Vol. 32 No. 3-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 32 No. 3

Journal of the
Volume 32 No. 3 March 2001
The object of the Club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and
the habitats they occupy.
President Elisabeth Karplus
Vice -President Stuart Fairbaim
Secretary Penny Drake -Brockman
Treasurer Cindy Ryan
Annual subscription rates (due October each year):
Adult Member $30
Junior Member $20
All members receive a bi-monthly Newsletter and the journal Australian Birds,
and are entitled to attend the Club’s regular monthly meetings and field excursions.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
Production Stuart Fairbaim
Photographs. Simon Walsh. Taken at Patches Beach, South Ballina.
Note the shorter legs and longer bill of the South Island Pied Oystercatcher
Printed by The Village ScribeAUSTRALIAN
Volume 32 No.3 March 2001
Alan K. Morris
Alan K. Morris, 40 Aston Wilde Ave Chittaway Bay 2261
The twenty-seventh Annual Bird Report covers the period January to 31 December
1998 and summarises the more significant observations of birds during that year.
The main aims of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:
To record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
To record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions of
birds within NSW; and
To record observations which may indicate changes in species numbers,
frequency, range and movements
The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 Report. The Location Guide,
at Appendix 2, lists all locations mentioned in the text. This guide is intended to assist
readers to better determine the general location of reported observations. The production
of future reports will be greatly assisted if observers provide location map references in
the manner set out in the Appendix. This is more important these days, particularly if the
records are to be used in the Australian Bird Atlas, which commenced in August 1998.
As all records submitted to the Australian Bird Atlas must contain the exact co-ordinates
for the sites in which the birds were seen, it would help if the same co-ordinates are
provided when submitting records to the NSWFOC Records Officer.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 101Information on 411 species is contained in the 1998 Report. This information was gleaned
from about 1004 sources including 314 observers from the NSWFOC, BMBO, CBOC,
IBOC, MFNCN, MVBW & COG; the Annual Reports of the Central Coast Group of the
FOC, Eurobodalla Natural History Society & the Hunter Bird Observers Clubs;
publications of other bird organisations and reports and messages from Birding-Aus on
the Internet. The number of records and the number of observers continue to increase and
the information provided is greater than before. New contributors to this report, who in
the year 2000 have become well known birders, include Hal Wootton & Stephen Popple.
Abbreviations for these organisations are as follows: Aust. Birding = Australian Birding;
Birdline = Telephone Info. Line for the NSW bird groups; BMBO = Blue Mountains Bird
Observers Newsl; Gang Gang = Newsl. of the Canberra Ornith. Group; CBOC =
Cumberland Bird Obs. Club Newsl; CCBR = Central Coast FOC Annual Report; HBOC
= Hunter Bird Obs. Annual Report; HBWN = Hastings Birdwatchers newsl.; MFNCN =
Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Club Newsl.; MVB = Manning Valley Birdwatchers;
MVBO = Macleay Valley Bird Observers; NSWBA = NSW Bird Atlassers; NSWFOC =
NSW Field Ornithologists Club; SOSSA = Southern Ocean Seabird Survey Assoc.; TBO
= The Bird Observer; Wingspan = Birds Australia Newsl. Other abbreviations used include
“A” for adult, “AM” for Adult Male, and “AF” for adult female, “D” for dead or beachcast,
“E” for eggs, “GC” for golf course, “HC” for head calling, “HS” for high school, “Im”
immature, “N” for nest, “Pr” for pairs, “RK” for road kill and “RS” for railway station.
To avoid repetition, a number of the larger national parks located around Sydney have
been abbreviated viz BBNP (Booti Booti), BMNP (Blue Mountains), BWNP (Brisbane
Water), GRNP (Goulburn River), MLNP (Myatt Lakes), MSRA (Munmorah State
Recreration Area) and RNP (Royal).
A number of unusual or otherwise significant records were received with two new species,
the Black -backed Wagtail, and the South Island Pied Oystercatcher being added to the
NSW List. There were some notable albatross records like three possible records for the
Antipodean Albatross Diomedea e.antipodensis seen off both Sydney & Wollongong; 3
Royal Albatross, 3 Grey -headed Albatross and 2 Buller’s Albatross. There was also a
significant increase in the numbers of the endangered Gould’s Petrel flowing from Recovery
Plan efforts; A Beach Stone -curlew was first seen at Thirroul 7 Feb, then at Coledale,
Shoalhaven Heads & Merimbula providing the first records for the Illawarra & the South
Coast, then at various locations in Port Hacking again providing first records for Sydney;
2 Blue -winged Parrots at Towra Pt 23 May confirmed an earlier sighting in 1986; A
White-rumped Swiftlet was seen at Dunbar Park, Avalon 26 Jan 1st first Sydney and 7th
NSW record; 1998 was also noted for some intersting passerine movements like the seven
Yellow Wagtails which were present in the lower Hunter Valley from February to April
at a variety of wetlands before settling in at Ash Island and the Black -backed Wagtail at
nearby Glendale in April, being the 6th Australian record.
102 March 2001After 10 years of co-ordinated wader counts organised by the Australia Wader Study
Group, I have attempted to review the wader numbers and estimate some trends but for
the most part it is not possible because in dry summers, certain large shallow coastal lakes
tend to have extensive mud and sand flats and take away the smaller waders from the
larger estuaries. In addition, wet years inland attract the smaller waders to the shores of
the big inland lakes; and some species of the larger waders have a preference for estuaries
where counts are not regularly made ie Macleay and some of the south coast estuaries.
However I have stuck my neck out and made an educated guess about the trends for some
There was no major weather patterns this year to cause extensive seabird mortality on the
coast. Inland NSW was relatively dry however good rains in south-east Queensland and
northern NSW in late March were sufficient to cause above average flooding along the
Gwydir River system, particularly for the Gingham Watercourse, but not sufficient to
ensure successful breeding in Narran Lakes. Another rain depression over central NSW
in August provided some major flooding in the Macquarie Marshes the best flood since
1990 and major nesting took place by some colonial nesting species.
The operations of Birds Australia and the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal
Committees continue to run smoothly and assist the editors of this report in reviewing
rare or erroneous records. Their assistance is greatly appreciated because of the level of
credibility that is now placed on sightings of an unusual nature.
The scientific and English names used in this report follow that of the RAOU Checklist
(Christidis & Boles 1994). For each species, all observations are presented in a set order
that follows generally the order of Regions in the State as described by McA Ilan & Bruce
(1988). Observations from coastal regions are listed first from north to south, followed
by the tablelands, slopes and plains. Each set of observations is separated from those of
other regions by semi -colons. The locations given in Appendix 2 are identified with these
regions. However, in order to take account of the five annual bird reports, it is necessary
in the text to refer to that section of NSW from Harrington to Lake Macquarie as the
“Hunter Region”, Gosford & Wyong local government areas as the “Central Coast”, the
County of Cumberland northwest to St Albans, Upper Colo, Bilpin and west to Springwood
as “Sydney Region”, the County of Camden and the Shoalhaven Shire as “Illawarra” and
Eurobodalla and Bega Shires as “South Coast”, as these areas co-incide with the reporting
areas of their reports.
1998 saw the passing of a number of regular contributors and in particular mention must
be made of Betty Stokes whose name first figures in the 1982 NSW Bird Report. Betty’s
contribution and that of others who have died will be sorely missed. Betty’s husband
Ray, and son Mal, continue to contribute to the Report.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 103Finally a plea for all those people who find dead birds, which are either difficult to identify
or unusual. When such specimens are found, seek to have the specimen sent to the
Australian Museum for identification. If local wildlife carer groups like WIRES are unable
to assist to have the specimen taken to the Museum, contact your local NPWS office for
I would like to thank all those people who submitted their reports promptly so enabling
this report to be produced on time and for Andy Burton, Greg Clancy, Tony Bischoff and
Rod Gardner who reviewed the draft. I would also like to thank Stuart Fairbairn who
prepared the production and layout of this issue of the journal. For the assistance and
commitment of these people, I am extremely grateful.
Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Scat in rainforest at Iluka NR 2 May, 2 Iluka Golf
Course 2 May, 2 S of Maclean 22 Nov & 17 Dec, 2A in heath Diggers Camp Rd 16 Nov
(GC); at Saltwater, near Harrington Oct (HBR); A+8Y Munghorn Gap NR 13 Apr
1 1
(PDb); Many in Burragorang Valley May & Sep (MRu,RT); 2 nests 17 & 10 eggs
Macquarie Marshes Aug (PRa). Some interesting coastal records.
Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata 1 Loughnan NR 4 Oct (AR), 1 Taleeban Reserve 11 Nov
(MFN); 2 in mallee Coombie HSD, Roto 19 Aug (JHo).
Australian Brush -turkey Alectura lathami Regular reports from Barrington Tops/
Chichester SF areas but not elsewhere in the Hunter Valley in 1998 (HBR); Common on
the Central Coast with an active nest mound at Worleys Creek, Mangrove Mountain, not
previously reported on (CCBR); Active nest Mackeral Beach 25 Dec (RG) reflecting
increased poulations in Sydney’s northern suburbs; 1 Bulli Heights garden 7 May, Sep
(RTu) & 31 Oct (IMc), 3 Mt Pleasant 16 Aug (WE), 1 Mt Ousley Road 4 Oct (KM), 1
Gwynnville 14 Nov (per CC), obviously expanding in the Illawarra; Valley Heights 9
Apr (RT) and interesting Blue Mountains record from where not previously reported.
Stubble Quail Coturnix pectoralis HC & seen at 7 locations in the Macleay Valley Jan,
Oct -Dec, including 3 Pelican Is South West Rocks 17 Nov (KS); 8 Cupitts Lane, Windsor
5-6 Jul (AB,TQ), common Pitt Town bottoms 15 Aug (JD); 20+ Capertee Valley 1 Mar
(CB), 4 Balmoral HSD, Cooyal Dec (NK); 20 Fivebough Swamp 13 Apr (KH).
Brown Quail C. ypsilophora Reported from Rileys Island & Birdie Beach, MSRA and
2A+2Y Mill Ck, Dharug NP 14 Mar (CCBR); 4 Mason Park 5 Apr (JS), 9 Magic Pt
Maroubra 28 Jun (RG), 2 interesting urban records.
104 March 2001King Quail C. chinensis HC Rainbow Reach, Macleay River 7 Feb (KS) & Skinners Ck,
Moonee 11 Jun (GC). Few records of this species are published.
Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata Max 44 Cowans Pond Res 7 Mar -30 May
(ABi,GC), 3 Ocean Shores 7 Apr (RMo), 4 Geneebeinga Wetlands ,Casino 23 Dec (ABi);
Resident in lower Hunter Valley, max 80 Shortland WC Jul, 20 Cedar Hill Swamp 10
Jan -5 Mar, 14 Seaham NR 20 Feb & 2A+3Y Shortland WC 30 Oct (HBR); 1 Long Swamp
Mar to 15 May (ENHS); 2 Gunnedah GC Jun (PC1); 8 nests Narran Lake 24 Nov (AL);
14 Trangie 12 Sep (per PJ), 12 2.5 km W of Nevertire 18-19 Nov (GR,ME), max 100+
Macquarie Marshes Aug -Dec, 3A+5Y Monkeygar Ck, Sth Macquarie Marshes 15 Oct, 8
Terrrigal Ck Quambone egret colony Dec (RA 2 family groups North Marshes 16 Oct
(BJo), 9 birds 30 km SW of Condobolin 27 Sep (BC). Magpie Geese would appear to be
now permanently re-established in north-west and central west plains area of NSW.
Plumed Whistling -Duck Dendrocygna eytoni Max 60 Cowans Pond Res 4-13 Apr,
Sportsmans Creek 12 Apr (ABi), 1000+ in small groups at dusk Waterview Heights 13
Jun, 2 S of Grafton 19 Dec, present all year dam N of Coutts Crossing max 200+ on 15-
18 Jul (GC); 60 Doughboy Hollow 2 Jul, 4 Shortland WC 13 Jan & 2 Cedar Hill Swamps
26 Jan (HBR); 2 Bushells Lagoon Feb (TQ), 88 Richmond Turf farms 22 Mar (EV),
max 160 Powells Lagoon 13 Apr -2 May (EV,KB,TQ); 5 Coonamble STW 3 Oct & 8 NE
Coonamble 5 Oct in flooded paddock (GLC), 10+ 2.5 km W of Nevertire 1 Nov (DAy);
60 Fivebough Swamp 18 Apr, 30 on 7 May (KH), 2 Rocky Waterholes, Narrandera 26
Sep (NJ). Average year, large numbers remain in the Clarence Valley.
Wandering Whistling -Duck D. arcuata Max 3 Macksville 17 Jan -19 Dec, 13
Frederickton 28 Mar -26 Apr, 8 Geneebeinga Wetlands 14 Feb, 2 Bunyip Ck Trenayr 9
May, 94+ on dam Woologoolga Ck Rd 11 Jul (ABi,GC,KS), 45 Dorroughby 2 Aug (HW);
Present lower Hunter Valley Jan, Sep -Dec max 15 Shortland WC 13 Jan, 20 on 15 Sep,
2A+3Y 14 Oct (HBR).
Blue -billed Duck Oxuyra australis 2 Killalea Lagoon 26 Mar (CB); Max 4 Gum Swamp
Forbes 10 Apr -4 Jun (BD,JD); AM Big Terrigal Ck, Quambone 17 Aug, 2 in Bora Egret
Rookery, Macquarie Marshes 30 Sep, 2A+4Y South Marsh, Macquarie Marshes NR 30
Nov (RJ); AM Fivebough Swamp 18 Jul (KH), unusual location.
Musk Duck Biziura lobata Regularly reported from Grahamstown Dam max 20+ on 22
Feb, and from Lake Liddell max 20 on 31 Mar (HBR); 20+ Killalea Lagoon 26 Mar
(CB), present Lake Burragorang 9 May (RT); Dunns Swamp, Wollemi NP 8 Jun (JBr)
was unusual.
Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa Max 4 Gum Swamp, Forbes 10 Apr -25 Jul
(BD,GH,JD,TQ); 2 Willbriggie Swamp, Handwood 11 Jan (SCc), 2 Fivebough Swamp
18 Jul (KH). Few records in 1998.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 105Black Swan Cygnus atratus Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 3306 in Jan, including
1300 on Budgewoi Lake, this is the highest count for 10 years & 80 Cockle Broadwater
Feb (CCBR); 700+ Swan Lake 15 Mar (KM); Large numbers present Fivebough Swamp
Apr -Jul, max 550 on 18 Jul (KH).
Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides F Bushells Lagoon Feb (TQ); Killalea
1 1
Lagoon 11 Apr (CB), 1 Lake Burragorang 10 May (RT), 3 Lake Wollumboola 31 Oct
(CC); Only South Coast record was for 2+ Wallagoot Lake 17 Jan (JL) and 2 Trunketabella
24 Apr (ENHS); 3 prs South Marsh, Macquarie Marshes NR 23 Sep & 25 on 30 Nov
(RJ), northern end of range but usually turn up in flood years; Large numbers present
Fivebough Swamp Jan -Apr, max 540 on 22 Feb (KH).
Cotton Pygmy -Goose Nettapu coromandelianus AM Macquarie Marshes NR 10 Sep
(RJ), referred to NSWORAC although as yet no report submitted.
Green Pygmy -Goose N. pulchellus Pair on Loudens Lagoon, Macquarie Marshes NR
21 Oct (RJ), last reported in NSW at Coraki in 1975.
Mallard Anas platyrhynchus Very common Brisbane Water with 161 counted in Feb,
and many can be seen in waterfront parks and reserves (CCBR).
Australasian Shoveler Anas rhynchotis 400 Morpeth STW 11-19 Apr, 20-25 Hexham
Swamp 1 Aug, 20+ Oyster Cove 11 Dec where some birds had dependant young, 1st
breeding record for Hunter Region (ABi,HBR); Max 60 McGraths Hill STW Feb -14
May (DPo,KB,TQ); 30+ Killalea Lagoon 11 Apr (GB), 3 Lake Burragorang 9 May (RT);
F+8 ducklings Bora egret rookery, Macquarie Marshes 14 Oct (RJ); 415 Fivebough Swamp
18 Apr (KH) & 1255 Nericon Swamp, Griffith 4 Jul (WM). Some exceptional numbers
and an interesting Hunter breeding record.
Grey Teal A. gracilis 2006 Fivebough Swamp 18 Jul (KH) & 1175 Nericon Swamp,
Griffith 4 Jul (BM).
Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus 200 Morpweth STW 11-19 Apr, 6+
Stockton Borehole Swamp 17 Jan, & 2 Bayswater Colliery 31 Dec (ABi,HBR); No
records for Central Coast, first time for many years (CCBR); 11 McGraths Hill STW &
36 Bushells Lagoon Feb (TQ); 10 Long Swamp, Yallah 27 Jan (CC), 2 Killalea Lagoon
11 Apr (GB); 5P+Y Gum Swamp, Forbes 11 Sep (CA); 2+6Y waterhole 7 km W of
Coonamble 3 Oct (GLC). Fewer coastal records in 1998.
Hardhead Aythya australis 500+ Morpeth STW 11 Apr, large number for Hunter
Region(HBR); 2A+6 ducklings Colongra Swamp 18 Oct, unusual coastal breeding record
106 March 2001(CCBR); 400+ Pitt Town Lagoon NR 7 June -2 Aug (AB, DPo,EV). Rare coastal breeding
record and some large numbers in coastal sites.
Australasian Little Grebe Tachybaptus novaehollandiae found dead under powerlines
Port Macquarie STW 28 Dec (GC); 50 on the Lane Cove River 3 Aug (SW), unusal
Hoary -headed Grebe Poliocephalus poliocephalus 200 Morpeth STW 11 Apr & 75
Walka Water Works 16 Jul, with smaller groups elsewhere in the Hunter Region (HBR);
3 Tuggerah STW 4 Aug, only Central Coast record (CCBR); Rouse Hill 14 Jun (AB).
Coastal records few in 1998.
Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus 1 in Hanging Rock Broadwater, Mann River 13 Aug
(GC), unusual North Coast record; Regular in the Hunter Valley with 11 Lake Liddell 31
Mar, 30 Lake Pleshett 11 Sep, max 20 Walka Water Works 14 Jan -3 Feb where nesting
was reported, max 4 Grahamstown Dam all year (HBR); 30 Lake Burragorang Feb (RT),
3 Wingecarribee Res 6 Aug (CBOC); 20 Wallis Lake, Lithgow 23 Jan (PDb); 98 in
southern section of the Macquarie Marshes NR 22 Sep, incl. 2A+5Y (RJ), 2pr+ N
Macquarie Marshes NR 4 Nov (JM).
Little Penguin Eudyptula minor One beachcast Killcare 5 Jan had been banded at Lion
Island 2 Apr 1990 by S.G. Lane, 4 other beachcast records at Ettalong & Wamberal 6 Jan
(CCBR); Max 5 Berry’s Bay Mc Mahons Point 14 Mar -18 Jun (TN), I 20 km E of Sydney
Heads 9 May (AP), max 4 Rose Bay 13 Jun -11 Jul (AP,FO); 12 off Wollongong 28 Jun,
(TN), 1 20 km E of Sydney Heads 9 May (AP), max 4 Rose Bay 13 Jun -11 Jul (AP,FO),
3 Maroubra 29 Jul (RG); 12 off Wollongong 28 Jun, 7 on 27 Sep (AP). Studies at Five
Islands NR and Montague Island showed that breeding success was very low in 1998/99
with many breeding attempts abandoned and small chicks found dead in burrows. At
Five Islands it was considered doubtful that any chicks fledged. The cause of nest failure
was not determined but it was assumed that bait fish production was low because of the
swing from El Nino to La Nina (Smith 1999).
Common Diving Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 1 off Maroubra 8 Aug (RG); 5 off
Wollongong 27 Jun , I on 18 Jul (PM); 11, 15 n.m. off Eden 31 May (DSi,ENHS). 30th to
33rd record, average year for this last decade.
Southern Giant -Petrel Macronectes giganleus unidentified sp. at Woolgoolga
Headland I1 Jul (GC); 3 Norah Head 3 Aug (CCBR); Max 3 off Maroubra 15 Jul to 20
Sep including 1 white morph 15 Jul (RG), 2 off Sydney 11 Jul (AP); 1 off Bellambi Point
12 Jul (TWy); 1 at Moruya Heads 9 Aug, 4 off Eden 30 Aug & 2 on 20 Sep (EA,ENHS).
Average year.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 107Northern Giant -Petrel M halli 4 seen off Maroubra 24 Jul -21 Oct (RG), J off Sydney
10 Oct (AP); off Wollongong 26 Jul, 2 on 29 Aug (PM); off Eden 20 Sep (EA). Good
1 1
spread of records and a better reflection of their occurrence in NSW.
Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoidies off Maroubra 20 Nov (RG) accepted by
NSWORAC, 21st record for NSW, consistent with known occurrence of Jun -Dec
(Brandwood 2001).
Cape Petrel Daption capense Max 3 off South West Rocks 16 Aug -20 Sep (ABi,KS);
Present off Sydney & Maroubra 11 Jul -29 Oct, max 13 on 12 Sep (AP,PM,RG); 1 off
Wollongong 28 Jun -25 Oct (AP,PM); off Eden 20 Sep (EA). Numbers up over 1997.
Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata found dead floating in Darling Harbour 26
Aug (DH); off Wollongong 20 Dec (PM). 23rd -24th records, the Darling Harbour record
is unusual in that all previous records have been for the period Nov -Apr.
Great -winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera 2+ Norah Heads 8 Aug (CCBR); Present
off Sydney Jan, Jul -Dec max 150 on 12 Jan (AP,PM), I off Boatharbour, Kumell 11 Oct
(EV), 10 of Long Reef 9 Aug (EV); Present off Wollongong Jan, Jun -Nov max 75-125
on 22 Nov (AP,PM); 2 off Eden 20 Sep & 4 on 29 Nov (EA). Average year.
White -headed Petrel P. lessonii Present off Sydney Aug to Oct, max 28+ on 29 Aug
(AP,PM), off Maroubra 27 Aug (RG); off Wollongong 29 Aug (PM). Consistent with
1 1
known patterns.
Providence Petrel P. solandri 60+ off South West Rocks 16 Aug -20 Sep (ABi,KS); 3
Norah Head 8 Aug (CCBR); Present off Sydney & Maroubra May to Nov, max 90 on 8
Aug (AP,PM,RG), 2 Long Reef 24 Jun (MR); Present off Wollongong Apr to Dec max
30 on 26 Apr (AP,PM); Present off Eden Aug -29 Nov, max 6 on 30 Aug (EA). Consistent
with known patterns.
Soft -plumage Petrel P. mollis off Wollongong 17 & 19 Sep (PM), referred to
White -necked Petrel P. cervicalis off Sydney 14 Feb & 14 Mar (AP); off Wollongong
1 1
13 & 19 Dec (PM); 1 off Eden 18 Feb (TR). 20th -24th records, consistent with known
Black- winged Petrel P. nigripennis 2 off Sydney 12 Jan (AP); 2 off Wollongong 5 Dec
(PM), 26th & 27th records consistent with known occurrence, average year.
108 March 2001Gould’s Petrel P. leucoptera 488 pairs nested Cabbage Tree Island Nov -Dec with 37
pairs using nesting boxes, 100 nesting boxes were placed on nearby Boondelbah Island
for a future additional colony. Breeding success of these pairs was 290 individuals fledged,
a 50% breeding success. In March 1999 it was proposed to translocate 100 of the fledged
young to the Boondelbah nest boxes and for them to depart to sea from that Island, see
next years’s report (Carlile 1999); 2 off Sydney 10 Jan & on 14 Mar (AP).
Antarctic Prion Pachyptila desolata off Maroubra 27-30 Jun (DH,RG), 4 off Sydney
29 Aug (AP); 2+ off Wollongong 28 Jun (AP). Average year.
Fairy Prion P. turtur 4 off South West Rocks 16 Aug (DSe); beachcast Birdie Beach
north Jul, only record (CCBR); In contrast fairly common off Sydney, from 9 May to 29
Oct, max 30 on 29 Aug (AP), 100’s off Maroubra 25 Jun -18 Aug (RG) & 100’s off Long
Reef 25 Jun (MR); Large numbers present off Wollongong inc1.1500+ 28 Jun, 800 on 26
Jul, 6 on 23 Aug (AP,PM); 100+ Moniya Heads 11 Jul (ENHS) & 16 off Eden 30 Aug
(EA). More birds than usual.
Slender -billed Prion P. belcheri off Maroubra 27 Jun -15 Jul (DH,RG); 2 24 n.m. east
of Wollongong 18 Jul, 26 Jul (PM). Average year.
White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis off Sydney 21 Nov (AP); 2 off
Wollongong 17 Sep, and one on 5, 13 & 19 Dec (PM), referred to NSWORAC.
Black Petrel P. parkinsoni 3 off Sydney 29 Oct, 2 on 14 Nov (AP); 2 off Wollongong
5 Dec & 13 Dec (PM), consistent with known occurrence.
Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas First time since 1988 that there have
been no records.
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus 10,000+ off Seal Rocks 7 Oct, 1000+ of
Newcastle Baths 9 Nov (HBR); 2000+ off Birdie Beach 6 Sep (CCBR); 1 pale morph off
Maroubra Feb & 3000 off Magic Point 27 Sep & 30 Sep, 2600 on 13 Nov (RG).
Departure: 10+ Newcastle Harbour 6 Apr (HBR). Arrival: 2 off Maroubra 16 Aug
(RG), 3 Pelican Point 22 Aug (CCBR), 20 off Wollongong 23 Aug (AP). Some large
concentrations reported.
Buller’s Shearwater P. bulleri 2 off Sydney 12 Jan & on 10 Oct (AP), off Maroubra
1 1
24 Oct, 25 Nov, 7 & 8 Dec, max 2 17-23 Dec, 7 on 29 Dec, there being 11 in total for Dec
(RG); off Eden 22 Mar (ENHS). Numbers continue to increase in coastal NSW.
Flesh -footed Shearwater P. carneipes 10+ off Port Stephens 11 Feb & 6+ off Newcastle
Heads Dec (HBR); beachcast Birdie Beach north 26 Mar (CCBR); 30+ off Cape
1 1
Solander Feb (TQ), present off Sydney Jan -Feb, Nov -Dec max 150 on 12 Jan (AP),
1 1
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 109off Maroubra 24 Oct, 3 on 25 Nov & 8 in Dec (RG); Present off Wollongong Jan -Apr,
Oct -Dec, max 50+ on 26 Apr (AP); 2 off Eden 22 Mar (ENHS). Numbers in accordance
with known occurrence.
Sooty Shearwater P. griseus 1 beachcast Birdie Beach north 7 Jan & 11 Nov (CCBR);
Present off Sydney 26 Sep -14 Nov, max 15-20 on 29 Oct (PM), off Maroubra 27 Sep,
22 Oct & 2 on 25 Nov (RG); Present off Wollongong Jan, 27 Sep -Dec, max 10-15 on 22
Nov (AP,PM). Average year.
Short -tailed Shearwater P. tenuirostris off Maroubra 17 & 24 Jun (RG), late date,
18,000 per hr passing Maroubra southwards on 18 Nov (RG); Mortality this year was low
with the highest death rates recorded being 23 carcases on 5 km of Birdie Beach 15 Nov
(CCBR) & 300 on Boydtown Beach 14 Dec (PO). Arrival: 2 off Sydney 12 Sep (AP).
Breeding: Nesting Broughton Island 5-22 Jan (HBR).
Fluttering Shearwater P. gavia 3 beachcast Lennox Head 10 Mar (JH), unusual
occurrence; 1000+ off Caves Beach -Moon Island 11 Jun -15 Jul (HBR); large numbers
present off Central Coast 17 Jun -6 Nov, max 6000+ Pelican Point 22 Aug & Birdie Beach
6 Sep (CCBR); Large numbers off Sydney 29 Jun -9 Dec, max 10,000 on 15 Aug off
Maroubra (DH,RG) & 10-20,000 off Long Reef 5 Sep (ARo); 2000+ off Wollongong 28
Jun & on 29 Aug (AP, PM). Such large numbers are becoming more frequent.
Hutton’ Shearwater P. huttoni Regularly sighted off Sydney all year, max 100+ off
Maroubra 9 Sep (AP,PM,RG); Even larger numbers seen off Wollongong max 1000+ on
23 Aug (PM); 2 off Eden 29 Nov (EA). The numbers of birds present in NSW continues
to increase.
Manx Shearwater P. pujfinus off Wollongong 29 Aug (PM), but no submission
submitted to BARAC.
Little Shea rwater P. assimilis off Wollongong 27 Jun (PM); 2 beachcast Durras Mar
(ENHS). Average year.
Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans 3 off Norah Head 8 Aug, first Central Coast
record in 10 years (CCBR); Present off Maroubra 11 Jul -27 Nov, max 5 on 13 Oct (RG),
late bird off Mistral Pt Coogee 5 Dec (RG), 8 off Long Reef 26 Jun (MR); I off Eden
30 Aug, 2 on 20Sep & 1 on 29 Nov (EA). D.e. exulans 1 off Sydney 11 Jul & 3 on 14
Nov (AP); D.e.gibsoni recorded off Sydney in small numbers from 9 May -14 Nov, max
14 on 29 Aug (AP,PM); Reported off Wollongong Jun -22 Nov, max 10 off Wollongong
27 Jun (AP,PM); 2 trapped & banded (1 off Bellambi on 29 Aug 1959 & the other on the
same day off Malabar) were both recovered on 12 Jul 1998 off Bellambi, 29 years later!
(Smith 1998). D.e. antipodensis AF off Sydney 12 Sep, 3 on 14 Nov (AP); 2, I caught &
110 March 2001banded off Wollongong 29 Aug (PM). Numbers continue to increase although they are a
long way from former levels.
