Vol. 32 No. 1-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 32 No. 1

Journal of the
Volume 32 No .1 April 2000
The object of the Club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and the
habitats they occupy.
President Elisabeth Karplus
Vice -President Stuart Fairbairn
Secretary Penny Drake -Brockman
Treasurer Cindy Ryan
Annual subscription rates (due October each year):
Adult Member $30
Junior Member $20
All members receive a hi -monthly Newsletter and the journal Australian Birds,
and are entitled to attend the Club’s regular monthly meetings and field excursions.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
Editor Alan Morris
Production Stuart Fairbairn
Printed by The Village ScribeAUSTRALIAN
Volume 32 Nol April 2000
Alan K. Morris
40 Aston Wilde Ave, Chittaway Bay 2261
The twenty-seventh Annual Bird Report covers the period January to 31 December
1997 and summarises the more significant observations of birds during that year.
The main aims of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:
To record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
To record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions of
birds within NSW; and
To record observations which may indicate changes in species numbers,
frequency, range and movements
The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 Report. The Location Guide,
at Appendix 2, lists all locations mentioned in the text. This guide is intended to assist
readers to better determine the general location of reported observations. The production
of future reports will be greatly assisted if observers provide location map references in
the manner set out in the Appendix. This is more important these days, particularly if the
records are to be used in the Australian Bird Atlas which commenced in August 1998. As
all records submitted to the Australian Bird Atlas must contain the exact co-ordinates for
the sites in which the birds were seen, it would help if the same co-ordinates are provided
when submitting records to the NSWFOC Records Officer.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No
1 1Information on 397 species is contained in the 1997 Report. This information was gleaned
from about 100+ sources including 337 observers from the NSWFOC, CBOC, IBOC,
MFNCN, MVBW & COG; the Annual Reports of the Central Coast Group of the FOC &
Hunter Bird Observers Clubs; publications of other bird organisations and reports and
messages from Birding-Aus on the Internet. The number of records and the number of
observers continue to increase and the information provided is greater than before.
Abbreviations for these organisations are as follows: Aust. Birding = Australian Birding;
Birdline = Telephone Info. Line for the NSW bird groups; Gang Gang = Newsl. of the
Canberra Ornith. Group; CBOC = Cumberland Bird Obs. Club Newsl.; CCBR = Central
Coast FOC Annual Report; HBOC = Hunter Bird Obs. Annual Report; EIBWN = Hastings
Birdwatchers newsl.; MFNCN = Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Club Newsl.; MVB =
Manning Valley Birdwatchers; MVBO = Macleay Valley Bird Observers; NSWBA =
NSW Bird Atlassers; NSWFOC = NSW Field Ornithologists Club; SOSSA = Southern
Ocean Seabird Survey Assoc.; TBO = The Bird Observer; Wingspan = Birds Australia
Newsl. Other abbreviations used include “A” for adult, “AM” for Adult Male, and “AF”
for adult female, “D” for dead or beachcast, “E” for eggs, “GC” for golf course, “HC” for
head calling, “HS” for high school, “Im” immature, “N” for nest, “Pr” for pairs, “RK” for
road kill and “RS” for railway station.
A number of unusual or otherwise significant records were received with one new species,
the Macaroni Penguin at Batemans Bay in December, being added to the NSW List.
Three other possible additions include a Great Shearwater seen off Sydney in August, a
White Wagtail seen at Narran Lake and two observations of Bulwer’s Petrel off
Wollongong in September & October. These records were referred to the Birds Australia
RAC who have subsequently advised that the White Wagtail submission was not accepted,
and no submissions have been received for the other observations so that the records
remain unconfirmed unless a submission is received. Again the most notable observations
were seabirds including a White -necked Petrel, 3 Buller’s Albatrosses, a Light -mantled
Sooty Albatross, and a Long -toed Stint.
There was no major weather patterns this year to cause extensive seabird mortality on the
coast. Inland NSW was relatively dry, however good rains in south-east Queensland and
northern NSW in late March were sufficient to cause above average flooding along the
Gwydir River system, particularly for the Gingham Watercourse, but not sufficient to
ensure successful breeding in Narran Lakes. Another rain depression over central NSW
in September provided some minor flooding in the Macquarie Marshes but again this was
not sufficient to ensure breeding success and the Night Herons and Ibis deserted their
The operations of Birds Australia and the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal
Committees continue to run smoothly and assist the editors of this report in reviewing
rare or
April 2000erroneous records. Their assistance is greatly appreciated because of the level of credibility
that is now placed on sightings of an unusual nature.
The scientific and English names used in this report follow that of the RAOU Checklist
(Christidis & Boles 1994). For each species, all observations are presented in a set order
that follows generally the order of Regions in the State as described by McAllan & Bruce
(1988). Observations from coastal regions are listed first from north to south, followed
by the tablelands, slopes and plains. Each set of observations is separated from those of
other regions by semi -colons. The locations given in Appendix 2 are identified with these
regions. However, in order to take account of the five annual bird reports, it is necessary
in the text to refer to that section of NSW from Harrington to Lake Macquarie as the
“Hunter Region”, Gosford & Wyong local government areas as the “Central Coast”, the
County of Cumberland northwest to St Albans, Upper Colo, Bilpin and west to Springwood
as “Sydney Region”, the County of Camden and the Shoalhaven Shire as “Illawarra” and
Eurobodalla and Bega Shires as “South Coast”, as these areas co-incide with the reporting
areas of their reports.
Finally a plea for all those people who find dead birds, which are either difficult to identify
or unusual. When such specimens are found, seek to have the specimen sent to the
Australian Museum for identification. If local wildlife carer groups like WIRES are unable
to assist to have the specimen taken to the Museum, contact your local NPWS office for
I would like to thank all those people who submitted their reports promptly so enabling
this report to be produced on time and for Greg Clancy, Tony Bischoff and Rod Gardner
who reviewed the draft. I would also like to thank Stuart Fairbairn who prepared the
production and layout of this issue of the journal. For the assistance and committment of
these people, I am extremely grateful. 1997 saw the passing of a number of regular
contributors, but mention must be made of Stan Zucker who died in October 1997. Stan
lived the last 12 years of his life at Pearl Beach where he regularly organised outings for
the Sydney CBOC & FOC and he reported regularly on any unusual sightings for the
area. His contribution to future reports will be sadly missed.
Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Max 4 reported from Taloumbi to Brooms Head Jul –
Sep (GC), 3 Glenugie SF 28 May (EW), 2 2 km W Black Rocks, Bunjalung NP 8 Aug
(DC); at Barrington House 23 Feb & single birds at Murrumbo 6 Jun, 11-20 Jul (HBR);
Australian Birds Vol 32 No 1 340+ Burragorang Valley 8 Jun (RT); 2 Munghorn Gap NR 18 Jul (JO). All records at the
eastern edge of range in NSW.
Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata 2 active mounds Goonoo SF but no birds seen 5 Apr (BE);
1West Wyalong District 16 May (MCr); new active mound Coombie HSD, Roto 14 Aug
(.1Ho). In 1993 it was estimated 850 pairs remained in NSW, but with only three published
records for 1997, one wonders just how many pairs there are!
Australian Brush -turkey Alectura lathami 3+ Woody Head-Iluka May (EW), observer
has not previously seen them at this location; 2+ Mt Coricudgy 17-22 Mar, western edge
of distribution & an active mound at Minmi 22 Aug, unusual location (HBR); Nesting
reported in 7 Central Coast suburbs (CCBR); 1 Monga SF, Braidwood 8 Dec (HTb), is
this a deliberate introduction?
Stubble Quail Coturnbc pectoralis Responded to tape 2 sites Maria R Road 4 Feb, 9 Mar
(ABi,KS), Pelican Is Pt Macquarie (KS); AM roadkill Yowie Bay 29 Apr (JF), max 20
Cornwallis Rd & Cupitts Lane, Richmond 2-30 Aug (BC,CG,EV,RW); I Vincentia 5
Mar (KM); 6 Conargo 28 Mar (AK); Present Balmoral HSD, Cooyal all year (NK). Some
interesting coastal records.
Brown Quail C. ypsilophora Reported from 6 locations on the Central Coast (CCBR);
Max 150 Cornwallis Rd & Cupitts Lane, Richmond 15 Jul -14 Sep (EV), an extraordinary
number. Regularly recorded elsewhere in the Sydney Region including 5 Eastlakes 16
Sep (DH) & 14 Mt Annan 18 Sep (RJh).
King Quail C. chinensis 3 Charmhaven 29 Dec (CCBR), no previous records for Region;
4 Cupitts Lane & Cornwallis Rd, Richmond 13 Feb & max 25 from 2 Aug -27 Dec (AR,
BC,DH,EV,KB,ML,TKa), good numbers at this site.
Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata 6 Sandy Crossing TSR, Coldstream R, 17 May
(GC), 3+ Waterview Heights 9 Feb (WT), max 20 Cowan Ponds 13 Feb & May (EW,MB),
fewer numbers than usual for the North Coast; Regularly recorded in the Hunter Valley
with 85 Shortland WC in Jul, up to 24 Seaham Swamp, 7 at Woodberry & 8 Cedar Hill,
4 at Wingen 7 Sep was unusal, and 2A+8Y at Shortland WC Dec (HBR); 1 continues to
reside at Pambula wetlands (BJ); 18 Stanbridge Swamp 19 Aug (EWi) only Riverina
record, and no reports from Macquarie Marshes or the Gwydir wetlands.
Plumed Whistling -Duck Dendrocygna eytoni Present all year Clarence Valley, max
433 Roberts Ck 10 Oct, juveniles noted same place 29 May (GC), 26 Macleay River I
Mar (ABi,KS), 24 Golf Course Swamp, Casino 13 Mar (DC); Regular throughout the
year at Doughboy Hollow max 200 Jun 10 (HBR); Max 58 Pughs Lagoon, Richmond 15
April 2000Feb -2 May (BC,BWy,JDu,KB), 34 Killarney Stud, Richmond 13 Feb (KB); 80+ Junee
STW 7 Jan & 28 Feb (MC); 100 Gingham Waterhole 15 Apr (JMI), 140 Mooki R, Caroona
18 Jul (ID); Present Hazeldean Swamp 27 Mar (AK), 250 Campbells Swamp 29 Mar
(BM); 22 Narran Lake NR 21 Feb (Ley 1998). Basically numbers appear to be increasing
across the State.
Wandering Whistling -Duck D. arcuata 2 north of Valla Beach Jan (HW), 10
Woologoolga Ck Rd 26 Jul, max 9 Macksville 25 Jan -23 Mar, Port Macquarie STW 17
Dec (ABi,GC), 2 Belmore Swamp 23 Feb (KS), 19 Golf Course Swamp, Casino 13 Mar
(DC), max 7 Geneebeinga Wetlands, Casino 27 Sep -5 Oct (ABi); 3 Shortland WC Oct &
8 Newcastle Water Res 27 Nov (HBR), numbers down in Hunter Valley from previous
years; Invergowrie 30 Nov (AL).
Blue -billed Duck Oxuyra australis 20 (incl 3Y) Dangars Lagoon 11 Apr & 30 on 7 Oct
(AL); 2M,3F Old Quipolly Dam I Jan (JC); Max 10 Gum Swamp, Forbes 31 Mar- 8 Jun
(JF); AM Gingham Waterhole 15 Apr (JMI); 28 Narran Lake NR 14 Mar (Ley 1998).
Some interesting records from northern & north-west NSW.
Musk Duck Biziura lobata Max 10 Grahamstown Dam Aug -Nov & 2 Lake Boolambayte
MLNP 27 Apr (HBR); F survived an attack by Peregrine Falcon Narrabeen Lake 31 Dec
(IM); F+2Y Gum Swamp, Forbes 8 Dec (GC); 4 Lake Burragorang 21 Apr & 8 Jun (RT).
Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa 3 Narran Lake NR 2 Mar (Ley 1998). Least number
reported in six years.
Black Swan Cygnus atratus 492+ IN Everlasting Swamp 23 May (GC); 1200 Wallis
Lake 12 Sep (MVB 4/97); Present Tuggerah Lakes all year, max 2541 in Feb (CCBR),
less than previous years; 500+ Koona Bay 4 Mar (1BOC), max 380 Lake Burragorang,
with nests & cygnets 7-8 Jun (RT); 450 Fivebough Swamp 20 Jul (KH). Some large
Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides AF Newington Wetlands I Mar &
Bicentennial Park 5 Mar (CSh,PR), I Bakers Lagoon 13 Feb, I Bushells Lagoon 25 Mar
(KB), 2 Pitt Town Lagoon 27 Apr -22 May (MWh,PW); max 4 Barlings Swamp 20-26
Apr (ENHS); 2A+4J Bethungra Dam 24 Nov (MC); 590 Fivebough Swamp 20 Apr (KH),
large numbers for these locations.
Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa 1000+ Sportsmans Creek 10 Jul (GC); 1500
Narran Lake NR Jul -Aug (Ley 1998). Large numbers.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No 5
1Australasian Shoveler Anas rhynchotis 3 Seaham NR 23 Feb (EV), present Shortland
WC June -Dec, max 20 on 8 Aug, but also pairs were reported at Pokolbin Lake, Bolwarra,
Ellalong Lagoon & Market Swamp, Sandgate (CA,HBR); 4 Chittaway Pt 13 Aug (AM);
Present Pitt Town NR 5 Apr- 17 Aug & 2 Nov, max 300 on 25 May (ARo,EV,MR), 2
Homebush Bay 14 Apr (JCe); 2 Lake Burragorang 21 Apr & 4 on 7 Jun (RT); 216
Fivebough Swamp 20 Jul (KH); 16 New Cobar Tank 9 Sep (CA). Some large
concentrations, particularly at Pitt Town but otherwise the coastal numbers are down.
Grey Teal A. gracilis A+2Y Narrabeen Lake 31 Dec (1M), unusual breeding record;
1650 Fivebough Swamp 20 Apr & 6504 on 18 Oct (KH), large concentrations for this
Chestnut Teal A. castanea Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max 552 in Sep, ducklings
observed Jan -Feb, Sep- Dec (CCBR), numbers well down over 10 years but much drier in
the early 1990s so greater concentrations then.
Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus 5 Tuggerah Dairy Swamp 25 Nov
(CCBR); 7 Pitt Town Lagoon 25 May & 45 on 2-30 Nov (ARo,DH,EV), max 2 Bushells
Lagoon 19 Jan (KB) & 20 between 26 Oct -17 Nov (EV,RG), 2 McGraths Hill STW 16
Feb -9 Mar & 40 on 30 Nov -13 Dec (AR,EV,JRe,LD), 55 Powells Lagoon 19 Dec (KB);
5 Tallawarra 4 Nov (DGo); 2 Bega wetlands 23 Aug & 2A+ I Y on 20 Oct (ENHS); 25
Parkes STW 9 Nov (JDi). Influx to the coast apparent in Nov -Dec.
Hardhead Aythya australis 87 Bolwarra 10 Sep & 110 Newcaste Water Res Oct -Nov
(HBR); 150 Fivebough Swamp 18 Oct (KH). Largest concentrations reported.
Australasian Little Grebe Tachybaptus novaehollandiae 65 Lake Keepit 17 Jul (ID).
Hoary -headed Grebe Poliocephalus poliocephalus 200 Grahamstown Dam 26 Oct
(HBR); 3 Pitt Town NR 25 May (EV); 25 Potato Point 19 Apr (ENHS), highest number
reported on South Coast.
Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Nested Walka Water Works on 3 occasions in 1997,
10 Grahamstown Dam 26 Oct (HBR); 1 Pitt Town NR 4 Mar (KB); 1 upper reaches of
Lake Burragorang 21 Apr, 85 same place 7 Jun, 1 Gunyah 9 May (RT), 1 Shoalhaven R,
Nowra 7 Dec (RMi); Present Little Llangothlin Lagoon NR 2 Mar (BE); 11 +2 Im Wallace
Lake, Wallerawang 27 Jan (BC), 1 on farm dam 10km W Cowra & 1 Cullen Bullen 7 Sep
(BD), 170 Lake Windemere 18 Nov (WS); 1 Inverell Lake 8 Feb (JH); Max 11 Narran
lake NR 14 Mar -14 Apr (Ley 1998). Good spread of records in 1997.
April 2000Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes schlegeli I came ashore Malua Bay, Batemans Bay 10
Dec, subsequently relocated to Taronga Zoo where it died (ENHS, AMSR 0.69156),
first NSW record, accepted by NSWORAC.
Little Penguin Eudyptula minor 2 Farm Cove 22 Apr (Birdline), 2 McMahons Point 29
Apr (TN) unusual records for Sydney Harbour; Some interesting recoveries were made
away from NSW breeding islands including banded Five Islands 28/11/87, recovered
Phillip Island Vic 13/7/96, banded Bowen Island 29/1/91, recovered Tathra Beach 29/1/
97, banded Five Islands 16/11/93, recovered Phillip Island Vic 30/12/96, banded Lion
Island 1/12/94 recovered 90 Mile Beach Vic 28/7/96, banded Lion Island 17/10/96
recovered Sorrento Vic 18/6/97, banded Phillip Island Vic 29/7/94 recovered Bowen
Island ACT 17/10/96 (ABBS 1996/97). Movement between breeding colonies is of interest
and these recoveries demonstate the importance of all breeding sites.
Common Diving Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix Long Reef 5 Aug (MR), 29threcord.
Fewer records than usual.
Southern Giant -Petrel Macronectes giganteus white morph Long Reef 25 Aug
(MR), 1 North Head 8 Aug & last 25 Sep (RG); 1 off Sydney Jun & Jul (AP); 2 off
Wollongong Jul -Aug (AP), one banded off Bellambi 17/8/95 recovered Rakaia River
mouth, New Zealand 15/12/96 (ABBS 1996/97); off Eden 21 Sep (ENHS). Numbers
appear less than usual.
Northern Giant -Petrel M halli off Wollongong Jul -Aug (AP); !found alive Malua
Bay Beach 30 Oct, subsequently died, 1s’ record for Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS).
Cape Petrel Daption capense Max 6 off Sydney 7 Jun -11 Aug (AP,DH,DSm); Max 6
off Wollongong Jul -Aug (AP); 4 off Eden 21 Sep (ENHS). Numbers down on previous
Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata I off Sydney 18 Jan (KB); I off Wollongong 27
Jan & 2 on 28 Feb (AP,DH,KB), records referred to NSWORAC, 20 -22nd records if
Great -winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera Present off Sydney all year, numbers
highest Jan -Feb (80+ Feb) and Nov-Dec(150-200 13 Dec), much fewer in winter, max 4
Jun -Jul (AP,ARo); Present off Wollongong all year, max 50+ Feb, smaller numbers in
winter (AP); 30 off Eden 7 Dec (ENHS). Average year.
White -headed Petrel P. lessonii 10+ off Sydney 8 Aug (SAs), 1 off Wollongong Jul &
21 Sep (PMi). Fewer reports than usual.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No 7
1Providence Petrel P. solandri 25 Cape Banks BBNP 12 May (RG), 12 North Head 31
May & 2 on 3 Jul (RG), present off Sydney Jun -Dec, max 50 in Apr & juv in fresh
plumage 13 Dec (AP,GCo,ARo); Max 30+ off Wollongong Apr- Aug (AP). Average
Kermadec Petrel P. neglecta 1 off Sydney 5 Oct (AMb); 1 off Wollongong Jul (PM).
13 -14th records if accepted by NSWORAC, all previous records spread throughout the
White -necked Petrel P. cervicalis off Wollongong 29 Jan (AP), 19th record, consistent
with known occurrence.
Black -winged Petrel P. nigripennis I beachcast Brunswick Heads 18 Apr (RM, AMSR
0.69120); off Sydney 18 Jan (KB). Referred to NSWORAC, probably 24 & 25th records
if accepted.
Gould’s Petrel P. leucoptera I beachcast Minnie Water YNP 10 Mar (AMSR 0.609140);
Regularly reported during pelagic trips off Sydney viz 7 on 18 Jan, 5 on 8 Feb, on 5 Oct
& 5 on 13 Dec (AMb,DH,KB). Breeding: 3A on eggs Cabbage Tree Island 13 Nov,
earliest reported breeding on Island, in 97/98 866 nests (816 in 96/97), of which 514 were
active & 493 had bird & egg, best results ever reported (NC,HBR). Breeding confirmed
on Boondelbah Island off Port Stephens with 2 fledglings +1 egg 10-11 Apr (Pridell &
Antarctic Prion Pachyptila desolata 4 off Wollongong 21 Sep (PM i), similar pattern of
occurrence in 1996.
Fairy Prion P. turtur Arrival: 50 off Sydney 12 Jul -9 Aug (AP,DH,GCo); Max 5 off
Wollongong Jul -Aug (AP); 100+ off Eden 21 Sep (ENHS). Numbers down on previous
Bulwer’s Petrel Bulweria bulweria off Wollongong 21 Sep & 5 Oct (PMi), first NSW
records if accepted by BARAC however only one submission was received and then
subsequently withrawn. Records remain unconfirmed.
Black Petrel P. parkinsoni 3 off Sydney 2 Nov (ARo), 2 on 1 Nov & 3 on 13 Dec
(BW,DH), all referred to NSWORAC.
Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas off Sydney 8 Feb (EV), 3 in Mar (AP);
2 off Wollongong Mar (AP). Numbers down from the large influx in 1996, 32 -34th records.
April 2000Great Shea rwater C. gravis 12 km off Sydney 4 Apr (AMb), however the record
remains unconfirmed because no submission was made to BARAC.
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pactficus 15000-20,000 flying north between 1545
to 1645 hrs Anna Bay 5 Sep (ARo); 1 pale morph off Wollongong 12 Apr (AMb); Higher
than usual chick and occupied burrow densities on Montagu Island in 1997 (Fullagar
1998). Arrival: North head 14 Aug (RG).
Buller’s Shearwater P. bulleri 1 off Sydney 18 Jan, 1 Mar & Apr (AP,KB), 1 Long Reef
31 Mar (MR); 1 Pt Perpendicular 24 Jan (DH), 1 off Wollongong 12 Apr (AMb); 1
beachcast Montagu Island 28 Mar (Fullagar 1998), 2 off Eden 7 Dec (ENHS). While
down on 1996, still the 2nd highest number reported in any one year!
Flesh -footed Shearwater P. carneipes beachcast Birdie Beach MSRA 23 Nov (CCBR);
6 North Head 6 Nov (RG); 30 off Eden 7 Dec (ENHS).
Sooty Shearwater P. griseus Nesting on Cabbage Tree Is in 1997/98 (HBR); beachcast
Birdie Bch MSRA 23 Nov (CCBR); 3 North Head 4 Nov (RG), 1 off Sydney Feb, 10+ on
13 Dec (AP); 2 off Wollongong 21 Sep (PMi); 2 off Eden 7 Dec (ENHS).
Short -tailed Shearwater P. tenuirostris 25,000 passing North Head 8 Nov (RG). Arrival:
200 North Head 18 Sep (RG) & 400 Wollongong 21 Sep (PMi).
Fluttering Shearwater P. gavia Present in NSW Feb -Aug, with some very large
concentrations including 1000+ passed north in hr Anna Bay (ARo), 1200 off Caves
Beach 17 Jul (HBR); 20,000+ Norah Head 28 Jul & 15000 Soldiers Point 6 Sep (AM); 1
found alive at Alfred Pt Bankstown & released on coast 19 Feb (JMo), 2000 Cape Solander
23 Jul (CSh), 22,000 Long Reef 10 Aug (RG), 1 Point Piper 3 Aug (JWi). Large
concentrations Jul -Aug.
Hutton’ Shearwater P. huttoni off Forster 26 Aug (RT); Max 10 off Sydney Feb- Jul,
3 on 7 Aug, 3 on 13 Dec (AP,RG); 10+ off Wollongong Feb -Jul, with 900 in Aug (AP),
the latter report being the most ever reported for NSW.
Little Shearwater P. assimilis beachcast Birdie Beach MSRA 9 Jan (AM); off
1 1
Sydney 18 Jan (KB) & 7 Jun (AP), 1 150m off North Narrabeen Bch, taken to WIRES 4
Nov (PK). Average year.
Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans Max 8 Long Reef 28 Jun -8 Oct (MR,RG),
max 15 off Sydney 8 Aug -13 Dec (AP,ARo,DH,GCo), including one shot & killed by
fishermen 14 Sep (SAs), max 2 North Head 1 Jul -21 Aug (RG); Max 7 off Wollongong
Australian Birds Vol 32 No 9
1Jun -Sep, with on 21 Sep banded South Africa (PMi); 4 late birds at Eden 7 Dec (ENHS).
38 banded off Bellambi between 1964 & 1996 were recovered breeding on Adams Island,
Aukland Islands NZ during an expedition there 18 Jan -I Feb 1997 (ABBS 1996/97),
indicating the origin of many NSW birds! It is pleasing to report that numbers appear to
be on the increase on the NSW coast.
Black-browed Albatross D. melanophris Im South West Rocks 19 Jul (AM); Many off
One Mile Bch 3 Jun & 1 off Seal Rocks 8 Jun (HBR); Max 49 Long Reef 7 Apr- 2 Aug
(RG), max 8 off Sydney Apr -2 Nov (AP,ARo); Max 25 off Wollongong May -Aug with
I race salvini on 28 Jun (LS); Recorded 26 Jun -7 Dec on South Coast, max 15 off Eden 7
Dec (ENHS), banded Bull Rock, Campbell Island NZ 14/3/95 recovered Mystery Bay
3 Jan (ABBS 1996/97). Fewer numbers offshore than usual but numbers often high at
Long Reef.
Shy Albatross D. cauta Im off South West Rocks 10 Jul (AM); off One Mile Beach 3
Jun (HBR); 1 Long Reef 7 Apr -19 Jul (RG), max 6 North Head 23 Jul -8 Oct (RG), 1 off
Sydney Apr -Aug (AP), beachcast Bungan Beach 8 Dec (AMSR 0.69139), late date;
Present off South Coast 26 Jun -7 Dec, max 50 off Eden 21 Sep (ENHS). Fewer numbers
off Wollongong and Sydney than usual.
Yellow -nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchus 2 off Coffs Harbour 11 Jul (HW); 2 off
One Mile Beach 3 Jun & 1 off Caves Beach 18 Jul (HBR); Max 50 North Head 31 May –
30 Aug (RG), max 50 off Sydney 12 Jul -9 Aug (AP,DH,GCo); Max 45 off Wollongong
16 Apr -Aug (A P,KL). Average year.
Buller’s Albatross D. bulleri off Wollongong 28 Jun, Jul & 21 Sep (LS,PMi), and Im
caught and banded same place 26 Sep (LS), first Australian banding record. More records
than usual, 33 -36th records.
Light -mantled Sooty Albatross Phoebetria palpebrata off Sydney Heads 16 May
(RH), referred to NSWORAC, 14 th record accepted.
Wilson’s Storm -Petrel Oceanites oceanicus Max 50 off Sydney Apr -Jun & max 12 off
Sydney 9 Aug -13 Dec (AP,DH,GCo); Max 50 off Wollongong Mar -27 Apr (AMb,AP);
4 off Eden 7 Dec (ENHS). Average year.
White-faced Storm -Petrel Pelagodroma marina Max 5 off Sydney Apr -13 Dec
(AP,ARo); I off Wollongong Aug (AP); 2 off Eden 7 Dec (ENHS).
Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica Max 3 off Sydney 7 Jun & 1 on 5 Oct, 1
on 2 Nov (AMb,AP,ARo), referred to NSWORAC. Numbers increase as sea -watching
April 2000Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda off Sydney Mar (AP), 45th record for
NSW, fewer records than usual
White-tailed Tropicbird P. lepturus off Sydney Mar (AP) & 2 on 8 Aug (AP).
Average year.
Australasian Gannet Morus serrator Some large concentrations including: 70+ off
Forster 26 Aug (RT); 200 off Sydney Apr (AP) & 275 18 Oct (RG); 400 at Burrewarra
Point 13 Oct with Short -tailed Shearwaters (ENHS). I I banded on White Is Bay of Plenty
NZ during 1996-97, were recovered on the coast of NSW throughout 1997 (ABBS 1996/
Darter Anhinga melanogaster Nesting Market Swamp, Sandgate 9 Aug, Newcastle
Water Res 29 Oct & 3 nests Seaham NR 26 Dec (HBR); Nesting Ourimbah Ck, Chittaway
Jan, Oct -Nov max 7 nests (CCBR); nest Coopers Island 19 Oct -20 Dec (ENHS); 2 nests
Gum Swamp, Forbes 8 Dec (GC); 40+ nests Narran Lake NR Apr -Aug (Ley 1998).
Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Breeding: Max 8+ nests Lawrence
4 Oct -3 Dec, 3N Tyndale I Nov, 3 nests Boothbys Ck N of Southgate 4 Oct (GC); Nesting
Market Swamp, Sandgate, Newcastle Water Res & Seaham NR Oct -Dec (HBR); Small
numbers nesting Ourimbah Creek Jan (CCBR); Nesting Korrungulla Swamp Nov (CC);
12 nests Merimbula Lake 21 Sep -Oct (BJ); 3 nests Noola HSD, Old Junee 20 Jan (MC);
small numbers nesting Narran Lake NR Apr -Aug (Ley 1998). Overall breeding activity
low in 1997.
Pied Cormorant P. varius Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 111 Jan (CCBR); 6 pr
nesting Bicentennial Park 16 Jul (JRu,NR); Nesting Korrungulla Swamp Nov (CC); 40+
nests Narran Lake NR Apr -Aug (Ley 1998).
Little Black Cormorant P. sulcirostris Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 490 in
Dec (CCBR). Breeding: 10 nests Lawrence 3 Dec (GC); Nesting Newcastle Water Res &
Market Swamp, Sandgate Oct -Dec (HBR); Nesting Korrungulla Swamp Nov (CC), first
breeding in the Illawarra Region.
Great Cormorant P. carbo 54 nests Shortland WC/Newcastle Water Res Jun -Aug,
nesting Seaham NR 26 Dec (HBR); 50+ nests Narran Lake NR Apr -Aug (Ley 1998). No
nesting reported on inland lakes.
Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus 423A+200J Ramsay Island nesting colony,
Blackalls Bay 22 Jun (CCBR); 250 prs nesting Five Islands NR Nov (MSh). Coastal
breeding colonies continue to expand.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No I 11Lesser Frigatebird F. aerial 1 Clarence R, Iluka 28 Nov (MR), 3151 record, consistent
with known occurrence.
Little Egret Egretta gazetta Breeding: pr Lawrence 3 Dec (GC), 8 nests Shortland
WC Dec (MMx) & 14 nests Chittaway Point Oct -Dec (CCBR). Coastal colonies continue
to decline!
White -necked Heron Ardea pacy’lca Mason Park, Concord 23 Mar (JS); 2A+4 Im
Runnyford, Batemans Bay 22 Dec, first South Coast breeding record since the Kerta
colony was abandoned 1990-91; Nesting Hazeldean Swamp, Deniliquin 28 Mar (AK).
Great Egret A. alba Breeding: 20 nests Lawrence 8 Nov -20 Dec (GC), 33 Shortland
WC Dec (MMx), 3 colonies remaining from 1996 in the Macquarie Marshes Jan -Feb, but
no new breeding later in 1997 (RJ).
Intermediate Egret A. intermedia Breeding: 80+ nests Lawrence 8 Nov -31 Dec (GC),
11 nests Shortland WC Dec (MMx); 5000 nests Lynworth HSD, Moree 15 Apr (HB).
Cattle Egret A. ibis Breeding: 350 nests Seaham NR & 206 Shortland WC Dec (MMx),
numbers well down on previous years; On the South Coast very small numbers recorded
at all sites and unusually scarce on Moruya River flats for the 3rd consectutive year (ENHS).
Has the population peaked and is now declining in NSW?
Striated Heron Butorides striatus 1 Deepwater Park, Milperra 21 Mar (JD), I Glebe 31
Aug (AT). Unusual Sydney locations.
Nankeen Night Heron Nyticorax caledonicus Max 65 roosting Sportsman Ck 23 May –
14 Sep (GC); 7 roosting Mitchell Park 30 Apr (BC); 500 nests Lynworth HSD, Moree 15
Apr (JMI); 130 prs commenced nesting Bora Channel, Macquarie Marshes NR but
subsequently deserted Oct (RJ).
Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus attacked by other birds at Ballina 9 Apr and
subsequently died (AMSR 0.69125), Geneneebeinga Wetlands 5 Oct (ABi); AM
Wamberal Lagoon 24 Jul (KP); 2 Gees Lagoon, Colo 19 Oct (KB); 1 Deniliquin Jan & I
on 8 Sep (JB,JE). A good year but more records were reported in 1995.
Black Bittern I. flavicollis 1 Fernbank, Pt Macquarie 24 Apr (DBa); 1 Secret Bay Buttaba
27 Jul -13 Sep, Clarencetown 14 Oct (HBR); No reports from the Central Coast, first time
in 10 years!; 1 Deep Creek 24 Mar (AMb), 1 Centennial Park 19 Apr (PR), 1 Mitchell
Park 29 Nov (EV); Bolong near Nowra 16 Mar (KCh); No South Coast records (ENHS).
Average year.
April 2000Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus 4 Limeburners Ck NR 5 Jan & 9 Mar
(ABi,KSh), I Pelican Is, South West Rocks 11 Apr (KS), 1 10 km S Grafton 15 Jul (JJ);
Shortland WC 7 Sep (HBR); injured Wyong Golf Course Swamp 27 Sep (CCBR); 2
1 1
Rose’s Lagoon, Collector 29 Dec (per IF); 2 Stanbridge Jan (MS), Willbriggie Swamp
1 1
1 Jan & 31 Aug (BM), 3 Deniliquin 28 Mar (ID), I New Channel Rd Griffith 28 Sep
(MS), Avalon Swamp, Deniliquin Jan (JE) & 23 Oct (JR,NRu), HC Murramai Nov
(PH), HC Koona Dam 21 Oct (KH). Actually reported at more locations than in 1996,
which was then the most for any one year since reports began in 1970.
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 5 Tucabia 17 May, 14 Jabiru wetlands, Casino 23 Aug
(JH), max 12 Everlasting Swamp 13 Aug -14 Sep, 14 Lawrence 3 Dec (GC); 15 Shortland
WC 23 Feb -Apr (EV, HBR), max 79 Cedar Hill Drive Dec, 12 Birmingham Gardens 10
Dec (HBR); 2 Pitt Town Lagoon 18 Oct -22 Nov (ARo,TWk); 20+ Junee STW 21-30
Nov (MC); 2000 nests Gingham Watercourse 15 Apr (HB); Max 24 Narran Lake NR 21
Feb -I2 Aug (Ley 1998); 50 5km S of Griffith 5 Oct (JB), max 8500 Fivebough Swamp 6
Dec (KH). Good year although breeding success was not stated.
White Ibis Threskiornis molucca Max 6 pr nesting Lawrence 4 Oct -3 Dec (GC); 1000
roosting Shortland WC in Jul (HBR); 8 nests Noola HSD, Old Junee 20 Jan (MC); 2000
nests Gingham Watercourse 15 Apr (JMI).
Straw -necked Ibis T spinicollis 46000 nests Gingham Watercourse 15 Apr (HB); 150
nests Narran Lake NR Mar -Apr, subsequently deserted (Ley 1998).
Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia 30 Pitt Town NR 19 Apr (birdline), 24 Bushells Lagoon
11 Dec (WS); Largest numbers on the South Coast were 25 Tuross in Jul, 25 Tilba Lake
Aug & Oct (ENHS); Max 100 Narran Lake NR 21 Feb -13 Nov (Ley 1998). Breeding:
50-60 nests Watts Lane, Harwood Island 13 Sep, nesting in 25 Broad -leafed Paperbarks
Melaleuca quinquinervia, this is the largest colony in NSW and has been going for 12-15
years (but see the 1996 Addendum to this Report); Nesting Cedar Hill Drive 8 Dec (HBR)
but no details.
Yellow -billed Spoonbill P. flavipes 7 Pitt Town NR 2 Dec (ARo); 30 nests Back Lake,
Narran Lake NR Apr -Aug (Ley 1998).
Black -necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus Only observations south of Manning
River (Taree) given as well as breeding records: 3 Lower Myall River 1 Jan, 1 Pipers Bay
25 Oct (HBR); Terrigal Lagoon May (CCBR). Breeding: 2A+2J Cowper 10 Jan (EW),
nesting Woodford Is 2 May -10 Jul, 2 Y fledged by 28 Jul, 2A+J Sportsman Ck 23 May –
18 Jul, 2A+1J Elbow Swamp, Roberts Ck 16 Sep, A+2J Waterview Heights 9 Feb -3 Mar,
A+2Im Cowans Pond 9 Jun, J Coutts Crossing 1 Feb, N+1J Corindi 26 Jul -12 Nov (GC),
Australian Birds Vol 32 No 13
1A+2J Casino 7 Feb (JH); 2A+ I Y Coolongolook 30 Aug (HBR). This would appear to
represent about 10 breeding pairs in northern NSW.
Osprey Pandion haliaetus 24 nesting attempts in Lismore District (Tweed R to
Tabbimobile) from which 21 young were fledged (RM), 19 nestsing attempts in the
Clarence/Grafton area with 15+ young reared (GC), 47 Osprey pairs/nests were surveyed
in Port Macquarie District (Crowdy Bay to Macksville) of which 19 raised at least one
young, 7 probably successful, 10 unsuccessful and 11 unsure (Bischoff 1998); At least 10
nesting attempts from Harrington to Port Stephens with nesting Tanilba Bay Jun -Aug
(furthest south nesting report in NSW), Seaham NR 8 Feb, Belmont Lagoon May –
1 1
Jun, Stockton Borehole Swamp 6 May, Williamtown 22 Jul, Kooragang Is 21 Dec (HBR);
1 Snapper Pt, Munmorah SRA 20 May & 17 Jun (CCBR), 1 Chittaway Point 3 Aug (PR);
2 Narrabeen Lake 19 Mar -29 Dec(AB,BC), 1 Berowra Ck, Cowan 13 May (DMa), 1
Long Reef 30 Apr & Jun (AF,RG), North Head 19 Jun (RG), 2 South Ck, Windsor 29
1 I
Jul (BC), 1 Akuna Bay KCNP 27 Dec (JFr); I flying over Bargo R, Picton 29 Jul (PVh),
2 Shoalhaven R, Nowra 7 Dec (RMi); 1 Burrewarrra Point 7 Dec (ENHS). More records
and more sites away from the breeding area (which is coastal NSW south to Port Stephens),
than ever reported before. There were 81 nesting pairs in NSW in 1997 compared with 73
in 1995 indicating that the population is still increasing.
Letter- winged Kite Elanus scriptus with many Black -shouldered Kites, 10 km N of
Mungo Brush at Myall Lakes feeding on mice 10-16 Dec (JT).
Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata 18 records throughout the year for North Coast at 12
locations with breeding reported at: A+J Richmond Hill 27-29 Feb (JH), J in care from
Lismore, banded and released at Meerschaum Vale 16 Apr (GC) & A+2J Cowans Ponds
13 Feb (EW); Reported from 5 sites in the Hunter Region with one record for 4 at Hallidays
Point 26 Aug (RT,HBR); Reported from 6 sites on the Central Coast but no breeding
records (CCBR); Reported from 10 sites in the Sydney Region but no breeding records;
N+2Y Yarrowyk Crossing, 25 km NW Uralla 8 Nov -Dec (AL,SD), 2+2Y Austins Crossing
20 Dec (AL); Kings Tableland 26 Feb (RT). Fewer records than 1996 which was the
best year!
Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura Raleigh 16 Jan, Coutts Crosssing 30 Jan -22
1 1
Aug,1 South Grafton 13 Feb, 1 Harwood Bridge 24 Feb , 1 Iluka 26 Apr, A Lake Arragan
16 Sep (GC), 2 +N Waterview Heights 15 Jan (KHe), 1 Melaleuca Rest area 16 Mar, 2 all
year West Kempsey, N+IY Kunderbung 5 Sep -31 Oct, N+2Y nr Port Macquarie 15
Aug -31 Dec (ABi,KS), I South West Rocks 6 Jul (KS); 1 Cundletown 8 Mar & 9 Apr
(RL), I Crowdy Head 2 May (HBR); 1 Wilberforce 15 Feb & 28 Apr (AY,KB), 1 Cattai
15 Feb (MR), McGraths Hill STW 22 Feb (LD), 4 May -1 Jun (AR,LD), 2 Glossodia 5
May (KB), 2 Colo R, Upper Colo 27 Sep (RMg), pr nested Maralya Dec (EV); 1 Croobyar
April 2000SF 6 Jan (KH), Warilla 9 Feb (CC,KC)1 St Georges Basin 27 Oct (KM), Woolamia
1 1
12 Dec (CC), 1 Cudmirrah 27 Dec (KM); I Eurobodalla NP 11 Nov (ENHS); 1 Munghom
Gap NR 2 Feb (TS), 1 Glen Alice 17 May (RT), 1 Capertee Valley 17 May & 12 Nov
(RT,TS); 1 Gwydir R Bundarra 8 Oct (AL), 1 W of Premer 8 Dec (GC). Most ever records
since Reports began in 1970.
Black -breasted Buzzard Hamirostra melanosternon I Nocholeche NR 8 Nov & 1 Sturt
NP 10 Nov (DT); 3 near Broken Hill 6 Jul (KT). All within accepted range.
Black Kite Milvus migrans 1 Crescent Head 7 May (KS), 1 Wingen 23 23 Feb, 1 Aberdeen
6-11 Apr & 1 Marmong Point 16 Aug (HBR); 1 Gunnedah 4 Dec (GC); 6 Wumbulgal 7
Mar & 12 Leeton Tip 19 Jun (KH).
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus Records other than those in the breeding area (Old Bar
north to the Queensland Border) are:- A Forster & Im Seal Rocks 4 Jun (DHa); Mullet
Ck, Wondabyne 2 Sep (CCBR), 3rd Central Coast record.
Whistling Kite H. sphenurus Pair resident on Manly Esplanade 28 Mar- 28 Apr (WB).
Spotted Harrier Circus approximans A McPhersons Crossing 30 May (GC) Black
Rocks, Bunjalung NP 8 Aug (DC); 1 Bayswater Colliery 14 Apr (HBR); A+1 Im
Cornwallis Rd, Richmond 31 Aug (CG); 1 10 km S Rystone 25 Jan (BC), max 2 present
Balmoral HSD, Cooyal Feb -Dec (NK); between Nyngan & Bourke 29 Sep (ALi); 2
Wompah Gate, Sturt NP 23 Aug (NW); 2 Wompah Gate, Sturt NP 23 Aug (NW), Fords
Bridge 30 Sep (ALi). Fewer records than usual, especially in coastal areas.
Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 2A+J Mangrove Mountain 28 Jan (MP).
Grey Goshawk A. novaehollandiae Only 3 records for the North Coast including 2 white
morphs & nesting Tooloom NP (DC); Reported from 7 sites in the Hunter Region no
white morphs seen (HBR); Reported from 13 locations on the Central Coast, no white
morphs sighted (CCBR); Reported from 8 locations in the Sydney Region (Lady Carrington
Drive, Royal NP being the most favoured location), no white morphs sighted; Reported
from 5 locations in the Illawarra Region, white morph sighted at Thirroul 27 Jan (IBOC);
Reported at 3 locations on the South Coast with white morphs seen at Broulee 17 Mar -2
Aug (ENHS) & 2 Lilli Pilli, Bega 15 Aug (DLa). No breeding records reported.
Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrhocephalus Reported at 6 locations in the Hunter Valley
throughout the year (HBR); reported from 6 locations on the Central Coast with nesting
at Canton Beach 3 Nov (CCBR).
Australian Birds Vol 32 No 1 15White -bellied Sea -Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster at nest Quorrobolong 28 Jul (ABg);
Parramatta 31 May (Hi), 2 nesting Newington wetlands 24 Jul (CSh): 2 Little Llangothlin
NR 2 Mar (BE), unusual location.
Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax 6 Ellalong 31 May (JV); 2 Bobbin Head 31 Mar (IJ),
Lower Colo 28 Apr (KB), 2 Grose Vale 12 May (TS)1 Royal NP 19 May (JF), 2
Ingleside 11 Aug (AF), I Lapstone 31 Dec (TW); Nesting Mogo SF 29 Aug (ENHS);
2+2Y Bouwick HSD, Mt Tenandra 19 Nov (DJ); 1 seen taking a feral kitten NW Griffith
Jun (BTa), nesting Tuckerbil Swamp, Leeton Oct (JT), 11 Carrathool Rd, Conargo 10
Mar (MS) & 18 Binya Hills 20 Nov (VCn), two large concentrations, 1 took Sulphur –
crested Cockatoo Cambria HSD, Barham Dec 1996 (ET).
Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides Lennox Head 28 May (11-1), unusual in this part
of the North Coast; Pair present all year Mangrove Mountain (CCBR); 1 Cornwallis Rd
Richmond 20 Apr (Birdline), 2 Bushells Lagoon 30 Apr (BC); Nesting Rocky Waterholes,
Narrandera 30 Aug (NJ). A few unusual coastal records.
Brown Falcon Falco berigora 2 present Munmorah SRA Feb -Jun, 1 Kariong Scout
Camp 20 Apr & Mangrove Mountain 6 Dec (CCBR), not a common bird on the Central
Australian Hobby Falco longipennis Greenacre 16 May (AM), considered to be
Grey Falcon F. hypoleucos 2 Morongla Ck, Cowra Dec (RMa); I Mount Bunganbil 11
May (DGr); 18km E Camerons Corner, Sturt NP (DT). Average year.
Black Falcon F. subniger 1 Garden Suburb 16 Jan, 1 Mount Thorley 12 Sep, 1 Bayswater
Colliery 15 Oct & 1 Manobolai NR 21 Oct (HBR); I near Goulburn 17 Jul (KT), 1 Roses
Lagoon, Collector 29 Dec (IF); 1 Gum Swamp, Forbes 31 Mar (JF); I nr Gundagai 16 Jun
(RT); 2 Manilla 2 Feb (RWa), 1 Carroll 24 Feb (JH); 1 14km N of Goodooga 3 Jul (JH),
1 nr Goondiwindi 4 Aug (JH); 1 15 km SE Nyngan 8 May (CA); 1 Lake Cargelligo May
(MCr),1 Lake Wyangan 30 May & 1 15 km N Darlington Point (BC), 1-2 Fivebough
Swamp 13 Apr -3 Aug (KH), 1 Whitton Punt Res 9 Oct (JR,NRu); 1 Brenda HSD,
Weilmoringle 3 Jul (EW); 1 Mungo NP 27 Sep (RT). More records than usual but not as
many records as 1995, the best year.
Peregrine Falcon F. peregrinus took a Kookaburra at McMasters Beach 17 Apr & a
King Parrot at Central Mangrove 4 Oct (CCBR); 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 2 Feb (ABe), 1
injured at Sydney Airport 16 Jun (DLw), 2 Sydney City Centre 15 Jul (BW), Im observed
plucking a Feral Pigeon in a ploughed field at Bakers Lagoon 5 Sep (ARo), I made
April 2000unsuccessful swoop at swimming Musk Duck Narrabeen Lake 31 Dec (IM); 1 5 km
offshore of Wollongong 25 May (AP), was it going to New Zealand? Breeding: 2A+3Y
Cabbage Tree Island 12 Nov (MSh), Two pairs nesting on the Illawarra Escarpment 17-
22 Oct (RT); Breeding behaviour exhibited by pair at Bethungra Railway cutting 21 Nov
(MC). Some interesting prey items.
Nankeen Kestrel F. cenchroides banded at Balmoral HSD, Cooyal near Mudgee 1/3/
91 recovered first at Capertee 19/12/96 and then at Mudgee Airport 11 Mar (ABBS 1996/
Brolga Grus rubicunda 4 Ulmarra 10 Mar (PCh), 10-93+ Everlasting Swamp 23 May –
14 Sep, 4 Elbow Swamp, Roberts Ck 29 May, 4 N of Ulmarra 2 May, 2 Colletts Is
Tucabia 17 May (GC), max 4 S of Lawrence 9 Mar -2 May (GC,WT); I Nyngan Jun
(RWd), 4A+2J Loudons Lagoon, Macquarie Marshes NR 5 Aug, 6 Buckiinguy Swamp
29 Aug, 2A+chick North Marsh, Macquarie Marshes NR 29 Dec (RJ); max 58 Tuckerbil
Swamp 2 Mar- 17 May (JPi,KH,MS), 2-3 Fivebough Swamp 2-30 Mar, 20 Jul & 24 Nov
(HBi,KH,MS), 2 Widgewa 7 Aug & 31 Sep (JWI,TSm), 1 Morundah-Urana Rd 10 Oct
(PSu), 2 15 km S of Murundah & 1 20 km N of Urana, 1 20 km N of Urana 20 Nov, 2 in
rice field 15 km S of Morundah 24 & 256 Dec (JBr), 2 Jerilderie 23 Nov (DWe); 2A+1Y
Salt Lake, Narran Lake NR Feb (Ley 1998). The Clarence Valley, Murrumbidgee wetlands
and the Macquarie Marshes remain the stronghold for this species in NSW.
Buff- banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis Southgate Ck 24 May, Raleigh 16 Jan
1 1
(GC), 2 Urunga 6 Jan, 4A+5Y Macleay Valley all year (ABi,KS); 1 Booti Booti NP 16
Jan (DT), 1 Pelican 27 Jan (HBR), 1 Harrington 1 May (DLo), 1 Wallsend 3 Oct, 1
Market Swamp 13 Oct, Newcastle Uni 14 Nov, Myall lakes NP 4 Dec, Shortland WC 12
Dec, Cedar Hill 8-24 Dec, 2A+2Y Mandalong 12 Dec (HBR), 1 Forster 6 Nov (BSt);
Reported from Berkeley Vale, Chittaway, Mardi, Tuggerah Dairy Swamp and Picnic Pt
The Entrance where there were 2A+2Y Jan (CCBR) & on 25 Jul (CA); 2 Royal Bot
1 1
Gardens 5 Jan (DH) & 7 prs, incl 2A+2Y 27 Nov (ALe), 4 Castlecove GC 11 Jan (DPo),
4 Bushells Lagoon 16-19 Jan & 6 Dec (BC,EV,KB), 1 Yarramundi Bridge 6 Dec (ID); 1
Berry Bch Rd, Berry 10 Nov (BV), Primbee GC 30 Sep (Mes), 2 Why Juck Bay, Lake
Illawarra 19-28 Oct (CB,DGo); garden Nethercote 27 Nov (ENHS), 3 Montagu Island
26-30 Mar (Fullagar 1998); 1 East Mullane HSD, Cumborah 12 Nov (AL); 1 Oasis HSD,
Dubbo 30 Jan (JFa); Fivebough Swamp 12 Jul (KH). Reported from 33 locations of
which only 3 are west of the ranges!
Lewin’s Rail Rallus pectoralis HC Belmore R, Hat Head NP 9 Mar (ABi) & 14-16
Oct (GC); 2 Glenrock SRA Jun -Oct, I Morisset 13 Sep (HBR); 2 Mill Ck, Dharug 19 Jan
& 3 Feb (BC,EV); 1 Dee Why Lagoon 7 Jul -30 Aug (AP,DH, RW), 1 Royal NP 1 Sep
(DH), Cronulla HS Swamp 7 Sep (AP), 1 Taronga Zoo 20 Aug -Sep (DH,HR); 1
Blackfellows Lake 19 Sep (ENHS). All records are coastal.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No 17
1Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla 7 Sth Lismore STW 14 Aug (DC), Rainbow Reach
7 Sep (ABi); 1 Shortland WC 26 Oct & 12 Dec, 1 Cedar Hill 20-24 Dec (HBR); 2 Chittaway
Point 2 Dec (CCBR); Centennial Park 15 Nov (DH), max 3 McGraths Hill STW 14
Sep -22 Nov (EV), Pitt Town NR 29-30 Nov (CG,EV), max 2 Bushells Lagoon 16-19
Jan (KB,EV,PC) & 27 Dec (DH), Cornwallis Rd Richmond 21 Sep (EV), 4 Powells
Lagoon 19 Dec (KB), 3 Richmond Polo Club 31 Dec (JS); 1 Shellharbour 14 Sep (CB), 1
Killalea Lagoon 12 Dec (SP), Mt Annan Bot Garden 15 Sep (IBOC 11/97); 2A+2Y L.
Williams, Nimmitabel 21 Nov (ENHS); 3 Junee STW 24 Oct -3 Nov (MC); 1 Moira SF 8
Sep (JB), Fivebough Swamp 28 Sep (KH), 6 Lake Cargelligo 4 Oct (TQ), 2 Brickworks
Swamp, Griffith 4 Oct (KMa). More records than usual and the most record from inland
sites since 1992.
Australian Spotted Crake P. fluminea Max 2 Shortland WC 1-12 Dec, Cedar Hill 23-
28 Dec (HBR); McGraths Hill STW 26 Oct -22 Nov (BC,EV), Pitt Town NR 27 Jan,
I 1
& 29-30 Nov (CG,EV,JR), 1 Bushells Lagoon 16 Jan (KB) & 27 Dec (DH), 1 Mill Pond,
Botany 13 Sep (TWk), 2 Powells Lagoon 19 Dec (KB), 1 Metromix Swamp, Cronulla 28
Nov -28 Dec (BC,DH), 3 Richmond Polo Club (JS); 1 beachcast North Durras Beach
Apr, Lake Williams, Nimmitabel 21 Nov (ENHS); 2 Campbells Swamp 30 Mar (RN),
max 11 Fivebough Swamp 20 Apr -18 Oct (KH), 2+ Moira SF 7 Sep (JB); 1 Teurika
Camp, Sturt NP 21 Aug (NW). The most locations reported in any one year since reports
began in 1970.
Spotless Crake P. tabuensis 1 Cedar Hill 20 Dec (HBR); I D Tuggerawong 9 Feb
(AMSR 0.68193); Pitt Town NR 27 Jan (JR), Cronulla HS Swamp 28 Nov (BC), ID
Narellan 5 Dec (ALe, AMSR 0.69149). Average year.
Black -tailed Native- hen Gallinula ventralis Bushells Lagoon 26 Oct (EV); 2+4Y
Temora 8 Oct (JR,NRu); 7+ S of Lake Urana 19 Nov (DT); 30+ Coombie HSD Roto Oct
Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis 7 Teurika Camp, Sturt NP 22 Aug (NW), only
record for 1997.
Red -backed Button -quail T maculosa 3 Cornwallis Rd, Richmond 24 Aug (EV),
referred to NSWORAC.
Little Button -quail Turnix velox 2 Wauchope 27 Nov (TW), I Copeland Tops 5 Jan
(MR); Cornwallis Rd, Richmond 30-31 Aug (CSh,EV); 3 Corbie Hill 26 Nov (NJ), 4
Whitton 26 Nov (DWe); Horse tank, Coombie HSD, Roto 8 Oct (JHo). 2″ year in a
row of few records.
April 2000Painted Button -quail T. varia 4 Howes Valley 9 Jun (EV), 6 Bulga 6 Sep, 7 Green
Wattle Creek 8 Jun, 2A+2Y Myall Lakes NP Dec (HBR); 1 Dharug NP (AMb) & 1
Mangrove Mountain 4 Jan, AF Munmorah SRA 18 Apr (CCBR); ; 4 Mitchell Park 30
Apr -12 Dec (BC), 1 Gees Lagoon 14 Jun (CM), 1 PGH Doonside 7 Jul & 9 Aug (EV), 3
Shanes Park 3 Aug (EV), 2 Scheyville NP 10 Aug (AY), I Picnic Point 7 Oct (JP), 1
Asquith 10 Dec (BMa); 3 Bridle Track Hill End 15 Feb (SA), observed at 2 locations on
the Scotts Main Range BMNP 24-29 Mar (RT), max 3 Glen Alice 16 Sep -23 Oct
(AY,DSm), 2 Huntingdale HSD, Glen Alice 30 May (PDb); 2 Ukerbarley HSD,
Coonabarabran 5-7 Oct (JB). Average year for records.
Red -chested Button -quail T pyrrhothorax 2 Glen Davis 17 Jul (CSh), I Conimbla NP
26 Oct (JR,NRu). Fewer records than usual.
Plains -wanderer Pedionomus torquatus 3 Conargo 29-30 Mar (AK,ID); 2 Deniliquin
District Jan (JE), AM+3Y 25 Apr (PR), 2F+2J Sep (CBr), 3 Hay Plains 6 Sep (JB). All
within known range.
Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardwickii 3 Budderoo NP 17 Feb (RJo) unusal location;
Fivebough Swamp 21-28 Sep (KH). Departure: 1 Mill Ponds, Botany 7 Apr (Birdline).
Arrival: 10 Pitt Town NR 14 Aug (Birdline), 10 Bushells Lagoon 17 Aug (EV), Mill
Pond, Botany 23 Aug (PMe), Jabiru wetlands, Casino (JH) & Macquarie Marshes NR
(RJ). Maximun Number: 500+ Stockrington Swamp 20-27 Dec (HBR), a very large
Black -tailed Godwit Limosa limosa 20 Wooloweyah Lagoon 4 Jul & 2 on 4 Oct (GC);
I Budgewoi Lake 3 May (CCBR); 1 Homebush Bay 28-30 Mar (APa,BD); Max 4
Fivebough Swamp 28 Sep -30 Nov (KH); 160 Narran Lake NR 29 Mar -14 Apr (Ley
1998). Summer Wader Count Feb: 212 Clarence Estuary 24 Feb (GC), 350 Kooragang
Is (Harris 1997). Average year, but fewer inland records than usual.
