Vol. 7 No. 1-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 7 No. 1

Price 25c Published by the N.S.W. Field Ornithologists Club
Vol. 7 No. 1 1st July, 1972
With the completion of Volume 6 of Birds (1972) Lawrence Courtney –
Haines retires as Editor, a position he has held from March, 1967, when
No. 5 of Volume 1 was published. He had then taken over that important
office from Mr. Peter Roberts, who edited the first four parts.
Mr. Haines also had been Secretary when the Club was formed in 1966 to
the end of 1969, when Mrs. Lola Smith (the present Secretary and Treas-
urer) commenced duties. The early years of any new Society are diff-
icult and it is noteworthy that Laurie Haines fulfilled the three most
arduous positions of Secretary, Treasurer and Editor with competence
for a period of two -and -one-half years. It might also be mentioned
that he was for a period of two years (1964-1966) Chairman of the comb-
ined monthly ornithological meetings then held in Anzac House, but now
at the Australian Museum.
I have known Laurie since the early 1940s and been with him many
times on field excursions, and appreciated his keen interest in Natural
History, not only in Ornithology for he is also a qualified entomolog-
ist. When he resided at Haberfield he joined me often on excursions to
study the bird life of the Botany Bay area, especially that connected
with the migratory waders. On most of these field trips it was a trio
of enthusiasts, as Allen Keast, now Professor of Biology at Queens
University in Canada, was usually with us. Laurie Haines and the writer
-Ire the only living Australian ornithologists of the six persons who
obtained extended views of the Yellow -headed Wagtail in Australia, as
two were from America and the other two, K. A. Hindwood and J. M. Hewitt
are now deceased. Our retiring Editor, also, reported the occurrence
in January and February, 1958 of a party of nine Little Whimbrels (a
very rare bird in the Sydney area) on a reclaimed recreational area at
the head of Iron Cove, and which remained for six weeks to the delight
of Sydney bird observers.BIRDS 2. 1st July, 1972
In extending our appreciation and paying tribute to Lawrence
Courtney -Haines for his ability, keenness and reliability during his
five-year term as Editor of Birds, one cannot fail to make mention
also to the late Keith Hindwood, with whom Haines was closely ass-
ociated over many years and who gave vital assistance whenever re-
quired. We also wish Mr. Alan Morris, who now takes over the all-
important editorial duties, a successful and enjoyable term of
Arnold R. McGill ,
44(1c-x-erat 9t7fg
In the RAOU Newsletter, May 1972 it has been noted that the
Council of that organisation has resolved to publish the long
awaited “Checklist” in two parts, the section on non -passerines in
1973 and the section on passerines in 1974. Until that time and
because of the editorial difficulties associated with the publishing
of an ornithological journal, where there is no recognised or accept-
ed list, index or checklist of scientific or vernacular names, it
would be appreciated if contributors would use the names as used in
“An Index of Australian Bird Names”, published by the CSIRO Division
of Wildlife Research, Canberra, A.C.T.
Dates should be written ” 1 January 1969 ” except in tables and
figures where they may be abbreviated. Due to lack of space refer-
ences can be abridged as follows ” Norris 1965, Notornis 12:96. “
and are to be included in the text. The title of journals should be
abbreviated in the acceptable manner.
Where possible distances should be given in the metric system
and the 24 hour clock used, time being written 05:30, 17:30 for
5.30 a.m. and p.m. respectively.
Hon. EditorBIRDS 3. 1st July, 1972
In the south-western Riverina, the Spotted Nightjar (Eurostopodus
guttatus) is usually associated with clumps of Green Mallee (Eucalyp-
tus viridus) which grow to a height of about 20 feet. Most of their
foliage is on top forming a thick canopy; below this the trunks are
widely spaced giving the Nightjars relatively open views for up to 300
yards. These trees shed leaves and bark profusely and it is amongst
this litter that the Nightjars nest; the dead bark on the ground being
a perfect camouflage especially if there are also a few yellow coloured
stones present.
