movements in Australia (Alcom et al. 1994). Where data is available it is largely cursorial,
    or refers to incidental observations and there are few references in Higgins & Davies
    (1996) to foraging behaviour or moult. This note provides data on the occurrence of
    Wandering Tattler in the Illawarra region of New South Wales (Figure 1), foraging
    behaviour of the species and some data on moulting time from basic to breeding plumage.
    In this note, ‘basic’ plumage refers to non -breeding plumage.
    Distribution and foraging behaviour in the Illawarra region
    The Wandering Tattler is a rare visitor to the Illawarra region of New South Wales
    (Chafer 1989, Gibson 1989). First recorded from the region in 1933 from the Five Islands
    Nature Reserve, 34° 30’S, 150° 56’E (Seventy 1944), it was not recorded again from this
    area until 4 March 1983 when an adult bird in near complete breeding plumage was
    located on Windang Island (34° 33’S, 150° 53’E) by Kevin Wood and several observers
    (Anon 1983, Lindsey 1985). This bird remained on Windang Island until 28 March 1983
    (see also Doyle et al. 1985). Another Wandering Tattler was observed at Windang Island
    in early moult (into basic plumage) on 28 October 1983, where it remained for at least
    three days (Chafer 1984). On 4 March 1984, again at Windang Island, a Wandering
    Tattler was observed in what appeared complete breeding plumage. It was subsequently
    observed by many observers until 11 March (Chafer 1989). A fourth observation period
    of a Wandering Tattler in complete breeding plumage on Windang Island occurred from
    13 to 30 March 1985 (Chafer 1989). No further observation from this location has been
    On 17 January 1989, Lindsay E. Smith (pers. comm.) recorded a Wandering Tattler in
    Australian Birds Vol.30 No.1 17basic plumage on Bass Island in the Five Island group. On 17 October 1989 the author
    found a Wandering Tattler, in post breeding plumage, foraging on a rock platform at
    Bellambi Point (34° 22’S, 150° 56’E). As I settled down to observe its foraging behaviour,
    the bird took flight with a group of Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres and headed
    south. I was unable to relocate the Tattler.
    On 8 February 1992 I observed a Wandering Tattler, moulting into breeding plumage,
    on a rock platform at North Port Kembla (34° 29’S, 150° 55’E). Observed for 15 minutes,
    it contained its foraging activity to the swash zone of an ebb tide. I was subsequently able
    to observe a Tattler (presumably the same bird) foraging at the same location on an ebb
    tide on five occasions until last observed on 28 March 1992. During this period the
    barring on the underside of the Tattler had progressed from being only a trace along the
    upper flanks and undertail coverts to covering the entire flanks, belly, breast and undertail
    coverts. Only a small unbarred area remained in the centre of the upper vent at the time
    of the last observation. Foraging on each occasion was confined to a small area of no
    more than 20 metres of the rock platform.
    The intertidal zone at the northern end of the North Port Kembla rock platform was
    occupied by numerous juvenile sessile ascidians Pyura stolonifera, motile limpets Cellana
    tramoserica and false limpets Siphonaria denticulata and Clypidina rugosa. The lowest
    part of the platform had a series of shallow steps with copious algal growth. The Tattler
    only appeared to feed here during the last hour of an ebb tide, and once the tide began to
    turn the Tattler flew off in an easterly direction, towards the nearby Five Islands Nature
    As a wave dispersed its energy over the platform the Tattler ran shoreward in advance of
    the swash. As soon as the swash began retreating back over the rock, the Tattler followed
    probing continuously around the ascidians and in the algae. Most successful catches
    (assumed by subsequent swallowing motion) were of small unidentifiable organisms
    (invertebrates?). However on several occasions while watching the bird with a x20 spotting
    scope, I was able to identify the prey as crabs. The most commonly taken was the common
    grapsid crab Leptograptis variegatus. After retreating shoreward in front of an advancing
    wave, the Tattler would continuously bob and teeter almost unceasingly during an
    observation period.
    Between 7 and 12 April 1994 I again observed a Wandering Tattler on the rock platform
    at the northern end of North Port Kembla beach, foraging in the same location as the
    above observation. The bird was in complete breeding plumage and foraging in a manner
    no different from that described above.