Bar -tailed Godwit L. lapponica Summer Wader Count Feb: 252 Richmond Estuary,
642 Clarence, 1850 Kooragang, 40 Tuggerah Lakes, 159 Parramatta River, 393 Botany
Bay, 450 Shoalhaven (GC,HBR,Harris 1997). Winter Wader Count Jui: 92 Richmond,
230 Clarence, 50 Lemon Tree Passage, 61 Tuggerah Lakes, 34 Parramatta River, 198
Botany Bay, 61 Shoalhaven, 50 Merimbula Lake (BJ,GC,HBR,Harris 1997). Two recent
colour banded reports are of interest, both banded on the South-east Queensland coast in
1992, one was observed at Towra Point 13 Jan & the other at Comerong Island 22 Feb
(ABBS 1996/97). Based on the summer wader counts, the numbers for Botany Bay
continue to decline, however overall the numbers are steady.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No 19
1Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Summer Wader Count Feb: 153 Richmond Estuary,
16 Clarence, 96 Hunter & 38 Botany Bay (GC,Harris 1997). Winter Wader Count: 18
Richmond, 5 Clarence, 5 Brisbane Water, 40 Botany Bay (Harris 1997). The Richmond
Estuary seems to hold the most Whimbrel for NSW.
Eastern Curlew N. madagascariensis Max 50 Swan Bay 15 Aug & 250 Kooragang
Island 30 Dec (HBR) Summer Wader Count Feb: 99 Richmond Estuary, 87 Clarence
Estuary, 552 Hunter Estuary, 378 Botany Bay & 30 Shoalhaven Estuary (GC,Harris 1997).
Winter Wader Count Jul: 36 Clarence Estuary (GC) & 67 Botany Bay (no Hunter
count) (Harris 1997). Average numbers.
Little Curlew N. minutus Pitt Town NR 28 Nov -29 Nov (KB); 2 Lake Cowal 11 Oct
(PP). Average year.
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatihs Rainbow Reach Mar & 20 Apr (ABi); Max 30
1 1
Kooragang is Jan -Mar (HBR); I Tuggerah Dairy Swamp 5 Nov (CCBR); 1 Bicentennial
Park 2 Nov (TW), 5 McGraths Hill STW 30 Nov (AR), 5 Pitt Town NR 2 Dec (ARo); 336
on 19 Jan & 152 Fivebough Swamp 30 Mar (KH), 8 Nericon Swamp 31 Aug (BM); Max
50 Narran Lake NR 2 Mar -14 Apr & 500 on 13 Nov (Ley 1998), 60 Lauravale HSD, NW
Bourke 30 Sep (AM), Fords Bridge 30 Sep (ALi). Summer Wader Count Feb: 3
Richmond Estuary, 6 Clarence Estuary, 180 Hunter Estuary (Harris 1997). Numbers overall
continue to increase.
Common Greenshank T nebularia 67 Tuckerbil Swamp 8 Mar (MS), 41 Campbells
Swamp 29 Mar (BM); Coombie HSD, Roto 13 Nov (JHo), 2″‘ record for property.
Summer Wader Count Feb: 64 Richmond, 4 Clarence, 160 Hunter, 18 Tuggerah Lakes,
7 Parramatta River, 12 Shoalhaven (Harris 1997). Average year.
Wood Sandpiper T glareola I Kooragang Is 16 Mar & 8 Dec (EV,HBR), 7 Cedar Hill
23 Dec (HBR); Bushells Lagoon 15-23 Jan (ARo,EV,KB); 1-2 Fivebough Swamp 2
Mar, 28 Sep -30 Nov (KH), Tharbogan Swamp, Griffith 4 Oct (BM). Average year.
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 1 Ballina 31 Mar (JH); I Stockton Bridge 1 Mar & 10
on 9 Nov, 6 Tilligerry Peninsular 8 May (HBR); 12 Shell Point 16 Feb (EV) & max 2, 4
Nov -28 Dec (DH,RG). Summer Wader Count Feb: 70 Richmond, 7 Clarence, 231
Hunter (Harris 1997). A good year, numbers back to 1994 levels.
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 1 Stockton wreck 1 Mar (ALi), I Cockle Creek
23 Nov (HBR); 1 Newington Wetlands 14 Oct (PS), 1 Yarramundi Bridge 7 Dec (ID).
Numbers down on previous years.
April 2000Grey -tailed Tattler Heterosce/us brevipes 62 Chickiba wetlands, Ballina 9 Apr (JH).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 133 Richmond, 64 Clarence, 21 Hunter & 3 Tuggerah
Lakes (Harris 1997).
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres Summer Wader Count Feb: 51 Richmond, 4
Clarence, 2 Hunter and 16 Tuggerah Lakes (Harris 1997).
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris 2 Harrington 26 Dec (EV); 16 Stockton Bridge 12 Mar
(HBR); 3 North Botany Bay 9-16 Sep (CG), 1 Long Reef 1 Nov (RG); 7 Comerong Is 16
Nov (CC). Summer Wader Count Feb: 35 Richmond, 361 Clarence Estuary, 15 Hunter
(GC,Harris 1997). Winter Wader Count Jul: 173 Clarence Estuary (GC). High numbers
for the Clarence.
Red Knot C. canutus Highest Hunter River count was 36 on 3 Mar (HBR); Present
Tuggerah Lakes Sep- Dec, max 100 Picnic Pt The Entrance Oct (CCBR); I Fivebough
Swamp 28 Sep (KH). Arrival: 5 The Entrance 6 Sep (AM), 2 North Botany Bay 13 Sep
(CG). Passage numbers appear down on previous years.
Sanderling C. alba 41 Richmond Estuary Feb (Harris 1997); 3 Boatharbour, Kurnell 4
Oct (JP), 2 North Botany Bay 23 Nov (RG); 1 Windang 10 Oct & 19 Dec (CB,DGo).
Average year.
Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis 32 Dee Why Lagoon 7 Sep (RG), Max 11 Fivebough
Swamp 13 Apr -20 Jul (KH), Summer Wader Count Feb: 88 Richmond, 8 Clarence,
130 Hunter, 20 Botany Bay, coastal numbers well down down.
Long -toed Stint C. subminuta 1 in breeding plumage McGraths Hill STW 31 Mar (EV);
Tullakool 20 Jan (NH), referred to NSWORAC.
Baird’s Sandpiper C. bairdii Bushells Lagoon 15 Jan (EV), referred to NSWORAC.
Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotos Pelican Is, South West Rocks 11 Apr (KS); Max 10
Kooragang Is 23 Feb -16 Mar (EV); Max 3 McGraths Hill STW 16 Feb -13 Apr
(BC,EV,GS), 5 Pitt Town NR 15-19 Jan (EV), 1 Bicentennial Park 13 Nov (ML); Max 5
Fivebough Swamp 19 Jan -2 Mar (DWe,KH). Good numbers for the Hunter, average year
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata Some interesting Sydney records include: 70 Pitt
Town NR 28 Sep (EV), 60 Mason Pk, Concord 2 Nov (TW), 70 Bushells Lagoon 27 Dec
(DH); Elsewhere 1645 Fivebough Swamp 19 Jan & 2000 on 15 Nov (KH); Max 39
Australian Birds Vol 32 No I 21Narran Lake NR 2 Mar- 14 Apr & 100 on 13 Nov (Ley 1998). Departure: 4 Pitt Town
NR 8 May (SA). Arrival: Nericon Swamp & Fivebough Swamp 24 Aug (BM,KH), 4
Newington wetlands 30 Aug (CSh), 2 Powells Lane, Windsor 2 Sep (DH), Berkeley
Vale 3 Sep (AM). Summer Wader Count Feb: 21 Richmond, 63 Clarence & 8 Botany
Bay (Harris 1997). Numbers down in estuarine areas but appear to be up on freshwater
marshes and inland lakes.
Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea Present Tuggerah Lakes Sep -Dec, max 185 Dec
(CCBR). Arrival: Fivebough Swamp 24 Aug (KH), 13 Mason Pk, Concord 8 Sep (JS).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 88 Richmond, 1800 Hunter, 16 Botany Bay (Harris 1997).
Numbers down at coastal sites.
Ruff Philomachus pugnar 2 Tullakool 19-20 Jan (JE,NH).
Painted Snipe Rostraluta benghalensis Cedar Hill 20-23 Dec (HBR); 3 Bushells
Lagoon 6-15 Dec (CG,EV). All records published, this Threatened Species continues to
be very elusive.
Comb -crested Jacana Irediparra gallinacea Max 10 Geneebeinga Wetlands 2 Aug -5
Oct (ABi), max 9 Elbow Swamp, Roberts Ck 2 May -13 Sep, including 4J on 2 May (GC),
15 Jabiru wetlands, Casino 23 Aug (JH), largest groups reported in 1997 in the North
Coast Region; Max 8 C&A Dam, Richmondvale 20 Apr -20 Jul (EV,HBR), 1 Nabiac 28
Dec (HBR); 1Pitt Town NR 8-9 May (KB,SA).
Bush Stone -curlew Burhinus grallarius 2 responded to tape & then seen in flight Glenugie
SF 20 Aug, first record for Clarence Valley for some years (GC); 2 Davistown 22 Jun &
1 HC Narara Ck Narrara 7 Oct (CCBR); I still present Narooma SF Office all year, no
breeding attempted (ENHS); Quambone 23 Aug (RJ); & 2 Euroley 27 Jul (KH), only
inland records.
Beach Stone -curlew Esacus neglectus 1 Dart Is 4 Jul, 2 Sandon Estuary 13 Sep (GC), 2
Red Rock 12 Mar & 13 Dec (CW,GC), 1 Pelican Is, Pt Macquarie 22-24 Mar (DSt,PSt),
2 Urunga Island 7-8 Jan (ABi) & 28 Mar (NPh), 1 lluka 6 Oct (HM), 1 banded Nambucca
Estuary 13/3/86 was observed at Sandon River Estuary 29 Jun (ABBS 1996/97);
Harrington 28 Mar (ABi); Comerong Island Nov (GTh). No breeding reported in 1997
but the number of estuarine locations where birds occur, continues to increase.
Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris 16 Brisbane Water 22 Jun (highest count
for Brisbane Water since counting started in 1982), 2+3Y Chittaway Pt 26 Oct & 2A+2
Im The Entrance Dec, possibly the same birds (CCBR); Max 54 Botany Bay Feb (Harris
1997). Breeding: N+1E Lake Arragan 13 Sep, N+2E 16 Sep same place, eggs lost ,
April 2000mating observed 8 Nov (GC); Nest inside Little Tern colony Harrington 5 Jan (GW);
2+2Y Durras Jan, N+1E Bithry, Mimosa NP, 2+2Y Mogareeka, 2+N Short Point 23 Nov,
2+2Y Corunna Lake 26 Nov (ENHS). Band Recoveries: 5 colour -banded in Westernport
Bay Vic 1995/96 were reported from the following locations Moruya 3/10/96, Barragoot
Beach 11/11/96, Gilliards Bch, Mimosa Rocks 12/11/96, Boydtown 13/11/96 & 5km S
of Narooma 8 Jan, which probably indicates that recruitment for the NSW population is
from Victoria where breeding success is higher.
Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus 13 Shelley Bch, East Ballina 14 Mar (CW); 14
Toowoon Bay reefs 7 Mar (CCBR); 16 pairs nested Five Islands NR Oct -Dec (Smith et al
Black -winged Stilt Himatopus himatopus 10+ prs nesting Newline Rd, Raymond Terrace
Nov -Dec (MM); 5 nests Chittaway Point Nov (CCBR); 173 Bicentennial Park 4 May
(NH), high number for this site; 800 Narran Lake NR 13 Nov (Ley 1998). Summer
Wader Count Feb: 49 Richmond, 2 Clarence, 6 Tuggerah Lakes, 276 Parramatta River
& 39 Botany Bay (Harris 1997).
Banded Stilt Cladorhynchus leucocephalus 500 Tullakool Salt Works 12 Dec (Minton
& Collins 1998).
Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae 20 Kooragang Island 19 Jan (HBR);
1 Comerong Island 8 Nov (SP); 3 Parkes STW 9 Nov (JDi); Max 500 Fivebough Swamp
21 Sep (KH), 300 Tullakool Salt Works 12 Dec (Minton & Collins 1998); 260 Narran
Lake NR 13 Nov (Ley 1998). Noted decline in numbers in 1997 from previous years.
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva 21 Ash Island 19 Nov (HBR); 42 North Botany
Bay 8 Mar (MHs); 1 Koona Bay, Lake Illawarra 8 Nov (DGo). Summer Wader Count
Feb: 110 Richmond, 216 Clarence, 220 Hunter, 30 Tuggerah Lakes, 7 Parramatta River,
38 Botany Bay & 67 Shoalhaven River (EV,Harris 1997). Numbers south of the Hunter
appear to have declined over the past 5 years but north of the Hunter the population is
more stable.
American Golden Plover P. dominica A record of 2 feeding & preening at the edge of
Pitt Town NR 22 Nov, was reviewed but not accepted by BARAC.
Grey Plover P. squatarola 8 Clarence Estuary & 17 Shoalhaven Estuary Feb (Harris
1997); 2 North Botany Bay 4-15 Nov (RG,TWk); 1 Koona Bay, Lake Illawarra 8 Nov
(DGo). Average year.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No 23
1Red -capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus N+2E Hungry Head 2 Nov (KS); 75
Kooragang Island 5 Jun (HBR) largest number recorded for Hunter Region; 18 Tuggerah
Lakes Jul (Winter Wader Count CCBR), 15 Botany Bay Jul (Winter Wader Count), which
is only 35% of the number counted in similar counts in the the 1980s, 3 McGraths Hill
STW (LD), unusal location; Present Fivebough Swamp 2 Mar -20 Oct, max 198 on 30
Mar (KH).
Double -banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus Ballina 19 Apr (JH); 32 Coon Is Swansea
3 Aug (AM); Max 5 McGraths Hill STW 31 Mar -15 Jun (EV), 20 Long Reef 21 Apr
(Birdline); 100 + Shoalhaven Heads 3 Aug (PDb), 20 Windang 8 Aug (DG); max 11
Fivebough Swamp 15 Mar -20 Jul (BC,KH). Arrival: 1 Bellambi Point 3 Feb (DG), 2
Boatharbour, Kurnell 15 Feb (JPe), 2 Fivebough Swamp 15 Mar (KH). Departure: 1
McGraths Hill STW 5 Sep (JS). Winter Wader Count Jul: 48 Richmond Estuary, 27
Tuggerah Lakes, 79 Botany Bay, 203 Shoalhaven, 21 Potato Point (CC, HR, Harris
1997,ENHS). The winter count is up on the previous three years but only relates to coastal
sites. It is known that some NSW birds breed on the mountain lakes and fast rivers of the
NZ South Island, two further band recoveries confirm this ie banded Tekapo R, South
Island NZ 30/11/93, recovered Bonnievale 28 Jun, banded Ahuriri River 28/10/95,
recovered Shoalhaven Heads 20 Apr (ABBS 1996/97).
Lesser Sand Plover C. mongolus Boatharbour, Kurnell 16 Feb (EV) & 4 Oct (JP); 10
Comerong Island 24 Jan (CC). Summer Wader Count Feb: 22 Richmond, 42 Clarence
& 20 Hunter Estuary (EV,Harris 1997). Numbers continue to decline.
Greater Sand Plover C. leschenaultii 5 Chickiba wetlands, Ballina 9 Apr (JH). Summer
Wader Count Feb: 45 Richmond, 26 Clarence , 23 Hunter (GC,Harris 1997). An
interesting banding record is that of a bird colour banded in Southern Victoria in 1990,
reported Tuross Estuary 13/11/96 (ABBS 1996/97).
Inland Dotterel C. australis 30 Hay Plains S of Hay 6 Sep (JB); A+2Y Teurika Camp,
Sturt NP 22 Aug (NW). An elusive bird in western NSW.
Black -fronted Dotterel Elseyornis melanops 34 Newington wetlands 31 May (CSh),
59 McGraths Hill STW 1-8 Jun (AD,TW); 68 Fivebough Swamp 20 Jul (KH). Some
interesting concentrations.
Hooded Plover Thinornis rubricollis Nesting Lake Conjola Beach 3 Jan, 3 on 26 Apr
(EV,VC), 2+J Bendalong, Jervis Bay 28 Dec (BA); 2 Tilba Lake 24 Apr, Nullica River
27 Aug, 2 Broulee Beach all year (ENHS). Fewer observations & fewer breeding records
than usual.
April 2000Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus 2 Geneeebeinga Wetlands 5 Oct (ABi); 3
Market Swamp, Sandgate 24 Jan, 2 Birmingham Gardens 10 Dec & 12 Shortland WC 28
Dec (HBR); 2 Tuggerah Dairy Swamp 25 Nov (CCBR); McGraths Hill STW Jun
1 1
(TD), Richmond Turf Farms 16 Nov (EV), 3 Newington wetlands 18 Dec (ARo), Mason
Pk Concord 14 Dec (LH), 19 Powells Lagoon 19 Dec (KB); Yathella HSD, Junee 25
Aug (MC); 4 Parkes STW 9 Nov (JDi); 34 Narran Lake NR 13 Nov (Ley 1998). Coastal
numbers are highest Jan -Feb, Nov -Dec.
Banded Lapwing Vanellus tricolor 2 Quakers Hill 21 Jan (SA), max 10+ IN Cornwallis
Rd Richmond 21 Sep -7 Dec (EV,GCo,ID,TW); 2+3Y 12 km W Temora 9 Oct (JR,NRu);
25 Conargo 30 Mar (ID), 40 Maybons Well, Leeton 2 Apr (BM). Overal numbers appear
to be declining in NSW.
Masked Lapwing V. miles 150+ Powells Lagoon, Richmond 13 May (TS), large
Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella 5 Lake Cowal 11 Oct (PP), only record received.
Great Skua Catharacta skua I off South West Rocks 19 Jul (AM); max 4 North Head
31 May -7 Sep (RG), present off Sydney Jun & Aug (AP); Present off Wollongong
I 1
Mar- Aug, max 2 (AP). Lower numbers than usual.
South Polar Skua C. maccormicki off Wollongong Mar (AP), referred to NSWORAC.
Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus Max 10 off Sydney Feb -Apr (AP), max 4
North Head 16 Nov -Dec (RG); max 25 off Wollongong Feb- Apr (AP). Numbers down
on previous years.
Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus Departure: off Norah Head 16 Mar (EV). Arrival: 19
Oct (RG).
Long-tailed Jaeger S. longicaudus 1 off Sydney 18 Jan (AP), 5 in Mar, 1 Apr (AP), 6
on 13 Dec (DH); 5 off Wollongong 26 Jan, 2 in Mar, & on 12 Apr (AMb,AP); 4 off
Eden 7 Dec (ENHS). Average year.
Pacific Gull Larus pacilicus Newcastle Baths 2 Jun (HBR), very unusual record; Max
2 Long Reef 26 Mar -30 Apr (AF,NM), max 3 North Botany Bay 26 May -23 Jul
(DHa,GA,HR); Im Windang 25 Oct (JMo); I Bermagui 7 Sep & 7 Dec, 4 Twofold Bay
21 Sep, 2 Pambula Beach 18 Oct (ENHS). Numbers continue to increase in NSW.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No 25
1Kelp Gull L. domincanus 5 North Botany Bay 12 Jul (DHa), 2 off Sydney 8 Aug (AP),
1 North head 8 Jun & I Long Reef 10 Aug (RG); Max 7 off Wollongong Jun -Aug IA
Shoalhaven Heads 17 Sep (JC).
Gull -billed Tern Sterna nilotica 8 Stockton Bridge 18 Jul, 1 Nobbys Beach Aug (HBR);
A Birdie Beach, MSRA 24 Aug (CCBR); Max 6 Narran Lake NR 21 Feb -2 Mar, 1 Jul -13
Nov (Ley 1998).
Caspian Tern S. caspia I Homebush Bay 24 May (BD) & I Bicentennial Park 12 Jul
(DH), unusal locations.
Crested Tern S. bergii J banded Big Is, Five Islands NR 19/11/83, recovered dead on
Albifrons Is, Lakes NP Vic 26 Jan, while 3 banded as juveniles on Mud Island, Vic in
1994 & 1996, were recovered at Moruya, Pt Perpendicular and Toukley respectively in

  1. These recoveries demonstrating the importance of all the breeding islands around
    the Australian Coast.
    White -fronted Tern S. striata Ballina 23 Jun (ALi); Reported in small numbers at
    Nobbys Beach, Caves Beach & One Mile Beach in Hunter Region 19 May -14 Jul (HBR);
    36 North Head 4 Jul -14 Aug & max 20 Long Reef 28 Jun -30 Aug (RG); Max 5 off
    Wollongong May -Aug (AP). Arrival: Tilba Lake 9 May (ENHS) & Nobbys Beach 19
    May (HBR). Departure: 4 immatures Montagu Island 26 Oct (ENHS). Average year.
    Common Tern S. hirundo Generally only small numbers reported in 1997 including 20
    at Kooragang Island I Mar & 30 North Botany Bay 11 Nov (RG), however 2000+ were
    sheltering at The Entrance during a storm 22 Jan (CCBR).
    Arctic Tern S. paradisaea One in breeding plumage Soldiers Pt, Norah Head 20 Jul
    (EV), 24th accepted record for NSW.
    Little Tern S. albifrons Arrival: 1 Long Reef 4 Oct (RG). Breeding: 6+3Y Lake
    Conjola Beach 3 Jan (EV); 3 prs nested 28 Oct -27 Nov, A+2Y Red Rock 13 Dec, but not
    known if both young fledged (DB,GC), 119 birds+3N Station Creek 28 Oct but nest
    subsequently washed away by high tides (DB), 9N,12E Bongil Bongil NP30 Dec, N+E
    Deep Ck, Valla Beach 29 Oct (MSm); 124 nests were found at Harrington 1997/98, 294
    eggs laid, 110 pairs produced at least one runner and at least 233 fledglings were present
    (HBR), no nesting at Forster/Wallius Lake (DT); c.60 pairs nested Botany Bay, 95 nests
    including 9 re -nests, 18 nests lost by ravens, Silver Gulls or floods & 33 young were
    fledged to flying stage Oct -Dec (KE); 40A, 21N, 45 chicks hatched, 42 banded & 27
    young fledged Lake Wollumboola 20 Nov -1 Mar 1998 (RBo); 4N+9 fledged young
    Wallagoot Lake 20 Dec (BJ,ENHS); Mogareeka 2+ N Dec (BJ). Numbers steadily im
    April 2000proving each year with young being fledged from 7 sites, with possibly 301 young fledged,
    the best results since 1970 when these reports began!
    Fairy Tern S. nereis A male Fairy Tern mated with a female Little Tern and succesfully
    hatched 2 young from a clutch of 3 eggs Towra Point Dec -Jan 1998 (Ross et al 1999); 2
    Wallagoot Lake Dec, where interbreeding with Little Terns was attempted (ENHS).
    Incidence of breeding sympatry and hydridisation appears to be increasing as the breeding
    range expands northward into NSW.
    Sooty Tern S. fuscata beachcast Byron Bay 15 Nov (AMSR 0.70033); J Birubi Pt, 10
    km S Nelsons Bay 18 Feb (M La); 3J Wamberal Beach 16 May (MP); 1 off Sydney 8 Feb
    (EV), taken into care Manly 20 Nov (Birdline).
    Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus 1 Ash Island 19 Nov (HBR); 20 Lake Cargelligo
    4 Oct (TQ); Max 150 Narran Lake NR 21 Feb -14 Mar & 900 on 13 Nov (Ley 1998); Max
    5000 Fivebough Swamp 18 Oct -6 Dec (KH).
    White -winged Black Tern C. leucopterus First time for many years that none were
    seen in the Hunter Region (HBR); Long Reef 4 Nov (ML); 160 Narran Lake NR 29 Mar
    (Ley 1998), Great Cobar tank 7 Oct (CA). The Narran Lake flock is a large number for
    NSW at any site.
    Common Noddy Anous stolidous flying over breakwater Minnie Waters Dec (TBO4/
    98), 42″ accepted record.
    Grey Ternlet Procelsterna cerulea 4 off Sydney 18 Jan, on 18 Feb (AP,KB); 2 off
    Wollongong 27 Jan (AP). 23 -25th record if accepted by NSWORAC.
    White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela 60 Matcham 20 Jul (EV); Leichhardt
    Hospital, Rozelle 5 Feb (GSt), unusual inner Sydney record, South Turramurra 24 Nov
    (DL) unusual at this location, but more common elsewhere in the Lane Cove Valley;
    Recorded at 15 sites in the South Coast Region throughout the year, with nesting reported
    from Kalaru, Bega 12 Nov (ENHS), considered in this Region to be increasing at all sites;
    Armidale Aug (AL); Springwood 18 Sep (TS). Numbers continue to increase
    1 1 1
    overal and spread further south and west.
    Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macropygia amboinensis 20+ Clyde Rd, Erina 25 Jul (CCBR),
    large concentration; 4 6km W of Merimbula 11 Mar (ER), most southern report for 1997.
    Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica I Mistake SF 22 Apr, 1 Eungai Creek 12 Nov, 1
    Hat Head 1 1 Nov (GC), HC Boonanghi SF 19 Jan, 1 West Kempsey 1 Mar (ABi), 1
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 27
    1Wittitrin 7 Mar (KS), 2 East Ballina 13 Mar (CW); 1 Seal Rocks 16 May (DT), 1 Stroud
    29 Aug, 8 Wingham Brush 8 Sep (HBR), 2 Cabbage Tree Island Jul -Sep (NC), 1 Chichester
    SF 2 Nov (AB), Harrington 21 Sep & 26 Dec (EV,HBR); Niagara Park 6 May (Aflo),
    1 1
    3 Katandra SR 20 Jul (EV), 1 Palmdale 14 Nov (JS); 1 Minnamurra Falls 10 Jan (IBOC),
    1 Comerong Island 16 Feb (RR), 1 Albion Park 2 Nov (DLe); 1 Narooma 14 Aug (ENHS).
    The number of reports is similar to 1995-6.
    Common Bronzewing P. chalcoptera Chain Valley Bay 19 Jan (CCBR); South
    1 1
    Turramurra 30 May (DL), both unusual locations.
    Brush Bronzewing Phaps elegans 2 Bombah Pt, Myall Lakes NP 5 Apr (GC), 1 Shelley
    Beach MLNP 2 Mar & 26 Dec (HBR); 1 South Turramurra 14 Feb (DL), 1 Wakehurst
    Pkwy Frenches Forest 10 Jun (BC), Manly Dam Res 31 Jul, 2 Bantry Bay Rd 6 Aug
    (BC), 1 Woodbine HSD, Mulgoa 13 Sep (MH), I Westleigh 9 Nov (ARo); 1 Kings
    Tableland 25 Feb, 1 Erskine Range 9 Apr (RT); I Sheepwalk Rd, Yerranderie 9 May
    (RT). Good spread of records around Sydney.
    Crested Pigeon Ocyphaps lophotes 60+ Alumy Ck, Grafton 26 Apr (GC), large
    concentration; Summary of expansion of range in Illawarra & South Coast Regions
    provided (Mills 1997).
    Diamond Dove Geopelia cuneata 2 Joorilands Crossing 25 Apr (RT); Max 7 Capertee
    Valley 17-21 Jul (JO,KT); 2 Jindalee SF 23 Nov (Gang Gang 2/98); 6+ Coombie HSD,
    Roto in Jan only (JHo). Fewer records than usual.
    Peaceful Dove G. striata 2 Lawson Mar (TS), unusual location.
    Bar -shouldered Dove G. humeralis Ingleside 23 Apr (Birdline), max 8 Cape Banks
    BBNP 25 Feb -26 Jul (BP,CSm), 4 Cromer Heights 8 Aug (BC), 1 Mitchell Park 5 Oct
    (EV), 3 Lower Portland 19 Oct (KB); 1 Albion Park quarry 3 Nov (DGo), 2+ Comerong
    Island 2 Nov (SP); Bred in garden Coombie HSD, Roto 4 nests Oct -Dec (JHo), extreme
    western edge of range. Range expansion in the Sydney and Illawarra regions continues.
    Wonga Pigeon Leucosarcia melanoleuca Nested Mangrove Mountain Sep -Nov, rearing
    2 chicks even though the female was killed when she flew into a window (CCBR).
    Superb Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus superbus window kill Lismore Oct (RM); Winston
    1 1 1
    Hills 28 Mar, 1 Ramsgate 9 Apr (DJo); F North Nowra 25 Feb hit window (DWr), 1
    Woleny WR, Jamberool6 Mar (RJo). Average year.
