Vol. 7 No. 2-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 7 No. 2

Price 25c. Published by the N.S.W. Field Ornithologists Club
Vol. 7 No. 2 1 September 1972
Although the Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotus) is a regular
but scarce migrant to Victoria (Smith 1965, Aust, Bird Watcher 2: 9-17)
it is a very rare wader to the Sydney area.
There are two records for Sydney, the first being 27 February 1965,
seen at Botany mud -flats by Brian Speechley, presumably the same bird
was seen by several observers the following day, and on 5 March 1966
Brian Speechley recorded another bird in the same area. I wish to
record four more sightings, the first of which was a single bird at
Bakers Lagoon, Richmond on 11 December 1971 with several Sharp –tailed
The article by Smith is a first class account of the status and
habits of the bird in Victoria, and the bird that I saw tallies with
his description, i.e., bill longer and thinner than that of a Sharp-
tailed Sandpiper with a slight curve downward, the colour being black
with dark horn colouring at the base of the lower mandible. The head
was smaller and the neck thinner than that of a Sharp –tail. At times
it would stretch its neck giving the impression that it was standing on
its toes. Heavily striped light and dark fawn don the neck to the
back and sides of the neck, through to the breast where it ended abruptly
at the White belly. The line of demarcation was clean cut. Legs
were yellow.
Roger Tory Peterson, the eminent American ornithologist says in his
“Field Guide to the Birds” – “There is much difference in size between
sexes” and that is so with the Sharp -tailed Sandpiper also. This bird
appeared small compared with the Sharp –tail beside it, the Pectoral was
probably a female and the Sharp –tail a male.BIRDS 18, 1 September 19’72
On 26 December 1971 at the same place, I saw two birds which were
feeding not very far apart most of the time, they were in similar
plumage to the other bird, They were in the company of several Sharp –
tails and at one stage one of the Pectoral Sandpipers walked within 30cm
of a pair of Painted Snipe. On 11 December within 9m (30 ft.) of each
other, three rare waders were observed, namely orrePainted Snipe, one
Pectoral Sandpiper and eleven Oriental Pratincoles, The Pratincoles
were found by Dick Cooper and his wife a few hours earlier when they
saw twelve birds mostly in eclipse or immature plumage,
At Wilberforce on 18 December 1971 a single Pectoral Sandpiper
was seen by G. and M. Dibley,
Ernest S. Hoskin
44 Patricia St., Eastwood. 1.3.72
For a week commencing Thursday, 27 January 1972, I observed by
telescope, a Peregrine Falcon perched on a rail surrounding the warning
lantern near the top of the Channel 9 television antenna at Crows Nest.
The height of the antenna 250m. (820 ft) above ground level and the
Peregrine was on the rail 15.2m (50 ft) below the top, Surely few
birds can claim a higher perch.
Ray Chandler,
Crows Nest. 4.2,72
Location of Peregrine Eyries. Details of the location of eyries is
required for a survey to determine the present breeding success of the
species. Details of past history of breeding successes and information
on how long the site has been occupied will be of value. All assist-
ance will be acknowledged and the information obtained will be treated
as confidential. Send information to Records Officer.
The Conservation and Wildlife Show in which the N.S.W.F.O.C. was
participating during Earth Week ha.;- been postponed until next year – a
date to be announced.
We would like to thank the members who offered assistance and hope
we may call on their help next year.BIRDS 19. 1 September 1972
Of the birds which nest regularly around Sydney perhaps there is
no other about which so little is known than the Cicada -bird (Frioliisoma
tenuirostre). As long as I can remember, a pair have nested in a gully
on the northern side of Fox Valley Road, on the Sanitarium Hospital
property, Observations of these migrants have shown me that they have
an arrival and departure area which they use regularly year by year.
The male arrives first, usually fairly early in September and about two
weeks later the female turns up, and they then move off to the nesting
area. I believe the White -winged Triller (Lalage sueurii) has a similar
arrival pattern.