    On 16 February 1992 I found a Wandering Tattler at Barrack Point (34° 34’S, 150° 52’E)
    18 November 1996approximately two kilometres south of Windang Island. The bird was subsequently
    observed here, foraging in an intertidal boulder field on the northern side of the Point,
    until 12 March 1992. This individual was occasionally joined by several Grey -tailed
    Tattlers Heteroscelus brevipes, which can usually be found in the adjacent Little Lake.
    Although the Wandering associated freely with the Grey -tails in the boulder field, I did
    not observed the Wandering within the confines of the lake. When together the Wandering
    appeared slightly darker than Grey- tails and continuously bobbed as it walked around the
    boulder field, occasionally standing on top a boulder motionless. Grey -tails rarely foraged
    in the boulder field, using the site primarily as a roosting area. No agonistic or associative
    behaviour between the two species was observed, their associative proximity appearing
    to be a totally random occurrence influenced by tidal movements.
    Unfortunately the nature of the boulder field meant that direct observation of feeding was
    not possible; the Tattler simply walked around the base of boulders (ranging 100 mm to
    900 mm diameter) in water up to its flanks, probing the shallow covered underside of the
    rocks. Although pecking and subsequent swallowing was observed on a number of
    occasions, no organism could be positively identified. When last observed the bird was
    approaching what appeared complete breeding plumage.
    These records constitute the southern known regular distribution of the Wandering
    Tattler in Australia, with only one recent record from
    et al. 1981, Blakers et al. 1984, Higgins & Davies 1996). It would seem from these data
    that the species is a regular visitor to the Illawarra region in ones and twos, most likely to
    be observed in October and February to April. The lack of observations from November
    through February in the local area, suggests that this transient migrant may indeed occur
    further south along the east Australian coast.
    Alcorn M, Alcorn, R. & Fleming, M. 1994, Wader Movements in Australia, RAOU
    Report No. 94, Australasian Wader Studies Group & RAOU, Melbourne.
    Anon 1983, ‘Unusual sightings in the County of Camden’, IBOC News, May, 3.
    Blakers, M., Davies, S.J.J.F. & Reilly, P.N. 1984 The Atlas of Australian Birds, RAOU
    & MUP, Melbourne.
    Chafer, C.J. 1984, ‘Two unusual waders sighted at Lake Illawarra’, The Stilt 5, 25.
    Chafer, C.J. 1989, A Survey of Shorebirds in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven Regions of
    NSW, report to National Parks & Wildlife Service, Nowra.
    Australian Birds Vol.30 No.1 19Doyle, M., Drake, V.A. & von Behrens, D. 1985, ‘A Wandering Tattler at Windang
    Island’, Australian Birds 19, 39-40.
    Gibson, D.G. 1989, The Birds of the County of Camden (including the Illawarra
    Region), 2nd ed., Illawarra Bird Observers Club, Wollongong.
    Higgins, P.J. & Davies, S.J.J.F. (eds) 1996, Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and
    Antarctic Birds Vol 3: snipe to pigeons, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
    Lindsey, T.R. 1985. ‘New South Wales bird report for 1983’, Australian Birds 19, 65-
    Morris, A.K., McGill, A.M. & Holmes, G. 1981, Handlist of Birds in New South
    Wales, NSW Field Ornithologists Club, Sydney.
    Seventy, D.L. 1944, ‘Notes on some rare waders’, Emu 43, 274-280.
    Bellambi Point
    Flinders Island
    Bass Island
    North Port Kembla
    oWindang Island S
    Barrack Point 0 2 4 6 8 10 Kin
    Figure 1. Map of Illawarra coast, NSW showing locations
    of Wandering Tattler mentioned in text.
    About the Author:
    Chris Chafer teaches aspects of remote sensing and geographic information systems in the Scho
    of Geosciences at the University of Wollongong. He is currently completing an MSc (Hor
    degree after a major study of Sooty Oystercatchers.