    April 2000Rose -crowned Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus regina window kill Meershaum Vale 7 Apr,
    1 1
    window kill Bexhill 18 Jun & another Goonengerry 10 Nov (RM AMSR 0.70076,71,72),
    HC Belmore R, near Hat Head NP 15-16 Oct (GC); 2 Harrington 26 Dec (EV);
    Gwandalan PS 6 Apr (JC), 3″‘ Central Coast record; garden Blackbutt Res, Wollongong
    3 Nov (PWi), 14th Illawarra record since 1984. Average year for records.
    Wompoo Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus magnificus 2 Broken Head NR 3 Mar (RP), 4 Wittitrin
    31 May & 2 on 7 Jul, 1 Ellenborough 18 Oct (KS); 1 East Seaham 4-13 Apr, 5 Woko NP
    22 Oct (HBR), Copeland Tops 26 Oct (ML); 2 Kurrajong Heights 29 Apr -15 Jul
    (PVe,CBOC) well outside of normal range.
    Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus Large numbers Northern Rivers 23 Mar -2
    Jun, max 200+ Nana Glen 22 Apr (GC); 132 North Gosford 25 May (AM), large numbers
    remaining until Aug while Camphor Laurel fruiting on Central Coast (CCBR); 20 Mona
    Vale 8 Jul (AMb), 10 Bilgola 28-30 Sep (AMb), max 14 in fig tree Concord 5-6 Oct
    (CSh), 10 Neutral Bay 23 Oct (DD); Many records Oct -Nov in Illawarra feeding in figs,
    max 100 Willow Vale, Gerringong 7 Nov (DGo); 20+ Millingandi 30 Jan (TBO 5/97),
    furthest south record in 1997, 15 Wagonga Inlet 14 Aug, 15 Burrewarra Point 2-3 Sep, 10
    Bournda NP 13 Sep & Wallaga Lake 8 Nov (ENHS).
    Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus magnificus 110 75 km W of Walgett 2
    May (AL), 100+ between Bourke & Brewarrina 5 Apr (DC) & 150+ on 8 Nov (MR), 20
    Bourke 28 Sep (TS). All records within known range.
    Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoo C. funereus Some large numbers in inner Sydney include
    34 Camperdown 12 Jul (PDb) & 50 Centennial Pk 31 Jul -7 Sep (TP).
    Glossy Black Cockatoo C. lathami Max 12 in small groups between Camira SF & Six
    Mile Swamp, NW Whiporie 15 Nov, 4 Copmanhurst 9 Aug, AM Purgatory Ck 14 Jun, 6
    Mt Mitchell SF 3 Mar, 2 Forest Oak, Mann R NR 4 Mar, max 4 feeding in Forest Oak
    Allocasuarina torulosa Coutts Crossing 9 Apr, 18 Aug & 7 Nov, 3 feeding in Black She –
    oak A. littoralis 2-3 Sep, 3 feeding in Black She -oak S of Braunstone 13 Dec, 1 Sherwood
    Ck, Kungala 25 Apr, Flaggy Ck 27 Mar, 2 in Black She -oak Cathederal Rock NP 21
    Feb, HC Hat Head village 11 Nov, 2 at nest Mistake SF 17-24 Mar (GC), 2 Thora Valley
    10 Jul (HW); 6 Millbank 9 Feb & 8 during Apr & 2 during May, 2 West Kempsey 28 Feb
    & 2 May, HC South West Rocks 1 Mar, 2 Boonanghi SF 7 Mar & 5 on 14 Aug, 2 Bonny
    Hills 31 Mar, 2 Skillion Flat SF 16 May, 2 Mt Skillion SF 21 May, 3 Kattang NR 5 Aug
    & 5 on 28 Aug, HC Pappinbarra FSC 10 May, I Ingalba SF 6 Sep, 3 Toorooka 9 Sep, 2
    Hat Head 26 Oct (AB1,KS), 3 Wildridge HSD, Pappinbarra 23 Dec (PVI); 3 Seaham 15
    Jan , 2 North Arm Cove 18 Mar, 2 Mount Sugarloaf 5 May, 2 Sharpes Ck/Gloucester
    Tops 3-6 Oct, 5 Upper Myall 12 Apr, 5 Martinsville 5 Oct (HBR), 2 Pacific Palms 12 Jan
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 29
    1(DT), 3 Strike -a -light Camp, Myall River SF 7 Feb (GC), 3 Bulandelah 7 Mar (KB), 2
    Watagan NP 26 Apr (Birdline), 8+ Towarrie NP, Scone 9 Jun (AM); Recorded from 12
    sites on the Central Coast in 1997, max 8 at North Gosford 11 Jul (CCBR); F Crosslands
    Reserve 21 Feb (AVr), 3 Ku-rin-gai Chase NP 25 Apr (HW), 3 Warrawee feeding in
    macadamia tree 9 Jun (DL), max 15 Mackeral Beach 27 Jul -3 Aug (AP,RG) & 2 Jerusalem
    Bay KCNP 16 Sep (SW); Present at 8 locations Nattai NP feeding on Black She -oak &
    Forest Oak, 2 feeding on A. stricta Yerranderie 14 Mar (RT), 2 Vincentia 7 Mar, 2 Flat
    Rock Dam 12 Mar, 2 Cudmirrah 15 Mar (KM), 3 Comberton Grange 14 Jan (KM), 3
    Woollamia 17 Jan -29 Mar & 8 on 22 Jul (CC), 5 Heath land Res, Ulladulla 21 Jun (TB);
    45 records for the South Coast Region, including Bodalla SF, Brooman, Broulee,
    Burrewarrah Point, Dampier SF, Moruya SF, Nerrigundah, Tathra, Wallaga Lake &
    Womban, max 9 birds at Lillipilli, Bega 16 Aug (DLa,ENHS,JG); 2 Evans Lookout,
    Blackheath 15 Feb (TN), seen at 4 locations Scotts Main Range BMNP 24-29 Mar (RT)
    where feeding on A.distyla, A. littoralis & A. stricta, 7 Rockview HSD, Glen Davis 3
    May (BP), 12+ Lower Wolgan Valley 30 Aug (Kby), 2 Sublime Pt Leura 23 Aug (HR);
    2 Eugowra 7 Jun (FOC); 80 Pilliga East SF 3 Aug (AR), 2 Bulgeraga Bridge, W of
    Quambone 10 Nov (RJ); 6 Goobang NP Parkes 5 Jan (DOb); 2 Binya Hills Jan (VCn),
    max 5M,4F Brobenah Hills 30 Mar -5 Jul, where nesting 15 Jun (KH,MS,PM,RN), max
    10 Tully’s Hill 5 Apr, 18 May & 7 Dec (KH). Threatened species, all records published.
    Gang Gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum 50+ Watagan NP 26 Apr (birdline);
    15 Mitchell Park 21 Mar (BC), high number for Sydney Region, 1 Devlins Ck, Epping 19
    Oct (TQ), 3 Beecroft 12 Dec (LJ); 50+ Broulee Mar (ENHS), largest flock reported in
    South Coast Region for many years; 100 Mt Budawang Track, Braidwood 21 Dec (HR).
    Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris 2 Avocado Heights, Moonee 5-6 Nov (SL);
    Present all year Berkeley Vale, max 174 on 16 Dec (AM); 14 Calderwood 17 Mar (DG);
    3 Gooloogong 6 Oct (RJh); 100+ Yanco 2 Apr (DPn).
    Little Corella C. sanguinea 14 A with J Sawtell Golf Course Mar (TBO 7/97); 300+
    Ryde-Parramatta GC 9 May (TKy); 62 Mt Warrigal 15 Jan (1130C); Flock of 6 Glenduart,
    Moruya appear to be resident (ENHS).
    Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo C. /eadbeateri 40 Lake Cargelligo 20 Apr (BD), 8 12 km
    Nof Griffith 12 Aug (JBr), max 16 Campbells Swamp, Griffith 5 Jul -20 Sep (BM); 32
    Byerawering, Culgoa NP 3 Jul (EW); 40+ drinking at dams Coombie HSD, Roto Jan –
    May (JHo), 50 Mungo NP 17 Aug (NW) These records give an indication of some large
    concentrations across NSW.
    Scaly -breasted Lorikeet Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus 2 Sharpes Ck, Gloucester Tops
    3-6 Oct (HBR), unusual location; 4 Oyster Bay 28 Jun (PDb), 200 Castle Hill 27 Jul (AP);
    April 20005 Coolangatta 6 Jan (CC); 6 Bukulla HSD, Wei lmoringle 12-22 Jan, feeding in flowering
    Coolibah Eucalyptus microtheca , well west of normal range (per ME)
    Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna 8 Coutts Crossing 14 Dec (GC); Common Central
    Coast Jan -Jul, including 6 Everglades GC, Woy Woy 16 Jul (AM,JMI,CCBR); 6+
    Waverton 3 Apr (TN), 5 Taronga Zoo 6 Oct (LJ), 100+ Seven Hills 9 Mar (EV), present
    South Turramurra 25 Nov -20 Dec feeding in Blackbutt E. pilularis (DL); Common resident
    Eurobodalla Shire in 1997 (ENHS); 30 Parkes 15 Jun (NSc), 2nd record in 22 years; 100+
    Rich River GC, Moama 17 Jul (KH).
    Little Lorikeet G. pusilla 11 Toronto 25 Feb & 20 Shelley Bch, Myall lakes NP 2 Mar
    (HBR), are unsual; More records than usual on the Central Coast, feeding first in flowering
    Blackbutt Jan -Mar, Ironbarks in Mar, and Swamp Mahogany Apr -Jun, mostly Chittaway-
    Bateau Bay area (CCBR).
    Purple -crowned Lorikeet G. porphryrocephala 2 Tarawi NR Wentworth 20 Mar (ME),
    9th NSW record and first observation in NSW for 17 years.
    Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii Cowra 18 Jul (AB), 4 Mandurama 18 Oct (RMg);
    2 Warradgery SF 28 Mar (FOC), 15 Grenfell 2 May (BD), 12 20 km S Booroowa 6 Oct
    (RJh); 2 Backyamma SF 8 Jun (AR); 15 Ingalba NR Temora 15 Mar (MC), 25 Frampton
    29 Mar (CC), 57 Temora-Sepastapol Rd 11 May (MC), 59 Beckom 21 Jul (KH), 2
    Dirnaseer 26 Aug, 12 Combanning SF 11 Sep, 2 Noorla HSD, Junee 12 Sep (MC), 2 12
    W Temora 9 Oct & 30 Ardelago 26 Oct (JR,NRu), 80A+40 Im betwen Junee & Gundagai
    20 Nov (BS), 2+ Jindalee SF 23 Nov (Gang Gang 2/98), 20+ Eurongilly 11-18 Nov
    (MC); 250 33 km S of Nyngan on Bogan River Jun (KWy) & 200 on 10 Aug (RJ); 12
    Parkes 5 May (MCr), 2 Cookamidgere SF 15 Jun (NSc), 14 Bogan Gate 4 Oct (TQ); 4
    Gulpha Island Jan (JE), 6 garden Narrandera 3 Mar (NSm) & 12+ on 2 Dec (RMs), 4
    Conargo 28 Mar (ID), 16 McLennans Bore Rd Griffith May (BM), 6 Morundah 9 May
    (TSm), 78 Walsh Shed, Leeton 22 May (BM), 23 Fivebough Swamp 15 Jun (KH), 25
    Euroley Rd, Coleambally 3 Jul (Ebr), 2 Maybons Well 3 Jul (BM), 59 Ariah Park 21 Jul
    (KH), 6 Narrandera 5 Aug (CHu),12 Leeton 14 Aug (KH), 5 Stanbridge Swamp 20 Aug
    (EWi), 2 Brobenah Hills 14 Sep & 4 Wamoon 12 Apr, 4 Jun & 10 Sep (KH,MS), 40+
    Walsh Shed, Coleambally 4-25 Sep (BM,DWe) & 25 14 Nov (JBr), 14 Pooginook-
    Jerilderie 27 Sep (Allu), 2 Whitton Punt Res 10 Oct (JR,NRu), 2 Coleambally 14 Nov &
    3 5 km S of Darlington Point 20 Nov (JBr), 20 Euroley Reserves 23 Nov (MFN). Larger
    concentrations and more locations than previously reported so it does appear likely that
    this species is on the increase
    King Parrot Alisterus scapularis 32 Glen Alice 22 Jul (MPh), greatest number reported.
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 31
    1Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor 20 Moonee Beach Jun (AMc), 9 Pt Plommer,
    Limeburners Ck NR 23 Aug (EMc); Morisset 26 Apr (MR), 10 WhiteTree Bay Camp,
    Myall Lakes NP 29 Apr (CGo), 25 Cooranbong 17 Jun (P0); 3 Bensville 29 Apr (DGe),
    7 Mangrove Mtn 28 Jul (MP); 3 Annangrove 27 Apr (PW), 20 Blacktown 20 Jul (MHt),
    2 Seven Hills 15 Aug & 10 Shane’s Park 28 Sep (EV), 1 Woodbyne HSD, Mulgoa 8 Sep
    (JHu); 6 Wildgoat Plateau, Nattai NP 7 May (DT); Max 200 15 km W Capertee Village
    10 Jun -3 Aug (BC,BPa,PDb,); 150 Cookamidgera SF 7 Jun (NS), max 10 Backyamma
    SF 11-15 Aug (JD,PMc); 3 42 Km NNW Albury 3 Jul (IDa);. Arrival: 21 Roselands 8
    Apr (Birdline). Departure: 6 14 km S Harden 5 Oct (DLn). Numbers higher than in
    recent times.
    Crimson (Yellow) Rosella Platycercus elegans Small group N of Jerilderie 5 Dec, I
    Jerilderie 5 Dec, Yanco Ck 7 Dec (GC).
    Pale -headed Rosella P. adscitus 2 Bora Channel, Macquarie Marshes NR Jan (RC),
    south-west limit of range.
    Red-rumped Parrot Psephotus haematonotus M&F Harrington 28 Mar & F Jerseyville
    20 Apr (ABi), not normally reported from these locations; 2 Bondi 17 Aug (AFa), 35+
    Meadowbank 9 May (TKy), large number for inner Sydney.
    Mulga Parrot P. varius 1 Brobenah Hills 3 Aug & 2 Nov (PSu).
    Budgerigar Melopsitticus undulatus 10+ Wyrra SF Wyalong 25 Oct (JR,NRu); 6 near
    Moree 5 Jul (KT); 20+ Tarawi NR 20 Mar (ME), Few flocks Coombie HSD, Roto Jan –
    Mar, 27 Jul, & Oct (JHo). Numbers down in 1997.
    Bourke’s Parrot Neopsephotus bourkii 8 between Fords Bridge & Bourke 6 Nov
    (MR), only report.
    Blue -winged Parrot Neophema chrysostoma 1+ Nyngan 7 Nov (DT); 12 Lake Wyangan
    North 5 Jul (BM).
    Turquoise Parrot N. pulchella 2 Wollemi Range, Wollemi NP 4 Feb (HBR), 3 cnr Old
    Gibber Tk & Johnsons Tk Myall lakes NP 29 Mar (DT), 2 Hawks Nest -Seal Rocks Rd,
    Myall Lakes NP 2-4 Apr (GC), 2 Shelley Bch, MLNP 27 Apr & 26 Dec, 2 Pelton 12 May,
    3+ Seal Rocks 2 Apr, 10 Doyles Creek 13 Jul (HBR); 2M,1F Mahons Ck Rd, Yarramundi
    17 Sep (DP); Willowvale nr Gerringong 5 Jan (GW), 2 Avon R Catchment 22 Oct (RT);
    3 Glen Davis 8 Mar (MR) & 12 on 6 Dec (SF), 4 Goulburn R NP 4 Apr (HBR), 1
    Goolooinboin HSD, Capertee 18 May (RT); Max 55 Warraderry SF 27 Mar -1 Apr
    (Leishman 1998), 5+ 15 km S Cootamundra 30 Mar (IBOC), 20 Eugowra 8 Jun (AR), 4
    April 2000Ulandra NR 20 Jun (MC); 15+ Warrabah NP 11 Oct (AM); 2 The Rock NR 22 Jan (JG);
    6 Manilla 5 Jan (RWa), 2 Bingara 10 Feb, 3-4 Kings Plains, Inverell 9 Feb, 2 Back Ck,
    Bingara 10 Feb (JH), 2 nr Asford 3 Oct (HM); 6+N Ukerbarley HSD, Coonabarabran 5-
    7 Oct (JB), 2 10km E of Parkes (now Goobang NP) 26 Apr (TQ). A good spread of
    Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus 3+ km W of Black Rocks, Bundjalung NP 8 Aug
    (DC); 2 in heath on Firing Range, Jervis Bay 3 Jan (EV), at least 1 at Barren Grounds 16
    Aug (RW) & 6 on 29 Dec (HW), while 29 were recorded in 80 ha during the Annual
    Count 8-10 Aug (JMo); Tilba Lake reedbeds 9 May, HC Wallaga Lake reedbeds 18
    1 1
    May (ENHS)
    Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus Mitchell Park, Cattai 24 Nov (KB), only report
    for 1997.
    Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus Departure: Im Mitchell Park 21 Feb (BC), Capertee 17 May
    (JDu). Arrival: 1 12 km N Griffith 14 jun (JBr), 2 Glen Davis -Glen Alice 12 Aug (DGe),
    2 Barren Grounds NR 17 Aug (GCo), 1 Balmoral HSD, Cooyal 18 Aug, stayed until Dec
    (NK), 2 Frederickton 3 Sep (ABi), 1 Nooragingy Res 7 Sep (EV),1 Gulmarrad 13 Sep
    Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus Departure: Kanangra-Boyd NP 12 Feb (RT),
    Im Coila Creek, Coila 10 Apr (ENHS). Arrival: I Nethercote 10 Oct (ENHS), 1 Belmore
    River, Hat Head 14 Oct (GC), Copeland Tops 25 Oct (CG), Ourimbah SF 26 Oct (CCBR).
    Black -eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans Austins Crossing 21 Mar & 4 Dec
    (AL); I Warradgery SF 28 Mar (FOC); 3 Coombie HSD, Roto Feb -Oct (JHo), 1 2km N
    Durthong Tank, Mungo Lakes 18 Aug (NW). Fewer records than usual.
    Horsfield’s Bronze -Cuckoo C. basalis J being fed by a Variegated Fairy- wren at Coon
    Is, Swansea 7 Dec (HBR); arrived back at Capertee Valley 16 Aug (JDu).
    Shining Bronze -Cuckoo C. lucidus 5 Belmont Swamp Sep (HBR); 6 Nooragingy Res
    3 Aug (AP), unusal groupings.
    Little Bronze -Cuckoo C. minutillus AM Coutts Crossing 29 Oct, AM Dilkoon Creek
    15 Nov (GC). Within range.
    Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea J fed by Red Wattlebirds Toronto 31 Jan (HBR),
    J being fed by Little Wattlebirds Forster Dec (RD); J being fed by Red Wattlebirds Berkeley
    Vale & Gosford, Jan -Feb & Dec, and by Noisy Miners and Noisy Friarbirds
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 33
    1Chittaway 5 Feb (CCBR); I 36 km N of Batemans Bay 2 Jan (PDa), furthest south record
    in 1997; J being fed by Noisy Friarbirds Upper Manilla 16 Feb (RWa). Departure: Grafton
    9 Mar (GC), South Turramurra 10 Mar (DL) & Beresfield (HBR), J Murrumbung HSD,
    Mardi 25 Mar (JC). Arrival: 1 Cremorne 10 Sep (WBn), I Summer Hill 14 Sep (WKa),
    Spencer 17 Sep (CCBR), 1 Kempsey 25 Sep (KS), I Cooranbong 1 Oct (HBR), South
    Grafton, Wooloweyah, South Turramurra, Keiraville & Sussesx Inlet 4 Oct
    (DL,GC,KM,MEs). Obviously the bulk of the birds return at the same time, good spread
    of breeding records and hosts.
    Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae 10 Milbrodale 19 Oct (HBR).
    Departure: J Sawtell 10 Mar (PCh) Arrival: 4 Cooranbong 29 Aug (HBR), 1 Mosman
    Bay 8-14 Sep (WBn), I Woollamia 11 Sep (CC), 1 Moruya 13 Sep (ENHS), I Woodford
    Is 16 Sep (GC) & Lake Tabourie (JC), 1 Kempsey 21 Sep (KS), 1 Cudmirrah 27 Sep
    (KM), Glenbrook 28 Sep (CS). Breeding: J being fed by Pied Currawongs Berkeley
    Vale & East Gosford 7-11 Jan (CCBR); & at 3 sites in Sydney Jan (ARo et al), 2J being
    fed by Pied Currawongs Mosman Bay 2 Dec (WBa) & 2J at Forster Dec (HBR), J fed by
    Magpie at Broulee 13-23 Dec (ENHS).
    Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus lm Bobbin Head KCNP 29 Jul (Birdline), 2
    Chiltern Trail, Ingleside 20-21 Sep (JGa), in garden at Pymble 22 Nov (Birdline), appear
    to be well established in Sydney’s northern suburbs.
    Powerful Owl Ninox strenua Bungawalbin SF 8-10 Jan, Mistake SF 21 Mar (GC);
    1 1
    Eleebana 21 May, Awaba SF 30 Oct, HC New Lambton Heights 28 Aug, 2A+J
    1 1
    Blackbutt Res Sep & A+J 30 Nov (HBR); I Worleys Ck Res, Mangrove Mtn 9 Feb, I
    Brush Rd Ourimbah 4 Mar, 1 Piles Ck, BWNP 8 Mar (CCBR), I Marlows Gully, Popran
    NP 3 Apr (AM), 1 Mt Ettalong 30 Apr-lMay (RP), 1D Pearl Beach 9 Mar (AMSR
    0.68225) & 30 Apr (SZ), 1 injured Tacoma 3 I May (DJo), HC Umina 4 Jun (AFy), 1
    Rotary Park Toukley 5 Jul & 1 with Ringtail Possum Kulnura 30 Oct (CCBR); HC before
    dawn Westleigh 24-25 Feb, 3 Mar (ARo), 1 West Head KCNP Mar (NPWS), 1 Pennant
    Hills 8 Mar (NH), 1 Middle Cove 10 Mar (LBI), I St Ives 31 Mar (RCI), 1 Glenbrook 31
    Mar (CS), I garden Dural 11-10 Apr (PL), I Mitchell Pk, Cattai 27 Apr, 2+2Y 13 Sep -27
    Dec (DH,EV,PC), 1 Loftus Creek 22 Jun (BWi), I Dural 26 Aug (GR), 2 Devlins Ck
    Lane Cove 7 Sep (EJ); 1 Croobyar SF 6 Jan (KH),1 Comerong Island 24 Jan (CC), I
    Excelsior 22 Feb (MM), Macquarie Pass NP 9 Jul (CC), IRK 15 Km N Marulan 4 Aug
    (AMSR 0.68996), Avon R Catchment 23 Oct (RT), 2A+2 Im Honeymoon Bay, Beecroft
    Peninsular 18 Dec (MRb); South Coast records include Corunna Lake 14 Jan, Bodalla SF
    15 Jan, Dampier SF 30 Jan & 6-18 Nov, Surf Beach 16 Apr, Narooma 2 Jun, Currumbene
    SF14 Jul, J Ulladulla PS 7 Aug, HC Nelligen Nov (ENHS); 1 RK The Bluff HSD,
    Tenterfield 24 Jan (AMSR 0.70103); Munghom Gap NR Feb (APo), 2 Kanangra-
    1 1
    Boyd NP 15 Feb, 1 Kowmung R BMNP 26 Mar, 2 Kiara Ck, Erskine Range 9 Apr (RT),
    Upper Turon River 2 Dec (GT). Threatened Species, all records published.
    April 2000Barking Owl Ninox connivers 2 Bungawalbin SF 10 Jan (GC), 2 Woolamah 2 Mar
    (DOb), 1 Upper Esk R, Bundjalung NP 8 Aug (DC); 1 Walka Water Works 29 Mar
    (HBR), 2 Yengo NP 6 Nov (RT); Mangrove Creek 9 Feb (CCBR); Jamberoo 30 Dec
    1 1
    (Rio); Upper Clyde R Brooman 27 Jan (JG), Myrtle Mtn Merimbula 15-17 Mar (JB);
    1 1
    2 Booroolong Ck Arm idale Jul (Debus et al 1998); Glen Alice 2 Apr -23 Oct
    (BD,DSm,MPh), Huntingdale HSD Glen Davis 23 Jul (MBr); Weddin SF 30 Mar
    1 1
    (RPo); 2 Cumbil SF 26 Apr (JH), 2 Pilliga East SF 14 Nov (DPo). Now scheduled as a
    Threatened Species, all records published, some new sites.
    Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa HC Mount Vincent Jan (HBR); HC Lisarow 11 Jan &
    Katandra SR 14 Jan (CCBR), Popran Ck & Ironbark Ck, Popran NP 1-3 Apr (GCr);
    1 1
    Cowan 28 Jun (DOb); Pellets Colong Caves 13 Mar, 2 No 3 Colliery Burragorang 5 May,
    3 locations Illawarra SRA 17-22 Nov (RT), Jamberoo 26 Dec (RJo), HC Tianjarra 30
    Apr (ENHS); 1 Dampier SF 6 Feb, HC Nelligen 6-18 Feb & 2 on 7 Nov, 1 Narooma 18
    Feb & 30 May, Mt Dromadery 30 Apr, Goura NR firetrail 7 Nov (ENHS); 2 Bedford
    1 1
    Ck, BMNP 24 Feb (RT), Jenolan Caves 9 Apr (LJ). Good spread of records along the
    Masked Owl T novaehollandiae HC Bungawalbin SF 8 Jan, 1 RK Clarenza 8 Nov, HC
    Coutts Crossing 13 Mar & 27 May (GC), 2A+2Y Beauty SF 25 Aug (DC), Ellenborough
    17 Oct (ABi,KS); HC Craven SF 22 Jan, HC Myall River SF 4-7 Feb, S of Seal Rocks
    2 Apr (GC), 2A+3Y Jesmond Bush Res May -1 Aug (CC,JC,MM), Copeland Tops 25
    Oct (CG), roadkills reported from Lords Creek 21 Jun (AMSR 0.69050), Thornton 7 Jul
    & Bulandelah SF 9 Nov (HBR), Grahamstown Dam 14 Jul (AMSR 0.68995); HC Van
    Dahls Trail & at Woy Woy Tip, BWNP 12 Mar (PB); ID Richmond 11 Dec (AMSR),
    rare record for Sydney region; 1 Milton 23 Jan, 1 near Nowra 14 Jul (ENHS),3 Kiola SF
    3 Sep (CGo), 2 locations Illawarra SRA 17-22 Nov (RT); 3+ Dampier SF 16-31 Jan & 17
    Nov, HC Nelligen Feb, Mogo SF 15 Mar, Brou Lake 26 Sep (ENHS); Kings Tableland
    1 1 1
    25 Feb (RT). More records north of the Hunter than south of the Hunter.
    Barn Owl T alba Road kills at Clybucca 3 Feb, Tintenbar 28 Mar, Swan Creek 27 Jun,
    Alipou Ck, Sth Grafton 13 Jul, Coldstream R, Tyndale 13 Oct (GC), RK Summer Island
    27 Aug (KS); harassed by Drongos and Magpies Cundletown 22 Jul (ML), other Hunter
    records from The Junction 29 Jun, Kooragang is 23 Jul, Belmont South 15 Aug, Aberdeen
    20 Oct, Bayswater Colliery 27 Oct & Wingen 10 Dec (HBR); 4 Central Coast records
    Munmorah SRA-Killarney Vale Sep -Nov (CCBR); Castlereagh 4 Jan (DPo); Dural
    1 1
    13 Apr (Birdline), 3 Cornwallis Rd & Cupitts Lane, Richmond 31 Aug -20 Sep (EV),
    Werrington roosting in garden 10 Nov (KMo), injured Richmond 12 Dec (WIRES);
    1 1
    RK Kiama Bypass 20 Aug, 7 Sep & RK Duck CK F6 16 Oct (CC); Reported in South
    Coast region 31 Mar -3 Oct at Potato Point & Tilba Lake (ENHS); Present Balmoral HSD,
    Cooyal Sep -Dec (NK); RK Tom ingley 8 Dec (GC); roosting in a street tree Walgett 12
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 35
    1Jul (AL); Regular in South West Plains , max 6 Murrami 6-10 Aug, including2+4Y (KH),
    only breeding record reported; at Coombie HSD, Roto woolshed May (JHo). Records
    1 1
    are mostly coastal.
    Grass Owl Tyto capensis 1RK 6km S of Ballina 14 Sep (RM, AMSR 0.69128); HC &
    seen Bombah Point Myall Lakes NP 4 Apr (GC), injured Williamtown 19 May (DGe).
    Hunter records would indicate more present than believed to be the case.
    Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides Nesting Centennial Park 16 Jan (PDb).
    Marbled Frogmouth P. oce/latus Broken Head, Byron Bay 13 Apr (RP).