The arriving and take -off area in this case is a large clump of
trees, behind the S.D.A. Divisional Offices, on the southern side of Fox
Valley Road. The trees in the area are predominantly Sydney Red Gum,
Red Ironbark, White Ironbark, Black -butt, Turpentine, Wattles, Oaks,
Messmate and Myrtles. The birds usually spend a week or two in this
area before taking off about the middle of March on their return journey
I made several attempts in 1969 to locate their nest and was rewarde
in late November when the male bird was observed to fly into a Turpentine
tree situated at the edge of a creek. As he flew into the tree he gave
a metallic clucking call. Immediately a softer and lower pitched call
was heard and for the first time the female was sighted in the TurpentinE
The female, a slender, cuckoo -like bird with horizontal barring on the
breast, moved out on to a large branch facing up the creek and sat on it:
nest. The nest was in a horizontal fork, about two thirds of the way
along the branch and at a height of llm. (35 ft). The sides of the
creek rose vertically to about 3.6m. (12 ft) and then continued up the
gully for some distance at a steep angle. As the nest was in a reas-
onably open situation, it was calculated that good photographs could be
obtained by setting up a hide further up the bank using a 1000mm lens.
A young bird was observed in the nest when the female left to get
food. The nest was very small for a full clutch consists only of one
egg. The chick would have been approximately 14 days old and resembled
a young Cuckoo -shrike to which it is closely related.
By 12 oyclock next day the hide (green hessian), tripod and 1000mm
lens were set up and a green army mosquito net was draped over lens,BIRDS 20. 1 Sept?mber 1972
camera and tripod. As the habitat was dense, the equipment was well
hidden and difficult to see at a distance of 5 m. (15 ft). The nest
was photographed from a distance of 21 m. (70 ft) and a variety of
shots of the female were obtained over a period of 21 hours. During
this time she would leave the nest for 12 – 15 minutes in search of food
for the chick. Whilst on the nest her favourite pose seemed to be
along the line of the branch, facing outwards from the centre of the tree.
The male never ventured near the nest nor was he seen to feed the
cnick or the female, rather he appeared to stay close by only to defend
them. Several times cicadas were taken by the male and were vigorously
bashed on the branch on which he was perched until legs and wings were
removed and then swallowed whole. On several occasions after feeding
the chick, the female was seen to remove the faecal sack and swallow it.
The last occasion that the female left the nest it was apparent
that her absence was rather extended; the male was becoming very excited,
loudly scolding, but from my position I could not see the cause of the
commotion. Peering from the hide it was observed that the male was
making vigorous passes at something out of my line of vision. However,
when looking again through the lens I observed a Pied Currawong approa-
cning the nest where it began to savagely peck the chick around the head.
I jumped out of the hide, shouting and clapping my hands as I ran towards
the creek. The Currawong seized the chick and carried it off, but in a
moment of confusion, dropped it. A short deviation had to be made to
get into the creek and so the Currawong returned to retrieve its prey
but retreated again at my fast approach. I picked up the chick but it
had died so, later that evening the specimen was taken to Keith Hindwood
who arranged for it to be deposited in the reference collection of the
Australian Museum.
Jack Purnell
Wahroonga. 30.4.72BIRDS 21. 1 September 1972
On 18 September 1971, on a boat trip outside the heads, an unusual
bird put in a brief appearance. We were about 12 miles (19.3 km) from
shore – wider than usual – and had just seen a group of 50 Cape Petrels
(Daption capensis) feeding around an oil slick, combined with garbage,
when a bird was seen some distance ahead backing about 9 m. (30 ft) abov
the water, It dropped lower and approached us gliding with the slight
wind (Beaufort Scale 2) about 1 m, (3 ft) above water and appearing
vaguely like a small mollymawk in outline. There was a fairly heavy
swell running and the light was very good, From a range of about 7.5 m
(25 ft) the following details were noted by various members of the party
A light coloured petrel, slightly larger in size than a Cape Petrel
with stiff pointed wings, the tips being held slightly down. Stubby
stout bill, white head with blackish patcn around eye; pale grey wash on
the crown and nape merging into the grey back, Upperwings darker grey
superimposed by a darker W. pattern, broken across the back. Tail whit(
and rounded. Underparts white, underwing notseen. The bird showed
little interest in the boat and passed across the wake before being lost
astern. After a short discussion the bird was identified as a White –
headed Petrel (Peradroma lessoni).