No nest is made; the single egg, which is light green in colour
with a few blackish spots, being laid on the bare ground. When incub-
ating or brooding the adult birds sit very tight (and are normally only
stumbled upon by chance).
A Nightjar chick about two weeks old is one of the cleverest
pieces of camouflage in nature. They are covered with a silky down,
rufous in colour, which extends to the tip of the bill making them
appear like the small rock alongside which they crouch. Should an
adult bird be flushed off its young, it only flies a short distance
before settling on the ground again, usually making a loud popping
sound with its beak. Often they give a distraction display consisting
of little jumps into the air and throwing their wings about at the same
If the chick is alone during daylight, it sits motionless and
silent but as darkness falls, it starts a persistent “beep beep beep”
call uttered in single notes. At night when the adult arrives with
food it calls the young after alighting with a single grunt note. It
would appear that the calling by the young helps to guide the parent
to it in the dark, since, should the chick move between feeds the
parents have no trouble re -locating it.
Young Nightjar chicks have often been found to move around between
observations, in one instance by as much as 100 yards after excessive
disturbance. Whilst I have never actually observed a young bird being
moved by an adult I have records of chicks, incapable of movement them-
selves, being moved from sunlight into shade on hot days and vice –
versa on cold days. The largest chick apparently moved in such a way
was about 3 inches (80 mm) long.BIRDS 4. 1st July, 1972
In North America, two closely related Nightjars have been obser-
ved to move their young. Chuck -Will’s -Widow (Caprimulgus carolinensis)
is recorded as moving its eggs with its bill (1971, Birds of the World,
pp. 1389-90) and the Whip -Poor -Will (C. vociferus) has been observed to
carry eggs and young between its legs to a safer place (op. cit. pp1391
-2). It is interesting to note that a number of overseas taxonomists
place the Australian Spotted and White -throated Nightjars in the genus
Caprimulgus, with the above Nightjars.
R. Miller,
Rankin Springs. January, 1972.
On 29th January, 1972, whilst inside my house the unmistakable
call of a Sacred Kingfisher was heard coming from close outside my
front door. On investigating I found only a male Eastern Shrike -Tit,
perched in a Bottle -brush near my side fence. The Shrike -Tit was
observed to mimic the calls of the Sacred Kingfisher, Black -faced
Cuckoo Shrike, and Rufous Whistler, intermingled with its own drawn
out notes. When the Shrike -Tit mimicked the call of the Rufous
Whistler, it held its head back repeating the call three times.
At the time I was unaware that the Shrike -Tit was such an artist
and it was the first time that I had witnessed vocal mimicry in this
species. However, Chisholm (1965, Emu 65: 57-64) records it as a
“Minor Mimic” and again (1967 Birds 2: 1-2) gives details of E.P.
Ramsay’s diary where in 1862 he records a Shrike -Tit imitating the
notes of the White-naped Honeyeater, Yellow Robin, Sacred Kingfisher
and Yellow -tufted Honeyeater.
A. Colemane,
Northmead. 1.2.72.
It would greatly ease the problem involved in producing the Annual
Bird Report if members would send in observations more regularly i.e.,
at least half yearly – in July and January. Some members already cont-
ribute on a quarterly basis which is much appreciated.
It should be remembered that records of rare or unlikely occurr-
ences should be accompanied by substantiating details including field
notes.BIRDS 5. 1st July, 1972
On the evening of 10 March 1972, I collected a live immature
female White-tailed Tropic -bird from the yard of a suburban house in
Gordon, a northern suburb of Sydney. The bird died several hours after
it was collected. Gordon is located nine miles (14.4 km.) from the sea
at the nearest point. The Tropic -bird was discovered in the garden
when the householders arose for breakfast that day. Hindwood (1957,
Emu 57:66-67) indicated that prolonged and extensive tropical air stream
extending south into New South Wales could easily carry the birds from
the region of Walpole Island, a coral islet located about 150 miles
(241.5 km.) south east of New Caledonia and about 800 miles (1288 km.)
from coastal New South Wales, the nearest breeding place to eastern
The day the Tropic -bird was collected the winds were blowing from
the south south east, with moderate seas but the weather was overcast
and raining. Most of New South Wales at the time was covered by a
moist easterly air stream caused by a high in the Tasman Sea. No
tropical air stream was present.