    White -throated Nightjar Eurostopodus mystacalis Gloucester 25 Oct, Rankin Park
    I 1
    20 Dec, seen 2 locations Olney SF 14 Nov, Stockyard Ck, Awaba SF 16 Jan & 5 Feb, RK
    Barrington House 23 Feb (HBR); 1 Ironbark Ck, Popran NP 9 Apr (GH); 3 Berowra
    Heights 11 Jan -6 Feb (BC,EV,MR), 1 Dee Why Lagoon 9 Nov (RG); 1 Cudmirrah 2 Jan
    (KM); 2 Broulee Feb & South Pambula 12 Oct (ENHS). Departure: Mistake SF 18
    Mar (GC), 20 Belmore Swamp 5 Apr (KS). Arrival: 6 Womban 6 Oct (ENHS), Belmore
    R, Hat Head NP 14 Oct (GC), Gloucester Tops 25 Oct (CG). No inland records.
    Spotted Nightjar E. argus Cumbil SF 26 Apr (JH); 12 km N Griffith 14 Apr (JBr);
    1 1
    Mt Wood, Sturt NP 29 Mar (TQ) & Teurika Camp 22 Aug (NW); Coombie HSD,
    1 I 1
    Roto 23 Sep & HC throughout year (JHo).
    Australian Owlet -nightjar Aegotheles cristatus Huntindale HSD, Capertee 17 May
    Fork -tailed Swift Apus pacificus 20 Dorrigo NP 26 Nov (TW); 3+ Edgeworth 24 Dec
    (HBR); 15 Bilgola 15 Mar (AMb).
    White -throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus Largest concentration: 2000+
    between Bateau Bay & Munmorah 26 Dec (CCBR); 1000+ Sandy Hollow 16 Feb (PMe)
    & 1000+ Braidwood 6 Apr (JL). Departure: 40-50 Leeton 2 Mar (KH), I Shortland WC
    10 Mar (HBR), 50 Coffs Harbour 27 Mar (GC). Arrival: 4+ Belmore R, Hat Head NP 16
    Oct (GC), Avon R Catchment 23 Oct (RT) & 4 Matcham 27 Oct (CCBR).
    Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguinea took & ate 0.3 m Red -bellied Black
    Snake Pearl Beach Nov (TD).
    Red -backed Kingfisher Todiramphus pyrrophygia 2 Byerwering, Culgoa NP 3 Jul
    (EW); 2 Thakaringa HSD, Broken Hill 15 Nov (CS), arrived Coombie HSD Roto 15 Nov
    & nested (JHo). Fewer reports than usual.
    April 2000Sacred Kingfisher T sanctus Departure: Chittaway 9 Mar (CCBR), Griffith 22 Mar
    (JBr). Arrival: 1 Faulconbridge 26 Aug (CBa), Yanco 8 Sep (JPe), Daleys Pt Bouddi NP
    14 Sep (JMI), 1 Leeton 20 Sep (KH), 1 12 km N Griffith 26 Sep (JBr), I Broulee 5 Oct
    Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus Departure: Griffith 16 Mar (.113r).Arrival: Elbow
    Swamp, Roberts Ck 13 Aug (GC), 4 Hat Head NP 31 Aug (KS), 2 Woodbine HSD,
    Mulgoa 13 Sep (MHt), 6+ Harrington 14 Sep (ABi), 6 Capertee Valley 16 Sep (AY).
    Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis 30 together at Kempsey 24 Nov (TW); Leichhardt
    Hospital Rozelle 5 Feb (GSt). Departure: 1 Leeton 2 Mar (KH), Im Burrewarra Point 13
    Mar (ENHS), J Coutts Crossing 7 Apr (GC). Arrival: Maria River Road 21 Sep (AB1),
    South Grafton 4 Oct (GC), Mitchell Pk, Cattai 5 Oct (TW) & Lake Conjola (ENHS).
    Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor 2 Allyn River Forest Park 22 Feb, Woko NP 22 Oct,
    1 1
    Gloucester Tops 3-6 Oct (HBR), 3 Copeland Tops FR 26 Oct (PC). Some interesting
    Hunter Region records.
    Albert’s Lyrebird Menura alberti Relatively common in rainforest and wet sclerophyll
    gullies Kooreelah SF 26 Aug (DC).
    Rufous Scrub -bird Atrichornis rufescens I The Pinnacle Tk, Border Ranges NP 17
    Feb (DC); 4 Gloucester Tops 25 Oct (CG,HBR).
    White -throated Treecreeper Cormobates leucophaeus Nesting Cedar Brush NR 23
    Oct (HBR).
    White-browed Treecreeper Climacteris affinis 3 Mungo NP 30 Apr (BD), only report.
    Red-browed Treecreeper Climacteris erythrops 2 Ellenborough 18 Oct (ABi,KS); 3
    Lady Carrington Dv RNP 26 Apr (CRo); Cudmirrah 2 Jan (KM), Barren Grounds NR
    1 1
    20 Apr (CBOC), 2 Burragorang Valley 26 Jul (CBOC); 2 Sun Valley, Valley Heights 29
    Jun (TS), 10 Megalong Valley 4 May (EV).
    Brown Treecreeper C. picumnus 1 Richmondvale 20 Apr (EV), 6+Y Wingen 13 Sep
    (HBR). Most easterly Hunter Region reports, and no reports from the Sydney Region. Is
    the Brown Treecreeper extinct in Sydney?
    Superb Fairy -wren Malurus cyaneus 3 in a Poplar Tree between Bathurst & Liverpool
    Sts, City 4 Feb (CG); Wilbriggie Swamp 30 Aug (DGr), not previously recorded so far
    west at this location.
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 37
    1Red -backed Fairy -wren M. melanocephalus AM Woko NP 15-16 Nov (HBR), 5
    Harrington 26 Dec (EV).
    Southern Emu -wren Stipiturus malachurus Central Coast records for Brisbane Water
    NP, Dharug NP, Gwandalan & Munmorah SRA (CCBR); Towra Point NR 30 Oct
    Red-browed Pardalote Pardalotus rubricatus Blair Hill HSD, 35 km SW Mungindi
    15 Aug (AL), well east of known range.
    Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus Only 5 prs remaining in northern NSW
    compared to 19 prs in 1982 (QOSN 3/29); 5 Lighthouse Rd Jervis Bay 4 Jan (EV,MR), 1
    Boderee NP Jervis Bay 22 Mar (ALi), 3 Barren Grounds NR 5 Jul (CBOC), 8-10 Aug
    (JMo) & 15 on 29 Dec (HW).
    Pilotbird Pycnoptilusfloccosus 3 Lady Carrington Drive, RNP 9 Jul (CSh); 2 Italian
    mine Rd Batemans Bay 8 Sep (ENHS); 6+ Mt Corricudgy, Wollemi NP 22 Mar (DGe),
    represents an expansion of range to the north-west.
    Rock Warbler Origma so/itaria 2 Yengo Creek Rd Laguna 26 Oct (AM); 3 observations
    in bush at Westleigh Feb/Apr/Aug (ARo), 2 Mackeral Beach KCNP 3 Aug (AP),
    unexpected location; 5 Boyd Lookout, Yerriyong SF 9 Apr (ENHS).
    Yellow -throated Scrubwren Sericornis citreogularis N+2E Erskine Range BMNP 9
    Apr (RT), western limit of range.
    White-browed Scrubwren S. frontatis 5 (2A+3 Im) present in garden bordering Billabong
    Ck, on Kikabel HSD, Holbrook 24-31 Dec, in isolated vegetation (Jones 1999)
    Large -billed Scrubwren S. magnirostris . Recorded Mt Coricudgy 17-22 Mar (HBR),
    on western edge of range.
    Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Hylacola pyrropygia 3 Awaba 31 Dec, 4 Wallaroo SF
    30 Dec, 6 Wollemi Range, Wollemi NP 4 Feb (HBR); 2 Gwandalan 22-26 Feb, 6 Jun &
    22 Aug (CCBR), Van Dahls Trail & 4 Rocky Ponds, BWNP 11-15 Mar & 3 Hominy
    Ck, Popran NP 31 Mar (AM); 8 Berowra Res I 1 May (DM), 2 Mt Kur-rin-gai Track
    KCNP 26 May (BD), 2 Mitchell Park 1 Jun (EV); 1 Comberton Grange 14 Jan (KM), I
    Swan Lake 5 Oct (KM); 1 Joorilands 11 Mar (RT), 3 Lawson 21 Jun (TS); 2 Big Bush NR
    10 May (AM).
    April 2000Shy Heathwren H. cauta 1 Charcoal Tank NR 1 Jun (BC); 1 Teeleban Res 10 Aug
    (SCc); 3+ in malle Coombie HSD, Roto 16 Aug & 15 Oct (JHo).
    Striated Fieldwren Calamanthusfuliginosus 2+ Jemisons Pt, Potato Point and Corunna
    Lake entrance 11 Nov (ENHS).
    Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata 2 Gap Creek TSR 13 Apr & 14 May (ABi),
    unusal location; 2 Longneck Lagoon 27 Apr (EV), 3 Windsor Downs NR 30 Mar (EV), 3
    Shanes Park 27 Jul (EV), 2 Scheyville NP 29 Dec (AB); 3 nesting Warrabah NP 11 Oct
    (JMI). A new location for the North Coast Region and some records from the species few
    sites in the Sydney Region.
    Weebill Smicrornis brevirostris Camira Creek 15 Nov & Coutts Crossing 29 Aug
    1 1
    (GC), north eastern coastal records; 20+ Bulga 22 Apr & 6 Sep, 20+ Warkworth 23 Nov
    (HBR), eastern coastal records.
    Mangrove Gerygone Gerygone levigaster Regularly present Kooragang Island/Stockton
    all year (HBR).
    Western Gerygone Gerygone fusca 2+ Bulga 13-22 Apr, 8 Jun & 6 Sep (EV,HBR),
    most eastern Hunter Valley records; I Capertee Valley 17 Jul (JO), winter records are
    White -throated Gerygone G. olivacea Departure: Nortons Basin 23 Mar (TS), 10
    Bulga 22 Apr (HBR). Arrival: 1 Picnic Pt The Entrance 21 Aug (CCBR), 2 Tahlee 24
    Aug (HBR), I Dural 27 Aug (CR), 1 Mitchell Park & Stannix Park 30 Aug (CG,JDu), 2
    Scheyville NP 31 Aug (EV).
    Chestnut-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza uropygialis Bald Rock NP 27 Jan (JSc); 12
    Brigalow Park NR 24 Oct (CGo), both observations on eastern edge of range.
    Buff-rumped Thornbill A. reguloides 20+ Gwandalan 3-6 Jun (HBR) & 4 Kariong
    Scout Camp 21 Apr (CCBR), uncommon on the Central Coast.
    Southern Whiteface Aphelocephala leucopsis Not recorded in the Hunter Valley since
    1994 (HBR).
    Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata 160 Bangor 13-15 May on migration (KC);
    Present Leeton 10 Aug, Narrandera 13 Aug (JSt) & 3 12 km N Griffith Aug (JBr), unusual
    in South West Plains.
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 39
    1Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis Fernbank, Pt Macquarie 27
    Apr (GP), unusual location.
    Striped Honeyeater Plectorhyncha lanceolata 3 pair nested Chittaway-Berkeley Vale
    area Sep -Dec, each nesting 2 or 3 times. All nests within 20m of Grey Butcherbird nests,
    and juveniles were observed to be fed the ripe drupes of Boobialla Myoporum undulatum
    and adults were observed to take nectar and insects from the flowers of the introduced
    tree Norfolk Island White Oak Lagunaria patersonia.
    Little Fria rbird Philemon citrogularis 2 Smiths Lake 7-9 Jun (HBR);1 Windsor 19 Apr
    (TS), Capertee Valley 16 Sep (AY), 3+ Hunter Main Range, Wollemi NP 8 Nov (PDb);
    2 Pine Mtn Tumut 24 Oct -1 Nov (Gang Gang 12/97). Some unusal locations.
    Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia Max 10 Ellalong 30 Mar -21 Apr & 5 Aug
    (HBR,SHa), 6 Widden Valley 3 Aug & 5 Oct (MR), 8+ Laguna 12 Oct (MR), max
    12A+3N+3Y 4km W of Laguna 12 Oct -1 Nov (AM,ARo,MR,PDb); 1 Kenthurst 9 Feb
    (TMo); Max 57 Yerranderie-Upper Wollondilly 2 May -26 Jul (DA,RT); Max 4-500
    Capertee Valley Jul -Nov, with 90 nests & 194 banded (AA,AY,DGe,DSm,MPh,MR,RT),
    max 14+N Munghorn Gap NR 26 Jan -1 Feb (APo,TS), 4+2N Goulbum R NP 10-12 Oct
    (GDu), 3+N Hinton Rd, Mt Panorama 20-25 Nov (AFi); 1m Barraba & 8 4km N Barraba
    Feb (Birdline),1 Hortons Falls Mar (MG), 40+29N Conoor TSR, Barraba Sep -Dec
    1 I
    (AL,BWm,SCo); 2A+2Y Dubbo Forestry Office 26 Jan (PCr), I garden Barham 31 Dec
    (PD). A good year for this species with exceptional breeding in the Capertee Valley, and
    breeding records from other sites.
    Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanosis Common in the Hunter Valley south to
    Yengo Creek Rd Laguna where there were 6 on 23 Oct -1 Nov (AM,HBR); 20 Cootamundra
    Caravan Park 29 Mar, 12 Frampton 30 Mar (CC), south-eastern limit of range.
    Bell Miner Manorina melanophrys I Rockview HSD, Glen Davis 5 Apr (BP), unusual
    in this location; 2 Bearbung Res, Gilgandra 6 Aug, (PG) which subsequently disappeared,
    an exceptional location.
    Yellow -faced Honeyeater Lichenostomus chrysops Migrating north, east of Bellbrook
    c 200 per hour 13 Apr, & 100+ per hour 4 May (ABi,KS).
    Singing Honeyeater L. virescens 1 at garden bird bath Northbridge 27 Apr (JPa), first
    Sydney Region record, not recorded by Hoskin (1991); Old Junee 8 Sep -3 Nov (MC),
    last recorded 1978; 50+ The Ranch IISD, Kennebri 27 Apr (JH), eastern edge of normal
    range. Some interesting records.
    April 2000Mangrove Honeyeater L. fasciogularis 3+ Goodwood Is 13 Oct, 2 Dart Is 4 Jul (GC),
    3+ Peninsular Pk, Yamba 13 Sep (DB,JH), known sites.
    Yellow -tufted Honeyeater L. melanops 12+ Marlows Gully, Popran NP 4 Apr (AM),
    more coastal than most populations; 3 Scheyville NP 9 Mar (EV), unusual location for
    the Sydney Region; Common in woodland with scrub understoey, southern side of Copeton
    Dam 2 May (DC).
    Yellow -plumed Honeyeater L. ornatus 4+ Big Bush NR 10 May (AM), eastern limit of
    Grey -fronted Honeyeater L. plumulus 3 Round Hill NR 19 Jul (KT) & 2 on 5 Oct
    (CG), present Coombie HSD Roto Jul & Oct (JHo). There are few confirmed reports for
    this species in NSW.
    Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus Ku-rin-gai Chase NP 2 Jun (IJ), uncommon in Sydney
    Region; 2 Surf Beach 18 Apr, 4 Broulee in Jun (ENHS), rare winter migrant to South
    White -plumed Honeyeater L. penicillatus Tahlee 24 Aug (HBR), unusal location;
    1 1
    Carawah Res, West Gosford 9 May (CCBR), unusual location; 2 nests Fairy Ck, Fairy
    Meadow 23 Sep (GB), first breeding record for the Illawarra.
    Black -chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis I Cam ira Creek 15 Nov, 1 S of
    Braunstone 13 Dec (GC); 4 Gunyah 9 May (RT); 5 Bluegum Creek 8 Jul & 2 on I Dec,
    I near Cessnock 23 Nov, 3+ Singleton Jul (HBR); 2 Scheyville NP 28 Sep (BW); 2 Glen
    Davis 25 Jan (BC), 12 Capertee Valley 24 May (EKa,TK); 12 Wauberrima HSD, Galore
    30 Jun (DGr,PG), 5 Ingalba NR 13 Aug (IBOC 11/97), 2 Jindalee SF 23 Nov (Gang
    Gang 2/98); 4+ Moira SF 7 Sep (JB). Declining species due to the loss of Box/Ironbark
    Brown -headed Honeyeater M. brevirostris 4 Wittitrin 19 Jan & 4 Kempsey 10 Mar
    (KS), uncommon on North Coast; Present in the Scribbly Gum Woodland of Munmorah
    SRA/Lake Macquarie SRA around Gwandalan, Chain Valley Bay & Lake Munmorah
    throughout 1997 (CCBR).
    Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta 3 Mason Pk, Concord 14 Dec (LH), a decline
    in the Sydney Region cf 1995 & 96 Reports.
    Painted Honeyeater Grantiella picta 3 Munghorn Gap NR 26 Jan -1 Feb (APo,BC),
    present Capertee Valley 25 Sep -12 Dec, (EV,CG,TS), including pair at nest Rockview
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 41
    1HSD, Glen Davis 18 Oct -12 Dec (BP), 6+1N Goulburn R NP 10-12 Ovt (GDu); 2 Weddin
    Mountains 18 Oct (RMg); 2 Pilliga 4 Oct (HM); Oasis HSD, Dubbo 20 Jan (JFa), 2 The
    Mines, Fifield 25 May (RP); 2+ Back Creek SF 25 Oct (JR,NRu); 4+ Ingalba NR 5-7 Nov
    (MC); 3 Brigalow Park NR 25 Oct (CGo); 1 Wanganella 28 Mar (AK), 1 Conargo 30 Mar
    (IJ), 4 Hulme’s Rd Leeton 15-30 Nov (KH), 3 Boyers Crossing, Wamoon 6 Dec (MS); 2
    Culgoa NP Feb (PDa). More records than usual.
    Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera 100+ Mt Coricudgy 17-22 Mar (HBR),
    not previously reported from this location.
    White-cheeked Honeyeater Phylidonyris nigra 2 Burrewarra Point 27 May -17 Jun &
    5 Broulee Jun, associating with New Holland Honeyeaters (ENHS), well south of normal
    White -fronted Honeyeater P. albifrons 6+ 120 Km W of Bourke 6 Apr (DC), 100+
    Gunnerbooka NP 30 Sep (AM); Round Hill NR 19 Jul (KT), many Coombie HSD,
    Roto after good Jul rains feeding in Eremophila serrulata (JHo).
    Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P. melanops Many west of Black Rocks, Bundjalung NP
    8 Aug (DC), near Lake Arragan 16 Sep (GC); 2 Cromer Heights 8 Aug (BC). Locations
    where the species is not regularly reported.
    Eastern Spinebill Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris 2 Tannyina Rail Crossing, Bethungra
    20 Jun (MC). Western limit.
    Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger 2 Pilliga 3 Oct (HM); Scenic Hill, Griffith 5-18
    Oct (SCc); 60+ Gunderbooka NP 30 Sep (JMI); AM Round Hill NR 5 Oct (PDb). Fewer
    reports than usual.
    Scarlet Honeyeater Myzomela sanguinolenta Centennial Park 6 Oct (MHu); 1m
    Yerranderie 13 Mar, 1 Avon R Catchment 23 Oct (RT), unusual locations; Recorded
    throughout the South Coast Region Apr -Dec, including 2 Tathra 31 Aug, 2 Ben Boyd NP
    Sep & 4 Davidson Whaling Station, Eden 14 Sep (BJ,ENHS), 4+ Bodalla 17 Sep (JC);
    AM garden West Albury Jul (PS). Some unusual locations for this species.
    Crimson Chat Epthianura tricolor 3 prs Bennets Lane, Quambone 11 Nov (RJ); 3 Lake
    Cargelligo 4 Oct (CG); 2 Thackaringa HSD, Broken Hill 15 Nov (BC). A dry spring
    meant a poor season for this species in 1997.
    Orange Chat E. aurifrons 4 South Marsh, Macquarie Marshes NR 14 Nov (RJ); 2 Lake
    Cargelligo 4 Oct (CG). Records within normal range.
    April 2000White -fronted Chat E. albifrons 2M, 1 F Jerseyville I Mar & 2M on 20 Apr (ABi,KS),
    2 Pelican Is South West Rocks Jan & Nov (KS), 2 Lake Cathie 27 Apr (DWh), only
    small numbers at northern limit of coastal range; 28 Kooragang Island 13 Mar, 20+N+2Y
    Ash Island 1 Mar -1 Apr (CCa,JC,HBR); AM Tuggerah Bay saltmarsh 24 Jul -Oct, first
    record at site since 1984 (CCBR); 39 Fivebough Swamp 12 Jul (KH). A declining species
    in coastal NSW.
    Cibberbird Ashbyia lovensis 4 Wompah Gate, Sturt NP 22 Aug (NW), only report
    Jacky Winter Microeca fascinans Nesting Harrington 21 Sep (HBR); 2 Concord 19
    Apr (Birdline), Manly Dam 13 Aug (BC), inner & eastern city records are rare.
    Scarlet Robin Petroica multicolor M,F North Shore, Port Macquarie 12 Jul (ABi); Imm
    Ourimbah SF Feb, few Central Coast records (CCBR); 2 Kurrajong Heights 20 Apr
    (Birdline), I Castlereagh NR 28 Jun (TQ), 1 Mitchell Park 3 Aug (AP), 3M+2F Shanes
    Park 9 Aug (BC,EV); Reported as common in the forests around Oberon 15-16 Mar
    (AR), 11 Megalong Valley 8-14 May (HW); 1 Rocky waterholes, Narranderra 13 Apr -6
    Jul (NJ), Brobenah Hills 14 Sep (IC)). Some locations not previously reported.
    Red -capped Robin P. goodenovii ImM Byron Bay STW 5 Jun (DSw); Present Bulga
    13 Apr -6 Sep, including nesting on latter date, first breeding record for HBR (EV); 2 Pine
    Mountain, Tumut 21 Oct -1 Nov (Gang Gang 12/97).
    Flame Robin P. phoenicea 3+ Mt Coricudgy 17-22 Mar (HBR). Winter Records in
    South West Plains: 20 Narrandera 29 May (NJ), 2+ Brobenah Hills May (NJ), 4+ Grong
    Grong May (NJ), 1 Gogeldrie 31 May (BC), max 20 Tullys Hill 31 May -5 Jun
    (KH,PSt,MS), 8 Wamoon 30 Apr -3 Jul (MS), 1 Lake Wyangan North 5 Jul (BM), 15
    Painters Siding, Narrandera 26 Jul (NJ), I M,4F Petersham Rd, Leeton 19 Aug (JSt).
    Rose Robin P.rosea 1 Waverton 1 I Aug (TN); AM, F Montagu Island 29-30 Mar
    (Fullagar 1998). Unusual locations.
    Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata 2 Wingen 26 Jan & 13 Sep, 3 Singleton Jul
    (HBR), 4 Bulga 13 Apr -16 Aug (EV,HBR); 5 Burragorang 8 Jun (CBOC); Munghorn
    Gap NR 1 Feb (TS), 2 Megalong Valley 4 May (EV) & 14 May (HW), 3 Capertee Valley
    21 Jul (KT), M+F Mt Cole, Canowindra 27 Sep (HW); 4 Tullys Hill, Leeton 23 Feb -8 Jun
    (JSt,DGr), 2 Mt Brobenah 30 Mar (DGr), Karri Rd, Leeton 22 May (KH), Cocoparra
    1 1
    NP 17 Jul (JS1), Scenic Hill, Griffith 19 Jul (SCc). Decling species, all records published.
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 43
    1Pale -yellow Robin Tregellasia capito Barrington House 23 Feb (HBR), most southerly
    record for 1997.
    Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsahria australis in Call itris grove Coombie HSD Roto 23
    Aug (JHo).
    Southern Scrub -robin Drymodes brunneopygia 2 Round Hill NR 5 Oct (AY), only
    report received.
    Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii 2 Bulli Pass 3 Apr (TN), 2 Excelsior nr Thirroul; 10
    Mar (MMo). Known locations.
    Grey -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis group Wattagan Ck Rd Laguna 3
    Jan, 2 groups nesting & feeding young Yengo Rd Laguna 23 Oct -1 Nov (AM), 12 Unicomb
    Walk, Seaham 19 Jul, 20 Colliery Dam Richmondvale 20 Jul, and resident Green Wattle
    Creek (HBR), eastern Hunter Valley records; Small numbers resident 10 km NW of
    Howlong (RSa), close to their eastern range in this location.
    Hall’s Babbler P. halli 15 40 km N of Bourke 4 Nov (MR), only report received.
    Spotted Quail -thrush Cinclosoma punctatum M,F North Brother Mountain 9 Feb (DLo);
    2 Fennell Bay 25 Apr, 6+ Wollemi Range, Wollemi NP 4 Feb (HBR); 2 Elim Heights,
    Putty Road 29 Jan, Pierce’s Valley, Parr SRA 29 Jan (AM), 2 Lower Portland 14 Feb
    (KB), 2 Marra Marra NP 10 May (DMa), 2 Nortons Basin 24 May (CBOC), 2 Bents
    Basin 24 May (CBOC), Mitchell Park 21 Jun (Nlio); 2 3km s of Garrawarra 20 Jul (DG),
    Maddens Plains 20 Jul (CB), Avondale 23 Oct (DGo), 2 Avon R Catchment 25 Oct
    1 1
    (RT), rare north of the Shoalhaven R in the Illawarra Region, 2 Conjola SF 3 Mar (KM);
    2 Currowan SF 20 Feb, 1 Womban Apr -May (ENHS); Many pairs Kings Tableland BMNP
    24-28 Feb (RT), 3 Hassans Walls, Lithgow 13 Apr (TS), 1 Lawson 21 Jun (TS), max 7
    Newnes 11 JuI-3 Aug (BC,NH), 2 Munghorn Gap NR (JO); 2 Dry Plains HSD, Cooma
    May (JB); Chitty HSD, Tooraweenah 5-7 Oct (JB). All reports published to see just
    how widespread this species is and being a ground nester, how well it appears to be faring
    despite feral cats and foxes.
    Chestnut Quail -thrush C. castanotus AM Round Hill NR 5 Oct (AY), 3 in mallee
    Coombie HSD, Roto Oct (Rio). Known locations.
    Crested Shrike -tit Falcunculus frontatus Present Mangrove Mountain 8 Jan -25 Aug,
    where feeding young 17 Feb (CCBR).
    Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis 2 Charcoal Tank NR 25 Oct (JR,NRu), eastern
    limit at this location.
    April 2000Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea Gloucester Tops 3-6 Oct (HBR); Swans
    1 1
    Crossing 26 Apr (RL); 3 locations Dampier SF 6 Feb -19 Mar, 1 Yambulla SF 1 Sep, 3+
    8 Sep, 1 Wandella SF 10 Oct & 2 Wandella Mountain Dec (ENHS), 1 Yambulla SF 22
    Jul (AMSR 0.69044).
    Red-lored Whistler P. rufogularis I Round Hill NR 4 Oct (AR), only report received.
    Gilbert’s Whistler P. inornata Weddin SF 28 Mar (FOC); 2 Big Bush NR Gidginbung
    26 Feb, 13-14 Mar (MC) & AM on 10 May (RMs), Charcoal Tank NR 25 Oct (JR,NRu),
    AM Bethungra 28 Aug -12 Nov, 1 Ingalba NR 30 Nov (MC); AM Goonoo SF 5 Apr
    (BE); 2 Lake Cargelligo May (MCr), Gulpha SF 22 Oct (JR,NRu) & Moira SF (same
    1 1
    place?) 7 Sep (JB); 2 Nymagee area 30 Mar (TN), 3 Round Hill NR 28 May (BC). Good
    range of reports.
    Golden Whistler P. pectoralis Some inland winter records: Nan- an Lake NR 12 Aug
    (AL); 1 Pine Hill Rd, Narrandera 26 Jul (NSm), 1 Cocoparra NP 8 Jul (SCc).
    Rufous Whistler P. rufiventris Arrival: I Bushells Lagoon 17 Aug (EV), 1 Dubbo
    Gully 30 Aug (CCBR).
    Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis 2A+2J Mangrove Mountain 17 Feb
    (CCBR), late nesting. Departure: I Cumberland SF 12 Apr (Birdline). Arrival: 1
    Mangrove Mountain 13 Sep (MP), 2 Tilba Lake 28 Sep (ENHS), Ilarwill 4 Oct (GC) &
    Balmain (JCe), 3 Lady Carrington Dve RNP 12 Oct (HR).
    Spectacled Monarch Al. trivirgatus 2 Dungirr NP 19 & 27 Mar (GC); 1 Wollem i Range,
    Wollemi NP 4 Feb (HBR), A Craven SF 22 Jan (GC), 2 Barrington Tops Guesthouse 15
    Feb (ABe), 3 Copeland Tops 26 Oct (ML), 5 Harrington 26 Dec (EV); 1 Manly Dam 1
    Nov (Birdline), well south of usual range.
    White -eared Monarch M. leucotis 2 Coochie Rd, Chillingham 22 Jan (EW), only
    record received.
    Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula Departure: 1 Killcare Heights 12 Mar (MT), 2
    Newton Boyd 14 Mar (GC), Im Montagu Island 29 Mar (Fullagar 1998), Balgowlah
    Heights 2 Apr (NM), 1 Willarwarrin 13 Apr (KS), I Broulee 30 Apr (ENHS). Arrival:
    HC Ilarwill 13 Sep (GC), AM Woodbine HSD Mulgoa 14 Sep (MHi).
    Satin Flycatcher M. cyanoleuca 2 Bobs Farm 1-7 Feb, 1 Gloucester Tops 25 Oct, 2
    Oyster Cove 20 Nov, 2 Taylors Beach (both Port Stephens) 27 Dec (HBR); AM Mooney
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 45
    1Dam 12 Jan & AM Mangrove Mountain 12 Sep (CCBR); Gee’s Lagoon, Colo 16 Nov
    (EV); Avon R Catchment 10-15 Feb (RT), 2 Jamberoo 18 Oct (EHu); 2 Bemboka 8
    Nov, first record for Eurobodalla Shire in 20 years (ENHS); 3 prs Kanangra-Boyd NP 10-
    15 Feb (RT) within the breeding range.
    Restless Flycatcher M inquieta Reported from the Upper Hunter at 5 sites, the most
    eastern record being Bolwarra STW 19 Apr (HBR).
    Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons Departure: Centennial Park 16 Apr (birdline),
    1 1
    Violet Hill MLNP 26 Apr (HBR), Hat Head NP 27 Apr (ABi,KS). Arrival:
    1 1
    Murwillumbah 8 Aug (RBI), 1 Harrington 21 Sep (HBR), 1 Mitchell Pk, Cattai 12 Oct
    (LJ), Goodwood Is Clarence Estuary 13 Oct (GC). Arrives and departs over a long
    Grey Fantail Rhipidura fuliginosa 20 in a group at Wingen 7 Apr (HBR).
    Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus 2 feeding on honeybees in a Sydney surburban
    garden 10-13 Jan (Ramm 1998); Armidale 13 May (AL). Southern records: No reports
    from Eurobodalla Shire in 1997 (ENHS). Arrival: New Lambton Heights 20 Jan (HBR),
    Berry 15 Feb (BV), St Ives 19 Feb (RCI). Departure: Bateau Bay 19 Aug (CCBR).
    1 1
    Black -faced Cuckoo -shrike Coracina novaehollandiae Nested on crossbar of sailing
    ship “Solway Lass” Sydney Harbour 17 Nov (GRo).
    Barred Cuckoo -shrike C. lineata 3 Moore Park NR, Kyogle 8 Mar (DC), 2 Scotts Head
    (JE) & 3 Yarrahappini Mountain 13 Mar (UB), I Sea Acres NR 26 Nov (TW). No
    records from Harrington or further south in 1997.
    White- bellied Cuckoo -shrike Coracina papuaensis McPhersons Crossing 22 Jun
    (GC); Many records from the Hunter Region including Finchly Camp, Yengo NP 5
    Nov (RT) & 2A+1Y Walleroo SF 30 Dec (HBR); 2+IY Stannix Park 19 Jan (EV), 1
    Lawson 10 Mar (TS), 1 Cobbitty 27 Jul (EV), 1 Mitchell Pk, Cattai 27 Apr (EV), Newington
    wetlands 24 Jul (CSh), Scheyville NP 24 Aug (EV), Castlereagh NR 21 Sep (LBO; 2
    1 1
    Kowmung R, BMNP 26 Mar (RT); Jooriland Crossing 22 Apr (RT); The importance of
    the bushland reserves of the Cumberland Plain in protecting the habitat of this species in
    the Sydney region is apparent from these records.
    Cicadabird C. tenuirostris Departure: 2 Surveyors Creek 9 Mar (HBR). Arrival: I
    Harrington 21 Sep (HBR), 1 Nethercote 10 Oct (ENHS), 1 Gloucester Tops 25 Oct (CG),
    Katandra Res 26 Oct (CCBR).
    April 2000Ground Cuckoo -shrike C. maxima 3A+2Y Arthurville 3 Jan (MC), 7 13 km E Mudgee
    13 Jun (PWy), 1 Koorawatha 18 Jul (ABu); 2 70Km W of Moree 5 Apr (DC); 8 Griffith
    2 Mar (DWe); 2 Byerawering, Culgoa NP 3 Jul (EW), 3A+2Y 65 km S Tibooburra 12
    Nov (DT); 2 Mungo NP 17 Aug (IBOC 11/97).
    White -winged Triller Lafarge sureurii 2 pair feeding young at nest Munghorn Gap NR
    25-27 Jan (JDu), 1 Scotts Main Range 26 Mar (RT); 1 Gunning 14 Oct (RT). Coastal
    records include: AM Brotherson’s Swamp Coutts Crossing 5 Nov (GC), numerous reports
    from the Macleay Valley 5 Jan -9 Mar, Oct -23 Nov, mostly Limeburners Ck NR,
    Kempsey, Maria River Rd & Euroka (ABi,KS); Milbrodale 19 Oct (HBR); AM Wyong
    West 24 Oct (CCBR); Windsor 25 Oct (KB), Scheyville NP & Bushells Lagoon 29
    1 1
    Dec (AB); 1 Bega Golf Course 18 Oct (ENHS). Arrival: 1 Tullys Hill 7 Sep (KH), 1
    Capertee Valley 16 Sep (AY), 2 Old Junee 25 Oct (MC).
    Varied Trifler L. leucomela 1 Wittitrin 7 Mar & 2 on 7 Jul, 1 Hat Head NP 24 Aug, 1
    Ellenborough 18 Oct (ABi,KS); 2 Harrington 14-21 Sep & on 26 Dec (ABi,EV,HBR).
    All records for the southern limit of range.
    Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus Returned to Nethercote 14 Sep (BJ).
    Figbird Sphecotheres viridis 9 St Michaels Vaucluse 9 Jun (LB), unusal location.
    White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus Southern Coastal records:
    Longneck Lagoon 12 Apr & 5 Oct (EV,KB), Pittwater 28 Sep (AP); Budderoo NP 15
    1 1
    Mar (TNe), well south of its coastal range. Departure: 8 Longneck Lagoon 13 Apr
    (Birdline), 3 Colongra Swamp 3 May (CCBR), 20 Swan Bay 17 May (HBR). Arrival: 2
    The Entrance Bowling Club 8 Aug (DM), 4 Shortland WC 11 Aug (WBa), 10+ Southgate
    13 Aug (GC).
    Masked Woodswallow Artamus personatus 3 Capertee Valley 13 Oct (TS); Many
    present with White-browed Woodswallows after rain on Sep, stayed until Dec (JHo);
    6+ Warradgery SF 28 Mar (FOC).
    White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus 8+ Tuggerah Bay 26 Oct (CCBR), did
    not stop!; 10+ Shanes Park 28 Sep (EV); 6 Mittagong 2 Oct (RJo); 1000+ Capertee Valley
    18 Oct (BP); Small colony breeding near Lake Bathurst 30 Dec (per IF); 40 Warradgery
    SF 28 Mar (FOC); 40 Big Bush NR 6 May (MC), late date in southern NSW; arrived
    Griffith 26 Sep (JBr); 100’s Coombie HSD, Roto Sep -Dec (JHo).
    Dusky Woodswallow A. cyanopterus 3 Moonee Beach, Munmorah SRA 28 Jul (CCBR);
    6 Sackville Ridge 8 Jun (RMg), 6+ Scheyville N 17 Aug (EV), all unusual coastal winter
    records; Returned to Nethercote 26 Aug (BJ).
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 47
    1Little Woodswallow A. minor 6 between Fords Bridge & Bourke 6 Nov (MR). Only
    report received.
    Pied Butcherbird Cracticus nigrogularis Somersby 29 Mar (MP); Mulgoa 20 Jul
    I 1
    (MHu), I Engadine 8 Nov (JBi); I Pambula Golf Course (ER). First three records are out
    of normal range and the latter is rare on far South Coast
    Pied Currawong Strepera graculina Coutts Crossing 18 Sep (GC), usually common
    winter visitor but basically absent this winter.
    Grey Currawong S. versicolor 6 Mt Corricudgy, Wollemi NP 17-22 Mar (DGe), northern
    limit of range; Darkes Forest 9 Nov (PRa), nesting Barren Grounds NR 8-10 Aug
    Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus Sharpes Ck, Gloucester Tops 3-6 Oct (HBR),
    AM Gloucester Tops 25 Oct (CG). Southern limit of range.
    Australian Raven Corvus coronoides 2 Mann R NR 3-8 Mar (GC).
    Forest Raven C. tasmanicus Information on the range between South West Rocks to
    Sawtell is now avaialble (Secomb 1997); Horse Pt, Myall Lakes NP 7-9 Jun (HBR), 1+
    Harrington 26 Dec (EV).
    Little Raven C. mellori 2 Sharpes Ck, Gloucester Tops 3-6 Oct (HBR).
    Torresian Crow C. orru Recorded along the coast as far south as Tanilba Bay 9 Jun
    Apostlebird Struthidea cinerea Regularly seen 10 kms NW of Howlong (JSa), numbers
    are considered to be declining along the Victorian Border and near the ACT.
    Green Catbird A iluroedus crassirostris 3 feeding on fruits of Wild Quince Alectryon
    subcinereus, Mt Keira Scout Camp 18 Nov (RT).
    Regent Bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus sericulus All Hunter Region records were for 8
    coastal sites except for 2 Woko NP 15-16 Nov (HBR); Common in coastal sites on the
    Central Coast, largest group 23 Matcham 20 Jul (EV).
    Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata 1 Wanaaring 8 Nov (DT), western limit of
    April 2000Singing Bushlark Mirafra javanica 8+ Bunnan 21 Oct & 2 Bayswater Colliery 9 Oct
    (HBR); 5 Cornwallis Rd Richmond 24 Aug (EV); 2 in wheat crop Manilla 10 Oct (JMI).
    Skylark Alauda arvensis Max 2 Tilba Lake 2 Aug -7 Nov (ENHS).
    White Wagtail Motacilla alba reported at Clear Lake, Nan -an Lakes 20 Nov (birdline).
    Record referred to BARAC but the record was not accepted.
    Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata Nesting Kooragang Island 19 Jan, 60+ Yarrawa 20
    Jul & 40+ Broke 17 Aug (HBR); 40 Fivebough Swamp 3 Aug (KH).
    Double -barred Finch T bichenovii 50+ Doyles Creek 8 Jun (HBR), large flock; 15
    HMAS Albatross 9 Oct (KM) most southern coastal record for 1997; 15 Somerton Estate,
    Griffith Jul (Pha), most furthest south-west record.
    Plum -headed Finch Neochmia modesta 200+ Capertee Valley 25 Sep (TS); 2 Manilla 5
    Jan (RW), 100+ Upper Manilla 11 Mar (RW); 10+ Ukerbaley HSD Coonabarabran 5-7
    Oct (JB); 20+ Gum Swamp, Forbes 2 Aug (JF); 20+ Terrigal Ck, Sandy Camp HSD,
    Quambone Feb (RJ).
    Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata Recorded at 5 sites in the Hunter Valley, all
    west of Singleton (HBR); Cobbity 21 Sep (AP), only Sydney region record; HMAS
    1 1
    Albatross, Nowra 9 Oct (KM); 10 Megalong Valley 4 May (EV); 37 Tullys Hill 7 Sep
    Beautiful Firetail S. bella 2 Womerah Trail, Parr SRA 18 Apr (DGe), extension of
    range to the north east; 2 Conjola SF 5 Jan (KM), Burragorang Valley 23 Apr, moderately
    common Barren Grounds NR 8-10 Aug (JMo), Avon R Catchment 24 Oct (RT),
    1 1
    Croobyar SF 8 Jun (KH); 2 Mountain Lagoon Apr (DGe), 5 Evans Lookout 25 Mar
    (BMc), 2 Rockview HSD, Glen Davis 5 Apr -24 May (BP,EKa), seen at 2 sites Mt Hay 28
    May (GT), Lawson 21 Jun (TS). A number of new locations.
    Nutmeg Mannikin Lonchura punctulata 20 Bicentennial Park 16 Jul (JRu,NR).
    Chestnut -breasted Mannikin L. castaneothorax I2A+2Y Sth of Coffs Harbour 14
    Mar, resident Frederickton max 20+, resident Kempsey max 60+ (AB i,KS); 30+ Harrington
    I May (DLo), reported in small numbers in the Kooragang-Shortland-Newcastle WR
    area all year (HBR); 1 garden Somersby 16 May & 4+ Tuggerah Dairy Swamp 7 Mar
    (CCBR); 100+ Cornwallis Rd Richmond 21 Sep (EV); 2 Swamp Rd, Dunmore 14 Feb
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 49
    1Greenfinch Carduelis chloris North Botany Bay 8 Mar (MHs), 10 Eastlakes 15 Sep
    (DH). Usual locations.
    European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 4 Market Swamp, Sandgate 24 Jan & 2
    Kooragang Is 19 Nov, only Hunter Region records (HBR); 50 on thistle patch Lake
    Burragorang 8 Jun (RT); Small numbers, max 15 South Coast Region at Tilba Lake,
    Coila & Moruya 25 Jan -29 Nov; 40 Fivebough Swamp 15 Jun (KH).
    Mistletoebird Dicaeum hirundinaceum 2 Royal North Shore Hospital, Artarmon 1 Jun
    (JB), unusal location.
    White -backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternus 5 Bulga 22 Apr, 2 Warkworth 23
    Nov & I Milbrodale 19 Oct (HBR); 3 nr Warrabah NP 22 Jul (ID); Max 6 Glen Alice 16
    Aug -6 Dec (CBOC,CG,SF,TS); 2 woolshed, Warrumbungle NP 8 Jun (AM).
    Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena Max 300 Ash Island Apr (HBR).
    . 1
    Tree Martin H. nigricans 1000+ Pitt Town NR 6 Apr (EV). Arrival: Nethercote 16
    Aug (BJ).
    Fairy Martin H. aerial 6 overwintered at Shortland WC (HBR). Arrival: 1 Cornwallis
    Rd, Richmond 8 Jun (RMg), 1 Fivebough Swamp 3 Aug (KH), 3+ Cowper 13 Aug (GC),
    15 Bankstown Aerodrome 15 Aug (JDi), 20 Wantabadgery 27 Aug (MC).
    Red -whiskered Bulbul Pynconnotus jocosus Coffs Harbour 14 Jan (ABi); 10 Swansea
    South 4 Mar & 2 on 7 Dec, Belmont Swamp Jan, Aug & Nov (HBR). Some new
    locations, the expansion of its range continues.
    Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timorensis Reported from 8 coastal sites in Hunter Region
    including 3pr on Cabbage Tree Island 13 Nov (PF,HBR); 2 Chittaway Point 14 Feb & 24
    Jul, 4+ Tuggerah Lagoon 7 Mar (CCBR).
    Rufous Songlark Cinclorhamphus mathewsi 1 Newcastle WR II Nov (HBR); I
    Burragorang 9 Jun (CBOC); Capertee Valley 17 May (JDu). Arrival: 3 Capertee
    Valley 16 Aug (JDu), Weethalle 24 Sep & Griffith 26 Sep (JBr). Few reports from NSW
    generally in 1997.
    Brown Songlark C. cruralis 1 Wybong 21 Oct (HBR); 1 Cornwallis Rd Richmond 24
    Aug (EV), Balmoral HSD, Cooyal Jan (NK). Few records submitted.
    Golden -headed Cisticola Cisticola exilis Juveniles were seen at Ellalong Lagoon 2 Apr
    April 2000Bassian Thrush Zoothera lunulata garden at Lisarow 13 Apr (CCBR); Mt Coricudgey
    1 1
    17 Mar (HBR), furthest west report.
    Common Blackbird Turdus merula 2 East Maitland Jun, AM Karuah 24 Aug &
    Clarencetown 3-5 Dec (HBR), spreading throughout the Hunter Valley.
    Common Myna Acridotheres tristis 2 Taree West 29 Mar (ABi), Cundletown 28 Dec,
    4+ Stratford 22 Jan & 2 Bulandelah 7 Feb (GC). Continues to expand along the Mid
    North Coast.
    Black -necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus dead Grover HSD, Merriwagga 28
    Nov (AMSR 0.67632). Well south of known range.
    Royal Albatross Diomedea epomophora off the continenrtal shelf, Wollongong 22
    Sep (AP). Record referred to NSWORAC and accepted as 33’d confirmed record for
    NSW, consistent with known occurrence.
    Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 1000 prs nesting Torry Plains, Hay Jul -Oct (BHd),
    complementing nesting at Narran Lake & Gingham Watercourse.
    Straw -necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicollis 20,000 prs nesting on Torry Plains HSD,
    Hay Jul -Oct (BHd), complementing nesting at Gingham Watercourse & Narran Lakes.
    Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia 1000 prs nesting Torry Plains HSD, Hay Jul -Oct, (BHd)
    largest known nesting assembly in NSW.
    Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecia 3 on way to and around Balls Pyramid 17 Feb
    Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica 6 seen on way to Balls Pyramid and 3 on
    return 17 Feb (JDu).
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 51
    1White-tailed Tropic -bird Phaehton lepturus I over village 27 Feb -1 Mar (AF,JMI),
    rare visitor.
    Buff -banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis 3+ including chick in both gardens and
    paddocks 15-17 Feb (JDu).
    Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris near airport & golf course 15 Feb -2
    Mar (JDu,JMI), long stay by rare visitor first reported in 1996.
    Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus in full breeding plumage & in non –
    1 1
    breeding plumage at North Bay 15-22 Feb (JDu).
    Bischoff, A. 1998 “1997 Osprey Breeding Survey, Port Macquarie District NPWS”. NSW National Parks &
    Wildlife Service.
    Christidis L. & Boles W.E. 1994 “The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories”,
    RAOU Monograph No. 2. Melbourne.
    Debus, S.J.S. 1997 “The Barking Owl in New South Wales”, Aust. Birds 30, 53-80.
    Debus, S.J.S., Maciejewski S.E., & .A.W.McAllan 1998 “The Grass Owl in New South Wales”. Aust.
    Birds 31, 29-45.
    Debus, S.J.S., Shepherd R.B. & A.B. Rose 1998 “Diet of the Barking Owl Ninox connivens near Armidale,
    New South Wales” Aust. Bird Watcher 17, 302-303.
    Fullagar. P.J. 1998. “39th Annual Survey of Shearwaters Breeding on Montagu Island 26-30 March 1997”
    Nature in Eurobodalla 12.
    11arris, K. 1997 “Report on Population Monitoring Counts 1996 & 1997”. The Stilt 31, 56-62.
    Hoskin, E.S. 1991 “The Birds of Sydney” Surrey Beatty Ltd, Chipping Norton.
    Jones. H.A. 1999 “An Unusual Record of White-browed Scrub -wrens in the Holbrook District”. Aust. Birds
    31, 146-147.
    Leishman. A.J. I998.”Drinking strategies of the Turquoise Parrot”. Aust. Birds 31, 53-55.
    Ley. A. J. 1998 “The Response of Waterbirds to the 1997 Flood in Nan- an Lake Nature Reserve, New
    South Wales”. Aust. Birdwatcher 17, 337-341.
    McAllan, I.A.W. & Bruce M.D. 1988, “The Birds of New South Wales. A Working List”. Biocon Research
    Group, Turramurra.
    Mills, K. 1997 “Expansion of the Range of the Crested Pigeon”. Aust. Birds 31, 12-20.
    Minton, C & Collins, P. 1998 “Banded Stilt Cladorhynchus leucocephalus Attempting to copulate with a
    Stick”. Aust. Birdwatcher 17, 343-344.
    Morris, A.K. 1998 “Central Coast Bird Report /997”,CCFOC.
    Priddel, D & Carlile, N. 1997. “Boondelbah Island Confirmed as a Second Breeding Locality for Gould’s
    Petrel Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera”. Emu 97, 245-248.
    Ramm, P. 1998 “Spangled Drongo as predator of Honeybees”. Aust. Birds 31, 55-56.
    Ross, G.A., Egan, K., & D. Priddel 1999 “Hybridisation between Litte Tern Sterna albifrons and Fairy
    Tern Sterna nereis in Botany Bay New South Wales”. Corella 23, 33-36.
    Secomb, D. 1997 Forest Raven on the NSW Coast”. Aust. Birds 31, 21-28.
    Smith, L.E., Jarman, M. & Stanioch, D. 1999 “The Sooty Oystercatcher at Five Islands Nature Reserve “.
    CBOC Newsl 20, 5, 1-3
    Stuart, A. 1998 “Hunter Region of NSW 1997 Bird Report”. Hunter Bird Observers Club.