The White -headed Petrel is a straggler to the waters off southern
Australia, latitude 33°S being its normal northern limit. It breeds
on Kerguelen (the local “muttonbird”), Macquarie, Aukland and Antipodes
Islands in December/January. I have seen the bird before in the Aust-
ralian Bight and indeed, at the right time of the year, it is apparently
not uncommon there, sometimes associated with the Great -winged Petrel
(P. macroptera). Norris (1965 Notornis 12:96) notes the similarity of
the White -headed Petrel’s flight in calm weather and its general colour-
ation to that of the small albatrosses or mollymawks.
This species is a rare straggler to New South Wales, McGill (1960
Handlist of the Birds of New South Wales) providing details of only six
records (four beachwashed and two storm -blown). Since 1960 the only
known occurrence is that of the remains (head culmen and wing) of a bird
picked up by Keith Hindwood on 5 September 1969 at Nadgee Beach on the
far south coast. The above observation constitutes the first sight
record at sea for New South Wales (assuming that 19 km. out to sea the
bird is still in our State! Further out, White -headed Petrels have bees
recorded 112 km. (70 ml) off Sydney Heads (1964 Sea Swallow 16).
T. Kenny 1.4.72BIRDS 22. 1 September 1972
The records of the late K, Hindwood and from Messrs. Gibson and
Sefton provide details of the following 14 records of White -headed
[elrels for New South Wales where they have been recorded for most
months cf the year,

  1. 6.1879 Richmond River, blown inland during storm. Spec. Macleay M.
    21.10.1914 Bondi Beach, female ANNE No, 527987 ex Mathews Coll,
  2. 1.1922 Bondi Beach, female AM No, 0,27143
  3. 4.].950 Thirroul Beach (Collected by Doug. Gibson)
  4. 6.1950 Dorrigo, blown inland during storm. AM No. 0,38/27
  5. 5.1955 Manly Beach, badly decomposed. Collected by T. Iredale
  6. 7.1958 Windang Beach. G/S Coll. No, 34.224, Headless specimen
  7. 4.1961 Currarong Beach, dried remains found by F. Johnston
    5.1963 Thirroul Beach, mature adult AM No. 0.1:1805 (P. Strong)
  8. 6.1967 Thirroul Beach, G/S Coll. No. 234.326 (found by R. Draisma)
  9. 5.1969 Nadgee Beach, for details see previous page.
    16.12.1969 Stockton Beach, remains found by G. Holmes
  10. 9.1971 Sydney Heads, sight observation by T. Kenny and others.
  11. 3.1972 Garie Beach, female AM No. 0.44216 by Ranger J. Clures
    Wgt.457gm; L.375mm; WS.1041-Ann; 0111.35.8mm; Tar. 46.6;
    Tail (Records courtesy of F. S. Hoslin).
    ur 133. 151r
    29* 23-6- 1679 is.
  12. D 29O R 6R -I G 1O 93 0 31* WHITE HEADED
    srootTots II It – 1969
    MANLY 21-I-1963
    S WY D HN INII Y VH -E 1A 0D . IS S MI .$ . 13 . . I1 .19 97 21 2 IN N. S. W.
    SARII 7.3.1972
    WIN NtR S0 O1. N11 G. 7 L.4 7 -.1 79 -1 1 S0 S, 7 . 91963, 17 V 1961 319.
    37°. 37.