Royal Albatross D. ephomophora sandfordi I Norah Head 8 Jul (CCBR); 1 Mistral Pt
Maroubra 2 Jul (RG), both records accepted by NSWORAC (Brandwood 2001); off
Wollongong 17 Sep (PM), referred to NSWORAC.
Black-browed Albatross D. melanophris off South West Rocks 16 Aug (ABi); Small
numbers recorded off Central Coast beaches 28 Jun -15 Aug, with one immature beachcast
Birdie Beach 3 Nov (CCBR); Up to 60 off Maroubra 25 Jun -5 Dec max 100 on 8 Aug
(RG). Present off Sydney 29 Aug -22 Nov; 16 off Eden 29 Nov (EA); D.m.impavida
(Campbell’s Albatross) 9 off Maroubra 30 Jul (RG), present off Sydney 9 May -29 Oct;
3 off Wollongong 28 Jun -22 Nov in small numbers; D.m. melanophris (Black-browed
Alabtross) 2 Maroubra on 24 Apr (RG), off Sydney 9 May -14 Nov, max 15 on 11 Jul; 5
off Wollongong 28 Jun 10 Oct, max 55 on 26 Jul (AP,PM)
Shy Albatross D. cauta 1 off Port Stephens 14 Aug (HBR); 10+ off Norah Head 8 Aug
(CCBR); Present off Maroubra 25 Jun -12 Oct, max 8 Aug (RG), 4 off Long Reef 25 Jun
(MR) & 9 Aug (EV), 4 off Sydney 29 Oct (AP), 5 off Eden 29 Nov (EA); 2 off Wollongong
28 Jun, 6 on 26 Jul, 2 on 23 Aug (AP,PM) D.c.cauta (White -capped Albatross) off
Sydney 26 Sep (PM); 150 off Eden 30 Aug & on 20 Sep (EA); D.c. salvini (Shy Albatross)
5 off Eden 30 Aug & 5 on 20 Sep(EA). Average year.
Grey -headed Albatross D. chrysostoma Juv off Sydney 29 Aug (AP), accepted by
NSWORAC as the first confirmed record since 1986 and the 19th for NSW (Brandwood
2001); lmm caught & banded off Wollongong 4 Jul & 2 on 29 Aug (LS,PM), refered to
Yellow- nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchus 1 off South West Rocks 17 Nov (LMc);
12+ off Port Stephens Jul, 9 off Swansea Heads 15 Jul (HBR); Small numbers reported
off Central Coast beaches 28 Jun -8 Aug (CCBR); Present off Maroubra 9 May -12 Oct,
max 160 on 24 Jun (RG), 3 off Long Reef 9 Aug (EV), D.c.bassia Present off Sydney in
small numbers 9 May -29 Aug (AP); Present off Wollongong 26 Apr -23 Aug, max 20+
on 28 Jun (AP,PM); off Eden 30 Aug (EA). Large numbers present this winter.
Buller’s Albatross D. bulleri 1 off Sydney 9 May & imm on 14 Nov (AP), 37 -38th
Wilson’s Storm- Petrel Oceanites oceanicus 5 off South West Rocks 16 Aug (DS);
Present off Sydney 12 Jan, 9 May -29 Oct in small numbers (AP); Present off Wollongong
26 Apr -27 Jun, 27 Sep -22 Nov in small numbers (AP,PM) Average year.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3Grey -backed Storm -Petrel 0. nereis A large number reported off Port Macquarie 11
Aug (SW1), record not accepted by NSWORAC (Brandwood 2001).
White-faced Storm -Petrel Pelagodroma marina 5 n.m. off Wyrrabalong Trig 28 Jun
(CCBR); 2 off Sydney 12 Jan & then 26 Sep -14 Nov (AP,PM). Average year.
Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica 2 off Sydney 26 Sep (PM); off
Wollongong 27 Sep (PM), referred to NSWORAC.
Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda A flying over Windang 8 Feb (MD), 46th
record for NSW, quiet year!
White-tailed Tropicbird P. lepturus I off Sydney 14 Feb (AP), only report, numbers
down on previous years.
Australasian Gannet Morus serrator 70+ off Red Cliff, Yuraygir NP 15 Aug (GC);
Present off the Hunter Region Coast in small numbers 5 Jan to 17 Dec, max 20+ off Port
Stephens mid Jul (HBR); 200 per hour passing Maroubra 16 May (RG), 200+ off Sydney
26 Sep (PM); Max count for South Coast, 200+ off Burrewarra Point & Dalmeny Sep
Masked Booby Sula dactylatra Imm Boatharbour, Kurnell 12 Jul (JP), however
not accepted by NSWORAC (Brandwood 2001).
Red -footed Booby S. sula found in a car port after stormy weather at Warnervale 23
Jun, cared for by WIRES, attempted release off Terrigal 28 Jun not successful, subsequently
sent to Sea World, Southport Qld, and finally released successfully in Moreton Bay Qld
some months later. First Central Coast and 3rd NSW Record (CCBR), accepted by
NSWORAC (Brandwood 2001).
Brown Booby S. leucogaster 1 off Clarence River, Yamba 2 & 5 Feb (JLa); A off
Maroubra 21 May (RG), 1mm off Long Reef 21 May (MR) same bird? AM off Sydney
11 Dec (ASt). More Sydney records than usual.
Darter Anhinga melanogaster Breeding: 3 nests in River Oak, Tyndale 14 Feb & I
Boothby’s Ck, Southgate 14 Nov (GC); 2 nests Kinchela Creek 25 Oct & I nest Belmore
River 8 Nov (KS); Nests +Y Newcastle WR Jun & Market Swamp, Sandgate 23 Dec
(HBR); Nesting Ourimbah Ck & Wyong Cks all year max 7 & 5, 3 nests Colongra
Swamp 27 Sep (CCBR); 16 birds +N+Y Centennial Park 5 Dec (APa), N+3Y Cattai
Creek 30 Dec (TQ); N+3Y Dunmore Lake 8 Apr (KM); Nesting Gum Swamp, Forbes
Mar (NS); 10 nests Bora Egret colony, Macquarie Marshes 3 Nov (RJ). Plenty of coastal
breeding records.
112 March 2001Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Breeding: 22 nests 4 km W of
Macksville Jan (TM), N+3Y Belmore River Nov -Dec (KS), 2 nests Lawrence Egret colony
14 Nov, 1 nest Boothbys Ck, Southgate 14 Nov & 10+ nests Boambee 24 Jan (GC);
Nesting Newcastle WR 5 Jun & Market Swamp, Sandgate 23 Dec (HBR); 5 nests Ourimbah
Creek 26 Sep & 2 Wyong Ck 27 Oct & 25+N Colongra Swamp Sep -Oct (CCBR); 3 nests
Durras 8 Sep & I Coopers Island 22 Nov (ENHS); 800+ nests Ten-igal Ck, Quambone
Oct -Nov (per AM), nesting Bora Channel Macquarie Marshes NR Oct -Dec (RJ).
Black -faced Cormorant P. fuscescens Well established now around Twofold Bay max
60 there Apr & 29 Nov, smaller numbers May -Aug, this number is unprecedented for
Pied Cormorant P. varius Propsect Reservoir Feb (TQ), unusual location. Breeding:
1 1
30 prs nesting Newcastle WR 21 Jun, 151 confirmed breeding for Hunter Region (HBR);
60 nests Colongra Swamp 30 Aug (CCBR); 7 nests Centennial Park 27 May (PR); 4 Lake
Wyangan, unusual location (KH).
Little Black Cormorant P. sukirostris 600+ Saltwater Inlet, Iluka 9 Sep, 450 Iluka
boat ramp 14 Feb & 300 on 7 Nov (GC); 200+ Pitt Town Lagoon NR 5 Dec (KB), an
unusually large concentration. Breeding: 2+N Lawrence Egret Rookery 14 Nov, 4Y
Middle Boambee Egret rookery 24 Jan (GC), nesting Market Swamp, Sandgate 5 Jun,
30+ nests 23 Dec, nesting Shortland WC 21 Oct (HBR); 20 nests Colongra Swamp 24
Sep (CCBR); 800+ nests Terrigal Ck Quambone Sep -Dec (per AM), nesting Bora Channel,
Macquarie Marshes NR Sep -Dec (RJ).
Great Cormorant P. carbo Breeding: 40+ nests Newcastle WR Jun (HBR).
Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus 309 present Tuggerah Lakes Feb & 402
Brisbane Water 13 Dec (CCBR). Breeding: 50N+50 dependant young Pelican Island,
Wallis Lake 3 Feb -6 Mar (HBR); 300 prs nesting Ramsay Island, Brisbane Water Dec
(CCBR); Nested Bass Is, Five Islands NR but numbers not known (LSm).
Lesser Frigatebird F. aerial 1 Brooms Head 15 Feb (PR), 32′ NSW record.
White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae 200 Ash Island 19 Jan & 83 at Cedar Hill
Swamp were large concentrations for Hunter Region 22 Mar (HBR);
Little Egret E. gazetta White Box Camp, Goulburn River NP 15 Aug (HBR); Breeding:
2N Shortland WC Dec lowest count for many years (HBR); 6+ pairs nested Curly Island,
Chittaway Point Oct -Dec (CCBR); 200 nests Bora colony, Macquarie Marshes Sep -Dec
(RJ), 50 nests Terrigal Ck Quambone Sep -Dec (per AM). Coastal breeding colonies are
almost non -ex istant.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 113Eastern Reef Egret E. sacra Most southerly report for 1998 was at Tilba Lake 12 Dec
White -necked Heron Ardea pacifica 20+ Wi liamtown wetlands 31 Jul (HBR);
Breeding: 10+ nests Gum Swamp, Forbes 2 Oct (MLo); 6 nests Carmel Lagoon, Baradine
& 6 nests Terridgerie Lagoon 1-8 Oct (GLC); 30 nests Gingham Watercourse 2 Nov
Great Egret A. alba Breeding: 3 nests Lawrence 14 Nov, 20N+Y Middle Boambee 24
Jan (GC), 12 nests 4km W of Macksville (new colony) Jan (TM); 30+ Shortland WC Dec
(MMx), 1000 nests Gingham Watercourse Oct- Dec (HB); 400+nests Bora Colony,
Macquarie Marshes Oct -Nov (RJ), 100 nests Terrigal Ck Quambone Sep -Dec (per AM).
Numbers of coastal breeding pairs remains very low.
Intermediate Egret A. intermedia 1st arrival Fivebough Swamp 12 Sep (KH). Breeding:
3N Lawrence 14 Nov (GC); 104 Shortland WC Dec (MMx), 300 nests Gingham
Watercourse 18 Feb -20 Apr, 10,000 nests Oct -Dec (HB); 3500+ nests Bora colony,
Macquarie Marshes Sep -Nov, nesting Terrigal Ck Quambone 25 Sep (RJ), 850 nests
Terrigal Ck, Quambone Oct -Dec (per AM). Good breeding inland in 1998 but coastal
colonies continue to decline.
Cattle Egret A. ibis 1000 Frederickton 4 Jul & 1500 Kempsey 22 Aug (ABi,KS), large
concentrations that followed heavy rain in the region; 500-600 Edgeworth 11 Aug (HBR).
Arrival: Jamberoo Mar (KM). Breeding: 100s Y, mostly fledged at Middle Boambee
1 1
24 Jan, 1500-2000+N Lawrence 14 Nov (GC); 147 nests 4km W of Macksville Jan (TM);
295 nests Shortland WC Dec, 375 nests Seaham Swamp Dec & nesting Toronto Swamp
3 Nov (HBR), a 10% increase on 1997 (HBR); 10 prs Bora Colony, Macquarie Marshes
Oct -Nov (RJ), 10 pairs in Terrigal Ck, Quambone colony Oct- Nov (per AM).
Striated Heron Butorides striatus Pair at Lilydale Bridge Clarence R near Copmanhurst
19 Sep, where reported breeding in 1991 (GC); Nesting again reported from Chittaway
Point 5 Nov (CCBR); I St Peters, Cooks River 27 Mar (DPo); Most southerly record for
1998 was at Eden 30 Aug (ENHS).
Nankeen Night Heron Nyticorax caledonicus 94 roosting Swan Pool, Hat Head NP 23
Aug (KS); Non -breeding roosts at Shortland WC all year, max 33 on 29 Aug (HBR).
Breeding: 12,000-15,000 nests Gingham Watercourse 27 Oct -Dec (HB); 300 nests Bora
Colony, Macquarie Marshes Oct (RJ), 40+ nests Terrigal Ck Quambone Sep -Dec (per
Little Bittern lxobrychus minutus HC Narran Lake NR 9 Nov (AL), no previous records
for site; 3 HC Deniliquin 8 Jan (BAn), HC Fivebough Swamp 18 Oct (KH). Fewer records
than usual.
114 March 2001Black Bittern I. flavicollis 1 Grasslands HSD, Mullumbimby 5 Nov (RMo); 1 Glendale
6 Apr (HBR); 1 injured South Tacoma 9 Jul & 1 seen 5 Dec, 1 Chittaway Point 12 Dec,
nesting Wyong Creek near South Tacoma 18 Oct -10 Nov, 3 young fledged, first confirmed
breeding for 10 years (CCBR); Dee Why Lagoon 12 Jul (DS), Mitchell Park, Cattai
1 1 1
Jun -30 Dec (BC,CG,EV,JDh). No Illawarra or South Coast records in 1998.
Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus Pelican Is, South West Rocks 24 May,
HC Limeburners Ck NR 15 Nov, 2 Swan Pool, Hat Head NP 24 Nov (KS); Hexham
Swamp 20 Jun & 1 Shortland WC 5 Aug (HBR); I McGraths Hill STW 17 May (LD), I
Pitt Town Lagoon NR 5 May -2 Aug (AB,DH,EV,JDu,PC), on 1/8 (EV); Dunmore 25
1 1
May (TKa), 1 Puckies Reserve 1 Jun (DWi); 1 Tilba Lake 17 Jan (ENHS); Max 3 Rowe’s
Lagoon Collector 5 Apr -20 May (CC) & 1 on 21 Sep (MF); Regular in Macquarie Marshes
30 Sep -31 Dec, max 15 on 16 Oct (RJ); 4 Deniliquin 8 Jan (BAn), max 2 Fivebough
Swamp Leeton 11 Apr -18 Oct (KH,MS). More records than usual.
Glossy Ibis Plegadis fakinellus Small numbers throughout the North Coast all year,
max 35 Geneebeinga Wetlands 14 Feb (ABi) & 26 Belmore Swamp 26 Apr (KS); Max
40 Cedar Hill Swamp 1-31 Jan, Shortland WC 30 Dec (HBR); Dunmore 27 Sep
1 I
(CC); nesting colony Gingham Watercourse Oct -Dec (HB); 150 nests with eggs, Zoo
paddock Colony Macquarie Marshes Oct (RJ), 3000 nests Ginghet HSD, Carinda Oct –
Dec (RJ)
White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 1000+ roosting Shortland WC 13 May, 200 Woodville
28 Jul (HBR); 500+ roosting Centennial Park 15 Nov (APa). Breeding: 50N+Y Middle
Boambee 24 Jan (GC); 10 nests Colongra Swamp 30 Aug (CCBR) first Central Coast
breeding record; 100 nests Rowe’s Lagoon, Collector Sep -Dec (IF); 10,000 nests Gingham
Watercourse Oct -Dec (HB); 100 nests The Mole HSD, Willie 25 Sep, 1000+ Zoo colony
Sep -Nov (RJ), 200 nests Terrigal Creek, Quambone Oct -Nov (per AM), 4300 nests in 2
colonies Ginghet HSD, Carinda Oct -Nov, 800 nests Macquarie River, Carinda 20 Nov
(RI). Good breeding in Moree Watercourse & Macquarie Marshes in 1998.
Straw -necked Ibis T. spinicollis 11 feeding on grassy area on Split Solitary Island off
Moonee 11 Jun, 1 flying towards same island, aborted flight and returned to mainland 1
Jul (GC); 700 Kempsey east swamp 18 Mar (ABi), large coastal concentration; 700+
Norton’s basin, Wallacia 23 Aug (TS); Breeding: Small colony established Rowe’s
Lagoon, Collector, first breeding record for Southern Tablelands with White Ibis Dec
(IF); 100,000 to 150,000 nests Gingham Watercourse Oct -Dec (HB); in the Macquarie
Marshes: 15000+ nests Monkeygar Ck wetlands 11 Aug -Oct, 1200 nests The Mole HSD,
Willie 25 Sep, 10000+ Zoo paddock colony Oct, 15000 nests Bora Colony Oct, 1500
nests in 2 colonies Ginghet HSD, Carinda Oct -Nov, 800 nests Macquarie R Carinda 20
Nov (RA 50,000 prs nesting Booligal Wetlands 11 Nov (NS). Good breeding year for
Straw -necks.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 115Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia 75 Swan Pool, Hat Head NP 23 Aug (ABi); Only small
numbers reported from Central Coast, max 15 Brisbane Waters Jul (CCBR). Breeding:
Max 25 nests in paperbarks Harwood Island 21 Sep -14 Nov (GC); Nesting Woodville
near Maitland 5-6 Apr (HBR).
Yellow -billed Spoonbill P. flavipes Small numbers 1-2 birds at wetland sites Jan -Oct in
Hunter Region (HBR); not reported Central Coast (CCBR); 4 McGraths STW 19 Dec
(DPo), highest Sydney count; 12 nests Gingham Watercourse 2 Nov (HB); 5 nests The
Mole Hsd, Willie 25 Sep (RJ).
Black -necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus Only observations south of Manning
River (Taree) given however all breeding records are published: An unusual congregation
of 11 were seen at Ulmarra Swamp 8 Mar (RJa),; I Raymond Terrace 26 Jan, 13 Apr &
20 Oct, 2 Tea Gardens 27 Jan, 2 Mandalong 24 Mar, Bungwahl Apr, 2 Coomba park
1 1
Rd 17 Apr, Cooranbong 23 May, Old Bar 25 May, Forster 30 Jul, 3 Woodberry 27
1 1 1
Sep (HBR), best number in the Hunter Region for some years; 5km N of Goulburn 26
Apr, well outside normal range; 1 Pungbougal lagoon, Boggabilla 14 Jan (AL), I Eulindra
HSD, Moree 2 Nov (HB), 2 records from western edge of range. Breeding: N+2Y
Woodford Island 29 Dec, J Pillar Valley 5 Mar, 3 Im W of Ulmarra 4 Mar & 8 same place
5 Mar, N+2Y Waterview Heights 19 Sep, Im Levenstrath 19 Aug, 2A+Im Brothersons
Swamp 20-21 Jan & on 13 Dec, Im Wooli River 16 Nov, 2A+N Corindi 15-22 Sep (GC),
2A+N Woodford Island 12 Apr, 2A+N Swan Pool, Hat Head NP 23 Aug -25 Oct (ABi,KS),
2A+J Tea Gardens 20 Jul (HBR), This would appear to represent about 10+ breeding
pairs in northern NSW.
Osprey Pandion haliaetus 1 Kooragang Is 13 Jan (EV), 1 on 11 Feb (JD); 1 Budgewoi
Lake 29 Aug (CCBR); 2 Narrabeen Lagoon 1 Jan -1 Jun (AP,AMb,BC,NJo), see 1997
Report (Morris 2000), where present since 19 Mar 1997, 1 Long Reef 11 Apr, 8 Aug, &
12 Dec (BC,MR,TN); I Cudmirrah 11 Apr (KM), 1 Lake Conjola 24 May (EK,TKa), 1
Shoalhaven Heads 25 Jun (BMo), I Comerong Island 25 Oct (CC); I Durras 23 Feb & 17
Mar, Guerilla Bay 10-13 Apr, Rosedale 1-8 Nov, Bermagui Point 7 Nov (Crowley
1 1 1
1999, ENHS), off Eden 20 Sep (EA). No breeding survey published for 1998 however
32 nests were located between Tweed Heads and Moonee (nth of Coffs Harbour) from
which 23 young were known to have fledged (GC). Obviously more birds are being
reported away from the breeding area.
Letter -winged Kite Elanus scriptus 1 near Armidale 11 Apr (00), only report.
Black -shouldered Kite Elanus arillaris 2 Broughton Island 5-22 Jan (HBR); Dead
Horse Gap, Thredbo 7 Feb (JL), unusal locations.
116 March 2001Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata A RK Maclean 27 Jan, 2 in display flight at Clarenza
4 Nov, 3 Pillar Valley 4 Mar, 1-3 Coutts Crossing Jan -Oct & 2 in display flight Athol
Glen, Glenreagh 11 Jul (GC), 1 Rosebank 17 Mar & 17 Oct, 1 Corndale 5 Oct, 1 SCU,
Lismore 12 Oct, 27 Nov -1 I Dec, 1 Woodenbong 28 Dec (HW), A+J Richmond Hill,
Lismore 28 Jan (JH), 5 Limeburners Ck NR 8 Feb, 2A+2 lm Sherwood Feb, Kinchela
5 Jul, Millbank 20 Aug, Hat Head NP 23 Sep, Kempsey 27 Oct, Maria River
1 1 I 1
Road, 1 Beranghi 14 Dec (KS), N+2Y Grasslands HSD, Mullumbimby Nov -Dec (RMo),
2+N Yamba 7-9 Nov (BD,PR); I Copeland 25 Jan (JD), 2A+N+Y Tingira Heights 10
Mar, late nesting date, 2 Howes Valley 13 Sep, 2 Green Wattle Creek 18 Oct, 3 Dunns
Creek 24 Oct, 2 Dungog 25 Jun & N+Y 22 Nov (EV,JSm,HBR), Copeland FR 25 Jan
(BC); Reported from Avoca Beach, Gosford & Palmdale, with breeding at Avoca 12 Jan
& Murrumbung HSD Mardi 1 Feb (CCBR); I Beecroft 10 Jan (LJ), 1-2 Cattai NP 18 Jan,
6 Sep (MR,TQ), 3 Royal National Park 31 Mar (JR), 1 Freemans Reach 7 Jul (RC1), I
West Pymble 29 Jun (NJo), 4 Mulgoa 29 Mar & on Jul, Ion 15/8 (MH,CS), Grose
1 1 I I
Vale 4 Aug (WS), 2+N Pennant Hills GC 3 Sep (JRt), 2 nesting Maralya, 3Y reared 5
Oct -6 Dec (CC,EV, Brandwood 2000), 1 Shanes Park 11 Oct (EV), 1 Glossodia 14 Oct
(Rwo), 5 Sackville 6 Dec (KB), 3A+Y Glenorie 19-20 Dec (DPo,EV); 2 Appin 23 Oct
1997-18 Jan (Birdline); Wallaga Lake 21 Mar (ENHS), most southerly report known,
previously reported only as far south as Moruya. The two Sydney breeding records are
only the 2nd & 3rd for the County of Cumberland.
Square- tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura Rogans Bridge, Seelands 27 Aug, South
1 1
Grafton 13 Dec, 2 Halfway Ck, 13 Dec (GC), 1 Crescent Head Rd 11 Jan, 2 all year
Kempsey-West Kempsey, nesting in 1997 & 1998 in the general area, where prey items
included Spotted Dove nestlings and Paper Wasp larvae (Bischoff et al 2000), 2 near Port
Macquarie 6-13 Jan & mid Jul, Frederickton 26 Apr, (ABi,KS), 2 at nest near Grafton
21 Aug, and a fledgling was found nearby later in the year (B.Brown et al 2000);
Cundletown 29 Jul -28 Aug, Purfleet 4 Sep (HBR); Lapstone 18 Mar (RT), Richmond
1 1 1
15 Mar & I Windsor 25 Mar (KB), I Mitchell Park, Cattai 1 Apr (TS) & 6 Jul (AB), 1
South Windsor 24 May (EV); 2 Nowra all Jan (WW); 1 Surf Beach 7 Jan (KH), 1 Broulee
10 Jan (ENHS), 2 Moruya Oct (BLa) & 1 on 3 Dec (TS), 1 Pambula 25 Feb (BJ); 1
Bundarra 1 Jan, (AL); 1 Munghorn Gap NR 5 Oct (WS) & on 20 Oct (JR), 1 Capertee
Valley 7 Oct (1M); 1 Baradine SF & 1 Yarrigan SF 1-5 Oct (GLC), 1 70 km N
Coonabarabran 2 Oct (NS); 5km N Gilgandra 2 Jun (AL); Mungo NP-Kinchega NP
1 1
7 Sep (ABr). The increased reporting rate continues!
Black -breasted Buzzard Hamirostra melanosternon Loughnan NR 4 Oct (TQ);
1 1
Menindee Lake 12 Nov (EV).
Black Kite Milvus migrans Coutts Crossing Apr (GC); Stockton 30 Mar, Upper
1 1 1
Hunter records include 1 Stratford Mar, Scone 5 Aug, Aberdeen 12 Oct & 11 Nov, 2
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 117Wingen 9 Apr (HBR), birds are regular in the Muswellbrook-Aberdeen-Scone area, are
they attracted to the Abbatoir?; Peats Ridge 25 Apr, 2nd Central Coast record (CCBR);
1 Royal NP 19 Jan (RHO; 1 Burrill Lake 16 Jan (IF); 1 Mudgee 24 May (PC); 1 Molongo
Gorge 6 Feb (AM); Bective Jun (EFa), Gunnedah East 8 Oct (GC), 2 Tamworth 12
1 1
Nov (TW); 1 Forbes 10 Apr (JD) & 11 Sep (AM); 54 near Hay 19 Apr (ID), 27 Tully’s
Hill 13 Apr, 130 roosting Lake Wyangan 14 Jun, 8 Leeton Tip 14 Jun (KH), 8 Campbells
Swamp & 3 Nericon Swamp Griffith 4 Jul (BM), large numbers for the Riverina.
Brahminy Kite Hahastur Indus Records other than those in the breeding area (Old Bar
north to the Queensland Border) are:- Booti Booti NP 12 Feb & 15 May (DT).
Whistling Kite H. sphenurus 30 recorded along the lower Myall River 12 Dec, including
groups of 9 & 11, nesting Shortland WC 30 Apr (HBR); 19 together over the Zoo Paddock
ibis colony and 14 over the Bora Egret colony, Macquarie Marshes 23 Nov (RJ).
White -bellied Sea -Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster N+2Y Lower Southgate 28 Jul -9 Sep,
A+N McPherson Crossing 5 Mar -25 Jul & on 9 Nov (GC); 1 I recorded along the lower
Myall River 12 Dec, took a full grown Magpie & a chick from a Silver Gull colony at
Swansea 19 Sep, took an adult Wedge-tailed Shearwater Fingal Bay 6 Nov (HBR);
Common on the Central Coast, nesting Colongra Swamp 24 Sep (CCBR); 3 nests Berkeley
NR 23 Jan (RT), an important Illawarra site; Nesting Gum Swamp, Forbes 24 Mar (NS).
Spotted Harrier Circus assimillis Hinton 24 Jan, Raymond Terrace 28 Jan, Morpeth
30 Apr, Shortland WC 14 Jun, Bayswater Colliery 20 Jun, Bolwarra 21 Jun, 2 Jerrys
Plains 11 Sep, more Hunter Region records than usual (HBR); 1 Kellyville 18 Mar (KB),
Richmond Turf Farms 19 Apr (DPo), Pitt Town Lagoon NR 11-14 Jun (AB) & 25 Jul
1 1
(JD), 1 Bushells Lagoon 12 Jun (DP), 1 Curra Moors, RNP 3 Jul (BC), 1 Cornwallis Lane
Windsor 6-25 Jul (AB); Foxground 24 Sep (RBo); Capertee Valley 4 Jul (DPo) &
1 1 1
Aug (JD); 1 Kingston ACT foreshores 14 Apr (DWI); 1 over wheat crop Parraweena
HSD, Willowtree 5 Dec (KW); 2 Lake Cowal 4 Oct (AR); 2 between Gum in –
Warrumbungle 1-8 Oct, 2 near Coonamble 3 Oct (GLC); IA Fivebough Swamp 18 Apr
(KH), 1 Handwood 1 Jun (LHa), 1 near Loughnan NR 3 Oct (MLo); 1 Coombie HSD,
Roto 17 Oct (JHo). More records than usual and more coastal records overall.
Swamp Harrier C. approximans 5 Hawkesbury Marshes 27 Jun (TN), high number; 1
Bathurst 23 Jan (PDb), unusal location; 10+ Monkeygar wetlands, Macquarie Marshes
21 Aug (RJ).
Eastern Marsh Harrier C. spilonotus spilonotus A reported sighting at Lennox Head
from August 1997 to November 1998 (ARi) was not accepted by BARAC (Brandwood
118 March 2001Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus Recorded at 4 locations in the Hunter Region all
year (HBR); Common on Central Coast, reported from 12 localities including nesting
Worleys Ck, Mangrove Mountain Jan & Nov (CCBR); I Bundeena Royal NP 27 Nov
(Birdline); Nesting in Capertee Valley 9-10 Oct (DGe).
Grey Goshawk A. novaehollandiae Reported from Border Ranges NP, Bexhill, Whian
Whian SF & Gibraltar Range NP Mar -Aug (GC,HW); Recorded at 7 locations throughout
the year in the Hunter Region including white morphs at Mount Vincent 5 Apr, West
Wallsend 14 Oct& Lower Myall River 12 Dec (HBR,HPe); Reported from 11 locations
on the Central Coast, including 1 which took a Swamphen chick at Mangrove Mountain19
Feb & pursued an Eastern Rosella on 21 Feb (CCBR); reported from 11 locations
throughout the year in the Sydney Region, mostly in the northern and north-west suburbs
& Royal NP, all grey morphs; I Ulladulla 4 Jan (KH), white morph Keiraville 26 Feb
(MEs), 1 Mt Kembla Jan, I Kedumba Valley Feb (RT), I white morph Allans Creek 6
Aug (CC), 1 Toolijoa 8 Aug (CP), 1 Curramore 6 Sep (KM); 9 South Coast records, no
white morphs & no breeding records (ENHS).
Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrhocephalus Reported from 4 Hunter Region locations
throughout the year (HBR); Reported from 13 locations across the Central Coast but no
breeding records (CCBR); 2+N Lady Carrington Drive RNP 7 Nov (HR), very small
male Westleigh 12 Mar (ARo); 2 nests Cordeaux Dam Sep (CC), I Bomaderry 20 Oct
(KM); Tilba Lake 17 Jan, only South Coast report; Observed at Timor Rock, Mountain
View Timor, Fairfield HSD Coonamble, Ukerbarley HSD Coonabarabran & Merriwindi
SF 1-8 Oct (GLC); I Fivebough Swamp 21 Jan & 1 Leeton I Sep (KH).
Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax seen regularly over the Mardi Dam catchment & 2
Warnervale 29 Dec (CCBR); 2 Kellyville 18 May (DH), 1 Ku-ring-gai Chase NP 9 Aug,
I Mitchell Park, Cattai 18 Oct (EV); 16 feeding on kangaroo carcases Mooraback near
Walcha 3 Sep (PVh); 14 (mostly immatures) together in the Capertee Valley 3 Oct (JM).
Large concentrations for the Tablelands.
Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides 6 Mangrove Mountain 28 Aug, large concentration
(CCBR); Botany Bay Feb (AP), unusual location.
1 I
Brown Falcon Falco berigora 1 carrying a snake at Shortalnd WC 1 Nov (HBR).
Australian Hobby Falco longipennis Nesting in Large -leaved Spotted Gum Corymbia
henryi Main Ck Ramornie 24 Oct (GC); 2A+J Barrington 1 Mar & 1 carrying a Welcome
Swallow at Shortland WC I 1 Apr (HBR); Nesting in Capertee Valley 9-10 Oct (DGe); I
Coombie HSD Roto Jun & Aug (JHo).
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 119Grey Falcon F. hypoleucos Store Creek, Leeton Apr (SCc); Mungo NP, seen 4
1 1
times 9 Oct (JHa). Average year.
Black Falcon F. subniger 1 Armidale 14 Jun (AMi); I Capertee Valley 14 Jun (MR);
Hoskintown 14 Mar (per IF); 1 Gumin 3 Oct (GLC); 2 Gum Swamp, Forbes 7 Jun (BD),
1 Dirnaseer, Junee 16 Jun (MC); 1 Warrana, Coonamble 3 Oct (GC); Max 2 Fivebough
Swamp 13 Mar -14 Apr (DGr,KH), 1 Nericon Swamp, Griffith 4 Jul (WM), 1 Lake
Wyangan 14 Jun (KH); 3 Broken Hill area 12 Nov (EV). Average year.
Peregrine Falcon F. peregrinus A at Ilarwill Quarry (known nest site) 28 Jul (GC);
feeding on Rock Dove Port Waratah Jun & Clarencetown 31 Aug, I unsucccessfully
attacked a Straw -necked Ibis & a Crested Pigeon at Wingen 11 Jun (HBR); 1 Campbells
Swamp Griffith 5 Oct (BM). Breeding: Nesting at Bayswater Colliery (on tower?) 3
Sep & 1J there 27 Nov (HBR), nesting at both the Munmorah & Vales Point Power
Station towers Oct -Nov (CCBR), 2 Garie Beach cliffs RNP 11 Nov (PRa), 2Y at nest
Deep Creek, Narrabeen 2 Dec (BC), nesting in quarry near Roto 30 Oct (EF).
Nankeen Kestrel F cenchroides took a House Sparrow at Mayfield 27 Nov (HBR);
on Central Railway Station Building 14 May (RCo), 2A -4-2Y at nest ledge, Long Reef
27 Nov (CC); eating a House Sparrow Bellambi Lagoon 31 Oct (DT). Interesting records.
Brolga Grus rubicunda 2 Rosebank 17 Mar (HW), 2 S of Clarence Broadwater 29 Dec,
max 62 Everlasting Swamp 28 Jul -9 Sep, max 23 Elbow Ck, Roberts Creek 23 Aug -9
Sep, 2 N of Ulmarra 28 Jul, 1 Crowsnest Swamp, Tucabia 25 Apr & 12 Sep, 1 Pillar
Valley 12 Sep & I6 Nov, 2 in heath Diggers Camp Rd Yuraygir NP 16 Sep (GC), A+J S
of Lawrence 12 Apr, 4 Sportsmans Creek 12 Apr, 2 Arndilly 12 Apr & 2 Hat Head NP 16
Oct (ABi,KS), max 38+ near Lawrence Jul (IDo) & 9 on 14 Nov (GC); 2 Crinolyn HSD,
Moree 10 Sep (HB); 2A+ I Y North Marsh, Macquarie Marshes NR Jan & 8 in Jun, 2 pr
each with lY on 5 Aug, 2A+1Y on 29 Dec (RJ), I on mound (nesting?) 8km NE Coonamble
3-6 Oct (GLC), 10 km SSE Nevertire Oct (CR), 6 Old Buckiinguy HSD, Warren 29
Aug (RJ) & 2 on 4 Nov (JMI); 9 Benerembah Mar, max 30 Tuckerbil Swamp 11 Jan -6
May (ABs,MS), Fivebough Swamp 9 Sep (HH); 2A+IY Fords Bridge 19 Sep (BC).
Reports mostly from known locations.
Buff -banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis Macleay Valley all year (KS), Hat Head 28
May (PRa), Dorroughby 2 Aug (HW), HC Ballina 14 Sep, Munro Island Lawrence 14
1 1
Nov, HC North Boambee 6 & 22 Jan (GC); A+J Cedar Hill Swamp 3 Jan, 1 Shortland
WC 18 Jan & 6 May, 1 Antennae Marsh, Sandgate 23 Jan, 3 Cams Wharf 23 Jan, 1 Walka
Water Works 3 Feb, 1 Harrington 21 Feb & Dec 28, 1 Oyster Cove 11 Dec (HBR); Fewer
records than usual Central Coast, 1 Chittaway Point 11 Jan -21 Feb & 1 Mill Ck Dharug
NP 21 Mar (CCBR); 4 Royal Bot. Gardens 18 May (RCo) & 1 on 18 Dec (DSm), I
120 March 2001Bushells Lagoon 17 Dec (KB); 1 Stanwell Creek 2 Feb (PP), 1 Cudmirrah 21 Feb (KM),
1 Puckies Reserve 6 Mar (DWi), 1 Balgownie 3 May (A Lo), 1 Berry East 16 Sep (BV); 2
Montagu Island 27 Mar (ENHS); 1 Avondale HSD, Cooyal 12 Dec (NK); 1 Fivebough
Swamp 6 Dec (KH). All but 2 observations are coastal records.
Lewin’s Rail Rallus pectoralis HC Pelican Is, South West Rocks I Sep, 2 Belmore
Swamp 28-31 Oct, 23 Nov, HC Crowdy Bay NP 21 Nov (KS); HC Glenrock SRA 31
Aug (HBR); 2 Mill Ck Dharug NP 21 Mar, usual site (CCBR); 2 HC Cape Banks, Botany
Bay NP 16 May (AP); 1 Comerong Island 12 May (BV), 1 Puckies Reserve 9 Nov (DWi),
1 Barren Grounds NR 7 Nov (RBo); 1 Dalmeny 14 Feb & 1 Kianga 30 Dec (ENHS). All
coastal records.
Bush -hen Amaurorrnis olivaceus A+2Y Upper Main Arm, Mullumbimby 8 Nov (RMo),
only record received.
Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla 1 Frederickton 11 Jan (ABi); Max 3 Shortland WC 13-
23 Jan (HBR); 2 Castle Cove 12 Jan (IM), 1 Bushells Lagoon 1 Feb (TQ); I Killalea
Lagoon 2 Feb (CB); 1 Lake Cargellico STW 12 Apr (CAn), Max 4 Fivebough Swamp,
Griffith 23 Aug- 26 Sep (KH,MSc). Fewer records than usual.
Australian Spotted Crake P. fluminea 1 Rainbow Reach, Macleay River 7 Feb (KS);
3 Shortland WC
Swamp, Cronulla 4 Jan (RW), McGraths Hill STW 19-22 Dec (DPo); Lake Cargellico
1 1
STW 12 Apr (CAn), present Fivebough Swamp Jan -Aug, 3 pairs with downy young 15
Feb (KH), 1 Campbells Swamp 5 May (SCc) & 5 on 4 Jul (BM).
Spotless Crake P. tabuensis Max 6 Shortland WC Jan -15 Feb, including A+J 12 Jan,
first Hunter Region breeding record since 1988 (HBR); Terilbah Island 9 Mar & Mill
1 1
Ck Dharug NP 21 Mar (CCBR); Metromix Swamp, Cronulla 4 Jan (RW), Bakers
1 1
Lagoon 24 May (EV); Max 3 Killalea Lagoon 2 Feb -Mar (CB); 1 Wallagoot Lake 17 Jan
(JL). Once again, all coastal records.
Eurasian Coot Fulica atra Max 1500+ Lake Liddell 31 Mar -13 Apr (HBR), high count
for Hunter Region; 4000 at Lake Burragorang 10 May (RT).
Black -tailed Native -hen Gallinula ventralis Coomaditchie Lagoon 15 Aug (DMc);
Present Lake Cargellico STW 12 Apr (CAn), 27 Fivebough Swamp 18 Apr (KU); 900+
Talywalka Ck, Wilcannia 12 Nov (EV). Fewer reports than usual.
Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis Coonamble Jun (RJ). Fewer records than usual.
Red -backed Button -quail T maculosa No records.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 121Little Button -quail Turnix velox RK Leura Dec (CT); 3 flushed from grass Pilliga
West SF 6 Oct (GLC); N4E & N+3Y in spinnifex, Coombie HSD Roto Sep- Oct (JHo).
Fewer records than usual.
Painted Button -quail T varia 1 RK Glenreagh 7 Jan , AM Susan Island, Grafton 30
Oct, 3 Shannondale Estate, Coutts Crossing 4 Jun, 2-3 Moonee 10 Jun (GC), 1 Port
Macquarie North 12 Mar & 2 Yarravel 11 Dec (AB1,KS); I Wambo Rd Bulga 25 Jul, 1
Green Wattle Ck 11 Oct, 1 Shelley Beach, MLNP 14 Dec (HBR); 4 White Box camp,
GRNP 5-8 Jun, 3 Wi4den Valley 10 May (HBR); 12-15 Red Hill nr Narraweena 18-19
Jun (BC), 2 North Sackville 30 Nov (KB), max 3 Scheyville NP 11 Oct & 5 Dec (BC,EV);
1 RK Leura Dec (CT); I Kedumba Valley Feb (RT), I East Berry 28 Apr (BV); 2 Wallaga
Lake 3-4 Mar (ENHS); 2 Rockview HSD, Glen Davis 4 Jul (EK), 2 Crown Station Rd
Glen Alice 12 Jul (TQ); 5 on hillside of Kyinney Range, Roto 6 Jul (JHo), western edge
of range. No records for the Western Slopes or Western Plains.
Red -chested Button -quail T pyrrhothorax 2 Balmoral HSD, Cooyal Feb (NK); Mt
Parry Rd Willowtree 5 Dec (KW); AF Warrumbungle NP 6 Oct (GLC), first park record.
Average for the decade, there were more records in 1970s & 1980s.
Plains -wanderer Pedionomus lorqualus No records this year?
Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardwickii Max 497 Cedar Hill Swamp 15 Jan & 230 on 19
Dec (DGe,HBR); 3 Pungbougal Lagoon, Boggabilla 14 Jan, 3 in flooded paddock 7 km
W Burren Junction 8 Nov (AL); 1 Monkeygar Ck, Macquarie Marshes 1 Nov (IMO;
Departure: 1 Maslams Ck, Homebush 5 Apr (ID). Arrival: I Macquarie Marshes NR
23 Aug (RJ), 2 McGraths Hill 29 Aug (DPo), later arrival dates than usual.
Black -tailed Godwit Limosa limosa South Ballina 11 Mar (JH); Present Kooragang/
Stockton 23 Jan -31 Mar, max 200 on 21 Mar, 2 Harrington 14-15 Feb (HBR); 6 Chittaway
Point 9 Dec (CCBR); 1 McGraths STW 1 Feb (JS) & 21 Mar (EV); 1 Comerong Island 7
Feb (AR); 2 Fivebough Swamp 18 Jan, 3 on 19 Sep & 4 on 6 Dec (KH), 1 Nericon
Swamp 18 Jan -8 Feb (BM,MFN). These numbers are well down on recent years, the best
years in the last decade being 1993/4 when 600-700 birds frequented the Richmond,
Clarence & Hunter estuaries..
Bar -tailed Godwit L. lapponica Max 770 Kooragang/Stockton 21 Mar (HBR); max
200 Narooma Mar (ENHS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 221 Tweed, 283 Richmond,
(Clarence no count), 770 Hunter, 182 Tuggerah Lakes, 568 Botany Bay, 188 Parramaatta,
280 Shoalhaven (HBR,CCBR, Harris 1999). Winter Wader Count Jul: 47 Tweed, 45
Richmond, 252 Clarence, 600 Hunter, 75 Lemon Tree Passage, 26 Tuggerah Lakes, 31
Parramatta, 129 Botany Bay, 18 Shoalhaven (GC,Harris I 999,HBR). Overall the numbers
122 March 2001are down on 1993/94 but consistent with the rest of the decade. Often higher numbers in
the Hunter signal lesser numbers at the other estuaries.
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 17 Moruya Estuary 7 Nov (Crowley 1999). Summer
Wader Count Feb: 88 Tweed, 67 Richmond, 32 Botany Bay (Harris 1999). Winter
Wader Count Jul: 12 Tweed, 9 Richmond, 9 Clarence & 6 Hunter Estuary (HBR,Harris
1999). Numbers down on the last 3 years but there is no clear pattern, and the South Coast
estuaries which have not been systematically surveyed in recent years have in the past
been important feeding areas for Whimbrels.
Eastern Curlew N. madagascariensis Max 200 Kooragang/Stockton 23 Sep (HBR);
310 Towra Island, Towra Pt NR 23 Nov (GRs); Max 60 Tuross in Nov (ENHS), 41
Moruya Estuary 7 Nov (Crowley 1999). Summer Wader Count Feb: 216 Tweed, 91
Richmond, 3 Tuggerah Lakes, 54 Brisbane Water, 268 Botany Bay & 7 Shoalhaven
(Harris 1999,CCBR). Winter Wader Count Jul: 25 Tweed, 19 Richmond, 52 Clarence,
120 Hunter, 30 Brisbane Water, 65 Botany Bay & 2 Shoalhaven (CCBR,HBR,Harris
1999). As there are no Clarence and Hunter counts for Feb it is hard to make comparisons,
but otherwise numbers fairly stable, 1993 was the best year yet in recent times!
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis Max 9 Macleay Valley all summer (ABi,KS); I
Birmingham Gardens 7 Jan , max 30+ Ash Is 8 Mar (HBR); 1 Bushells Lagoon 18 Oct
(EV); Tallawarra 26 Jul (DGo), the first local winter record for the Illawarra; The
1 1
Morass, Lake Bathurst 19 Jul (per IF); Max 573 Nericon Swamp 18 Jan -5 Feb (BM),
max 170 Fivebough Swamp 18 Jan -18 Apr (KH), 2 Campbells Swamp, Griffith 5 May
(MS), 11 on 4 Jul & 1 on 5 Oct (BM), 1 Lake Cargellico STW 3-4 Oct (AR,RQ), Summer
Wader Count Feb: 70 Tweed, no Hunter count, 170 Fivebough Swamp (Harris 1999,
KH). Winter Wader Count Jul: 11 Campbells Swamp, Griffith (BM). Overall numbers
down on previous Hunter numbers but elsewhere widespread and good numbers inland,
possibly taking away some of the coastal birds.
Common Greenshank T nebularia 1 Ellalong Lagoon 9 Feb (HBR), 16 Ash Is 22 Feb,
35 Kooragang Island 21 Mar (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -Mar, 27 Jul -Dec, max
24 Terilbah Island 29 Nov (CCBR); Present Fivebough Swamp Jan -Apr, max 22 on 28
Mar, 15 Aug -31 Dec (KH), 2 Nericon Swamp 5 May (BOCA), 1 Lake Cargellico STW 3-
4 Oct (AR,MLo); Summer Wader Count Feb: 98 Tweed, 17 Richmond, 51 Hunter, 7
Tuggerah Lakes & 6 Parramatta Estuaries (Harris 1999). Average year, no counts from
the other estuaries.
Wood Sandpiper T glareola Max 6 Cedar Hill Swamp 11 Jan -18 Mar (HBR); 2 Bushells
Lagoon 17 Oct -17 Dec, 1 Pitt Town Lagoon NR 5 Dec (KB); 1 Killalea Lagoon 26 Mar
(RI); Max 5 Fivebough Swamp 18 Jan -12 Apr (KH). More records than usual.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 123Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus Max 20 Ash Is/Kooragang Is 19 Jan -5 Apr & max 20
7-22 Sep (RV,HBR); 4 Shell Point, Botany Bay Feb (TQ). Numbers down on previous
years both in the Hunter and the Richmond/Clarence Regions.
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypo/eucos Yarrahappini Wetlands 29 Mar -5 Apr (ABi),
1 Byron Bay 9 Nov (BD); 1 Port Waratah Feb & Nov, 2 Kooragang Island 8 Feb (HBR),
1 Stockton 1 Mar & 13 Apr (HBR,EV); 1 Yarramundi Bridge 13 Apr (EV) & 16 Nov -29
Dec (AP,BC,JS,KB); Lake Ballyrogan 4 Oct (AR). Average year.
Grey -tailed Tattler Heteroscelus brevipes 50+ Kooragang/Stockton 5 Apr, 50+ Lemon
Tree Passage 14-20 Mar (HBR); 5 Shell Point Botany Bay 17 May (AP), 16 Long Reef
4 Jan (RG). Summer Wader Count Feb: 77 Tweed, 119 Richmond, 9 Tuggerah Lakes
(CCBR, Harris 1999,HBR).Winter Wader Count Jul: 18 Tweed, 17 Richmond, 14
Hunter Estuary, 17 Port Stephens,3 Tuggerah Lakes (CCBR,Harris 1999). Average year.
Wandering Tattler H. incana Flat Rock, Ball ina 9 Jan & 28 Jan (JH), Hastings
1 1
Point 27 Mar (FO’c) & 2 on 26 Apr (AR), usual locations.
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 18 Woody Head 6 Apr (ABi); 12 Broughton
Island 5-25 Jan, 7 Horseshoe Beach 8 Aug, 20-25 Newcastle Baths 4 Jan -12 Apr (HBR).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 55 Richmond, 25 Hunter, 27 Tuggerah Lakes, 15 Botany
Bay, 30 Bellambi Point 21 Jan (DGo,HBR, Harris 1999). The numbers are well down on
the 100 or so birds seen in Botany Bay in the 1970s & 1980s, mostly at Boat Harbour.
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris Iluka 14 Feb (GC), 50 Yamba 2 Mar (JH) & 36 on 14
Jul (Harris 1999,GC), 2 Hungry Beach 8 Nov (KS); Blue Bay reefs 26 Oct & Picnic
1 1
Pt The Entrance 29 Nov (CCBR); 2 Comerong Island 7 Feb (SF), 2 Windang 13 Feb & 8
on 22 Oct (DGo). Summer Wader Count Feb: 36 Richmond, 10 Hunter, 6 Tuggerah
lakes, Shoalhaven (Harris 1999, HBR). The Richmond & the Clarence estuaries are the
most important sites for this species in NSW.
Red Knot C. canutus 36 Richmond Feb (Harris 1999), Yamba 2 Mar (JH), 17 Ryans
Cut, Crescent Head 8 Oct (KS); Present Hunter estuary 23 Jan -30 Apr, max 50 on 21 Mar
(HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes 17 Sep -Dec, max 144 Sep, mostly at The Entrance
(CCBR); Long Reef 4 Jan (RG); 5 Tilba Lake 7 Nov (Crowley 1999). Arrival: 4
North Botany Bay 6 Sep (ARo) & Tuggerah Lakes 17 Sep (CCBR). Passage migrant to
the south in spring, numbers much lower than usual.
Sanderling C. a/ba 62 Richmond Estuary Feb & 11 in Jul (Harris 1999), 1 Ryans Cut 8
Nov (KS); Harrington 27 Dec (ASt); Long Reef 4 Jan (RG), North Botany Bay 14
1 1 1
Feb & 8 Mar (CSm); 1 East Corrimal Beach 14 Oct (DWi).. The Richmond estuary
would appear to be the most regular site used in NSW.
124 March 2001Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis Present Big Pond, Kooragang all year, max 278 on 19
Dec, 78 Crowdy Beach 4 Jul, 4 Harrington 22 Nov (HBR); 1 Cambells Swamp 5 May
(AMa), in breeding plumage. Summer Wader Count Feb: 120 Richmond, 200? Hunter,
260 Tuggerah Lakes, 22 Botany Bay, 90 Shoalhaven (CCBR, Harris 1999). Red -necked
Stints obviously deserted NSW this year!
Baird’s Sandpiper C. bairdii McGraths Hill STW 27 Sep (KB), referred to BARAC
and not accepted (Brandwood 2001).1
Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotos 2 Shortland WC 7-18 Jan, Ash Island 8-22 Feb
(HBR,PW); 1 Comerong Island 9 Jan (CC); Max 11 Fivebough Swamp 18 Jan -18 Apr
(KH). Numbers down on previous years.
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata 5 Manning Point Spit 2 Oct (STe), unusual location;
Max 100 Shortland WC 8 -10 Jan, 300+ Ash Is, Kooragagng /Stockton 22 Mar -11 Apr,
100+ Stockton BS 19 Jan, 100+ Ash Island 9 Feb -8 Mar (HBR); 25 McGraths Hill STW
14 Jan (EV); 3000+ in the flooded South Marsh, Macquarie Marshes NR 30 Nov (RJ).
Departure: Stockton 11 Apr (HBR). Arrival: 2 Campbells Swamp Griffith 13 Sep (BM),
30 Picnic Pt, The Entrance 15 Sep (CCBR). Summer Wader Count Feb: 151 Tuggerah
Lakes (CCBR), 2015 Fivebough Swamp (KH). Average year. When conditions are good
inland for these birds, numbers are down on the coast.
Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea Max 300 Kooragang Island 23 Jan -21 Mar (HBR).
Arrival: 3 Fivebough Swamp 15 Aug (KH), 5 Pelican Pt The Entrance 25 Aug (CCBR).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 13 Tweed, 15 Richmond, 300 Hunter, 124 Tuggerah Lakes,
22 Parramatta (CCBR,Harris 1999). Winter Wader Count Jul: 59 Hunter estuary (HBR)
but none recorded elsewhere. Numbers well down on the period 1993-97.
Ruff Philomachus pugnar 1 Ash Island 8 Jan -28 Feb & I Kooragang Island 22 Feb
(DH,HBR), presumably the same bird.
Comb -crested Jacana Irediparra gallinacea Common north of the Hunter Region
where only breeding records are given. Max 12+ Geneebeinga Wetlands all year, including
6A+2Y 24 Dec, max 12A+3Y Cowans Pond 4 Apr -12 Nov, (ABi,BD,KS), 2A+3J Swan
Creek 14 Feb, 11+3Y Cowans Pond 23 Mar, A+1Y Poley Bridge 19 Dec, A+N2E
Woolgoolga Reservoir 17 Feb (GC); 7 C & A Dam, Mulbring 23 May, 3 Hillville Dam,
Taree 20 Jun (HBR). Plenty of records north of the Hunter, but Hunter Region records
lowest for some time.
Bush Stone -curlew Burhinus grallarius 2 HC Karuah Nov (HBR); 2 Cockle Channel,
Brisbane Water 9 Feb, 2 Wyee RS 12 Feb, Brookes Rd Killarney Vale Apr, Norahville
1 1 1
30 May, nested St Hubert’s Island Nov (CCBR); 2 Sackville 15 Mar (KB), 3 Careel Bay
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 12519 Jul (EV), I N of Maroota 14 Sep (PA); 1 Shoalhaven Heads Jun (DWr), first Shoalhaven
record since 1937; 1 Narooma SF all year (ENHS,GM); HC Thule Creek 5 Mar (KS); I
Quambone 23 Aug (RJ); 2 Euroley 4 Jul (KH). More records for more areas for the
Central Coast although the only breeding population on the Central Coast appears to be
Brisbane Water, Hawkesbury River Estuary & Careel Bay where possibly 6-10 pairs are
Beach Stone -curlew Esacus neglectus Nested Dart Island, but juv lost 7 Jan (LT) where
2A seen again 27 Jan & 16 Nov, pair all year Sandon Estuary including one that was
banded at Nambucca Heads in 1986 (GC), 2 Red Rock 8-18 Nov (DBu,BD,PR), 1
Nambucca Heads 17 Jan (KS), 2 Valla Beach, Nambucca Heads 26 Feb (ND), 1 Hat
Head Apr (MVBO); Pair nested twice unsuccessfully at Harrington where they were
present all year and observed to eat Little Tern chicks on 23 Nov (HBR,CM); 1 Maianbar-
Bonnievale 28 Jun -28 Nov (ARo,ASt,BH,EH,EK,HR, PDb) first record for the County
of Cumberland; Tramway Ck, Thirroul Beach 7 Feb (PE), Comerong Island 8 Feb
1 1
(CC) & 15 Apr (JCe), Coledale Beach 2 Apr (MSp), second & third records for the
Ilawarra; at northern end of Merimbula Beach Sep (SRu), first South Coast Record!
I 1 1
Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris 91A+10J during beach survey Shark Bay
to Richmond River 7 Nov (RM); 13 Stockton Beach 5 Dec (HBR); 16 Brisbane Water &
2 Tuggerah Lakes Jul, 3 Birdie Beach 11 Nov, unusal location for Central Coast, nesting
Blackalls Bay l9 Sep & The Entrance 13 Oct (CCBR); 59 Botany Bay Feb (Harris 1999);
12 Comerong Island sandflats 9 Aug (CC), large number for site. Breeding: 7 runners
banded Patches/Beswick Beaches 6-30 Nov, 9A+2J & 2N Yamba 16 Nov, 3A+J Lake
Arragan, Yuraygir NP 7 Nov, N+2E Lake Cakora, Brooms Head 17 Dec, 2A+2J Sandon
Estuary 7 Nov (GC); 3 prs resident at Foster breeding every year & 3 prs resident at Little
Gibber, Myall Lakes NP (HBR); 3 prs nested Towra Spit/Island 23 Nov (GRs); Nesting
Durras Lake 8 Nov & Corunna Lake 29 Nov (ENHS). The improved nesting success in
the Lismore District has come as a result of a successful fox baiting programme by NPWS
in Bundjalung & Broadwater NPs & adjacent areas. Botany Bay continues to hold the
largest NSW population.
Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus Present all year Toowoon Bay, Blue Bay & Bateau
Bay Reefs, max 11 on 9 Mar (CCBR); 7 with dependant young Broughton Island 5-23
Jan (HBR); 4 prs nesting Flinders Island 11 Nov & 1 nest Bass Island 3 Dec, Five Islands
NR (LSm), 19 Bass Point 23 Jan (CC), 10 Coledale 20 Sep (GB).
South Island Pied Oystercatcher H. finschi Robins Beach, Ballina from 6 Nov 1998
through to the year 2000, where it has associated with Pied Oystercatchers (BT,RM,GC).
First Australian and NSW record. The record was accepted by BARAC (Straw 1999).
126 March 2001Black -winged Stilt Himatopus himatopus Present Macleay Valley all year max 310 on
26 Apr (ABi,KS); As+ Y Stockton BS 17 Jan, 6 Lake Liddell 13 Apr, max 100 Hexham
Swamp 20 Jun -1 Aug (HBR); 160 Mason Park, Concord 3 Jan (BD) high count; max 243
Fivebough Swamp 18 Apr (KH). Summer Wader Count Feb: 115 Tweed, 28 Richmond,
53 Tuggerah Lakes, 245 Parramatta (CCBR,Harris 1999). Winter Wader Count Jul:
309 Tweed, 25 Richmond, 111 Clarence, 60 Hunter, 19 Tuggerah Lakes, 260 Campbells
Swamp & 110 Nericon Swamp, Griffith (BM,CCBR,GC,HBR,Harris 1999).
Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae 9 Stockton Beach & Stockton
Sandspit 5 Apr (HBR); 16 Windang 18 Jul (CC); Present Lake Cargellico STW 4 Oct
(AR); 4 Crinolyn HSD, Moree 10 Sep (HB). Winter Wader Count Jul: 8 Clarence
Estuary (GC), 600 Hunter estuary (HBR), 212 Campbells Swamp & 270 Nericon Swamp,
Griffith (BM).
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialisfulva Max 150 Chickiba, Ball ina 9 Jan -11 Mar (JH), 16
Shark Bay to Richmond River Beach Survey 7 Nov (RM), 150 Hungry Beach 8 Nov
(KS); 300 Ash Island 23 Jan -9 Mar, max 95 Kooragang Island Jan -1 Mar, 18 Harrington
22 Nov (HBR); 42 Blue Bay Reefs I I Jan (CCBR); 1 McGraths Hill STW 11 Oct (EV),
4 Pitt Town Lagoon 19 Oct (KB). Summer Wader Count Feb: 27 Tweed, 124 Richmond,
395 Hunter, 47 Tuggerah Lakes, 12 Parramatta, 5 Botany Bay, 73 Shoalhaven (CCBR,
Harris 1999, HBR). Overal numbers down on 1997 but the total population varies
enormously between sites each year.
Grey Plover P. squaturolu 2 Yamba 8 Nov (BD); 1 Picnic Pt The Entrance 17 Sep
(CCBR); Comerong Island 31 Oct (CC). Fewer records than usual.