    274 Bourke Street, GLEN INNES 2370
    There have been a number of reports of Australasian Grebes Tachybaptus novaehollandiae
    feeding in association with other water animals, e.g. with Eurasian Coots Fulica atra and
    Dusky Moorhens Gallinula tenebrosa (Hobbs 1958), Pacific Black Ducks Anas
    superciliosa (Hobbs 1959), Freckled Ducks Stictonetta naevosa (Blackwell 1980) and a
    platypus Ornithorhynchus anatinus (Roberts 1995). A further association of an
    Australasian Grebe following Comb -crested Jacanas Irediparra gallinacea to obtain food
    is described here.
    The Grebe was observed foraging with Jacanas at Little Llangothlin Nature Reserve, 16
    km north-east of Guyra, on 27 April 1991. This was the first record of Jacanas in the
    Nature Reserve and for the New England Tablelands of New South Wales. The nearest
    record to the area for the species is a single sighting at Derra Lagoon 150 km away on the
    North West Slopes (Cooper & McAllan 1995).
    The aquatic vegetation on Little Llangothlin Lagoon is dominated by spike rush Eleocharis
    sphacelata and watermilfoil Myriophyllum variifolium. At 0900 hours a Jacana was seen
    on a large floating clump of Myriophyllum 30 metres from the shore. It was being
    followed by an Australasian Grebe. The Grebe was diving under the area where the
    Jacana had just walked and would surface on either side or behind the Jacana, as close as
    30 cm to it.
    I observed the birds feeding together for thirty minutes before I moved on. It appears that
    the Jacana was disturbing invertebrates on the watermilfoil which in turn were being
    taken by the Grebe. Forty five minutes later when I returned past the same section of the
    lagoon the Grebe was still feeding with the Jacana, except now there were two Jacanas.
    The Grebe continued to feed in association with both Jacanas until the second bird flew
    off to a more distant raft of watermilfoil. The Grebe was still following the original
    Jacana when I left the area 15 minutes later.
    Jacanas are a Torresian species and Cooper & McAllan (1995) believe they could be
    expected to be seen further west on the North West Slopes. Suitable habitat is limited on
    the Tablelands. Between Uralla and Llangothlin there are 30 lagoons or swamp depression
    located close to the Great Dividing Range. Most of these are small features (less than two
    ha) and have been either drained or dammed for agriculture. Little Llangothlin Lagoon
    Australian Birds Vol.30 No.1 21(120 ha) is one of the largest and the only one fully conserved in a Nature Reserve. The
    site was added to the Ramsar list in March 1996.
    Persistent populations of watermilfoil are present at Little Llangothlin and other lagoons
    on the Tablelands. Watermilfoil has the ability to switch from an aquatic to semi -terrestrial
    form, together with reproductive flexibility, to maintain it through a variety of
    environmental fluctuations including drought years, wet years and normal years (Brock
    1991). However despite this ability large floating mats are not always present on the
    lagoons to provide suitable habitat for Jacanas. This has been the case at Little Llangothlin
    Lagoon and Jacanas have not been seen there since the initial sighting in 1991.
    Blackwell, G. 1980, ‘Feeding association between Little Grebe and Freckled Duck’,
    Aust Birds, 15, p. 33.
    Brock, M.A. 1991, ‘Mechanisms for maintaining persistent populations of
    Myriophyllum variifolium J. Hooker in a fluctuating shallow Australian lake’,
    Aquatic Biology, 39, pp. 211-219.
    Cooper, R.M. & McAllan, I.A.W. 1995, The Birds of Western NSW: A Preliminary
    Atlas, NSW Bird Atlassers Inc., Albury.
    Hobbs, J.N. 1958, ‘Some notes on grebes’, Emu, 58, pp. 129-132.
    Hobbs, J.N. 1959, ‘A feeding association between Little Grebes and Black Duck’,
    Emu, 59, p. 207.
    Roberts, P.E. 1995,’Grebes foraging with a platypus’, Aust Birds, 28, pp. 78-9.