    NA DUG 3.3. 1969
    MI6BIRDS 23. 1 September 1972
    Ever since Little Wattle -birds have been visiting my city garden,
    a period of some twenty years, they have almost invariably been in
    threes. A family party, no doubt, a male and two females (judging by
    the letters’ size). On one occasion I counted seven, These however
    were passing visitors. Staying an hour or so they then passed to
    gardens elsewhere. It is when Little Wattle -birds come to the garden
    for nesting, as well as to feed on my supply of sugared water, to settle
    down as it were, that they number three.
    From the sound of its almost perpetual squeaks, the third one of
    this trio appears to be an adolescent bird, one that hasn’t yet severed
    the parental apron strings. The male, a more robust bird than the
    female, appears to have objections to this young one’s hanging around anc
    only just tolerates its presence. Timidly this third one approaches
    the sweetened water, its eyes always on the bigger bird as if expecting
    a swift rebuff, which indeed it often gets. Yet despite the many peck-
    ings it gets, it remains part of the family group even when the pair
    begin to nest.
    This behaviour seems out of character with the general run of pair –
    off birds and has always puzzled me, If the odd one out happened to
    be a male I dare say that it wouldn’t be accepted at all.
    There are one or two further interesting observations, An old fur
    rug thrown over the back garden seat became a source of nest -lining
    material. The female plucked out the fur in beaksful. In a fur -lined
    cradle two young birds were hatched, though only one lived to enjoy the
    softness. I have also watched the birds catching bees. They kill the
    bees by bashing them on a branch evidently also to destroy the sting,
    Michael Sharland,
    Hobart. 17.4.72BIRDS 24. 1 September 1972
    During the last 12 months unusually large numbers of Grass Whist-
    ling Ducks have been present in the Grafton District.
    Since June 1971 I have heard flocks of these birds flying over
    Grafton at night, They usually come over just after dark when the
    flocks are on the way to their feeding grounds and they are often heard
    returning just before dawn.
    Although enquiries were made in an endeavour to find where the birds
    camped during the day, it wasntt until 16 April 1972 that they were
    discovered. Accompanied by Mr, Roy Grieves, I visited a property 8 km
    (5 ml) from Grafton. The owner described the large numbers of Grass
    Whistling Ducks that had been in the area in recent months, mentioning
    that at times they had even grazed in daylight around his house. We
    accepted his invitation to have a look at the two large swamps on his
    property. On the first we saw large numbers of Grass Whistling Ducks
    Whicn were very tame and allowed us to approach within 68 m (75 yds).
    Even when disturbed they just flew around briefly and then settled in
    compact flocks on the water hyacinth in the centre of the swamp. This
    allowed us to make a count and we estimated that there were 1400 of the
    species present. Later in the afternoon we went to the other swamp on
    the property and saw another 100 there.
    Subsequent visits to the property have yielded 400+ of the species
    on 25 April and 800+ on 4 June 1972.
    Up to 120 have also been seen on the swamp at Coolants Creek T.S.R.
    on the Gwydir Highway, 6.4 km (4 ml) west of Grafton, This swamp is
    visible from the road and is well worth a visit from anyone passing
    through Grafton.
    A large flock of these ducks was also reported to have camped on
    a property in the Ulmarra District in mid 1971.
    E. Wheeler,
    Grafton. 30,6,72BIRDS 25. 1 September 1972
    Grass Whistling Ducks have been recorded irregularly in the Hawkes-
    bury Valley in small numbers over the past few years, although the only
    observation that I have made was that of six near Bakers Lagoon, Richmond
    on 15 February 1969 after a 6 inch fall of rain, Once again heavy
    rains caused an influx of these ducks to the Hawkesbury districts in mid –
    December 1971, and the ducks have since settled down in the district with
    numbers swelling to over 200 birds. The first observation was made by
    Mrs. R. Bigg and Mrs, L. Smith at Pitt Town Common in 1971 when ducks
    were observed.
    Since that date, I have made the following observations:- Pitt Town
    Common 97 on 12.12.71; Fearnleyts Lagoon 2 on 27,12.71; H.A.C. Grounds,
    Richmond 200+ on 6.2.72; and at the Golf Coarse Swamp, Windsor 215 on
    6.5.72; 60 on 13.5.72; 51 on 18.5.72; 64 on 1.7.72; A. K. Morris at the
    same location recorded 143 on 25.7.72 (pers. Comm.).