Red -capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 6 nests Brooms Head-Yuraygir NP Nov –
Dec (GC); Present Big Pond, Kooragang Is all year, max 100 on 26 Jun (HBR); Numbers
down on the Central Coast with onity 6 reported from Tuggerah Bay 30 Jun & 4 North
Entrance Jul -Nov (CCBR); 100+ Windang 9 May (DGo); Nesting colony of 200 birds,
including juveniles Brou Lake & 30 Wallaga Lake 7 Nov (Crowley 1999).
Double -banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus 1 Iluka Bluff 2 May (GC), 12 Hungry
Beach 9 May (KS); 12 Bonnievale 5 Jul (ML); 50+ Windang 9 May (DGo), 65 on Aug
& 150 on 9 Aug (CC), largest number at site in 20 years. Arrival: I Windang 4 Feb
(CB), I Ash Island 22 Feb (HBR), 3 Blue Bay Reefs 9 Mar (JP), 1 Fivebough Swamp 28
May (KH). Departure: 2 Kooragang Is 1 Aug (HBR), 2 Fivebough Swamp 15 Aug
(KH), 1 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 11 Oct (CCBR). Winter Wader Count Jul: 37 Tweed,
51 Richmond, 20 Hunter, 32 Tuggerah Lakes, 60 Botany Bay, 184 Shoalhaven
(CCBR,HBR,Harris 1999). Numbers lower at most sites but high at Windang which was
not counted in the winter survey, so overal numbers are average, with few records inland.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 127Lesser Sand Plover C. mongolus 35 Woody Head 6 Apr (ABi) & 16 on 7 Nov, 5 lluka
14 Feb (GC); 4 Harrington 14-15 Feb (HBR); 3 North Entrance 15 Mar (CCBR); 1
Boatharbour Kumell 11 Oct (EV). Summer Wader Count Feb: 15 Richmond, 10 Hunter
Estuary (HBR, Harris 1999). Numbers continue a declining trend.
Greater Sand Plover C. leschenaultii 23 Back Beach, Woody Head 7 Nov (GC), 1
Ryans Cut, Crescent Head 8 Nov (KS); 1 Long Reef 12 Dec (BC). Summer Wader
Count Feb: 62 Richmond (Harris 1999). The Richmond estuary remains the the stronghold
for this species in NSW. Numbers down elsewhere in NSW except for the North Coast.
Inland Dotterel C. australis 2 between Hay & Den iliquin 8 Jan (BAn); 100 km N
Wentworth 9 Nov (EV).
Black -fronted Dotterel Elseyornis melanops Present Shortland WC all year max 37 on
24 Jan, nesting Jan -Feb, max 50 Big Pond Kooragang Is 26 Jun -12 Jul (HBR); 32
Homebush Bay -Bicentennial Park Jul (Harris 1999).
Hooded Plover Thinornis rubricollis 2+N Lake Conjola 4 Jan (EV), 9 on 20 May
(VCo), 3 on 16 Oct (LJ), 2 Cudmirrah Beach 26 Oct (KM); 2 Tilba Lake 17 Jan -7 Nov, 2
Moruya Beach all year, nesting 27 Dec, 2 Broulee Apr -May, 2 Mullinburra May -Oct, 2
Corunna Lake 7 Nov, 2 Scuff Bay 7 Nov, 2 Narooma-Fullers Beach 7 Nov, 2 Handkerchief
Nov, 2 Tomakin Sep -Oct, nesting Sep & Oct, both attempts
failed, 2+N Barlings Beach 17 Oct, 2 prs Murrah Bch, Bermagui 7-8 Nov (ENHS), 2+N+2E
Saltwater Ck, Ben Boyd NP 17 Feb (JD). 19 recorded at 10 locations during the 1998
Eurobodalla Beach Shorebird Survey, an increase from 16 in 1996 (Crowley 1999).
Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus 2 Cowans Pond 13 Apr & 4 Geneebeinga
Wetlands 30 May (ABi); 2A+Y Market Swamp, Sandgate 8 Jan, max 10 Shortland WC
6-10 Jan & Jun -Jul, 10 Walka Water Works 3 Feb, 2 +Y Ash Island 22 Jan & present 26
Jun, 1+ Ellalong Swamp 9 Feb, max 30 Big Pond, Kooragang Island 11 Apr -13 Jul, first
breeding records for the Hunter Region for 10 years (HBR); 10 McGraths Hill STW 19
Apr- 11 Jul (DPo,EV), A+chick Mason Park, Concord 27 Sep (TQ), first Co of Cumberland
breeding record for some years too, 23 Homebush Bay -Bicentennial Park Jul (Harris
1999); 3 Hooka Point 27 Jun (SPo); 1 Coopers Island 24 Apr (ENHS), 1 Nowoudja
Lake, Narooma Dec (JA), rarely reported from the Far South Coast; Max 37 Fivebough
Swamp 18 Apr (KH), 31 Campbells Swamp, Griffith 4 Jul (BM). Even though there were
plenty of coastal records, no birds were reported from the Central Coast!
Banded Lapwing Vanellus tricolor 7 Richmond Turf Farms 19 Apr (DPo); 1 Thredbo
8 Feb (JL) unexpected location!, 4 Lake Bathurst 14 Nov (per IF); Present Bective during
Jun (EFa), 16 Junee STW 2 Mar (per MC); Many birds nested Coombie HSD, Roto Sep
128 March 2001(JHo), (Ed. Note: Banded Lapwings were noticeably absent in NSW in 1998 so that
Coombie must have been the only place where they were common!)
Masked Lapwing V. miles 313 Fivebough Swamp 18 Jan & 330 on 15 Feb (KH), large
number. Good breeding season on the Central Coast, with nesting reported at Tuggerah
Lakes 23 Jul to 18 Oct (CCBR).
Australian Pratincole Stiltia Isabella 3 Broken Hill area 12 Nov (EV), presumably
very under reported.
Great Skua Catharacta skua Present off Maroubra 23 Jun -28 Aug max 4 on 8 Aug
(RG), 2 of Sydney 12 Sep (AP); 1 off Wollongong 15 Jan (AP) very early date, 2 off
Wollongong 26 Jul, 2 on 23 Aug (AP,PM); Regular off Eden May -Sep, max 4 on 30 Aug
Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus 2+ off Cape Byron 27 Mar (HW); 2A with
twisted tail feathers Shoal Bay 23-24 Mar (ARo); 5+ off Sydney 14 Mar, 5 on 14 Nov
(AP), arrived off Maroubra 22 Oct (RG); 15 off Wollongong 26 Apr & on 25 Oct (AP).
Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus I Soldiers Pt Norah Head 23 Feb (CCBR); 27 off Maroubra
20 Jan (RG); 2 inshore Cudmirrah 8 Feb (KM), unusal location for the Illawarra.
Departure: 2 Nobbys Head (CG) & Swansea Heads 10 Apr (HBR), 3 off Maroubra 24
Apr (RG). Arrival: 1 off Wollongong 23 Aug (AP), 1 off Maroubra 11 Sep (RG), 1 off
Sydney 12 Sep (AP). Average year.
Long-tailed Jaeger S. longicaudus 3 off Sydney 14 Nov (NH); 5 off Wollongong 25
Jan, 2 on 26 Apr, & on 25 Oct (AP); off Eden 22 Mar (ENHS). Average year.
1 1
Pacific Gull Larus pacificus 1 imm Bondi Beach 9 Apr (AFa); 5 Black Head, Gerroa 9
May, max 2 Windang 14-24 May (CC,PM); I Bermagui 17 Jan, 2 Tuross Feb -Mar & 20
Aug, 1 Potato Point 6 Feb, 1 Moruya estuary 6 Sep, max 17 off Eden 30 Aug -29 Nov
(EA). The numbers seen in NSW waters continue to increase each year.
Kelp Gull L. domincanus I sub -adult S of Patches Beach Ballina 30 Nov (RM,GC),
rare so far north; 1 Newcastle Baths 19 Dec (HBR); 2 Boatharbour, Kurnell 11 Oct (EV),
4 off Maroubra 20 Sep & in Dec (RG); 12 Windang 14 May (CC), 25 nests Bass Island,
Five Islands NR 5 Dec (LSm), this is the largest number of active nests found to date on
the Islands.
Gull -billed Tern Sterna nilotica 1 Belmore Swamp 17 May & 1 Crescent Head 14 Jun
(AB1,KS); Present Hunter Estuary 23 Jan -5 Jul max 23 Kooragang/Stockton 11 Apr, 7
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 129Ash Island 10 Sep, 2 Harrington 22 Nov (HBR), 1 of the race S.n. affinis Stockton 8 Feb
(DH); Terilbah Island 29 Nov (CCBR). No inland reports and no coastal reports south
of Broken Bay.
Caspian Tern S. caspia 20+ Coon Island, Swansea 17 Mar (HBR), large number for
this site.
White -fronted Tern S. striata 2 Coffs Harbour 2 Jul (CSe); I Horseshoe Bch 8 Aug
(HBR); A total of over 1500 reported off Maroubra May -Nov, max 93 on 25 Jun & 108
on 18 Sep (RG); 10 Bass Point 5 Jul (GB); Reported from the South Coast at Eden,
Moruya Heads, Burrewarra Point, Tuross, Mullinburra, Wallaga Lake & Dalmeny May –
Oct (ENHS). Arrival: Maroubra 17 May (RG), 2 off Eden 31 May (ENHS), 2 Terrigal
Haven 28 Jun (CCBR) & 3 off Wollongong (AP). Departure: 6 off Eden 20 Sep (EA),
2+ off Wollongong 25 Oct (AP), 4 Dalmeny 27 Oct (ENHS), 2 off Maroubra 20 Nov
(RG). The most reported off Maroubra in 4 years and a very late departure date.
Common Tern S. hirundo 250 Cape Byron 27 Mar (HW); Present Newcastle Heads
Jan -11 Apr, 23 Oct -Dec, max 170 on 11 Mar (HBR); Returnd in spring to Soldiers Pt
Norah Head 11 Oct when 2000+ were present (CCBR); 4 off Sydney 26 Sep (PM), present
off Maroubra 30 Sep -31 Dec, max 133 on 7 Oct (RG); 2 off Wollongong 27 Sep (PM); I
off Eden 31 May & 2 Congo Point 7 Nov (Crowley 1999), rare on the South Coast.
Arrival: Comerong Island 4 Sep (DWi), 15 off Maroubra 30 Sep (RG). Average year.
Little Tern S. albifrons Departure: 42 Pelican Pt nr Norah Head 9 Mar, including 2
colour -banded birds that had been banded at Forster in 1993 & Towra Point in 1996
respectively (CCBR). Breeding: I nest Bongil Peninsular 1 Nov, 12N on 18 Nov, produced
37 fledglings by 30 Dec (MSm), 3 nests Cakora Lagoon, Brooms Head 18 Nov (DBu), 2
nests Valla Nov (MSm), 2A+1Y Nambucca Heads 17 Jan (DSe); A+Y Little Gibber
MLNP 31 Dec, 2N+E Wallis Lake Nov, 24 nests Harrington 22 Nov, 79 Y+ 21E 6 Dec
(CMa), 20 nets Old Bar 46 Y+44E 6 Dec (CMd), 26+ nests Towra Spit/Island 14 Nov
(GRs), 22 nests Lake Wollumboola 17 Dec (RBo), 3 nests Lake Conjola 17 Dec (PRe).
Good success rate in 1997/8 and good numbers nesting in late 1998.
Fairy Tern S. nereis 2 birds were paired with Little Terns at Wallagoot Lake 20 Dec
1997- 24 Jan 98, eggs were laid by 5 Jan but uncertain if eggs hatched (BJ), 25 with 5-8
flying young were seen again on 17 Jan (JL) but whether these actually nested at Wallagoot
Lake is not known.
Sooty Tern S. fuscata 7 Port Macquarie 21 Nov (TW); 10+ off Sydney 11 Dec (AP).
Fewer numbers than usual.
130 March 2001Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus 7 Ash Island 20 Dec (HBR); Arrived Fivebough
Swamp 15 Aug & 40 on 3 Oct (KH).
White -winged Black Tern C. leucopterus Cape Byron 27 Mar (HW), Hastings
1 1
Point 27 Mar (FOc); Present Newcastle Heads 28 Feb -11 Apr, max 40 on 5 Apr, 1
Harrington 26 Apr (HBR); I on off Continental Shelf off Sydney 29 Oct (AP), I off
Maroubra 4 Nov & 5 Dec (RG), 2 Palm Beach 10 Dec (LJ); 27 km off Eden on 29 Nov
(EA); 2 Mother of Ducks Lagoon, Guyra 14 Nov (TW), very rare on the Northern
Tablelands, last record Armidale 1967 (Morris et al 1981).
Black Noddy A minutus I off Sydney 11 Dec (ASt). Consistent with known occurrence,
23 rd record for NSW, and first since 1995.
Grey Ternlet Procelsterna cerulea off Eden 24 Feb (TR), furthest south recorded?
White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela 25+ South Grafton 14 Nov (GC), 35 in
flock Corndale 30 Oct (HW); 20+ Lansdowne 21 Mar, 184 Tea Gardens 20 Jul (HBR);
Present Central Coast all year, max 18 Ourimbah 30 Jun (CCBR); Present all year Devlins
Ck Epping, max 12 on 20 Jun (BD), 6 Kurmond 13 Jun (TW); 8 Mt Keira 15 Mar (GB),
20 Woonona 30 Jun (KM) large numbers for Illawarra Region; Reported all months
from the South Coast, the most southerly report being 2 Wallaga Lake Dec (ENHS,
Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macropygia amboinensis 2 Lees Reserve, Chittaway feeding on
privet berries 20 Jun (CCBR).
Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica 1 Rosebank all year, 2 Whian Whian SF 20 Mar &
7 Jul, 2 Big Scrub Flora Reserve 5 Apr, 2 Rocky Creek Dam 2 Aug (HW), Victoria Park
NR 20 Aug, Chaelundi NP 5 Apr (GC), Terrania Creek 20 Jul (BC); Belmore River,
1 1 1
Goolawah 12 Nov & Hat Head NP 24 Nov (KS); Shortland WC 23 Jan -Feb,
1 1 1 I
Copeland SF 25 Jan, Careys Trail, Barrington Tops 28 Jan, Blackbutt Reserve 7 Apr &
New Lambton Heights 5 Jun -15 Aug (HBR); inj Kulnura 12 Jan, 2 Dog Trap Rd
Ourimbah 9 Mar, ID Kooree Guide Camp, Central Mangrove, 1 Matcham 8 Jun & 1
Erina 19 Jul, average year (CCBR); Saddleback Mtn, Jamberoo 25 Jan (RJ), Terragong
1 1
Hills 25 Mar (MR6), 1 Curramore 14 Sep (KM); 1 Wandella SF 8 Jan & 1 flew into a
window Narooma Mar (ENHS). Overall more records than usual.
Spotted Turtle -Dove Streptopelia chinensis Boydtown 29 Nov (JA), not previously
reported from this location.
Common Bronzewing P. chalcoptera 1 Redhead 15 Nov, unusual location (HBR).
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 131Brush Bronzewing Phaps elegans Regular in the southern section of Port Stephens,
incl Lemon Tree Passage, Oyster Cove & Tanilba Bay, Shelley Bch MLNP 13 Apr, 2
Belmont Swamp Nov (HBR); Max 3 Ingleside 14-29 Aug (BC,DS), 1 Red Hill, Narraweena
25 Nov (BC); 2 Mount Banks 11 Dec (BC); South Coast records from Burrewarra Point,
Dampier SF, Lilli Pilli & Potato Pt Tomartin (ENHS).
Crested Pigeon Ocyphaps lophotes Resident in all months on the South coast, being
reported now as far south as Bermagui (ENHS).
Diamond Dove Geopelia cuneata 2 Leura 30 Mar (DCo); Present Forbes-Grenfell areal
late Dec (per IF); 2+ Loughnan NR 3 Oct (MLo); Many birds present and many nests
Coombie HSD, Roto Oct -Dec (JHo).
Peaceful Dove G. striata 10+ Kurri Kurri 3 Nov & Saltash 21 Dec, unusual locations
(HBR); HC Chiltern Track, Ingleside 29 Aug (BC).
Bar -shouldered Dove G. humeralis Common & resident on the Central Coast, particularly
Tuggerah /Chittaway/South Tacoma, Mangrove Mountain & Central Mangrove (CCBR);
1 La Perouse 5 Jan & 1 on 31 Jul (BPa), max 5 Narraweena 18 Jun -2 Sep (BC), 1
Boatharbour, Kurnell 11 Oct (EV); East Corrimal Feb (DWi) & on 14 Sep; 2 Leura 14
May (DCo); 2 Binya SF 1-8 Mar (Dwe,KH), south-west limit; Several nests in garden,
Coombie HSD, Roto Sep -Dec (JHo)
Superb Fruit- Dove Plilinopus superbus AM flew into window Harwood Island 29 Oct
(GC), Iluka 21 Nov (TW). Fewer records than usual.
Rose -crowned Fruit -Dove Plilinopus regina A+Im Grasslands HSD, Mullumbimby 9
Apr, 1 2km E of Mullumbimby 11 Nov (RMo), 1 Boatharbour NR Lismore 12 Nov (BD),
2+ Big Scrub FR 5 Apr, max 2 Rosebank 6 Jun -12 Sep, 15 Rosewood TK, Border Ranges
NP 29 Dec (HW). Average year.
Wompoo Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus magnificus 2 Whian Whian SF 20 Mar & 7 Jul, 3+ Big
Scrub FR 5 Apr, 3 Rosewood Tk, Border Ranges NP 29 Dec (HW), 2 Millbank Apr
(MVBO), 1 Fishermans Reach, Macleay River Nov (LMc), 5+ Mt Warning 8 Feb 21 Mar
& 10 Nov (BD,HW); 1 Copeland SF 25 Jan, 1 Careys Trail, Barrington Tops 27 Jan, 15
Copeland FR 25 Jan & 12 on 20 Sep, 1 Bootawa 5 Nov, 1 Elebana 12-16 Nov, 3 Bretti &
Gloucester 3 Dec (BC,HBR), 3 Copeland FR 25 Jan (BC). Note that the Newcastle –
Barrington Tops -Gloucester records are all either Jan or Sep -Nov, is this a pattern?
Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus Recorded all year North Coast Region (GC),
max 800-1000 Rocky Creek Dam 25 Apr (HW); Few records for the Hunter & Central
132 March 2001Coast; Reported from the South Coast Jan -Feb & Nov, only in small numbers and the
most southerly record being 10 Bermagui on 10 Jan & 1-6 Nov (ENHS).
Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii 12+ Bourke 24 Sep (BC) only
Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoo C. funereus 130-150 Bulandelah 6 Jul a large
concentration (HBR); Common right across the Central Coast the largest group reported
being 131 at Peats Ridge 12 Jul (CCBR); 50 Botany 13 Jul (CG), max 20 Kyeemagh 11
Jun -16 Sep, 4 East Lakes GC 30 Jul & 3 Centennial Park 7 Oct (RMo), 45 Centennial
Park 8 Aug (PDb), 71 Ramsgate 7 Jun (GRi), largest group counted around Sydney in
1998; 38 feeding on the seeds of Hakea teretifolia Barren Grounds NR 28 Mar (RJ).
Glossy Black Cockatoo C. lathami 2 Kangaroo Creek 18 Mar, 2 Chandlers Ck Chaelundi
NP 5 Apr, 2+ Chaelundi Camp, Chaelundi SF 8 Apr, 4 Clouds Ck SF 17 Apr, 2 Coutts
Crossing 10 May, 7+ in flight Three Mile Ck, Nymboida 4 Aug, 3 Kangaroo River SF 14
Mar & 4 feeding in Black She -Oak Allocasuarina littoralls same place 17 Aug, 3 roosting
Moonee 10 Jun & 4 on Jul, 1+ Buccarumbi & 2 near Buccarumbi 19 Aug, 2 Skinners
Swamp 8 Sep, 5 feeding in Black She -Oak at Wooli 12 Sep (GC), 3 Wildridge HSD,
Pappinbarra 30 Jan (PVI), 4 West Kempsey 7 Jan -4 Feb, 7 Clybucca 25 Mar, 2 Kempsey
14 Apr, 2 Whiporie 30 May, 5 Millbank Aug, 3 Toorumbee 19 Sep, max 3 Lighthouse
Bch, Pt Macquarie Sep -Dec, max 6 Hat Head NP 18-26 Oct, 5+ Hat Head 7 Nov, 3
Crowdy Bay NP 21 Nov, & 2 Mt Seaview 30 Dec (AB1,KS), 13 Stuarts Point 13 Apr
(AW), 6 Currs Rd Spirabo 20 May (RP), 2 Red Rock 20 Jul (BC), 3 Laurieton 30 Aug
(HBi); 8 Sharpes Creek, Barrington 28 Feb, 6 Wingen 19 Mar & 7 Violet Hill MLNP 13
Dec (HBR), 3 Gloucester Caravan Rk 24 Jan (BC), 1 Goulbum River NP 6 Jun (TQ);
Reported from 7 locations on the Central Coast in small numbers including breeding
records from Mangrove Mountain (CCBR); 3 West Head, KCNP 25 Jan (HR), 3 Sackville
North 27 Apr & 30 Nov (KB), 2 Kurrajong Heights 28 Jun (DP), 2 Burralow Ck Kurrajong
24 Nov (Birdline), 2 Mitchell Park, Cattai NP 19 Dec (DPo); 4 Cox’s Arm, Lake
Burragorang all year (RT), 5 Cudmirrah 19 Apr & 7 on 3 Oct (KM), 6 East Berry 11 May
(BV), 2 Mittagong 14 Aug (LM), 2 Berrara 19 Sep (KM); On the South Coast there were
44 records from Mungerarie, Wandera, Termeil, Mogo, Bolaro, Bodalla, South Brooman,
Flat Rock, Benandarah, Dampier & Wandella SFs throughout 1998, max 9 regularly at
Broulee Jan -May, Sep -Dec, 2 Meringo 13 Apr & 3 24-27 Aug 2 Mymossa 15 Apr, 2
Belowra 6 May, 4 Nerrigundah 7 Jul, 3-5 Runnyford 11-26 Dec (ENHS); 2 pr + Y each
Burralow Creek , BMNP 3 Mar (RT), 4 Fairydell Springwood 27 Mar (DCo), 9 Rockview
HSD, Glen Davis 4 Jul (EK), 2 Crown Station Rd Glen Alice 12 Jul (TQ), 2 Glenbrook 5
Dec (RK); 4 16 km E of Parkes 10 May (NS); 2 Bulgeraga Ck, Macquarie Marshes 10
Nov (RJ); 3 Tullys Hill 18 Apr, 15 Yarrabimby put up by Little Eagle 30 Aug (KH), 8
Brobenah Hills 16 Aug & 15 on 30 Aug (KH). Good spread of records across NSW, the
birds in the south-west of the State are now scheduled as an “Endangered Population”.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 133Gang Gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum 2+ Speers Point 12 Aug , unusual
location (HBR); 2A+J Mitchell Park, Cattai 12 Aug (EV); Capertee 24 Oct (BC); 4
Binalong 17 Jun (JB), western edge of range in NSW; On the South Coast recorded all
months in small numbers at many locations, though intermittant in some locations, max
18 Wandella SF Jan (ENHS).
Sulphur -crested Cockatoo Cacatua galerita 120 Concord 19 May (CSh), large flock
for the east; 85 Coleambally 8 Sep (BA), large flock for the Western Plains.
Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris 8 with Galahs at poultry farm N of Coutts
Crossing 13 Dec (GC); Numbers increasing in the Lemon Tree Passage area max 87 on
28 Dec (HBR); 200+ Richmond 27 Mar (KB); 10 Avondale 1 Nov (GB); 60 Leeton Jan –
mid Feb (KH); Tuross 17 May (ENHS). Increased numbers in coastal areas.
Little Corella C. sanguinea Small numbers present on the Central Coast, max 21 Gosford
GC, nesting Dairy Swamp, Tuggerah 5 Dec (CCBR); 239 Meadowbank 10 Mar (SWi),
200+Richmond 27 Mar (KB), large numbers for Sydney; Resident in small numbers on
South Coast, max 8 Moruya-Narooma (ENHS).
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo C. leadbeateri 2 Wagga Wagga 4 Jun (BMe); 3 just W of
Ardlethan 13 Sep (IF); 2 Campbells Swamp, Griffith 5 Oct (BM), 2 Stackpoole SF 4 Sep
(EWh), 14 Griffith 14 Sep (FCz); 40 coming to garden Coombie HSD Roto in dry weather
May (JHo).
Scaly -breasted Lorikeet Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus 2 Macquarie Fields 16 Jan (LGo),
10 Cammeray May (TW), 2 Penrith 15 May (RT), declining numbers in Sydney Region.
Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna Recorded at 16 locations in the Clarence Valley
and adjacent areas all year feeding in Square -fruited Ironbark E. tetrapleura, the most
records for the observer in the Region ever, max 15 Waterview Heights 11 Aug (GC);
Present in the east of the Hunter Region Apr -Aug, max 50+ Ellalong 2 May (HBR);
Present on the Central Coast Feb- Sep max 30 Berkeley Vale 22 Feb -31 Mar, and Bateau
Bay 30 Mar, feeding at Blackbutt Eucalyptus pilularis flowers (CCBR); Max 15 South
Ck, Narrabeen 17 Apr -6 May (BC), 10 Wheeler Heights 4 Apr (DGi), 10 McMahons
Point 5 Apr (TN), 5 Cammeray Golf Course 1 May (TW), 100’s Captn Cooks landing
Place Kurnell 30 May (CS), 11 Dee Why 24 Jun (RA); 100 Culburra 19 Jul (Birdline);
Common on the South Coast flocks up to 100 Jan -May, and again Aug -Nov, no birds
reported Jun -Jul & Dec (ENHS).
Little Lorikeet G. pusilla 6 + entering a hollow in Large -leaved Spotted Gum Corymbia
henryi Sth Grafton Water Res 15 Jul (GC); 20+ Toronto 17 Mar & at Saltash 4 Apr,
134 March 2001Lower Myall River MLNP 11 Apr, Lemon Tree Passage 17 Apr (HBR); 15 Centennial
Park 12 Apr (APo) & Taronga Zoo 16 May (DH), unusual inner city records.
Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii 13 Carcoar 1 Oct (DGe), 1 3km E of Cowra 2 Nov
(LJ) & 45 on 12 Oct (JR,NRu), 12+ Cowra 13 Oct (WBr), 30+ Lyons Rd Lyndhurst 11
Nov (HP); 1 Carroll 17 Aug (AA); 6+ near Ingalba NR Temora 30 Jan (MC), 2 Weddin
SF 6 Sep & AM Murringo 7 Sep (BC,CS), max 8 Cootamundra 22 Aug -21 Oct, max 6
Jindalee 16 Jun (JB) & 22-25 Oct (RCe), 4 10 km NE Young 7 Sep (CS), 6+ Temora 26
Sep (JL), 40+ Grong Grong Silos 29 Sep (TSm), small flocks between Yass & Harden 2-
5 Oct (FOC), 25 eating Elm Tree seeds at Binalong 5 Oct (PDb) & 6+ 26 Sep (JL); 200+
on the Nyngan-Tottenham Rd 10 Aug (RJ), 5 10 km SSE Nevertire 23 May & 10 on 21
Jun, 10+ 16 km N of Narromine 10 Sep (CR); 25 Ardlethan 8 Feb (KH), 10 Macleans
Bore, Leeton 17 Mar (BM), 2M+Im Whitton Punt Reserve 4 May (BOCA), Wamoon
23 Aug (GSc), 1 Fivebough Swamp 31 Aug (MS), 2 Narrandera 2 Dec (TSm). A good
spread of records but no breeding reported.
King Parrot Alisterus scapularis Common on the South Coast, max 60 in one flock at
Tuross May (ENHS).
Red -winged Parrot Aprosmictus erythropterus 2 Spring Gully, GRNP 6 Jun (TQ), 2
White Box Camp, GRNP 8 Jun (HBR); Coombie HSD, Roto 10 Apr (JHo), extreme
south-western im it of range.
Swift Parrot Lathatnus discolor 6 Kororo, Coffs Harbour 2 Jul (CSe), 2 in flowering
Ironbark Banyabba NR 12 Jul (GC); Max 60 Castlereragh NR 10 May -8 Jun (CG,JMi,RT),
6 Taronga Zoo 11-22 May (DH), max 100 Londonderry 15 May -23 Aug
(AB,CS,DPo,DH,EV,JDu, ML,RT,SR,TQ), 23 Dee Why 6 May (RA); Max 35 Lake
Heights garden 11 May -23 Jul (CC), 20 Primbee 17 Jul (DGo); Dampier SF 13 May,
1 1
Moruya 17 May (ENHS); 8 Cookamidgera SF 10 May (NS), 8 Weddin Mountains NP 23
May (IF). Arrival: Dampier SF May (ENHS). Departure: North Arms Cove 2 Sep
1 1 1
Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans 2+ Parkes 29 Mar (KS), unsual location considered
to be there because of a local drought.
Pale -headed Rosella P. adscitus 4 Urbenville 4 Oct (ABi); with Eastern Rosellas in
Baradine 2 Oct (GLC).
Red-rumped Parrot Psephotus haematonotus 5 pr Kyeemagh 14 Jul (CD); 7 in forest
below Lapstone RS 15 Jan (RT), unusal location for the Sydney population.
Mulga Parrot P. varius 4 Charcoal Tank NR 23 Oct (JR); 2 Binya SF 13 Sep (FC),
eastern limit of range.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 135Budgerigar Melopsitticus undulatus 10 Grenfell 12 Apr (JD,KO); Many Macquarie
Marshes NR Mar & May (RJ), 90 Willie HSD, Warren 6 Nov (JMI); 10+ Lake Ballyrogan
2 Oct (MLo), 20+ Monia Gap 4 Oct (AR), I Tullys Hill 5 Oct & 15 Binya SF 8 Nov (KH);
10+ Laudavale 3 Dec (TSm); very common Coombie HSD, Roto from 27 Sep to 31 Dec
Bourke’s Parrot Neopsephotus bourkii No observations reported in 1998.