    About the Author:
    Peter Croft is one of those fortunate people who can do some birdwatching
    while at work, being a Senior Ranger with the NP&WS in the Glen Innes Dis-
    23 The Circuit, SHELLHARBOUR 2529
    The Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus is normally found in the coastal waters off Queensland,
    Northern Territory and Western Australia down to Cape Leeuwin, a similar latitude to the
    New South Wales and Victorian border, and at a small isolated breeding colony on Baudin
    Rocks, off South Australia (Slater et al. 1986 and Pizzey 1983). There have been no
    confirmed New South Wales sightings, (Morris et al. 1981) and A.K.Morris, pers. com.,
    but there has been an unconfirmed record from Long Reef in February 1985, (McAllan &
    Bruce 1988). There have been 10 to 20 seabird trips annually off Wollongong since 1985
    (Brandis et al. 1992), and off Sydney for a number of years plus observers on fishing trips
    off Wollongong who report unusual birds; during this time there have been no reported
    sightings of Bridled Tern, although Sooty Terns Sterna fuscata have been observed on at
    least 12 occasions. This report details the first confirmed sighting of a Bridled Tern in
    New South Wales.
    The sighting was made during a seabird watching voyage out of Wollongong
    NSW, at about noon on 27 November 1994 aboard the 13.4 metre converted trawler the
    “Sandra K”. The position of the vessel was just over the edge of the continental shelf,
    about 18 nautical miles east of Wollongong, at 35° 25’S, 151° 19’E in about 1000 metres
    of water. The weather was fine, slightly overcast with a light wind and about a metre of
    ocean swell. The vessel had just left the vicinity of a working trawler that had been
    discarding “waste” fish overboard that had attracted a large flock of mixed birds, mainly
    Wedge-tailed Shearwaters Puffinus pacificus and the vessel started heading in an easterly
    direction when a tern with dark back and head and white under body was noticed resting
    on some partly submerged plastic flotsam. The boat approached at idle speed and from a
    slight angle, so as not to frighten the bird away, to within about 20 metres of the bird. At
    this distance a very good view was had of a tern of approximately the size of a Crested
    Tern Sterna bergii commonly observed during these voyages, showing a dark brown/
    black cap to just below the eye, nape, mantle, back, rump, tail and upper wing and a white
    throat, neck, breast and belly. There was a white eye -brow extending from the lores to
    just behind the eye with the crown and nape noticeably slightly darker than the upper
    wings and back, with all 23 bird observers on board agreeing that we had sighted a Bridled
    Tern. The bird then flew off in a northerly direction, directly away from the boat,
    highlighting the darker shading of the head compared to that of the back and upper wings.
    Australian Birds Vol.30 No.1 23During a three day voyage off Geraldton, Western Australia, in March 1986, I observed
    Bridled Terns regularly roosting on the many spherical buoys of crayfish pots, pieces of
    floating wood and other unidentified floating objects. None of the few Sooty Terns and
    only one of the many Crested Terns observed in the area was noted using these objects to
    roost on.
    This sighting off Wollongong was submitted to and accepted by the NSW Ornithological
    Records Appraisal Committee, record number 157 (see page 8).
    To the many birdwatchers who have supported the seabird voyages off Wollongong to
    enable this habitat to be studied to a much greater degree than would be available from
    land based and beach washed observations, and to Chris Chafer for reviewing this
    Brandis, C.C.P, Chafer, C.J. & Smith, L.E. 1992, ‘Seabirds recorded off Wollongong
    NSW, 1984-1990′, Australian Bird Watcher, 14:5, pp. 165-179.
    McAIIan, I.A.W. & Bruce, M.D, 1988, The Birds of New South Wales: A Working List,
    Biocon Research Group, Turramurra.
    Morris, A.K. 1996, ‘Rare birds in New South Wales in 1994’, Australian Birds, 30:1.
    Morris, A.K., McGill, A.R. & Holmes, G. 1981, Handlist of Birds in New South Wales,
    NSW Field Ornithologists Club, Sydney.
    Pizzey, G. 1983, A Field Guide to the Birds of Australia, Collins, Sydney.
    Slater, P., Slater, P. & Slater, R. 1986, The Slater Field Guide to Australian Birds,
    Rigby, Dee Why West.