    The Golf Course Swamp at Windsor is located along Rickaby’s Creek
    and the birds use this area as a day time roost and at dusk are known to
    move onto Pitt Town Common and possibly other such areas to feed,
    A. Colemane,
    Northmead. 10.7.72
    (Further data on the irruption of this bird in New South Wales
    during 1971/72 is provided by a number of people. John Izzard (Finley)
    in a letter dated 28 July 1972 says these ducks are recorded in small
    numbers in most summers in the Finley – Tocumwal area, possibly strays
    from the resident flock at Blighty, However, last summer 250+ Grass
    Whistling Ducks were recorded on 4 December 1971 near Finley. The ducks
    remained in the district until the swamps dried out in late January.
    In his letter the point is made that the summer 1971/72 was the wettest
    that he had experienced during 14 years residence in the district,
    From C. Lallas and B. Miller there comes a report of over 2000 on
    Lake Goran 32 km (20 ml) south of Gunnedah on 12 May 1972, I was
    advised by Merv. Goodwin (Gunnedah) that these Grass Whistling Ducks
    were first noticed at the Lake in January 19’72 and are still reported
    (3.8.72) to be present although their numbers have dwindled. DuringBIRDS 26, 1 Septemoer 1972
    June and July he observed up to 200C along the Mooki River some 22 km
    (14 ml; to the east – possibly the same birds.
    Additional observations on these large flocks of Grass Whistling
    Ducks would be of value, particularly if the birds remained to breed – Ed)
    On 22 February 1972 a Shining Bronze Cuckoo, which had injured its
    upper mandible through colliding with a window pane, was brought to me.
    It spent the day perched on my desk without attempting to move and in
    the afternoon Robert Floyd offered to take it home and care for it. I
    was surprised when he informed me later that the bird had eaten insects
    quite willingly and two days later, when he placed it in his backyard,
    it flew strongly away.
    The Shining Bronze Cuckoo (Chalcites lucidus) breeds in New Zealand
    and winters in the Solomon Islands77777 1962, The Migratilns of Birds,
    p. 152). Specimens have been obtained in Eastern Australia mostly in
    spring and it has been generally assumed that they are stragglers that
    have lost their way, However, it is possible that the birds are reg-
    ular visitors to Australia, escaping notice because of their resemblance
    to Golden Bronze Cuckoos, The Shining Bronze has the crown and mantle
    the same shade of bronze -green as the back whereas the Golden Bronze has
    the crown and mantle a contrasting purplish copper -bronze, forming a
    distinct two toned effect. Judging from gramophone records (K. & J.
    Bigwood, A Treasury of NZ Bird Song No. 4) their calls sound the same
    and descriptions of the eggs (Cayley 1968, What Bird is That? Fifth
    Edition) suggest they they might be hard to distinguish, In fact, these
    stragglers could well breed in this country without ornithologists
    being any wiser.
    The Golden Bronze Cuckoo (C. plagosus) breeds in Australia and
    part of the population migrates to New Guinea and other islands to the
    north, whilst others over -winter here. Some authorities regard it as
    a sub -species of the New Zealand bird lucidus plagosus). Both are
    illustrated and described in Slater (1970, A Field Guide to Australian
    Birds, Non Passerines); for a more detailed analysis of the differences
    see “Bird in the Hand” (1964, Aust. Bird Bander 2:113-4).
    Peter Roberts,
    Coffs Harbour. 28.6.72BUMS 27. 1 September 1972
    The following people were elected to office: Chairman George Di’oley;
    Vice -Chairman Arnold McGill; Sec./Treasurer Lola Smith; Ass. Secretary
    Bob Cooke; Conservation Officer Dr. Mason; Ass, Cons, Officer Margaret
    Cameron; Records Officer Alan Rogers; Ass, Records Officer Tim Kenny;
    Activities Officer Marie Dibley; Editor Alan Morris and Ass. Editor
    Peryl Marchant.