Blue -winged Parrot Neophema chrysostoma AM+J Towra Point NR 23-24 May (JF);
1 Tilba Lake 8-15 Aug, 19 Sep, possibly sick bird with bald patch on head (ENHS); 1 11
km SE Nevertire 23 May & 5 14 km NE Albert 20 Jun (CR); 5 Mungo NP 18 Apr (Jdi),
19 19 km Balranald 18 Apr (ID).
Turquoise Parrot N. pulchella 6 Old Gibber Track MLNP all year, 4 Howes Valley &
Ellalong 9 May, 2 Widden Valley 10 May, Muswellbrook 30 Jul, 2 Cooranbong 3
1 1
Aug, 3 Shelley Bch, MLNP 14 Dec (HBR); F Scheyville NP 9 Oct (BC), I Pitt Town 20
Oct (MHu); Barren Grounds NR 14 Mar (COG), 20 Kedumba Valley Feb (RT), 20
Burragorang Valley 9-10 May (DA,RT); 10 Capertee Valley 14 Jan (DKo), 8+ Rockview
HSD, Glen Davis 7 Jun (AR) & 30 on 4 Jul (EK) where breeding 9-10 Oct (DGe), 16 Red
Creek, Glen Davis 4 Jul (PDb), 2 Crown Station Rd Glen Alice 12 Jul & 2 Glen Davis
Nov (TQ), 20 Conimbla NP 11 Apr (JD) & 3 on 13 Oct (NRu); 2+ Inverell District 28-29
Mar (JH), 2 Borah TSR Upper Manilla 8 Nov (JA); 15 Weddin SF 11 Apr (JD) & 4+ on
6 Sep (CS), 10+ Weddin NP 12 Nov (HP); Observed at Pincham & Woolshed areas
WNP, Wittenbra SF, Ukerbarley HSD, Coonabarabran & Merriwindi SF 1-8 Oct (GLC);
3 Binya SF 1-8 Mar (KH). Good spread of reocrds.
Ground Parrot Pe=oporus wallicus 1+ HC Diggers Camp Rd Yuraygir NP 16 Sep
(GC); 2 Wreck Bay, Jervis Bay NP 3 Jan (EV), 3 Fox Trig, Barren Grounds NR 23 Apr
(BC), 3 on 8 Jul (JMa); 2 Saltwater Ck, Ben Boyd NP 18 Feb (JD), calling Barrangatol
NR, Wallaga Lake 17 May (ENHS). Only one North Coast record received.
Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus First year for many years that none were recorded.
Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus Scheyville NP 11 Oct (EV); Departure: I Worundi Ck
Merriwa 20 Mar (HBR), i Capertee Valley 13 Apr (PDb). Arrival: Capertee Valley I
Aug (JD), Tilba Lake 8 Aug (ENHS), Coombie HSD, Roto 20 Aug (JHo), Mitchell Park,
Cattai 23 Aug (DPo), Bluegum Ck Wollombi 2 Sep (HBR).
Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus J being fed by male Variegated Fairy -wren Sheep
Station Ck, Border Ranges NP 30 Dec (HW). Departure: Cedar Hill Swamp 7 Jan
136 March 2001(HBR). Arrival: Calling Meringo in Sep (ENHS), Present Timor Rock & Canyon Camp,
WNP from 30 Sep (GLC), 1 Scheyville NP 5 Oct (EV), A Coutts Crossing 11 Oct (GC),
Yango Ck Rd Laguna 14 Oct (HBR), Hat Head 29 Sep(KS).
Fantailed Cuckoo Cacomantis flabelliformis J in nest of White-browed Scrub -wren at
Mangrove Mountain 3 Oct (CCBR); 2 Griffith 29 Aug (BM); 4 Coombie HSD, Roto 31
Aug (JHo), rare in this part of NSW where a winter visitor.
Black -eared Cuckoo Chtysococcyx osculans 2 Wombo Rd Bulga 25 Jul (HBR); 5km
E of Capertee 2 Oct (HP), 21 Nov (CSh); Weddin SF 6 Sep (CS); Sandy Rd Pilliga
1 1
West SF 6 Oct (GLC); 1 Ganmain SF 7 May (NJ), 2 Tullys Hill Narrandera 12 Sep -4 Oct
(KH,TS), 1 Cocoparra NP 13 Sep (LC), 1 Binya SF 29 Nov (KH); 3 Round Hill NR 3-5
Oct (JB,RQ), 2 on 2 Nov (EV), 2 Coombie HSD, Roto 30-31 Aug (JHo).
Horsfield’s Bronze -Cuckoo C. basalis Present Lower Hunter Valley Jan, then May –
Dec, J being fed by Superb fairy -wrens at Stockton BS 17 Jan (HBR).
Shining Bronze -Cuckoo C. lucidus J being fed by Brown Thornbill 16 Oct & Yellow
Thornbill 15 Nov Macleay Valley (ABi,KS); 4 birds with a J at Belmont Swamp Nov
(HBR); J hatched from Striated Thornbill’s nest Mangrove Mountain 24 Nov (CCBR);
Binya SF 15 Nov, unusual so far west (KH).
Little Bronze -Cuckoo C. minutillus HC north-west of Frederickton 23 Oct (KS),
Carnham Bridge, Clarence R 24 Oct, HC Kyarran 20 Oct, HC Coutts Crossing 11 Oct -12
Dec, HC W of Crescent Head 26 Dec (GC). All within known range.
Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea I Parkes 20-29 Mar (NS); 1 Gol Gol 6-11 Nov
(BMc), both very unusual locations. Departure: Orangegrove 2 Feb (CCBR), Swansea
Heads 17 Mar (HBR). Arrival: AM Centennial Park 1 Sep (JRo), Orangegrove 6 Sep
(CCBR), Lemon Tree Passage 19 Sep (HBR) & Rosebank (HW), Epping 24 Sep
1 1 1
(BD), 1 Levenstrath 7 Oct (GC), 1 Keiraville 9 Oct (ME). Breeding: J fed by Red
Wattlebirds Berkeley Vale 14 Jan & Gosford 30 Jan (CCBR), Collaroy Plateau 17 Jan
(RW), Malua Bay 20 Feb (ENHS) & at Shortland WC 30 Dec (HBR); J fed by Noisy
Friarbird at Kooloonbung Ck Port Macquarie 23 Dec (GC) and another being fed from
fruits of Umbrella Tree Lake Munmorah 2 Feb (CCBR).
Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae 23 roosting together Susan Island
28 Oct & 16 same place 29 Oct (GC); 15 present together at Cedar Hill Swamp 5 Jan
(HBR); 12 together Kiama Bends Nov (CP). Some large concentrations. Departure:
Avoca 12 Jan (CCBR) early departure this year, 1 Toronto Feb 26 (HBR), J North
Turramurra 4 May (DL). Arrival: I Lemon Tree Passage 5 Sep (HBR), 1 Mosman Bay
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 1372 Sep (DD), I Balgownie 8 Sep (PHz), 1 Rosebank 17 Sep (HW). Breeding: J raised by
Australian Ravens at Lemon Tree Passage 8 Jan & 25 Dec (HBR), J raised by Pied
Currawongs at Westleigh Jan (ARo), Summerland Point 10 Jan (CCBR) and Woodford
Dec (CT).
Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus 8+ seen together at Tan ilba Bay 21 Nov (HBR);
2 southside Narrabeen Lagoon 22 Nov -12 Dec (BC).
Powerful Owl Ninox strenua HC Millbank Mar -Apr (MVBO), Forestland SF Spirabo
21 May (RP), HC Mt Neville NR 20 Oct (GC); Resident Blackbutt Reserve Mar -Sep, and
with single J on 31 Aug (HBR); 1 Mardi Feb, 1 Wambina Rd Matcham 25 May & 1 HC
Reservoir St Ourimbah 4 Jun (CCBR); Immature North Rocks 28 Feb (LJ), Knapsack
Ck, Llapstone 29 Apr (RT), Sackville North 9 Apr (KB), Greenwich 2 Apr -25 May
I 1
(SCn), Gore Ck, Lane Cove 9 Jun (Birdline), up to 2 Mitchell Park, Cattai 28 Jun -30
Dec (DPo,EV), HC Lugarno garden Jul (RS), Brighton -Le -Sands in garden 3 Jul
1 1
(PSt), 1 Bonnievale 5 Jul (GSm), 1 Palm Beach 7 Jul (PMi), A+J Devlins Ck Lane Cove
1 Nov (TQ), I Gordon 12 Dec (DH); 2 Narrawallee 23 Feb (KM); HC Kedumba Valley
3 Feb, HC 2 sites Mt Kembla May (RT), I Excelsior 17 Apr (MMo); 1 Dampier SF 5
Mar, Mogo SF 31 Mar, 7 Apr, 5-11 Jun, 1 Tallanganda SF 14 Aug, 1 Buckenbowra SF 4
Sep, South Brooman SF 29 Sep, Currowan SF 14 Oct, Mogo SF 21 Oct, Moruya
1 1 1 1
SF 21 Dec (ENHS); 1 Portal Dam, BMNP 3 Mar (RT); 1 near Collector 13 Mar (per IF).
Note that there were virtually no records for the Great Dividing Range or further west!
Barking Owl N. connivers I Jamberoo Mountain Road 1 Jan & 21 Mar (RBo,RJ), 2
Rose Valley 3 Jul (MRb); 1 Meringo 13 May (ENHS); 1 Munghorn Gap NR 11-14 Jan
(BAn), 2 Cowra 13 Apr (KO), 2 Glen Alice 14 Jan (EV), 12 Jul (TQ) & 10 Oct (RHRT);
1 Griffith 25 Feb & 1 HC 7 Jun (BM), 1 Lake Brewster Weir 12 Apr (CAn).
Southern Boobook N. novaeseellandiae 6 RK on Pacific Hwy between Herons Creek
& Nabiac 14 May (GC), 10-15 were recorded in the one night at Gloucester Tops 19 Sep
(HBR); State Library Building Sydney City 16 Feb (MLo), there are previous winter
records for Hyde Park in 1971.
Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa Forestland SF Spirabo 21 May (RP), Kookaburra 20
1 1
Jun & HC at 3 sites Oct -Nov (ABi); Pairs recorded Cobark Forest Park 23/24 Jan,
Barrington Tops 3 Feb, Sharpes Ck Rd Gloucester Tops 19 Sep, 1 Heaton Gap 10 Jan
(AS,HBR); HC Little Beach Bouddi NP 10 Feb, Wambina NR 25 May, 2 Brush Rd
Ourimbah Jul, 2 HC Cullens Rd Avoca Sep (CCBR); Royal NP Aug, 10 Sep
1 1 1 1
(MLo) & 2 on 19 Sep (EV), 2 on 19 Sep (DPo); 1 Jamberoo Pass 2 Jan & 14 Nov (RJ),
HC 3 sites Jedumba Valley Feb, 4 sites Mt Kembla area May (RT), 1 in cave Yalwal 8
Sep (BV); Bodalla SF 30 Jan, Mogo SF 5-11 Jun, HC Budawang NP Jul,
I 1 1
138 March 2001Buckenbowra SF 4 Sep (ENHS); HC Yarrowitch NP 28 Jun (AC);
Masked Owl T novaehollandiae HC Coutts Crossing 5 Mar (GC), RK Telegraph Point
8 Jan (ABi); I found injured North Wyong 7 Oct (CCBR); 2 Mogo SF 31 Mar, I on 5-11
Jun, Bodalla SF 7 Oct (ENHS). Fewer records than usual.
Barn Owl T a/ba 10 mostly roadkills in the Clarence Valley 31 Mar -28 Dec, most Aug –
Sep, 14 reported from North Coast in the Rosebank, Dorroughby & Corndale area 7
May -5 Oct (HW), RKs north of Telegraph Point 7 & 24 Jul, 2.7km S of Jerseyville 14
Jun, 6 km S of Jerseyville 27 Jun, Kinchela 20 Oct (ABi,KS); RK Hinton 8 Oct (HBR);
Surprisingly, no Central Coast records; Central Colo 21 Mar (KB), Cornwallis Rd
1 1
Richmond 20 Mar, 3 on 24 May, 1 on 12 Jun (EV,ML), 1 in disused tunnel under St
James RS 6 Apr (GFI), 1 Miller St North Sydney 12 May (AMb); I Lake Illawarra South
6 Apr (DGo); 1 Coledale 21 Mar (GB); 1 Capertee Valley 3 Oct (RHRT); 1 Bugaldie 5
Oct (GLC); RK 60 km S of Dubbo & 50 km S on 5 Apr (KDS), I Narromine & 1
Wellington 10 Apr (TW).
Grass Owl Tyto capensis RK on Pacific Hwy Tyndale 16 Nov (GC); Harrington 25
Jun, RK Bulandelah 29 Oct (HBR). Fewer records than usual but records increasing
south of the Manning River.
Marbled Frogmouth P. oce/latus 2 Protesters Falls Terania Creek 20 Jul (BC), 2 HC
Mt Warning 20 Mar, HC Whian Whian SF 21 May, 2 Aug & 27 Nov (HW). All within
known sites.
White -throated Nightjar Eurostopodus mystacalis HC Chaelundi SF 4 Apr & flushed
next day, Minnie Water 15-16 Sep, HC Mt Neville NR 20 Oct, Mororo 4 Nov, seen
I 1
Blue Lake Yuraygir NP 16 Nov (GC), 1 Hat Head NP 18 Oct (KS); 3 Harrington 28 Dec,
1 Clarencetown 9 Nov (HBR), 2A+N+Y at Harrington 27 Dec (ASt,CH); 1 Sackville 19
Sep -7 Nov (KB); I Dhruwalgha Mountain 20-21 Jan (RK), 1 Kedumba Valley Feb (RT);
I Wandella SF 9 Jan, 2+ daily Moruya West Nov (ENHS); 3 Munghom Gap 11 Jan
(BAn), 1 Burralow Ck BMNP 4 Mar (RT), I Wentworth Falls Dec (CT); RK Talbingo 22
Oct (IH); I Weddin Mountains 8 Nov (Birdline) Departure: I Jamberoo 21 Feb (JO),
RK Blaxlands Ck 8 Aprl . Arrival: 1 Newcastle University 3 Sep (HBR), Minnie Water
15 Sep (GC). No records for Tablelands & Slopes.
Spotted Nightjar E. argus 3 Round Hill NR 3-5 Oct (MLo), 2 nests found on rocky hill
Coombie HSD Roto Aug (JHo).
Australian Owlet -nightjar Aegotheles cristatus I Wallumarra Track, Royal NP 5 Oct
(JF), unusual record.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 139White-rumped Swiftlet Collocalia spodiopygius Dunbar Park, Avalon 26 Jan (RG),
record accepted by NSWORAC (Brandwood 2001), most southerly occurrence in NSW.
White- throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus Largest concentration: 5000 at
Burrewarra Point 27 Jan (ENHS). Departure: 2-3 flocks totalling 600 moving north
over Canberra ACT 14-15 Mar (per IF), 20+ Lemon Tree Passage 14 Mar (HBR), 30
Munmorah SA 26 Mar (CCBR), 4 Mt Tomah 5 Apr (TS), 1 Chaelundi Camp, Chaelundi
SF 6 Apr (GC). Arrival: 20+ Oystercove 17 Oct (HBR), 20+ Hat Head NP 18 Oct (KS),
70 Comdale 26 Oct (HW).
Fork- tailed Swift Apus pacificus 2+ Chaelundi Camp, Chaelundi SF 6 Apr (GC), 40
Cape Byron 21 Nov (TW), 4 Bell ingen 31 Dec (ASt); 1 Speers Point 2 Jan (HBR); I St
Ives 17 Jan (RC), 30+ Vaucluse 3 May (TRo), 2 Turramurra 26 Dec (TW); 1 Puckies
Reserve 19 Mar (DWi). Most records Nov -Jan.
Azure Kingfisher Ceyx a=urea Gara River TSR 9 Jul (GC), unusual as there are few
records on the Northern Tablelands.
Forest Kingfisher Todiramphus macleayi Muddenyeri HSD, Fosterton 3 Oct (KL),
I 1
Newcastle Water Reserve 25 Oct (HBR); Hurstville Grove 28 Nov (GF). All records
south of the usual range.
Red -backed Kingfisher T. pyrrophygia 1 Cattai NP 3 Oct (KV); 2 Gumin 1-8 Oct, 1
with Jacky Lizard Pilliga West SF 7 Oct (GLC); 1 Loughnan NR 3 Oct (MLo); 1 Round
Hill NR 3-5 Oct (JB). Arrival: Coombie HSD, Roto 10 Sep (JHo)
Sacred Kingfisher T sanctus Departure: Broulee 10 Apr (ENHS). Arrival: South
1 1
Tweed Heads 7 Sep (GC), 1 Wamoon 8 Sep (MS) & 2 Tuggerah Lagoon (CCBR), I
Leeton 19 Sep (KH). Overwinter Records: 1mm in mangroves Moonee Estuary 11 Jun
& at Ilarwill 28 Jul, 1 Woolgoolga FR 11 Jul (GC); 3 records Coon Island, Stockton &
Swan Bay 21 Jun -5 Jul (HBR); 1 St Huberts Island 3 Jul (CCBR); 1 Jerusalem Bay,
KCNP 18 Jul (DMa), 2 in mangroves at Careel Bay 19 Jul (EV); 2 regularly at Wallaga
Lake Aug (ENHS).
Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus c60 at Harrington 14 Feb, a large concentration
(HBR); Maroubra 25 Apr (RG), definitely out of place!; 2 Menangle Weir 7 Oct (CC).
Arrival: 15 Hat Head NP 22 Aug (KS), 2 Mangrove Mountain 2 Sep (CCBR); 1 Tullys
Hill Narrandera 12 Sep (FC), Paterson 13 Sep (HBR).
Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis 2A+J MIA SF Jan (HH), western breeding limit.
Departure: 1 Wallaga Lake Mar (ENHS), 4 Toukley 22 Mar (CCBR), 1 Scone 23 Mar
140 March 2001(HBR), J Coutts Crossing 27 Mar (GC), Inverell 28 Mar (JH), Port Macquarie 11 Apr
(CG). Arrival: Lemon Tree Passage 19 Sep (HBR), 4 Kulnura 28 Sep (CCBR), 2 Meringo
2 Oct (ENHS), 1 Kempsey 4 Oct (KS), 1 Mitchell Park, Cattai 5 Oct (EV).
Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor Observed at Mt Warning NP, Whian Whian SF & Border
Ranges NP all year (HW), 1 Victoria Park NR 20 Aug & J caught & banded Iluka NR 3
May, winter records (GC), 1 Comboyne Plateau 24 Jan (TQ), 1 Mt Warning 10 Nov, 3
sites Border Ranges NP 11 Nov (BD); 2 Copeland 25 Jan, 1 Floraville 20 Apr ( well out
of the usual range), Gloucester Tops 19 Sep (HBR), Copeland FR 15 Jan (BC);
1 1 1
Barren Grounds NR 13 Oct (JBi). The Barren Grounds record was an extraordinary record
being a southern extension of range and outside the time of usual winter visits south of
Hunter region. Note no winter records in the Barrington Tops.
Albert’s Lyrebird Menura alberti 2 Protesters Falls, Terania Creek 20 Jul (BC),
Tweed Range, Border Ranges NP 11 Nov (BD); HC Mt Warning NP 8 Feb -20 Mar, HC
Whian Whian SF 7-25 Jul & 2 seen 27 Nov (HW). All within known range.
Superb Lyrebird M. superba F feeding immature Khancoban 16 Apr (ST- TBO 8/98).
Rufous Scrub -bird Atrichornis rufescens Kerripit Rd, Gloucester Tops 7 Mar & 19
Sep (BC,HBR).
White-browed Treecreeper Climacteris affinis Max 4 Binya SF 29 Mar -28 Dec (KH);
1 Tarawi NR 21 Jul (RCI), 3 prs Coombie HSD Roto Jul -Oct, one bird carrying nesting
material or food 21 Oct (JHo).
Red-browed Treecreeper Climacteris erythrops 10+ Megalong Valley 15 Mar (EV); 2
Monga SF 16 Aug (PG); Resident on South Coast with reports from Dampier SF, Durras,
Narooma, Shallow Crossing, Tallanganda SF Tuross & Wandella SF (ENHS).
Red -backed Fairy -wren M. melanocephalus Present all year Macleay Valley 15-20
sites (ABi,KS); 1-3 Harrington Feb -Dec, Woko NP 30 Oct (HBR).
Splendid Fairy -wren M. splendens Present Round Hill NR 11 Apr (CAn); 4+ Loughnan
NR 4 Oct (AR). Eastern edge of range.
Southern Emu -wren Stipiturus malachurus 2 Moonee Creek 10 Jun (GC); Only Central
Coast records were 4+ Cockle Bay NR 30 Apr & 4 Norah Head heathlands 4 Jul (CCBR);
3 Curra Moors RNP 21 Jun (DPo), 2 Boatharbour, Kurnell 11 Oct (EV); South Coast
reports include Durras Jan & Akolele 5 Feb (ENHS).
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 141Striated Pardalote Pardalotus striatus 1 Taronga Zoo 2 Jan (DH), unusual location.
Red-browed Pardalote Pardalotus rubricatus 2 Sturt NP 20 Sep (MHu), within known
Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus 1 Cooks Nose, Barren Grounds NR 17 Jan
(CC), 8 on 23 Apr, 5 on 10 Jul (BC); 10+ Green Patch, Jervis Bay 3 Jan (EV).
Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus Recorded as far north as Tabaraaga Ridge, Bowen
Mountain Mar (RT), 2 Mount Banks 11 Dec (BC); 4+ near Collector 12 Mar, western
edge of range (IF).
Rock Warbler Origma solitaria 2A+2J Somersby Falls 30 Dec (CCBR); 5 Glenbrook
18 Jan (CG), 1 nesting inside Bowen Mountain Observatory Dome 17 Nov (HR); 1 Dunns
Swamp, Wollemi NP 8 Jun (JBr), western limit of range.
Large -billed Scrubwren S. magnirostris Nesting Strickland SF in Yellow -throated Scrub –
wren’s nest Nov & at Mangrove Mountain 2 Dec (CCBR).
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Hylacola pyrropygia Warrah Trig, Brisbane Water NP
22 Aug (CCBR); 1 White Box Camp, GRNP 8-10 May, 1+Mount Vincent 12 Mar (HBR);
1 Mitchell Park, Cattai 19 Apr (DPo) & 2 on 17 Oct (TWa), 1 Cape Solander BBNP 17
May (AP); 2 Conimbla NP 13 Apr (JD,KO); 1 Inverell District 28 Mar (JH); 2 White
Gum Lookout & 2 Timor Rock, WNP 30 Sep- 15 Oct (AL,GLC). Good range of records
across the State.
Shy Heathwren H. cauta I Cocoparra NP 6 May (BOCA), 1 Loughnan NR 4 Oct (AR);
1 Roto 16 Jan (JBr), 1 Round Hill NR 12 Apr (CAn). All observations at known sites.
Rufous Fieldwren C. campestris 1 NE Broken Hill 10 Nov (DKo), rarely reported in
Redthroat Pyrrholaemus brunneus 4 NE of Broken Hill 10 Nov (DKo), presumably at
the known site of the junction of the Broken Hill -Mootwingie Rd and the Broken Hill-
Tibooburra Road.
Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata 20+ Bulga 25 Jul (HBR); 2 Scheyville NP 19
Apr (DPo) & 5 Oct (AP), 2 Aug & 3 on 11 Oct (EV), 1 Shanes Park 11 Oct (EV); 3
Cocoparra NP 5 May (JS1);
Mangrove Gerygone Gerygone levigaster 2+Y in mangroves at Stockton Bridge, 1st
142 March 2001confirmed breeding record for Hunter Region (HBR); 2 Cockle Channel, Davistown
Mar (CCBR); 3-4 Careel Bay mangroves 19 Jul (EV).
Western Gerygone Gerygone fusca Reported in the Hunter Region from Bulga,
Bayswater Colliery & Wingen (HBR), 2 Kelvin, Gunnedah 3 Sep (AA); 1 singing Euroley
10 May (KH);
White -throated Gerygone G. olivacea Departure: I Saltwater 21 Mar (HBR), Arrival:
1 Wingen 24 Aug (HBR), 2 Kelvin, Gunnedah 3 Sep (AA), I Mangrove Mountain 15
Sep (CCBR).
Chestnut-rumped Thorn bill Acanthi:a uropygialis Feeding young in nest in dead tree
Trapyard Dam, Merriwindi SF 6-8 Oct (GLC).
Buff-rumped Thorn bill A. reguloides Nesting in hollow at Worleys Res Mangrove
Mountain 27 Sep (CCBR).
Southern Whiteface Aphelocephala leucopsis 6 White Box Camp 5-8 Jun & Lees
Pinch, GRNP 6-7 Jun (HBR), now on the eastern limit of range.
Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata An irregular autumn/winter visitor in the
Coutts Crossing-Glenreagh-Rarmornie area of the Clarence Valley being recorded only
29 Apr -6 Aug (GC).
Striped Honeyeater Plectorhyncha lanceolata Common in Casuarina groves around
Tuggerah Lakes, successfully nesting at Chittaway Point East 2 Sep & 4 successfull nesting
episodes at Berkeley Vale 24 Aug -Dec (CCBR); Longneck Lagoon 19 Oct (LJ), unusual
Noisy Friarbird Philemon corniculatus 3 Rocky Waterholes, Narrandera 20 Apr (NJ),
1 Petersham Rd, Fivebough Swamp 8 Sep (PSu); 1 Coombie HSD, Roto 20 Mar (1Ho).
All records on western edge of range.
Little Friarbird Philemon citrogularis 1 Tuggerah Lagoon 4 Apr (CCBR), unusual
location; 1 Lower Portland 23 Mar (KB), 3 Londonderry 27 May -6 Jun (BC,TW); 2
Primbee 12 Apr (CB). All records outside usual range.
Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia 2 Gibberagee SF Whiporie 15 Jul (MK), 2
Big Scrub FR Alstonville feeding in Small -leaved Fig 20 Oct (ABv); Max 7 Wyee Point
18 Apr -27 May, 2 Morissett 25 Apr, 8 Ellalong 9-10 May, 2 White Box camp, GRNP 5-
8 Jun (TQ), 4 Spring Gully Camp, GRNP 27 Oct -4 Nov (JM), 2 Broke Rd, Pokolbin 25
Jul -18 Aug & 2 Tomago 8 Aug (HBR), 12 Brimen HSD, Widden Valley 20 Sep -4 Oct
(MR), 1 Holbrook HSD Widden 20 Sep (per DG), 3 Balaringa HSD, 17 km S of Merriwa
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 14325 Oct (IMa); 5 Duffys Rd Terrigal 24 Apr (CCBR); 2 Cliftonville Rd Maroota 25 May,
4 Warriewood Wetlands 21 May (per DG), max 9 Castlereagh NR 25 Apr -9 Jul
(AB,ASt,DH,Pdo,RT), 2 3km SW Londonderry 28 Jul -12 Aug (CS), 1 Wahroonga 19
May (MR); 1 Pinkwood 25 Apr & 1 Narooma 1 Nov (ENHS); 6 Emmaville 10 Aug -19
Sep (PCr), max 34 Bundarra 21 Aug -23 Oct (AL,BWn), max 2 Barraba 6 Mar, 15 Jul, 15
Dec, & 1 Barraba North 9 Sep -7 Oct, 1 Split Rock Dam, Barraba 15 Mar (DB1), 3 Gwydir
Park TSR 47 Km W of Armidale 9 Oct (BW), 1 Linton NR 8 Nov (BW); 5 Capertee
Valley 8 Mar (MR), 18 on 6 Sep (RHRT), 5 Kandos Golf Course 7 Oct (RHRT), 4
Glenolan Rd Glen Alice 1 Nov (TQ), 2 Marlyn HSD, Glen Alice 8 Mar, 3 Narcooma
HSD, Mogo Rd Wollar 15 Dec, 3 The Mongo HSD, Wollar 27 Oct (per DG); 3 Gunning
12 Nov (RR), 2 prs nesting Mulligans Flat ACT 23-31 Dec (Bounds et al 1999), 4
Murrumbateman 10 Jul, 2 Bungonia SRA 14-17 Dec (DTh); Omaleah Ck, Blackville
29 Sep (JRo); 2 Jindalee SF 10 May (IF); 1 Carlton HSD, nr Kelvin SF 12 Apr, 2 Merriwee
HSD, Manilla 10 Jul, 2 Spring Ck Manilla 15 May -21 Jun (per DG). There was poor
breeding success overall in 1998 which may be the reason why the birds were much more
widespread than usual being present in areas where they have not beeen seen in recent
Bell Miner Manorina melanophtys Absent from Bellbird Gully, Gibraltar Range NP 15
Dec (GC).
Yellow -faced Honeyeater Lichenostomus chrysops Migration northwards noted 19
Apr, when 100s seen at Coutts Crossing, 250+ seen on return migration south between
Hernani & Ebor Sep (GC).
Singing Honeyeater L. virescens White Box Camp, GRNP 6 Jun (HBR), eastern edge
of range.
Mangrove Honeyeater L. fasciogularis 2+ Hickey Island, Yamba 27 Jan & 16 Nov,
max 3+ Dart Island Yamba 27 Jan & 16 Nov (GC), 6 Yamba 3-6 Feb (JLa), usual place.
White -eared Honeyeater L. leucotis 1 in garden Westleigh 25 Jan, first record in 15
years (ARo).
Yellow -plumed Honeyeater L. ornatus Plenty in mallee, but also a pair in garden
Coombie HSD, Roto on 11 May (JHo).