    About the Author:
    Chris Brandis is an active member of the group of birdos who have been con-
    ducting regular pelagic trips of Wollongong for more than ten years. He is a
    regular contributor to bird magazines.
    24 November 1996BOOK REVIEW
    Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds (1996), Volume 3: snipe to pigeons. P.J. Higgins
    and S.J.J.F. Davies (eds), published by Oxford University Press, Melbourne on behalf of the RAOU.
    1028 pp. and 60 coloured plates, numerous maps, b & w drawings and tables: available from RAOU
    Melbourne. rrp $325
    HANZAB, the Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds, is the most
    ambitious project ever undertaken by the RAOU, setting out to record the available
    knowledge about every bird species reported to have occurred in Australia, New Zealand,
    Antarctica and their associated islands and coral reefs. Volumes and 2 were reviewed
    in March 1993 by Alan Morris in Australian Birds Volume 27 No. 3; the general concept
    of HANZAB was described there so this review will not try to cover the same ground.
    Managing Editor for Volume 3 is Peter Higgins, who has worked on the two earlier
    volumes. Stephen Marchant has retired and been replaced by Stephen Davies, a former
    RAOU President. Sixteen specialist authors are credited on the title page, and the list of
    amateur and professional ornithologists from around the world who are thanked for their
    contributions contains 91 names. Fifty of the colour plates were produced by J.N. Davies,
    the rest by several other artists including Peter Slater and Nicholas Day.
    Volume 3 starts with the sandpipers and those shorebirds not included in Volume 2, and
    covers the gulls, terns, pigeons and doves. 129 species are included, bringing the three –
    volume total to 444. Volume 4, including parrots and owls, is scheduled for early 1998
    and will be followed by two more volumes.
    The amount of space allotted to each species averages about eight pages but varies
    considerably. Extinct birds (such as the Norfolk Island Ground -Dove) or those that have
    only been recorded on the basis of unacceptable records (Semipalmated Sandpiper) rate
    only half a page of text and no illustration, while the accounts for some well -studied
    species run to over 20 pages.
    In the section on MOVEMENTS, all long-distance banding recoveries are described and,
    for a few species, special maps illustrate the journeys. The routes followed by many of
    the shorebirds migrating between Australia and their northern hemisphere breeding grounds
    are described in astonishing detail, often with dates and sometimes reported numbers en
    The sonagrams that illustrate the accounts of most species are worthy of special mention.
    These graphical representations of birdcalls are no longer new but they have been neglected
    in the Australian ornithological literature. After some problems in Volume 2, when most
    Cont. p 28
    Australian Birds Vol.30 No.1 25BOOK REVIEW
    Endangered Fauna of Western New South Wales. Published by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife
    Service, and compiled by Danielle Ayers, 1995, 274 pp and 130 maps and some tables. Cost $50 from
    NPWS offices.
    This book, published in the form of a large, heavy-duty clip binder, details 119 species of
    frogs, reptiles, mammals and birds listed on the 1994 National Parks and Wildlife Act,
    Endangered Species Schedule No 12. Since then, the Threatened Species Conservation
    Act December 1995 has replaced the Endangered Species Schedule with Schedules & 2
    of the new Act for Threatened and Vulnerable Fauna. Currently all species on Schedule
    12 were transferred in total to the Schedules & 2 of the new Act. The species dealt with
    are all those found in western NSW, which in this case includes the North-west Plains,
    Central -west Plains, Riverina, Upper and Lower Western climatic divisions of the State.
    The area covered is in fact similar to that area covered in Cooper & McAllan 1995 The
    Birds of Western New South Wales: A Preliminary Atlas.
    The data provided has been drawn from a number of sources, including records of the
    Australian Museum, the RAOU Atlas, records of the NSW Bird Atlassers and the NPWS
    Wildlife Atlas Database. Each species dealt with is given a code number, its legal status
    in respect to the Endangered Fauna (Interim Protection) Act 1991 (replaced by the TSCA
    1995), its distribution, ecology, range type inhabited by each species and threats to the
    population. Each species account includes a map which shows by a solid black circle
    where it has been recorded and a stippled area that shows the known range of the habitat(s)
    that it is known to favour based upon a Bioclimatic Analysis. Not all records are shown
    due to Licensing arrangements, but records for the whole of NSW are provided.