    On behalf of the members present Mr. McGill moved a motion of
    appreciation fo: the work done by the committee during the year and
    particularly thanked Messrs. H. Battam and L. C. Haines, retiring
    members, for their efforts.
    Following the election of Officers, Mr. A. McGill chaired a disc-
    ussion on the need for Ornithological Research in New South Wales.
    The first speaker, Mr. J. Disney spoke on “How to make use of the
    Museum”, and detailed its resources of staff, skins and library.
    Dr, H. Recher, Ecologist and Behaviouist at the Australian Museum,
    outlined methods of research, particularly the censusing of breeding bird
    populations, which is well within the scope of the amateur with a little
    help and direction. He said that there was an appalling lack of infor-
    mation available in Australia on the status and behaviour of birds,
    Mr. A. Morris made a plea for observers to publish records, which
    would be useful for other workers. He made the following points: Good
    beachwashed birds were useful as specimens for the Australian Museum,
    and poor specimens could be used by CSIRO Wildlife Division for skeleton
    studies. Information on the locatiDn of Peregrine eyries is lacking –
    a bird important in the study of the effects of pesticides such as DDT
    and Dieldrin.
    Mr. E. Hoskin spoke of the records system of the late Keith Hindwo&
    which he is continuing. Mr. Hoskin outlined the various headings under
    which information is recorded and indicated his willingness to assist
    people requiring data. It is hoped to publish further details of the
    “Keith Hindwood Bird Recording System” (as it is now called) in future
    issues of “Birds”.BIRDS 28. 1 September 1972
    Kooragang Island During June 1972 public hearings of the Kooragang
    Island pollution enquiry were conducted by the Pollution Control Comm-
    ission and both the Newcastle Flora and Fauna Society and the NPWS gave
    evidence, The two organisations detailed the value of the mangrove,
    estuarine mud flats and salt marshes for wildlife in the Hunter Valley,
    particularly for birds, viz, 7,000 – 10,000 waders congregate in the
    estuary each summer including such rarities as 800 Black -tailed Godwit,
    200 Broad -billed Sandpiper, 600 Terek Sandpiper and 25 White -winged
    Black Tern; The Mangrove Warbler here is at its most southern breeding
    point; and the area is important for Chestnut Teal and Mangrove Heron.
    As the Department of Public Works reclaimation project for Kooragang
    Island will eliminate all the mangroves, mud flats and salt marshes, the
    above mentioned organisations and the State Fisheries Department called
    for the establishment of an area of 1000 acres to be set aside as a
    nature reserve on the north-east section of the island to preserve these
    habitats. The outcome of the enquiry is awaited with interest.
    Use of D.D.T. in Australia – Report by Aust. Academy of Science This
    report, No. 14. February 1972 has just been published. The conclusions
    reached by the majority of the working group on the effects of D.D.T. in
    Australia on wildlife is as follows –
    “11. There is insufficient information available concerning the
    effect of DDT on most non -target organisms in Australia. There is, as
    yet, no evidence that it has had any deleterious effects on the popul-
    ation of any bird or mammal in Australia, but further investigations are
    Prof. Birch gave a minority report calling for the phasing out of
    DDT. For those interested in wildlife conservation the report is
    depressing for the members of the working group appear to have ignored
    work done overseas. The report infers that the effect of DDT residues
    in birds is “not understood”. Twenty years of research by scientists
    in Europe and North America have demonstrated that DDT residues inhibit
    avian reproduction by causing birds to lay thin -shell eggs that break
    prematurely. The resulting low reproduction rate has caused steep pop-
    ulation declines of many species of carnivorous birds on at least two
    continents. In some cases the effect has caused extinction of certain
    species over large portions of their range. Eggshell thickness meas-
    urements can demonstrate the presence or absence of a problem with birdsBIRDS 29. 1 September 1972
    but no such data was cited. The viability of Australia’s bird popul-
    ations should not be presumed when no research work has been done’.