Grey -fronted Honeyeater L. plumulus 3 Round Hill NR 4 Oct (M Lo), present Coombie
HSD,Roto May -Aug (JHo)
Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus I Barren Grounds NR 12 Aug (RBo), unusual winter
144 March 2001White -plumed Honeyeater L. penicillatus 2 unusual records 1 Mt Ettalong 3 Jul & 1
Picnic Pt, The Entrance 4 Jul, normally this species is absent from from the Central Coast
Black -chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis HC Hanging Rock Broadwater 13
Aug & South Grafton Water Res 15 Jul (GC); 6 Mount Vincent 12 Mar & 9 Sep, 2 White
Box Camp, GRNP 15 Aug (HBR); 4 Castlereagh NR 11 May -2 Aug (EV,RT,TQ); 2
Kedumba Valley 5 Feb (RT); 4 Cowra 10-13 Apr (KO), 2 Conimbla NP 12 Apr (JD),
Glen Davis 12 Jul & 4 on 1 Nov (TQ); 2 Weddin SF 6 Sep (CS), 2 Weddin NP 11 Sep
(FC); 2 34 kms NE of Barraba 7 Nov (JA); 3 Pincham, Warrumbungle NP 3 Oct (GLC);
3 Rocky Waterholes, Narrandera 18 Apr, 1 Pine Hill Narrandera 28 Apr (NJ). It is good
to know that some birds returned to the Cumberland Plain.
White -throated Honeyeater M.. albogularis 2 Woolgoolga feeding at flowers of Ivy
Silkpod Parsonsia straminea 18 Feb (GC).
Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta 2 Bugladie 7 Oct (GLC), not previously known
from this location.
Painted Honeyeater Grantiella pieta 2A +N2E Merewindi SF, Baradine 7-8 Oct (GLC),
1 Capertee Valley 28 Aug (SK), 3 Oct (RHRT); 6 Wirra SF Wyalong 18 Oct (NRu); 2
30km N of Leeton 1 Feb, FY at Yenda late Feb, 2 Binya SF29 Mar -26 Apr, max 11 14
Sep -28 Dec (FC,KH).
Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera 4 Devils Holes 25 Jan, Gloucester
Tops Mar (HBR); Recorded at 2 sites Kedumba Valley Feb (RT).
New Holland Honeyeater P. novaehollandiae Most northerly coastal records: 20+
Awabakal NR 29 Apr & 6+ Redhead Sep (HBR).
White-cheeked Honeyeater Phylidonyris nigra 3 Curra Moors, RNP 21 Jun (DPo);
Tuross 12 Jun & Broulee with New Holland Honeyeaters Sep -Nov (ENHS).
White -fronted Honeyeater P. albifrons 10+ Round Hill NR 3-4 Oct (MLo), present
Coombie HSD, Roto Jun -Dec (JHo).
Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P. melanops In the North Coast Region reported from
Limeburners Creek NR 8 Feb, Crowdy Bay NP 21 Nov (ABi), Lake Arragan, Yuraygir
NP (GC); In the Hunter Region reported from Harrington, Old Bar, Shelley Beach MLNP
& Redhead (HBR); Curra Moors RNP 21 Jun (DPo).
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 145Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger 10+ Ledknapper Crossing Nov (ME); 2+ Round
Hill NR 3-5 Oct (JB,MLo), Coombie HSD, Roto Aug, Oct & Dec (JHo). Low numbers
for NSW in 1998.
Pied Honeyeater C. variegates 4 Ledknapper Crossing I Nov (ME); 1+ Round Hill NR
3 Oct (COG); 100+ Sturt NP 20 Sep (MH). Low numbers for NSW in 1998.
Scarlet Honeyeater My.:ontela sanguinolenta Generally only present in small numbers
this year on the Central Coast Jan -May including , 4+ Mangrove Mountain 2-4 Jan, 1
Evans Rd Norahville 10 May, first return Wambina NR 8 Sep (CCBR); 2 Stanmore 10
Apr (MHO & Auburn 9 Aug (Birdline), unusual inner-city locations, 6+ Mitchell Park,
Cattai 6 Sep (TQ); Observed at Broulee Jan, then regularly on South Coast in small numbers
Sep -Dec, with Wallaga Lake being the most southerly location (ENHS).
Crimson Chat Epthicnntra tricolor 12 Wagga Wagga 24 Apr (SPo); 3 prs Quambone
11 Nov (RJ); 10+ Lake Ballyrogan 2 Oct (MLo), many between Merriwagga & Hillston
28 Oct (ASt), 3+ Binya SF 8-15 Nov, where N+3E (KH); 6 -F Round Hill NR 3-5 Oct
(RG), 100’s Sturt NP 20 Sep (MI-lu)
Orange Chat E. aurifions 2 prs South Marsh, Macquarie Marshes NR 14 Nov (RJ); 2
Whitton Jan (DWe), eastern limit of range.
White -fronted Chat E. albifrons Reported all year at Ash Island, Kooragang Is &
Lemon Tree Passage, max 35,20 & 28 respectively, 1+Birmingham Gardens 7 Jan,
Sandgate 13 Jan, Grahamstown Darn 22 Feb, Newcastle Water Res 21 Jun, Hexham
Swamp 17 Jul, Redhead 24 Nov & 10 at Antennae Marsh 23 Jan (HBR); 50 Towra Point
NR 30 May (EV); 11 Yana!) 24 Feb (DGo), 1 East Corrimal 4 Mar (DWi); 10+ Cowra
10-14 Apr (KO); Common South Marsh, Macquarie Marshes NR Mar (RJ); 50 +
Fivebough Swamp 18 Jul (KH)
Gibberbird Ashbyia lovensis Sturt NP 20 Sep (Milo), within know range.
Jacky Winter Microeca fascinans Kyeemagh 2 Aug (RMo), an interesting inner city
Scarlet Robin Petroica multicolor M,F Mitchell Park, Cattai 11 Aug (BAy); 2 Reedy
Ck Kedumba Valley Feb, 2 Lake Burragorang 9 May (RT).
Red -capped Robin P. goodenovii Most easterly records in the Hunter Region were at
Bulga 25 Jul & 24 Oct & 2 Warkworth Aug (HBR); 2 Castlereagh NR 25 Apr -2 Aug
(BC,EV,RT,TQ), 1 Spinks Rd Llandilo 25 Jul (BC); 1 Tamworth Airport 8 Oct (GC).
146 March 2001Flame Robin P. phoenicea Other than at Barrington/Gloucester Tops where resident,
single birds were seen at Wingen 14 Jul & 5 Aug (HBR); AM Mangrove Mountain 16
Jun, 2 Narrara Jul (CCBR), 2nd & 3rd records for Central Coast; Cupitts Lane, Richmond
1 1
2 May (TQ), 1 Castlereagh NR 6 Jun (BC), 3 Cobbity 19 Jul (Birdline); 4 Shipley Plateau
15-29 Mar (EV), I Balmoral HSD, Cooyal Jun (NK); Present Monga SF Braidwood 16
Aug (PG); I The Rock 25 Apr (LG), 2 Hillytop, Wagga Wagga 17 May (GCo); Winter
Records in South West Plains: 3AM Petersham Rd Leeton 30 Apr (PSu), 6+ Griffith
STW 24 Jun (AMc), max 14 Fivebough Swamp Jul -7 Aug (HH,MS).
Rose Robin P.rosea AM in mangroves at Careel Bay 19 Jul (EV), unusual location.
Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata Pair Shannondale Rd, W of Coutts Crossing 6
Aug, first report this site (GC); 1+ Wingen 26 Jan & 21 Mar, 2 Worundi Ck, Merriwa 20
Mar, max 4 White Box Camp, GRNP 8 May -15 Aug, 3 Howes Valley 9 May, 2 Lees
Pinch 6-7 Jun, max 6 Bulga 25 Jul & 12 Sep & 2 Moonan Flat 4 Oct (HBR); 2 Somersby
23 Feb , 2nd Central Coast record (CCBR); 2 Burragorang Valley 9 May (DA); 2 Budawang
NP 11 Jul (ENHS); 3-4 Gara River TSR 9 Jul & 29 Sep (GC); 2 Crown Station Rd Glen
Alice 12 Jul (TQ), 2 Munghorn Gap NR 5 Oct (WS), 2 nesting Capertee Valley 9-10 Oct
(DGe); 2+ Inverell District 28-29 Mar (JH); 2+ Weddin SF 14 Apr (KO), 2 Hillytop,
Wagga Wagga 17 May (GCo), 2+ Lake Cowal 4 Oct (AR); 2 Woolshed Warrumbungle
NP 5 Oct, 2A+N Wittenbra SF 5 Oct (GLC); Numerous at Cocoparra NP & Brobenah
Hills in May (MFN), nesting Tullys Hill 12 Sep (CA), 2 Binya SF 8 Mar & 14 Sep
(FC,KH); 4+ Round Hill NR 11 Apr (CAn) & 4 on 3-5 Oct (MLo), resident Coombie
Pale -yellow Robin Tregellasia capito Reported from Barrington/Copeland area
throughout the year (HBR).
Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis I Coombie HSFD Roto in Cypress Pines 28
Sep (JHo), western edge of range & not seen in 1997.
Southern Scrub -robin Thymodes brunneopygia 4+ Round Hill NR 3-5 Oct (RQ).
Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii HC Copeland SF 25 Jan, Saltwater 21 Mar & The
Basin, Olney SF 6 Apr (HBR); 3 Bulli Pass 5 Jul (DH). Known sites.
Grey -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis Most easterly records in the Hunter
Valley were at East Seaham 31 May, Paterson where nesting 17 Oct & Wallarobba 11 Jul
(HBR,HP), present Howes Valley 13 Sep (EV).
Hall’s Babbler P. halli No reports received in 1998.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 147Spotted Quail -thrush Cinclosoma punctatum 2 Pillar Valley 3 Mar (GC); Reported
from 7 locations in the Hunter Region, including a pair with young Mt Sugarloaf 11 Oct,
1st breeding reported in Region for 10 years; Reported from 4 locations on the Central
Coast being at Dharug NP, Popran NP, Kulnura & Bucketty waterhole (CCBR); Deans
Gap, Nowra 31 Jul (KM), 2 Warragamba Dam 29 Jul (CC); 2 Wandella SF 15 Jan,
Tuross Falls May, 3 Deep Creek 7 Jun, 4 Moruya West Nov, N+1E Dalmeny 11 Nov
(ENHS), 1 Ben Boyd NP 16 Feb & 1 Deua NP 20 Feb (JD), 2 Womboyne Lake 14 May
(ZA); AM Copeton Dam 28 Mar (JH); 2 Conimbla NP12 Apr (JD).
Chestnut Quail -thrush C. castanotus 3 Loughnan NR 3-4 Oct (AR,RQ); 2 prs in
mallee Coombie HSD, Roto 19 Aug, in Broombush Sep (JHo).
1 1
Crested Shrike -tit Falcunculus frontatus Nest building at Kurri Kurri 3 Nov & 2+2Y
Allyn River Forest Park 27 Jan (HBR); 2A+J Mangrove Mountain 28 Feb & 10 Nov, few
breeding records for Central Coast (CCBR); 1 in Junee street trees 11 Jan (MC), unusual
Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis Austins Crossing, Torryburn 4 Jan (AL); Resident
Binya SF (AMc,KH,SCc), 1 Talleeban Reserve 11 Nov (MBa). All records at the eastern
edge of range.
Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea Border Ranges NP 21 Mar (HW), McCoys
1 1
Lookout, Kookaburra 23 Sep (JA); 3 Gloucester Tops 19 Sep (HBR); 1 Barren Grounds
NR mid Jun (CC); Tallaganda SF 24 Feb, Tuross Falls May (ENHS).
1 1
Red-lored Whistler P. rufogularis No records anywhere in NSW since November
Gilbert’s Whistler P. inornata AM Ingalba NR Temora 30 Jan (MC), 3 Weddin SF 6
Sep (CS), 2 Charcoal Tank NR 17 Oct (JR); I Binya SF 16 Aug (SCc) & 3 Nov (JSe); 4+
Round Hill NR 3-5 Oct (JB,MLo). Average year.
Golden Whistler P. pectoralis Binya SF 16 Aug (SCc), winter visitor; 2 brown birds
Coombie HSD, Roto 19-20 Aug (JHo), winter visitor to western NSW in good years.
Rufous Whistler P. rufiventris Departure: Broulee 24 May (ENHS). Arrival:
Runnyford 20 Sep (ENHS).
Grey Shrike -thrush Colluricincla harmonica 2A+J Shortland WC 3 Feb, an urban
breeding record (HBR).
148 March 2001Little Shrike -thrush C. megarhyncha 1 in garden Pappinbarra 13 Sep (PVh)
Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis Departure: I Sackville North 7 Apr
(KB), Belmore River 17 May (ABi), a very late date! Arrival: west of Minnie Water
1 1
12 Sep (GC), 2 Monga SF 25 Oct (ENHS).
Spectacled Monarch M trivirgatus Departed Mil lbank 11 Apr (MVBO); 2+J Harrington
22 Nov (HBR).
White -eared Monarch M. leucotis 4 Evans SF Mt Warning 11 Nov (MR), within
Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula Departure: 1m Glebe 29 Mar (JCh), 3 Meringo
6 May (ENHS). Arrival: Susan Island 6 Sep (GC), Norton’s Basin 27 Sep (TS), 6+
1 1
Towarri NP 6 Oct (HBR), max 2 pairs Eurolly 27 Sep -7 Nov (KH), western limit of
range; Reported in an around the Warrumbungle Range at Canyon Camp, Timor Rock
(nesting), Baradine Creek, Burbie Canyon WNP, Pi lliga West SF, Merriwindi SF 29 Sep –
9 Oct, which would put in doubt claims by McA Ilan & Bruce (1988) “a possibly isolated
population in Warrumbungle National Park”!
Satin Flycatcher M cyanoleuca F Byron Bay North 26 Feb (JH); Reported to be nesting
Oyster Cove 9 Jan, where the nestlings were predated (HBR); AM Ku-ringai Chase NP
17 Jan (MR), F Long Reef 1-15 Mar (AP), M Hurstville Grove 14 Mar (JR), 2 Bilgola
Plateau 29 Mar (AMb), AM Scheyville NP 5 Oct, 2 Mitchell Park, Cattai 18 Oct (EV); 2
Barren Grounds NR 5 Mar (RBo), Kangaroo River 19 Sep (Mro), East Corrimal 20
1 1
Oct (DWi), I Bulli 21 Oct (RTu); 1 Tilba Lake 14 Mar -11 Apr (ENHS).
Restless Flycatcher M inquieta Most easterly report in Hunter Region was at Newcastle
University 21 Oct (HBR).
Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons Albury 15 Mar (BDa), unusual western record.
Departure: 1 Congewai Valley 19 Apr (HBR), 2 Somersby garden 28 Apr (CCBR), 1
Concord 15 May (CSh)& I Lilli Pilli (ENHS). Arrival: 1 Hoyes Ck Wollemi NP 19 Sep
(HBR), I Maria River SF 11 Oct (KS), Broulee 24 Oct (ENHS). Breeding: A nest at
Mangrove Mountain was within metres of a Black -faced Monarch’s nest 6 Dec (CCBR).
Grey Fantail Rhipidura fuliginosa Arrived Coombie HSD, Roto 10 Apr & present all
winter (JHo).
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus 11+ together Courts Crossing 29 Jan, nesting in
Sydney Blue Gum Eucalyptus saligna, west of Bell ingen 10 Dec (GC); Baradine garden
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 14920-21 Mar (DJo); Gol Go 19-12 Nov (BMc), both birds a long way from their normal
winter quarters! Southern records: Comerong Island 4 Sep (DWr), Guerilla Bay 10-
1 1
13 Apr (ENHS). Arrival: 1 New Lambton Heights 16 Jan (HBR), 2 Lane Cove West 17
Feb (CTh), 1 Chittaway Point 24 Feb (CCBR), 1 Primbee 28 Feb (RI). Departure: 1
Colongra Forest 30 Aug (CCBR). Is Bellingen the furthest south this species nests in
Black -faced Cuckoo -shrike Coracina novaehollandiae A flock of 100 at Kempsey 16
Jun, was a large concentration (KS).
Barred Cuckoo -shrike C. lineata 2A+J feeding in Ficus obliqua Woolgoolga Reservoir
18 Feb (GC); I seen in Small -fruited Fig Ficus microcarpa at Glenifer Brae, near
Wollongong 15 Nov (MJ). Record accepted by NSWORAC (Brandwood 2001). This is
the most southerly record for the species in NSW and represents a range expansion south
of 300 kin. Kiwarrak SF & Wollumba River both near Nabiac being the previous southern
White -bellied Cuckoo- shrike Coracina papuensis Eastern records in the Hunter Valley
include Grahamstown Dam, Ellalong & Seaham Swamp Feb -Jul (HBR); 1 dark morph
Newington Wetlands 4 Oct (CSh), Mitchell Park, Cattai 18 Oct (EV), 4 Glenorie 19
Dec (DPo); Burrewarrra Point 29 Mar, only South Coast record for the year (ENHS); 3
Capertee Valley 3 Oct (RHRT) & N 24 Oct (BC).
Cicadabird C. tenuirostris Nest building at Bootawa, first confirmed breeding in the
Hunter Region 4-6 Nov (HBR). Departure: Mardi Jan (CCBR), Poley Bridge, Orara
River 14 Mar (GC). Arrival: 1 Belmore Swamp 4 Oct (KS), HC Pincham, Warrumbungle
NP 5 Oct (GLC), & 2 Mitchell Park, Cattai (EV), 1 Murrumbung HSD, Mardi 7 Oct
(CCBR), 6 Towarri NR 16-17 Oct (HBR).
Ground Cuckoo -shrike C. maxima Torryburn 9 Jan (AL); 2+ Nullamanna, Inverell
28-29 Mar (JH), 3 Whittenbri, Baradine 6 Aug (DJo); 4 West Wyalong 4 Oct (AR); 4 4
km W of Coonamble 3 Oct (GLC); 4 Pulletop 1 Mar, 2 Fivebough Swamp 3 May (KH),
2 Lake Cargellico 4 Oct (TQ); 4 Coombie HSD Roto 19 Apr & I on 11 Oct (JHo). Good
spread of records for 1998.
White -winged Triller Lalarge sureurii Arrival: 2 Tullys Hill, Narrandera 12 Sep (MS).
Coastal records include: Limeburners Creek NR 8 Feb (ABi); Recorded at 7 coastal
locations in the Hunter Region 3 Feb -20 Mar, 24 Oct -14 Dec, including 1 Shortland WC
3 Feb (HBR); 3 nests +Y Cut Hill Rd Cobbitty 29 Nov (EV), 10+ Rouse Hill RP 5 Dec
(JS); F Kedumba Valley 7 Feb, 1 Jamieson Valley 17 Feb (RT); 1 Burrewarra Point 9
Oct, 4 Bodalla 15 Nov (ENHS). Plenty of coastal records except for the Central Coast.
150 March 2001Varied Triller L. leucomela Hat Head NP 19-25 Nov, M at Mallanganee 27 Sep, F+N
Goolawah 12 Nov (ABi,KS), I Sheepstation Ck Border Ranges NP 11 Nov, 1 Boatharbour
NR Lismore 12 Nov (BD); I Copeland FR 25 Jan & HC Harrington 22 Nov (HBR).
Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus Euroley 10 May (KH); Single bird Coombie
HSD, Roto 18 Jun, 16 Oct -21 Nov (JHo).
Figbird Sphecotheres viridis 5 birds on nests & one nest with young, Santa Barbara
BBNP 12 Dec & 4 nests Mungo Brush 17 Dec (HBR); 6 Wollongong 10 May (PB).
White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus Southern Coastal records:
Narrabeen Lagoon 4 Jan (HWo). Departure: 4 Colongra Swamp 4 Apr (CCBR). Arrival:
6 Picnic Pt The Entrance 22 Aug (CCBR).
Masked Woodswallow Artamus personatus Large numbers arrived Coombie HSD
Roto 3 Sep & stayed until 10 Apr 1999 (JHo).
White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus Seen over Lapstone 10 & 24 Mar (RT),
only coastal record!; 10+ Callum Brae ACT 24 Oct (per IF); 10+ Caledonia HSD, Baradine
7 Oct (GLC); Large numbers arrived Coombie HSD Roto 3 Sep & stayed until 10 Apr
1999 (JHo).
Dusky Woodswallow A. cyanopterus 2 Londonderry 6 Jun -6 Jul (AB,EV), a late date
for Sydney area; 6 Primbee 14 Apr (SPo); Departed Broulee, South Coast 12 Apr, returned
Bodalla 15 Nov (ENHS); Nesting in Magpie -lark’s nest Merriwindi SF 8 Oct (GC).
Little Woodswallow A. minor 2 Cherry Tree Hill, Inverell 25 Mar (JH); Present Timor
Rock, Warrumbungle NP 30 Sep (GC); 4+ Round Hill NR 3-5 Oct (MLo).
Pied Currawong Strepera graculina Feeding young in nest Alstonville 6 Nov, not
previously considered a resident on the eastern section of the North Coast as this species
is a winter visitor (Apr- Sep) in most of the Clarence Valley (GC); 100+ Parramatta Park
30 Apr (DPo), large number for Sydney;
Grey Currawong S. versicolor 2 Mount Banks 11 Dec (BC).
Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus Reported from Whian Whian SF & Border Ranges
NP (HW); AM Rookhurst early Jul & Chichester Dam 19-20 Sep, 4 Chichester SF 11
May (HBR). Rookhurst & Chichester are at the southern limit of its range in NSW.
Australian Raven Corvus coronoides In the Clarence Valley, Newbold Ck Bridge
Lilydale & HC Billys Ck 10 Aug (GC), not previously reported for these locations.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 151Forest Raven C. tasmanicus HC Chaelundi camp, Chaelundi SF 4 Apr, 2 being mobbed
by Torresian Crow at Moonee Beach 8-9 Jun, HC Dundurrabin 10 Aug, HC Tyringham
31 Aug & SW of that place on 10 Aug; 1+ HC Gara R TSR SE Armidale 9 Jul. All records
north & west of known range see McAllan & Bruce (1998.)
Little Raven C. mellori 70+ Belltrees, Scone 26 Jan (HBR); 40+ Tallawarra 14 Feb
(IBOC), first record for the Lake Illawarrra Basin; Small numbers on the South Coast
including up to 20 Meringo 10-14 Jul, 2 Wallaga Lake Aug, 2+ Monga 25 Oct (ENHS).
Torresian Crow C. orru 80+ roosting together in Eucalypts Middle Boambee 5 Jan
(GC). Most southerly report was a few birds that were resident Oyster Cove (HBR).
White -winged Chough Corcorax melanorhamphos 6 East Berry 19 Jun (BV), slowly
advancing up the Illawarra coast since they crossed the Shoalhaven River in 1996; c.200
Bunganbil 7 Jun (KH), huge flock.
Apostlebird Struthidea cinerea 9 Mt Druitt Railway Station 18 May (RCo), 6 Pine
Grove Memorial park, Minchinbury 4 Dec (DPo), small Sydney flocks of escapees from
Featherdale Park, are they all the same birds?; 7 near Koorawatha Oct (DGe); A group
flushed a Restless Flycatcher from its nest and proceeded to eat the eggs at Round Hill
NR 3-5 Oct (JB)
Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata Hawksnest 4 Jan (NJo), this is not the first
time these birds have been reported in coastal areas cf 1 Chittaway 1985-1987& 1 Hat
Head in 1996 ; Bowers seen & nesting at Coombie HSD, Roto each year (JHo), which is
the south west limit of range in NSW.
Singing Bushlark Mirafra javanica 3 Bayswater Colliery 24 Jan & 5 Dec, I Lake
Liddell 31 Mar (HBR); 4 The Alice HSD, Glen Davis 12 Jul (TQ); 4 Cupitts Lane, Windsor
4-5 Jul (TQ), 2 on 18 Oct (EV), 2 Bushells Lagoon 2 Dec (KB); 3+ between Gumin &
Warrumbungle in wheat crops 3 Oct (GLC); 2 Capertee Valley 1 Aug (JD); 1 Fivebough
Swamp 18 Apr -18 Jul, unusal winter record (KH).
Skylark Alauda arvensis 2 Richmond Turf Farms Feb (TQ); 2 Tilba Lake Jan -Apr,
Aug -Dec, up to 7 regularly at Mullimburra & 8 Batemans Bay Oct (ENHS).
Richard’s Pipit Anthus novaeseellandiae 50 Ash Island 19 Jan & 20+ Feb -Mar (HBR).
Yellow Wagtail M flava 2 birds of the race MI simillina were recorded at Shortland
WC 7 Jan, and 1-2 birds occasionally were there until 17 Jan. 3 birds reported from
nearby Market Swamp, Sandgate 16 Jan and at Cemetary Swamp. There were no further
152 March 2001records until 2 at Ash Island 8 Feb, and up to 7 birds until 4 Mar (HBR). Their presence
attracted great interest. Record accepted by NSWORAC as the 3′ confirmed record for
Black -backed Wagtail M lugens A solitary female with an injured foot was recorded at
Glendale from 4-9 Apr. It disappeared following heavy rains on the 11 & 12th Apr but
only after it had been observed by many observers (ARo,Carter 1999,HBR). The
observation was accepted by BARC as the first confirmed record for NSW and the 6th for
Australia (Brandwood 2001)
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus 10+ Cowra 11 Apr (KO), known site.
Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata Reported in the Hunter Valley from Denman, Yarrawa,
Bulga, Bayswater Colliery & Bolwarra (HBR); 80+ The Alice HSD, Glen Davis 12 Jul
(TQ); Max 8 Gum in 3-7 Oct (GLC); 200+ Fivebough Swamp 1 Jul (PGr) large number
for site.
Double -barred Finch T bichenovii 2 Arncliffe Riverine Park 30 Jul (RMo); 80+ The
Alice HSD, Glen Davis 12 Jul (TQ); 5 Moruya West May & 5 Neringla Creek 12 Jul
Plum -headed Finch Neochmia modesta 8 Glen Alice 13 Apr (PDb), 150+ Capertee
Valley 12 Jun -4 Oct (MR,PC,RHRT), 60+ The Alice HSD, Glen Davis 12 Jul (TQ);
Small flocks at 2 locations at Inverell 28-29 Mar (JH); 11 Coonabarabran Weir 6 Apr 6
Apr (JH); 10+ Gwydir River Wetlands Apr (RCI); Present Stanley HSD, Macquarie
Marshes Feb (RJ).
Red-browed Finch N. temporalis 4, 4 km SE Barham 15-17 May (PD), rare in SW
Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata In the Hunter Valley reported from Widden
Valley, Goulburn River NP and Isaacs Creek, all known sites (HBR); Comerong Island
4 Sep (DWr); 3+ Megalong Valley 15-29 Mar (EV), 60+ The Alice HSD, Glen Davis 12
Jul (TQ). house tank, Coombie HSD Roto 4 Nov (JHo).
Beautiful Firetail S. bella in heath at Red Rock, presumed escapee 29 Aug (SL); 4
Wattamolla RNP 31 Jan (MR), 2 Waterfall 1 Jan (CG); 2 Green Patch, Jervis Bay 3 Jan
(EV), 3 Barren Grounds NR 28 Mar (RJ), 6 10 Jul (BC); 2 North Blackheath Lookout 29
Mar (EV), 3 Kings Tablelands 5 Apr (TS), 1 Capertee Valley 1 Jun & 5 Jul (CG).
Chestnut -breasted Mannikin Lonchura castaneothorax Present at 7 sites in the Macleay
Valley all year, max 30 at Belmore Swamp 28 Mar (ABi,KS), 6 Sportsman Creek 12 Apr,
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 1536 Geneebeinga Wetlands 30 May & 5 Oct (ABi); Max 60 Morpeth STW 11-30 Apr, 2
nest building Shortland WC 4 Nov (ABi, HBR); 42 Cupitts Lane, Windsor 5 Jul (TQ),
max 100+ Pitt Town Bottoms Rd, Pitt Town 6-25 Jul (AB,JDu), 2 Jacksons Lane, Penrith
21 Dec (RT); 2 Inverell 28-29 Mar (JH).
Black- headed Mannikin L. malacca 1 Pitt Town Bottoms Rd 5 Jul (AB). A previous
known site but no reports up until now for many years, this presumably is an escapee.
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 2 Balds Hills, Hernani Sep (GC); Plentiful
in the Hunter Valley at Bolwarra, Market Swamp, East Maitland, Port Waratah, Ash
Island, Walka WW etc (HBR); 20+ Tuggerah Lagoon 8 Sep, not previously reported
from this site in recent times and the greatest number for the Central Coast at least since
1988 (CCBR).
White -backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternus 11 Bellbrook East 7 Mar (ABi), no
previous records for site; Max 4 Milbrodale 9 May & 19 Sep, 2 Wombo Rd Bulga 25 Jul
(HBR); 4 Capertee Valley 7 Jun (FOC); 2 Wagga Wagga 24 Oct (LG); 2 Tullys Hill 20
Sep -4 Oct (KH); Nesting Coombie HSD, Roto Sep (JHo).
Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena 21 nautical miles off Sydney Heads heading
south 9 May (AP).
Fairy Martin H. aerial Arrival: 4 Fivebough Swamp 15 Aug (KH), 10+ Palmdale 27
Aug (CCBR), Everlasting Swamp 28 Jul (GC).
Red -whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus 6 Swansea Heads 17 Mar, Belmont Swamp
Jan & Nov (HBR), these records plus those from the Central Coast show that the bird now
has a continuous distribution from Sydney to Newcastle.
Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timorensis Southern limits: Maroubra 25 Jul (RG) &
1 1
Dee Why Lagoon (Birdline), Pipeclay Pt Narrabeen Lake 7 Nov (BC).
Rufous Songlark Cinclorhamphus mathewsi Arrival: Tullys Hill, Leeton 12 Sep
(TS), Battery Rocks 5 Oct (HBR).