The bird is a rare straggler to this State, McGill (1958, Handlist
of the Birds of New South Wales) records six specimens for New South
Wales i.e., an adult male, Manly June 1890; an immature Botany Bay,
February 1898; an immature Murramurrang, February 1938; an adult in
flight Neutral Bay, January, 1939; an immature Bulladelah, February,
1956; and an immature at Cronulla, March 1956. An immature bird was
picked up on Bellambi Beach, Sefton and Devitt (1962, Emu 62:185), and
another 29 March, 1963 on Bulli Beach by P. Strong. Finally, on 26
January 1967 an immature was found alive on Pittwater Road, Bayview by
P. Cohen (1967, Birds 1: No. 5 page 3).
The Gordon bird was typical of other immature White-tailed Tropic –
birds in that it had barrings on the back and under -wings, with a prom-
inent black eye strip. The three outerprimaries had black shafts and
all the primary quills were black. However, it differed from the des-
criptions of the immature White-tailed Tropic -birds as given in Slater
(1971, Field Guide to Australian Birds) and King (1967, Sea Birds of
the Tropical Pacific Ocean) in that the bill was grey, tipped with black
(not greenish yellow to reddish orange); and the legs and base of theBIRDS 6. 1st July, 1972
feet were bluish white (not yellow). The measurements and other
plumage details corresponding with the usual description of the
immature plumage. The specimen has been]lodged in the Australian
Museum reference collection.
This is the tenth record for New South Wales and would indicate
that the status of the White-tailed Tropic -bird is “accidental” with
most observations being made or specimens collected during the
period January to April. All but two of the recorded observations
are for immature birds.
Alan Morris,
Old Toongabbie. 10.4.72.
On 30 December 1971 at 10:25 hrs. I observed a male Black
Bittern sitting on a log, 1m. above the middle of the river, at the
ford below the hut at Nadgee River, within the Nadgee Nature
Reserve. The bird remained motionless for five minutes, viewed
from 10m. away with 8 x 50 binoculars. As I subsequently crossed
the ford, the Bittern flew to a high over -hanging log about 20m.
Plumage description taken at the time is as follows:- Dark
sooty black plumage, white throat and conspicuous yellow patch on
side of throat; iris yellow -brown; bill and leg colour nondescript
and these did not stand out from the basic black plumage as did the
throat and neck.
This observation extends the range of the Black Bittern a fur-
ther 104.6 km. (65 miles) further south, to within 8 km. (5 miles)
of the Victorian Border. See Morris (1971 Emu 71:175).
J. Mcllroy,
Canberra. A. C. T. 16.3.72.BIRDS 7. 1st July, 1972
At Black Mountain Reserve, Canberra, on 26 October 1971, I found
what I thought to be an unusual nest of the Leaden Flycatcher, Myiagra
In my long association with the late K. A. Hindwood in the field
he had always told me “when ever you find the nest of a Leaden Fly-
catcher it always will be placed on a dead branch with a live one
directly above”. This has always been the case except for the Canberra
It was placed on a horizontal live branch about an inch and a
quarter thick, and against a perpendicular live branch with the outer
side of the junction horizontal, dead, about three feet in length and
three-quarters of an inch thick. Above was a thin (half -inch) live
and leafy branch.
This strange habit prompted me to establish whether Mr. Hindwood
had discovered it.