    The report shows that in the cotton growing areas of the Namoi Valley
    17.4 ppm body fat basis of DDT was the average for seven wild ducks.
    As human cancer victims have been found to have 22 times more DDT in thet
    fat than normal people, Namoi shooters beware: 70 ppm in the fat of a
    Peregrine from Victoria is equally disturbing for Peregrines are one of
    the birds most susceptible to pesticide residues, Representations on
    this matter have been made to the usual quarters, it is regretted that
    no ornithologist in Australia is investigating this problem,
    It is quite obvious that if members want to continue watching birds
    they had better become more involved in the conservation of wildlife and
    not leave the matter in the hands of one or two committee members.
    How often have you written a letter to your local MP on these matters?
    MUSEUM MEETINGS SEPTEMBER – DECEMBER 1972, Xde,00).7/.(aPtAkl’e4 –
    u R 5 bnq
    21 STeptember- Mr. Alan Rogers “Seabird-“
    19 October Members Night el/LW-LT/Pt-
    16 November Dr. D. L. Serventy “Short -tailed Shearwaters”
    21 December Mr. H. Battam Films of birds.
    (All meetings commence at 8 p.m. in the Lecture Room, Australian Museum,
    College Street, Sydney – meetings close at 10 p.m.).
    15 June 1972 The retiring Chairman Mr. John Disney gave his address
    on “Birds in Pine Forests” in New South Wales”. Mr. Disney covered some
    aspects of the work he commenced on a bird survey in a pine forest,
    located at Sunny Corner, near Bathurst. Here a study area has been
    established that contains all age classes of a pine fol-est. A census of
    breeding birds will be carried out in an 8 ha (20 acre) site in the pine
    forest and it is hoped that a similar site in an adjoining native forest
    will be censused for comparative purposes. Mr. Disney requested help
    from any person willing to assist in the location of breeding birds in
    the study area during November,
    20 July 1972 Mr. Jack Purnell showed many of his excellent colour
    slides, concentrating mainly on birds of the mallee areas of Hattah and
    Wyperfield National Parks in Victoria, and Pulletop and Rankin Springs.,
    BIRDS 30. 1 September 1972
    in New Soith Wales. His pictures of Red-lored Whistler, Mallee Fowl,
    Black Honeyeater, Black -backed and Purple -backed Wrens, Black -capped
    Sittella and many other species showed the audience the skill of Mr.
    Purnell as a photographer and his comments proved his knowledge as an
    To conclude the evening Mr, Harold Pollock showed a few slides of
    Egrets in flight and at nest and a series of slides of Mallee Fowl in
    Pulletop. We have not seen slides from Mr, Pollock before and look
    forward to seeing more at a later date.
    Saturday, 23 September – Annangrove, Maralya and Hawkesbury Swamps
    Leader: E. Hoskin 88-2900
    Meet 8.30 a.m. at Rogans Hill in Old Northern Road near Swans
    Saturday, 28 October – Seven Mile Beach State Park,
    Leader: A. Morris, for information contact M. Dibley 570-1298
    A coach will leave ChatswoDd Station at 7.30 a.m. sharp on the east-
    ern side of the Railway Station at Deanes Bus Stop opp. hotel. Pick
    up at Yo:k St., City near Druitt Street 7.45 a.m., and at Sutherland
    on highway outside Ba….21kL91.1LJLIL.21644 Return City 6,30 p.m.
    Fare $3.00 to be in handsO -frFe71131.61eSi-bY 19 October 1972. Minimum
    of 29 starters required.
    Saturday & Sunday 9 – 10 December – Carlons Farm, Megalong Valley.
    Tentative booking has been made with the “Packsaddlers” for the
    weekend, This is the old Carlonts Farm, a good bird area, in Green
    Gully, Megalong Valley via Blackheath. Accommodation for 12 persons
    has been tentatively arranged in 2 -berth cabins, fuel stove, electric
    frypan and jug, cutlery and crockery provided – bring own seats.