Brown Songlark C. cruralis Broughton Island Jan (HBR), unexpected location.
Golden -headed Cisticola Cisticola exilis Calling Rosedale HSD, Ulamambri 5 Oct &
seen Goorianawa 4 Oct (GLC), uncommon in Coonabarabran District.
Silvereye Zosterops lateralis 40+ in 9 small groups observed off Wollongong as far
as 25 nautical miles flying north (PM).
154 March 2001Bassian Thrush Zoothera lunulata Newtown 26 May (WB) & found dead Royal
1 I
Bot. Gardens 28 May (ALe), typical autumn movements for this species, Mitchell Park,
Cattai 2 Aug (EV), 2 in gardens Timbarra Rd, Westleigh 9 Apr, first record by observer
in 25 years (ARo); 2 CaperteeValley 5 Oct (RHRT), further west than usual.
Russet -tailed Thrush Z. heinei 1 Iluka NR 3 May, HC Woody Head 3 May (GC).
Common Blackbird Turdus merula F or J Taloumbi (KC), AM Grafton 22 Nov (RMi),
first records for the Clarence Valley; Polblue Swamp 25 Jan, Cooranbong 26 Aug &
1 1
East Maitland 13 Dec (HBR); AM Bloodtree Rd Central Mangrove 6 Jul, AM Mangrove
Mountain 25 Oct & AM Colongra Lake 17 Nov, appears to be on the move on the Central
Coast (CCBR); 1 Lake Heights 20 Oct (CC), 1 Thirroul 12 Oct (MM), two of many
records from the Illawarra Coastal Plain where the bird is becoming well established; 2
Tottenham Hospital grounds 10 Sep (CR); in garden Coombie HSD, Roto 13 Sep (JHo).
Common Myna Acridotheres tristis Woodford Island 29 Dec (GC), generally absent
from the Clarence Valley (up until now?); Max 2 Wingham Brush PS 14-18 Aug (DSe)
and 11 Wingham High School, not known from there previously; Nesting in a letterbox
N+3E Berkeley Vale 10 Jan (CCBR).
Wompoo Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus magnificus The reported of injured at East Chatswood
6 Nov, was an error.
Pacific Baza Aviceda subscripta Pair attending a nest at Cattai Ck, Maralya 6 Dec and
subsequently one young fledged. This was the first breeding record for the County of
Cumberland (Brandwood 2000).
Red-lored Whistler Pachycephala rufogularis An additional bird was seen at Round
Hill NR on 6 Sep (JW).
Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta Seen near Balls Pyramid 12 Feb (CL)
Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica Seen near Balls Pyramid 12 Feb (JBa)
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 155REFERENCES
Bischoff, A., Lutter, H., & Debus, S.J.S. 2000 “Square -tailed Kites Breeding on the Mid -north Coast of
New South Wales”. Aust. Birdw atcher 18, 233-240.
Bounds, J. Clayton M. & N. Taws 1999 “Observations of Regent Honeyaters in failed breeding attempts at
Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve and Goroo in the 1998/99 Summer”. Canberra Bird Notes 24, 18-25.
Brandwood, K. 2000 “The Pacific Baza in the County of Cumberland, First and Second Breeding
Records”. CBOC News!. Sep 2000.
Brandwood, K. 2001 “Rare Bird Report for New South Wales 1998”. Aust. Birds 32 ,167-172
Brown, B, Brown, F & S.J.S. Debus 2000 “Further Observations on a pair of Square -tailed Kites nesting
near Grafton, New South Wales”. Aust. Bird watcher 18, 270-273.
Carlile, N. 1999 Gould’s Petrel Recovery Program Newsletter 1998/99.
Carter, M. 1999 “Black -backed Wagtail Motacilla lugens at Glendale”. 1998 Hunter Bird Report pp 78-81
Christidis L. & W.E. Boles 1994 “The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories”,
RAOU Monograph No. 2. Melbourne.
Crowley, M.A. 1999 “1998 Eurobodalla Beach Shorebird Survey”. Nature In Eurobodalla 13, 58-60.
Debus, S.J.S. 1997 “The Barking Owl in New South Wales”, Aust. Birds 30, 53-80.
Debus, S.J.S., Maciejewski S.E., & I.A.W.McAllan 1998 “The Grass Owl in New South Wales”, Aust.
Birds 31, 29-45.
Debus, S.J.S., Shepherd R.B. & A.B. Rose 1998 “Diet of the Barking Owl Ninox connivens near Armidale,
New South Wales” Aust. Bird Watcher 17, 302-303.
Harris, K. 1999 “Report on Population Monitoring Counts 1998”. The Stilt 34, 51-54.
Hoskin, E.S. 1991 “The Birds of Sydney” Surrey Beatty Ltd, Chipping Norton.
McAllan, I.A.W. & M.D. Bruce 1988. “The Birds of New South Wales, A Working List”. Biocon Research
Group, Turramurra.
Morris, A.K., McGill A.R. & G. Holmes. 1981 “Handlist of Birds in New South Wales”. NSWFOC Dubbo.
Morris, A.K. 2000 “Central Coast Bird Report /998”,CCFOC.
Smith, L. 1998 “Some Senior Citizens” SOSSA News!. 19, 4
Smith, L. 1999 “Penguin problems” SOSSA News! 20, 5
Straw, P. 1999 “South Island Pied Oystercatcher: First Australian Record?” Tattler 18,7
Stuart, A. 1999 “Hunter Region of NSW 1998 Bird Report”. Hunter Bird Observers Club.
156 March 2001Appendix BM Bill Moller DJo David Johnson
BMc B. McLean DK David Koffel
BMo Brian Morrison DL Dariel Larkins
List of Observers BPa Barry Pascoe DMa David Martin
BSt Berrice Stevens DMc D. McKay
AA Annabel Ash BV Barry Virtue DOp D. Oppenheimer
AB Andrew Burton BWm Beth Williams DP David Potter
ABe Allan Benson CA Craig Arms DPo Dean Portelli
ABg Arthug Biggs CAn Charlie Andrews DS David Sawyer
ABi Tony Bischoff CB Chris Brandis DSe David Secomb
ABr Anne Bridley CC Chris Chafer DSm David Seims
ABs Adam Bester CD C. DuPaine DT David Turner
ABv A. Bisgrove CG Chris Gladwin DTh D. Thompson
AC Andrew Cowper CH Clive Hudson DWe David Webb
AFa Anthony Fabro CL Chris Lester DWI D. Wilson
AL Andrew Ley CM Clive Meadows DWr Dianna Wright
ALe Alan Leishman CMa Cathy Mardell EA Eric Andrew
ALi Anne Lindsey CP Chris Presland ED Ern Dunkley
AM Alan Morris CR C. Richardson EF Elizabeth Fry
AMa A. McCashney CS Colin Scouler EFa E. Fair
AMi A. Mitchell CSe Col Sellers EH Ernie Hoskin
AP Tony Palliser CSh Chris Shinton EK Elisabeth Karplus
APa Andrew Patrick CSm C. Smith EV Edwin Vella
APo A. Poore CT Chris Todd EW Eric Wheeler
AR Alan Richards CTh Cassie Thornley EWh Eric Whiting
ARi Alan Rich CW Chris Watts FC Frances Czwalina
ARo A.E.F. Rogers DA Debbie Andrew FO F. O’Meara
AS Alan Stuart DAn David Andrews FOc F. O’Connor
ASt Andrew Stafford DAy Danielle Ayres GB Graham Barwell
AZ A. Zubovic DB1 David Blackwell GBe G. Bedggood
BA Barry Allan DBu David Burns GC Greg Clancy
BAn B. Anderson DC David Charley GCo G. Cottle
BAy Barry Ayres DCo D. Colby GF Graham Fry
BC Bruce Cox DD Dick Dallimore GF1 G. Fleishman
BD Brian Downer DG Dennis Gosper GH G.Huxtable
BDa Bernie Datsun DGe David Geering GHe G. Hellyer
BDb Bill De Belin DGo D. Goldrick GLC Gould League
DGr Dot Green Camp
BHI Brian Hole
BHo Barbara Howie DH Dion Hobcroft GM G. McCathy
BJ Barbara Jones DHi D. Hill GR Greville Reidy
BJo Bill Johnson DJ Dellas Johnston GRi Gerry Richards
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 157G Ro Graham Robinson JLa J. Lawson MF Malcolm Fyfe
GRs Geoff Ross JM Jane Miller MH Michael Hunter
GS G. Stevens JMa Janet Mayer MHi M. Hicks
GSc Gerry Schultz JMI John McLennan MHu M. Hunt
GSm G. Smith JO Jim O’Shea MJ Michael Jarman
HB Howard Blackburn JP Joy Pegler MK Mort Kaveney
HBi Helen Biddle JRo John Robertson MLo Murray Lord
HBR Hunter Bird Report JR Judith Russill MMo Mike Morphett
HH Henry Handcock JRs J. Rose MMx Max Maddox
HP Heather Pittar JRt Jason Rothery MP Margaret Pointer
HPe Harvey Perkins JS John Seale MR Michael Ronan
HR H. Roberts JS1 June Sell MRb M. Robinson
HW Hans Wohlmuth JSm Judith Smith MRu M. Rutkaukis
HWo Hal Wootton JW James Watson MS Michael Schultz
ID Irene Denton KB Keith Brandwood MSm Martin Smith
I Do I. Donaldson KC K.L. Cranney MVBO Macleay V.
IF Ian Fraser KE Keith Egan Bird Obs
IH Ian Harpley KH Keith Hutton NC Nicholas Carlile
IM Ian Matthews KL Kerry Lowis ND N. Dreyer
IMa Ian McAllan KM Kevin Mills NH Nick Hodges
IMc Ian McKinley KO Kay Overton NJ Neville James
Adams KP Kaye Pointer NJo Noela Jones
JB Jenny Bounds KS Ken Shingleton NK Norman Kurtz
JBa John Barkla KV Kevin Vana NM Norma Maxwell
JBi Julian Bielewicz KW Kelvin Wykes NR Neil Rankin
JC John Carpenter LB Laurie Bartlett NRu Neil Russill
JCe J. Clifton -Everest LC Laurie Conole NS Neville Schraeder
JCh J. Christie LD Lynn Davis 00 Odelle Outridge
JD J. Dark LG L. Goshing PA P. Ardill
JDe John De Heume LH Lauris Hopkins PBa Phil Bath
JDi Jim Dixon LHa Louise Harrison PC Pierre Charboneau
JDu John Duranti LJ Lorne Johnson PCI P. Clarke
JB John Brickhill LM Larry Melican PCr Peter Croft
JBr Janey Brierly LMc Laurie McEnally PCw Peter Cowper
JD John Duranti LS Lindsey Smith PD Peter Disher
F Jim Francis LT L. Tarrant PDb P. Drake –
JG J. Gibson MB Melanioe Baulch Brockman
JH June Harris MC Marjorie Cochrane PE Phillip England
JHa John Hansen MD Mike Dunlop PG Peter Gotham
JHo Janet Houghton ME Murray Ellis PGr Phil Green
JL John Leonard MEs Mary Eskdale PHz Pam Hazelwood
158 March 2001PJ Paul Jennings RJo Richard Jordan SWi Sheila Witt
PM Peter Milburn RK R. King SWI Steve Wilson
PMi Peter Michael RM Bob Moffat TD Tony Dymond
PO Pat O’Malley RMg R. McGovern TQ Trevor Quested
PP Peter Phillips RMi Roger Millard TK Tim Kenny
PR Peter Roberts RMo Rob Morrow TKa Tom Karplus
PRa Peter Ramm RP Robert Payne TM Terence Moore
PRe Peter Reed RQ Rod Quinan TMo T. Morgan
PSt Phil Straw RR R. Rehwinkle TN Ted Nixon
PSu Peter Stubbings RS Ray Stokes TR Tim Reid
PVh Peter Van Haeff RT R.J. Turner TRo Ted Roberts
PV1 P. van de Linde RTu Roger Truscott TQ Trevor Quested
PW Peter West RW R. Woodford TS Tony Saunders
RA Reg Angus RWa R. Watts TSm Terry Smith
RB Robin Benson RWo R. Wood TW Tom Wilson
RBo Raoul Boughton SA Sasha Aldin TWa Trevor Waller
RC Dick Cooper SAs Steve Anyon-Smith TWy Tom Wylie
RCe Roy Cleveland SCn S. Coens VCo V. Coombes
RCI Reg Clarke SF Stuart Fairbairn WB Walter Boles
RCo R. Coveney SK Simon Kennedy WBr Bill Brimble
RG Rob Gardner SL S.G. Lane WE Wal Emery
RH i Roger Hicks SM S. McInerney WS Warren Sweeney
RI Ron Imisides SP S. Popple WW W. (Bill) Watson
RJ Ray Jones SR Sheila Roberts ZA Zalah Romane
RJa Russell Jago SW S. Waterton
Reported Location Region Co-ordinates
Lat Long
Aberdeen H 32 10 150 52 Avoca Beach CC 33 26 151 32
Akolele SC 36 22 150 10 Avondale HSD, Cooyal CT 32 28 149 49
Albert CWP 32 23 147 32 Awabakal NR H 33 01 151 41
Albury SWS 36 36 146 55 Bald Hills HSD, Hemani NC 30 21 152 28
Allyn Rvr Forest P H 33 07 151 25 Balgownie 34 23 150 53
Appin I 3411 150 47 Balmoral HSD, Cooyal CT 32 24 149 48
Ardlethan SWP 34 23 146 53 Balranald FSWP 34 28 143 33
Armidale NT 30 32 151 40 Baradine SF NWP 30 55 149 03
Amcliffe Riverine P S 33 56 151 09 Barham SWP 35 38 144 08
Arndilly NC 29 24 153 06 Barrangatol NR SC
Ash Island 32 52 151 43 Barren Grounds NR 1 34 38 150 40
Athol Glen, Glenreagh NC 30 02 153 03 Barrington Tops H 33 07 151 25
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 159Bass Point 1 34 36 150 54 Botany Bay 34 00 151 10
Batemans Bay SC 35 43 150 11 Bourke FNWP 30 05 145 56
Battery Rocks, Merriwa H 32 12 150 27 Boydtown SC 37 05 149 52
Bayswater Colliery H 32 26 151 02 Bretti H 31 57 151 56
Bective NWS 30 58 150 47 Brimen HSD, Widden V H 32 42 150 20
Bellambi Point 1 34 21 150 55 Brisbane Water CC 33 26 151 20
Bellbrook NC 30 51 152 35 Brobenah Hills SWP 34 29 146 21
Bellingen NC 30 27 152 55 Broke Rd Pokolbin H 32 47 150 46
Belmont Swamp H 33 02 151 40 Brooms Head NC 29 37 153 20
Beltnore Swamp NC 31 05 152 55 Brotherson Swamp NC 29 50 152 24
Belmore R, Hat Head NP NC 31 07 152 56 Brou Lake SC 36 08 150 06
Belowla SC 35 33 150 23 Broughton Island H 32 37 152 19
Ben Boyd NP SC 37 09 150 00 Broulee SC 35 51 150 10
Benanderah SF SC 35 38 150 14 Brushgrove North NC 29 32 153 07
Benerembah SWP 34 33 145 53 Buckenbowra SF SC 35 38 150 02
Bensville CC 33 30 151 12 Budawang NP SC 35 25 150 04
Beranghi NC 31 10 152 55 Budegwoi Lake CC 33 15 151 32
Berkeley Vale CC 33 21 151 27 Bulandelah NC 32 24 152 12
Bermagui SC 36 25 150 03 Bulgeraga Ck, QuamboneCWP 30 54 147 34
Berrara 35 12 150 33 Bulli Pass 1 34 19 150 55
Berry’s Bay, Syd Hbr S 33 50 151 10 Bulli Tops 1 34 17 150 53
Bexhill NC 28 47 153 21 Bundarra NWS 30 10 151 04
Bicentennial Park S 33 50 151 05 Bundeena, Royal NP S 34 05 151 10
Big Scrub NR AlstonvilleNC 28 38 153 20 Bunganbil SWP 34 27 146 40
Big Terrigal Ck, Bungwahl H 32 43 152 27
Quambone CWP 30 54 147 42 Burragorang Valley 33 57 150 25
Binya SF SWP 34 13 146 15 Burralow Ck HSD,
Birdie Bch Nth MSRA CC 33 12 151 36 Kurrajong S 33 33 150 38
Birmingham Gardens H 32 53 151 42 Burren Junction NWP 30 07 148 58
Blackbutt Res, H 32 57 151 42 Burrewarra Point SC 35 50 150 13
Black Head, Gerroa 34 37 150 49 Bushel’s Lagoon S 33 34 150 48
Blackville NWS 31 39 150 15 Byron Bay SYW NC 38 28 153 38
Blaxlands Creek NC 29 55 152 47 C & A Dam. Mulbring H 32 53 151 31
Blue Bay Reefs CC 33 21 151 30 Callum Brae ACT ST
Blue Lake, Yuraygir NP NC 29 34 153 20 Cameray Golf Course S 33 50 151 13
Bluegum Creek, Campbells Swp,Griflith SWP 34 13 145 58
Wollombi 32 56 151 07 Cams Wharf H33 07 151 37
Boatharbour NR Lismore NC 34 03 151 08 Cape Solander BBNP S 34 01 151 14
Boatharbour, Kumell S 34 03 151 08 Cape Byron NC 38 28 153 38
Bodalla SF SC 36 10 150 02 Cape Solander S 34 01 151 14
Bolaro SF. Batemans Bay SC 35 41 150 04 Capertee CT 33 09 149 59
Bolwarra H 32 43 151 33 Capertee Valley CT 33 06 149 59
Bondi S 33 54 151 16 Carcoar CT 33 37 149 08
Bonnievale RNP S 34 05 151 09 Cared Bay 33 37 151 19
Boondelbah Island H 32 43 152 14 Carmel Lagoon, BaradineNWP 30 51 148 54
Bootawah 31 56 152 18 Camham Bdge,
Boothbys Ck Southgate NC 29 37 153 05 Clarence R NC 29 30 152 32
Booti Booti NP H 32 20 152 32 Caroona NWS 31 25 150 26
Bora Chnl, Carroll NWS 30 59 150 26
Macquarie MNR CWP 30 45 147 30 Castle Cove 33 37 151 13
Bora TSR, Manilla NWS 30 26 150 35 Castlereagh NR 33 41 150 45
160 March 2001Cathederal Rock NP NC 30 20 152 15 Copeland Tops NC 31 58 15150
Cattai Ck, Maralya S 33 36 150 57 Copeton Dam NWS 29 55 149 58
Caves Beach H 33 07 151 39 Coramba NC 30 14 153 04
Cedar Hill Swamp H 32 53 151 38 Corindi NC 30 02 153 12
Centennial Park S 33 54 151 14 Comwall is Rd S 33 36 150 46
Central Colo S 33 55 150 47 Coutts Crossing NC 29 50 152 54
Central Mangrove CC 33 18 151 15 Cowans Pond Res
Chaelundi NP NC 29 55 152 40 Grafton NC 29 43 152 55
Chaelundi SF NC 29 55 152 28 Cowra CT 33 50 148 41
Charcoal Tank SWS 33 53 147 02 Coxs Valley, Burragorang
Cherry Tree Hill, Inverell NWS 29 32 150 59 Crescent Head NC 31 12 152 59
Chichester Dam 32 14 151 40 Crinolyn HSD, Moree NWP 29 15 149 08
Chichester SF H 32 10 151 40 Crown Stn Rd
Chickiba, Ballina NC 28 52 153 34 Glen Alice CT 33 09 150 08
Chittaway Bay CC 33 19 151 27 Crowdy Bay NP NC 31 44 152 47
Chittaway Point CC 33 19 151 28 Crowdy Head NC 31 51 152 45
Clarence River EstuaryNC 29 26 153 09 Crowsnest Swp Tucabia NC 29 42 153 06
Clarencetown 32 35 151 47 Cudmirrah 1 35 13 150 32
Clarenza NC 29 42 152 58 Culburra I 34 56 150 46
Clarrie Hall Dam. Uki NC 28 30 153 20 Cundletown H 31 53 152 33
Clybucca NC 30 54 152 55 Cupitts Lane, Windsor S 33 37 150 46
Cobark FP Curly Is Chittaway Pt CC 33 19 151 27
Gloucester Tops H 31 58 151 45 Curra Moors RNP S 34 10 151 03
Cobbity 34 02 150 39 Currowan SF SC 35 35 150 05
Cocoparra NP SWP 34 08 146 14 Currs Rd Spirabo NC 29 19 152 08
Cockle Broadwater CC 33 29 151 22 Cut Hill Rd Cobbitty S 33 59 150 40
Coledale 33 17 150 56 Daleys Point, Bouddi NP CC 33 31 151 21
Collaroy Plateau S 33 44 151 17 Dampier SF SC 36 05 150 00
Colleambally SWP 34 49 145 51 Dart Island Yamba NC 29 25 152 18
Collector ST 34 55 149 26 Davistown CC 33 29 151 21
Colongra Lake CC 33 II 151 32 Dee Why Lagoon 33 46 151 18
Colongra Swamp CC 33 12 151 33 Deua NP SC 35 54 149 50
Comboyne Plateau NC 31 37 152 17 Devils Hole, Barrington H 32 02 151 27
Comerong Island 1 34 52 150 43 Devlins Ck Lane Cove S 33 48 151 08
Concord S 33 52 151 05 Dhruwalgha Mountain I 34 39 150 42
Condobolin SWP 33 05 147 09 Diggers Camp YNP NC 29 48 153 17
Congewai Valley H 32 59 151 18 Dimaseer SWS 3428 147 42
Congo Point SC 35 58 150 09 Dubbo CWS 32 15 148 45
Coomaditchie Lagoon 1 34 29 150 54 Dunedoo CWS 32 01 149 23
Coomba Park Road H 31 11 152 31 Dorroughby NC 29 40 153 20
Coombie HSD, Roto FSWP 32 50 145 21 Doughboy Hollow H 32 38 151 10
Coonabarabran CWS 31 17 149 17 Dungog H 32 24 151 45
Coon Is, Swansea H 33 04 151 38 Dungirr NP Bowraville NC 30 35 152 34
Coopers Island SC 36 05 150 07 Dunlop Park, Avalon S 33 28 151 20
Cooranbong H 33 04 151 26 Dunmore 34 36 150 56
Cootamundra SWS 34 38 148 01 Dunns Creek H 32 38 151 38
Cooree Guide Camp, Dunns Swamp,
Central Mangrove CC 33 17 151 13 Wollemi NP CT 32 50 150 13
Copeland H 32 00 151 52 Durras Lake SC 35 38 150 16
Copeland FR H 31 59 151 49 East Corrimal 1 34 22 150 54
Copeland SF H 31 58 151 47 East Maitland 32 45 151 36
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 161Eden SC 37 04 149 54 Grahamstown Reservoir H 32 45 151 48
Edgeworth 32 55 151 55 Grasslands HSD
Elbow Swp,RobertsCreekNC Mullumbimby NC 28 33 153 30
Eleebana H 32 59 151 38 Green Patch, Jervis Bay 1 35 09 151 44
Ellalong Swamp H 32 55 151 18 Green Wattle Creek H 32 40 151 38
Emmaville NT 29 27 151 36 Greenwich S 33 50 151 44
Emu Plains S 33 45 150 40 Grenfell SWS 33 53 148 10
Ettalong Beach CC 33 12 151 20 Grong Grong SWP 34 44 146 46
Eulindra HSD, Moree NWP 29 28 149 52 Griffith SWP 34 17 146 03
Euroley SWP 34 33 146 25 Guerilla Bay SC 35 49 150 13
Fairfield HSD, Gumin Gumin CWP 31 15 148 51
Coonamble CWP 31 01 148 14 Gum Swamp, Forbes CWS 33 23 147 59
Fairydell, Springwood CT 33 42 150 34 Gunnedah NWS 30 59 150 15
Fingal Bay H 32 45 152 09 Gwynneville 1 34 25 150 53
Fivebough Swamp SWP 34 32 151 05 Gwydir Park TSR NT 30 11 151 04
Five Islands NR 34 27 150 56 Halfway Creek NC 29 56 153 03
Flat Rock, Ballina NC 28 53 153 36 Hanging Rock Broadwater
Flat Rock SF SC 35 24 150 18 Mann R NC 29 28 152 28
Floraville H 33 01 151 42 Hanwood SWP 34 20 146 03
Forbes SWS 33 22 148 02 Harwood Island NC 29 26 153 16
Fords Bridge FNWP 29 45 145 27 Harden SWS 34 33 148 53
Forestland SF Spirabo NC 29 25 152 00 Harrington 31 53 152 41
Forster H 32 10 152 32 Hastings Point NC 28 23 153 34
Fosterton H 32 30 151 45 Hat Head NP NC 30 56 153 03
Frederickton NC 31 02 152 52 Hay SWP 34 29 144 52
Freemans Reach S 33 34 150 47 Heaton Gap H 32 58 151 58
Ganmain SF SWP 34 44 147 01 Hernani NC 30 58 152 24
.Zara River TSR, Herons Creek NC 31 36 152 44
Aimidale NT 30 35 151 48 Hexham Swamp H 32 50 151 40
Geneebeinga Wetlands NC 28 51 153 03 Hickey Island, Yamba NC 29 26 153 21
Gibberagee SF Whiporie NC 29 15 153 07 Hillston SWP 33 29 145 33
Gibraltar Range NP NC 29 28 152 20 Hillville Dam ,Taree H 31 58 152 22
Gilgandra CWS 31 43 148 40 Hillytop Wagga SWS 35 08 147 21
Giliards Bch, Hinton H 32 43 151 38
Mimosa Rock NP SC 36 35 150 03 Hungry Beach NC 31 06 153 02
Gingham Watercourse NWP 29 12 149 19 llarwill NC 29 28 153 12
Ginghet HSD, Carinda CWP 30 28 147 23 Iluka NC 29 25 153 22
Glebe S 33 53 151 12 Iluka NR NC 29 24 153 22
Glen Alice CT 33 03 150 12 Holbrook HSD, Widden H 32 38 150 22
Glenbrook S 33 45 150 36 Kedumba Valley 34 06 150 20
Glenifer Brae 34 24 150 52 Kelvin SF NWS 30 49 150 21
Glenrock SRA H 32 58 151 44 Kempsey NC 31 04 152 49
Glen Davis CT 33 07 150 17 Kinchela Creek NC 31 02 153 00
Glossodia S 33 32 150 48 Kingston ACT ST 35 18 149 08
Gloucester H 32 01 151 58 Kookaburra NC 31 02 152 20
Gol Gol FSWP 34 14 142 13 Koona Bay, L Illawarra 34 34 150 47
Goolawah NC 31 14 152 57 Kooragang Island H 32 53 151 47
Goulbum ST 34 45 149 43 Koorawatha CT 34 02 148 33
Gosford CC 33 26 151 02 Kulnura CC 33 13 151 13
Goura NR, Tilba SC 36 21 149 58 Kur-ringai Chase NP S 33 40 151 12
Grafton North NC 29 32 153 06 Kurmond 33 34 150 42
162 March 2001Kurrajong Heights CT 33 32 150 38 Mackeral Bch, KCNP S 33 35 151 17
Kurri Kurri H 32 49 151 29 Macksville NC 30 42 152 56
Kyeemagh S 33 57 151 09 Maclean Lookout NC 29 27 158 13
Kyinney Range, Roto FSWP 32 50 145 20 Macquarie Fields 33 58 150 53
Lady Carrington Dr RNP S 34 06 151 03 Macquarie Marshes NR CWP 30 40 147 35
Lake Arragan NC 29 34 153 20 Macquarie River, CarindaCWP 30 25 148 34
Lake Ballyrogan SW 33 30 145 58 Maianbar, Royal NP S 34 05 151 08
Lake Bathurst ST 35 04 149 43 Mallanganee NC 28 54 152 44
Lake Burragorang CT 34 10 150 20 Malua Bay SC 35 47 150 13
Lake Cakora, Mandalong 33 07 151 27
Brooms Head NC 29 37 153 20 Mangrove Mountain CC 33 18 151 11
Lake Cargelligo STW SWP 33 18 146 22 Manning Point Spit H 31 52 152 42
Lake Conjola 1 35 15 150 27 Maralya, near Sackville S 33 36 150 53
Lake Cowal CWS 33 35 147 27 Maria River Rd NC 31 13 152 55
Lake Heights 34 28 150 50 Maria River SF NC 31 09 152 51
Lake Illawarra South 34 33 150 50 Market Swamp, Sandgate H 32 53 151 42
Lake Liddell 1-1 32 24 151 00 Marlyn HSD, Glen Alice CT 33 03 150 12
Lake Munmorah, Maroubra 33 57 151 15
township CC 33 11 151 34 Maslams Ck Homebush S 33 50 151 03
Lake Plashett 11 32 27 150 55 Mason Pk, Concord S 33 56 151 05
Lake Russell NC 30 13 153 08 Matcham CC 33 25 151 26
Lake Wyangan North SWP 34 13 146 01 Matoni HSD, Bundarra NT 30 25 151 10
Lane Cove S 33 45 151 08 McCoys Lkt Kookaburra NC 31 01 152 20
Lansdowne II 31 47 152 32 McGraths Hill STW CC 30 38 150 49
La Perouse S 33 59 151 14 McMahons Point S 33 15 151 13
Lapstone S 33 55 150 49 McPhersons Crossing NC 29 49 152 55
Lauriton NC 31 39 152 46 Megalong Valley CT 33 43 150 14
Lawrence NC 29 30 153 06 Menindee Lake FSWP 32 29 142 21
Leeton SWP 34 33 146 24 Merimbula Lake SC 36 54 149 54
Lees Pinch GRNP H 32 18 150 04 Meringo SC 35 59 150 09
Lees Reserve Chittaway CC 33 19 151 25 Merriwa
Lemon Tree Passage H 32 43 152 02 (Westwood Rd) H 32 13 151 28
Lennox Head NC 28 47 153 35 Merriwagga SWP 33 49 145 37
Levenstrath NC 29 49 152 56 Merriwee HSD, Manilla NWS 30 45 150 43
Lighthouse Beach, Merriwindi SF Bardine NWP 30 47 148 57
Port Macquarie NC 31 29 152 55 MIA SF SWP 34 37 146 20
Lilli Pilli, Bega SC 36 43 149 03 Middle Boambee NC 30 21 153 04
Lilydale Bdge Millbank NC 30 52 152 37
Copmanhurst NC 29 23 152 38 Mill Ck, Dharug NP CC 33 23 151 02
Limebumers Creek NR NC 31 17 152 55 Mitchell Park, Cattai S 33 35 151 53
Linton NR CT 30 27 150 52 Minchinbury 33 47 150 43
Lisarow CC 33 23 151 22 Minnie Water NC 29 46 153 18
Lismore Lake CP NC 29 48 156 17 Mistral Pt, Coogee S 33 56 151 15
Little Beach Bouddi NP CC 33 31 151 25 Mittagong 34 27 150 27
Little Gibber, MLNP H 32 31 151 22 Mogo SF SC 35 47 150 08
Londonderry S 33 39 150 44 Molongo Gorge,ACT ST 35 20 149 16
Long Reef S 33 45 151 19 Monga SF, Braidwood ST 35 26 149 55
Loughnan NR Hillston SWP 33 34 145 47 Monia Gap SWP 33 36 145 58
Lower Portland S 33 26 150 53 Mongo HSD, Wollar CT 32 15 149 55
Lugamo S 33 59 151 03 Monkeygar Ck, MMNR CWP 30 54 147 56
Lyndhurst CT 33 42 149 04 Moon Island H 33 05 151 41
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 163MooneeBeach NC 30 12 153 19 Newington wetlands S 33 50 151 03
Morisett H 33 07 151 29 Newtown S 33 54 151 11
Mororo NC 29 20 153 14 Norah Head CC 33 17 151 35
Morpeth STW H 32 44 151 39 Norahville CC 33 23 151 33
Moruya SC 35 55 150 06 North Arm Cove H 32 40 152 02
Mosman Bay S 33 50 151 14 North Boambee NC 30 20 153 05
Mother -of Ducks L, North Botany Bay S 33 58 151 12
Guyra NT 30 13 151 40 North Ryde S 33 45 151 06
Mount Banks CT 33 33 150 22 North Sydney S 33 50 151 12
Mount Druitt RS S 33 47 150 49 North Tacoma CC 33 19 151 26
Mount Neville NR NC 28 32 153 17 North Turramurra S 33 43 151 08
Mount Ousley 34 24 150 52 Norton’s Basin,Wallacia S 33 51 150 37
Mount Seaview NC 31 24 152 15 Nowra I 34 52 150 36
Mount Tomah CT 33 34 150 25 Nullamulla, Inverell NWS 29 39 151 13
Mount Vincent H 32 37 151 05 Nymboida NC 29 56 152 44
Mt Parry Rd Willowtree NWS 31 46 150 19 Old Bar H 31 58 151 35
Mount Warning NP NC 28 25 153 15 Old Buckiinguy HSD CWP 31 07 147 33
Muddenyeri, Fosterton H 32 20 151 45 Omaleah Ck Blackville CT 31 39 150 14
Mulgoa S 33 50 150 38 Otford, Royal NP S 34 12 151 00
Mulligans Flat NR ACT ST 35 10 149 08 Ourimbah CC 33 23 151 03
Mullumbimby H 28 35 153 30 Ourimbah Ck, Chittaway CC 33 20 151 25
Mungerarie SF SC 35 55 150 01 Ourimbah SF CC 33 16 151 32
Munghom Gap NR CT 32 23 149 50 Oyster Cove, Pt Stephens H 32 44 151 56
Mungo Brush H 32 43 152 18 Palm Beach S 33 36 151 20