    April 2000APPENDIX I
    List of Observers
    AA A. Appleman BM Bill Moller DHa D. Hare
    AB Andrew Burton BMa Beryl Marchant DHo Don Howarth
    ABe Allan Benson BMc B. McLean DJ Dellas Johnston
    ABg Arthug Biggs BP Beryl Popple DJo David Johnson
    ABi Tony Bischoff BPa Barry Pascoe DK David Koffel
    AF Allan Foster BS Betty Stokes DL Dariel Larkins
    AFa Anthony Fabro BSm B. Smart DLa David Latham
    AFi Andrew Fisher BSt Berrice Stevens DLe D. Lewis
    AFy Andrew Fay BT Bo Tottenman DLn D. Landon
    AHo A. Horwood BTa Brad Taylor DLo Dianna Lock
    AHu Alex Hunt BV Barry Virtue DLw Denise Lowe
    AK Allan Keast BW Bruce Ward DM Don Moulton
    AL Andrew Ley BWi B. Wilcock DMa David Martin
    ALe Alan Leishman BWm Beth Williams DOb Danny O’Brien
    ALi Anne Lindsey CA Craig Arms DPn Dino Poloniato
    AM Alan Morris CB Chris Brandis DPo David Potter
    AMb Alan McBride CBa Clive Barker DS David Secomb
    AMc A. McIntyre CC Chris Chafer
    AP Tony Palliser CCa Carl Carpenter DSt D. Stephens
    APa Andrew Patrick CG Chris Gladwin DSw David Stewart
    APo A. Poore CGo Carl Gosper DT David Turner
    AR Alan Richards CM C. Meadows DWe David Webb
    ARo A.E.F. Rogers CRo C. Rose DWh Don Whitfield
    AS Allan Stuart CS Colin Scouler DWr Dianna Wright
    AT A. Taylor CSh Chris Shinton EBr Betty Bradney
    AVr Anne Van Roekel CW Chris Watts ED Em Dunkley
    AY Alan Yuan DA Debbie Andrews EH Ernie Hoskin
    BA Barry Ayres DAn David Andrews EHu Betty Hudson
    BC Bruce Cox DB David Burns EJ E. Jones
    BD Brian Downer DBa Don Bassett EK Elizabeth Karplus
    BDb Bill De Belin DC David Charley EM Ellen McCulloch
    BE Brian Everingham DD Dick Dallimore ER Eric Rice
    BH Barabra Harvey DG Dennis Gosper ES E. Standford
    BHd Barry Hodgson DGe David Geering ET Evan Thomas
    BHo Barbara Howie DGo D. Goldrick EV Edwin Vella
    BJ Barbara Jones DGr Dot Green EW Eric Wheeler
    BL B. Laider DH Dion Hobcroft EWi Edwin Williams
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 53
    1FC F. Cosgrove JDe John De Heume KMo Keith Morris
    GA Graham Alcorn JDi Jim Dixon KP Kaye Pointer
    GB Graham Barwell JDu John Duranti KS Ken Shingleton
    GC Greg Clancy JB Julia Baverstock KW Kelvin Wykes
    GCo G. Cottle JBr John Brickhill LB Laurie Bartlett
    GCr Glen Crombie JE Jan England LBI L. Bloom
    GD Garry Dunnet JEI Judy Elphick LD Lynn Davis
    GF Graham Fry JF Jim Francis LG L. Goshing
    GH Glenn Hoy JFa Judy Fraser LH Lauris Hopkins
    GP Graham Pittar JFr John Frith LJ Lorne Johnson
    GR Greville Reidy JG J. Gibson LS Lindsey Smith
    GRo Graham Robinson JGa J. Gale MB M. Bellamy
    GS G. Stevens JH June Harris MBr M. Briggs
    GSc Gerry Schultz JHo Janet Houghton MC M. Cochrane
    G St G. Stewart JMI John McLennan MCa Mike Carter
    GTh Graham Thorpe JMo Judy Moylan MCr Marion Crowther
    GW G. Whatson JP Joy Pegler ME Murray Ellis
    HB H. Blackburn JPa John Paxton MEs Mary Eskdale
    HBi Helen Biddle J Pe J. Pepper MF Malcolm Fyfe
    HBR Hunter Bird JPi Jamie Pittock MHu M. Hutchinson
    Report JR Judith Russill MHs M. Husk
    HJ Hugh Jones JRe John Reidy MHt Michael Hunter
    HM Hilary Mannes JS John Seale MI M. Isbell
    HP Heather Pittar JSa John Saw ML Marie Langdown
    HR H. Roberts JSc J. Scott MLa M. Laverick
    HTb H. Tyndale- JSI June Sell MLo Murray Lord
    Biscoe JSt Jean Stubbings MMu M. Murray
    HW Hans Wohlmuth JT J. Taylor MMo Mike Morphett
    ID Irene Denton JTi Jim Tiffen MMx Max Maddox
    IDa Ian Davidson JV Jack Verhagen MP Margaret Pointer
    IF Ian Fraser JWi John Witt MPh M. Phipps
    10 Ian Oag JWI John Wilkinson MR Michael Ronan
    IH Ian Harpley KB Keith Brandwood MRb M. Robinson
    Ian Johnson KBy K. Boyce MRt M. Roberts
    IM Ian Matthews KC Keith Corbett MS Michael Schultz
    JB Jenny Bounds KCh Kerry Chafer MSh M. Sharman
    J131 J. Bloustedt KE Keith Egan MSm Martin Smith
    JC John Carpenter KL Karl Love MT Maureen Tyler
    JCe J. Clifton -Everest KH Keith Hutton
    JCh J. Christie KM Kevin Mills
    JD J. Dark KMa Kath Mathews
    April 2000MTo Michael Todd PW Peter West SP S. Poust
    MVBO Macleay V. Bird PWi Peter Willets SW S. Wardell
    Obs PWy P. Wyllie SZ Stan Zucker
    Wh M. Whitfield RB Robin Benson TA Tony Ashby
    NC Nicholas Carlile RBI Roger Boland TB Tony Boland
    NH Nick Hodges RBo Raoul Boughton TD Tony Dymond
    NJ Neville James RC Dick Cooper TQ Trevor Quested
    NK Norman Kurtz RCI Reg Clarke TK Tim Kenny
    NM Norma Maxwell RD Dick Dowd TKa Tom Karplus
    NPh N. Phillips RG Rob Gardiner TM Tim Morris
    NR Neil Rankin RH R. Hunter TMo T. Morgan
    NRu Neil Russill RHu Rod Hunter TN Ted Nixon
    NS Neville Schraeder RJ Ray Jones TNe T. Neumeyer
    NSm Nella Smith Rio Richard Jordan TP Tom Poynton
    NW N. Williams RJn R. Johnstone TS Tony Saunders
    PB Peter Beard RL Bob Langdown TSm Terry Smith
    PC P. Charboneau RM Bob Moffat TW Tom Wilson
    PCh P. Challis RMa R. McAnoney TWi Ted Wilson
    PCr Peter Christie RMg R. McGovern TWa Trevor Waller
    PCw Peter Cowper RMi R. Miller TWk T. Walker
    PD Peter Disher RMs Richard Mason UB U. Bahlmann
    PDa Peter Davie RN R.Nowontyn VC Val Cooper
    PDb P. Drake – RP Robert Payne VCn Vince Conlan
    Brockman RPo R. Powell WB Walter Boles
    PF Peter Fullagar RR Rod Rose WBa Wilma Barden
    PG Patrick Giltrap RT R.J. Turner WBn W. Bannistor
    PH Pam Herrman RW Rob Way WE Wal Emery
    PHa Phoebe Harrison RWa R. Watts WK Wayne King
    PK Peter Keene SA Sasha Aldin WS Warren Sweeney
    PL Phil Lamrock SAs S. Anyon- Smith WT W. Thompson
    PMe Peter Mackie SC Shirley Chittick YM Yvonne Moor
    PMi Peter Milburn SCc Sue Chittick
    PR Peter Roberts SCo Shirley Cook
    PRa Peter Ramm SD S. Dundon
    PS Peter Smith SE Stephen Edwards
    PSe Phillip Seely SF Stuart Fairbairn
    PSt Phil Straw SH Shirley Hanke
    PSu Peter Stubbings SHa Sue Hamonet
    PVe P. Vermeulen SK Sue Kitchen
    PVh Peter Van Haeff SL S.G. Lane
    PVl P. van de Linde SM S. McInerney
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 55
    1APPENDIX II Bensville CC 33 30 151 12
    Berkeley Vale CC 33 21 151 27
    Reported Location Region Co-ordinates Berrnagui SC 36 25 150 03
    Lat Long Berowra Creek S 33 37 151 09
    Berry 1 34 47 150 42
    Bethungra SWS 34 43 148 53
    Albion Park 1 34 34 150 46 Bexhill NC 28 47 153 21
    Albury SWS 36 36 146 55 Bicentennial Park S 33 50 151 05
    Allyn River Forest Park H 33 07 151 25 Big Bush NR,
    Akuna Bay, KCNP S 33 39 151 14 Gidginbung SWS 34 22 147 26
    Anna Bay H 32 47 152 17 Bilgola S 33 39 151 20
    Annagrcive S 33 40 150 57 Bingara NWS 29 55 151 35
    Ardelago CWS Binya Hills SWP 34 14 146 18
    Armidale NT 30 32 151 40 Bithry, Mimosa NP SC 30 37 150 02
    Arthurville CT 32 34 148 44 Blackbutt Res,
    Ashford NWS 29 20 151 07 Newcastle H 32 57 151 42
    Ash Island H 32 52 151 43 Blackbutt Res
    Asquith S 33 42 151 07 Wollongong 1 34 23 150 52
    Avalon Swamp Blackfellows Lake SC 36 10 150 07
    Deniliquin SWP 35 32 144 46 Black Neds Bay H 33 06 151 38
    Avon R Catchment I 34 23 150 40 Black Rks,
    Awaba SF H 33 01 151 30 BundjalungNP NC 29 14 153 20
    Awabakal NR H 33 01 151 41 Blayney CT 33 32 149 15
    Back Creek, Bingara NWS 29 52 150 34 Bluegum Creek,
    Backyamma SF CWS 33 20 148 13 Mulbring H 32 53 151 32
    Bagotville NC 28 59 153 23 Boatharbour, Kurnell S 34 03 151 08
    Balgowlah Heights S 33 49 151 16 Bobbin Head KCNP S 33 39 151 09
    Ball ina NC 28 53 153 56 Boderee NP Jervis Bay 1 35 10 I5045
    Balmain S 33 53 151 II Bogan Gate CWP 33 07 147 49
    Balmoral HSD, Cooyal CT 32 24 149 48 Bolong, Nowra I 34 50 150 38
    Bangor S 34 02 151 03 Bolwarra H 32 43 151 33
    Bankstown S 33 56 151 02 Bombah Pt, Myall Lakes H 32 30 152 18
    Bantry Bay S 33 47 151 14 Bondi S 33 54 151 16
    Barham SWP 35 38 144 08 Bonny Hills NC 31 36 152 50
    Barraba NWS 30 22 150 38 Boondelbah Island NR H 32 43 152 14
    Barragoot Beach SC 36 28 150 04 Boonanghi SF NC 31 04 152 34
    Barren Grounds NR I 34 38 150 40 Boorowa CT 34 27 148 44
    Barrington Tops H 33 07 151 25 Bootawa H 31 56 152 18
    Batemans Bay SC 35 43 150 11 Boothbys Ck, Southgate NC 29 37 153 05
    Bearbung CWP 31 38 148 53 Bora Chnl,
    Beaury SF NC 28 29 152 24 MacquarieMNRC WP 30 45 147 30
    Bedford Ck, Blue MNP CT 33 47 150 29 Bourke FNWP 30 05 145 56
    Beecroft S 33 45 151 03 Boumda NR SC 36 48 149 55
    Bega SC 36 41 145 50 Bouwick HSD,
    Bellambi Point I 34 21 150 55 Mt Tenandra NWS 31 II 148 47
    Bellbrook NC 30 51 152 35 Bowen Island, ACT 1 35 07 150 46
    Belmont Swamp H 33 02 151 40 Boydtown SC 37 06 149 53
    Belmore Swamp NC 31 05 152 55 Braidwood ST 35 27 149 48
    Belmore R, Hat Head NP NC 31 07 152 56 Braunstone NC 29 48 152 57
    Ben Boyd NP SC 37 09 150 00 Brewan-ina FNWP29 58 146 51
    Bendalong 1 35 14 150 32 Brigalow Park NR NWP 30 26 149 36
    April 2000Brobenah Hills SWP 34 29 146 21 Chittaway Point CC 33 19 151 28
    Broken Head NC 28 43 153 36 Chitty HSD,
    Brooman SC 35 29 150 17 Tooraweenah CWP 31 26 148 53
    Brothersons Swamp NC 29 50 152 54 Clarence River Estuary NC 29 26 153 09
    Brou Lake SC 36 08 150 06 Clarencetown H 32 35 151 47
    Broulee SC 35 51 150 10 Clarenza NC 29 42 152 58
    Brunswick Heads NC 28 32 153 33 Clybucca NC 30 56 152 57
    Buckiinguy Swamp CWP 31 03 147 01 Cobar FNWP 31 30 145 50
    Budderoo NP 1 34 37 150 40 Cobbity 1 34 02 150 39
    Bukulla HSD, Cockle Creek H 32 57 151 37
    Weilmoringle FNWP 29 20 146 50 Coila Creek SC 36 01 150 06
    Buladelah NC 32 24 152 12 Coila Lake SC 36 02 150 06
    Bulga H 32 29 151 01 Coldstream NC 29 35 153 08
    Bulgeraga Ck, Col inroobie SWP 34 25 146 34
    Quambone CWP 30 54 147 34 Colleambally SWP 34 49 145 51
    Bulli Pass 1 34 19 150 55 Colong Caves I 34 07 150 07
    Bulli Tops 1 34 17 150 53 Comerong island 1 34 52 150 43
    Bungan Beach S 33 40 151 19 Conargo SWP 35 18 145 11
    Bungawalbin NR NC 29 03 153 18 Concord S 33 52 151 05
    Bundjalung NP NC 29 21 153 04 Conimbla NP CWS 33 52 148 25
    Bunnan H 32 02 150 35 Conjola SF 1 35 10 150 29
    Burrewarra Point SC 35 50 150 13 Conoor TSR Barraba NWT 30 30 150 34
    Bushells Lagoon S 33 34 150 48 Cookamidgera SF CWS 33 15 148 18
    Byerawering, Culgoa NP FNWP 29 04 147 10 Coolangatta 1 34 52 150 43
    Calderwood I 34 35 150 42 Coombie HSD, Roto FSWP 32 50 145 21
    Cambria HSD, Barham SWP 35 35 147 08 Coon Is, Swansea H 33 04 151 38
    Camira Creek NC 29 15 152 56 Coopers Island SC 36 04 150 04
    Camira SF NC 29 13 152 52 Cootamundra SWS 34 38 148 01
    Camden S 34 05 150 39 Copeland Tops NC 31 58 151 50
    Campbells Swp,Griffith SWP 34 13 145 58 Copeton Dam NWS 29 55 149 58
    Camperdown S 33 54 151 I I Coramba NC 30 14 153 04
    Cams Wharf H 33 07 151 37 Corbie Hill SWP 34 33 146 27
    Canterbury S 33 55 151 07 Comwallis Rd,
    Cape Banks BBNP S 34 00 151 14 Richmond S 33 36 150 46
    Cape Solander S 34 01 151 14 Corunna Lake SC 36 17 150 06
    Capertee CT 33 09 149 59 Coutts Crossing NC 29 50 152 54
    Capertee Valley CT 33 06 149 59 Cowan S 33 36 151 10
    Caroona NWS 31 25 150 26 Cowans Pond NC 29 43 152 55
    Carroll NWS 30 59 150 26 Cowper NC 29 35 153 05
    Casino NC 28 52 153 03 Cowra CT 33 50 148 41
    Casino Golf Course Swp NC 28 52 153 03 Craven SF H 32 10 152 02
    Castle Hill S 33 44 151 00 Crescent Head NC 31 12 152 59
    Castlereagh NR S 33 41 150 45 Cromer Heights S 33 34 151 16
    Cathederal Rock NP NC 30 20 152 15 Crosslands Reserve S 33 38 151 04
    Caves Beach H 33 07 151 39 Crowdy Head H 31 51 152 45
    Cedar Hill H 32 53 151 38 Cudmirrah I 35 13 150 32
    Centennial Park S 33 54 151 14 Cullen Bullen CT 33 18 150 02
    Central Mangrove CC 33 18 151 15 Cumberland SF S 33 45 151 02
    Charcoal Tank SWS 33 53 147 02 Cumbil SF NWP 30 45 149 05
    Chichester SF H 32 10 151 40 Cundletown H 31 53 152 33
    Chill ingham NC Cupitts Lane, Windsor S 33 37 150 46
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No I 57Currumbene SF SC 34 57 150 37 Frampton SWS 34 41 147 56
    Daleys Point, Bouddi NP CC 33 31 151 21 Frederickton NC 31 02 152 52
    Dallawang Range CT 33 47 150 25 Gap Creek TSR NC 30 49 152 29
    Darkes Forest I 34 14 150 53 Garden Suburb H 32 56 151 44
    Darlington Point SWP 34 35 146 00 Garrawarra 1 34 10 150 01
    Dart Is, Clarence River NC 29 25 152 18 Geneebeinga Wetlands NC 28 51 153 03
    Davidson Whal. Stn, Gee’s Lagoon, Colo S 33 27 150 48
    Eden SC 37 07 149 58 Gerringong 1 34 45 150 50
    Davistown CC 33 29 151 21 Giliards Bch,
    Deep Ck, Narrabeen S 33 42 151 15 Mimosa Rock SC 36 35 150 03
    Dee Why Lagoon S 33 46 151 18 Gingham Watercourse NWP 29 12 149 19
    Devlins Ck Lane Cove S 33 48 151 08 Glebe S 33 53 151 12
    Dimaseer SWS 34 28 147 42 Glen Alice CT 33 03 150 12
    Doonside S 33 45 150 52 Glenbrook S 33 45 150 36
    Dorrigo NP NC 30 19 153 42 Glen Davis CT 33 07 150 17
    Doughboy Hollow H 32 38 151 10 Glenreagh NC 30 03 152 59
    Dungirr NP Bowraville NC 30 35 152 34 Glenugie SF NC 29 47 153 01
    Dunmore I 34 36 150 56 Gloucester H 32 01 151 58
    Dural S 33 42 151 02 Glossodia S 33 33 150 47
    Durras SC 35 38 150 16 Goge I drie SWP 34 34 146 16
    Durthong Tk, Goodooga NWP 29 07 147 27
    Mungo Lakes FSWP33 41 142 52 Goodwood Is,
    Eastlakes S 33 56 151 13 Clarence Estuary NC 29 43 153 20
    Eleebana H 32 59 151 38 Gooloogong CWS 33 37 148 27
    Elbow Svvp, Roberts Ck NC Goolooinboin HSD,
    Elim Heights. Putty S 33 12 150 48 Capertee CT 33 09 150 09
    Ellalong Swamp H 32 55 151 18 Goondiwindi NWP 28 33 150 19
    Ellenborough NC 31 27 152 27 Goonengerry NC 28 36 153 26
    Emery Rice Shed SWP Goonoo SF CWS 32 05 148 50
    Engadine S 34 04 151 02 Corindi NC 30 01 153 11
    Erskine Range, BMNP CT 33 52 150 27 Gould Island NR H 32 41 152 13
    Eugowra CWS 33 26 148 23 Gosford CBD CC 33 26 151 02
    Euroley SWP 34 33 146 25 Goura NR, Tilba SC 36 21 149 58
    Eurongilly SWS 34 54 147 47 Grahamstown Reservoir H 32 45 151 48
    Everlasting Swamp NC 29 32 153 04 Greenacres S 33 56 151 02
    Fairy Ck, Fairy Meadow 1 34 24 150 53 Grover HSD,
    Farm Cove S 33 52 151 13 Merriwagga SWP 33 54 145 26
    Fennell Bay H 32 59 151 36 Griffith SWP 34 17 146 03
    Fembank, Pt Macquarie NC 31 25 152 50 Gulmarrad NC 31 13 152 56
    Fifield CWP 32 48 147 28 Gulpha Island SWP 35 50 144 59
    Finchley Camp. Gulpha SF SWP 35 45 144 57
    Yengo NP Ii 32 57 151 02 Gum Swamp, Forbes CWS 33 23 147 59
    Fivebough Swamp SWP 34 32 151 05 Gundagai ST 35 04 148 06
    Five Islands NR 34 27 150 56 Gunderbooka NP FNWP 30 35 145 45
    Flaggy Creek NC Gunnedah NWS 30 59 150 15
    Flat Rock Dam I 34 54 150 34 Gunning ST 34 48 149 15
    Fords Bridge FNWP29 45 145 27 Gwandalan CC 33 08 151 35
    Forest Oak, Hallidays Point H 32 04 152 33
    Mann River NP NC 29 44 152 00 Harden SWS 34 33 148 53
    Forestville S 33 46 151 13 Harrington H 31 53 152 41
    Forster H 32 10 152 32
    April 2000Harwood Bridge NC 29 25 153 16 Kurnell 34 01 151 12
    Harwood Island NC 29 26 153 16 Kurrajong Heights CT 33 32 150 38
    Hat Head NP NC 30 56 153 03 Lady Carrington Dr RNP S 34 06 151 03
    Hat Head Village NC 31 03 153 03 Laguna 32 59 151 08
    Hawksnest- Lake Arragan,
    Seal Rocks Rd H 32 35 152 10 Yuraygir NP NC 29 34 153 20
    Hazeldean Sp Deniliquin SWP 35 32 145 17 Lake Bathurst ST 35 04 149 43
    !fill End CT 33 03 129 23 Lake Burragorang CT 34 10 150 20
    HMAS Albatross I 34 57 150 34 Lake Cargelligo SWP 33 18 146 22
    Holbrook SWS 35 43 147 18 Lake Cathie NC 31 36 152 52
    Homebush Bay S 33 50 151 05 Lake Conjola I 35 15 150 27
    Hominy Ck Popran NP CC 33 25 151 10 Lake Cowal CWS 33 35 147 27
    Howes Valley H 32 51 150 50 Lake Tabourie I 35 23 150 25
    Howlong SWS 35 59 146 38 Lake Urana SWP 35 20 146 11
    Hungry Head NC 30 31 153 01 Lake Wollumboola 1 35 00 150 46
    Hunter Main Trail, Lake Wyangan North SWP 34 13 146 01
    Wollemi NP H 32 43 150 40 Lane Cove S 33 45 151 08
    Hunters Hill S 33 50 151 08 Lapstone CT 33 55 150 49
    Ilarwill NC 29 28 153 12 Lauravale HSD, Bourke FNWP 29 50 145 37
    Ingalba SF NC 30 54 152 47 Lawrence NC 29 30 153 06
    Ingalba NR SWS 34 52 147 25 Lawson CT 33 43 150 26
    Ingleside S 33 41 151 15 Leeton SWP 34 33 146 24
    Jabiru wetlands, Casino NC 28 52 153 03 Lennox Head NC 28 47 153 35
    Jacana HSD, Clarenza NC 29 43 152 58 Lilli Pilli, Bega SC 36 43 149 03
    Jamberoo 1 34 38 150 48 Lion Is NR CC 33 34 151 19
    Jenolan Caves CT 33 49 150 01 Lisarow CC 33 23 151 22
    Jerilderie SWP 35 22 145 44 Lismore NC 29 48 156 17
    Jerseyville NC 30 55 153 05 Little Llangothlin,
    Jerusalem Creek KCNP S 33 36 151 11 Lagoon NT 30 08 151 47
    Joorilands Crossing 34 12 150 17 Loftus Creek 34 03 151 04
    Junee SWS 34 55 147 35 Longneck Lagoon 33 35 150 53
    Kalaru SC 36 44 149 56 Long Reef 33 45 151 19
    Kanangra-Boyd NP CT 33 56 150 03 Lords Creek 33 02 151 29
    Karuah H 32 39 151 58 Loudon’s Lagoon,
    Katandra SR CC 33 24 151 23 Macquarie MarshesNR CWP 30 50 147 34
    Kattang NR NC 31 39 152 51 Lugamo S 33 59 151 03
    Keiraville 34 20 150 53 Lynches Creek, Kyogle NC 28 28 152 59
    Kempsey NC 31 04 152 49 Lynworth HSD, Moree NWP 29 14 149 19
    Kenthurst S 34 40 151 01 Mackeral Bch, KCNP S 33 35 151 17
    Kiama 34 41 150 51 Macksvillc NC 30 42 152 56
    Killalea Lagoon, KSRA 34 37 150 52 Maclean NC 29 28 153 19
    Kings Plains NWS 29 38 151 27 Macleay River NC 31 01 152 58
    Kings Tableland CT 33 28 150 15 Maddens Plains 1 34 16 150 55
    Kiola SF 35 35 150 20 Mandurama CT 33 39 149 05
    Koona Bay, L Illawarra 1 34 34 150 47 Manilla NWS 30 45 150 43
    Kooragang Island H 32 53 151 47 Mangrove Mountain CC 33 18 151 11
    Koorawatha CT 34 02 148 33 Manly Dam S 33 47 151 15
    Kooreelah SF NC 28 20 152 28
    Korrungulla Swamp 34 30 150 53
    Kowmung River BMNP CT 33 58 150 14
    Kundabung NC 31 13 152 50
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No I 59Mann River NP NC 29 44 152 00 Mt Tianjarra, Morton NP I 35 I I 150 18
    Maria River Rd NC 31 13 152 55 Mudgee CT 32 37 149 45
    Market Swamp, Sandgate H 32 53 151 42 Mulgoa S 33 50 150 38
    Marlows Gully, Mullaley NWS 31 05 149 56
    PopranNP CC 33 28 151 10 Munghom Gap NR CT 32 23 149 50
    Marmong Point 32 59 151 37 Mungindi NWP 28 58 149 00
    Marulan 1 34 43 150 01 Mungo Brush H 32 43 152 18
    Mason Pk, Concord S 33 56 151 05 Mungo NP FSWP 33 33 143 03
    Matcham CC 33 25 151 26 Murramai SWP 34 26 146 10
    McGraths Hill STW CC 30 38 150 49 Murrumbateman ST 34 58 149 02
    McKenzies Beach 1 35 03 150 47 Murrumbo CT 32 23 150 13
    McMahons Point 33 15 151 13 Murrumbung HSD,
    McPhersons Crossing NC 29 49 152 55 Mardi CC 33 18 151 15
    Meerschaun Vale NC 28 55 153 27 Murwillumbah NC 28 20 153 24
    Megalong Valley CT 33 43 150 14 Myall Lakes NP H 32 27 152 25
    Merimbula Lake SC 36 54 149 54 Myall River SF H 32 20 152 06
    Middle Cove 33 48 151 14 Nabiac NC 32 06 152 23
    Millbank NC 30 52 152 37 Nambucca Heads NC 30 39 153 00
    Mill Ck, Dharug NP CC 33 23 151 02 Narara Ck, Narara CC 33 24 151 45
    Mill Ponds, Botany 33 57 151 11 Narellan S 34 03 150 44
    Millingandi SC 36 53 149 51 Narooma SC 36 15 150 07
    Mitchell Park, Cattai S 33 35 151 53 Narran Lakes NR NWP 29 45 147 25
    Minnie Water NC 29 46 153 18 Narrandera Common SWP 34 43 146 35
    Mistake SF NC 30 43 152 40 Nattai NP 34 10 150 25
    Mistral Pt, Coogee 33 56 151 15 Nell igen SC 35 39 150 05
    Mogareeka SC 36 42 149 58 Nelsons Bay H 32 43 152 08
    Mogo Camp, Yengo NP S 33 19 151 04 Nemingha NC 31 07 150 59
    Mogo SF SC 35 47 150 08 Nerricon Swamp SWP 34 13 146 02
    Monga SF, Braidwood ST 35 26 149 55 Nerriga SC 35 07 150 05
    Mona Vale 33 41 151 18 Nethercote H 32 53 151 42
    Moonee Beach NC 30 12 153 19 New Lambton Heights H 32 58 151 43
    Moore Park NR, Kyogle NC 28 28 152 52 Newfoundland SF NC 29 55 153 10
    Morisett H 33 07 151 29 Newington wetlands Sx 33 50 151 03
    Morongola Ck, Cowra CWS 33 57 143 40 Newnes CTx 33 11 150 13
    Morundah SWP 34 57 146 18 Newton Boyd NC 29 46 151 15
    Moruya SC 35 55 150 06 Nimmitabel ST 36 31 149 16
    Moruya Heads SC 35 55 150 10 Nobbys Beach H 32 56 151 47
    Mosman Bay S 33 49 151 15 Nocholeche NR FNWP 29 58 144 10
    Mount Annan S 34 03 150 46 Noola HSD, Junee SWSx 34 39 151 35
    Mount Brown 1 34 48 150 33 Norah Head CCx 33 17 151 35
    Mt Buddawang Track, Normanhurst S 33 43 151 06
    Braidwood ST 35 29 149 59 North Botany Bay Sx 33 58 151 12
    Mount Corrigudgy CT 32 50 150 21 North Brother Mountain NC 31 39 152 47
    Mount Ettalong, BWNP CC 33 32 151 19 North Durras Beach SC 35 38 150 20
    Mount Hay CT 33 37 150 20 North Epping S 33 45 151 06
    Mount Keira 1 34 24 150 51 North Gosford CC 33 25 151 21
    Mount Panorama CT 33 28 149 33 North Head S 33 49 151 17
    Mount Skillion SF NC 31 01 152 43 North Narrabeen Beach S 33 43 151 18
    Mount Tenandra NWS 31 12 148 44 North Rothbury H 32 42 151 21
    Mount Thorley H 32 37 151 05 North Tacoma CC 33 19 151 26
    Mount Vincent H 32 37 151 05 Norton’s Basin,Wallacia S 33 51 150 37
    April 2000Nowra I 34 52 150 36 Point Plomer NC 31 19 152 57
    Nullica River SC 37 11 149 52 Pokolbin Lake H 32 46 151 18
    Nuragingy Res S 33 46 150 51 Poloko Lake FNWP 30 41 146 11
    Nymagee FSWP 32 33 146 19 Pooginook SWP
    Nyngan CWP 31 34 147 12 Popran NP CC 33 22 151 12
    Oasis HSD, Dubbo CWP Portland Hd Rd,
    O’Hares Creek 1 34 13 150 52 Sackville S 33 29 150 54
    Old Junee SWS 34 50 147 31 Port Macquarie NC 31 27 152 54
    Old Quipolly Dam NWS Potatoe Point SC
    Olney SF H 33 05 151 15 Pottsville NC 28 23 153 34
    One Mile Beach H 32 45 152 10 Powells Lgn, Richmond S 33 36 150 45
    Ourimbah CC 33 23 151 03 Pretty Bch,
    Ourimbah Ck, Batemans Bay SC 35 48 150 13
    Chittaway CC 33 20 151 25 Puddledock NT 30 24 151 44
    Oyster Cove, Pt Stephens H 32 43 152 00 Pughs Lgn, Richmond S 33 36 150 45
    Pacific Palms H 32 20 152 32 Pulganbar Ck,
    Pappinbarra FSC NC 31 16 152 25 Fineflower NC 29 27 152 40
    Palmers Is, Yamba NC 29 25 153 16 Pulletop NR SWP 34 03 146 11
    Pambula SC 36 57 149 52 Purgatory Ck,
    Parkes CWS 33 08 148 10 Jackadgery NC 29 28 152 38
    Parramatta S 33 48 151 00 Quakers Hill S 33 44 150 53
    Patonga CC 33 34 151 16 Quambone CWP 30 56 147 52
    Pearce’s Pass CT 33 33 150 19 Queens Lake NC 31 37 152 47
    Pearl Beach CC 33 33 151 18 Quorrobolong H 32 55 151 22
    Pelican Is, Wallis Lake H 32 19 152 31 Racecourse Bch,
    Pelican Is, Pt Macquarie NC 31 25 152 54 Ulladulla 35 23 150 28
    Pelican Is, Rainbow Rch,
    Sth West Rocks NC 30 55 153 02 Macleay R NC 30 54 153 00
    Pelican Point CC 33 18 151 34 Ramomie NC 29 39 152 48
    Pelton H 32 52 151 18 Ramsgate S 33 58 151 09
    Pennant Hills S 33 45 151 03 Rappville NC 29 02 152 57
    Penrith Lakes S 33 43 150 41 Raymond Terrace H 32 15 151 47
    Penuca Swamp SC 36 44 149 54 Red Rock NC 29 59 153 14
    Pickettes Valley CC 3 3 2 7 1 5 2 5 Reefton SWL 34 16 147 27
    Picnic Point S 33 59 151 00 Richmond Hill NC 28 48 153 20
    Picton 1 34 11 150 17 Richmondvale H 32 52 151 32
    Pierces Valley, Parr SRA S 33 18 150 47 Roberts Ck, Clarence V NC 29 32 153 08
    Pillar Valley NC 29 46 153 07 Rockdale S 33 27 151 08
    Pilliga NWP 30 23 148 55 Rockview HSD.
    Pilliga NR NWP 30 59 149 28 Glen Davis CT 33 09 150 08
    Pilliga East SF NWP 30 45 149 18 Rocky Ponds BWNP CC 33 32 151 14
    Pilliga West SF NWP 31 03 149 10 Rocky Wtholes,
    Pinnacle Tk, Narrandera SWP 34 45 146 33
    Border Ranges NC Rollands Plains NC 31 17 152 41
    Pitt Town NR S 33 36 150 50 Rosedale HSD,
    Pittwater S 33 37 151 18 Ulamambri CWS 31 18 149 23
    Plover Is, Roselands S 33 55 151 05
    Sandon River NC 29 41 153 20 Rose’s Lagoon.