    The costs – $2.00 per person per night. The management wants final
    bookings by early September with deposit of $1,00 per person,
    Note: Fares and deposits for the above mentioned trips should be sent
    immediately to Mrs. M. Dibley, 18 Russell St,, Oatley 2223. Deadline
    for Megalong Valley 25.9.72, for Seven Mile Beach 19.10.72. Cheques
    made payable to “N.S.W. Field Ornithologists Club”.BIRDS 31. 1 September 1972
    Heathcote State Park, 18 June 1972 – A party led by Paul Barnes walked
    along the Pipe Line Road following the Woronora River through the Park.
    36 persons present had good views of Rock Warblers, Buff -tailed Thorn –
    bills, seven species of Honeyeaters, including Yellow-tufteds along the
    trail although birdlife was not very plentiful, Late in the afternoon
    near Woronora Dam a Superb Lyrebird was in good song.
    Curra Moors, Royal National Park, 22 July 1972 – A calm sunny day made
    conditions excellent for 27 members, led by George and Marie Dibley, to
    enjoy the Heathlands. 34 species were recorded including a White –
    breasted Sea Eagle at its nest. Beautiful Firetails, 9 species of
    Honeyeater, Emu Wren, Heathwren, Blue and Variegated Wrens. Right on
    the cliff edge at Currarong an Eastern Whipbird was recorded in the thick
    heath. Some of the party spent time along Lady Carrington Drive both
    before and after the main trip and recorded a Little Corella, 20 Sulphur –
    crested Cockatoos, Top -knot Pigeons and atdusk three Green Catbirds.
    Total number of species seen for the day was 48.
    The following is a list of projects requiring information and
    assistance in which all members of the Club are able to take part.
    Breeding Bird Census, Brisbane Water National Park. Any person prepared
    to assist Dr. Recher, Aust. Museum (Tel. 31-0711) in surveying the breed-
    ing birds of his study area at Woy Woy or would like to be taught how
    to census, please contact him.
    Breeding Bird Census, Sunny Corner near Bathurst. Mr. J. Disney, Aust.
    Museum, requires assistance in November to survey breeding birds in pine
    forests and adjoining native forests. Will necessitate an overnight
    stay either at Sunny Corner or Bathurst,
    Beach Surveys for Dead Seabirds. Information on the numbers and species
    of seabirds washed up dead on beaches is of value to the Seabird Group,
    the regional organiser being Alan Morris. A special form is available
    to complete after each walk and any specimens collected will be readily
    identified by Messrs. Disney, Morris or Rogers.
    ()100 Octi
    141thelare ‘-1 O — -4/
    BIRDS ‘-er–el””- A444-1″” 32./ 36″6″4″‘ 1 September 1972
    The Pectoral Sandpiper in New South Wales 17
  • E. S. Hoskin
    Nesting of the Cicada -bird 19
  • J. Purnel]
    The White -headed Petrel off Sydney Heads 21
  • T. Kenny
    Little Wattle -bird Trio 23
  • M. Sharland
    Grass Whistling Duck. Observations in N.S.W. 24
  • Messrs. Wheeler, Colemane, Miller et al.
    A Shining Bronze Cuckoo at Coffs Harbour 26
  • P. Roberts
    Report of the 1972 F.O.C. Annual General Meeting 27
    Patron: A. H. Chisholm
    Hon. Editor: A. K. Morris
    20 Harrisn St., Old Toongabbie 631-7892
    Hon. Sec. – Treasurer: Mrs. L. Smith
    84 Arabella St., Longueville 42-2418
    Field Day Organiser: Mrs. M. Dibley
    18 Russell St., Oatley 57D-1298
    ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION – Due 1 July each year
    Single member – $2.00; Junior member – $1.50; Family – $2.50
    Scientific and Vernaclar names used in this journal are in accordance
    with “An Index of Australian Bird Names” C.S.I.R.O. Tech. Mem. No.5 1969