Mungo NP FSWP 33 33 143 03 Palmdale CC 33 19 151 22
Munmorah Power Stn CC 33 12 151 33 Parkes CWS 33 08 148 10
Murrah Beach SC 36 28 150 04 Parramatta S 33 48 151 00
Murringo SWS 34 19 148 31 Parraweena HSD,
Murrumbung HS, Mardi CC 33 18 151 15 Willowtree NT 31 43 150 24
Muswellbrook H 32 16 150 53 Patches Beach,
Myall River MLNP H 32 27 152 25 Sth Ballina NC 28 54 153 33
Nabiac H 32 06 152 23 Pelican Is,
Nambucca Heads NC 30 39 153 00 Sth West Rocks NC 30 55 153 02
Narcooma 11SD, Wollar CT 32 16 150 00 Pelican Point CC 33 18 151 34
Narrawallee I 35 18 150 28 Pennant Hills G C S 33 45 151 03
Narraweena S 33 45 151 16 Penrith S 33 47 150 42
Narooma SC 36 15 150 07 Picnic Pt The Entrance CC 33 20 151 29
Nan- an Lakes NR NWP 29 45 147 25 Pilchers Mt Wallarobba H 32 30 150 41
Narrandera Common SWP 34 43 146 35 Pillar Valley NC 29 46 153 07
Narromine CWP 32 14 148 16 Pilliga West SF NWP 31 03 149 10
Nattai NP 34 10 150 25 Pine Hill, Narrandera SWP 34 43 146 32
Nelligen SC 35 39 150 05 Pitt Town NR S 33 36 150 50
Nelson Bay 32 43 152 08 Pitt Town Bottoms S 33 37 150 50
Nemingha NC 31 07 150 59 Point Wollstonecroft CC 33 06 151 35
Nerricon Swamp SWP 34 13 146 02 Polblue Swp,
Nerrigundah SC 36 12 149 50 BarringtonTops H 32 02 151 27
Nevertire CWP 31 51 147 42 Popran NP CC 33 22 151 12
Newcastle Baths H 32 56 151 47 Port Macquarie NC 31 27 152 54
Newcastle Heads H 32 55 151 48 Port Stephens Heads H 32 43 152 I I
Newcastle Water Res H 32 53 151 42 Powells Lgn,
New Lambton Heights H 32 58 151 43 Richmond S 33 36 150 45
164 March 2001Primbee 1 34 30 150 52 Shark Bay,
Prospect Reservoir S 33 49 150 53 Bundjulung NP NC 29 20 153 22
Puckies Reserve 34 24 150 53 Sharpes Ck,Gloucester T H 32 04 151 41
Pulletop NR SWP 34 03 146 11 Sheepstation Ck,
Pungbougal Lagoon, Border Ranges NP NC 28 25 153 04
Boggabilla NWP 28 37 150 21 Shell Pt, Botany Bay S 34 02 151 08
Purfleet 31 56 152 28 Sherwood NC 31 04 152 44
Purgatory Ck, Jackadgery NC 29 28 152 38 Shipley Plateau CT 33 40 150 15
Quambone CWP 30 56 147 52 Shoal Bay 32 43 152 10
Rainbow Rch, Mackay R NC 30 54 153 00 Shortland WC 32 53 151 41
Ramsay Is Skinners Creek NC 29 53 152 50
Blackalls Bay CC 33 30 151 20 Soldiers Pt, Norah Head CC 33 17 151 33
Ramomie NC 29 39 152 48 Somersby CC 33 22 151 17
Raymond Terrace 32 15 151 47 Somersby Falls CC 33 24 151 16
Red Cliff, Yuraygir NP NC 29 34 153 20 Southern Cross Uni,
Redhead 32 57 151 44 Lismore NC 28 50 153 16
Red Rock NC 29 59 153 14 South Brooman SF SC 35 31 150 15
Richmond 33 36 150 45 South Grafton Water Res NC 29 44 152 54
Richmond Turf farms S 33 35 150 45 South West Rocks NC 30 51 153 19
Robins Beach, Ballina NC 28 58 153 30 Speers Point 32 58 151 38
Rockview HSD, Split Solitary Island NC 30 14 153 11
Glen Davis CT 33 09 150 08 Spring Ck, Manilla NWS 30 45 150 43
Rocky Creek Dam NC 28 37 153 20 Sportsmans Creek NC 29 30 153 03
Rocky WtHoles Stackpoole SF Goolgowi SWP 33 58 145 42
Narrandera SWP 34 45 146 33 Stanley HSD, Quambone CWP 30 54 147 38
Rookhurst H 31 54 151 53 Stanwell Ck, S.P. 1 34 13 150 58
Rosedale SC 35 49 150 13 Station Ck Yuraygir NP NC 29 56 153 15
Rose Valley 34 43 150 48 Stockton H 32 53 151 47
Roto SWP 33 03 145 29 Stratford 32 07 151 52
Rouse Hill RP S 33 39 150 52 Strickland SF CC 33 22 151 19
Rowe’s Lagoon, Store Ck, Leeton SWP 34 33 146 25
Collector ST 34 54 149 31 Stuarts Point NC 30 50 152 59
Round Hill NR FSWP 33 00 146 10 Sturt NP FNWP 29 20 141 30
Royal Bot Gardens S 33 52 151 13 Summerland Point CC 33 08 151 33
Royal NP Sutherland S 34 14 151 05 Susan Island, Clarence R NC 30 42 152 53
Runnyford, Batemans BaySC 35 43 150 08 Swan Lake 1 35 12 150 33
Ryans Cut, Crescent IleadNC 31 08 153 00 Swan Pool, Hat Head NP NC 31 04 153 00
Sackville North 33 28 150 53 Talbingo ST 35 34 148 18
St Peters, on Cooks River S 33 54 151 10 Taleeban Res, Weethalle SWP 33 55 146 27
Saltash 32 57 151 54 Tallangandra SF SC 35 58 149 30
Saltwater, Harrington H 31 55 152 38 Taloumbi NC 29 32 153 16
Saltwater Ck, Talywalka Ck, Wilcannia FNWP 31 36 141 24
Ben Boyd NP SC 37 09 150 00 Tamworth Airport NWS 31 05 150 50
Sandon Estuary NC 29 41 153 19 Tanilba Bay 33 43 152 02
Santa Barbara,Booti BNPII 32 20 152 32 Tarawi NR, Wentworth LSWP 33 26 141 10
Scheyville NP S 33 38 150 54 Tea Gardens 32 40 152 09
Scone H 32 03 150 52 Telegraph Point NC 31 19 152 48
Seaham Swamp NR NC 32 40 151 44 Temora SWS 34 27 147 31
Seelands NC 29 36 152 55 Terilbah Is The Entrance CC 33 20 151 30
Shanes Park, Blacktown S 33 47 150 52 Termeil 35 29 150 21
Shannondale NC 29 54 152 52 Terania Creek NC 28 37 153 18
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 165Terridgerie Lagoon NWP 30 53 148 49 Wagga Wagga SWS 35 04 147 22
Thredbo ST 36 30 148 18 Walka Water Works H 34 43 151 37
The Alice HSD, Wallaga Lake SC 36 22 150 04
Glen Davis CT 33 06 151 11 Wallagoot Lake SC 36 47 149 56
The Basin, Olney SF H 33 05 151 14 Wallarobba, Dungog H 32 30 150 41
The Entrance CC 33 21 151 30 Wallaroo SF 32 39 151 50
The Morass, Wallenbeen SWS 34 32 148 09
Lake Bathurst ST 35 03 149 41 Wallerawang CT 33 35 150 03
The Rock SWS 35 17 147 07 Wallis Lake, Forster H 32 15 152 30
Thirroul Beach 1 34 19 150 55 Wallis Lake, Lithgow CT 33 31 150 04
Thule Creek SWP 35 39 144 24 Wamberal Lagoon CC 33 26 151 26
Tilba Lake SC 36 18 150 07 Wambina NR Matcham CC 33 24 151 26
Timor Rock, Wamoon SWP 34 32 146 19
WarrumbungleNP CWP 31 16 149 09 Wandella SF SC 36 20 149 52
Tingira Heights H 33 01 151 38 Wandera SF SC 35 48 150 01
Tomago 1-1 32 49 151 45 Wamervale 33 15 151 28
Toolijooa 1 34 46 150 46 Warragamba Dam 33 53 150 56
Toorumbee NC 31 04 152 27 Warrah Trig BWNP CC 33 33 151 17
Toowoon Bay CC 33 22 151 30 Warrana, Coonamble CWP 31 00 148 26
Toronto Wetland H 33 01 151 35 Warriewood wetlands S 33 42 151 18
Torrybum NWS 30 27 151 13 Warrumbungle (Village) CWP 31 15 148 47
Tottenham Hospital CWP 32 14 147 21 Warrumbungle NP CWP 31 18 149 00
Touklcy CC 33 16 151 32 Waterview Hgts, Grafton NC 29 41 152 53
Towarrie NP,Scone H 31 52 150 38 Wattamolla, RNP S 34 08 151 07
Towra Point NR S 34 02 151 11 Weddin SF SWS 33 56 148 00
Trenayr Lagoon NC 29 37 152 57 Weddin Mountains SWS 33 58 147 59
Trunketabella SC 36 04 150 04 Wentworth FSWP 34 06 141 54
Tucabia NC 29 40 153 06 Wentworth Falls CT 33 43 150 21
Tuckerbil Swamp SWP 34 27 146 21 West I lead,
Tuggerah Bay CC 33 18 151 26 Ku-ringai CNP S 33 34 151 19
Tuggerah Lakes CC 33 20 151 29 West Kempsey NC 31 05 152 49
Tuggerah Dairy Swamp CC 33 17 151 25 West Pymble S 33 46 151 07
Tuggerah STW CC 33 18 151 26 West Wallsend H 32 55 151 35
Tullys Hill, Narrandera SWP 34 28 146 29 West Wyalong SWS 33 56 147 13
Tuross SC 36 04 150 08 Westleigh S 33 43 151 04
Tweed Heads NC 28 I I 153 32 Wheeler Heights S 33 44 151 15
Twofold Bay SC 37 07 149 55 Whian Whian SF NC 28 37 153 18
Tyndale NC 29 31 153 13 White Box Camp
Ukerbarley HSD, Goulbum R NP CT 32 17 150 03
Coonabarabran CWS 31 14 149 12 Whitton SWP 34 31 146 11
Ulladulla SC 35 22 150 29 Whitton Pump Res SWP 34 31 146 11
Ulmarra NC 29 37 153 03 Whiporie NC 29 19 153 00
Upper Main Arm NC 28 30 153 22 Wiangaree NC 28 31 152 58
Urbenville NC 28 29 152 32 Widden Valley H 32 25 150 23
Valla NC 30 36 153 01 Wildridge HSD,
Valley Heights S 33 42 150 35 Pappinbarra NC 31 22 152 30
Van Dahis Trail, BWNP CC 33 33 151 18 Willbriggie Swamp SWP 34 28 150 52
Vauc I use S 33 52 151 15 Williamtown wetlands H 32 49 151 49
Victoria Park NR NC 28 48 153 17 Willie USD, Warren CWP 30 54 147 29
Violet Hill Rd, Windang 34 32 150 52
Myall Lakes NP H 32 28 152 19 Wingecarribee Reservoir 1 34 33 150 30
166 March 2001Wingen H 31 54 150 53 Worundi Ck Merriwa H 32 15 150 28
Wingham H 31 52 152 22 Wreck Bay Jervis Bay NPI 35 10 150 40
Wirra SF, Wyalong SWS 33 52 147 13 Wybung Head, MSRA CC 33 11 151 37
Wittenbra SF Bugaldie CWP 31 05 149 06 Wyee Point CC 33 07 151 31
Wollongong 34 26 150 56 Wyong Ck, Sth Tacoma CC 33 17 151 27
Womboyne Lake SC 37 15 149 55 Wyrrabalong Trig CC 33 24 151 28
Woodberry H 34 48 151 41 Yallah 34 32 150 47
Woodbury Pk Wyong CC 33 16 151 23 Yalwal 34 56 150 23
Woodenbong NC 28 24 152 37 Yamba NC 29 26 153 22
Woodford CT 33 44 150 29 Yarrabimbi SWP 34 29 146 30
Woodford Island NC 29 30 153 10 Yarrahapinni NC 30 47 153 00
Woodville H 32 40 151 36 Yarrahappini Wetlands NC 30 54 152 59
Woody Head, Yarrawa H 32 24 150 36
Yuraygir NP NC 29 22 153 22 Yarrigan SF Bugaldie CWP 31 03 149 04
Woolgoolga Creek NC 30 07 153 11 Yango Ck Rd Laguna H 32 59 151 07
Woolgoolga FR NC 30 07 153 09 Yarrowitch NP NT 31 16 151 57
Woonona I 34 21 150 54 Yass ST 34 50 148 55
Worleys Ck Res CC 33 18 151 10 Young CT 34 19 148 18
Keith Brandwood
562 Sackville Rd Sackville North 2756
The eighth report of the NSWORAC details 12 submissions considered by the Committee
as well as and three submissions dealt with by the Birds Australia RAC relating to records
in NSW. Together with the 230 cases already dealt with previously (Brandwood 2000)
this brings to 245 the total number of cases resolved. Of the 245 cases considered, 158
have been accepted, 51 not accepted and 36 not confirmed. As at 31 December 2000, 318
submissions have been received.
The objective of the Committee is to provide an informed, discerning and impartial
appraisal of claimed records of birds rare in NSW and Lord Howe Island. The membership
of the Committee for 1998 was R. Cooper (Chairperson), K. Brandwood (Secretary), D.
Hobcroft, A. Lindsey, A. K. Morris, A. Palliser, R. Turner & A.E.F. Rogers.
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 167The Review List was adjusted from January 1998, to remove Grey Ternlet, Black Noddy
and Black Petrel from the List, and from January 1999 Black -winged Petrel & Common
Noddy. These species were removed because in the ten years up to 1998, each species
was recorded annually often with multiple sightings. The current Review List was re-
published in the newsletters of the contributing bird groups in NSW during the year
The Committee continued to work closely with Birds Australia Rarities Committee
(BARC), and four submissions relating to reports received in 1998 for species on their
Review List were referred directly. Three determinations have subsequently been received,
two accepted and one not accepted.
The quality of submissions continues to improve which is indeed encouraging. Many of
the difficulties faced by the Committee from submissions result from very brief notes
taken from memory. It is re -iterated that the recording of rarities such as those on the
Review List will require as a minimum one or more of the following:
Field notes as comprehensive as possible;
Photographs and or tape recordings;
Reports from multiple persons;
The completion of a RAC report form.
A full report of each decision of the NSWORAC is available from the Secretary.
The format of this report is similar to previous reports. Again those records “not accepted”
(NA), and those records “not confirmed” (NC) will be listed at the end of the Report.
Records “not confirmed” are those where two years or more have elapsed without a
submission being received even though invited by the Secretary. The Committee would
welcome further information on any record not accepted or not confirmed and is willing
to re -open to consider data additional to that already available.
Following the name of species accepted, there will be a set of three numerals. The first is
the number of confirmed records for the species in NSW, the second is the number of
confirmed records since 1970 (when the NSWFOC Annual Reports commenced), and
the third represents the number of that species recorded in 1998. English and scientific
names used in the text are in accordance with Christidis & Boles (1994).
Those observers who record the first, second or third records for NSW are encouraged to
publish details in an appropriate journal.
168 March 2001It should be noted that in the 1996 & 1997 Report (Brandwood 2000), reference was
made to two unconfirmed sightings of Tahiti Petrels (unconfirmed because no submission
was received) however this was in error because Tahiti Petrels were not on the Review
List although we have reviewed a number of submissions sent to the Committee. The
Committee apologises for any problems that this may have caused.
Some people will feel disappointed at having their records not accepted but at the same
time do understand that it is a worthwhile exercise to have the same standard of review
applied to all records of rare or unusual species. Cases listed as “not confirmed” or “not
accepted” do not necessarily reflect mis-identification, rather that information to date is
inadequate to confirm identity beyond reasonable doubt. The support of all people in the
review system is appreciated.
Brandwood, K. Rare Bird Report for New South Wales 1996 & 1997. Aust. Birds 32, 65-73.
Carter M., 1999, Black -backed Wagtail Motacilla lugens at Glendale. Hunter Region of New South Wales
Annual Bird Report Number 6 (1998), pp 78-81.
Christidis L. & Boles, W.E. 1994, The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories.
RAOU Monograph 2, Melbourne.
Morris, A. K. 1993, Rare Bird Report for New South Wales 1990. Aust. Birds 26, 131.
Piney, G. 1980, A Field Guide to the Birds ofA ustralia. William Collins & Sons Ltd, Sydney
Totterman B, Clancy G. & Moffatt R. 1999, First Report of a South Island Pied Oystercatcher in Australia.
Aust. Birdwatcher 18, 153-159.
Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides 20.18.1
Case 271 gave details of a bird fitting the description of a Fulmar, and observed for 3-4
minutes by telescope off Maroubra on 20 November 1998. The bird was distinctive grey
and white, and had a stiff- winged flight, banking from side to side, reminiscent of a
Pteradroma petrel. The diagnostic upper -winged pattern was described as inner wing
pale grey, dark primaries, with a large pale patch in the centre. The bird had a dark eye
standing out in a pale head, with white underparts, narrow black edges to the primaries,
and a pale coloured bill. Subsequently there were many observation of this and other
birds during the following month. This is the In record since 1990 and is consistent with
previous records when the birds were reported June to December.
Mottled Petrel Pteradroma inexpectata 19.17.1
Case No 237 related to a Pteradroma observed at sea on two occasions on a Sydney
fishing trip on 3 November 1996. The species was easy to identify being the only petrel
with the combination of a dark diagonal bar and trailing edge to the underwing and a dark
belly patch on an otherwise white underbody. All these features were observed along
Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 169with the grey upperparts, with a dark “M” across the upper wings and a dark grey eye –
patch. Consistent with known occurrence October- April.
Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata 23.23.1
Case No 291 concerns a petrel seen 25 nautical miles off Wollongong on 23 February

  1. It was observed for 2 minutes at a distance of 30 metres by many competent seabird
    watchers. It was a dark brown and white plumaged petrel similar in size to a Fleshy –
    footed Shearwater Puffinus carneipes with which it was associated. The bird had a dark
    brown head, back and breast which cut off sharply from the white belly. The long wings
    were also dark brown except for a white central panel on the underside. Consistent with
    known occurrence of December to April. This species has been subsequently removed
    from the Review List because of the regularity of sightings in recent times.
    Southern Royal Albatross Diomedea epomophora sandfordi 33.30.1
    Case No 255 describes the observation of a large albatross seen by telescope 250m north
    of Norah Head for 5-10 minutes on 8 July 1998. The observer had a Wandering Albatross
    D. exulans to compare with at the time. The observer was able to see the complete black
    upperwing and the underwing pattern which showed a thin dark trailing edge with a
    broader section at the carpal joint. Consistent with known occurrence during July –
    Grey -headed Albatross D. chrysostoma 19.4.1
    Case 260 gives details of an albatross seen off Sydney Heads on 29 August 1998. Notes
    and photographs were supplied and described a medium-sized albatross with all dark
    grey head except for white cheeks, all dark grey bill and dark underwing. The white
    cheeks, all dark grey bill and underwings eliminate the only other albatross that could be
    confused with a Grey -headed Albatross (a juvenile Black-browed Albatross D.
    melanophris), which has a light coloured bill with a dark tip when in juvenile plumage.
    Many observations are reported but few have been submitted for determination by the
    Committee and this then is the first confirmed record since 1986.
    Red -footed Booby Sula sula 3.3.1
    This case No 270, concerns a bird found in a carport at Warnervale on 23 June 1998,
    following heavy coastal storms, and was taken to WIRES for care. Photographs taken at
    the time showed that the bird was a pale morph Red -footed Booby with pale plumage,
    being cream on the breast & underparts, light brown on the head, neck and back, with
    bright red feet, pale blue bill and pinkish skin between the bill and the eye. After some
    failed attempts to return the bird to the ocean on the Central Coast, the bird was sent to
    Currumbin Sanctuary for further care and subsequently released successfully in Moreton
    Bay Qld, several months later. Two previous confirmed records and one unconfirmed
    record are for reports for January -February, so that this record is well outside of the
    expected reporting period.
    170 March 2001South Island Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus finschi 1.1.1
    BARC Case No 277 relates to the observation of a single South Island Pied Oystercatcher
    which was located on Robins Beach, South Ballina on 6 November 1998 and has remained
    there ever since usually associating with Pied Oystercatchers H. longirostris. The record
    was accepted by BARC and is the first confirmed record for Australia and New South
    Wales. There have been several unconfirmed reports of the species from both Norfolk
    and Lord Howe Island (Totterman, Clancy & Moffat 1999).
    White-rumped Swiftlet Collocallia spodiopygius 6.2.1
    Case No 257 detailed a small Apodiforme swift seen hawking above the trees in company
    with Welcome Swallows Hirundo neoxena for 20-25 minutes on 26 January 1998 at
    Avalon, coming as close as two metres to the observer’s head. The bird was described as
    being dark with a dirty white rump, greyish white underparts from throat to undertail
    coverts. The bird had stiff sickle -shaped wings, and flew with a rapid twisting and turning
    flight. The tail was seen to be slightly forked when fanned. This species is extremely rare
    in NSW and this observation accepted by the Committee is the furthest south that the
    species has been recorded in Australia. It should be noted that in the week previous to the
    sighting there had been cyclonic weather in Queensland which had tracked south. Previous
    records have been for the period September to June.
    Shining Flycatcher Myiagra alectro 3.3.1
    Case No 253
    from a canoe on 29 June 1998 at Cobaki Broadwater, Tweed Heads. The bird was seen to
    perch in mangroves but took flight when the observer lifted his binoculars. As the bird
    flew away from the observer he had a fleeting view of the tan back and black head. He
    managed to squeak the bird back, where it settled for ten seconds on a tree branch three
    metres away, giving a good view and confirming the bird as a female Shining Flycatcher.
    This is the third report considered and accepted by the Committee from Cobaki Broadwater,
    the others in 1989 & 1990 (Morris 1993), thus confirming the regular use of this site by
    Shining Flycatchers and earlier unconfirmed sightings mentioned by Pizzey (1980).
    Barred Cuckoo -shrike Coracina lineata N/A.1.1
    Case No 274 concerns a species not on the NSWORAC Review List but which the
    Committee agreed to consider due to the extension south of the known range by some
    300 kms. This bird was observed in Wollongong feeding and calling in a fig tree on 15
    November 1998, remaining at that location all day. The bird was seen by experienced
    observers at a distance of 10 metres, the notes describing a dark bird with barring from
    breast to base of tail, a yellow eye standing out in dark head. It was described as being
    stocky, similar in size to a White -bellied Cuckoo -shrike C. papuensis, with a melodic call
    with vague similarity to the Black -faced Cuckoo -shrike C. novaehollandiae. The nearest
    location to where the bird has been recorded before was at Harrington on the NSW Mid –
    north Coast.
    Australian Birds Vol 32 No.3 171Yellow Wagtail Motacilla (lava 3.3.1
    Case No 242 details the observation of up to seven birds during the period 7 January to 8
    March 1998 in the lower Hunter Estuary. Two birds in brown plumage were first located
    at Shortland Wetland Centre and 1-2 birds were seen there until 17 Jan, three birds, some
    with yellow patches were recorded at nearby Market Swamp 16 Jan. One yellow bird was
    seen in a small wetland near Hexham Swamp, and finally seven birds, mostly yellow,
    were seen by many observers in the vicinity of the Swan Pond, Ash Island from 8 Feb to
    8 Mar. The Committee accepted the record as the subspecies M t. simillin because the
    birds showed the grey head, clear white eye -brow, olive grey/green back and yellow
    throat of this sub -species. Previous records have been for the period January -May.
    Black -backed Wagtail M. flava 1.1.1
    BARC Case No 251 concerns a solitary female black & white wagtail with an injured
    foot which was reported at Glendale shopping centre car park, near Toronto from 4 to 9
    April 1998, but which disappeared following heavy rain on 10-11 April. This was the
    fourth report of a Black -backed and or White Wagtail M alba for the 1997/98 summer
    for Australia. The record was accepted by the BARC as the second confirmed for Australia
    and the first for NSW however it is likely that another Australian record from Lakes
    Entrance in Victoria may soon be accepted (Carter 1999).
    Cotton Pygmy -Goose Nettapus coromandelianus Adult male in Northern Macquarie
    Marshes 10 Sep (Morris 2001). NC.
    Green Pygmy -Goose N. pulchellus Pair at Loudens Lagoon, Macquarie Marshes NR
    21 Oct (Morris 2001). NC.
    Kermadec Petrel Pteradroma neglecta Mistral Point December 1998 (Morris 2001).
    1 1
    Soft -plumaged Petrel Pteradroma mollis off Wollongong 17 & 19 September (Morris
    2001). NC.
    White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis off Sydney 21 Nov, 2 off Wollongong
    17 Sep, off Wollongong 5, 13 & 19 Dec (Morris 2001). NC.
    Royal Albatross Diomedea epomophora off Mistral Point, Maroubra 2 July (Morris
    2001), NA. Case No 258, off Wollongong 17 Sep (Morris 2001), NC.
    Grey -headed Albatross Diomedea chrysostoma caught and banded off Wollongong
    4 Jul, 2 off Wollongong 29 Aug (Morris 2001). NC
    Grey -backed Storm -Petrel Garrodia nereis Many off Port Macquarie 11 Aug (Morris
    2001). NA Case No 273.
    Masked Booby Sula dactylatra at Boat Harbour, Kurnell 12 Jul (Morris 2001). NA
    Case No 252
    Baird’s Sandpiper Calidris bairdii at McGraths Hill STW 27 Sep (Morris 2001) NA
    BARC case No 275.
    172 March 2001Volume 33 No3. AUSTRALIAN BIRDS March 2001
    A. K. MORRIS New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 1998 101
    K. BRANDWOOD Rare Bird Report for NSW 1998- 167
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