D. Le Souef (1900, Emu 1:59) stated “The Myiagrae construct their
nests of shreds of bark and situated on the outer dead bark of the
horizontal branch of a Eucalyptus tree, such as those of the Leaden
Flycatcher etc.” It appears that Le Souef was not aware of the usual
Campbell’s Nest and Eggs 1901 did not mention it but A. J. North
in his “Nests and Eggs” 1903 stated “…on the top of a horizontal bough
and frequently at the junction of a forked dead branch”. He did not
mention whether the dead branch came out of a live one but he stirred
enough interest in the subject for other observers to be aware of the
Ross (1925, Emu 25:141) states “As far as my experience goes, these
birds always build their nest on a horizontal limb which has another arm
of the limb curving over and running about a foot above and approxim-
ately parellel to the part on which the nest is placed”. No mention
of dead or alive.BIRDS 8. 1st July, 1972
H. Wolstenholme (1925, Emu 25:296) wrote, “As to the nesting
site of this species, my experience tallies with that of Mr. Ross
about the horizontal limb and a branch above it. The limb carrying
the nest is always a small one, I think, and dead but I have seen not
more than half a dozen nests”.
In Mr. Hindwood’s files there are extensive unpublished life
histories and photographs of the Leaden Flycatcher, he did a tremend-
ous amount of detailed study of this bird. His earliest record
relating to the position of the nest was on 21 December 1928 at
Middle Harbour, Roseville, he wrote “the nest was built on a dead
branch with a living one directly above it”.
Also in Mr. Hindwood’s files is a record of a nest in 1938 half
finished which was never used and with no live branch overhead. In
1940 a nest with “no limb overhead”; another “a deserted nest on a
dead limb, with a dead limb overhead”; and “on a dead limb between
two thin upright dead twigs”; and finally in 1966 “on a dead limb
having an upward slope but no limb above it, only a few leafy branches
It would seem that H. Wolstenholme was the first to note the
habit after being made aware of it by Ross and although he mentions
the branch which holds the nest is always dead we can assume the
branch above is alive.
Mr. Hindwood was probably inspired by Ross or Wolstenholme to
be aware of the situation and established specifically that the nest
is built “on a dead branch with a living one directly above it”.
The habit being fairly regular but not always so.
Ernest S. Hoskin,
Eastwood. 1.3.72.
During 1971 there were no Sydney records for Swift Parrots last
winter. However, already two flocks have been observed flying north
over Sydney this winter viz. 23 Caringbah, 8 April 1972 (F. Johnston)
and 30 at Oatley Bay the following day.
G. DibleyBIRDS 9. 1st July, 1972
During oat harvesting operations between 2nd January and 5th Jan-
uary 1972, I banded five Red -chested Quail on my property “Balmoral”,
located 12 miles east of Mudgee on the Wollar Road. However, on 20th
December, 1971 I did record in my diary that these quail were numerous
in the oat crop, but I was unable to catch any until the block got
smaller. Stubble Quail and Little Quail were present in the same
paddock. None were observed again until 17th March, 1972 when a single
bird was flushed by a dog in a grass paddock.
N. Kurtz,
Mudgee. 3.4.72.
Red -chested Quail were seen on a number of occasions this summer
in the Finley area. It was the first time that I had recorded this
species and it was also the wettest summer experienced in the Riverina
since arrival 14 years ago. Mr. George Thomas who had previously seen
these quail in the Finley area (about 20 years ago) also recorded a pair
in the middle of December, 1971.
Details of observations are as follows: –
24.12.71 One in barley crop with Stubble and Little Quail
25.12.71 as above

  1. 1.72 One in skeleton weed
  2. 1.72 Two in wheat stubble
  3. 1.72 Two in wheat stubble
  4. 1.72 One in lucerne
  5. 1.72 One in skeleton weed
  6. 1.72 Male and three young in lucerne, Male caught and now at
    C.S.I.R.O. Wildlife, Canberra A.C.T.
    These quail sat very close before flushing and were impossible to
    flush a second time. The orange -chestnut flanks of the Red -chested
    Quail were in strong contrast to the dazzling white flanks of the Little
    Quail when both species were flushed.
    T. Izzard,
    Tocumwal. 12.4.72.