    Point Danger NC 28 12 153 34 Collector ST 34 54 149 31
    Point Perpendicular Round Hill NR FSWP 33 00 146 10
    Point Piper S 33 52 151 14 Royal Botanical Gardens S 33 52 151 13
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 61
    1Rozelle S 33 52 151 10 South West Rocks NC 30 53 153 02
    Runnyford, Spicers Creek CWS 32 13 149 01
    Batemans Bay SC 35 43 150 10 Spoon Bay, Wamberal CC 33 25 151 27
    Rylstone CT 32 49 149 59 Sportsman Creek NC 29 30 153 03
    Sackville S 33 29 150 54 Stanbridge Swamp SWP 34 31 146 14
    St Albans S 33 07 150 58 Stannix Park S 33 31 150 51
    St Georges Basin 1 35 07 150 38 Station Creek NC 29 56 153 14
    St Huberts Island CC 33 29 151 20 Steam Plain SWP 35 03 145 22
    St Ives S 33 44 151 10 Stephens Ck Reservoir FSWP 31 53 141 33
    Salt Caves, St Georges Basin 1 35 08 150 36
    Pilliga East SF NWP 30 45 149 18 Stockrington Swamp H 32 51 151 38
    Salt Lake, Nadgee NR SC 37 28 149 58 Stockton Borehole Swp H 32 53 151 48
    Sanctuary Point 35 06 150 48 Stratford H 32 07 151 52
    Sandbar H 32 23 152 32 Stroud H 32 25 152 58
    Sandon River NC 29 41 153 19 Stun NP FNWP 29 20 141 30
    Sandy Camp HSD Sublime Pt, Leura CT 33 44 150 19
    Quambone CWP 30 52 147 44 Summer Hill S 33 57 151 08
    Sandy Hollow H 32 21 150 25 Summer Island NC 30 55 153 05
    Sawn Rocks, Mt Kaputah NWP 30 08 150 04 Swan Bay H 32 43 152 00
    Sawtell NC 30 22 153 06 Swan Ck, Ulmarra NC 29 41 153 01
    Scheyville NP S 33 38 150 54 Swansea South H 33 05 151 38
    Schofields S 33 42 150 52 Tabimobile NC 29 12 153 16
    Scotts Head NC 30 45 153 00 Tacoma(North) CC 33 18 151 27
    Scotts Main Range, Tallawarra Wetland 1 34 31 150 48
    BMNP CT 33 58 150 16 Tarawi NR, Wentworth LSWP 33 26 141 10
    Sea Acres NR NC 31 27 152 56 Taree H 31 55 152 26
    Seaham NR NC 32 40 151 44 Taronga Zoo S 33 52 151 14
    Seal Rocks NC 32 27 152 32 Tathra SC 30 45 149 59
    Secret Bay, Buttaba H 32 58 150 36 Taylors Bch, Pt Stephens H 32 43 152 10
    Seven Hills S 33 47 150 56 Teleeban Res SWP
    Shanes Park, Blacktown S 33 47 150 52 Telegherry Forest Park H 32 20 152 05
    Shellharbour 34 35 150 51 Temora SWS 34 27 147 31
    Shell Pt, Botany Bay S 34 02 151 08 Teralba H 32 58 151 37
    Shelley beach, MLNP H 32 32 152 19 Terieuka HSD,
    Sherwood Ck, Kungala NC 31 03 151 43 Tibooburra FNWP 29 15 142 33
    Shoalhaven Heads 34 52 150 45 Termeil I 35 29 150 21
    Shoalhaven R, Nowra 1 34 52 150 36 Terrania Creek NC 28 37 153 18
    Shortland WC H 32 53 151 41 Teurika Camp, Sturt NP FNWP 29 16 142 33
    .Six Mile Swamp, Texas NWS 28 52 151 08
    Whiporie NC 29 14 152 59 Tharbogan Swp Griffith SWP 34 13 149 59
    Skillions Flat SF NC 31 02 152 44 The Bluff HSD,
    Smiths Lake H 32 23 152 30 Tenterfield NT 29 05 152 02
    Snapper Pt, The Entrance CC 33 21 151 30
    MunmorahSRA CC 33 11 151 38 The Jump Up, Sturt NP FNWP 29 15 141 57
    Soldiers Pt, Norah Head CC 33 17 151 33 The Ranch HSD,
    Somersby CC 33 22 151 17 Kennebri NWS 30 45 148 57
    South Ck, Narrabeen S 33 43 151 15 The Rip. Brisbane Water CC 33 31 151 21
    South Ck, Windsor S 33 38 150 49
    Southgate NC 29 37 153 05
    South Grafton NC 29 44 152 54
    South Turramurra Sx 33 45 151 06
    April 2000Thirlmere Lakes NP 1 34 14 150 13 Vincentia 1 35 04 150 41
    Thora Valley NC 30 26 152 46 Violet Hill Rd, Myall
    Thornton H 32 47 151 38 Lakes NP H 32 28 152 19
    Thungutti Camp, New Vineyard S 33 39 150 50
    England NP NT 30 29 152 23 Wagonga Inlet SC 36 13 150 07
    Tilba Lake SC 36 18 150 07 Wahroonga S 33 43 151 07
    Tillegerry Peninsular H 32 45 152 00 Walka Water Works H 34 43 151 37
    Tintenbar NC 28 45 153 32 Wallacia S 33 53 150 38
    Tomingley CWP 32 34 148 15 Wallagoot Lake SC 36 47 149 56
    Toorooka NC 30 56 152 35 Wallaroo SF H 32 39 151 50
    Toowoon Bay CC 33 22 151 30 Wallenbeen SWS 34 32 148 09
    Torrybum NWS 30 27 151 13 Wallerawang CT 33 35 150 03
    Tony Plains SWP Wamberal Lagoon CC 33 26 151 26
    Toukley CC 33 16 151 32 Wamoon SWP 34 32 146 19
    Towarrie NP,Scone H 31 52 150 38 Wanaaring FNWP 29 42 144 09
    Towra Point NR S 34 02 151 II Wanganella SWP 35 13 144 49
    Tucabia NC 29 40 153 06 Wangaretta HSD,
    Tuckerbil Swamp SWP 34 27 146 21 Warren CWP 31 27 148 04
    Tuggerah Bay CC 33 18 151 26 Wamervale S 33 15 151 28
    Tuggerah Lakes CC 33 20 151 29 Wantabadgery SWS 35 03 147 44
    Tuggerah Dairy Swamp CC 33 17 151 25 Warilla 1 34 33 150 52
    Tuggerah STW CC 33 18 151 26 Warkworth H 32 35 151 02
    Tuggerawong CC 33 17 151 29 Warrabah NP NWS 30 13 150 49
    Tullakool Salt Works SWP 35 24 144 12 Warradagery SF CWS 34 28 145 15
    Tullys Hill, Narrandera SWP 34 28 146 29 Warri Gate, Sturt NP FNWP 29 00 148 55
    Tuncurry H 29 57 146 06 Wauberrima HSD,
    Tuross SC 36 04 150 08 Galore SWP 35 01 146 48
    Turrill CT 32 08 149 51 Warwick Farm S 33 55 150 57
    Tweed River Estuary NC 28 11 153 32 Warrumbungle NP CWP 31 18 149 00
    Twofold Bay SC 37 07 149 55 Watagan NP H 33 00 151 25
    Tyndale NC 29 31 153 13 Waterfall S 34 05 151 00
    Ukerabagh Island NC 28 13 153 33 Waterview Heights NC 29 41 152 53
    Ukerbarley HSD, Watsons Bay H 33 51 151 16
    Coonabarabran CWS 31 14 149 12 Wauchope NC 31 27 152 45
    Uki NC 28 25 153 19 Waverton S 33 50 151 II
    Ulandra NR SWS 34 42 147 52 Way Way SF NC 30 48 152 58
    Ulladulla SC 35 22 150 29 Weddin SF SWS 33 56 148 00
    Ulmarra NC 29 37 153 03 Weddin Mountains SWS 33 58 147 59
    Ulong NC 30 15 152 51 Weethalle SWS 33 52 146 47
    Umina CC 33 31 151 13 Werrington S 33 46 150 46
    Upper Clyde R Brooman SC 35 28 150 13 West Kempsey NC 31 05 152 49
    Upper Colo S 33 26 150 44 West Wyalong SWS 33 56 147 13
    Upper Esk R, Westleigh S 33 43 151 04
    BudjalungNP NC 29 15 153 18 White Box Camp,
    Upper Manilla NWS 30 43 150 40 Goulbum R NP CT 32 17 150 03
    Urana SWP 35 20 146 16 White Cliffs FNWP 30 52 143 03
    Urunga NC 30 30 153 01 Whitton SWP 34 31 146 11
    Valla NC 30 36 153 01 Whitton Pump Res SWP 34 31 146 II
    Valley Heights S 33 42 150 35 Widden Valley H 32 25 150 23
    Van Dahls Trail, BWNP CC 33 32 151 16
    Vaucluse S 33 52 151 15
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 63
    1Widgewa SWP 35 03 146 13 Woodford Dale NC 29 32 153 06
    Wilberforce S 33 34 150 51 Woodford Is, Yamba NC 29 30 153 10
    Wildgoat Plat, Nattai NP CT 34 11 150 25 Woodsreef NT 30 23 150 47
    Wilcannia FNWP 31 33 143 22 Woody Head,
    Wildridge HSD, Yuraygir NP NC 29 22 153 22
    Pappinbarra NC 31 22 152 30 Woolamia 1 35 02 150 28
    Willala Hall NWP 30 50 149 52 Woolgoolga NC 30 07 153 13
    Willala Hills NWP 30 51 149 46 Woolgoolga FR NC 30 07 153 08
    Willbriggie Swamp SWP 34 28 150 52 Wooloweyah Lagoon NC 29 28 153 19
    Williamtown H 32 49 151 49 Wooyung NC 28 28 153 33
    Willoughby S 33 48 151 12 Woronora S 34 03 151 02
    Windermere Dam CT 32 48 149 48 Wyee Point CC 33 07 151 31
    Windang 1 34 32 150 52 Wyoming CC 33 25 151 20
    Wingen H 31 54 150 53 Wyong GC Swamp CC 33 16 151 27
    Wingham H 31 52 152 22 Wyrra SF, Wyalong SWS 33 50 147 23
    Wittitrin NC 31 05 151 38 Yanco SWP 33 36 146 26
    Windsor S 33 37 150 48 Yanco Creek SWP 33 42 146 24
    Windsor Downs NR S 33 39 150 45 Yanco Silos SWP 34 36 146 19
    Winston Hills S 33 46 150 59 Yamba NC 29 26 153 22
    Woko NP H 31 50 151 52 Yang Yang Res, Maude SWP 34 34 144 16
    Woleny HSD, Jamberoo I 34 40 150 46 Yarrahampani NC 30 47 153 00
    Wollemi Range, Yarramundi S 33 37 150 40
    Wollemi NP H 32 51 150 30 Yarrawa H 32 24 150 36
    Wolli Creek S 33 56 151 08 YarroiAyk NT 30 27 151 21
    Wollombi H 32 56 151 08 Yass ST 34 50 148 55
    Wollongong 1 34 26 150 56 Yathella HSD, Junee SWS 34 55 147 27
    Womera Tk, Yengo NP S 33 14 150 50 Yathong NR FSWP 32 22 145 30
    Wompah gate, Sturt NP FNWP 29 00 142 12 Yengo NP H 33 06 151 06
    Wondabyne CC 33 29 151 15 Yerranderie I 34 03 150 08
    Woodbine HSD, Mulgoa S 33 50 151 36 Yerriyong SF I 35 05 150 22
    Woodberry H 34 48 151 41 Yessabah NC 31 05 152 41
    Yowie Bay S 34 01 151 07
    April 2000RARE BIRDS IN NEW SOUTH WALES IN 1996 & 1997
    Keith Brandwood
    The seventh report of the NSWORAC details 38 submissions considered by the Committee.
    Together with 192 cases already dealt with previously (Morris 1998) this brings to 230
    the total number of cases resolved. Of the 230 cases considered, 145 have been accepted,
    49 not accepted and 36 not confirmed. One case No 141 Coxen’s Fig -Parrot, reported as
    not accepted in the 5th Report (Morris 1996), was subsequently re- opened on receipt of
    additional information and the record accepted. As at 31 December 1999, 310 submissions
    have been received.
    The objective of the Committee is to provide an informed, discerning and impartial
    appraisal of claimed records of birds rare in NSW and Lord Howe Island. The membership
    of the Committee for 1996 & 97 remained the same viz R. Cooper (Chairperson), A.
    Morris (Secretary), W. Barden, K. Brandwood, D. Hobcroft, I. McAllan, A. Palliser and
    R. Turner. At the beginning 1999 Alan Morris stood down as Secretary and was replaced
    by Keith Brandwood. The Committee at the time placed on record their appreciation for
    his tireless efforts to get the Committee operational. Later in 1999 Ian McAllan resigned
    and he was replaced at the 2000 A.G.M. by A.E.F. Rogers. At the AGM, the Committee
    placed on record its appreciation for the support and hard work done by Ian in reviewing
    the submissions and assisting with the production of the annual report.
    The Review List, as published previously (Morris 1996), was altered in 1996 by the
    deletion of the following species: White -necked Petrel, Common Diving Petrel, Red-
    tailed Tropic -bird and Brown Booby. All of these species have been recorded annually,
    often with multiple records, in the past ten years. In addition from January 1997 Common
    Noddy and Arctic Tern, were removed. The Committee voted to remove the following
    from I January 1998: Grey Ternlet, Black Noddy and Black Petrel, and from 1 January
    1999, Black -winged Petrel and Common Noddy for similar reasons.
    The Committee continued to work closely with Birds Australia Rarities Committee (BARC)
    and three submissions relating to reports received in 1996/97 for species on their Review
    List were referred directly. One determination had been received from BARC for a
    1997 record of the White Wagtail at Narran Lake at the time of writing.
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 65
    1The quality of submissions continues to improve which is indeed encouraging. Many of
    the difficulties faced by the Committee from submissions result from very brief notes
    taken from memory. It is re -iterated that the recording of rarities such as those on the
    Review List will require as a minimum one or more of the following:
    Field notes as comprehensive as possible;
    Photographs and or tape recordings;
    Reports from multiple persons; and/or
    The completion of a RAC report form.
    A full report of each decision of the NSWORAC is available from the Secretary of each
    The format of this report is similar to previous reports. Again those records “not
    accepted”(NA), and those records “not confirmed”(NC) will be listed at the end of the
    Report. Records “not confirmed” are those where two years or more have elapsed without
    a submission even though invited by the Secretary. The Committee would welcome further
    information on any record not accepted or not confirmed and is willing to re -open to
    consider data additional to that already available.
    Following the name of species accepted, there will be a set of three numerals. The first is
    the number of confirmed records for the species in NSW, the second is the number of
    confirmed records since 1970 (when the NSWFOC Annual Reports commenced), and
    the third represents the number of species recorded in 1996 & 97. English and scientific
    names used in the text are in accordance with Christidis & Boles (1994).
    Those observers who recorded the first, second or third records for NSW are encouraged
    to publish details in an appropriate journal.
    Some people will feel disappointed at having their records not accepted but at the same
    time do understand that it is a worthwhile exercise to have the same standard of review
    applied to all records of rare or unusual species. Cases listed as “not confirmed” or “not
    accepted” do not necessarily reflect misidentification, rather that information to date is
    inadequate to confirm identity beyond reasonable doubt. The support of all people in the
    review system is appreciated.
    Christidis L. & Boles, W.E. 1994 , The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories,
    RAOU Monograph 2, Melbourne.
    Marchant S. & Higgins P. 1990, “The Handbook of Australian, New Zealand & Antarctic Birds Vol. I.
    April 2000Ratities to Ducks”. R.A.O.U. Oxford University Press., Melbourne.
    Morris, A.K. 1996, ‘Fifth Report of the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal Committee 1994’. Aust.
    Birds 30, 1-13.
    Morris, A.K. 1999, ‘New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 1996’. Aust. Birds 31, 86-137.
    Morris, A.K. 2000, ‘New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 1997’. Aust. Birds 32, 1-55
    I wish to thank the RAC members who readily found the time to review the Report and to
    provide constructive and helpful criticsm. Credit goes to all members of the NSWORAC
    who promptly review each case submitted to them and who provide very worthwhile
    comment. Finally would like to thank the many people who submitted their records for
    review by the Committee, for without such support the Committee could not operate.
    Cotton Pygmy Goose Nettapus coromandelianus 15.3.1
    Case No 231 concerns a male Cotton Pygmy Goose seen on a small water lily covered
    waterhole along Mooney Mooney Creek west of Gosford on 30 May 1996. The bird was
    identified by its small size, white body, dark wing, white neck with a dark collar. There
    have only been three records for NSW away from the far North Coast at Rocky Dam near
    Yetman, Lane Cove and Mooney Mooney.
    Marcaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus 1.1.1.
    Case No. 288 concerns an adult male Marcaroni Penguin that came ashore exhausted on
    Pretty Beach, Batemans Bay on 10 December 1997. It was taken into care by the Southern
    Ocean Seabird Scientific Association and brought to Taronga Zoo for specialist care but
    it died on 12 December 1997. The bird was photographed and the specimen is now in the
    Australian Museum AMSR 0.69156. The bird was identified by its golden (not yellow)
    frontal crest, not as long as most other members of the genus, and it greyish white face
    (most other members of the genus have a black throat and chin). First record for NSW but
    it is more regular in the southern states.
    Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata 20.20.1
    Case No. 248 concerns the observation of a small but long -winged Pteradroma petrel
    seen off Sydney Heads on 18 January 1997 off the Continetal Shelf for three to four
    minutes as it circled the boat on two occasions by many observers. The submission with
    detailed notes and a sketch described an all over dark brown bird with the exception of a
    contrasting white belly, whitish centre mark in the underwing, and large black bill and
    softparts. The record is consistent with the known occurrence from November to April.
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 67
    1Black -winged Petrel Pteradroma nigripennis 26.24.4
    Case No. 205 relates to a freshly dead beachcast specimen collected from Spoon Bay
    Beach, Wamberal in the hind dune on 12 January 1996. The specimen was lodged in the
    Australian Museum AMSP 0.66044 and the measurements were consistent with those
    for the species as given in HANZAB.
    Case No. 245 relates to an observation of a small petrel with black wings off Sydney
    Heads on 14 December 1996. The bird was observed for up to ten minutes as close as 40
    metres and was seen by many observers. The submission included sketches and notes
    taken at the time which showed greyish crown and collar, dark eye patch, broad black bar
    on underwing compared with the black head & neck, and thinner underwing bar of the
    similar Gould’s Petrel P. leucoptera.
    Case No. 247 details an observation of some small petrels off Sydney Heads on 18 January
    1997 where two or possibly three birds were observed by many observers. A written
    description of the birds plus notes were provided. The observation was confirmed by
    seeing the grey head, and the broad black bar on the underwing secondaries.
    Case No. 289 is for another beachcast Black -winged Petrel found on Brunswick Head
    beach on 27 January 1997 and the specimen lodged in the Australian Museum AMSR 0.
  2. The specimen, a male, has been subsequently examined by Committee members
    and the identity confirmed. While the measurements basically conform to those as given
    in HANZAB, that of the bill was incorrectly recorded which caused some confusion
    initially. These four records fall in the known period of occurrence December to April.
    Kermadec Petrel Pteradroma neglecta 10.9.1
    Case No. 216 details a large petrel in an intermediate colour -phase of the Kermadec
    Petrel seen off Wollongong on 28 April 1996 feeding behind the boat by many observers.
    The written submission detailed that the white primary shafts were easily seen and leaving
    no doubt as to the identity of the species.
    Soft -plumaged Petrel Pteradroma monis 5.5.1
    Case No. 250 concerns a bird seen off Wollongong on 27 October 1996 at a distance of
    20 metres for a period 3-4 minutes giving good views to many observers. The submission
    was accompanied by notes and sketches made at the time that indicated the dark head
    grey head, back, wings and tail, light grey collar that went across the chest, white throat &
    Mottled Petrel Pteradroma inexpecta 17.13.2
    Case No 249 concerns an amazing record of 50-60 birds seen between seven and 24
    nautical miles off Wollongong on 27 October 1996 throughout the day. All the birds
    April 2000were heading south and a number of other sightings were made over the next few days.
    The birds were readily identified by the grey belly on white underparts, prominent M
    mark on grey back, head and wings, the underwings being white, and the primaries tipped
    Case No. 233 concerns the same species this time off Sydney Head on 3 November 1996
    seen off the Continental Shelf , showing its dark belly patch while it circled the boat on
    two occasions giving excellent views to many observers.
    White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis 18.16.1
    Case No 230 details a large dark brown to black petrel observed for a period of up to 20
    minutes off Wollongong on 28 July 1996, at a distance of two metres while the bird fed
    greedily on burley thrown from the boat. The submission included sketches & two
    photographs, which clearly showed the large size compared to other shearwaters and
    petrels present; the large all pale whitish yellow bill; and a small white chin patch. All
    previous records have been for the period June to February (no January records), with
    most observations in September to November.
    Black Petrel Procellaria parkinsoni 17.16.1
    Case No 238 describes an all dark large petrel seen close to the boat for ten minutes off
    the Continental Shelf from Sydney Heads on 3 November 1996. The black -tipped yellow –
    white petrel -shaped bill on an all black petrel similar in size to accompanying Flesh –
    footed Shearwaters Puffinus carneipes, distinguished the bird from other contenders.
    The observation is consistent with the known occurrence October -March.
    Grey -backed Storm -petrel Garrodia nereis 7.6.1
    Case No. 219 concerns two small storm -petrel observed off Wollongong on 25 September
    1994 by many observers. Notes ands sketches were supplied which illustrated the black
    head and breast, white belly, white underwings with black leading edge, grey back and
    dark tipped tail. All previous records have been for the period June to October with most
    records in July.
    Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica 9.9.1
    Case No. 225 details a storm -petrel seen off the Continental Shelf off Sydney Heads on 8
    June 1996 in fine weather conditions and observed for a period of several minutes. The
    bird was observed at distance of 15-30 metres from the boat and was seen by many
    observers. The bird was readily identified as a Black -bellied Storm -Petrel because of the
    black line extending from the black breast down the white belly, black head and back,
    white rump and white underwings, with thick black edging, long trailing black legs and
    feet. Previous records have been for the period September -November with one record for
    July, so that this is the first June record.
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 69
    1Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 30.24.1
    Case No 239 details an observation of an adult female Brown. Booby off Ballina on 11
    April 1993. The submission included field notes and sketches. The report detailed that
    the head, neck, back and upperwings were all brown, undersides white, brown breast, bill
    greenish yellow and feet greenish. The record is consistent with the known occurrence
    October -July. Since 1996 the species is no longer on the Review List.
    Great Frigatebird Fregata minor 5.5.2
    Case No. 222 details the report of a female Great Frigatebird observed in the company of
    21 Lesser Frigatebirds F. ariel on 4 May 1996 flying past East Ballina Lighthouse during
    Cyclone Nancy. The bird was identified by its two prominent plumage details being the
    white on the underside of the body which did not encroach outwards across the auxiliaries,
    while the head was black except for a white chin and throat.
    Case No. 235 details a report of two birds, one an adult male and the other an immature
    male flying over sand dunes at Robin’s Beach, South Ballina on 5 May 1996 by one
    observer. A detailed submission and sketches were provided that illustrated all black
    plumage ventrally leaving no other species of Frigatebird in contention. The previous
    three records were for February and April.
    Long -toed Stint Calidris subminuta 18.17.1
    Case No 236 concerns a small Calidris wader seen at Pitt Town Lagoon on 18 October
    1996 for one and a half hours by one observer. The submission included detailed notes
    and the bird was identified as Long -toed Stint because of its small size compared to the
    Sharp -tailed Sandpipers C. acuminata with which it was feeding. The bird had olive
    green legs, fine bill, dark centred feathers and would appeared to have been an adult
    changing into non -breeding plumage. All previous records have been for the period August
    to April.
    Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum 9.8.1
    Case No. 241 details the record of a pair of Oriental Pratincole at Pitt Town Lagoon from
    28 November to 14 December 1996 and were seen by many observers. The birds were
    readily recognised by their deeply forked white tail, hawk like head, white -grey underparts,
    buff chin and upperneck with a curved quarter circle of dark feathers bordering the
    underside buff on the neck. The observation is consistent with their known occurrence of
    December to May, although this observation is the first record for November. Six of the
    nine records have occurred in the Hawkesbury Marshes.
    Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus 24.16.1
    Case No.290 concerns an observation of a small flock of 8 birds on bare stoney ground
    at Warri Gate just within Sturt National Park. Details were provided of their size, jizz and
    April 2000plumage and although brief, adequately described the species claimed; the prominent
    supercilia being the main feature. Consistent with known occurrence September to March,
    with most records October to January.
    Common Tern Sterna hirundo hirundo N/A
    Case No. 243 concerns a submission detailing the identification of the race
    Sterna.h.hirundo, rarely reported for Australia. The bird was observed roosting at South
    Ballina with a flock of 192 Common Terns of the race longipennis, some of which were
    in breeding plumage so enabling the observer to confirm the identity of this bird of the
    nominate race. The black -tipped, bright red bill and red legs and feet were readily seen.
    While other races of the Common Tern have been reported in Australia from identification
    of museum specimens, field observations are rarely made.
    Common Noddy Anous stolidus 33,28,2
    Case No. 223 concerns a single bird seen 24 February 1996 off Tweed heads with other
    seabirds. Notes were made and photographs taken. The long thin black, down turned bill,
    dark brown plumage all over, pale grey forehead and crown merging into the brown on
    the nape and back, lores black, legs & feet & webs pinkish, pale underwing and the
    notched tail, all helped to identify the birds as a Common Noddy. All previous records
    November -May, with most records for the North Coast Region.
    Case No. 223 concerns a single bird off Nambucca Heads seen on 5 May 1996 being
    observed for 3-5 minutes at a distance of 8 metres, both at rest and flying. The bird was
    described as having dark brown plumage, two -toned underwings, indistinct white cap
    and tern -like bill.
    Grey Ternlet Procelsterna cerulea 21,16,1
    Case No. 246 details a small grey tern seen off Sydney Heads on 18 January 1997 in fine
    but windy conditions. The single bird was seen by many observers for five to ten minutes
    at a distance of 50 metres, when a good written description was taken and a sketch made.
    The description clearly indicates a Grey Temlet, with black bill, grey body, white front
    and trailing edges to the wings, while the detailed notes confirm the identity.
    Case No 240 is a submission for another Grey Ternlet seen off Wollongong on 26 January
    1997 over a period of five minutes as close as 30 metres by many observers. Details
    included upper- wing & back mid -grey, underwing and body lighter grey, crown almost
    white contrasting with grey neck, tail shallow forked, bill black, thin & sharp. All previous
    records are for the period December- May.
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 71
    1White Tern Gygis alba 26.24.21
    Case No. 214 details one of a number of records of White Terns blown ashore during a
    tropical low along the NSW coast in May. This bird was found alive on Avoca Beach on
    3 May 1996 and taken into care by WIRES and photographed but it subsequently died
    and was lodged in the Australian Museum. The photographs showed the typical adult
    black bill, black legs, enlarged black spot of feathers around the eye and the measurements
    conformed to those published. All previous records have been for the period December
    to July, with March -April being the period that they have been most often reported.
    Case No 215 concerns another bird this time blown ashore at Norah Head where it was
    found alive and brought to WIRES on 5 May 1996. This bird too died, but was
    photographed and the specimen lodged in the Australian Museum.
    Case No 278 concerns a White Tern which was blown ashore to Tyalgum on 8 May, west
    of Murwillumbah, about 37 km inland from the NSW coast at Hastings Point. The bird
    was taken into care but died and placed into a freezer. Alan Morris visited the observer on
    8 October and photographed the bird, which was then sent to the Queensland Museum.
    The photographs accompanying the submission show the bird to be an adult White Tern.
    Double- eyed Fig -Parrot Cyclopsitta d diopthalma N/A.4.1
    Case No 141 relates to an observation of a pair of these extremely rare parrots seen at
    Huonbrook near Mullumbimby feeding on nectar on 16 April 1992. The Committee did
    not accept the initial record based on the original submission but due to further information
    being received, the case was re -opened and the record accepted.
    Spine -tailed Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii N/A
    Case No. 233 details the report of an adult male logrunner at Bellbird Creek 37 05 S, 149
    55 E, in remnant rainforest near Eden on 27 December 1995. Although this species is not
    included on the NSWORAC Review List, this observation was reviewed by the Committee
    due to the large extension of range southwards from Wollongong, the previous limit of
    distribution in NSW. The bird was identified by its overall rufous appearance, strong
    black streaking on a rufous back, dark wings with white bars, greyish face.
    Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata off Wollongong 27 January, 2 on 23 February
    1997 (Morris 2000). NC.
    Kermadec Petrel Pteradroma neglecta off Wollongong 14 April 1996 Case No. 210
    (Morris 1999); 1 off Sydney 5 October, 1 off Wollongong July 1997 (Morris 2000). NC
    April 2000Herald Petrel Pteradroma arminjoniana off Wollongong 28 April 1996 Case No.
    217 (Morris 1999). NC
    White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis 3 off Sydney Heads 7 September, on
    31 October, off Wollongong 22 September 1996 (Morris 1999). NC.
    Black Petrel P. parkinsoni 2 on 1 November off Sydney, 3 on 2 November, and 3 on
    13 December 1997 (Morris 2000). NC.
    Great Shearwater P. gravis A record claimed off Sydney on 4 April 1997 was
    subsequently withdrawn (Morris 2000).
    Bulwer’s Petrel Bulweria bulwerii Records for 1 off Wollongong 21 September and 5
    October 1997 (Morris 2000), were withdrawn.
    Audubon’s Shearwater Puffinus Iherminieri off Wollongong 27 October 1996 (Morris
    1999). Referred tp BARC, NC
    Manx Shearwater P. puffinus off Wollongong 27 October 1996 (Morris 1999).
    Referred to BARC, NC.
    Royal Albatross Diomedea epomophora sanfordi off Wollongong 22 September
    1996 (Morris 1999). NC.
    Grey -headed Albatross Diomedea chrysostoma 1 off Wollongong 11 May & 23 July
    1996 (Morris 1996). NC
    Light -mantled Sooty Albatross Phoebetria palpebrata off Sydney 23 June (Morris
    1999); 1 off Sydney Heads 16 May 1997 (Morris 2000). NC.
    Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica 3 off Sydney 7 January, I on 5 October &
    on 2 November 1997 (Morris 2000). NC.
    Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus Alstonville 24 November 1991. NA.
    Red -backed Button -quail Turnix maculosa 3 Cornwallis Rd Richmond 24 August
    1997 (Morris 2000). NC.
    Redshank Tr inga totanus 1 Long Reef 8 July 1996, Case No. 228 (Morris 1996) . NC.
    Long -toed Stint Calidris minutus Tullakool Salt Works 20 January & McGraths
    1 1
    Hill STW 31 March 1997 (Morris 1997). NC.
    South Polar Skua Catharacta maccormicki loff Wollongong 14 April 1996, Case No.
    209 (Morris 1999); off Wollongong March 1997 (Morris 2000).NC.
    Grey Ternlet Procelsterna cerulea 1 off Wollongong 11 March 1996 Case No 207
    (Morris 1999); 4 off Sydney 18 January, 1 on 18 February, 2 off Wollongong 27 February
    1997 (Morris (2000). NC.
    White Tern Gygis alba 1 East Ballina 5 February 1996, Case No 212, 1 Long Reef 2
    May 1996 Case No 213 and 1 off Wollongong 11 May 1996 (Morris 1996). NC
    Pink Robin Petroica rodinogaster 1 Yallah 5 April 1996, Case No. 206 (Morris 1999).
    White Wagtail Motacilla alba Narran Lake NR December 1997 (Morris 2000),
    1 1
    determined by Birds Australia. NA.
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No 73
    1April 2000Australian Birds Vol 32 No
    IApril 2000Volume 32 No 1 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS April 2000
    A. K. MORRIS New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 1997
    K. BRANDWOOD Rare Bird Report for NSW 1996 & 1997 65
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