    In reviewing the document I have concentrated on the birds, but those interested in
    endangered mammals, frogs and reptiles can be assured that this document is the most up
    to date records of the distribution of the species covered. Early in 1995 a colleague from
    the Service and I went as volunteers on one of the NPWS Western Region Bio-diversity
    surveys to the brigalow country north-west of Brewarrina where many species of amphibia,
    small reptiles and small mammals were trapped/found (and released), to contribute to the
    information found in this report. Similar surveys have been carried out in a range of
    habitats in western NSW in the past three years to provide additional data for the report.
    Sometimes there are noticeable differences between this report and Cooper & McAllan,
    viz. the latter provide more inland records and a greater range for the Red-tailed Tropicbird,
    Magpie Goose, Swift Parrot, Redthroat, Hall’s Babbler, Gilbert’s Whistler and Painted
    Honeyeater, to name a few. For other species the maps are remarkably similar viz. Freckled
    Duck, Glossy and Red-tailed Black Cockatoo.
    Cont. p 28
    26 November 1996OBITUARY
    Lawrence Courtney Haines, 1920 – 1996
    The first hymn at St Michaels and All Saints Church at Newport on 26 April 1996 was All
    Things Bright and Beautiful. It was the most appropriate for the eminent and extremely
    talented naturalist, who passed away on 21 April 1996, aged 76. Mr Haines will always
    be remembered as a man of many extraordinary talents.
    I had known Lawrence for 50 years and did not know he was a watercolour artist with
    skills in both landscape and seascape. He was not one to boast about his talents but one
    could recognise in conversation he knew what he was talking about.
    Such was the expertise of this man, he was awarded an Associateship of the Australian
    Museum and was formerly an Honorary Member of the Australian Museum Society; past
    President of the Royal Zoological Society of NSW; past Chairman of the Ornithological
    and Entomological Sections of the Royal Zoological Society of NSW; member of the
    elite Jourdanian Society in Britain and the Jourdanian Society National Collection Limited,
    Gloucestershire, etc. Of particular interest to FOC members, in 1967 he was one of the
    instigators and co-founders of the Gould League Bird Watchers, now the Field
    Ornithologists Club of NSW. He was Secretary for the first three years of the Club’s
    existence and edited Volumes 2 and 3 of this journal.
    In the ornithological world he was known as an expert taxonomist and many road -kills
    were taken to Lawrence to be made into study specimens. He was a master of book-
    binding and bound many volumes of The Emu and other publications and many members
    have examples of his work on their shelves.
    In his early years, Lawrence Haines had an ardent interest in the Sydney Conservatorium
    of Music and studied singing with noted professors of the time having a very fine baritone
    voice. He was also associated for many years with the Far West Concert Party, travelling
    to outback New South Wales.
    Originally from Haberfield, he gave service to St Oswalds Church as a Choir Master and
    the furtherance of Arts and Culture in the district in which he resided. Lawrence moved
    from Haberfield 40 years ago to reside at Bayview where he transformed the vegetation
    of his backyard to an entomologists’ paradise. He planted many botanical specimens
    which were the food plants of various species of butterflies or moths and other insects. In
    the field he was ever alert to the unusual, be it a flower, an insect or any other natural
    history subject and he respected the knowledge of his mentors, Arnold McGill, Allan
    Keast, Keith Hindwood and many others who were ornithological mates.
    Australian Birds Vol.30 No.1 27In 1991 Lawrence published A Cabinet of Reed Warblers (reviewed in Aust Birds, 26:2)
    based on a long standing study. The book is described on the title page as, “A Monograph
    dealing with the acrocephaline warblers of the world and embracing all known species
    and sub -species”. It is a magnificent work illustrated by Lawrence and includes a colour
    plate of the eggs of 24 species.