    (A full description of the male, including measurements, was
    included but has been omitted due to lack of space. Ed.)BIRDS 10. 1st July, 1972
    The 71st Annual Congress of the RAOU will be held in Sydney
    from Saturday, 30 September to Monday, 2 October, 1972. The official
    opening will be at 10 am on Saturday, 30 September in the Australian
    Museum. Field trips to local birding areas are scheduled for Sunday
    and can be arranged privately for Tuesday, 3 October.
    To cover the cost of hiring halls, entertainment and other
    expenses a registration fee of $5 per adult will be made. Half rates
    will apply to full time students. A buffet lunch will be available
    in the Australian Museum on the Saturday and persons wishing to
    attend this should include an additional $2 per head.
    Presentation of papers will be held on the Saturday and Monday.
    These will include papers on recent ornithological work on Lord Howe
    Island and current research on seabirds.
    From 3 to 11 October, 1972, a camp -out will be held in the Myall
    Lakes National Park. Accommodation will be available at the Smith’s
    Lake Field Station (University of New South Wales). Food will be
    purchased and prepared communally and will cost $2 per day plus a $2
    donation for use of equipment. For information and registration
    contact Dr. H. F. Recher, Australian Museum, 6-8 College Street,
    Sydney (Telephone 26-6954).
    Airport Swamps and the Mill Pond, Botany.
    In reply to letters sent protesting against the filling in of
    the Airport Swamps along General Holmes Drive, and the proposal to
    spray the Water Hyacinth on the Mill Pond, Botany, the following
    letter was received from the Minister of Civil Aviation.
    “…The Department’s consulting Ornithologist has recommended
    that the ponds on the airport side of General Holmes Drive should beBIRDS 11. 1st July, 1972
    filled in, not so much because of any hazard from the local birds but
    rather because they are waters which attract large numbers of flocks of
    migratory birds to a position which is quite close to the airport oper-
    ating area. The land is also required for additional airport services
    and facilities.
    Only hard fill is being used in reclaiming this land and the work
    is being undertaken in consultation with the NSW NP&WS.
    Reference the ponds on the far side of General Holmes Drive, the
    water hyacinth is to be removed by chemical spraying from the air with
    maximum practical regard to nesting birds. This work is being under-
    taken after discussions with Met. Water, Sewerage and Drainage Board
    which controls the use of these waters…”
    Your Club has since replied and suggested that if the Commonwealth
    Government feel justified in destroying waterbird habitat, it should
    provide funds to the States for waterfowl conservation projects to
    compensate for this loss.
    Mangrove and Shale Reserves.
    Continued representations have been made on the need to preserve
    reserves on the Wianamatta Shale in the western section of the County
    of Cumberland; also on the necessity to preserve the mangroves and salt
    marshes of Towra Point and the coastal reefs at Boatharbour. Members
    Vincent Serventy and Paul Barnes have been particularly helpful in
    bringing these matters to the attention of the National Parks and Wild-
    life Service.
    Representations have also been made concerning the management of
    Fraser Park, Swansea, suggesting that it should come under the control
    of the Service.
    New Parks & Reserves.
    Myall Lakes National Park was recently proclaimed, consisting of
    13,000 acres of forest and 23,000 acres of lake and waterways. Thirl-
    mere Lakes State Park, Picton of 1550 acres was established as well as
    Yanga Nature Reserve, Balranald (4,000 acres of Belah and Saltbush
    Plain) and Barton Nature Reserve, Orange (1130 acres of dry sclerophyll
    forest).BIRDS 12. 1st July, 1972
    20th January, 1972
    A record attendance of 150 members and visitors heard Mr. Ellis
    McNamara give what is now regarded as an annual treat of bird photo-
    graphy. Last year he spent some time in the Cairns, Cooktown and
    Atherton Districts of Queensland. He obtained many beautiful and
    rare pictures of some of the birds of these areas – Victoria Rifle –
    bird (displaying), Golden Bower -bird, Tooth -billed Cat -bird, Grace-
    ful and Macleay Honeyeaters, Black Butcher -bird and many others.
    He had arranged his slides into groups or families enabling the aud-
    ience to compare closely related species. One picture of the East-
    ern Shrike -tit was taken from a forty foot high tower. Mr. Alec
    Chisholm said this was the first time, to his knowledge, that the
    bird had been photographed in colour.
    17th February, 1972
    Four films were screened. The photography was carried out by
    the Australian Museum and sponsored by BHP Co. The titles of the
    films were: “Dry Australia”, “Some Australian Marsupials”, “Where
    Water is Plentiful”, “The Australian Sea Lion”. (Attendance 95).
    16th March, 1972
    An illustrated talk on Indonesia, centred mainly on Bali was
    given by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chaffer. (Attendance 85).
    20th April, 1972
    Dr. Peter Fullager of CSIRO, Division of Wildlife Research,
    gave an illustrated talk on the three species of shearwaters that
    breed on Montagu Island. The three species are Short -tailed, Sooty
    and Wedge-tailed Shearwaters. The wing pattern, flight action, des-
    cription of the birds in the hand and the playing of tape recordings
    of calls of both young and mature birds, gave the large audience no
    excuse not to be able to identify each species.
    Two areas of Montagu Island have been marked off into grids with
    tape instead of the usual numbering of burrows with stakes. RecordsBIRDS 13. 1st July, 1972
    are kept of the successful raising of chicks of each species each year.
    The investigation has shown that the numbers fluctuated annually and
    the eggs are laid almost without exception on the same day each year.
    Graphs shown during the talk indicated results to date and illustrated
    the value of keeping up these investigations. Attendance at the meet-
    ing was 80 persons.
    The Annual General Meeting of the N.S.W. Field Ornithologists Club
    will be held at 8 p.m. 3rd August, 1972 in the Australian Museum.
    All positions on the Committee will be open for election. The
    present committee has nominated the following members:
    President Mr. G. Dibley
    Vice -President Dr. R. Mason
    Sec. Treasurer Mrs. L. Smith
    Editor Mr. A. K. Morris
    Activities Officer Mrs. M. Dibley
    Conservation Officer Mr. H. Battam
    Records Officer Mr. A. Rogers
    Assistant Secretary Mr. R. Cook
    Assistant Editor Mrs. B. Marchant (Miss B. Chegwidden)
    Assistant Cons. Officer Miss M. Cameron
    Assistant Records Officer Mr. T. Kenny
    Members wishing to make other nominations for the positions may do
    so at the meeting or by posting such nominations to reach the Secretary
    before 1st August, 1972.
    Following the election of officers a Symposium on Ornithological
    Research Work in N.S.W. will be conducted. It is hoped to include the
    following speakers:
    Messrs. A. R. McGill
    A. Rogers
    S. G. Lane
    J. Disney
    Dr. H. RecherBIRDS 14. 1st July, 1972
    Saturday, 22 July – Curra Moors, Royal National Park.
    Sunday, 20 August – Yeramba Lagoon, Picnic Point, Georges River.
    Saturday, 23 September – Hawkesbury Swamps.
    Saturday, 28 October – Seven Mile State Park near Berry
    Sunday, 19 November – Colo River and Kurrajong.
    Saturday and Sunday 9-10 December – Carlon’s Farm, Megalong Valley.
    Saturday, 22 July, Curra Moors Track, Royal National Park.
    Leaders: G. & M. Dibley. 570-1298.
    Meet at 9.30 a.m. Curra Moors parking area on Stevens Drive be-
    tween Wattamolla turnoff and Garie turnoff. Forest, moors and cliff
    top views of sea birds. Distance anything up to 6 miles. Carry lunch.
    Sunday, 20 August, Yeramba Lagoon, Picnic Point.
    Leaders: A. & C. Lloyd. 53-7060.
    Meet 10 a.m. Drysdale Avenue, Picnic Point. Gregorys Map 56, 13B.