    Lawrence always adopted a simple way of living without the need of material comforts,
    and his sense of humour in this situation got him by on many occasions. If the expression
    `No man is indispensable’ is true, then Lawrence Courtney Haines is a hard act to follow
    and he will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
    Lawrence is survived by his sisters Reta (Mrs Malcolm Rixon) and Merrice Fry and niece
    and nephew Carolyn and Phillip Rixon.
    Ernest S. Hoskin
    Cont. from p25.
    of them were misprinted, these graphs are a model of how sonagrams should be presented.
    This volume reaches the half- way mark in a set that every birdwatcher would love to
    own. It is a pity that many will be deterred by the as -yet unknown but already very high
    cost of acquiring a full set. HANZAB deserves a bigger audience, and I urge our members
    to draw it to the attention of their local library where it would serve a most valuable role
    on the shelves of the reference section.
    Peter Roberts
    Cont from p26.
    Where the NPWS has been involved in extensive research for a particular species such as
    the Malleefowl and Superb Parrot, the map showing their distribution is much more
    complete than Cooper and McAllan. But the message overall is that for anyone interested
    in the distribution of endangered species, information from the two publications, (the
    mainly NPWS personnel records in this report and the records of the NSW Bird Atlassers
    in Cooper and McAllan), must both be consulted. Overall this Service publication is a
    very professional document providing information on the current status of endangered
    fauna in NSW. People who want to be kept up to date in changes to the status of these
    species can be placed on the mailing list to receive replacement pages as more information
    comes to hand. I recommend the publication to serious bird watchers and those interested
    in the conservation of our wildlife.
    Alan Morris
    28 November 1996Advice to Contributors
    Manuscripts should be typed with double spacing and wide margins at top and sides, and submitted
    initially as an original and two duplicates. Tables and figures must be in the form of reproducable
    hard copy, having due regard to the journal page size and format. If extensive retyping or drafting
    is required publication may be delayed or prevented. Photographs should be submitted as glossy
    black and white prints of size and contrast suitable for reproduction.
    Upon acceptance, it is most helpful if the final manuscripts of substantial articles can be submitted
    in word processor format. The editor will advise details of acceptable formats.
    Contributions are considered on the understanding that they are not being offered for publication
    Authors are advised to consult a current issue of Australian Birds as a guide to style and
    punctuation, which conform in general to the Commonwealth Style Manual. Spelling follows the
    Macquarie Dictionary. In particular:
    dates are written as ‘1 January 1990’, but may be abbreviated in tables and figures;
    the 24 hour clock is used with Eastern Standard Time, e.g.
    0630 for 6.30 am and 1830 for 6.30 pm. Daylight Saving time should
    be corrected to EST;
    in the text, single -digit numbers are spelt out; 10 000 and larger numbers are
    printed with a space (not a comma) separating the thousands;
    English names of bird species (but not group names) are written with an initial capital
    for each separate word.
    Scientific names of bird species and their classification should follow Christidis & Boles
    1994, The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories,
    RAOU Monograph 2.
    References to books appear in the form
    Marchant, S. & Higgins, P.J.(eds) 1990, Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic
    Birds, Vol. 1, OUP, Melbourne.
    and to journals as
    Morris, A.K., Tyler, V., Tyler, M., Mannes, H.& Dalby, J.1990, ‘A waterbird survey of the
    Parramatta River wetlands, Sydney’, Aust Birds, 23:3, pp. 44-64.
    These are cited in the text as Marchant & Higgins (1990) or (Morris et al. 1990), respectively.Volume 30 No 1 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS November 1996
    ALAN K. MORRIS Fifth Report of the NSW Ornithological
    RecordsAppraisal Committee 1994
    NEIL & JUDITH RUSSILL Spectacled Monarch at Nowra 14
    CHRIS J. CHAFER Foraging Behaviour of the Wandering Tattler and
    Review of Records from the Illawarra Region 17
    PETER CROFT Grebe Foraging with Jacanas 21
    C.C.P. BRAND’S First NSW Record of a Bridled Tern at Sea 23
    BOOK REVIEW Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic
    Birds, Volume 3, 1996 25
    BOOK REVIEW Endangered Fauna of Western NSW 26
    OBITUARY Lawrence Courtney Haines, 1920 – 1996 27
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