    Carry lunch. This most interesting area features a man-made waterfowl
    habitat where swans and ducks breed. The Lagoon is surrounded by
    forest with heathland on higher ground. 103 species of birds have been
    recorded from this area.
    Meryla Pass and Morton National Park – Weekend Camp – 22&23 April, 1972
    Leaders G. & M. Dibley led the trip which 16 members attended and
    12 camped overnight. A sudden storm on Saturday morning followed by a
    cold westerley wind did not make conditions pleasant. However, the
    walk down the Old Kangaroo Valley Road was very enjoyable. 53 species
    of birds were recorded including Brown and Brush Bronzewing Pigeons,
    Lyrebirds, Pilot -bird, Rose Robin, 23 Wood Duck and 9 species of Honey –
    Albion Park and Macquarie Pass – 20th May, 1972
    33 members attended this excursion travelling by deluxe coach.
    First stop was the property of Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Thomas of Albion Park
    where the party was joined by members from Illawarra and the SouthernBIRDS 15. 1st July, 1972
    Highlands. Weather was fine but moderately windy. Bird observing
    was delayed by an inspection of the clustering of thousands of Wand-
    erer Butterflies. Later, the farm paddocks and open -forested hill-
    sides yielded 38 species including Olive -backed Oriole, Rufous Whistlers
    (M & F), 50+ Wood Duck, Black Duck, Scarlet Robin, Rose Robin, White –
    throated Treecreeper, Eastern Striated Pardalote, Spotted Pardalote,
    Little Eagle, Little Falcon and Brown Falcon.
    Near Albion Park, 7 Cattle Egrets were seen. A visit to Macquarie
    Pass State Pass Park was curtailed by rain but in a short time 27
    species were logged including Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoo, King Parrot,
    Wonga Pigeon, Brown Warbler, Red-browed Treecreeper. The Park seemed
    to be a very promising area which would repay future visits.
    M. Dibley
    20 July Mr. Jack Purnell “Birds in Colour”
    17 August Mr. Allen Fox “Offshore Islands and Estuaries
    of New South Wales”
    21 September Mr. Alan Rogers “Seabirds”
    19 October Members Night
    16 November Dr. D. L. Serventy “Short -tailed Shearwaters”
    21 December Mr. Harry Battam will screen films.
    (All meetings commence at 8 p.m. in the Lecture Room, Australian
    Museum, College Street, Sydney – meetings close at 10 p.m.)
    While bowing to the superior knowledge of Mr. H. J. de S. Disney
    and Mr. S. G. Lane, I would like to point out that the new Flycatcher?
    had a large head and robust build not at all like the slimly formed
    White -winged Triller. I have seen the male and female Varied Triller
    and the bird under question if an immature male did not have the softly
    shaded underparts of the female but bore a definite white chest and
    rufous abdomen. There was no white eyebrow and though my field notes
    do not show it, I believe the bird had a black chin extending on to the
    These notes may be of help should other information be forthcoming.
    M. Baldwin
    Gilgai via Inverell.BIRDS 16. 1st July, 1972
    Tribute to retiring Editor
  • A. R. McGill 1
    Nesting Habits of Spotted Nightjars
  • R. Miller 3
    The Shrike -tit and Mimicry
  • A. Colemane
    The White-tailed Tropic Bird in New South Wales
  • A. Morris 5
    The Black Bittern – A Further Extension of Range
  • J. Mcllroy 6
    Leaden Flycatcher Notes
  • E. Hoskin 7
    Red -chested Quail Observations 9
    Notice of the 1972 Annual RAOU Congress 10
    Notices 11
    Hon. Editor: A. K. Morris,
    20 Harrison St., Old Toongabbie 631-7892
    Hon. Sec. – Treasurer: Mrs. L. Smith,
    84 Arabella St., Longueville 42-2418
    Field -Day Organiser: Mrs. M. Dibley,
    18 Russell St., Oatley 570-1298
    ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION – Due 1 July each year.
    Single member – $2.00; Junior member – $1.50; Family – $2.50.
    (Registered for posting as a periodical – Category B.)